04.02.2006 ISSUE 16 Catch the Resurgence, page 4 Movies Galore, pages 5 & 11 A Welcome To First-time Readers 1401 NW Leary Way Seattle, WA 98107 Vox Pop is the “Voice of the People” known as Mars Hill Church. Mars Hill is a church based in the greater Seattle 206.706.6641 area. Weekly Sundays gatherings are in Shoreline and Ballard, and events, activities and small groups meet throughout www.marshillchurch.org the week. If you visit us on a Sunday, stop by any Information Desk for a casual introduction to our church community. For more information, teaching, music, and more visit our website at www.marshillchurch.org. If you have additional questions, email
[email protected]. April 02, 2006 Administration Pastor James Harleman Production Andrew Myers Letters to Vox Pop Layout & Design Nicholas Francisco Lead Writers Ryan Brett Maybe video games and “cussing” aren’t so great after all... Amity Egge Photography Editor Erin Silva Game Over saying everyone has to play videogames—for some, they are Copy Editor Matthew Winslow an addiction or deterrent to God.” The point Kennedy makes Mr. Kennedy, is that Paul did not dismiss their idols outright; he entered Cover: Photo by Rick James In your recent article, “Games and Theology” (February the conversation strategically and first demonstrated that 2006), you stated many things that I strongly felt were wrong. he had paid attention to their idols and poetry, even though Although I agree that we should not ignore the culture, I disagree these things ultimately depict a life without hope. This TABLE OF CONTENTS with many if not all of your other statements.