ELEMENTAL Aesthetics
ELEMENTAL AESTHETiCS SUN, WIND, & TIDES BEYOND GREEN ENERGY ASTER HOVING Aster Hoving 10274227 Research Master’s Thesis in Cultural Analysis University of Amsterdam Words: 23.857 Cover design: Nuno Beijinho Cover photograph: “At and As the Beach,” Aster Hoving Supervisor: Jeff Diamanti Second Reader: Niall Martin January 2020 1 Contents Acknowledgements / 2 Introduction. Notes to a Method The Elemental Aesthetics of Solar, Wind, and Tidal Energy / 3 Chapter 1. The Celestial Sphere Positions of the Sun in Green and Blue / 16 Chapter 2. The Atmosphere Sensing Air, Wind, Fog, and Clouds / 31 Chapter 3. The Hydrosphere A Conclusion by Way of Tides / 48 Works Cited / 63 2 Acknowledgements I am grateful to say that this thesis owes its existence to more than a few people. A first thank you goes to my teachers at the UvA, Jeff Diamanti and Niall Martin. I would be nowhere without Jeff’s committed guidance and his inescapably contagious enthusiasm. If I ever get to teach, I hope to emulate at least some of Niall’s pedagogical sensibilities. In addition, I wish to thank my teachers at NYU, Elaine Gan and Anna McCarthy, whose classes were indispensable to this thesis, and Brent Ryan Bellamy and Reuben Martens, who gave me the chance to present an earlier version of some of this work at the 2019 ASLE conference. I would also like to thank Dina, Eline, Marije, Suzanne, Zoe, Zinzi, Janine, Manon, Jaimy, Maartje, Maarten, the New Utopians—Tessel (thank you for proofreading!), Solange, David, and Wouter—, Max, Signe, Justine, Stefan, and Anna—I am grateful to have met this many fascinating and kind people while finding a way through various cities and universities.
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