Diverse routes

Robert Gordon University and North East College have more than twenty years of experience of a regional partnership to support articulation

Robert Gordon University and North East arrangements on an annual basis. Having a Scotland College have demonstrated a lasting single regional articulation scheme makes joint commitment to a regional model of articulation, marketing of articulation pathways, under the pre-dating the creation of other regional hubs Degree Link brand, much simpler. The brand’s in 2008. Their model has provided alternative profile has grown, and now has its own online opportunities for learners in the region for twenty presence, as well as that found within RGU and years, after the first articulation agreement NESCol. Degree Link is recognised regionally as between RGU and Banff and College a successful pathway for learners in the region. was signed in 2001. Over time, the partnership has deepened and the model has become more It is down to the college and university’s shared formalised with Associate College status following strategy that they have continued to grow and an initial Memoranda of Understanding. Most diversify the articulation offer available to students recently, RGU and NESCol consolidated their and industry in the region. Recent developments commitment to an inclusive tertiary education include the creation of a number of bespoke Top system with the formation of the Two Plus Alliance Up degrees at the University, specifically for HN in 2018, aimed at taking the final steps towards a leavers, because there wasn’t previously a relevant seamless educational pathway for learners. degree programme available to progress into. New Top Up degrees in photography, computing and Over many years, both institutions have formally sports are only available to those with relevant embedded this agenda in their strategies and HN qualifications as RGU only delivers these operations at every level, including amongst programmes at stage 3 and 4. academics, student services, marketing and transitions, all working towards the same Always committed to evolving their partnership, shared goal. College and university staff make the college and university are also working together subject level reviews a joint exercise; they discuss to scope progression pathways between foundation developments to the curriculum, rates of apprenticeship and graduate apprenticeships. attainment and student satisfaction and transition