SPOK l s> SiiLiilON Pie fttf Part 5—4 Page* WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26, 1933. Cronin Enthused Over Hill Prospects : Venzke Finally Outspeeds Cunningham A Magnate Now A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. —By TOM DOERER EX-STAR OF ATHLETICS MOVES TO . QUI! SELLS SOX, NOSES OUT MAN; /OWDO | gTsKW FOLKS'- 6f?£AT 60*S, < FAILURE IN 1 RUN A. BEMOANS i METER 6rr a momkey Much Expected of Stewart, Assures Boston That Million- ^(jrT F©* "tfW World Mark Set in &*&y! Whitehill—Power Seen in aire Yawley and Ed Collins A Metcalfe Wins—Five Other Catching Staff. Are Worthy Owners. Records Posted.

BY TOM DOERER. BY BILL KING. BY ALAN GOULD, Associated Press Writer. Miss., February 25.— Sports Associated Press Sports Editor. OSTON. February 25.—After YORK, February 25.— The Duke of Washington the Boston base apologizing to Two smashing, breath- and his -shortstop, ball public for his failure to BILOXI, taking finishes in which , began peeping achieve his ambitions for the! NEW Metcalfe of Mar- Into the crystal this afternoon in , Bob Quinn today sold Ralph the club to Thomas A. Yawkey, 30-year- I dethroned the indoor an effort to see Uxf<6$ RELATWeS quette sprint where this aggre- old New York multi-millionaire, and a MjfflflIr V Detroit MM\sse.S, king, of New gation of pitchers and catchers is son of a former owner of the Tigers. CA-rce-rr, calvercom Orleans, at 60 meters, and Gene headed. as presi- Yawkey will succeed Quinn /rt»0£AND REfAIA46roM Venzke of Pennsylvania turned The duke, of course, is Uncle dent of the last-place American League AMO, club and will be assisted by Edward