(2)“General Conception of the Interruption and Suspension of Prescription” Miyohiko Matsuhisa(Professor, Hokkaido University). (3)“Délai et point de départ de la prescription―réflexition sur leur rela- tion―” Hiroyuki Hirano(Professor, Keio University). (4)“Agreement Concerning Prescription” Naoko Kano(Professor, Keio University). Commentator: Atsushi Omura(Professor, University of Tokyo).

3. Family Law

The Association of Socio- Legal Studies on Family Law held its 25th Annual Meeting at Chuo University on November 9, 2008. Young Scholar’s Colloquium:

(1)“The Possibility of the Constitutional Approach to a Family Problem, a Study Based on the Constitution of Germany” Kayo Kurata(Lecturer, Kansai Gaidai University). (2)“A System of Procedural Protector and Respect for Children’s Minds in Germany” Takeshi Sasaki(Research Student, , Graduate School). Symposium: “Special Adoption System, Tracing its 20 years― Seeking for Children’s Happiness―”

Moderators: Syuhei Ninomiya(Professor, Ritsumeikan University), Atsushi Motoyama(Professor, Ritsumeikan University).

Introduced by Atsushi Motoyama(Professor, Ritsumeikan University). (1)“The Actual State of the Adoption System in Japan―In Hopes of Amendment to the Special Adoption Law from the Scene of Adoption Mediation―” 150 WASEDA BULLETIN OF COMPARATIVE LAW Vol. 28

Mieko Iwasaki(Director, Association for Advancement of Family Care, Inc.). (2)“Recent Trends of Special Adoptions” Naoko Nakayama(Judge, Chiba Family Court). (3)“Investigation by Family Court Inquirers in a Special Adoption Case” Kumiko Kozawa(Chief Family Court Probation Officer, Chiba Family Court, Sakura Branch). (4)“International Comparison of Adoption Systems” Hirohito Suzuki(Professor, Chuo University). (5)“Proposal(a Summary of Symposium Reports)” Fumio Tokotani(Professor, University). Summarized by Syuhei Ninomiya(Professor, Ritsumeikan University).

4.Law of Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy

Japanese Association of the Law of Civil Procedure held its 78th General Meeting at on May 17 and 18, 2008. Individual Reports:

(1)“Reevaluation of the Continuous Instance System(Zokushinsei)and about the Scope of the Renewal Right(Koshinken)--the Continuous Instance System in view of how to exercise the Renewal Right--” Hiroki Hata(Associate Professor, Meiji Gakuin University). (2)“Position and Authority of Receivers in Bankruptcy Proceedings-- mainly among the Orders of the Action other than Ordinary Affairs--” Yuki Matsushita(Associate Professor, Meijo University). (3)“The Status Quo and Problems of Business Reorganization Proceedings by the Courts” Keisuke Hayashi(Judge, Osaka District Court). (4)“About the Composition of Representative Action(Soshotantoukousei) of the standing of Unincorporated Associations” Yoshihiro Natsui(Associate Professor, ).