th 24 September 2017

XXV Sunday of

the Ordinary Time



Dear Bishop Philip - Have a very Blessed 5th Anniversary of the ordination to be a Bishop of the Diocese of Portsmouth

For this occasion, let’s enjoy an article which was published a year ago about our Bishop, who was chosen a Catholic of the Year 2016: The cheerful shepherd (from ‘Catholic Herald’)

Bishop Philip Egan is on an urgent mission to turn his diocese into a powerhouse of evangelisation On the website of the Diocese of Portsmouth, there is a video of Bishop Philip Egan delivering his October 2016 pastoral letter on the future of the Catholic schools under his charge. A casual visitor to the site could be forgiven for thinking that here was a bishop of England and Wales straight from central casting. The 61-year-old Egan is unassuming in manner and appearance: he has the white hair, ruddy face, soft northern vowels and Irish surname of countless pleasant-but-ineffective British Catholic prelates since time immemorial. But within a couple of minutes it is clear that something is different. The bishop’s demeanor turns from affable to positively joyful as he announces a revolution in Catholic education in Portsmouth – one of our largest and most oddly shaped dioceses, stretching from the Channel Islands to Oxford. In essence, education in the diocese is going to become much more Catholic. “Our schools are wonderful!”, the bishops begins – before making clear that, having visited all 73 of them, private as well as state-funded, he intends to make them vastly more wonderful in the near future. Bishop Egan’s vision of Catholic education is one in which all teaching, “especially the sciences and humanities”, is Christ-centred. “I would like all children, from Year 5 upwards, to have regular periods of Eucharistic Adoration, contemplative prayer and lectio divina,” he says. When Portsmouth’s cheerful shepherd says “I would like”, he means “I expect”. He is not one of those bishops who, on being appointed by the Holy Father, announce that their priority is to “listen” to their flock – and then spend the rest of their time in office echoing the slogans of diocesan activists. Since his installation in September 2012, Philip Egan has worked to turn Portsmouth into a powerhouse of the new evangelisation proclaimed by St John Paul II. His plan for Catholic education, fully articulated in 2016, is startling evidence of a bishop intent on honouring his spiritual manifesto. That is why the Catholic Herald’s editorial staff and board of directors have named Bishop Egan as our Catholic of the Year. Our choice will raise some eyebrows. The Bishop of Portsmouth makes some people feel uncomfortable. In some cases, their feelings are understandable: the bishop has challenged the status quo in his diocese and that has upset Catholics attached to the old way of doing things under his predecessor, the gifted but easy-going liberal Bishop . Other critics of Bishop Egan simply fail to understand him. They assume that he is a stickler for traditionalist liturgy who belongs to a conservative faction in the Church. Those assumptions are wrong and it is time to set the record straight. On some issues, Bishop Egan reflects the concerns of Benedict XVI; on others, those of Pope Francis. But there is no subject on which he deviates from the teaching of the magisterium. Admittedly, the same is true of his brother bishops of England and Wales. So what is special about the eighth Bishop of Portsmouth? His pastoral care for priests is a good starting point. He sends each of them a card on the anniversary of his ordination; he will often clear his diary and head off immediately to visit sick clergy in hospital. He loves to go to the cinema with priests and seminarians. The lay Catholics of Portsmouth, meanwhile, find themselves with new and fulfilling responsibilities. Under Bishop Egan, the emphasis has shifted from employed “professionals” in the diocesan curia to parish volunteers. Worshippers are encouraged to develop their own areas of expertise – as marriage advisers or ministers to the poor, for example. The bishop is a great believer in the power of intercessionary prayer: you can now put in a request to the diocesan website for such prayers – a typical Egan innovation. He was the first English Catholic bishop to master Twitter. The daily tweets from @BishopEgan burst with enthusiasm for his faith, his friends and his diocese. They are generously sprinkled with exclamation marks: “Hope you can join me in Abingdon for the end of the Holy Year. I’m going to rededicate the Diocese to St Edmund. Oremus!” “@radioimmaculata launched today in Gosport. Please pray for this important new venture. Ave Maria!” And here is his perfectly judged reaction to the most surprising news of the year: “What an extraordinary US election result! Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide President-elect Trump especially these next few months.” As American Catholics are well aware, the most orthodox bishops are often the most innovative: one thinks of Bishop Robert Barron of Los Angeles, whose Word on Fire ministry has found refreshing ways of introducing sacred tradition to mass audiences. Bishop Egan is a less high-profile figure than Bishop Barron – but, like him, has grasped the evangelistic potential of digital technology. Also, both bishops are fully trained theologians, something that is more unusual for a British bishop than an American one. Bishop Egan has a PhD in theology from University and was a post-doctoral fellow at in Massachusetts before becoming vicar-general of the Diocese of Shrewsbury. The bishop’s theological expertise helps explain the confidence of his pronouncements. In the middle of his pastoral letter on education, for example, he says: “I now want to offer some authoritative teaching on Catholic education and how we should understand it.” This is not how most English and Welsh bishops express themselves: they prefer to debate and suggest things. Bishop Egan uses the word “offer”, but does not believe that faithful Catholics are entitled to reject teachings whose authority derives from Jesus Christ. He made this very clear in 2014, when he said that Catholics who voted for same-sex marriage “shouldn’t be receiving Holy Communion”. Conor Burns, a gay Catholic Tory MP who had unexpectedly voted for the legislation, described Bishop Egan’s comments as a “tragedy” and said that he felt he could no longer receive the sacrament in Portsmouth, his home diocese. Mr Burns added that he would look instead for guidance from Pope Francis – unaware, perhaps, that the Holy Father has denounced gay marriage far more ferociously than the bishop. The truth is that the dividing lines in the Church are difficult to locate, and Bishop Egan refuses to be pigeonholed. He is a champion of Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ and put his diocese on “environmental alert” in order to persuade Catholics to heed the Pope’s warnings. That is hardly the act of a reactionary – but it is typical of the urgency with which the bishop approaches his mission. Portsmouth has become a fast-moving diocese, run by a man who is not afraid to use the full authority of his office to reverse long-term decline. He has invited the Oratorians to take over a parish in Bournemouth – not because he is especially attached to their style of worship (he isn’t) but because their orthodox evangelism bears fruit. Philip Egan’s message, appropriately for the bishop of a naval town, is “all hands on deck”. Put simply, we need more bishops in his mould.

SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION THIS WEEK MONDAY to SATURDAY 9.30am to 9.55am at St Swithun’s Tuesday & Friday: 6:30 pm to 6:55 at St Swithun’s Sunday: 8.00am to 8.25am; 5:30pm to 5:55pm at St Swithun’s Saturday at Our Lady of Lourdes’ church: 5.30pm to 5.55pm and by request

The next Ascent Group meeting will be in the Church hall on Monday September the 25th from 2- 15pm. The Guest Speaker will talk on the Lord Mayors Charity; “Help 4 Special Children” Note at this meeting, fares for the mini-bus trip to the Roman Palace at Fishbourne in October will be collected!

DIOCESAN MIGRANT MASS: On Sunday 24th September, at 1400 in Cathedral will be celebrated by Bishop Philip. Mass is being celebrated in different languages to reflect the ethnic backgrounds of the people of our Diocese and to express that our Church is truly Catholic i.e. ‘universal’. After Mass we are invited in the Discovery Centre for ‘taster’ foods from around our world

ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH - (105 Waverley Road, Southsea PO5 2PL)

DAY OF THE TIME INTENTION OF FEASTS & MEMORIALS Readings of WEEK THE HOLY MASS of the Holy Liturgy a day XXV SUNDAY 8.30 am + Molly Sexton RIP Isaiah 55: 6-9; IN ORDINARY 10.15am For Bp Philip ordained and installed this Psalm 144; TIME 24-09-2017 6.00 pm day 5 years ago as a Bishop of our Diocese Philippians 1:20-24,27 Mass in Polish: + Izabela Slowik RIP Matthew 20: 1-16a;

MONDAY 9.30am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament of the 25TH Week of Ordinary Ezra 1: 1-6; 25-09-2017 10.00am Spiritual blessings of the Vaughan family Time Psalm 125; 10.30am We pray the Rosary Luke 8: 16-18; HOMILY: 'Gospel's banquets' - ‘Searching for God’s friends’ 9.30 am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament Ss Cosmas & Damian, TUESDAY 10.00am Spiritual blessings of the Vaughan family Martyrs Ezra 6:7-8,12b,14-20;

26-09-2017 10.30am We pray the Rosary of the 25TH Week of Ordinary Psalm 121; 7.00 pm No intention Time Luke 8: 19-21; HOMILY: 'Gospel's banquets' - ‘Heaven is the eternal feast - it is not enough to be invited' WEDNESDAY 9.30am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament Ezra 9: 5-9; 27-09-2017 10.00am + Ken Owen RIP St Vincent de Paul, Faunder Psalm - Tb 13; 10.30am We pray the Rosary Luke 9: 1-6; HOMILY: 'Gospel's banquets' - ‘Heaven is the eternal feast - happiness of the called ones’ THURSDAY 9.30am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament Haggai 1: 1-8; 28-09-2017 10.00am + Geoffrey Ernest Thomas RIP St Wenceslaus, Martyr Psalm 149; 10.30am We pray the Rosary Luke 9: 7-9; HOMILY: 'Gospel's banquets' - 'With Christ’s friends - Mary & Martha’ 9.30 am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament FRIDAY 10.00am + Donald Harrison RIP Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; 29-09-2017 10.30am We pray the Rosary Psalm 137; 7.00 pm Holy Souls following with Exposition of The John 1: 47-51; Blessed Sacrament & Divine Mercy Chaplet HOMILY: 'Gospel's banquets' - 'With Christ’s friends - death at Lazarus house, part 1 ’ SATURDAY 9.30 am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament St Jerome, Zechariah 2:5-9,14-15 30-09-2017 10.00am Sr Andreina - Diamond Jubilee Priest, Doctor of the Church Psalm - Jr 31; 10.30am We pray the Rosary Luke 9: 43b-45; HOMILY: 'Gospel's banquets' - ‘'With Christ’s friends - death at Lazarus house, part 2’ XXVI SUNDAY 8.30 am + Edward Michael Keogh RIP Ezekiel 18: 25-28; IN ORDINARY 10.15am + Rita Vella RIP Psalm 24; TIME 01-10-2017 6.00 pm Mass in Polish: For the Healing grace for Philippians 2: 1-11; Magda Matthew 21: 28-32;

OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH (Bransbury Road, Portsmouth PO4 9JY) THURSDAY Haggai 1: 1-8; 28-09-2017 12.00noon No intention St Wenceslaus, Martyr Psalm 149; Luke 9: 7-9; SATURDAY Ezekiel 18: 25-28; 30-09-2017 6.00 pm For all Parishioners Psalm 24; VIGIL of SUNDAY Philippians 2: 1-11; Matthew 21: 28-32;

OFFERTORY: Thank you for last Sunday’s Collection. The total amount was: £1189.27 (53% Gift Aid). As always, your generosity is much appreciated. Your donations make the life and work of the Parish possible.

SECOND COLLECTION : Please consider contributing to today’s second collection. The money received from this collection are going to the cathedral to make possible all the Pastoral Work of Bisho and Curia there.

MASS COUNT: we will take a Mass count at all of next Sunday’s Masses. LIFE HOUSE - food collection as usual on the First Sunday of each month. Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, my Friends marked by superficiality and moral ambiguity. In order for Let’s continue our last reflection: the Eucharist, the Holy Mass to experience the truth, we 'So, when the people saw that Jesus was not there, nor his begin with the act of repentance and humility before the Lord. disciples, they themselves went into the boats and went to Capernaum, "You seek me, not because you saw the signs, but because you seeking Jesus. When they found him on the other side of the sea, they are filled with the loaves." Jesus is not rejecting His said to him, "Rabbi, when did you come here?" (J 6, 24-25) followers, He does not want to discourage them. He just Note that the crowd here are first to establish wants to show them what must be the deepest meaning dialogue with Jesus. First, they question Him, but only to and purpose of their human aspirations: "Do not labour for the impose their own way of interpreting the situation. They food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, asked the question: "Rabbi, when did you come here?" - It is which the Son of man will give to you; for he has God the Father set his rather like a masked form of temptation. seal" (Jn 6:27). Satan's temptation in paradise also started with Jesus is exposing "too much concern" for the daily the question: 'Is that true ...?' It's a tactic of conversation that bread that dies, and He wants to awaken at the same time allows one to hide the underlying motives and goals of a hunger for bread, "which endures to eternal life", the dialogue. desire of God Himself and His Word. People who have been fed with bread which was The miracle of the multiplication of daily bread miraculously multiplied by Jesus do not make an effort to was only an external sign, a promise, a prophecy that the understand His teaching and read the miraculous sign in Messiah, as before, had satisfied the fleshly hunger, so He its light, but they want Him to begin to listen to their will, would satisfy the deepest needs and the longings of those expectations and desires. The motives for looking for who trust Him. Christ are hidden by the innocent question: "Rabbi, when did "My food is to the will of Him who sent me, and to you come here?" Was such a quick arrival to this place again accomplish His work." (Jn 4:34) - says Jesus Christ. He desires tied to some miracle? that what was His primary concern, also became the Jesus did not answer the question but decisively concern of His disciples. Hence, all those who participate clarified the motives of seeking Him by the Jews. What in the Mass, He calls to the same attitude He has had they did not admit themselves in front of Him was towards His Father. immediately spoken by Jesus loudly: "Jesus answered them: Jesus, if we really want Him to, will tell us what is Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek me, not because you saw the signs, in us: good and evil, false and lie, pure and unclean; He will but because you ate your fill of the loaves"(Jn 6:26). give us an idea of what motives we are led by. He does not Jesus thus expressed His regret and at the same need anyone's testimony of man. For He knows well what time admonished them. The solemn formula of assurance is hidden in men (see Jn 2:25). (truly, truly) He gives simple and clear words of power and Participation in the Eucharist, in which we stand strength. He wants the Jews to understand their meaning with all sincerity before God, is the surest way to know and pronunciation. These were very unpleasant words, oneself, and thus to purity of heart. Getting to know difficult to accept, punitive. Sure enough they hurt. For ourselves is not art for art, but it is meant to be more many, Jesus' answer to the 'polite’ question must have been transparent and open to God. By knowing ourselves, we a disappointment. They may have been surprised and see what is in us as an obstacle to God, and on the other asked each other what happened to the extraordinary hand, what works more favourably to His grace. kindness of the Master, who yesterday ordered Him to take In the Holy Land, on the Mount of Beatitudes, care of the hungry people. beside the altar of the field serving for the Holy Mass under "You seek me, not because you saw the signs, but because you the open sky, is the inscription "Beati Mundo corde, ate your fill of the loaves." These words Jesus tells the Jews in quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt" - "Blessed are the pure in heart, for the name of truth. Searching for the kingdom of God, they shall see God” (Mt 5, 8). These words remind the salvation can be built only on the truth: about God and celebrant of the Eucharist, that it demands inner purity. about man. "You seek me, you do not seek God, and listening to me, The request for purification of the heart is repeated in the Eucharistic liturgy many times. At the you do not want to hear the word of God. In fact, you are only looking beginning of the Mass, we ask God, "so that we may offer for your own benefit, your own needs." In this way, Jesus with our pure heart the Most Holy Sacrifice". Before the unmasks the ambiguity and impurity of the heart, seeking proclamation of the Gospel, the priest in silence Him for the miraculous multiplication of bread. prays: "Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God, that I may Thomas a‘Kempis encouraged us to prepare for the worthily proclaim your holy Gospel", and after eating the Body Mass with the words: "Examine your conscience diligently, and if and Blood of Jesus, the priest in silence (or sometimes you can, clean it up and order it by true repentance." loudly) utters the prayer: “What has passed our lips as food, O Participation in the Eucharist demands full Lord, may we possess in the purity of heart, that what has been given honesty, transparency of heart. This should heal us from to us in time may be our healing for eternity ". our moral lies, should be the source of self-knowledge, discernment and limitation between the desires of daily How could we watch God, listen to His Word, eat bread and the desires of God and His will. His Body and Blood if we were people of an unclean heart, if we were lying about God, about what He said to us, or The Eucharist obliges us to seek great inner about ourselves? Let us not hesitate to think about it, honesty, to a simple and clear question: Why do I follow about us, about our Holy Mass during this week. Jesus? Why am I looking for Him? Without answering With love and prayers and asking for yours, Fr. Marcin these questions, participation in the Eucharist can be BAPTISMAL PREPARATION - This Pastoral Year 2017- 2018 our Baptismal Preparation Course will include 3 meetings. The next preparation meetings will be held on Thursdays: 9th & 30th November and on Thursday of 14th December - for BAPTISMS on Sunday 17th December 2017. Please, take the application form from the sacristy, or from the office, or upload from our website. Please, do your best to practice your faith before You will apply - attend the Holy Mass on lord’s Day - which is Sunday. Thank you for your understanding.

ST EDMUND’S OPEN EVENING: if you’re thinking of sending your child to our local Catholic secondary do go along on Mon 2 Oct from 1800-2030 and meet the staff.

Safeguarding Training - The Diocese requires ALL who work with children & young people to attend Safeguarding Training in order to fulfil their Ministry: St John’s Cathedral, Abingdon Room, Tuesday 3rd October, 6.00 – 8.30pm Child Protection, Awareness Training. Please let Soraya know you can attend Contact Soraya on 02392 816396 or [email protected] to book a place

th Friday 13 October 2017 “Caritas Celebration Event”: The work and development of Caritas in the diocese will be celebrated at an event on Friday 13th October at the Louis Suite, Holy Family Church in Southampton. The event begins at 1030. At the event Caritas will share with you some of its key projects and hopefully you will be able to give some feedback about where you think Caritas should be heading in the future. Bishop Philip will join us in this event and will offer the opening prayer. A simple lunch will also be provided. You are welcome to just come along on the day, but for planning purposes we would appreciate you booking a place at: For more information please contact Kevin Gallagher on [email protected]

Beacon Project meetings are here on Monday in St Swithun's Church Hall (rather than the Church). It is now a weekly meeting from 7.30-9.00pm. All are welcome to join for a time of prayer, teaching and praise and worship. Please contact [email protected] for further information, otherwise we look forward to meeting you there.

The ‘Domestic Church’ or How can we live out our faith in our busy and chaotic home lives? Workshop and discussion led by Lucy and Paul Docherty. Saturday 14th of October, 1600-1745, Mass at 6pm. St Peter’s RC Church, Winchester.

BISHOP’S PASTORAL LETTER: Will be read at all Masses today except the 1000. Paper copies are available to take away and the letter is also online at the diocesan website.

From Wed 27 Sept to Sun 5 Nov, we invite you to join us in 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. We also invite you to stand and peacefully pray during a 40 day vigil in the public right-of-way outside St. Mary’s Community Health Campus, Milton Rd, Portsmouth, PO3 6AD. For more information please contact 07535937865 or on [email protected] Please sign our 40 Days For Life register You can find the Portsmouth campaign page link via

ST LUKE’S DAY MASS: the annual Mass for local healthcare professionals will be here on Wed 18 Oct at 1930 celebrated by Fr Joe McNerney (RC Chaplain to QA Hospital).

DE-MYSTIFYING NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (NFP): Sat 11 Nov from 0945-1600 at St Michael’s Church Leigh Park. A Fertility Awareness Day for married couples and anyone interested in making an informed decision. There will be presentations on a theological perspective, scientific knowledge, the menopause, news from experts in the field. Kindly please respond by 10 October [email protected]

Welcome to the University of Portsmouth’s Catholic Society! ‘Vivere pro dei Gloria’ Who are we? - If you are Catholic, Christian or curious about Christianity, you are invited to join our community of students! We offer an opportunity to practise, talk about or find out more about your faith in an environment with other Catholics as well as join a supportive network of people. We see as our mission a calling to live a life which continually glorifies God and we do this through worship, prayer and living out the sacraments in our day to day lives. Our motto of ‘Vivere pro dei Gloria’ inspires us to seek God’s glory here on earth and thus directs our society in planning events and activities for the future. It comes from 1 Corinthians 10:31, which compels us, saying ‘So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God‘ knowing that living for His Glory will bring us joy and peace. What do we offer? - As a society we offer a mix of socials, praise and worship, speakers, spiritual development and retreats. Our timetable of events is laid out per month and when you join, you will have access to a Gmail calendar, linked to the email you provided which will be constantly updated with everything that goes on. Mass - As Catholics, our principal meeting is for mass each Sunday. Usually, this will be at St Swithun’s in Southsea at 10:15am Mass, however, we are currently exploring the possibility of beginning a dedicated youth and students mass; more details will be available once discussions are finalised with the diocese.

DIOCESAN DAY FOR CATECHISTS: here on Sat 14 Oct, 1000-1530 on the theme of Opening the treasure of Scripture: understanding and using the Bible in catechesis Incl Mass celebrated by Bishop Philip at 1215. Register at: [email protected]

‘HEAR GOD’S VOICE’ - SCRIPTURE MEETING this Tuesday on 26th September. ALL are very welcome - no register, no checking the list. from 7.40pm to 9.00pm in the Presbytery, 105 Waverley Road.

Our ‘Parish Cinema’ invites all of us for a show of the next film: on Friday 29TH September from 8.10pm in St Swithun’s church hall - “The Portraitist” (52 min.) "The Portraitist" tells the riveting story of Wilhelm Brasse, a professional photographer who during more than four years at the Auschwitz death camp was forced by the Nazis to take identity portraits of tens of thousands of his doomed fellow prisoners. This film deserves attention not only for the light it sheds on an especially dark moment of history--Brasse took his orders from the notorious Dr. Josef Mengele, among others--but also for the director's striking, even courageous approach. If the purpose of documentary films is to provide compelling perspectives upon stories that matter so that they will be preserved for posterity, "The Portraitist" succeeds on all counts.


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AN INVITATION FROM FATHER MARCIN: COME AND ASK ANY QUESTION ABOUT OUR FAITH Dear Friends, if You will be not able to attend weekday’s Masses, You can always find these homilies, and many, many other interesting things on the website: Also, as a complement to it, I would like to put a special table in the church hall, which will be ready for anyone who would like to ask, even the most difficult questions – about our Catholic faith. Because, I still meet so many sad situations, when some opinions created by media or people of not good will, to discredit Catholic faith, completely destroy people belief and stop them to practice their faith. So, whoever, after Mass at 10.15am will sit I will be very happy to join them to try my best to explain a difficult subjects, misleads and misunderstandings shared in this world about our faith. YOU ARE VERY WELCOME!

Cross 'accidentally' set alight as Chinese officials take it from church It’s the first case of forcible cross demolition in China’s Henan province. Authorities in Henan province released a document in July stressing that religious organizations would not be allowed to run Sunday schools or summer camps. Although official statistics are not available, there are

indications that the Christian population in Henan province is the second highest in the country after Zhejiang province. In 2009, the Christian population in Henan was 2.4 million, of which 300,000 were Catholics. It isn’t boring to be a Christian today!

What is Celebrate?

It began with a large family conference in Ilfracombe, Devon in 1994 and grew to include our Regional Weekend Events which now take place throughout England, Scotland and Wales. They provide faith and fun for all the family, with a welcoming and expectant atmosphere for everyone, so that our times together would help us draw closer to God. Most of us are Catholics, but we are always delighted to welcome a good number from other Christian traditions, including some of our conference speakers. We have much to learn and share together. Celebrate also includes our youth event, Joel’s Bar, for 16-25 year olds, which runs at Worth Abbey in Sussex. This is an exciting, vibrant 4 days where young people have the opportunity to receive great teaching to uplift their faith, alongside amazing worship and celebration of the Mass all in the midst of fun and friendship. It is both reverent and relevant! Release – Celebrate’s young leaders formation programme was launched to prepare our young people to take on key leadership roles within Celebrate and what we have now found is that it has also provided the Church with many Catechists, School and University Chaplains. We have seen incredible growth in our young people and we are so proud of them! We are also working at the development of Celebrate@home, family prayer groups that come together to share faith and friendship. We hope these will build communities that will learn to praise God and pray for each other in local areas on a regular basis. The way ahead promises to be exciting, we continue to hold all that we do before our loving Father and ask for His constant guidance. We are immensely grateful to everyone involved in Celebrate, and we thank God for all of you. It isn’t boring to be a Christian today! In the Peace and Joy of Christ, SOUTHAMPTON CELEBRATE WEEKEND 2017 PROGRAMME The Southampton team are looking forward to welcoming you to, this, our 10th anniversary Southampton Celebrate Weekend. Following last year’s successful event, we will again be at St. George Catholic College. We have a great line-up of speakers who will challenge and enrich us, together with great Praise & Worship, daily Mass and Prayer Ministry. The wonderful Steve Murray will once again be sharing his talents with us. Southampton Faith and fun for the whole family organized by a team from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal 30th Sept / 1st Oct at St George Catholic College, Southampton. Groups for all ages & Young Adults (up to 22) The theme this year is: “Seek First His Kingdom” Matt. 6:33 (NIV) All speakers are now confirmed and include Michelle Moran, president of ICCRS International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, Gary Stephens from the Prince of Peace Community, Yinka Oyekan from The Gate, Reading, as well as Pippa Baker from Joels Bar and One Hope Project. When: Sat 30th Sept 2017, 09.00am – 21.00pm; Sun 1st Oct 2017, 09.00am 17.30am Location: St. George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Southampton, SO16 3DQ Get in touch: Lynda and Peter Szymanski Telephone: 02380 292058 Email Lynda & Peter or Email Peter View the Full Programme for the weekend Here:

Please pray for those who are ill, especially: Patricia Ward, Pat Groom, Stan Whitnell, Mary Mckana, Eileen Inkpen, Rory McCreesh, Eddie Coppani, Peter Softly, Tony Denny, Betty Foster, Bobby, Eileen Stewart, Joan Smith, John Williams, Margaret Bager, Monika Madigan, Fred Vuksani, Tom & Lily, Greta Kemp, Magda K, Mary Wallis, Micheline Thompson, Pat Needham, Margaret Badger, Rosemary Ashton, Anne Sullivan, Catherine Morgan, Arthur Tobin, Jo Wheeler and Josephine Butler. And all whose anniversaries occur at this time: 24TH September: Carmen Lopez, Imogen Mead, Catherine Davies, Marie Shepherd, Oram Powell, Ellen Parsons, Kathleen Petty, Thomas Doyle, Mary Richardson, John Spillane, Maurice Charles Lait, Eileen Barrett, Teresa Bullen, Alice Kirkham, Daisy Farrell, William Merrett, Molly Sexton, Norah Dutton, Anne Saunders, Eric Cashin, Marion Hogg, Sarah Day, William Kelley, John Cairns, Pope John Paul I, Geoff Thomas, Alberta Mary Baxter, Margaret Mulholland, Francesca Andrews, Reginald Valley, Yvonne Piggott, Mary Crane, Ernest Smith, John Paul, Andrzej Markowski, Mary Josephine Gray, Mary Kavanagh, Dennis Alliston, Thomas Joseph O'Driscoll, William Hamilton, Frederick Brown, Maureen Pedder, Ellen White, Edwin John Robert Cook, Stephanie Iris Clark.. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


PARISH PRIEST: Father Marcin Drabik, tel: 02392 828305; e-mail: [email protected]; 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL; Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel: 07747 728734; Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan - 023 9234 1682; (Parish Office: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8.00am –12.30pm) Tel: 02392828305 e-mail: [email protected] Parish website: FACEBOOK PROFILE: