
TO PLACE A WANT Aft IN THE INDEPENDENT PHONE AD TAKER THE BIGGEST WDBGE &1710 SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY WOQDBRIDGE, N. J., FRID'AY MAY 27, 1938 s PRICE THREE CENTS FROM OURDEATH TOLL! "wrt Deduction By Chiet Keating Brings ft VARSITY Toutmuter POLICE NAB FRONT FROM AUTOS! Amsi ot EscaPed Cmvkts who shot Theory Criminals Return to Visit of Desperado to Home SHYMANSKI Scene of Their Crimes of Sister in lselin Figures WINDOW Again Proves True in Capture SOARS TO 8 WOODBRIDOE -" Two desper- 1 ATBANQUET transportation and funds for the FOR 7 JOBS ate criminals, whose crimes include trip North from Florida by hold- Wl, DON'T BtLItVli CMualties On Local High- the shootjng of a policeman In ups, the pair attracted Buspicion I High School Athletes Get Endlcott, N. Y., are secure In the ..one will ever accuse us way, ReacKes New High when they nrjlved In Endicott, N. ° Pt. Rtding Youth Wanted Tombs In New Yofk City today V. a town near Binghamton. Insignia for Accomplish- • bring over-partial to Ex- A« 3 More Die because or the deductive reason- for Cartaret Safe RobhtriM ing of Police Chief George E. When police opened the door ment in Sports ,, ,\crnr>r Harold G, Hoffman. Keating. of their car, on« of the criminals 1* Caught in N. Y. • , ntrrning hi» capacity as a FIVE MONTHS' RECORD .shot, using a shot-gun wrested His record extending back to from a guard In the Florida prison GlftLS AREINCLUDED .; iirsinan we have always held 1913, Harcy Doremus, who was! ESCAPED FROM JAIL 2 ABOVEJAST YEAR mm]) Another oftlcer relumed FOR ARCHERY WORK ( loitiTrt. doubt. When, upon leav- once arrested here for the theft | the fire and Doremus, who held a ON NOVEMBER 14, 3« iil-i office as Chief Executive 230 Persons Have Sue of typewriters, escaped from the revolver also taken from a guard, ;,>w Jersey. Mr. Hoffman turn- Prison Farm in RalfWd, Florida, was wounded In the hand and Presentation Comes Amidst Seven Indictments Pending ; .nlunmist a pernsnU of his cumbed in Township Traf- where he was serving a 25-year fore-arm. His companion, who had I , stinl, left us unimpressed. term for robbery. Sentenced on Brilliant Season for Base- 1 on hospitaf detail In prison. Against Him; Brother fic Mishap* Since 1926 March 18, 1937, he made a get- , ;: a •week, ago, his piece in treated the wound from that time ball ,Bow Teams Also Is Implicated ,. New Brunswick Home News away with Robert Howard who until the pair was picked up in WOODBRIDGK ~ Woodbridge was serving fifty years on May rrcoinmended to us as a work Township's highway death toll New York. WOODBRIDOE' - Varsity ief-• CommiMinner Aaroe irt. It was. In It, Mr. Hofl- 13 and two days later arrived at ters, significant of athletic achieve- i PORT READING - Benny Shy- mounUd to » n«w all-time high the h»me of a brother-in-law. John Doremus and Howard made their ment, were awarded to fifty-live j manskl, of. Henry Street, who hw i replied to a letter sent to escape after this gun-play and , hv a student in Princeton tor the January-May period this Prcfter, of Pershing Avenue, Ise- student* In the Woodbridge Town- had a long and colorful career In week: when three more persons lost lih. wrre traced to Rochester. There ship Hlqti School last night at a .n=iiv who was under the lm- they eluded \he police trail for a i rime. U on his way home. :mi south Amboy's First Clt- their lives in a traffic collision on Chief Keating received a tip on banquet in the Craftsmens Club PROMISE BAGPIPES the super highway. These casual- his visit here, made for the pur- while but we>e finally found to John DeGrossn, well-known coach- i Frederick Hess, officer at the •ti!l was Governor ot New have purchased railroad tickets to !••• The Prlncetonlan quaTrcl- ties bring the fatality list to 8, pose of having Mrs. Preffer, a ing authority and author, was- the : New Jersey State Reformatory, and exclusive 0/ the two men who met sister, purchase some shirts for New York city, where they fin- principal speaker. IN PARADE MONDAY County Detective Walter 8lmp»ott niiii Mr. Hoffman because he ally were apprehended. ( nihinn about Mayor Hague's death in a crash between a motor him. Doremus made a date with Andrew Aaroe, chairman of the! ileft yesterday lot Painted Port, ; truck and a locomotive in Sewaren Doremus, after he was Indicted ,x'l abrogation of civil liberties his sister to meet him with the • I New Musical Unit Expected; N. Y . to bring shymaniki two months ago. haberdashery the following morn- hnmton, N. Y. prior to his Florida In Middlesex and Union Counties mlttee, was the toastmaster. Other r.,ev City. 1Pr he wm fBCC M leMt Hoffman te- ing, but failed to appear. in 193S, Jumped bail and it was speakers were Supervising Princi'- to .Participate in Memor- "" " «™» is liow Mr. Twenty-one persons •• lost their after that he went to Florida. He indictment* running the gamut ,\ and We recommend it as Keating Flashes Tip dlately notified police authorities pal V. C. Nlrklax, Lincoln T»m- ial Day Exercise* from lurceny td hoia-up, lives on the thoroughfares of this Knowing that Doremus had op- In Nev[ York the man was prob- haa served time In Sing Sing and boer. Mrs. Rosemary McCarthy, mutest piece of repartee we municipality in 1931, six of whom in New Orleans. Shymanskl was arrested Tues- , moountered- in a long While: erated In the vicinity of Bing- ably headed that way. archery instructor. Head Coach were killed prior to May Si. The Nicholas Prlsco and Stephen K. WOODBRIDOE -- With at Jetst day by New York State Police at •I minted to make sure first eight deaths so far this year brings five bands scheduled to'be In the ralntwl.pof • whlch l» thirty miles Hut Mr. Scntl was a real boney Werlock, faculty manager of ath- the number of traffic fatalities from letics. parade, the program, for the an- west of Elmira, and about 300 i.-try Prliwetonlan so I had my January l. 1926, to date, to 230. miles Irom here. Shymarjskl waiv- Legion To Unveil Own Athletic Field FIRE CO. CARNIVAL «The awards came in the midst of nual observance of Memorial Day ed extradition, 'thus making pos- .,,rrt jervice operator, P-%%, Uok • "While these figures may seem R brilliant season for both the Mm up. His full name Is Datrld in Woodbridge has been completed. sible hb immediate return. The appalling," said Chief of Police Sunday It Weather Man Will Behave ^yw ANNOUNCED varsity baseball team and the girls' New-York troopers picked him up Mm Scott. His residenrr while George E. Keating, "the death (irehery team. The latter out- *"' will be broadcast ..nig rxposed to education at on suspicion and subsequent In- rate must be considered In con- scored eleven other schools In com- over station WOR and the'Mu- vestigation revealed his identify u Princeton Is n Titton Hall. Be nection with the traffic movement Mayor Greiner, His Pitch- petition In Rahway on Wednesday, -,ri In MonU-lair and hr Is tual Network from 10:30 until 11 an escaped convict. Shymanskl through this town. A recent check ing Arm in Form ,Will FORDSP.T A.PLANS Chief Prion Selects Assist- taking four out of five first places and . Representative Charles A. made his getaway from the Refor- nujiirini in history In the School showed that an»average of 43,000 Throw Out First Ball ants for Annual Affair In individual contests. The local matory November 14, 1936, white ,r rublic and International A(- cars travelled through the Wood- School, which offered a trophy to Eaton win be the principal speaker. on the garden detail, and had been t»irs. brldgo portion or the Super-high- June 8th to 11th , was entitled One of the features of the pa- sought #er since. Several times 1 didn't want to break the WOODBRIDGE - If the Weath- JUNE CARD PARTY way, with this average soaring to receive the first leg but JjtepU - rade will be ttie appearance of a pollcc hwe anrt ,n New Yett hav. nrws to Mr. Scott loo uuddenlv, to a peak of 76,000 on one of the er Man is raa^onable on -Sunday, WOODBRIPQE •-<• The annual ped aside in favor of Bloomlleldilorimll* , i I am taking this means of days surveyed. Bagpipe Band, under the auspice.-; been hot on his trail, and he ha» Manager William 'Meslck will pit Date of Affair to be Select- four-day ototlval «f Woodbridge which placed second. reported td visiting Port i .-questing that jomf kindhearl- "In addition to this route, there his American Legion baseball team The Award List of the Columbian Cadets and the t<\ member of the Princeton ed; New Officers Are Fire Company No. l will be held on Carteret and is the heavily travelled Amboy and against the Cloverbrooks of Perth The boys receiving letters were Knights of Columbus. Other muss- i .trull y. preferably from the I>e- St. George Avenue on the main tUe ground* ot the School Street ral units planning to march ure since his escape. Amboy —.find what's more than Installed Albert Lcffler, Fred Simonsen, ii.irtment of Puiilir and lnter- thoroughfare to the shore; the old Headquarters on Jun$ HI. A wide Walter Launhardt, John Korzow- the American Legion Drum Corp-i, Brother It Held n.itinnil Affairs, lake \oung Mr. Lincoln Highway; the Carteret- that, on the Legion's very own FORDS Members of the Fords ski, Frank Chaplar, William Pat- the High School band, the Ml I am Church Guild To Hold R, Moore and M. Hunt. Miss Bertha Schermerhorn; sec- waren, Fords Students to Other Aides retary, Mrs. R. G. Perler; treasur- drug store of Mayor Joseph W. CARD PARTY TONIGHT Participate in Exhibit er, Mrs. Jamec Gillls. Misses Dahon, Gerity Nam- Mittuch. Carteret, May 20. 1938; Stand' No. 12, bar, F. R. Mlwbey, theft of the safe of the RIB to Festival On June 14 chairman; J. Prohaska, 0. S. Hunt, Committee chairmen are: Mrs. ed to Head Committee By '"•WhT not. Mr Scnlt Mothers of 8th Grade Pupils WOODBRIDGE — Seventh and Robert Coons, safety; Mrs. Paul Theatre, Carteret. December 14, sre Woodrow Wilson, president H. Mcloskey, J. Pinter and E. Batt- St James' Society . 1936; attempted hold-up of the at St. James' Are Sponsors eighth grade students of the Avenel, ler, cashier; Stand Nar/13, dance, Levlne, hospitality; Mrs. P. L. Coupland, health; Mrs. Charles watchman at the I. T. William* Port Reading, lselin, Sewaren and F. Plavln, chairman; Tp. Campbell, Weston, welfare';' Mrs. John Et- WOODBRIDGE - A communion Company December SI, mlhoriie >ou to take up a col- WOODBRIDOE — Mothers of N. Drost, V. Goley; stanId No. 14, ice breakfast *ill be held June 19 Lumber of a safe In South By No. 11 Schools taking Household and tershank, budget and finance; Mrs. 36 L.tioii from Ihr members of the etghth grade students of the Industrial AArts •will show" their ac- cream and cake, Ladies' Auxiliary; by the Senior Sodality Society, l^ ' Charge of Arrangements stock room, A. W. Brown, chairman; John Gardner, program; Mrs. Ed- River December 20, 1936. thf Whlg-tliosophir Society to St. James' Parochial School will complishments at an exhibition to ward Elchhorn, membership; Mrs. Blesed Virgin Marx, of ,the St. M. if jou on rnjajf Daw" 1 E. J. Vecsey; M. p. McClain and A William Kunie, P. T. A. magazines; James' Church at the St. James' Wrhster to sue Mayor Hajtif. ^ A meeting ol hold a card party at the school be held next Friday at the No. 11 Gardner; treasurer, William All- auditorium with Misses Anna Dal- CHURCH SERVICES live Fortnightly Guild of the Meth auditorium tonight at 8 P. M. school. The work will be on display Mrs. Theodore Artym, clippings; s.imrlhin( should be *m* about gaier; secretary, Elmer J, Vecsey; Mrs. Adam jHunter, child study ton and Jane Gerity as co-chair- ht e runs ththe odisi t EpIscopaf'Ctlurcll"Cth rw«t» hel! d with Mrs. Hugo Gels and Mrs. in the sewing, cooking And manual wiring, Eldon Ralson. men in .charge of the arrange- Thr way of Miss Evelyn course; and Mrs. R. G. Perler, pub- Rev. Devanpy to Preach On (iiv of Newark is » shame. »nd : at the home John Boyle as co-chairmen. training looms from 1 to 4 P. M. licity: mtnU. They will be assisted by Schoonover, Rahway Avenue, June ttie rotUWng: Oeeete Bader, ."Pmbyterianum" Sunday ,f Writer cant send him to -r-hnnnnvr. B They will be assisted by the fol- Articles which will be on display Mrs. Kaplan was chosen as, dele- ihf hoosrgow. you should writt 13 i are md%iine sewing, home planning, COMMITTEES CHOSEN Margaret Dalton, Marie King, The Guild will liold Its annual lowing: Mrs.. B. Sullivan, Mrs. gate to attend the twentieth an- Margaret Jordan. Helen McCann, WOODBRIDGE - "A Century- t Iftter to Iniltd States Sena- Michael Langin, Mrs. Harry Kerr, meta.1 work, woodwork and mechani- niversary dinner to be held 'Thurs- inri James Marline and Walter strawberry festival at the "church cal drawing. Teachers In chAge of Mrs. McEJroy Selecb Aides in day by the Middlesex County Par- Ruth McCann. Virginia Anderson. And-A-Half of Presbytcrlanlsm In June H with Mrs. Justin Marsh MTS. John Almast, Mrs.' Joseph Margaret Cosgnnre, Anna Zilal, America" 1*111 be the sermon topic V. VAft to jtt em to introduce Arway, Mrs. A. Shedlock, Mrs. the projects are Miss 'Mary Grund- Parochial P. T. A. ent-Teacher Association at the I^ew rewlulioii in the House of in charge oof the arrangements. Grace Nebel. Irene Nebel. Ruth of Rev. EaTl Hanmtm Dev&nniy, She will be assisted by the fol- John Sullivan, Mrs. Breen, Mrs. man and Leonard Willlnger, Brunswick High School. pastor of the Virst Presbyterian l^pmtnlaliyo asking President ll be y Parents, patrons of the schools and WOODBRIDGE - Chairmen of CahlU. Catherine Thompson, Ellen commlttee: MMrs . E. C. Fellcks, Mrs. John Finn, Mrs. 1 Connolly, Mary Connolly. Elizabeth Church, Sunday at (the 11 A. M. (,rover Cleveland lo throw him lowing Ivtary Ebenhoh, Mrs. Edward Coley, visitors are cordially invited td at- the St. James Parent-Teacher As- ,,ul of the Republican Party." Jurey MrsM , Charles Schwenzer, sociation committees were appoint- STRAYED Dunigan, Jean Hooban, Mary morning worship. M Ch Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Ooselln, tend the exhibition and to view the Kenny, Fiances, Theresa and Gene- A., we .have said before, there arc Miss' kathryn Spencer, Mrs. Char- Mrs. George Blum, Mrs. Bertha work rooms and equipment In these ed this week by the president, Sunday school classes will meet we vastly prefer to Mr. les Fisher, Mrs. , Russell Deppe, Mrs. Leon McElroy.. The members Monkeys, a GMoline Cap, 3 vleve O'Brien. Mary, Dougherty, ift the church at 9:45 A: M. A meet- Leahy, Miss Rita Dernier, Mrs. C. departments. Ann Gerity and Audfey Grapjy'. U'ri'ffmani lor Governor- But If he Mrs Drost, Miss Elizabeth Spencer, Kreisel, Mrs. Uhouse and Miss are as follows; Pigs, SO Chicken* Lost ing ot the IhtcrmBdiate Christian ...n bat. * out. 8 Piec..j e lik!.!,„e thimics on«..nne.e Mrs. Edward Florian, Mrs. Carol Rosemary Sullivan. Program, Mrs. Wilton Keating; Endeavor will be held at 3 o'clock livery day, hes going woe -tausr -Boiler. Mrs. Russell Lorch; tickets, OFFICERS ELECTED social, Mrs. John Boyle; sanita- WOODBRIDGE — Theft doesn t ACTRESS FIN'ED $2 in the afternoon »nd the Senior Bo- •>-..A~ away our favorite newspaperMrsM . JbYirtBllBrteJbn"n'""OtnBrtchh - *»d ^5 tion, Mrs. John Sullivan; member- seem to be any connection between WOODBRIDGE-Jane Vigal, '33, ] clety will meet at 7 P. M. 1 Schoonover; publicity, Miss Vir- COFFEY-O'BRIEN Mft. Pape Nanwd Present of ship,-Mrs. Alfred J. Coley; hos- all these thefts, but here are a negro actress of New York, was Mrs. Sadie Brcwster, of Grove nter. ginia Leonard and Miss Gelgel. . •• • • Congregational Unit pitallty, Mrs. JosepFTlomorOTrrp Tew^^oTTfiearttcles reported te po- •stfl«**l-.S8l!jrd?y_ b>" Leo Welch, Avenue, will conduct an all day Newly elected officers of. thq Borough Man, Wopdbridge freshments, Mrs. Thomas McDer- lice as missing during the week: Motor Vehicle inspector. Tor dur- Stady ctows at her home Wednes- THIS DOESN'T" LEAVt; GuHd are: president, Miss Schoon- day. Midweek prayers will be held Girl to Marry on June 25th WOODBRIDGE - Officers elect- mott; civics, Mrs. James Catalano; 50 chickens ing In a careless manner. She was i;» much »pace to go — just over; vice president, Miss Eliza- literature, Mrs. Howard R. Val- 2 horns penalized S3 by Judge Arthur Brown. at 7:45 Wednesday night. ' niough to rewind you of Jvvo beth Sircncer; secretary. Miss Kdna ed at the laat meeting of the sea- entine; social hygiene, Mr&. Harold CARTERET ~ St. Joseph's 1 Beagle pup mportant baseball games over the Geigel; treasure*, Mrs*:- Russell son of the Sigma Alcba, J"hl Bo Peck; legislation, Mrs. Charles Ar- 3 white pigs Lorch. Church' here will be the ecene Sat- Phi Alumnae Chapter, of Benault; welfare, Mrs. Edwin Casey; -•*k-wid - the Legion against urday, June 25, of the marriage of 2 .monkeys" ••IB Cloverbrooka at the new sta- the First Congregational Church, publicity, Mrs, Joseph McLaughltn. 1 lady's : *bat[ < * ' Banquet,DanaOn Sunday Jo Mark DRUNK FINED Miss Helen Cofley, daughter of -stim Bunday and. Uw high school Mrs. Elsie CofTey, sf Nellson street, held-* Monday night are: 1 gasoline cap. ••gainst Perth Amboy on Monday WOODPBHg Danltow I That's all. . .-. '1 Silver Anniversaty ot-Local Lodge skl SB, of Brooklyn, N. Y, was Woodbridge, to: Edward O'Brien, President, Mrs. Norman Pape; MAYOR TOASTMASTER :n the Forts Park at 2:30- son o? Mr. and Mrs. Wlll|wn vice president, Miss Margaret Elek; penalized* il this week, by Judge O'Brien, of Roosevelt Avenue. 1 WOQDBRIDGE -A twenty-Qfth Nagy's White Jacket Orchestra. Arthur Brown for drunkeness. recording swwtity, Mi«s jiae Os^ WiH OffimU At Dinner of HOME INSPECT born; corresponding secretary, Miss aniivenary jubjjfe will be celt-. The following are the Woodmen 1 Q. O. P. Unit Wednesday brated by th* Ptogjesaive CtRip Camps, proves; Churches «nd So- Florence BHwfn; treasurer, Mrs. Invitation Issued to IN Rosa Wlllta. No. M. Woodmen of, the World, at cieties that wilt be represented at WOODBRIDGE — The Woman's . SM New Dwelling* a banquet and dance to be held it the affair: Mr* ^Whiting m Cwt of Con- Soi ry, Dear Reader, But That Fords Committee fhairmen appointed by the chairmen are: Devotional, Unit 0/ the First Ward Republican 4h* School Street auditorium Bun- Camp No. fti. Camp No. 110, temporary'* Production Sewer Has Bobbed Up Once Again Miss Ruth Tracy; refreshments, Club pill hold their annual dinner WOODBRIDervlng on the committee are: ne whomes being built |ui the tract Eg«r will be touunastcr with the and Red Rose" Grove No. 30, of discuss the possibility of a new Harriet Tuzik; historian, Miss New Brunswick; Camp No. 115, of Combing Jacket" presented in prize about reading about that Fords- Francis Read; missionary, Jane Mrs. Leon McElroy, Miss Agnes new homes being built in the tracj following at the principal speakers: "mipetitlon by the Contemporary Hopelawn-Keasbey sewer as we are allotment with PWA authorities. It Lund, Mrs. Jopn Hunt, Miss Ber- 1 Mayor August P. Grtiner; Barney Manville; Camp No. 108 and Daisy Is estimated., that under the orig- Markoe. of St. James Church on Grove of Newark at Hadd«n Hall, writing about It — but there are, tha Mundy, Jjrs. Wallace Bofleld, Btreet^ , Rorvath, Comul Commander of Grove No. SI, of South River; Atlantic City. The first perform- if seams, developments. inal plan ot sending the sewage Mrs. Llftyd Fry, Mrs. William Mes- (he Progretcive Camp No. U; Rev. Camp No. 10* and Washington to Perth Amboy for disposal,- a PROM TONIGHT Th/homes, which are priced ance iu given Wednesday and re- • Because of the cost of acquiring sick, Miss Ethel Chaney, Mrs. Van from $5,3B0, can be purchased on Udidaui Hunyady, of the Hun- Grove No. «: of Newark; Camp ix-HKd yesterday with the third rights of way for sewer lines to fee of approximately $7,500 an Pelt, Mrs. Arthur Dunham, Mrs. garian Reformed Church; W. H. No. 89 and White Carnation Qiwe nually would be charged. the FHA plan .which requires but olfering scheduled ior today. carry the waste to the Pefth Am- Junior* to Hold Cla» Dance $roest Hunt, Mrs. Carl Peterson and a small down1 payment, and Ihe Gro«ari, fUle manager ol .the No. 34 of C&rteret; Camp No. M, The Contemporary Club's pte- boy disposal plant, the Township It now is estimated that by an In School Gyrnnasium Miss Mary Chaney. balance In monthly installments, Woodmen ol the World; Mrs. of Avenel. 'iiution won third prize in the Committee has been forced to con- annual expenditure of this amount Marie Boot, representative of Na- Also Evergreen Grove No. 39, Our "'ml tournament of the Newark sider means of evading this big the town could with PWA assist- WOODBRIDGE — Junior class tional Inner Sentinel Supreme Lady of Mt. Carmel Roman Catho- "Hie Theatre group. It won flrat expense. The alternative Is to PARTY POSTPONED TRIAL TODAY Forest Woodmen Circle; Malhlas ance, finance the construction of members of the Woodbridge High lic Church, Rakoqsl Society, Ver- punt in preliminary contests. build a treatment plant In Wooii- it* n,wn Dlant, avoid the expensive School will hold their Junior Prom Zarral. Deputy ol the Woodmen ol right-of-way oosts ana leave Perth tonight In the schbol gymnasium. Garden Fete for Mtn'i Club Turek Gets Hearing at 9:30 the World: and Michael Klu, Rep- hovla Society, United Workmift Amboy to its own sewage J' ' Barron Avenue, under, the direction icnUUiTC 9t Progreuive Camp. Association^ Btent Imre Herenf I CARtt €BAtm '•Because of Uw present gener- Benefit Delayed By Rain On Larceny Chats* ? WoODBRIlXiB-Aiithony Beny- osity of the administration In facilities. of Jack 6UU1, faculty advisor, No. 8S. Society, , Dancing will start a.t 8:30 P. M. SEWAREN—Due to rain, the gar- •'••>• of Howard Street, HopelnwnWashingto, n - and who would ex- We'll try to skip further men- WOODBRIDGE - Jud*« Arthur t rnftut der, Sjent Gyorgy Association, New pect anythli* else with important tion of the sevyer-but we can't with music played by toe Yacht den card party scheduled for yes- "Brown will hear the petty larceny A vailed and Interesting enter- Jersey Society and' the American •• no wa« riding on Ambqy Avenue Club 'Boys. * terday at the home of Mrs. Mark Mi!-' case against Anthony Turek, M. tftinment program i» twttw planned ir Green Street, collided into,a congressional elections slated lor promise. ' Hungarian Citteens Clulj of to«n, Clain, West Avenue, for the Men's of Cliff Road, Sewaren, this morn- which will Include vocal »r.d other •'!• driven by Dr. Henry Holahelme*. Fall - the Idea came that possibly A e?netal invitation is e:;t£d«d RECKLESS? $5! v F1NBD 13- Club of th«Trtnity Episcopal Church ing at 9.30. mudcal leaturrt. Stephen Chonka. | '•'.! Holzheimer, who vac riding a pulley and several other article* Hungarian and American folk cured at thhe SchooShl l StreeStt audi- 1 the plant. •>, given to Louis Rossi, 28, « George 22, of Jackson Avenue, Carteret, wa* If weather^ermlb, the card party i i " >i'!' husband, was taken to the will bo held Uxl**- at the McClain from a boat docked in the Se- tongs. Dancing will follow the ban- 1 '• t LulAfcoo*WDlWry Monday-for reckless driving, WOOPBRIDGE INDEPENHF.N i PACF. TWO Friday, May 27, Edward R. Davison, 53, nf Syra-1 c* of Gimnybrook: Firm Civil Service ense. N. Y. has famed his llvt-j WM. MURPHY COLONIA NEWS lulin News llhood HiR past 35 years by pos-1 Examination Told 99 Wtdgcwood Ave -Mr» Frant A ratUton ot Inn (is a mechnnlcal man, Wd>idN WIDOW (H IvR, SOI U ' Mr« Ar:iv.;r Frciti or St Cnain-O-Hllls Ro»d his t*«n ron-• istUN-Thf Iwlln Wnmnnj Thr- United States Civil Service sl'i (I MRS AT fi; i»KT|f Aienue Priii» *tni lo ftnrt U> her hemi for a ft* daj\» rjinwratic Club will hold > tarn Commiwloln has »nnounc«d- tspen in Cardiff, Wilen, tii found a Nn down due t« Utnm dine* at the Pmhini Avenue cnmperlme examinations for the Mrs MLTftm Sou.t *!tS>"» P! Mr* WClwn Mlllfr KlltkeUi: man who had never heard of the • uirnnicrd. A * * * Sthoel June U with Mr? Mar> '^ottpwmg positions; iv- Rr!y-r* !=o--> rfi*t ihf Rjhvt) Mftr.or.i. Mr» John Hum in<1 tin MUArtd ~ The India* Pfctrel -»* Hull W««lbrMi»» Mn HsWM Si met *llh HMTJT Sit* of r»tr- man in charfe if trie affair igr»- fchiiltf »n<3 Mr» A Tittle AvfMl; \if* Annul MMCr PiUol liilTf] » • • • CMU of Animil Industry, Depart- ,;,r .-*! Oni«rio. Curuif.A 'V Mn R 1mm. C»rurfi. ir.d »trt ind Pitrol Lndtr Crane llrf Mitxiln till be MSIMI.1 b> ment ef Agriculture, tolege traln- DANIEL KAPLOWITZ •>':j(it>: o! J»ir,w.»r,S M»rf»rH oitof Bnrltrrir. Mr* Otorff An-' tn charfe. ,Mrs Prefer and Mrs. 8. Kflvats. ing. and rrs«ir<-h experience, or, -n i•> MfKlIvy: Vifi 8hf »»» • rMJ- rf»rvn in4 Mrs S:- BflUjTO. prottvn; Mrs. t. Johnson. Mn. 8. substituted graduate study, in some 'My Jr. Arch Preservers Always niRVsiin--ri ivm in ( \its r>r.t 0 ! <> P**t f —MIM Mirgartt Knauar and , CnUdWell and Mlu Ul» May, lift-1 phase of animal genetics are re- v Mla. noVS" Auxiliary held a luceutful card, best edtumH. th»r« will M fautre', training with major study In vet- 4'.* ,\mti"v AifnBf 9 Wltht, Mrs p»rty and poppy •»> at the L»-jda.nctf 'uUt other feature dances, frlnary medicine and research Mary Donohue. Perth Am*"" Nrw' Jfrv< flan" Rooms on S»turd»y ewnini, Prtm wit lleo be awarded w tfte: experience In the field of animal Tin UMH were In play. The dew, couple danclnt the iqua-re dance; pathology, or substituted gmduate. Trlrplinijc. T. A. t-OMil «h? wu a member oft*. *»"•'''- M" •"'*« Hutn«- **"•' Little Mary hti in eye f , :; prtf» wu ron by Charle* C belt I study in certain related fields, arc () Mitchell required, style ai well an comfort. Mie • f;^5?HH sAssst/ai its i gcU both In her it, Arch Pre- ! Many county and state celeb- Principal poultry husbandman, -MM. tma Wlls of West Street ! rttttt u well u local pfcrty figures $5,800 a year. Bureau of Animal servers. Then, too, htr Un BICYCLES h« been confined to her home | hate •promlied to attend the dance.:Industry. Department of Agrlcul- are always comfortable with Illness. j • • . tur\ Colege training with major cauw tAey have "grown BABY CARRIAGES ... I MIM Aiatha Bchmlflt. of correja study in agriculture or veterinary up* Mrs 0 w, Hagedorn. -Mf« Daniel jDen Bleyker ol Avenue, apent the week-end »t the 'medicine, nnd eMperlence in con- In^fhese wlentlflc shoe* KFW \M> I'Sri) Mr; Htr.ry Uvin. Mrt JO -r-. M:Anc!rf*i and Mm Ruseell Mfj rt!-. McAndrews, Mn North Kill Raad tu a guejt at | home of Mr. and Mra. Leon Char- ^ectlon with poultry rewarch pro really mold the foot. M Mrt Oeorfe n'trc'ed the card P*rty -> atiower Monday night In honm ; nak. York. grams are required, BICYCLES Reddish. Mn of MIM Eva FUnd at the home ot Applicants for these., positions F«- :iIrf—low RUM mus! not have passed _their flfty- Milt Constanc* Wiley of StaUn Mr. tnd Mrs. Ohtrles Lawyer, of Island, tthlrd blrhday on the date of the H-"r'a> , , |Tomi,- Mm". Floyd Manse. Mrs. Penning ArtnutA . are thth t parentsts' . FEINSTEIN of an infant daughter bborn at the of receipt of applications. " ' ' _ . ...,„ Sidney Pinkham and Mn, M. M. ' -Mr. and Mrs. sunley Smith This ngo llmH does not apply to MATK STP.I"! T W: xr L. Pipe. Of *«» ,„ ^ Perth Araboy General Hotpltti. Mrf p mn and children will spend Memorial |pet«oris granfed preference because H-. Eo»U. chitrman of the U- Dty at the horn* of Mrs Smith's „..,., of rntliknrV or naval service, meet C/.« >,!r./,an- poppy salt, hu lt-| ... OPFN M N enter, Mrs. Harry De Oroot of A a* pjrty Will be held June „,„ 5V,ch',ppll(.jnll> mUet nothftv, sued an appeal to th« r»ild«nu! .-The Young Folka SUmp club 4 for the Benefit of the 8t, Ce- Mirtliuvllle. ireBChed |h wtlremmt m n: cooria to purcha«e their pop- met Saturday night with Robart eeia's Church with Mri. Herbert The closing d*te for receipt oi Y,< loc'ii:;v. JO that local legion-, Knauer on Falnrlew Avenut wd • * • Goodman, Mn. John Erdo and; » from 8tst«s rast of r'aires ar.d'their buddies In nearby i held a farewell party In honor ol -Mr. and Mrs, Charlet C. Mit- Mrt. Joseph latkln In charte. | chell hid as their dinner tueiu on I* June 30. and from 's'V.'.ion* will receive full bene*, Bancroft LWngiton «rho will ltave , „ ., ... , , , jiv-wiuumu and States westward, The Boston fH* £'Worn this «ale Mrs. Rudolph : for riorlda with hU ptrenU tt th« Tuesday evertnt Mr and* Mrs. Ed- Vix tier ar.d Mrs. Charles Weswn end of th« Khoel y»*r. Th* f»a- ward B, Hogan of N«w York City Installation of the newly-elected \ shoe* by X-ray fm officers of the Iselln Parent-Teach- Full information m«y be obtain- wt'li the rriemb»n of Boi Seoul, tur« of th« evtnlnt tu lanngir 'and on Wednesday and Thursday your protection. BITTING Troop No 41 will canva« Avenel hunt with tht honored guitt and entertained Mrs. t: V. 8prln|«T of er Allocation will be held June! ed from Csrleton J. Lake, secre- tary of the V 3. Civil Service •"-.•rorrow. Mn Philip Dtn Bley- hl» partner, Betty 8ayw«U d«cl»rM tuddonfleld. 14 at School No, 6. ice'-' Mr> Warner Pipea ahd Boy, wlnneri Oth«r gueiU wert Oer- Boattl of Examiners, gt the Me- Mr. and Mr». Harold Mouncey. • ffl "Always > Little More For Your Money—Our Prices Are Ahur, "blue coal" Srr"! Troop No 61 will canvaas trude MtAndrewi, Henry L»vln, -Mr. and M*r»"j»Mph Taylor of of Ort Tree Road, had as their tUchtn P°st offl?f Cninnia assbted by several of the!Dorothy Ryan, Warrtn Dty, Wld Washington Avertue enterUlned Sunday guesu. Mr, and Mrs. Philip Lower Than Elsewhere—Compare" Be Thrifty—Buy Now Charged with drunnenness, Rob- •vrs and dati(iht*r» of local le-'Eugene P»p»«. over the 'week-end Mr. and MM m«h, U NewtrS.. On the New Summer gionnaires. Jack BMot and, daughters Jant ert Mil*trd of St. Louis said lie hac been overcome by fumes from -Miss Adeline Moscarellt ot and Ullltn of Jtrsey City. Mr. and MM. 'Conrad Fletsnar, nl automobile, but his plea failed, Budget Plan ! Mr and Mm, Arthur Saywall Beech Strict ipent tht wMk-ind of Oak Tree Road, entertained A supposedly lucky wishbone BOSTON SHOE CO. Low Spring Priced In of Fairview Avenue had ai their at Point Pleuant u the fUMt ol -Mr. and Mrs. Thomts Hynts friends at their home Sunday. was unlucky for Peter Lsrnon of Effect last week, Mlns Shirley Mc- Mr. tnd Mn. Raymond Moon. of *»rkley Avtnue had as tn*»» 182 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY Arthur, of Amherst, N. M. over the wrtk-end Mrs. Phone 8-0012 . . . —Henry Latin with hit CIKM* Thomas Duncan, Mr. tnd Mri. turned from Washington, D C, and son of Jersey Mrs Martha Truegner of Wait mates of the lenlor clan of tit. Eugene Harte where they vitlted for a few days. I street entertained Thursday at * Pet*r'« Prep School in J*my Oity City. 'chllren's party in, honor Of her hiked to Rye Beaeh on Saturday -Mr«. Matilda Otlger Of Wilt daughter Martha's ninth birth- • * « Hill Road entertained on Tuesday Extra Sptcial ! BE SURE OF YOUR day Th* children wre entertained —Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brarm Mr and Mrs. Louis Wendel, Miu LadlesIn'' FulFull with games and music. Quilt* and aont who have bean occupy* Margaret Oelger and Aufuit Then FashionedA Puff SSIIiK •were Stella, and Helen Suit, Bev- ing the Mitchell home on North BRAKES i 1 Hill Road, are now living In the all of Elizabeth. rrly Barbtmr, Constance and Man TRUST YOURS TO US! Teriella, Anna Eocco, Ruth Frug- Livingston home on Valley Ro»d. HOSE 1 —Mr. and Mrs. James McCor- RELIVING - ADJUSTMENTS ner, Edith Nixdort and Mr. wd • • • ARTHUR mltk of Princeton Avenue hid u DRUM REFAC1NG Mrs. Lee Worthy. -The discussion group of the TROUBLES CORRECTED ' Colonla co-operative Auoclatlon their guett over the week-end Mr. FOOD ISIMMaMa met Thursday night at the FlMt and Mr«. 'William Greenwood of 39pr. ! -Dr. aivd Mrs. Fred Albee ol Brooklyn. Firsts RAHWAY west Hill Road have returned Presbyterian Church tn A vent), ft J. Unger of Brooklyn WM the Would be from their winter home In No- BRAKE SERVICE guest speaker and had at his topic -Miss Charlotte and Edith Peter- 89c and komis, Florida. Ret. S. J. CASSAWAY, Prop. "Wh»t Consumers Cooperation Oan _on of Woods L»ne were guests at 51.15 CAMPBELL'S i' • • • Site ( Yn. with Blue Gooie, Newark Do for You." John Tetley ol a sutprlse shower for Miss Bar- I Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft Llvlngs- § Shier Can 17 E. Milton Avo. RAHWAY Woodbrldge was in charge. The ra HUlmtn at It?. Rlvervlew 1 ton of Valley Road have given up § Service TOMATO SOUP Formtrly Albiuen Garage next regular meeting will b* held Club, by Miss Chriitlne Deickman. their home In antlelpatlon of set- Weight \ spnrklln! tomato purer enriched 5 June 7 with Mrs. Frank P&ttlstm | tllng in -Florida. Mr. Livingston Is of Chaln-O-Hllls RflW. Two- diys beiare ht aaplled for | Crepes with creamery butter, strictly «ge at present a patient In the Roose- • - * relief, Thomwi *r«tW ofTienoaht, table. ;velt Hospital and the boys are llv- 9'Twa-ThretiU —Ornamtntinj .-:*. Wl|., withdrew a 1600 bank ac- "iiig;'with" Mr. end Mn^-Stwll TU- —Miss Betty Sty will and Miss count. H« liter admitted this In Striping fany till the close of school this Jeanne Wooaward, jfltuiKting stu- ROSEBUD STORE court andf- was fined JlS and or- June. dent of the Scudder school ot £01 SMITH STREET Store Fixtures, Show Cases, dered to. pay back the amount • • • New York City and their ttcorU, PERTH AMBOY, N, J. Refrigerators liven him at relief. I -Mr. and Mrs Albert Rehberg Bryori Schwartz of Woodbrtdge tnd Leonard Thonuen of CltMbeth at* mam Whole kernel, fresh golden com off ot Princeton Avenue had at their |h* cob, delicious served with butter DEALERS HOUSEHOLD ! guest on Sunday William Coitt SPECIALS I Jersey City. SPRAYING SERVICE Friday nglit. On Sunday morning There's a Big difference in milk I ' ' * In company with th«lr families Roulettes <>f Genuine they attended baccalaureate Serv- AT YOUR LOCATION ;' —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAn- Th* world's largest 0t*l «I insulated tank 'ears SPRING LAMB 17c drews of West Hill Road ent«r- ices at the Fifth Avenue Presby- terian Church in New York. afid took trucks mints SMUCT MiUt t« the clly COCKTAIL New and Old Work I tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. at cxpttss tpetds. It dotia'l bar* Urn* la bt Prime CHUCK ROAST, Govern : • • • Chester Couch and Infant daugh- anything .but Ititkl T^itle Iht dlHtr.net this ment Graded 1 T _ Design and Pictorial Painting —Mr. and Mrt. George Anderson ter of Brooklyn. •xtra ipttd makes in lrtshoau and Qarer. Order STEER BEEF »'C of Dover Road attended the fu- » • • StAUCT Orad»-A MUlt fram BhttStld Farms. O. MONTE -Miss Jane Krou»e of Water neral on Saturday ot Mrs. Ander- Freih Killed street is confined to her home with sons brother-in-law, Judge E. M iiain in quiLirr roi ft riin tONG ISLAND DL'CKS 15c Woodbrldgc N. J, illness. Hicks of Highland Park. ] —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fletcher Hickory Short Cut Smoked Residence 115 ('iceman Street, 1 I of West Hill Road attended a card -The Young Glrli Sewing Club SHEFFIELD PICNIC HAMS | party In School No. 1 Friday night met with Jean Keller of Dover "Get Acquainted" offer. Buy 3 I given by the Ford's Democratic Road Thursday. Members preient Milk Fed VEAL, Post Tuaslles snd jft 1 pkg. of Hunk j-Women for the benefit of the Boy were Jane Hynes, Alice Coffey, Pockets 15c its. lie value for-wiily 2c, Amateur Night Tuesduy Scouts. Dolores Pinkhtm, 'Dlanttia Patti- so and Mlldrtil Antler. On Fri- 1 .•»».< FLOOR SHOW j -Miss Janet Ellis of Fain-lew day night the members of the club Re 0 attended a performance Of "R|b|c EVERY WEDNESDAY AND ! Avenue was elected .president of SEA FOOD Dole's Pineapple Gems cl " 10 THURSDAY NIGHT the Junior Women's club" at a meeting Tuesday night at Echo trehh • Lake. Miss WUma Stoll WBJ named HALIBUT STKAKS 15c JACK'S chairman of a lunchegn to be held I in conjunction with the closing Deep Sea Hollywood Inn meeting of the season, June 11. FREE-SOUVENIRS-FREE SCALLOPS 15c DILL PICKLES Formrrly Jack's Tavern I -Mr and Mrs. Henry Ortw o! with every purchase over $1.00 rrosh ,-. 367 STATE ST. • West Street hat) as guests on Sun- BUCK SHAD 5c I day Mrs. L. Grief and daughter of: DANCING EVERY NIGHT j Englewood and Miss Qreda Tech-: Fancy ' tow of Brooklyn. •or Baking 5c

—Mr. and Mrs. George Keller of JAMES GOUMAACRO|p FaOM THE MARKETS & CO. Co rn Dover Road have «s their guest Mrs Mary Knaftp of Roaelle. I FRI! DELIVERY—A$k for Our Green Stamps . . MACKEREL t " 2°15c • Mplvtn Schwalje, grandson of Reg. Stic \\c Mr and Mrs. Pauy Moacarrelll of 'Vine Rip.n.d 7_T1IN1 CKU H-igKt Meot IIV Beech Street was orfl of the win- ] 258 Smith St. Phon*p.A.43277 Perth Amboy Con ners In the flihlng contests held; rerently In Roosevelt Park. | to lib. Jlf • • * ! iTender Stringlesg s CaliforniaSARDlNES'"Jr. Can * <> -KINDLING • FIREPLACE At a m»eting Friday night of b 4 40 ft: J for t lip Colonia Civic IrrtpTor««wrtt Best Loose MACARONI BEANS Lb. lk f club plans were completed for the Ripe Sugar . WAXPAPER ^ry Roll •W00D I.semi-annual dance which will be % lb. • \iM In the .Eaglt tjubroom*: ot, 100 Pure Semolina ;.... Pineapples Ea. TAMOIK Railway on Saturday. June i. Mrs 8 I 5c CHARM NAPKINS Lawrence Suit Is chairman and la PASTENE FERNET 4Crisp Table READING COAL being aeilsted by a eommttt**. CAstDIMAU KOPPER'S COKE i • « » • OLIVE OIL CELERY, bunch ASTOR COFFEE 1 V BRANCA MASON MATERIALS -Mrs. Lawrence Suit of Weet , Street entertained on Tlmrsdij- MACARONI Gresn FUEL OIL Mre Mai(y Blanco and Frank AB-1 Phone Woodbriagt 8-M34 derson of Elljabeth. j ICABBAGE 5 lbs, WARR COAL & Kenwoo d —Mr. and Mrs. William John- J - $1.35 iFancy Eating and " MOTOR OIL SUPPLY CO son formerly of Avenel have moved | HOME MADK lUUlURUlL 3000 Mil. 8T. GEORGE AVENUE, into thtlr new home on Columbia Tomato Paste J V'2-lb. WOOnBRIDOE Avenue. Genoa SALAMI SAUSAGE ISSS 4,b,10dAMOP TEA Pkg. -Mr. and Mrs Albert HUUler Of Large i Hoffman Boulevard. etUertollMd on ijuic,"5unkl,t"«#| --OXYDOL | Sunday Mia; Lillian DeTrotnley ot Pkg. and Robert Tuter Of R»h- Giant B for wi\y. I IB PACKAGES lb. CARS! • at 25 OCTAGON SOAP J UP TO] lb. Cake Mus Jene Keller of Dover 39 MEDAOL1A D'OflO or 1300 MACARONI Road was hostess to the Little »EBTIMPORTED Large 2 * 35c $10 Otrift' Hewing Olub at her Ipme en ALL BRANDS PASTENE Old Fashion*d and DOWNl Thursday. Owollne Huttler was Roll Butttr lb. welcomed as a new member. Th» COFFEE Hrown 27c Blu6, PROVOLOMI Clear Brook Quality lGc GOODIKBD olub will give a playlet en Jun* 1. Sm Lg. * • * Finest Quality FRENCH'S MUSTARD 7c Mr and Mra O A. Walker and Sm daughter Jean of Nortrt Hill Rti*d 3^25 Cr. Cheese lb. lb. havf rsturned from a visit In ROMAfELUO Washington, D. C. lb. 39 Finest Mu«nir«r 111 CHEESE PBJ5BDRY FLOUR lb lb. •:' A tmiuil .wetlnj was hfid LA 1-pRLA PtAS ...... the First Presbyterian Church. \G At St. James' PARISH CHILDREN Drivers Blame Each will return from colleie next week Le-Mree B Smit. Ctoorfh tvisite McUughlld In Atlanticn and! I StreeMrt, ,n Tueday IN RCTK SUNDAY j Other For Aecident w nt'the Bute Federation of Women s ttw week-enfk-ertd gu««gu««U ooff Ur and MlM Belt* Saywell. of Colonia, charlei Duiten, ol DIM. *° -Mrs. Herbert Maxfleld, ... Mrs. Alex Donnelly. Rowland Miss Merle I»14»rtn, John Eberle, neidey nl|ht. Orovcrve Avenue,, had aut her guesguest j Clubs. 1 Place. Baldwin and Byron -M^nd M» WJcheel W several days. Mlu Artlne Mfr- -Mlia Harriet KlUenberger, itu- . ilBr Monday Party Claw to Receive First Com- Judge Brown to Hoar pe Roberert Miller, ooff Cheaapeake. rill, of Somervllle. Matt. No 1 Friday night at brftiii p'A«— Elbow. Grty or Blu« t Hinr i"'"- • -..cf Lutheran Church with •ft oftf Inch i, Dorothy Kreyling present- 19c PILLOW CASK, lOeHwvy Turkish apart tinlflrlr . following awards: Tender- 2*c ( I'lnt Irint «lih plua To Go At WASH CLOTHS M:;S. Lillyan Honullck, Mll- *Hn|" . .:niin, Doris Perry; second Aid (I. ,d Oiith Stockel, EXirothy Blan- 69c 72^90 1A*. 5c DISH CLOTHS, HC proflclency badges, Janet BED SHEETS * 3c i: scholnrshlp, first aid, 2 For knowledge; Audrey Mll]es, TOMORROW"! Saturday... LAST DAY 59c Mtn'i "Catty Jon«t" Hue *A •rship, first aid, world knowl- M ! ;/: ATC 39c Boys' Daniel Boone Fast :Kioth» BUnchard, health ^——-..^--..„ . ...,^r^.Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiajiiiini lilil II1 lllillllllir li t '' '">i i Chttmbroy WORK SHIRtS .. world knowledge; Glidyi Color Broadcloth Shirtt licnlth winner, first »td, 25c Men't Good Quality knowledge, liostess, home- SEARS iFancy -, housekeeper, needlewoman. Athl«>tt Shirtt and Shortt Pair riiiz.cu; attendance stara, K Ruth Johnson, Gladys Erlk- $1.25 Men's Good Strong ,-Uvpr. Helen Horvath. Ber- 89c Men's lor1a L Dungart* Ovsrolli. )K,n. ami G Tbv POLO SHIRTS „.,- written and coached by iiun. *t« per«>nl*

,11 C . * •in, vice president. - •n secretary, Eugene Finn; Q Siii(lf Handle Bar Type ur, Or. Hairy Belafsky; Lion 0 Now Departure Coattcr Brake Stephen Hru.ska; tall twtat- 9 Full Sue Balloon Tlret . Cvril Hutner; board ofdl- flj Nrw Streamline Appearance •., 3 vcar?. Mr. Hruska; 1 Arnold Iwckj; 1 year r>r. % \ Bicycle of Quality at a Bargain I'rlie! nrw u.u will hp ad- to the club at a BOYS' OR GIRLS' to be held Wi the Middlesex icniiin, of the Slate or ELGIN BICYCLES luii. will Initiate the ~" "At Illustrated" imbert. Fred Ounc», past d. rvernor of New Jersey, will § Double Handle Bar ft Aiemlte Equipped § Balloon Tirea $27-w- ft Air Cooled Coatter Brake


at the Perth A SENSATIONAL VALUE! ,;,tal Suiday. The in the St. Should Be Priced $49.50 r M

rl Cackowski, Mrs. Car HE wise homemiktr uk^s nolchanccs on food storage. She keep? v Morton Thullesen, and Mar LIVE CHICKS $ 3 8 her supply o£ perishable foods in the Kdvinator electric refrig- Katherine _ f With Aulomatic Pump $43,88 T aherlne Defollt, of erator where she \nowi the atmosphere stays at the right,temperature mie, Av«nel, died it ^.iv,^ M Dawn—BlUnte Monthlj—gnwtl Carrying Obarfi K,rx General Hoipital, (New "to keep food fresh for days. Some foods spoil more quickly than n,,,wlck, Friday, Her lugrri !!•;.• in 100 Lou • White porcelain tub; bthed-on enamel finiih it ,i.-ra were held Monday ^ Selfdi'ri Wliite Leghornt, BaBarrer A burial taking place. In tne ltwks and Rhodde IilanIlndd Kedt—Day • Powerful, long*-life motor; easy-runninf • others, of course, but Kelvinator keeps the most perishable foods 1 s Cemetery. ; Old—GuaranteeGtd d Blood TettedTelied, • Aluminum wringer with instant safety relaaie • Dafcik Is survived by fresh for a reasonable time. •uid, vendelln; two • Silent runnlnc gears; reversible drainboarfl • and Katherine; iv ••Eg•Uuy6y to Fill" 3 l>*<(iallo"" I ^ • Triple-vine »yr»tor gim positive action Kelvinator operates without attention. A Kelviratorw not am, Joseph, • Wide bis* »klrt und sturdy legs expensive to purchase or to. operate. AH cabinets are'Voderatety in Letters priced and you may purchase any model on the divided payment ic, "REEL TOP CHICKJ FEEDERS 8 plan at a small inctdse over the cash price. •, H:untuiue4 Uom P»» k\ Additional tUctric outleU for ibt ctnument KU- of ttpphancei y DMld Bto •• lk% * 27c K. * 39c can bt l"tMad~bm, yout l»ul tlictrkal dultr tt mall cott. -* id itiify, J. Petre, Harry M. Riiimr, Themiu Bud. MirkulUi, John Cassldy, unit Miller. . ... i, ,,„„ •ilM., Uwrenoe McLeoi tugjne Illivaii, s. Kluj. Euiene Stauflei, Fly M. Smith, Sylvia FjucM- uiii, Irene Hawryllw, WU»» PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Mi uuxa Qiutnn, Jew» Hoosan. ' Uliy Schwenner, Jack Drum- 275 HOBART STRfiET '(I, J. Rebeck, Charles Mastro- li, Louis Parrell, Gladys Llddie I Loulie Qa4et Page Four P.idov WOODBR1DGE INDEPENnrvt 'VILUIN' REFORMS Director Proves " KIDS" IN NEW PICTURE TWINS ARE ALIKE,! At the Strand Wednesday IN 'CRIME SCHOOL' Ancients Wwng EVEN TO TONSILS! 1! fine of thrsr ruriio question Bogert of 'Dead End' Be-bees should pop up with ' icmplftf • Mauch Boyir Appearing in the rest of this axiom , . . jack Penrod' at the Strand comes 'Noble' in Feature nf all trad/*-' ' ., ~ ' ! at the Majestic The immediate anwef would be ! Always Identical m»*»er 01 none i Nothing lw th»r(, 'l.r complete Whtth only goes to show you ; 1 T,\c: since they were, born, Billy, reformation of one o! 'lie world's tn&l the ancler, .;. werem is vat • and Bobby M»urtv W»rner Bros j classic villains took place in Hoi- as legend Vould fiavr YOU believe. lv«

Lovely and appealing. I.ORETTA YOING plays a whimsical, devil- YOING and RICHARD GREENE, (renter) while >t the Hop, left and miy-faif role opposite RICHARD GREENE, new star discovery in thr right) GEORGE SANDERS. IHVID NIVEN, belowl (' AIBBF.V »pertacular riramatiTOtion of thf Cosmopniitan Majaiiiip story. "Four SMITH and WILLIAM HENRY. The picture opens at the Ditmas Men and a I'rajrr." The picture at the. right shows I.OUETTA tonight. Plus; "THE SKC'RET OF TRKASXIRK I.SLAND." \n. «


PREVUE TONITE! READE'S Oliver Hardy, Sharron Lynne, Stan Laurel in "Way Opt Wett" TWO (2) COMPLETE SHOWS—NOTE EARLY PREVl'E Lontinnom t to 11 V.M. THEATKK Tel. P, A. 4-Olltg STRili has long been Identified with the In "Way Out West" Placerita wild and wooly West both in the Canyon becomes "Brushwood I DAYS STARTING WITH glamorous history of California and Gulch" and much of the exciting In motion pictures. In fact, per- action 1ind rjb«tickling comedy 6:36, "First Hundred Years" 5:40, "Robin Hood" manent motion picture sets, are j which surrounds Laurel and Hardy 1:»3, "Four Men and a Prayer" :20, "Crime School* PREVUE FRIDAY NIGHT maintained there. Dashing cow- ! Is centered there. Day and night PREVUE 9:18, "First Hundred Yean" 11:50, "Robin Hood" b"oy«Y*~p1stoT fire and all the trim- sequences were picturized and real- Prevue Time Table 1 TIMETABLE 10:35, "Four Men and a Prayer" 10:30, "Crime School" mings of horse operas are so much istically sdd to tht^xcellent physi- 1,000 Laughts—1,000 Thrills in evidence that the natives pay cal mounting that has been given Last Complete Show Starts at 8:50 P. M. but passing interest. the picture. ... „„ Whfn Uarint Youth . The Hal Roach company, how- It is th« first Western picture ever, encountered one dlfncultjy of the stellar comedy team have ever larklrj a Man's Job', recent origin, Moving in with acted in, although Individually mounted cowboys, stage coaches, i they have been in Westerns in WHAT HAPPENED TO THE and Brings thr mule teams, burros with packs and j their early experiences In motion (o Justice • an array of horse-drawn vhricles, pictures. ! GUTTER GANG GAME SOCIAL OF DEAD END ? TUESDAY EVE. AT 8:30 SHARP IN St. James' Auditorium Amboy Ave. Woodbridge Fwnk Cr»y«n, Door Prize, $40 Eddie CoUIni and Valuable Prizes Admission 40c Fenrad'i Whole

Starts With Prtviie Tuesday Nite ' I JI.WO.WO "AccKenl" EMket ^poud ! Set 'lh("; ..> (FUEL ANDFURNACE OIL! f! PUnhed In KTery D«UU I . ViciUnt we P»W, Fr«clurrd ^ " 11,000 and Up. HIGHEST QUALITY FUR EVERY MAKE UF BURNER



LEAHY'S WP «Tb«>n Ball League , HUNGARIANS SMASH KELLYS GET FIRST Held Club Nine Takes CIOM Conquered By Panther$7to 1, I »* n iiArp Tirr imn ni AAH DV HAU/WIWr Decision to Keep Lead Stondints Schedules 2 WE, TAKE HAD BLOOD BY DOWNING W(X)DBFIDOE-Th« Woodbrtdgt BEATS MES1CKMEN; 1 Priscomen Out to TumTables Standings, Schedules^ mm mi 12.i I'ldrt Club .Iiyvegg won ft Mm j»me with the Rivals, I to f. to By Mike Koidlc continue their winning sir*am and Z1LA1 GETS HOMER WOODBRIDGE-Poilowlng is the standing of the various loams In it »n n . .„.. Irad the Woodbrldge Intermediate WOODBR1DCE — Coach Nick Prisco's baseballers lost the Township Recreation Leagues, and also the scheduled games for the , v t p Kuckulya Allow* But_4 Hits i, ,e Doth teams had ttww h.«a. 1 B(l nn« «nd won one this week to fall into a tie with South Cloverbrodk* Two Tallies comlngweek: Down _*, i;,vrr for the lead of the Middlesex County Conference. The 54 and Whale Hungarian be i ,rl ,.„« disposing of the in the Ninth Spell Doom 1 taklm the *am« B to 4 behind the (Vrth Amboy Pantjfera swamped the Barroni and will come Senior Club' Fords C. C. 19 to 0 Victory of Year Pet. Mary Ave. wolves 1.000 . two-hit pitching of Qulnn. ,0 ihr Fords Park Monday afternoon for a return engagement. of Legion in Inaugural Team W, . 3 1.000 AHey .500' The Priscomen scored their eleventh victory of the sea- Hungarian B. C TW0 GET~HOME RUNS'DAPRILE iSJ»OUNDED I 3 0 1 0 0 X x X X-4 . 1 .500 .500; PLAY AGAIN SUNDAY sheu on 1 12 1x000 0—6 ,,,1! over Tottenville and the Jayvees eased" the scorch of the .000 Klsh ASsoc 0 .000; l J vtfs • Sewaresewaren B. B. 0 he Hungarian PORT REAftlNO -Th* Kelly All-' «> \,irsity'i defeat by Perth Amboy by trimming the Panther . 0 .000 Black Sox 0 .000 Meslck l o .0 M 0 \ x x x—8 1 PERTHI AMBUAMBOYi —- MOM MUSIC* = - -• ' .000 Arrows .000 i Uvvees. 3 to 2 in seven innings. 003010000-4 1 says 11will be a different story Sporting Club 0 Township Fire Co. '' Followin„ .< . g are• detailedi . •! i, accounts of the Totteriville and sa>"5 II, will oe a umnciii SUJLJ .000 | Reading A C, IJ to 1, In a Port when the C!uver-brooks of Perth Wolnies .0001 Hopelawn 0 l.ooo ;wnpn lhe sivell Oil - 1 i Reading Senior League contest. ,rth Amboy games: Amboy i&me W town Sunday to Hungarian C. Cf... iselin 0 10001 ovenrs curves and suffered a 4 0 nmi. i! t.'o .3 defeat. *" ' . • • ! Kuckulya, pitching for the All • m#t i.is American Legion club on Woodbrldge Inttrmrflate Woodbrldge ™ I The Hungarians scored one run ' Stars, atowed but four Iv.u mid CADETS INUNDATE hoys *rom Avenue PERTH AMBOY-lifs ft sad the latUr's new stadium on Be«y 1 i) ' 1.000 Avenel • ,,,-ned the tables again by pound-, story, mates, but It must be told , ... wage. r. C. Jay Vees. 2 1.000 Fords 0 .^I^Tne^idTuT'^H oSlikepTthem well scattered fans r.rUlnly ^ BM Jrs j .600 •.000 £n tm>o * f«r * .C ,g out four runs In trie seventh Coach' Nick Prisco'S sterling base And thrLeglm fans c.ty Blu Ketibey RED RAIDERS, 31-0 hope Mr. Mcslc's knows whereof .000 .000 ning to come from behind and ball arew* after defeating the crack F c Port Reading In the fourth and. Afth. The score : struc«. k founoutd threI>e an•*"d ttfwwei't «four\ u"r he speaks. was tied at 2-ftll in the sixth but ve them their eleventh win of the nines-of the entire district, was e p e last Sunday Woodbrtdfe Juniors Woodbridie Senior th' Oilers went ahead In the ninth ree pawwss. t 0th Ted col l- I n ththeiir Kuckulya, d Homestead A. C. Bettt against two defeated by the Perth Amboy Pan- against the Cloven In V>i-th Am- Cadets .7. 3 1.000 B. vs. Cornels. they pushed another tally •imn. thers 7 to 1 and thus received a boy, the Legion sulfured a S to Runners 3 1.000 Sewwen 6 to 4; Runner* The-flfial score remFl to 4. Willy serious jolt In their bid to lead the defeat. The loca: outfit played Sewaren Jrs 2 .668 Thur -Sporting Club vs. Shell Oil , ninth. however.thcC.B. clipped The line-ups: , mdek flashed for the local outfit by .666 hc Kelly AH-SUri j Defeat Hawb, 7 to 3" Mldlesex County conference of loose ball In the 4ig:i:i; spots and Cyclones 3 lWdb PC vs Hung B C | n ttwo more to give them the •witting four runners across the loo .500 Frl. Wdbge. P.O. vs. Hung. BC. W ab. r. high school bal tossers. Going In- thhe CloverCl s scj.ddd Inn the flretflrflret,, F. C. JrJss r ,,i,t«. With the bases loaded ln the Clovers .500 Woodbrldge Intermediate RR1TIC. 4 \ 1 ! WOODBRIDOE-ThlS W «OUnd to this match with a game-and-a- twice in the th'.ri and twice in Homesteadds T. Zuccoro, 3b. • hB seventh, Oadek's booming bat twice in the th.ri a .333 Tues,—P. C. Jayvees vs. Panthers. Sabo. Notcliey, Molnar and Kaf- 4 1 2-Ulte a football sere, but It *«*Uy half advantage, they came out of dW h ntest Rivls 0, Vahaly. ss. 1 wnected for a line single into cen- the ninth to^decWo the contest. Rivals .000 Wed.-'Blue Blnf J.V.'s vs. P. Cton rarh got two-baggers. 5 1 0 Is the result of a baseball gam*. ic; in t Lions The Hungarian B. C. made It aLombard, lb. , which cleaned the base paths It with only a half & game to the The Soldiers scoicd Vnic; in the Lions .000 Wed.—Blue Bird Jayvees vs. 4 l 01 ', Cadets, 31; Red Raiders. 0. r alked and Blaclkk Hawks rlean sweep for the weelt When C. Bylwkle, 3b. , rt sent across the winning runs, good. second after .000 MenttghGettovese., If».• 4 1 0 You don't need cash to 3 balls: ofle Sneakers, 5 to 4. Schork did Hopeiawai»i»«.....-J.(niM0qxx-n U more students at th» -VYuoabrldge Wlicn all of George Tittles MARTIN SUCCUMBS ', the mound duty for the winnen towl Parsler and McGraw; Joles and High School held their last dance CHAIN STORE riilrkens were stolen, lie put uils WOODBR^DGK- Announcement i . twirling duties for the Bneakers was Sdbo. of the season Saturday night in an u» the Italy Tex., weekly: » Elisabeth, N. J. was received here this week of the the high school gymnasium, Bar- JOU steal from the rich, you will Fined $160 for wckleta driving, divided among Albertson, Anderton Read. : niHUOix-4 death of Edwr.rd W. Martin, for- Pt ron Avenue. leal from tht ep poor. But you merly of Ralmy Avenue. Mr, Rev. C. J. Smith of Shoreham, and Snaef. ^ Isella ..SOI 0 0 1 in-J uld always leave » few, w we Martin died at his home ln Florida Ens,Eng.,, declared his yearly salary ISneakers...- Farmer* . 113 0 0—t I'r*n grow tbme more." iT^eadj^morntag, _ I was only, 1130, w«rmnr» _ m—_«__«_, 8 4 3 0 0—9 l4VENEJ WO0DBR1DGEINDEPENDF SECOND SFCTION. PAGF. TWO Friday, May 27,1938 one of W)OM mlrattai ^1,1; othfr inh«bit.«it is * lovlv Rirl • devils" com« to t*W thett Uil»nd th« South Pacific dpscrvp \i, ' ": COMING TO THE RAHWAY SUNDAY 4TH FOR AVENEL who !••»'- nr - Ix-fore laid ryes on away from them. They escape GARDEN FETE Avenel Notes * white nun. only through the Intercession of Utton for mysttry &nd im. ' • Defeaii Stwsren 6 to 2 in Vltw 1 irao.ir, frriJi fn-m lift Grammar School Group .'iiccew- n •'Hurricane.' will be WINXMIS AT B1NOO soon ad the nalive girl whose love AIDS HOSPITAL ARK ANVOIMKI) i SBWARKN-Play.ng alr-tl«ht bull ir the young aviator runs ifntil winners of the btnjo party held Avenel won It* fourth consecutive of n half-crn7ed native potentate, STATE THEATRE WOODBRHXiF Vv Funny mgnt for the benefit of V|Ctory Of the /ear by downing played bv J Carrol Nnlsh. veteran, 1 J rnrd par ' h»' Sn .!- st Andre s Building Fund are • ^.^ 8 ,0 , ;ln th(.\lunlor HI- of mvMfrtotis Oriental miff. She WOODMHDGE. N. J. PHONE »-r; noon a' ll'.f !.'"•:•/ "' ^ iei.ow?. j Qrimmar Schoo; v glon of Ulf and Milland have to fight for TODAY and SATURDAY F,v|i!u<,> Oif' '"T Ba:h wt F Zehrer, 'kitchen UcU L*n\ie. Markulln, pitching for the their love and later for their very uw»ri tor !!•,>• hri/M < rv:' . drr M: Ar.na Burns: tamp, «r»:.«i4nnert. jillQWed but thjet hlti. ; lives, against furious *tlve tribes Amboy Genem'. H ?: J. Rh\!rs. fjeelnl. Mrs. Ida De-' Kore by Innings: who know white men only as "Gold Is Where You Find It" i. R-.'-v fill, which *»! !'.f'. :• Iw ,;\r.iu-n to*fl. Mrs..!. Sulll-, 011000 0xx-2 (MM gftrjiT. «'" I""" \.it-.. :ne:is pajamw. EH»bfUi 1 V fl 1 J 0 1 x x-C With George ferent loml worrier. O-.v!-!-.!• water set. Peter Urban; Those in (I;<'«•> •: l.r,-...; Mrs M. Obroptr, lawn > Hnrn'.rt .-i;.T.: l orraine Romond; magaime j _ pAu\\7AV PETER LORRE in nv.! uhle. Mr? Wultfh; skillet set. son. Mr* . i-,-..' «••;:•:>: £ Mi.haei u»is, i An. alluring and mysterious isbiu' SIN.. M0\.. T1KS.. WED. 'Thank You Mr. Motto" . special Mrs Ehmei' •'•ectrlf' in}"th* South 8MS. ftlmea for' tl*. -Oali Holldiy Show— lY, MONDAY, TUE8DAY : Mr? l>-v. <-••"''•"• Mr' -'^ , .. Mrs '"iwpiT'pVt'ra*; t*l»- .ftrit time in btt*th^t*klng Toclmi- ! "oitllniioui Decoration I>»j Wight. Mr- Ar:'..;t M-;W, J> pr,o set. Bottv Butters, electric color forms trie background for thr : SMASH HITS TWO BIG HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS H, Brsiv Mr: Nnx P: C La' -V.IMT Mrs 0 .) Dnvis; jpecialAriew Ray MIUand-Dorothy lamouv 11 Mr, o A:^>-—'• Mi!- E;*! Mrs P Havden. basket of gro- romance, "Her Junfle Love."which "SWING YOUR LADY .lohnsor. M-' A',v: F;:; R: ceries. Mrs. F. Ctito; electric toait-: Paramount will resent nwfr Sun- lorothy Lamour | Wltli H. Boprl. Loulu FMenda rtoiph M:? '•v>^'': "''•'•'• •B"':'1 ^ n. p !? F!!iode.<: special. Mrs. day at the Rahway Theatre. .1 (inffin, rus. Muriel Johnwn; In thf same spirit as the sprc- Ray Milland Also 'THE KID COMES BACK" Mr« Rot":1. Svyhfr.* o! *, :tnri ricor' pri?f. candid camera,, tacular "Jungle Princess" of a sea- with Wsyn« Morrta Mr*, c O^ropts. [son ago. "H« Jun|\e' Love" tells MONt)\Y-DECORATION-'DAY—MATINEE AT 2 P. M r.or.j Pr;z'v rcnMV.inc rf !".."lr.; _. ., ,i4— I a romantic stop' of a handsome Policemen of Atlanta are for- [ young aviator who is ewt way AMERICA'S LATESTAND GREATEST GIFT ATTRACTION biriden to carry umbrella?, on the! on a deserted South Seas Island Di.rt'lh' l.imnm ,\nd R(n Milhini In "Hn ,lini»lf !">'" thf Hah- following grounds -Looks undlg-jonly to discover that It's only TO EVERY 1 JUNGLE «,n\ wrfl.-.-rrl fpjmrr pn lurr The Priff Winner* ntnrrt-the .officer might Jab , —-—: — FREE LADY PATRON FREE somebody In the eye-It might; .' 14-year-old boy arrested by Per5 ir,5 rca-.vra ;"•••'" _ screen a lawbreaker from view— Boston police boasted that he had A COMPLETE 8ET OF Mm .Jmr.r< Grino Mr' TROOP 41 TO GET Odds and Ends km. It might prevent a quick pis- turned In « false fire alarms DnSl'nn Mr- Trrf. tV::-.a:--'« Wl-draw by the policeman." since September. L. B. Sm/I-.. Ml- L^'-5 ^' LYNNE OVERMAN LADY FAIR FILET LACE Mrs, H»re!« O IWI« By Mike Ko»cik 111 ircnnirclnr Howard !. l.i'.'-f..; Mr< C K CHARTER TONIGHT , . , Cdftih Tex Reaeii flws Ttn 1>; pitching to his bovs In batting REMEMBER THEM HIT No. ? H At- practice . . Oalleus triple In William S. W>« M:," Watson to Mak| Presents- Hw: "Toppw $' C new. Mvf «^'i!? K!««'':y',r •thf nf!h was & dead left hit. Mr*. H Br.-^p:r.r.:-. V.r- ' i .I'--, tian ^t Headquarter*; Galietta is a left httider hitter CONSTANCE po; Mr> F-i~::> W K.v. ".. Mr- Church is Sponsor | ... All save the eighth inning, Memorial Day Charic t>Mf. Mu Ar;.-..ir A Oalletta struck out at least one BENNETT Molltcr. M* B-.:r:rr. C Br.ckcr • man per inning. In thf 5. I. 7. MONDAY, MAY 30 AVENEL ---Boy Scout Troop 41, Mr«. Phr.-r M1." *'•'•: RitM.i- and 8 two batters went out via o Morlfpr, Mr< L^r.ti F Rey^.cU ;v":>r,rcct by .thf First Preshytcrmn the strike route. . . The remain- .*.» AHERNE Mr' 'Georcr P'.i«r;< -1' W:t ." b C!:urrh. will be prp*ent«i -*ith iis ing innings one batter. . . W1U Decorate Their Graves With Gill M's <-' Fiar.f Mr- W>..i:im cl-anrr fVr the roming year to- Ourney, the newcomer 1n the MmT'i. Mrs, W A V:.-.cT.: Mr.. iueht af headquarters by Scout lineup, fanned In his three trips Nalhan Duii M" Ka^rxe •n\eci!;.i« William Wntson. who will to the plate. , . Prhti Mr^ uorpr.7. Mr* Kuatae Baumann's Flowers Bird, Mr? Th^i"< Frr.1. N5rs. Jo- make fhc prr:-eiiwtion og behalf The keystone, combination el ,epti M'.-M.arp»«. Mrs Georpe 0' the NBtionul Council, Boy Tony Barcellona and Mickey Geraniumi, P*tunl»» »nd LoU of Btddini PUnta 8ulUW« UMINmiUT-IIUKIU>M MrUiiKlV.-.iv N5r> T. LovL Mr?. SiP',;ts of Ameriqa. 1 Karnas is turning out to be one For Craves riisT naif • um of the finest In the county. Slobods Mr; Jf-.v R'-iun. Mr< La- .Insppli .Iny Sr,, Is Sooutmaster 0! SPRAYS OF HARDY FLOWERS THAT WILL LAST WILL, Plus Sun. Only "The Lone Ranger' ifnvorth H T ,-r. M:^ Oertnirtt- ll.f tror.p with Richard Larsen and! B»rcellona handled ten hard hit OUT OF DOORS Toolan r.r.ri Mr;- D'.nv.iinR. Jojcph Jov Jr. ns-Awistant Scout- i balls down his way. nary an er- TODAY »nd SATURDAY 1 ror. The error he is charged with ' Large Aiiortment Of Nor.-p'.a'-'frs prize wen! to Miss mnSlcr?, The troop committee ron- The M»uch Twins came in the tnlrd Inning when Grace T Hubcr. Mri H Ford. sifts of B. F. Edward, chairman, "Penrod and His Twin Brother' Mrs M Pc*r«cn. Mr? John Ko- Charles LongJtreet and Charles he threw wild to first after field- ANNUALS IN 2V4 INQH POTS FOR zi;sko."~MrV jfmes""5~T«?trtr-De9f- ing the ball nicely. He forced PLANTING OUTSIDf Pat O'Brien, K»y FrintU in GIFTS FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME pr:?cs were won by Mrs John J two runners at second base by •WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT' Spectacular Opening Attraction The following are scout numbers tossing to Mickey Karnas at Quinn ar.rt Miss dertr.idp Toolan. Our G»ni Comedy of the troop: Mm Den Bleyker, second. This broke up two rallys. COSTLY CONSOLE SCARF Ru?.-ell Den Bleyker. Robert Da- Karnas handled three without an J R. BAUMANN, Florist OUR GANG FOLLIES OF 1938" visson. Edward Clancy. Frederick error ° Bvausc. William Baker, Nelson m 8T. GEORGE AVENIE . RAHWAT, N. J. Request Feature Sat. Nile TUESDAY, MAY 31st 6-Man Soccer Teams Avers. John Azud. Walter Berg- TELEPHONES RAHWAY 7-0711-0112 SOWA HEN1E In EVENING nmeller. Philip Coupland. Adolph Also Harold Everlngham, James Free Delivery All Over Union and MldAlewx Countlm "ONE IN A MILLION" BerRnnieller, John Becklet, John Gillls, John Grant, John Glester, invited To Kearney Gloskey. Curl Gloskey, Andrew William (Jlester, Joseph Hopta, Yuchaic. John Rosenmelr. Michael Orson Hudson, Henry Koehne. Vln- Koniek. OenrRp YovanovlU, Eugene rsnt Kuchtyak and George Kuch- Local Units Get Bid to EnUrban- , HlcHSel Konlck. - ' lyaH. ter Competition at. Field Djy June 19 GRAND OPENING WOODBFinGE Inviiat'ion has DREAMLAND PARK and POOL bfen sent tn Wooclbridge and Car- Frtllnghuysen Avenue Ncwlrk. N. J. tf ret to pntcrsix-mnn sorrer teams in field day competition to be held SATURDAY, MAY 28th under tlip (inspires of the Kearney Co-opcrnflng^Soriety In Rearny on All Amusements and Refreshments 5e June 1ft.' *. PR1CE6 TO SWIMMING POOL , , In addition to l.lie sxcer Rnmes, Open !) A. M. to 10 P. M. a program of field evrnts nlp.o \w.\ b^cn planned, the latter to he held DAILY—Adultt 25c Children 15c under the dirrcilon of the New Sl'NDAY AND HOLlDAiYS-AdulU 40c ^^fhlldrer 25c Jersey Association o I the A. A. U. A Highland danclnn rompetition MOONLIGHT SWIMMING, 15c To All for girls under 18 also is nn I he program end valuable- prlzos will be awarded. The first priie will be 20-yecr guaranteed wntches. Further details and entry blanks RECESSION BARGAINS can be obtained by communicat- ing With Clem Cockfort. secrttao' FOR of the society, at 16 Duke Street, ^ _i 1 MEMORIAL DAY EXCEPTIONAL VALUES * Iselin Scout Troop FULLY GUARANTEED Registers For Year 1937 FORD DL, COUPE, run 5,000 miles, like new $525 Herbert "Wiiii^ms to Head 1937 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 475 Organizction Sponsored 1936 FORD CONVT. COUPE, Heater and by School 6 P.T.A. Radio 445 1936 FORD Tudor Trunk SEDAN 395 IREUN - ScninmRster Herbert Williams will bs in cUnrap of the 1936 FORD TUDOR SEDAN ....'. 365 Boy Ecout Truup Wo. ll which 1935 PLYMOUTH Tudor SEDAN 325 ^Uas re-registered for another year. ; 1935 PLYMOUTH R.S. COUPE 345 Assistant scoutmasters of trie troop, which is sponsored by. the 1934 CHEV.4-Pr. Master SEDAN 275 Iselin Parent-Teacher Assucialion 1934 PONTIAC DL Tudor SEDAN 295 of School Noj 6, are lihvanl Blyth, Andrew Sediak and Julius Ko- 1934 FORD D.L Tudor SEDAN , 225 miives. 1933 FORD FordorDeL SEDAN 175 Members' of -the troop committee 1932 FORD SPORT CABRIOLET 165 are Albert. Smith, chairman; Par- Who is the ml friend of Labor? ker Ncilson nnd Patrick Boylan. 1933 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN .'. 225 Scouts wiiu are enlisting aealn are; Kennrtli Kateti, Albert Aqulla, 1931 CHEVROLET Rumble Seat COUPE 95 : Andrew Kountve:;, Andrew Serilftk, 1931 FORD Victoria COUPE 95 Leslie Smilli, Robert Knu^en. Rus- HAT lqnd of future do these youngsters face? It is and grows old on the shelves, factory schedules shrink, r;ell Tomaso, Stanley Jensen, Fran- 1930 FORD Tudor SEDAN 30 cis Rccay, Dudolph Knudsen. Ka- MANY MORE AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE Wfor us to determine. , wheels stop, layoffs are an unpleasant necessity. m?l Kalrn. Harvey Livingston, MATCHED ELSEWHERE , < Warren Atjiula. Walter Blyth. Ed- They were born in a country made grrtt by the number and Back of every job is a managerial skill that replaces the •.vard CooiK-r, Marilu Ua/cey, How- i\id EUU siid Daniel. Newman. Dorsey Used Car Mart quality of its jobs. Their chance to make a good living will worn-out tools, persuades new money to come in, that New iroun pining the troop rue; Edward Menu, Russell Rey- Elm to Oak Street on New Brunswick Avenue turn upon the freedom to cjtcate new enterprises, t® give sees to it that the cash is always there for the regular nolds. GHVIIHW Luci', William MQirv scope to new ideas, to offer employment, to put more com- 'Thomas Oar-r-, Willism Eichary, rPi&THAMBOY Phone 4-2703 payment of wagei and salaries. • JMtchael Sedhk, Frank Fredericks, forts and conveniences in the hands of more and more people. 1 Norman Grarhert. Walter Kuaz, Open Mtrnorial Day 'tjl Noon—Closed Sundays Whatever'lnlks bflilaclcrs thcTrwanagci ' in this time tested Gtorge Luce. Marino Mesa. Vin- Two-Day Money-Back Guarantee cent M«gu, and Virgil nidimond. What will feeth e source of thek jobs? * process comes home to the worker. What harts the manager in hij. effort to bring workers and tools jo get down to the men behind'the jobjB—tp the customers together^by demagog and racketeer- 4C010NIALMODEL HOMES enterprisers, proprietors, managers, to those who dig up those who hope to give their youngsters a better the money to back a business"~and are responsible for its than they had ... And what htlps managt.wit btlps Two Have Been Sold solvency. Open at All Times Including Evenings and Sundays JEFFERSON AYE. B.^K RAHWAY Courage is their stock in trade. < f.VKK VI f.KOKGE AVENffr'H) GROVE STUEET. RAHWAY-WATCH FOR 8IGV AT They have an idea for improving an old way or doing 1T'R\ LEFT ONE BLOCK TO FKOPERTY something in a new way. They see a market for it. This advertisement is published by Slone Front Scrsem i. ... , ... .. v j i Deco:»tcd Fireplace $ Iq order to put a man on the job of making things for Qfi Burner Undtcaped Concealed Radiators NATION'S BUSINES Recreation Room that market they must first provide plants and tools before Weatherstripped * MIRl* THORPE. Electric Range "demand" begins to operate. Tile ICitctwn (in coioi) Nitioo i Buiiaeii it iht m»j"int to phuti of busia«M, exam i^ 1' Open Porch 011 But buying! material^ setting up machines, taking on per- which 300,000 alert md tblt buii- Thrw ytat mbscrlpi' ' Ti!c EaJi Room 6995 3 Large Bedroomi anwm look tv^ry month for th« Ont tlttla thought in«n««ii'"i ' ' Shov;cr Stall ' ' F. H. A.Jnip.cred Garage sonnel is not xnough. Somebody has to find customers. Utmnewmlt*,,,nd dtvelopmcnn 3t»t-or«arn-lOOilme» the of buiio«i.Tht iwiftibiftini nU- wiptjonprlce. AlwterioNi ; Small Monthly Payments Same As Rent Purchasing agents, stores, have to be convinced Before they noo«hlpof|ov«tnin«ot»B(Jbu*lne». Buiineii, Waahlagton, D <•• •' will stock the merchandise. »ht new dem»nd» of Ubor, tht tax itan the rn*$«*in« on U> « •iwnion-ill tbt vititj fMcinitio| your d«k. LAKESIDE PARK HOMES CO. The public must be told, over and over again, of the wonh II0M1IN« IITTtl lUIINOI IINCI B. GORDON, Agent

of the things the worker makes. No holidays in that salc*< •.»*• "•'•V-irgS.rsrt Rahway 7-0650—7-2253 '/>»• *n bttirtiltd m fAmpbkt n ikit mhjitt, minship. Let it Itg and itock backs up in the warehouses U.S. Bid,., ITflitayK D.C N. V){)DBR1DGE INDEPENDENT SECOND SECTION, PAGE THREE •1 minute* of every business day o! the

year, oft nn average, at a cost of Published Every Friday by $265,000. A Surprise'for the Folks! SWEETNESS AND LIGHT WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. N. J. 2. That sports of all kinds totaled By CHARLES E GREGORY 75,000 and cost $1,000,000. Ttlephone, WooHbrldge Mm 1 think the Republican ballyhoo artists who have been Subscription $1.50 Per Year 3. One government agency request getting out the towils ovtr Doctor Roosevelt's proposed contained 5,000 qeuitions. spending tprte ought to take a look at what some of their HUGH WILLIAMSON KELLY, """" „ Editor tod Publisher 4. Taxes, so far this year (1938) own boya are trying to do right here in New Jersey. The Grand Old Patty* spellbinders would have yo« , | vnl.ES E. GREGORY Managing Miter* are running 23 per cent over 1937. belfeve thai the Democrat! m Watrrmftfrn m* going to havt KuttTttTM lecond-class matter March 13, i»», And the American Rolling Mills at Mid- us all in the wringer; but 111 lay them odds that the Re- ,|,c postofric* at Woodbrtdie, K, J,, und« the dletown. Ohio, reported that their tax bill publicans in Trenton, if they have their way. will beat them" v | of M«ch S, 1«7». to it - for 1937 represented an increase of 36.9 pet cent over 1936 and 169.8 Although previous Republican-controlled Appropriation! per cent over 1935. ^ Comitteas were never known to forget a friend, the current edition has rigged up a piece of work whic^, makes provision ^By another comparison, the taxes paid to give away practically everything the State hai except the in '937 represented $194.42 for every em- '.dome of tha Capitol. The only reason they haven't wrapped up that in cellophane and red ribbon and put it under the A Wiie Step ployee, while it amounted to $159.63 per I Christmas tree it because nobody asked for it. interested parties will probably be glad employee in 1936 and $89.54 in 1935. ! It doesn't make any difference whether this treasury raid ihf State Boar* of Public' Utility Com- the Republicans have cooked up, pastes. The intent was there > ,nnrrs hal umterMi&n an examination of These -two reports, offer interesting testi'I mony at to "What's the matter with business"!! and if the 'looting ii prevented it will be because somebody ,. holdings and earning* of the Middlesex Just too much "government" as well as far •lie had a conscience. • , Company to determine whether its r too much taxation. ' , vhedule to consumers is equitable and While forgetting the poor stenographers who probably haven't an extra pair of hole to their names, the Republi- Maltese Trucki Pay can statesmen have tried to jam through raises of several i ins question has been kicked around for thousand dollars a year for a selected list of political high- . largely for political purposes, and the Obvious solutions of the truck nuisance premature experts whole principal accomplishment to date teems rv under the auspices of the utility board on our highways are for the states to either to be their ability to throw together a tasty side-car or an rl settle the dispute once and for all. levy a mileage tax or provide separate toll Alexander. wttrr users are entitled to a reduction, as roads and compel heavy traffic to use them. r- claim, the Board will not hesitate to oi- It Is too much to expect that taxpayers, gen% Included among the beneficiaries is Cap n Tom Mathis, H change. If, on the other hand, an ex- erally, should provide the means rWrjrivate OTHER EDITORS SAY as genii) a fellow as you'd want to know. Mr. Mathis is the Republican boss in Ocean County except for two days a vr return under the existing schedule is trucking companies" to do busipesiTespecially month, when hi'i Secretary of State. The only strand to which alfnrded, this too will be established. when trucks are involvecUtfa very large per- Dogs, Birds and Fish by reason of recent legislative en- mgton than In the Navy, where centage of fatal highway accidents. Pets usually are regarded as only actments. In a senes, the public ethics come rather naturally. Alter the Secretary of State ii subject is the signing of railroad passes Ihe Middlesex County Board of Free- a source of plaasura to their own- Is responsible: The gasoline pvice- (hest New Dealers have brushed and 1 suppose Tom is getting lick and Hired of getting writer's ers, without any particularly use- flxtng bills dill dip deeply Into the Irrs. aparently in an effort to set up a In Iowa each truck pays an average of lul function. Sometime* It la ar- -pocklts of eviry one of the million up on their general reading be- cramp ovtujhii duty for a paltry $6,000 a year. Besides, he <|f an in- pneumatic tires. J^or solid tires, the tax is Into the millions. But while an needed, even if the voters have to be imported from Phila- Uam to feed and eta lor than, through Plato, Marcus doubled. and" maybe they help mothers ac- Interested lobby of a hundred or delphia for tha day, nation conducted by it of the company's more retail gasoline dealers camped Montaigne, Gibbon. VoUju-e, Sun- quire patience under tribulation. tayana and Spengler, they might urs and concluded the people were en- Dr. A. A. Brill, Columbia Unlvtr- on the trail of the luglslUori day In Kansas, the license fee is $40 with a and night, the public, which must really take up ethics In a serious Cap'n Tom isn't the only on* tha Appropriation Commit- J io a reduced rate. While we don't pre- slty psychologist, states a rnors way. ton-mile tax for long hauls and in Arkansas plausible use for pay the bill, remained Inactive and tee wanted to fix up. There are other minor office-holders, so jats-the emo- As a primer work, an excellent M to be financial and investment experts, tton&l outlet they provide tor hu- indifferent. If » determined and the license is $85, plug a 4% gross receipt articulate opposition to these bills populal r summary which coulld oe minor their names escape me right now, who were down for K-VV of the going-over the Freeholders are man beln'is. tax: Several other states have similar laws, had been maintained, the Legis- understood even by a New Dealer, af few grand extra apiece but whoie duties are no more ex- mx residents of this county, we hardly, Visiting the exhibition of -the lature, which ia amenable to pres- there Is Mr. H. L. Mencken's Bird Fanciers Association in New sure would not have passed them. "Teratlse on Right and, 'A'roni!" acting than his, • .A they are in a position to recognize good New Jersey—possibly the heaviest loser York, Dr. Brill said that people, The Legislature has failed to The wor&B of another home-g'.own in revenue from cross-state trucking and, especially children, do not get serve the best Interests of the product, Ben.|«mln Franklin, re- These same Republicans,, who are crying about Dcnm ness management when they see it. enough outlets in their relations State also through House passage cently honored In Philadelphia, surely so, from the accident angle—should with each other. And ajlults at* of the race track betting resolu- might give Mr. Harry L. Hopkins ctatic extravagance' and who are pretty low-grade when you In other words, we would hardly feel like begin at once to do something about it. too logloak for children. Pets, there- tion and failure to realize the something to think aboiit, Another think of their platform plank last year pledging their election .ing the Middlesex Water Company to con- fore, provide a necessary "emotional possibilities of economy Indicated American, T'IOTWS Jeffcr'no. also transfer." so clearly by Oovernor Moore In had some tn.r.?» to any. Thera are would mean rigid ecohOm"* ih the conduct of the State gov- t its affairs in the same manner as the Dr. Brill's view throws ,a new his budget message. Whsn the ap- many boots wV!ch give a compre- ernment, have ftllo gone out of their way to provide amply ,ud of Freeholders is conducting its — The Fire Season Is Coming! light on that ptaverhlal chine- propriations «ommltUa exceeds the hensive account of the slow and ter, the childless woman who la- Governors recommendation! by an painful growth of «tUical jjsUmi and generously for that intrepid and courageous military or- ilcss, of course, the company could be at- vishes attention on her Pom. If —systems which attempted with ganization, the National Guard. Fire is always dangerous, It's doubly j amount which i-d to put any operating deficit in the an- she deliberately renounces chil- range from some success to define right from dangerous in summer. dren In favor of dogs, of course tTOO.000 to $1,000,000, Its perform wrong, to guide the dtlten in a 1 don't know how many of you have ever followed the il Ux bill as the Freeholders do. the Is to be pitied if not dejpUed. ance Is, to spy the least, disap straight course agiong his fellows, We ate close to that menacing "fire *ea- pointing. With sincere and deter- to enable him to understand why National Guard, but if you haven't looked into it, you really But as we say, the Utility Commission But if* she Is denied children, it U son" now. Vacant lots and fields, if left easy to see that a pet provides ah mined efforts to curtail expenus, a He la a bad thing, and why such ought to. 1 understand from good authority there's a total .v has the whole matter.under consldera- outlet for the maternal emotion, a far better showing could have things ae calumny and sloth ire uncut, are ready to burst into flame at the been made. infamous.' of 6,000 men in the ranks and that the State thii year is ap- ,i. We are thankful to President Bacharach repression of which probably would touch of a match. Woodlands are drying make her a narrower and sourer In consequence of the delay in HUB there been too much read- propriating about $3,000,000 so this select clientele will have instituting the inquiry. personality. The mmu\ ffhs coos completion and Introduction of the out—and when this dehydrating proten ing of "Alice In Wonderland" and plenty of nice, warm armories to play in during the winter to her dog to "turn U> mutter" thus appTopttattona -bill, plans tor ad- > Washington? reaches a certain stage, trees will literally ex- may stll dra.w a smile—but a tol journment, which was to have "GU1HY«T'B T it may be. This is hctdy stuff. and plenty of cool refreshments during the summer. plode when attacked by fire, and start con- erant and understanding smile. taken place during the coming dangerous for visionaries, stimp In a. Dictatorship The psychologist, though a bird week, have been disrupted. The The National Guard officers, I must admit, have a pretty flagrations that may extend over tens of least that legislative leaders can collectors and boondoggles of high fancier himself, finds that dqgs are 1 degree. It giveg s them ideas. For tough summer of it at Sea Girt, living on rations of caviar and he meeting between Dictators Hitler and better pets than birds, though do for the people of Now Jerfn; , thouiands * of acres, Crown fires, running under the circumstances, is to bring the r'•ji of the country, the ordl bu/gundy and lending the bill to the taxpayers. The Republi- sotini in Rome stood for one thing—the birds are better than fish. That nary Tnltens, they might profit with hurricane speed and force along the ia self-evident, but the doctor's ex about some sense of orderly direc- tion, dispose of remaining business from " The 'Anatomy of Melan- cans have provided laviihly for this kind of goings-on while acting of the two outstanding representa- topi of great trees, will extinguish all life, planaMon la Interesting, Mammals choly," Dr. Karl Menninger'B "The make the best pets, he sayi^bs- swiftly, and go home. the folks at home art wondering how they are going to ht. rs of Fascism, -which they believe promises Trenton Bun4»y Human Mind." and Kipling's "The human or animal, in the area they cover. cause they are closut to human MTm Who Would Be King." - able to keep the" refrigorator operating so they can have iced much for the people. beings. Birds are a completely dlf -New York Herald Tribune. tea once a day. These holocausts can be preverfted—and ferent kind of creature, but in a Swanson's Required Reading A few lines of cony in the Rome Cosres- city like New York where It Is easily prevented—if only we'll all help. Keep almost Impossible to keep dogi, There is Uttla cause for alum in I really wouldn't mind all of this nearly as much if there •ndenta reports of the meeting iur«ly gives fire in mind, and act accordingly. If you they make a very good alternative. the order issued by Mr. Claude A. wasn't so much hypocrisy attached to it. The Republicans are i dictatorship system away in fine style. in short, tha bird, the fish or Bwaruon, Secretary of the Navy, Books and Things own property, see to it that it is kept clean the dog hu a tall, but as a com- requiring young naval officers to the onei, you muit remember, who call Mr, Roosevelt names <\r correspondents reported that: and unlittered, and free from dry grass. When panion man prefers the creature read at least one book every three for spendirrfe wads of dough which the taxpayers .must, sooner which wags it. months for eighteen months, and traveling about, never throw matches out- to submit a 1,000-word "apprecia- AT THE BARRON LIBRARY! or later, come up with. And here they are hanging out un' "The lighting elfects were so ipectacu- —Youagstowit Dally Vindicator. tion" of each book. Emphasis will that it was necessary to raise Rome'i sup- doors, never build fires near trees or other be on philosophy, ethics biography heard-of raises to political cronies* setting dp a summer home inflammables — and never leave a fire until Bright Hope* Unfulfilled and tine arts. The idea is not to THE DARK CHAPTER" and fancy victuals for a lot of tin soldiers, and tearing up v of electrical energy for thii one evening When the Legislature, during 1U make bookworms out of young sea- BV E. J. RATH |t >m 8,000 to 14,000 kilowatts." , it has been thoroughly extinguished, prefer- e&rly stages, accomplished satisfac- dogs, book reviewers out of future As soon as the communicative promises which no longer luit their purpose. ably with both water and dirt. Obey the torily its- most difficult task, that admirals, but simply to aid them Pullman conductor remarks •• on You never would think this was the partr of Abraham It wouldn't be fair to compare Romes in obtaining what is known as "a page two to the middle-aged pass- ll••< trical consumption with ^lew York's with fire laws — they were made for your pro- rounded education." The Secretary'G enger, ''See that house over there Lincoln, would you) gram, there was established the order can't do any harm, and it (the one where you can just see [is 7,000,000 of population.-flut-tt is fair to tection, not to annoy you. g, part of the root over the trees) ~ Tr&stt s ffo r a hhop e ththatt similaiil r en- may conceivably do some good. ltghtenment would characterise its up on the hill?... It's the lady e one comparison of electrical consump- As a matter of fact, the greatest tragedy lit ld hti it But is It necessary to stop with who lives there I'm talking about hindling of other Important Issues. the young officers? Could not Sec- |i'in in this counny—a Democracy. Unfortunately, that anticipation hu . . . She's got k weakness for of fire is that it is almost always unnecessary. rotary Swanson induce some of his bums," and "the third man in the not been-fulfilled and much that fellow members In the Cabinet, as Live In Woodbridge Manor The Music Hall Theatre in Radio City in Every year we burn up resources and prop- has been done during he last smoking compartment. . . tilted his well as other high-placed Individ- chair forward so that he too could « York alone uses 12,000 kilowatts of erty valued at hundreds of millions of dol- few weeks hu served to disptl uals in the government, to take up Homti D«tign«d For Living the bright promise of earlier per- see-the red-tiled roof" and "gated prescribed courses in reading? The at It with calm attention" for sev- flrcuicity every day of the year! Yes. Die- lars. W«v destroy thousands of lives. The formance. The general character most bookish member of the Cab- Ptieid From $5390 of the record, which ii It stands eral seconds ere the train ^ad atorship certainjy does "promise" the people indirect fire loss runs into the billions, and inet, Of course, Is the Secretary of sped by, the astute reader knows now is far from creditable, hardly Agriculture, Mr, Henry A, Wallace. lot. is reflected in unemployment, less business, can be altered by the remaining just what the outcome of the yam Uli needs would seem to be some- is to be. Small Cash Payment reduced spending power. Thia toll is the days of the session, thing, not to give him more knowl- edge, but soothe him and to bring While the prospects of an effi- But this Is not to imply that the Ui monthly pays all charges Includ- lesuU of carelessness, ignorance or just plain serenity to his troubled tout. Con- book is not a delight. The familiar cient administration of municipal ing interest, amortisation, t»x and Iron Fist Rule Over Ubor laziness. It may Vje that the unpreventable finances, have been improved by fucius might turn the trick. The story of the adventurer-'hero, who FHA the adbptlon of the Princeton Uni- ancient Chinese was also pretty drifts into the wealthy heroine's insurance. The so-called "Little Wagner Acts" were fire exists — but it is a very' rare exception versity thills, public Interest on sund on his, ethics — a subject family under the obvious masque- INSURED 3 Blocks West Of St. .lames Church jiiissed by several atatel to supplement the indeed. Human failure underlies at least the wfcole has suffered seriously which needs more study in Wash- rade of a hobo ,and eventually On Oiove Street carries everything before him, is onal Act'i purported aim to protect the nine fires out of ten. particularly well told here, with a Y'Mi of labor. THE REBUILT BLUE EAGLE facile humor that provokes one to A little care «and thought on your part many a gentle chuckle (and an SAFRAN BROS From New York State we get an excellent may save your h.Qm.e °.r someone else s from occasional real guff&w) all the way through. There ire several new 1J3 SMITH 8TRIET PERTH AMBOY l«mple of how theie'right are being pro- deduction. It may save a life. Don't for- twists" to the bid. conventional sit- P. A. 4-1818 letted, la a recent election to chooee a col- uations: the: expected •--denawrow t get that. crimes in a quite unexpected, and lective bargaining agency for employees of a somewhat stirring manner — and livery store-chain, S3! employee! voted for- what mora can one tsk of a light g, Farm Youth, novel? Ihc.C. 1. O.; 421 voted for ft A. F, ofL, There is definite and d«ft char- Imon, and 626. a mbstantial plurality, voted Some of the most valuable y/otV done acteriiatloft, toe, ltv «v»n th* Itwr Characters. One likes all the fa- ffi'iinat being represented by either of these by the leading agricultural cooperative mar- mily-Mrs. Kilbourne, with her THIS SEAL keting organizations lies in the field of train- naive passion for the reclamation of tramps; Mr. Kllboume, given to And what happens to thii plurality? ing farm youth. clandestine-, nocturnal poicsr-partles limply that the State Labor Relations Board and none too skillful •in eovtrlng f These farmers of tomorrow are instruct- his tracks', even Kane, the rather Jtrmghtway teaches it the error of iti way by vacuous son and heir; Hilda the littering another election at which only the ed' in, the science of farming, and ihown how elder daughttr, whou lndepandinoe IBQYMTQH BRQTHERSsCDMPANY lo achieve maximum production at the low- eventually crumbles In the most pines of the two unioni will be on the ballot. approved fashion before the hero's In other wordi, 626 American citiiens are est cost. They are acquainted with new engaging masterfulness; and par- INSURANCE tnetlwdi and ttflhniflUMj. ..They are shown ticularly Marian, her flapper tls- jicmg told—"You'll accept a union and like tir, who, while-tart • in tt» mitt the need for loyal organization and coopera- of » type, it neverthelty a pert N il UIH'HUKK 4 MOO joy, and perhaps the most humari Thau what is called "protecting rights of tion, to the end that profitable markets be of the lot. There ar» moment* developed and- heW. when they all have a musical comedy flavor, but on tht whol* The fruits of this fine work will appear they are credible and Appealing. On your insurance polity is your auuranct of ne e3ct e 18r lion One can spend a very agrttMle Whit Prk* T»xe»? •in-tht-ywii. tftCQOlSi... J 1 * ' » afternoon, with "The JQ{rk Chap- of farmer! will be better prepared for iuc^ to." , iniurtnc« th«t it placid in « 900J iniuronet I Thomas. Mclnemey, President of the Na- ceilful «are«r» in agriculture than their fore- Hitve you read thes^? company, and properly jtrvjeid by our own f°»«l Dairy Product! Corp., Told the. stock- B4l>l>itt by Sinclair Lewis, fathers ever were, That will make for a more kWat their annual meeting in~NevrYofk Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. claim, engineering and sales deportments. prosperous and progress** agricultural econ- Henry Esmond by William M»kt- April 21 at. ' , peace Thackeray. omy, along independent, instead of politically Adam Bedo by George Eliot. I That, in 1937, the company made Norm* Chut, UbruMn. 1 1. 115 separate tax reports, one every ' subsidised lines. • ' WORLD NEWS FEATURE PICTURES New Dealer Wins in Oregon-Earhart Foundation Instituted-Italian Poet's Son Arrested

•I i

it ni(iV\(iv nil HOURS Arm akimlKi. Pirmirr Mussolini unflinchinitly faces this cun- *>rrii ribl- : ' ' i' i ^w » \ i^it n. tuc Ansnlclo rlertro-techineiil laboratory at Genoa. Italy. Membt'i /'•>''''''••''-•• *:'•: :.'^. l!v.- iv".-M Italian war weapon is mounted on a new-type midget tank. Ur.-p:ir'r;< A ,.:m> Iialmn m.niMrrs a.sk'.rt liiey drplore anolhfr war. MEMORIAL—Inaugurating the Amelia Earhan Foundation, which plans scholarships in so- ciology for women graduates of American colleges, here is the Washington Committee as it met at the White House. Left to right: Mrs. Roosevelt, hon- orary chairman; Mrs. Walter T. Tuckerman; Mrs. Henry Wal- lace, wife of the Secretary of Agriculture; Mrs. James J. Da- WITNESSES IN HABLAN TRIAIr-Amnng Important witnr ,s vis, chairman, wife of the Penn- at the opening of tin- H:irlan coal trial in Londnn, Ky.. :irr V sylvania Senator, and Mrs. Ned and Mrs. Marshall Musick, above. Mr. Musick, Baptist proa,,, Brunsbn Harris, president of (he and union organizer, claims he was fired upon by sharpbhim'-. Washington Newspaper Women's who sousht to drive him out of tovn. Later, his son, iicnneti, \i, club. inset, was killed by a volley fired into his house.

INDIGNANT — Mrs. Eve Beres- :-.tatP ford Clayton Bickford, 25, Res- troopers, mwlwl Mr.;. ident of Buffalo, barred from I*. Palmer, above, widow of foi- re-entering Britain when she liifr Federal Attorney General arrived at Croydon from Berlin A. Mitchell Palmer, after some- by plane. She was highly in- one threw a bottle of acid at her, dignant at "being accused as a in Philadelphia. Slie believed spy," she asserted. She returned I his \vu:, In Intimidate her be- to Berlin, where she told fe- cMiSf. B:I I'liaii'inan ol the Male porters, "Here I am stranded movie editors, .-.lie hud voted Id with no money, and all my lien a R'i';inn film ;>!. prop.it'Hii- clothes in London." She was da. Film wus 'Bailie Deputy." estranged from her husband. WAR'S WAKE — Observers de- :;cvibe(l the destruction in Tai- crhchwang, China, one nf the key points in recent fierce fight- ing along the Lung-Hai railroad, as far worse than anything seen in the World War. Here is a ::cene in the wake of some of the .shelling.

W.NIKS VAST I)i:.\l,—An IMIIR with his wife In New Y Robert Cniinun-Sniiirt, .M-cmitl :.iin of the wi-altim-it hi: m Wales, emphati'-illy detni'd las fathnr had J>ol holdings. Walker Cup golf forces, gptg, off a long drive, In a practice round POET'S SON HELD — Captain Ugo V. d'AnnunzIo, son of the at Sunningdale links. Berk- Italian poet, questioned by police at Farmlngdale, L. I., after his shire, England. Later the Bos- runaway plane crashed into a car, critically injuring Mrs. Susie ton veteran scored America's H. Jones. He was held on an assault charge. initial victory in the first round of the British amateur cham-, PARENTS I'N'iTl; TO SAVE BOY—Inset shows Donald Carroll, 1,000 LEAD—Henry L. He,ss, ar- pionship, at Troon, Scotland. 16, whom the state charged, in Long Island City, N, Y., with slay- dent New Dealer, whose lead for ing his sweetheart, Charlotte Matthiesen, about to become a the Democratic nomination for mother, but who could not complete a childish death pact to take governor, in the Oregcn prima- his own Mfe. Parent;, blame themselves, because the boy and girl ries, was believed well over 7,000. wmiW not i'onfldB-in them, and have, united to gave him, Don's His rival was Governor Charles W ' I ^mother, Mrt,, Donald Carroll," if al left, and Charlotte's mother, L. Mattin; who failed of renom- Mrs. Fred Matthiesen, right. Attorney Sydney Rosenthal, center. tnation. u*

POLIC'V—Playing an important. role in shaping the policy of Czechoslovakia, during the par- leys in Prague to compromise differences between the Czech government and the Sudeten Germans, was Foreign Minister Kamil Krofta. abov«. With ttit apparently iauaitwat b«twe«n Oermany and Czechoslovakia. Dr. Krofta issued an apology to Ht'RLING MUSCLE ACTS UP - Bob Feller, sensational v** NEW AIR FIGHTER IS PUSHER—Of radically new design Is this "Airacuda," one of 13 new planet CZECH NAZI IN LONDON—Konrad Heqleln militant leader of the German minister at Prague, Cleveland Indians pitcher, from Van Meter, la., net* l"= "' ordered from a Butlalo aircraft company by the United SUtes War Department. Propellers are behind the Sudeten German party in CsechoaJov»ltla. leaving Winston after Czech soldier* were alleged rubbed, In Cleveland, after he had, to quit » B(une with tl1' ' Churchill's home in London, on hit surprise visit there. Later he the wings, instead of in front. Fighting celling Is above 30,000 feet and speed Is asserted as "sufficient to have tried to blow up a bridge York Yankees. Club doctor said It was a strained tmucle and ' hurried to Prague lor a parley, when war teemed imminent. near Mutelbach,. on the border. fcw to overhaul any modern bomber." o s Army Air Bob, who is not old enough to vote, would be bufc In » U'OODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT Friday, Moy 27,1938 THIRD SECJION. PACE ONE

Cnm. fttl- |i>il*d mil ul NOTICE OF.TAX SALE Amouat NOTICE OF TAX SALE tn tn Block i;ic. loin 4 A I !»il]| Eath rordstUbttty nol- ststi.fr H: II TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE Block KICi Lot. SI » !" P. fi$t\*r Avrnue Bnlldlnf :»ii:s Rath rfimliton ti * 1. nut :i: u SECTION #«g Block i;3M I .(l! I 7 ft * Iftittt n|»» Darling :• i !4 Bl««k 171M Law I > 10 Urt.tr SI rut 101KI Each KnMs Llbrfly KMI 1 Nolle* U l>««by irl.v.n Irml th« unrterilgiud collector of TIT.. «. t r OOo .. , 140 M 17141 „,. ., tn. Tax O«c., M.tnor,., , ^ 7 ' Block Lots II k 13 *ttl!«lni Irrtgular ri..H«it Holding Uuil clpil i:»:i ill) Block HIM Lots 94 to S7 Her* ley Court jcast.rn iu*- T,m., to ..,l,fy mul,,clp4l Each nun,. R.indardl. i:< \% IMM Block 371M Lots 31 to 41 Berkley Court :0xi:i E«i:h i'l»rleiiUlrh Am.tm.nl Mat), and In accordance h0Wn on tn lMt d.rgaard Mill l0 J,,|T l, nil. * * >" duplicate., together with th. total amount du« th.r.on a< eoyput.d Block 17EB Lot U ' J illicit*. Street BulMlOg Irr.gular Perlh Amboy B A L Assn ., ^ lit II Block 5711 Lot !« Indiana Ar.lrro * Mutt (I H",.k r.U Block 176L Lol. 6 A I Iriiiium Avenu* Irregular Rnbert T"Ok '1 f Block 178 Lot 1 tireen Ctrtet .13 Arrn I:JII Mill shown th* Mtlm.tad payment r.qulr.d to avoid all. ° '»'•• »"1 *«• «>•* «' aal.. In a .uppion.ntal column 1. Block 111 tlr/.n Street in Avii Owner 1,'l\kn«WTt «Tt MM Block »)3E Lot. 11 * 1» New Slat. Highway Building ' L !4 Mini „, .. ii Kxlll K»tr> •-is ii Block SHE Lots 11 * II New Btat* Highway • •ulldlnt ililll Each f'rsnk Illtvenki n» 4T tw.n " *"' to redemption a. th. taw... r.U or ,„,.„«. but no. «- Block IMA Lot 1 New Cute Highway - Irr.gular Wlllum Kmb •, \tnt ft Block 184H Lot 1 New 8t»t« Hl«h»ar _ Building Irraiulir Wllliim K"'l) t . in », j Bloi-k SH5B Lots t i I* risybourne Av.nu. Building :silfld>.,rh Henry W»i4n.l.L^. HI II HIM gild Ml., will be subject to municipal liens accruing alter Block 3IHO Lots 11 & 12 F.lm SWeet ' ,.' , * :»»IJ0 Kach j'ti.rte* Meltoti 7 17 Ml July 1, 1037. In-clu'dlug aaaeiamenti connrmoa after that date and 1S!7 tnei, Block USA , Lots 1 to 10 Pleasant Av« k Cnaln-o-Hllt. Road building lrregul.r 'Cliarles llomsno ... and to th. right of Intereiled partlo. to redeem within tht tint in 2tt 11111 Bx»d by law. ' • . , » Block JMO Lot J»7 Com- HJstl- Turk Avenu* • • • 11x100 Ten-" n Zarn) .. t.»7 puttd mated Block 18IQ Lot 119 Park Avenu»y 161 ion i • • to Amount Block J89O \k\. \W ilrand Hlre*t ill100 Taresa II Zarnl ; si July 1 to Block HOB Lots 126 to 139 Ohaln-o'-HIII. not a 'Irregular Homes Park 19S1 Satl.fy 10141 Bloomflfld Avrtiue to«iso *"!« Block IE Lot. =33'4 !34 Clyde Avenue Klnrk 4D Lot l«08 Building 15x100 Bach Paul Baumgart.n . Bloomlleld Avenue' ~ Building ItillO BaTh Antonio Mamran- Howard Str««t gelo • 1414! Hlnck 4F Lots 1279 A 1380 worden Avenu. 2SxlOO Win, H. Munn ... Blirk 41 Lot 1404 IBxlOO Each Alex Malrorowsky.. L« Avenue Washington Avenur Building B«ch MlnMlesex rnnjreu Block 41 Lot. 140S to 1498 Lee Avenue 44x100 Helen Beres ,_ 26x100 Each Helen Berw - rrml. l> . ." :»i 7« 111.14 Blwk 4.1 Lots UBS to 1367 St. Grorit's Avtnut Irrtgular UM.Uf-et L>ncml< Worden Avenu. Prml. Co. 41 ll' KM lllnck 4K Luta 1231 lo U33 Lte Avi>nun 2Bxl0t Each James Keslan Block 41, Lots 1155 & 1ir.fi 2SX100 K.ch Mary Duggan Lots 15 A U T.vlpf Av#nue IrrectiUr Rt#phen Adntnalr „ ^lvord«ti Av«nu« Lots 6 to 8 IvlwnrJ Slre.t V .1. opoltt A I.lllUi, in ^lock 4P Lot. 1419 lo 149} Lea Avenue HxlOO Eaoh Orailo Pixrll* 2SX104 Each Annie Duggan. ... Strnuhi. „,., It H M.'hii&iin Avenu* Block 4Q Lot 1434 rsxtu r.a-h ii:» Luther Avenue Ilricln Slroft Taul Beblncky „.. 11 .!> 13 n Lot 1435 35x100 Paul Moh&ry JSilOO .Each Luther Avonue 15x400 Paul Mohary __„ HI nek 40 ' Lot 1O6 Lul her Avenue Block Jdward Street Building Irregular N..t .aim K"ni. 26x100 Paul Mohary 740 n 714.11 HI-irk 4Q Lot 1433 Luther Avenue 1 15x100 Paul Mohary Block 404B Jansen Avenu* xlOO Each N.nthalln K"" - Blnck 4QQ Lot. 1185 ft UK Luther Avenue •5 11- ll.H 25X100 Each Paul Budiek . Block 408 Block 6B Lot. 316 to 311 May Street Amboy Avenu. Building Irregular KnKeix- Vlfracli—' Building- Irregular John Hayducko __ Hloik F>K Lot :t!H, > Kllen Strent •ot 4C, Ulni-k f'l" Lot 161) Irregular Frank Yuhasz T.S2 SI. GoorRf's Avrnu* Building SOilJO Alfred .lellvnmn :n7 s« 11)11 •Juliette Street Building KxTW Kafh Lou..i Mattlicws _.. 109.«f> •ots 1A, 2A .< Van Buren Street 2U100 Kar4i Juiin K«. nmrsky 594 n lilork Ml Lot Ul Juliette Street Klnck 5K Lots 64 h H 25x100 Otorge Kogan 11.70 Lot 4 A Vun Hureu .Mlreet IlslOD .II-IIII K:n mnrpky .. 110 m Juliette Street Building 261100 Each 120.64 Lot 19 " Uriive Avph\i* 71,44 Lot 1 New Brunswick NIcliolKs C.rbu. .... i Ichurl I.ekHPR'. D7.04 *k 1° 5.94 Acrea Our Lady of Hun- Lois 27 fc :s llrovfi Atenun Irregninr Anton!" Pnrrotil .. nn.44 191,11 gary Cemetery .. Lots 34 & 31 Urovfl Avrniie IrreiuUr I'nniinlf k P^nasitl 21fl f.ft Lot E4 :i!.n Block 1IC Lot. 1 to 4 tirove AVPIIU* ;o«tuo Mli lidvl Jovss .... 74 1* .Liberty Btra.t Irregular Fords Ubefrty Real- Block Lot 1S5 y Street :OJIOI< 1141 Block 11C Lot • ty Co 1384.11 Amos l"/>ron ..: Liberty A tyarn.r Street^ Irregular Fprds Liberty Real- Block Lot 1«6 j- Street ;OI1OD Ames Fererl ty Co 53.44 Block Lots 222*. 221 I'hurcli Rlrcpt !«x10n Kach 22 51 12S.97 Blnck HA Lot .2* Liberty Street Building 30x81.01 John Kalopos 222.50 Hlock J,nts Ml tn 2M I'lmrcli Hlrer-t f. 711 mil Hlock Lots 405 & 40S i'liiinli Street :0xl0o^E»cii K, W. Tlmlnll Block 13B Lot 20A Liberty Slreet Block Lot 403 Wnslilngton A^tiiu rhrlMenlnno yulcl.. 36.11 BO18I.I Fords Liberty Real 11.11 ty Co Block Lot 630 Lincoln Avenu* Irregular Nora Harris Block UC Lot 1A Liberty Street «!>.»* 60x81.1 FordiLlberty Real t(IT ty Co. .: Lot Ml Lincoln Avtnu* Irregular Nora Harris 72. tS B.oik 13D Lot 1A Liberty Street* -]..»• IOxSl.1 Fords LlBerty Real Lot 55fi Aml*ov Avenue Irregular Chas Berlmitn KJ.1 H4fl I' 11.01 Lots 267 ft 268 Leon Avenue Irregular Albert Nelson ., 231.14 141/01 ty Co S443I Block 15C Lot 17 Liberty Street < Irregular Fords Liberty Real- Mawbey Street Building Irregular Amlrew Micko- ty Co v;islilnnkv 122J 11.41 Bluck 1SQ Lot 18 Llberly Street Irregular Fords Liberty Real. Campbell Street Irregular Andrew Ml.'ko- ty, Co vnstuniiky 14 44 ir.ii Block 16C Lot It Liberty Street Building , Irregular Ford. Liberty Heal Block 411C 49 ft 50 (inrhMn Aveflu. Irregular Waited Lvbe.k 114 K ty Co. _ Block 411D Lots 91 * JJ Green Street Building Irregular I'.itrkk llurk. 411.11 Rinck ISC Lot. 27 ft :i Watnrr Street Building 25x100 Each John Zeluskovlc. , Block 4UP Lots 173 k l'rnncln Street 26x100 Ench Wolf 1!>J»3 3I1.JI Lots 24 * 25 Rlock IRK Liberty Street Irregular Frances Heflcr Block 4I2A Lol 7 liiiwlaml Place Building Irregulsr Pre>cotl ... 4IS.I4 Hlock 17A Lots 354 A M Oow» Mill Road Irregular Carl M.en1»8,y _ Hlnck 413A Lot 11 West Hill Ttoail Building . sills Klnck 17<; Lola 2i9 & :90 CroTCH Mill Building Irregular Stephen De»k _ Block 41 an Lots 30 to 32 Highland Avenue 2li:0lUEich U.13 Block 1711 Lots :t3 & 244 Hoy Avenue 26x125 Each S. Herschborne .... Block 41311 Lots 72 & 73 South Hill Road 20x125 Kach Mary Bonede.Uo ... 1433 l.nt 1 V'.gan Avenue 33x125 Smolltiskl 29.25 Block 443,1.1 Lots 43 A 44 South Hill Roa«l :0xU5 Each H'lth T. C.l .. rrnn.l * M Hlmk l!iR Cuts 56 to C8 KR.III Avenu. SSxlOO Each Elizabeth Egxn 87 Block 413B Lots 48 to 60 Valley Road Building :0xl2S Each Bancroft Llvlngnlnn 117.Ill Block I HI Lots 61 to 63 Anna Streot Irregular Elizabeth Egati ._ 7, Block 41ST St. fleorgn's Avenue Irregular Tvdgar Kfov«« f , w M 46.21 Block SIB Lots 111 k 112 Now Brunr.wlck Avenu* 25illE Each. Antonla. Cosantlno../ GS.44 Block 421B North Hill Road Irrsimiur Knntgunda Miller " lo 1(1 Illock 4.' Lut 111 N"»p Brunswick Avenue Irregular Johanna Mancusn./ E77.70 Hlock 4211) Lois 11 to 13 Mldflelil l-.oi.il 2T.X125 Karh ntli. llrprknmn . 39 7« 4 t.nji Block 43B Lol ;i) New Brunswick Avenue^ Building Irregular Adaip Klug ....jiC 201.37 Hlock 424K Lots S36 & 637 Outlook Avenue 26xl2Ti Kach Wlllnntv* \\>lsh . 14 33 17.M Block 4351 Outlook Avenu. 25xl2J Kach Alice Anderson .... 12 I'i 15,1] Hlock Mi Lots l.'ij * IS« William Street ' Building 25x111 Each Frank Matlska 83.SI Filock 43IJ Lots (61 lo 170 Wllllnm Strfpt Building 26x111 Bach W. ], Leahy 19(10.87 Block 432N Lot 1 Green Street Irregular Kolomon Hoffman .. OS 4H Hlock 4f. Luis 9 & part of 10 Crows Mill Road . Building Irregular Anton WaRenhoffer 133.4(i Block 433N Lot 3 O.een Htreet 26x100 Each Hnlnmnn Hoffman . '111.04 HO 17 Block BOB Lots 211 & 212 Paul titreet Building 15x100 Each Goorge Klplla 441.47 Block 433 Lots 2A Middlesex-Essex Turnpike irregular Inlteil N I. I! It. A ranul r.i. .: ' 10 i; 12.71 Rlock fi!>R Lot* ::i) tn 262 LI nit Street 26x100 Each Metuchcn Realty Co Middlesex-Essex Turnplk. Building Irregular John Tniimu 70.0J. 78,01 Illm'k IDC Lui» I IK to If! RJHII Street 25X100 Each Hetuclicn Ilealty Co Oak True Uoail Building 12.30 Acres Woniilirlilg. B. * L Block 10l> I.ut 96A WUlia.ru Slreet 12.5x100 Ruth Amanda Mun Asa'n , . (416.13 I7M.O7 roe Block 437B Lots 7 & 8 India Blvd. ZOxlOO Each Deo. Hrlrkelmater 16)65 169,71 l.nt «« NVw Urunswlck Avenu. Building 26x100 Lorraine Oil Co Block 437D Lots 7 & i filter Avenu* Bulldlog Irr.gular Christian llehn 145.70 U6.ll Lot 1 King Georfe. Road 36115 Aero. Ostrander Firebrick Block 437D Lots 29 & 30 Oak Tree Road Irregular .John McLean ^ 1H.45 115.31 Co Building 20x100 Eaeh , William 3. dlafford 7t 14 79 M Bio-k 73 Lot I - King Georges. Boad €.» Acre. Ostrander Firebrick Lots 41 to 43 Sllzer Avenu* Co. ™ H * I* t.tn"ftlH HlghHtfy ^^ lrrepf\jj%r John Fath.rby ... 101.17 101.11 Lot 14 Trieste Street .._SalW!ai. Suxiti. TTHMifTtirKoTifty . ^ • T.HT m:n King Georges Road 21 Acre. Ostrander Firebrick Lots at * 39 Wlhon Avenu. lOiiOO E»ch Albert KathofT .:.. HI tn I72.l)f • ., • ....-•• Co : Lots 30 & 31 Wilson Av,enti* Building 30x100 Eacn Bilwin drossman „ 142.73 H3.IT Lot 38 30x11)0 John Begraczko .. 9.50 Clock II Crow* Milt Foad 14 Acres Ostrander Firebrick Trenlo Street I:.OS Co 3088.71 3230.87 Lots 66 4 S« Trieste Utreet Building Each Peter Bachnesky .. 2SI2J 202.6! Block 17 Lot 1 Crow. MUI 7.7 Acre. Rarltan River Clay Co. _ • 35.86 Lota 38 to 40 Fiurae Street Building 22*100 Each Vl.-tor Jensen . 85.H 92.IT Lots 30 to 24 llli/ Ktr««t 20x100 Each 'Anna Balushka .. J«1 21 413.01 Lotu 15 to 20 ])ilz Htreet Building 20x100 Eacli .lohn WoRoclehowskl H7.22 »4.!l Block 71 Crows Mill Eo»d 6.1,3 Acres Rarltan River Clay Co Lots 1 to 6 Coireja Avenue 20x100 Each Michael Cliirco ...._ S9S.27 417 II t.ol 1 Ttarltan River Bank Xtt Acres, Owner Unknown _ P.lork 7» forreja Avenue Lot 1 I'.irltan River Bank 8.20 Acres Rodney Miller Lots 6 to 10 20(100 Each Kdlvfttor* Chlrro ..« ltl.27 41711 Block 8: Lot 19 F|»t A«enua Irregular Eugene Vlereck, 1.71 P!o'-k S:A Lot Iir.rltan River Bank 6.08 Acres David A. Brown .... llefelver .:^.ti.,.. 114 lUrltan River Bank I.4S Acres Rarltan River Clay Lots 15 & 16 Trento Street !0xl00 Kurt, llnhel GalA '. ..Z.,! 111,11 Mt.43 Rlock »'J Lot 37 Naz Street 14 10 Block KM Lot 1 4 Co 20x1011 Lulgl Belliiccl a»is Lots 13 4 14 Flat Street Building 20x100 Each Mrs.lClr-unor Ixiotnlf 19! SI 201.01 Block SO Lots 1 * : Rarltan River Road Building 16.71 Acre. Ostrander Firebrick Lots 5S Sc 34 . Trieste Stre.»t Building 20x100 Each •lolin Contl ,.,. 11,52 nil Co.' ^Trieste Street 20x100 Kuch Uronlslarva St. Nlckolas Cath, Lots 43 & 44 Block Ldts .: to 3 Second Street 10x100 Each Kupchak 158 01 IM.O: • Church Lots 33 to 35 Marconi Avenue Building 20x100 Each fwner fnknown . 10327 111.01 • lock Lots I Forrl Avenue Irrtgular Owner Unknown . Lots ll> 12 Mli1i1le»ei" Avenue Irregular llllina (I. Anderson 151 25 151.11 A Building ilo'.k *.:z :" Maple Avenue Irregular Citizens a &. L, Lots 55*Ti 56 Building 10x100 Each.. Mokes J, liiclielmfr 111.26 Assn Fiat meet : Block 447A Lot 170S Kennedy Place I»re«ul»r Charles Leeuw 76.56 12.41 "",) k 240 Maple Avenue Building Irregular Arthur E. Guslng.. 207.40 Lot 1749 Kennedy Place I'Harlet Le,euw , 12.41 Bio.-k 50x160 Block 447A Irreg'ilar 7«'55 Lot 107 Ma.in Street Bulldhg Perth Amboy B. & Block 447A Lots 1715 & 1716 Kennedy Plac* Charles Vander- Block 138A L. Assn 203.3! Irregular hoven _ U1S1 H7.2I 11.17 249.67 Block 447C Lots 1837 lo 1E29 Hunt Street 20x100 Kach Arthur Heln , 14 56 Lol 71 Main' Slreet Building t>0xl50 Sophus Yunker .... 229.30 78.7S (5.18 ,,,4 Lot Kverfct-een Avenue Irregular Kophus Yunker .... Block 447L Lots 1963 to 1966 McLean Street lrregumr** John Tornciak „., 2I.91 i lii'ick ^Building 43x150 Falrfleld B. & L. Lut 4 A Linden Street Block 4480, Lots 91 to 95 Middlesex Avenue 20x100 Kacn John Bi. f> 1.6 ;i i6.«5 KlnK Georges Road Martin BraUn ...... 181 A Lots 7 &S Irregular Martin Braun 60,82 65.46 Block 418V Lots 1300 to 1J0J . Highway Irrtgular Homo Guiinllan Co. 51.63 ll.li 1MB Lots 7 & S King Georges Koud H liluck 18IC Irregular 41.&1; 43.01 Building • Irregular Rlljabeth Peterson (06.58 531.08 Block 448V Lots 1:56 & 1307 Lincoln Highway Hli-liarl Belilpr Lot 4 Kin(t George. Road 105.15 Block 448V Lots 1308 & 1309 Lincoln Highway Irregular Home (jpiirdUn V.n. 25.06 H Block IS5B M;iin .Street 3 36 Acrrs M.ittlo Drummond.. 97.49 :I.II • Block in Lol 1 Building Irregular Charles Munn 65.01 70.78 Block 448V Lot 1340 Dow Stle.t 20x100 Uentrin- K. Ktrast- Lol 76 Main Street • , 10.26 lfi . Grove Avenue 25x100 John" Kovalsky _. 7.81 •i.u H lllnck Lot 118 Block 448W Lots 1559 to 1564 Lincoln Highway Irregular Homi; (Iiunliiin <'i. "or. 15x100 Eacli William McKoon .„. 11.33 13.J7 Block 44SW Lots 1673 & 1574 Lincoln Highway IrrefEUlar Ilomu iiiiardliin Co. 2L«7 2!.! 14 Iiirucd Aveiiue. . 11x100 Each .,liQJll£ GU4TilijLIl CD- 683-34 Block 1,.JH 70 &-71 t Building- l.»7 Acres Lewis 8. Jacobson 4K2.27 611.88 Block 44SW Lota 1685 to HOi Lincoln H4fjhw«y K'iM k I.ni 1 Klnjf Georges Road 1 07 Acres Lewis S. Jacobson 462.62 489.95' Block'4«8W Lota 16115 & K06 Lincoln Highway , 30x1u0 Knch Home O'Kir.li.in Cn Illl Kinif Georges Road Irregular 115^14 123.1! Lut : 1.397 Acre. Owner Unknown ^ 32.60 36.39 Block 448 VV Lots 1615 to 1652 Lincoln Highway Home ttuardlin Cu. King Georges Road Block 448W Lots 1668 to 1670 Lincoln Highway Irregular Home tlunnliiiii Cu (.22 1.51 Rlock'213 Lot 4 Building Irregular A. Toth i 60.66 l.nt SI . Flood S cit 62.7x99.56 Leo & Marie Urcss- Block 44pA Lots 1395 to 1401 Lincoln Highway Irregular Annie Camp 113 )« 111.71 Florida JOV. T.oflff - -47-38 Block.449A Lots '1412 1o 1414' Lincoln Highway Irregular Home Guanilnn (.'«. S7.44 41.«1 50x100 Anna Kokus 101.10 108.97 Block <49A Lots 1434 A Ha6 Lincoln Highway Irrexular Home (luardlan Co. 20.3* "•Z.^i Florida Grovo Road Lot S | Irregiilaf TrwuerUnknown s- .-17.M •• Lots 1426 to 1428 ' • lrregnlar Homo l»tisr.)Un Oi, . pu,i Rlock !27 Spa Spring Road Lincoln Highway Lot 3 j Block VA 20x100 Kach Jacob P Ktevtiii 11.24 17.11- Building Irregular John Gllrain JI6.03 135.53 Block 449A Lots 1439 to 1442 Jtow Avenue King Georges Road J.ots 999 & 1000 Warwick Htreet 20x100 Each Mary Kelly . 390.97 4l:Sj Hlock 233 •Lot.!, Irregular Jolin Gilraln „. 7.23 9.65 Rlock 44HC • l.ot.4 King Georges Road Irregular Elisabeth Doros _.. J7.60 94.59 Block 449D" Lots 1025 & 102S Warwick 8tr.lt 30x100 Each Nellie J. Wall ... 246.15 ;«'i31 hlook 233 tirov* Street ' 25x100 Each Wm. Gr«»s H.4S Klock 240 Lots 7 & Block 449D Lots 1044 & 1045 McLean Street 116.52 Acres Alola Sclieln 7(6.69 .811.02 Block 4491 Lota 1254 & 1255 Blo^k Avenu* .Irregular Horn* Ouaadian ro. H.2.T y M Amboy y Block 448J Lot! 1503 i« 1604 Llucoln HlfMway Jr 10x100 Each Home Uuardlan Co. 30.53 tin Klnck 1\'l Lot, IB b luliainf 5.SO Acres AUIIM Soheln 4O4.»t 141,31 Jini ?l' Avenu. Each Abraham Bey 17.67 Lul S Irregular 1 Lots 4 to '* c6nvery""BTvd,.. 20.39 Blank 449J. Lots 1533,1(34 «.U U3SPQW AyenuVj Frank Pamma 11.14 n»« r Irregular H.nrr 1. Auth ,.. a a4) Building Irregular p Czll(k ;....JB.J» Block 4411.1 Lots 18S1 ••%! 18+0 J>ow Avenue ! • ' " M« Oak Avenue Lots 2214 .to 2217 MontAite Aventfo" Irregular Lena Bilnlkuff . 2».S2 13.21 Rlock 2iS Lot 3 Building Irregular Jkseph & Lcuore 3. 10J.40 Block- 46«D Amboy Avenu. Block 468F Lot 2313 Berkeley Avenu* Irregular Vlncoio Zosinn 14.74 17.63 Block 263E Lot 3 "Sliios 1552,08 Irregular Joseph & Lenore S, , . 1S37.6I Block 468H Lots 2126 & S127 Columbia Avctiu* 60x150 Each Charles Flnkbohner 4140 C Inton Street Slpos 5.12 Hloek 263K Lut 4 7.43 Loll 3132 A 2133 Berkeley Avtnu. 10x160 Each Helen. Freuman .. 19.17 .43 4* 25x100 Each Bella* Anna Stark 23.11 26.45 Block 4f8H . Sherry SjreeL, , '.T-Trf«iiH*r Bella, i Ann* BUrk '88.11 Wock-4681 Lot 3008 Virnon^trtjt. Irregular Ann* Pout* ..., Lots 13 t 14 88.49- Lot S099 . Vernon Str*at Loin 15 & It Sherr^ Sreef Block 4681 -an 's5:H Block 263F 25x100 Kach Jane Gublcs 11.66 14.22 Block 4681 Lot 2100 Vernon Street dull, it '. .*".". • ••7» .sherry Streg IrregulV Patrick Campion . 156.73 167.81 1 Lot! 8 ft » • Block 4681 Lot 3102 V.rnon Streat Irregular Anna Pul.W It! Block 272 ' Lot 5 Grenvllle Street 1 35x100 Each George MerrlH%_.. 453.99 482.11 Block 4681 Lots J104 to 2107 Berkeley Av.nu. Irrtgular Patrick Gerrltv ...: 43ii Klmwoorl Avtnu. Building Lots 7 k. I Irregular Nellie Hodman _ 54.20 59.04 Fflock J7 4B .lame's street George Hoffman _.. 317.13 230.83 Block 49K.1 Lot So- 2090 Kensington Avanut Irregular Mra. Ida Markl* .. lllnck 27 50 Lob 4 Irregular .lanius Street Irregular Nellie Hotlman - 217.13 280,83 Block 468K Lot 3070 Vernon Avenue > (DxllO Emma Baker - Work 27511 Lots fi A. 6 JamJs Street Block 46SK Lot 2073 Vernon Avenu. • : 60x150 rH It Augusta • r B.'i-.fk 270O Uli Ui Helnti ... BlAi Irregular Frank McDonald .. 307.19 326.56 Edgar Street 276.11 399.25 Block 468L Lot 2068 Claremont Avenu* 60x200 Julius Burlsrh _ 1.4.44 Lot I Building Irregular Chrlaftpher Martin nlnck 276A Edgar Street 75xi00 Daniel Dwyer 72.23 78.42 Block 4680 Lot J040 Claremont Avenu. 60x160 Adolph Karnnll>a,rnn l . ?1 (Hock 277B Lot ISA Blook 4680 Lots 2066 & 2057 Fulton 8tr«.t . ' Brawn rireen Slreet Building 100x100 John bandar 174.00 18S.D1 Hl»tmi> k H, Tra- 1.7:1 Acres lUnslin Peterson . BlB.k tUQ Joaaph Grelner .... 17,44 2,4 6 v.llin f 1117 11.14 Lot 1 • ' " Mstn 8tr*»t Irr»gyUr C«atral A Harrison Ataaiu Hlock 329C Main 8tre«t Owner Unknown _. 13!<3 11.21 Lola 148 to 8«4 Euh J. Daliuo k R, Tra- i.nuck Mu Lot 40B 0.6 Acre. Block- 4f SO Ir^gular Martin Ryan 38.85 43.13 v.nin •;. .... liluck U41A Lot t Ouk Av.mi* Lota 589 to 612 Central 8tr*»t Malu Strut J. Dalmo* R.Tra- lll«tu«o k n Tra- Lot 2 Irregular Fords Liberty Real- -HI ty Co ... 149,60 1,58.OH vellln Eluuk 111B- Cooper Avenue lock 474A Lot 13 1 Avr* Chwl«ii [J, Ksclnli* .- LuU 19 & 3D Irr.gular Fords Liberty Real- I Acre ty Co • 348.40 567.8D S Charles I) EiAf.t nimii :JIB Cooper Avenu. lock 474A Lots 16 k 16 I Aer* Charlea D Etdallt Lots 21 to 23 Block 4"4B Lots 8 to 10 Irregular Thorvald Thor.en . 149.60 1(1.03 tixlOO Each Klla Nl«l»en i (ConUnuni 00 Pi|e J, Section I) Luts 68 & 54 Coop*r Avenu. iUi Green Btr««t Lot. e to i W00DBR1DGE INDEPENDENT Fridov

HHvnmnd IV.J9 NOTICE OF TAX SALE 14. If, 14,(f, SrtuUf J»hn Ko*u,kfc i?,2.;,»»• r « 55x10(1 Ulfi'-I * Building iiilOO Frank Kovwi 107.78 lie. I '.i •••• it M Bulldinl :-1 'p • •Ten . i; »n "TT" .1 " i:tr. •• .Bulldlnf .il."hi Frank Marty „ IJ.46 K J' H '• l< '•• " k ling -.'»r ':.Vs 'ic vt+- Hi*. J Lui-y UFarr 433 S3 4 C i. i;. Fl'••* ''.." :'»>"•• 'Kach Rolen 1V« ~Bul'l3lnir B. •-• f " A'.'w.i \ 1 ,lulie Turek

1 '•••<<••• John A.. Kozunko .. 24.50 '" A '*• lit 7i 30 John A, KulUlVo .. A John A, Kuxuikp .. 73.79 131 B*f Rachel J. Hammel 822.90 «."•< A^•^.«• «-»;:7 ;« i ' Sr.» '.e V. )rr«gul«r Trii'tee.« of C. C. v *• BuildtnC 2« E«ch Building Baldwin •?•• 159fi.S« . :.'*rl:*-ck '.. "47 WJllla.ni H. Tombi 4^.40 ! i A Wllllftm H. Tomhi 43.10 17 ' !>*erti ... 11 41 •s '•'• Irrtgular t.. .William H. Tomb»- 43 4(1 17 " t. 1 , Irjegular Ififf.isr it Kierffr •< Ki«(t . •Irreju'.if Bt-rk 74fA l M i William H. Tomb« 43.40 1. ,i n V:-»»1I*11P1 •. 1 I • •f I) r.»»t Irrcgulnr n Irregular B:.'tk 7 4SP William H. Tombs J3.4J !• - ,t Ty'.o ll :»• 1 01 it Irregular 47 i [fr«|u',»r Wllllamr H. TomJ>» 3«.IT v. i •- Mxipe I1- o-»r ?odar.o f>oj i :,ii William H. Tnmlm 43.1(1 !rr«u'.»r AT > 11 PIk Willinm H. Tombi 43.411 P"- Irregular f- r-kr.on rpfi 50x150 .* r.s I :.: tVn.l, St'fft 1 IrreKu'ar A"'*fi V),»4m*n ... I: "..^ R!«k i«t :i If.hn Pfeliter. Jr... 4.11.1) Irregular J. .'. •.nan; .... 4 H lOtlxIC P " Block. ButMlnlt, 'willinm Wi-lHht .. 1311.SS 4 14 Ul £5 " ' Irrtltular JoluiA. KoJmko.... 2».!H Irregular } .' S ri«t in-" Building •Irregular C . K' ';irtru 4 14 mock c !* 17.-S 1 John A. Konuiko... !S.i>9 IrregJ'aw J, .1. s US 'l.ot '4 lr,f«gular ,tnbn A. Koiusko.... :».M Irregu'.ar J. .' !*-. V.**t Avri..:e lrre*iil*r -k niwk T,oi :7 John A. Koiuako.... 20!.85 K • )! (Tmsn * c; ft BP«P1 trr«gul*r V r. I: Irregular A.r-Vi t.1.1 Block '>s ixin • * : 1 \ y Block T>- 1,0'S ? ft * John A. Koiticko... J4.41 V r "V Irregular A.:"';-]; k ::>;. Ihhn A. Ttosu.iko ... .n.S.i Loti ! to ' Irregular P., '- Irr«gul»r .rtitip A. Ko«»iiko 144.JS l i> n n » John A. Konufco.... 12.91 IV'. , H ' (t 7: l.rit 1^ ic I" lrr«ptular 11. HlOrk J»J Irrsgular William M. Welant JK.U Irregular Otnc-r; Unknown L*lt 5 4 t» 5» R - 4 14 Blofk .:•-, BuUdlitg lrrtgultr Howard * With ;r.\i.in Kith Mr>. Helen Nahra. 7 or, Hlock "75" Haver ~ 3" '. 171 Lr.1! »1 to *4 i. .t rtiv>i ««» Rlock ~'*~ 'Hiiwar.l & Kdlth 1"- * • .' 3 3! lrr»guJ»r 6.6f Block 7!J Lo'.l tt t ICO n r- ', '* Mr* Marih* Whltt * l.H. Bloc* TSJ- Lot IM p; *'X -4.S2 7sri -•.1OX)U4_ ljnii '^-arlione 2-01.74 !0xH"i Vlr.rort FSTPntr-.-- . K 78 fr- k D.n 1141.:« it: I]:ii;Orii» Block "?•' :J4.K, ( vrns FerK'i«or s j^ P' I (II Block 7t 4S3.6S SOllOO Paul Sparcean 11. Mi 1,01 3)6 A ! i i: «.J' Block T& "^ ii'fred D. Hydl Z 25.73 1 1 t.ot I' ' * '/4 :0x'00 9.II Bftc k :: 1 A • ' lot ir • ^ l.popc'l'i.nato ? II Block • • K AM:. lrri>«.i!ar r j( A. «:'T nl TrHlore . Block Lol i-i ,. k ^Ox-20 tach Cliff Road * V t; • k • it 50x320 Leone Donato 511 Lou fA SB •ff"r.«» i '••"'XTM Ai'frH K Hyd. t." r V. « 7: 20SL18 Mae H T r,fa.! ;; Acrei Altrepi D. Hyde A--ei c - :ns!"n Kaoh * 13.71 Hlock ',*•<' Lft in Ms. Be m-. l: .«'/'.•: V '":- ; Let :i tO.!3 Hrnrv i •• • f A •.'••> :niK>0 E»^h •» 1 Lt r B:: •• rg irregular Block "7:B «.:t i-r Ftri-i-fft S.B'J • "\ \ I' K &«»!'.'. fti,a ra ^-: :::: >r.-.-e" * -.Perry II. .lines _.. n.r. r. ft-, V) f, 3»4.7.: 377.ru n;Ofk :r. -- S'-'f? lrrfCiilur Salino If* S;M ft-: V,."B F»f-rk 7*: Irregular Ansel.i ft Marion 71 31 v • k v^xty Pnulin r.s.s: Biotk ;>• I."I » 1 K . M.rg sv:r. r .- V l; IS Acr IUl!oit p-,o-k 7':; 1 -M !'» ' Mali ng.i 1 iiUO Kurh .Mary A. Fitnr"ral in.:.' V.'- IF FriH, Co. Block 714 k Trc-Jrer! Avfiif 84.:t I.r " k t hffld. ' H :-;:••'« B^rk 7M p,,,i| s M y r l4i;i> P.--;- *•*«•' 124 V: ir .14 I- mtreM Avenne. 1*3x111 T.nii»» ,, : i •- F.c • H r 4dii;s Artl.ui I'unl-am .. LPU 1! * < 11 Irregular O. Ha'kett A H. 4T.S I' Ntn- State H-.srli'-- '' '•• 1 .iMegiUnr 42».J» 7" IT:f. - ' '' ArtlMir li'inham .... PC-k J'« Lft f Sur State Highwa: Ackernmtin 177 " R -• Irrtgulur Pa.tiltK Care/ 4:.u Lou ;» * Irregular Mou'f Klniror ^•j'td'Mt Block 1 HE' ISX125 Each Kdwln II. HIitKlns H •• k H-att Street ;s .ti F.i •k - 4fijldO Antnnlo Rcutll 177.7* Lot 14 f ( Bl«k t A-. pncl Sty*' 4,4 Acrts Enta'iP " -" I^.!F -S :> -,s, ., Odi-af 4i'oldstein .... 7.17 177-1 B'prk ('• Ht Oe^rge's Aieii'je 7,'. j»; oji-ar f.nldJteln . . ••'• ;:, . I«? «t' Block ?'. tVM 1» x P!' - k Iy.1 H Lord-f»tr»»t 40»5S Knrh Fnnik Viilenltre ---M4 70 f>*.1» k fl 1 or,l Street 1 • •!'<•• ,\ poK L.-". :* N - state H:gli«av I r.-v Irregular 10. W.. Valentine ^ H» «': fn B:ock -5X-12S Sarah ?.',l'l"-tcr 11.1.': >U, r •:(• Street ?l.aS Lot. 1« r • >. : ' * Irregular nr."\V. Z."Barretl .. H^ Irregular Mrs. AVllllam Car- Mw,.i-:.i.g «Sl. 0" 1 CM Strcr' An !•'••• AI'T.I ;jx100 Eacn John Lomonico ... h'-ii !.c : pflltrr .. ... "•' — P'5rk A-ier-ie ' Lo:s 16 i :• Janstn^Avenue Irregular William Pfankoch : - 'p — Oren ("icrns '. r,7.7< 61«.<"i ^ V t'.uil'Ln* lfr»|iilar 4;..n. W. fVnrk.on 50X.(J0 t'reit .1. Hifler H • Ma-r =!-*•'. Block •:"•? Lot ;•> Irregular W'Mi.im Cu^pun K'.'rrs- ?((?' Irregular . Iviin V Xenobla ... .tsi-ten Avenue. SI.17 Bi;lMlrr Block i.'V Lots 'i to • M:r.na Avenue r" li A! f V'»- '. 44x"."i Harrv L. Hunion . Irregular Apinhald W. Ayrea r-. - k Irregular Klmer Moy , B'.ock $::> :t.pp''p r- ,lr i j • fi K',iMi|iE 4 Irregular John SPHIZ jTiTrS Tt;iv1!irtni1 * Beftti* :»XI5'I Kadi fanicl B'.ackloik ... So 0 4 . IJpi.l f.tH' M.ir.n. y.-r,n» Avanue -15.69 Rlerk »."f Lol :«• Irregular • Rev. Bontvenlura Irregular Al.-x V Heed, Jr. ... :0u. M (Jeorgt* AVer.ue Peer! 15 •:?. H'llUlI:* Hlo^k SSI Lou r: * i Picspect Avenue 33x70 Franklin A. ifchau- Lot 50 27JX15O Vim Uinjnl ., . P.-i;:d:r.«' 40J.4T niock t:3 fele .. * JuslSfi Encli Solr.mf.ii Si: p:- .'K • n Building 40x100 Wm r,e. ""fc'Artl.'.r Rfmspn Avenue 14.:.'. 430.«0 niock r4 Lot 4S ppmarc't Avenue Irregular Harriet P>e; B!j!M:rg litmliam Lets 17. * 1 Irregular Pnultip^ Jn( 37 n ::. IV .V: "'•• V niock f""i \T: 1 :ia AVLIIUC 311.•)» !i95 Kach Win. Her.. & Arthur _ _ Lot.- 12 & New .State H'B'iw,(:-. 2jiU0 Each John Walsti * - . Ii.inlHim ...... -I-.' "' Lriii~i* * Btrlldirtg H: . li : • A 7 * f ' Block SS7 Nen State Hlgliwav luilOO wlii.stti i.'. Sum!.... al..f Block S3S Loti 3 i 4 Irrt-gular T>tniel riiiphnlm .... 1S".« 38 35 26x151) Irving Briproe 4>'" i:n k ' • i- !rregul»r.lull.in r;r<.w "-^ Thorpe Avenue 1161.7'.' Lot :» 25x150 Leon l-'ifdier 1) I'I M . 11 :« A1, f l.ijf IrrenuUi Julian Jensen Avenue Let 4t Lot Block '••! " Irreguln: Ate 1/ Kreutiberg Block 847JB High Street U9.I3 Irregular Manle M.-iiiagerrTeTit" Budding ISxlOO Eacn Oenrge Baltai I ott 1S0 to H1 ('.lock '"" 1 : 10.15 Block II6B Tappen ^tvett Co :it.;:. Altn'in Avctiile Tb LiUCannllla & 1J13A i 15 I .,11 4"( t" Mflhourne Court 26x100 Fannie B, Parker .. -•J-'* "«4 92 2(*xino Kacn Mnry K^.ln;i ut H' 3S.S1 • •iftvifili Knc'l Anu-eln hlrR.p ...... SS.V i I.nls 1» * 2 Kumford AKM'ne !Sil0« Kac'.i Tony Babulak ••~ers At'ernn » 25x100 Kach John ILrntiiolltk... :5x!00 Maple Management Lnl 7.'I Budding 223.52 f • 'rampion A^»nue • ir Frantis -•-'--- • jUenel Vlai'4*!! Avenue ;S 17 • '•-•l| SS' Block IS11I Lot 4»- Each MH r.vaii I Hfnlell>«rg Avrnit 64.40 iS.lt) Mfinzer/Street Irregular Kdward (Jutnwskl . 271 OS Luis' 1li i 144 Irregular Joseph An.irai-ltk '. 415 & 41fi lilt.' It i^r;imi>ton Avenue Block SJT.l -J."t« Raliwav Averse Irregular . . !,.(!-. ;'.'l5 10 "19 Qw-mlulyn Gpoi!- Block S7,.-,N X"t^ 47 &. 4* IT.? 77 i.'arroll Avenue 43 01 Bl Railway Avenile CIP. I.Olf 81 & 92 32.67 Lots 105 Irregular Ml-.hiicl VIopta Til" ?S iiuu cavf Oeorge Hy.le Block (551' Building • • 7r.^i0o Kach Dfl^i^l H+'ndersun Ban-on Avenue lrregulur Cnil Sltnpfendor(«r 1: l.niiway Avenue Building Lots 2S9 & -10 -Block STPT-Q J.oli 14!. HJ & » Mh Avenue Ballnto 7 76 l.cti li (t 16 i-'reeman Street Irregular Marie Afsreen S Tuti 104S *• 1046 Hli.tk .Freeman- Street 14.44 Block-»5 F Dartmouth Avenue l.n; 17 . v ('iTjjiOO Marie Asreen Lots 17 & 18 41 " -' Ilintk Hdrrtii Avenue • Block 8551 F.a-'h Milie Knwal»ky .... Lot 27A . *iv Kach Peter Yarczyk 61 7 3 k Irregular P. n. KIII« Lois 25 A 2« i-ornrll Street Wliitftj. Avenue Vln.-t-iit liyan 14 41 i7.: Blo-k R'p'l Harvard Avenue Irregular K. I: i- M. Le.l«r!» Lot!- 15 * 1« Irregular Lots 13 to lo i, i 1 R Harre]! Avenue • 2nxl*>0 Kftch .1. f'harles B»rreda 11.U 17.28 Blork e5JL Uouglis Street & K fc r. Gn.sM S :.7M' Lutf 1 & 2 14 44 n.'.'S Block 874 Lots 7 & 8 : Ahofii" Avenue ' 4 25x100 Kach Lillian Barrp.ln :&xl 00 Kach K n & M. Lederle ^7M : Lois '.'9 & *>0 "t m 111 l.nl? ?,:, A- Sf. - Al.nrn Avenue ;r,xlffi) Kach Marstaret Burreda .. Lots 5 to H p.ahway Ave#'J« &• K .t f GroMl 10JS muck 211.'.", Block 174 T.in>, S3 in 42 Aliorn Avenue 2F.X100 Each Harry Han-en KM 20x100 Each United Lard P*T Block 3 Lois 21 &. -- Hnrrell Avenue • 2SxlOO- Eat-h Thomas Kelly Lots SI to SS Kandolp'h Aver.ue t'o. • HI oc k " Block SSS Lol." 3!> & W Harrell Avenue 25x1.10 Each Harry Barthowlck.. :0il00 Each Li lif-d Land Dev. Kar.dolph Averue Lois 21S to 221 Barron Avenue 25x100 Each Harry Fenlck „..._ 14.«S L'ols 59 to Hi. Co ? ;. Lots 2SS to 270 Barron Ave.nue Block-SJ6 JSxlOl- Each Gwendolyn Good- Irregular Ciar.1 I'i--kerscn . Handolph Avenue ; Leone Street child 1 Lot S Irregular t'Ura nirkersi.n .. Block, SSS, Loll. 61 & 5! ivs.ir, 19J.S .' ,, 5>7 2 •* 1.S74 Acres II. Teter hjfhmijt... Lot" 4 to U •' H»I.I).JII>1I A^er.ue ;5<:'.n- Kai-h ciira li!.-k*r.-ou _ Woodbridge-Carteret Road , 3(18.111 .Block «S7 F.'sion ftr»»t 20x10(1 Each Unl!•-•)_Land Dev, 1 Lot 3 25»li)O Each Katliryn Kertln .. 1 Lots 12 I" H Block ft" rr*'H)iel Street 40x100 S'ephen Gucrln ... •.'2(1.17. I 34.1.9 Block «S7 lUndoipli Avenue Luis* "6 & 77 Building 1SO.S.S 159.4H Block I07A Block -'''•>•' van.ierr.llt Place Irftgular Kdger Freeman .., Lots ICO to 125 - , 20»lOO Eath Lni'crl Land Dev. Block 5?7.A Lot r. r.4.17 :«.«« PnjNpect Avenue 401100 Kadi S Lots fi & T Bast Avenue Middlesex Place Irregular United Lsnd Pev. Flock 658 Lot 8 107.71 1H.1I Block t97A Irregular Margaret Tracy .... jits 13S to 152 i*. Avenu* . lrresular Oicar Mundy • ?::i.rift' SCSI Margin. Street 20J100 Each l.'rHf.i-T.iinl l'ev • •Block Ei!>l> Lot 5 gle Avenue I 254.19 Block I97B 1 :l(10 Kach James Dutl 164 to US Cn . . ,-.,„•.. Block Ml "' Lots 19 to 52 Jlill'sitle Avenue- Building t 23S.I5 , New feiite Highway Lot. 9 & 10 Irregular Thomas C. Brown Irregular Charles & Lonine Blotk fi'm.l Blair Avenue !->t u.n Block ii'C Block 6« r.ot 2 75.15 Lots 156 to 161 /.I- h Irregular Thoinii C. Brown Hart Street Kic10M0 Ant^i:r,jt'cainp:one.Liic: Te«ita , . Blair Avenue 47.SI Block »13 Lot 4 Ktt Lot 61 Hart Street xliO V.fb ni"rari| ltonnvan Block 6t>" 43.31 Block ?!" Klwnod Avenue Lots 6^ & *1 * «•• Irregular A4f.;|,|, Koiboth. . . 11.12 '•• 25il*l(S F.ach ralherine Donnelly Block 9W Railway Avenue "I r Lou 15 & 15 2SxI(!0 Each liwreri''" Guim . , 17 '.I , 2 '.S3 Block 9:'S Poplar Street 1 11 "3 Lois t"«(" *• T .lolin Ptteet UxlOO Uach P.ot'pn (''reriiay .. , Lot 7 25*100 Each Bopli.e Brown ..... Klok John Street CsTlOO Each Andrew Horvaih .... 1 ?..!>•: I«.73 Block S3» Larch Stf««t Block R"v Lois HiC & H 7.57 Block 342 Lots 513 m 515 Lots 43«A & B .lames Fireet 25x100 Each Catherine Reed .... Lots 713 tc 720 :D«l Ale Powers ... Block fn:i Jam*) Street - i 1 :.!>:• 16.' 1ST-3-- 1 Lois 4-7A A B 25X100 Kach. rmttlieh Schmidt .. Ci'nnr.Avenue . .:5x!P0 Each <-I Mll-.akeien Blork fi"'. .Umm Street Block «(7. Lot 249 Lot* 43SA & Bf 50x15(1 Fred Springer * Lots S9«-& f»7 Morrlsfly Avenue . IlxlO'i F.iih Kn>.Fiik :-. • Block n'il> .tames Street :SxlOH Henry Iladenick ... 1L Blnck 91'i (l Lot ITio ' ' 7.57 Lote 597 to KKW Holly Street h lijoi-k «1 8th Aveo'ie :RxlOO Anna B. Abernathy Blork «;^ Lot ->»4D 1 Loin 1017 to H'20 Kim Stree" 25x100 l-'.ath ,!etii*« K«l!:it"i Work f'l- Mil Avenue • ••-• 10X100 JoM-ph F. & Alex. Block tr. - p:;>.e ?tree.t . Til nek 01" Lot 35;B 11.45 13.04 25«100 Each Vjni'liiTd j'j*au 2nd Avenue ---••• £asa ,..,-,,. Blpck. IK-l. : Lot 144 Ut! 1138 i \13» 1-Mirarlein HW'd. - '""Tifi'O Kicli Lulgi. 1..T*.IV » BlUCk 61C lilpck fiM f'.edar Ftreet •.•t.0« : Lots 1194 to 1201 25x100- Each Mr.*. Mstrim II. Alex .1. Sas« Block !>-P7P Cedar Street 1 < '." Lots 1210 k 1211 15< r.rd Avenue mii. "Tiffin Ntwrttr-'..•..,.- ...20.K- BtocX >S« Hl Lit? 1SJ * 25x100 Ea.h HrHreT'Miirphy .... '" '"'' Lot 3« l5t Avenue. 10x100 Each MetuHien r.eallv Tn. rp.lar StreK Block «1'J Srd Avenue (.0x100 Metuclien Realty Co. Block 956 l.nis 1214 to 121? •TSi'TnO XffTi -.TiTiTiiF !*sni« -...:-..; •- •* Lnta l:'l & I'd I.arrh Stre«* Irregular o«(iii;i' Wuk'i Block fi-t "rd Avenue* SOilOO City Hal) Land & Block 657 Lots 1280 10 1283 1 Him k C21 l.nt 1«2f> . «:i • Lot" 14BS 4 1459. F.rtsarton Blv'd. 25xlOu Situ UusiHk ..._ E.!' 4 tli Avejiue Imp. Co Tfl.Dl Block '.<•>.! A Pine Street Block 6-'2 Lot 2291 Block S66A Lot 1602 :;nK'O s»uve i:u*iuk [,"'• 10x100 Each City Hall Land It Tint. I. .... •fttli • Avenue v "•'- BIOkA Let 16A3 1'ine isunr!:^. .. ii.;: Block 624 'Lots 335 1 lmi». Co. ....,„•„„ Cedar Street Block 9««A foot's V8O4, i 1605y Cedar Street 30x70; Wi.rkmtina'B. Aj I- tOxlOO Each City Hall'Land A Mertllne Avenue r 6th Avenue Imp. C" - «t.77 TMK . 11 Block,654 Lotb 3S3 to 355 696. i'36 SSI Lo.1 5.IJ HxlOO Margery MarthaII.. Kdgar Avenue Grand Avenue Block (87 . Loin 205 to 20» v: - Block 62S Lol 40ID ' 6.96 t.3« Loti 2-17! to 249 B'atiilforii AKenue Eacii Mli-I.'afl Mvlska 51. 25x100 Each Felice Martlrelll .. Block NitlsOti Avehue' Gran* Avenue Lol* ISO to 165 " 'i ...City H».U Mnd * 11.7S Imu. Co BUndforfl As.in.ue lrr«y*r >•< Lm* 1I« to US l -I H T5xltr Block. BlintHor*. Avenue Iwe>ii!ar 17.'1-1 (Jranii Avenue City Hall iritf'i Wk .Loli 194 to t»9 Mus-ka Block I6°«A Lots 50 4 A ft B 2ixlOO 8.3« Lots :00 to 204 Kdfcar Avenue IrreguliJT If '14 Lnts f.04E & F Grand Avenut Irhp. Co. Bl*nd«ord Avenue MxiO-Kach Block '626A Block1 1005 Lots 250 to 256 Vl>x:h Earii Uk-hiiel .Minka .„... Lots 257 It 25S Blendford Avettu* 3071 El 4:'.' 7 .HxlOO Each City Hall Land & Block l(i"3 Blandford Avenue 30x70 Each SIivhue-1 Muska Grand in Block 1003 Lots 258 to 270 Flock J2«A Lots 614G * H * Imp. Co 1 •14 -S JO Eite-h Wstuchen Healiy ft. i V. 4,}f Lot,' 208- * 29» Riaii'l-ford Avenue 31* ^ Lou fOfpK to Q llenry Street . 1. » •• ,'. . .1. ... iixUu Metucritn.Ii.Mjtr Co. Block 1004 1 Block «i« 21.1 Lots 497 A 491 Merellne Avenu* Orl* Acres fit""Tiioiniinllrnu 1 * .Lot 5i(»5K. . Henry Street 50x1 Sd Pearl Oliver ' •Block inor, Ulalr r.>>»<1 Block 62H Blair P.oad 25.40 2t.»6 48.40 Acres Miles Vi-nwui Esi. Block B3:i Lot HI tlixllO Milton Zueker Block 1017 1-ot 3 Vernon Way 1, ; I.ot 14 Blair Road • lOx'OO Dorothy & Milton Block IH53A Lot I ' 4 Ams Miles Virnon Kit... -••... Hlnek .«;» 112.11 J5 89 Vornon Way i Lot 42 lit Avenue Zueker Block 10S3A Lot 2 . Vernon Way 13.44 Arres MUCH V.rnon EH.- '*;'' .Block 633 HM! Block 10:.3B Lot 1 - 1.J2 Acres Mile« Wrnon Bil... "?' "* 10x100 K« -h W. Arthur Mlhr ...* ]1.5« Vernon Way Lots 46 to 4> Ht Avenue- / 50x100 W. Arthur Mahr ..- !7.»; Blosk 1052C Lol 1 Block (33 1st Avenu* ( 27.96 1M( .»,.. .,„,... I'nknnvn .. Block 635 Lot 67 SOxtOO W. Arthur Mahr ._ Turner Street , ' M.V7 Lot 68 1st Avenue Block 1071 Lot 31 •'•*» 24S1O1' llohert Hiishong . Block «3r, V. Arlhtir Mahr ._ 147.15 1EK.I4 Sih afreet ]Cxt4 Own. r I'l'kiiown .. 214.«- Block 1071 Lot S4 Tapjien Street 1 -> 7 71 2nd Avenue W Arthur Mahr . 14(.I4 t5L.ll Block 1173 ., Lot !» Building !5i94 Kach .lolm Kulll.k BlOClt Lot li! * 40 Taoprn Street 2nd Avenue Building Perth Ambov ft h .... Block H7J Lou 31 Building 2l»19ft Prank i'i>Hal« Black (35 3rd Avenue 244.IA Srd Street i»«,M I.. An«'n ««-5' *Ti Street BuUdlitg Irregular Frank *'-is:i)e Block 63C IrrfiJuUr Lotlle Bird 3!>.4U 3>.4-t Building Irregular Anfell" Z'llh) Woodtirldge-Cartertf ttort 12.74 Wj»wUu.l.4l»-Cart«rit Road 724 «6 Lol 244 S6i100 Owner Lnknofcn .... «.»* Block 1071S Lot 4 Hagaman fitrey Z " " :6xiat> sjich Pa-T'tTrt BtrtWIn* Block 43S, 0. Street 13CM I'o .. Block 647 Lot 4S • Building 25x100 Ktw-h Michael Sa»«o 121,71 Block 107SB Loti 21 fc, 29 14.37 A. Street ' 25x100 Kath.lo'M.h & Alblna- Block tV Lots 9 A 1» H.25 Sprue* Street Building Irregular .Vittori Seryl _. ««' Block 10791 Lot! 4 4 I Sih'H .. Woodl Kiiililint J6M00 VVasilv fi'hneilt .. Block «««lepL-.- Block W7SQ LtiU 31 k it . tJxlOO Bnvh Nlvl'.(jh-i l»e Mantle 1:IS' ' '. .Block «72 Lot 1 ' 43.14 Marlon Street • Building tifcwaren Avenue lrresular Will am Campbdl a •*•'; Block- Hi'Sf: Lots 12 * II - 40x100 Each John liiiraman ....'. llST.:" LAU »» !• U X k J0>64 Marion Street * Bloc|f JJ86B r 100X200 Daniel " " *" *- t,ota St* « ' • St»ar4ii AveBU* Building B!o«k K'7»S Lot. » to »« " Mutton Hollow Road Building ~».2 Aur«s ||>"i"n Hollow Block «HB W«*'. AvenD* - • U6D Lot 1 " 3 Block 687 Lot ,1 • • . V. R « o H1L0. lrrt«ul*r Alice S "H*"*" -, 1.1 Acrex iti'«n ("!v Co. 44J... T..J Mutton HolioWRoad 1 Loti 12A, 12B 4% 1* West Avenue 10x200 Henry Si C. Lav n Hi 01 Block 1I6K Lot 1 1.1 Acres Uyan I'!;IV Co :.,- • ;,'. Block »87 Weel Avenue Irregu!»r Henty tit. C. Uvln !«.(« Milton Hollow Ftoad Lot 14A 24.J7 Block l»«F Utl 1 llutten Hollow Hoad Ri)l|pllng 1.71 Acre* Hyan fluy Co "••"'••- Block *S' West Avenue Block 1»*F Lot » Blnck. *87 Loti 15 k K Irregular Anna »»»•*, v •l'*'t MuHori Hollow Uimd «7.H»10<> Ryan «•>« • Co J, '.' Oniral Avenue Black 1»6F Lot H BlocV «S« Lois 779 to 711 25x100 John Eud«k r-\- »•'' • Mtftlsn Hplluw l.'iad • 50x100 B4l(>h.NRy»n Clay Co "" Ul 987 Calvin Street Block ta 1 Block lit Paul * Mary. lit Calvin Street Zygldrnkkll . Block 69! . ' Lot" 994 7.71 Ed*ard Cunty ..... 1 pltatant Avtnue Joieph Maiurowikt I".* ), J,ot 973 JSllOO 24»7 Block tn • Summit Avenue vi'»lttr Weeden _ I.oti R»" A Ml Bloclf *»IB Old Hoad ETocic 695 . Loti UII to llS I ODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT Friday, May27,1938 tHIRD lECTION. PAGE THREE

sbanrls of frit above named iw«- art tht respective hmbends I* IHA><.KH\ or Miw JHUKV WANT ADS 1 namei art act out below to appeapp r «•! ana gtatt «( N'«w Jersey you « nf r^rord flf ths prpmlsri hare- lit ththee e fOr n[[ HHi ee CCounttyy BBoaBoarrdd 1 " "' " "••"••• •"•"•"> '>' "•• 111 «J jnabove di»B(*riiiM ami yon hnvi> or And you, Mary Robinson, are ' rd, and you have IT m«>' rlamii '• curra-OnmA Htalty * Build- off KlrctinnsKl , HnuH m 4(184(18. IVitIVthh AmA - nimlK defendantt becamee yoyuu a an in* I'II. lni . a New York for- m«r claim tf have a rlnht «( cur•»«)- • National Hark Hulldlna;, 111 an owner of record of part » hav» a right of curt»«v in j This Week Years Ago pAHTMENT FURNISHED tesy In purl of said premises, f d f f l irt of said premise*. j luiratluii, Julius I". Corrs, V11>• S'ate 8lreol, Perth Ambny, .N J, prnralati htrelnahove doirribei, cut Murablio, John M. Uon- Anil you Mnntt H riV, lire mude cr at thn Township dorks Offlc. And ynu may claim an Interest And jr.u, the renpecttve tinknoan J nnlly and Mrs John H. C.'nnolly. FURNISHED defendant bemuse Muiil •' •• •' • proaiiu by t former adn)lnlitr»- S roomi, kit you lire the Municipal HutMIng, Wnodbrldgr, thtreln; 'Irs. devlne'l and perKOnnl rf|T»- his wifr. Saint Stanislaus Na- | hol^'fy.«'..»-.ctrtald f n mort«a«t f rnv N. ,1. on nr before, ate Urd d*y And you. Nathan Robinson, 1 nlatlvfs of Aon'n Helm, Jamti tional I'ollili Catholic CongreKa- Ito'i wii brouiht Monday tiler- purl August. 153S, nnd re-register, Karri*. Samuel H, Davis and rndlvl BOAT CLUB TO DMtDGB ple Ave. hfrelnabove de- u.vle defendant bernuse you ar1.e. Harris, uamuei n, uavis aim , tim., . Christ.. t y A. „Suydtr . , r .r, •••«>«• ^HWB >»v . noon >l » meeUni of the Town- nllnl section. e., scrlhedd premises, and you vwiominin!l, I'lffUtors, Jldlllin- Frank Sl-.afer. M* wlte. Rather other bo»t o«n«n who harbor nre Mraitsc -you nue. ' of said premises. trators. (tranteeli. B'SIKTIII nr sur- iliilhur and Mr. Oalluw. hlr hui- waUr llnti In the nrlotu parts Up- hSW fjf iceisorn In right, title, or Interest, tnelr er*ft In Smith Ortfk, to •V-'MAKE BTOrtEfl. SELL whlcW miry affrct purl of thonuo. EUlJKNB BLANKENHORN, band. William Slhufer and Mra, of the tcwnihtp by the Middlesex , r, Vacuum Cltantft at low- Solicitor for Complainant, are mad* parties defendant, be- Wlllism Sliafer, hla wife, Susan have t*e Mouth-of lheontkdred|> W»Ur Company. Ne|otlatlorn (0 1P herelnabove described premises Anderson, Arthur, i Lillian Ter- ciult you may cUlm tn Inttresi 1* /I ;",, largest aervlo. dtp.. and you may claim an Interest 170 Market Street, llunsicker and Mr. Hnntlckgr. ed. brtujht rttulU recently when h»T« the water comptnjr take over mnchlnes, 190 State f Wett Bngltwood, N, J, In the lands described In mid bill lu-r husband, heirs at law and MIDIQMi: Daotliny. Mary, JU New Brunt- of eompl«lnt. ni-it ••( kin ot WUllaVn f. Ihat- the Port ItuiMUi OommlHlon de-the line* hare been furthered by Amboy, And yon, "M% Clayton, huaband wick Datedd: April iithith, lltllt . t'ertll . 5-B" 18, H, 17. er. deeoaird; Harold Malar and cided to «ta« •t.OOO on the work of Emma I,. Clayton art made d«- Beatrice, North Hill Kurene Blankenhorn. ; l ti>a i&e»«nt admlnlrtrtyon for the fanrtanft M i * H«lTel\or for CnmpUlnsnr, Mrs. W»Md ''M»Ur, Kt« wife, l"n Market Street R.'bert rholnackl and Mrt, Ro- Clayton. **t a former owner of Rotlhfiuer, Jacob, H Linden Ave- IN CHANCERY Or KKW JKftlKY Went Eli|ltwnnd, N, J • bi-ri (Jlioiiiackl, hit wife, Aaron It FOR SALE record of part nf the premise) nue. II. liukenfpld Mlchele tamplnn herelnsbove descrlhed, and you ln/iu Dated: May (, 1)11. Boelhnuer, Irma, 74 Linden Ave- To: Mary Norman ftftaVMr. Norman, WX 1-1S. JO, 17; '1-1. and t'iirmela Zamplno, hit wlte, may claim a right of curteey nue. her hutband, Martin Knutltn »nd i'n>l«*i Wnowrlntka and Mr. vv... FURNITURE EXCHANGE •herein; V and u!>«4 furniture hounht ruiilrr, Margaret, Klnt Oeergt Allda Knutsen, hit wife, Mary T.»u- Wnowrlniks. her husband, th* mo\|th rtllM anuli iffttm ared'pir'cent'^"^ coet ol lfl- v And you, the respective unknown Hniul 9enelat;er and Mr. iAUdinilafer. unknown heir,', de l,i 170 Stato St.. Perth Am- Hodnar, John S, IS Moore Ave- lJl'SW rMnet'tlv* unknownl heir,'epre, de- became etoftM »«h toft m«M \m- .muiion ot the linn. 'l,!' p. A.%-3872. Movlna & elr», devisees and personal repre- her husband, Mr. M. U. AshleyJ>r kBRV OF SKVi jtiRSKV visees and personal repreimti- til then ww tmit about a toot sentative! of Kathrlne Dlestal, ue. ,, MM. M. 0. '«r'wfle, TO: Juliette a. Woire, widow, In- line S nrennan, Mnrgtret, Bit Amboy tlves of Julius C. Corra. Vincent cf w»ttr at low Ud« Md the «Mth Monte , tlorak, Laura Broulllier, as tht case may be of M. G. Aih- dividually and ns t'Xerutm, Murablio John II. Connolly, Thr«e Ytart Ag6 I-aurn Alma Rroullller, Francis H. Avonuo. .- ^ le>'. (former owner) Suva Kllthe- and Arthur Wolfe and Louis of the mmrtJi beeane eontkJeraWe .t, J,S1T ,l 7I,\C "•""-n-" THROUGH THESE BAR- Burke, Mary D., *SJ! Green vlcti and Rosa Xllthtvlck, hit wife. Chrlaly A Spyder. Traifk ghtfer, r rt Ef MILKMAi t N 'lS ' \Ve have a Department sell- Andrewa, Dora Heyar, Antonio Lll WUVt w. OiUrwdaa, executors, rl Rsthir ualli-w, William Shafer. namwed UW nernitl. X Ouerra, Julia Hrablnskl, Edwirii Btreet. • . ' FsnnlFnnltt MMandlnaondlna oh and th* Estate of Menko H. Wolf», Susan lhinslcker. Harold Maler. t Hgv1|D WARtANT Radios, Wrlreratori, Blftn, Mary, 2J7 Smith Street. Mandlhach, her h ' MachinesMachine!,, and ElectriElectic N. Oeralla., Maryy M. QrayGray, , Edward Mdlhh h , , „„ l , riKhl. .'• Jiy.N.J.-Til. '•>•«•• « nniumi , Julia, 21 Wnctory LaneL . By virtue ot an order of the thu mornl| t Thld( eU 11 Rowen, his wife, ,Mary A; Ronca, owner) I'ettr Kepea and Julia Cmrt" of Chancety of Now Jem y. mid Hifir »ir any of their heirs, Drautll. 120 Oreett Street, Ktpet, hit *tf», Prank fapltr and devisees, eiecutort, admlnlitra' iJohn Tonkavlcs and Ellnheth made on tht day of the date hereof, tuc 4-pl«c« livin Jonkavlca, hla wife and Paul Woy- tlrewton, David, 16 New Blrs«t. Mrl. Krank Ttpltr, hla wife, lor*. or™ntees, nsslgnl tu ' M,'ultc Ot lh BJLMno Brine, Queenle. 100 ^lew Btreet. Chi rim PnntkT and Pannle ln a oaust wherein. Trisy>Tov>'nsnli> ni»s.>:'s in rl«ht, title V Interest; ko,' and your or any of your heirs, Cnolt, Marpnrft. Corr»)a Avenut. of WoudbTidge, a munVinul rot ,un narlor iulte at ruisnii' devisee*, executors, admlnlsfrntorv 1'rentky, hie wife, the respective poratlon of the Slate if New J'er Hv virtu* of nn or»er of .the ; JllddUsei Upholstery grantees, nsslgnn or jiufcea«orjt tn Corrlden, Oooritt, Fifth Street, unknown heirs, devisees and per- ilMirl of rhnni'«ry of New. .leriov. 01 ^.'avalllto, Francis. 23( Ch'urch soy, is complainant, and you nndmade on the day of th* datt hereof. ^•"^L' !?^' .." JSt uTarZ^^. «'tt a^^ .'r,v Brunswick Avenue right, title or Interest, are fhade JqirVpi tont•ontl ereprfstntatlveprtst atlveaa of Mary Nor otnurs are the deftiidimu, you nre dent 1 VM. Manufactureri of cur man. Me Knutstn and Allda In » cause -nliettln the Township dfddefendantt a bbecause you may claim • n,.,j rfuulred tti-»n>sar and nniwrr tho i,,iiitt Uvlnllvlnn roroomm suites, re- Krancea, 265 Grove Ave- KKtiutstn, rlihin t wife, Mary Laudind - uf Wondbrldne, a municipal cor- tt an Interestrt t InI thtt hh'erelnabnv hlih de-t "'"I bill of nvo complainant nn nr be-poration of the State of KtW Jer- in* recovering, tlager, Suva Kllshevlch and Ronfore th<. dth* day Of liilv ntxt,- nr of the State of KtW Jer scribed premises. Cronln. JoHn, B2 Mawby Street. Kllshevlch, hla wife, Peter Kepea liit and you anA. laeU. of Jr« WaahtafUm SPINET Piano ox T1UOENE BLANKKNHOtlN, thn raid I ill will be taW>n ;u ion-Key, niiiplainiint.. andy you and Cbughlln, Dora, 51 Sherry Street. and Julia Keptt, hit wife, and issed agnlntt you. l lfdts you arft „(,«, reduced llOnfin Solicitor for Complnlnanl, Cmighlln, JuliB, 111) New Street. Frank Tapler and thtflr or any of oththe ilefendnntsi you Perth Amboy. The accident hap- Tho snld bill Is nlod tn aluo- rHuulred I 1U1( with parly buy 170 Market fltrpet, De'iiilacpne, Antonio. Holly Street, their heirs, devisees, executors, ad- l and answer Ihe pened about I 40 o'clock Tueeday TnwM Ki,pa \rw VORK ',„wil, l ne.ll on small mini th West EnKltwood, N. J. lutely debar and foreclose yuu bill of said complainanl on or be- liavl*, Gladys, 15* Blanford Ave- ministrators, grantee*, assigns- or from all right and equity of re-fore rhr- 181 h diiy of July next, bor evenlnc and M.U dM Im than fSSfS uSm nit For price and details — nntrd- May nth, 1MI. T\\lf. successors ln riKht title or Interest; % W.I. 5-20. 27; 6-J, 10, ' demption nf, In and to the limn- thn «nld V'll will he taken at con- Uttr in the Perth Amboy „,.. , ,,; t^j^, ,„ r'drlfnth's. 838 W >'r Havis, William, 154 Rlanford Fly virtue- of an order of theIsea described In certificates ot t;ixfessed iffcniiiM you Mt w Court ineld ft-2300. 6-J Avnujp. Court of Chancery of New Jersey, sale* dttted June in, 183-'> mid NOTICE Fred. Hillside Avenue. made on the, date hereof, In a The siU.1 bill i* filed to abioluttly August 13. 1036, covering Lot S152delmr .mil forc^losi1 )mi from ail In acoordance with Section . Ki, Dunich, Eliiahtth, 17 Htjward cause wherein the Township of v . ot Woodbrtdie aeeki to get back MOVING—TRUCKING WoodhrldRe, ft municlftal corpora- In Blook 4SS-E and Lot tj In rlglij. nnd euulty of redemption, of, 'aragraphh 99933 , Article SI, of nnStreet. Block SI7-D, nn Ml« Asie'»m»nt in aiKl t,o tlie ]irtinl«es nescrlbtd DeRussy, Henry, SI3 Hahway tion of tho State ot New Jersey, LU WN To • M.TFa STORAQE - DKPEN*. A<'t iintltled "An Act to regulate Map of the Township ot Wood- crtilli'iiirs of tftx. iialet dated £ ™ * and Co. Inc., New Vork wcurltlai 'lection revision of 1920, . ap-Avenue. la complainantcomplat, ann dy youu and oth, ISBP, Middlesex County. Dereniber 1», ls;l, Marrh **, UIJ, :,,— l'ocal'and long d1ttaneyjijov; Dficliinger, Goldy, 5:0 Amboy ers nre the defendant!, you are REOPIN UBRART flr!n for tlw nflntnem, 0I m«- ; •1;j Madlion Ave., Perth proved April , II, 19J0" together And you, Matthew Cordock. un Fdbruary/ in, r.'SJ. February tl, with the amendment!! and supple- Avenue. requireeqnlri>d to appeapp r and answer the married, are made defendant, lie- 1931.', (trtubev 5, 1H32, November tl, A plan to rtia* money to reopen niclpal bondi, will jo to trial ment* thereto, the, fallowing namts Anna. 313 Oak Avenue. bill f saiidd complainanlit t on oro rhe mute you are the owner, ef reccn'd 1932, Mny !•'•. 193f> nnd Septtmbtr the tUrron Library for at lew* aoon deiplte a move made by the will b« removed from the Perms- Kdgar, Idclls, ISO Prospectt AveA - Jill Of 7h f, Jl t or 10, lliSi. cnnsrlng Lot 11! In Block fore the 7th of July next or tli 0,' part of tho premise* heroin. g Bl four month, by muni of appetl- ^^ ,or » 8ummary judpnent IPROFESSIONAL nont Raglttratlon Binders of the ii'iive described, nnd you mny claim •((19-C; 1/itj ...... BJocl«...,t. SERVICES Township of Woodbrldge, unless KMHI, James, 8:0 King George ttld' bill wll> be taken at con 11 la 14 in lni to (he varloui clube of Chi tested' sgatnat you. an Interest therein; ~,U-\; l.-ls ."1to s in ['.lock 159-J: voters appear personally before the Road. In HUirk 8S9-J; IjOta town wa* conitructtd by rtpruen- TOWN AT BRINK OF POKTWAIT AND t'nunty Board of Elections, Room I'Vrtak, Tiirkn, Mnrcnnl Avenue. The said bill It filed to aba" And you, JuliettJuliete iia.. Wnlln. wl- Lots t iinn 2i In HUirk 8S9J; .. mprciai. isipert work fuarait- lutely debar and foreclose you d iw, indtvinuftlly- .'.nd nj exe"ii.nx. 501) and 6(1111 In Block 100101 . LoLtt 9119taUvei of ortariuaUow at INBVSTRtAL BOOM 1 408, Perth Amboy-National Rank -"• 'LVUKS""H1^ S'1'^..ir-riiht-.nd.^ullyof ;re S15-IS5I ; LL« t 3M*!n Block ""», rtatonable, Theodore J. Bulldlnfr. S13 Statt Street, Perth andd ArthuAthr WolfWlef - nndl LollLi s WW. 1 Injn Blocr, S15-I; L«t 3M!n l a mMttng lut hl « th# h<*M Woodbrli)|e Towriihlp Is appar- • -. 1274 Fulton St, Rahway. dempln a, n p SID-A; L01 sis in BlBlockk 616111 ; LoLot Amboy, nn or before August 23rd, 1 FerteY, Elliabtth. 15 Peyser Kes described In certlfloatea of ta of Menko H. Wo]fi\ de'-easjil, a.e «7 In lihick 409-n- Lots 149 andof Mr*. A. T, Xanttolph, lUhvay ently at thi brink of a minor In- -1H74. Hit J | i IHSI. andprovi to'Thf "iiatltfactlon |*»r«et. Kso in ni"ik 4ii ,i-i , i^«t :ii in avenue. Within the neit week, duitrltl boom. With negotiation! 311 Fulton n( the said Middlesex County, Ferra.ro, Charles, nioe* 40C-I-' nnrt Lot MJ l|i Mlock letter! *UI be aent to the yartotu •omlni to a hud tn the proiptet- LREALTESTATE BROKERS Tloard nf Rlectlnns that they «re. Str.et. BUR on the Dftlnial Tax ami As- Klti'patrlck, Mary, 9« Main Street, orginlzatiew In Weodbndi*. ask- lvt location htre of Robblni It ts nf tht Tnwnnlii|i nf r^essmi'nesn ' Mapp nf the TonaTownahlpp nf tiallaen, Andrewf Harriott Ave- of MlddMlddlelfl X 1 JOHNSON CO, — REAL E8- and entitled to vot». Woodlu'idKi'. Crmntv ing for contributions so that the Ttnnev, Hew York manufacturers. -• Injurnnce. |«3-171 Smith The. following namet are renue- , Inquiries al«o have been received mnved fr>r tht rttson that iloulden, Mary Prospect Ave and ^late o£ Nrw .Ip library can be opined In the Pall, rih Amboy, N. J. Tel. P. Am, d e e p And \on, Corra-O^ ii Realtv ft rards. mallei! to th»m at. their ] nue. New tmk The amtunt let M being neceuary by local officials Rnd real eitatt (Jarber, Mavy .'. *« •fl)r<1 Avenue. Co, lni', Operators by two other concerns. It known address have bbeen .livhn Connolly, to maintain the library p«r tnonth lurhedfc'iy Ihe Postal Authniltlej Oai'htr, Vincent; J6 Ford AAvenue. | li If the three could be enticed to (Irazis, Saint Siaiilshins, Naiitmni 1» 1100.' SEWING MACHINES lndlcali?i that thty no longer re- 12 Ryan Catholic iConRregaiton, Chrtaty A. come to this municipality, employ- : r VllfALLMAKEfl OK SEW-side thf- e. Strffi. in Block.541. Snyder. Fnink Shafer, Ksther Cal- • • • liereli, Claiji, 26-"> firetn Itreet. | mint would be offered to nearly ,: in.'c nines;!, tuljust, J1.H0. Ui I* WOODBRIDGF. treet. Lota Hit Til In Block 942? Us NOTICE OF PIB..1C B4I.H W\v, Williailimm KhsfKi', Suaan llun- TOWN IN MUDDLE OVER Slutt, Perth Amboy. P. A. (iertk, iJeofijf, :«» ureen «7I to !«J, lit to 197 In Blook 347, TO WHOM IT .MAY niXCEUX; u, Hunsirkfr, Harold 100 perte-ris At thli time, how- Ande,r!on, L. Pearl, ill Railway ,ira), Charlat K, itntlne aicker Harold WATtH CO. fDRCHASE tf. Lots 885. (It, IIS t» Hf. HO. •« A' * reRular meclin«f u( Ilia Itoliert chninnrkl, Mlchele ever, there li no definite promUe Avenue. t i,jn Maler. The group! iiv Hopelawn, Home In Block 9B0, Loll 1MI to 1H5 in Township I'ommlttec nf the 'I'oivn- Zmnplno andd I'armcla Kamplnii, 'Blgf*. <-;«"i«"!, -'» Fifth Ktreit. J; Jlarv. IS3 EcdTen Street. l W now tin- Gardens, Avenel and other section! that any of the po«ibilltle« wilt 1 RUCKS STREAMLINED Buchan, HOM, 411 Blmwood Ave-i n' Vio'"jnVep'h 137 Vf!\A Avenu*. Block 955 Lots 1114 to 1199 In thlp of Woodbrldge held Mmulny, lua v.ifn o fllork 917' Lot* 1J>« to 1JU In Ma/ lMh, IDS*. I V/BB directed tn sk'a, »i« miTindfu t defendantdants c materlallM. nue. I Hun,;.,!, I'iari, 420 New BrunS- were made the vietlmi of falee Block S3», on the Assessment Map advertise the fact, that on Monday each ynu nro the owneri* of re- odel and slrcamllne your riiK-lian, Ficdjilck, »U Elm.voud ,1(,,( Avenllf of the TownihiTop pof Woodbrldge, evening1. ,!una 6th. '«" th''•e - T.nvn•'•—•«- p;ut of the ni'rmups lipro- ik ininto tlie latest models Avenu? Arthur, 11J Irrnve d nnd you may iiirttnder of much personal power. Bin l.-r. Ki. 5H1 Branford C'ounty ot Middlesex. CommitlPc wilt me. t at » I'. M. dr-.scrlbe d ;ind you Kf.ivity andd d p power taktake Martin, And you, Mary Norman, Martin (D. S. T.I. In thf C.ininilitue Ch:im- nlert-st t hhereini : Can we expect orfanlxed labor Avenvif. Clurlolle, 505 Oreen ulnim an TlnahlTleaionahlee prices '.Howard, nutstn and Alldn Knutaen,_hia be.rt, Meinoria^ Muiiivipul liiiililimt, Ami \;MI. Mis. .Ioil 11 H. Cunnollv. and organized industry to stop a. Marlboro Garaffe, Hate.s, Oeuld O., 24 Freeman Street. Street. wife Mary LaudenBlagir, Sava WoodbrldBe, New Jpisey, and rx Ml-;-. F'l-iiuk Shiitci', Mr». Wlillnm boxing and «tttl» down with tht IIM I!rldg«, N. J Harris. Casper. l%:< Fulion Streeti Kllshevlch _and Kota Ttllshevlchj post and^ sell at public Nile nnd to Calahro. ldillan, Urd Street- »«isman. .lessle, IOC. Maialn Street. Shafer. Mr«, Harold sh»tor, Mrs. Harold Maii-r ami Mrs. Rohart •ole. purpow of industrial produc- I'asplto, Anna, Tapp*n Hlreet. 1st van, Andre.w, H Coley Street tion for mutual adrantaie. If faspito, Joseph A I'appan Hlirfl. w l chuiiiiu-Ki, ;u-f> mnde defendatitii WANTED RAGS larobsen, William, *3« « because yr»n ari^, rexjifriively, the j contracts between organized labor Carli't. Clyde K., Super Highway- A\enlif. wliici'i, slie of handkei- .. Kmiiy, Aven'el Strttt \ Si reel. wives uf the shove named owners and industrial managers could be .1 r-11 Ki 11 a, Mur.v of vptonl iif tlio piemisrs heieln- l.tri;*)' waiittrt. Will i>rv(ine, Maria, il James Siipd I Kllinbeth. 5d Maple Ave- made Je* three or four year dur- II, Mld.ll.'Si-x rro.rt, IS Cci vuai1, lirmlnio. .33 JajusaL,,.'. ire the Qiviifrj. of record of p'trl bridge Township Assessment Mi ftbnvp/rtfito \\ ITTri.lKr-1. N. .1. Orecn vi)f th1,ipf p;prntnrlff, ,»s herelnlbofe d«- Tfte rilfthpv nHfloA tnm 1 mny clnlni t" have, flu Inchnuie ation Instead of one year. that. Slieft " j liridect, 19 E. of said Utttr, IMlrlck, t^l Rahwuf A\e-!,<|' scribed, nnd you may claim an ln-[Township Committed linn, by t-oso- tli^iit of dower in purl too, I believe, would help 111 for- i n III !* Marlln IS Garden Avt- Itereat therein; | lutlon and pursuiuit in lnw. ineraises; ward to stable industrial activity LOST I liunn. Mnrjnrlf, St. George Ave- And Anil ynu. Mr. Snyder. Mr (Ullow, and |)'ro»p««>HB workmen. Knrdasti, Mary, «H Woodbridge Fan Mr. lliinsiekei- Hint Mr Wnowrin- Geor ge A sliii, mil mnili' ili-ffndanifi tici-nttoi Ul-Mil.tt ITl'I'Y, 1.11 iiioiiih1*! Uunn. John C. SI ve- 'UKo!!erwliat»!! , Michae. J., 46 Wild- [yrm :IIC, respcultvrjv, liu* husbj;ntln I J A STA.BLE QOVERNMKNT- iiom N,.w ,,,,vfr «... cr.l^jnu^ ^,^^.kU.tltl owner* .of record oL.lllfc.DreiijiPiiD r—- •£- ••.-•• :.- . rir1-J,--u : IJT nu< iLTi/iVit itarrreil ntviiei* i>f !-•* aI •Al, POLICR. This rails ior-a.. 'id i.ffereil for return, W'Kr.iS-I.J,IAiilhonv, 103 Ford Ave- hti'clnabov-p. floscribedr^and you "i aaverllsiiig nils sale. _ cord <)f the iiriiii ' i«-.h,,,,, hnve nr m^iy °'~' "Ti.MVlk. ChSlKJ, S00 St. l.i. have or may rlalm to have nn In- Tal.o fui'thfi' nuiite thai at ileHrrlhel d und you I'onsolidailon of the gains the peo- nf LUlteay in P' Anlhuny, 24 Summit Ave- choate rlRht of dower in part of saie, , or unyy IUUC In wliiili it ni.tyy cliiiiil In hn\e ii i pit have made through the lart Bald ppremises . j p HELP WANTED Kin;'. .Mmgarft, '."fm l-'ulinn Hired. be adjourned, tho Township Com- pttit of BalU urn^nlHon; 1 yciM's nf National government, Frederick, .Khn. 3S7 School Ml reel. uur. Louise, 778 King And you, Mr. Norman and Mr. mltteeltt . reserves thth e rlfrhlht t i n itit sd disi - And you, Julius C. Corra, Kop, made defendant linctins* you |th withdrawal of those proframs 1 1 Wntkins rr.llll' Finn, George, 206 Fulton Street. Koperwliats, auden»l»ger- and Bernard Mandi- cretlon to reject any one or all 1 : Mi MAN r • > Ue.or»c Hoad. naoh, art mad* dehindajits bacauta bids and to sell aaiil lots ln said the, holder of a. certain niornii>rlR:iB;t i Mil' i;l;i.:!:ln, Rthel K, Iiord blrftt. koiiervfhatri,Knais ' John,' U king Uhdt bs bids and to sell aaid lots In said which have not worked out, and W. mdbrlrli?e Township. Orlmct. Mary, 4(1 Fifth Avenue. you are respectively, the husbands block to BUCII bidder .19 It maycovering pun. nl \\\%, tin mlstv i'ftsrre.1. Hm in, car* or (ieorge Road. th; amendment of those programs ! pr Oflniet, James W , 40 Fifth Ave-, Kardnn, ' Margaret, 4i8 New of the above named owners of selecteect, .d.due regargrd n Riven to herein «*. , and you • paper.. \n le. Brunnvvick Avenue. record of the premises herelnabova terms and manner of payment. In may chiim an lutereBt therein; which need revisions here and lioodyearr,, Klmninia, 42 Park'Avenue. d Orowe Mill noad, described, and you have or may case one or more minimum bids And ymi, Vljiccnl. Murablto, are. ther* In thn light or experience. (||4M'lilll UK NEW JEHIKV Ul t h iht t curtesy in «hall be'received 1 i:i 51.1 Gerns, Mrs. Mary. Fulton lJL rl. gaeVhT.m^,«TrW. S^Tha^^V of cune.y"i .hall b.Veelvei. mudfl defendant becaus* you "' ' Governmental admin 1st r a tors Kealy, Bteve, Gordon Avtnlie. part of aald premises. , I Upon acceptance of the minimum 11 Mi'i-hiinlr'H l.ien Claim In Kuttinne I ms.1 :i 1 Mr Die- Street. Jinr-.*. Jean Court liiillises I'nunty' rlcrlis lifllcp must look at llielr programs antl ir- Horiik, e A Mi 3H oak Av rt of the pi CIII- il h»i- liu.-.liaml. Muntf Julia, w«;ib;w,ei '<•*"• " - '^ ( hich limy efl't-i'L ^a tl1clr in lh 1U BY CONGRESSMAN authority p ''3 of what . Hi'rii lirouillti'i- anil Mr r.ruilil- lee liandolph,. II Orcen Stre.et. 'may be, of M. O. Ashley, are made ment thereof by the purrlutsn- IM-.I • ,,,-,*,,,,. iiPsi-rlherl, ami And you, Mr. or Mrs. M. G. Ash- hid, or hid nhove mlnimutn. by th ,_», , , ' Is us:'ul (nd'bL'iieflt'ial and neces- ii: Main .Street, case mgy be, .In part ot the pretn- a bRrtjiiin and tale deed for said' arr tlip holdelri r of( a e'ertair.'ermin i nl Mi-. Kiiinili II An- .Miinzicn, J, • Howard Street, lists herein which were formerly The folks on Capitol HI 1 are be- , , Ed, H, 3T Thorpe *«- iqes Herein wintii ncm IUIIU^IIJ premises. intuit wliich m;i\' ivffect part nf this don any poljcjr wnich hM or ll5 H Herbert, F. ,f. DUMl'lAN. rtasci-ihod. nu Meyers. Nathan. 4» Hoy Avenue. owned, by your wifo or hushanri, ginning 10 believe predictions that pUrrjMe.seif.perpeUiatlon »nd »^- Mr. Heyvr, her liutlund, An- j r. , Tnwnslilp Clerk. .„.,_.. will adjourn «ometlrno r Cathotine, 31 Thorps Muriluik. Harry, ford Avenue. as the cast! may be, and In whose anil vnu may claim an Interest *• —111 -JinMim •nnmtlrrin I"Iflcation. *»,_._ • \ Hllib'n, Anioiih Uuerri Herbert, Mo/rifleld, May. Colonia Avenue. DATED: May 17lh, litt ;„, ,„ his wiff, Julia Avenui. deed of conveyance you failed to W.I. 5-27; 8-3 llK:|-Cill ; between the flrtt and fifteenth c! • • ' -M .Ir>hl!Jr>n, Mfi Mallnak, Mae, 104 Old Road, Join; tin- reprliretperlivv * unknown June. Many business people have A? In every admrnutration, there 1 atatnslck, Rudolph. 737 Railway And cm IHr.ihtnskl ami Mi -' l-;»paii,d(iii Street. And you, Olio Hosier, are made 1 and personal rep- Mill Fifth j lleil :!, llni b-^en urging early adjournment o{ Is room ior this subjective analysis II •orporatlnn. Hortnn. Edward J.. A% defendant, because yot) may olgim of Jullua C. Corra, "• '.ll • (' a KOTICB OF PUBLIC SA1.K reentati in the pr&csnt Administration. .1 Mrs. Bd- Avnue^ McDonald, Margaret, H Melbourne to have a right of curtesy In part jolm' H. »;onCtongWI.- M H moat ntcessary fac- K'l i aid N. 1 ii-mils A Bertha, 1» Cramplon Ave- ms e war TO WHOM IT MAY CUXC1SKN: Viuct'iil Mui-aliito, wile, Mary I Hy lite da- M Ci.iy iind Mr. ,i:i>', her hvis- *lillvH'. Helen, 15 Jean Court. Avenue. ChitinChristinaa Roster, and In whose Township Committed or the Town- Harold bi! d. K.lwaril "iuinl." and Lillian Thomas, 71 Hamilton rieed otf conveyance you failel d to ship of WoodhrldKe held Monday. ir-;nlstra,tors ratlier than by Con- 1 .'.iinh^pjhiH wifi'. ,lnhn 11 Bnwen join; The fact ts thit Congress will gress, slnre the administrative *• " M;u v A. Unwen. Ina wife, liiuliholni carl. 34 Park Avenue, N ,„„„ ,,„),„, ,-,|R Alnmn Avenue. And ynu. the respective unknown r I! Jitlinsnii- aud lirar:« aoor depart,. and then Congress branch of our jjovornniont opji- lng>h«.lni. Klsle. 34 Park Avenue.- Ceter. 17-1 caniilne street. hrlrs, devisees and personal rep- v '"ii. liis wife,, Mr. dayton. ifnb-en Anna, Av.nel Street. NuriMa, Mary, Terriicr Avenue. resentatives of Mary Norman, Mar- car. no lonjer b* blamed for ob-atos untlor rulos ai . Allda Kniitecn, structing recovery, Will our depar- set up ftftrr the ennblins law is \ li'iiica and Mr. ftonia. iiennedV U ,lhtrt, 1« Fifth Avt- I'aynn, Seyme, (!3 t'nlpy Htrret. his wife, Peter Kepes and Juliu lii^luml, Uforne K. li.iuman turn from Washington greatly re- enacted. Congress would be glad Ih.'i I'«Lfr.i. Laura, Mawby Street. Kopet, hit wife, and Frank Tapler, lleve the nation of Its Ills?" It can !}"""""V. Z"^'"~-,'"," "",7, „ I.'UIIK, Iiauman, Ills wife. Julius. Crows Mill Road. Post, Mabel. 20 Ford Avenue. and their or .any of their heirs, 1 Yniiluvii'V H » und Kliiuitievh Alexander, Crows Mill Poke, Lillian, Sonora Avenue, devisees, mculors. administrator!, I i,v ;: ^"",.e. I'aul'w^1 WoyKoi K,nk... Alexander, Crow, Mm c Lord »nd' ^* *i Kathtrlne, ,231 Fulton tranteet, assigns or nuccesuort In terma of ... . rljtht, title or inttreat are made |ilii|l,a.nl, ' Street. s Townihip Clerk open to inspection Snllcllnr fin I humbly suggest three needed; (aM prove tnEt ,|,e aroendment t'amais, Stfuhcn, Oak Avrrilic." • parilea dtfenjant, because they and to be publicly reail iirlm- tn 17t» Market Ttodner, William. 30 Second Sir*"'"•inn- v claim an Interest in the linds Bale, Lot 1 In Block ".Vi. Wood- N. J. changes, which if effected tluvugli | would bencM the people. ,Lilno- Ideflcribfd In said bill nf cnmplaint. \\>=| Kiv.lf Sullivan, nrldset, 6riCuttPr»' Drldge Township Assessment Map. Ttatrid: May liitli. the uu of a great deal of com- Sharrle, Anna, 16 Peyser Street. Eunene Blankenhorn, Take ' further notice that the 3. AN INFORMED POPULAR Solicitor for Complainant, Township Committee has, by reso- W.I 5-n:'fi-:\ 1« mon sense and a good measure n'l t:li ^A^Srisz ^ K! »J ir-? Sullivan, John A., 2,iS Amboy WiLJi. Ntifniier three I throw In 170 Market Street, lution nnd pursuant .to law, nxe ' I an* ti unknown heirs dev bid, or bid above mlniiriiiiii, by tlie which can only obstruct the good unknown heirs, devisees Township Cummttteelanri tint pay- also to see His wondrous works. McNe,l, Cora. ..Sew Mr.... WThi>ma»ula.' Elizabeth. 213 employer. Both movement! require of America. .ire i-i'Oiiirea in «rji>t«i , T 5 1 ment thereof by the purchaxer 11c- We have the intimate account of Mc.s«i|. Mcreo, SI N-«J "" ' Brunswick Avenue. Aaron Helm, James ('. Harris, Sum 1 altruistic conferences with the sole To Iniure $10,004 DepoiUi ,- ,h- hill uf aalii complsln- offernwii. Ann, H»i Avenie. Tyler, Charles H., St. Georgn uul [I. Davis, Laurn Davis, Walter cordini[ to the manner of purdwisn ~" - the inner circle o( .„ ,„• liefore the 18th day .<>f In accordance with tarnis of salo oLjective that of obtaining ihe ufferman. Frederick, Hr»t A»« Fiedler, Marjrherlta Coletti, James lu Congresaman Henry B. Bteagall, if-M, or the said hill "HI •»« A e 1\ Edgar (former owner) and e, the Tuwnshiy' will '- "- greatest good' possible for both sides V Xln,Aniia, 36 H«n».n. jUanjKj for sal xmnv or series .of. talks, that wh> Is chairman of the Banking as ,-unfe«sed a«[»ln>t )">"• le. Viririle L'll»»f. Rallrnad Camp. Frank Baurntartner and Mary a bargain of the table. It would require I ha . Mid bill 1» filed to abso- PoiTlne, (Jlara Trienu- Si reel. WB call the Sermon on the Mount am: Currency Committee, and who 1 Winters, Russell, Tender Ave- Baumgartner, hit wife, and their premises. ,|,li,,r «nd f"retl"»e you 'i, James ft., 461 "' or any of their heirs, dev!ae,ei, ex- ,T. DUNIGAN, which came out of this commun- therefore should reflect, more than - all rlnlit anil <>i|ulty of re-. Frank Mrs.. V>;""willlambiocht. Fred, SU Florida ecutora, adtniniatratorE, cranttes, TownTownihln p Clerk. He told, them that thty should an • other member, the will of ii,in , ( In anil 1» -t"e pri'in- , .. .. r, Frank ion with Jesua as He met with His assigns or auccttiort In right, title DATED: May 17th, 1038. tell no man. of the wonderful the Committee, hu introduced *, .„ J.| Regeniburrr,, Frd^k, ' WrlBhr, James,- 20 Rvergeen Ave- things they had seen until aftermeasure which If enacted would ho!i.r 10, 1935, Januiiry II, 1»J». |Avenue. nu Hy virtue of an order of thi But here, even from the inner His resurrection, but they did not 1 7 Ilrlliacn '- 26 1-leasant Ave- Court of Chancery uf New Jersey Iniure bank deposits up to 110,000. Vet-inn Lot. 34 and 3", In Block | Bot,rB, Johanna I Zuaitski.-Anna, NOTKB OF PUBLIC SALE circle of twelveve, wwee have Jesus lj0 muilo on the day of . the date even understand, at the time what Fment law insure* ail accounts - ,1.1 3U-R in Block 613. | .\ve-'i'ue. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-. of the dlsclple*- 1 hereof, in a!-,cause wherein th* regular meeting of ihu three He meant by- nn WTBNSBEB tt $5,000 and under. )u Township nf Wo*W>rld|[e, a At uunnij HUES. hn_ d bring* Fifth] iikmTf X State of!TownLhlp Commltte•"-•a o-ft Oit e "- rising again frofr m the dead. How Richards, Clementine, gy Walter J. f 8 Peter, James and John--and bring- tanwdtete InenaiH T£ elmfe ' and jthlp \t Wo,Jbrld,., hc.d ing them up onto a high moun- theh y t havhvee recalled this w- .lames''A'. Dempsflr. • iney tinuBir HAVE in>i»u v...- — Secretary. lad that on Monday tain, where they had an experi- perienc* after the crucifixion and under the authority granted the 1838. the Town- ence that must have strengthened S-JO. 27, the Resurrection! What confidence president ln the Big Navy bill re- ant of or before the HI ^ their, faith and In some wayi xkbiS; Lots « »n4-tl la BIMfc ^hubcr!. « be taken riet* CHANCERY "oi NEW JBBSEY to tbso- Wobrlf, How J«iti'j-, twi tx-on the mountain, Jesus became In 16 10 IS In Block 159-B: j-ots, Su n, Juhn. IN The said billl Ilsa lfle•> M In Dinek 6-0 on the, Of-, Vftiuilecsoo. ti f i tl such experiencei ! i|i» the llvall ii of , ,lrcroft c ,, || :: oak- Of Nfi f«'s dewrlbedwrlb d in "rUflcatM off ttaxThTowimhll p Clerkk uptp tu inupeoMun whiteness ot another world. - And lrcroflft t cwrierwrier ; llghllghtt crMcrM MrS 1 Tax mill AtBeaimenWnodlirlt Map•K °J 1 Av-nut Margaret, and to be publicly read prior to of us. JhJh e dUclplei did not roy« r ^•ndtr: II TolTolll tttik«ntttik«n.:: T,,iMi«hlp of WoodhrldK«. vanOlecHon, Bate, Lota II and 18 in Block along with Jems theres iappeared d all 4 ddMtt and State ot n A U upon Uvf mountain top, They ta , v1ta 8ky? *Fr.'nU, St. S ot 10TS-M, WoodbrldRt Townihip Ai- two, 'Whom the disciplewhs oIdentifie talked Jlf-jn In Block «0-D,,H "o?."u as Elijah and "--••" «"«» talked »!'i ymi, Kathrlne Dlettal. tlliabeth, Kt. 189 In Biook 110-q, ai-*s in Blo«k Tt,k» furtlier -notice thut the with Jesus. r, Laura Alma Broullllei;, Avenue. fin u 1 Jit «2U n Blook »H-t. Township Committee has, by reso- . H. Andrews,' Dora Heyi-r, William, lution and punutiu to Uw, fixed Peter always the ready spokes- Wilkinson, • • -'-- " •"hipi« null! lira i,i|uuHM v« -rr- - „ snld the re- di-.-w A. Hlhben, Antonio Oierru, £ t a minimum .pri< man, was so overwhelmed by thecame down from the mou w Ilrahlntkl, Kdward S. ''«: tht) bill of tald complnlium un orJ6;"«&i^:^.'I j. ™ift lots in SRiaaid bbloc;kk will bua solo d tu- minded by the MuUr that they Mary M lirny. Edward Lietoiu the 30th day uf June next, Hlock , Block (0»-K, gother with all "tliei1 detnlls per- vision that in hl3 eagerness, he h 3 amri.llllan Qinnl>», hie wlff, I or the, said bill will be taken its Hock I0D-K, tinent, said minimum price beinK ^claimed, "Master, it U good for • cuillesaeii against you. ' find LotLoisl <12-K MI <,,»„ , _ II. Hov.r-11 iiml John » 13,000.00 plus trie costs of n) 111 to be here; and let ui make STC £ S3* ... hU wife, Eluton E. Juhn- I The said bill l> filed to abso- ththe Aateiament Map of the Town- iii( deed and adverttBluK tli s;ilf n, move, lutely debar and foreclose .you alilp of Woodbrldge, County of it tabernacles; one for Thee, ¥3 i M;ny A. Rdiica, Gjorge K- frum all right and equity of re- Tak* further notice tii:a nt nuid MiddlesexMiddle . nale, or any ilati to wHlch It nmy I one tor Moies, and one te* m Ui Miiiui and l.oulm Baunian. »'• ttumptlun o( in ujid to tl\o prem- ml you, Aaron Beim, Donttnlck to daUy tufa irlth tht * |«, .luhn YunkavlCB and t»*»" And Bi Dontenlck be adjourneddjurned, thth t TownshiTlp iL'om C-m 1 itss deuurlbed in certldcutea of «u, James c. Karris, |»muel I). mlttM resurvee the right In IU rils- tower »e Juimmt n'mirfhelrdutle temeved, fhm i and "T~7 ~"~T"","", _ |h VimlinviiB, bin wlff and Pa" • -• •«!« dated Junt Vth, 1 i*2v. ,it and f>aura Davit, Amfcrim We are told that he knew not 1<", urn mud* dtfundantri be- Idrlch, Walter VlNtjer, Mar- obligationjuit s 11wer reasl ntheio rles duts lurgent, Albert Corbln of Hull, Eng.. was e I'ai'h of you are the owners jam.. A. what he said—which has bean iriitK coltttl, Frank^paMmilrt- and yet-whayetwhat it meant to have convicted of bigamy with all his '•'•"rd of part of the premise! .•».T Baumnrtntr, true of more than on--.. e wh»i.on hhas 2 iiiahiiv* dcmilbi'd and you may made defendant!, because abovaw. e thins dalidallvy life the sense ol " *°ns fdiin r courtdifTeten. Tht emothel ' —t W: 1 mb r U had some extreme emotional re- n 1 an Intercut therein; uaVlOth ^''•"rn a 1.7'«V^^f0 ^oT»re thV7wn(r.of re- nner «f py thlrf triumphMJt eiperlence! caai one or more minimum ligious experience. Moreover, the id you, Mrs. I'ranele H. An- NOTICB 1932, covering Lot" if ,^^ll)ck ^J $ Jart v( tht prjrakei here- We ihould not value such ex I Mrt. tiutlTii, Mn. Kdward l^w • «^ «- shall be received. dliciples were airtld; there WM We ihouW not vilm »uoh ex- electricity fi«e4. •» In aveordsne* with Htction 5, 'Upon acceptance of th« minimum l i to iiUs, Oracu Jnhnton ani "»•• I'IC'( claim an Inttrtit th*'. something appalling and over- tremely •motlontl Mmmm t» .^"n was flnUhed in a *» Paragraiih 2>l, Article 1 28 nf an •Im, -Mri. bid or hl&' above minimum, by tho I^ A\uyku, »ra made defeftdaiitiAct entitled "An Act to regulate '" 'And you. Krt. Ajrot fnwnthlifpp CommuteCommitte*e and thtint paywhelmin- g to their human spirit! ' 1 you me. re»l>tctively, ">• elections, revision of lt!0, approved htrtof uy tht puixhaner »'•- girt-*h«m *<» U*11^ w* »"*** nf tlie uliuva nanud j/wnjrt eleApric l II, ltlt" tttiethei i with ththe ment th In this manifestation. But there candlee April II, ltlt ttti aupplemente twSfKKScdefenda- cordinigg to the mtnntr or purchase make sure that from iU the ex- ud ur iliij premltet nertin- mtndmtntdt a anandd aupplemente Waltlt'r >ledler. art mad, «« In aqeordanot with terma ol m\*came a. voice out of the cloud desiM-llifd and you have or nnme» have ..„,. hicauit you art tnt r« In e perl-snws oo KM mountain top, theretoht , the followingfollowi ; nnmeInens imt< jio.A; Lon >«< oil tilt, the Townihip will deliver ttylng, "This Is my beloved Son Mn. C. J. ParkiAS of 8t. •lulin to have an inch»»tj been removed from the I'trmanent A bargain and tale dted for said hear ye Him" wV get btct into the realities of f'lhdrew ht; suit for i\\av "I duwer in part of aajd Retjlatratlon Blnderi of the Town- Itrimlttt daily Ohrl»M»n ltvlnf. mat Is •t v toi •hip of Woodbrldie for the reason B, J. IiUNKJAN, It, wai then that the dtielpln her husband fool: th* "' MJU, Mr. Dlettal, Mr. Broull the real twt of the Mister's pr«- that slid registrant!) have not I (ound- themselves with Jesus alono, ence md ol our loyalty to Hun- lid not to drink lUiuw. imlmml i>r . Luura Broullller, * •• • Oeneral Klectlun [or 1 fllobk 817; fM^iiprcralKBprcmlt«s: . „ -„ , At they utmt down the mountain, Laura And y«u. Mr. Tiavlt and Mr, Co- PATKn May 17irT, 1 OSS ittti. are made dtftndantt, btcauieiW, t »-;i, «-},

you are, res be THIRD SECTION. PAGE FCUR Friday, May 27, 1938 WOODBR1DGE INDEPENDENT

;;.,. jw:.;,1,!-. b..: mrro B' ;ndic«- . ihere will be a need for the iJn- ',.!.= r! abnormal tendency the rnln Tunnel There Is not that Fords Notes -.;rl* .>!Umlrl liavr authority to nerd now. Therp are now too many c:.'i ipiino and discourage From this bridges ronnec-ttng the two rtatei. oil jprins some o! frar worst There caft be nver-bulldtn« of ar. —Mrs. J. B. T;.;;.<: -u' .;, mine Individuals who bcg'.n »iili mur-statf iranfporUtlon system diarfte ol (he tan] p.~»r:•• is.':. '.h.ftf minor aberrations are '.iltely Since the Hart of New York Au- WednrFdav a: s.hc.f'. >»"•• \ t. •n develop into much moir s*nou.« thority Is ir.cllW, 'o criticize New the PareiH-Trai Ur: .\-'<»',:••"•••:. offenders and should be checked Jersey for its (Allure to find »nd i.' posiible. We are far Jrom an el- spend million? o: dollars in pro- —Thfl. Fords WcniM, .•• Rf;y*fc,iur. ficient v Mr? Jan'." Sl'.aiinrk. lated into better prar'.ica: mums City. Weehiwiien and North Ber- Mrs. Hubert Clir.e sri il:.- HaK of prot*ctir.g socieiy Iron-, him Too geii are not yet completed and ».'.'. Sthmidi. often, it h».= t*en mwtiken'.y ap- not be for another \nr at >a«t ic wpaken prn;ec;ior. —New Bmn»««ck H»me \ew».

•Mrs. B<;. U.irdo.iA •«:'.' V :r, rds Woman s Ciiib, •» The Port ol Ne* York Authority 1 Mr. and Mr.' Zolton Papp ar.a !•«« decider . Ida*. :: •> advisable to di^ehter Ui'.ian and Mr? Antor. Mr?. Ocfir \..m- »,;: fr.tcr;ain deief Thr i orople'.ip". oj the north Papr*: vbited friends in Bndcepnrt. tube of '.:-.» UncV.r. T.mnel. J*an]y ilie Bul'ders sdheiy H the Me;ho- and Stamfcrti Cor.n over tne ber»,.ie nl Ne« Jev.v". .« failure to OUR CUSTOMERS DRIVE TO LOWER PRICES BRING THESE riis; Episcijpsl Crwrcri W •n-eek-end al her home. \ proMtie Mjificier.t feed routes Th« ' o:!-.er reas-or. ^ !ha' the revenue procured tv the with tube, winch The Checker". w..l ir.ee: it 'he - -Mr?, Chiif'.an KiMfi-r ol «a? optried !aj: December, has horrie of Mis* Stephar.v ?harc MARVELOUS BUYS » Store Open Tonight 'till 9 P M.. Sat to 10 P M. RVRII Street v;\\\ be hones' w b*en R'.ir.n^ :;eeiible: anyway. H Ford Avenue. Fords, June IP. tlit Woman's Socirv rf -.lie- ha' been for View expectations MelhKltJt Fpisccpai ChjKh .' .r.« wi-.e:-. 'he rcT.struction of the C D PM(er. Mr and Mr? 10. 1 Beat This Value If You Can! ['< 1 ,],.c',:. Tur.r.*'. was projected with Chailc? ,Piei::«r and Mr a-d Mr; Vti T-^im- f»innwi4l assistance, this William'Bertram wsited (nend: U! 600 Men's New — An «nr,-.sa'. *;ravberrv frcnj; 1 1 r:ew.'pap»r eiprei-sed doubt as to vown Svnday. s. Sport & Beach Wear will be held b . :he. Uir..»- A:c •hf r.-.'.Mioin thereof, pointing ou: Society of Our Recrerr.rr lVi'.?r*n '•j-.f1 r no'.i'.fl br in competition POLO SHIRTS Eighth grade students o! thf FOR MISSES and WOMEN Church Jun; 9. »,:;•. ;he Holland Tunn»l. which !-.art been pavini its way The opin- Keasbey Sthro! will holt! M'rr.ot- —WilUrri Di,rusir. v. .£?H" «"• lcr. wa' t!w: r.e*' tunntl construc- larexerci.-es tocay - at 9 A M A Lehigh Univffit;- *..'• *r..r.-. '.:?::•>::or. Siigii* wa/. -.intil the Holland performance will be Riven m the rolltfe lor the v;rr.n"ipr nn rnjo^nhlr '.hose views inf shown in all the men's fashion lor the vetfia&i'st MT..O PS:K four »ords « day to her lor 'A rtrr: ( utntirji. alnrk*. rlay iinttft iind majailnes and smart men's ohop«. Wednesday. ..Swn» >earf hcr.c«. imdoubiecv-- mrralU. >>lir« 14 tn S*. Gaudio and button styles. IMain col- —A clambake •»;'.'. b« he.r. by TOPPERS ors and novelties. All slies. th» rords Lior.t Cinb .' :r.'. '.8 at WOMEN'S PLAY SUITS Genuine B.V.D. polos at $1 ThompMr. s. Ha:: Joseph Andmsrik $199 llr prppnrrd for ihr flrni bolt- -*Mrs. •VVuinrti D..i-.:.i:r, .• MM 562 ST. GEORGE AVE. WOODBRIDGE tfitlon of *X?\m In 1*m rulor Howard Madisor.. Mr- Frar.t Dur- MEN'S WASH SLACKS rREF nELIVER\ PHONE 8-131* Hhile ind Cnlori rrntft-lAl*. MIM 14 In Jft . 59. ham. Mr Ralph Uicle and- Mrs Clifford Dtir.hair. p. re a-.tf-r.f.ir.t; \rn pittttrnn fn the' state coi-.vr.tio:.' for Worr.t:/.- SWHT> Whole Women's BEACH SLACKS ,,hllr durk«. V,\*tj pair Cubs being hcla ir. AtlantK Ci'y. TRIMIIM ^ Half well tlllord. W*«T \. si \( KS anil «>T* TO«r lor apiirt or Wps^fc »ff«r. HM ^^^ • nll«. AH (link fl»» I \r« xjln In n»ij. Mrclj ^T *^ \nlurn irLmmed. Slira |4 In '!«. Mm. J ^V ( tcnther, Kilrn nlir* 01>v . Other Editors Say Sprint Legs of Lamb GABARDINE SLACKS WITH BELT Minor Sex Offeniei FRF>H K1HI II «% <| \ DU'II niiend 11 lot 11I time *. ^| A 1 Jl.RSI.V FRtSH <% "^ Women's New BLOUSES In Klurkii thin »»!»•". (t I M/l A; the in.-lhiiif vi Municipal LONG IM.\M> # I Pork Loins llrrt unit mm In Ike ll«f A • ,i/4 Crcii Sn-.it. iiiUorsed. by DUCKS *• • I «nltift. I'rrmmirni fitiUli, nnrtpllirr 10 »t«k up "I T • hitr Jusilcr Smuteby- Auuiant lb. lb. fn*t i'nlf^f ftrRiind fw. l*n*tfli lhl< nrr.nrmiiiii low »rlr». • nnri nhllr. Drritr nnlj.rn RUMPS Of lOvrry Mblrt |in>-

•••-'/.>•-) ENTIRE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF MEN'S HIGH GRADE CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS ! COTTONS • All Sixes New Spring • All Widths • All Heels 100°° All Wool SUITS Otkcn Vit to J1«D All Suits Priced to $20, Mow Because of bad weather and' business conditions we are - MEN'S and BOYS' CHILDREN'! WHITES foreed^-at the height of the ttason — to raise cash and CREPE SOLE OXFORDS STRAPS — SANDALS — TIES , therefore sell at a loss! New Spring Men's Suits in all the REDUCED FROM REGULAR STOCK ! n and White Saddle latest styles and patterns. Kvrry garment hand-tailored • All White * ml guaranteed IMI'i all-wool. • All Brown It's reallv the buv of a life- lime. Cot ynurs before they

are. - tout.

lte HoB$ $25 to $30 SUITS $14.95 ? 7 Reg. $3 Voluei • 8Vi to 1 Get a Bog lor Ev«ry Men's Sanforii«d Men's ^hite, Brown N«w Outfit ,, WOMEN'S SPORT WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S "SHARFrt" and Black WomenV Slacks White In all new Sport SANDALS SADDLE iSk^\OXFORDS HAND- -Hies and FOR KIDDIES BAGS • White patterns Oxfords • Pastels 8Vz to 2 Lxiepliuiul .alut-s al our

r«•(**» nnrtofes, toy runilr l» AB tm«h ttnri and fitted. 3 to 8 U "tau4 ttttn ineiadiaf wuh- Vol. $1.98 99 FREE! FREE! SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY^CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY SCHINDEL'S GIVING AWAY $164.50 BRAND NEW 1938 Kelvinator Refrigerator CHINDFL The Quality Shop O* UUMAT I* APTUANte DtPT. 5 YR. GDARANTtE ffte frtoe Uckct wM k« |ben wlUi «fh purchut rtiardleat of the Li L\K| BtUVKt-N OAK mmi. DtywM Utkct tn koi Ucvt^A in Appllan<« Uept. iHain Floor- [NT STORES 286 MTH STREET AMI PKObl'ECT PERTH AMBOY •«w . Lack; Waan wiU be anoomnctd Satudaj night, Junt 4Ui 97-M5 SMITH STREET PERTH AMB0V \