Minutes of the Board Meeting held on Monday, 4th February, 2013 at the , Swansea commencing at 5.35pm.

Present: Jim White, Huw Cooze, Alan Lewis,Viv Brooks, Cath Dyer, Ron Knuszka, Ian James, Stuart McDonald, Nigel Hamer.(Secretary).

Apologies: Phil Sumbler, Will Morris, Craig Mapstone, Viv Williams, Kevin Mahoney

Jim White chaired the meeting in the absence of the Chairman.

The Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th November 2012 had previously been circulated and approved.

Supporter Director Report: HC had been behind the Questionnaire set up to test the strength of support for the Stadium expansion plans. It was vitally important to have a positive response to the questionnaire in order for the Club Board to take forward the planning of the Stadium expansion. It was important that the results of the questionnaire be available early March.

Treasurers Report: SMcD suggested that we should Invoice the Club for the book sales of Swansea Till I die to date. HC will liaise with NH to produce an invoice to the Club. It was time to consider whether Free Membership will be continued for another year, a Sub-Group of SMcD, VB and AL . will deal with this. SMcD had been tasked with looking into spreading the name of our Trust by sponsorship of Junior League football in the Swansea City FC catchment areas which would cover, Swansea, Neath PortTalbot, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire. It was also suggested that Powys and the Aberdare A465 region be considered. SMcD will liaise with the Secretaries of the various Leagues in the next few weeks. Some months ago an idea was mooted about the story of Swansea Jack to be placed on the base of the Ivor Allchurch statue. SMcD had met with Michael Isaac of George Isaac & Son, Stonemason to progress this forward.

TBM 077/06 Fans Forum: JW reported that there had been a good turnout at the London Fans Forum on the 30th November. Present were Club Chairman Huw Jenkins, Supporter Director Huw Cooze, Alan Curtis, Neil Taylor and former player Adrian Forbes. The evenings event had produced a profit of £1900 for the Trust.

TBM 082/06 Swansea City 2002 Limited: Nothing further to report.

TBM 086/07 Community Group: No report.

TBM 125/08 Centenary 2012: HC reported sales of the Swansea Till I Die book had now broken even thus covering printing costs.We continue to push sales of the book.

TBM 127/08 Disability Issues: IJ provided a brief report on the 1st AGM of the newly formed Disabled Supporters Association held at the Liberty Stadium on the 1st February, 2013. Present at the AGM were, Ian James Swansea City FC Disability Officer, Cath Dyer and Alan Lewis of Swansea City Supporters Trust,, Phil Langford, Disability Liaison Officer Swansea Stadium Management Company, Rachell Nickless and Mike Phillips of Level Playing Field and 30+ Disaabled Supporters and Carers. Voting to the Steering Group would close on the 25th February. A full report of the meeting can be found on uk TBM 142/11 Wall Of Fame: No report.

TBM 150/12 Premier League Supporters Trust Group. NH reported that Supporters Direct had requested that we give a presentation of our Trust at the meeting to be held in Birmingham on the 23rd March 2013. Either JW or PS will undertake the presentation..

TBM 151/12 Frame for Signed Shirt. HC to arrange.

TBM 152/12 Blind/Disabled Fans Nothing further to report.

TBM 154/12 Matchday Catering & Riverside Lounge NH reported that nothing further had been received from the Ospreys Supporters group.VB asked if we could place football memorabilia in the Riverside Lounge. HC reported that he and NH had met with SSMC and it had been agreed that we had the South side of the room with the Ospreys having the North side. We would require photos/Trust banner etc.,.

TBM 155/12 Supporter Direct Position Paper on more Supporter Involvement in football. Full report on

TBM 156/13 Supporters Trust Flag. AL questioned the need to purchase the flag. It had been approved at the last meeting that CM and VB would deal with the purchase of the replacement flag.

TBM 157/13 ex-Players Association. KM not present to provide a report.

TBM 158/13 Pinch Point Car Parking. NH reported that no response had been received from SSMC.

AOB AL asked if we had responded to the request from the Supporters Club of SV Waldhof Mannheim who had contacted us in December who were looking to form an international friendship with us. Mannheim happens to be twinned with the City & County of Swansea. HC suggested that we contact the local Authority to mention this. RK and CD agreed to follow this through on behalf of the Trust.

JW reported that he had been contacted by the Supporters Trust at Charlton Athletic. NH reported that he had been contacted by the Supporters Trust at Birmingham City.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.35pm

Next meeting Monday, 4th March at 5.30pm

Chair for the evening……………….Jim White.