The School of Liberal Arts Philosophy
School of Liberal Arts: Philosophy more specialized tracks within the major: Law, Morality, and The School of Liberal Arts Society; and Language, Mind, and Knowledge. Philosophy STANDARD MAJOR Office: 105 Newcomb Hall For the standard major in philosophy the specific course Phone: 504-865-5305 requirements are: the two course sequence in the history of Fax: 504-862-8714 philosophy (201, 202); one course in logic (106, 121, or 304, with Website: 121 or higher strongly recommended); one course in ethics (103, 105, 260, 334, 351, 355, 356, 358, 364, 365, 385, H499, H500, Professors 604, 613, 615, 625, 629, 652, 654, 674, 675, or 676). At least two Radu J. Bogdan, Ph.D., Stanford of the remaining courses must be at the 600 level. No more than three of the required nine courses can be at the 100 level. Ronna C. Burger, Ph.D., New School for Social Research (chair) CONCENTRATION IN LAW, MORALITY, AND SOCIETY Gerald Gaus, Ph.D., Pittsburgh For the concentration in Law, Morality, and Society the specific Eric M. Mack, Ph.D., Rochester course requirements are: the two course sequence in classics of Jonathan Riley, D. Phil, Oxford political philosophy (211, 212); one course in critical thinking or logic (106 or 121); five other courses in ethics, political philosophy Richard Velkley, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University (The Celia or the philosophy of law (103, 105, 260, 334, 351, 355, 356, 358, Scott Weatherhead Distinguished Professor of Philosophy) 364, 365, 385, H499, H500, 604, 613, 615, 625, 629, 651, 652, Associate Professors 654, 674, 675, 676); one course outside of these areas at the 300 level or above.
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