'1 :1 ,;

. -. " ','~~...... • !I The' Christmas Gift Thit , . Repeats Itself 52 Times a Year ••• Give a ews Subscription to The News ross Phone TUxedo 2-6900 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes VOLUME I~NO. 51 Be PH COP) Entered .1 Second CI... Miner Paid Circulation 13,00Per VUI GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 17, 1953 It the Poe OWe. as Detroit. MIdi. Fully

I'Setto Start, IIEi\DLINES Veteran Board Members Attend Hospital Open House INumber of Liquor I !: 01 I.r" Construction' " , "'EEK Licenses is Cause Of Building ,I As Compiltd b)' Ibt I I' G'osJt Pointt Nttt'J Three Main Contracts Qn f Auditorium - Gymnasium j' Thul'!ida~', December 10 in At High School Total Of Battle Woods I , HUSSIA'S Andrei 1. Vishin~k~' i r:pped mto President Eisenhow. $831,948 f'I"s :lpeech before the UN Gen- Monday Night's Council Meeting Promises to Be One of eral A.~sembly. by stating that the Most Vociferous in History of Municipality Bids {or the construction of President's pro p 0 s a I for an the new auditorium-gymna- "ntoml;: bank" for peaceful pur. Ne:,t Monday night's council meeting of the Cit~' of sium on the High School cam- pases cannot be guaranteed. Grosse Pointe Woods promises to be one ,of the most vocifer- pus are well within the $995.~ Badio ~luscow. in its reactIOn to ous in the history of that municipality. Hotly-worded notices 000 approved for this purpose the speech. said that the President are being circulated throughout the city, urging the residents by voters last spring, The bids mndc an "eulogy of a policy of to turn out and oppose an action contemplated by the officials. were opened at a meeting of force." It said the United States The council voted by a 4.3 ma.,i------the Board of Education on \"a~ trying to Impo~e a \'ariation of the old Baruch plan, jority on December 7 to publish D th T k Wednesday night, December by title a new ordinance which ea a es 9. t:N diplomats were appalled by would repeal an ordinance only , ~l(lsC(lw.s apparent r£'jection to The ~rieghof! Company, lrnv a yeal' old. helping to restrict the J(.in in the pooling uf uranium K 1G dd 4d bidder for the general contract, number of Class C and Tavcrn ar 0 UJ was awarded the job at _ figurl which could lead to the use ot liquor licenses approved by the :I:omic energy for industry and of $631,170. lI(h'ance agriculture and medicine. ci~file p.xistinl: ordinanc~ was In Florida Gray Electrical Co. won thi ..\merican Delel:ate Henry Ford passed aftel' the voters balloted electrical contract with the loW Ir~ comment about the Russians un November 4, 1952, on the bid of 152,725. wa~. "Th('y re nuts:' question of the adoption or such Former President and Coun- One DId Confuslnr " an ordinance. The results were cilman of Grosse Pointe There .....as some confusio/\ over A RA'ITLE betwecn Atty, G('n, 5432 for, and 20i5 aGainst this the heating and plumbing bid Park, Succumbs in South Frank Millard and Wayne P~.ose. urdinance, which says the Woods when the low bidder announced cut"r Gerald O'Brien. appeared shall not approve nor signify its that it had made II mistake in to be near a showdown in a approval for the issuance of any The Park council on Monday, figuring the bid and it should be demand for a l:rand jury in\'e"ti- future or additional Class C and December 14, unanimously ex. $10,000 more than the IImount galion of Hamtramck nffairs. or Tavern licenses to be issucd pressed approval of forwardinG quoted. This concern IIIked to be O'Bril'n refused to turn o\'er to hy the Liquor Control Commis. a resolution to the family or the released. ti:e "ttorney J:eneral the results sion of the State of MichiGan. late Karl B. Goddard, well loved The second 10\1; bidder, the 1.. of his IIlvestigations and stated (A municipality cannot dictate and respected former oUicinl or L. McConachic Co. put iri _ bid thc Park, who died in Peters- or $148,053. The Board of Educa- 11(' \\'11, shocked by the inter\'en- -Fred Rllnnell. Pllntn 10 the state un the number of li. st. ti"n of :'olillard. Three of the oldest members in point of service of the olTicial board of Cottage Hospital were on hand last censes. but it is the policy of the burg, Fla" on December 10, at tlon held a special meeting Tues- Saturda,\' and Sunday when the institution held Open 1-10 use to show the public'the completed addition which has state to respect the wishes or the the age of'67. day morning and approved thl munieipnlity,) Mr. Goddard was born on Scpo awardinlt of the contract tor Th(' ;~lt(lrncy ;:eneral del1land(',(l; been adden at a cost of SIAOO,OlIO. Left to right are: MRS JOSEPH B. SCHLOTMAN, MRS. W. HOWIE MUIR and tember 15, 1886, in Harvard, Ill.: plumbing and heating to the Me- that ,0 BI::'n tlurnb'I'\"'k'rdth('Cfacts i\1RS. HEi\RY B. ,JOY, inspecting the guest book held' b\' ~lISS CAHOLYN WICKS, directing superintendent of the The new ordinance, which has t o j11m n.. ('r Ie oc e IrClllt I . . now been published by title. and was a J:raduate or the Uni. Conachle concern. Court actIon on a petitIOn fIled by I hospital. cnuld not be submitted for final versity of Michigan Law School $1%0,000 for Equipment action befure the publication, as in 1910. Total of the t h r e e bids and required by city charter. It is He was .the senior partner or architect's fees estimated at about ;~;£~;':i;;~4~~;~:~£;:~:;Cyclist Dies IEntire Community Invited Tax EV(lclers this final action which the resi. th~ law fIrm or Goddard, Me. $41,000, comes to $872,948, or more dents are beinR asked. (in the CllIltock, Fulton ~nd ,Du,novan, 'than $120,000 under the amount R!ld had been assOCiated WIth the approved in the bond issue for thl! :':OTI:'>:G THAT I:'>: A CRISIS I mimegrophed notices beinJt cir. pr.H.tically all of it~ plant~ would WI tellSt rue,1 I T0 TIe• e L-lbO"htl-ng Prog'r.am J?OUIlCZ Guilty culated), to oppose Monday llrm for 40 ye,ar~. ,structure. nir:ht. Hc ,became lIltlmately assoclat- The school officials feel' this ed w~th the Park guvernment at amount a!Cords a comfol'table - :~~I~~:'~~t~:~~~t~~~'a~oEI~'~~~rcs~o~~: In W ooels ! At Cellter Sunday Evelling Of Slllllggling The molion fnr the repeal of I':'ny announced a tough antl-', I the tlm~, or t~le ~erguson Gr~nd leeway to take care of equipping the restricting ordinance was 01'. Jury IIlves~lgaltng. co~ruptlve the building :md other nl'- C'.mnwnlst policy. Henceforth. all --. • • fered by Councilman Hex John- I :llpluyps whn ,.dmit tu being Harper Woods Youth Killed Youth Groups Taking Charge of Yuletide Ceremony Urge Pointer Sam Frontiera Called government III that cI!y 111 1940. gencles. co m ston on December 7. 1t was sec- He too~ over the rem,s o[ gov- The bleacher seats, will be pur- C'>l1ll1llmist.. "I' are '~ngal:ed in I When Hit by Car; First Residents of All Ages to be Head of Giant Ring Which onded by Councilman GeorGe ernment m the Park m ~Iarch chased through independent com- a.lY tnI'm of l"plOnage lIr ., F I' . P t b 0' I k D f d d' S Heckendorn. Opposed to the mo- 01:;" \\'ill he dl"charged at oncl!'. ata Ity In 10 Years rescn at c oc c rau e tate 1,940, and, sen'ed up to hIS re. petltive bids, rather than througl1 tion \vere Councilwoman Elsie tlr~men! III March 1.944, durin.g the general contractor. It is esti. r:ll1pl,),\'c~ \\'ho have ref US I'd or TI C't ~ G P . t The final arran"ements for the annual tree lightin" cere- Sam Frontiera. 41, oC :179 Friedrich and Councilmen Harry d,l n'IU3e tn an,Wl'r questiun,; on 11' I Y o. rosse Olll e b ... which time he wa.~ VII~age pren. mated these will cost between s,lt'h actl\'ities in public Govern. Woods' lO-year record of no mony at 6 p.m. on Sunday, DecembCl' 20, at the Grosse Pointe ChalfontI'. described as the Pratt and Waid McKnight. de,nt., He was I~ter appomted com_ $30.000 llnd $40,000. ment hrarin;:s will be suspended traffic fatalities was marred Wat. Mem?rial C~nter, have b~en made, ~ccording to Mi~s ringleader in a multimillion- 1>lcmday night's council meet- !1llSSlOner,to fill ~ vacancy, sel'V- To Build It In Year unlll til('\' have been cleared of last Saturda\', December I:!. Donna Smith. chairman of the \lar Memonal Youth CouncIl. dollar cigarei smuggling ring, ing will convene at 7:30 o'clock. mg 10 thiS ~apaelty from .March The contractors ha\'e stated 101:11:, • The victim- \....as 16 veal' old ':While the ceremuny \tsel! is .------~------and five of his cohorts, were 19,15 t? 1946, and then agam was they' can break ground almost 1m- - • • C V" Of 19')'l' hem!: conducted by thc youth o[ IliT I. d found guilty on Thursday, cOll?mlssioner f~om March 1948 mediately and estimate it "..ill I"rlda.v• Uecember II armen I~contt. 0 -'" this community, it is also direct~ nomen llJure . DeCaussin Made u!ltll the Park mcorporated as a take 365 calendar days to com- T '\ LO~G h d o[ t' e police Eastborn a\ enue m Harper I'd toward parents ami, other A C '}' I December 10, of consptracy to cIty on Dee~mber 14, 1950. plete the structure. Il thL~ sched~ L '~lc'I' I'n .St.' L~uai... sta:ed that Woods.. \ ad.ults a,nd eve,ryon.e, is welcome,'" S vioJate the Michigan Cigaret Park Fire Chief , " 'd 1\1 S th d h ars ang e, Tax Law and cheat and de. A re~olutlon p~esented .to ,Mr. ule can be maintained. the new f ,rmal charGes will be Wed He was ridinl: his bicycle west Sal ISS ml,' ,an we ave -- Go~dald at the time of hl.s fmal building would be read~' for use ;;"amst former Lt. Louis Should. on Bournemouth avenue at 7 plann,ed ',the .llghtmg e~rly su Two women .were injured, one fraud the State. The Park council unanimously reh!ement. ~tated t~at du~mg the by the mid dIe or the' 1954.55 ,,:, and Patrolman Elmer Dolan, p, m .., when the rear fender of t~lRt ~t wll,1 be uve~ ~n ~l~e f?r of them seriously, on Saturday, Found guilty with Frontiera, approved the s'tatus of Park Fire period u! IllS publ~c sen'lce, the basketball'season. t ,r vlulatmg police regulations! thl' bIke was str,uck bY,n 1951 t.lOse pres~l~t.: o a~ten t. ell' ~m? December 12, wlll'lI their ear un all counts, by a Recorder's Chid George DeCaussin from commulllty hnd wItnessed many Ii'l'ing thclr handling of the I :'olercury convertible dnvell by I churchTsel~:ces'llf theJ deSire. collid"d with another at St. Clair Court jury, were Ernest Brown. that of acting to permanent fire beneficial developments in its lo- chief, on Monday, December 14. cal government nHairs. I;,'bb" Gl"l'nlease kidnar,-killer I Donald A. Dcsloover of 21543 'I' I ° S'h\'e nvuca u~dl t f and Charlevoix. 55, uf 21514 Harper Lake drive, Drinking Driver ".1 -' " .. Ie me 1 eel lam presl en 0 St CI' 51 A th P I Among the benefits he is credo ~ I-e. I Buurnemouth. tI St d t C '1 f St P r' According to a City police ., air lOrI'S; n ony a az- Chief DeCaussin was made act- 'I fit t tl t Didn't See nllV ,I' u en ounci 0 • RU s. 'd 'I' R' I E zola, 32. of 2988 Gray. and Peter inlt chief of the fire department ited with bringing about are: , e r£' llSe( to s.a l' Ie na ure , . Id ' . I ' will givc the invocation. The accI ent report ... rs. ut I .rmt, 1\1 t I OJr. f 1"-11 E Lands in Hospital fnllowinJt the retirement or Chief 01 the charge. uut added it was! Desl~o~er to pulice that Ie I'urpose of the ceremony will be 75. of 418 Cadieux. and her 1 on e cone .. ,.... 0 _I vans. (Colltinue(l ,on Pal:e 2) nllt of :I criminal na~ure: ':he' ~..as..dnvllll: wc~t and pulled ~~er explained by Miss Martha 510. daughter-in-law. Susan E!'n,sl, ,44, ton, both of Detroit. Edward L. Hector on August I of When David John Gauthier or Board action came dunng ItS Ill- ,0 Lt a car .commg the>oth('r .~ay win of the 1 Teens. Then. Hal'. same addrc,s, su{!ered m)Ul'les, Gllilt~' On One Count thi~ year, pending futu.e con. 22079 Donald, in Detroit, faill!d \'('stigation into the missing p,ass, He dId ,not see the boy un. old Drinkaus, Hi.1 olTicer'. will the elder woman, fractured ribs, Clarence lIuey, 55, of 12356 firmation to a permanent rank. Koffee Prefers to stop for the sign at the inter- $303,i20. more than half of the tli alter t,he Impact... . talk on the real meaning of and the yuunJter a hl'uised left Dickerson, Detroit, was convicted His pay is now raised from $6,. sl!ction of Grosse Pointe boule- ransum paid to Carillall and :\lrs. An?m )u l.:mce, \\

\..... , ..

Page Two G R 0 SSE POI N TEN EW S niursCl.y, D'ee.mlier '17, 1953 Church Group Selling Trees Goddard, Dies Baby Abando~ed in Pointe X,nas Party .Fo.r Fine Arts Garden Center The Grosse Pointe Congrega. penientlY.located lots, 'the aouth. Fine, Arts, Society' will have nes, Harold Love, LeRoy McKin. Taking. Vacation :.~tional Church Men', Club hu east corner of Warren and Bishop I (Continued from. Pale 1) its regular Christmas 'dinner and ney and Covert Hunter. Pointe Garden "acquired two. temporary lots road; and 11500 Mack at NelT Beaten.:in 'Board~ng Home The GrOsse 'needed to conduct their third an. road. realization of true Council-Man- dance at. the Grosse Poi~teYacht 'Thoe committee or' arrange- Center announceJ that the Gar. ~ nual Christmas tree sales, for the ager form of government; very The operator of a former State. were accused of administering ~Iub t~IS Friday evening at'7 ments for the holiday dinner den Center Room and IIbrarYe at Everyone is urged to buy early ,"'beneftt of the church. material debt, reduction; adop- licensed, children's boarding the punishment. .. o c!ock. dance has included Leonard Kel. the War Memorial will be closed , . to avoid the last minute rwh. tlOn of pa)',as.you.;o policy and home at 12618 Helen, Ecorse Johnny, examining doctors dl~- 'Har'old Love and Mrs. George ler, chairm:m, and Mr. and Mrs. from December 17 to January 5. . • Because they felt that beaut!. All funds d'!rived from the achievement of a sound financial ToWnship, was found guilty ot covered, had been beaten half to Dickey , are' directors of the Kenrlrick Brown. Miss Marie Anyone deslriDl~ garden infor. :ful Christmas trees are so much sale of the trees wllI be turned condition; the adoption of the cruelty to children by • Circuit «leath, suffering deep lacl!ratlons carolers who Includ~ Mrs. Mil- Curtiss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold matlon from the Center d1lrint • part of the Yuletide festivities, over to the Building Fund Com.' Principle of city planning, cordial f~rurlt4.jul'y on Monday, Decem. on the right side of the face, and dred Coulter, Mrs. Allen Wither- Love. Mr. ami Mrs. Thornton that period is requested to call . 'the club has arranged to sell mlttee of the church . ~ a two. inch welt, ~tretching tram Miss Marie Louise. Anderson, and close relations and coopera. his J'aw to his ear on the lelt side spoon; Mrs. Sterlin:t Sanford. Waterfall and Mr. and Mrs. Han- choice selections of Scotch Pine, The club, which has chosen tion with the other, Pointe com- The jur)', compO.ied ot 10 men Mrs. Charles Hicks, William Den. sel Wilson, VA. 1.D843. 'Balsam and spruce trees, at con- "Top Quality Trees for a Top munitles; and above all: achiev- and two women. returned the ot his face. , . Spiritual Purpose" as their motto ing home rule for the cit).. verdict betore Circuit Judge Jo. Jerry sulTered cracked swollen during the sale, are hoping the seph A. Moynihan, establishing lips from repeated blows on, the venture will prove as big a suc. The resolution also stated that the charge against Mrs. Edith mouth, and was a mass 'of black cess as last year. . Mr. Goddard, as President and May Hubbard. and blue welt:: from shoulder • ~, Commissioner for public affairs Mrs. Hubbard was found to blades to knees. PLANNED exercised a unifying influence have beaten little John Patwin, At the- time the couple denied EVERY CHILD'S ~ .... within the Village CommiSSion. the abandoned walt, who was beating the children, but their . INSURANOE held the confidence of the com. found In a field at Kercheval and license was revoked and they munlty, and enjoyed, without ex- Provencal with a fractured skull, were remanded for examination ception, the special respect of all in July. 1952. And then 'placed on bond pending I PROTECTION 'Chfistrnas ~ municipal oUicers and employes. At that time, the little tike was trial. ' , His deat~ was a blow ,to the discovered in a shopping bag by Mrs. Hubbard, as established by lor Park council and other city of. Merrill Wall, Jr., of Detroit who the jur~', was found guilty of in. If,/((~I((NJo'l ,fhOlf!l'tty I is Brighter licials, his close friends and the happened by. The baby' was fllcting the beating on Jphnny; • Bus;ness WITH A ,~ ,,~ city at large. 'rushed to Cottage- Hospital. her husband Is stili Awaiting trial Following his l'etirement, 1\1r. where doting nurses trave him for the beating ot the other little ,1Jt'.tA~ • Industry SMART NEW PAil Of Goddard and his family moved the name of Johnny. boy. to St. Petersburg to make a per- Many persons sought adoption State law provides a maximum • Ind;Y;duals manent home. ot the child, but the Children's of four years in prison for per • Mr. Goddard is survi\'ed by his Aid Society placed him in the sons convicted ,ot cruelty, to chil. Atel( tit.T/telt l'ves &It wife. Ethel H.; a son, John I.; a car e of • couple, carefully dren. Since 1184 ~~~.~!'!t. .daughter, Mrs. R. R. Reed; a sis- screened for qualifications as CAROLERS AFLOAT Stili Growing' ter, Mrs. T. R. Strobridge of La. parents. , . I What child doesn'c, love a Grange. III; and a brother, Paul, Last ~uly,. Johnny 5 parents On Saturday atternoon, Deccm. shiny new pair! Tbey'N of Hollywood Calit placed hlnl In the care of Mr. hcr l:!. Shores police answcred a UIt:KI:V'~ , • • and Mrs. Harold Hubbard, who call for help at 1020 Lake Shore .1 practical, toO, (or PoU.Parrou 14-30'HASUIH(iTO" I;L'I(). will rake thac pair of bY.,., Burial was in St. Petersburg. had a state.llcensed home In road. George Knight told them \ 10Ung (eet through rhe rugg", ------Ecorse ,Township. that he had heard shouts trom the While under their care,'it came ,lake: They found two ~'oung boys . - winler months ••• llfely, Faith Community Church' ' , to light that Johnny and another sitting in a rowboat' singing comfonablr, e-anomlcaJly. 5'51' To H 0Id YuIe Concerl child, Jerry~Dotson, 3, had 'been Christmas carols. They were told severely beaten, and the couple to do their caroling from land. CIIESTED The Clef Dwellers of the 600 Ci",olld,l .• Dolroil 26 Northeastern Y.M.C.A. will be WOod.a ..1 1.0321 one of the three choirs to pre. • • SUIUlIAH O"ICI BOOT SHOP sent a Christmas concert Sun- <1261 N. W.od.lrd Ave. 15911 East Warren day afternoon, December 20 at R.yaIOI1l at Bucklnrham 5 o'clock at the Faith Community TU.5.0863 Church at 20520 Moross road. O~n .nry nlte 'tJI Christmas Friends of the Faith Com- Community Church and the FOil Y.M.C.A. are invited to enjoy this special concert. The Chan. cel and the Junior Choirs of Faith Community Church will 1954 participate in the concert also. Donald Vande Bunte of 1953 Anita is the director of the Chan- cel Choir. Mrs. Agnes Munro of ~. 9567 Sanilac directs the Junior " Choir and Mrs. Richard LeMaster is the director of the Y.M.C.A Youth Choll'. Mrs. Maurice Ileyst of 461 Belanger will be the 29 organist. There i~ no admission charge but the oUerin!: will be used to further the music program of these choirs.

of~ Automobiles!' WINS FOOTDAU. INSIGNIA , Richard Edmond Miller, son ot Mr., and Mrs. Harry B. Miller, SPECIALS 1060 N. Oxford road, was award. \\'O.K E1'o1Jl:>1o ed "J -M- V" in junior varsity foo~. DECE~tBEn :K ball at the Mercersburg ACll

TO WITII SYl\IpnONY Soloist with the Detroit S)'m. phony Orchestra on Thursday, December 17. at 8:30 p,m" in the Masonic Auditorium will be Julius, Chajes, noted Detroit pianist-compo.o;er. With Paul Pa- rayon the podium. Mr. Chajes 20737 Mack Ave. ~~~fi will play his own composition. the Concerto No. 2 in E. for piano CASH-AN!> CARRY SAVES THE OIFFERENCE and, orchestra.


and Ski Tbe New. 5iv CJief- ~ler -Bringing New Values inLuxury Size and PerlorlllaIlCe Nevel-JJerolee Offered at dl.e Price! For the For-the, Outdoor

Man or DI,.e.t Pontlae E,'pr Bnllt-2J.t Ineh ... Ov"r.AU LIIDlth Rf!re i. ,hI' fir!, &'Inuinr 'ILn,ry mr t'I..r /0 N Ib.n the modeat COltof the new !Iar Chler. Fisherman off"".,1 i/l Pon,iac', Iou. p'j~ ron~! Woman Ad,1 to .11 thil an even mightier Pontllc en. IUa.nlleenl New BflAat,., InNld" And Ont A. the higgl!llt l)onliao evrr l>uill. the new gi~c .11,1yoo will ondentand wb,. )'00 .1I0uld Star Chief bring. )'011 .11 the generolll .dded not onl,. lee, lllIt dri...., thll mlgnificent lenglh requlrell (or peak roadllhilit)' .nd riding new car loon. ~ New Cn.tolD.Styl .... Interlor.-NflW Exterior Color. -...""... ea.e. AIIII this eslr. lenglh provilll'1 • long. See tbe completel,. new Sur CbieCtbll ,,'eek. )Io.t Po","el'ful Pontl ..e E,'pr Hullt 11Iw, lIri.locralic lilhollCllc IiLe ea.lI)' can, eUlI, along witb Ihe Wonderfully Imprcl\'ed Spinning Rods 11.95 Imported Hand Knit hroll~hl I.. eV1'1Igreal"r h"nuly h, • brilliallt Chiefl.in Seriea-Cenerll MOlor. Inwelt ""'" Ireatme"l of P"'lIiac'l escl",ive Silv"r I'r.~e(1eighl Ind Camnlll !'Conom,. lis. To- II Spinning Reels from 13,95 SWEATERS ..... $20 10 $34 Slr"nk. Inll'rinrl '"' In I.ey. line il the I:elher. Iher pro..e tblt "hate ..er yoo pri.o f Fi,h,rm,n', "0, lier" •...... 2.00-2.50 Other SW8IIteu, from 7.95 New, fire ..lly Inere.""d Cru ... Country l.alC .... " Roons I:rlci"",, ~1'.ciOIl~I"..L of 1111111')' ror "lJich m""t in I ear, ag.in In'S', dollar Cordoll.r- moloriltl have p.i,1 le"l'rll Ihollllnl'l mot'. YOII cln'l beat • I'~nlilc. , Spalding & Wilson "Kumbak" Pulling Grlens ~I

Golf Balls Practice your pulling TO ADD TO indoors 0 n y W her ~; 1'0UIl DlllVINo PLiASUIlI S13 doz. your boll returns to you. Make 0 family AND TH' LONG-UNO' VALUE OP Golf IIDI( Marken ••.•••• 3.95 game of It! 4.50 YOUIl c:A1l-PONTlAC OPPEIlS A WID! SlLleTIOIi OF "".~''i,~,...{.; ARCHERY ~~.;#.J.,~J Ping Pong Tables OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT- HI. AJt,ClnCltllnl., H •• P,II1I" P•• " IIIQ' Ht. DlCtrIt Wi.... UItt II•• CtIllttrt,Clllrtlllat co~ls lour car Ie tht Itmptrl. , 1.1 YOUslep Inlll .. Itfttar 1m IIlst orI4wtrlronlwtndow' IdJU1ts to 360dilltrtnlnil SETS turt you sttla mlnutn, £1•• ' Illort end loot ~.",IftL A, flllnder modtls on'l. ""lor Id.uca In ufe". 1::~~::~r~~1b, slmpl, :~~I~s~:~lortilt belt $39 to S59 .Optiontl'Qulpmenllnd ,eetllOrlt, '''ila''; ailltr. att, , from 53.75 On Dis~'afll'~'" -with lis Bcnutlflll N~\,'Compnnlon enr THE fllill..VF:R 8TRFA'K ~IIIEFI'i'llW

Completli I)OlJDI ..Jt: I.IIO(~F rl'II.~I,' I)OLI4l'R FOil D()LI ..~1l TOlT CAN~r.,B~~I' A POI.fluc I.. Ski Shop

. ; Rentals and , ',I SEE YOUR NEARE'ST PONTIAC 'DEALE'R . ' Repairs 20099 Mack Avenue TUxedo 2.9239 1 Open , lI.m~ fo " p.m. 'Deily "

\ { 'r " - .-_.._.~,~~ .. _"'2_...... -. ~ __ ...... ~_L...... __ • Page -Three 953 Thursday, December 17,',953 G RO'S'S E "PO I NT E N'EW'S

:er City's Park Project BOllds 128 Missions students 'Making SUf-vey Admits Forcing NOW OWNED AND OPERATED .BY [lion Driver to Curb EDDY SHEPHERD-and BILL CAMPBELL Garden Sf)ld at Low .Interest Rate Of Poftite Jobs Available thl' Gar. Farms police have located the . The Grosse Pointe City Coun. Th Members of the Junior. Guid-, dent Association chose the rep- boys who forced to the curb a car brary, at e:1 met Monday evening, Decem. e Interest rate the elt,!, will ance Council at Grosse Pointe resentatives 0 f g I' a des eight Je closed bcr 14, to open the sealed bids pay is a low 2.01 percent. driven by John .Scott, Jr., on the High, School .are making: a job through twelve to serve on the Inuary S. for the S235,~00 oond issue which An interesting (act pointed out night of Noveh'lber 18. 'n in(or- survey of business concerns in.tlie .Council. Sue Brown reprl!3ents ,~'a.\passed In the city' election by councilman Alonzo C, Allen, Grosse Pointe area, the eighth grade, Carol Bayless Working on the single clue that I' durinl oC November 3. 15 that the City's' bonds seem to I to call be worth more to financial houses They are trying to acquaint and. Jim Book,. the n i nth, Bill the car was a 1948 Lincoln can. .ndcnon, After careCull.l' re\'iewing the than those oC other Pointe mu. employerll' with the placement Squire and C a I' k y Cross, the vertible, the police' found it several bids submitted, the coun. nicipalitles. He stated that the service of Grosse Pol n t e. High tenth, Gwen Wa i t e and Judy parked In the driveway at 587 I'll voted unanimc,usly to award Farms accepted bids last May 18. School and to make a list of estab. Westphal, the eleventh.. and Fisher road. 1l is owned by David thl' contract to the lowest bidder (01 a bond issue to finance its lishments where jobs might be. Randy Fitch and King Patterson Erhardt of the same address. the firm oC Kenower-MacArthur: park improvements. The Farms come 'available. Jobs are. needed represent the twelfth grade. He confessed forcing Scott to 7909 E. J.fterson The bond~ are scheduled Cor 20 had to pay an interest rate oC for students and graduates; both By Kay Martin the curb and named his accom. at Van Dyke ~'ears payment but ma.l' be 1'1'- 2.42 percent. The October 12 part-time l1!'~ ~uU.time. ,GPHS Journalism Student plice as Robert Dorsten of Ash- deemed in 15 years. The first 15 bond i~ue oC the Shores Cor sew- The'Councll also made up qUell- ' land, in Detroit. The boys will Phone: VA. 3-1.155 )'(:ars maturities are non-callable. cr improvements calls Cor 2,36 tionaires which were distributed C GIN d E h be arraigned in court January 6, to students at Grosse Pointe Hhlh an ent y u ge ae "=====-~C...... I percent. on a disorderly conduct charge. ------' Final specificatlons will be sub- School to "fInd out in what voca. Other at Mack Crossover mitted to City Clerk Norbert tions the studi!nt!. are .interested. • Wonderful Food Neff this week. and will also Speakers' will talk to students There must be some sort, of Find Stolen Car have to meet the approval oC the about these careers 10 they can magnetic attraction between the • Cocktail Lounge council. The engineering bids get a better idea of what train- car of Caroline Sue Amrine of Parked in Farms will be accepted in January. ing they. will need for them. Hunt Club. in Harper Woods, Luncheon- II ~.m. to 3 p.m. '7 Construction will then commence and the car owned by Robert R. The Farms police in coopera. \':hen the weather permits. It is Charles Verheyden, president , Dinner - 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. -Olflclal U,S. Navy Phote oC the Grosse Pointe Business- Kunkel of Opal, In Detroit. tion with Detroit police recovered hoped that the project will be a 1953 Hudson which had been Supper - 10 p.m. to I a.m. completed by Jun.e I. 1954. SAN DIEGO. ColiC! (FHTNC)- men's Association, spoke to the . At 5:30 in the afternoon of De- NAVY LT. (jg) WARREN S. Council Tuesday, December 15, cember 9, both cars were going stolen on December 9. PARR, JR.. recently returned about ho wthe Council can get the opposite directions on Mack ave. The ear was Cound the same Open Sundays at 3 p.m, coopt;!ration oC the merchants and afternoon, parked on Beverly ~t Lucky Cyclist here Cram an eight-month tour of nue. When they approached thl! Come .• nd Bring the Family duty in the Far East aboard the which speakers would be the best cross-over near Vernier they both near Grosse Pointe boulevard. A Struck by Ca)" attack aircraft carrier USS Boxer. to talk about vocations. turned left. nudging Into each check proved the owner to be Parking Allemf.nl .1 lb. Door A veteran pilot of 126 missions The Junior Guidance Council is other. The damage to both cars Simon Olson of PI\!lip avenue in 'I Twell'e .l'car old Richard over Korea, Lt. (jg) Parr is the in its first year at Grosse Pointe was slight as they ortly robbed Detro!t. He picked up his car Bruneau is a lucky boy to be lion oC Rear Admiral Warren S, High School. Senators oC the Stu- noses. at the Farms police station. walking around toda.l'. On Tues- Parr, USN, and Mrs. Parr of 3262 aDe day afternoon, December 8, S. Glebe road. Arlington, Va.• and \Yelcome Wagon youn!: Richard was riding his husband of the Corrr.rr Miss Mari. bicycle south on Moross road. He lyn J. Buck of 851 Pemberton Hostess did d'ot stop at the red light on rondo Grosse Pointe, Mich. ~'jJI Knock on YOUI' 0001' Lake Shore, but continued on . He currently re3ides at 569 with Gifts & Greeting!t into the IanI' oC traffic mo\'ing Sa\'oy street, San Diego, CaliCo eastward. He was graduated from the U. S. .. from Friendly Busincli Jo~eph Russo oC Alger road, in Naval Academy at Annapolis, ~eighbors and Yout: Detroit. could not avoid drl\'ing Md., in 1949. Civic and Social into the boy. The impact was so All Will Be Happiest with Gifts from Valente's! "'eUare Leaden great that Richard and the bike We ask NEWS readers to please were knocked into the driveway Park Acquires at the entrance to the Farms phone US Ihe neme end address Municipal Pier. Police arrived New Controller Ii Ilf newcomers t~ lhe Pointe. and took the shaken-up young- .,.# .' ster to Bon Secours Hospital. Followin!: the recommendations -,. VA. 2.0295. TU. 5.0945 er After a thorough examination, submitted by Park City Manager .. . -t TU.2.1134, which disclosed no injuries, Rich- Everitt B. Lane, the Park council • ard was released. on Monday. December H, ap- _ ,.... tOlI.r .bUt4l;"'} proved the appointment of War- •. ( Russo was complcteb' exon- ... ren E, Schnoes of 2U900 Little erated from all blame. Mack. St. Clair Shores, as the city's new Controller. Mr Schnoes is a of the "GP" for Groue Pointers :!~e:ffl~~e:~e:~~~e:~ Walton School of Commerce, J , . where he did special work, major- ,GIFT ;~ ,~ ing in cost accounting and lin- J !~ for a Gifttltat's JIlU to p/~as~ Itim 'T ance. lie wall Rssociated ,with the L. j A, Young Spring and Wire cor- VALUES ;~ '~-~~.~~ l,l~1 poration, where he handled the J l:~ W!'~.D~ ,. '.'.;, '''1 .~ accountillll, cost. paj'roll and • I:overnment reports, Previou~ to J • I flU/Lng ,~ ~i~;z.:;", :~l: ~'~ that he was finance auditor Cor ,tor • •• '~ I vr'~:<';c.K~~ci~,' ~J~ the U. S. Gypsum Company in: J . lIIinoi5. I I:~ i "~~1jJ :~ I J I From 194:l to 1944, he wa~ as- ; PreciouJ sistant auditor for the McMillan i J I ~ May we suggest. . • "~ &ed company in that same state. i The Park ha~ been without n I J :~ .~ regular Controller since William Johnson left in Jul~', 1952, to live j tg Ha~~i~~~~eh~ef5 ~ in Birmingham. Mich. DIAMONDS :'>lrs. Marion Marentelte. assist- ': ~ They are scarcely a nO\'elt).- but the :~ I ant controller. had taken over the I • regular duties ot the office, since ).Diamond eng4gement rinQ ~ placement of the initials on these ~ I :\Ir. Johnson's departure. I •j with baguette band, 150,00 up . II: ~ new ones is. Moved closer to the :~ i . 1\11'. Schnoes will assume his corner the initials become \'isible It~ I duties on Januar,l' I, at a salary oC j Si,OOO,Mr. Lane ~aid, I I ~ ~'hen the handkerchief is folded in '~ : j ! ~~'"). the pocket-and the eX(luisite em. ,~ I I 1 Engagement rine; with metch. ; ~ broidery is no longer hidden. ~ i Champine and Carey j I ing baguette bend, i: ~ The handkerchiefs themlielveli are At Camp Pendleton I i~ i from I50.00. imitingl)' liheer and are lent added ~ J ~ C AM P PENDLETON. Cali!. I : ~ dilitinction by finely corded borders. I j I !~ (FH7NC)-U n a erg a i n g four :: Available in both White and Col- ;~ weeks oC individual combat train- ing at the Marine Corps base j I,,: ~ ored initials. '~ ; here arc Marine Privates First j $150 to$350 ,~! Class Timothy A. Champine of 28 Moran, and James J. Carey of , ~Il .'j Smart n...... tocUall rings, dia- 6il Westchester, both oC Grosse' GIRARD PERREGAUX M,IL .~! Pointe, Mich. . . mond ,tudd.d, 150.00 up.' o,.~:;;;,..... Dllirlal Walch 01 American AlrllnH j ~: 'a' BeCore assignment here. the trainees were promoted to private: j lirst class after successful com. ' Selected d i. m 0 ~ cI cocltllil \ oC t~ ~"-_~r-~ ,ii pletion 10 weeks of intensive! FINE WATCHES j training at the San Diego Marine rin(Jl, frem 150.00. !; ~ Woodward A\'enu~ at ~rand Circus Park ~ COl1ls'Recruit Depot. GIVE t I, ~ ,flJO III ChIcago I~ The CeHow who always looks ~ Open till 8:30 p.m. on Mondoy Enning ~ t , on the brillht side cr liCe is not • ~.~~~~~"t?~tli'~:4J~'Z'm~WI';i)IJ, likely to be Rccused of shady ~,---_. -- transactions. t .._~ J Outstanding diamond rings, t bellutifully mlltched, -,.~:~ from 150.00. Gifts That a 'Man Will j M"tehed diamonds ••• "nd m"tehless precision •• _ and time ~ J ;&r~ Wear With Pride told with timeless beauty ••• in these magnificent j Girard.Perregaux diamond watches, j FINE A. Diamond bracelet watch, 64 diamonds, 14 kt. white gold SPORT SHIRTS 17 jewels 5900 J by Hathaway j A. Kennebec flannel in a B. 101K. white or yellow gold, 6 diamond~ SISS llkillful mixture of 66':. I -J Our colledion embrace, many lovely creations by Kremenh: Including cotton, 34er.. viscose ray- C. Hi K. white or yellow Ilolr' 34 diamond~ $375, new designs in'yellow gold. st~dded ,with sim1llated ice.btult slipphires. on. producing the most \ ~ durable, warm and com. Pricf'l Inchldp Teder ..l Tax .( /;~ PrieM Include F..deral Tax fortable shirt yet made. In a wide variety oC plaids and colors. Com- pletely washable. . 10.00 ------~------~ II -----~-----~:~--~~ Sign~l B. Here b collector's Beattlifitl. ,:~:, item in cotton tlltfeta woven In ScotJ.ind. It's , . RINGS ,"I the ,-ery finest ~hirting ,t .. ot Arso frat.rnlll rings. Cabric made and com- C~OCKS \ I I Ie .... ple-tely wa, h a b 1e. of course. We have it in a Use Our wide variety of beautiCul V.I"t,', ;, ",ow"d io, H" yALE NT E \ " Lay-Away '. c.1t. VJf .. IS patterns and colors. domestic "'lInd imported dods. \\ ~ or Deferred Payments 13,50 'Speci~li~$ ln~~LJte f;il~e~: OPEN EVENINGS .,-'--? .' Whaling's until Christmas 1 "01" I AS T WAR II N A V'I. '.Gifl •• , III K,ns;"glfHI Rd. TU. 1-4800 . 'Wr"ppiHg ?l!IJI1JJ 'Wr!D.It - 1/ Des;red 617 Woodward 6329 W. 7 Mile Road Ample Parking on Our Own Lot. Nextt~ Store, h I Says' Open Monday IleCll' U".;"o1. 1he 1abel 11~ S1£ II • Evening Un Iii 8:30 "GOOD ,.. Open Every Evening Until 9:00

r O+Z • Thurs'ay, December 17, 1953 Page Four . G R 0 ~ S E ro I N T E 'N EW 5 , --The' only tJme lome peoplf' ,. When officials put teeth Into a 0 e CD' p. t' Pl · I t t I work hard Is when they art' try. law.Jhe.blte Is usually placed on P n ar. oor Oln ers . aYlng mpor an ~ f.. . 1 ., .,t' " J:tI.~o work lomeone else. a man. ,I:j:::~t~:.C~::~t'dby \.~~!~~~i.~~,~~ingAutoClubl.;:,r .,rtt .er9*. I CIty police on Thursda~'. Decem. ford road .....as unanimously elect- Ii 3 3 7 F I.5 HER R D. G. R 0 SSE POI N T E ber 10. for opening the d~or of ed to the board of directors of ...... her. parked c~r a!1d causmg a Automobile Club of Michigan at I WE ARE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALI~TS ••• TUXEDO 5,3453 .. cychst to run mto It. Ia meeting in the Detroit Athletic ,! : William. Hendrie, 58, of 293 Club on Thursday. Dccember 10. H F . S /0 say "4\1eTT.l' Chris/ilia," • Webster. while cycling west on lie was also elected a member of I Be is avonte anta « pt'Jer~l)' to t,.e'Jolle : Waterlou. arrived at the inter- the board of governors of the Dc- .1ou',e Ihinkill.'; of. • section of Waterloo and St. Clair. troit Inter-Insurance Exchange. I G .: H . c : just as Mary Mathlesson Dye, :m. Grosse Pointe. al'l~a directors . " • •• LVe im' S H"mmercd A/umi'lum Serving Pieces • of 110 Merriweathl?t'. parl:ed her relected for three-~'ear terms in- . ' ., r,,;,.i I I: Cer/lmic Piec.es • B/lf G/ldgets : car at the curb and opened the clude J. Lee Barrett of 38 New- " ....,~.::..~:'..'..,.~},~,~.I, Eo Figurir.es' • GI/lssw/lre : left door to emerge. . berr~'. and Edward J. 'Weeks of:., ~~" (' D'nn . • B Ch' • Hendrie ran into the door; liS it 650 S. Oxford road. Weeks reo " I II I e.~/lre : ,: '.. o,n,e ,roll : was opened, and was knocked tired this week !rom a two-year ",; .,\, :':~i' KINGS MEN aM'" ."At- • from his bike. injuring his a"rm tel'm as preslden!i with C~arence J: :~ '.(JJ'~ VtJ... : when he hit the pa\'ement." E. of. Bloomfield llllls re. Groomin.9 Luxuries \' .. Your selections ., :,'," > ;'.' ': Mr:;; Dye was given a lil=ket placing him:," . Ii . : beautifully wrapped, 1~:I.!I/f,i.,.'JilCJta£!f • lOl' interferring with traffic and Present d trectol'S "mclude If your man has evcr},thing-bc a smart Mrs. Claus b , .. without 'charge . .: causing an accident. Hendrie' \\'as Charles T. Bush of 100,. Three and give him these most. distinctive grooming acccs. Jl . : HOUllon at Hayes : taken to Bon See~urs Hospital Mile .driye; Ralph Thomas of 222 sories• ~ ...... , for treatment and released. "M,errlweather road, and Jesse G. ,i t: =------..- .------1 Vmcent of 961 Trombley road. I h . "Gaskin assumes Auto Club I : directorship at a lime when it is l\IERVYN G. GASKIN I I the world's largest motor club, AFTER SHAVE LOTION H with membership at an aU-time ilospital; member of the Detroit i s" : high of 400,000 motorist.mem. Museum of Arts Founders. So- I Stimulrlting After Shave Lotion in Hetndsome fiacon c., bers," Weeks said. ciet~.; Treasurer of Grosse Pointe I' -fired in gleaminq 23 I./lr/lt gold, lit . Ga~kin is president of Ta~-lor Yacht Club; past president' and and Ga~kin, Inc .• of Detroit. and directot; of Grosse Pointe Woods, Large 9 .ounce size: f" flo,vf!rs~ head of Indiana Bridge Co. in Community Club. lie maintains I I pI' Muncie, Indiana. He has been a the Mervyn G. Gaskin Founda- I ~.,00 cr. continuous membel' of Auto Club tion, a ch'aritable trust. j since 1927. Gaskin is a world. He is a member of Kiwanis, 19 traveler and photography en- Club No. I in Detroit; Knights l' \I on thusiast, having covered South Templar, Detroit Commandery : America and the Orient with his No.1. and 'a Shriner. He. is chair- , ., . camera. He has malo red e~den- mnn of the Code of Standards I R. Your Chl;stmas Greetings of Jo\'elv flowers '~ively in the U, S. and under- and Praelice~ of thl! ,American I CRYSTAL ch stands the problems of the auto Institute of Steel Con.lJ'udion; R Al ,vm bring joy to others for hOUl'Sand haul'S. owner. membcr of American Weldin" ~I Born 53 years ago in George- Society and American Ordnnnce 'Vith your Holida~. Sentiments t~us expres8ed, town, British Guiana. Gaskin Association. . SET t'J, i came to Detroit in 1925 after Gaskin's post as an Automobile ae Be assured you have done your best. . I:raduating from McGill Uni. Club of Michigan directOl' wilJ 1," Sparkling cryst/ll f1llc~n\ I versit~. in Montreal. Canada, lie be in the nature of ci\'ie service. pI and his wife, :l.largarcl, have for neither directors no'r onicers of Shll',e Lolion linn H, en thrce children. Michael, 19; ViI'- receive I'cmul1l'ratioll fur the jobs. and P:aid Cologne , toria Louise. 17, and David M" 13. OlTicers elected to hend, the )'C (dou'us Ii-l Kerby I A long list of comniunity jobs Cluh for 1954 include, in adcli. Gift " s ~ ..n I Identifies Gaskin with civic servo lion to President Otter: Henry S, G, 1?(Jad Box of line. Osse I pI " pointe ice, He is cUl'rently civil defense Hulbert. first \ ice - esident; .. in, f/ou'us TV. 1.JUOO ndministrntor of Grosse Pointe Chal'les L. Wilson. second \'ice. $1 Wouds: a vestryman of Grosse Ipresident; Fronl< J. lIowlC'lt. third Pointe's Christ. Church; a director vice-president; Raloh Thollla~. D, Gt ..FLOllIST of SI. Peters Home for Boys; secretary;' and .J. Lee Barrett, lOti ,trust!'!' of the Detroit :l.telllorini treasureI'. .------" Cll ------_._-----_.------_._---- .-_._--_.__ .~-~~-._---,.---_..------_.:.-_------.-=----_._------at ed C;I

In CII Hi, un Ls Gift$ for Your Favorite Hostess 20: ..- • ~~ I ",; .p' fl'i of W~~ther it's for your family 01' another's, a gift for the hOlne says l\Ierry ,Christmas in the friendliest ail p way ... especially when it's from. Jacobson's. Come in now and make your selection. \\

I Ed 1. rINGER.TIP TOWELS of fine Terry .....ilh cute embroidered S. "FORBIDDEN FRUIT" COCKTAIL GLASSES. Contempora~y Ii\' poedles f;,r an e~tra touch of color. Unusual, yet practical gifts. design in black cnd gold on milk.whilt glass designed by Georges Pn bQ Choice at pink. glt)', win., grlln, while or yellow. Briard. Also Old Fashion glo.se~ 10 motcn. Set of t,ghl. mt 1.00 I 10.00 OUR CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS qu ARE OUR REGULAR HOURS •••

2, GOURMET CHAFING DISH. White er Chortreuse pollery 6, VENETIAN GLASS ASH TRAYS in the finest ~xomples of th~ . Mondoy,:hru Fridoy, 9:30 O.m. to 5:30 p.m. La ti~ with wrought Iron stand and .copper cover, P,cturesque early Italion gleu blo"'ers arl. The CDIDr.~Dmbinolions are unusually Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. . I an Americon styling. Complete wilh candle wormer. handled 10 g'v. Ihe look of old world qual,ly and charm. Jlo '.95 S.OO to 20.00 7. "BA~ HARBOR" SHOWER CURTAINS by Ames, Fine f 3. COCKTAIL NAPKINS with thought.provoking ...... isecro:ks .. taffeta-beautiful in o'sorted color bock grounds. A lovely dee- '1 blamed en Confucius. Real .:enversation slorl.rl in any group. oraler touch for Ih~ bathroom. Toill:.red drapes 10 malch, if Set of .;ght linen nopkinl. yOll wish, 1.9. ~l' '.95 Sc pI' 4. ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE COCKTAIL NAPKINS. Eight dif. II. GLASS CRYWAL on clot;" mounled on steel mol


I • • 1.1 ...'. . . • . .. • • 1 G -, ••• - . • • -. 6. ..

, , , . I ~ ..,.,

I. 171LlI KEBCIIE\'l\l.J GROSSE POINTE. I f.~t . . \'


I ; }{eckless Drivers I New Business Building Adds Charm to Fish~r Ro~ad Pay Up In Court .' Arden Arden Week Ender Blue Grass Set

A l!m1 of a ~ft for than ".ho tu\'ellight and lovely I Feather.light beauly cue equipped,. ith Elizabeth Arden cream. and lotions for hr.allly. This new structure on Fishel' road ~t St. Paul. buill b... Harold Du ,Charme and' in pllllie hallie. and ja'fI. which was design cd by architect John Lockycar Pottle in 'Early American influence, Simulaled lealher, calf gh'es a brand ncw business impetus to the block-Ion~' campus shopping center, It houses finish in lovely colorl. thl' ne\\' Gillis furniture shop, the Ann Louise Beauty Salon, the Bayne Optical shop, as' . 0t'l111 larlan plaid. well as a number of professional offices. A fully black-topped parking area at the side and , ....- rear of the buildin~ is providcd for the convenience of customers and patrons, , A gem of • l!ift. 1\1)'1'111'Olson and Mr, Jack Rice. 50 All parents are cordial1y in- 27 pi.. IN vited 10 this pros:ram of Christ. Bathe in &tllty. A ~~rnI1S bns: or BIttt mas carols. Gras. Dutting PlIwder plu, • botll. or reCrNbius Flower loli,L.


.. . - I ..;:::: . _ _ --;,. . .~ .. Elizabetll Arden Elizabeth Arden

Snow Maiden Travelette

Chri,tmu joy ("" th~ collrge let. Simulalrd lealher IrA¥e1 _. "ilh ~Kron>d.~&Ad (emo, .. E1~h AnJen hr..aUly prep-raliont. 1ft se,en colon,including p

A gcnerr>lls 4 oz. boule 'If mue G(an flower ~Ii~t. gaily conceal"ll by Ihe jolly Ino\\' man ~r 50 Ihe flirlaliom 8110"" maiden. Ken 2 .. 1,'J Chr;Jtm4. I;m, pi- IN al flouriJ AUf. II""~,, I'I'~r., 01'1' (lfllt for " h,n,r maid. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10:00

EST. 1945 ru. 2.2630 D,lil',rin - TlJ:mlo '.R9nlJ ORU:A~S. t'RA~Cf; - P t e . HOURLY AID Domestic Employment' (Mn. Bertram QlIa~'lis. Prop,) 16926 Kercheval Edmond J. St'hll~:dt'r. whNe wife livt'l' at 951 Bt' ..con~tll"ld. Gro~se 1(H)\ Maryland, at Ea" .IcfTcr~()n Gr-osse Pointe Pnint!". Mil'h., l~ ~ e r \' i n Il as a .. bookkeeper at European Com------_.__ . __ ._- ---- ~- - .--,------munieationl' Zonp {CO!lo1Z) head. fI'lartprll in Or1..anl, .'ranef'. COMZ. wllh a hll.;1' M'cllOn in' L. Roctwl1e and an ad\'am:e ~ec. tlCm Ul \'I'rdun. tl'an~porll' all men' For Anyone_ On Your List snd supplil" from French coaslal ' It's A Gift • • • Forts to V. S. forces in Germany. : PT A at IUaire I

To Hear Carols A. Musieel pow~r bOl( i" oold, oeld with Iilvlr lor IlIv.; I.,jn, 101",

--. I Th" uonual Ch:'l!llrna~ prollram Your ehokl of favorll" tU""I. I.ot ~iven by the puplll' of ~talf(~ School fur tlwir parents will he •. O"k 0( lelephone nole pad lty Artomount, bOUNl wit+! gold. Vrl'!Of!nttd on TlIc"d:lY !"\'eninl:. I tooled Ittalher; complel" wilt' peneil. Df'cember :!2. al II o'l"\nck. 2.01 La~t )'I'al' tnI' l'hoir and orcill'J' ' tra combinl'd ga\'c the Chl'l~tma3 Beouhful sewing kit, fill~ with 't1""ing coin pUrse prol(ram. Thi, Yl'ar the choir Will , c. nuds, 41nd preJent thl' Christll1a~ prol(t'llln,' . Block brocod~ with gold. l.tI and thl~ band and orche~tra will, JIVP their own concert in Ihe

sprinj(. D.' (),.,e It!' fivI YflSr diary by ArtalMtl~,' win, ;oId.taoled Ieother. On thfl evpnlOl: or December 22. the IIlO.voicp iH'apppllil choir C:Omp~te with loek and kllY. 1.01

r,..'Chr~e' ba,' aeellssorills. an.in.Of\I eombinotiol'\$ ~ the t-t .,. hOite" on your Christmos lilt. 1.00 .. 12."

If. Salin end vrlvet linlld jewel bo't" or brocade or leetN"'t .. , reno. RELAXATION Ing in Sill frem Pltilll to loroe. 2.50 .. 11.00 l'nll It"e it In ynur~lf In diorn~..r lh.. Humln"" n' "RI~:\I" Gla"~I. Th..y en.l .. ,nnr .,i.iAn G, • leather.bound purse.:rilr c:leth" brulh kit by Artomount, wit+! JUlt rillhl fnr ", •• lin. in b...1 and 1..1.'Ii".. inll .. hile l,ine dltwa Ar lipp;r ~.of sewine al\Cl noli ~s. r~linln.. (:1..... rom'orultl. I." .Ioi,,". Thnn.snd. in D... : an,nnr Mn .".r lh ..m. (:om.. in 10.14, 'nr a ,I..",,,nttrellnn. I'rrt'ioinfto H. ~fd;toOl.d IlIalh.r bouno bridgr tally pod by Artornount, with ",a.I.: f(t",pl"'e .. ilh ca." aad lift bet.: $19.;5. attached ~ncil.ond gold tooling. I.eo

I. Flip.it miniature IIlbum by,Artcmoum, M gold toalM I.oMl«. Y- ~~of~~~~~ ~M . , , J. ,Leather, pigskin 'or IT'Ol'oet!O travel alarm c:lodu .with lumineu4 diols, in a collecli0n. af smart styles. 1.91 t. 22.1'

I! f Icw 1fHV rpltJ:ci"~ houri ••• SEE THEM AT Johnston Optical Co. KERCHEVAL et ST. CLAIR 17 KERCHEVAL. on the hili TUaedo 2.5950

~~~_ ...... _"__"o.._ s...e...... e.... 1IIl7.. s..... s .... 7... '.' .. ' ., .'.''''.'.2.2.'.2.'.'.' .... 7•••• '.,.,., .,.2.'.'••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• - 3 .0.. _.6 s ... ~ ~_ -

Thursday, December 17, 1953 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Six ., . ' Armed Forces of our countl7. ,' I d I.1lal amount ot time is devoted to sented with a certificate IIttl'st- Sincerely, H A er ee n Ma ry an IlllUl!heninl: a soldier mentally as illg to his selection as one of the Robert P. Wilson Soldier ,ot The Week at . b .. d " Iwell' as physically tu stand tip two outstanding "Soldiers of the Colonel, Ord. Corps under rigorOlis sen'ice III the Week". I have also presented an OJ ~:...,.;'", ",.,,,1 "':~~;~.~"': Commanding. !1. "'::.r:::~~'~field. Your son in. his training aotol:raphed copy to Prh'ate Private Pierce' arrived homl' ')' Public Auction I .~~~~~ has demonstrated as unsual abU- Pierce, - (In leave December 5 and will ity to master these obstacles. We are .proud and extremely I: r~~"i";,~ be in the Pointe vi.'litin,; his par- fou ;;\'~:r::, I am enclosing a photograph fortunate. in ha\'inK A soldiEr of Tuesday, December 22 .(,. • I I " th en\$ until December 18. ave ,'l2'~;!:', taken when your son was pre. your ~on's ca iber servm~ In I' Altclnoon 1:00 'p.m. Eveninl: 8:00 p:m. ",,c.,t ~'6I Dee AI~lt Wf'dnf'!\day f:venlnr Sale I3'R~.Mti~ •• D~T.O"T•• ".OS'SI: "'''T~ Itn Ilf'cf'mher 23 at 11:00p.m. one }l w~ arf' ~..lIinlC the entire household !urnitt\re antiques :lnd of I bric-a.brae for th., estate of ' G. Mildred A. MacFarlane PA~TVSHot;s Pac cur and olhf'r collectou and estates, as French bedroonJ suites, all fine dining, room suites, Victorian settees, tier tables, Balcer . ~Mm~buuutg'.tS tables. LoUIS XVI so!as-J:reen damask, unld leaf chairs and WII ,('llee. Adams decorated secretar)' dl'sk. curio cabinets' It'ather to !le,fa and chairs, dinette sets, Louis XV stvle chairs Victurian ntrJ1e~ chest and chairs. Baldwin and Steinway' llrand planus, fine brl'akfrnnt cilbinet, EnJ:lish twin walnut bedroom suile Grand- fath!'r dock!!, two fine sofa beds. large vari£'tv of !I';e furni. 1 ture to sl'lecl from. . a~1[A~O~~ PilinliOl:s-by Robert Hopkins, Doul:las Arthur Tweed, GOl"ter. F. liard and uth~n, 0\'1'1' fifty to select from: f&v Chinaware and Glasswllre--Dresden and' :\Icissen figurmes. Enl:lish Bristol lustn's, fine cut crystal J:lasswarl'. cOnJpot" .•• G"ne.\\,ith.Th"'\\"lIld lamp~, \'asf's. randelabra ... Staffordshire pV'l'. HILLYARD R. PIERCE, JR., after a thorough ill\'e:;tigation of his ability as a ~Lf~1 f1l:ures. un'Jsual Chinese fou dOJ{s. a Vl'ry tine collection, soldier. was selected as one of the two outstanding "Soldier!l of The Week" from among \ Sllvl'rware-Shl'fTield tt'a ~t'I~, sil\'l'rplated teil Sl'ts, ("andl'la- 6,000 men in the Ordnance COI'PS at the Abel''''een Pro\'ing Grounds, Maryland, Pre- bras, sterlin~ silver. Many itl'ms to cnoose from. senting P\'t. Hillyard a certificate and exp ressing his congralulations is COL. ROBERT Oril'ntal nlll:~-as K('rman~, Sarollk., Balcongratulated, for these qual- ! ... I se eJ 01' II••• Jeu...... 1 itil's shuw he has had a happy! : • :: i and WI'll adjusted home lit'. : ~ :: I No hasty decision was made in '* ,'na /"11 e/ll ...I ... let.till': Prlvale Pierct!. The : &;;.:: I lIll'n in our trilininJ;: companies: : • if .,~ir '5 ... I art' heing constantly surveyed,

.. :: 'I' both by our company cadre am: . : ce'or s~rll""~d i the .0 ff' Ice,r~, an d af lei' care tuI .. .. : ('tll1:'lderatllln. YOUI' son wa" ( : ••• to itCP b'e"~l'ge :: I'hosen from i llroup nf some 6,' '* .. , 000 Ill!'n, : ••• to correc~ r.oir' :: I Basic trOlining is Ihl' mo,:1 dif,: : :: i fieull phase of his mililar~- ' ! .. acmdge caused .. I l'ar .."r due III Ih .. transition fron" : by home permaner.is :: : civilinn tn military ,;Iatlls. II is : ARt T t t' b:! ~~~~~~~nl: in tht' fun- .. 8. or rea men may 0" : (.,,11 I L '.; iUU .11 your h.ir need. for ne.... : (,O,\!. ,\IJ)S l"ISJllm~n:s : for .1ppoiut",,,,, beautyl : ' Bituminous roal operators In : : i Kansas and Missouri are c'ollabo. : Catherinc KcunJUcr Beaut,., Salun ::! rating with the KansM Forl'slr~', .. .. I Fish and Game Commission in ;; ", "I . '* ;W-I" .\I,,(k AI'I'III" ... I 3-~'l'llr re:ll';m'h'study of fish life : C'OH" '"oi,,,,, 11"00'/5 : i in wilter areas fllrlller1~' surfaced : : f ,njn~d for coal. . ------~-----~------_.------~---~._-- GIJT{HDHIS B. for His l Gtor;;,. n:s leisure hours with ~ luxurious lounging robe for his h~ppy stay-ot.home hours YOUR SURCOAT, SIR • • • ~or comfortable, relaxed vid~o viewing. Here you may choose is "re f~Otl'. )'0,,'11 wenr for 'eisure, from raDes lavishly elegan t or drillillg, .•jJOrts ami f,ll informal occflsiollS. richly simple ••• in f~seinoting coiors and patterns to suit his r~ste. Come se~ • It"'htlh,., )'Otl Ift'al )'ollrJt'l/ ()I' ruti,'" it af " (brisl",aJ ]:if/ ••• Ihtrt's ,,,,thing Ih" 'I'armlh, to",/orl a"eI (llmal rorrul"tss Ih" come buy ••• for iiiit' 0/ -1JI1/1IIJOmt'iy t"i/or"cI mrmat ••• "n im "orlaHI ""rl 01 tl'er)' ",,,,,'s Il'ardroht. a wonderfu: guy.

A, DistinAuishcd wool tweed su'rcoat with a deep pile lining for complete warmth, and the trim tailoring you want. Tan or gre)'. Sizes 38 to 46. 32.50 , '

H. I.uxuriotu wool surcollt in II S

Famous Pendleton Robes .. _. , . 22.50 and 25.00 D, Soft casllltu:re and w()(;f blend Ree~e surcoat with a satin.faced wool inner lining IOO~~ Virgil': 'Nool Pi.~id~ and an all.over sm:1rtn~s. Nalurlll or gre)'. Sizes 38 to .fG. 35.00 Chromespun Brocaded Robes 17.95 . D. The\@f r'.re Fully Lined Royal-O Robes, by Rabhor ..... 14.95

I Open Mon. thru Fri. till 9:00 Saturdays 'Tit 6:00

OUR CHRISTMAS HOURS ~~'4 ARE OUR REGULAR HOURS Mond"y Ihru Friday, 9:30 to 5:30 KERCHEVAL at ST. CLAIR MEN'S WEAR,- Inc. S~turd(lY. 9:30 to 0:00 16930 Kercheval i" th" I'illa.!:"


~ __ ~.~ _._._ _ _ .. __ __ s__ _ __ .. __ .. _ a slllllls IIiII2I e .. $ _ _ _ _ .. __ _.2 ?1Il • , . Page Seven .. lhursCJay. December :17, '1953 'GROSSE POINTE 'NEWS

OUR CHRlSTMAS STORE HOURS :' . . " ARE ~UR REGULAR HOURS ••• ),In. Edith 1>LWaldbott of Bal. f' four road was going east on Mack Mondoy thru Frid"y, 9:30 o.m. to 5:30 p.m. " avenue on ThuMlday afternoon. !': SaturdllY. 9:30 a.m. io 6:00 p.m.

December 10, when her eyes .•... ,I rtrayed from the road for just .,' one mo~ent. . . Her car plowed into the rear ot a 1949 Packard owned by Mrs. G. V. Wager of Harvard. The • Packard was parked at the south curb facing east. Extent of dam. 'Jl:t to Mrs ••Wal

The gift for a .of the connoisseur, CAMERA FAN! imported CASHMERE SWEATERS : \ ' \ e PRINGLE ~

~lt:~IORIAL CENTEH DIRECTOR JOHN LAKE, left ~ __ LYLE & SC'OTT on balcony, helps DONNA SMITH with the speech she wiJI make at the Christmas tree lighting at the Center as HAI.., DRINKAUS lowers a string of lights to JIM FERRAI'TI, "J W. will be closed ihe below. days following Chrisimas and New Yea". Church to Holel Special Service. 1 Saturday, Dec. 26 Saturday, Jan. 2 , Faith Lutheran Chlll'ch, E, Jef- Soloist will be :'11':1, Elsa Pen- i fef'lOIl a~~ Philip, wi,l1 aRain h~\'c gelly. I Its traditIOnal. duplicate Chrlst- I A string trio from the Detroit I Open ~hurs: an~ Fri. m!ls £\'e .Servlccs ~t 8 and 10:30 Sj'lIIphonj' Orchestra will Re-' Oh. the luxnrr of fe~therlight imported cashmeres .. , fashioned ,,'ith the traditional skill of the Scottish craftsman, with Evenings TII 9.00 p.m. He\, Charle. Lange and companj' the choir on thi~ an-: ~, I Re\', Clyde Showa1tcl' are the them as well as play a prelude: the beaut\' and ~oftne's that make them the trea~ure of \"I)ur.". war,lrohe. Nevcr have VIIU seen so l1l;ltl\' luscious colors, pastors, I and nffl'rtol"\'. l\IelllUf'rS, of the' . /'''' I adaptcd from the natural heauty of SC(ltland'~ countryside. Come ~ee our collection of short slec\'c slipolls. long ell'" .. ~' The cllndle-li/:ht ,en'ices will'strilll: trio ~Il'e: Emily ~Iuttcr I ,~ I ~ i be held ~n a festIvely decorated Adams, \'iolinist; Jo:lIl:('ni~Kuh!1le •. slec\'c slipo/lS and long ~lceve cardigam. Sizes Ji 10 ,10. ~ . ..'0 church. l"OVII .\1. Branshy will uc hllrlJlst;. and Edward Korkll(lan,' I ..,' at the cunsol.~ of .the or~all, I:!I' cellist. i to ~ ~~.~ '!'INTC rectlll~ the 90 vOIce chOIrs Will Tht' trio and urgan will pIny I 17.95 27.95 ~~~ be Prof. W. E. Crist and Mrs. traditional Christmas Carull" fnr i Grace Salmon. 15 minutes preeeJin/: the service i 17114 Kercheval The combined choirs will sin/:, at Hand .10:30 p.m The sermon' in t"e VIllage "BethlehclII" . by Goldsworthy, "God COlllf'S tn Earth" will he' TU. 1-4096 Iilnd "0 Holl'~Night." I d"Jivpred by the Re\', C. H. ______""'oic!'s of the:Sk~/" by ~Iatthp\\,s. Lan!:!'. . I ~_._--_. \ You're II smllrt litt'e girl.

Honey •• , to lnow that Santa hilS delivered his mo,t precious

dolls and stuffed toys f:) 'Jllcobson's! Big

dolls, lit!!e dolls ••• /Ill

bellutiful. 1111 wlliting to belong to 5 hllPPY child lit Christmas: 10vIlbie stuffed animols with

distindive personolities 1111 their own, to delight the young of . heod of Ilny Ilge ••• from the tiny crib set, to the c5refree col'egiote crowd. Shown, from our wonderful collection of 511t~llt brings the mllgic: d children's happy Illughter to your home, dolli Ilnd stuffed animllis to mille this Christmlls the loveliest one ever ••• Cuddly Belir, 2.00; Snow Mon, 3.00: Ro~ebud, the ginham bllby doll, 8.95: Musical Elephant, 4.95: Softy Dog. 3.95: Mllrgot, the wolking ballerinll

doll, 10.95: Sleepy Lamb, 4.95; Sweet Sue Bridol Wlllking Doll, 12.95; Sweet Sue W/llking Formal Doll. 19.95: H~ppy Bozo, the gay'down, 3.00.


Monday thru Fridav. 9:30 o. MI. la 5,30 p. m. KERCHEVAL t1t ST. CLAIR S

, • 't ~ •••••• S•••••••••••••• ISIIIJ.... e",s•• _." •• _."'$,....c..¥.... _ .. _ .. - ...... _ ...... $.. $$IIl...s ...... II'II-IIIl$~.--.o;!"lQ ... e~ellll...... $IIl$le..e$llllle... _IlI$IIl.elQl_I$$ ...... _Q¥$IIl.. _.S.4 ... ~$$IIIIl-1IIl5~4-- ..... -.4Q1111l---- ...... --~--

I'agft Eight GROSS'E POINTE NEWS Thursday, Dec~mber 17, '1953 Report Submitted Children D).awn To New .Library Center Gets, Pfoiector As Gift By Health. I-Iead By Uen Sharp vard. said that he liked the racks "Sometimes I come to the Ii; 011' \\'hich. suggested books tor Grosse poi~CllInlIlis~ioner. brary every, d~y," said Jim Clark,;:- children were dlspla)'ed. He aLso of Health Dr. Thomas Davic~ rt'_110• of. 48~ Fisher Road, and a~ liked the friendly librarian!. por'.s for' the month of :-;ovcm- '~:Ithuslasllc y~)un!( patron .of the Tom Smith; 12, of 1311 Harvard, ber. :it, communicablc disea~es new Central Library •.He sal~ that said that he enjo~'ed the Cald!'r including 12 from Harper Woods. he had ,.not I:onc to, t~e hbra,r~ mobile which hanlls from the ceil- These consisted 1I10stly of ,'hic- often be rore the n~\\i bl anch \\.a~ lng of the library, He said that Iken pox, scarlet fe\'er. and opened, and. \\'~s unpressed wIth he would rather 1(0 to the Cen. mumps. Elich disease pah:ued 9 t~e large blllldlng, the amount of tral Library than to the old Ipl'l'~uns, Il/:ht and number of books. bran" at Pierce School, althoug-l . The lI1e,lsles and poll "myelitis . Of the librarians Jim went on he is equi.distllnt from both. Both attacked six more peol>le, three to say, ."They I1re very nice, and Torn and Gordon like the modern eadl. Pertu!>.~is and pneumonia are friendly wht'n they help me architecture of the building, and accounted for the other two ill- select books," Probably one of thl' special children's librarian. ne,,~es, the big):cst attractions of the new If $uch boys a,~ these three are Animal bite~ tot ..l,'d 2;. anel Jibrar~' for al! childr"n is the IICpresentative of all children. an unusual event was th" hitinJ: stoQ' ~our. The cO~lfortable seat- books are \'ery likely to giv.- of 11 children b\' one dOJ: at ins: arran!!ement was ant. PI' fea. s\ll'h media as tele\'ision, radio, school reces~. The 'c1og was beinlt tUft' the children Ji!(cc1. and movies /olood, stiff competi. leased and was not rabid. Gordon Yate;;.12, of 1000 Har- tion . ._------I?",. ,i,.,,",tltic (,',,"tf!'"J'flrtl'.Y 1;':;II9! primitive art . . accessories lamps in . ,'~~<';>f;~'~'J contemporary ~~i~~~!~ -t'r ..d RunnIOn. Pilote • wrought iron accessories \ living B. N. DARLING and ROSS SUTHERLAND, donors ot Ihe 166 mm. liound movie custom projector to the Memorial Cenler, point out some of the finer points of the machine to hand-crafted JAMES LEE II. president, of the Center. Mr. Darling is president of B. No Darlin~ • herman miller fiberglass chairs • jewelry and Associates of Chicago and Mr. Sutherland is vice-president of Sutherland, Inc., of Los Angeles. The stand for the projector was donated by the Grosse Pointe Exchange Club. \ • contemporary furnishings • Christ,nas Vespers Prograln at Pierce .l-liglt The annual Christmas Vesper! John Davidson. Bob Correa, pal; Shephl'rds. Andy P.nr. Hud- • custom draperies • .We're Open 'till 9:00 Prollralll will be given in the Charles Frew. Carol Surbrook, son Harrison, Foster Winter; Mon" Wed., Fri. and Sat. auditorium /It the Pierce Junior Kaarina Waskinen, Penny Nick- Kinl:s. Ronnie Fin., Bob Ander- HiJ:h School on Sunday after- els, Carol Kaiser, Carol Sue We!t. son. Bob Hawley; Angels, Chloe Tues, and Thurs. 'till 6:00 noon, Dect!lIlber :!Il, at 4 p.m, r.larcia Eyres. Joyce Robbins and Ir .....in. Sand)' Hoffman, Judy I1m- The program will bl' prl'lientl'd Julie Ruel(sl'gller will carry 5010 ing~ley. by the choral groups of the school parts. Mil>s Virginia Hoelzle i4 tJla 19950 harper. harper. woods under the direction of Miss 'I'hl' famous tableaus will again faculty sponsor. Gwendolyn Brockmiller. :\Irs. depict the Chri~tmal! stor~'. The The altracli\'e pro/tratrl cover Naomi Donaldson will ht' the ac- narrator fnr these interlude, will block wa_~ designed and Cllt by r ~liae I.~S tuxedo 1.6763 : eompanist at the otj(un. Mr. Jim bt' Chriio Johnson. The characters Ed Hammer in Mrs.' Joneltft Moor" will assist in dirp.ctinJ: the InrI.' Mary, Lois Rexford; Joseph, GrllY's art class. Mr. Donald Bam- Ichorus seatpd in thl' balcony. Wayn!' Byrd; Innkl'eper, Ed Kap- bforger's bo)'s printed th~e covers in the Pierce print shop. The chorus personnel is as fol- 10\\15: sopranos, Robert Dwtlap, Carol Kaiser, Kay McNeill, Dinne I Moil', Penny Nickels, Gwen Prit. chard. Merry Sharrer. Malj' June Smothers, Sheila Stack. Carol S'urbrook, Kaarina \\'askinen, Carol Sue West, Ronald Allaire. William Barnelt, Barbara Bush- ara, Jef! Belforf'. Bob Benton, Janet Brumer, Frances Clnrk, Marcia Cook. Nancy Cook, Mary Crane, Nancy Dunlap. Anne EIIi- lion, Marcia E)'rc~, Mary Fraser. By Peer Ch..rl~ Frew. l\larRaret MUNon. Joanne Phillips. Jill Pink, Pam- ela Putnam, 'Joyce Robbins, Joyc. Oh. wn/lt /l delightful lurprisf' Rowe, Julie Rueltsel:l:er, Pat , Schram. Sally Simone, Kria Van. on Christm/l; morning ••• m/lgnificf'nt I Leu\'en. Chris WlIkin.., I Alto~ are Roherta Jaworski, I Diane :-;aul. Betty Pernokis, Ag. wool fI!lnn!,1 rOOf! by Peer ne.s Peters. Nancy Reik, Jo:lizabeth Riley, Kate Rogen. Sylvia Sader. IPat Shaub, Kathleen Barry, Juli. I ana Beach, Carol Borushkn, Dll\'. I id Burl:es~, Jani~ Bushon!:. Nuncy Cle:ninson. John Conk. Neil Delf:l, Gerry Dennison, Ronald Downie, Judith Ewald. Jani« Friedli. Ed Hakim, Su,;an Hamilton. Dian. ....r/lp rooe. t/liiored "nd Hen.st'I, Mary Johnstone. Cynthia , Levlln, ,Dianll Mehling, Toni M~'- en, Nancy Nagelkirk, AbiRail lrim, with tiny butten edging Parsons, Beth Ramsay. M:lrilrJ' Schwarz. Jan. Slinger, Ellen on thll oodet fl/lps. Stann~'. Glady Steil, Anne Tel" I nullo and ~Iary Youn!:. ! Tenon lire Lindsay Crooks, red, Lipstid Sizes 10 to John Da\'idson, Charles Dobbins, IJohn Hoye, Bill Kaake, Jim Kel1~', 20. 39.95. B. Fobuiou~ /lli- Je!f Orhan, William Pattee, Dav. id Updegraff. John Wenzel. Basses ar!! Pat Barnes. IUchnrd wool flClnnei peignoir I i Ka~., Richard Knapp, John Dn- . hert~.. Bob Correa and Frank robe with /l drilm/ltic full sweep I Gml!iner. I The main reason thl" younKer /!nO /l luxurious louch of I ,lteneration gripes mo.~t oldsters : is because they no lonller belonl min~ formi~g the bow-tied cuffs. I to il. I:;;;' ======;;. .' AqlJ/l or rille. Sizes 10 10

I b, 35.00. C. ,A,II,woo' fl~nn~1

gillnt plod duster with '* o~ersize CtlHs, stllnd-up coll1lr ~!I IInd huge t/lf+!"t/l bow. ' .,:" ,'. Oyster, pinr or blue, Sizes 10 I, I, "~'~";~J . ,. '/",,' - ,.~.:,".,.' '--// to 'b. 22.95, lIBiSla-Nu~ Before the holidays- IlIlI• .1Id ror the holidays- let III dry dean l'OUr clothes and Ifnisll Ihm wilhour bIIhonally fllTlOllSSTA.NtJ .. proms IThen you'li know th.' maalc d ha'iin,lhem return.d wilh thai ~shmerr. soft. IIke.new f"line ••• thlllik •• n.... appearance I STA.NU means. new world 01 SIlisfa:liOllin .n )our dry d .. n1~ for holiday pleasull and .very da, prIdDl I Stl-Nu costs you nothing extra Exclusive in Gross. Pointe at MONDRY OUR CHRISTMAS HOURS ARE OUR REGULAR HOURS ... CLEANERS tot1o'1doy thru Fr:d"y, 9:30 to 5:30 375 Fisher Read Soturdoy, 9:30 to 6:0a "Si,,,, 19io" TUx.... 5-4801

J )

~", ...... ;... ' \ '" :...... :.. ~: ...... " .. ..'" ... -.'".'",-.'" , , ..• ...~'I . ...• ...... '. -...... d cf .. -.- -. Page Nine: n;ursCfay, December 17, t 953 GROSSE POINTE. NEWS 3 - \1. 1'0 Spread Cheer. Anglers Snare Red~lead, in lV~~. cause that is just what the....poy. Season Champions' Receive Trophies Througb the course of history !~hristmas ~Iorn. hunter:. have used man)' de\'ices did. . ~ La~~~!:~~~tions~~~~;~tA~!o:.~I~'li.",11 .... flock oC'the feathered 'Erea- for hllntlnlt ducks. Brad Peabody O.... H.S. Journalism Student Lab' ' tures fie w o\'erhead, but ,one, "How our labor problem i" or Relations Act. ~Ir. Granse I Uy COlrnl ~lea~el and 1'.Ialcolm Fo~ter, both Grosse which seemed to ha\'e .been lolved depends upon the qualitv stated that he cC:lSldered the 1 Jnurnalll'm Il ! Pointe High School students, net- I wounded. kept dh'inlt. into.:.the tit leaden we get at the locnl Taft.Hartley Act to be an aml'nd~ I Stl1l1~nt, G.r.n.s. ! led themseh'es a female duck of lakt" trvinlt to commIt SUICIde. union level:' :'oIl'. William H. ment to the Wallner Act, Rnd as On Christmas morninl<: the lthe redhead S~el.~e5rt"cl'ntly whe." When the duck had tired iuelf Gran~e: labor relations lawyer, a balancing of the scales between i GI'OS;iC Pointe Iligh School A Ilhey were f1shmR off Har»en s the bO)'ll scooped it up with a fi.h told ~hss Kathryn Sheedy's com. labor and management, " . h' \' I b 1\1 Island. net. merclal la,w class at Grosse 0 . Ca~clla COil', 'Ll'ecle( )' I r. We use the w\lrd "netted" be- Folnte JIigh School. • ne Important feature of the I = '1 aH.Hartll'Y . Act, he explalncd,I John Finch, will briull to the, :'oIl'.G~Rnse went on to say that WliS the pro\'i~ion whercb)' all Ipatients of MiehigRn Memorial i ~th union and management are labor board l'ulinJ(s were made Hospital a little of the Christmas i Spend Your Important to the c~u~try. ~nd fully subjed to review by the joy by presentin!: a program of I that the I~ to 16 million union I Fedl'ral Courts of Appeal~. II I members In the country toda~.. 1 "T . . .: I sp~cial Christmas mUl'ic, WINTER VACATION ol'ed representation here all' I'xaKgela .. on~ on . I the part of both 11Ianagement and. I The iO voice choir will ~n MI'. Grlln~e spoke on the back. unions. which tend to make Ihe I ; through the wards of the ho"pital . (Bill Sot A FortIlJl~)' (round of labor law!! frum the probll'ms seem bigger than they 1 singinl: c:lrols, They will not IlO yur I~OO. H.e explallled that at really ale, and increase the ten- ! throul:h the TB wards. bllt their that tIme laoor was considered sion on both sides." Mr. Granse 'donI's will be opened so that the Swlmmln( AS any other ~omn~o~ity on the s;lid. lie feeL< that if exaggera- Jlaliel:t.~ can heil!' the choir as Uuatlnr . markl't, and thIS opmlon was up- tions are avoidl.'d and tempers • _d. i the~' go through the halls, Flshlnr . I, held by the courts. are held, most labor and manage- • I The songs that will be ~ung ;'::Coral Golf However, t~e picture changl'd llIent dilTiculties can be settled -"red Hunnell. 1'hulo Iare: "lIospodi Pomilui," "Bless Sh~htuelnr ~~ completel)' WIth the pas~inJ:. or' by di~cussion. Loaflnr Clearwater BeRch, ."loridA , I The three divisional season champions of the Detroit C l' U i s.i n g Club were an- This I.:ou~e~:' "Th~, L.? r d's , On Clearwater Ba~' ". I nounced at the. annual meeting of the organi zation at Bayvie\\', ThUl'sday. December 10,\ Praye!',. SIlent ,NIght,.. ~nd MORE SU~~Y I • .' 1. f' h \"ILFRED "'1 GUIRE k' f h "The Song of Clll'Istmas. Solo For Ch ristmas PoslIlg With their season trop lies are: le.t to rig t. '. .l' C ,S Ipper Q t e, t . "1'1 S f CI . t ' .. DAYS HERE .0\ sTt;r FRO~I THE GULF OF :\IEXICO , Y k' 'J' C .. A' d KARL N"'SS k' . f "H 'N' " P'l t I 'I'JfJr $ III le ong 0 IrIS mas '.', I: New. or .lw III .. rUISlll~, .' an ,. ~ • ' S .lPpel 0 r ap~l- ess a .. I 0 S ?,op tn will hI' taken by: Fra-nces Bo\\'-I THAN A~Y Senllble Rate. by .Wrrk or Month . ':. •• forever : ~Iacktnac sloop Kandu 111 CrUIStng B; 'IOOT GMINER sktpper of Apache and lin, Dorothy Reyst, Janice Wink-I rLACE F.LSF. :(, ICruising C. -- leI', and John Pilon, The narra- I~ EAST FOR DETAILS CAL1~ TU. %.;665 tion will be done by Rollins I I 1.------.I8i their chautfeul'S, to the G.M. read in Enillish and in foreilln Betteley. . proving grounds. The boys were languages hein!: ~tudied at D. U, I -- gh'l!n l'ides in lome of the cars S.-Latin, French, Spanish, IInd that were being given teat-runs, Italian • • • • •;'rOIIl Mr, John c'on;ey'of the D,U.S, Nl.'xt Sunday MI'. and ~Irs. I). U. S. I John Chandler, Jr. will play host Ifaculty will represent the Dl!troit , ' chapter of the Amel'ica~1 Associa. at thl' Headmaster'~' Cotta!:e at thl.'ir allnual Christmas part~ for ~ I lIan~ W. Bel'lll.'rel" a 195:1 tion of the Teachers at the Na- faculty and faculty children. " ; I J(riltluate of the Detroit Univers- lional A.A,T,F. meeting in Chica- ". . . . I ity School. has been nllmed by go durinll the Christmas vacatIon, The EnJ:lish Departmenls of ''; lI~ ¥~ .. : the dean's oUice one of the . . . D,U.S. and of Grossr Pointe ,,. i scholarship winnl'rs at Tl'inity Last week'~ assembly speaker Country Day School held their ICOllegl', Hartford, Conn. Bel'herer in the Friday mornll1g serIes was- monthly ITIl'etinll la~t Friday '. l is a freshman. Dr. Henry Hilt Crane oC Central I'vening at the home or MI', Well. : . . . Methodist Church, Detroit. On ingtun Grimes, auistan! head. • : One of the subjt'cts now oc- thi~ Friday Dr. Bugh Stalk"r of master at the Detroit Univerliity ..... f I l'upying the attention of alumni, GrossI' Pointe, school physician; School. ~:;oo Ifaculty. and trustees of D.U,S, will show culor ~lides of his . . . plw 55; Fed. tu 'and C'ountJ'Y Day is mulling o\'er travel~ in Italy last liummer. On Tuesday of this week An. B, ,- "po"sible nilml.'S for the new • • • drew Barr and t:dgar HO\\,I)et't ~chool when Ihe constJ'ul'tion Dr, Erville B, Mayn'ard or of the 11th Ilr

.+ \ H~r"J ("f',liHtSJ ••• Gr"cj,,"SJ1~JS aHd ort"HS Victoria by \ nl ,h.,.m • • • It'hitt pflru/Ili" syn~~ p;lchtrJ by RflY"/ Btrli" I lJ";qll~ MIf'" fir II'hi/~ nI~"Il. plIlH' 12.(4) 9.75' ItoO .J~Pc, P/act St'ltiu1! hn/J"s ;H hrrmu rlldts In 'h(tHg 0" '11'1111 , 59.50 fir plfltt oH labl,. Single, 4,50; '.double, :~.--.. I 9:00 " \ I 'S=: I ~!!.~9':t~,Ej f(wu p~ P..... I-t.. Schoenwald' '1 Kn'ch,.."l, 0,. II), f1i1l '( dinnerware

Fit" P;trt f:J"Ct smilfK ;,. whit, ';'t 6,75; ;If (,llfanH tit 8.75 :ts Stlf;nlw slul jllflll'tlr", from' 6.n lor ft«.,-pi,:, pl.e, s,!t;", ra

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,110 Page Tc!' , GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday,December.17,1953 Society News Gathered From All of the Pointes From Another Pointe Carol Sanford Bride Short and to the.. Pointe of View • • • "------i' . . . . Of David A. Coolidge' DALE PETROSKY and DICK M D d II Id son and daughter.in-law, MR. and By MARSH, both oC Pemberton road, '-. rs. avi _A en, Coo i . g' e MRS. DAVISON PIERSON will }",., S,hernurborn and PAT BURKE oC Beaconsfield, come from their home in New were recently pledged to Psi ,", Dtlughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling S. Sanford of .Hillcrest Upsilon at Michigan State Col. Haven, Conn. for Christmas and Road Speaks Vows With Son of.Mrs. Fr~nk Wellington The Pointe's .Mrs. J. C. Davenport has been invited to next Tuesday, Mra. Pierson will Cool,'dge ',n Grosse Po'inte Memorial Church lene, The source oC information give a tea for her daughter-in. appear on Edward R • .Murrow's inspiring This I Believe ••• also disclosed that Pat, \vith a and will probabl! keep the radio date in early January ••• 3.5 scholastic average. made the law. 0 • • Guests watched th-e-n-e-w-M-r.-a-n-d-Mrs. D II v i d Aile n~- We can only claim the Davenports as "temporal''' Pointers" Dean's list (honor roll), his first MR. and MRS. JULIAN P. Coolidge clasp a be-ribboned silver knife ~nd ~ut their five- ,;ince their presence here is due to Lieut. Davenport's being term at. the coli eRe. He is major- BOWEN "JR., oC Bishop road, tiered wedding cake last Saturday evenmg 10 Lochmoor ing in engineering, r;tationed at SeIfrid~e with air sea rescue ••• We are not (Cynthia Book), have'announced Club. ~ • • 0 surprised that the editorial committee of This I Believe (be. the birth of a son JULIAN The fashionable reception moon in Florida. They ",ill re-. MR. and MRS, HENRY FORD sides Mr. Murrow, it includes Raymond G. Swing, and Ward PERHY BOWEN IV, on Decem- f 11 d h 8 'I k d turn to the Pointe in time far_ II, with daughters CHARLOTTE ber 4. . . • 0 owe t e 0 c oc we - Christmas .....ith their Camilies Wheelock) reached into the Pointe for the fascinating Mrs. D. and ANNE, and son EDSEL, will ••• Her philosophy sends your mind and thoughts soaring. , • o • • ding, iJlo Grosse Pointe Mem- and after Jan. 15 wlU be at home' spend Christmas at their home Next Monday bride-elect DOR. orial Church, of the former on Rivard boulevard. For .three years, she lived in Japan while the lieutenant was in Palm Beach. 'EEN BOOTH (student at Sweet C I H' S f d For traveling, the bride don- stationed there ••• and through friends in her native 00. Briar in Virginia) and sister, aro emmgway an or , ..ltr n d Mrs ned a light blue gray wool luit California boasted contacts with the Japanese which most MRS, GEORGE N. MU~RO III WINKlE. student at Bradford. d aug 11ter 0 f m. a • . S S f d f HI'II with .....ispy nav)' hat, na\'Y ac- has returned to her home on arri';,e to spend the Christmas St er Img . 'In or 0 - Americans wouldn't have ••• She was soon writing a col- cessories and a fur jacket. umn for So-En, the Japanese Vogue, on fashions ••• (she Touraine road Coli owing a visit holidays with their parents, MR. crest road, an d t h e son 0r M rs. was a professional designer before her marriage) ••• and in New York City. and !\lRS, JOSEPH G. STAND- Frank Wellington Coolidge of Out of town wedding guests 000 now keeps busy at her typewriter as she contributes articles ART JR. of RidRe road, Doreen's Rivard boulevard and the late here for the ceremony included It's to be Christmas in Chicago " ; " ~;:";- fiance, GEORGE E, HAMILTON Mr. Coolidge. Mrs, L. Myers Lippincott of to three Japanese magazines and five newspapers ••• for MR. and MRS. ROBERT B. , " : III is expected December 30 to Ofrlclatlnr. at the ceremony Jackson, l\lich.; ~tr. and l-.Irs. • • • UPHAM JR. of Rivard boulevard, ,'.<: spend the New' Year's week-end Wall the Rev. Paul KetebulU Ralph Frazer and their daughJer,_ Started a Fashion Show With JUDY and SUSIE they are .. ': with the Standarts, and the brldegroolU's uncle, the Carol, of Flint; Mrs. Frank , cl-: leaving to spend the holiday , ",', , • • 0 ling ton Coolidge Jr., of Glencoe, One column is called "We Americans" and dues much to ~ .. 1-' Rev. John It. CooUllre oCGrand Ill.,' U • and 1\1rs. John K. Cool-. week-end with her parents, '. MRS. J. DEAN RUCKER has R.'lplds. ...r Interpret the wa~'s of the Western World to' the Japanese ••• .0. closed her lodge at Metamora and A portrait gown oC all over lace idge Jr. of Grand Rapids; Mrs., whom Mrs. Davenport finds have a delicious sense of humor MRS. BENJAMIN 5, WAR- is local to the Country Club this with its bouffant skirt designed Randolph Adams, Mrs. Walter ••• She is reaJl~' responsible for the great fllshion wave that REN JR. entertained guests at winter. • 0 • flour length, was worn by the Pomeroy and Mr. and Mrs. cocktails Saturday evening in Charles Noble, all of Ann Arbor. hR~ swept Japan ••• lieI' first stor~' for a Tokyo newspaper bride. Distinguishing the freont of her home on Edgemere road. Lat- 5u~J:ested Japanese women needed full length mirrors ••• Three Pointe freshmen at Briar- the gown was a center panel oC er the group went on to the Little She was besieged b~' requests from JalJOnese designers to cliff Junior College, Briarcliff pleaterl nylon net. Club for the regular week-end Manor, New YOl'k, arc expected Yaelli' Clltb Y "pprO\'e their fashions ••• hy women's groups for talks on Carol's frothy bridal veil oC llie diner and dance. home for the holidays, They arc W~tern fashions and how to dress in "good taste" ••• She o • • imported silk illusion was held in Schedule Full KITTY SMITH, daughter of MR. place by snug fitting lace cap, writes in English and all re\'enue from her work goes to the MRS!HENRY B. JOY, of Fair and MRS, GUY C. SMITH of translator who puts it into Japanese • " the Davenports Acres, Lake Shore road, will embroidered in pearls and edged Plans are bubbling merril~~ at ~lcKinley place; 'fERRY PHE- in sparkling white satin, hope to live in Japan- some du~' ••• As a matter uf fnct she welcome members of her family LAN. daughtel' of MR. and MRS. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club for the She carried stephanotis cen- is going to Tok~'o in Fehruary for a visit and reunion with on Christmas day when they JAMES J. PHELAN. JR. of dub's annual series oC Yuletide' gather at noon for the traditional te red with a white orchid and season parties. friends and business acquaintances over there ••• We'll keel) Moros:> road; and JULIE CHAP- backed by polished camellia and holiday dinner with her. From The Children's ChI' i s t mas )'011 posted when the Davenport Date for This I Believe is MAN, daughter of !\IR. and MRS. ivy leaves in her' bouquet. Stonington, Conn., will come . -Picture by Paul Gach Party is scheduled for Saturday Jet ••• we know ~'01l'1I want to listen ••• CHARLES G. CHAPMAN of A trio of attendants was gown. MRS. HELEN JOY LEE, her The former CAROL H~l\lINGWA Y SANF'ORD, daugh- Provencal road. afternoon, Dec. 19, from 2 to • • ed in aqua taffeta, brief jackets • son-in-law and daughter, MR. - tel' of Mr. and Mrs. SterlIng S. Sanford of Hillcrest road o 0 0 4:30 o'clock. In charl:e of plans covering the halter necklines, The Her Christmas Spirit and MRS. A UG US US PET- who was married on December 12 to the son of Mrs. Frank MR. and MRS. JOHN BASHER are Mrs. Edward J. Schoenherr, ERLA and their little son. pouf skirts fell waltz len!tth and Mrs. Charles B, Eisenhauer, Mrs. Davenport told us that while Japan celebrates W. Coolidge of McKinley avenue, and the late Mr. Coolidge. of Whittier road, and their son, all wore bands of deeper aqua GEORGE. The group also willi JOHN, left town Tuesday, to MI'. and Mrs. C. Allison Monroe Christmas in a small way ••• New Year is the big holiday .•• velvet in their hair. include MR. and MRS.HENRY I spend the holidays in Mexico. co III m I t tee chairman: Mrs. B. JOY JR. with their son, Tiedemans' immediate family, p.lace. this Christmastime. Dnu::h- Joan Ruby, a; maid of honor, festivities last for ten days ••• She'll never forget the odd They expect to return about the Robert ... Weber and !\Irs. Wil- l\Ut and !'o1RS. RICHARD SEL. tel'. Janet. will nrrive from Cam- cal'l'ied a bouquet of deep pink sensation it was to see the Japaneses version of Mal1. (in HENRY BOURNE JOY IV; MRS. DEN SPENCER JH. will com!! bridge; son. DONALD will come first of tilt!' >'ear. Their house- liam P. Kinder. . kimona) ••• For her own Christmas, Mrs. Davenport long carnations and iv)' while the WOOD WILLIAMS and l\IR. illJd from Springfield. Ill.. and l\IH. from his studies at H~rvard, ,'lnrl guest, MISS SUSANNE VAN Lridesmaids, Mrs. Arthur War. • The Junior Prom will be Tues-' ago abandoned the commercial side of Christmas ••• Instead MHS. GEORGE N, MONRO III d I GASTEL 01 Brussels, Belgium, with their sons, GEORGE IV, ~n, ~ R? JdOl-fl~~DUh~~ DAVI~ another son. HOB, will board the lIIelt and Mrs, Charles Daniels Jr. day evening. Dec. 29. and this she sends gift packages to needy families all over the world STEVIE d BILLY are expecte 10m t ell' home III tl'ain at Cincinnati for holidnys in has gone to spend the winter in had arrangements oC pale pink holiday get-together part)' for ••• , England, the Orient ••• In each she places the an • • o' I Northampton. :\Iass. the Pointe. Los Angeles. carnations and ivy. the college set will begin with o • 0 dinner at 7 o'clock. Dancing to name of one of her own good friends here in the United SYLVIA HOUGHTON arrives . . . Frank W. Coolid!te Jr. came States ••• that friend is notified by a note telling about the l\IH. and MRS. GILBERT CUR. Guests were invited for coel,- NANCY RAMSAY, daughter of from Glencoe, Ill. to be his the music of the PeeWee Hunt in the Pointe on Saturday from MR. and !'oIRS. C H A H L E S A. Orchestra will be from 8 until family and the package through which they have said Merry studies at the Parsons School of RIE ha\'ll returned to their Lewi,,- tails at the home of MH. and brother's best'man and the brides- ton road home following a junk~ l\IHS. CIIAHLES A. GALLARNO, RAMSA Y, of McKinley a\'enue, men were James S, Sanford, midnight. Christmas with her ••• Design in New York. to spend participated in the Lantern Night • the holidays with hel' parents • et to thl' West Coast. The Curries of Whittier road last Saturday Moffett Field, San Francisco, James Degnan is chairman of • • Carolling on December 10. when the prom planning committee .. ~m.and MRS. HUGH Mc!'oUL- concentrated on 'Rancho Santa eveninl:, follo\\'~ng which the and John E, Sanford, of Ann Guest At Debut Fe during their -Western trip, hosts took their party on to l\lilwaul(Ce-Downer Colle!:e stu- Arbor, brothers of the bride; Rus- with Donald Jo'ord and Thomas C. LAN of Woodland place. ch!llts serenaded the shut-ins at DECEMBER DIARY: The Pointe's first deh l:ets into the o • • • 0 0 Grosse Pointe Yacht Club for sell E. Dexter Jr,. Palmer T. Fox as aides. dinner and dancinl:, nearby hospitals and orphanal!l's. Heenan, Richard Durant and The New Ycar's E\'e party to' Pointe Friday and !lteps into her pllrt). frock for the l\1onda~' 1\m. and MRS. WALLACE S. MHS. LEWIS B. EL Y, of New Nancy is a member of the' Studio • 0 0 Phelps Trix of Grosse Ile. hail 1954 will follow the tradi.' h.'a dansant at which she makes her how at the D.A.C . MacKENZIE have retul'lJed to York City, will arrive to spend Club which fashioned the lan- She's Connie Zick, dllu~hter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O. their home in York,hire road fol- the Christmas holidays with her MR. "ane.! MRS. CONSTANT A floor touching gown of tional format of dinner, dancing terns. She will be coming home dusty rose nylon net frosted in and breakfast. Dinner will be Zick of Yorkshire rond ••• Roornmate at Wellesle~', Elizaheth lowing a late autumn holiday grandson and gl'anddau~hter, 1\IR, CAVALLO, of St. Clair avenue, from Downer for the holidays, and MH. and l\IHS. DEL II. tRffeta leaves was chosen by Mrs, served from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Van Ab'ea is cominr in with Connie and will sta)' o\'er for the at the Homestead in Hot Spring. and :\IRS. EDWARD J. POSSE- Dec. 18 to Jan. 4. Va. Iius of Lewiston road, HUHD, of l3arrll1l:ton road. cele. • • 0 Sanford for hel" daughter's wed. There will be two dance 01'-' debut ••• Then st,~ r'shes over to Wiimetka where her own o • • • 0 • bratecl theil' se\'enteenth wedding din". She wore a small matching MIS SAN N DcA R :\10 N 0 chestras, these being the PeeWee !lister, is making a dehut the following da)' ••• Ushers ut the chapeau and her flo.....ers .....ere 1\IH. and MRS. CAHSTEN DUIing the holidays. LIEUT. anniversaries together nt dinner LEETE, daughter of MR and Hunt Orchestra and Art Quatro tea ~ansant for Connie include Rohert Miles of Birmingham, on Saturday e\'enin;:. Amazon lilies. TIEDE:\IAN of Kenwood road (jg) and :'oInS. LEIGII B. :\IID- MRS. AI..EXANDER P. LEETE. and his Orchestra. Breakfast WIll • 0 0 :\Irs. Coolidl:e attended the Frederick B. Duffield 111, Peter Stalker, Louis Hurl', Gerr~' will be hosts at the family din- DLEDITCII JH. who are in Nor. of Lochmoor boule\'ard. and 1\IISS be from I :30 to 4 a.lIl. . ceremony in pastel !treen chiCfon Bourke, Michael Bourke and James Daisson ••• The Frank ner this Christmas, MRS. ROY follt, Va. where Lieut. :\1iddle- :'IH. and :\InS. IIENRY T. NAN TAYLOR :\IAXWELL, The committee Cor this fes- with iridescent sequins trim- Kuhns will J:ive a dinl1e: for the deb after her coming out D. CHAPIN. of Lake Shore road, ditch is stationed, will be with EWALD JH., of Touraine road, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin tivity includes Howard Shaw minI-: the jacket. Her small hat 'Part~ .••• Grosse Pointe Fanns hoasts one of the most elel:ant and MRS. JAMES O. MURFIN, MR. nnd :,IRS. DAVID A. WAL- will be hosts to a I:rUUl1of theil' O. Bodkin, of Muskolta road. both chairman: Charles Glllsgo ..... and blended with her costume and kitchens in existence ••• has its own tele\'ision set! ••• hut of Lincoln road. and members of LACE of Lewiston road. Thev friends at a New Year's Eve party freshmen. took part in the tradi- John F. DeHayes. It hel' flowers wcre I:reen orchids. the forml'r's famil>' will he ~Ul'sts will arrive on Saturday and next in their Pointe home. tional Smith Collel!e Christmas On New Year's Day, GPYC (Con'inued on Page 13) lit dIOneI' on Christmas. Of the TUl'sday, his parents, MH. and 00. The youn!: Coolidl:es left their will have its traditional Open (Contillurd 011 P,l,;e 12) MRS. LEIGH B. MIDDLEDlTClI, :\In. and :\1RS. HOSS ROY, of weddinl: reception for a honey. House from 4 to 6 p.m. of University place, will enter- Cloverly road, will give their tain in their honor at cocktails Christmas cocktail and burret , in the Country Club. supper at Grosse Pointe Yacht I • • • Club on December 22. This Saturday, MR, and MRS. o • 0 I HOBEHT M. CLARK, of Bucking- A dinner dance has been i ham road. have asked guests for planned for Decembel' 26 by : a Christmas cocktail party at JANE WEAVI-:R. daughter of DR. I their home. and MRS. DELMAH F, WEAVER, I 0 • 0 Jeng- in of Bishop road, and ELEANORE I !\lR. and l\InS. EDWIN H. STALK1':R. daughter of DH. and I CHAMBERLAIN have sold their MRS. HUGH STALKER of Uad- ... I home in Neff road and will leave nor circle. Members of the sub- .. I to make theil' future home in deb set will travel over to the .. fhe ,Chevy Chase, Md, During ". e Detroit l30nt Club for the gala new. • • ,. holidays they hope to welcome affair. - I - ! Neff road neighbors. MR. and o • 0 ..... I MHS. FREDERICK C. STOEPEL, MR. and MRS. lI, LYNN PIER. at their new Maryland address. SON, of Voltaire rlace. have • •• • closed their Florida home at It's to be full circle for the Hillsboro Beach. Fla, to spend HALDEMAN FINNIES, of Ellail' the holidays in the Pointe. Their u.iJl looi her h~"Ulilul b~sl

in 6 "om"nli, gOIl'"

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, 1953 ~CfIY, Oeeemb-er '17, '1953 GROSSE POINTE NEWS , Page Eleven

es Woman's Page • • • • by, of, and fo.r Pointe Wome~ Ie Yale Dance Lifts Lid Ch,.istllUIS Choirl Ducking Wintry Blasts To Give Party Jr. League Glee Club:~ To SinYI for Sick I ~:J:~'., .''".' ~, - ,'i~.' "~::';'~~{:?f::~':",:~",?,;;'::Fo~"Sick, Poor Arter weeks or practice, a 'r. . ,,!, ,t',- -,t,' -, '-".~ The Auxiliar)' or the Dominican On ~hristmas Parties Christmas Choir under the dil'ec- Ii -. " " '.-!, . .~'~ ' ': ',', '.~..... Sisters of the Sick Poor will ~ge # .. y.. f Cheers Many Groups '~N'f' , " tion of Miss Florance Trombly, l" - -, ;,~ . ~:'"'' _,', ;', '. :'.:' ,'\ give theil' annual Christmas Tea Hillcrest ~nual Dance at Country Club of Yale Alumni As~ociation will make its annual trip to nelll" ( , j' , It.J.':":.~. ' &:.~; I' , ' ~ , ,:;~,:'!. on Sunday, December 20, from 2 Members of Sen'ior Group at War Memorial Center Among. ,Will Touch Off the Merry Christmas Sellson in the by hospitals and an old folks' ;, ':. " :,;,:;. ' y..3i .',., ,., '- '.": ,> : until 6 p.m, The tea will be held Those Entertained by Talented Singers , lington home on Friday, December 18. ',,' " ~', f: : ,,_~i,..1'';,. , _' " , ' . ! in the convent oC 4848 Common- Pointe: Tho Grunyons to Entertain Duri~g Party :h High sC,hool ,tudents. grade m"~,>, . .- , ,,'\ '~f~;'''< ,:" -,7,~, ',.'. • wealth avenue and Pianists I All e n- The Chris~mas season really arriTes in the Pointe this school children, housewives and ~~,,~'::i.':~ '. ,.. -t'.: ",,~..~.-, .'',,/ r\f-';":~~,~:,t r;,1 Arrangemenl~ were completed B"'-i\-ln-r-d-g-e-A-d-d-n-m5', businessmen have joined to make • 2 " -," -\ 'J ",,,.r". ~'r"':' , , 'j rr, J '. , ,~~. ,- £} for the party at the home of Miss " their live Saturday evenmg with the Yale Alumni Association's annual this the besl choir e\'er. The -' "; - ,',"'-'. "~,,,,. ".-!..'(' ''', .' '.~,f",: ", . '.' ,~,,~. ':;;'\ Marl:aret Bradford or Bishop ;"Ic~nbcrs of the Junior League Glee Club llre again cheer-' d2.nc:e at the Country Club. .,------~ochmoor youngest are Elaine Shamelr..ro, • ;. '~,.. "~';'.:"'-;~~i.J,"')t-'.~.' :,:::-l : ',:'..\ :::':"-;'1: ,'7,~: " road, who is chairman for the ing people with their beautifully constructed recitals. t This is the way the Yale plan to dine at the Country Club tllree and a Ilaif froln Delrol't r:w;!,,' \ ''';''-~ ~,;1\;:- ',' . .. : 'f"'.',' ", . event Last Wednesda)' afternoon at! • ~. ", .. ,-,;,;~"::~:,,,:,;,_ ., ....'1 ::1:";:"'" - f-"'-" " , ~ will re- group Iwells its scholarship earlier in the evening. and Christ Graulich. five, from .' , __, .; t', .,.:.'. 'L ' " c/" •.. - -./<", ,~ She Will be aSSisted by :\lrs, the War Memorial Center. the bers' Mrs Davenport Cleveland: tIme for fund each year in addition to Another Country Club dinner Roseville. Bink Butterly lrom '\ .•. :';" ..T::1.",:I\ ,,". i \,;,.",,".::.',:John A. Reuter and Mrs, Ra)', Senior Group held its <;:ht:istm.as Mrs: Alle'n Edwllrd.~, Mr!. Roy' . families p,ro\Oiding the social calendar party will include Mr. and Mr•. Grosse Pointe Woods will lead II ";.: •. .::.p...•,:..,-,.,'-.:'" Jl",: I ",~' :"".". :,,:"1 mond J Peters' Mrs Michael J party; E.':u;hmember takm~ a I:I!t Fairlamb, Mrs. James French, Ie at home Richard Turner. Mr. and Mrs. the group, ~~ _";;"/"~"~,':'':,r.;-?'. j':,:.~:""~';.'< :, ',1,: ' ; ... ~ Swift ehairmat; of r~freshments: to be dehvered to the Chtldrens Mn. William Gard, Mrs. James- > ~ A"'4. J ~ ~? "'~,., jt, • ~..... > " d 'I Hospital G J J I I" d' d .... with a sparkling event. Charles Wright III. Mr. and Mrs. Besides the traditional carols, r, ~ /"i., '::1:' .:-;,,,:. """,' ",~ . ,...: 'i ..: Mrs. Joseph R. Nagel an "rs. . '. ram 1'., 010 10 Res, an .urs.' U'I the time when the debs Henry Campbell Jr. and Mr, and a new sonl:, "Let There Be Light:' "1 .\ ~r./I, (.:~,:;r:/; \ ' , ' .., ;';;", Jen-y I. Flanigan, publicity; !\Irs. The maIO feature. of the after- JamE.'s Humphreys Jr. mde don- .tep out In their first holiday Mrs. Theudore McGraw. wili be featured ror the firsl '-i:~:'7:~"~"~.', .j; <;1::';,':. ~ ' , Maurice Quinn, in\'itations. and nnon was the mUSIC offered b)' Al M H K':\1 s wool luit finery-when old ~rads ca!!t a AI lub.~cription dinner at the timf'. This is an ori"in~1 com- .....'V.l"::',''":., 7/:,',': '1 Mrs. Jeremiah Bresnahan, recep- the :W )'llUnl: matrons tram the so rs" enry lnZle, , r, navy ac- dlseernln~ eye over the under- Country Club will also precede .. ., .~... "? • ., - . , , Junior Leal;ue, Thoullh busy Joseph Oemmg, Mrs. John ,E., :ket. position by Miss Trombly. ~,.,<'~:::''::1.:':; -,£ ';" '. 0' tion, P k 1\1 'v I S II "I crade , • , when Ville men and the dance for Mr. and Mrs. Ford ______""""',"" _::.'~ ,,": .•'::":,' 1\,II'.S Hane DllU"lit'. has ex- wives and mothers, they find time aI', Irs. • a ter cotten ,.' n. !nit gu~ts their wlv~ meet for r;ay Ballantyne Jr .. Mr. and Mn. Wal- , -, . ... , 10.contribute pleasure to young B. E. Taylor Jr., Mrs. Cleveland tended invitations to pour ~~ the and old. Thurber Jr,. l\lrs. H. F. Vaughan .. included coc:ktail parties and dinners ter Bril(lls Connolly. Mr. and Mr •. SlIlith 111isses~~,:"~«;",..,.,,.f; lincott of before the dance. John Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. ',o,.' , '\' " tea table to:-Ml'S. Arthur Kirch. Mrs. Frank Siaden Jr .• k pianist Jr., Mrs. Richard E. Williams, 'I1CIleOl1 GZlests ~-, "'.:,'-'.:' ',' nel', r.irs, Michael Keal'ins, :\11':;. B I and ~lr •. One at the larllest I(roups gath- George Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Allen LZ t- .,' or exceptional attainment, III the Mrs. William C. oyde I, Mn. H. , daughter, , ,':, ". Henry JoneS, Mrs, Cyril Burke, directol' and accompanist. Mrs. Hudson ~tead. Mrs. Frank Siaden' erinJ( tor cocktails will be the F. Edwards Jr. and Mr. and'Mrs. " / . Mrs. Arthur Martz, Mrs. Frank Richard E. Williams. soloist. Jr., Rnd Mrs. T. L. McCra)', rank Wel- rJe!lL~ of :'otr. and 1\Irs. George Gordon Wood. The Smith Club ur Delroil will . ", ;~' MacDonell, Mrs. William - f th 11 ' d d t " , posesses rare tone Rnd enuncia. f Glencoe, B. Hefferan who will entertain Planning to entertain .t ete e co ege s un ergrn ua es '. .;.., ".'. lev, Mrs. John Van Loon and tl' n 1\11'" Bnrt Ta\'lor Jr played It's the get rich quick schemes , K. Cool~ in their home on Mer.-iweather cocktails and dinner in their at a luncheon in the Countr)' . ,r:'.. ' Miss Doroth" Me.\'er. 0, o. " ., • CI b r 0 t't T d 1 , two delightful piano numbers. thllt really shake down the cap- pids; ~lrs .. rl'Ad. Later 1111 will attend a sub. McKinley road home are Mr. and u p e rOI on ues ay. , -'" \ ' Still others at the tea table Congratulations to them and Ital In thi, countr~'. rs. Walter Icription dinn!'r at the Country Mrs. Franklin 1\1. Walker whose OlYicers oC the club, who will '-) "" ' , will be:-Mrs.' Percy J. Dono\'an, may the~' continue contributing and :\In. Club berore the dance. I(ueqts will include Mr. and Mrs. act as hostesses for the ot'casion. 1\Irs. Frank C. Smith, :\Irs. Rob- their talent to the community. Your goal may seem It lnnlt \nn Arbor. < 'I' The Hefferan party list will Thomas Hammond, Mr, and Mn, include Mrs. Allen 1\1. Lomax, . ert Powell, Mrs. Clyde Craine, Follo}ving is tbe list or P!esent way off but livery step j;eU )'OU compri!e: William Loud. Mr. and Mrs. Fred president; Mrs. Phillip Moon, Mrs. Frederick Ward, Mrs, AI- Junior "League Glee Club mem- closer and closer to it. _Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Robin. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. John W. vice president; Mrs. Brian Sulli. rred Fisher, Mrs. Jobn Motschall'l Inn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brace Krag, Hoag. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E, \'an. secretary, Rnd Mrs. Hit-hard Mrs. Frank Kramer and Miss Mr. and Mrs. George M, Black I Millegan. Van Dusen, treasurer. 1 Anne Markley.

Jr .• 1\11'.and Mrs. Tom Paddock, During the evening's party. the Unc!ergl'adll from the Puinte 'II The proceeds from the tea en- :\Ir. and l\trs. Hal F. Smith glee club-The Grunyoru:. will who've been invited to the ' .: abll' the sisters to carryon their murily at Jr .. 1\lr. and Mrs. Oscar Buhr. sing for the guest..: Before that luncheon are Mary Bahr. Tha"'l!r I .... '.. ~, WOl'k in behalf or the sick poor lub for the Mr. and Mrs. Willi lam H. Hoe)', the Grunyons and their wives Bodman. Diane Dodge, Joan , ,', in their own hOllles, and contri- r Yuletide Mr. and 1\lrs. Fredf'rick Colby. will attend a cocktail part,.. at FitzSimons, Eunice HelIeran, .' .. , _, ,,' butI' food, medicine and house- ~lr. and Mrll. Robert Hatch, the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Ann Leete, Nanl'~' Maxwcll, Sara I "II' d ~'lRS A QUA hold supplies. ri",tmas l\lr. and 1\lrs. Eugene Hawkins, Bodycombe to be followed by Mitchell. Mary Meade Phelan. Secn in a tropica setting arc~, \. an.. .. - , Saturday !'.Ir. and :'lrs. Daniel H. 3uell. dinner at the home of Mr. and Sarah Schemm, .\IRrtha Smith I SARAr\O of Williams court who are vacationing at the ------from:! to 1.1:-. and :\lrs. J. Laurenc .. Buell ~lrs. Charles A. Parcells Jr. and Mal'y Worcester. l\larlin Beach hotcl in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. GP N eWCOlllerS I' of plans Jr" 1\11'.and Mrs. Burt R. Shurly Grunyons. and their wives. are: ;choenherr, (he'g president or the Alumni 1\11'. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald. Lj F d 'I. C B h I PIal1 G'lI,t Party f:isenha ue r, A5Socialion); Mr. and Mrs. Cyril MI'. and Mrs. Norman Perrin, Mr. ~rsRo~;e ~:cNas~lIull r ID.A.R. Ch(l.JJteJ~Plalls Tea PaTt1J .,~, ~. on :\lonroe :-'loore. 1\tr~. ChariI'll G, Warren and Mrs. Frank J. Siaden Jr .. Mr. The Grosse Pointe Newcomers Honor guests will attend the ian: Mrs. Francis C. McMath. or l1"n: ~Irs. Jr .. ~Irs. Ewald Loud. Washburn and ~Irs. John Sutler, Mr. and . ' I Club will hold its ninth annual For the next SIX months, :\lr,•. ! Holidav Sil\'el' Tea. to he I;iven :\Ierriwenther I' 0 n d, charter ~ln. W:I. Wril:ht. ThomB!l B. Mann. James Mrs. Thomas C. Tille,.,. Mr. and Christmas party. a dinnE.'r dance, Frederick }~. Bahr's ~ddres.s will for 1JJ(:mbl'rs of Gl'n. Alexander memb~ of th; National Sod,?ty; I on Saturday, December 19, at the Q;ilied v&U bedJ'ockt ~lcEvoy Jr., Ledyard Mitchell :\lrs. Georlle R. Wilson and Mur- be the British ~oloOlal 1I0tl'1 m i :\latOmb Chapter, U. S. Duu~h- Mrs. Sidney C. Probert, nr, Ken. Ii be ,ue,. and P ..lmer WaUinl:. ray Dodge and Lawrence J. Lakepointe Country Clull, with N~ssau. She Will be associated tcrs IIf 1812, at the hnllle or their sin~tnn road. state preSident; I... od this I Verne Willard and his orchestra tM. S~ SU904 P~r(. ,A subscription dinner at the Verdier. With the 11O~eldurln~ her stay. correspondin/o: .cl'relllry, Mrs. Mrs. Paul J. Wolski. of R~ther. part~. for 1,Iltle Club follows the cocktail Beron' lea\'Il1~ for Nassau on ElI!:e",' V. DeRosier, (If Little- ford Avenul', chaptel' preSIdent; furnishing the music. Q'l., Ml4t 10t.uL begm with part,., which Mr. and Mrs. H. 11111)"S Gallett Tuesday. Mrs, Bahr went tn Em. stone road. on Tuesday after. olhcr slale and chapter ufficers, Alumni or the club will join Dancin!: to Hunter Wtlltams will Ilive in!U, e erIon, y~. to v~~i~ ~If'r mother.j nuon. Dect'mber 29, from 2 to 5 and me!nhers. The hOl~OI'j(uc~IS with the active and prospective ~Wee Hunt l their Hll~cr~st r.oad home. . :\Iril. F RIl.raX Griffith at her o'cluck. WIll assist the hostess In recel\'. members in the j(ala event which ~m 8 untd !Hostess at l. ea hil:hlil:hts the fall lIeason or the '7-95 The \\ 1111311l~ j(ue~L~ \\'111 bl" homt'. Springti,m~ will ~ind the TIlt'~e include: Mrs. Llo,,'d De- inj( her Ruests, I I Newcomers' social calendar, :'olr, and :\trs. Alfrt'd W. Redfield F II' --d- 'I t y~un~ Bahr~ \:ISltllll:. th;ll~ n~uth. Will Smith, honorary presid!'nt. ,Proceeds of ~he tea will lJ,ene. h"lrmiln of and theIr dauj(hter. Handi, who I I' 0\\ art stu ents v. 10 a. el /It the. lesort.. 1,he~ mclude I national; Mrs. lIenl'~' B. Joy, fit the educatIOnal and plllian. Before the dance, several "I;et CCn1f1"attCf!. life comm.: frum Harbor Beach tend Lee Smith's l'!a,ses ilt Jean. who II be CllI'Istmas j(uest hOllOrary vice-president-national, thropic projl'ct~ of the society, acquainted" parties are scheduled. I Thnma~ C. to ~pend the- week'end; Mr. and Grosse . Pointe War Memorial of Mr. ,and .!\In, Hobert P, Laml and the chapter's parlillmentar- :'h's. 140 E. McKittrick. chairman The hosts and hostesses of these Mrs. Jererlllah \'. Jenkll. Mr. and Center. were invited to la tea or Unlver~lty p~ace ~hl$ year, --,------____ of the ways and means commit- par'ties will be: Mr. and Mrs. ~'f' POlIty to Mrs. Andrew W. Barr. Mr. and party last Friday afternoon at Mary. who II h!?lIday m .Bog.ton, tCl', has assi~nl'd various duties Eldan Stahly of NetT road: Mr. sweo:1&ls , the tr ..dl- l\frll. C. Brooks Bej(J.:, Mr. and the home or 1\Irs. Peter J. Gal- and Fred who Will j(0 to BtrlllInl:' Lolly Ecclestone Hostess to members or her ('ommittee to Rnd Mrs. James Hondorf of Becwt1f1. w~ I!'r, dancinl: :.In. Robert B. Semple. lelle or Audubon road. hRm to visit 'Mr. and 1\1rs. Charles At Two Holiday Pllrties assist the hostess throuj:hout 'the Loraine road; Mr. and Mu. Carl f'r will be . Mr. and :\lrs, Alexander L. Christmas dl'corations were Renfrew for Christma~. aClemoon. Olson or Lochmoor road; Mr. Rnd dEwroted. wi:tU gntdZ ~. o p.m. Wiener. :\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph C. used in the Gallette home and ;',1's. Llwyd Jo:cclestolle, or Lin. Mrs. Georj;le Landman of Lake • d.;nce or- Slandart Jr .• Mr. and :\trs. James recent works of most of the Birthday and Xma~ Arrive coin road, will entertain at a A snrcastie tongue is always pointe road; and Mr. and Mrs. ....OuA.S~ I Alex Stuart of Cadieux road, the PeeWee W. Standar:. :\lr. and ~Irs. !:uests were exhilJitl'd to add to Together for Stllpletons I tca ror the t('nth grade Grosse dallj(/'l'OUS-e,-lpecially to the pe!'- Art Quatro Thomas J. Litle III, :\tr. Imd Mrs. the afternoon's fun. Mr. Smith . -- I Point(. COllntI.y Day Schuol elass. son whn possesses it. Also, M~. and Mrs. Horace Car- 75. 110. eakf,ht \\'111 Jllmes :\te:\lll1an, :\lr. an:! :'otrs. enjoyed the allemoon with his Mr. and Mrs. Da\'id W. Staple- I mates of her dal~j(hter. Lolly, on penter of Country Cluh drh'e; to !\II'. 11. John Detwill'r and Mr. and Mrs. studenL~, ton will be hosts at Christmas D.el'l'mber 30. '~llIs ~aturday eve. The averal(e man waits for and Mr~. Ray O'Connell of I I.ulhrop road: Mr, nnd Mrs. ~ lh]~ fe.,- Rl'ad H. Ryan, Mo~t of the pllintin!:s were ~lill dinner and a birthday dinner at IlInl:', Lolly Will give a dmner thinl:s tn turn up-the wise man .,rd Sh..w, :\Ir. and :\11'5. Wa1tl'r Buhl Ford I iife and subjects intiuded a the same time this' veur wbl'n' party for sevcl'lll of the .sub deb I:OCS0111and turns them up. Richnrd Roberts of Grayton road: la~gow and II will f'ntert.un 8t cocktails and I church SCl'nt', Mexican motif, and they entertain at tlu,ir home in I set pn:cedinl;( the Gros~e Po~nte :'011'.and Mrs. Jaek Schwartz of dmner m their Provencal road llrrangements or mums. Bedford road. ~lr. Stapleton's IIunt Club dance at which Mich. Youth and love cannot be Gravton road: llnd Mr. Rnd Mrs. Frank Hau~eman or McMillan );,y. GPYC home /lnd amonR their l:uests will Among the student Ruests were fathpr. Dr. William J. Stapleto:l ael Ann :'lullen and Ann Petzold boul(ht-yet some people are I road. lOnal Open b- ~tr. and 1\1r.5.Fred!'rick Clif- 1\1rs. Curtis Mood\', 1\In, :\lorton rell'brates hi~ birthday anniver- will be hostc»e,. always attl'mplinR to buy them. m. ford Ford Jr. :'lr. F, C. Ford Walbridge, Mrs. Phyllis Connel, sary on Christmas. is chairman of the dance this IHaze) and Gf'orj(e Lare, :\Irs. )'ear. Garnet Cramer and Mrs. Jack It's sllrprisinj( how a little AtlendmJ( the dance tOj(ether W. Hooper, grafting can keep a family tree Is the l:roup which incl~ldes Mr. from dying out. ami ~trs. John C. Chapin, ~tr. There may be faculty changes and Mrs, William Saw den and in the Ichool of experience. but You'll never ri:;e in thp world :'oil'. and Mrs. Henry Kinzie who the h~ssonll remain the Jame, by stickinll tight where )'OU are. ------======-'----- Christmas at the

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Portable Bars Leather Goods * Drinking Accessories Furniture Chaling Dishes Crystal Television Trays Lamps ... Store Hours: 9:30 'til 6:00 - AT-=- the sign of the mermaid - TUxedo 2-1610 "*g 75 K.rcheval - Grosse Pointe - OPEN ~LL. PAY SAiVRDAY -*' o.s-c 19=- -,..,... ,: , • I o '\'

< .. ThursCJey, Oecember 't7; 1953 Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Society News Gathered From All of the. Pointe.s Hunt Club Ball Honors Lochmoor Club Dance Decorations Done Winners Listed Woods Presb,yterian ,- To Hold Dance By Bridge Clll.b . Joseph A. Va nee Jr. The Entertainment Committee The Memorial Center Duplicate Grou ps Hold .Election:, of the uochmoor Club has an- Brid!:e Club results Cor the last ______nounced a dinner dance to be held two meetings were u Collow.: New President of Grosse Pointe Hunt Club Honored at on Saturday e,'enin;:, December Decembel' i: North and South- Reporh On Year's Acc:lmplishmenh Also Heard at Annual, Annual President's Ball: Cocktail Partie~ Precede Ill. I1een Bradley and Pe~ England; • Meeting Held On Monday, - Dinner and Dance., M.any Ent!Jrt ....In Guests Especially i n v i t e d are the jl\lrs. A, C, Preihs and Inez Scott. December 14 .... younl:er set, home Crom colle'ge I East and West: Flora Denis and 71niJlJcrs of the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club "athcred in a Cor the holidays. I Marion Johnston; Jessie Cook and The Women's Association o( the Grosse Pointe Woods . . h Th('" :lre ur"ed to im'ite their Emma Deziel. Presbvteriatl Church held its annual meeting with reports_ F:':'lJ"~t ,llIC J \',' Ilite settmg on Saturday evenin" to honor their J .. , I J h \ " Criends to attend and enjoy the December 9: North and South- from the various officers and committees, and a resume o( Il 1,f'c":"c',;,.:»~",:(~c"'onent. osep J,. Vance• Jr., beginnin,:: his term this club's Cacilities. l\lr. and Mrs. A. Shanborm: Nora very successful year's work, on Monday, December 14, 1953, . " ", . . I' ------Arnold and Pes::gy Hattemer; at 8:15 p.m. .!, r;hile mums and scarlet 1 cis::th I:uc..ts. :\Ir. and :\Irs. Wilber Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Christensen. H °t I G Old Two oC the activities oC the Charle. Mulliken; recording .ec- ( ,', ';.~(JIlS were ~ 0 m bin e d ~Iack witl~ a par\y DCsix, Gilbert OS P z a III East nnd West-Jessie Cook and "'.ih Christmh (J\'cr for the dinner. ' addition to Mr. Vance: : In charl:e oC entertainment Cor 0 l ay ance sharing in the worldwide mis- a brieC busineu meeting W85 . :\11' :lnd :'oIl'S. William Pelzold I Leete:'ll. Denton. \'ice presi-I the party were Mrs. Lawrence A. The Student Association oC sionary work oC the National conducted by the new president. ( \\"erl' amon;: those who first I c1ent: Thomas W. Sheehan. secre- Kroha and 1\1I"s. Geors::e KnufC, Grosse Pointe HiJ(h School will Council oC Presbyterian Women. Mrs. Lathrop Morle. The ne\\' C'ntcrtamed at home. I tary: Alfred R. GlmlCY Jr., who arranged a dancinJ( program hold the annual New Year's Eve The Rebecca Group, under the group leaders read the names of Am',ns:: their guc~ts w£'re :'II.-.Itrcasurer. The director, comprbc featuring Barbara Kroha. Kay, dance, Roston Clark'l\ band will leadership oC Mrs, George Miles, their members for the coming llnd :\frs. Hus::h Loud. :'III'. and 1\11'.Denton. W. D. Baldwin, R. E. Susick, and Darlene Cushard. set the mood Cor "Midnite Mad. was the hostess group for the year. ThiJ work was arranl(ed l\lrs. Stewilrt Loud. 1\lr. and :\Irs. Dowlins::. 1\11'. Glancy. :'III'. Put- They we r I' accompanied by ness," the theme Cor this y!!ar. evening. Alter the meeting and by the membership chairman, .AInold Graham, :'III'. and :'Ilrs. nam, :'olerlin A. Cudlip. Herman Jeanette :'Ilerdian. dedication ceremony they .erved Mrs, Peter Zambas. The dance will be Crom 9:30 to 'I'hom:ls Hammond. Mr. and l\lrs. G. Petzold. :'Ilr. Sheehan. Ralph The Hospital Guild presented delicious reCreshments, The afternoon ~roup leaders I I :30, and the price will be. 52.50 r,nbert Barit. :\Ir. :lnd :'Ilrs. Fordon, J. F. Forster and 1\lr. :'Ilul- the sIsters with Christmas !:ift3 pel' couplc, The dre5s will be Mrs, Tho mas Dewey, retir- are the Mri. Carl Asmus, 'l"hflmas K. Fishrr. I ford. " selected bo>'Mrs. D:Jlton Snyder, semi.Cormal. 1llJ: president, presided at the bus- Charles Brownell, Ward Corn. Also in the Clark partv were: ------I ------iness meeting. The other retir- wall, George Easom. William Dave Beltore and Al Forrester ing officers are: first vi('e-presi- Gamble, Cecil Halbert. Elm!'r llemard St~oh. l\lr. and :-'Irs. Te X 11Ie xClllcler George C, Robinsons are the co-chairmen ot the dance. James E. Scripps III, :\Ir. and 1\lr5. •• I RBI dent, Mrs. Yeatman Vestal; sec- Murvay, William Sharrer, WiI- Jo:m!l1~tt Sims. J. J. Gor!1lan, l\lr. Birt/ulay Boy To See ose ow Game Committee chairmen include:- IInd vico!-president. Mrs. Samuel liam Symons. The evening, group ;ln~ :\Irl;. R:llph C. WIlson Jr., Mary K p n t Zirrinierman anti Moorhatch; third vice-president, leaders are the Mrs. Dale B~'yle5, Xed Kries::hoCC,:\11'.:lnd :\Irs. Ben Mrs. Geon:e C. Robin~on of SI. Joyce Tobeler, publicity; Laila Mrs. Daniel Hembel; recording Donald Marshall, Georlle Mi\"5,- Jayne. MI'. and :'>1r!C. WIlliam Tcx Alexander. ~on of :'III'. and Clair avenue, Idt December 4 for Sadi, l(uests; Karen Jacob. re- st:cretary, Mrs. Thomas Clark; Floyd Seibel' and Arthur SWIR- Zcder Breer. Joyce Mulkey, Bud :'Ilrs. 1.larol~1 Alex;mdcr, w~s Pasadena, California to. visit her freshments; and Jean Leete and corresponding secretary, Mr~. son. J)OlY IInd Mr. and :'olrs. Charles :'Itonday s birthday boy, entel - daul:htel'. l\1.'s. Jilmes Sneed. M:lry Shenfield, decorations. George Britton, and treasurer, Every member II t ten d i nOR ~Ior~e)'. tainin!: his DX.S. c1assl11a~es at Dr. Robinson will join the I The facult~. advi~ou are Mrs. l\lrs. Lathrop Morse. brought II White ChristmAS ~Ht :'Ilr. Vance's s::ue~ts at the Presi-, a burret liUppel' and party m the I family in Pasildena and they will John Fox, and Mr. Harvey Following the busineSi meet. to be shared amonR the Delray, nl'nt's ball included retil'inJ: prcsi.I liunt Club. . 'all attend the Hose Bowl Game. LEACOCK left RON LUCIA and SALLY Chl'istenson. ing the incoming officers were Dod~e and St. John Community • C h H • b Santa Claus

I t •

s ••• se' • •••• e •••••• ' 7 '. ,. 2' ,.,.,,. i l _ .... _ ...... - .. '0. ' •• t$' •••• •• • , t t $ $ S •• e. • '. • Page Thirte.~ ~- Thursday, December ,17. 1953' GROSSE POINTE NEWS •

Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe. W'oIlle1f , , Congregational Bride-Elect .. From, Another Pointe of View- - Party for Collegians jTlJtlieAhz'tgtal~dCGlZlb Engaged I o en cune Party'Dee; 21 .(Continued from Page 10) . : not in ci,llIr ••• Mrs. Charles Wril:ht III still ha5 a bit o[ he\o~. The Junior and Youth choirs Southern accent nnd along with it she retains an old Florida . To be Held at Center j' The .un!\'e~ oC Michigan and children of the Grosse Pointe Gros5e Pomte Club has made Congregational C h u r c h, will, custom at Christmns diniler • , • Dessert is nh\'n~'s ambrosin, - • ,plans I for a trip to Ann Arbor, present their annual pageant and (fresh 'oranl:es, bannnns, shredttcd cocoanut, she also add~" Yout h of POinte to Celebrate New Year's Eve at Gala Sllturday, January 16, to lIttend church family party on Monday, pccan mcats,' scn'cd with fruit cake) .• , I\lissie W. nc\'cr Event: Don Ullrich's Orchestra th~ .basketball . gll;ml! betwee,n December 21, at 7:30 p,m. tasted IlIum IIllddh11: till she came to I\lichi;::an as a bride • • • t F • h M • Mlcllll:an and l\Ilclugan State. _During the pI'ogram. the chil- ..~.. o urnls USIC ' The membel'll and their friends dren will lay their I:itls at the , The annual New Year's E\'c party COl' young Grosse I will leave by ,charte.red buses foot of the "Mitten Tree," con- Gingerbread Men' tl'ibutinl: mittens. caps and in • P[linters and their friends will be held from 9'30 to ') pm at I ~rom Gros~e Pomte lI~gh ~chool Christm~s customs: The junior Allen F. Edwards family •' G . P' t \V 1\1' . _.. In the Inte afternoon In tnne to fant booties, caps and socks, dIe ,rosse om e ar! emonal Center on December :n, arrive at the Michiltan Union for These arc later distributed by always makes their own Christmas cookies to hang on thl' Don Ullrich's orchestra will' dinner.' the Ame;icUlt Friends' Service holiday tree. , . This week young Mimi and Teddy will help :. .nush the music. Co~ dancing. are here a.nd those who ret.urn Resen'cd tickets for the game, Committee to children in area, their'pretty mama cut out the Christmas trees, Santa Clauses Ill!'rl' Will be a mldn~ght bulYet lcor the holiday season., The tl~k. which starts at 8 p.m., will be Chinn, Japan and Europe. and ging,erbread men to be ready \..;hen the tree is set up in " > .:pper and the comnuttce plans t:ls at S5,OO per couple a~e bemg granted to those making resen'a- After the program, the con. the house •• '. Over at the George N. !lIonro!' III, the young te> l:lve favon and nOisemakers. reserved now, by calling the tions. After the game the bus will gl'e!:lItlon will be invited to the men of the family trim the tree themselves and already have On the com~l1Itt"e are: Ja:nes Center lIumber, TUxedo 1.6030. return with the group to the hil:h social hall, where Santa will ~ taken a hand in Christmas decor around the house ••• past. L.(el': Jr .. Jalllce Gelharr, How- The party is limited to 250 cou.' school. thank them for their ~ifts to " .',:i" ing huge pil;tures of Santa on the windows of the rooms at the ;.: rt Clarke and Russell Etter. pIes, so the committee says, " others. Following this, refJ'esh- ThiS party is planned partieu- "First l'ome, first served-~e.t Al~ announc~m.ent Will be nHI.~e back ... Holiday guest at the Franklin M. Walkers will be ments will be served. Ja dy for colle~ia~-thosc who ~'our tickets early." Ilatel as to the tune the ~us \\ III leave and where resrr\'atlon~ can -Picture by Paul Gach ' ~ Mrs. Walker's mother, Mrs. E. F. Becraft who arrives Mondav Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Mathew- Mr. an~ Mrs. Art~ut' H. Kitson from her home in Springfield. ' .. ,And another favorite holf- son, of Lakeland avenuc an- of Sunmngdale drive ,announce day r.ouple fly in on Mondav. They are Mr. and Mrs Joseph the engagement of their daugh- T • S " .'. • KID BITS 1:~~';~h~OU;~"Maynounce the engagemcnt of their tel', KATHRYN SUZANNE, to uoh.nson o.f pokane, Wash, , .. who 11 spend Christmas ;\'l!h daughter, MARILYN FERRIER, Yvan E. Brabaut son of 1\11'. and I thell' son-m-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Klein • to Stil: Emil Ralstrom, son of !\ll', Mrs. Paul H. B;'abant of Brus- of Touraine road, •• , This will be the first time in a year the, and 1\lrs. Per Emil Rosherg. sels, B"e1l:ium; I three tin~'Kleins (who are dazzlers), Bonnie, Gretchen and. Last Friday nil:ht the Grosse Gordie Nelson.Bnd. .Janet Poppen. Marilyn was graduated fl'om _____ Heidi, will have seen their grandmamma and grand pappa •• '. rointe High School vocal j(roups I\tichil:an State Coll"gl', and hel' J The Kleins will compliment her parents at an open house on presented their annual Christ- That same night the Thistle fillnce reeeh'cd his 1\1. E. from t K} l leCt,CS on- II I. Wednesdav ••• If YOU are terrtbh' ft'antic, YOU can always . Club at the Woods Presbyterian Wayne Universily. They plan to TI mas concert at the Pierce Audi- Church held n Christmas dance. be married in June. Wedd'in.C! Dee. 19 fall back on the fa~t that there are 380 sho'pping days left._ torium. A few of those who en- Everyone who came brought a J until Christmas 1954 , • • But remember, that's counting joyed the )'uletide music were Ican of food for the baskets whieh today! ••• ~Iary Liddle, Mary SChenefield'1 th!! club, is filling for 12 families Susan Jallles Kuhl, daughtel' L..anard Joh~on, Jill Schneider, thiS Cllflstmas. Institute Adds of Mr. and 1\Irs. ClilYord Kuhl of 8t d B k KERB\' SCHOOL ~ltJie Slimon, Barb Marco and, Some of those who enjoyed the MarfaI'd court. will exchange II ellts a Ae More than 400 parents attended Dave Padmos. dancing and refreshments were Orienta I Pieces marriuge vows with John L. To Gz'v'e .Daltce the second meeting of the Kerby . • • • Hal Bay. Jean Howell, Guy De- Theakston, in a double ring, eve. • Boer, Marilyn Goodrich, Cnrol Saturday night the Gold Hi- Many important new pieces of Parent-Teachel'S" Association' on Vestal, Jim Bloink, Carol Put- nin~ c:llldielight service in the Deeenlbcr 8. Tile 'lex.t Illeetl'n" \' h.ld a dance for members and seu pture an ceorat;\'e arts To raise funds for their senior .. nam, Sharron Zimmerman, Fran I d d lirosse Pointc Congregational I I • is scheduled Cor Tuesda\' Janu. th,lr dates. Some of th~ couple!! ~le:\li11an, Carol Goodrich, Steve 1rom China, Japan, Korea and Chlll'eh on Saturday, December prom ' tIe .'e ass of June I!J;>-l '.at I ary 19. . . , '. were John Taylor an;! Joan Mulligan, Ruth Snell, Betty Bali make 195:1 an outstanding Hl. John is thE' son of 1\11'. and Grosse Pomte High School IS Over 80 bo~'s and cirls gave lIn ~. filu~gf't, Geor:;'! DeVos and Josy Snell. Bob Morse, Bob Schofield Fox. Kin!: Patter~on and Laila }'ear of expansion fur, Ihe 01'1' 1\Irs. Leonard Theakstlln of De'l giving a bake sale on Saturday, interesting demonstration empha: • and Marilyn Marl'. III Sadl, L1Irr~' Scoville and Jane . . ental Gallel'l'es of thn~ DCtl'ol't In- troit. . December 19, from 9 a.lll. to 5 slzmg" pro~res:llon,. the ph'YSlcal .• Thompson, Bill :\Iorris and Bev stitute of Arls. Thcse pieecs lire I : :'Ilarilyn Lang will bc tile maid I p,llI. 01 liG,O St. Clair ~n the vII. skills at Kerb~' School. The first . If you have information for . -Plctule I)\' Beatrice Zwaan 01 honor and Sherrie Husted o( loge. Christmas cookies, cakes, "rade pupils demonstl'ated fOI'lIla. ~ Climie, Ron Cutler and Joan "Kid Bits" call JoAnne Magill, on VieW \low. :'III'. anti Mrs. R. T, Johnstone Pontl',a", \~'I'II be the bl'I'dn"lllnici. rolls, pies, 'n' other goodies arc .. \"oli., Don ChamberJjn and Ana TU. 5-1381, before Sunday. l\Yr nnd 1\Yrs 1\[1'I I R PI' •. l' i. 'tl t [1\1 d I I d' ~~ u tions, warm-up activities, ba!!. , ... , ., c lal' . ll' "l)ronze Iger mas" \\'1 1 ur. 0 ,ea ow une laS announce John's brothel', William, will be beinj.( prepared by the best cooks Rund~l:on, Dick Spindle and na'i of S '\I'erll ad I qu )'S I'nl f tl I Ch tl t f tl 'd ht games, and creati\'e rh,.thms. 'fhe. . ' , c 1"0 la\'e an- ( 1 e , ays rom Ie car y au 1C ellj.(agl'mcn 0 leII' aug er, bcst man, Ushers ha\'e not been in the class. Even 'the. boy:! arc J Joyce Tobler. Jerr~' DeGroft and III t ra ers nouneed the enllagemcnt o( thcir Dynasty o( Cluna, about 1000 JANET ,NELSON, to Louis Whit. r.•.•lned. eOlltributin" to thc stock. third and fourth J:l'ade pupils in April Cameron, Bob Artner and 1N tl G d d "ht BERNICE ELIZABETII Bel d b C't Ii Id P' J ['V'I tt "thcir demonstration stressed the ~Iary Kent Zimmerman, and 98 au.. er, • ' .• was pUl'e lase ~. a I y I IC le;'~on, 1', 0 I me e, The couple Is uttending 1\lich- The bake sale is headed bv Jill pl'o"rcssion of the Cormations,'. ar y . ec. _ to Lewis 11. Kareus, SOil o( 1\11'. Aplll'Opl'iatlOn, bringing to Dc- Illinois. The bride~l'oom.clecl'lI ISlan State Normal. John will be S'ciln"I'del'. lIeI' c'olnlnl'tte"s' ai'" .. P t D 'Y r Jill' K ( F' tl'Olt' n ,.. nl I f Ch' t pa 'Cllt 1\1 I 1\1 L' " ~ warm-ups and skill in ball gaine!. Frenc T eachen to Hear alld .' r~. IUS arcus 0 all'- .1 e.,a pc Il Inesc al' I I S:II e 1'. unl rs. OUIS I;"aduateci in February. Susan is b k', lb" " ,'. II' ' ' d h Hag-Stag Day is the name Cl'l'~t. A May wl'dding is plann('d, almost IInpossible to acqldre at I W, Pll'r~on. The engaged couple completing her sccond year. .f,.m>: anI I mgmJ::, se InC, an The uppcr grade pupils gaw Jalk by Prof. J. L. Salvan I r:iven the mid.season party of ------any pl'Ice today since Chmesc arc both graduates of Northwes- A wedding n'ception will he I e c.m up, . an exhibition of ball game! em. . .. the Niner~-ninth grade council Harry F. MacKays WI' art objects arc not allowed to I tern Univcrsity. Janet was almi. held in the Kuhls' hOll1e in :\tar- The I:!B class offIcers al'e: Art phasi7.ing passing, catching, and- ,The American ASSOCIatIOn of members oC the Parcells, Brow- e come: k:I\'c CllllllnUllist China, ated with Alpha Phi Sorority. and ford court, following th:! wed. II WIhie. president; George Voll;;, dribbling. Other exhibitions In.-

Tuehel! of French .will .hold a I nell, Pierce, pri\'ate and paro- McCaskills for Holidays ,I Three bl'onze chariot handles Louis b a member o( Keltll rimg eeremon\'. vil'e-president: S a II y No \' a k, eluded an "Oh' Johnnie, Mixer" ',. French l;oclal f"venml( In the ,I chial schools of Grosse Pointe ' in llll I'xtraol'ciinary l>tatc Ill' pres- Kappa Ep"ilon. Nil dale has been . I sel'I'I'tary; amI ,Iohn Tnylor, trea- where pupils stressed whole body 'Wa~'nf" Student Center (Web~,tl'r On Monduy e\'enin~ from 8 to "II'. and "Irs. Donald :'I1cCilsl;ill ' 1'1 \'ation, datm!: (rom the late' set for the wedding. I Your oplnioll of ,yourself I surer. The class sponsor is l\1rfi. movemenls. rhythm, coordination,"~ Hal,), Cass at Putnam, on F fl_ 'II, on December 28, at the of Toronto. with. theil' httle I Chou Dyna,ly, "boul 400 B,C" ------doesn't count-you must prove it. Loraine Gillespi. Iand workin!t with partnel'S. ' .. da~'. Dt'cl'mber 18,. at 8 p.m. ; GI"O~se Pointe War Memorial I daughter, Karl'n .Ann, h;l~'l' ar-! were pUl'eha,ed through thc ,L. Pointer Back from Visit ------.------. -- -~------. GUl'st l:peaker Wilt be Profl'",or : Center, the Ninl'rs will view skits rived for the Christmas holidays: A. Young Fund. In Manhattan with Her Son : J.l.. Sal~'an o~ Wayne Univer~lty.l put on by thetr own mCl1'lbers, with l\Ir,. l\I~Caskill's parents.l A £rOllp of dralllatil', small Ht~ . tOPIC Will be "The 400th I see their own chorus lines, wit. :'Ill', and 1\Irs. Harry F. :\lacKay \ sculpturcs (roll1 the tombs of the :\11'5. Paul Holdcn Sutherland" Anniversary of Rabelal~." I ness a horror mo\'ie and dance of Charles place. T'anj.( DYllu,ly (6IH-!l07 A,D,) of Colonial road, ha~ returned to ' Teachers from the Pointe are \ to the mU3ic of Duve Reamer's ------include two .t:alloping horscs and the Pointe from New York where: !ro:ited to attend the e~'enin;: of, orl'hestra. It is bettrr to aim hi~h and rid!'rs, a camel, and a quintet of she wa!! joined by her son, Rich- : '1 French conversation and refresh-! The Ninl'rs committl'e il: com- miss than to aim low .md (all. ,i musielallS. Such tCl'l'aeotta fi"- ard, who studies at Brown Uni- ~ ~l ments whieh \\'111be held ill the; pllsed of Carol Bayll'ss, Janet I '! mes were placed in the tllmbs to versity, I ~ ' .....omen.s faculty loulll;e on the j Laneastl'r, Bob Corr ..a and Sandy Thl' onl' sure way 10 k,'ep in: rcp~'l'"cnl- actual s['n'ants, eon- F,1 12th floor. ' :'Ilc:'llechm. ,troublc i~ to run (rom il. I eubmes or anul1ul;.: who hlld pre- C. Allison Monroes Slate ______I viousl\' bccu sacrificed and t1wir : hodies' placed on top o[ Ihc tombs. Saturday Cocktail Party , :'Itrs. Gilmorc Scranton, Robert 11.\ -- r ,Tannalllll and the L. A, Young Thl' holiday ~ocial calendar .. ' . :: 'Fund al'e the cionol's u( these includes the t'ocktail part~. which: new, new ide/ls in bras ••• , pieces. 11\!1'. and Mrs. C. Alison i\lonroe, One of the carlicst and most will I:iv!' in their home on Rivard; valullblc Japanese eerllmics in I boulc\'ard :}lis Sat~rd:IY :,.fter.: thiS country, a 13th eentllry Fu noon from a until I 0 clock. , lion, is co\'ered with thick brown JEWELEHS A N Ii S 1 LYE R 5 ~I I T H S -.. , j.(laze and made evcn lllOl'e beau- Edward Chaffins Giving , tiful by Ihe gold laequel' llll ex- Brunch and Punch Party' pert Japane,;e craftsman u,ed to lepa.ir the le;.:s. This and two ~x- Corne fO(' "brunch and punch" qUlslte e{'ladoll bowls from Ko. is the invitation receh'ed by rea ,wl'l:e ~ul't'hasl'd ~y, th.: .La~ra I fl'iellf~s of 1\11'. ~nd Mrs. Edward ;\Iul ph~ r undo A J,IP,ll1t'~l' S~t. ChafIlIl who WIll be hosts this sumo howl IS the !(Irt of Ml.~s SundllY (rom noon on in their I I Elhel Black. bome on Rivard boulevard. A most pie\urcsque example of ------: Balinese folk art is a painted Officer Jo~eph Miller of the : linl'n scroll about 35 (eet long Grosse Pointe Farllls Police De. and 10 inches wide which prob- parlment il; visiting all classrooms ably reprcsents one scene from, at the Kerby School thi~ month 'the Rama~'ana. an ancient re- in his efrort to supplement the Service in a jewelry store is a lot lil:ious and historical epic novel continuous pro!tram of safety , the total length o( which is 50,- education carried on by the class- . noo lines. This 18th or l!Jth cen. room tellcherf-, Officer },Iiller's ; of little things that combine-tC? give 1_' tury work is the I:ift r~f Dr .. Rob. pupp.'t, "Jo.Jo" the SaC!'t)" Mon'- ; ('I"t Hatt in mClllory of Marcella key, is ,uscd to emphasize many i Roigneau Hatt. of the safelr reminders, ,------~ you enjoyment in buying and circle~banded cup satisfaction in owning-particularly works magic! :JOI' /,{'I' TRICKERY gives you a important when you buy a watch. glomo.ou, "aturol bus I line b'f (;/, I';JIIII (fj , m.ons of ring' and ,ing>; of I bia>; top. se .. n round and round-and Ihi>; speciel COt "".,rtion r.tains its ,hope for ,r,e life of the bra~ I Try il on in I",ing', filti"Q I room,. A-32 10 36; 8-32 to .- .~:~ 38; C-32 10 38, • I . Nylon Marquisett.,.,. 3.50 \ . CoHon ••••• , •• , •••. 2.50 . CHARLES "'.WARREN & COMPANY . long.line Nylon ••• , •. 5.00 .. Troekery'l Nylon Taffeta John F. Hrrinl:'. Pmidrnl and Gennal :>Iaulter • end Ieee lo.eem/erlebl" ..- wired bre: w I I It deep plunge. line • • , • no \VA.SHINGTON BOULEVARD - tug gin g, shoulder dis' ..'" ..- • '- ..- comla:l • t/(h,jJ W'('J' .. a lilling fragrance ill osGrecian crYJlall1fl1. 1\1aJe ill F..allce for }'uu Alltl do J 0/1 ,.e"Ii:e tbat lP'arrm's' offers )0/1 I'" illterestillg selertiOl' 5.00 • .. b~.CluiJlia'\ Dior. $5. tu SlOO, I'lu, 1:1•. of OI'U JUliO gifts, p,.ired /~OIil $2, lu $'U,~: IF 011'1 J oil l'is;1 IU SOOIl!_ -..-. . Ea .. ,Ie Toilellr S:;,50 10 S 15.00 pl..s las.

Trail PHARMACY ~ ADAMS EAST-DOWNTOWN K ere 11e tl ,,1 ()II I /, (' II; 11 "

1- .",

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:.Page Fourteen G R 0 SSE POI NT.E NEW S Tl;urSClIlYI Deeemb"er '17, "1953

$ociety News Gathered From All., of the Pointes orUcllltural H Betrothal Told College Holding [I IIThre.e c;hristInas Society E lecls I Pair TossecZin Woods Jail Thl' election of officers or the ~~!"~~~S::~~.b,l~i"t.! Gir Scout Newsls~:.;.I~~,Sb.~!~.n~~~""For Trying to Collect Gift Grosse Pointe and Eastern Michi, studenls oC thc Detroit Com- On December 18 5t. Paul Girl the extra towel to be used for [ser\'ices at the Grosse Pointe Two members oC the Grosse trying to determine whether to' tan Horticultural SocletJo' took mercial Colleg: prominent in Scout Troop 1373 will prcsent a the hair. Memorial Church on Sunday, De- sue the police for lalse arrest or place at the monthl)' meeting on acti ....ities at thc Christmas As- Christmas play and tea for the • • • cembcr :!O. At 9:30 a.m. and at Pointe }o~xchange Club were Martin for conspiracy to entrap December 3. Sembly Friday of this week at mothers. The girls had a grand Tuesday, B l' Q W n i e and Girl 1I a.m.' the .Re\'. P~~I F. K~t- "unavoidably detained" early a lellow member. The pre~ident, Herman Hin. 2 o'clock are Diane Bachle, 279 time writing their own play, Scout Leaders mct at the Grosse chum, ASSOCiate l\~mlster, \~Ill last week, by Woods police, who .enkamp. and the treasurer, LaSalle place, who presents making their own costumes and Pointe Memorial Chu.rch Cor their prcach on the subject "Chrlst- thought the pai'r were pilfering Frank Moulin were reelected to "Christmas E\'e in Olden Times"; planning the tea. Earh girl will annual Christmas Craft Work- mas Makes a Dirte:el1c~.", materials from a new building. Children's Books llnother term. Newly elected of- Janice Wanless, jl9 Fisher road, bring dainty homemade tea cakes shop., From 10' a.m. on, leaders Thc Chan~el Ch?lr Will sl,ng . h t b II "III tl Ju I Lou Calcaterra,' Jr" of 1130 ficeI'll wt're: \'ice.pre"ident, Nel. who gives the reading, "Keeping an d san dWIC es, and co-leaders were deep in ber- a 0 I serVlC~S WI C Ie 11 or Subject of Talk ,')n Frolund; .ecretary. Daniel Christmas;" Katherine Lawrence, The girls in Troop 13j3 are ries. ribbon and caltes of spun Chait' wil! prO\'ide spccial Clu!st- Fairholme, and Harry C. John. .. 30 son o( IllS Wabash, Detroit, re- A T I Ch'" Lutey. 1305 Buckin"ham road, a' mem- Pamela Glynn, Janet Beaupl'e, snow. making table decorations, mas 1~1l5lC for tlIe ,,: ser\'lce. Miss Jean " ay or. Ie. o. .. 't ~ tl CI I S I I ceived the traditional "come Inau~uration oC the officers bel' of the cast oC' "While Shep- Jud~.. Benkert, Margaret Dans. mantel pieces, ele. Thcy could ,i~ • p,m, Ie lure I c 1.00 Children's Services lor the Pub. \ '111 t th I CI t along wilh us" tap on the shoul- ",jIJ take place in the Neighbor- herds Watched"; and Joan SJ'o- bury, Mary Susan Duffy, Patt" pick out any Christmas decora- ~ presen e annua \I'IS - . h! d II'e L'lbran;', re"le"'ed 'the current ~ . m t "TI F" t CI 't del' by police ortlcl'rs, \\' 0 oun • •• hood Club on January j. bere, 703 Lochmoor boulevard, Erdsas, Joyce Furton, Marian tlons from mountains o( sup. as pagean , Ie Irs II'IS • crop 0' books lor young p~pl- "0' t I d d d b the pair helping themselves to. w ~ who presents "The King's Broad- Kil'fer, Diane Kl'lImer, Marilvn plies, then "Lady.Do.It" and mas. Ircc C( an pro uce y at tile Sunday afternoon meetl'n" • tl R J \\, G'II ' concrete blocks on the site of • .. cast." ' Maertens, Dir.ne Messacar, Kath. Phyllis Watkins would be on Ie cv. ames . I esple, sponsored b" the Frl'end of the St. JCl1lles'Plans ~I' ' t C CI 't' Ed r new building, belonging to Clem ~ Mrs. Edna Huebner: 4j3 L-d' leen Sullivan, Karen Tanghe and hand to show the group the tI InIS el' 0 tllr 1~lll ~ca IOnt Martin, being erected in OxCord Grosse Pointe Public Librar,r Y lile Services Bclle road, serves as cha;rman oC Maureen Wril:hl. tricks of the trade. Ie pageant e s IC s ory 0 road, last Sunday. tile conlml'ttee Oil I'cfl'eslllllcnts. The leaders of Troop 13j3 arc By mid-afternoon all the proJ. IlllllleCI~rjstmas In music and panto- Calcaterra, needing the blocks Miss Tay Ior, gl\'lOg. . specla. I 5 J ' FollowinJ: the Christma;; As- 1\11'5. Raymond Duffy, Jr., and ects looked quite proCessiona!. .' , " . Ch . t be k 'c t. alll~s Lutheran Chur::h. . '7"Plclur. bv Carl Joyn~r bl . I '.. .. C ,tl :\lrs, William Glvnn ITlie Icaders wili use sOllie or 1he Chancel ChOIr, dlrcctcd by to set his cruiser on for the wm- thought to rlS mas 0 gl Ii Mdlillan near Kercheval will Mr, Willmm R. Ostermann oC s~m Yo I' asscs Iccess 01 Ie I' ~ . , . Malcolm MacLcan Johns '01'- tel', asked Martin, a lellow mem- Cor children, told the group hold II Christmas Eve Candle: Fisher road announces the cn- holid:IYs, to he resumcd January Swimming classes lor the sec- ,thesc Ideas f~lI' the troop pro~. gani 't. and Choirma"ter lll';d the bcr oC the Grosse Pointe Ex. about many of the interestinR . S ' ... ' ond S'eme S-tel' t' t J ,ccts, The girls hrought thclr s, ~ " CI If" t I I . h h b b ht 1lzht en'lce at II p.m., Decem- gagment oC hiS daughter, BETTY I' 'I') T d S ar ,on anuahlY nose-b'l!: IUllch but coffee amI Youth Choirs undcr the direction chilllge UI, or permission 0 \'0 urnes W lIC aye een roug bAr 2' to Jalnes Borl'~ "'0 C ~[ ... " t M, lies a" evenm", at t e' , 1 f ~I ' J C t' ,'II take se\'eral TIII'S \\'as "r~nted out tillS' year Explal'nl'ng the dl'!- ~ ... . u, '" no" rs. j .15 0 G"I'oose P~OI'I' 'f Carl Munzel, will present a nl'clicut and the late Mr. Boria. mas us 0 m5 Agalll, rlue to, the clas~ hmlta- . ••• background. pick up the materials. strictiy b~. age, Miss Taylor die "Carol Festh'al" oC fa\'orite nle bride-l'lcct at ten d cd. 'I d twn, only the, fu'st, llO gl;ls who, . '" All departments of the Church Of course, lit the time they vided her recommendations into Chnstmas song!. Thl'Y will also Stephens College in Columbia Centu rles 0 11Ililii the rcglstratlOn blank and fhe Browme play WIll be The S'I I ,'II ,t t !r.30 were apprehended, the police books Cor ..the youngest," "the H d I' 'A d Missouri and h I' C'. ,: the fce of $2,5lJ for the entire 10 Shoemaker and the Elves." It ~100 \\ ~ " m~e a . a..m, fr d'd t k th' d middle group," and "the oldest." "lng an e S.' n the Glory at , e wnc,e \\,as week course to Mrs, :\litchel An, wili be presented again by the w~th the exceptIOn of t~e Junl?r 0 Icers 1 no now IS, an . the Lord." "A Star Shone Out" grad~ated trom, the UmversllY I drews 10-\3 Devonshl're GI'o"'e Wavne Universit" on Saturda" IIlgh Department, which will both businessmen were taken to She quickly and Interestingly by DIWUI,and "Glory to God" by cf l\l1chh:an Engineering Sui 0 I Uy "era 'l'uraslllllY .' ,~s. ~,~, t t II S' I Ch . 't the Woods police station for in. brieCed the stories and their treat- Ap"SC!. A summer wedd' "i I 1 0<1' GI'IIS Journalism Shlllent I Pointe Park, will be accepted (or January 30, at Piercc Junior mee a a,m, 'Ire~la h I:IS, - vestigation. men1$, to give her audience an In .. 5 P anne ., , " class IlIcmbership, For all new- Hi::h School Auditorium, The mas programs \VI e e In excellent idea oC each book and Solos will be ~unlt by 1\[1'5. \\ c are all (almllar WIth th~ i 'U "s ' . " ' . ploy is sponsored bv the Brownie each deparlment. Calcaterra finally persuaded Charles Erdmann, soprano, Mrs. 5t. James will have a lamily I Clmstmlls ~tory. b~lt how lllan~ i c me!.. enclose ~OUI ,ml'cl1call troops of Grosse llointe as their A new pre-nursery class for the police to lei him call the its appea!. Julill s Ortwein, contralto, and sen' ice on Christmas morning at I oC us know the ongm oC thc word I card, (tJaled not earlJer than Imolwy.\'aising project COI' the two year olds has just been Martin residence to clear up the Miss Taylor talked to the group Pliul Winkelman, tenor. 11 a.m. "he sermon will be Chr~stmas and ot SOlllC of our! oJune " 1!J5:11, with ~'our check District Committee. Thcre will started which is held every Sun- matter, but Martin wa~ not home. in the pleasant comfortable Adult Re\'. Gt'orge E. KlIrz will de. "Chri~tmas Tabll'~ux" taken Chnstmas cusloms. ,i and rel:istratilJn blank. ,I bc performances at 10 a,lIl" 12::10 day at 11 a.m. The class is taught However, Mrs. Martin cleared Reading Room, where Il lolt ,fir. Ji,,'pr a meditation on the words f~om Luke 2:1-,14. The ('hoir will Sum,ehow thc rcas,ons behllld I Please make all checks pa~'- I p,m:, and :1 p,m. The tickcts will by Ml's. AI,I~1l Necf. . up the matter and the two men burned brightly ,in th .. huge fire. In I~~iah 40, "Comfort Ye ]'Iy lung several JO~'OUS Christmas thc onglll of our Chnstmils sym-, 'I t th G P' B d Iligam bl' 60 Cl'nts which Ilraves The tra(hlional Chrlstll1n~ Eve were released. place, P-opla."~ ~ an tllem~. ,osbId an custOl~lS WI' II as CI'11:15't ao e • 0 e,:,' ro-se omte oilr, , ~ome things han'nol,. J:onc up~ •S'l'rvlce. WI'II be IIeId on Th urs- Accor d'mg I0 the Grosse P om. t e U nusua I Ch ns. Imas dceara t'I{,n~, ------Imas trees, gIlts. and carollng, of Education. GIrls arc to bnng I Look for you\' favorite Brownie day mght, Dec~mbel' 24, at Exchangite, the ExchonKe Club's by Mrs, William Dant, received have been lost and w.e ~lCcePt! Ilathing suit, cap and two towels, when she ring, your 1)(~ll. II p,m. oCficial paper. the undertaker is much Attention Rnd admiration., OPEN I them as p:lrt of our Chnstnllls 1------EVENINGS {,I~lebration without lmowing why I or how t1ll'Y began, UNTIL The word Christmas was lakcn ' 10:00 frum a festl\'ill in England known as Chnstes' mcssc, whil'h they hdd to celebrate the birth of sImp ~. Chri~t. Christes nIl'SSI: meant Christ's mass, and Ihis is wlll're we get our word Chrbtmas. * " 16926 Kercheval Ave. Christmas is often \'l'prcsentl'd as Xm:.s bcmuse it i5 the Greel, equivalent of Ch and eh repre- sents Christ. /.';" ,":", . ':.: ,.:', The rorigin of caloling is somc. . ,': :.... " thing on which authol ities dlffc'l; sl'\'l'l"al (°:Juntrics claim to be thc : ..:..... hil thplace oC this custom. Music: nf snllll' kind was a part of chlll'ch fcstival~ in honor of the birth of Christ from lhl~ \'f'~~' bc- ginnll1l:. Some carols. e\'ldelltly Ilf pilg.IIl, odgin. Wl'l e adopt cd b.v Chns- tians and given new wnrds .... Iany of the cillOls werc dalll'l'd ,IS \\ ell as sung, and the Wilt d "calOl" \\',lS il,""l"iate<\ with d,lI11'ing IInlil the tOllrtc"'nlh cl'lltUI'~'. It curnes from the word ",'arolare", a medle\'lll nng danl"l' :lI'('Ompun- jet! b~' ,:.;inging. Somc bt'!ien, th,lt l"arllls :-prang Crllm my~to'ry plilYS ill Ihl" eighth century, which \\'('le Biblical I'pi:,odl'.. givcn at the chul'ch",. and at fairs, The 1I11ISIC hecallle • • • for Her Gift so populllr thai il was ,ullg ill Ihe strcets. and Sllmp 1Jl'1J,,\'('lhal this I~ thc \\'ay caroling really bl'g,lIl. Thc pi adlcc of gl\'ing glfb at Christlllllstimc llilS uec'ollle UIll' \'Crsal. The J:ifts billught to lhe Christ dllid by the Wise ...Ien may well hIW" bcen the onglll of our pi csent.dilY cu-lom, On the other hand. il ma\' ha\'c 397 FISHER ROAD ~ruwn out of the dl'sire tll'reprc- Drrop sent the 1l1l>c1f1shncss of CIIrI~t Brooch, $ 9.00 Eo",no" $5.00 It \\'a~ taught from carlle,t timl's Prlcel tnrllld~ 1'.<.1. T.j)( thai Oil' gifts should ('arry thc spirit of good will, kindliness, OP~~ ,ALLDAY 5ATVp.DAY-PEC.IQ"* CLOSED SAT: - DEC. 26 anel J:cnt!l'Osily. The Christmus trel' hilS IH'come i one of our most familiar symbols, , In the tenth century a ueallliful ' Gron. Point. store houlI, 9:30 to 5 :30 Coli TU 4.2400 legend bel:an to spread through, Europeo The ~tory said thut on I ,h arJmlimJ in VOlu,' ! the night Christ was born all the, (mrJHa,ptr's Ba:,aar I trees in the Corest, cven those in ;

I;~/~n~~~:nO\~~~o:::~_~~~ ;

Don't forget Beautiful Bryans, ct present perfect! 1hre"! p~irs of f!~tterir.gl'l Iheer nylon nCI,,-be/luliful that Last 8':'(111\ - cllscd in II Illtin e'ening ru<>", All for the price of th'l slockings olone, 5,85 Minute Gift New ~h/lde~ of Nugget Rose, II ro,e beige, or Jewel Glow, /l golden toupe. Sites 8112 • • • and don't forget that We're $laying lale so that 10 II, propor/ioned lengt;,s. Snow w;,ile

Town 'n' Casual you can finish your shop. or bi/lck sotin Cel,e touched with g~id is the place to' get it! ping conveniently.

Opu henlng' 'TII 1:10 It's ~ dre.3m! Th=t's ....h=t she'll soy when she ~pens the Until Chrl.tmas p.:!dllgo Christmos morning, Nyl~n tricot bIQu~.1pleeted ~rosse pointe woodS bad ond front. White, pink angel, beige or blu.frost. Sizes 30 to 38, From our Christmos booklet. 11.95

J ',' ~ ...... ,- .. .. . • General New. SECTION TWO Thursday, December 17, 1953 Page Fifteen GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN

More people \I,'O~ld 1I\'e within There Is never a ,bortage -ef Xll1US Concert Seheeluled church Deeficates. Altar and Chancel. Furnishings their Income It it wasn't 10 help when one needs assistance At Parcells Junio}. High, ero\\'ded In there. In circulating a lIecret. A .....ire may t~ink her husband I Well.timed silence Is more ela- Pa:Tell~ Junior High School Barno, Ernest Doss:n, Nelson is the salt of the earth and still quent than speech-and most ,:,.11 pre~~~t its first Christmas Plntz and Robert Reinhardt. shake 'him eown, , silence is well-timed. l. oncert . Friday, December 18 nt Karen Baumann will dance to the " I I, p.m., In the school auditorium sonl:, "Twelve Days DC Christ. 1:.'hl!'!' the din'clion of Miss Sall~' mas," Frances Cousino, Patsy l:'her, 'I . .. aJeska, Jade Miller, and Sharon .\pproximat('j~' 200 5 t u den t s :'>li11erwill constitute the quartet New7 and 8 Room HOlues t, .!! take part in the A and B for this number, . ,.. "ru,t's, Boys and Girls Glee D' P (':"bs anrl the orche~tril. Mr. Don-' lane eterson represents :\Iary Situated on Wonderful Str~ets In R tnbleau for the last scene, ,:' i },.~c~ew will direct the or- This was directed b,' Miss Shirley in Grosse' Pointe Farms l."I...... ,Lewis. . ,,,'a:lIlC 1I0wdi Will sing "Come' t ... tn 111m" fwm Handel's Mes. I Th~, ~rt departmen~ uncier the • a!:. Ot111'r suloists are Douglas counsellnJ: of Mrs, Esther. :'>lel. _ .... drum and Mrs. Joanne Kantak have completed the scenery, It CUSMANO TUXEDO includes a stained glass window and a large wreath. RENTALS i Tickets will be 20 and -10l:ents,

1-'01' .," ()ccaslun~ I X~lAS VESP(~(t COXCEItT 1 • TlIA .. do~ • Directors Sulls '1 Emily 1\1utter Adams, violini~t, • Full Dress II • Summer (o'ormals WI be the guest soloist in the Lnmplrl. T..Uorlnl: and AUrrallon. final one oC the pre-Christmas C.\LL FOR APPOINT~IE.''T vespcr c~ncerts Sunday, Deccm- Ceremonies were held at the Grossc Pointe Methodist Church on Sunday, December 13, dedicating the altar and 16::33 3Jaek at Three Mile Dr. bel' ::0. at -1:30 p.m. at St. John's aHal' furnishings and all the chanccl furnishin~s and organ, Shown, left to right, are: JOHN G. SCALES, chairman of 'IV. 1-3530 Episcopal Church, Woodward at Lot is 135'xl00'; trees. House is of excellent construction, is ~ , IVernor, in downtown Detro:t. the official board of the church, the REV, HUGH WHITE, minister; CLARENCE.'SLOCUM, chairman of the furniture and fixtures committee; and some of the members of the choir. spaciou~ and has 7 rooms and : baths all on sinele nODI'. Mas- ter bedroom is 13'xlG~' with 2 walk-in closels. Florida rool1l is 11\::'x18', 2-car. garage-22'x22' attached, House ill 69'x36'; Cleaning Concern 1Metlloelist Clturcli Dedicates BuiId<:r Reports with a total of 1928 sq, ft.; plus 22'x22' J;arage. T\~"~d~I~"Ii~~~~i~~=':~~~:,IAltar, Chance' Furnishings ~~~~~G~~..p~:~~~r::~:: * * * a break1l1g and entenng whIch The Gro"se P.oillte Methodist dist Union of Greater Detroit; one hItS been stealinJ: materials ol:cu.rred on r.Ionda~', Dccemb,,1' Church dedicated ils altar and thc altar appointments, the gift from two home" he is building 14, m a ?ry cl"amng e"tabllsh- I' h a n I' c I (urni"hings .la~t Sun. oC 1\11'. and Mrs, L. G, Modlin and in Bournemouth road. lIlent at ~ leetwoud and Mack. day. December 1:1, With the J:ift the dorsal hanging given b~' Mr, During the night of Tuesday, Accordmg to a police report. nnd installation o( the ehoiJ' stalls alld MI'S, H, B, Noltimier of Min- Decembel' 8, the culprit broke Clam Terwlllgcr. lIlanngel'. of the a's a memorial to Mr, La Verne nesota. mother and father DCMrs, windows in both houses to gain c1.eaner, rcported that dlll'mg the Che;vnry, thc furnishings an! now John Deanp. oC the Pointe, entry. Pad stated there was I1Ight, someone had (orced an 1'11- comp"!t£'. ------around $130 worth of materials trance to the store and had taken The listillt( of till' items in La\vvers Honor missinc, 530 III. cash from t~J('cash regl,tel'. furnishings oC the l:hanccl and oJ --_._--"-"- Poltce ~ent to IIlvesltgatc. dlS' altai' indud II lI.ft F;'I'allk E Cooper' STEAM I,AU~()nl' covered that entrance was gaintd • f 'Ir 'nde~1 ~e °Fl'ga\\I:,pie 'kg~, 0 Woods police hastened to the . . I . tl t 0 l> • a "n, . , al el, G E PI ff I t 192nn by b rea k 1111: a WIII(ow III Ie ~'cs in honor of Ml's, Parker's mother eorce , le 1'1' lome a,,,, room at the rear of .the buJldlllg. and (ather, M,". and Mrs, Clayton Frank E, Cooper, oC 8i Merrl- Linville to put out a fire in an 285 Vincennes,. at Charlevoix Underneath the WlIldow were A. Grinnell: the altar, the gift oC weather road, has bcen named automatic washer, Wednesday, Facin!: both Vincennes and' Charlevoix, tbis large wooded lot fOll.nel two cans of floor cleaner, MI'.• ll1d l\Irs, R. W, Van HUllse chairman o( the American Bar December 9, On their arrival ','Iud' apP'lrt'ntl\' had bccn tossed Association Sectioll Committee they discovered that it had only is 120'x180' (one.hall acre In size). The house Is one.and.one- , . '. • . ••.. .,. in mcmol'Y of thcir son Hoger out b) the blllgloir or blllglais. V.1ll Hou,c: the led em givcn by on State Administrative Law for become o\'cr-heated. The plu!: I halC stories hIgh and is in Cape Cod Colonial styling, There ----- I :-11'. iUld Z\Ir:-:.C. n. \V\"lie in honor n ;~hird ~:eitl'. \\'as pulled an a service man \vas arc oJ bedrooms,.three of them are from IS' to I;'xll ~i'in ,ile.

I! of :-'11'.Wylic'" muthe~' and fath!'I', I' cOlllmittee ha~ recently called to take o\'el'. .. EiJ:ht rooms in 1111, llnd many sparkling features, House is 80' POl"I.teJ's«- Gel rompleted a stud)' of charges that ------I 10 MI', and !\Irs, James Madison many state l'eJ:ulatory agencies wide,. with a total or' 21iO sq. ft.; plus 22'x22',6" garage. 111se Degrees I \\'y!ip; a~d the pulpit and decidl" cases against husinessmen __ . . I f~'ontals f~,:"n. by 1\11'. and :-'11'5,on the basis oC ,crret reports oC * * * Dr. Eugcne B, Elliott, Prc~ldent ,c. R. \\) lip III hOllul of 1\II'S, private investicators, without af. George W. Lesher jo~ch hnu," hu sial.. IInors In r.nler halls, finest blrt'h doori and tnI:', nf :\Iielugan State Norlllal Col-1 W.,'lic's broth"r, :hl' He\', l\Ir, fording the deCendants adequate mal:11.tlc rlbIn.1 door t.. l.ner,. Ilu.h rel1lng flxturu, Ip.Clal tlihtln ... TV dls- lel:l! wa< the speaker at th" fnll, Herbert C. Shaw. 11. :\Iet~odist oPPOJ.tunilv Cor n fair hearinl:, phnn., Ilundr)' and r1rclIlts-IIn tus.len &JlI.t~';dllhwaah.~, po...l•. tam, .10UR" Art'as, Cran. tlxllIrn, ~opp.r Itnt!s, storm :...Indo..... "'fin commpnccment eXNcises at I I1lHlIstN who preached 111 thiS and Having found a necd Cor cor. REALTOR and .c,rrn'. (Basrm.nt ,,'111 h. Ilnlshed Ie' purrha.rr's ororr at no ;\tiehh:an State ColIl'g,; on Tllcs-I ot h£'1' confcrence._. I'ccti ve Ic/:islation, the committee I rxlra chlrl"l. day, Dccem?er 8. at 8 p.m. 111 the The .('holl' stalls and frontals I has undertaken the task oC draft-j Fine homes for . college lIudltorlum. ',;ere gl\'{:n. by till' fncnds oC ~I ing a proposed statute Cor con.' rent ond for sale InSllect anytime and take a folder with all detall.s, Degrl'es wert' cunrel'l'ed on \ erne E, Cheyncy to honor IllS sideration by state legislatures, ,.,/. Compare size, qnallty and price. ,.. 358 undergraduates IInd 100 stu- melllory and the mtel"e"t he had ". l~ '. ~~.. dents, in the dlUrch: the communion GOOI> OL() I DAD Naples, Florida Candidates fill' the bacill'lor's set, gi\'en by Mrs, Adolph Hahn- A gcneration ago collece lItU' Y. H. Fairless, Owner, 235 Ridge, TU 4.2853 de~rel! Irom the Pointe. were: hub!'r in honur o( hel' husband, dents skinned the coon and the Richard W. Ashlnnd o( Bishop Dr. J. Adolph lIalmhuher. ronnel' sheep-toda~' only dad Itets . .. _ road; Allen B. B1ail' o( Kerby executive ,pc, et,J!'y o( till' l\letho. skinned, road; Clarencl' E, Cop" o( Ilidge. I""E Hi mont road; N,m!'\' :\larv G"orgi ~~~~Q"aDaaaaan~~a oC :-'Idli11an road:' Hober't L. Han. , SERVING THE POINTE FOR 18 rEARS r.'(!(i'(,"ti(jitl"l'YT'ti'tTr.1'iri , I • I I I , • I. j 1_ D ~en oC Hollywood road; Salvatort' : r.~ A, :\Ieli o( Dcvonshire: Barhara: Grosse Pointe Radio ~~ NO\V UNCOVERED 1~_~ P, Slol'um of Shor£'ham road:, and TELEVISION Service g~ The car that's sure to be -B Hirhard C. Sp"i of Br.\'s drivc;: i ,.: ~~ Glenn Tides\\'e1J. Jr., lt~ !'olling- . I ALL MAKES I g~ America's best seller agai" i" 1954 ~W ham; imd MiUk N. YC:l/:,'r u( i I ., York.

It's Christmas nd\';lntal:cs of the car that', stirI' to be the ---..--- best sdler a~ain in '541

Call'f! Jl';sit (;~flI". 0",.

CHARGE YOUR GLASSES TO YOUR Exclusive as the Stork Club HUDSON CHARGE ACCOUNT Radiant a\ the women who rl'l.e Da' ....lc ara courted there

Ol).,i~alCO)ll1)all~" Rorl! Frllnch frogronce ••• The Per/11m,

discriminoling choice 0 f 3.50 to 25.00 Now you can enjoy our complete opticol women who hove trove led Tilt CologlI' service right out here in the Pointe! Just fhe wide world o'er, •• like our opticol deportment ot The J. L. for ils oliure is /lgeless, its FAVORS FOR EVERYONEI Hudson Company, our brand new operotion enchol1lment complete, And ...hil. Ihey loll, .p.c1ol offers you 24-hour service on lens repairs lilli, lor the lodi•• -"Wind ••. Frames repoired while you woit •.. 0 Sonll,- Molchob.ni'. IIn,,1I FREE--II I,"petiod Iro;,onc •• \'.ide selection of distinctive frl!lmes , •. Md ~,.o ..0" 8J\~~ ~~ i ou c~n ch~rg~ your gr~sses to your Hudson c!l c: c: 0 u n t. (All chorged g'~sses ~ r e billed by Hudson's). Be sure to visit us ~ ' next time you need opticol s e r vi:: e. ~0J'~ 'SEE IT:AT (We do not e'(~mine eyes.) Open. Evenings , Until 10:00 0107 FISHER ROAD, GROSSE POINTE ~~m:Im] (Ju,t acru). 'rum Groue: I'ullltt Hil:b) IJtlil'n'i,s TV, '.8900 16176 E. Jeff8rso~ al LakepDlnle YA.1.2OOO

Prices plus Fed, To.( Open Dally 7:00 a,m, te 9:00 p.m • ..;.. Saturdays to 5:00 p.m.

" J

DC • ee. ••••••• • eo •• _- •• _ __ rft: .. __ - err *' •• .-. .-.. .-...-....-... ..-. .-.--:-:-.-.:.-...... -._....,;;:-~~'~~.e ~.~ - - - --_._-----~------_.-

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, December '17, '1951 , : Pointe Moving, Storage,' Appoinb Cort Larned You .••• GrOile Pointer Cort Larned, Storage Company which began 'New Mercury 'Has Transp~rent Roof,' Edison Boosts The Camera .Center Gives IZ'lndson of the late Abner Lar- here 58 years ago, as a cartage PoweJ; Supply- ned, wu thl. week appointed u- firm, doing. all of thfi loc:al de- J!stant manager of the Grosse liveries for the' American Ex- El~.-:tric power supply through. Pointe Moving and Storage Com- press Company, is today among out Mir.hlgan's Thumb area has pan)', according to an announce- the best known firms of its kind been increased by 150,000 kilo- ment by Jack Sutton, .president in the .Detrolt area and enjoys watts, (about 200,000 horse- of the firm. affiliatlon with one of the na. power), with the starting ~up',o( Larned wu formerly with the tional 'van iines. , another 'new steam turbine. Wolverine 5 tor a g'e Company Mr•. Larned is a graduate of generator at Detroit Edison's St. wlJ,en Sutton headed that firm. Grosse Pointe High School. His Clair Power Plant. To. take this new post. Larned mother, Olive Larned Henry, now TDC The plant, still under construc- left a district representations hip of Chicago, was a member of the tion, will be formally dedicated of il national organization. Grosse Pointe News staff for sev- next year. It is located on the 51. The Grosse Pointe Moving and eral years .• Clair river-front midway between :J.i~300" the communities of st. Clair and Marine City. 300 watt Ilow • ...c:ool.d !

ST. "SO Re al is t ~~t:i4~I an i,Tes;stibl.e new TERRy.KNIT , TRIO E.XrRACT SID. J1.).lI J2'.I#

WHEN you I:I~e .. Stereo. REALISTcamera ,for Christmas you Illve not only a beautiful Rift In Itself but II lifetime oC pholographlc plumre liS well, The Rr.ALIST I. the camera which lake! pictures In full. natural color and true.to,IICt! three dimensions. What'. more, the Rr.ALISTIs amazlnllly ea.y to operate. Come In and see the REALIST. We'll be iliad to show you thrllllnt:. realistic slides In the WORLD'S FIRST HiGH FIDELITY RADIO.PHONOGRAPH companion REALIST viewer' with built-In lI1umlnatlon. j~ And remember, ReALIsTacces- sories make excellent Klfts for ,with sound in Full Dimension! those proud enthusiasts on delieotec~ your list who already own a ------RCALrsT camera. A free, 20- :be~ bas never been anything th'at looka like it •;•or pertOnM . page Illustrated catalog Is like It ••• for t.hrough the revolutionary "Acoustic Lena" OeCt) YOUfll for the asking. of~ Pb~nornma. is first to bring you eound in Full DimeDtrion:~ t1ltlWu We will be closed the days E~J~y th~pitre8t, most thrilling music you have ever heard •• ; , 1&etg Chrittm"l5 this ChrlstmM and many Christm"ues to come. Gh'e"'this following and mwica1, instnunent of qwility for the entire familY to enjoy. OlJJuJfJd4 Ne'" Ye..rs. ~"r; ',.eu.rt ...~ncl eomfort f"r hah,.1 SLtJMDE~. Saturdl1Y, Dec. 26 An InuiUUiDn:We invite you to brin,;ll your f~ ~ootW LOTION 190a KINS soft. absorbent threesome ••• alip-over, penta Saturday, Jan. 2 r~~, an.d ~ear it on ~JwrumzFrus.It will be tM thrill of:;out" and. bootees t" keep )'our pet cozYoC()mfT ,t anr musICall,{etl17U!/ Stop m lOOn, won't you? '2'.--.' putllne ••• awake Qr alleep! Elasticized pa.nt.. fnll. cut .Ienee and Ie,&, plenty of room to mcwe ,in. ' : .' Open Thurs. and 'Fri. 'Wath.wonderfuJ, fasl-dryinlt eo~tGn .. I~nr.kniL/' . Evenirigs "'TII, 9:0D The 'Best $500 You'll Spend in a L'iletimer Fit. 6 10.18 month.. Color. - Wbi!e;, phiJc. ,blue., . ,~. I. main, mml.',. '."':' 295 .: .SEE it ••• HEAR it ••• BELIEVE it ••• now at '

16926 Kercheval , 6RO E POINTI ,GROSSE POIN,T.E . i"'cH1W" • D,/iur;n - TU.wdo '.8900 JEtER 17-114 Kerch~yal Radio, and Television. service in Ih", Villo~", OPEN EVEN I NGS TI LL 10:00 /7405 Kercheval- i" Vi/It,g, ,h, . TU, 1~4096 18S2~ Mack, at Cloverly Phone TUxedo 5.6312 ! •• .. ., ~------.- ...... _ ..e ....- .__...... ~ , ~ ~ _ 1 ,

Page Seventeen. ~ 'r ";ursaay, DecemDer '17, '1953 G R 0 SSE PO' NT E' 'N'EW S ' g.- : .. ="i

~.; ~.. ... '.1 i: I: to give 'with.pride '" ,. • • ojA . . .~. 11

.- I j 11 j i .. , I '- I - to tell her that she!swonderful I . I I

>~ . IREU .. ~ 'I~~~ Sb1d~ TR,BU. ~~_,»J~. TRB'U ?Q~' f.o.v1J*~ d'tdt;ptlJdec( fi/' ••• now to wrap her completely in its .~( "fofbidden" /lur/l ... we suggest: ;' I The Prrfume 117.50 10 IZ,5O' The Cologne 118.00 10 IZOO' It The Body Sarbelll.5O' " I ) ,... D...... '.100' .mi] (.1. I jll ~ - 1....;If} cJ-)~ I... ~~~~, {p-) \ ~ Sele~t Ler favorite fragrance:' L'ORIGAN , L'A.IMA1'-I'T EMERAUDB 'PARIS' I II 1 ' I I , '

: I : ! 4.00 p~:r - p!u~ ta( 2.00 sil1gl~-plus tox ~~6-K&W~ I1\t~~+~ D'ORSAY' ,. C:=)prs~ Created in Pans ••• famous ths world over ••• lli. ~~.... "'---~ chompagne of fragrances ••• head.spinning, heart •. worming ••• the intoxicating feeling of being lovely-elways. (double strength) Parfum $3 to $35 Eaud. Tall.tt. S3 to $8.50 .. (All pM.,.... plus tax) ;j N°S


0( .:1 Her" is th" brilliant reaching . 't., .'.,::' I ". ~ ;' ~ frcgrancll of SHOCKING, (j I ;. . t.- /taJlt famous the world o,er (for being

almost Iml'e~libre 10 forget) S!ronglv expr'lIed in '.7'"":: ,.' by 11'l ,:-._.=------... ..'.:_'""_-p' I PRETEXTE """ •__ .J. Schiopareill's celogne. And fameus leo, fer its ~ knacle af lasting and lingltring and leaving ARPEGE rL A.Nf.C 6~M~E leng memories ... 2.75 ... 5.00 ... 9.00 plus tal( THE MOST SCANDAL ;YtiU41. a:ikJte TREASURED NAME IN PERFUME RUMEUR $3.00 to $37.50 MY SIN Plus Fed. Tax (HANEL ~ LANVIN

. I A brilliont jewel of a perfume in 0 brilliont

LANCOME 5 exqu;,:te 10 PERFUME ••• luch a luxurious jewel of a flacon! "Tresor" is a perfume be worn like a magic gill! Exquisile flacen resh in a designed to pique and perplex with it, ch~rm! E(perlly contrive~ mew.white caflret, $5.00, plus' tax. of more th.~," fifty 01 complex composition of flowers and spices, fragrences . • . in t!1:i EAU DE T91LETTE ••. ah.ays a leoves and resins, musks and amber. French grand.gesture 'present/l' QUELQUES FLEURS ...elcome gift ••• in a merry see- tion of he/lv'I crystal thrU package, $3.95 and $2.75, finesse hos mode of Oriental richness this new by Bacllrat ••. set in II plus tax. and overwhelming perfume so aptly named. sequin.spangled white ~atin jewel C/lse. lined wah rose. "Diamond" Flacon-I. oz., . $40; 2 oz.,' $70 Oth.r "Tr,,'or'" perfu~; pr'lOntations, from $8 OZ., $35 Eau Parfu~e. Tresor-$5 to $16 01., 2 $60 FRAGRANCE DUO, .perfume in a glitt.r. I Plus I~I() mg French flflcon wilh black. moire i:as~ Allprlcea plu& tal' Other MAGIC Perfume and refreshing Eau de Toilelte, $3.50, Presentationa froln plus tal(, S7.l1O. plus lax I'tunlc for I)cli,.cries., TUxedo. ~i.8f)OO 0lten»ail,. 9:00 a.DI. io 10:00 p.llt.

•• j

t ------~------~~~.~~~~ ~ _ .. • d = ,

P.ge Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS _ ..... • ,T,h~rsday. Oecem~er 17, 1953 r

Or05le:Pointf N. tWl .- .• 1 Scout Handbook Center \Vhat Goes' 01. '.PUBIJSHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, i...... -._:.--Memorial Schedule .II Be Helpful :me. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WE£'fWiUID.":' Can :OFFICES UNDER THE ELM A.T !Ill KERCHEVAL, GROSSE DECEMBER 18-DECEi\IBER 24-0PEN SUNDAYS i2-5 P.l\I; at POL"JTE FARMS 36. MICHIGAN •All Center Sponsored Activities Open to Public. Borrow one of the ncw Girl Phone TU 2.6900 34 ~ %7 Grosse Pointe Garden Center Room and Library open Scout Handbooks it ~'ou want to ~y ()'Ir Li.b ••a•.," <::orrect ~'our faull.'! b~' observ- , Th • Trunk Un for consultations from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 to 4 p.m. learn how to wrap a Christmas Ing those found in othp.r5. B)' 1tall. Tallor Member Irli. chl"lD Prell r::U'D and :,t10~al Editorial Au'o Tuesdays, Wednesdays an.d Th.ursda.ys. (Call TUxedo 1-';594.) gift safe for mailing, • That is the suggt.'5tion of Mrs. •.4l, ...... _------Fridllr, December 18 Edward Kay. of 1245 Balfoul" If ~'ou are a pater famiiias and . And what is Christmas without -...ROBERT S. EDGAR EDITOH and GENERAL MANAGER .Braille Transcription-Miss Ella Mclennan, Instructor-10. ruad, program chairman for the subject to cold chills and butter. lots and lots of cookies? We think ". .~ MA'I"l'HEW ld. GOEBEl, .•ADVERTISING MJWAliER Girl Scouts of America. one of flies .every time a succulent tur. the teen.ager who would like to • A Dislinguisllf!U JANE SCHERMERHORN, FEATURE PAGE. SOCIETY 11 a.m. the youth-training services made I(e~' is entrusted to you for dL~. trr her, culinal'Y wings mh:ht FRED RUNNEl,' S . ..SPORTS EDITOR Iadom Club-Meeting-8 p,m. ' possible by the. recent Torch sfl'ction. call rour Iibral'r and Isurprise experienced cook- it she I JA1'rfES J. NJAIl\of, ,.... • .. _ .._ .._...NEWS "Young People's Ballroom Dancing Class Christmas Party- Drive, , reserve "How to Carve Meat. I were to rollow the directions GirLor (1 Gl'r1f'('r,,1 ROBERT G. EDGAR _ _ _ :. NE\VS ARTHUR h. BLYLER.. " •.ADVERTISING 8:30.11:30 p.m. • • • . 'I'he new Handbook. Mrs. Kay Game and Poultry" b;t Max /1 VirRinia Pasley gi\'es in her I Acldiliun III )'0111' MARY DENNIS...... ACCOUNTS Saturdn~', Deccmber 19 added, also gives pertinent infor./ lull en, "Christmas Cuokie Bonk," This JOANNE HARGIS....__ ._ .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "Ballet Classes-9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p,m. , mation on such diversc actlvitfes . This helpful little book has' i~ch\dcs reci~es f?r o\'er .60,' FLORA HARDING _ __ ...:' CIRCULATION Blue Hi. Y Christmas Party for the children of the Dodge Ias finger painting. making camp s3\'ed the day more than once I kmds . or clIokles as, well as m. FinelJl-FutllisllCd HOlm Home-1 p.m. 011 a. hunti~g tri~. first aid, .re-I according to I!brary users, In it ~.~r~cllons ror pa~kml: ~~d ad- I FULLY PAID CIRCULATION "'High School Orchestra Dance "Snowflake Swirl"-Grades moving an Ink stam, a~d coolung I t'le .tpeat c~rvlng expert ror .the II\IC( on tools and mgredlcnts, I 9 through 12"":'Refreshments-Oress-up-$1.50 pel' couple. a kabob on an .opcn fn'e. Natsor~al Livestock Board gives •. • .... I • • • "The 1953 Girl Scout Hand. you SImple lessons 01' the an- The ,,\\ me Cook E by Mrs. I Storm Brews in W~ods book contai~ a variety of prac. atomy IInd carving or IT.eat,game ICoru Brown is a weful book to I . SlllldR~', December 20 .~ical information on homelllllk. and ~oultry, Carefully done line. know. ~t this lle~on, '::hl gi\'es R I A storm that threatens to assume.'hurricane proportions .Nationality Christmas Pa.rty-3 to' 6 p,m. mg. arts and crafl:!. sports, citi. dl'II\"mgS help to make the text, selectIOn of recipes from, France, "'Christmas Tree Lighting CereJ1lony-Ceremony in charge zcnship and cllmping," Mrs, Kay easily undcrstandable fo: begin. II the Far East: from t?e South and has been brewing among the citizenry of Grosse Point~ of the Pointe Youth Or~anizations-Singing by the said. "Fol' this reason it i.s a ning carvers, ehewhcI'e, all of which owe their' Woods over action instituied by a faction of the city council. Grosse Point~ High School Choir-Arrival of Santa Claus ver~' useful book to have around • • •. II1"al e~c~lIellce.to the skill~ul u,e The storm will probably come to a head at a council meeting • and Distribution of Candy Canes-Free of Charge~AlI the home. Scouts tell us that There's help 100 for the incx- ,of wnle In their prepal"atlon. Pointe Citizens Invited-(i p.m. mothers. fathers. brothers and I peril'nced fcmme. faced f(JI"the • • • scheduled lor next Monday night, December 21, at ;:30 • • • sistcl"s often bonow theil" Hand. first time with the responsi- For e:'e appeal Patricia Roberts' o'clock. book to find. the answer tll a Ibilit\. or the Christmas feast. "Book of 'Tabre Arrilnl:ements ;\Iondn~', Decemlser 21 question 01" the way to do SlIlIIe- "l\Ic~1 Planning and Tpble Serv- with Flowers. FI'uit~ and Olhel' .Cancer Information and Sen'ice Center-Service Work- thing." - ice fOl' the American Horne Decorative' Elements" has some The argument has t~ do with the number of liquor li. 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. The nrw Handbook is availablc Without Sel'\'ant5," by N. B. unique ideas, There arc ~ul11)31:C censes in the city. The hassle is one of long standing. Rotat.~. Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon and l\Ieeling- to all o( the 30,000 Girl Scouts Baile~'. gi\'('s excellent sug>:cs. photo~raphs ~f ta~lt' scttln>:s and 12:15 p.m. in the Detroit Metl"opolitan area tions (01' the housewife who some Illlls~ratlon.sIII I'olor. There arc now three bars in the Woods, and, according "Memorial Duplicate Bridge Club-Herb and Mabel Brown. as well as anyone else who might I.,ust double as cook an~ hostess. • • • to the Michigan Liquor Commission, the city is entitled to Directol's-1 p.m. ue interc5ted, "lary Goldman. assistant pro. :\!ore technical than the pre. Christmas Party for Ihe Employees of the A. A. A. Club of ----- fessor or home economic:, at the cedlllg' book is "Flowers and four' more licensed places. The city cannot tell the state how Grosse Pointe-7 p.m. Polz'ce Gllz.eis I University. has written a handy I --_ ...._-- .many licenses shall be issued. but it is the policy of the state • • • guidI',. "Planning IInd Serving . J k 'YoUl' Meals," This covers enter. Calorie body to abide by the official municipal appro\'al or disap- 'fllesda~', December 22 V lSZ.t (lC son tr.inment ror special holidays and :\ )lair nr hUllorh'1Il'r)~ti\1

proval when it comes to granting licenses. Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon and t.le~ting- 'I' includes a chaptel' on carving hurrirllne'l, Illlllll-I'ul IInd 12 noon. Polic!' Chief~ Vern Bailey ,1f and ~el'\'ing meat and fowl. Counting? IlIIlIshl'lI Ihrllugllllul. soh.1'4 Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner and Meeting-6:30 the Woods and Allen Miglio of I :Man\" of the residents and some of the councilmen ha\'e !he I""hlem nra 1:lIri'lluIII'l Ilill p,m. Harper Woods visited Jack50n A brand new book is Stella' By FRim :\1. KOPP. R. Ph. long felt- that the three existing liquor dispensing places arc fur the Ilersnn \\ hllse hnuu' it enough, and that any more would be inviting trouble. Kiwanis Club of Gro~se Poinle-Dinner and Me~ting-6, ::10 iSlota,te Prbon Thursda~'. Decembcr Standal"d's "Menus and Recipes Everyone who attempts to p,m. I fOI"All Occasions," This has a reduce has at Icast a slight II S) mllol IIf Ilrarinu'l'lh illll. Grosse Pointe High School Class Reunion-Dance-8 p.m. They talked with over 200 con- 5ection on holiday meals .which )mowledge or the calorie con. I . Argument o,'cr the question reached such a heated state .. • • victs who would soon come lip Includes Chri.~tma,;. Chri5tmas tent or common foods. The rW:TllII:UL r \\I/IW 'back in July of 1952 that Councilman Harry Pratt offered a \\' I d' 'J' Ifol' parole. The subject of the talk Eve. New Year's and New Year's more liel'jous dieter has a more IIf/1mr-:u ',"\':Ilrli .motion that the City Council deny approval for the issuance , " CI IICS ll~, December ••1 Iwa" the relation.'hip between the Eve as well as ~orne interc~ting! complete knowledge, natUl'al• .of any additional applications for Class' C liquor licenses in Mrs. ~. D, \~ elzel s Art Group-Class-lO a.m. I police officer and the parolcl', I bufi'ct suppers. ~ Iy. gainej by a loh}:er and AS 'U I/liTIIA rru the City of Grosse Pointe Woods. This motion was defeated. "Sen'lce Gu}ld for Children's Hospit\ll-Service Work-10 I --- - . I bwader expcrience. a,m. to ,{ p,m. -' ~1:)( J Illlir ,,'ith only Councilman Waid McKnight supporting Mr. Pratt's I ' While counting calol'ies will aid you in limiting thc intake. Dets;,i~.Public Schools Psychology Clinic-Luncheon~i2:15 I \ motion, and Councilmen Arnold Diesing, Rex Johnston. Paul Grosse Pointe Woods Bakery of food, it is not the complete ""11'1'11 (rnm 8"2 /I "Il;r Rowe and Herbert Savage opposing. "Memorial Duplicate Bridge Club-Herb and Mabel Brown ' answel' to the dieting problem; Dil'ectors-;:30 p.m, ' " 20756 Mack Ave., near Vernier as ever~' doctor admits, At- Despite this official action, argument over the question • * • . tr.ntion must be gi\'en to the IJETIHHT Specializing in the ba~ing of Old Fashioned Hard Crust bodily needs for protein. rats, continued and reached such proportions that by the faU of Volunteers for Service Work Needed at the C~l'\ter. su~ar8. as well as the indh'id. that year the council agreed that the residents should be I Bread and High Quality Pastry Md Baked Goods. \lal necds rOl"certain chemicals asked to ballot on the matter. that must' be constant1~. reo L\V\NTEL & TILE I Hazelnut - lekerly Almond Spekulatius placed. ' .tuatL.on Cinnamon Stars Springerles Consequently, an ordinance was submitted to the people A Sad SL Anise Drops Almond Macaroons Always cllnsult a doctor be. co. for referendar." action &t the polls on national election day. «(;untlnued from Pa~e 1) I fore dil'lin~, 1."t a compl'tent - Butter Cookies Peppernuh pharmacist :luppl~' whatc\'er 14:i1FAI\,"EI\ smUT ,No,-ember 4, 1952. The lluestion on the ballot was: "Do you Pointers cooperate. th~ idea will die a rather SOl'l'V death. ! Try Our Christmas Stolen additional nutrition the doctor ,f~vor adoption o~ an orciinance to provide that tl~e ~ity Coun- Up to Tuesday somelhing less than s:mo had been donated, : should a(I\'i~e. 1/;,/f./11I1l'h .\'lIrlll of UudslII/" ,cll of Grosse POl~te W()c,ds. Wayn~ C.OUI1.ty,MichIgan. shall The very large percentage of this came fmm contributions CnlJle in and gel aCtftldinleJ Thb is tit 4i!lth of a jl"rJt'~ ,., I'houe \\'OIllI\\'lIrll :!.liII:1Ii !lot appro,'e the Issuance and/or .s!gntfy Its approval of the from the local branches of the service organizations and a' Sr:UVICr: ..ISIJ QU ..II.f'tT IS OCR ,\IOT"O Editorial ad,"uli",menl. appt'drllll: lS5.Ua,?ceof an~' future ?r an~' addItional ~lass C and/or Tav- few substantial checks of S:W and $25. This means that only 1n thl& paller ttAdl "rek. ,ern h~ense.s I,n th,; CIty of Grosse PO%'1te Woods, Wayne I' a ha,~dflll of .other re~ident~ has seen fit to donate ,any thin ;. , ,Count:. MIchIgan. 1he soldiers arcn l paYll1g much attention to the effor,s . or lack of effort on the part of the residents. They are goi:1g The Woods voters cast 5.432 ,'otes for tisis ordinance and Iright ahead with their plans to l11al;e the day the best one I Featured in aur argus :2.0;5 against it. There were 175 spoiled ballots which could possible for the kids. There is a spirit of competition'betw(!,;!11 TAX FREE 1 not be counted. but it showed the residents were against the camps to see which one can put on the best party. with I MUNICIPAL BONDS e .issuing any more licenses, by the score of more than two and the finest deconttiol1s and the prettiest tree. They are donat- Christmas "gift gallery~' one.half to one. ing mOlley from their own meager pay. I ~ Those who have cllarge of selecting the presents wi1l b~ : \'nu ,'multi n"," , In accordance with this public expr~ssion. the Woods faced with a tr~mendously discouraging task if they ha,'e to i ;\llInll'II,.1 1I0h~' h.... llIr- rliMU~II'ltilililillllla!nlaIlllIWUI~llklil~ill~ii!111 ~Council adopted Ordinance 89. which is now Chapter 50 of spread S3UO out to obtain gifts for 30 kids and the 179 soldIers: I. Tn" .111. 01 lnv.,!ar. hll." n,"nkIIlAI nhll~atlonl. Th. rleh •• t t.1I11illr~!n flu- C'ountt:..: Uw J.lfet'st Rlld smtlllC!lt commrrclal ;the Municipal Code, which states that the Council shall not in the two camps. i hanks; Irqura'll~" t'ompaOle'lii; I.i. J{e corporattons; trust~e! .. nd firlurlanr,; .11 rely hCd\'lly on tho safely of tnUniclpall, ,approve or signify its appro,'al for the Issuance of any more If only a few hundred residents of the more than 11,000 =:-..'....., iClnss C or Tavern licenses. .families in the Pointe would conti'ibute even ~l apiece, it :. Ownp'n. or munklpll ... holJld :l1\\'a.\'~ hr .,hlt- to borrow AO'" ~ :mrt ~)f c or th.: vtJllle uf the In\'f'l!tmflnt whfln ul~d :u col- I would make a whale of a Jot' of difierence in the kind of 'Rt.rdl. =w= The wrath of a goodly number of reSidents has now be~n Christmas th('se soldiers and youngsters wi1l have. w. 0"," and Oller: -- '.aroused because. at a Woods council meeting held on Decem- Time is of the essence. It is a big job to buy and wrap that ber 7 last. Councilman Rex Johnston offered a motion. sup- many gifts. Volunteers are ready to take over this taSk, but: $235,000 they must have the financial help to make it possible. !::W'~ I .ported by Councilmah George Heckendorn. that the follow- City of Grosse Pointe, Michigan g .. ing ordinance be published by title: "An ordinance to repeal This is Chrislmas.time. Let's pause long enough w.hile, 21.", anrt :!I:(>",- P.lrk Bond., dur Chapter No. 50 of the 'Code of the City of Grosse Pointe making.plans for our own pleasures to give a thought to this I <"'1011" :'fay I. 1~~5 Ihm 1~73, ~ & .Woods of 1953: being Orcinance No. 89. the City of Grosse opportunity which is being presented to share our blessings, Priced tn llehl 1.20% tll 2.lU% accorl1ln( to maturIty, :: is Pointe Woods ordains: S~ction 1. 'That Chapter No, 50 of the with others. ! We can't think of a bettel". nor easier way to grab a big s i Code of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods of 1953 being Or- I CALL OR WRITE FOR F/lEE CIRCULARl! dinance No. 89 be and the same is hereby repealed'." chunk of yule-tide joy than to hcip make this project a whop. i ping success. i WOodward 2.3262 Notice of this official action wa$ published in a legal Send your check 01' cash now, to Walter Allard, 375! advertisement of the Woods in last week's issue of the NEWS, Fish~r road, Grosse Pointe. 30, Mich. He is acting as clearing i agent. : I{enower. ~lueArfhur & CO. I The closing lines of the advertisement. over the signature of I Clerk Ra\- MacArthur sa,-: ,"Final 'action on this resolution L.. -- 11,,',1',+,"-,11< .• I ... , "-i' 1-,,': a .....aits publication by titie as required by our charter." Albion College Dean's List Names 3 Pointers SAGlr>AW m:l'llOlT GRANO HArlOS .... ,.~ . 'it ;;- ;. -.' ~ ". ~l • "': I 'l i FORD BUILDING ~ccording to ~ release just re- 1 and June Elaine Lang. daughter: It is reHabl)' reported that Councilmen Harry Pratt and celnd f..om Albion college. three I ,"cm1Jrrs Dctro;1 a"d Midu't'Jt Sl()r/, E.xcha".ct1 Waid :\IcKllight and Councilwoman Elsie Friedrich are very I'esidents of the Grosse Pointe of MI'. and MI'!, Roy A. Lang of I argus package 'much opposed to this action. Needless to .say. many residents area ha\'e been named to the 19;; Beaufllit. ! 75 gift resent the fact that a bare majority of the council has ,'oted Dean's list at the college for their , to disregard the ....ishes expressed by 5,432 voters just a little high scholastic !tanding durin.: There'll nothing e1Be to more than a year "1:01 the first half of the fall semest(!I'. The~' are Marlene A. Jiesse. I buy! Handsome gift Pftck. daul:hter or MI'. and Mrs, AI'thur age includeIJ the world'll ealliest camera to we-the A~ : A mimeo~raphed sheet. couched in forceful language, is F. Hesse of 400 Chalfonte; JanieI'I 7,'i. And you get II. genuine leather carrying case, plug' in , being distributed throughout the Woods, urging the residents I Pav-as-You-GoAufo Loans 1.. Kiefer. daughter or :\t.., and flash unit, b:ltteries, flash lamps and film-ever)1.hini ii I to attend the council meeting next ,Monda~' night and ,'oice Mrs. Gerald Kiefer or 20;29 Toles; I takes to make Rood pictures. : their disapproval 'of thi~ contemplated action. . Pay cash for a new or used car with a Manufacturers National auto loan •. We will be c'osed the days' folfowlng Titled "OF the people, BY the people. but NOT FOR the, i , Chrlstmas and Hew Years : people," this sheet virtually accuses the council of try~ng to CARPETS and Cost is as low as $ per per 4 $100 . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 . sneak a fast one o,'er on the residents, bv the ver\' nature of ! the I~gal notice. •. • RUiiS BOUND year-terms to fit your ~udget. You SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 can place your insurance. where you The fact that the advertisement resorted only. to refer- c per please, and include the cost in' your Open Thurs, and Fri. Evenings until 9:00 ences to code and ordinance numbers. and mllt1e r.o attempt 3S yard 108':1' You do not need to be a depes- to enlighten the residents as to the contents. of the ordinance. • would seem to indicate the council members weren't too FAST SERVICE itor. Apply at any office, 1M ~ anxious to have too many people know what was being at- Open Friday Even;nAs until '6 P.M. I' tempted. It isn't a particularly fine example of the working McCOY & SONS ~of representative government. CARPET COMPANY All indications p:lint to an intensely interesting-session 15720 HARPER , In the Woods Municipal Building next Monday night. The (At. Balfour) Manufacfurers National Bank council will doubtless .beexpected to furnish some reason- , ,TU. 1.6088 20273 Mack Avenue near Lochmoor . ab1)' satisfactory explanation as to why it has chosen to OPEN' MON. AND FRI • \ . :'Ignore the edict of the residents _ , • an edict which it offi- UNTD. 1:30 P. M, 'Demit. HI.hl.nd Park' De.rbom • e...... Pointe,Woods ,II, ..... ,,,,..f D".}., 10,.,••"C'."'.hH 171 14 Kercheval ;. eiallJ.- solicited just a yen .~o. I,

•I. ,.I " ;1 See and enjoy "l\'IEETTHE FUTURE~' II •1 DETROIT TRUST COMPANY WWJ-'fV Challud -I, e\'er)' Saturda~'-6 to 8:30 p.m • " " Outstanding local Juniol' Achievers interview Mi~hig~n Fort at Shelby • WOodward 2-5670 leaders about the future of our community.

, -,-

sa • s 27 ace • on • ze.On:o ...._- ..

" 't' I' , , 'Il"ll !' '1"'1:"', I', I I. \ ,', " " I 'Ige .Nfnete"" r. 'K" II' \1 InunClay, Deeember 17, '1951 G'R 0 SSE POI N i E ,.N Ew's . " Girl Scout News ner, Beverly B3u~alupo, Patricia G~Q,.ge.Whi!ney' TYPEWRITERS Brennan. Chr:~tine Cronk, Fran- Passing The Ball Not The Buck . luy for Christmas and SAVEl ..... B.rownie Troop 1555 of St. cis De.~mond, :'olary Jo DeSchry. I 0 be OrdaIned' Clair School's Invtstiture cere. ver, Ther(sa George. :'olary Lee 'J' WHOLESALECLEARANCE-ALL MAKESAND MOOIU NOW GOING AT SMASHING REDUCTIONS '.' Ina many took place November "0 Gibb. Terry Gould, Dnnna Mae George R. Whitney. a .member Mothers and teachers of the gi;~ Hil1ebrand. Nancy lIllmmel. Dc- of the Staff at Christ Church, 16749 HARP-ER wer .. the ruests. A playet based nelle Lennane, Michele LaForest, will be presented to the .Rt. Rev, rv, en the Browni~ story was givl!n Connie Louisell. Mar~' Ellen :\lalo. Richard S. Emrich, Bishop of the .t Bishop and then 'he glrlll received their Margaret :'olary :\lcInt)'re, Veron. Diocese, for Ordination to the plM. ica Motchall. Kathaleen O'Linn, Diaronate at a service to be held TU. 1-7130 AU the girls art in the fourth Joan Prihoda. Susan Rabaut. Stel. on Saturday, December 19. .... nade under the leadership oC la Rahal t. Kathleen Spczie, l\lary Mr.. Robert O. Artner l'nd :Iotrl. Sad 0 W ski. J('an Schoenherr. Anthony Spez:a. The Rirla who Claudia Schultz. Patricia Stick. f'njoyed cider and dOllghnuts man, Sharon Van Tornhaut. :'olan' were: Kathleen Addy, Gail Art. Altt1es Weir. Nancy \Veil. • A PERFECT CAMERA


-Fred llulllH'lls Photo J. LAl\lAR NEWBERRY, past president oC the Grosse Pointe High School Dads' Club, passes the ball to NATE GOODNOW, right, new president, at the annual Football Bust held at the High School on Tuesda~:, Dccembcl'll. as PRINCIPAL WALTER CLEM- INSON looks on. During his term of office Newbcrry was one of the sparkplugs orthe I drive to get the new auditorium-gymnasium aPPl'o\'ed b.v the \'o\crs. Airman Don C, Bennett I 'Varning Issued On Extinguishers Returns from Korea i :\lil'higun rc~j(il'nl~ have beelll pet' million in one instanCI! and -- ' Could there be :t'more romantic way, Sir, to tel~ the womm : warn('d not to buy l:1;1~sball fire 3i parts PI'I' million in the other. J A C K SON V ILL E. Fla. - you lo\'e how very important she is to you this Christmas? : eXlill~ui~hl'r5 to han;:: 'on Iheir I, Two mi~utcs exposure lu this I' (FIlINC)-Schedu!ed In arrive, I Christmas Irl'c;. . COllcelltratlOn of pho,;Rl'lIt', a here aboard the attack :llrerafl' See her glow as she excitedly opens he! priceless bottl! I The :'olichh:an Department of Ipoison ;::as uscd in World War 1.1 carril'r USS Lakt! Champlain ~. I lipalth found in a scnes of tests would result in SCl'lOUS illness., December 4. was Don C, Bellnett. of TABU, the "forbidden" p:rfume, It's elegant a~d arresting '1 these extinguishers that thcy which in lI1uny cases would be airman, USr-:, son of 1\11'. and Mrs. A BROWNIE HAWKEYE 011 i til\led to put out a Christmas tree I fullowed by death in II few IClarcnee J. Bennl'!t of 1907 Hunl : • , it's truly the most point-full gifl'lin the world! FLASH OUTFIT II~~~a~ld. that :!~C,~pr()(~~ccd toxl~ I\\'et'b. _ Club Drive. Grosse Pointe. ~lich. , \ i1,)OIS ,md l:.I, r. of ,.11 bon tet --.--- , The Lake Champlain arrived And there's TABU cologne in various si:es for )'our other gift nee,et!anll struck out tu O)oJt:JoloJlt'""'tl"''':llloJo'" ...,.lIt~~.~~:!~.~~~~.'::.~~:~~~_:~~.:~.~~:~.~U\.?'-~ ?';)o~~~~~"-::.~~.~!.~1_'_,'r".le).It'I! : :.~~~:.:-.:.:.~ __

Lionel Tr~ins Ti:w Te~r Dolls I Doll Trunks Ti:"1"1my Turtle Rag Dolls, Character Dolls Pillsbury Bake Set~ Chemistry and Erector Sets ] Bldc~bird Musical Pie 2 tube Radio Kits Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head

Footballs, Helmeh ~. ~,... _...... ,SM'II.".• Puppets ~,,... _ Stl .• ..... ,... _ ....., SM .• Music~1 Stuffed Animols n..-. _ s-. to. • Pin-up Bo~rds ...... ' ...... - to. e " ...... se'" ""ft-~~,tAtw, ..... it - .....- Thrilling, Exciting, Wrought I~o~, .Small Appliances Ceramic a~d A and Wonckrful Toys Wood Master Gifts . Household Gadgets

for Children of all ages 0,.. I-y .. U.tiIChri ..... i TU 1.4800

19850 Mack .t Huntington Special/'-fs r;,'1'I~9;l.ne;:;i/.,'ec- I, TUxedo 5;'9967 , . ~ Sunday's . ' Our Own Parking. Lot Ad joins Store on the Sout.h Sid. of Mack 76607 East Warren Ave., at Kensington Open 'til 9 o'clock Every Evening 'til Christmas I : ,. ," I... ~, ;;':'0<

------_ .. « .. _-- ••• 0 • s.n.ns?? 2s2s2$ cSS?SS?s.?????????? FSS FRSR? - ~ ------~~~-~------

Page Twenty G it '0's'fe. :P 6'fN r'E NEW 5 Thursday, De~ember 17,'1953 Kjw~niansBusySpreading'CheeriThisWeek's News Picked the Headlines '. From 'The Riverllide Kiwanis Club I Dr. Weldon Derifidd, 1893 " II~s the Christmu spirit in a big Broadstone road, is in chance oC! (Continued from Pare 1) , . , after lier otvn heart! ,vay and ~ alway~. Is directing I the party and hlls a bil: time I Dean charl(ed, At a meetinlt oC I bel" ot the Hamtramck VI~': J,li n. ot the talks 'by leaving behind his Wednesclar. December 16 it' efforts in behaU of the under. i planned Cor the 45 patients, rang. the Korean preliminary peace dicate!' have book all a~ al1able chief aide, Kenneth Young. who THE U. S, AIR FORCE an. beautiful diamond )r'ivile ~d ' I in'g from one to 16 years oC age. I l'onfm'enctl he blasted the neds outgoinlt transportation. will stay In Munsan for about a noullced that it will permit a I , 1(,. , i Art Bh'ler, of the Gro~e Pointe tr' their faces, calling them liars He uid that at this moment, week to see what the Communists long. time friend ot one of the 22 Chri!tnias walch creations .Tonll:ht the Club hold~ its an. I News StalY. will entertain with and a~:.erted that they have vio. Hamtramck iA.clean of all gamb. will do and to see if they wish Americans who have chosen nIJar Chr!lltmas. parl.li' for t,he I chalk drawlnl(s ot OIJ Santa. lated the truce when Ihey certi- ling and other vice activities, to resume tallu. Communism, to enter Korea's young polio p3tlen.t~ at the SI:::-,l\lr!!. Santa and Iheir helpf'rs. fled that all Allied prisoners ha\'e • • _. Dean said he will. return to truce zone to tQ; to talk him into ma Gamma Hospital neilI' :\It., 1-'ollo\\'inl:, Santa him~elC will ap. IIll'en I'l'turned with the excep- ESTES KEf'AU\'ER Tennes. Washington to speak to American returning home. C~f'men~., Members and their i pear wilh ltift~ fOl' all the chil. I tion of a .handful who refused to i see's Democrat senato:', asked a officials ,and authorities of the Airman lie Willillm Randall ot ,n\'t~ \,\11 attend, dren, be repatrIated, I Jlrobe by the Senate Armed Serv.. seven !lations he, represented ill Olla, Oklo" received permission ! The Christmas ,ift she'll cherish .Inysl ExqulS~le ; This was put down in \\Titin~ I ices Committee regarding the the fl'ultles~ negotiatIOns. I to ~o to the Indian custodial new Wiltnauer diamond walches ••• truly the ~ ' I he said .. He s~id "escape~s from Arll1~"s decision to gl\'e General • • • camp to tall\ to his' Gl friend, Imllest tor that someDlle you klwe,Slop by your dlctatol'lal control ha~'e I Motot.s a monopoly on production Tuesday, Decembl."r 15 Cpl. Aaron P. Wilson of Urania, end choose trom our wide selecllon ot confi,rrned that the Reds .are st,llI of milital'~' h.nks.,Specifically, he A PROPOSAL,' submitted to La., if he pussibl~' can, olher Lonalnes.Wittnauer holdlll~ thollsands oC Allied prls, asked that a ,hearin!: be sehed. Pre:.ident Eisenhower by the Na. watches, priced IS low IS - cners 111 forced labor camps, uled by thl' committee on a pro- tional Securit~' Commission. SUl::' In the meantime. Allied efforts SU.JO FTI. pused 5200,000,000 contract for j(ests that 18.year.olds youths be to win bad: the prisoners reo I CHARLES E, WILSON, Secl"f~- M.48 medium tanks given to GM. picked by 10UetT for two years mainI'd stalled. Indian Lt. Gen. lory of DeCellse, annoullce~ that The propriety of the award wall ot militar~' service "I' six months K. 'S. Thim3yya. talked with two the Ft'bruary draft call Will. be not questioned, D.1 far as legal of military training. • prisoners identified as leaders in cut hy 5,O~O, but. em.phasl1t'd I and ethical standpoint is con. The Commission, created by "Ie the compound, without success, th.'r!! IS !lll lUt'~ of Junkllll::. com.j cernecl, he'said;,but "it llIay rep- drilft law, urged that a citizen reo '. .. • pu1sory IIlductlon soon. HIS an-I rt'sent ll. danllCl'ous depal'tul'e sel'Ve be starled b~' January' I, THE WARNING issued in a; nounCClolcnt caught Arm\' and If th "I f ' I 1955, with at least 100,000 youths lipeech to Europe b.v Secretary Selective service officials Ii" sur. I . rom e Pl'lI1CIP eo, mamta n. 18 "CIIl'S old, After theil' training , • • 11111( a ver~' brond delense produc. • II oC State John Foste!' Dulles in prlsp. Ilion basis."" ~he yout~~ will be subject to ea which he remarked that the con. A) Wlttnauer. • The Defense Department 1101" • • • III the nllhtary re~el'\'t's for se\'en I \int'nt must chuose between u/llty Deptndable limlnl combines with beauty to Impress the heart of lI,ally withholds information of I M d ' 1) I 14 and one.half years, . Iand "suicide" created nn uproar nlUnthly draft clllis until Selec- 1'IIE' ~n. a ,. eeIe~ller , They denounced.:the present in France.- Frcnchmen attacked your fair lady. Two fine-quality diamonds tive Service Director Lewis R ~ w2 A MER CAN ~oldlers draft s"stem a~ unfaIr ,because at I' b ' sel in 14K white or yellow aold case. ' ,', 'I l' f d . , . t' J' , " 115 sl3tcmcnt a~ ruta. and 1Ier'/ll'\' h'IS been notIfied ~nllY I W 10 la\ t> re use lepatrsa lOll, I least I 600000 phvslcally fit youn". ' $71.50 FTI. olri~ial~ sl:id that the bi/:' r'educ-' declined to face Allied explann- ml'~ h'ave' escap~c! militar\' sen:: I ultJl11atum.hk~ because tn? sec:- tion in'd'l"Ift COlli" has been made lion team~ and withdrew into il'e • I rctary. made It clear thai It wa .. 8) Wlltnauer. Exquisitely st)led, with two pos~ible b.li' the .:rl'at number of thei: barbed wire ::o,mpound, The' • • • the. f ~',cnch ,w.ho wen~ stalllnll fif\' diamonds In hand-delelled endpiem. 14K white or yellow \'oluntl'ers and because of "ov!'!' I soldlt'rs sent out theil' wrItten re. Tln~ 22 AMERICANS who had I EUIOPC,lIl 1II11t). gold Clse, A captiwatinl deliveries" by St'!ecti\'t' Sel'\'ice'l fu:sal, SlInd~y night. to 1e:1\'e their chosen Communism, stood firm in I S~JI!le !Jritbh newspapers al~o Christmas olferina. $71.50 FTI. • • • i ramp and listen to tnlk~ 111 a 111'.1- Iheil' refU:" wl;;h to be repatl'1- Korl'ans insist on speaking to the • • • ... ~'lalln,e(1 to kill his partner. Mrs, i /l1t-d, ••• I Allied f'xplailwrs anrl presenting AN INDICTl\IENT. returned ,..... Honlllt' Head~'. 1n ,pile of the" "" their side, a" soon as th .. expllllll- by Grand Jury Judge Herman ,~.... pJ'(Jfe~sl'd lo\'e he cl:timpc! to hay"~ ! 1 HHEE AIR FORC\': J'('sen'lsts I tors have finlsht'd talkjn~, Dehnke, al'Cuses 0, LUl:ene Tol • Lac! for his .<\\'I't'theal't, Hall had I \IIl're killed .when a Pl'l\'u,te plane I Indian Lt. Gt'n. K. S, Thiman'a, free, 511, tfC Wc~t Branch, Mich" ;..... send ...... plannl'd to kill ht'r lw.:ause she I ~truck a high p~w ..r 11111' aile! commander of the Neutral Corn- of pCl'lnitling .In overdraft oC ;~ ENJOY could be ea~ily id ..n~ilied as hav'l ('r~lsh,ed th:ee mIles north, o( I mis,ion, ~aid it wns hi, opinion about ~I,:!OO,()[J(J. in tllle ac('oun!. C) Wltlnauer. J!.~ Jnj( a p,art III the kllllllj(, Shoul- I Michigan State Coll,e,Ae. Killed I that the Anll'riclJlI pri~()ners There are tWIl counts Ilf fraud Impressive Ioveliness-her fondest us I 01'. der ~ s~ld: Hall a!lll Mr~. H~'IHly were, RopIr I.antlllg. of. Ea.,t I mil:ht lIot be explaincd to, hut aj{aillst him. ToIrree, once olle Chrislmas wish come truel Excluslnly ifs THE HOLIDAYS WIll ~lIe In till' ;,\lls"oul'l PPllltell-1 LlInsll1g, a ,colonel; I?on Cleve- tht' ('X('US('S they have givell well' of the most Icspected snell in desiined l~K while or yellow gold Itar,\' s J(as chllmber till Dt'cem-jland: a majOl', an~l Stall ley \\'. I so "ab,ul'd" they ('ould only hav.! Michigan, b 1I1l\\' ill CaliCornill, case, set. with two diamonds. $71.50 FTI. .:~ TO THE your bel' '18, I I.llvnll, IIn all'nllHl flr,t l'Iass, both I bCl'n made to ,tail the proeeed...... • • • of Lan~ing, ing~ Thl' illdictllll'nt, I'hal'l:es th~t D) Willnauer. Four fine diamonds touch ...... Slllld;l~'. ()~.'emhrr 1:1 ! Tht'y Wpre rt'tul'llinK (rom 5e1- • '" he al'I'I'pt('e! d('po~ll.{ Crolll busI- off the regal splendar of this ~.:~ UTMOST washing A D1FFEHE:-':T \'F.RSIO~ oC; Iridlle Ail' Force Ba,"~ whert- thl'y ,JOII~ FOSTER DULLES, See- m'

Of" .imulaled rubies. emeral.ls, topaz or alt1rth)'11i in lloldell.tollell TrifRnilllll, Just nhillr~lun~ or ~illlulated 5al'phirl'!- in platinulIl.loned Trilanium. Arrived I N~c/rlflct Ii. SO nrn('~let J10.00 ltJrrin~j '5.nO lJouql:tl Pill,15.nO BALSAM TREES SPECIAL $194 CHEERY, OIL Yo~:~~:ice WARM AND .l-lfffYJ.;YA7YC WANTED BBD COTERIllf(} G,enuine Natural • Fl'utl ..'r li;:lIt ••• fl'atltl'r warm CEDAR ROPING $29~

• TIIL;u to I\ld~i~, 35' yard 10 Yd. Coil

• G;I~'culur. t4J matl'l! ~ollr d~c'or Alger Jewelry Company Plit. and Balsam seE our Campi e•• Stock of Chrhtm.s Trim. Boughs, bundle ~i,ngs,Clnt!r Pilces, Wreaths, Ceder Rop. SEE YOUR DEALERor Detroit Edison /640/ Gc'JI 'lJl!cll"'llll ,,/ J1"c/"b(JII lng, Holly. lights, Mistleto., ate. Open .:Vf'r,' Shtht Until Christmas Special Consideration ,Givln Ohurches, Institutions, Etcs • I \,

" f., ~, "

GROSSE POINTE NEWS 53 mursday. December 17, 1953 I The whole . wol'1d talks r of I It is relatively easy to' acqwre. peace. but most of the nations a reputation. but it takes a ll)t IKids In Korea Offers Advice want it on their own terms. of doing to keep it. Need Your Help .. For Safe Xmas .....:. ------___ I " Thous?nds of Wa)'ne County -_~;.;;:.o. Fire Chief William Newport i ,• lesidents are rcceivin2 an appeal - ot GI'OS~CPointe Fam,s has sub.:

..d~~,1lt'1ll1CUby 1111the Cullntl'\'. ' "llCi lIppro\'lIl. ' HI'S'!' hf Bach's "Jesus Jov of Fay ..nd ~llcha ..1 Kal11l1, relules I " , " " .!' 'I'D . .. I ""I' 'l\I~" the complication. whith ensu" i In r eurllal'Y It. wlil celeb rut I' 1 For the hOlllt': It l:l well that' 1Ite .' an s cSlnnl( llnt •., lecp "J .' " 1 I ' '.. . r th' tl' r ' ' , ," I- t' I b S fl' C' '" f)' '0 "( S wl1l'n :\ti,s Holm, portraying a' Ill' go (len annl\'Cr,,"\"y 0 e u. ole\lo!nf.: l~gU.\ Illn::!n so e: ' . II e j ,laze. {I t" plan, I d' I ' , ' It" . 'f i foundinf.: of its rapidlv growing I Lbser\'ed 111 pl'l\'ate homes as 1\ 19771 Canant at Outer Drl.,. Ea,' pillyed by E1canor JOllt'S alld ~ ~ P a~ \HI!: " .rl'n'r.H pi 0 'C~'I('. ' 'I' S 'h I' \ s'lfl'!\' I,rcnution for your fam.: Dehoil 34, Michigan ~ TWinbr..ak 3-3358 :\Iis.; Hahnke. slllna! and romantl(' eol1abol'atJon ,lllBUd c • c uO. 'I' .. I ' '.: . The ChI' i s t mas spil'it was i wi~h her ('x.hu.;band, als" a ph,,'- I ,The University's alumni ns~o' ~!__U~H- g~~~~~:.-.-----1-- --,.-..---- featured in the ~inginlt of "COIllt' I \\'l'lght, port I' a y (' d by Hoilert i cmtl,m, one _"f thc oltle~,t awl rcp. I IJnto Him" tl'om the .....Iessiah,' Preston. i resentll1g !l",OOO alUlIl11l anti ftH'-, by Helen :'II'Doul:al ami l\Ii5S "!lis and llt'r;' mark, :\ti,s' IIlcr studl'l1b, will be lOll Yl'ars: 0 PEN EVE R Y .EVE N I N GUN T I L C H R 1ST MAS ,. Conklin, be~ides the Christmas I Holm's fir~1 staf.:e role ,.;ince "Af. old IfI Junc, 1 Carllis liung by Gretchen Gal. \ fairs of Slale," the lonf.:.run com. I. U. studcnts from Grosse: hraith, Dennie Denton, Barbar:l cdy hit or two ,C;bllns ago. 1\11'. Poinl ... arc Suzanne D. l'airchild, j 17114 Kercheval in fhe Village TUxedo 1-4096 ,:'dams,I :\larjorie Gullin and J, Preston ~I'orcd on Broadwar In,t 12:15 Bi~hop rond; Hichard A" ______llloLson H~".llOlds. I,eason with his near.c1ns,ical ll;lnls, B55 Elluir place; Dons li, : Otll1'r nU.ll1bers on tl\{' progr ..m portraYlll 'of the ebullient ex" Ill:ock. lili3 Hawlhorne and Ellen

; in c Iud I' tI the "Polichincllc" of I! halfback in "The :\lnle Animal.' ,I. \\'''1 ky, :III :\i~~IJllan road. ;\'Jlln Lobos played by Chuann ------.. ------. --- .. - ----.. -. - ....------.---,

, Wichcn.;, II nocturne lInd a waltz Giving I of Chopin played t;y Ro;;alt~cn: Tl '.\'t'I/f) ] •.181/1/ : Malo\\', the "Uoll1allCe of Sibel.: Perfect gift ideas for Christmas ; ius" by Joscphine Mannino,. anti I So wonderful to give! the :.tozart "Sunat:l in D :\1ajor": and forever. • • from $12.50 , for two pianos "Iared hy Pictrina : .1 , :\tisuraca and :'lis, Hahnke. : So wonderful to receive!

i Peace Lutheran Children I '1l_.L_: ~ d ruUlWrrV. !!:.,, Slraabou'gP.pper To Present Song Service ! ~ 5 T E R L I N G e;., and Salt Shahr P~rfumes The ~'hildrt';:r-Peace Luther.! LO\'ELY •• ~DISTII'G UISHED ... an Day School will pre.;~nt II: o1C... Chi istrna~ Sonf.: St'rvice Oil TIlt's.: ~ ~~~~~!t" : lillY, December 22, :It ;::10 p.m. ; an the ChUlCh at Balfour and Sl1alimar Mihouko , I-:a5t Warren aVl'nucs, Duchell ChantillY~-:-~ ~ TIll' a/lllual ehildren's Christ. ~1 Compot •• $20,,1/ ~I Fleur de Feu Vol de N:lit : 111:1'; S~rvicc is spomol'l'u undcr ..' Dio"6Y.", Height1J ~ L'Hl!ure Bleue till' aw'piccs of the Parent.Teach. ; 3~.". Olhera froml ~ \'1'$ A~';nciation, -- S1S r:/I/!///'l'11 fr:'n

, t hildn'n'~ dllJir :lnd chol'll';es, ' ..,. v'" ...... ~ r Dnn chOl:al readi/ll(~. , ,«;,~t ~ That \\'hit'h i~ I(iven with pridp Gerhom"Dondo". $32.75 ' EAST JEFFERSON AT NOTTINGHAM 'and o.,tentation is rather an am. ; bit;o.; than a bOIl/lly.-Sencca. ~.------_._--

IIIIi Long (l Favorite Eoting Spot for Grosse Pointers !!

::\i' I',' i I '" "I! Ii I: Gorhom"Oeca,". $~6,25

11 d II Ii I' =~. , There', ut,~ ,!,arkle GO=nt;m~' . 'I in ..u' HEW II Flatwarepricts ole fa, one luncheon All cAST WARREN ,AT CONNER ,ire lix,pieceploc.'lelllng, pricia I',I IncludeFederolTo., ~ 'I VAlley 2.1203 'I I, Room. look far thla Ie.:! on enry piece of Gorham Sterling il 1/U! ;Ilvile you /0 IIJ,' our Hallowa,. ond SpecIalties. It I, yaur allurance of ••• {IIJ illfima/,', c/,armillfj JpO/ !or authentic dnign, tradition- II, A new LUNT design for Lay-Away or Deferred Payment Privileges ally auperlorcroft,monlhip. those whose tastes demMd 'nUI.UII. yo",' lI{lc!ec!ca/ilifj pl'aJlIrs Ampl. parking an au' own let adjaihin, star. II the ultimate in Sterling. Beautifully sculptured Ii Ct'PlV'S ;s popular'rL'ilb Grrmt "oill/en for ;t "(/JIIII)" I/Q(}/Ida}' with deep, crisp carving .. II lun(btons , , • /01' ;Is fille tl enillg dinners If,,d "fit 1'- Sil, Piece rlace Setting, $41.75 I Feder.l Tax .Induded thlll/rt gtl.t"gtthers ••• u';lh strene IIt11loJpbere' (lnd fillt load tht prtdomin"ti"1 /1I(lors, r-."n p"r1tillg pmb/"" htrt. II ."mi( hy .'III:.Ilt. I GROSSE P01~"\TER PETER MASOVRAS 15 l'OUR HOST. ad" NEWL'!' 11pI S ENLARGED Restaurant rrim- C Rop- EAST WARREN AT CONNER

.&1-25-...... ' ~. ".-' -~ .::- 0' \,:- , ...... - ,,- .-

! . n 'Page Twenty.two G R'O 5 S E POI NT ENE W S Thursday. December '17, '1953 pnl'P ..\RD SCIIOOL !~ta:ninl: Chrjs~":a.s sonll~,. en-' before vacation" there will ,be an' 12:45 throul:h 2:JO when, school II I' Th~xample we let for our I Opportunity knockJ for ,evert- JoymG art acllvilles associated assembly featurm!: the chou' un,. will close fur the vacation. ' Ne.Jghborho'od Club N children makes a deeper impres- one, but the Pt'op~e who are do- Jll'la'ren (It p( Up' I'd 'th h ' " ,-I 'on than aliI' I'nstructions. Inlt the same don t hear it. Th t' C .) a WI t e spirit of the season, and del' the direction of ~Ir. Ferry. I Children in grades J.6 OlaV ex. ew" s ~ ~ hO('l1'lft' ealll'riv awaltln!: the d 'd' h h . I I ~ c , I ..: I I' 'h' h h' I eCI In\: o~ t e pure ase of a The empha.~is Will be on tne in.: change gills which have a limit • un.o,Il~.1: a pan:! \\ IC s\:e Itree for their room. ~ . . I blOen made ror the Christm1ls On \\'edn '~d' . ; D splratwnal aspect:! of the yule Iof 25c. Some groups 1Ire plllnnin\: ------1'A Red Feather Agency seaslln. ~Ieanwhil~ thl'Y 1Ire Icember :!3, t~~ r~~~t~l:~n~~g~cho:i I' season. ~hat .same afternoon I tll send their .:irts to a charit- "'1 d I I . • . ,_ room parties Will be held from Iable orl:onization. ~ IlIrs a~', Decem IeI' 11 11 ----- .------L... __ ~--- ~. .__ Jr. Girls' Gym Class 4.5 p.m. Girls 8-12 ~". ~,~~ ~ . , I Hobby Club 4-5 p.m. Boys 6-12 : Su -7ur ~ I St. Paul Sr. \'S. E.S, Sport 7 p.m. Girls' Basketball Coml ~~1~l Sen.' ~ 4j I St. Paul Jr. \'s. St. Paul I •. m• I Varsity 8 p.m. Girls' Basketball F.i ne mono .~~ ~'/, gj' I (rr ~- Lhl'i.J!IIUl.J Fencing 7 p.m. Adults r l ~. g; 'A :nnO. Fridn~', December 18 ,) , /lA.' ,(JlllLUVVV Ceramics 4-5 p.m. Girls 8-12 CIGA~,S ~:::p'L,i"g• V7V House League Basketball 4-5 p.m~ Boys 14-16 Club Christmas Party 7 p.m. Saturdll~', December 19 • • • for ~,,~':rT' Cluu Christmas Party 1 p.m. chocolate supreme House League Basketball Select from Games ;l~ j ------2-5 p.m. • CORONA • CORINA ••• lo! Po, ~ mail orders Ml)ncln~') December 21 , Cox vs. Bigham Farms • ANTONIO et CLEOPATRA special deliveries BB League 4-5 p.m. Midget Fal'ms League • 'POR' LORRANAGA • • • For Horizon Club 7 p.m• Campfire Girls' • GOLD LABER 19874 Mack Avenue Post 30a vs. Optimists . ~:~5p.m, Midget Basketball Kiwanis \'S. Metl'o Club I:.Wp.m. Midget Basketball ;// l'()rl't •.l' R(JI"I TUxedo 2-5855 Celtics \'s. Lakers 8:15 p.m. Giant League Basket- ball J 1'h" IIral Hop"lon. Fencing 7 p.m. I. llrk .I,.I.ar ••la~y Call~ud\' 6rorner ioo! Arn'r Recreation League Basketball 9 p.m. 1'/ulIlI;lI/! U Purl)'? 1'llesda~') Decem her 22 EAST JEFFERSON AT NOTTINGHAM Bigham \':5. Newton' 4-5 p.m. Midget Farms League, Call Exchange \'S, VFW 6:45 p.m. Midget Basketball ~ "The Lions \'s, Rotary 7:30 p.m.' Midget Basketball Carrousel" Ea~les \'S. Falcons 8:15 p.m. Giant League Basket- I ball Pointe Shoe Salon ru, 1-5488 IRecreation League Practice 9 p.m. 20443 Mack A" •. ru. 1.8621 /u,. I Wedne!odll~', Oecemhcr 2:1 Oppo.ne How.rd Joilnton'. Under New Monagement I Christmas Party (Hol'izon Open E".ningl 'till ':00 I Club) 7::111 p.m, BEERS. SNACK ITEMS i Christmas Cal'olling 7 p,m. WINES DAIRY PRODUCTS : 1'hllrsdll~', December 24 MIXES CIGARS I No scheduled classes 01' Bllsklltball Games. In'l.or~R..t POPS CIGARETTES I ICE CREAM CONFECTIONS ! Fouls Numerous IFrancis ~I(u.tin Re$IIIcted Free Deli.ery 383 Kerchevol, neor Moron : In Girls' Loop INew DRYA Head D8113', ~ •. IIl. 10 R P n'_-Sat .• 9 a.m. to III 1'.Ill,-';un. t 8 m. In e ".m. I '- r ! ,~ 'rhe Metropolitan Club was de- Likeable, besllcctac!I'd Francis' ' ------J Ceated by the St. Paul Seniors, L. Martm, past commudore o( the ..,-- :w :10 to 23, in the ~irb' ba.:>ketbali Edison Boat Club, moved up from' . t:,' ,loop at the Neil:hborhood Club hi~ rear commodores' POl't m j ~\' . ,last Thursday, December 10. the Detroit /liver Yochtm!: As- ~ , ~ Gloria Strenlnll contlllued to sol'iotion to the boss' Jobl (or: ,- NOW! NOW! It'ad hI!!' team in high scoring 195.1 at the annual winter meet-I' i by racking up 13 points, while ing' held ..t Bayvicw, Tuesday. ,H ,Phj"lii~ Van 'Becelaerp captured Decembcr 1. i C' .. I SI. Paul's honors. St. Paul com- Murray V. l'app o[ the Detroit' I nutted 1:1 fouls and Metro had Yucht Club and til'Uce Tappan , ; 8, The' score at halt tUlle was: o[ the Boat Club were elected tu ~t1 individu~1 ice cre~m molds Ii to 17. I the vice and rear commodore East Side Sport continued their: posts, respectively,. by the del". filled .....it, ,winninK WIl\'S Iw de[eatin~ the i /lates III the val'lOU~ memher : St. Paul Var~it\' .j'B to 19. Suzanne i clulls of the DRYA. Both lire i Peplinski and Marv '1'a\'lor I past cOlllmodoresof the clubs they i ~JHHP.d high scoring II<;nol's, ~ith I represent. ,. Whipped Cream Suzanne !:elling 21 and Mary 17. Cheerful Hal Smah was lInop. , Marilyn D'hoJ{he led thl' Sl. Paul posed fur the secretary Jub wluch , team with 7 points. St, Paul COIll-1 he hall held [or .so many j"l'al'S May 1111Ihe ~lIoll l'11l~er IlJllI jl~S or mitted J:I fu ..l" with Io:;.,t Side that no ~nt' can rem,emoel' who , I _ • , ~ I Spllrt havint: oj! The ~cllr" at half I held tht" Job before . , this hllIJIJ~' htllillll~' Sl'i1SIII1 sillY wilh ~till 11011 ! thlle w:.s 13 to II favuring Ea.t :\Iartin lIlade the JUIIlP from I Home Made French Candies Side Spurt. . ~ear CllmlllOdure (1l,le to the res- i ~'ollr dcm' tllICS lhJ'tJlI~huut the ('olllill~ ~cur. Tonight Thursda,' DeccllIbt"r l~nat1fln 0[. Jack .Sultun, uf the, ' PI'" ." II t C'l'Iisse POllitt', \ .C., [rolll the 17, th e St . IHI "enlOrs WI ml!e 1'1" I the hiuh"coring East Side Sport viet' comllW( ore POSI 1011 prIOr I

, tea,m h~ il 7 o'clock gume. III thl! ~~s;~~.Sele~I:~~~lul~e:t~~g. p~r~~'n:~:' IlLINOI.1 .~S~I'~S., l II 0 clocK.contt'st. 5t .~auJ Jr. Will, reasnns Jack was forced to 1uregu I lIleet the SI. Paul \ ~nsty. The I the honor of leaClln" thl! Ol'l:alll- j ~f,e~ropohtan Club ~11l draw a' zatlOn in the IIJ54 season. i French Ice Gream Gompany 1'1'1' ~ ;t'~u;~ilto'od"~ J'~, I :\fanv recommendatiolls ..... This t\'enjng'~ glimeF will be I made irom the !loor by the sail- ! ?\' .. "'ES!A~~~~:m;1910 .. ' ,; the last thruugh the holiday I 01'11 who wished to ReI theil' rl'C- ; 'Nea~oll with thp teams returning ummendatlODS on the I'ecord fur I Lovely conlol.s at a r.markably Jow prIce. on Thllr"day, January i. the annual Spring IIll'etinl( when; -.--- ~- .----- _._-- -- i Qualit), Cleaning the~' will be discusst'd and aetf'd Distinctively designed ond b.autlfully upnn for the 1954 sell,Hm. made. Dellcat.Jy decoraJed, Gadrcon' bore The la:st recommendation came: from the hos~ man himself when. d.t. GI.amlng bright finish. 2 %. high, SPECI1\LS I he set Janultry 15 for "an open: weighted bas. for stoblllty. The)"11 make , meeting" at the Edhun Bo:.t club for all the dele/lates and interest- Gifts that will b. apPflclated. rememb.red. TRAINS I ed sailors. At that time tentatl\'e i i regatta date~ will he het fill' the I 11!154 r(lcing season and the' arId 20% urr i ~~~~~~~.. will be aired and dis, Optll EI't"J E,'rn;n.r: V,,/;1 Chr;Jlnt41 American Flyer 1953 Sets I Thi~ unprecedentect meeting I should provl' to be a I>oon to the oft 'I' local ~aiJinll pictul P, hecause it V3 will filter out the best recolll- I on all • mendations to be discussed at the' 1952 Model Trains Spring meeting. 'Also r..gatta; f)t; I dates requested b>, the clubs will ' be just II matter "C lonnality. ' Usually it is a hattle for choice' ..e~atta dates that consume the. VALE NTE EWELRY PEDAL CARS nlllst time at the Spl'inl: meetinl( ; \~1Piu ~\~() each year. It is ~1artin's thouJ:ht , . ~ . ,.\ ~( ) ~'I that the "open meetinll" will: vpoe/'" ut.~!Ht! vi tlt!r' 25% o.rr New PARKER"Sl" afford more time to iron out rellatta date difficulties 'whil':l' 16601 EAST WARREN AVE. ~ir~ C~'!l;i, r.i.~ E...~;",..fI~ World's most .' 'IH always arise f';Ich ~'car and some. , , , tI/ htmi"g/(JH Rd. TU. 1.04800 Ch,lIl Sl"!:e $~'o,. wanted pen. .. $1'5 times caus'.' hard feeiin/: amon!!, most wanted the unsuccessful dele~ates. !lift. Has Lus. traloy caf\. SIT $22.50 BICYCLES • t SPRING IS COMING! up A' .to 20% orr New PARKERIIS1" l To ll~t full iellson \!njoymel1t of wonderful Jalousies on j"our pUl'ch or breezewoj" we suggest 5cn....:~" m,,je 51e c'" Dune:t, Specl,d ! talking with us-NOW. Get all the facts without Er.g :;~ lig~lwe:g~';. A Christmas oblillalion. Call TUxedo 2-tl606 and o~r rcpre- invc\tmcnt in ~entative will measure your home and submit ycars\ oC wril- 1In informative estimate to have you ready for the ing perfection. ~ DOLLS TOYS first zephj''l's of sprin/t. H<:r5""~~ Fi;~tt,. Pr;c., .cys "IH 50 20187 MACK • TU,2.66D6 S~u:y W!J ~t" Pill! $12 JALOUSIE WINDOW if DOOR CO. ;~cc: toys '. • SIT GROSSE POI N T ( 36, MICH. Dr~~~. ""e-, C"'/ Song Be'! 10,S $11.21 Ten; L'n:oln Logs II loelll Br!Jc'ey G"mes New PARKER 21" Amer;c"n en!!r,,:le' WIlI~'e TIl:.:es DuPont H!Jrr;e: Huoo",c ".:.e' A'ur:-l:num Tell Sets Special also Never be. ''" fore ~uch II $5 lIT TONTINE Wajhable llift value. $1.11 G;ICt'lrt M;c'o\coce c'I,d C~f!~;'.lr ... $"1\ ~~ociei & Miller Iron. ;0'1 Model Trucis, ."'l'l,:o Do': Bees g, B,!Ir.::'et~~\ Toy o:nests ; m!Jt~~i~g re:;::-g cf."l'r5. To6ogg~"\, S'eos $2.93 8< uo. Del's, Window Shades ;:'oil Top. S'''';''e: C"Il"S S29.95 . I i Notre Dame i They can be scrubbed ",ilh SOOIl and hot woler, try it! In colors to harr-onize and beautify your home. I Sinoll oreers can usually blO made up while you walt; or Pharmacy phon.. Our man with calor lomples will pick them up. WOODS' Bike Shop WE CLEAN 20373 Mack Ave. 17000 Kerchev~1 ~ WINDOW SHADES O".lit. ' ••d 'ai, TUxedo I-J402 Standard Window ,Shade Company Open Evenings I HARPER. tlerOH 1m", I'ogtlt Tbttltrr. Call TU. 2.5.{.10 'fll 9:00-Sundoy Tlixedo'S-2154 I

e_ _ __ ...... b •• t ••••••••••••••••••• ••__ ••+~*.+_._ •••~ ~ •,

T1;ursday, December 17, 1953 ,G R 0 5 S E P 0.1 NT ENE W 5 Page Twenty.thr •• ------_:-.------\ f...... CHRIST THE KI~G Saturday. 9:30 a.m. Catechism I I'()I~"': U~IT.\Itl.\~ Ithe Children's, Choir~: The church !~------....;-:-----•..:--, ; Ch 'h N · :\Iaek at I,ochmoor instruction. . I7Hn I:. JeUe~on and the communit}. IO'lk forward : ~. ~~~ lir! - t . : urc ews !.. Re\'. W. J. GeUl'rt • • • I ltcv. \\'iIlialll, n. lI:ulltllollll Ito t':i~ annual event. All are In.. ' ,/,~,'';~~.-_ "'1 -,~, ~J ~ trt!i UUUi.- ... TUxedo 1.1302 Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Sunday I Saturday: Decorating, church, vited. it) I.. ,,:.,; :! I Sunday. Dec. 20: - Sunday school with classes for all.a~es. Christmas tree by church ~choull •• • . -d/~I. ~- .._...... 'iJJ _.c::. "t.ut-r'\12:,": ,. N1.N1• ..,•..,.~ ••• _ N1 at - ' ~ school, 9:30 a.lll. Adult Bible 8 and 11 a.m .. Worship serVices, children. 9:30 a. m. RehelJrsal ot I Thur~d:Jr. D::c. ::1: 11.12 p.m .• : .'.£fta~"" ~ . ~ ~ ~ ... class, 9:45 a.m. Morning \\'or- with sermon "An Advent Song." Christma.~ festi\'al pl1geant b~i ICl~:'i,tma.; Eve :\lidnl;:ht S- 'vice. ; ~~.',i'1~'.~. 'Grosse CIIRIST CHURCII I · . . ship. 11 a.m. 4 p.m. Victor~' Luther LeaRue. children of chmch school •. 10:30 t All members and friend" are'in. . ~I III GrO!lSI' Pointe Boule\'ard Monday, Dt'c. 21":'St. Thomas' • • • i:30 p.m. Sunday school Chtist-l a. m. to nuon." : viled to attend this Christmas: !" I Pointe':" --' liP\'. Ervllle B. :\f:1ynard. Rector,' Day. 10:30 a.m. 1I0ly Communiun. :.tonday. Dec. 21:-Adult mem- mas Prollram. ,Sunday: Children as~cmble in i Worship Servic:'. i f'R; ~fll .." Sunday. Dec. 20: 8 a.m. Holy • • • Iver.hip class, i:l~ p.m. '. • • . usual places to prepare for fes-j -" C' • ' ...~I~ 1",' , ., Ch urch . Comm.union. 9:30 a.m. Famil.\', There will be no meetin" of / ./' ••• 1\1 d ' .'30 ' T' h ,tl\'al, 10:15 a. m. Chl'istma res- :\lt~toltJ.\!. ll[RClI- M .. on a~, I. p,m. eac er" . .' ., 16 l.ake Shore )toad .. Ii'. _.' emona . . Sen.'ICI' and Church School. II Ithe Wuman's Auxiliar~', Day of I Thursday, Dec. 24:-Children's meetinll. Tuesda)', 4 p,m. Girl hval s~r\'lce. 10:3U. ChrlstmRs I F .'d' D':' '.. 18' .'-15 tie.. ;"",_..._" .• , ' . t a.m. Morning Prayer And Ser- Service, on Tue,day. December service, i p.m. Midni5:ht candle Scouts. i p.~. Boy Scouts ..i p.m. party ~or children of church i P.I1II~~~I~.tni::~~~.~:J.~rre!' ., Tr'i~;- i Sun~ay, December 20 '.' mono 22. or Tuesda:,:. December 29. lillht service, 11:30 p.r.'!. Yo-Ad Christmas CaroIllnll at school, 3 p. m.' I . '\,.. P I I I I >, ".'30. 11'.00 ••m.-Worship Service, ______._ • • • :\{ . H 't I . I Thursdav JDec ".;. M'dnillht' mll1~ party- "omen s ar or. .",. 7 ':...... 'C'C..... lClC'C •• ICIC'C'C'C'C.lC:'C'ClC. • arme OSPIa . , dl I' . , ...... , I • • • -?"l. Sl'!,mOnl'"Chr;ilmai Makes a DIfference." lC'C'C'CIC'C'C'ClC'C'CIC'C'ClClClIIlClClC'C'C'C'C" <~I:'~ "",-=,=. Frida",J Dec. 25:-Son" .. service. • • • ,can eIght SI'l'\'lce.• • • h :30 p. m. ,• •Sat Ul'( Iay. 0('cem;;er.' 1'1:-,,:"15 ' ...--- Re". Poul F. Ketchum ole I" 10 a.m. Wednesday, 6 p.m. 'Victory ...... la.lll.. Junior Choir rchear":lI, .=...,~_:o "-.30 -,m'.-Church School " .. • • • L h L II' GRACE E"A~GI;LICAI, ,..J-"'- 7 a . " : S d 0 r R I ut er eague Caw Ill$:. i p.rn. Lakellolnle at Kercheval • I ~Ier~'s lounlle.; 10:30, a.rn., Senior -"'~ ... ,\ " II. un a~'. ec. ,:...,. egu ar Chapel Choir. 8 p,m. Senior ChOIr. Itollr.rt I'. 8!'ck, P,O'lor ChillI' rehc::rs:l1. Mcn s loun;:e. - •---.. 7:00 p.m.-liThe First Christm,," ,. " ")I ~I worship with installation of new '. • • Thur'd 8 S ..~I Ch" -- A Christmas poo.ant in panlOmlme ""th music by the' " ~ church oericers, 11 a,m.. Thursday. 8 and 10:30 p.m. ~ ay: p.m.. en or Illr. Sundav .Dccl'mbl'r 20:-!J:311 c:ombilledchoifl. .~ " JI • • • Christmas E\'e Sen'ices of Wor- . :.'. . . a.m .. Chltrch Schuo! in the fnUow- : ~ POI~Tt: U~ITARIA~ ship.' Friday: 3:4~ p';n-'. JunIOr ChOIr. inll Departments: l'\urser~', Kin. Thursday. December 24 : = JI E. Jellenon at Rivard • • • , '. l'derl!artc;n I. 2. Priman' I, Prim- . II:00 p,m.-Chri,tmas Eve Service. .( " ~ KI'\'. Wm. lIammond. ~lInistl'r CAL\'ARl' I,Ul'lIt:Rt\:"J ,S.iturda~': 11::10 a.m. Se<:~nd: an: 2, 3, ,Junior 1. Jl'lIlior 2, 3. lPrec..d,,,O the service. th, Cha",,' Choir will sIng ,~~ial • ~ ~ Dec. 19, Saturday:-. _ Glll~head (Kerb"1 at ~tack \elsr Confl.rmatl.on Class; II, Flrsl I's("nior.; 9::':0 a.m .. :\Iol'llinll \\'ur- :Chrislmas music, bellinnl"l:l at '0:30 p,m.)) : W " 9:30 a.m. _ Decorating of the R~\'. Paul H. Wlison. I"astor I ear Confl1'l~a~l?n .qass. ship. first ~cI'\'it'e:: '"ermon I m.' :.1t~1'S'r~;Rs; IiP\'. "r.nk rill. D.D: Rp\'. r,"1 r. K.tchnm. Ind R..,-. ~ ~ t:M'lu.I\'~ly R"I.am : C~ristmas Tree at Church' b Friday, liec. 18 at i p.m.:-, Sunda~': !l:I~, a.m .. Church,lcf:)e\', P :lU 1F. Kpct~~umf: 11 a.tn . .' , J.mu W. GUJ"'1l1'. 101,.... ~ "nd Scotch Pin. ~ Church School children: "ten, women and ~'oun~ people School for all a"c:;' 10:45 Church I~lrc I1 1OIlrer ate ur _,mas l I.' '" d!r.ct from Ii 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon - Re- come to trim the Chri ...)O'Jr'Jr)O)O;J.Il).>.)O"II'.Jl)O:lo~ .. »O .. Jo),l\Jt)oJoJoJo ...,.JlJolhJltJlJt" Festival. gram. Christma' 'r'v' S "V' , pantolllllllP. "USIC Y I Ie lance i ' I. • • s ,1._ C.I .Ice. Choir. Junior :.llul Senior Cholrs- I I I:O30 a.m. - Christmas Fe~tival i Service. Hair hour earlier than I Sunday, Dec. :.!O. iJ:30 a.m.:- \\'00n8 I.RI~S8r'l'J-:IU;\~ Church sanctuary. i Church Your U..,ing Room Deserves : regular Sunday Ser\'ice~.. ISunday School. Adult Bible Class 199;;0 "lack A"enne al 'I'orre~' :\Ionday, December :!1:-7 p.lIl .. ' : ,3. ~.rn., -;-. A.nnusl Chri:;tllla~ Is!ud~'~ng • R~\.~IHti~~s: . II a.m. ,\mlrew Itanth, ~Illlister I Hll~' Scout Troop !Iii. gymnasiulll Chalfonte and Lothrop ,P"lty fOI Chlldl"n of the Churrh IClllU~h ~(lr~hlp, \\l/~Ifted Dou>:.' lto1Jl'rt 11. St;lIlherJ'. and Scout rooms; i:30 p.m .• bowl-' I School. ChOll' DIl'ector. , p.m. Sun. Assistant ~Ilnlstcr . I d \"h' I • • • lias,d 1 I tIlg or mf'n an \\'ollll'n- '. It. I to A Well Planned Fireplace uy SChOll Chri,tmas program of, Sunday, Dec. :W: 10 a.IIl}. Fint til'r HI'CII'ation.' , POI~TJ:: CO~Gnt:GA'I'IO~,\I. recit:llion and ~ong. I \\'orship Scn'ice '(Nur~er ... for ;j. • , 2~O (;h.alConte at Luthrop I • I'. . ."ear-olds); 10 a.m.. C 'h u I' c h Thursday, Dl!cember 24:-11: ~ , . "I,arcns \, m. John!oon, ~t1lll!oter I 1'hul'"day. D..c. 24. II :30 p,m. i SdlOOI - Nurser~', Kindf.'l'gu:.ten, p.m .• Christmas Eve service: Pre- I Su~day, Dec. 20 Services at 9:30-11 :00 .; Sunday'I?,'cell.lber :!O:. 9:30 and I to 1:!:45 a.m.:-Christma,. DaY'll'l'imary alld. S..niol' IIigh 'fhistle ceeding tlw SI'I'\'il'e at. 10:-10P,lll.. ! , 1J ~',lll.-:-\\ or, Ill? Servlce~ \\'111\ Candlelight ~Iidnight sen'ict'., Club Sunday S('hool Clas,; 11::1lJ thl! Chancl'1 Choir will sin!: tl'a-; . ,b~. lllt;ntlt'ai. 9:,10 a,m.-r aUllly Thi~ I'uly morning ,en'ice i~ the i a.m.. Second \\'or~hil) Service ditional earols. Sermon by Rev.: Nursery .nd Kindergut.n .t First Serv!c. INa Church Schonll FIREPLACE ,\\orshlp Hou.l'. Par~nL~ a.re UIl:l~d, onl~' one we hRve on Chri;;tm~, I Il'\ur,,'r~' for :l.yc:tr-olds); 11::lO Paul F.I"etchum. t", attend thiS s~~'\'lCt'_:\'Ith tht!l~ I Day. Ia.m" Church Sd]Ool - 'Nursery, .---- -_.--- , "In Those Day' - A Decree" SCREENS (!llldltm. ~hlllch School. 1m I • • • ,Junior and Junior High, Sermon ! 1 Rev. Mr. Marcus Willi.m Johnson for any ,ize ,NlIlser~',. Kmdergarten. ONLY. Durinl( the cn'ction of the new: theme for hoth ,t'l'\'il'e~: "1'h .. Sixth Church ot Christ, Th('l'e \\'111 be NO Church Schuol, .- ., H WI' 'd II' It" - "II tl \ I : opening at the II a.m. \\'llr~hi Houl'. ' pal~on,lge _ e\': I ,on I~ resl - ,I~:: ,:.. p.m., Ie, nllua I Scientist, Detroit ,l'\ur. ltl'\" ('. I:. Shl~walter, As~'t. I'~,t,~r A Cordial Welcome to All 1'hur:,day. a p,rn .. Juntol' Cho::' I!... ------_-.-.-_-_ -,_-_-.- __ I advertised in I -_-_-._-_-~.=.=~_....;..------~ 'Rchf'"r~al and Chl'l"tma5 Party. I j p.m. Chapel Choir. 8 p.m. Senior' [!ill \ Ch~l'. . . . . Ebenezel~ Friday. R p.m. ~Iartha Guild Bapti:;t Church at hOIlll' of Hilda Reischel. 8 p.m. Ma,an Rd. 01 Harper . I ~1l'rs lub. 1 Pev. E. Arthur McAsn. Pa'!cr FAITH THE WAY MAKES !I GROSSE POINTE S:.anday, Dec:ember 20 Sta*NU METHODIST CHURCH • ALL YOU R CLOTH ES LOOK 11KE NEW! 10:00 A. M•.•.•.. Morning Warship 211 MOR!)S~ ROAD 7:30 P.M. . Candlelight Musicdl Lutheran SUNDA Y, DEC. 20 . 10.00 Church School lor JunIor By IheChoir 1Jt'jort: tbt' ""litledQ 1.7878 " With Sermon and Chridma, Music _.-. I - .~._.._-_.~._----~------.._~_._--~ -_...- - TU. 1-1900 " . . welcomes you to celebrate JEFFERSON AVENUE f~l.oSS(~ IIOi .. ~(~"roods The Birth of t he Savior BAPTIST CHURCH 111.esb,,'~el.inll .~hIII"eli Duplicate Services on Christ."as Eve 13337 E. J,fferson nt Lokevi,w • 19950 Mack Avenue ot Torrey ChristmAs Sunday, 8:00 P.M. and "0:30 P.M. ~"drew Rauth-MInIster .Ceumb.,- 20. 1"/53 , Pulpit Menage: "GOD COMES TO' EARTH" hllert H, Stanbery, Assistllnt Minister ,:u •.m. Churcn !'('hool • by Paltor l."9' December 20th ... 7'/".tt Chairs, 90 l"lirts Sympha;'J Stri"t Tri" 11.1111 a.m. :\lomlnl( 'Wor.hip S.-rmun. "Chrllunai t. God". Idf'..... 10:00 .nd II:30 ••m,-Church Service .nd Church . Orga"ist-Nnt.tI .\1. Rransb.l' . SIIP"lal Chrl.!m... 1'oI1I'IC School. Cboral [)iru/ars~Prnl •. lI". E, Crilt ""11 .\lrs. Grtlee J"msn" 7:30 p.m.-Annu.1 Candlelight Servic., Combined , 3

\ ... '. '.' Page Twenty.lour GROSSE POINTE N.EWS Thursday. Oe~ember 17, 1953 St. Ambrose Cruising Club Officers Take Office l)ads~Party for Blue Devil

" ••• ~, ''''''~'. f't ....~.'.1~ ...... ~'- ...~... " Drops Opeller ....,~:~~~~K;?.:~~~t:'r:.'::'~!:';"~.:"~ " . Team'Draws Meager Crowd .' .l:.. ~' ~, .' ..,,' Only about 300 dads, students and coache~ showed up for '. By Tom Chappelle I... _. ~ the Dad's Club Football Bust held at the High School last 5POI A great comeback with less than four minutes left in the Tuesdn)', December 9,. . , It was a good party that President Nate Goodnow and hts ~ final quarter by the Warriors helpers put together, it followed pretty much the same pattern ~ of Saint Catherine robbed the Saint Ambrose Cavaliers of a of previous Dad's Club parties:~ , . .As usual, the program started it WRS headed for until derailed victory in their First Divi. off with A roast beef dinner in the by the Pointers •. siona] basketball opener. The by cafeleria.' which was .followed by University of Michil;an's Wally fin a] score was 54.48, but the a musical rendition by a swing Weber was the guest speaker. score has no reflection on the band under the direction of We remember way back when - Grosse Pointe High Swim type of play. Dewey Kalembar. the Dad's Club fin\. started then It was II see-saw battle through- Athletic director Frank Banach parties. Dan Beck was President out. with the lead changing hands . introduced the football coaches, then and the part)' was held on a Team Conquers Royal Oak many times. With three minutes There were reserve coaches Pat very small scale with only abo~t and thirty. two seconds left, the Kaulitz and Harold Fl!her and four dozen dads and students In :-Coach Frank Banach's B]ue Devil swimming team scored Cavaliers enjoyed a three point assistant • varsity coaches Bud attendance, At that ~arty ther., Its'.!irst victory over the Royal Oak Acorns in the last four lead, but then the roof fell in. Kun'ink and Ernie B a u e r and was a short program 10 the audl. m~etings of these teams, Dec:ember 11, with a stirring 47 to The Warriors, led by Ed Rachal head conch Ed Wernet. torium' follawed by a business 37.victory in the opening Border Cities League meet of th~ and Ron Ramad, provIded the Deserve Bigger Crowd meeting which in t\lm was fo!. leason. ,.------______winning margin of 5ix points. Wernet called his Blue Devil lowed by a. snack of doughnu.s Prior to last Friday's m I'e t ,I They were the leading scorers 'of football squad to the stage and and soft dr1Oks. As a matter of . After Eckel p.ut the ~coms out the Catherine quintet with Ii and introduced each pla)'er to the fact there were so many dough. Roral Oak had enjoyed two fat In front 5 to 4 In the fIrst event, 15 points, respectively. meager audience. Jt was a shame nuts that President Be c k had .casons in which they had hung Br,!ce Scott a~d Earl Spohn. took The Cavalier's leading scorers HANK BURKARD, retiring commodore of the Detroit Cruising Club, congratulates more dads didn.t show up for the them up to his ears! three defeats and a tie on the a first a~d thm: to ga~her In si~, for the night, were: guard: Tom NORMAN "NUBBY" SARNS, the 1954 commodore, following the annual meeting of the party, which was in honor of the Only Missed One Pointers. That is the best winning mor~ pOJn~s and forc~ the Blue Brown with 16 points, and for- organization held at Bayview, Thursday, December ]0. GIL PINGREE, second from right, mark a Royal Oak team had ever D.evJls behind II to 7 In the run- ward Jerry Tobianski with 12 1953 Grosse Pointe football team Yes sir we were at the first posted over the al .....ay~ strong an'd nlng score. points. was the successful candidate for the vice-commodore post and A V E R Y MACKLEM, which compiled the ~est record Dad's CI~b part)' and have only dangerous Banach.coached tank Devils Go Out Front The Cavaliers looking for their perennial secretary-treasurer, retained that position. fOI' the lIehool. on Fisher road missed one since they started. We teams. However, that was the last time first league victory will battle since 1932. These. kids deserved must admit the parties got better Three Record" Erased the ~corns got.8 smell of the lead, their neighboring rivals tht:, better trent~ent fOr the. way they as the years have passed. That i.s Ont' school and two pool for In, the third event, the 200 Servite Panthers at the South. Club Basketba.ll battled to gl\'e the Pomters a 5 up until Inst year. That's when records were erased from the yard free style Walt E\'ersman eastern Gym, this Friday at 8:15 Sharpshooting Acorns Beat win~, two los~es and a tie reco,rd the attendance began to dl'OP, book, the first one hitting the and Dan Reaume posted a first p.m. League Opens. for the season. mainly because the Dad's Club partisan crowd right between the and second rC:'lpectively to put the Blue Devil Basketball Five Coach Wcmet tabbed this haven't exercised an)' imagina- .YH almost before they got set, Pointers out in front, 15.12. Then The Neighborhood Club House year's team as the "top spoilers" tion since the year Hil Pierc~ tlt'd in their seats. Adamski posted his new record Flyers Score • The Grosse Pointe Blue Devil basketball team experi- Basketball Lcugue opened its in the State, by handing Royal started the dinner idea with a Pete Eckel .of Royal Oak and Bob Guenther gave the enced the first bump along the bumpy BOl'del' Cities League season lu~t Saturday. December Oak its only loss in i~ nine game buffalo roast dinner, 12, with all six tt:ums seeing ac, epened the meet with his r~cord Devils an unexpected third place Two Victories basketball trail last Friday night, December 11. A tall, sharp- schedule and by stopping mighty Something has to be done to tion. Port Huron's 26 game winning give these parties a shot In the breaking performance in the 40 in the 100 yard backstroke event shooting Royql Oak quintet handed the Devils their first jolt yard free style event with a blaz- to boost the lead to 21 to 15. In the first game the Pointel'" streak. Both defeats were dis. arm or they will gradually slip Coach Eddie Lauer'5 St. Paul with a 59 to 52 defeat in the league opener for \both teams on Ing -18:4 seconds. This eclipsed Stu Smith grabbed a first in the walloped the Hot Shots 65 to 9 nstrious to the opponents. out of the picture entirel)'. basketball team is flying again the Acorns' home court. .•------.------the old mark of 18:8 held by Tony 100 yard free 5 t y 1 I' and Jack and the prospects for another with Johnny Asmus getting 20 Two Crucial Losses Pear of Grosse Pointe and Mart- A1iams placed second in th~ div- wining season appear to be just Royal Oak's skyscraper height I Royal Oak held a 16 to 7 ad- points lor honors. The second Roval Oak's defeat forced the Over :lI,OOOailed and depend. ing of Fordson. The new mark is ing to give the Devils a 29 to 25 as brillht now as they were a year and a slight case of Ufe jitters on van tag!! at the end of the first game saw the Troters swamp the Acor~s to share the Border Cities ent parents now get monthl)' the part oC the Pointers in the period and a 27 to 18 margin at only a pool record. Pear still holds point lead. ago at this time. Flyers 82 to 2-1 behind the sharp. League title with Mouroe and social security insurance pay. the Ichool mark at 18:8. Actually, Walt Eve r sma n and Dan Last week the FI)'ers turned carl)' stage!! of the contest. put the halftime int!!rmission. shootiug of Jay Hooker who out- Port Huron's deCeat knocked the ments ba.sed on the social secur. Stuart Smith of the Devils bet. Reaume cracked the Acorns with back two Big_12 ConCerence foes the Pointers in a hole Crom which While the Pointers were taking scored till' ('ntire Flyer quintet Big Reds dut of the mythical ity account of a' deceased son or ter.d Pear's mark when he another one-two punch in the 130 for the second win in three starts they never quite pulled them- their licking, defending champion with 40 points. Class A State championship which daughter, .plashed in behind the record yard individual medley and those this season. The only loss on the selves out. I-lighland Park WIIS smashing Dick Dillow:!y and John Wardle breaking Eckel with an 18:5. But 8 points looked mighty big, but Flyers' record is a 39 to 30 set- Acorns Take lUg I.l'ad Monroe, 69 to 41, behind the plain notched 12 pollits each to lead the In order to annex a school record the Devil$ still weren't out of the back by De La Saile, a Class A In' the first period the Acoms and Caney shooting of its two nockets to a 42 to 36 win over the • Pointe boy must win the event. woods. ~~~~~~I~~Y team, in the opening /lon-league jumped into an I I to 0 leael ilnd Georges. Lee and Duncan, who Bachelors. This was one of the 2 MON. EVE., DEO. 21 1t ill easy to predict that Smith Rela)' Clinches )Ieet game. for the most part coasted until played only thrt:e quarters of the best games played at the club so \\'111grab the school mark before Adamski, Dave Hulbert and A TIJtatre G"ild S""uriptiorJ'PI,,." Since that deCeat, however, the the last four minutes of the game, game, as did the other three regu- far this year. The Rockels trailed h. graduates. Bill Morrison clamped 0 nth I' Flyers have tipped over St. when the Devil'! pulled to within lars who were pulled from the 7 to 9 in the first period and 13 Adamski Stars Ar:aln clincher when they teamed up in Philip 45 to 27 on Tuesday, De- one point of a tic, 47 to 48. Royal contest by Coach Jim Wink. to 20 at halftime. But in the third Don Adamski, Grosse Poipte's the 180 yard medley relay for a cember 8, nnd downed strong St. Oak spurted in the final four Led by Jerry Calloway and Bob quarter tied the count at 26 to powerful backstroker, electrified first place to give the Pointers minutes to gain its margain of Bolm, Forelson moved into the 26 and then went on to win in the! .. Charles on its home court, Fri- ALBERT SELDEN ,... the crowd when he broke his own their necessary 43 points to assure day, December 11. 45 to 33. victor)', winners' circle with a 41 to 31 final stanza. 100 yard baskstroke mark of vietof)', regardless of how the .lId The final score oC the St. Sides: a 6 feet 3 inch forward victory over Wyandotte. Calla. This leaves the Pointers, Rock. 1:02.5 set in the opening meet speed relay team fared in the Charles game doesn't tell the true and Zickel, a 5 h-et 10 inch guard, W:JYcollected III points while his ets and Trotters tied for first MORTON GOTTLIEB against Hazel Park, December 4. final event the 160 yard speed reo picture of the contest. It was a pllc!!d the Acorns in their first teammate Bohn registered 15. place after the first. round oC pre,e", '. Don paddled his way to the new lay. This was won by Royal Oak noisy affair right from the open- leagu!! win with 17 points each. :\Iay 1telleat Trlumllhes play. ' mark of 1:02,1 which eslablishes b)' the narrowest of margin:'! over ~ ing tipoff. St. Charles moved into ...... 'rhree Pointer's two veterans Taking the league openers as a The lIuuse Lenllue swings into a new school and pool record. It Dale LaForest, Dave Whitting- ~fl a 9 to 4 lead in the first quarter Dick Spindle, who led the Devil measuring stick it appears High- action c\'er)' Saturday at the I ~te ieJe'tt. is hard to tell just how much Don ham, Dave "Wart" Bayne and ! and it appeared they were on at ark, and Lou "Tweedle Dum" land Park will walk into its third Neighborhood Club. . will lower the mark in thi~ event Pete Gall. Hribar played key roles, notching Border Cities League title with hefore he graduates in January. Three days earlier. Tuesday, their way to hanging a DOx car and .. \ score on the Flyers. 15 and 11 points, respectively. the rcst oC the league battling for It is not inconceivable that the HOLM PRESTON .. In both meets in which he has December 8. thl' Devils dumped ? When the team took the floor The biggest surprise of the night second place. new leadership for which the hroken the mark, he hasn't been non. league Ferndalo?, 58 to 26 in was the play .of fo~ward J~hn Many of tho s e In the know world craves may arise from pushed, the Dale's home pool. 10 start the third quarter bedlam reigned in the jam.packed' St. Russell wh.f) chipped, In 12 POints Cigure Highland Park is a good within the Christian church. But this hypothesis appears to pre. Charles gymnasium. The teams for the Pomters lOSing couse. bet to go all the way to another suppose a transformation oC matched backet for ha.iket In the foul department the State Class A title next March, Christianity, or a revival of Its throughout the quarter and well Devils were best, makinJ( good on when the Regional piay gets un- Far,ns Little League Holds primitive spirit, which wauld in into the final stanza befllre the 19 oC 29 attempts from the free derway. However, we have' seen throw line, while the A cor n s overconfidence w r e c k many a itself amount to a revolution,- Flyers hit a scoring streak with Edward lInllelt Carr. AN ... Camed, ., FAY.lld MICHAEL KANIN Election, Discussion Meeting four minutes remaining, to pull made good on 16 of 32 charity ball club and that may be just well out in front of their stub- tosses. what the Parkers are building up .. il" the board of directors met and HOWARD 51 JOHN tinder thl" direction of Presi- born foe. Where the Acorns excelled was to. elected Howarth Gnau, president; GEORGE VOSKOVEC • ELIZABETH, PATTERSON dent Howarth Gnau the Grosse Guard Bob Wright paced the from the flool', connecting for an It just could be they will be Pointe Farm!! Little League held Robert Chope, \"ice.pre~ident; Directed by Michael Gordon Flyers' attack with 15 points to amazing 50 percent of their shots. ripe for picking by the time they its ell'ction mel'ting at the Grosse Robert A)'rault. secretar)'; and lead both teams in scoring and In this department R 0 )' a 1 Oak meet the Pointers and the Devils SEATS l:"'5: (neept S~W "ur', E,") lJreh. 4.:0, 3.10, nalr. Pointe Central Librar)' last Wed- Remington Purdy, tre:Jsurer, 3.00, :.'0. J.l0: W~d. and ~al. ~latln'~1 Orrh. 3,80, he was closely followed by his hit on 21 of 42 long shots while could be the team to reap' the MON. n~day, December 9. Gnau and Purdy were the in. 3,00, lIale. 3.00, 2.40. 1.10. S.w "ur's E.... Oreh. S.40. teammate Bob Louwers, who hit the Devils were able to find the harvest come January 22, when 1I0x Orllrr cumbents who retain their olTice. Open 10 In , lIalr. 4.%0.'3,04, 2.'0. Prleps Inrlud. !.n. Before the actual I'lection pro- th~ nets for 13 points for runner. range with 17 oC 46 long shots. they entertain tile Parkers. ~\\' thru Katurday teMinlls took plact', Gnau re- Chope mo\'ed up from secretary to vice.president. up honors. • "ran ~Iarlln ported on the 1953 season. which Dick Allor, the transCer student JerrY 1••wll, .. was th'J first for the Farms The board of directors also dis. from Missouri, came into his "Tilt: C,\I'''\ l.eal:ut'. President Gnau stated cussed the possibility of expand- though Allor wasn't among the 210 boys registered and 174 HUNGRY FOR REALLY FOOD? - slln. 10 Wrd. ing the League to six teams and high scorers he turned in a stel- ,IJ,()!J adually played ball on the of- expanding the farm system. "ee. ~O In 2J lar job on defense before he JamU c.,nry lIcial Little Leagut' field built by This brought up the problem of fouled out in the third period. .. \ l.lOS IS .. 11 Just Isn't Chllslmas wllhout • b~.utlful Grosse Pointe Farms. obtaining another field, addi. , Tnt: ST1tt:t:TS_ r~d now~rln II Poinsettia plans . , • lo,'~ly to He was replaced by Bob Keller, Illv," .•• lov~ly to h... ~, Ord~r )'oura early! Ninety.four rellistered parent tional sponsors Bnd coaches. W., hav .. " eompl.l~ .~I ..etlon of rus flower. who filled the gap in Krand Steal•.~ CI'OI'S - ~I.tln" Only and pl.nts. members were present to hear The next meeting was set for fashion during the remaining Thursday • , danlr the report. Char1" "lell.n5 1\01." January 13 at 8 p,m" to be held minutes of play. .. ,\ ClllUST~S,\S C,\ Treasurer Remington Purdy in the meeting room Lt the Cen- Jim Ayrault and Ted Monahan S@a l100t' Barretts FLOWERS reported the League finished its tral library. rounded out the starting t

f .> STAR: ~ I. :: &Oct.tO KNACK RIDING STABLES r INN i "l~""TU. 5.9657 18101 E. TEN.MllE RD•••• EAST OF GRATIOT. ..• ~ ; 16209 E. WARREN ; 16390 EAST WARREN 'PR. 5.9267 PRo 5.3109 ~ .~~~~~ ••••••••••••••as~.r. «.«««_ • I..


~ .. '., ~. T •• .. • • •••• '. - ...... > •• " ,eo ., . '. • __ z*z* l... . ~. . '.' . . t .;..,.;.",_. ,;, .,; ',;".e cin,.;. EO.';' On.: ...... • .iIll _ ,. # .. • • .,.. •• • • • • • ••e. • ...... POI N TEN E W S . Page Twenfy.'five GROSSE • TliursClay, Deeember 17, "1953 tK.*"'IfIEV~. -=-wP~.( •• '" .ti/W;O'M'ZNi'lAYftl;ipe'iC'W f:ARSS FOOTBALL LETfER Coach Warren Thomas of tile Lions and Celtics Continue Olivet College football squad re. JUST 'ARRIVED AT CURTISMOWER. ports that Richard Craig, at Way- burn avenue 'in the Park, has To Lead .Club Court League d earned his \'arsit~. letter for the The idle Lions in the Midget league and the Celtics in KIDILLAC CHAIN DRIVE CARS 1953 season. the Giant league continued to hold on to the 'lead in their I for' ~.gularly S39.95 . •. last respective leagues. Both teams own perfect records in two $2721' Eder's Ready to Serve starts. .!------Specially Priced for Christmas Giving l his On Tuesday, December 8, Don play to earn the one point victory. tern ~. ~AVi~HAMS Carrier led the Exchange quintet Eddie Goosen paced the Lakers to an 18 to 9 victory over the Rotary swamped VFW' 36 to Boned # .• Kiwanis in the first game of a' ]2 in the first !:ame on Monday. LIONEL TRAINS • • • ail~d HJcko,.,..5mok~d • • • • n d Oven-Ballad triple header program. Butch December 14, with Bob Wood In our o.....n :\ ' \.~J;; Jacoby and Bob O'Brien of tossing in half of' the Rotary ••tabll.hment :ally Kiwanis tied at 4 points each in t~ams points to become hil:h r. !Stb }: the Kiwanis losing cause. point boy for the contesL Ed rur . RECORD PLAYERS lVebsteJ"-Chica.go---l .1l1 and ReA .;. ...hen ~ The second game saw a mixup Lan"s led the losers with 6 points. ' lh~e " on the score sheet and the game The 5econd game of the night Ident \'Ilmt into the book as a 20 to 20 saw Post. 303 trip up Kiwanis. on a rlClCICIClClClClClClClC"IlIlClClCIIlC'I'lC SPEC IAL !ClClClClClClClClClIl(lClClCIIlCl(lC~ tie between Metropolitan Club 23 to 11, with Tom Kolodziejski Ibout and Rotary. Seems a mistake in oC 303 gettln!: 8 points for scar- t~ in the final tabulation oC the points. Ing honors ahead ot Butch Jacoby Iher. In which one point was missed who had 6 polnb • I . V~MSpeed Record Player i •udi. althoul:h it .was marked on the The final game of the night Ine1S W Mahoqany Combination . Eder'l score sheet, was found by the was a thriller between the Lakers $74 95 j .Co f~l. WHITTIER re!~ree as he check~d the score and Falcons, who eventually eked . Regularly $99.95 Only •••••••••••••••••••••• • mu~, sheet. out a 29 to 23 win in the last two MARKET 1.:'hl~:~OO ~r of However. the 1inal game' oC the minutes ot play. The Falcons I... -- ~ .. l1:n. Wblltln. at Wblt.blll .u~h- e,'ening had all'eady started 'and moved into a 5 to 4 lead in the .. had it was too late to call the Metro first period and increased it to a and Rota~' teams back to play 13 to 10 advantage at halftime.' HOME MADE SAUSAGE - 9UALITY FRESH MEATS the overtim~ to break th~ tie. The .Lakers fought back and HICKORY SMOKED HAMS AND BACON If Yon Choose Useful Gifts · · · first Johnny Auckland. BO)'j! Athletic took the lead in the third quarter only director at the club, said "An only to fall behind 19 to 18 as Ho",. Mod. Fr.sh Tender overtime period will be' played the period ended. Six minutes ot IS A TRULY SAFE, APPRECIATED CHOICE I. GENERAL. ELECTRIC w. S",ok.d Juicy prior to the stat.t at the next the final quarter it was anybodys letter LIVER GROUND regularh' schedull'd Rame be- ball game but with two minutes lat i3 GUBE tween these two teams to break rfmaininj{ the. Jo'alcons put to- whf'n the tie." gl.'ther a scorinll IIpree to capture GIVE HER A • • • drop. SAUSAGE BEEF Th~ giant league game on th" contest, Ciub (B,aunschweig.,1 STEAKS . December 8 lIaw the Lakers Stancllngs all fit ))~celllber 14 J:lna- 65c lb. 55c lb. 75c'lb. squeeze past the Ea!:les, 24 to 23. :\lhlgrb 'iern. in a hard, closely fought game. W lth • Our mute ara a tru' 'A .. t. Stop In an, tlma for fOal Jim Millie5 oC the Eagles was Lions , 2 ER "HOME-lilACE" luncn meat, .lIced 10 Tour ord.r. All our high point scorer Cor the game. •Rotary 2 NEW ~WIV'L-TOP ~(' to a-Ii pork. "..al and lamb I. homa dr.... d. . I h L k b ~ t ., Wa h.ve a complele line of froren fo<-d•. daIry produet•. Ira whlc 1 saw t I' a 'er.'! J(ra a. 0 Post 303 .. ~ ti:e cream and man,. olher dellcael•• for housa partl... 6 lead in th" first quarter only to .l\tt'tro 1 . ~hp Turkey. _ Duck. _ Capons _ La'i _ B.. f Tand.rloin sel' the Eagle!! tie it up 10 14 to Exchange 1 Op.a "rlda,. Ualll S p.m. Phona 14 at the halftime. VFW 1 BRINGS YOU WHOLE.ROOM Wa s.n the B.It TU. 1-7169 The Lakers torj(ed ahead IR to Kiwanill , 0 pt'n,!. Bleau .. W. Bur COLBY'S 16J7J E. WOrlatl If in the third period and th!'n Optimi.

, Inside Outside ~ Sl.11IllinJ:s ~)eeember 9 "h $198 -$-2-3--9~ Ilpllrr :\Iack Cleaners 36 7 LIg 1Sels ...... • . ~ Klrhy I'ruducts : 3:;!~! ~ ~ Glenn Walker :\Iutor~ 33 I . ht S 1 3 98 5 29 ~ Faclone Contracting 32 15 LIg e s ...... ' • ((I Silver Uallrollll1 31 "j ~ i ,\nn ].olllsl! Ueallt) :11 ~. 25 Light Sels 6.75 8.75 i ~~r~;:s~;::~l~:~a~.~..::::::::::::::::::~~ ~ :\ll1l1an)"s Fllr~ 211 I • US. •••••••••••••• .,,::.19 l~dJ:e\\.ootl Inn 2R B Ib 15 Ii •. : • ~ Ernie's I.olllll:~ 28 1 "S'llI;,re Be;!1 Cleaners 2.!~ ... ~' PRESSURE CANS C ASSORTED C ea. ~ ,\111''' Ul'l!wln.: Co 26!'i: : SNOW 98 ORNAMENTS 15 A n. I•. Woods Reereatilln 25 It ~ U@tl! Now... : ... ~~~.. ~.~~ .. ~~~ECTION OF CHRI~~~~~'" ~ s~i~::::::::~~ I ~ ~ ~;:~~;~~t~~;is,~~~i~A new General Electric C'.eaner ~. ....'5 A 'D TREE' STA 'DS ~ n.. Tal:llIis 19!~ that's so easy to use even the man ~: DECORATI 0 I"" I.... ,.... ~! \'. itaim 16!:: I of Ihe house will love it. And it's ) l' " ! High Series: Janet McDonald.' priced amazingly low- r ~------, ~\500; Viola Socia. 4811; Jeanne r ~ I ENAMEL • De,",el, "9, '''ek'. V"n SI.en, ~"::; ~_ -' ROASTERS ~I 455;Valade.Marian452; Clark.Marian 457:Quillico,Doris ~ 452. ~ High Games: Janet McDonald. 3 to 4 lb. fowl •.. 98c ~ 1911; Betty Kornieck. 181; .Jeanne ~tI~~ ALUMINUM ~ Desmet, 177; Viola Socia. 177; 6 to 8 lb. fowl .•. 1.39 M'EAT ~I Jackie \'nn Steen. 176; Marinn '.VACUUM ROASTERS II, Clarl;, 173; Blanche Casey. 171. ~ 8 to 12 lb. fowl .. 1.59 ~ I ---- Self~basting covers with BASTERS r. ' Other. nation~ of the world are vent for browning. com. Extra large roaster ~ I like prize f1~hters-they won't lete with rack. 10 i fil(ht unles~ somebody else pub P i $4 49 75c ~IIIP the monl'Y. ,'.1.1 ~ lSx9l/.s ...... $3.95 a ~ .------..:------:...- Regularly : .... 0 CLEANER d:~\' , RlACH-EASY CLEANING-You simply place cleaner in ....ea E 16YsxlOY2 4.50 ~ .~ center of room-and you reach every nook aDd cranny $8921 s without once mo"ing the cleaner. ~i~ I' HAM :gl1~'~'5<'~1 Aulomalic I ~(G._~ I ~: ALL THESE FEATURES I' SLICER .\f:l~.it~."t Toaslmasler f OU \ ~ , $2.7 5 ,~~ '.~ .~: t "1'''.....''' Amazing swlvel-topl ! 9.in. brad.. ~;;~'5:~;:~:i:~> • No dust bag or can to emptyl i hollow. Toast Drops j( ~ '~ i 9 r a" ft d. II'RaO-lll1lC $2750__ ; • Extra-large throw-away bag I t I Blada will 111.11111.... Automatically .. Malee • - ~ _.> "~"'" $2.75 ' i ~ Complete' ~et of attachmentsl Motor at bottom for stabilityl r::::::=;::l All Chrome Dread Box ••• Com. ~ . ~ . ~ BATH SOALES a • Powerful actionl Quieti 'JI IGJJ; plet. with cut. 9 5 ~ • No radio or TV interferencel tinq Board 511 • ~ • i 56.95. _ t::!~ Date • Soft, gentle exhaustl ! GENERAL ELECTRIC COMB. CAN OPENER i WITH FULL CL~ANrNC .POWER ALWAYS i GRILL AND. With M•••• tt. H.ld C.m. fmiil i I" G. Eo'. S...i"el. ~l Top Cleaner. as McLEAN the Ng 6111.Ihe I. I~. .~2i:5o y.1I.~'5:9rShll.. ~ dirt hili a.... f I from ,he suction MOTOR In ,be ordinary cleaner, a. head 10 ,h. bDl. the Nil 611s.dirt pilts up 10m. Itivinll you ~ I?RE~ (;11/'7."JVlli-lPPll\T(;! ~ SALES allainS! Ihe luction head, full cleaning Inr. IUCUoa dt

Thu.rsday, Deeember 17, 1953 Page Twenty.six GROSSE POINTE NEWS

• USE "'HE FOR QU,ek

3 Trunk Lines DEADLINE 5 P.M. TUESDAY YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED CALL TUxedo 2-6900 To Serve You Quiekly 13-REAL ESTATE Ii-HELP 'WANTED 6-FOR RENT IS-ARTICLES FOR SALE S-AttTICLES FOR SALE IS-ARTICLES FOR ,SALE Ill-AUTOS FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES (Male and Female) (Houses, Apts" Flats, etc,) BENDIX Automatic Washer, S-I5; THE MITCHELLS opcn' thel FLUTE, just right for beginner, DELUXE Pb'mou~, -I.door, 1949, DEAL WITH ISO;\IEONE to wrap Christmas NEW UPPER FLAT, Grosse Pte., Stromberg.Carlson T, V. and "Chl'islmas Annex," with va- $35. TUxedo 5.7518. I extra accessories, 31,000 mill's, CONFIDENCE Cllsh AdS-IS words tor sac 1 packages. TUxedo 1.7280. Park corner of Harcourt and radio combination. mahogany' rious items of all periods not new tires, runs like a Swiss O\'t!f" 3'.. AlIIllon Dollan In Ch/lrqe Ads-IS words tOI 90: I Essc~, ::as heat. large bed- cabinet, 12\, inch tuue, S75. rare but old and desirable. Call j ANTIQUE Viclori:,n roc~er, bar. walch. VAlley 2.9630. GROSSE POINTE Sc e<'lch edditioMI wo,d. INO FEE for experIenced nursC$, rooms, heated sunporch, SI85 Porch glider, reversible cuso. • first at the Main Sh.op, 365 rei bnck .ch~lr, pall' f1ol~I': " cooks. waitres.es. co u pie s' pel' month. VAlle\' 2.0295. ions. S30. All in excellent con. Fisher Road, Open evemngs un- lamps. men s Ice skates. boy s ' 12A-BOATS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE . chilUfteurs, butlers wllh excel. . dltion; all'o pol'ch chairs. TUx. til Christmas. Parkinl: in rear. suit, needle point bench. TUx. purchosed last VilaI th.ou~h . lent references, Call Hourly 6A-FOR RENT (Furnished) edo 5-2780. • 1 edo 5-6993. CHRIS Craft 60 h.p. 17' Sports. MAXON BROTHER5 ',' TUXEDO 2.6900 ,I Aid, 1001 i\laryland, Grosse , DAVENPORT. rose beiJ:c. sli!!ht-.. man: excellent condition. ma. 83 Y.erch"val TU. 2.0000 I Pointe. VAlle~.. 2.2630. 5 ROOM house, furnIshed. Grosse I BOY'S Clothinl-(, suit and odd Iy curved, down cushion. Just DOUBLE, breasted tuxedo. 5-111; IlOgam'. some extras, winter- Sali,fied Cuslame/l Since 19~9 3 Irunk Lines Poinle Farms, garaj(e, !:as heat. J,lClwts. size 12.13; boy's skates. likl' m:w. 1570 FOld Court c~lesterfleld overcoat, S'.!O: bolh ized. Storage paid lhrough BLUE("OSS DRUGS I GENERAL OFFICE I al!,ults only" no pets.. re!el'cnce. Iioncl tl'i1ln. Also, Haviland TUxedo 2.7870. ,me 39. P,urcl~a~ed \~h~lin;$, April. Only :W hours use. 36.000 CHARLESTON 17311 ,\Jack al Xell I~o, shorlhand or typinj:. Expel'- \\ III lea"e. rUxedo 5.6118. punch uowl. TUxedo 5.2866. excell.cn~ condItIOn. Glrl1l M6- SI,775. Phone KE. 2-3710. COLONIAL. Moderate Size I CHRISTMAS TREES lOch bll'ycle, $8. TUxedo CUNNINGHAM DRUGS I lence. not necessary. Single or INDIAN VILLAGE' I ' I U f ' 13386 ' REAL ESTATE Charm in!: older lesidencp. on 16:41 Krrclleval al Xolr. D~In. l. lllarTll'd, Sleild.\' 'cmplo,"mftnt: ' , -. roquois ave. RUSSIAN Squinel cape, medium ncut, lar;:e evel';:reen 01' - • 1J- I 'I CI d ,'~ nue, Jan. 15 to .;une. !:i1Sheat'j size. excellent condition, TU .. - church, club, or large home. Jefferson Avenue Estate, Will sel , :;RO~S~ POINH DRUGS osc fill' bank holida~'s. no 5 bedl'lloms. 3 baths. i\ll's, Rool cdo 5-6373. TUxedo 5.2111:1. ROSE chesterfield, breakfast set, SOUTHERN plantation colonia~. if you are seriously interested in 17031Kereh"val al SI CI~1f , Saturday \\'.urk, Located acro~s TUxcdo 2.4645. I Apex washinR machine. mov. centel' hall. 4 bedrooms, plus purchasing a horne at this IlIll" HARKNESS PHARMACY , from the Cmdel elJa The~~er. TYPEWRITER, U n del' woo d , I SPINET PIANO, vose mahog- in;: Saturday to California. maids' quarters, sun room, and in this pric~ ranll!', belor!' :CJ1J :'Iaek i i\IETROPOLl.T:~N •LIF E 'BEAUTU'UL llt'wly furnished 2. Standard. 8 years. l:ood con- I any, excellent condition. TU' VAlley 1.2834, powder room, modern kitchen, Jan. 1. Or wiJllease to !'stablished ICO"P'S PHAP.MACY ,13306 EINSURANCE CO. .' " rOOlll apartment. S87,50, adults, dition. also BlIl'roul:hs billing I xedo 1.3715. .... larl:e walled lot, near shopping family, 1b:I:S Kerche'a! "I l':ntr. D~m. list JelTerson. DetroIt 15 VAlle\' 2-1075 UI' ED, 1-:1221. machine" M Lin-a-Times TUx-I ANTIQUES at Flaggs. foot ~tools, and schools. Newly decorated inside and 'Olal M:LLE:RPHARMIICY VAlley 2.12-12 - edo 5.0804 • APRONS, attracti\'e and hahd lamps, china. Illass. picture JOHN S, GOOD:\tAN excellenl condition, mod e I' 11 te U!l43 KtrelJeval and \\':avburn I BALFOUH 5521, atllacl1\'ely ful'-" I made, SI'$2.75., Large selection, famt's, good selection of chairs, TU. 5.6063 or LO, 7.-1706 taxes. unusual location and pri\', NOTRE CliME I H~USEWIVES-Addl'ess alh'er- I nished -I 100m upper, heated, KELVINATOH ~I.C.P. 11.6 :\tallic I AI~o. doll clolhes. VAlley small taules, chest .... pine deslt. acy, near lake. magnificant trel", 1.000 Kerchcv,,1 and :O;olrrDam. II.mg pO"I~a,1~,. M.u,1 ha,\e I' JIllddl~ aged 01' \\'orkll1l!. couple, Cycle rcCrlgl'rator, -13 pound 2-2746. corner cupboard. 1611! Mack HARPER WOODS - Beaufait, would appeal 10 most discriminat. TITUS DRUGS J:ood hand\\ rrtmg. Lmdo. \\ il. 110 children 01' pet .., S9a. TUx. freezer spa c e, 6 months old, I . near Devonshire. 20624. sepeJ'ale dining room, ing taste, Mortgage of appnlXI- 1 Kelche""1 aI fl'her Ilnacs tertown, Mass. edo 2.!JO-lII, S1I1\l110n, douule heautyrest TUXEDO S15; I:rey worsled SUlt, MOVING away beautiful fm'- tile kitchen with knotty pine mately S18.000 could be arrange,I, WOODS DRUG CENTER :i-SITUATIONS WANTED I ., . , ' II idOl W it Y. decorators f!lbl'ic 51?; SIZ~.S38,. ;\I(~n::rch a.part. nishillJ::s of 5-;'00m apartment: breakfnst cOl'lle~•. 2 ,~t'dro0!lls. Not offered before and Will lint Il1:!91 :.t.lek A\enue al Bournemol.olh. LAKE\\ 000 at \ er!lor. cOlllfol t- Lawson type. Antique mahog- lIlent size \\ ashlOl: maclune. also new Waltel' 1\10rton over. partly flOlSh~d ih~IC, Side drIve, be fOI' sale after Jlln, I. Owner, , LAMPS able 1'00111fOI' bU~lOess I~~an~ll' allY twin 4 postl'r bcd, VAlley \\'llh wlInger, S20. TUxedo I coat. -12-44, TY. 8.115B. I garage. fenced. well landscaped Box B.IOO, Grosse Pointe News. Custom-made lump shades made I couple. j(llraj(e, \ Alley M.61M8, 1.4385. 5.0808. lot. Terms. Open Sun. 2 to 5:3(1. l-PUBLIC NOTICES' I and recovered In Ill)' hOrne'j WARM. pleasant loom. em. • ,GIHI;S eXl'cilent lollCasl blCYclf', HOCKEY ~klltes size 9. $7. White, ST. CLAIR SIIORES-23212 East I . . , I TU, 2.U:115, 139 Rld;:e Hoad. pllJn~d woman, man ur (ouPle.1 SHEARED Beaver Coat, size 9.10. S:!!l.Girl's ~ubteell sile 14 green ,klltes, sIze 7. S6. Peach 26.inch Jefferson on Canal. ranch, 2 II GROSSE POINTE 1 1 AN OUT.OF.SEASON AD for I' I'cC~rence. kitchcn pl'i\'lleg"s, e~cl'1lent condlllOn, TUxedo coat.i l.c.'II.H,I\.'abl.e.lini,nj(. S.7.,.4 bowknot lamp, $5. -1 2 yard bedroom. lerrace, attached 1 1 PROPERTIES I."mp.. for'slghted 1 ~ 5 -I summer R U F F LED curtams. experlly I VAlley 4-2570. I 1-3608. I I I lined table clolll. 12 napkins, car I:ara;:e, oil hent. Open Sun, , \acllllOners. I done, pnced lcasonable. :'oIl'S, . plec~ Sl HI P ,I e tea Selnce. best quality, S-IO. TUxedo 2 10 5:30. I Whet ever. you need to h'{ ~r An unique summer h 0 m e VanHavel beke. V,\, 4.0661. 6D-Business Space iTUXEDO neal'ly I~e w, SI7.~.:1!l S2~~.SUlJbeam :\llxmaster WIth 4-1496,' 21715 ROSLYN-In the Woods. to self-We st/lne r~~dy to se"." kno\\'n .. 10c~II}'" (~t" tile ~~e~.holo.no , ------1--. -.------1 Ion!!... All \\'001. 1Uxedo 1.34,4. JUIC 1', Sill, VAlley 2-~1l29, ------1 s~mh I' I'Un~~.I" Mbed"rooms. Utl'l'tI y, you. W.e inVite you to <:/lII '!)• Mana3quan New Jers"y) a.~"THE MAY I assist ~'ou, wllh vour, IN KERCHEV.\L bU~lIle"s alCii. 31------.-.-----~ Kn~'\F1fSi\lAN-~;;:;;llal' ~aw, ai- IGI~RL'~ :olrO\\v'n.storm, b.oots•. size pal'~l~ fInIshed Mnd. floor for wnen plenning /l ch/lrge. BARN" is' open pr;ferably for Christmas card hst~ and ~Ihl'r I rooms (applOx, 300 feet), wash IYOUTH BE~, !OI!,top de.k. j(~I'ls mo~~ new. a" tilt table model, "SM:;)' \ lute CJ~~lIe~skate.... addilional 2 bedl'oOIl'S, $3,000 IIea:ion. monthh'. or e\'en bv. secretanal dulies? TUxedo loom. TUxedo 5.0518, dles."es. sIze !M' brass dllltnl: har!!nin. TUxedo 2-4775. '\ 'Ize Ii. S3. TUxcd_o M-0I,6. down. Open Sun. 2 to 5:30. TAPPAN CHAMPION . • I .,3"83 R . , -----._----~ ---- room chandcher, C 0 I e 111 a n ~ ------Wpek Iy n'ntal. Rea,onable rates. M' M " U,emill'Y, 17-WANTcD TO RENT WI" II ,. t,. TU' I "-8"12 -\'I-L'R--;C\-;:;-L~-I v E-R--l---;-t"'1 MAPLE dinette tablt' and ", JEFFEHSON EAST. 30512 128 'Kerchevel TU. 4.30:;u • Trams 2 hours 10 Xcw York,' ------, il el C,I CI. xelo MM. t" r.. , ," r. 1 C I'C IIC '1'.- $'" TU d I 0"8" ST, CLAIR SHORES ! TRAXSPORT \ TIO;': I D I t ------~--I ------t.' O"~' \ I d t' , lall ' •.• d. xe 0 - M M. I ------'~ ~hilildclphiil IInd Atlantic Cit" • ',0 e rnl 'H~VE YOU I t tl L'. PE\'FRSIBI~' RUl: H'li bv Ill' 'x- laIn, M' J:,tUJ:t', t - con I 11m. I ------Ranch house BOx4:!, facin" lake' • . • ' fr()lll Ro,ft Bo\\'1 .. 1/11" h" ••/ • a 0 1Il le r aim." . • .~ • '.' ~, t d I lOt II I I ... I to UNUSUAL QFFER • h•i1It hour Asbury P••rk. I .\ ..' ~ > M on which il 1-.tol \' hO:lM' call I cclh'nt (' 0 n d 11 .0 n, rUxcdo IIIClUIle on. lV 0 II l C, 1'0111- 3,',AUTIF'UL II st1'ipe Cnnadllln aLso 2.stol'Y Asb. Sldilll: house , -THE BAHX" has been tasle- ~.o~'s. caLI :\IIS, Bclanl:PI'.! be bUIlt? Please 'advi,e loea-I 1..101lI alk,' 6 pm. I pleh' \\ Ith Ion watt tran,fonn-I beaver coat, size 12. pel'ft'ct I !a('inl: Jcfferson on 101 120x39U. 283 McKINLEY J n, ('1'. fully tran,formed mto a summer ______IlJxed() 1-,.!80. 1IOn ant price, 0 .,.L' 1\.1111'., 'Ill)'~ CI ..O'I'IIL'S.- D --- - 1')."----- \\' ~.--,t' 4 Ipllwte 1control "\'Itl'h!'s.,hi' I'ondition; ('osls SI,30n. will sell This ranch hou,e has e\'erv. An extreme~'I' Illce 3-IIr(IlOCI" hom.. Ihat has s e r \' edman"', ..• F. JcCfl'I'on Dctruil 1.j LO" •.•• ryer. . .J. es m;:. n'lIlole uncup,el •• en~ln(' WIS' . for S4jO. TUxedo 1-2690. thin!: ~'Oll could wish for and' colonial. wilh a 1st !loor I; 'I, happv ,'aca!toncrs on the Jersc~' GE:-;1LEi\IA~ \\ould like part- -'~1"9'1' "i hOlls('. fl'l'~-\I'lrin~ If rClJuested tIt" 40 fp('\ of traek. WOlter low-I - ---.-----~----~ I the olhel' house brinj:s in 8 and finished lecreal;on 100111 c(J:l..i, . lime or full-tllne. Janitor ,1'1 \'. • -'. . -I bd~lrl' .JanuOlry. l:IlS healing ('1' and lI;:ht.... Engine ehul:~ and I NEW I'fE:'otS::-Sllver Il'e cuhe good rental. Priced ~lir.htl\' with card room and b:H'. ha~ 'I . For full information call TR. let', bUlle-I'. or p~:,ter.~ Grosse :! BEDROO:\I income or apart. C01l\Tr.,lon Unit IIilcll<~y-Bro\\'n. plIfls smok('. 11kI' leal lhing. I~ucl,l't. pitcher. key chain. above S50.000, Let liS show it nice Sl'leelled terrace. lo\\' tax. ~-3q09. aftel 8 p,m. Thank YtlU, I Pomle reterencl',. 10. ,41&04, J mpnt, nl:n-drjn':tn~. non-,nl()j;- 1,15,000C:I:,I:. capm'll:'. l:C!11!1i11i rll,"~ ~';'5 lalles It. TUxedo I I:~h:er: J:la~:w:.ll'l'. Scotch Cool-I to you. !'~. 5100 il year for heat. ::-eal ------.-----~-----IL \PGE 0', I ". I c~,' m::, Wtlr"lOl: adults, near tnln. I f.!el'!I"c ~~I:l L; lIlil. 1 Uxedo I 5.5749, CI 1 Uxedo M-9,43, I Wt' specialize in East Side plOp, I l:aralle, Wlllkll1l: dl~lanct' :t" 2A-EDUCATIONAL ,. I .mal dlOn I P,ltl., 1'01'1111011 1"11 aft''!' (i pm V.\I 1-7.no 1------. I ' . I d G P' I everythinl:yolllleed.Phon~f"l ______1' cocktall, or le,:-. Bnnl: 0\\111 1'1'v '''-LJI il,... , . " • , --- i\l,\;':'S hlack oVl'rcoat. and SllIt, , OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS. I'rtlel', 101' ,u 1011 I'osse oml~, I appointmenl and compale \','jC, PRIVATE TUTORING wa'lres"e- TUxedo "-535-1' I ',-' " 'CO:\IPL''"TF ~"t of Encvclopcdlil' "ze 4" VAIle\' '1.9!J"- , ~' lIarper Woods and St, ClllIr otht'rs you have seen, must l'! 1--':":- __ ": '__ ...... :__ M__ .__ IQ-UIE'I~.-COUPi.l. d' '11" -n i11'1';I~" I;" "'n'l~ l'; '~"l''''knt ~'()ndition 1__''':'_.__w. ._._....:.'. __ •• __ 1 ' othlO~ beaullfies a I'o,om ilkI' a I Shores. Make an appointmenl', IN 's,;ow RE:\IO\'ED fl". I .. ,. ,," , I " .. , ". .• " \NTIQUE . I II 6 tlr('place properly fltled We /"1 f sold. :\tr, Fetris, ,; YOUR OWN HO:'oIE ;. .' 10m (11\ 1'- furni.-hed l'pa:-ll1H'nt. no P':~'" neVl'r u,~d. Cil'a~' gahal'dlnl'l t pme lan'e,t ta 1 ~,' . , \\'1. lone a our representa- I SILLOWA Y Af\!D CO ,. All ~utlJects' all gradcs Adults. \\a'y~, wllh tractor. I~' ~I'lP or 1 I'an ~\Jppl\' Id!.( lC~:, '1''1'1''1'' j'::I:d,' P-::l Imino,: coal. SIZI' IIl'pplewhlte Il':!~, beautIful I ;;till ha\'e \'al'iuu~ combinations I I!V~S' and .a,~k abi~ut OUI' olher I • '. 'ld' C t'" d I h : hy ."'asnn. SLocum ,-&.48, S' ."C'I . I 10 I" 1'1" II('W S"j TUxcdo I condlllOn. 'eilts 1"11pcople. Ap. of brasses and irons. Attractive !lshn!:s. plctul'es In our offiCI? I TU. 1.3760 an d cI,I ren. er I .. C eac ers.. I ••• M'" I . M'... ,M' . "I'fll'teills f 11' lo\'e 'D f ~ t' t . I -.-.-,- .-~;-;.- __ . 4-!i".j _ I prnprllltt' fol' modcl n 110111(' also,/ ... ( I~ 0 nn lq le~, .' , I . C.a11: I EXP.ERlE~CED prac~lcal n~ls~ I HOO:\I \'.'Ith Iil:ht \.;r~al:fa,l pm'i- _ .:...-' . _ .. _ __ 'Wxedo 5.0005. I Pflrc.?l?IOS, colflle~ ~:in.ls; one MART!IA BM~CHERS GROSSE POINTE ,DETROIT A:,O SUBURBAN COI n~". 1:~~le.- \\ a,nts \\,01 ~ ! It"~l~ for Imml'l' Gru "I' POlll!" L.'.IJlj'.S Co. t. ; I l"Il/:lh. gabar- -- - -,~- ....- -, - --:---; -,-.--:- i oC, 1uJ:, Champion In old, \ A. 1•• ,10 LOCII:\WOR lil'st advelli ...irii TUTORING SERVICE for Jam.a •. :. ~ros:.e _POllllc I ('0lillie lu:nH' on occ,!., o:lal In". HlHI fur col1a:. "ll'S 18. I no'\ S _,,:mch Ha\\ thul ne ,perd I m,lple fl amI'. Call the •••. I ,... , ,_. . \\'001: "',ll'll 3.(l:l1j. TExa~ 4-1378: : I'l('rence., 't.~lce •-9.):~_ .. I \'I,iH, TUxeuo 4-:l:1l-l. I:: 1I::, (,""reo'll. :W; fUI mucro I bll'.vcll',:1 ~pt'ed-, ,:x~.I'!lenl con- : • l\lITCHELL'S ~ G~~~s~~~-':~~,;;A!~T<;~~;.I~E I ullusually !tne scmi-l'anch Il,I~------: ,~IIDDLE.-\GL'D .'1,_\" \\'(1111(1I k' -T--- -.- -- -'" -. --- I '(U ..";,, fl-.i!l:!!t, I dltliln. PRe'cott b-h.!;)O. 1,165 Flsh!'l' Ro~d ,TUxedo 2.4.24 40 \'r.r. nf AeeumuJalpd KnnwlrdlP dence, con~ttucted with cxc< ~- COMMUNITY I ~ .. " .~ I e Iil-ARTICLI:S Fon. SAL', __ . _ _ __ -_ ------.. - .. - - -"7 Pal'klll" III rear • and Exprrl.nce tn Ihe tional attention to detail Wlrs B. C. Claes, IIi,UINearKlrb) School. bet\\een Chal. yourneed, .• wecAnf,'na'/lhor',~, EDUCATION l 2C-MUSIC E....PERIE".CED". II a b ~' "lttl'r'l parts and C'lStOIJl" shade mak. I rp'lsonable~. "M,' b cvcl"- frame,L.'1 I GIRLS' ,U1l. t('ell ,Ize I'~ pIalCI coat. I Le\'erelte. WO0d ward '1",.4M6,.~ fonle am I 'B eallpre. 0 nIy Ih ree I f . v • available e\'entnJ:s . TUxedo .' • ., I WIth wheels. Cl11'ap. lone '\ boy'., III !:rel'l\ plaid "POlt Jack- left, 2 and 3 hedroom ranch or you. • ATTEXT1S0~. I 'd ::-5262. ! ~:~t ~~J'~~::~~~:llj la~~~:lr~~~ 'I CIect,e: sct. wllh 1!1O~0l'.perf~fct !'1. TUxedo 5-fi572. -POSITIVEL y- homes, $21.000 to S24,500, many I TAPPAN CHAMPION ' rl ;lY t I11' plano, pecla rapl - I conditIOn. Ideal Cll! Istrnas ;.(1 I. -- .---.,------. - - HIGHESl PRICE5--PIIID fOr e>.1rB f"alure- ree0!lnized qual- 128 Ke ~ I TU 4 30~'\ cours~ for ;ldult be;:inncrs In S~OW plow.lnl: of drl\'l'~ h\' tl'ac-j shades ~n lown. Lamps IIY l\lar. TUxedo 2-()lli6. FnJGIDAIBE aulomatlc washer, lurnllure and oppliances. Iitv . " rc, eVil • • ~; modern or claSSical. :\1<0 Chil.1 tor. call' anylll11t'. Tl:xedo I ~m: 1463~ Kert;~t'val and Man' ----.--. - -.------I-year old, hke np\\,. TUxedo "1.Piece or e Houseful." " I ----...,..------drel1S cour,~s. 5-162;'. , l~tlqUt' \ t\llt.y ;:.11151 IIAiIlIL10:.r GAS CI~lhe .. D!'):l'l, 5.0j72. I PRe~c::tt 5.5733 JOSEPH O. BUSCH & SON GROSSE POINTE P,\RK, com:" Ehood En:::c1 1------,----,-- -, FOR A BETIER I r I 8cndlx w.l K I V I Unu\uol oppo,tunlty to ~nloy 011 Ihe i • J:rale sIze bag or bv ton. VAllcy 3.9629. goo_d condition, $20. TUxedo 13930 ercheva, Al ey 2.2115, We Repair I• ., ~t'OdPO, cl,~~I- rO,I'CUI:"y ....hen Ileature1 of on e,lalc wllh loke IranI-I f l'ilsel' Lumber Coal Supply Co --, --. -- . . 1.5.45. • BOOKS pureha3ed for cash, En- Gloss and Chino Christmas lhf' con counl cn II ....c.:.. oller ..eel< ':Ige In G,os,,, Pomte Shetes PRest'oll 7.9:10l) . 1.;11TLF.. ~Irl~, C: C. M. fll-(U1'eI '14-INCII COLU:\tBIA CI I lire IibrarieJo or Cine slllJ:le Vales Drllle~ end ,I ktep, O,owl<'g ",Ih regular I . i ------.kil,tes. ".Iz.e!J1z:sl~e, -I shoe., ?Iso Mboy's bic"cle, C~lI after 6.1~~~: items. Mldwe~l Book Sel vice, Seals .o"e, 6e5,de, a Qoed '010'). 0 lei".! Compact Colonial house wl,h 4 bed-, THE FURNITUnE we have is ex. bo~ s UIC)cleo 1 Uxedo 5-110n., "11(14_!!5JO':. 4301 Kens:n"ton, TUx e d a phonc lob olfe', )CU sleody e"'010y.' 'oems, t.'cploce. mode,n k,lchen With clu.ive with us, Is..acs Nealway ------~ -. .. : . mpnl, pOld vocoMns, plr050nl s'""'1 (Qurpment. gas heal. some cOlpellnQI FUl'llitme. CiI.nLS 20 inch bi9'cle •.S20; small W~'Sl'INGHOUSE . 'h' g __ 5_-_24_5_0_. _ •aund,n::s and ceno:r"ol c,,~clol ..s . and d'opes. 2.cor go,oge. Aha ,cpo,. I --.------~--~---- JIJ:-saw. 510: Girls Ice ;;kat;s, :1. ' bl' \\ as. 16n l~la. IENGLISH Saddle. m u 3 t be ill :SEWERS - DRAINS - SINKS: r,nd cuI mo'e obeul the.., from ow i ate ,ec'eoloCn and launQe bu,ldlng ENGLISH WALKING SUIT. size 13 boy's hocl,ev skalcs. size ClIOI', por.ta I' Iron~I, IOI~gd I ., . c("n.en,en,l .. Iceoled "mplo,n,~nt of 'complete w,lh fu,nl/urc. d,opes, fllc- size 3!J lon". J:ood condition. b '0 1'00111 chairs Iwo hlcycles '1:1r! good conditIOn, leasonable, Tn. • .. )01-.:: trom one, S4 ; new com- , .• 1-203" : CLEANED: t,ce. P'CC", 'POC~ healer end ,""Ichen w'lh 530. TUxedo 5-()714, binalion storm door, Sill, Call and boys; TV St't. TUxedo 1_' M. Young ,'o"n c'1uipm~nt end rtfrl~c,o. 5 1)166 B I : All types. Night and day sflrvice : 11635<;P-EINFR Ie' LIONEL TRAIN TUxedo 1.6290. I ,'. , AMBOO porch fl!r!1 tur", must : All Wor~ Guaranteed : , IF" .. I t t., • 'I .'11 d bl' I' - .. SECTION half 'Ircle sola 2 be In "ood condItIOn,. TUxedo VASES and • • 11>0:' GrOII"Inl E Mcr-..~h,"\ III 1-,,-' I I 'A'lf' '''er 700 ft. fronl. I: ~~ 1 f S .C.II111J.::;llC, .'.\1 1 C~u k GTlEY Per51an Lamb Coat, full .. ii 'I . 2 .cu d ~ir~~rs 5.0683, lze • MOTOR CITY • Cp'" '; :,1010 J MardllY ll"U r"d", ,n'lr. JIOOkll, rid'C;l "'I'lh 7.coRderful, al~:rs 1~~/I~~\~~e~~I~I\~: O\\'it~:c 9 I :rlntl~~l.'rsU 13¥7~~' pedecl con- m~~le 0~~~"CallI1?hl~rsday afle; ------S'rATUES : EI.ctric.1 S.",., CI••• ln, Co. : -' ''''~W a a Ie 0" )oC,1 Cl u" enla h' I . . - • . .1 II d F'd 1'U d PING PONG table in !:c~d can- • VA. 2.6527 : C, ,I \~,,'~ ~ .'1:1 'e t-~ n~w"lc",,,. I sjoo III" ' SWltC ('$. mountel (In masonlte ------R P"11., a ay rI ay. xe 0 dition. TUxedo 2.5869. WI RED ~ d -P In " i mon 1 ,. tables, Will sacrifi('e at half LADIES biack persIan laJ11bcoat, 5.7116. No deaiel'S. _ ...... •... ,Shown by OPPOlniment pl'lce, TUxedo 1-3141. Call 16-18. excellent condition, J'ea. --,------IA.tERICAN FLY E R -I-ctrl'c 116~ CA SS AVENlJE I !! "UGS, lIne 9x12 and one 9xlO, .. ~ ~ Full line 01 floor - .:J FRENCH MORTGAGE aftel' 6 p. Ill. son able, VAlley 2-2086, TU - "\\"'1 I d' . I - xedo 1.99"3 1 ton SCll pture lose calpe , switches, 300 watt transformer, lamp carts ROAD SERVICE~ Op~n 'III oj"" Mcrd", It-'cu;lh F"co) I ,,,NO BOND CO.' FUR COAT. full IClIl:th. lIatul'iIl - M,' S-IO eilch, IOcludinl: pad, I:0od track acces30l'ies, standerd IIlso handmade M1CHIGAN BELL WOC'dwOtd1-3695 lIulriil. size 36. pI'rfl'ct (.ondi- MODERN cUI'\'ed sofa. 9 ft. al'lll' condition. TUxedo 5.5923.' J:al:e. 'TUxedo 5.7518. lamp and kelosen. I FiIlgrta 'Vas" -----,------I tion. KEnwood 1.311:!:!, ' h'ss, 1I1:ht l:reen, good condi------1. , !t.R,.• D'1(;.'~':) lELEPHONE CO. 1 3 ROO:\I front 'Apartlllrnt. S70,I , ------tion. S75, TUxedo 4-20!Jll. BEAUTIFUL Victorian minor, LAWSON 3.cusbion davenport. Plek.up and TU. 1.9813 , VAlle~' 2.1075 or ED. 1.6315, I HOLIDA Y GREETINGS l ------..-----\ easel tvpe on stand. TUxedo TUxedo 5.2503. • D~lIver , . _____ . I ------.------The furlllture 'we "ell has .10 be FRIGIDAIRE Cold Wall Deluxe 5-90145.' ------Earle RIchards ServIce \\'O:\IA1': for hml't' work on Sat. GROSSE POINT!'; PAR K. 792 ~ood. Rcfrillerator. approximately 8 . WANTED-Donation of old piano :fOU7 :'laell Ave .. In lh. Wood. ur:hvs \\'Illte plefellrd. VAlley Harc;)ur~; lower Clal. larl:e Is"acs Neatway Furniture cu. Ct" perCect condition, was I NEW F~,Rl\tALS (samples). Size fOl' V. F. W" Alger Auxiliary in OLLIG :-9Iil. lonms. M bedmom:" enclo:,ed ------.--- S350, sacrifice. $125. 628 Haw. 10 to ,:0, valucs up ':0 SO!l.lI5. Grosse Pain Ie. Call Mrs, Shir- ______II'ITilCt'. il \. a II a b I p .January. NEW PORTABLE Smith.Carona, thorne Road. TUxedo 1-8662.

,. .... --~~~-~~~~~-~--~-~~~~~~~~~... . as • 5 5 a 4 $ s o • 4

Page Twenty,slven _ (;P:OSS! POINT! NEWS

, , 21 A-GENERAL 'SERVICES 21h~Rug ~1.C'Jnlng cruise.plcnic: to Peche Island in oC Dexter FerQ', had a ~lIrrift~ CLASSIFIEDS 1 which the juniors a:ither sailed junior salling program gotng I 13A-Land Contracts 19-PETS BEST the Li~htnings or crewed on our 1953- but they failed to send Ii , CARPET CLEANERS' o.a:.f' Club Cats lind the larger report to the DRYA judges so 1------B they weren't considered 'for the A $1,000 TO A MILLION COCKER puppies, 3 black. 3 TV" Cleaned, repaired" and dyed crafl of' our members, with sev- .A.'ItY cO:'''r.AC:'-ANYWIIERE tan; 5 male3, 1 female.' TUx- • r • _ ...... Ru,."elll trophy; , RADIO SERVICE Home service' or taken.out. By FrM 'eral of our powerboats going . ~. 2~. ~ - 1', - 10 • 12 -. 1~ • 20'" d 1 113-' along to carry .the !!vernow~~ , . . . . LOW DISCOUNT-CASH 2~ nOURS eo- 'I. PRESTONTV . TU. 2.6556 ' . . p.,al wllh a rrputable linn. Est. siner ------, "The juniors have been coop. , Duke Huber and Bl!d Miller 11123. KITTENS for Christmas. free. 15306 E. Warren TU. (.-4078 211-Pa'lnt and Decorate erative in turning out to help were in rare form at .the DRYA ' Call John Quinlan. VA. 2.0iOO I Call TUxedo' .,.n- Pas.t Commodore Frank Reid explaining what their Junior ,r apC" II A.:\1. - 8 P.:\L '--''''. 1------1------condition the fleet for the season, meeting and were signing up of the Detre!t Boat Club was Program Included: the spring launching. the peri. members by the hatful for .~he ~ETROIT BOND & MO&TGAGE "'IRE FOX TERRIER' VENETIAN BINDS / PAINTING "The Detroit Boat Club is hap. odic maintenance and the fall Grosse Pointe Sail Club wlllcl~ 14!l,H E. Jefferson n pupPIes. ND DECORATING mighty proud the. night of the py to present its record of Junior Grnssr Pointe Ideal Xmas gifts. Pedigreed, WINDOW SHADES A haulout, and as'3 result. have makes the Grosse Pointe Park annual DRYA winter meeting Sailing Activity for consideration ------regislered, beautifully marked, OUR SPECIALTY gained much experience in tak. municipal pier its hed.dquarters.: when it was announced that his by the committee of judges for A QUICK FAIR DEAL heavily whiskered. KEnwood DES ing care 'If the boats as well as The Gi:SC is an 'associate mem-, the Commodore Jack Sutton Pl)r. A.'n' CONTRACT-ANY A:\IOUNT 1-2811. I PORCH SHA . Seasonable Prices Now in Effect club had won the Commodore learning to sail them. ber of the DRYA but its.f1aJ: of •• lOW DISCOUNT Jack Sutton trophy .lor the :'ec- petual Trophy. {jcers have \'isions of buildinit: O' CAS'. AT ONC.' . CORNICE BOARDS ESTIMATES "During the season these jun. ond consecutive )'ear. This trophy "Because of ascending popular. ior:; have created their own Jun. the club up to large sca!e' pro-. 88?~~'~k aA~e~1 p.rn. 'AIs~\.::..~nr.~1 S~~:t~I~'tt. ~~~~~n~~~~Sh~~r;ii~~ Complete Repair Service TUxedo 5.2148 ity of the Junior Sailing Pro. !. goes annually to the club in the ior Club, an organiza. portions and becoming a regular; ;llcLAL'<1II0RTGAGt & REALTY CO.' coat. Also beautiful miniature Cleaninll, 1tepairing evenings gram of recent years at the Boat tion designed to stimulate junior member. The club held its an .. 1 DRYA that provides the best -l4---R-e-a-I-Es-t-a-t-e-W-a-n-t-e-d--1 Schnauzer male, wonderful Reconditioning LA. 7.2701 TU. 2.8022 Club, we started the 1953 season sailing activities and have fur. nual J;et.togcther dinner at the; Junior Sailing program. with a record-breaking turnout doing It. They have elected their Detroit Y. C. la~t Tuesda~'. De., ------1 companions. 22835 Grovle. near ESQUIRE SHADE- CO. P & H PAINT STORE of ambitious youngsters and it WANTED-A IIO~TE Harper. South of 9 Mi e. 15133 Gratiol The following is the letter sent own' Junior Fleet Captain, Com. cember 15, and those guys arc' I, I quickly 'became obvious that we ... 1 mander and Lt. Commander and really hopped up on their oJ'-: Grosse Pointe Park. between I -----P-O-O-D-L-E-S---- Open Friday Until 9 P. M. & SERVICE CO. by the Boat Club to the DRYA just didn't have enough boat~ to they have planned a modest ser- ganization. Balfour and Gra~;ton. up to i ' LA. 1.1515 LA. 1.1516 184" MacK Ave.• near Eo Warren Ave. keep thl'm busy and maintain O. 530,000. must ha\'e large IiV'1 Beautiful, intelligent,' healthy I ------I ,n s-Carpenter Work ies of meetings during the win. • • • rm.; With a [air sized den or puppies from greatest im- 12-M,usic: EXPERT painting, paper hung. their interest. ter. One of their goals' is to ar. Speaking of new DRYA meln.' porteel and domestl'~ blood In" by mechanics, free esll. COMPLETE home repalrll and "Qur budget, however, couldn't range for more direct competi- bel'S. the Windmill Pointe Y. C;;,,: library on 1st floor. and 3 bl'd. I ~ 1------.-- .. be stretched to provide the need- roo~ up. we h;l\'e dc!inite 'I lines. In' pale silve', gray. blue, HIGH FIDELITY music systems mates. Van Assche. TUxedo improvements. Porche.!!, attic!, tion and association with' junior which dedicates itself to power-' ed equipment. so the parents of buver. Please c..11 jet black. chocolate brown. am. I made to order for the home 01' 4-1187. TUxedo 4.2714. recreation rooms, kitchens, etc. sailors of other clubs. The Yacht. boats. was accepted into ,the' . KEY REALTY ber. deep apricot. rich cream. bu.siness office. Commercial FOR THE FINEST general paint. Free estimates, large or small the juniors. the members of our ing Committee has appointed a DRYA. From where we sit it I Senior Sailing classes, our yachts- TUxedo 5-2770 and paper white. Toy, minia. killers available. TWinbrook ing and decorating at reason. jobs. FHA terms if desired. Sy permanent steering committee of looks like the sailors and powet .•• I men - and other members inter- ______ture, and,standard sizes. Priced 3.4995. able cost see Charles A. Schra- Goebel, VAlley 4-2919. three senior yachtsmen to assist boaters are going to become fast. ested in promoting junior activ- 19 PETS reasonable. ------1 der. VAlley 4-0388. and guide this new junior or. friends in the future. Bo)',: _-______ALSO 21 b-Watch Repairinq I ALTERATIONS - kitchens reo ity contributed the funds neces- ganization. , wouldn't that be wonderful. sary to purchase and present a !'OODLES FOR SALE minia- I Adorable miniature co I lie ------.------FOR FINEk modeled, formlca counter toP!, "We at the Detroit Boat Club suitable boat to our club. 'I 9 'k Id' . (Shelti~, puppie:l and clown. EXPERT WATCH and. clock INTERIOR & EX'fERIOR bars. cabinet work, recreation are exceedingly proud of this I lure SI vcr •. wee 0 puppies, . h I'ttl I h d: A "With our Lightning fleet thus , L'C d (' 'bl d IS I e I ase un~. ny puppy . . P t s-rvl'ce G rooms, attics. store fixtures and activity, have gotten a great deal .-m rel(lsll'rc. lIle>. 00 h Id X ""835 G repamng. ro m, ~ . n PAINTIN & DECORATING shelving, Terms. TU 5.2840. expanded to four boats. and b)I of pleasure and satisfaction trom l:ne. 'rc,crve nq\\' for Xmas e un I mas. -., .t"°Yc. Reasonable prices. Bra dIe y C R S C C RRO 0 CO holding regular sailing classes 'IUt I t "--I 'I'lf d neur Harper. South 0 9 Mlle. I • HA N c.c • it and feel that it is one of our Ph one.' ua "_';'." I or I Jewelers, :a.0926I\tack lit Hamp. tl REPAIR doors, windows, cabi. for novice juniors on Tuesdays most worthwhilp. pl'ojects:' :\1" h ' WAlnut 2.3986 nets, bookcases; partitions and and Thursdays, and for advanced • IC • 21A-GENERAL SERVICES ton. TUxedo 2.9309. . . . SlStisf/lction Our GUlSr/lntee shelving; good work, prompt juniors on Wednesdays, we kept There you have it. That is how 1I1I:'lIATURE French poodle. 8'1A-I FLOOR s;mding. finishing, --W-'A-T-C-H-A-N-D-J-E-\'1-'E-L'-R-Y--I service, S, E. Barber, 20380 the youngsters busy throughout monlh5. black female in show guaranteed. old and new, 27 PAINTER needs work; Interior Hollywood, TUxedo 4.0051.- the Detroit Boat Club captured For Steel 5398 the entire sailing season and had the Jack Sutton Trophy for the trim. Ideal Xmas ~i!t. KEnwood vears in business. Free est i- REPAIRING and exterior. Reliable, neat a. very successful year. Casements •••••••• 1 "811 . • PR - 00n3 on premises, Long established', decorator. Also A-I wall wash. Cabinet Work second ~:ear, -- . mates, ...". ing. VAlley 4.7808. "When the season - closed we From this program the Boat dependable. SCREENS 51.98 ------1 found we had Issued 21 restricted Club should grow some dandy I \' ALENTE JEWELRY FOR YOUR wintel' cleaning and CARPENTER REPAIRS-Doors, Junior Sailing Cal'ds and seven Alum. Wire ••••••• ' locks, sash cords, etc. EDge. future sailors and maybe it won't i 16601 East Warren at Kensington decorating. call TUx<:do 1-4521. of our juniors had advanced to I water 1-4576. be too long before the Boat Club TU. 1.4BOO _t_'r_c_e_cs_ti_m_a_te_s_. _ the point where we gave them will be carryinll away the hard. unrestricted Junior Sailing priv- Order Early! 1 ware from the weekly DRYA Aluminum: CORNICES and shadow boxes :2--lC---E-le-c-t-r-ic-a-l-s-er-V-i-ce--- Pl.inting ond Decorating ileges. inter.c1ub regattas in hig bunch- REPAIRED . (or Window, bays, etc. Several "Additional instruction was But 01 Groue POinte Refercnces styles. Installed. Shelves. head- es. That is, if the rest of the Sash - Doors. Screens ltiven our more experienced jun- DRYA clubs don't get oIT their Interior • Exterio' boards. panelling. Complete ior:; on the handling of' spinakers VACUUMS REPAIRED Free btlmol£s collecti\'e duffs nnd ~ct a junior , quality ~abinet work. VA. under racing conditions and eight BURGLAR-PROOF GUARDS ,All makes, also floor ami table JOHN R. FORTlEl{ PRo ].3551 2-10;;6. sailing program of their own go- WI NDOW-DO.OR-5KYLlGHT,_ ,lumps and C1uorcscenl lixture'.I _ juniors arc now quali{jed to' race ing-but quick. with the spinn:, our juniors I Auth. Eureka, HoO\'er, Lewyt Outside Estimates Free CUSTOM DRESS~IAKING coats, Little Club, under the direction Storm windows and activ!!ly participated in the SALES AND SERVICE screens 1 sui ts. dresses, evelllllg gowns, DRYA regattas in stilT, mostly NEW. REBUILTS - PARTS Skilled colored workers alterations expertly done. TUx. adult, competition and establish-I !'da 1-3593. 15851 Harper TU. 1-11:!:! City.wide referenccs cd recurds they could well be! , Open 10.9 p.m. daily. ED 1-018:! or \VA 3.5569 , proud of. I CHRISTMAS AI~L KINDS of alterations. Ex- "For the first time the DBC PAI~TING and dccorating, wall perienccd. Call VAlley 1.3208 entered a team of juniors in a, I 21 e--Custom Corsets washing, quick service. Herbert alter 4 p.m. preliminary heat of the Sears I SPECIALS • SPENCER CORSETS Wlllter~, 1119 Ashland. \' Alley 21 G & Mdt . . Trophy race and we felt they did i 2.21109. I x- araqe 0 ernlz~ very well for the first attempt TRAIN TABLE TOPS ... .$7.80 i Individually designed, I I g h t. ------i.n this contest with skilled rac-l and up ,I' weight (oun d'atlOlI5 an d surgl-. PAINTI~G, paperillg, paper re. SPECIALIZING In recreation IlIg teams, STRICTLY FRESH "I mo\'ed, n('at, reliable, WOIk rooms, pOl'ches, kitchens, and cal garments. O\'er. years ,I "The Detroit Boat Club has n I .' 'I d B guaranleed, :>Iertens. TUXI~uO repairs. 25 years experience. Jo'. BREAD BOARDS (Hardwood) ...... $2.9S l'xpcrJence. .. au e annert, perpetual troph.y. known as "The I' Cut-Up Chicken '1 G P . 2.0083. St. Amollr, TUxedo 2.8324. and Turkey 368 l\tcKm ey, losse olllte, __ ._. I Commodore Cup," which is WORK BENCHES .$13.25 TUxedo 5-4027 or TOwnsend PAINTING lInd decO! ating, 20 I 21 v-Piano Servic:e awarded to the junior who wins I 'ClC'C'C'ClC'C'C'C'C'C,«'C'C'C1( I( 1('C'ClC'C'CI('ClClCtClC'CICICICIC'C 'It« 'C'I(IC'C'IIC 7-4312. yeals experience, excellent re!o in a serie~ of elimination heats and up A ~ .. W,. 1\l!'O Jo'resh.Drl'S.'. Wrap and Pack '" i erenccs; also spray painting. PIANOS TUNED. cleaned. . nnd II .Ilinnl sail-olT. Practically g q TENNIS TABLES .... ,.... . $~4.75 = Our Own Poultry Whole and Cut-Up Portion!' ~ j21 -Roofin • , Winte!' prices IlOW in eUecl. proofed ond repaired Satisrac. every sailing junior entered the I I RE-ROOFING Is our specialty. EDl:ewater 1-49511, tlon guaranteed. Reasonable preliminary heats with Allen I I I rates. Seibert. Edgewater I. llennilll( winninl( the linal four. PEG BOARD - STANLEY TOOLS ~ Frozen Fowl i Whether It be mansionlt~ gar- DONALD BLISS 4451. boat round robin. which was 1 None Finer Obtainable Anywhere ! age it will be insta e by Decorator sailed in hea\'y air that tested CALL. capa.bl~ wo~ker.s, wh~ ha~;r., Exteriol Interior COMPLETE FiANO SERVICE- and proved the skill of these speCIalized III re.roofml( .5 Free Estimatc5 Tuning. rcpairlng. refinishing junior yachtsmen and their, years or more. We h~ve re: 30 Years in G.P. and mothproofinl:. W A I nut crews. I a~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~-STRICTLY FRESH EGGS roofed many of your neighbors TU I 7050 1-::025 Plar:e your order early. "We capped "the season with a! J. F. WEBER' CO. homes since 1923. Phone Lo'ck. . - I

h~rt Roofing. !.A. 7-7200. Eve.: PAINTING and ,Hlperhanging, I, • Lumber. Millwork - Paints Verbeke Poultry Market nmgs, TU. 1.1_5!J. complete decorating service, I T Y PEW R I T ER ------Materials and workmanship i 2137 GRATIOT WO.2-3072 15215 MACK TU. 5-4664 HOME OWNERS! Call TUxedo l(uafiHltl'ed. L:\, 7.5!130. ' 1.8170 for gutter repair. rea. SALES SERVICE RENTALS sonable prices. Richard \\'ilIertz 21J-Wall Wa5hing • • • 50 Roslyn road. rortable~ and All ~Iake!l ----.------WALL WASHING and pojnting,' 'd~~~~~ Fireplace Logs . i 21h-Rug Cleaning Well recommended. Rig hI: WOLVERINE TYPEWRITJ~R CO. I price. TUxedo 1.3370. 1I3~3 1',\5'1' .T1WFERSON 1\ VI~. ,~:::,~s~._~ •' BIRCH WOOD I RUGS. tacked carpet, snd furnl. 26 Years in lhe Same Location I'~-:;;':"~~-.~ : Now Available '"~. ~ • ",-"...... • CANNEL COAL I ture cleaners. Home service. 211-Wlndow Washinq W. J. RElI:\l, Manal:er VA. 2.3560 I Satisfaction guaranteed. Free ' .• ~ .- CHARCOAL estimate. Call:' , COLOR LOGS WINDOW CLEANING PACKAGE COAL RE-NU CARPET CLEANERS TU. 5-2311 ..-I • VAlley 2.8085 WALL WASHING -. - PREST.O.LOGS Service cn :;creens !lnd Storms TU. 2-4516 All Models Brid wlSshing expertly done , WALL TO WALL CARPEl Basement Pointing W M. J.. ALLEMON Nelson 17727 Mack Ave. TUxedo 2.9085 CUANING H. E. GAGE & SON E. Galle Your Choice of Transmission TUxedo 4.0136 . QUALITY BUILDER "NO MUSS. NO FUSS," WINDOW CLEANING A Complete Building Service Standard, Hydramatic LET liS CLEAN AND MOTHPROOFI WALL WASHING , .t\~G. l'1}\IIX CO. YOUR CARPETS IN YOUR HOME. Slol"l~1 Sash. Scre('n &: Awninl:! 18499 Mack Ave. Service. Prompt Sen'lce. Rea., ASPHALT SLATE TILE Detroit or Dynaflow I ESTIMATESCHEERFULLYGIVEN. I ,;ollahle Rates. '.-{ PURCELL BROTHERS ;'------.------.------..==-.-:-- ---.--.------==-"=-~-----."=-~------."I ROOF REPAIRS '; PURCELL BROTHERS D_R_E_X_EI_~_1._2:'_'3_7__ ,t. I RE.ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK 21m-Television bpalrs ! TIN OR COPPER SKYLIGHTS GUTIER CONDUCTORS Kotcher Oldsrllobile DREXEL 1.2237 TELEVISION SERVICE - CRT II TV' RADIO ARTHUR G. MARX Estab. 1914 15554 E. Warren TU. 1.6600 Company, 15108 Kercheval., Also home nnd auto radio serv. , Sales and Service 8106 Mock Avenue ice. VAlley 2.7050. WAlnut 1.4330 21 p-Furniture Repairs HONEST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE BY eXPER IENCED TECHNICIANS • FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish .lI MISS DEBUTANn In~, reu'pholstering, springs I'e, : .ANTENNAS INSTALLED Dress Up Y,our Hmtlc tied. Antiques a specialty; Fireplace Fixtures II"f.,.I".',.. ,"d, ••• ;; Plck-up anel delivery. Dunll,: :'lI'n'H'e: ~(on .• Fri. 9:00 A,M. to 9:00 P.M. For Christmas 1. 'et.,II. t.i1 •• ".,.,,"~b'. LAke\'iew 1-8249, : Saturday !1:()0A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Sc'reens, _Andirons ","~"'"...... Famous Winter Sf!al lot tOft 1ft "...... "utklgh" ftO•• l" ,-...... 21 q-PIasterTng ~nd bog. ... ~ The Woods Television' Shop ALL Al UMINUM and Tools f.d.,,;.,. ~ ------"", SI." PERFECT HEPA1RI~G. cl'llinl:~, 21027 MACK TUtedo 1.5414 "IWI... ~ cracl,s, can match nnliques. in Wrought Iron, Bross or ~ ;. Satisfaction fully quarnnteed.1 Combination Door VAlley 2.29B, ~ ...... Swedish Finish. ~ CAll O. Wlltf lOOl Finest (~uallt~.. I>ouble- fUll!1 UUSH D(ALU Strenl;"th Clean - Vision 21S-Carpentcr Work S5295 Complete e) - - 0 Glas!!. SCllrf.proof klr.k. F.n!emple .J ;, •t) up CUSTOM' KITCHENS, cabinets. plale. 'nlree larle 6" John Urbanic formica tops, bars. book cases. hln~e... Immediate ne. l'"ml'l~I~ly Jlvrr)'. lnstall~d j VE 9.77r;q WO 1.5540 I Excellent work. c;.all W B Custom Made Curtain Screens E\'an!, T\Vinbrook :1.5438. Note: to fit st<'l"d<'l~dor corl'ler firepl<'lcl'ls ,\ny standard size door ordered by We also carry a complete line of Dec. 22 wl1l be up by Christmas. - GRATES - ELECTRIC LOGS for 43 Years Venetian Blinds - Shades 0:' • GAS LOGS -FIR! LIGHTERS In. Decorator Colors Every style of Fence Op.n (¥try Day 1'111 e I t Qw,llty Clipper , .. Stork Ul' tn :, •• wld~ .. a •. m. I" 5 p.m. WA. 1-62.82 I'iu all doors, old or-new, Venetian Blinds l friJarl 10 8:30 p.m. any siJe. We inuall operalors erected for you • ooly, doors onl)'. or doors and .\11 SIz~1 III SI..d, 1:1'10 41-. Imm.dlAl. D,II"'f!, operJIllrs complele. \"Ile lho IncluQln1l actvice ~IImJku. Chain LInk AII.Steel an" . ~ ~~ City Sash & SCreell RustIc Styles !_Smith-Matthews itlry. - 14000 E. Seven Mile--2 Blocks W. of Gratiot . MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. LA. 7.3700 LA. 7.3932 , 6640 Ch.ulevoix Phone W A. 2.7155 10403 HARPER AVE. RESIDENTIAL: INDUSTRIAL

1 \. .' t l., . ~-----""'----"'_-~--~~--~ en • .n ..... - ----=- ~.7 - ---:- ;r -'---:-:---~-~-:-----,:""~~-,""'!"-,.-----"'.-~"'4.~4_""""?~+""""._,,,!",__ ".",¥•. "_"''' --'' ... ~ ----- c , ,," ~.

Page Twenty.eight . G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S ThursCfay, D'eeember 171 1953 * F e a t,ur e Page *, * * ----~----_. * * * 1\'110,,,'llc •.c and ,,'lIutllot Pointers of Interest Good Tas~c • b, IllboO%1I Favorite }lecillCS of Those who did their Christmas shopping early ••• are )leolJle in' The ]{now whiling away the moments 'before the holiday parties begin . f/J-6tnte • • • by learning to play the new doublc deck solHait.c ••• VIltGiNIA EGG NOG Hate Mrs. Ogle ••. Those who haven't finished their shop- 12 eggs COllnter Points pinl: lo,'e the name oC the new ~olitaire ••• 2 c. bar lilll:'ar .. • .. 1 IllIart 100 prooC bourbon hy Rnbtrlll [sit," ,. , We hOlle Edna Lee Raot is l:oing 10 be a committee lIf line :lill~~:~~lark rllm So merry ••• so' bright , • " so white .... IIn, RIry:falry ,,::ain thi~ ~'ear to sce that the Christina!> star atop the lute I (11Iiu-theavy eream ",hite net •.• far-flung short skirt ••• trImmed in o~ er-all :llurra)' Sales' home will he lighted during the hulida~'s ••• 2 IllIarts rich milk black lace fans ••• splashed with rhinestones ••• so gala ••• .. • f'fbis is Ibe sceom/ I'e"r Gmsst so perfect for your dancing dates, •• for around .fifty dollars . The Count and Countess Cnil Tolstoi have a fa\'orite /'oillte Ncll's has primed Ibe The clever hallds at Margaret Rice's ••• on t~e h1ll ••• could cafeteria downtown • , • and \\:e always wonder what the reci/lf lor Virgilli" Egg Nag turn out a sweater, .• but cashmere ••• wIth the same fan little office secretaries would think if they knew they, were r,.bieb II'IIS ori.r:illally called pattern •• , choose black trim, of course. sharing their lunchtime table with a Count and Countcss , •• MetlicilMI Egg Nog "lid prt. • • • .. .. 5crilml bl' /Jr. Cabell ,Harris for This lI'ttlt il looks as though .1°111'tire,,'" of II While Chrisl. Vis P"tiClltS, \I"' e ("IIII' by 11)(: III"S is " rtalill' ••• arid ad,'arlee stlapshot lam dream 0/ tI Del!,.'l:t • 'fhe Pointe. Holidn~'!1 19;j3: E\'er~'onc discussing thc I('(ipf fbrougb his clallghlel', Outfit Ih"t (a~, ht a rtalil)' if .1011 f1'a"t it In be. !tldllded,s II cl~"rette scare as the~' smoke filter cigarettcs ••• ,"rs. joUI'b /.i/ml' of Cli/lotl basic e"lIIcra , •• fillll ••• flashholder ••• fl"sh gll,,~d ••• I"ml" • • .. Forge, 1'". I'coille bereabollts ••• batteries ••• illSlrlletiom ••• hili 1II0rt , • , th,s Dllajle." 11 .The M. Robert Olps served fresh raspberries from their ,'!II'"ys Iboughl 1/'1' iliad!;' liP Ihe Co'lllera is tquipped "'ilh a Kadar F/S [.em ••• " fi"er./as/~r lellt own garden bushes on a fruit salad last Sunda\'~ ... If that's lIalllf "U/m/I" bul il's ,is 11'/11'"f Ihal Ids lOll mo/'e ill dour In )'0111'sllbjtCI ••• makes pl(llIrtl what the atom bomb is doing to weather •• '. the Olps say tl C eg.~' tlo;: is good, /\Irs. Up all IImltr lII~re (/iOi(ll11 cOrlditinrlS •• , Ihe camerll /I'ilh Kodllr Itm that's alright! ••• 'I'as " ki$.lill' alillt of OIll'S, Armt is llrormd l'Ulltl' cialiars , •• complde' Dllaflt:t: Del" ...:e Olllfil • • • Jess. (//1// dllri,,;: Ihe ycar she Jl"lnmd IhiJ'/l' doil"rs. Call1l'ra aueJSorits ••• ""d lIIall.\' IIttracli,'e This ~'ear'~ Christmas cards ha\'e takcn n reliJ:ious turn •• dietl. Tbis lI'ill be Ibe linl JIt"pshot aibullls ••• Italhtr c"",erll c~srs •• '. are all gnod lor • .. .. ChristJlMs she lI'nll'l bt here In Chri,lItllas g;,.illg. Catllera Cmter •• , ", Ihe nllagt.. ' We're told the l'l'SpOnse to the Protestant Children's Homc 1II11l1e ('gg lIog fnr her 011'11 I~or your sllecial ChrIstmas :lugel ••• especIally ICshe s a teen- annual Christmas Ictter, seeking gifts from the Home's falllily bllt we k'IO/I! she'd like a;er ••• there Is ;\lajestlc's, Urlllance ••• :i rUt carry-all ••• good ft:iends, has been most ~ratifying this Christmastiml' , , , If 10 lbillk I'oillie (brist III11S/,"rtie.! Cor evenlnl:' "ear ••• It's a black ,'elvet Cold.over clutch bar com- you haven't answered yours •.• remembel', now's the time I :,'cr(' jr~sl a ;'~t morc fml ,lI'ilh blned with gold or ~lIver embroidery ••• and a eonlpact to match s to be Santa Claus to a group of lo\'eiy girls and boys ••• 't!Je reo/Ie 'I'brcb al,,'oI.1 dul HI ••• for Jllst three dollars. And out oC .Jacobson's Christmas !talax,. IItllcb ;:0011 Inr ber latbcr's of girts there are !told and sliver mesh bags ••• all slus for around • • • / -FIl'd 1I\1",1I'1IsPhoto /,,,tieIl/I /I'bo 11'1'1'1' mllch slroup.erlI ~.~Ix tll ten doll,~rs,... Jacobson's Ua." Department • One of the most popular pla~'mate~ at Ihe Pointc: Trinka. EDWIN I>. HOHAN WITH KNfHY M~n GAIL OF 'J'IW~mLE\' HOAD ;'V t!Jt' clld nf Ihe bolitfaJS atlc ...... the J;:entle police dog of l\lr. and Mrs. Cla~' l'IiIes who'\"(~ ----~---_.----- Ihe flul nf Ibe egg un;:. j,S,) Tf,e FlllfJ,CIIO hnu ttrt los/'tcial/1' fnr Iht sclmr;[ ut , •• It'd: moved to Windmill Pointe from E,'an,,"iIIe. Ind. All thl' By .Jnllc Schcl'Ilterhufn lJa~ an annual liate with hel' tll'O rv~ethod: Beat tl~e egg yolks tllrt' Ibe 1Il'/rm reillforud beel a"d ine ••• ;11 pasltl sbadt's nf neighborhood children call to sre if ther can "dllJ: sit" fer Don't be downcast, those of you who deplore what's little ~lrlS \v hen the)' 11l a k e untl~ the~' are as 1Jght as they sk,.b/lIt'. "iaiu, /,iult IIl1d lI'hile ••• ;,,/a"ls' s;us rigbl Ibru 11. Trink ..... happened to Christmas midway in the twe'1ticth celltUI'~'. It Chri~tlllas cookies to serve Santu plJsslbl~" can be and then add "lIsn /Jraclical are Ibt Dtl "a;',. slippers i" rtd, Mile, or ,1tl/ofll • ., • , isn't a one hundred percent pricc tag aJIail', it isn't all a ~erics on Christmas Eve. the sugar, B~at thoroughly. I/'itb t0l's 01 pruiolls f,(r. Tb~ plai" %;!,ptrtd OlltS are just tiS At the Hunt Club the Special Christmas Belles a~e :\lrs. or bespangled holida~' partlcs. ; ---- .. _ ..-. -- :\lrs, 1Iolan mixes thp dough Slowl," pour In the bourbon r:notf.lookillg. 11UIi"" /\locs alu/ !,lIl/mall'type slippers "" fnr John W. Mulford. Mrs. Walter V. Stewart. Mrs, ~avarre In almost evnl',v POl'nte I Il~,~ Ileell lilll'II" IIIC well with hut thc little girls do all the roll. an,d then the rum. Whcn \~el1 i,ol's, Am/ 1'01lr tee".a."e dallgbler lI'nuld call Ibe "Ompbies" " ,n" ing. cuttin!: out and decorating, d dd cream and mIlk ' ~ Bennett and M,rs. Charles, S. Dodenhoff , .• who. as m,em, be,rs II:ome '-'Oil call fl'nd sOlnctllt'nl~ dcell blue bateen to rCllresent TI I d 1 b t I ' mlxe a ., " real "(m~. Ci,'de 1/orllllll"'s, Otl tbe bill. J t I I leV a rea v lave one a c I III Stir in the twelve stiffly " , .~... or the d ecoratln~ committee. Ilave d one suc I1 a tern fIC JO.b .' " ,r I thc Uecelllber :.I\~' and the h I Y the 'decp fr~ele hut are I:oinl: to with the trimmin~s that deck the hal1s with holly ••. They ~s ~ld f,lshlOned as ,?~t un~ I cuuntrJslde of Bethlehem h~ll make still another lot. just in beaten c~g w hit e s, Drift Wal m as vour Christmalj hearth is a gift for the recrea- went to work extra earl~' because there are so mal1~' pre- I.~)p,corn for, the. Chllstma heen :.lnllllated. h)' :\Ir. Horan, s c:I;.e Santa is extraol'liinarily generously with grated nut- tion room •• : a forty-eight cup West Bend Drip Coffec Urn Christmas partie!; at the Club, .. and tomorrow a"ain the\,'11 t!ee. the ba),berr~ ,can,dle to deft touch ~Vltll ollh~ (used hungry when he comc,~ to thcil' , mel-(, ' .•. aluminum, The salient feature of the urn is that after t r I h I tl d r rt "'The ' hght the ChrIst ChIld 111. the under I'arl,etlll~ uSlIOIII,,) anll house this ~'l'al'. I Pour the egg nog II1to It the drippint! process is over the heat control keeps the coffee lTIee, or unc eon am ,Ien more ccora 111" • • • re are famih" singing of carols these i curwl:all'd cardhllard repre- TIll'Y are a1;.o a little wurl'il"d I three g a lIon stone crock, ~ h Chnstma!ll, . trees : ' . Christmas, .,.,"recns . . .. holl\".' • • and red winter\'. cves. I :Il~ntIIII: ~\IUWswep t Illuun:tt In"'. "bout '.t.h~~11I:;.tIJlll:S thpy, .maue,I CO\'et' top with waxed pa~e,' at, a propel' servin" .. temperature. Did you know t at cvcry- rlbbon!ll all o,'er In attractl\'c arrangement. • • • . . i II I '1 i 'I Silvcr ~tal's twinklc in Ihe sky thiS ~COIl h ~ C :IU s C nUl.! the: or foil and then secure ~With body, everywhere is painting? And to, add glamour to your • • • aboundI~s(,ec:lIn the~" loeshOl1le!ill(IIf :\Ir.I Sl'allll1'1 and the lal'''r'r", Star of Bethlc. "fourth rollin::' some of the 'I I' te S e t In' sno\\ '\\'eatllel' rooms there are handsome black waste baskets and tray!! PILFERINGS :\Irs. t:dwin P. Iloran 1111 '1'1'11111- hem really gludl's the wa~' t(~ t,he cookil'5 sepmpd jw:t a tiny hit Pol, '" .• , already to paint? Just match the numbers on the paints to II d I II Christ mangel' where the Chwit Child toul:h. I permlttll1g, 01' some equall) the numbers 011 the pictures. It's a cinch to paint one. Tile Remcmbcr thr. old. old ~tor~' about thr Ilukl' lIf Windsor ~=~"c~~~h~ ~~I:~e an~~lal wurk 111''';, Leltcrs tll Santa ~ool p~?C~ [.01' f?:I~ daf'~ d~r- sets are a\'ailable now, too. Fromm's, in the \'illa~e. , "'hen he w,,~the Prince of "'ales'? of 10"1'. hllilt by :\Ir. Illlran 'I'h"ir O\\'n (irccns They told \IS llbollt the le!tN, ling \~ IC u:ne J IS:I( vIsa e • • .. Seem!! one da~' lIi~ Ro~'al' Hi::hness ""liS ridin:: a mutor- and enjo~'ed hy his f:l\lIl1~' in- The b,uil(!l'r of the ereehl' has I they'!,p wriling to Santa as we i to hlrc a Plnkcrt~JIl man to IJ(,/itl'e us, Ilu't"e iw'l " .r:ifl Ihal lI'OtliJ porlray Ih~ real Ip;ril ~,'cle alon ....a rlla.II'n Frall"A (tll'l.r ,,'n-. Iltlrl'll" "'orl.t \\','tr I) CII/IIIIIP tIle t"'11 IlrcU," little bl'en faithful to all the detail,;, "at the!'e bl'illll' the l'l'l'che.: ~uard. l\lerr\' Chl'lstmas! f rl . l l I J d h . Ih, , ", .~ ~ .. " Mary ,md Joseph le:m ovcr the I Breathless!\" they mentioned ,vin'I' .:..._.__ ._ IJ •• ~rlSlmas mort I ~a" I ~e mils aru Stt rtmem rallC~J "' n \\"'1len sn d (cnI IY tl Ie mac h'nI e !otailcil • II e!i pCllt .SOllIC., t"lll lIoralls, l\ath" J alld Gall, l'l"ib of the Child. The three I'nil' Walker dolls. pil'lUl'e, to l' (.,) "II()\\' .,..,"1'01>"5 C \1'".,' If'orm a ,/Met It IS. I'J11IS,,III d Rt.l'l. """ .r:s Il",a I 'wrle\1." n,'~J,u ,'s si"nll"'"'', .. 1r~'ill:: to lucnte the trouble bnt WlIS ullsnCl'c!osful and finally The ploject was Initiated in the Wise Mcr iJPPl'oach tilt' mangel' piJint with oils. II mutulll sewing I M"IIY IIr the world's outstlll~d- illlJtr saloll Of' Ibe hil/. /\I,,"l' of Ihese ilems lure sn/d 0111a 'Ut" Jle had to 1",i1 a passin2 dispatch ridcr. Illlrun household two years ago where animuls al'P Illzin~, machine, nurse's kits and a set or i ing sports cars, some ?f, wlll~h ago ••• btll II"ollur JlJipmenl has arr;l.td ;11 lime /nr lasl mi"lIlt The soldier had no trouble at all ::ettil1:: the l'rilH'c's when the Christ Child III II idS In the distancl! there alc shep- tea dishe~, ,i ha,,'e 111'1'1'1'hepn exh,lhlted In rboll/I~I's ••• Ibl'ei' alld si,,' dol/aI'S. I.tl lIS remi"d Jail there i, crih lIud th!' three wise Illen stoo 11°1'(1,"tendl'll" tll"I'I' .•.Il .... p. "l'llere i~ a "isit to S:lllta 1I1 the thiS collntr.v before. Will he on l O' l I . t tin I ,,'a sonle,,'llat ann.I"c.1 to be ~tlllllle(1 ~ ,> .. ~ .> ~~ still lillie for olle nf ~er comptlttll st" In "I/'e .l'oll I ~al ~,\'Ir" mac line !I ar c •• a (S • J " on the mantel in the Iivinl: I'OOIll. From their I:ardell~, the r.esh in the offmg fOl' the )'OUUI: publie view at Thl! Henry Ford ~ r t or'lo rJ"'I'al a !Icr"I'c. ... I'l'minder 0f tIIe rea I Ch ns' tmas lIurans h,I\'e broul:ht branchl's ladies, too. Museulll when "Spurts C III'S Un. bolid",", ""lamrJllr ••• silut Jur saloll ,l'ill ht opm SalllrJa,1', Dtc. "You must be a heck of a poor m ..chanic tlmt ~'IIII l'lIuldn't story. II of .1all.lllese e\\'1' tn frame the Famih' AfT:lir limite'd", II new exhihition will 26 alld ,\lm,day, Du. 2H.. k. .Id d t I." t "lid" h..lp .,'ourscIC:' he said scornfull.,'. "'\'ho are ~'ou':" ('I,IrIS't mas I'...rl'c IIe whnll' ~cI~nc :lnd tu f..rm the 1'0"1'.111"1'tll" 'Jfamil," trims thp open nil Friday .. anum',Y 8,"'I or.e I~,'ery hostess and homema er wou 0 e on an .....x ra-,. a "I am Che "riner. of Wal ..s ., replied His Hoval lIi,'hncs!i L:ISt year,' ~t1"., II llran. \1'I1,"0 I',i ' tiny tree<; within their Christ. Chri,;tma,.. ~ tree.~ Gail deckin~ the thall ;,'(b autom~, IIes WIII cIIro,nl- stalnles. .. steel tea cart ••• could be u~ed u a televl!ilnn cart. •• , ,', • ' '. fl" 'h~1 "': 'I' fallllly credIt". hln~ With .. ~elllUs I mas plellll'l!. lower branehes, Kathie the nlld. de the e,'olutlOn of the sports refreshment !ier,'er ••• dish carrier ••• sick room cart ••• sen'lnl ('nns/derabl~ takcn Rback b~ thiS re el:llon 1111 IS Illec 1111lll:11 "md 'I way WIth eVl'l".tlilllg m'- E'./ ' . 'I II" t' k" " .' "I' Ilc"I'nn'ln" 'l'I't!1 a WI/) Hud- cart. 1"1111see there is el"ht sqllare feet. of portable work !!pacc' ••• •• • l. ..f •• ~. I ,.J •• '.. "u.: 1 ~ cal ." r. Ol~Ul .t e~ .1 \\'uy ones hecillbP she ~ grO\VJn~ Cd ,... ,...,..,. .. I Rblhl~. tlstlC (Wh~. he c',en I,"tes jhltle away. adds a hUle tu the tall and Illallla and papa' ,\I'I' re- ~lln :-ipeed~ter, through modern Irlille shelves. 'J'he free wheellnlr coasters make It ~o easy to nlO". "Sure. ~'ou'rc .the Prince of "'alc ... l1nd rl~1 ]{in:: GClIr::C'''II~~)e~llS to, u~::' h~)a~tt',d ?arlJ, de- l.~.eche, No\\' next j'ea~', he's ,de- ~ponsible for the hi::hcr reaches,: tim.'s, to ~ 195-1"Fiat, ::8, TI~e from olle rool11 to the other ••• PO~!csses rlll;Kel1 construction ••• Rhot hack the soldIer as he n-ounted III!>maclune and rode lIll. (Idcd the fll eplacc Itself '~,o~I,Ii, clded to Illold more nlllm;i1s hUll- Thl' whole ramll)' MI 1I,,'es I e x h I bIt ~0 11 \\ 111 stl ess futUl I' gooll desil:ns •• , some with hot tops. GIlII. :\Indern lIome Furnl~h- A ,'cn' ..hort time after that. Ihe outfit to which the dis- be. p:~~ert settlll~ for the Natl\ - I sclf (Ihe present oncs wIre Chri~trn:ls and IIII' Christmas Itrends. whIch WIll be drnn~?t1,zed In~s, -103 FIsher ltd...... h 'd' bid ' d h I I)' .... t II It~ M"ne, I i plI1'chased hut these next onl's story till' crechc '1I11ll'ars each i hy an Alfu Romeo Dlseo l f i 'I i i'll l . I palc rl. cr e onJ:e was mspectc ~'t Ie rmce •• .,~ urn~' So i,le al'ra~lged the hack::l'Ound i will he custom made~) And Iw's 'Ha~ 'a bl't earlll'r '~u tile)' ma~' Volantc" and "Bat". and a host AI I~t Sigll I} t~t' /\lcrlllau, nil I~e ~I , I~~rt IS a /I''')) II the lloldler ".!,~scarcd half to death whcn he recot:l1Izcd the r.nd fll:ures In a hUl:c' ~ardboar,d I still experimenting with light- ~njuy it 10nJ:er. i of 'plastic-bodied cars. JltJriud 01 gifls • .A"d Ibe o"n ":~ cboose In t:.lol Ibis /I'etlt,II" man he had first helped and then rebuked. hox, only you couldn t tell It in/: for the erechl' thoul:h 11'1' And durinl: I,llI' of those ab, ------Imge .'fnle Irays (24,\'19 i"dus), [lioral dt(oraliorlS adom Ib, Rut His Hoval lIighnes!! wa~ a good ..port-as ah\'l'~'s. was a ca~dboard hox w,hen 1\11', didn', see boll' he could impro\'e sence". when 1\11', Horan travelcd 'decltled victory wh'ell be Ilro- M"ck IJackgJ"Ormd. This sel 011II loldi,,;: r"clt • , • lISt it as II Iray ~\ S IIe came ' face to. face Wit• h t h e tern 'f'leI I fco,,",II IIC SllI'd : f'Honm , finished.II and set It In the upon hi.", 1953 l'!fort to his work shop','" at his home dllced a ~tor"J IIn SI,lees fur :\Irs. or ((JOer 101bit, The rUitS ()II casltrs art bi;:bcr IIl1d ;dtal for pllSb- , II'P ,~e , :\Ir. Chrblmas wlll're Ill' can dl'lli. sadder and do lIuran's Ilcrbual anll she was ;'Ig am"",1 ••• blaclt /I'ilh golJ ••• bolb models IIrt, arolltlll "Uello, Dad! 110"" are ,'ou:' ' This "I'ur, the hllllru,'elllent , ", "11 lIWlIner of lIla/'ie 11'1' learned f:l:.cinated b~' It. Ib;rlull dol/ars, .... • ------. '_ .._-.-. Addllll: to IllS dlStlnl'tlllll of'" I I' 'id t f ' : bCIll{: !\Ir. Christmas in his home th:lt th.' ~'l'l!('It'- JUI er. expel' It's one of his own avol'lte And while we sing of' Yuletide treasures ••• we want to I:Ire the wreaths and I:rcens ar~ gardener, IS al~o a .col.lecto)'. gifts to ~h'e at Christmastime, sin" the praises of a worthwhile investment in relaxation. -_.-- .. i t h k HI' has all till' r\atlllnal Geo- , And if you wonder what will to 'kI rangemen s e ma 'C5, ~I"IP'1'ill'S from 1!l1~, • an Ii no,'I'11111: ,hapllt'n to the copies he use d to You J'ust owe it to _yourself to discover the restfulness of , Thfi5 \l"CC' htel is '('tU1SYt'fU~hiolnOt 1':1;1 m;;ke hilll c!I'stro\' a single Illala' the hill" terrain in the Prisma glasses. We looked through a pair ••• Ihought we In I: our WH'a IS la S \1' la 'J \\' I b h : lllakPs him such an avid ribbon copy, Christmas creche. all hiliden un- were dreaming, •• the glare AS gone ••• t le 0 jects t at Isavcr from Christmas to Christ- Culll'l'lur del' ozite and snow, you needn't met our gaze were soft. Prisma glasses angle your \'isioll I I I k 'II J In thl" Horan library thl'l'P is 1I'0rl'Y, J'ust rit!ht for readil1~ in bed and tele\'iewing while lying I lIlas . .. Ie 00 s especia y or 1llwavs nt Il'a:.t onp year's collpe- Whl"n th .. crpcllp. is taken apart .. , J:rl'at hi/: fat ;md beautiful red tion 'of volumes on a special tn- lhis veal'. those copips will 1:0 down Ill' reclining. Gives clearer, more comfortable vision : satin bows fOl' his wreaths\. hIe, right'slIlaek back in the National ' •. look in on a demonstration at 87 Kercheval ••• Johnston i Ills two Ilttlc girls led liS In an up,tairs 100tll :IIp the I Geographic Room at that nice Optkai. Co" oh, yes, •• these precision made specs come com- prolldl" tn the dlnllll: roolll copies from 1!l32 and his sister in Christmas house on Trombley., plete with case and gift box •.• for a jewel of a price •• , Time-Table for a Super Colossal table and the Scotch Illnc Clcvelanrl protccts for him tEe ------nineteen dol1ars and se\'enty five cents. l centerpiece their dad had made is,sTulel'~)"oflllt~ah)e,'ne(')',th '::,':'tcallll:sS"filll!"r I , ,.., RAD••IO ,..,.,..,~.I' Ii< .. • Cor a Ilre,Chrlstmns dillner, ~ b~ .. ..~ Ull YIIII kllow a man': Thill l'l for him •• ' • a J)Cl"5Onalshaker. SII:trklllll: t1n~' Christmas tree tIps but It s mce Just to Imllw I LOST WEEK END balls lIestle III the deell greell wht~re ht! can I:ct lit tlll'lIl when TELEVISION It's Ilerfect Cor mlxln( or llhakin( one drink (plus a dh'ldend). necdles of the lline :lrr:lIl1:e. he needs them. UesiJ:ned by a fellow called Sal,ler, it comes tn c1eamlnc sliver .t the ml'lIt :llld therc are metallic Ile WlllI't feel the Klrls are Sales and Service 1l'Iatc, :11111 the decorated tOIl Is an attractive cocktail cup ••• the , twirls to add tll It!i IIl:ht reall~' I:ettinl: :lny plaee In Complete Line 01 Record. ba~e ha.'1 its own bnllt.ln !>tralner. Ill' coulll use them In palr'3 for Ill'artedness. ' l>chllol 1I11t11 he ca,n hrhll: forth JACK O'C'ONNOR an attracU"e twosome servIce. Six alld one.nalf Inches tall • ; • Sf,. CI~lil~:1::1':11 i Mrs. Horan's forte is the UIl- :t cOII~' of Ihe SaUonal Geo- holds fOllr onnces • , • S.,50 each, Illus tax. Trail's I>harmac)", on the ,u~lIal recipe for Christmas liin- I:raphlc whie'h will help to , hill, • • • ST. CLAIR, MIC:HIGAN flIPI' anrl then besides bein/: San- write slime theme from Its 111- 17001 Kercheval TU.1.1655 b b ' ta',~ hl'!pel" wilh the shoppill/: she forlllalln~ arlil'II'''. Ill' f('lt a ._ ".... Snme IJ,.;gbl I}(}p IfIrlletl I tir rlel.tr "IWS ••• sparlud Ibem On. Hour Drive from Grosse Pointe .----.- ..----.------.".-- ..---- l!'itb imagillaliorl ••• alld prtsto ••• 11'1' ba/'e a cha"ce In start" THURSDA Y, DECEMBER J I Rf:OfU:t.D Dun. , • mrlllf)"- lIIodei rlostl. A g"rlllcIII I,a;: •... sOllie matcbillg bangtrs , •• tllld tn~ m~J:lr b,' TV ,I.r fI Ch~rk - 1ft 11m. Inr [""t Ct.AltF. Ct:M:llI:-;C',~, rrowllnl a fell' .lards nf gaJ' scal/nped ~clg;IIg will In the Irick •• , add W... " _ rnd .." rr....lldlll!tlltor tlMtcbillg piece. Bacb item is IJeallli/lIl/jo qllUltd 0/ Ihe /i"esl • till pm,_ COCKTAil, PAnTY !'itl)'1 alld stllrdily (ollSlrueled In g;,'e jears 0/ sen'iet, tllld .1'i11 IIMp,m, 1iurcul..nt STEAK ol:'>:'\[n SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 1010 pm, _ :'>EW YEARS En: PAnTY llrrakla.I, nf ruur. .. ''''.I' di!'idmdr i" IIIIIUidltel, dirl alld mollJ !,rolecled r10tbes ••• d.nu mU.lr h~'JOE Rl'C'''. MAKE A fifl)' sel'eJl i1ulJ gartltttll bag holds 16 garments, $3.9J ••• door ER'S ORCHESTRA, , , dr.... SI.EIGlI IIlDE IwacOlu. if opllon.1 no snuw) , , , HOT I.U:-;CII in bamper, $2.95 • , • blankel comlorltr bllg holds 111'0 blallitels or Cnunlrv :I[""lInl 1Iall, An- FRIDAY. JANUARY 1 nual Mus"',,1 Chain Cun- aliI' cnmfortu, $1.95 •• ,cJllilltd cOl'ered dress lJatlgers"se: 0//0111' k.l. Cu,mnunlly SingIng THIS ••• olle doll"r ••• C[ui/lcy cbesls from aroll"d sw ... "'a,,)' .2ooam.- :'\o:l\lrnal BRU:'oO"1r - Can~dlatl led b)' RAY CABLIN . t from thrn I, lIIore ••• al/ .r:ood lor Cbristmas gil'itlg. jaeobsOfI'S Home Decor. bOicon and :I('r.-mblf1'd raM'. 8:30 p,m,- CIIA:.IPAG:'>E PUNC1I PARTY on' hul hIOCUIU. Jrll~'. and cull .. ;:30 p,m, _ DUFFET DINNER fall )'011 : "Ii,'e Sbol" ill Ibe "il/Jee. ('an ralll , . , sh"hllP, BRF KFAST • IN - BED l\\h~1l 1>I('ker,,). bakrd \'lr::lI1la ~ou pick up 'pnu.lr. I • • • , thlll:'. ro.Dt't prime b~e(. ! As bright as candy eallell are the rifts Crom n. J. lIealy's In the l,a, ... - S."RATOOA • Tl:lI£.ln I;,. lnop ..d or( hr tasly d... - l'....kl.U ....ullir '''rl. , , . candlrllghi and it, ! village. We choose lots of bud,.et llrleed thinp ••• &ome,u low a!I Allf. noon - !'t:GAR ROWI. and ROSE ROWL ('opPt'r ,<,r\'lcf" i olle twent,'.fi\'e and nut over five dollar.t. Wool Is Cor warmth .am",. ,eftn on Clant £'\ ..nml - D.\:'>C"ING In m ... lr or 'Z7.tnC"iU TV .er..~n frt'm r.EOIIGE rRl:l1O TRIO I y'kllow and here are coz,. wool plaid stoles that. gals erne Cor JII~t ".!at1lum" tn J..ounlfl'! .•• three dollars ••• others In black. white, pink and blue Cor around mUms (or th~ l"d!.,1 ••• SUNDAY, JANUARY J TOO BUSY TO WRITE AN AD' I root dOI'~ , , , "'r ' I four. Coz,' knit I:lo,'es to keep her warm on blustery days are here Pus.I!1 •• T'lattrr CHICK- "CrnIlll - Dand" SREAKFAST -- Ihe FOR YOUJ\ CONVENIENCE ••• I at 5uch a wee prIce , •• one dollar and twcnty.flve cents •• Collars ~ DINNER .. nd of a LO::iT WEEK-E:'lD lion J:,m,- J't:N &< r-.'T!:RT.'J~;:lIE:1T , , , 1:310re In Cur. leather, wool, velvet or lace. Fragrances she'd ah and you'll !lP\'pr rprret and We ",ill be open till 9:00 jl, m. Thursd!lY t!lnd Friday, Dee. 17-1~ llanelnr to mUIIC 0' KE:: Ionr rf!r.'1@mb!r! • oh over ••• "lorlou5 jewelry, anll tricky Jeweled riCb, bap, pixie and Monday and Tuesdt!lY, Dee. 21-22 Only $95.00 Per Couple 1 hah made of \\'onl and sparkly threalb ••• slipper sox ••• ca~. I !Oft hankies. Sow what could be more Chrlstmas'1'th.n a dolled-up Includes: I paekaJ:e from the D. J. lI ..aly'Shop, In the vlIlala': • Modern Room With B"th • All Meals from Dinner ThursdllY Night Through . '" . BruH.,t Sund.y Mo,ning • 3 CoeU.:til Portj~, • R.:sy C"rlin ,,1 the Pillno I FIi,.ty litt.Je Tabi house boots are an idea from nati\'e Japan lounie wear. Ther fit like a mitten ••• up o\'el' th~' • Joe Ruc~.r', Ou:h.strll • Ken Rlldlield Duo • George Primo Trio TUxedo 1-5262 Racquet and Sport Shop I '1 snIde • ~ ,adjustable. Offers the recipient "shoe-off" comfort TV St.r CI.u. Cummingl, Delinutor of Deceptive Dllxterity • SllIigh Rid!:! TUxedo 1-2262 106 KERCH EVAL " •• washable '.' • fold Oat for packing, , • interlined ••• in • N.w Y.ar', Day Football Game, • A Complete, Full O' Fun luxury Week-End I I cotton or velvet ••• tiny price tags. Or choose leather moca ! in a smart leather bag. The leather is fine because it is of Tel.phon. St. Clair Inn i1T!pol.ted, glove leather. See ••• it is possible to make her St. Clair 452 The Holdens St. Clair, Mich, • IClsure hours at home ••• and away •• , comfortable if )'ou Ivisit Jacobson's Hosiery DepartmenL I . , I
