Douglas E. Schoen LLC Questionnaire Survey of 600 Likely Democratic Primary Voters Conducted May 27-31, 2009

Mood of the Country

1* Generally speaking, are things in the country headed in the right direction, or are they on the wrong track?

77% Right direction 15% Wrong track 9% Not sure

2* Generally speaking, are things in New York headed in the right direction or are they on the wrong track?

28% Right direction 56% Wrong track 16% Not sure

3* Generally speaking, is the economy in New York headed in the right direction or is it on the wrong track?

37% Right direction 40% Wrong track 24% Not sure


I’m going to read you a short list of people in the News. For each, please let me know if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression.

4* Carolyn Maloney

17% Very favorable 22% Somewhat favorable 7% Somewhat unfavorable 4% Very unfavorable 51% Not sure


14% Very favorable 28% Somewhat favorable 17% Somewhat unfavorable 7% Very unfavorable 35% Not sure

2 Horserace

6* Now, in thinking about the 2010 statewide Democratic primary election for United States Senator, suppose you had a choice between Kirsten Gillibrand, Carolyn Maloney, and Carolyn McCarthy. If the election were held today, who would you vote for?

27% Kirsten Gillibrand 21% Carolyn Maloney 17% Carolyn McCarthy 11% Some other candidate 24% Not sure

7* Now suppose just Kirsten Gillibrand and Carolyn Maloney were running in the 2010 Democratic Primary for U.S. Senator. If the election were held today, who would you vote for?

32% Kirsten Gillibrand 34% Carolyn Maloney 34% Not sure

6% Not sure

8* Has Kirsten Gillibrand done her job well enough to deserve reelection, or is it time for her to be replaced by somebody else?

27% Senator Gillibrand has done her job well enough to deserve reelection 29% It’s time for her to be replaced by somebody else 44% Not sure

9* What do you like the most about Kirsten Gillibrand?

13% She’s a fighter for New York 5% She’s an independent leader 16% She is hard-working 21% She supports President Obama 12% Some other reason 34% Not sure

10* What do you like the least about Kirsten Gillibrand?

8% She flip flops on issues, press 1 23% She is too conservative 7% She is from the wrong part of the state

3 9% She is out of touch with New Yorkers 9% She does not have enough experience to be a Senator 12% Some other reason 32% Not sure

11* If there was a Democratic primary in 2010 for New York governor between David Patterson and , who would you vote for?

16% David Patterson 71% Andrew Cuomo 3% Some other candidate 9% Not sure

4 Job Approval

12* How do you rate the way that Andrew Cuomo is performing his job as Attorney General? Do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?

50% Strongly approve 33% Somewhat approve 8% Somewhat disapprove 4% Strongly disapprove 6% Not sure

13* How do you rate the way that Kirsten Gillibrand is performing her job as U.S. Senator? Do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of the job she’s been doing?

18% Strongly approve 38% Somewhat approve 12% Somewhat disapprove 5% Strongly disapprove 27% Not sure

5 Issues

14* In your opinion, what is the most important issue facing New York State?

60% The economy and jobs 6% Ethics and corruption 6% Health care 1% Immigration 7% Schools and education 16% Taxes and the cost of living 1% Terrorism 1% Crime 1% The environment

15* What is the second most important issue facing New York State?

28% The economy and jobs 14% Ethics and corruption 20% Health care 2% Immigration 16% Schools and education 13% Taxes and the cost of living 3% Terrorism 0% Crime 3% The environment

16* What is the most important issue facing your local community?

53% The economy and jobs 4% Ethics and corruption 14% Health care 1% Immigration 8% Schools and education 16% Taxes and the cost of living 0% Terrorism 1% Crime 3% The environment

6 Governor David Patterson

17* Are you more or less favorable of David Patterson because of the way he handled ’s possible appointment to the U.S. Senate?

5% Much more favorable 10% Somewhat more favorable 26% Somewhat less favorable 23% Much less favorable 26% Not sure

18* Do you think David Patterson’s decision to appoint Kirsten Gillibrand to the U.S. Senate was a good choice, or did he make a mistake?

35% It was a good choice 35% It was a mistake 30% Not sure

19* Kirsten Gillibrand is close to David Patterson. Does this make you more or less likely to vote for her for U.S. Senator?

8% Much more likely to vote for her 20% Somewhat more likely 25% Somewhat less likely 17% Much less likely 30% Not sure

20* Generally speaking, do you want the person who is elected U.S. Senator from New York to be close to Governor Patterson, or independent from Governor Patterson?

16% Close to Governor Patterson 72% Independent from Governor Patterson 12% Not sure

7 Constituencies and the U.S. Senate Seat

21* How important do you think it is to elect a woman to the Senate seat that held?

31% Very important 23% Somewhat important 23% Not very important 21% Not at all important 2% Not sure

22* How important do you think it is to elect an upstate New Yorker to the Senate in the upcoming election?

29% Very important 15% Somewhat important 34% Not very important 16% Not at all important 5% Not sure

23* Does ’s support for Kirsten Gillibrand make you more or less likely to vote for her?

22% Much more likely to vote for her 36% Somewhat more likely 13% Somewhat less likely 9% Much less likely 21% Not sure

24* How important is it to elect a candidate to the U.S. Senate who has represented diverse communities and minority neighborhoods during his or her career?

43% Very important 32% Somewhat important 16% Not very important 4% Not at all important 6% Not sure

25* How important is it for you to elect someone to the U.S. Senate from your part of the state?

44% Very important 28% Somewhat important

8 18% Not very important 7% Not at all important 3% Not sure

26* How important is it to pass an to the United States Constitution, which would guarantee that equal rights under any federal, state or local law could not be denied on the account of sex?

67% Very important 17% Somewhat important 6% Not very important 7% Not at all important 3% Not sure

9 Profiles

I’m going to read you some information about three candidates who are currently running or have expressed interest in running for the Democratic nomination for New York Senator in 2010. After each paragraph, please tell me if it makes you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely or much less likely to vote for that person for U.S. Senator.

Carolyn Maloney

27* Since 1993, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has been standing for the interests of in Congress. During the 110th Congress, she introduced more pieces of legislation than any other House Member. As a leader of this country, she has made large strides in the areas of financial services, the economy, national security and women’s issues. She has fought tirelessly for full federal assistance to help New York City rebuild from 9/11. She has led the fight against credit card companies during these difficult economic times, fighting unfair fees and marketing practices. Maloney has also led Congress in reforming federal homeland security assistance distribution to send more money back to New York State.

25% Much more likely to vote for her 40% Somewhat more likely 11% Somewhat less likely 7% Much less likely 17% Not sure

Kirsten Gillibrand

28* Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is a dedicated, tireless public servant and a lifelong New Yorker who is focused on these challenging economic times facing our state and our country. Governor David Patterson appointed Gillibrand to fill the Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton in January 2009. Since then, Gillibrand has helped expand health insurance for uninsured children, supported President Obama’s economic recovery plan, and secured billions of dollars to create jobs in New York. Before joining the Senate, Gillibrand served in Congress representing New York’s 20th Congressional District.

18% Much more likely to vote for her 38% Somewhat more likely 15% Somewhat less likely

10 7% Much less likely 22% Not sure

Carolyn McCarthy

29* After her husband was murdered on the , Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy set out to bring change by running for Congress in 1996. She has built a reputation as a successful and hardworking legislator, serving as a senior member on the Education and Labor Committee and Chairwomen of the Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee. On these committees, she works to provide tax cuts for working families, stimulate the economy, promote investment, make certain that every child has an excellent education, protect her constituents’ savings and pensions, and keep guns out of schools and away from criminals.

29% Much more likely to vote for her 39% Somewhat more likely 11% Somewhat less likely 7% Much less likely 15% Not sure

11 Arguments for Carolyn Maloney

Now I’m going to read you some arguments that have been made in support of Carolyn Maloney. Please tell me if you find each statement to be a very convincing, somewhat convincing, not very convincing or not at all convincing reason to vote for her for U.S. Senator.

30* As Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Carolyn Maloney has focused on highlighting the failed economic policies of the Bush Administration that got us into the mess today and worked to pass TARP, the home foreclosure prevention bill and President Obama’s stimulus plan.

36% Very convincing reason to vote for her 35% Somewhat convincing 12% Not very convincing 7% Not at all convincing 10% Not sure

31* Carolyn Maloney pushed for passage of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to stabilize the banks and keep credit flowing to American small businesses and consumers.

33% Very convincing reason to vote for her 37% Somewhat convincing 17% Not very convincing 6% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

32* Carolyn Maloney is a leader in addressing the home foreclosure crisis. In Congress she helped pas President Obama’s plan allowing homeowners to adjust their high interest rate or teaser mortgages making them more affordable and helping millions of Americans keep their homes.

53% Very convincing reason to vote for her 27% Somewhat convincing 9% Not very convincing 6% Not at all convincing 5% Not sure

33* During her time in Congress, Carolyn Maloney has voted for laws that have helped create 16,000 jobs in New York State.

12 45% Very convincing reason to vote for her 37% Somewhat convincing 10% Not very convincing 4% Not at all convincing 3% Not sure

34* Carolyn Maloney is a dedicated fighter for the rights of the victims and heroes of the attacks of 9/11. Since 2002, Maloney has raised $335 million for medical treatment for those suffering from 9/11- related health conditions.

45% Very convincing reason to vote for her 32% Somewhat convincing 13% Not very convincing 4% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

35* As the former co-chair of the Women’s Caucus, Carolyn Maloney is a nationally-recognized advocate for women’s and family issues, with a special emphasis on funding for women’s health needs, reproductive freedom and international family planning. She has introduced legislation that would amend the Constitution to guarantee equal rights for women.

44% Very convincing reason to vote for her 32% Somewhat convincing 14% Not very convincing 9% Not at all convincing 2% Not sure

36* As a New Yorker, Carolyn Maloney has led the charge in Congress to reform federal homeland security assistance distribution, sending more money to area’s most targeted by terrorists including New York City and State.

30% Very convincing reason to vote for her 40% Somewhat convincing 18% Not very convincing 8% Not at all convincing 4% Not sure

37* Caroline Maloney is responsible for a new Family League bill that is going to pass. She has been responsible for legislation to hold credit card rates. She had the guts to take on the banks when nobody else did.

13 49% Very convincing reason to vote for her 29% Somewhat convincing 13% Not very convincing 5% Not at all convincing 4% Not sure

38* Carolyn Maloney is a strong supporter of the and has been instrumental in bringing home millions of dollars in federal funding for the project.

22% Very convincing reason to vote for her 32% Somewhat convincing 20% Not very convincing 20% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

39* A fighter for justice in all parts of the world, Carolyn Maloney has worked to stop the ongoing violence in Darfur that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and displaced millions. As a member of the House Sudan Caucus, Maloney is dedicated to ending the violence and providing assistance to the victims of warfare.

48% Very convincing reason to vote for her 29% Somewhat convincing 13% Not very convincing 9% Not at all convincing 2% Not sure

40* A long standing ally of the lesbian and gay community, Carolyn Maloney introduced the first measure in New York to recognize domestic partnerships, including those of same-sex couples. Maloney also authored a bill to expand the family and medical leave act so it applies to domestic partnerships and same-sex marriages.

32% Very convincing reason to vote for her 25% Somewhat convincing 15% Not very convincing 25% Not at all convincing 3% Not sure

41* Carolyn Maloney authored legislation that provides federal funding to rid the backlog of rape kits for which evidence has been collected, but never entered into law enforcement DNA databases. It has been called the most important anti-rape legislation ever considered by Congress.

14 48% Very convincing reason to vote for her 35% Somewhat convincing 6% Not very convincing 5% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

42* As a friend of Israel, Carolyn Maloney has demonstrated her strong support during the recent conflicts in the Middle East. Maloney supported the resolution recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself and taking a strong stand against acts of terrorism by Hamas.

32% Very convincing reason to vote for her 28% Somewhat convincing 24% Not very convincing 12% Not at all convincing 5% Not sure

43* Carolyn Maloney has authored comprehensive credit card reform giving the consumers the ability to understand their account, be empowered to control them and banning excessive fees and deceptive marketing practices that companies have been using for decades.

58% Very convincing reason to vote for her 23% Somewhat convincing 13% Not very convincing 4% Not at all convincing 1% Not sure

44* Carolyn Maloney introduced a bill to require the National Institute of Health to conduct a study to understand the differences between children who have been vaccinated and not vaccinated to resolve a possible link between autism and childhood vaccines.

26% Very convincing reason to vote for her 40% Somewhat convincing 21% Not very convincing 9% Not at all convincing 5% Not sure

45* As a former teacher, Maloney has been a constant fighter throughout her career to improve the education system – by working to reduce class size, repair crumbling schools, raise standards, and increase government support for the arts and cultural institutions.

49% Very convincing reason to vote for her 15 32% Somewhat convincing 8% Not very convincing 11% Not at all convincing 0% Not sure

46* Carolyn Maloney helped secure a bill to provide for coverage of an annual screening mammography under Plan B of the program for seniors. And she strongly supports increased federal funding for medical research including stem cells.

54% Very convincing reason to vote for her 30% Somewhat convincing 7% Not very convincing 6% Not at all convincing 2% Not sure

47*Since 1993, Carolyn Maloney has developed an outstanding track record as a legislator who delivers results for New Yorkers. Her record in Congress and on the prompted to describe her as a prolific legislator.

33% Very convincing reason to vote for her 37% Somewhat convincing 14% Not very convincing 12% Not at all convincing 4% Not sure

48*Carolyn Maloney continually presses for answers and demands accountability when it comes to the war in . A member of the Out of Iraq Caucus, she believes that it is time for America’s brave soldiers to come back home.

53% Very convincing reason to vote for her 27% Somewhat convincing 8% Not very convincing 11% Not at all convincing 2% Not sure

49* Given the information you have just heard, if the primary election were held today and the candidates were Kirsten Gillibrand and Carolyn Maloney, who would you vote for?

28% Kirsten Gillibrand 43% Carolyn Maloney 29% Not sure 16 Arguments against Carolyn Maloney

Now I’m going to read you some arguments that have been made against Carolyn Maloney. Please tell me if you find each statement to be a very convincing, somewhat convincing, not very convincing or not at all convincing reason not to vote for her for U.S. Senator.

50* Carolyn Maloney is just a career politician focused on political survival and career advancement rather than effectively representing her New York constituents.

16% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 15% Somewhat convincing 38% Not very convincing 25% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

51* Governor Paterson passed over Maloney in replacing the Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton in favor of a less experienced Congresswoman.

6% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 15% Somewhat convincing 29% Not very convincing 41% Not at all convincing 9% Not sure

52* In Congress, Maloney has fought against innovative policies such as school choice and merit pay for teachers, and has voted against giving law enforcement the critical tools necessary to continue to fight the threat of terrorism. She lacks fiscal responsibility, voting to increase taxes in the next budget.

26% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 24% Somewhat convincing 25% Not very convincing 19% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

53* Maloney is not a heavyweight in Congress, focusing most of her energy on an Equal Rights Amendment for women and the Amendment has received little attention from other members of Congress, including other women.

11% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 17 23% Somewhat convincing 37% Not very convincing 22% Not at all convincing 8% Not sure

54* As someone who lives and represents the Upper of , she is one of the top 20 wealthiest members of Congress, putting her out of touch with the working class in New York State.

21% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 23% Somewhat convincing 32% Not very convincing 21% Not at all convincing 3% Not sure

18 Arguments against Kirsten Gillibrand

Now I’m going to read you some arguments that have been made against Kirsten Gillibrand. Please tell me if you find each statement to be a very convincing, somewhat convincing, not very convincing or not at all convincing reason not to vote for her for U.S. Senator.

55* Kirsten Gillibrand has not told the truth about her work for the tobacco industry. Before serving Congress, she represented tobacco giant Philip Morris as a private attorney helping them deal with criminal probes and civil lawsuits from smoking victims. She has helped try to keep tobacco legal in America when she said she was just an associate on the case.

33% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 31% Somewhat convincing 19% Not very convincing 15% Not at all convincing 3% Not sure

56* Not only has Kirsten Gillibrand worked for the tobacco industry, but she has taken donations from Altria Group, the parent of Philip Morris.

34% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 25% Somewhat convincing 22% Not very convincing 14% Not at all convincing 5% Not sure

57* Kirsten Gillibrand voted against TARP, which was critical in stabilizing the financial system that is crucial to the New York State economy.

29% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 33% Somewhat convincing 24% Not very convincing 8% Not at all convincing 7% Not sure

58* Kirsten Gillibrand is too conservative and is out of touch with the views of mainstream New Yorkers. She is a strong supporter of gun rights and ownership; she earned an ‘A’ rating from the National Rifle Association. She has also been anti-immigration. She has now flip-flopped on these issues. She changes her position based on what will help her politically.

19 46% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 23% Somewhat convincing 16% Not very convincing 11% Not at all convincing 4% Not sure

59* Kirsten Gillibrand has the most anti-gay record of any Democratic legislator in New York State.

40% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 24% Somewhat convincing 15% Not very convincing 16% Not at all convincing 5% Not sure

60* Kirsten Gillibrand is so conservative that ten prominent New York Democratic legislators have signed a letter asking the New York state party to withhold supporting Gillibrand.

31% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 27% Somewhat convincing 21% Not very convincing 17% Not at all convincing 4% Not sure

61* Kirsten Gillibrand was an intern for conservative Republican Al D’Amato, and he attended her swearing in ceremony as a U.S Congresswoman. Gillibrand is very close to D’Amato.

28% Very convincing reason not to vote for her 21% Somewhat convincing 26% Not very convincing 18% Not at all convincing 6% Not sure

62* Given the information you have just heard, if the 2010 Democratic primary election for U.S. Senator were held today and the candidates were Kirsten Gillibrand and Carolyn Maloney who would you vote for?

25% Kirsten Gillibrand 49% Carolyn Maloney 27% Not sure