Katherine Research Station PO Box 1346, Katherine NT 0851 Phone: (08) 8973 9739 Fax: (08) 8973 9777
[email protected] ISSN 0394-9823 www.nt.gov.au/drdpifr EDITION 293 D e c / J a n 2 0 0 8 / 0 9 Happy Christmas from Katherine Research Station Neil MacDonald, Regional Director Katherine As our last edition for 2008 reaches you, I hope you are looking forward to a good Christmas break and I hope plenty of the excellent rain has fallen on you. I hope too that you can reflect back on a worthwhile year and are looking forward to 2009 with optimism. For our part we have a very full year and with the recent changes in our department, next year will not be dull. Our Chief Executive John Carroll has left and Richard Galton is our acting departing head in the interim. Once a permanent appointment has been made, the Chief Executive will be based in Alice Springs, as will the head of Primary Industries, Rod Gobbey. With our new department, we have taken over responsibility for regional development. That group will be headed by Fran Kilgariff, also based in Alice Springs. Phil Anning will move from Alice Springs, where he has been Regional Director for many years, and lead the Regional Development division in Katherine. The Primary Industry Group has also been reorganised, bringing the laboratories and research farms directly under the operational divisions. The main changes for the Katherine region are that the Crops, Forestry & Horticulture Division will be renamed ‘Plant Industries’ and enlarged by including the plant pathologists and entomologists who support the crops and horticulture industries.