| 2020-20212020-2021 5781-57825781-5782 SHAVUOT Shavuot, the “Festival of Weeks,” occurs at the beginning of the wheat harvest. The rabbis make a spiritual connection between Shavuot and the ‘Giving of the Torah’ to Israel at Sinai. Etz Hayim—“Tree of Life” Publishing © 2020 The Torah…. “It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it.” Prov. 3:18
[email protected] The Jewish and Christian Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021/5781-5782 © 2020, Etz Hayim—“Tree of Life” Publishing www.etz-hayim.com email:
[email protected] ABOUT THE JEWISH AND CHRITIAN LITURGICAL CALENDAR. The Jewish Calendar of Liturgical Readings. The dates of the Jewish Festivals, Holy Days and Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) refl ect the dates determined for the Jewish Years, 5781–5782. Rosh Chodesh is celebrated on the fi rst day of each new (Jewish) month. When a month has 30 days Rosh Chodesh is celebrated over two days—the thirtieth day of the month is celebrated as the fi rst day of Rosh Chodesh and the actual fi rst day of the new month is celebrated as the second day of Rosh Chodesh. Dates for the lunar phases for 2018-2019 are based on Jerusalem Time. The Parashat Hashavuah (the Weekly Portion from the Torah) of the Jewish liturgical cycle follows an Annual Cycle of Torah Readings. The Haftarah (the Prophetical) readings follow the Ashkenazi tradition. Where readings vary for the Sephardic tradition the variant readings are given in brackets. The Christian Calendar of Liturgical Readings follows the Ordo Lectionum Missae (1981).