The Ingham County News
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nglam TWELVE PAGES VOL. LVI. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1914. NO. 40 yM«.4»«H< l..«. <«».*«»«»»««"»t.«'«tt't'^"**»»«»^"' New high-cut shoes, 12 and 11 in ches, at .fa.00, ?;i.50 and $3.9 5, at Cortright's. "' The Favor of Your Presence la Requested at Our Born, September 22, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Iohn Southwick of Lansing, formerly of this city, a ton pound son. Tuesday evening Mias Rena Brad ford gave a personal shower in honor of Miss Ernestine Earlo. There were FALL OPENING 12 present. '[Z, A. Reedy has purchased of I. .T. Kellogg the property on Okcnios street north known as the plant of the Mason Buggy Co. The Farmers Bank Saturday, October 3, 1914 On l'"'ri(lay evening Miss Eva Mc- Latchie will give a linen shower; at her homo on South street, in honor of Miss lUrncstlne il^arlo, to Further Stimulate Airs. Edna MclClggan is showing Exhibiting Latest Models of some lino sample dross suits and a full line of Misses' coats this week, come in and look them over. * the Idea of Saving F. C. Mcliluen has two Itampshiro pigs not yol four months old, one weighing -MO the other 13G pounds. THE GAGE HATS Mr. AlclCuon expects them to weigh wm Put Out a ;!00 wlien eight montlis old. A few things you want now. .Tar- diniers, fern jars, tlowcr pots, jelly glasses, parowax, can tops, and rub Neat Metal Savings Bank A. A. ABRAMS bers, slaw cutlers, chopping bowls and knives. Get them at Mason iiazaar. * Having purchased a farm north of to Those Desiring It RENA H. LINCOLN, Manager DoWitI,, ,loseph S. Kohler will sell his personal property at auction at the Oscar l"'riest farm 3 M; miles east of Mason, Vi mile east of Hawley school house in Vevay, on Thursday, Oct. 8. Walter Harkness, auclion- MA SOX MAKKKTS. oor. See full advl on page (i. Wheat OTc, oats -120, rye S5c, corn The Philalliea society held a meet EVEREH'S Sfic, clover .seed .$fl to .flO, beans $2, ing Tuesday afternoon at the homo of lEVEH potatoes (iOc, butter 27c, oggs 2oe, Mrs. ,T. C. Quirk, as a farewell to cattle 6c to 7'/jC, hogs S'/^c, veal Mrs. Bertha Sliafqr, who, with her Cash Grocery calves TOc, lambs 5c to 7c, sheep 2c father, William Fanson, leavos soon Table showing accumulation of deposits of $i.oo to $io.oo weekly and interest at 3 per cent. 2!; lbs. Moss Rose Flour NOis to .Ic. for a trip in tlio west. They expect Kosc! Bud Flour «<><: lo be in California next year tor the per annum compounded semi-annually. SKWS I.V lUUKI Oold Modal Flour S'x; Exposition, Sunday, Mrs. Shafer re signed her position as superintendent 2 5 11). llonkle's Broad . .S.->c Weekly 1 year 2 yeari 7 years lour. of primary room in the Baptist DcpiisUH 3 years 4 yettM S years 6 yearn 8 yearn 1) years 1 10 yearn Salt, Pork, per 11) . I7<: ,Ioe .May returned to Mason Friday with his pacer Prince Wilkes. Sunday school and as teacher of the Piacoii, i)or 11) .$ 1.00 .$ u-l.Ti * 107.10 * i(i;).ii $ 220.82 .* 280.20 $ ;)41.50 ,$ 404.5il $ 400.50 $ 5;i().55 $ 005.54 .Junior Baraca class. Nice Dairy nulter, U) Miss Margaret Dubois has been out 2.01) msn 214.;i2 .•i2(i.3(i 441.78 500.70 i)8;i.2i 800.4.'5 o;{i).4(i l,07;i.42 i,2ii.4;{ WaHhington Corn Flakes, pkg. lOc of school for a week suffering from ' Hurrying home from his work, A. .•i.oo loS.lll ;t21.47 480.52 (Ui2.()5 841.02 1,024.78 1,214.19 1,409.22 1,010.14 1,817.14 I want, your buller and oggs Con- qulszy. L. Gibson attempted to crawl under 4.00 211.];! 428.05 052.74 88;{.(iO 1,121.4.'! l,;!00,4(i ],()18.00 1,878.00 2.140.08 2,422.00 suit me before selling, llonieniber 5.00 2();;.!)o 5;J5.78 815 88 1,104.45 1,401.74 1.708.02 2,02;{.55 2,;i48.01 2,03;!. ,50 .'i,028.!).'{ Mrs. Hiram VVixson of Aurelius a Michigan Central freight train :i have cholera cure for chickens. which was blocking the crossing at (i.oo .•iituo 042.07 080. i;i ],;i2().45 1,08,'!. 24 2,050.81 2,420.40 2,819.02 .'{,221.54 .'1,0,'{5.01 suffered a stroke of apoplexy last 7.00 ;i(ii).47 750.11 1,142.25 1,540.24 1,002.44 2,;mi.58 2,8;i;{.;{;{ .•{,288.44 .•{,757.;{1 4,240.35 Friday. Beech and Spring streets, Monday GEO. H. LEVERETT. afternoon, and suffered the loss ot 8.00 422.20 857.28 l,;f05.40 1,707.18 2,242.80 2,7;i2.01 .•{,2;t7.77 .•{,757.00 4,20;{.75 4,845.80 il.OO 475.04 !)()4.44 1,408. Oil 1,088.00 2,52;!.18 .•{,074.48 ;!,(i42.45 4,227.58 4,8;{o ;i9 5,451.4;i Botli I'hunes. Twenty-four cases Endicott & his left hand. Gibson was well un .Johnson shoos, the best on the mar der the train when it started, knock 10,00 .527.8;{ 1,071.112 1 i.o;{i,8;i 2,208.08 1 2,80;{.57 .•i.4io.i;{ 4,047.21 4,(i07.;{2 5,;m7.i;{ 0,057.18 ket, at Cortright's. *' Business Cards. ing him between the tracks and A little extra effort on your part will secure any desired sum at a specified time. The Mason high school football throwing his left hand over a rail. AvroitNicv. team went to Grand Ledge Saturday, Gibson came lo the city Sunday from KI,I,F.V & Kr,lil-KY, liftwytMS, r)(lO-'„'Onk- and defeated the team in that city by Mason, his home. He secured em Consult the Above Table and lliiul llllllillnK, l.iinsliiK'. .Mlcli. ^W-li* a score of 37 to 0. ployment at the Michigan Screw com K pany where he worked Monday.— T n. MoAIlTllUK, Attoriioyai Law, Mii- The Stockbrldge Odd Fellows are Lansing .Journal. Open a Savings Account at this Bank Today and Watch It Grow , Midi. expected to pay a visit to Mason next A,, iiUorniiy lit law, Ma- Monday. A ball game is in prospect, The first meeting of the Mason $1.00 or More Will Start You HOIl, Miuii. and work in the lodge room in the Tourist Club will be held with the D" evening. leader for the evening, Lawton T. A. llRltOMAN. Ailormiy niiil Ciiuii.sulor Heinans, on Wednesday, Oct. 7. As , at 1-aw, Mason, Mlull. The Lyman Belts farm ot IGO Sincerely yours, L B. McARTHUR, President A acres in Ingham township was sold at Mr. Hemans is also president of the •I7\ S. AVKUY. Aiinrmiy at Law. , liooms club, he will give the opening address A. J. HALL, Cashier. JIJ. Wl-S-ll, ll(illlsl.»ir-mii., Laiisliin. Mli:li, executor's sale last Saturday. W.alter Harkness ot Vevay was the purchas bid the new members welcome, and T A W^rON T. IIKM ANS, AU,()riioy uml Ooiin- er at $8 575.00. outline the year's work. The subject IJ snlor III, Law. OIIICK 'n-er l'' Hlalu iiiid for study is the United States, and tfiivliiKS llanii, Miisoii, iMli;li. The building on Maple street, now this is the second year devoted to the occupied by A. ,T. Torrance as a gar •|71 M. l«'Off(i, AlKinii'y and Coiinsokir al study of our own country. The first FOR SALE-Good Peninsular hard 1^, I,aw, llunliorlilll Oriil<;i'. I'oslolllco ad age, will soon be enlarged by an ad paper on "The New Republic" will coal furnace and good coal stove. Col. dress, Losllti, Midi. dition extending to the alley giving be given by Mrs. F. W. Webb and the Nellis, Mason. Bell phone 139-5r. 39 G.S.Thorburn, Grocer a depth of about 100 feet. We un second on "The History of the Amer iiu.jos. s. iiAwiaci'. derstand it will be constructed of ce ican Flag" by Miss Ethel Adams. WINTER APPLES — Fruit care 71 More Days for DENTIST. ment blocks. Patriotic sentiments will be given in fully sprayed. W. H. Taylor. Cit. iSncr.cssor 11) I»r. .Si)aiiUllnK and Dr. l.lnsk'y. response to roll call. Members will i.awroiici' lilod;. A. M. Petty is excavating for a phone. 39w3p cellar on a lot ad.ioining his residence receive programs at the first meeting V vmir iiinnoy diiiw not nu' yo" live per property on Mill .street. He will move upon payment of yearly dues. The CIDER MILL—Darrow & Camp Christmas Photos! t ci)iit,sui! II. C. KKKKI.ANI). thereto the building now standing in club library will be found at the bell will start their cider mill Tues the rear ot his blacksmith shop on A home of the secretary, Mrs. W. J. day, Sept. 29, running Tuesdays and l>IIVMICiANN. street, remodeling the same into an Adams. Fridays until further notice. 2wp Sounds big, but if you wait up-to-date residence. • It has been learned that the vessel il. TRUKLAND, M. 0. GcnonU prac- CHOICE WINTER APPLES—Also O. ilco, Willi sptidal aUfiiitloii 10 ( Isoiisi'S New cut glass, hand painted Nip Francis H.