Daniel Silva | 752 pages | 25 Jul 2011 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780451209306 | English | New York, United States The Unlikely Spy by Sarah Woodbury

While some of The Unlikely Spy characters and events are fictional, the book is based on the real-life attempt by the Allies to use British intelligence to cover up the true plans for D-Day. The deception plan was called Operation Fortitudeand Double Cross also played a role. Specifically, the book has a The Unlikely Spy a subset of Fortitude referred to as Fortitude South. Catherine's aid is Horst Neumann, a former lieutenant in the paratroopers and later on in the Abwehr, a trained assassin. Some little failures help Alfred Vicary to reveal her true identity. So he devises and carries out his plan of Double Cross. The basic idea of it is that after uncovering the German spy Catherine Blake, instead of capturing and imprisoning her, the British Intelligence provides her with false documents which she accepts as information she seeks. Then she sends the content of those papers through other spies to Germany, and so the German Spy agencies are being deceived without having the least idea of it. The story ends with depiction of the night Catherine tries to escape from Britain. If she could have fled she would be able to tell all she knew about British Intelligence agents and their Double Cross operation, and maybe Germans would understand that they had been The Unlikely Spy all the time. But Catherine does not manage to escape The Unlikely Spy is killed by the fire laid down by the British martial ship. The Germans, therefore, remain ignorant of the secret they tried to reveal and this causes their defeat in World War II. Scott Veale, writing for the New York The Unlikely Spycalled the book a "strictly a connect-the-dots adventure" and criticised its length and style. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. His physical fitness and lone-wolf attitude brought him to the attention of the Fallschirmjager, the paratroopers. He was sent to paratroop school at Stendhal and jumped into Poland on the first ady of the war. France, Crete, and Russia followed. Novels by . The Unlikely Spy Hidden categories: All The Unlikely Spy articles. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes The Unlikely Spy file. Download as PDF Printable version. First edition US. CrimeMysteryThriller. The Mark of the Assassin. This article about a World War II novel is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. This article about a historical novel of the s is a stub. This article about a spy novel of the s The Unlikely Spy a stub. The Unlikely Spy | Daniel Silva

The Nazis, however, have also chosen an unlikely agent. Catherine Blake is the beautiful widow of a war hero, a hospital volunteer—and a Nazi spy under direct orders from Hitler: uncover the Allied plans for D-Day Will Nazi spies escape from Britain with Allied plans for the imminent invasion of Normandy? As history tells us, obviously not--so the challenge for veteran journalist and CNN producer Silva in his first novel is to brew up enough intrigue and tension to make readers forget the obvious. While Silva employs multiple characters and settings, his key players are an English counterintelligence officer and a beautiful Nazi spy. Alfred Vicary is an academic recruited to work for MI5. The intelligence reports he fabricates and sends to Germany are designed to persuade the Nazis that their utterly compromised spy network, the Abwehr, is still fully operational. MI5 learns, however, that the Abwehr has been keeping a few sleeper operatives under deep cover throughout the war. Now they pose a serious threat to the invasion plans. One of these operatives is Catherine Blake, a ruthless assassin and spy. Her assignment is to become romantically involved with Peter Jordan, an American engineer working The Unlikely Spy a top-secret D-Day project. Will Vicary be able to stop her? Silva's characters are strong; but, despite occasional bursts of high suspense and a body count to remember, his overall pacing is uneven, and most readers won't forget that D-Day succeeded. The final plot twist, moreover, while unpredictable, seems more logical than shocking. Silva's debut will find an audience among devoted readers of WWII The Unlikely Spy, and deservedly so, but he's not yet on a par with such masters of the genre as Ken Follett, The Unlikely Spy Harris and Jack Higgins. Meticulously researched, planned in detail with plots within plots. Full of espionage, intrigue and high octane action I consumed the content in less than week. Daniel Silva is a great writer. His descriptions place you at the scene and his prose exchange between the characters makes you feel intricately involved. I have long been a lover of Daniel Silva books but going back to this early work surprised me as how exceptional it was. The Unlikely Spy read! I've read all of Silva's books beginning with his second. This, his first, had eluded me for years. I was thus excited to read it, and fortunately, it did not disappoint. His writing style was not yet perfected, as it was in later novels, but it was still obvious and impressive. The richness of The Unlikely Spy writing and the intricacies of the The Unlikely Spy were captivating. Character development superb. Silva is a master, his books a source of enjoyment. His later books have suffered from becoming somewhat formulaic, but this one was unique in its structure, not to mention its characters drawn from World War II. Highly recommended. Publisher Description. Customer Reviews See All. . . The Unlikely Spy Black Widow. . . . The Unlikely Spy by Daniel Silva

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read The Unlikely Spy Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other The Unlikely Spy. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. August Prince Hywel has called all the bards of Wales to him for a music festival to mark the third anniversary of his The Unlikely Spy over Ceredigion. He has invited all the lords of Wales too, including his father, his uncle, and his neighbor to the south, King Cadell. But with the highborn also come the low: thieves, spies, and other hangers-on. And when a murderer strikes August And when a murderer strikes as the festival starts, The Unlikely Spy and Gwen are charged with discovering his identity--before the death of a peasant shakes the throne of a king. Get A Copy. Kindle Editionpages. Published June 17th first published June 11th More The Unlikely Spy Gareth and Gwen Medieval Mysteries 5. Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Unlikely Spyplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 28, Meri rated it it was amazing. Great book!!! I've been reading Sarah Woodbury's books for about a year now. The Unlikely Spy stories are always amazing. The cliffhanger on this one makes you want The Unlikely Spy fast forward time til the next book is released. May 25, Bethany Swafford rated it really liked it Shelves: kindle. Prince Hywel has called for a musical festival, inviting all the bards in the land, The Unlikely Spy father, his uncle, and King Cadell to come to Ceredigion. Just as the festival is about to begin, a body is found in a millpond. Gwen, Gareth, and Hywel's brother Rhun stand ready to chase the clues down to find a murderer. The Unlikely Spy they find along with the man's identity is a tangled web of treachery. The past really comes into play in this book. It was interesting to follow Rhun for I think the first time in t Prince Hywel has called for a musical festival, inviting The Unlikely Spy the bards in the land, his father, his uncle, and King Cadell to come to Ceredigion. It was interesting to follow Rhun for I think the first time in the series. As the oldest son of King Owain, he has many responsibilities The Unlikely Spy his shoulders and he has his own strengths to lend to solving the mystery. Gwen is not as free to chase clues as she once was with a toddler to be looked after. Gareth's actions as Hywel's man means The Unlikely Spy could be a target, and he chafes at the guards who stay by his side at times. The mystery was a good, with a tangled plot to be unraveled. There were many names tossed around that it became a bit confusing to keep everyone straight. My biggest complaint is that it felt as though the story was left incomplete, with a bit of a cliffhanger. Still, it is well paced and, of course, I adore Gareth and Gwen. I look forward ot seeing how the next book plays out. Jun 28, Paula rated it it was amazing. Another Enjoyable Puzzle The stories this series tell continue to be intriguing and fun to read I am enjoying them all in a row. These books are The Unlikely Spy quick read with characters I am continuing to care more about I do not believe I will ever 'get" the Welsh These The Unlikely Spy wonderful books. I am beginning among to feel as if I am Another Enjoyable Puzzle The stories this series tell continue to be intriguing and fun to read I am beginning among to feel as if I am there observing everything "up close and in person". I would recommend this series to adults and teens everywhere. Apr 07, Tanja Glavnik rated it The Unlikely Spy liked it. The only reason I docked a star was because of how confused I was feeling about a third into the book as all the The Unlikely Spy were being thrown about, everyone was lying, and people kept going back and forth. Overall, however, Gareth and Gwen remain a power couple, and I'm now looking forward how we deal with war in the following book. Also, Hywel - there is a MILLION ways The only reason I docked a star was because of how confused I was feeling about a third into the book as all the names were being thrown about, everyone was lying, and people kept going back and forth. I don't think you want to see any one of those come true in any way, shape or form! Apr 17, Kelly Martin rated it it was amazing Shelves: e- bookfictionhistorical-novelmystery. One if my favourite series. A good story of The Unlikely Spy and music set in 12 century Wales. Dec 03, Heather added it. Keeps you guessing! Mar 05, Rebekah Adams rated it it was amazing. The beauty of the welsh lands and the thrill of a mystery. Gwen and Garett never disappoint! Apr 25, Patricia rated it it was amazing. I enjoy this series. I am absorbed in the stories and with the characters. On to the next book in the series. Oct 26, Bruce rated it liked it The Unlikely Spy historical-fiction. I am not a fan of mysteries, but anything Sarah Woodbury writes, I like! Mar 08, Voirrey rated it it was amazing Shelves: detectivehistorical-novels. I do love the way that things that happen in one book have an effect in another, and so the characters become more and more real. The relationships between King Owain and his sons and between Hywel and Rhun themselves develop here, and it is interesting to see more of The Unlikely Spy this time. The music festival is an interesting part of the story, and the tangled web of both Welsh and English The Unlikely Spy again provides a fascinating backdrop to what at first appears to be a fairly straightforward death of a I do love the way that things that happen in one book have an effect in another, and so the characters become more and more real. The music festival is an interesting part of the story, and the tangled web of both Welsh and English politics again provides a fascinating backdrop to what at first appears to be a fairly straightforward death of a not very important person. The realities of motherhood again are not forgotten, either. We leave this book with a sense of fear for the characters we have come to know, as it looks as if war is The Unlikely Spy the horizon. Aug 26, Bron rated it really liked it Shelves: in-the-kindletime-past. I've enjoyed this whole series so far, not least because Gwen and Gareth are very The Unlikely Spy characters and it's interesting to read how their lives progress. But out of them all, this one feels a bit unfinished, they solve the process of the murder but it somehow feels that the depths of the motive have not yet been The Unlikely Spy. I'm hoping that's because there's going to be a sequel which will reveal more. This is also the first one in which I've felt some sympathy for the 'body' and I would have lik I've enjoyed this whole series so far, The Unlikely Spy least because Gwen and Gareth are very likeable characters and it's interesting to read how their lives progress. This is also the first one in which I've felt some sympathy for the 'body' and I would have liked to have seen a bit more about his life and thoughts, rather than just getting it second hand from companions who didn't seem to value him very much. The Unlikely Spy 21, Alison rated it liked it Shelves: fictionhistorical-fictioncrime. Look, some of the plotholes in this one were big enough to drive a truck through, The Unlikely Spy the writing remains nothing to get excited about, but as a journey through the worlds of the middle classes and the poor, this book holds enough interest to make it worthwhile. Another key strength is the background, but constant, understanding of how Gwen's relative freedoms are further curtailed by children. I can't defend the plot though.