Did you know… Reducing infant mortality rate is a key priority for ? Background § An independent Infant Mortality Commission (IMC) was set up in 2004 to investigate why some of the babies born in the Bradford district die during their first year of life. § This enabled an in depth analysis to be undertaken on White and Pakistani mothers, two groups of women of different ethnic origins where numbers were sufficient to enable significant differences to be detected. The size of the problem in Bradford § High levels of infant and child mortality § Between 60-70 infants die each year § High levels of infant mortality particularly in some wards: , and all in Bradford City CCG also high levels in Central, Windhill and , , , Manningham, Eccleshill, , Bowling and § Link to deprivation – impact of welfare reform and increasing levels of deprivation across the district Causes of infant deaths

§ Analysis of the causes of infant deaths over recent years has demonstrated a strong link with deprivation across the whole population. § Across Bradford District the range of risk factors which include pre -term birth, young teenage motherhood, smoking, alcohol and substance misuse are greater within the White Population § In the Pakistani population greater risks include low birth weight and congenital anomalies compared to the rest of the population. Infant Mortality Rate by Quintiles of Deprivation in Bradford


12 Most deprived

10 2nd most deprived 8

6 3rd most deprived

4 2nd least deprived RateRateperper 10001000 livelive births births 2

0 Least deprived 1993-1997 1994-1998 1995-1999 1996-2000 1997-2001 1998-2002 1999-2003 2000-2004 2001-2005 2002-2006 2003-2007 2004-2008 2005-2009

• For 2005-09, babies twice as likely to die in the most deprived areas compared to least deprived areas. For 2000-04 babies were 9 times more likely to die in deprived areas compared to least deprived areas. •This is attributable to both a decrease in rates for the most deprived and an increase in rates for the least deprived. Key Objectives The six policy objectives on which action is required if inequalities are to be reduced are: § Give every child the best start in life § Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives (through developing well, living well and ageing well) § Create fair employment and good work for all; § Ensure a healthy standard of living for all; § Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities; § Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention. What are we doing? Key actions to reduce infant mortality in Bradford Recommendation 1: Poverty and socioeconomic status Recommendation 2 : Housing Recommendation 3a : Nutrition Recommendation 3b : Breastfeeding Recommendation 4 : Maternity services Recommendation 5 : Emotional and social support Recommendation 6a : Smoking cessation Recommendation 6b : Drug and Alcohol harm reduction Recommendation 7 : Community genetics awareness Recommendation 8 : Publicity and information sharing Recommendation 9 : Monitoring Recommendation 10 : Future Research Progress: Infant Mortality Rate

Infant Mortality Rate; 3 year rolling figures, NHS Bradford and Years 2006-2008 2007-2009 2008-2010 2009-2011 Number 204 207 205 192 Rate per 1,000 live 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.5 births

The latest published data shows a further reduction in infant mortality rates to 7.5 per 1000 live births (2009- 2011) which follows a year in year downward trend for the last five years. Infant Mortality Rate Bradford 3 year rolling averages Examples of Achievements

• Baby friendly breastfeeding • Nutrition guidelines • Vitamin D campaigns & healthy start • Smoking in pregnancy – CO monitors • Genetic inheritance awareness • Born in Bradford links • Child death overview Panel Contact details

Dr Shirley Brierley Consultant in Public Health [email protected] Ruksana Sardar-Akram Senior Public Health Manager [email protected] 5th Floor, Jacob’s Well, Nelson Street, Bradford, BD1 5RW Tel:01274 432352