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December [730 Kb*] ELLLLIGIGEEN TTE NCC INN E I A L A L G AA G E R R E N T T N C N N C Y E Y E C C U U A N N A C I IT C I T E RI R E D S E E D S TAT F A MAM TATEESSO OF Directorate of Intelligence Chiefs ofState& CabinetMembers OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS A DIRECTORY DI CS 2012-12 Supercedes DI CS 2012-11 December 2012 Chiefs ofState& CabinetMembers OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS A DIRECTORY Information received as of 3 December 2012 has been used in preparation of this directory. DI CS 2012-12 Supercedes DI CS 2012-11 December 2012 PREFACE The Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical, some of them not officially recognized by the United States. Regimes with which the United States has no diplomatic exchanges are indicated by the initials NDE. Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each country’s name. The spelling of the personal names in this directory follows transliteration systems generally agreed upon by US Government agencies, except in the cases in which officials have stated a preference for alternate spellings of their names. NOTE: Although the head of the central bank is listed for each country, in most cases he or she is not a Cabinet member. Ambassadors to the United States and Permanent Representatives to the UN, New York, have also been included. iii KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Adm. Admiral Govt. Government Admin. Administrative, Administration Intl. International Asst. Assistant Lt. Lieutenant Brig. Brigadier Maj. Major Capt. Captain Mar. Marshal Cdr. Commander Min. Minister, Ministry Chmn. Chairman NDE No Diplomatic Exchange Col. Colonel Org. Organization Del. Delegate Pres. President Dep. Deputy Prof. Professor Dept. Department RAdm. Rear Admiral Dir. Directory Ret. Retired Div. Division Rev. Reverend Dr. Doctor Sec. Secretary Fd. Mar. Field Marshal Sr. Senior Fed. Federal VAdm. Vice Admiral Gen. General VMar. Vice Marshal iv A Afghanistan Pres. ................................................................................................................. Hamid KARZAI First Vice Pres. ................................................................................................ Mohammad FAHIM Khan Second Vice Pres. ........................................................................................... Abdul Karim KHALILI Min. of Agriculture, Irrigation, & Livestock .................................................. Mohammad Asif RAHIMI Min. of Border & Tribal Affairs ..................................................................... Min. of Commerce & Industry ....................................................................... Anwar Ul-Haq AHADY Min. of Communications ................................................................................ Amirzai SANGIN Min. of Counternarcotics ................................................................................ ZARAR Ahmad Moqbel Osmani Min. of Defense .............................................................................................. BISMULLAH Muhammadi Khan Min. of Economy ............................................................................................ Abdul Hadi ARGHANDIWAL Min. of Education ........................................................................................... Faruq WARDAK Min. of Energy & Water ................................................................................. Ismail KHAN Min. of Finance ............................................................................................... Omar ZAKHILWAL Min. of Foreign Affairs ................................................................................... Zalmay RASSOUL, Dr. Min. of Hajj & Islamic Affairs ....................................................................... Mohammad Yusuf NIAZI Min. of Health ................................................................................................. Suraya DALIL, Dr. Min. of Higher Education ............................................................................... Obaidullah OBAID Min. of Information & Culture ....................................................................... Sayed Makhdum RAHIN Min. of Interior ............................................................................................... Ghulam Mujtaba PATANG, Lt. Gen. Min. of Justice ................................................................................................. Habibullah GHALEB Min. of Martyred, Disabled, Labor, & Social Affairs .................................... Amena AFZALI Min. of Mines ................................................................................................. Wahidullah SHAHRANI Min. of Public Works ...................................................................................... Najibullah AAZHANG Min. of Refugees & Repatriation .................................................................... Jamahir ANWARI Min. of Rural Rehabilitation & Development ................................................ Wais BARMACK Min. of Transportation .................................................................................... Daoud Ali NAJAFI, Dr. Min. of Urban Development ........................................................................... Hassan ABDULHAI Min. of Women’s Affairs ................................................................................ Hasan Bano GHAZANFAR National Security Adviser ............................................................................... Rangin Dadfar SPANTA Dir. Gen., National Directorate of Security .................................................... Asadullah KHALID Governor, Da Afghanistan Bank .................................................................... Noorullah DELAWARI Ambassador to the US .................................................................................... Eklil Ahmad HAKIMI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ........................................... Zahir TANIN Albania Pres. ................................................................................................................. Bujar NISHANI Prime Min. ...................................................................................................... Sali BERISHA Dep. Prime Min. .............................................................................................. Edmond HAXHINASTO Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Consumer Protection ....................................... Genc RULI Min. of Culture, Tourism, Youth, & Sports .................................................... Aldo BUMCI Min. of Defense .............................................................................................. Arben IMAMI Min. of Economy, Trade, & Energy ............................................................... Edmond HAXHINASTO Min. of Education & Science .......................................................................... Myqerem TAFAJ Min. of Environment, Forestry, & Water Management ................................. Fatmir MEDIU Min. of Finance ............................................................................................... Ridvan BODE Min. of Foreign Affairs ................................................................................... Edmond PANARITI Min. of Health ................................................................................................. Vangjel TAVO Min. of Innovation, Technology, & Communications .................................... Genc POLLO Min. of Integration .......................................................................................... Majlinda BREGU Min. of Interior ............................................................................................... Flamur NOKA Min. of Justice ................................................................................................. Eduard HALIMI Min. of Labor, Social Issues, & Equal Opportunity ....................................... Spiro KSERA Min. of Public Works,Transportation, & Telecommunications ..................... Sokol OLLDASHI Governor, Bank of Albania ............................................................................. Ardian FULLANI Ambassador to the US .................................................................................... Gilbert GALANXHI Permanent Representative to the UN, New York ........................................... Ferit HOXHA 1 Algeria Pres. ................................................................................................................. Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA Prime Min. ...................................................................................................... Abdelmakek SELLAL Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development .................................................... Rachid BENAISSA Min. of Commerce .......................................................................................... Mustapha BENBADA Min. of Communication .................................................................................. Mohamed Oussaid BELAID Min. of Culture ............................................................................................... Khalida TOUMI Min. of Energy & Mining ............................................................................... Youcef YOUSFI Min. of Finance ............................................................................................... Karim DJOUDI Min. of Fisheries
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