Field Trip Guide to the 2010 Schultz Fire Burn Area
Field Trip Guide to the 2010 Schultz Fire Burn Area Arizona Hydrological Society Annual Symposium Flagstaff, Arizona September 18, 2011 Schultz Fire June 20th –June 30th, 2010 The Schultz Fire on June 20th, 2010, as seen from Humphrey’s Peak (Photo: Dan Greenspan, http:/ Trip Leaders: Karen Koestner (RMRS), Ann Youberg (AZGS), Daniel G. Neary (RMRS) 1 The symposium planning committee extends a special THANK YOU to the following organizations: - Northern Arizona University, Bilby Research Center, for media type- setting, printing and field trip planning - Northern Arizona University, School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability for field trip logistical support - U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Water Science Center for electronic and printed media production - City of Flagstaff for field trip planning and SWAG bags AHS Annual Symposium September 18th, 2011 INTRODUCTION This field trip guide was created for a September 18th, 2011, field trip to the 2010 Schultz Fire burn area northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona, as part of the Arizona Hydrological Society’s Annual Symposium. The guide provides background information on the 2010 Schultz Fire and aftermath (Section 1), site-specific information for each stop on the field trip (Section 2), and a discussion of issues of wildfires in municipal watersheds (Section 3). Section 1 is a re-print of an Arizona Geology newsletter (volume 40, number 10) that provides background on the Schultz Fire, the implementation and efficacy of Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) mitigation treatments, and an overview of the post-fire flooding and erosion that occurred during the 2010 monsoon (
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