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Marian Sheet Music Marian Library Special Collections

January 1911

Choruses in Octavo Form

Jacob Schloeder

Ignaz Franz

Clarence Walworth

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Recommended Citation Schloeder, Jacob; Franz, Ignaz; and Walworth, Clarence, "Choruses in Octavo Form" (1911). Marian Sheet Music. 98.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marian Library Special Collections at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marian Sheet Music by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 3390 DRESS, A ...... , ... , ...... t~~~~aD4~~muit ' l· ...... '.two male voices 2409 MITTERER, IGN...... Three .... ;., ...... :.,_, ...... Three male :vo!~es .20 8410 MITTERER, IGN ...... O. Doctor Optime...... : ...... :.:.. Thr--ee male.vole-es .10 3429 YON, ALE SS. P...... Jerusalem Surge·...... : ... .,. Four. male voices .20 3435 KLFJI'N, BRUNO OSCAR .. .' ...... : ...... Four mixe·d voices .15 3473 GREGORIAN-VATICAN ... IU ...... , ...... Uniso9 .. :...... lO 3477 SCHLOEDER~ J ...... , ..... Christus Factus Est ... ~ ...... , ...... Four male voices- .10 3478 DRESS, A ...... lf~~~~~~erium l...... ;...... Four ma:le yoices .10 3479 GREGORIAN-VATICAN ... ...... ; ...... - Organ accompaniment .15 3483 HANDEL, G.F ...... Alleluia ...... ,...... Four male :voices .15 3646 \SCHLOEDER, J.H...... Divine. Praises, The l U . . -l . . OuF&ther; H&il Mary; Holy God L,...... ~-~~. ?.~. ,,. ,.,: '" ' " ' ' "" '10 lH:i01 STEWART, H'.J ...... Haec Dies ...... , ...... ; ...... : Four mixed voices .15 3613 NOWOWIEJSKI, F ...... Three Motets ...... , Four mixed voices .12 3677 MON'.ESTEL, A ...... to St. Rita ...... : ...... Unison .; ...... 10. 3709 BONVIN, L ...... , ...... Four Antiphons to the. B.V; M~ ...... , ... Two equal voi.ces .15 3711 GREGORIAN-VATICAN ... Vesper ...... : ...... Organ accompaniment .60 3721 WIEGAND ' J...... ;; ...... llVeni 0 Salutaris Creator (F) (F) l ...... ;...... F our. m1xe. d voices . .10. -3724 REES, W. H ...... ; ...... Laetentur Coeli ...... : ... , ...... Four· mixed voices.15 37.41 SWERTZ, H.C...... , ...... Responses for High ...... F.our mixed voices .15 3142 SWERTZ, H.C...... Responses for High Mass...... '...... Four male voices .15 3743 G:l,tEGORIAN-VATICAN ... l~li~i\~a!e} ...... : ...... F'our. mixed voices .15 3755 DE MERLIER, L ...... Regina Coeli ...... ,,...... Three male voices .15 3756 DE MERLIER, L. :;..... : ..... Regina Coeli..... , ...... , ..... Four mixed voices :15 3770 GREGORIAN-VATICAN: .. lkitDany o.f the Saints l ...... Unison...... 10 . · . h.e eum l 3778.WIEGAND, J ...... , ...... Terra TTemu'it ...... Four m.ixed voices.12 3810 BECKEµ., RENE L ...... Terra Tremuit ...... Four mixed voices .15 3811 UNGERER, J.C...... Terra Tremuit ...... : ... Four mixed voices .12 3813 HALLER, M...... : Domini est Terra ...... Four mixed voices.20 3816 NEKES, FR ...... _...... Terra Tremuit ...... : .... Four male voices .10 3863 BECKER, RENE ~ ...... Tui Sunt Coeli ...... ,...... ·Four mixed voices .12 3864 BECKER, RENE L ...... Laetentur Coeli ...... : Four mixed voie~s .12 8899 WIEGAND, J ...... Aspergel't Me ...... , .... .-...... Four mixed voices .12 ETT.).,, c.... ~ ...... La.udate .Dominum HAYvN, M...... l . . . . w 3904. MOH. R, J ...... : ...... Ta·n. tu:µi Ergo ...... Four mix~dvo1ces .it> lNISSL1,.,.L...... Pange Lingua JASPEn.1 C...... , ...... Lauda. Sion 393!l KNAEBEL.A.M.. , ...... Asperges Me ...... Four niixed v-0ices .12 8939 .MONTANI,NICOLAA ...... Credo III...... ;; ..... Three male voices .15 3945 CHARITY, SRS. of: ...... Immaculatc ., .,...... ~ ·-···· ...... iO 3964 SILVER,.ALF~ED .J ...... Ecce .Panis .... , ...... Two equal vqiC'es .12. . 396;) SILVER, ALFRED J ...... ;.Ave Verum .... , ...... :...... ,. Two equal voic·es .12 3966 SILVER, ALF.RED 'J ...... Ave Ma.ria ...... Two equal voices .12 *Except Canada and Foreign

• The


Blessed • . . . . . • , • . . . • . be God, Blessed be Jesus Christ,-true God and . true Man, Blessed be His most sa .- - cred Hearl, Blessed be the great Mother of-God, Mary most ho - ly, Blessed .be the name of Mary, Vii;giu and. . . Moth-er, Blessed be God in His • • • • • . • . . • An - gels

~ Blessed be . . . • ·. • . . · • . . . . • • His .ho ~ ly name; Blessed be the name . • . . . . • . . • of Je sus; Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the Al tar; Blessed be her holy and Immaculate. . Con - cep - tion; Blessed be St. Joseph . • • • . her most chaste spouse. and. • • • • • .• • • ...... in His Saints!

J. F. & B. 2725-(3740- 3§46) OUR FATHER.

P Our Father, Who art in heav- en, hal- low- ed be Thy name,

Thy kingdom come, Thy will. be done on earth1 as it is in heaven!

us this day our dai-1.y bread,--and forgive us our tres-pass-es


into-­ temp-ta-tion, but deliver us from e - vil, .A - - men!

u1 IUI J.F.& B. 3546 434 83


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed art

thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy .-._

Je - SUS. Holy Ma - ry, Moth - er of pray for us

sinners, now and at the hour of our A - men.

J.F.& B. 3546

I If ) 1 I

I J I ' 1 I General Hymns. Sancte IJeus, laudamus te.

r'~ GERMAN. ut ~ :tf flpf 1 t&Jf 1 l 1 ~ ~ 1 ~~ 1 1. mf Ho - ly God, we praise Thy Name, Lord of all, we 2. Hark! tl} e loud ce - lPs - tial hymn, An - gel choirs a - 3. mf Ho - ly Fa - ther, Ho - ly Son, Ho - ly Spir- it, I J. .J_ J

bow be - fore Thee; All on earth Thy seep - tre, bove are ra is - ing; Cher- u bim and Ser ·- a - phim Three we name Thee, While in es - sence on - ly One, J ; ; .J.

vast do - main, fEv - er last - ing is Thy reign. sweet ac - cord: dim.Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly Lord. benrl the knee, pWhile we own the te ry ti ; f>J. ;

J. F. & B.· 2725-

l I \ I 1

I I l I 4348 3 No. Price$ 2247 .15 j STEHLE, J. G. E ...... Adoro Te ~ t CASCIOLINI, CI ...... ( ...... : .. .. S. A. T. B. 2248 . in WITT, F. X...... i Asperges Me} · · ~ Vi di Aquam .... .' ...... ; ...... S. A. T. B. 2262 .SO ROSSINI,. G...... : ... Stabat Mater...... S. A.T.B. 2265 .in STEHLE, J. G. E...... Confirm.a Hoc Deus ...... S. A. T. B. 2268 .15 WILKENS", I. M...... Tantum Ergo (E ~)...... ; ...... S. A. T. B . .2269 .Hi j.ARCAD-ELT, J ...... Ave Maria} 'tWITT, F. X ..., ...... : ...... Ave Verum ...... , ...... : ...... S.A.T.B. 2272 .ln PIZZI, E ...... : ...... O Salutaris (C) ...... : ...... S.A.T.B. 2273 . 20. ROSSI,_ L. F ...... Tantum Ergo (A) ...... :...... T. B. 2274 .15 ITALIAN ...... OMaria...... ~ ...... -: ...... S. A.T.B. 2277 .15 TROJELLI, A:...... Ecce Panis (D)...... ~ ...... S. A. 2278 .15 TROJELLI, A ...... Tan tum Ergo (F) ...... " ...... S. A. 2279 .in TROJELLI, A ...... Ave Maria (D) ...... S. A. 2292 .12 GOUNOD, C...... Ecce Panis Angelorum ...... S. A. 2301 .15 ROSEWIG, A. H ...... :' ...... Ave Maria (Ab) ...... S.A. 2302 .12 BARTHOLOMEUS, J. N...... Ave Maria ...... - ...... S. A. 2307 . 25 ~ WILKENS, I. M...... , ...... Hymn ·to the Sacre.d Heart ~ KNAEBEL, A. M. Hymn to our Lady of Mercy GIOR.ZA; P. Hymn to the Blesseulchra ...... , ...... : ...... S. A. 2385 .10 HAMMER.EL, V: ...... : ...... 0 Salutaris (D) ...... -...... S. A. 2386 . 12 HAMMEREL, V...... 0 Salutaris (G) ...... --~·· ...... S. A. 2387 .12 HAMMEREL, V...... Tantum Ergo. (A). : ...... S. i. . 2388 . 10 HAMMEREL, V: ...... , .. .. Tantum Ergo (F)...... ' ...... S. A 2397 . 15 RIGA, Fr~ .... ." ...... 0 Salutaris...... : ...... S.S. A. 2407 . 2n GOUNOD, C... ,.: ...... 0 Dies Praeclara (Nazareth) ...... , .. 8. A.T. B. 2410 . 60 RHEINBERGER, J .... : ...... Stabat Mater...... S. A.T. B. 2435 . 15 FERRATA, G...... Tota fulchra (F)...... s. J(. 2437 .12 GOUNOD, C...... , ...... O Salutaris (C) ...... : .. ·...... S.A,T.-B. 2438 . 60 GOUNOD, C...... Gallia ...... : ...... : ...... · ...... ,_-&A. T. B. 2441 . 15 GOUNOD, C...... }Vida Domine Affliction em Me am) ~Jerusalem C...... S. A. T. B. 24!l0 .20 FERRATA, G...... ,.Tota Pulchr·a .:...... : ....· ...... ~...... ; ...... s.A.T.B. 2487 .10 MOZART, W. A ...... , ...... AveVerum...... ~ ...... S.A.T.B. 2532 .25 GRANIER-BIEDERMANN ..... Hbsanna ...... ~·A T • .B.

;'Except Canada and Foreign