Proposed Residential Building Project


Survey No. 142 Hissa No.1,2(pt),4 , S.No 143, Hissa No10,11B,12, S.No.

144, Hissa No3 & 4 , S. No. 166 Hissa No.0, S. No. 167 Hissa

No.1(pt),2, S. No. 168 Hissa No.0, S. No. 172 Hissa No.7, S. No. 174 Hissa No.15, Village Atgaon, Taluka Shahapur, District .


M/s Poddar Habitat Pvt. Ltd.

Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane







Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane


Annexure I : Proposed Area Statement.

Annexure II : Solid Waste Management

Annexure III : Water Supply & Wastewater Management

Annexure IV : Environmental Management Plan



Plate I : Map showing surrounding features within 5 Km.

Plate II : Map showing surrounding features within 500 m.

Plate III : Proposed site – Location Plan & Block Plan


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

APPENDIX – I FORM – I (I) Basic Information: Sr. Item Details No. 1. Name of the Project/s Residential building Project 2. S. No. in the Schedule 8(b) 3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be Plot Area – 69240.00 Sq. m. handles/command area/lease area/number of Permissible Built up Area – 70628.40 Sq. m. wells to be drilled Proposed Built up Area – 70497.52 Sq. m Total Construction Area (Fungible + Non Fungible area) – 96216.75 Sq. m Please refer to Annexure I for Detailed Area Statement. 4. New/Expansion/Modernization New 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. - 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category ‘B’ 7. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, Not Applicable please specify 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, Not Applicable please specify 9. Location Village Atgaon, Shahapur , District Thane. Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Survey No. 142 Hissa No.1,2(pt),4 , S.No 143, Hissa No10,11B,12, S.No. 144, Hissa No3 & 4 , S. No. 166 Hissa No.0, S. No. 167 Hissa No.1(pt),2, S. No. 168 Hissa No.0, S. No. 172 Hissa No.7, S. No. 174 Hissa No.15 Village Atgaon Tehsil Shahapur District Thane State 10. Nearest railway station/airport with distance Nearest Railway Station: in kms Atgaon railway station at approx 1.50 km Asangaon Railway Station 10.3 Km Nearest Airport: Airport within 81.00 Km (Road Distance) 11. Nearest Town, city, District Headquarters Town: Shahapur along with distance in kms City : Shahapur District: Thane 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Atgaon Grampanchayat, Municipal Corporation, Local body Collector of Thane- Planning Authority. (complete postal addresses with telephone nos. to be given) 13. Name of the applicant Mr. Amla Singh


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

14. Registered Address M/s Poddar Habitat Pvt. Ltd. Unit No. 3-6 Neeru Silk Mill, Mathuradas Mill Compound, 126 N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai - 400013 Maharashtra India. 15. Address for Correspondence Same as above Name Mr. Amla Singh Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) HOD, Construction. Address M/s Poddar Habitat Pvt. Ltd. Unit No. 3-6 Neeru Silk Mill, Mathuradas Mill Compound, 126 N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai - 400013 Maharashtra India.

Pin Code 400 013 Telephone no. Mobile No.-08652277775 Email [email protected] Mobile 91 09167680120 16. Details of Alternative sites examined if any Not Applicable location of these sites should be shown on a toposheet 17. Interlinked Projects Not Applicable 18. Whether separate application of interlinked Not Applicable project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission Not Applicable 20. If no, reason Not Applicable 21. Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given. Not Applicable a. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? b. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? c. The C.R.Z Notification, 1991? 22. Whether there is any Government Not Applicable order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? 23. Forest land involved (hectares) Not Applicable 24. Whether there is any litigation pending No against the project and /or land in which the project is propose to be set up? a. Name of the court b. Case No. c. Orders/directions of the court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project.

(II) Activity


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary No The proposed residential building project is change in land use, land in conformity with the Development Plan cover or topography of Atgaon . Land reserved for Residential including increase in intensity Development. Currently the site is a vacant of land use (with respect to land with sparse vegetation. local land use plan) 1.2 Clearance of existing Yes Vacant Land. Land, vegetation and building? 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No The proposal is in conformity with the land use of the area as per the Development Plan. 1.4 Pre-construction Yes Soil investigation is in progress. investigation e.g. borehole, soil testing? 1.5 Construction works Yes The proposed project pertains to construction of 2 Types of Residential building

Bulding Type Nos. Of Total No of Buildings flats/Shops 1 A 25 Flats: 1400 B 10 Flats: 560 Shops: 100 2 A 3 Flats: 126 B 1 Flats: 42 Shops: 10 TOT 39 Flats: 2128 AL Shops: 110

1.6 Demolition work No Not Applicable 1.7 Temporary sites used for No There will be no temporary housing facility construction works or for the construction workers. housing of construction Temporary sheds will be used for storage workers? of the construction goods or materials on site. 1.8 Above ground buildings, Yes Excavation for the foundation, minor cut structures or earthworks and fills for roads and access, footings of including linear structures, residential buildings in accordance with the cut and fill or excavations guidelines issued by the authorities. The proposed residential project will consist of 2 building:


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data Buldin Type Nos. Total No of g Of flats/Shops Buildi ngs 1 A 25 Flats: 1400 B 10 Flats: 560 Shops: 100 2 A 3 Flats: 126 B 1 Flats: 42 Shops: 10 TOTAL 39 Flats: 2128 Shops: 110

1.9 Underground works No Not Applicable including mining or tunneling? 1.10 Reclamation works? No Not Applicable 1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable 1.13 Production and No Not Applicable manufacturing processes? 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods Yes Temporary sheds will be constructed for or materials? storage of construction materials. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or Yes Construction Phase: disposal of solid waste or  Temporary sanitation facility would be liquid effluents? provided for construction workers which would be directly connected to the existing municipal sewer line for disposal of wastewater.  The biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste from construction workers would be handed over to the local garbage collecting vehicles would be disposed to existing municipal solid waste management system.  Substratum excavated for foundation will be used onsite as back fill as far as possible. Operation Phase: The site will have sewage treatment plant (STP) for treatment & reuse of waste water generated on site. The solid waste generated will be segregated as inorganic and organic waste. The organic waste to be treated by mechanical-composting on site and inorganic waste will be disposed to existing municipal solid waste management system.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data Please refer Annexure II for Solid Waste Management. . Wastewater will be treated in Sewage Treatment Plant. . Treated water will reused for flushing, & gardening purpose. Please refer Annexure III for Water Supply and Wastewater Management. 1.16 Facilities for long term No Not Applicable housing of operational workers? 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic Yes Construction Phase during construction or There will be temporary increase in traffic operation? due to transportation of construction material. Operation Phase There will be minor increase in traffic due to residents /visitors commuting to the residential area from outside. 1.18 New road, rail, air Yes. Approach road will be constructed as a part waterborne or other of the project plan. transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of No Not Applicable existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission No Not Applicable lines or pipelines? 1.21 Impoundment, damming, No Not Applicable culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossing? No Not Applicable 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of No Not Applicable water from ground or surface waters? 1.24 Changes in water bodies or No Not Applicable the land surface affecting drainage or run-off? 1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes Construction Phase: materials for construction, Construction materials will be transported


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data operation or to the site. Transport of workers employed decommissioning? for construction. Operation Phase: The persons in residential building during operation phase will use public or private transportation facilities. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Not Applicable decommissioning or restoration works? 1.27 Ongoing activity during No Not Applicable decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in Yes Construction phase: either temporarily or Temporary and minor influx of permanently? construction laborers due to employment opportunities generated during construction phase. Operation Phase: This is a residential building. There will be a permanent influx of the people. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Not Applicable 1.30 Loss of native species or No Not Applicable genetic diversity? 1.31 Any other actions? No Not Applicable

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non- renewable or in short supply):

Sr. Information/checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped No Land is non agricultural land. or agricultural land (ha) 2.2 Water (expected source & Yes Construction phase: competing users) unit: KLD Source: Tanker water for construction activity and Government of Maharashtra, for drinking and domestic use.

Requirement: Total = 50 m3/day (For domestic & drinking purpose to construction workers = 10 m3/day For construction activity = 40 m3/day) Operation phase: Source:


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

for drinking and domestic use and recycled water from STP for flushing, and gardening purpose. Total Water Requirement = 1499.13 m3/day Fresh Water: 985.48 m3/day Flushing Water: 513.65 m3/day Gardening Water: 40.00 m3/day Please refer Annexure III for Water Supply and Wastewater Management. 2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not Applicable 2.4 Construction material – Yes General Construction Material required for stone, aggregates, sand / soil construction consists of Steel, Cement, (expected source – MT) Stone Aggregate, Sand, Bricks, Glass, Fly - ash based products, etc. The construction material would be used in the project site and would be obtained from authorized local dealer. 2.5 Forests and timber (source – Yes Timber would be used for apartment doors. MT) 2.6 Energy including electricity Source: - MSEDCL and fuels (source, competing Power requirement : users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy . Construction Phase: 100 KW (MW) . Operation Phase Yes Maximum Demand: 5087.78 KW . D.G sets: 1 Nos - 125 KVA, 2 Nos 200 KVA, 2 nos - 320 KVA & 2 Nos 625 KVA. 2.7 Any other natural resources No Not Applicable (use appropriate standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials, No Not Applicable which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies) 3.2 Changes in occurrence of No Not Applicable disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases)


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

3.3 Affect the welfare of people No Not Applicable e.g. by changing living conditions? 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people No Not Applicable who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc., 3.5 Any other causes No Not Applicable

4. Production of solid wastes during Construction or Operation or Decommissioning (MT/month)

Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate Sr. Information/Checklist No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with No. confirmation source of information data Spoil, overburden or mine No Not Applicable 4.1 wastes Yes Operation Phase: Total Municipal Solid waste = 4927.40 Kg/Day (4.9 MT/Day) Biodegradable waste: 2956.40 Kg/Day Municipal waste (domestic and 4.2 Non- Biodegradable waste: 1971.00 or commercial wastes) Kg/Day Organic: 60% & inorganic: 40% Please refer Annexure – II for Solid Waste Management. Hazardous wastes (as per No Not Applicable 4.3 Hazardous Waste Management Rules) Other industrial process No Not Applicable 4.4 wastes 4.5 Surplus product No Not Applicable Yes Operation Phase: Sewage sludge or other sludge 4.6 Dried sludge from STP will be used as from effluent treatment manure for the plants Yes All construction waste will be collected and segregation properly. Mostly of that Construction or demolition 4.7 will be recycled for the construction wastes activity. Surplus will be disposed off at proper site as per the norms. Redundant machinery or No Not Applicable 4.8 equipment Contaminated soils or other No Not Applicable 4.9 materials 4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not Applicable 4.11 Other solid wastes No Not Applicable


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (kg/hr) Sr. Information/Checklist Details thereof (with approximate Yes/ No. confirmation quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with No source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion of Yes. Vehicular pollution during construction fossil fuels from stationary or and operation phase. Use of DG sets as mobile sources emergency power back-up will add to slight emission of air pollutants. 5.2 Emissions from production No. Not applicable. processes 5.3 Emissions from materials Yes During the construction phase, there will handling including storage or be some dust generation due to handling of transport raw material and movement of vehicles carrying raw material. 5.4 Emissions from construction Yes. There will be minor emissions from activities including plant and construction equipment & dust generation equipment during construction activity & raw material handling. 5.5 Dust or odors from handling of Yes. During the construction phase, there will materials including be some dust generation due to handling of construction materials, sewage raw material and movement of vehicles and waste carrying raw material. During Operation Phase negligible gaseous emission due to vehicle movements will be generated. 5.6 Emissions from incineration No. Not applicable. of waste 5.7 Emissions from burning of No. Not applicable. waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) 5.8 Emissions from any other No. Not applicable. sources

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: Details thereof (with approximate Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data Yes. Construction phase: Minor increase in noise is anticipated due to the ongoing construction activity. The From operation of equipment construction activity will be restricted to 6.1 e.g. engines, ventilation plant, day time only. crushers Operation phase: Noise will be generated due to DG sets (only in case of power failures) and vehicular movement. From industrial or similar No. Not applicable. 6.2 processes


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Yes. Noise & dust will be generated from construction & demolition activity. Noise Pollution Control : Noise pollution will be due to operation of machinery as well as transportation vehicles. This may cause nuisance to the nearby area. From construction or Following precautions shall be taken to 6.3 demolition control noise pollution :  High noise generating construction activities would be carried out only during day time.  Installation, use and maintenance of mufflers on equipment.  Workers working near high noise construction machinery would be supplied with ear muffs/ear plugs. 6.4 From blasting or piling No. Not applicable. Yes. Construction phase: Noise will be generated due to transport of trucks carrying the raw material/debris. Operation phase: From construction or 6.5 During operation phase, traffic noise will operational traffic be generated due to vehicles. However; adequate measures like tree plantation at periphery will be taken to curb the noise pollution at the site. From lighting or cooling No. Not applicable. 6.6 systems No D.G. sets will be enclosed in acoustic enclosures as prescribed by CPCB to 6.7 From any other sources mitigate noise while in operation phase during power failure.

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea: Details thereof (with approximate Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data From handling, storage, use No. Not applicable. 7.1 or spillage of hazardous materials No Construction Phase From discharge of sewage or Temporary Toilets would be constructed other effluents to water or the 7.2 for construction workers and it would be land (expected mode and place directly connected to the existing of discharge) Municipal sewer line for disposal.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Operation Phase Wastewater will be treated in Sewage Treatment Plant. Treated water will reuse for flushing and gardening purpose. Remaining treated water will be sent to municipal sewer line. Please Refer Annexure III for Water Supply and Wastewater Management. Yes Construction Phase By deposition of pollutants Vehicle movement would lead to slight 7.3 emitted to air into increase in Dust particles. Dust generated the land or into water during construction will be settled continuously by spraying water. 7.4 From any other sources No. Not applicable. Is there a risk of long term No. Not applicable. build up of pollutants in the 7.5 environment from these sources?

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment:

Details thereof (with approximate Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data From explosions, spillages, No. Not applicable. fires etc from storage, 8.1 handling, use or production of hazardous substances 8.2 From any other causes No. Not applicable. Could the project be affected No N. A. by natural disasters causing Maharashtra lies in Seismic Zone - III and 8.3 environmental damage (e.g. the design and construction will be done floods, earthquakes, landslides, as per Indian Standards for Zone-III cloudburst etc)? Seismic category.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned a activities in the locality: Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. confirmation No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of Yes The proposed infrastructure is only for the supporting. facilities, ancillary proposed development: development or development . STP for treatment and recycling of stimulated by the project waste water generated on site.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Sr. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. confirmation No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data which could have impact on . Organic waste generated will be the environment e.g.: treated in mechanical waste - Supporting infrastructure composting units on site. (roads, power supply, waste or . Adequate parking space waste water treatment, etc.) . Common amenity areas, landscaping - Housing development etc. for green belt development. - Extractive industries - Supply industries - Other 9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, No Not applicable. which could have an impact on the environment 9.3 Set a precedent for later No Not applicable. developments 9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No Not applicable. proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects

(III) Environmental Sensitivity: Aerial distance (within 15 Sr. Areas Name / Identity km.) Proposed project No. location boundary Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation 1 for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value Areas which are important Tansa Dam 6.00 Km or sensitive for ecological Bhatsa Reservoir 11.50 Km reasons - Wetlands, Mahuli Mountain 0.10 Km 2 watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests Areas used by protected, None Not Applicable important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for 3 breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration Inland, coastal, marine or None Not Applicable 4 underground waters 5 State/ National boundaries None Not Applicable 6 Routes or facilities used by None Not Applicable


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

APPENDIX - II FORM – IA 1. LAND ENVIRONMENT: 1.1 Will the existing land use get significantly altered from the project that is not consistent with the surroundings? (Proposed land use must conform to the approved Master Plan / Development Plan of the area. Change of land use if any and the statutory approval from the competent authority are submitted). Attach Maps of (i) Site location, (ii) Surrounding features of the proposed site (within 500 meters) (iii) Contour plan

Please find attached herewith: Plate - I : Map showing surrounding features within 5 Km Plate - II : Map showing surrounding features within 500 m Plate - III: Proposed site – Layout Plan & Block Plan

1.2 List out all the major project requirements in terms of the land area, built up area, water consumption, power requirement, connectivity, community facilities, parking needs etc.

 AREA STATEMENT: Plot Area – 69240.00 Sq. m. Built up Area – 70497.52 Sq. m. Total Construction Area – 96216.75 Sq. m

Please refer Annexure IV for Area Statement.

 WATER CONSUMPTION: Source: Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam for drinking and domestic use and recycled water from STP for flushing, and gardening purpose. Total Water Requirement = 1499.13 m3/day Fresh Water: 985.48 m3/day Flushing Water: 513.65 m3/day Gardening Water: 40.00 m3/day Please refer Annexure III for Water Supply and Wastewater Management.

 POWER REQUIREMENT: Source: - MSEDCL Power requirement : . Construction Phase: - 100 KW . Operation Phase Maximum Demand Load: 5087.78 KW


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

D.G sets: 1 Nos – 125 KVA, 2 Nos – 200 KVA, 2 Nos – 320 KVA & 2 Nos – 325 KVA for DG Backup.

 CONNECTIVITY: Nearest Railway Station: Atgaon railway station at approx 1.50 km Asangaon Railway Station 10.30 Km Nearest Airport: Mumbai Airport within 81.00 Km (Road Distance)

 COMMUNITY FACILITIES: As a part of the proposed construction, the proponent will develop facilities like amenity open spaces & green areas as per DCR. The proponent will provide approach roads, parking, and landscape area.

 PARKING FACILITIES : Parking Provided in the Ground floor 1) Car Parking: - Required 13 nos- Provided 302 nos. 2) Two Wheeler parking: - Required 2700 nos- Provided 2708 nos. 3) Cycle Parking: - Required 2700 nos- Provided 2718 nos.

1.3 What are the likely impacts of the proposed activity on the existing facilities adjacent to the proposed site? (Such as open spaces, community facilities, details of the existing land use and disturbance to the local ecology). The proposed project is situated in the Atgaon Village, Shahapur, , Maharashtra. The proposed development will not cause any negative impact on surrounding public facilities such as open spaces, gardens and local ecology etc.

1.4 Will there be any significant land disturbance resulting in erosion, subsidence & instability? (Details of soil type, slope analysis, vulnerability to subsidence, seismicity etc may be given). No.

1.5 Will the proposal involve alteration of natural drainage systems? (Give details on a contour map showing the natural drainage near the proposed project site) No. The natural drainage system will not be altered as part of proposed development, SWD will be provided for drainage of storm water within plot.

1.6 What are the quantities of earthwork involved in the construction activity cutting, filling, reclamation etc. (Give details of the quantities of earthwork involved, transport of fill materials from outside the site etc.) Excavation will be carried out only for creation of foundation and basement. The substratum removed will be used for back filling, leveling, and road construction as far as possible.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

1.7 Give details regarding water supply, waste handling etc during the construction period. During construction phase, water requirement for drinking & domestic purpose will be 10 m3/day. It will be sourced from Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam and water requirement for construction activities is approx. 40 m3/day. It will be sourced from tanker water. Temporary toilets will be installed and it will be directly connected to the existing municipal sewer line. Waste handling: 1. Various types of construction debris such as bricks, blocks, steel, formwork, finishing materials, etc. will be generated. 2. Bricks, metal chips, cut tiles will be used for internal paving. 3. The damaged/cut pieces of steel, glass etc. will be sold to scrap dealer. 4. Substratum removed during foundation and excavation will be used as far as possible for plot filling and for making pathways. 5. Balance construction wastes, if any, will be disposed to authorized MSW site.

1.8 Will the low-lying areas & wetlands get altered? (Provide details of how low lying and wetlands are getting modified from the proposed activity) Not applicable as there is no low-lying area within the site.

1.9 Whether construction debris & waste during construction cause health hazard? (Give quantities of various types of wastes generated during construction including the construction labor and the means of disposal) Care will be taken so as to avoid health hazard due to debris and waste during construction. Construction labor will be provided with safety gear (shoes/helmets etc.) to protect them from various health hazards.

2. WATER ENVIRONMENT: 2.1 Give the total quantity of water requirement for the proposed project with the breakup of requirements for various uses. How will the water requirement met? State the sources & quantities and furnish a water balance statement. Construction phase: Source: Tanker water for construction activity and From Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam for drinking and domestic use. Total Requirement = 50 m3/day (For domestic & drinking purpose to construction workers = 10 m3/day & for construction activity = 40 m3/day) Operation phase: Source: Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam for drinking and domestic use and recycled water from STP for flushing and gardening purpose. Purpose Quantity (KLD)


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Total water requirement 1499 Domestic water requirement 985.48 Flushing water requirement 513.65 Landscape Water Requirement 40 Total sewage generation 1351 Total Recycled Water 1216 Balance water to sewer line 663

Please refer Annexure III for Water Supply and Wastewater Management.

2.2 What is the capacity (dependable flow or yield) of the proposed source of water? Construction phase: Source: Tanker water for construction activity and Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam for drinking and domestic use. Requirement: Total = 50 m3/day (For domestic & drinking purpose to construction workers = 10 m3/day & for construction activity = 40 m3/day)

Operation phase: Source: Government Of Maharashtra, Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam for drinking and domestic use and recycled water from STP for flushing and gardening purpose. Total Water Requirement = 1499.00 m3/day (Fresh Water: 985 m3/day and Flushing Water: 514 m3/day) Please refer Annexure III for Water Supply and Wastewater Management.

2.3 What is the quality of water required, in case, the supply is not from a municipal source? (Provide physical, chemical, biological characteristics with class of water quality) Water for domestic use will be from Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam water supply source. Treated water from STP is proposed to be used for flushing and gardening. Characteristics of treated sewage from proposed STPs are as follows: Characteristics of treated sewage Treated Effluent Characteristics BOD < 5 pH 7.0-7.5 COD < 15 Total Suspended Solids < 5 Oil & Grease Traces

2.4 How much of the water requirement can be met from the recycling of treated wastewater? (Give the details of quantities, sources and usage)


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Operation phase Source: Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam water supply for domestic purpose & treated water from Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) for gardening and flushing purpose. Water Requirement Quantity (CMD) Total water requirement 1499 Domestic water requirement 985.48 Flushing water requirement 513.65 Landscape Water Requirement 40 Total sewage generation 1351 Total Recycled Water 1216 Balance water to sewer line 663 Balance water to be diverted for Grampanchayat sewer line. Please refer Annexure III for Water Supply & Wastewater Management.

2.5 Will there be diversion of water from other users? (Please assess the impacts of the project on other existing uses and quantities of consumption) Not applicable.

2.6 What is the incremental pollution load from wastewater generated from the proposed activity? (Give details of the quantities and composition of wastewater generated from the proposed activity) Total wastewater generation from the proposed activity is about 1351 cmd. Wastewater will be recycled in proposed STP (Capacity = 1360 cmd). The recycled water will be reused for flushing and gardening. Balance recycled water will be disposed in municipal sewers. Characteristics of sewage at inlet of STP are as follows:

Parameters Characteristics Inlet BOD 200-350 mg/lit pH 6 - 8.5 COD 500-700 mg/lit Total Suspended Solids 200-300 mg/lit Oil & Grease Up to 50 mg/lit

2.7 Give details of the water requirements met from water harvesting? Furnish details of the facilities created. . Rainwater harvesting is proposed as a water conservation measure. . Roof drainpipes will be designed considering maximum intensity of rainfall. . Rain water will be collected by down take pipes, proper site grading, storm water drainage channels, catch basins/ pits and piped drainage system, as appropriate. . Storm water will be carried up to storm water tank.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

2.8 What would be the impact of the land use changes occurring due to the proposed project on the runoff characteristics (quantitative as well as qualitative) of the area in the post construction phase on a long term basis? Would it aggravate the problems of flooding or water logging in any way? There will be no major change in the run-off characteristics. The site will have a well-designed storm water drainage system, which will prevent any flooding.

2.9 What are the impacts of the proposal on the ground water? (Will there be tapping of ground water; give the details of ground water table, recharging capacity, and approvals obtained from competent authority, if any) During operation phase, a well-designed rainwater harvesting system will be part of the project.

2.10 What precautions/measures are taken to prevent the run-off from construction activities polluting land & aquifers? (Give details of quantities and the measures taken to avoid the adverse impacts) Construction area will be isolated & care will be taken to divert the run-off to storm water drainage, so possibility of pollution from construction run- off will be prevented.

2.11 How is the storm water from within the site managed?(State the provisions made to avoid flooding of the area, details of the drainage facilities provided along with a site layout indication contour levels) . The site will have a well designed storm water drainage system which will prevent any flooding. . Roof drain pipes will be designed considering maximum intensity of rainfall. . Rain water will be collected by down take pipes, proper site grading, storm water drainage channels, catch basins/ pits and piped drainage system, as appropriate. . Storm water will be carried up to rain water tank.

2.12 Will the deployment of construction laborers particularly in the peak period lead to unsanitary conditions around the project site (Justify with proper explanation) No. During construction phase, temporary sanitation facility would be provided for construction workers which would be directly connected to the existing municipal sewer line for disposal of wastewater. Also clean drinking water will be provided. It will also be ensured that no accumulation of water will take place.

2.13 What on-site facilities are provided for the collection, treatment & safe disposal of sewage? (Give details of the quantities of wastewater generation, treatment capacities with technology & facilities for recycling and disposal)


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

During Operation Phase 1. Waste water will be conveyed to a sewage treatment plant (STP) by a well designed system. (MBBR technology). 2. The quantity of wastewater generated will be 1351.31 CMD. 3. Sewage Treatment Plant with a total capacity of 1360 CMD. 4. Tertiary treated waste water from STP will be used for flushing, and gardening. 5. Balance treated water (663 CMD) will be disposed into municipal sewers. Please refer Annexure III for Water supply and wastewater management.

2.14 Give details of dual plumbing system if treated waste used is used for flushing of toilets or any other use. For Water distribution dual plumbing lines are proposed. One line to distribute Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam water for domestic supply. Another line to distribute treated water from STP for flushing & gardening purpose. Broad material specifications:- a. Water from underground tank to respective overhead tanks: G.I. pipes of required grade. b. For distribution from OH tank: U-PVC pipes of required grade c. Valves will be of forged brass ball valves d. Where necessary air valves, pressure reduction valves, non-return valves will be used. e. Rising main and internal distribution system will be of CPVC SDR 11 pipes heavy class 3. VEGETATION: 3.1 Is there any threat of the project to the biodiversity? (Give a description of the local ecosystem with its unique features, if any) No, Not applicable

3.2 Will the construction involve extensive clearing or modification of vegetation? (Provide a detailed account of the trees & vegetation affected by the project) No, Not applicable.

3.3 What are the measures proposed to be taken to minimize the likely impacts on important site features (Give details of proposal for tree plantation, landscaping, creation of water bodies etc along with a layout plan to an appropriate scale) Adequate RG area of 7934.61 Sq. m is proposed as part of the proposal. Trees will be planted @5 trees per 100 Sq. m of R. G. area. Landscape areas will be created and tree plantation will be carried out at the site as a part of the development.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane


4.1 Is there likely to be any displacement of fauna- both terrestrial and aquatic or creation of barriers for their movement? Provide the details. No. Not applicable

4.2 Any direct or indirect impacts on the avifauna of the area? Provide details No.

4.3 Prescribe measures such as corridors, fish ladders etc to mitigate adverse impacts on fauna Not applicable.


5.1 Will the project increase atmospheric concentration of gases & result in heat islands? (Give details of background air quality levels with predicted values based on dispersion models taking into account the increased traffic generation as a result of the proposed constructions) There will be temporary increase in air pollution (particularly dust levels) due to transport of materials, excavation and land development during the construction phase. During operation phase, there will be a minor increase in air pollution due to increase in vehicular exhausts generated due to traffic. Due to presence of open spaces and landscape gardens, there will be no heat island effects.

5.2 What are the impacts on generation of dust, smoke, odorous fumes or other hazardous gases? Give details in relation to all the meteorological parameters. There will be slight increase in the SPM/ RSPM levels during construction phase, which will have a temporary impact. During operational phase, vehicular exhausts will be the only source of air pollution.

5.3 Will the proposal create shortage of parking space for vehicles? Furnish details of the present level of transport infrastructure and measures proposed for improvement including the traffic management at the entry & exit to the project site. No.

5.4 Provide details of the movement patterns with internal roads, bicycle tracks, pedestrian pathways, footpaths etc., with areas under each category. Adequate provisions have been made in the internal roads and approach road, for smooth vehicle entry and exit.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

5.5 Will there be significant increase in traffic noise & vibrations? Give details of the sources and the measures proposed for mitigation of the above. No. The internal roads within the premises will be designed with adequate width to minimize traffic congestion inside the plot.

5.6 What will be the impact of DG sets & other equipment on noise levels & vibration in & ambient air quality around the project site? Provide details. DG sets 1 Nos – 125 KVA, 2 Nos – 200 KVA, 2 Nos – 320 KVA & 2 Nos – 325 KVA for DG Backup are proposed to supply power as the emergency supply system in case of shut down/ break down of main power supply. DG set will be housed in noise insulated enclosures designed to meet standards as laid under Environment (Protection) Act. Noise and vibrations from DG sets will be eliminated with vibration mounts and silencers.

6. AESTHETICS: 6.1 Will the proposed constructions in any way result in the obstruction of a view, scenic amenity or landscapes? Are these considerations taken into account by the proponents? There will be no obstructions in the landscape views due to the project.

6.2 Will there be any adverse impacts from new constructions on the existing structures? What are the considerations taken into account? Not applicable

6.3 Whether there are any local considerations of urban form & urban design influencing the design criteria? They may be explicitly spelt out. The entire project is in conformity with norms of Urban Local Body.

6.4 Are there any anthropological or archaeological sites or artifacts nearby? State if any other significant features in the vicinity of the proposed site have been considered. No, there are no historical or archeological monuments of significance in the surrounding of the project site.


7.1 Will the proposal result in any changes to the demographic structure of local population? Provide the details. There will be some change in the demographic structure with the proposed development. There will be temporary increase in the number of people during the construction phase and a marginal influx of people in the local area after completion of the project.

7.2 Give details of the existing social infrastructure around the proposed


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

project. The surrounding area is predominantly residential as well as commercial. Several schools, educational institutes, hospitals, bus facilities, telephones connections, water supply lines and street light, etc. are available in the vicinity. The theatres are preliminary recreational facilities available in the vicinity. 7.3 Will the project cause adverse effects on local communities, disturbance to sacred sites or other cultural values? What are the safeguards proposed? No. The project will not cause any adverse effects on the local communities or disturb sacred sites or cultural values.


8.1 May involve the use of building materials with high-embodied energy. Are the construction materials produced with energy efficient processes? (Give details of energy conservation measures in the selection of building materials and their energy efficiency) Some of the conventional materials with high Embodied energy used in the construction are cement (Primary Energy Requirement 5-8 Gj/tonne), Plaster (8-10 Gj/tonne) & Lime (3-5 Gj/tonne). Materials with low embodied energy like fly ash(<0.5 Gj/tonne),Blast(<0.5 Gj/tonne) & furnace slag will be used as an alternative to the conventional materials.

8.2 Transport and handling of materials during construction may result in pollution, noise & public nuisance. What measures are taken to minimize the impacts? During construction phase, the noise level is expected to increase due to construction machinery and vehicles. Following measures will be taken to minimize the impacts caused by transportation & handling of materials during construction: 1. By replacing diesel operated machines by electrically-operated machinery for heavy-duty construction equipments 2. Transportation of raw material will be done in covered trucks 3. Water will be sprinkled on the site to prevent dust emission. 4. Barricades will be raised along the boundary of the plot to prevent noise pollution. 5. The movement of these vehicles will be restricted only during non-peak hours / day time only. 6. Sufficient parking space will be provided to transport vehicles during the construction phase.

8.3 Are recycled materials used in roads and structures? State the extent of savings achieved? Yes, Recycled material will be used for concrete & building material such as: . Fly ash bricks will be used for construction of buildings. . Bricks, metal, chips, cut tiles will be used for internal paving.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

. Substratum removed during foundation and excavation will be used for plot filling and for making pathways. Recycled water from STP will be used for gardening & flushing purpose during operation phase.

8.4 Give details of the methods of collection, segregation & disposal of the garbage generated during the operation phases of the project. Operation Phase Various forms of solid waste generated will be collected, handled and disposed off in a manner so as to cause minimal environmental impact. Municipal solid waste will be segregated as dry and wet waste. The biodegradable (wet) waste will be used for composting. The non- biodegradable waste will be disposed off to the municipal waste collection system. . The dried STP sludge will be used as manure for gardening to the extent possible. Rest will be disposed off through municipal contractor or would be sold to local vendors. . Spent activated carbon from the ACF will be given back to the supplier for regeneration and recycling. . Waste sand from the PSF will be disposed off within the site for ground leveling or as fill material for making pathways or for small construction work. . Spent ion exchange resins from the softening plant will be given back to the supplier . Waste oil generated from DG set / other machinery overhauling and transformer oil replacement will be sold off to CPCB / MPCB authorized vendors for waste oil. Please refer Annexure II for details on Solid Waste Management.

9. ENERGY CONSERVATION: 9.1 Give details of the power requirements, source of supply, backup source etc. What is the energy consumption assumed per square foot of built-up area? How have you tried to minimize energy consumption? Source: - MSEDCL Power requirement : Construction Phase: - 100 KW Operation Phase Maximum Demand – 5087.78 KW

9.2 What type of, and capacity of, power back-up to you plan to provide? For D. G. Sets: 1 X 125 KVA, 2 X 200 KVA, 2 X 320 KVA & 2 X 625 KVA (DG Backup)

9.3 What are the characteristics of the glass you plan to use? Provide specifications of its characteristics related to both short wave and long wave radiation?


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

The specifications including emissive & thermal characteristics are as follows: Characteristics of Tinted Glass Frame Type Glazing Type U-factor SHGC VLT All frame types Single Glazing 7.1 070 0.56 Metal and other Double Glazing 5.1 0.50 0.40 frame type

9.4 What passive solar architectural features are being used in the building? Illustrate the applications made in the proposed project. Architectural features: . Maximize the use of natural light through design. . Use of energy saving devices (CFL light and Patti light)

9.5 Does the layout of streets & buildings maximize the potential for solar energy devices? Have you considered the use of street lighting, emergency lighting and solar hot water systems for use in the building complex? Substantiate with details. Yes, Solar street lights (External lighting) will be installed.

9.6 Is shading effectively used to reduce cooling/heating loads? What principles have been used to maximize the shading of Walls on the East and the West and the Roof? How much energy saving has been effected? Optimum usage of shading shall be considered on the East and West. Principles, details and energy saving shall be worked out during detailed design. Architectural elements of façade and roof shall be designed to maximum shading.

9.7 Do the structures use energy-efficient space conditioning, lighting and mechanical systems? Provide technical details. Provide details of the transformers and motor efficiencies, lighting intensity and air- conditioning load assumptions? Are you using CFC and HCFC free chillers? Provide specifications. The structures will use energy efficient lighting & mechanical systems. Lighting Intensity will be as per NBC & ECBC Guidelines.

9.8 What are the likely effects of the building activity in altering the micro-climates? Provide a self assessment on the likely impacts of the proposed construction on creation of heat island & inversion effects? The proposed layout plan includes landscapes and open spaces for proposed buildings as per requirement. The project proposes to utilize energy efficient materials in the construction of the buildings (that will emit less energy). All these factors will together check and offset any heat island effects and help in keeping the temperature cool and hence there will be no inversion effect.

9.9 What are the thermal characteristics of the building envelope? (a) roof; (b) external walls; and (c) fenestration? Give details of the


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

material used and the U-values or the R values of the individual components. (a) Roofs: Roofs shall comply with either maximum assembly U-Factor or the minimum insulation R-Value is for the insulation alone & does not include building materials or air films. Assumption: 50mm overdeck insulation extruded polystyrene. (b) Opaque Walls: Opaque Walls shall comply with either maximum assembly U-Factor or the minimum insulation R-Value. R-Value is for the insulation alone & does not include building materials or air films Assumption: 150mm thick AAC Block (with plaster on both side) or 230 mm thick fly ash brick (19mm thick outside plaster & 12 mm thick inside plastering). (c)Vertical Fenestration: Vertical Fenestration shall comply with the maximum area weighted U-Factor & maximum area weighted SHGC requirement. Assumption: 10mm thick high penetrating single glass.

As per Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 2009 Norms, U- values considered are as follows:

24 –Hours Use buildings CLIMATIC Hospitals, Hotels, Call Centers etc. ZONE Maximum U-factor of Minimum R-value the Overall assembly of Insulation alone Warm & (W/m2 oC) (m2 oC/W) Roofs Humid U-0.261 R-3.5 Opaque Warm & (W/m2 oC) (m2 oC/W) Walls Humid U-0.440 R-2.10 Vertical WWR=40% 40% Fenestration

9.10 What precautions & safety measures are proposed against fire hazards? Furnish details of emergency plans. Fire Protection for the site is specified as per NBC norms and also as per CFO NOC.

9.11 If you are using glass as wall material provides details and specifications including emissivity and thermal characteristics. The specifications including emissive & thermal characteristics are as follows: Characteristics of Tinted Glass Frame Type Glazing Type U-factor SHGC VLT All frame types Single Glazing 7.1 070 0.56 Metal and other Double Glazing 5.1 0.50 0.40 frame type


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

9.12 What is the rate of air infiltration into the building? Provide details of how you are mitigating the effects of infiltration. 1. The windows are provided with aluminum metal sliding windows. 2. All ventilation & exhaust systems will comprise of one fan each of 100% capacity for that specific area, either connected to galvanized sheet steel ducting or free flow.

9.13 To what extent the non-conventional energy technologies are utilized in the overall energy consumption? Provide details of the renewable energy technologies used. Non-conventional energy technologies to reduce the overall energy consumption will be adopted as follows: . Solar Lights are proposed or external lighting . Solar lights with PV cells for staircase

10. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Environment Management Plan Please refer Annexure – IV for the would consist of all mitigation Environment Management Plan measures for each item wise for the stage wise activities that may activity to be undertaken during be potential sources of pollution and the construction, operation and the mitigation measures for the same. the entire life cycle to minimize adverse environmental impacts as a result of the activities of the project. It would also delineate the environmental monitoring plan for compliance of various environmental regulations. It will state the steps to be taken in case of emergency such as accidents at the site including fire.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

List of Annexure

Annexure I : Proposed Area Statement

Annexure II : Solid Waste Management

Annexure III : Water Supply & Wastewater Management

Annexure IV : Environmental Management Plan


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

AREA STATEMENT FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposed Project is redevelopment of residential building situated on plot bearing Survey No. 142 Hissa No.1,2(pt),4 , S.No 143, Hissa No10,11B,12, S.No. 144, Hissa No3 & 4 , S. No. 166 Hissa No.0, S. No. 167 Hissa No.1(pt),2, S. No. 168 Hissa No.0, S. No. 172 Hissa No.7, S. No. 174 Hissa No.15 Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane District. The proposed area details are given in Table 5.

Table – 5: Proposed Area Statement

Sr. No. Particulars Area (sq. m.) 1. Total Plot Area 69240.00 2. Permissible FSI 1.20 3. Total built up area proposed + including fungible 70497.52 4. Total Construction area 96216.75


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



1. Generation of Solid Waste

1.1. Construction Phase:

During the construction stage, construction waste would be generated which would include debris, concrete, steel and other metals, bricks, pallets, packaging and paper products, railings, door and window casings, fixtures, tiles, furnishings etc. Approximately 200- 300 kg/day construction waste will be generated.

1.2. Operation Phase:

During operation phase, solid waste will be generated @0.45 kg/day/person for residential population @ 0.1 kg/day/person form floating population. Please refer to Table No. 1 for Solid Waste generated during Operation phase.

Total solid waste = 4.9 MT/day

Table – 1: Solid Waste Generated during Operation Phase

Std. Solid Waste Generation (Kg/day) Quantity Type Population (kg/pers Biodegradable Non-biodegradable on/day) (kg/day) waste (60%) waste (40%) Residents 10640 0.45 4788 2872.80 1915.20 Shops 330 0.1 33 19.80 13.20 Visitors 1064 0.1 106.40 63.80 42.60 TOTAL 12034 4927.40 2956.40 1971.00

2. Collection and Disposal

2.1. Construction Phase: For waste generated during the construction phase, gross segregation of the wastes into roadwork materials, structural building material and salvaged building parts would be made. Additional segregation to facilitate reuse/ recycling would be made. Material wastes like bricks, cement etc. will be used as fill material and concrete would be recycled and reused at the site. Adequate facilities for the storage of these waste materials would be made on site.

2.2. Operation Phase: Management of solid waste generated during the operation phase would include collection, transportation and disposal in a manner so as to cause minimal environment impact. For this, it will be made mandatory for waste to be segregated into bio-degradable waste and non-biodegradable waste right at the source of waste generation. Collection of segregated waste would be made from the residential areas.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Biodegradable waste would be transferred to mechanical composting units within the premises for disposal and non-degradable waste will be disposed through authorized municipal waste disposal system.

2.3 Waste Management during Operation Phase: The various forms of solid waste generated will be collected, handled and disposed off in a manner so as to cause minimal environmental impact. Municipal solid waste will be segregated as dry and wet waste. The organic waste will be used for composting. The inorganic waste will be disposed off to the existing municipal solid waste management system.

. The dried STP sludge will be used as manure for gardening to the extent possible. Rest will be disposed off through municipal contractor. . Spent activated carbon from the ACF will be given back to the supplier for regeneration and recycling. . Waste sand from the PSF will be disposed off within the site for ground leveling or as fill material for making pathways or for small construction work. . Spent ion exchange resins from the softening plant will be given back to the supplier . Waste oil generated from DG set / other machinery overhauling and transformer oil replacement will be sold off to CPCB / MPCB authorized vendors for waste oil.

The following table gives the overall proposal for the management of solid waste within the proposed residential development.

Table – 3: Proposed method for Solid Waste Management Sr. Waste Type Collection and Method of Disposal No. Storage 1. Organic waste Manual collection Treatment in Mechanical & storage at ground composting units provided at the level. ground level within the premises. The manure generated will be used for gardening. 2. Inorganic waste Manual collection Disposed to the Municipal waste & storage in closed collection system and recyclable rooms at ambient waste to be taken away by private temperature. contractor for resale. 3. Bio medical - Handed over to MPCB approved waste vendor

2.4. Details of Proposed Mechanical-Composting Mechanical-composting process and organic waste converter can be used for this purpose. The specifications of the mechanical-composting unit (Organic Waste Converter) are as follows: . Input: Segregated organic waste . Model: OWC-60/ OWC-130/ OWC-300


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

. Capacity: 25 kg/ 50 kg/ 125 kg per batch . Batch time: 10-15 minutes . Power: 4 HP/ 8 HP/ 13.5 HP . Area: 3 m x 4 m for OWC

2.5. Organic Waste Converter – Waste Flow Chart The schematic representation for the processes in the organic waste converter i.e. the Waste Flow chart:


Organic Waste

Waste Treatment (15 min)

Homogenized, Odour -Free Output

Compost (In 2 weeks)

Garden or Landscaping Application

Total waste generated from:- 1) 2128 Flats of Sale is Appx. 4788 kg per day. 2) 1064 visitors is Appx. 106.4 kg per day. 3) 350 shop persons is Appx 35 kg per day.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Total Wet waste = 2958 kg / day. Total Dry waste = 1972 kg / day.

1. Technical Specifications:

A. Composting Machine – Capacity 3000 kg/day – 2 Nos.

a. Power Connection: 20 HP (Main motor & Chopper Motor) b. Brim Capacity: 130 Litres c. Waste Batch size 50 kg d. Batch Duration 15 min. e. MOC All contact parts of SS304 f. Trolley One No. of SS 304 g. Mobility arrangement Suitable mobility arrangement for the equipment for movement on the plain flooring B. Accessories: Single Curing System:

Capacity: 100 Kg of Organic Waste per day

a. 40 number of HDPE crates of size 54x36x26cm, laminated with aerating net. b. Two Numbers of Four-shelf Folding Storage Rack of Size 365x55x235 cm c. Two Number of Leachate collection Tray of G.I of Size 150x55x7cm d. Moisture Control fogging system consisting of 64 foggers, Disc Filter, e. Time Control unit For Spray and frequency control, f. One Number of pressure gauge, and other accessories like piping, valves etc.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Double Curing System

Capacity: 200 Kg of organic Waste per day a. 80 number of HDPE crates of size 54x36x26cm, laminated with aerating net. b. One Number of Four-shelf Folding Storage Rack of size 365x122x235 cm c. Four Number of Leachate collection Tray of G.I of Size 150x55x7cm d. Moisture Control fogging system consisting of 128 foggers, Disc Filter, Ball Valve,1 Number of Laxmi Make Pump. e. Time Control unit For Spray and frequency control f. One Number of pressure gauge, and other accessories like piping, valves etc. Shredder :- (Optional)

Shredder is required if garden waste like plant prunings is to be converted into organic manure as also will take care of hard meat bones.

Double Shredder of M.S. Contact parts, having feed cross section of 130 mm x 300 mm and depth of 100 mm complete with 2 H.P. Drive geared motor and mounted on fabricated frame for easy working.

Note: The cutters are made of C.S duly carburized and hardened. The two shafts holding the cutters operate at differential speeds i.e. 100 R.P.M and 70 R.P.M to facilitate self cleaning. Body Cover SS 304 and Mobility Arrangement.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



1. Construction Phase:

1.1 Water Supply:

During construction phase, water will be supplied by Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam for drinking and other domestic purposes of the construction labors and by tankers to be used for construction. Total water requirement during the construction phase is about 08 cmd. Water will be utilized for domestic use of construction laborers and for construction activity. 1.2 Waste water generation:

Waste water during the construction phase will be sewage generation, estimated as 8 CMD (80% of water supplied). Please refer to Table no 3 for water requirement & waste water generation during construction phase.

Table - 3: Water Requirement and Wastewater generation during Construction Phase Sr. Purpose Source Quantity Waste water No. (cub.m/day) generated (cub.m/day) 1. Domestic use of Maharashtra 10 8 construction workers Jeevan (@80% of water Pradikaran supply) (MJP) 2. Construction activity Tanker water 40 -- Total 50 8

1.3 Management:

. Temporary sanitation facility would be provided for construction workers which would be directly connected to the existing municipal sewer line for disposal of wastewater. . Care will be taken to ensure that the water used for construction purposes does not accumulate on the site to prevent breeding of mosquitoes.

2. Operation Phase:

2.1 Water Supply:

During operation phase, water supplied by Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam will be used for domestic purpose and for other purposes like flushing & gardening etc., treated water from proposed Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) will be also used.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

2.2 Water requirement:

The average water consumption for residential buildings has been calculated as 135 litre per capita per day (as prescribed by the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization or CPHEEO). During operation phase, Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam, would be used for domestic purpose and for other purposes like flushing & gardening etc., treated water from proposed Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) would be used.

Source: Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam water supply for domestic purpose & recycled water from Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for gardening, and flushing. Total Water Requirement: 1499 cmd Fresh water from Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam : 985.48 cmd and recycled water from STP: 1216 cmd. Please refer to Table no 4 For Water Requirement During Operation Phase. & Figure 2 & 3 for water balance during Mansoon & Non Mansoon day.

Table – 4: Water Requirement during Operation phase

Purpose Quantity (KLD) Total water requirement 1499 Domestic water requirement 985.48 Flushing water requirement 513.65 Landscape Water Requirement 40 Total sewage generation 1351 Total Recycled Water 1216 Balance water to sewer line 663


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

FIGURE – 2: WATER BALANCE (Non Monsoon Season)

Total Water Requirement = 1539 Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam Water = 985.48 & Treated Water = 1216

Domestic 985 Flushing 514 Gardening 40

85% Waste 100% Waste generation generation

Total Sewage Generated = 1351 STP Capacity = 1360 Treated water from STP = 1216

Excess treated water Sludge generation to sewer drain 663 7 kg/day

Note: All values are in CMD


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

FIGURE – 3: WATER BALANCE (Monsoon Season)

Total Water Requirement = 1499 (Government of Maharashtra, Bhatsa Dam) Water = 985 & Treated Water = 1216

Domestic 985 Flushing 514

80% Waste 100% Waste generation generation

Total Sewage Generated = 1351 STP Capacity = 1360 Treated water from STP = 1216

Excess treated water Sludge generation to sewer drain 702 7 kg/day

Note: All values are in CMD


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

2.3 Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for Wastewater Management:

Total wastewater generation in the proposed activity is about 1351 cmd. The scheme proposed for the treatment of sewage in the proposed development is compact & effective Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of 1360 cmd capacity using revolutionary ‘Moving Bed Bio Reactor’ (MBBR) Technology. The proposed system will consist of the following major stages: 1. Sewage Collection & Pumping System 2. Manual Bar Screen & Grit Chamber 3. Aeration Tank & Tube-deck Settlers 4. Filtration System 5. Disinfection System

1. Sewage collection & pumping system: Raw sewage will enter the raw sewage sump. Raw sewage transfer pumps will pump the sewage to the STP through the screen & grit removing stages. One pump will be on duty & the other stand by.

2. Manual Bar Screen & Grit Chamber: A combination of coarse & fine screens will be provided for removal of floating debris from the sewage. The coarse screen will have spacing of 10 mm & will be periodically cleaned. The fine screen will have a spacing of 5 mm & will be periodically cleaned. The outlet from the screen chamber is let into the sewage treatment system.

3. Sewage Treatment System:

The description of the major components of the proposed sewage treatment system is as follows:

A) MBBR Bioreactors:

The MBBR aeration tanks are located next to each other. Each of the tanks will be provided with aeration pipelines at the bottom, which will be in stainless steel & are manifold to cover half the periphery of the tank. Aeration tank is filled with a specific quantity of the bio-media, which is made of plastic material with a specific gravity just below that of water, to enable it to remain in suspension.

The inlet of the aeration tank is on the top with the sewage falling freely into the MBBR tank. The outlet is located on the opposite side, which has a perforated screen mounted on it, which prevents the bio-media from flowing out of the MBBR tank. Both compartments are connected to each other by a fabricated channel, which has perforated sheets on each side. The outlet of the second MBBR is connected to the tube settler unit.

B) Tube Settler Unit:

Sewage from aeration tank along with biological stabilized solids will flow by gravity to the compact tube settler unit. The separation of the solid from the sewage


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

is achieved by laminar flow developed by the tubes. Due to this, heavier solids slide down along the inside of the tubes, whereas the clear water rises up and flows out.

The sludge settling at the bottom of the tanks will be transferred from time to time to the sludge holding tank. The clear water from the settling tank will overflow into the filter feed tank.

C) Aeration System: The aeration system consists of two air blowers. One blower will be on duty while the other will be on stand-by. The blowers will be used for aeration inside the MBBR.

4. Filtration System:

This consists of a pressure multimedia filter that removes any remaining suspended solids in the treated water so as to ensure its total conformance with the discharge standards set by the regulatory authorities. The filter is to be backwashed at pre-set intervals with water from the treated water tank.

5. Disinfection System:

The disinfection system, which comprises of a dosing system, ensures complete removal of any remaining harmful organisms in the water. The water flowing into the polishing filter feed tank is dosed with an oxidant above & then allowed to remain in the tank for a predetermined time so that there is enough contact time for the oxidant to totally disinfect the water.

6. Sludge:

The excess sludge is pumped to the sludge tank from where de-sludging is to be done once every 3-6 months (depending on load factors) by pumping out to tankers & disposal engaging corporation private agencies.

2.4 MBBR flow sheet: Refer to Figure 4



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane



1. Objectives:

The objective of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to formulate measures, which will: 1. Mitigate adverse impacts on various environmental components, 2. Protect environmental resources where possible, 3. Enhance the value of environmental components where possible.

It is emphasized that many of the protective and enhancement measures can be implemented by adopting suitable planning and design criteria for construction of the project.

2. Land Environment:

2.1. Traffic Management:

. Construction Phase:

Special care will be taken during transportation of construction material like cement, sand, aggregate etc as considerable quantities of such material would be transported from various material suppliers. The material will be sourced from the nearest available government approved contractor since road transport is unavoidable, such movement will be during non- peak hours as far as possible.

. Operation Phase: Adequate provisions have been made in the internal roads, for smooth vehicle entry and exit.

The impact on land environment during operation phase will be due to movement of vehicles of residents and commercial facilities and other visitors to the site. Precautions will be taken to minimize impacts on land environment will be as follows: . Development internal roads will be as per the norms of Urban local bodies.. . Adequate provisions will be made through provision of internal roads of minimum 6 m width for smooth vehicle entry and exit. . Adequate parking are provided as per norms of Urban local bodies.

2.2. Solid Waste Management:

Please refer Annexure-II for details on solid waste management. The salient features of the proposed solid waste management strategy are as follows:


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

. Construction stage For waste generated during the construction phase, gross segregation of the wastes into roadwork materials, structural building material and salvaged building parts would be made. Additional segregation to facilitate reuse/ recycling would be made. Material wastes like bricks, cement etc. will be used as fill material and concrete would be recycled and reused at the site. Adequate facilities for the storage of these waste materials would be made on site.

. Operation stage Management of solid waste generated during the operation phase would include collection, transportation and disposal in a manner so as to cause minimal environment impact. Waste will be segregated into biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste.

Collection of segregated waste would be made from the residential areas and commercial areas. Biodegradable waste would be transferred to proposed mechanical composting units within the premises for disposal and non-degradable waste will be disposed through authorized municipal waste disposal system.

3. Air pollution:

3.1. Construction Phase: a) Mobile source emissions: 1. Transportation of raw materials required for construction will be carried out during non-peak hours. 2. Idling of delivery trucks or other equipment will not be permitted during unloading or when not in active use. 3. To minimize dust emissions due to trucks carrying cement, gravel, sand to site, ready mix concrete carried in enclosed container will be used which is a better option as compared to on site batch mixing. 4. Dust covers will be provided on trucks used for transportation of materials prone to fugitive dust emissions. 5. Covering scaffolding equipment and cleaning of vehicles to be carried out to reduce dust and vapor emissions. b) For stationary source emissions: 1. Most of the machinery related to construction will be located close to construction area for ease of handling. Machinery such as conveyers and mixers will be screened with sheets of suitable material to reduce transport of suspended particulate matter and noise. 2. All stationary construction equipment will be located as far away as possible from sensitive receptor locations in order to allow maximum dispersion of emitted pollutants. 3. Areas prone to fugitive dust emissions due to activities such as excavation, grading sites and routes of delivery vehicles across patches of exposed earth, will be frequently water sprinkled to prevent re-entrainment of dust. 4. Hosing down road surfaces especially if they are unfinished surfaces will be carried out to help to prevent fugitive dust emissions.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

5. Other measures to be taken will include appropriate containment around bulk storage tanks and materials stores to prevent spillages. 6. Apart from these, equipment/ machines and vehicles will be always kept in good state of repair to minimize emissions. Construction areas will be enclosed, wherever possible.

3.2. Operation Phase: 1. Plantation along the roadside will help to reduce effects of air/ noise pollution. A row of trees will be planted along the plot periphery to screen the site from air/ noise pollution. 2. Regular maintenance and upkeep of the internal road within project will ensure smooth traffic flow and will help to reduce air pollution. 3. The entrance/ exit to the site will be maintained so that there will be no obstructions to traffic flow. Also roadside parking will be avoided.

4. Noise pollution:

4.1. Construction Phase: 1. Contract specifications for construction work will specify use of noise generating equipment-generating noise of not greater than 90 dB (A). 2. Construction specifications will also stipulate levels of maximum noise generation in various zones based on CPCB Noise Standards. 3. High noise generating construction activities like, compacting etc. will be carried out only during daytime. 4. Workers working near high noise construction machinery will be provided with ear muffs/ earplugs. 5. Provision of temporary barricading around site will be carried out.

4.2. Operation Phase: During operation phase it is important to maintain the noise levels within the plot for the safety and better health of residents and users. The various precautions to be taken to maintain acceptable noise level within the project area are as under: 1. Buffer in form of wall or tree plantation will be provided along the main roads 2. Smooth flow of traffic will be ensured on the internal road to avoid idling of vehicles.

5. Water environment:

. Construction Phase: 1. There will not be any substantial modification of natural drainage pattern. 2. A storm water management plan will be implemented which has limited impervious layer and will promote infiltration. 3. Precaution will be taken that no waste material like cement, paint and solid material like iron rods and any other material is dumped into storm water drains 4. No accumulation of stagnant water will be allowed within the complex as well as in the vicinity to prevent breeding of mosquitoes.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

. Operation Phase: 1. A well-engineered storm water drainage system will be provided as a part of this development. Storm water will be either collected in underground tank or discharged to re-charge pits to augment the ground water. 2. A well-designed rain water harvesting system will be implemented as a part of the project. The harvested water will be utilized for ground water recharge. Thus, there will be beneficial impact on the ground water table. 3. There will be no impact on ground water regime due to proposed project in the operation phase.

5.1 Sewage Treatment Plant: Please refer Annexure-III for details on Sewage Treatment Plant.

6. Guidelines for Landscaping:

The proposed development would take into consideration the existing trees on the site in such a manner that maximum number of trees are retained or transplanted on site. An R.G. area of 7934.61 Sq. m would be proposed as part of the proposal. Trees would be planted @5 trees per 100 Sq. m of R.G. area of the proposed project. Trees would be planted to form a row along road and periphery of the plot to form a screen to reduce impact of air/ noise pollution on the plot occupants. List of native trees suitable for beautification in garden / building premises given in Table 6.

The list is published on the EC: Maharashtra website. The same will be distributed to landscape consultant. The consultant will suitably select those trees which are preferable in landscape design. Following is the tentative list given by landscape consultant based on Annexure A list given in EC Maharashtra Website.

Table – 6: Suggested list of tree species

Sr. Tree Common Name Scientific name Total No. 1 Kunti Murraya paniculata 50 2 Shivan Gmelina arborea 50 3 Fish tail Palm Caryota urens 45 4 Kate sawar Bombax ceiba 50 5 Palash / Flame of the forest Butea monosperma 50 6 Pangara Erythrina indica 40 7 Ashoka Saraca indica 36 8 Palm Borassus flabellifer 35 9 Bakul Mimusops elengi 41 Total 397


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

7. Socioeconomic environment:

. The proposal pertains to residential development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur Taluka, Thane District. . It will have access to facilities/ amenities and will not create a burden on public facilities (like public toilets or common water connections) is likely to enhance the cleanliness and improve public health in the area. . Proposed infrastructure facilities will improve existing conditions and be beneficial for any future infrastructure development in the area & its surroundings.

7.1 Public Health & Safety: Public health & safety should be the priority of the project.

. Construction Phase: The health and safety of the workers for the construction project should be ensured by: 1. Proper instructions about personnel safety will be given to all the labor working on the site by project manager before commencement of work. 2. The labor will also be guided about the measures to be taken during emergency and accidents like fire etc. 3. Safety equipment like gloves, helmet, mufflers etc. which will be made mandatory to use for all labor on site. 4. Proper sanitation and water supply facilities will be provided to the labour during construction phase. 5. Insurance cover will be provided to the workers working at site.

. Operation Phase:

During operation phase, precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the local residents and the users. Fire fighting system will be comprised as per NBC and CFO NOC.

8.0 Environmental Management Plan - Organization & Implementation:

During construction phase, contractors as well as site-in-charge will be responsible for implementing all the mitigation measures recommended. An officer should be appointed by the project proponents to ensure monitoring and inspection during construction period as explained above. Following are the mitigation measure to be undertaken during construction & operational phase respectively with the agency responsible for implementation.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Table -7: Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase Sr. No. Affected Likely adverse impacts in Nature of Proposed Mitigation Measures Environmental absence of mitigation impact Implementing Action to be taken Parameters measures Agency 1. Land Environment . Generation of solid waste Temporary . Segregation to facilitate reuse / Contractor and debris recycling . Aesthetically unpleasant . Construction material waste like . Health problems of bricks, cement etc. will be used as fill laborers material . Recyclable wastes will be used for recycling . Adequate facilities for the storage of these waste materials on site . Reuse of excavated material on site premises. 2. Air Quality . Traffic congestion Significant . Material transport during non peak Project manager & . Increase in air pollution but hours Contractor (Increase in levels of Temporary . Idling of the trucks and dumpers on the NOx, SPM, Dust hazards) access roads will not be allowed . Risks of accidents . Raw materials will be procured from the nearest material supplier . Material will be brought in batches so that there is no sudden increase of traffic volume at one particular time. . Use of dust covers over construction material during transportation . Keeping all stationary equipment downwind


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Sr. No. Affected Likely adverse impacts in Nature of Proposed Mitigation Measures Environmental absence of mitigation impact Implementing Action to be taken Parameters measures Agency . Stabilization of dust prone areas by sprinkling water

3. Noise Quality . Increase in noise levels Significant but . Prohibition for use of equipment Contractor causing nuisance to temporary emitting noise of greater than 90 dB surroundings (A) for 8 hour operation . Prohibition of noise causing construction activities during night time . Provide workers on heavy machinery with ear muffs/ ear plugs . Provision of temporary barricading around site 4. Water Environment . Increase in turbidity and Significant . Construction work to be carried out Contractor suspended solids due to and temporary before monsoons soil erosion . Construction materials to be stored in enclosures . No accumulation of stagnant water


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane

Table – 8: Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase

Sr. No. Affected Likely adverse Nature of Proposed Mitigation Measures Environmental impacts in absence of Impact Implementing Parameters mitigation measures Action to be taken agency 1. Land Environment . Increased solid Significant and . Waste management practices like waste Project Proponent waste generation in Temporary segregation of solid waste at source, recycling area and reuse, composting etc. to be adopted . Aesthetically . Provision of mechanical composting unit for unpleasant biodegradable waste management.

2. Water Environment . Flooding during Significant and . Regular maintenance of proposed storm water Project Proponent rainy season permanent drains within site. . Increase in turbidity . Rain water harvesting of water . Recharge of ground water aquifer. . Reduced percolation due to increased paved areas

3. Noise Environment . Disturbance due to Significant and . Effective traffic management to avoid traffic Project Proponent increased vehicular permanent congestion. traffic

4. Public Health and . Health problems due Moderate and . Maintenance of road side plantation to prevent Project Proponent Safety to increased traffic Permanent air/ noise pollution within site. . Danger to life from . Adequate parking facility. accidents/ . Fire fighting provisions within the plot and emergency situations buildings. or natural disasters



Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane.




Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane.


Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane.




Environmental Clearance for Proposed Development at Atgaon Village, Shahapur, Thane.