L'shanah Tovah Tiketevu!
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Publication of the Association of Hebrew Catholics No. 97, Fall 2015 TheThe HebrewHebrew CatholicCatholic “And so all Israel shall be saved” (Romans 11:26) “... look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Lk. 21:28 L’shanah Tovah Tiketevu! May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year! Association of Hebrew Catholics ~ International The Association of Hebrew Catholics aims at ending the alienation of Founder Catholics of Jewish origin and background from their historical heritage. Elias Friedman, O.C.D., 1916-1999 By gathering the People Israel within the Church, the AHC hopes to help Co-founder enable them to serve the Church and all peoples within the mystery of their Andrew Sholl (Australia) irrevocable gifts and calling. (cf. Rom. 11:29) Spiritual Advisor The kerygma of the AHC announces that the divine plan of salvation has Fr. Ed. Fride (United States) entered the phase of the Apostasy of the Gentiles, prophesied by Our Lord and President St. Paul, and of which the Return of the Jews to the Holy Land is a corollary. David Moss (United States) Secretary Kathleen Moss (United States) “Consider the primary aim of the group to be, Director of Theology not the conversion of the Jews, Lawrence Feingold S.T.D. S.T.L. (United States) but the creation of a new Hebrew Catholic community life and spirit, Advisory Board an alternative society to the old.” Card. Raymond Burke, Dr. Robert Fastiggi, A counsel from Elias Friedman, O.C.D. Fr. Peter Stravinskas, Fr. Jerome Treacy SJ, “The mission of your association responds, in a most fitting way, Dr. Andre Villeneuve to the desire of the Church to respect fully The Association of Hebrew Catholics (United States) is a non-profit corpora- the distinct vocation and heritage of Israelites in the Catholic Church.” tion registered in the state of New York, Michigan & Missouri. All contri- Most Rev. Raymond L. Burke, Archbishop of St. Louis, May 2006 butions are tax deductible in accordance with §501(c)(3) of the IRS code. “Please be assured of my prayers for your efforts devoted to studying and calling Please send correspondence and contributions to: attention to the Jewish roots of our Catholic faith and for your work to help Catholics of Jewish origin to find their place and role in the Church.” Association of Hebrew Catholics Archbishop Robert Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, Sept. 2010 4120 W Pine Blvd St Louis MO 63108, U.S. Phone: 314-535-4242 E-mail: [email protected] The Association of Hebrew Catholics is under the patronage of Web: http://hebrewcatholic.net Our Lady of the Miracle Write to address above or go to our web site for (who in the Church of St. Andrea della Fratte in Rome, info about groups in other countries. on 20 January 1842, converted Alphonse Ratisbonne) Email discussion group: and For info, send completely blank email to: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) [email protected] Miriam, Our Lady of the Miracle, pray for us! Saint Edith Stein, pray for us! The Hebrew Catholic (ISSN 1547-4666) is a quar- terly. Contributions to cover our production and postage costs for four issues mailed from the U.S, are shown below. What They Have Said Contributions above our costs provide the funds “Martin Buber gave solemn expression needed for our work. to the self-understanding of the Jew: (All remittances must be in U.S. funds) ‘We know,’ he wrote, ‘that there, within that reality, US & Canada $15; Other Countries: $25 we are not rejected by God, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Paypal that in this discipline or punishment, God’s hand holds us and does not let us go, © Association of Hebrew Catholics, 2015 holds us within this fire and does not let us fall.’ ” Anything in The Hebrew Catholic may be reprinted, Jewish Identity, Elias Friedman OCD ©1987, The Miriam Press, pg. 84-85 except: 1. articles for which we have obtained permission, as indicated in the article’s credits, vuvh oaç tçv LËrç 2. articles which will not be printed in their com- (Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai) plete and unedited form. For these, we must approve Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord the edited version. Credits for the article must include the name and issue number of our publication - The Hebrew News and Notes ......................................................................................... 3 Catholic - and the U.S. address of the AHC. Letters / Emails ........................................................................................... 4 President’s Memo ...................................................................................... 5 Send a copy of the publication with the reprinted Sukkot – Feast of Booths, by Dr. Larry Feingold .........................................6 article to the AHC at its U.S. address. Stories from the Diaspora The views expressed in the published articles are The Bride, Chapter 2: L’Cha Dodi, by Channah BarDan ......................7 those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect Bells of Faith for our Lady of Sorrows, by Bill Windel ....................... 10 the views of the AHC. Sixty Years – A Pastoral Letter, by Fr. David Neuhaus, SJ. ........................11 2 The Hebrew Catholic, No. 97, Fall 2015 ambassador to the U.S., Abba Eban. This series covers News and Notes the development and interaction of the Jewish people and Western Civilization over a period of 5,000+ years. The individual presentations include: About this issue 1. A People is Born, 3100 – 586 BC We continue with the third installment of Channah 2. The Power of the Word, 586 BC – 72 AD BarDan’s, The Bride, about her life in Judaism and Ca- 3: The Shaping of Traditions, 30 – 732 tholicism. 4: The Crucible of Europe, 732-1492 We include the Pastoral Letter to the St. James Vicari- 5: Search for Deliverance, 1492-1789 ate of Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel. The Letter 6: Roads from the Ghetto, 1789-1925 was written by Fr. David Neuhaus SJ, Patriarchal Vicar 7: The Golden Land, 1654-1930s responsible for the Vicariate. 8. Out of the Ashes, 1919-1947 9: Into the Future, 1880-1990s It is a great blessing to witness all that God is doing with the St. James Vicariate, and we look forward to exploring Additional detail on the content of the presentations is ways in which the AHC can collaborate with the work of available in our webstore at: the St. James Vicariate. http://store.hebrewcatholic.net/product/heritage-civilization-and-the-jews/ For those able to attend, the series begins on Wednesday, From Ken & Flora Wilsker Sept. 30, 7-9 pm, in the Gannon Room of the Cathedral Ken is recuperating at home following his surgery and Basilica Rectory. For additional information, our AHC numerous hospitalizations. For those of you who don’t contact info is found on page 2. know, Ken was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in June while visiting family in Indianapolis. We returned to St. Edith Stein Havurah – Fall 2015 Saint Louis for surgery in July. The St. Edith Stein Havurah will resume at the AHC It has been a journey filled with His amazing graces in Center on Friday, Sept. 25 and meet on the 2nd and 4th the midst of wind and waves! His doctor is confident that Fridays of the month thereafter. all the cancer was removed, and we ask for your continued This fall, we will be following Steve Ray and his prayers as we progress through recovery. Your prayers and journeys throughout the Middle East in his DVD series, loving support have helped us focus on His Grace when Footprints of God. Additional details on the content the storms seemed to overwhelm us! You are truly our of the DVD series can be found on our website at: mishpocha (family), and we pray and thank Him for you! http://www.hebrewcatholic.net/footprints-of-god/ Yours in our Messiah, Flora and Ken Wilsker Jewish Identity is being prepared for reprinting Kathleen Moss is working with Kelly Boutross preparing Sukkot the text of Jewish Identity for reprinting. Their prepara- We have received our klutz-proof sukkah kit and will be tion mainly consists in correcting grammatical errors that erecting it shortly for our first-ever Sukkah celebrations at existed in the first edition. the AHC center. In our next issue, we will let you know how it all turned out – with pictures. Cruises and Pilgrimages to Biblical Lands We are sometimes asked whether the AHC conducts Website mishap tours to Israel. We don’t ourselves, but Steve and Janet In the President’s Memo of the last issue, I described Ray, who support the work of the AHC, do. They host our intention to begin the development that would allow cruises and pilgrimages to the lands of the Bible, teaching our web site to serve as the basis for a virtual community. the Bible and Church history all along the way. They have Due to some problems with server support, we lost a little sent us their flyer which we include in this issue. more than a month’s work. We are now back on course. Roy Schoeman & Fr. Conor Sullivan to Israel Thanks be to God that Peter, Paul, and the other apostles didn’t need web sites for their missions. Experience a pilgrimage to Israel that unites the Old and the New Covenants, visiting the most significant AHC Lecture Series – Fall 2015 sites of both Covenants, with Roy explaining the Chris- Due to his many committments this fall, Dr. Lawrence tological significance of OT events, and the Jewish roots Feingold will not give the fall lecture series. of NT events. For more info, see the pdf brochure at: http://salvationisfromthejews.com Instead, we will make use of the 9-part series, Heri- tage: Civilization and the Jews, hosted by former Israeli † † † 3 The Hebrew Catholic, No.