SPARTAN DAILY V(A.l \11.1..If \I \111 I Serving Sall 10,s. L'Isli I IR IS1)11 I I.HRI \he.)

Opposing Views: Reasons to go online Friday: DAY NIGHT Should GI'S trackers be placed bkiSkOlhall \ S. I at. litIt .1 Oil lick its, lilt i\ it \ itt on registered sex offenders? 'studio S nwEilclub CTh ’ \ Pd I ()pinion Page 2 I ol \\''l-.SS Students break Department ranks high in global contest out in poetry verse, rhyme

Event organized by SJSU Black Student Union

By Janet Marcelo I 111115 ,s1A1 I 551111 1

I hi: I is \ sti 11C I mills 1111111111:d alld .1 111C \\ is going in the lireplace .i, San Joife ',LOC 1 Blaek Student I 'Ilion pre_ seined .1 jif I ,,,11111 -


I 0111, I -1,1,1\

110S er, then I ut,i iiiill -ample I. \ -CIllt'l diii\ 1i5i1",,s Mal"! ii ii' 'I t1 IS Hsi lti.i:i:.tilut c\rlss I II111,111 \lItiiiil ,,I,11,11,1. `WWII 4 111.11,1 .1 lil iii I Is Till ing joke, ii Ii ILO inil find ie,ponJliie., still Wilt 11 he askeit ’ hat - .m ,111..1111 thu1111e 'ill 11111\11 5..1, \1, 1,11 II k,1, 1-C.11 ’\1111C1 111l' 111111s' Cl .,\\ .1,1111 .,11,i111.1\ 111,111C.111. 111.11 \SA, V.11:11 \I, I s.1111c1 pisC111 ,1‘ 'it'u"11, l.,mtt_m's ""1111'.2 stilt 1 I:11.1\ Idled %%1111 1111,11t, "I did ()K.- ii.1 lust tSaniett AI-F tit gic sonh,111: \Alls111111-2 11,1c It Ismid 1111ke Ills111111111h V11.1.:1 stid 11.11 C5C1115 \ 11.11 .1\ 111:2111 Lei Li, left, arid Kelly Lu, right, both computer science students woiking on their second bachelor's degrees, work together on a r lassrooni ploiert Wednesday. u.111/%%01,..11.1..1111C1C111 '.1tIc -S111CC is s.11C 111111C "1 lin 1. proud .4 Ow,. IS I .1111C...1.1111, C1111 rt11111, sICISCII1111;2 ill /crii tith Om., (1511 arihatt -Ade li-il1 lit. By Jamie Visger tar \ ranking, 11.1\ ,aid ie 11,ted lii at111111C1111 111l: li'le111 1, .111,61111M 1/1`.1 cam pi inn, DAILY S 'Aft WRIIE R alt nanit, 5.11,e 11 1,11, 1,1111V. "04%1..11 1 he 1.1,1 the ,,\11.-111 ll,1111 Set eial ills alit 1.11w1k.,1 iii sit 'usa anituig lop Hint el \ including ile 111.1,2C, 11111111k 1,1,11.1111, A1,111'.. 1110111111l_. I1.1111t.11eFist al 'ti I silt NII I and Ni.uit,id N.111 1,, 11,11c I 'III \ CI al I a it)llpIlier 1111/111, .111.1 ..CC 11 II1CS 11.1\ C .111\ CIA recited hci It)pco.lci ii ,,i1.1 ilu iiechl% lii til5 ll1111 1111.1,. 11.11114:11X11115 5_.111 I ti will his earned a %%odd 111Cll'.11C .111\ s'r1./1, 111C \ is,isi C.1111 111111.-trilill, mu II, 1, ICIIIcti Is, test that 15,,,mpicred Ii ihic, 0111e1 [Lite IS eorift)rtnii . \11111h \.inee taillong in .1 prestigion, online com- Michael st istols.,,ssi in liii, cow 111111111e, II, Is II1C AI1C1 CussIC, .111\1 lig.1111s, iIstau'ut -iii pute' jirogiamitling called 111 AtIC1 i recountet1 1,eing auras Ics1 Ihl puter science larcadci iii il 1111k1 C111,1, 111 Its 1,1,1/15111.... liCemun plepaic ',Ill lit', tilt. 'u Icr eo, refa,ed ii and la It: ',lid -I ctltlllis,'tliuii iii lit lust \JO "1 hiscampealiaa is (hun't it.ifit hut ite, had mii,im like the Olympics are gkei. 'lac.; I Ri li,i,s 11, 111.-u,1111: Ni, VSCII 111.1C teat he, a ...ha,. in the , iii imus.n.tlulllliilg, thti:tu usia ii., reviaid t,k is Liken. - said I >avid Hayes. chair to sk)INc it h... aid titicca ammics 11CC.1 .11 111C -C 1,1,1,1CM \ 111.11 II1CU C.111 ,cience JAL-pion, to a, ite.1 It. ii,1111 IX/kell S\ 0111 :11V ,ixtitking )1 the computer science department. The ilith2c, i,11.11 the% 55 ant \AS,' 11 SS, 11110111 111.11s 111t2 .111\ 1111,1.1kl,. sititlent, or As Inesda). SJSLI was ranked at 32 the program m anil the progimmuct -.11.1 II 111C \ 111.1ke inc4 11111:1ke out of 45 unit ersities from all over the has lit figure oni ,k ,le 111,1 Ille pl.', 1111 di ,eoi i its the% gel SEE TOPCODER PAC' , SEE POETRY PAGE 5 us, uriul and II th in the tinned States.

Engineering a romance ... Expanding horizons for women in math and sciences Program aimed at incresasing female enrollment L.1101) By Annette Andre C ctuts1.1111.11,,I, lilt.' learlei, Ale 10Ie I01 ,201. liAll Y SlAt f WItiti If iltat lies see there ri...111 are %% omen enrincer,. and ,t, the% thina think al.,' ifl satilid.p.i I el, 25. sail Jose Slate utuils went/vomit: rim ersit ?Sill annual Jill Fit Hutsiuutittt i eurremn 1-A11;11010g Your 11011/,,11, conterenee 11111r 1101-1/1111 ii 'lunteer %silo meeejted lii Is, ilk. 5111,1eC \ oung it omen in hacheloi., degree in 111;1111 ill Cal l'111 - , thriiii211 nine it, pur,ne cateei, 'u _Ill 1 41111, 111,1,1x, Is CIrk

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It Li: to run these vorkshops to 2,1,0,e StS1111: kit' the things I leatiied ;it I 1 II paling it onion lit ,iich hekis anti hope- All of the \\ orksliop, %till ii,c I iANIFI. I F STOI MAN i ';TAFF lulls in,pire ikon to pursue them in oil hands on vproitch iii intlei Ilk. lege.- she said. ytiting vti.irnett It.' iii1,11, .11,e, Is ot his girlfriend, major, right, with a Richard Renard, left, suprised Linda Nguyen, a fourth-year computer engineering -All the it itt kshops are lis \0111- three 111,1eCt 111e ii hI111 proposal during the Society of Computer Engineering "Welcome Back Students" party Wednesday. Nguyen said yes. ,aal 5.1S1' proles Renard and Nguyen, Treasurer of SCE, had been dating five years since meeting in San Jose at Mount Pleasant High 111 A 11141thellIllill, 11111.1 One ill The SEE School. HORIZON PACE 8 FEBRUARY 16, 2006 = 'X \ DAILY OPINION THURSDAY Opposing Views: Should GPS trackers be placed on offenders? Os the regustered sex Be safety of many outs% et treatment. not constaiit privacy of a less. Sc 's fenders need YES NO sort cii lance. ttlli lti iit. MiSS011ti. Ohio and Oklahoma lime ii Sen. Jackie Speier. iillsborough. proposed a plan last month that positioning systems ready realited the need to attach lifetime global would require all high-risk sex offenders in the Bay Area and the rest set offenders. Non it's time tor the ((WS, to con% lewd and released of California to be outfitted aith global positioning devices upon their rest ol the states to follow. parole or probation. 21 registered sex offenders is ho rate In it tip code alone. there are An electronic waterproot bracelet ss ould be permanently placed on ranging from exposure to a minor to lewd acts agai committed crimes their ankle. and sex offenders SS 1,111(1 hate to stay within the perimeters rape by force. I live :no blocks an ay children tinder the age of 14 and of their separate global positluilllrlc sy stems transmitters. to knots that these people front an elementary. school. It's unsettling Permanently attaching a i Ps tr:icking de% ice on a convicted sex or to n streets despite hating committed such heinous are free ander the fender helps no one at all. Instead. it rips ass as offenders' human ri , crimes. and their rights to privacy and gi% es them Mlle hope of leaving the these criminals are undo intense government scrutiny af- Although behind and rebuilding towards a hotel future watch them all the time. .I .here is no nay of ter their release, no one can According to the state Attorney I leiter:11.s 'nice. there :ire more than from repeating their till CS. totally stopping these criminals 63.0(X) registered sex offenders in I -alitornia sex offenders are forced I., register nil) a In California. released For 63.(O() people in California this plan means the still become accessible to the public with their ino% mem re sex offender database branded with a modern-day scarlet letter. ss Inch ss ould make es er-,1,1\ the supers ision of the department of correction stride& They 're under life complicated. especially at a Mite %%hen they are li\ilrg o re,r, are often subject to unannounced home Hits aridmay be and times their lit es. Finding jobs and renting houses, an already difficult these steps don't ensure thew psxmle s% ill not chemically castrated. but itself. would prove to be even more of a challenge \s hell :in oriel commit allot her crime. has a (I PS device strapped around his or her ankle 24 hours a day. XX fact, there's no way of ensuring that, but In employer would want to hire somixine knots by fincing these sex offenders to wear a ( i PS. at ing that he or she n as a sex offender? least they can be tracked at all times Yes. molesting someone is one of the most Right now. there is no way ot knots rig a sex- repulsit e crimes a person can commit and the ual offender's exact whereatiouts. It one was possibility of repeat is likely. Howes Cr. in a hanging around school yards or it lrid Ii rig recent Washington State study- on sex oi fend- en in bars. there %souk' be no s% ay ill knon mg ers. it reported that sex offenders are least With the adoption of (iPS moritoring in likely to re -offend compared to those con- California, Ian enforcement officials would be victed of other felonies. It also reported that able to pinpoint the location of an offender, and TATIANA GETTY within five years of release from prison. 4 ensure that the person is not % ent tiring into re- percent of those ts ho are convicted of prop stricted areas. TERESA HOU erty crimes return to prison while only 15 .I's - the next evolution of criminal surveillance. People being percent of sex offenders return to prison for ti,icked it ear an electric, waterproof ankle band at all times. This band new crimes. Does that mean ste should put tracking dei its On ill ii is tv irelessly linked to a (iPS transmitter that can be nom on bells, in hers, drug dealers and other felons'? purses. or set don n vs hen a person is at home or %souk , wwwithesia Some government officials have said the cost of has ins these (iPS The des ice is not as imposing as it seems. It still ,ii Ion s the offend- tracking devices will save California more than a $1 billion a year. With ers to go about their normal lit es. but ensures that the people around the tracking des ices costing about SI() per day- per felon -- according them are safe. Online poll: to Speier and more than 6.30K) registered offenders in California According to an Associated Press report in July of 20)5. this tech alone, it seems that taxpayers would be paying more money. To top it nology is already used to follow about 5.000 people on parole. proba Should GPS trackers be placed on off. if the government considers an offender able, her or she may be non and house arrest in 38 states. In Florida. the State Department registered sex offenders? required to pat the cost of Miving the unwanted bracelet around their Corrections followed about 16.000 offenders. is ith 1.00() is caring i l's ankle. Two years later, the study found that six percent of (iPS offenders had The tracking des ices tt arranties aren't foolproof. Cases in Idaho committed new felonies or misdemeanors. compared to 11 percent ot and Florida prove that the LiPS bracelet has not stopped sex offenders the offenders not outlined n iii tIre I from striking again. According to authorities in Florida. child molester It may seem inhumane to track humans like animals, but what :ire the - Yes Kenneth Lamberton tt as vt caring a (I PS monitor when he allegedly other options? Increasing jail sentences could work. but prisons arc r forced himself on a girl. ready ON ercrowded and there's teall no money to build new facilities No False signals, going wider tunnels and solar storms are some of the ( iPS may violate the rights ot se's lit enders everywhere. but when it Results to last week's question: things that can cause the bracelets to mallunctiorniPS tracking des ices comes doss n lo it. sometimes you lime II sacrifice the rights of a few to Should alcohol be banned at university games? are not meant for any human, not c% en sex offenders. save the rights itid list's of the many. Besides, the second sex offenders Rather than strip offenders of their right to prisacy. society needs to decided they had the authority to take :may the basic human rights ot allow them to seek the treatment they need at hospitals itt order to gel their %Minns. they case up their on n rights. 30% Yes 70% No past their is rongdoings. 13) imprisoning them with ( iPS bracelet,. SA Mild never allow them to learn from their mistakes.

I ma ( 1,41 ivri ter What do you think? !crew llou 1.5 a ,Sparhat vall writer. ibrri campusvoices I 11 COMPILED BY JAMIE VISGER; PHOTOS BY CHANTERA GUNN


+: LP:a- 111 'Yes. It would make "Yes. Its important to "Yes. It would nzake -No. That would "No. Everyone desercts "Yes. So they can track the &1St ' campus know where they are, me feel sufer. I don't violate rights." u second chance. As them down and sajC r. - in case they commit want them to pick the a first-time Wender, prevent them from another crime. lock gl my backdoor they shouldn't get that doing it again." and break in. punishment." Valerie Sabado Courtney Gregory Rahin Mohamad Yousuf Heider Peter Wong Ankit Soneji ltiOr senior, sophomore, graduate student junior, senior, psychology creative arts engineering engineering business administration computer science


ERIK LACAYO Executive Editor ADVISERS ADVERTISING STAFF OPINION PAGE POLICY CHEE TO BARRERA Managing Editor Richard Craig and Jan Shaw, News ;Thomas Rogers, Photojournalism; Tim Hendrick, BANKS AL BAC H & Opinion Editors Advertising; Tim Bunke, Production Chief Chris Kaapcke, Tyler Gordon, Nick Readers are encouraged to express themselves on the Opinion page with a letter to the editor ERIN CABALLERO Gudgeon, Evan Inada, Stephanie Marrujo, RYAN BAL BUENA Sport s Editor STAFF WRITERS A letter to the edit, is a response to an Issue or a pow t Di VIVw that has appeared in the Spartan Daily. RACHEL HILL A&E Editor Annette Andre, Jeremy Barousse, Mike Brady. Erin Chin, Masai Davis, Tatiana Getty, Kiersten Ser Miin Ng, Quyen Nguyen, Allan Quindo Only Gustafson, Teresa Hou, Greg Lydon, Tandrea Madison, April Maramag, Jane Marcelo, Laura letters between 200 to 400 words will be COMO, SHIH FA KAO Photo Editor e'en for publiration. Rheinheimer, Jill Seib, Ryan Sholin, Evie Smith, Dominique Streeter, Andrew Torrez, Zeenat PRISC ILI A WOO, Production Editors Submissrons become property of the Spartan flatly and Umar, Jamie Visger, Matthew Zane NEWS ROOM: KEVIN WHITE & may be edited for clarity. grammar, libel and length. Stalstonstons roust tontain the author's name, address, DANIEL SAO SENIOR STAFF WRITERS 408.924.3281 phone number, signature and mann. JIMMY DURKIN & Copy Editors Patricia lbarra, Sophia Seremetis Submissions may be pined in the letters to the Fditor LYDIA SARRAILLE FAX: box at the Spartan Daily office in Dwight Renter Hall. Room 209, sent by fax to 14081924 t237,. marl at spar SHAMiNDER DULAI Online Editor STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS 408.924.3282 or mailed to the Spartan Daily SAMANATA NAIK Advertising Director Danielle Stolman, Gavin McChesney, Fang Liang, Daniel Esch,Zach Beecher, Felix Ling, Phil Opinion Editor. School of Journalism and Mass Communications, San Jose State Unoversity, One AARON PRATT Asst. Advertisng Director Bedrossian ADVERSTISING: Washington Square, San Jose, (A 95192 0149. NATHAN HAMMER Creative Director THE SPARTAN DAILY I ONE WASHINGTON SQUARE Iditorials are written by and are the ronsenstes of th, MONICA GIREL Asst. Creative Director 408.924.3270 Spartan Daily editors, not the staff Published opinions RYAN SHOLIN Web Master SAN JOSE, CA 95192 and advertisements do not neces The Spartan Daily is a Public Forum sarily reflect the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of (408) 924-3281 I [email protected] Journalism and Mass Communications or USU. 4 1 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2006 OPINION I \ I \\1)\11.Y3 CRUNCH 11\11 Past wartime tragedies are never just in the past

World War II was a conflict fraught with San Jose State University. I didn't teally appreciate 11 \ s I i; .s iiiis . slicit .1111_1 from nearly all sides. the scale and ntagnittidel yy hat had happened. Mat cam,. to Liii end %%hen A51011 Nth:ream, to bliried ill a Mass alter collIraCterl sent4.,r,i When the Japanese invaded It'll China. they massacre,' President Franklin D. Roosevelt, on Feb. 19. 1942. 1,11 M eltet and culture %%ere .iiii1,1%%01 .1115,1the Ile] si,n, wad, n.tici..111,1 I not the women and children in n hat has become knon n a, the signed (ACC:nine order 9066 forcing I 10.000 lotnanitin go% ertimcni condoned si!our s% Ito 11,1,1 tliat halipen Hun I near "Rape of Nanjing. - Japanese li% ing in the Western United States a nd 1,551. part ill the .11111 Selnilism 111,t1 I's ',III -I subs' l's lIt.,111 III ,leserilv hos- The Nazis in Germany rounded up Jews. Gypsies. - many of whom acre American ciii/ens , otit from Nazi ( iermany homosexuals and other -undesirables- who were not - to live in internment camps. XL,1,% p,,rticipated in wrests and Ile \ 1,11,1 \ I marl lett aittl had a Illfee a model image of the "Aryan race.- Spurred on by. fear and prejudice, and un "es% solds lot thell I eat in 'I ii In 55,5" Is .Iied i Ills Ihe cj11111S, fhe United States uprooted tens-of-thousands of der the guise of national securitY and neat \ sit said n hen 15511551 one si 111N 11.1.I 1 a Is. \ cors ,ild tt lutist hull tap:mese-Americans along the Western part of the lied by the U.S. Supreme Ci.iurt. the pre,' s'1.1,1l:N sill I ticsiaii 1,115 11,1, burn up till it. - country and forced them to live in isolated camps. dent uprooted a twill:Ilion and forced theni It bad enoiii.211. Vas it, i!1:-.1 11.;. and itIn. Intl hill) These acts of inhumanity occurred just over 60 to sell their homes, businesses find properly Ilitlei sit Lided the Sits t twin 111 .111 ,(11 years ago - an insignificant blimp on the timetable so they could lite out the duration of the nar Atha. -alumna sf sill lilt' I,sstiiiss islisit I ,1 ii1 01% -1.,1?, it 11101 of history - and the 14,,, II mid .111 Ills, feys . sseis ii younger generations are begin- in camps. CHEETO BARRE RA II 0 I IL 1..0 Is, tell more ot the ning to lose knowledge of what happened. Litter that same summer, I had another deicd to cyacuale \A 1111 5,, 11115,1 1.,1t!lI 1, 111.11 these stories There are still surviy on who are reminders of a chance to meet an internee. While the pre - I Ilekci 55151 I I ; 1,1111.111 111 Ill,: 11.1111C Ill hustle dark chapter in the II Id's history. I myself am guilty ions gentleman n as torgly ing si n hat had Issn Slid it It Is Ito! lust loc. \ of not appreciating all ihat It slit On. happened to him. Non sluba Ills less so. 155 1151, I tol I I.,. po,a ertised by. During my simnitei internship for my hotneton 'It was it rotten. shell dcal shiba tecalled during Het lo,h1ctl Imo [tacks red oil LI II .L1, 1 ..,1;s 1\ .111s .11, .1 11 5111s anti tell paper. I n Is Iss11211%-t1 a sit II about a gentleman who my, inters ley% IS ith het it AUglis1, -We nen:Ann:dean Ii' trains \this 11 deporie,1 to Olt' IIs 1.111IC 5. L LLLLi IS ilL was being anila led his high school diploma from a be forced into a camp like that .. it die 15,15 oidert.s1 \ .tsthite 51 ei . ancl more ssfisiol he nas miable to graduate from because he was was an11.11. All ol its yy ete in tears 1 ve:titse sf ..111 .111.1.C1, In (.1.1111ble 1..11 ilic Ii 1111111, ql 1,0 111111(kled IiI1111:111i1) 1.. otit ol hi, is Then slink, nen. touching, but it :ill really sank in train. Ash s killed 14..:1111, , 11.11'1 sI IlleM tile After I Collipleled slor, I n as chewed out by in this neck %%hen I. I first line, Met a stirs !ler 1\o.1\ \\ lAtel. on Ist,16.1. tmt Iauei I, tit 1II1 editor, whose in -taut', ncie also interned. for not truly the Holocaust. :Ile Ash lived in Rommia yy all her led lia,:ks minim ke,1 toils Men come\ ing the seri,111,11e,, of what he went through. family during the 19 (0, Iler patents nor- Si uldish A-.1) \\ to .5 ,1.1\ 1.111551 C.11111' a111.1s" 1 mx1) read up. torS and Ash n as 'Atm in the theater 'frill 111C t111?,111k IIIC till It:14111,11W! .1 1111111.1 While I had heard itExutt all of this it) my high The NY 55 5' :1,101, it he I"..1,1ern I nropean dsOlitIt Is St \ 1,1,k1112 0.11,,11 III ti1 lAn.. ir ra, .ellool history classes. and a smattering of it here at are not the sante as those it llollynood. btu the 1,1111 .1.

Wha? by Matt St.Lezin "Valentines"

Write letters to the editor and suhmit Sparta . It 111,' Guide information online Visit our Weh site at WV\ W.thespartalidall.A.Loni. You may also . , submit information in writing to DBH 209. \-, . 1 ..'

Sparta I mide is Hai% ided sit charge to students. faculty and staff members. I he deadline for '47 I entries is litt011 three wi irk jug (la,. before the desired publicatiim date. Space I tsli'jt'li (((( s 11111:1 require editing of submissions. I !Mies are printed in the order in arc recei,e(I.


\LSI ( ',weer I ewer %tondo, Learn how to show off your work at a -Portfolio Preparation and Presentation.- Resources are mail Ncrt StIll In: able in the career center, At the career center in mod- .1 -\\,411..11 V - k: ' ular F from 3-4 p.m. For more info. ,..ontact It elyn Proces,, 611'0111).. Oil N1011(1.1), t roill I 2.9) pan III , .,...., ,,.- - Administration 1,1,1e. rm. 201. 1.or more illforinan,,ii Castillo at 924-6031...... ,Y...k. ----n S's 1115151 ',ulna I -aeltitit at 924 5910. . Student Life and Lcader,hip - -leadership t. Workshop Series.- Work.aion series or Ttiesda, up and coining leaders offered through Student I .ife lila, A I and Leadership. Registration is for the entire series, Ills' Black f'ongress n ill hold a general meeting 11.,,1 not for individual courses. It will be held in the Mom As. to hI Pacheco mu. Slid, 1 ’ of' the Student l'nion. from 4 to A. p.m. For more 1)111 ilw of the ii2i11.1111n wows information. contact Nam Nguyen at 924-5963. !or won: information. contact Din e -10-167

C, Ii, r .,111%Ir ( Mre I'? Serie, listen the -Faculty Hour Cyprus String Quartet ( r51110111551 111015 .111trlit, 1,11' and (-rat% ersion.- I Tee admission. In the music Nil -Intimate Communication- Its wit,41,41 ill tfie suits ,,itilding concert hall from 12:30- I:15 p.m. Lor more IntliliCilli011,4 lab from 6.5 p.m. In 1161 I 231. liii more information. call 924-4673. info. contact ES Ilarris at 924-5395.

Ifrican Awarene, Month Hir lisp f loin a discussion on Black Religion. titled "What Beat the parking crunch! 'lite Hip Hop Congress is holding an "Open Mis Jo you believe in?" At p.m. in the Student Costanoan Room. For more information. contact Night- starting at 8:18 p.m. in the Dining Commons Use your ECO Pass to ride all Natasha I.ovelace at 228-2181. For more information. contact Nick Underw.s sl .tt VTA bus and Light Rail for free. 619-602-9320. 1,(Ivry,in .1meri, an Orcancation Lai \IIsiyann holds it, second general meeting in the SPARTAN , Is lit Union .lintiden Room at 4:15 p.m. 1 -or more Communnlanm .\tudics Lab STUDENT tiii,.rmatioti. log on to yy n.alsbayansjsuak. Learn about " Staking MoneyM on May-in a work At, I, in the communications lab from 7-9 pan, in the Martin ". tern; ,ilev Leader, Sloop. ,,,um Luther K Joint labrar. second Boon I -or more \\ 11,1 \ S ice-President Tommy., Lee , ill discuss en- infi,, soma, Is Ilanis at f )24-5395. guivel ing in a high tels Kit \ ell% irs onment. In the engi necring auditorium from I 2- I p.m list more informa- tion. e-mail kshehoo,

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51,, A, ill( 1.1114104,1W, t 11 P\R1 \\ 1)\111 S P RTS Int 1'-1)11 I I lP1 \P) SJSU looks for second series win against BYU Wildcard wins at third day OUTLOOK By Tatiana Getty of SAP Open tournament

Today w Baseball omfor-digar vs. bin, * at Munk Women's Basketball vs. Louisiana Tech University at Event Center, 7 p.m. Friday Baseball BrlgltoiI Yuung Univetsity OF THE' ORDE at Municipal Stadium, 6 p.m. Gymnastics NOFEBO K vs. Sacramento State ,IAI I at Sacramento, 7 p.if 1 tt vek end 111 Hockey Mark Philippoussis returns the ball back to Tommy Roberdo during at the HP Pavillion. ACHA Division II the SAP Open tennis tournament Wednesday Jose State University pitcher niove Jones recorded a save after West Regional Playoff ((Munn :n the late in the ninth liming against the University of San ) .11) It. ihro.1., 10.4, the 11115.tittage, at I OgitPrti [,,ni By Laura Rbeinheimer l’hilippoiise, held out Saturday lull into the hunt of Rob Baseball

ree rernnere. Water Polo 11t ,v Men's Basketball there \.1111 11,1! 1 -in cc tithing irk 4 w , re pi,m;_, N Women's Basketball lilt'(., ),, ,es v. J. ,t. home. ,, 1 1 1 and at 1_ I expect o, I niinic then match ill, .,. Hockey II lp.II1,111, 1014, (leitititc! ,t conichiici: is 1111:11 1,1111,21 ACHA Division II 111 to win all three. That should -4. 111C11 11,1 Ilk' ,C0,111.1 0,11111,' t))ugh." West Regional Playoff tI 1 It ,111,1 11Ct1 I he .; ; 5, he our mindset. When we're 'Iti orl,t0,-1) 1,-. , I he, ti III 1,t. Ci011,1 Mark Philippoussis SAP playing at home. We should II l'IU 1 Ile L’,1011 1,11. 1111' Open wildcard tennis player Sunday It .11; II 11111: III 1111.' , 1I Dever lose.- \ 1 . I. 1111CC :2,1111t" 1e 1111: Water Polo ' - Ryan Angel SJSU left fielder III, cIi 11112 VI, 11It 1111, I, t'AC1111 ,1,. 1 ,1,111 1 11C N1,011,11, .ire -1 ; Iii' ..111 . 1 \t Monday !, Men's Basketball




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411. Check out the Friday online sports stories: Women's basketball vs. Louisiana Tech University ,04,06106 2006 SAP Open tennis tournament day four coverano tlithntoi Baseball vs. Brigham Young University SJSU sports news in brief Click here to enter lIffordnble Rer_ sietrinmet, Cuisine 1 NI RN Ii \\ 1(1k'.) SI 1 -i-N1 I ill \ Love at First Bite! 1 im e. hinkiie2 ifie I/O 17, 4.1 "WowThe best sandwich I ever had!" West Region Rankings c;\ acilVera. tkti Team Average High CC 11 Ill S UCLA 195.1E12 196_500 y, K. 1 AI .HVAV C M '114 re 2 Stanford University 195 135 196 325 01/4" 3 Oregon State Univel sits 193 925 195 400 4 UtilV(21%,ty of Wasfili,gior, 191 789 193 325 DUMA 5 San Jose State University 191 325 193.125 6 TREEDOMLAND UC Berkeley 191 008 192.150 7 Sari amen to State 191 000 192 500 FIREWAL I /ff/f/1.1 260 E. Santa Clara St. 8 Boise State University 190.985 194.225 BROKE BACA MOUNTAIN 9 Cal State Fullerton 190319 19)875 CAPOTE @, 6th St. San Jose (408) 286-8808 10 Seattle Pacific Universay i90095 191.850 Han:. MUNICH 1 1 GOOD *WT .& GOOC LUCA UC Davis i88640 190.775 BM* THE MATADOR 12 UnIVelsay c,f Alaska i87565 189 825 WALK THE LINE %%mien's 111/1.11.1. LOS GATOS 41* sma cna 3954203 No, A, Sew, Int. 8095 CIA. Imam' 1,,I, ',tat,,' I Ilit 11 %%1/11.1t.'11 1 A:ler 1 THE WORLD'S FASTEST INDIAN Announced the .1g11110:. Ill se% en iii,,,peet, Lit e! ol Intent (lie loll 20113,,c,i,.oliou MRS HENDERSON PRESENTS si. co the pmstvel, e Nolthein ( Mt .1111,11rei 1551' . 1 11 eh sill vii 111 1,111 1, ,.-L CAMERA 12 201 S. Scond 9963300 1 , It .1 II 1 2 I or 111 .111k1 1 2 1 in Ve.tern VaL NI WM1 RtAmes Pat. '1001 Mien, NEIL noir, HEART OF Al A Open Daily 6am - 9pm 2006 SJSU wonnsn's soccer signees ELUSION TOTAL FOOD PUS' Name Pos. Current School Hometown MATCII PONT Lime 10 orders or sandwiches hi many Boehm MF,D ma High School San Ramon THE TlIREF BURIALS Of MEI OUIADES Not valid ell ober specials or fecounts Los Katie Bonadies F Gatos High School Los Gatos Photor.con not accerk.," ,-.,, THE WORLD'S FASTEST INDIAN Christina Butera GK Presentation High School Jose Valid 260 E Santa Clara Street San GAPOTE Pd 4 Se" Roxanna Kamal MF Presentation High School San Jose STRIANA Sar so. .428/281-906c Natalie Malone MF Academy of Out Lady of FREEDOMLAND Peace San Diego King Rd 4 Burdete Dr Atiplas 4 - 252:s Mollyrose McBride F Burlingame High School Sar. 274.1596 Hillsborough EIGHT BELOW 939 W E Lodi Hallsic Pacheco MF High School Lodi 3276 5 White Rd 4 Abair: Rd 4 Mary St DATE MIME 111111111111[11 ...I San Josei408)2744166 1408 Sunnyvale %%omen 'llennis TIN PINE PANTHER Call location tor dates and ROUTS 01 SeTVICE 1 he san ',Lite 1 illI II "Its 15111111,11\ WIMP, I1':1111 be,11 st, .111 /Ma FIREWALL I . III ;1 I11,110,1111:It'lltV 111,1101 Wetillt'Sdal 10 I 1 1111,, LEES c-' l A 3 i'ier,iil ,111(1 I I Wetern NDWICITES III Athletic I FINAL DESTNIAT1011 3 0,15 ve ynt: 1-800 b40-8880 .,)0 visit our websil..' I lie sisritins look to continue then WWW.CAMERACINEMAS.COM iiriarest you. .it 2 1/ III Ciil,i I1 111e 1 I, 1 ,,11, 511011 ,111t1 IC1,1111..1 I 1111' IllUl(41) \Y FEBRU,11211 1 6, 2006 NEWS - \ 11111 1 TOPCODER - Competition can lead to employment

continued from page 1 II1C 0,1111101111,11 Is 11 550rItle elli. Ilk' link, I_sij I I, 4..'.111,a)Illetlilles

lsir S.ISI students. Fiee'..1 111 said 'Hits eck I joined lopcoder tki get better at eodnip just k.otnne talon Is:cause I %% anted is know 110%, to sok e inohlems.- is as held online zit 4 a.m. and nest neck's still said I 'demi Jahnke. a fourth year computer science hi it n ni major. "laguring tnil ho%% sole these problems Aside Inuit the 1.:os,..1 rankinv for S.ISI partici II/ I opeoder can also receit c benefit!, and I licit 111% ing those RR its for later has been most 15c1,, ail for me.- sitisits sitters. l'Opitkler Is in employment ;Igency that Irle.; 12.0i X1 coders is lilt einploers. k.1,der is nn only limited to students Factili% Beeson said. can participate nxt. Beeson said. -This ranking is .:.00d for San Jose State lit:cause 'I don't knois of :111 other l'1/1 to make in% palms It means that as more people heoinie ais ;ire ot our sm,eat without risking physical harm.- Beeson said. status it ii ill intraci the attention ssi employe' s,- said -It's an exciting rush when you're progiamming un flay es. -.And also. %se t tins has e top students ellihise der a time miii tc attend inn colle,le lot the I’opciider tetlu

Danielle lloysheit l.ow lodes her poem with a peat,- TueSday night ill the Dinino Commons. POETRY - Poems explore racial issues, politics and low, continued from page 1

I tom is 1 h.. : , ,111 lilaCk k 5FF I I ik s' kilt I Cl'll

II si%, I'.15 \ . \ ,..110 III 5,5511IsIs I, ,I t I 'II III' ssIi,l \ M1’,11,.1 s'S 'is I, los., eiIit,sIIli ,ta Lod : Prisoners under lockdown until violence ends

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.1 0 1111i tat lib. -.II! The World Famous Now Open in DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE .1.0125 1:1I, I .11,11 t"s1,C1Isill,. I/W[1"DV Comedy aub & Reirtaurant at the Historical Jose Theatre sp,04, i .1 'is ids' Soriel \ setting!, NORM tvt""r ’1111.-Anon lio,ir(1 ()I ( crult(-Ati()ti (13( it I mid `qr(.11:,±11 MacDONALD And ( , February 16 - 19 "Saturday Night Live" loll:. diAn ,)() pol-cnt 11.155 rah' on Itt 1( I \AnnnAnon

I 00 CR CIll cmplok men( ratt follo\A my, giatioation t'tDAVE ATFELL February 24 - 26 IThit( ctlions now hcing aCccinetl. (hisses begin in Anguq 200t, '1 from Comedy Central's li, ado, "Insomniac" quit \ lI, k and I I.

'Ill tail !MI ...1.411:111 %%111111,1,111,11.1 ,ssslsI,iI- wilt! I S(H()(11 01 G12 I)11,111 '10,1 I ST I ME1)1( 1.1)11( 111()N 11111i,Ill., 55 ell' 111112 For more information is the West Valles I teiention RICHARD 10.11 and call SETON HALL UNIVERSITY 'enter iAltirt is hen a light March 9 - 12 an application 400 South Orange Avenue broke Suit in the 'ii' just the (Inset "HBO Comedy Hour" (973) 275-2826 or visit tinned hack. said Rohn! his iii "The Tonight Show" South Orange. NI 07079 pokessionian lot the oioni gradmeded.shli.edll www.shu.ethi Sherd!". I >epartinent. 114.411plp t) 62 S 2nd Street, Downtown San Jose As theinmates is l're mi (408)280-7475 rumen sh front the Isits, 11:.‘111,1. Comedy Club& Restaurant A 4 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2006 Incoherent plot line confuses ' 3' is poor 'Tristam Shandy' viewers addition to series By Ryan Slinlin By Teresa Hou ers, including DAILY STAFF WRITER her boyfriend and best friend.

I t' A horrible plot. dull charac- Christensen ters and corny dialogue plague watches as her -" and make premonition %..0 wonder why the% en both- comes true and ered to make anothei sequel. her friends are 17 , killed. MOVIE REVIEW Once again. MOVIE Death is unable REVIEW tin.,11 his job i\ immently. %smelling a group til and decides to teenagers hurtle to their death on seek re% enge coaster thousands of feet finding the most a hos e the ground and seeing two grisly ways to -irk burn to death from a tan kill off the re- III II() bed makes the movie just a maining more exciting. As the lira .As morbid as it sounds, w hat the, this movie from being cat tsy".1.::i stir% Is ed the ith 't iced as another bad sequel are killed. slant k sidetracks aie the gruesome new death Christensen and long seriss ,11...7171,, classmate Ke% in ellt.C. rill It ,ffik I rh, I’ I ii ii happened to miss the Fischer (Ryan -131)(X, 111 71111,1171': , t1st two, the series is about the Merriman) re- k- 17 th. Me% liability of tate. 11,11 Os ilk I I( (.1 1117: 07 'III!, 17 'File trios it' alize that they .rIistis begins is ith a teenager It .h.ii Ii. tHill 1.1(1,11111C ICI.111,1,1111), are methodically COURTESY OF NEW I Ni-I CINEMA %soli ii Ito has a pi emonition of his or ti .1' 1:, 11,11.,1 I iii his t2tiltiienil, his soitild being killed off (left) stars as "Julie Christensen" I id; ii F', iy her death before an event such n11,, "1, 7 '1/11L'L'I mistress and a lap dance. based on %%here and (right) stars as Mtn. I risnani slam& \ I..s us boarding a plane as seen in 1/1.)1Iti, \I'. I,' 17.'11,7)11 1.1,,C,11 List the most rsitimelling they sat on the "Wendy Christensen" in the film, "Final Destination Itirli sims owe.s mini II,uIlil'iul the first movie of before en- II(.11, III 1' Iliii 1II iii his entire him Mkt, roller coaster. 3," which opened in theaters on Feb. 10. ta, k tt , ithatigitm his imam sm. s tering a highway -- as seen in Unlike the t 1, , L(Se1113/2". Iron] the audience after diaper .1,11 kensid hotel i the second. He or she manages first two mo% ies. I Is ii I \ I ristensen the blood pours from the latest \ h, I "swarm sae a couple of people but and Fischer are :di le it/ deter- 't t % tom,. I ey soon find out that they are hots mine each one ot them dies Perhaps the atrocious deaths heing killed off one by one by a through clues in iihotogiaphs become so frequent they be - t \ irked Death. that Christensen took ol each conic Inuits'! ol low Mg the formula of person at the amusement park the irrstis41 \ Also, random one-liners and -1 Net es trill II 1 111.`,11(1 the amazingly stupid characters 14,611.111011 A". slalls On al an of the plismigaiplis i In siensen cause some giggles and makes it ..111UsellICIII 11,11k ii here a group and I ischei 111% e haid time Tinal Destination 3" a bit more high school seniors Me id' sits iii it classmates since elsiating their upcoming gradu none it them lir:limes that mg. beatable tot the u eak skint mon. As they're snapped ached \N till ilial ...aid. Mose ,I1,1"1,1. 111,i 1", 71. in bad Death is out ht get them. 1mi a ride on a frightt id -look Ii iS 11111111 Ille 1)101 ci iii,arc already !earl ul ril roll 111.2 toller coaster. senior Wendy et- emistets and tanning beds srh hcikII plunges to the deep depths of ilitistensen t \1,nr I lizaboh lameness and the tilts re bee.inies should not siatch this in..s ie Vs instead) oresces the roll nothing more than a massacre As 1017 el Ct)011e love \ ct coaster causing her arid her as people are killed in some ill seeing skulls being crushed .ilassinates deaths the goriest %says ikisstme !he and I3odies being burned. I stig gest y ou go her % deaths 1(0.70111C M) Ilvtille111 and ss :itch the tilm. tlii 1,(1211,ell shrieks 11C1' ir :is grotesque that your body still 10115,' .41. Ole title' causing seicral become struck in disgust. II 1,1,.,11 111 III 1 Mal rifi iiiWM ol her classmates to get \ en more 'only ing is the Dc,111...I 1.'11 3: I silt' iris u eli linable to sate the nt it mined rate speu oh chuckles that S I () and go rent "Sau 2 Multiple musicians remake John Fahey songs from his classic repertoire By Ryan Sholin crosses inter w idiom DAILY STAFF WRITEI is amingfrom straight ahead snare to Eastern Fuse wars alter his death. John percussion. At certain mo WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF THIS SUMMER? Were searching for six Fahey cm lilt to Inspire the sort of modern guitarists who treat a molts on the tribute. diord played on an acoustic guitar Fahey s musk: tray el - adventuresome people to travel to Juneau, Alaska, earn the experiences of sit Ilk: stweial satm orin e% eny fat Iroin anything harmonic tone as if it is ere their resembling chronol a lifetime, and receive $2,500 for school. ogy Mat the listener loses all track of all% On "I Am the Resurrection,..

a no% Fahey tribute album on thing as unimpou ant and ephemeral Vanguard Records. producers M. as time. Ward and Steplwn Brower hint. Fahey 's ltuuis gathered an intimate gnnip of such drives the story Imes guitarists to explore and interpret inside the t Fahey 's music. "I Am the Resurrection- is Mind Thi,I'- for driving U11701101 CI( IRTESY OF VANGUARD REC0. worth the price of admission in, wilow hills (buil, Various ainsk collaborated on tribute album. hallo s iii.rld. but be warned, this at staying up by a album u If surely lead hsteners to late languishing lap steel guitar the bonfire or ilkit sounds collect more of his music. remembering old as il II %%ere composol riends. for Fahey was born in 103,4 and the end credits .4. a too -power At tiona_based tml movie set sonless bought his first guitar hit. SI rom (Wexler) plays here Mimi& I .cc Ranaldo ot some youth a Sears, Roebuck & cn, store in Fahc. "Dance of Death" as a takes I ,ilics ..sliscohlaitt 1952 after a fishing trip where ffienills debate that starts quietly tone poem 'I lie singing he heard an obscure tingerpicker by the bedside, then turns ugly. One named hrank Hovingtim. accord- parts"'woks till Into the woods, as )111(.1 ti,iiis1nl,ituls 11 11 7 S11,7%% I'jts apparently re..11.11 rig s.iiitirls (II) ing to the official John Fahey Web a creeping bass line, uhile the oth- and around the Hhurl' k is .. lirishttc site. er is Mt/Med liter Ins i %1Ccping Voices pass i's file nuchiphoite Fahey 's 111lIsie transcends the accordion. and intetninigle. hut tilninatels everyday while transcribing it. ex- There are signs 111 il i,uii c here the sound 01 is heels .11 pas salient plaining the wordless worlds of tr.x% as the youngei mnsicians furl carries the dm is bile chola' ,1112 thought most people drift in and low Fahey 's lead into more disso ers and thc it-ni spokcti hum Is nIH out of on a regular basis. Fahey nant spaces. the punctuate Ilic sr lip smith writes it down for us, strums it out Post-rockers Cul-De Sac do a hints ot the eternal. version of -The Portland Cement and stretches a story across mme- 1611.11,10 s interpretation is stub_ ments. Factory At Monolith. CA- that im- Projects include working on During off hours, enjoy hiking, titled " \ seleanth." is Melt he There is nothing temporary poses feedback hem y crashes into calls an "ancient prehistoric tish an actual product launch, fishing, bear watching ... a song otherwise pleasant about this music. It belongs to no enough that still hies in the depths 01 ihe representing the brewery at period, no genre and no nation. to he the soundtrack to a summer seas.- Applications must be received On Currituck picnic. public events and contributing (7o.'s "Medley: Fahey s music, like this rarely by March, 31, 2006 The month John Hurt Shiva Shankarah." gui- On "Joe Kirby Blues." seen animal, still su inns in the ris to brand strategies for 21 30 tarist Kevin Harker effortlessly m mergluck.Kaphan. ers of North \ iet tit.b occasionally long adventure begins June 18. switches year old consumers. between American folk Krummenacher and Hanes take a slim% ing sighs Me on recordings and an Indian raga 0% er a 1,cat that quieter approach. plaiing a drone like these. vs's/vv., t css r ly..cortrx

Online application and complete details at Efii&View our club review of Studio 8 in www, alaskanbeer. corn Friday's online edition. Applicants must be over 21 Click here tc, enter F ItS I \ 1 1.1:1WI \R\ 16, 2.006 A 4 -I \ RI AN 1).11-1. Linkin Park's Shinoda showcases Dem Franchize Boys put their new hip-hop project: Fort Minor own spin on Southern hip-hop Rap Singles with Jay -Z. s% rote e, By Jeremy Barousse By Evie Smith chart and is cry song. mied e%er DAIL% I,l WI(111_12 DAILY STAFF WRI ER currentl No track and pla) s most ot .i5 011 the Hot the instruments on the **Oh. I think I like them." The mune Mike Shinoda sounds Singles chart album. Dem Fr.inehlie lio)z dehNer familiar. but one usually can't according iiI "What I wanted I, heir vat n in ii 'ii Southern rap place It Until iii. joitied %% it h the ith their latest il him. "On lop Billboard name "Linkin Park," and then it do is make an albino ( ;aim. ele.i,ed coin conies together. that serves as 1111 illtel Ilan% e to the nip that Shinoda_ the rapping tromman 1st snigle. out there." Shitioda lie groundbreaking band I whin CD REVIEW 'Rock 55 a %%rote. "Hip hop right Park, has been the hip-hop ingredi I Call 'Al now is so key boat .1 ent in the group's uniquely blended Is dri en. I thought ii The Atlanta based foursome ciiiientl rock, rap and instrumental sound \%ould I he neweSt group to release :in .11 N, 2.5 on l'or the last Ii', c)ears. be nice to make an album that lmd mote bent under Jennaine Dirpri's So So It 1111,0.11d .S It was no surprise, then, to find cot .101 'r WARNER BOOS Dcf/Virgin label. Hot 100 of a feel. So. %%lien Ix" . o. ,IN HECORDS out that Shinoda has spread his mu Minor's newest album, "The Rising Tied." Jizzal Man, chart. sible. pla)ed et Parlae. Huddle and "On Top oh Out tops the billboard charts. sical wings and parented a hip-hop note by hand." rse gotten to pl(i ,t s entte that's l'impin produce 12 club-banging In the song side project entitled Fort Minor. 1 he album 1 caturcs .1 reink of is tracks of pla) tut rho ines ,ind catch) -Pimpitf states. -I ain't hal Joe In %k hat is ill be the last slop this intimate.- Shinotia rote. III It's 21104 hit "W' hite "I started thinking back to the Southern slang that sets lee" as a 1,111 Fort 1)1-H aside but snap ).i tingers and then ).1 at a 10 CH 1( 1111. Minor will According to Shi noda, Iii nus tiack produced l's time before I inkin Park. a hen I from other rap groups he pla)ing lie I illmore in San Minor's music and eller!,! Onstage today cart fiat-k pretty notch otO made hip hop." -On lop ot 1 he f ionic- con- I DI-Fi's skihliiil ly ries r lint a Both 11111.., 11.1% c ''II 10 CA (MC Francisco nest .tre different than !Ankh] Park's. tributes the trend) -snap music - shmoda wrote III an e MO "The Rising Tide- features hip "With Fort Minor. sic line II graphic picture of the streets of tone h -hop %as the Mat is ...Sidi Kling''hit of 1 lit' \ I larita "Hip Iasi t) pc of is like Atlanta and their raw lirest le. bile music fans. hop ails such as Common. John people. I-au+ !light the slims hip hop ,cetle music I ever listened to I he first Top or Oin and t'all ht. heard in I cgend. Sts les of Beyond. Holly a pail ii s :t ii tit energ and 'On I ionic.' Carries (Th the track. "ROM' lance clubs from 01,1..1 SiA.0.1C1 albums I got %%ere 'Rim DMrs sparse. Brix'', and Black Thought. lot at 1 en.- 'nlnn, (do ss rote. ahnost erupt) (hen Backs. Huddle brags. "I break 111,111 11111,1C ii islilade 1.1 'Raising Hell' and Beastie Ho s liege' snaps and elemental title run a red light dm in illegal in a 'lie had the opportunit,) to l-car not. heist?, Park lans. 111.111, A, 1 Ile mg Nang it% in's 'Licensed to he %%rote. "I .4 sour 1,1 chants. nice old school lloatin like dead nork wtilia lot or amazing people. this is not the end \\at« I he 55 luspei pat id think Fort Minor started v hen I The album features guest ap people. - and the tontine) to 1)e able to call %odic ii,uiitrt is 111111W2 group. Keeler's and !MI \ %%ould "I .111 began to k% %%hat it iusl,i. pearances in 'iii rap %eh:rails I !Wee On the song. -Freak sonic 01 them ins friends.- Sinnott' According to Sill I inkiii Park lath sound like lo bring it loll circle. to a, out Malia and Heti H as vt ell as Wallna featuring I res Si '1q2/. ss rote. is ,rkilit! on a iie%k album due I he traeks winner the point- j.iet hack i I is nsols. but ttsc ;III the Jim Jones and It& It singer Fro. the quark.' suggests w hat their idea he s Clines %%e'le pLo iii later this i eat lai eighties inspirml drums and loolS I has e learned 'nice then iekels Song/. lit sesy - m.ith liii \lino' are Imggey than hirl lleSt1.1) I .nrt M11101" isomirait %%0111(1 be %%hilt mei.' hooks that often come -The Rising Tide.' Fort Minor's I he Ins! single. "I I hink [hey Vkllat tie did back then. lint '110,, Call be purchased through lie track -( itie l" trout Soul hero rap. Dent Franc:Wit: first compact disc, hit stores last Ike 1,1i: 1- featuring la the 're still snlall enough to real I teketimistet. I he shim is Iii ill achics e respect train their listeners Hos rop of Our ( jam- is \ , ember. Is-Iinales Ii 11 rat and How Woe, see all the people's faces." hat's a 'tall', at Pim .1c11 .ts othet in the nth li-tar huts orlh mid should has been \ 'soinrida. who produced the CD nice thine. Ii'. been a is lide is ill lt- the toricert open,' Itillbotrds fop lit' ri thc list loi

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HIRING 10 PEOPLE BY FEB.28 Happy Fish bwirn ucllool LIFEGUARDS! Los Paseos Assor _; EMPLOYMENT Seeking smart fnencIty swim instructors to work with children and wknds May -Sept Dady-Joiie Aug $9 II t, CPA ceris rey TODAY'S adults Indoor heated pool open 7 days a week Pays $9 001 Aps avail wwwlphoa org On call Susan .4224 8880 DR'S OFFICE RECEPTIONIST M-W-F opt I Tues $13 00, ViR hr - $12 001 hr DOE Part Time Availability Fun Environment 9am to 5pm Bilingual Engl Span wanted Fax res 923-2433 Ph Friendly People Flexible/ Steady schedule works vvell with PIT 12-15 HRS SHIPPING Small business needs reliable CROSSWORD PUZZLE 923-0309 Comp skills needed school schedule Print application at detail onented person for shipping receiving ger warehouse DELIVERY DRIVERS Party rental business Perfect for students www SwimHappyf ish corn Isit, Ti's 10-3 (some flex in hours) EllIall resume IS, into,§ doggonegood corn (4081297-8644 ACROSS Earn up to $250 every weekend Must have reliable truck Heavy PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED lifting is required Call 408 292-7876 THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY We are currently hiring for Pr 1 Lamas' chants T positions We offer a great working environment with day & 4 Cancel a launch MOVIE EXTRAS, ACTORS, MODELS' Make 575-5250, FOR RENT day evening shifts for responsible & energetic people Apply in person 9 Got the trophy All ages and faces wanted' 2 30 to 4 00 Mon -Wed We are located in San Pedro Square '2 Worry too much No Exp Required FT, PT X -LARGE-2BD-2-BLOCKS '3 Passoont 800-851-6131 NEED A JOB??? Clanty Capital Group is a competitive mortgage FROM SJSU 14 ACTION DAY NURSERY/PRIMARY PLUS seeking Infant. business located in San Jose off of First St with easy access 2bd apartment y 'Of shy-lents 16 ,.. toddler & Preschool Teachers & Aides Fr T & P. T positions from the lightrail We re searching for motivated individuals roommates" Great hum Plan' x'lattie 5 ,,i1eiS on premrsis Bauy .inger available Substitute positions are also avail that offer flexible hrs interested in learning real estate and the mortgage field This is a ECE units are redd for teacher positions but not Parking available" Only $1.050, mo may won!, ,vith you on Me req d for Aide great money making opportunity Bilingual is 8 plus although not deposit" 14081378-1409 positions Excellent opportunity for Child Development majors required Part-time and full-time positions are available Please Please call Cathy for an interview e2 244-1968 X16 or fax res call Kyle 14081644-4925 or email kyleeclanlycaptalgroup com 2BC0/1.5BA-1/2 BLK TO SJSU On 9th Parking Laundry Quiet (0 248-7433 if interested 51095 408 309-9554 DAYCARE TEACHERS. K-81h school seeks responsible SKILLS COACH: PT/FT Rewarding career in Social Serv working WALK TO SCHOOLI 1BDRM/I BA Apt Quiet buuding 2 blocks individuals for extended daycare P: T afternoons No ECE units 23 Ventures w adults with devlopmntal disabils Community Catalysts 553- from SJSU 5850/mo includes covered parking $800 deposit req d Previous childcare cop a must Please call 248-2464 0960 or fax res to 553-0965 Contact Jackie (4081999-0799 25 Least narrow WELCOME BACK SPARTANS! Local valet company needs 26 Not prudent enthilsiastic & energetic team players to work at nearby malls HOUSING FOR YOU AT THE SJSU INT E R NAT i0 N L HOUSE' 29 Temple city hospitals private events & country clubs FTiPT avail We will RECREATION LEADERS 'A'e offer 'Housing for American & Intemahonal Students 'An of Japan woik around your school schedule Must have clean DMV and Looking for Recreation Leaders to work in school age childcare intercultural experience with international students 'One semester 31 Reeves be able to drive manual transmission vehicles Lots of fun & earn centers in Los Gatos & Saratoga Mon -Fn afternoons after 2pm contract 'Computer lab, study room & student kitchen "Wreless of The Matrix' good money Call (408) 593-4332 or (408)867-7275 and Mon / Wed afternoons after 12pm $9 61" hr-511 32 hr ,nternet access 'A safe. fnendly & home-like environment 'Various 32 Squint at DOWN 32 Major-leaguers Chocolat,' 34 Turn white SWIM TEACHERS? Year round program indoor pool Expenence depending upon expenence Please contact Kathy at 354-8700 cultural activities 'Parking (also, rented to non-residentsi We 33 Rotated cookie 35 Where to earn with children a must Teaching expenence not required AM/PM, eet 245 or by email at kathy@lgsrecreation org are currently accepting applications The International House is 37 Screw things up a B A 'Alt shifts available Email resume to sdavisaavac us *cared Et 360 So 111h Street If you are interested or have 38 Share 2 What s available TELEPHONE SURVEYORS: The Survey & Policy Research further questions please call 924-6570 41 Literary collection 3 Double ihyph 36 Nothing. NOWHIRINGI If you are looking for a job. we can help' Register with Inst is hiring Spanish speakers and other callers with impeccable 42 Bar mixer 4 Globe to Pedro SpartaSystem (the Career Center s online career management English who can be easily understood by respondents Must be 44 Highland lake 5 Errand 39 Burn soother tool) and access over 800 job listings on SpartaJOBS. the Career available 4-9 pm weekdays Part-time on-campus. $10-12 hr SERVICES 45 Not yet expired 6 Wand wds Center s official job and internship bank Its easy visit us at www 40 Happening Contact sprijobs@gmail corn or 14081924-6993 SMILE CHOICE DENTAL PLAN (includes cesinetici 56900 47 Wade 7 Provo's place careercenter sjsu edu sign in and search SpartaJOBSI 43 Has dreams per year Save 30,60 .r info call 1-800-655-3225 or www 49 Swiss lake 8 Mechanic's 46 Wntes back ABCOM PRIVATE SECURITY Security-All Hrs 247 PT FT SKILLS COACH: PT/FT Work with adults with developmental studentdental corn or www goldenwestdental corn 50 Stew with crust specialty 48 Perjure Possible Commute Recptionst, Schduler-Eve PT (408,247- disabilities Community Catalysts 553-0960 or fax res to 553. 53 Fish stories 9 Oddballs 4827 0965 PROFESSIONAL EDITING For your paper or dissertation $5 Accomplish, 10 Vintage tune 49 Cloudier Experienced Efficient with APA &Chicago styles 57 Sleeve style 11 Has to have 50 Felt boots GROOMER'S ASST/KENNEL HELP needed for small exclusive Exact Familiar ESL ,s a specialty or Evagrace@aol corn 61 'Mask- star 12 Hop a let 51 Yellow pigment shop & kennel P T tues-Sat Must be reliable. honest & able to PART PART-TIME WORK! 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Al/11 1.1( 11 l'ti' elienthre 'mete timer m WAIL Mid le.teu 'hi 111.11t. rl 1111, III I.1 in I 11 11, . makes no claim for croducts or services advertised above 11/0 1,111 ui 0 r III IA 4(1 I% if, upp,, ,, , or, Illu 10 21 \ 00.00000 01 110. III it I- 1..11111..1 guarantee implied The classified columns of 1,04 nor is there any 1111 \ \ 1 A the Spartan Daily consist of paid advertising and offering are f),141110 0 il,..,, approved or verified by the newspaper SIISISIl Si 1111r1 I Isl 1-Ss`.41.11.1/.211.) l. 111, I . I: NI I Si.," ,1 .1,...,1, II 001.1, 1-111, 1110.11 I 0.1 VIP ulf ..m -. A 111 10 111A-1 - 4, 1.11.11 %IOW 'NAL I eA1 II 1111 All 1 /1 1,1 11 ...,... As, PIUPUI I1 ill" 0:1 1 lull 1,0,0,1 1 NI I .1,S.Utl 110-1.%10 Om I kill iltIll II'' . A001,1. 'so avis sill ci tre 18 11 110 if 111 11(11

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S \\ \II \ NEWS 1111 RSDAY II:131(1'1R% 16, 2006

HORIZON - Some workshops Walk the line... taught by SJSU faculty

continued from page 1

1)NA.- lead by zi gnup itgraduate students f rota Stanford no ersuy. till go %% omen the opportunity to ex- tra. I ill study DNA nom fruits. Another is orkshop. "Ephalunips and Witt/les. lead is Kaiser Pei manente Medical Center I fploinetrist Skint is ill teach soung %%omen about ,,cular disease, it tiles dissect It s 111:111 tses \% hen iou 'mica group ol is aand gill, together. the lust m lake 0% cr. so the girls %sow laic the opportunity to taunt:mate in the actis said Ihalal Nnagnos. conlerence Li iordinator and S.ISI engineet mg tirofessor. She said that tine of the purposes of the conference is it, Moss young Si I mien It, experience the opportunities that often tills, in the classroom, According to A nagnos, there are seseral possible rea II' ii lit a Illicit ire neglecting to pursue careers m these held, Peel to be "one of the girls.- subtle me, ,,t2es 21 ell Ia le;ICIlets. the media and tither outside inn'', ences all 'hoc Ole iii CI to discourage %% omen from cuts 1112 such cared paths I he Honions program isn't lust de laftwaftimeur_ signed !or 5 11112 ii men -- I here are also Sill? kshor, open ZACII BEECHER / SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Ill parents. a graduate student majoring in electrical engineering, walks in the labyrinth on the third floor of the Student Uni on. he thinking behind this is that the parentshitt lit' .1 C01111/Z111 1112 their daughters can attend some of the %sink shops because ifeople need support from adults and parents. Viet said. These adult is oils shops has e beca 'tire popular among .111 'nor high and high school teachers as well. I he teachers get %cry excited au t nit some of these mess SJSU news in brief: PG&E makes donation to CSU students techniques that are taught in the workshops,- Anagnos said.

I I ICA c.111 see 1011 It ellilligeS the is ,is that their students leant and hi it rites get esened ,iboin the material.' sl alottati llll for scholarships per it it acad.:mit: pert ornitime and outstanding i 01(111102F community scr- It attempting to make the ssorkshops interesting. the s ice.- said i.ori Redfearn. director of system-wide ads ancement. orking a till the Expanding lour Horizons pro lie t .1111,1 I11.1 I oundatton for Future Scholars re- Students are awarded the scholarship based on acmlemie performance and lCC. h"l'e ill C110'1,1ll!!C 5011111 ill Math. ceived a donation ',1 sS0 ir, sir f to help fund the William eominimit 'en ii I ritacc ,A,%,tid itt I birstanding Adm.% einem a, SelelleC 11111.1 CIllgtilee11112 1..110rutes ctrl\ 10 0101 12110/..i111 10i. Randolph HearstI hit- goal isn't to leach* Mon math or seleliCe.0111- 20al cording to a press ielease put Anil 11) the of lice al me I st I banceitoi Book of condolences is to get them excited about it ,ind make them %s ant to learn 'rile :maid recognites students who demonstime lilIltii 1.11 need. 511 more.- Wei said. peritir academic perfoi mance and outstanding lill1Illeel’eii11111111110 sal I fining the month of Jebruaty. community members can sign a ktok of I he Expandint..i. Your Ifori/ons Nemo'', \kits toumled vice, the press release said. etuklitlencos to commemorate the recent death of 'orretta Scott King at in the Ha Area nearly 30 years .12,, hat its purpasse ha, According to the press release. If) scholarships Si ill be granted it, I'st the I hr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint library, according to a statement on gained tiation-iside attention. The nem ork currently lit dd., students or the 21 10b, 200- school ear. One student ss ill yet:lie ShON) the Nall Slate Vali% eNity Web site. King, the w he of slain et% il rights conferences in 30 states throughout the country. ii hile the tetit.rj 111112 IS l\ ill eilell receive scholarships sabred at S3.000 leader Dr Martin I tither King Jr.. died Jan. 30 at the age of 78. 'I lie Ist appreciate, the Pacific (his and Electric ( *ompany for theii The King Center in the libraiy is ill gist the hook to the famil>. the donation that us ill help financially needy students is ho demonstrate su Web site said. [ Your ad here: call 924-3270

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