
Every Reader RARITA WNSHIP The Beacon at the Beacon ahould keep In mind that *nvites news articles and expression! the tdT«rtiMinentfl carry as much A opinions on timely subjects from our "punch" as the news articles. Erery readen. We welcome all such contri- advertiser has a menace for th* read- butions and will publish tham as tar ers and uses tnls medium because he knows the readers desire to ke«p as possible. But, it Is very Important abreast of frrery adrantage a* well as that all correspondence be signed by know what's eoine on. tha writer. "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. Ill No. 28. fORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938. PRICE THREE CENTS

PAYING THE PIPER! OBEY TRAFFIC LAWS! RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — RARITAN TOWNSHIP.— ELECTED REPUBLICAN The FIREMEN SELECT Scores of motorists were fined PISCATAWAYTOWN AWAITS WORD Along with theannouncement MUNICIPAL CHAIRMAN SCHOOLS REPORT in police court over the week- that all township*schools have end for various offences from opened this week, Police Chief RAMBLING improper registration to Charles Grandpean issued a A10% DECREASE THOMAS SWALES speeding. OF PWA HEADS ON NEW FIREHOUSE warning to all motorists who REPORTER Charges with careless driv- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Further action on securing a use Woodbridge, Plainfield ing, Yankel Kroll, 26, of 1420 and Amboy avenues that IN FIRSTJRADE Says AS SHOW COACH Stebbins avenue. New York new firehouse for the first district in Piscatawaytown speed laws in these school JOHN POWERS NAMED GEN- City, was fined a total of S10. awaits action of PWA officials on the application of the zones will be strictly en- TOTAL ENROLLMENT, IN- Hi taxes The complaint was preferred forced. ERAL CHAIRMAN OF COM- board of fire commissioners for a grant to cover part of CLUDING HIGH SCHOOL, by Wendell Slavick, of Piscat- Motorists who exceed the * * * MITTEE IN CHARGE the construction. 5,189 AS OF YESTERDAY awaytown. For improper re- The commissioners announced that they expect word speed limits past the schools Racing next year? gistration, Edward Lawless of will be given a summons and + * * RARITAN TOWNSHIP.-Thom- Philadelphia, Pa., paid $3 and from Washington on the application some time this month. brought before the recorder. ELIMINATE TEACHING JOBS Barbour will win. as Swales, Sr., was again named costs. Arthur A. Connelly, of The grant will cover half the cost Grandjean will post police- WOODBRIDGE.—As an- * * * coach for the annual minstrel Washington, D. C, was assess- of building the new $30,000 fire- men in these areas each school show of Raritan Engine Company ed $2 and costs for passing on house. day to enforce the speed laws ticipaited, a decrease of 10 "Flat Foot Floojie" apt- No.l, Piscatawaytown section ,at a the dirt shoulder of Route 25. 250 YOUNGSTERS Following receipt of the dispo- and protect the school chil- percent in first grade enroll- ly describes Middlesex meeting held Tuesday night in the Raymond L. Jeffreys, of Dur- sition of the application, a special dren. ment in the Woodbridge Woodbridge avenue firehouse. ham, N. C, was fined $5 for election to provide the district's For the past few years .the county's political situa- The show will be given some passing a red light. ATTEND CLOSING share of the fund will be called if township has had a clean slate Township Public, schools, tion. time early this winter. John. Pow- Fined for speeding were: Ar- the grant is approved. in accidents involving children was noted in the second day ers was named as general chair- thur F. Sittner, St. Louis, Mo., If the plan for the construction of school age and motorists of school according to an an- * * * man of the committee to be in $10; Michael Dibenedetto, of the new fire headquarters goes are urged to cooperate with nouncement made last night If the Republicans *of charge. Further details will be Richmond, Hill, N. Y., $4; Mor SUMMER PICNIC through, the present building will the police department in up- considered at a meeting next ris J. Huebschman, of Cincin- be abandoned and a new site will holding this record. by Supervising Principal the county want to break month. atti, O., $10; Robert M. Cle- AT PISCATAWAYTOWN PLAY be secured, since the present lot Victor C. Nicklas. into the win column, why Fire Chief George Graff, chair- ments, Jr., of Nashville, GROUND TUESDAY -- is too small for the large building The total enrollment, including don't they offer a ticket man of the bazaar committee, sub- Tenn.; $3; Leo Herbert, PRIZES AWARDED planned. the High School as of yesterday, mitted a completed report on the Slempter, of New York City, The new edifice will be 50 by FOUR INJURED IN was 5,189 as compared with 5,- something like this: Aug- results of the annual bazaar held $10; Harry Cirafesi, Norris- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — A 100 feet, with space on the 359 at the same time last year, a town, Pa., $5; Ralph C. Dor- ust F. Greiner, of Wood- two weeks.ago by the company. picnic and program marked the ground floor for three pieces of James S. Wieht decreaso of 150 pupils. Arthur Latham was delegated to val, of Philadelphia, $5. closing of the regular summer sea apparatus, suitable quarters for 2-CAR ACCIDENT A decided increase was noticd bridge, for freeholder; purchase knives and forks for use son at the Piscatawaytown com- pad firemen, storage space and a WOODBRIDGE.—At a meet- in the enrollment of Iselin School William C. Wilson, of in the firehouse. mons playground, under the direc- meeting room. An auditorium, ing held last night at the Mem- No. 15 and Sewaren school, but Plans were made for a social to tion of the WPA recreation divi- with permanent stage and seating orial Municipal building:, Jaincs this is due to the fact that both Perth Amboy, for free- follow the next meeting for all G. 0, P. LEADERS sion and sponsored by the local capacity of 600, will occupy the MONDAY EVENING S, Wight, was elected the muni- schools have eighth grades this cipal chairman of the Republi- holder; Victor c. Peder- members of the bazaar committee recreational sponsoring committee second floor. CRASH ONLY SERIOUS ACCI- year. Last year eighth grade pu- sen, of Clara Barton, for who were not members of the com Tuesday. can party. The meeting was at- pils in both communities were pany and also for members of the TO MEET T0N1TE More than 250 attended the af- DENT OF HOLIDAY WEEK tended by county committee- transported by bus to School No. sheriff, and Walter C. minstrel cast of last year. The af- fair and participated in the vari- END IN RARITAN men and women from all over 11. the Township. Christe-nsen, of Clara Bar- fair will be held on Tuesday, Oc- ous contests. Prizes were awarded POPULAR FORDS Abolish 5 Staff Posts tober 4. Elwood Rush and Chief to the winners. Following the pro- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — De- Mayor August F. Greiner was Mr. Nicklas also reported that ton, for County Clerk. Graff will be in charge. AT SHADY BROOK gram, refreshments, including hot spite the unusual heavy traffic chairman of the session and three teaching positions in the- cl- * * * Following the meeting, steamed TO COMPLETE PLANS FOR dogs, punch and candy, were serv- throughout the Township over the made a stirring plea for harmony imentary schools and two teach- clams were served by the refresh- ed. In a feature volley ball game, GKLTOJUmtY weekend, only four persons were within the party ranks in the ing positions" in the High School Large public expendi- ment committee. SECOND ANNUAL PICNIC the Piscatawaytown girls' team de FORDS.—Mr. and Mrs. Benja- injured Monday night in the only Township. have been eliminated this year. tures can only be met with SEPTEMBER 18 feated the Henry street team, 3 min Sunshine, of 50 Maxwell ave- serious auto mishap of the week- The entire faculty of high school large taxes or, eventually, straight games. nue, have announced the bethroth- end. and elimentary schools including Two Ainboyans Fined 'RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—A spe Mrs. Matilda O'Connor, Paul al of their daughter, Cynthia, to Mrs. Julia Miele, 27, of 219 Clin- principals, supervisors and super- (repudiation. cial meetng of the Republican Berrue, James Costa, Raymond Phillip M. Shapiro, of Newark. No ton street, Trenton, suffered in- vising principal numbers 196 as For Maliciousness county committee members, poll date has been set for the wedding. FORDS MAN HELD * * * Giles and Joseph Batkin, mem- juries to her abdomen, police said, compared with 201 last year. clerks and election officers will be bers of the recreation division, Miss Sunshine attended schools when the car in which he was a The enrollment in the various Now that Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE.—Charged with held tonight at the Shady Brook and Mrs. Agnes Gleen Saunders, in Perth Amboy and Fords. She passenger was struck by the ma- schools at the end of the second Township Republicans malicious mischief, Stanley Kipsey Grove. chairman of the sponsoring com- was graduated from Woodbridge chine of Prank Agostini, 2 Green- FOR GRAND JURY day of school as compared with 22, of 263 Hobart street. Perth Plans will be completed for mittee, were in charge. Mrs. Eliza- high school with the class of wood street, Newark and over- the same period lastyear is as fal- have a .new boss—what Amboy was fined $20 and Joseph "Honest Abe's" second annual pic- beth Miller and Mrs. Ann Weissen 1937. Since, she has been promin- turned on Ruote 25, near Highland WOODBRIDGE.—George Kipila Murtha, 21, of 26 Madison avenue, lows: they need is a lot of har- nic which will be held Sunday, burger assisted in serving refresh- ently active in junior women's avenue. of New Brunswick avenue, Fords, Last yr. This yr. Perth Amboy, was fined $10 in September 18, at the Bonhamtown ments. circles, having served as president Frank Pelago, 123 Mott street, was heJLd under $1500 bond for the mony to patch things up. police court this week. . grand jury this week on charges High School 1,277 1,324 grove. Donors for the affair included: of the Junior Auxiliary to Harry Trenton, driver of the car, sus- No. 1 School 468 428 * * * The. complainant, Sam Hodes, of Arthur W. Larson is general Hansen Post, No. 163, American tained lacerations of the right leg of being an alleged habitual thief. New Brunswick avenue, Fords, Commissioner James Forgione, Kipila is charged with stealing Colonia 127 110 chairman of arrangements, assist- Commissioner Julius C. Engel, Os- Legion for two years. She has al- and head injuries. Others slightly Strawberry Hill 157 148 If Mayors Augie Grein- told Judge Arthur Brown that the ed by a committee of ' Township so served as captain of Beaver i injured were Mrs. Josephine Pel- a pocketbook belonging to Mrs. duo started a fight and proceeded car Pillar, William Fercho, Char- Mary Furdock, of 496 New Bruns- Avencl 318 299 ier, Walt Christensen and officials. les Oliveri, Swales Brothers, the Troop No. 2, Girls Scouts of | ago, 42, and her daughter Yolanda, Iselin No. 6 177 154 to break up the furniture in his America. 17, of Trenton. They were treated wick avenue, Fords, containing Joe Mittuch were given tavern. The two were also order- B, and M. Lumber Company and $36. Mrs. Furdock told the author- Iselin No. 15 333 393 Davidson Brothers. at Middlesex hospital and releas- Fords No. 7 399 352 the opportunity, they ed to reimburse Hod^s for any ed. Acting Chief Harold Peterson ities that she was attending a damages to his furniture and fix- Mrs. Forgione Hostess The playground will remain op- wedding reception at a Paul street Fords No. 14 253 239 could build a Republican en this month for the afternoon 5 PARCELS OF LAND investigated, assisted by Patrol- Keasbey 200 203 tures. To Playground Kiddies men George Palko and A. Loblein. address in Fords, Monday, and the hours following the closing of the handbag, which was in the kitch- Port Reading 358 32U machine that WOULD Officers Dan Panconi and Hen- school sessions. SOLD BY TOWNSHIP 372 337 ry Dunham made the arrests. At Movie Performance en of the house, disappeared. Aft- Hopelawn change the county admin- WOODBRIDGE.—Five parcels er an investigation by Sergeant School No. 11 760 692 istration. RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Twen- of property taken over by the REAL ESTATE DEPT. George Balint, Kipila was arrest- Sewaren 100 181 ASKS LICENSE TRANSFER ty-five boys and girls of the Clara TOWN HAD BALANCE Township through tax title lien ed. * * * Barton playground, enjoyed a COLLECTED $2,680 5,359 5,189 OF $279,195 AS OF foreclosures were sold in public The authorities say that the re- Commissioner Julius En- WOODBRIDGE. — Morris theatre performance recently at sale Tuesday night by the Town- DURING PAST MONTH •Decrease 170. Deutsch, of Green street, Iselin, the Forum Theatre, Metuchen as AUGUST 31ST, LAST cords show that Kipila stole $20 gel, of Raritan township, guests of Mrs. James C. Forgione, ship committee. The sale of lots 32 from a garage cash register and has asked the Township commit- and 33 in Block 18A, minimum WOODBRIDGE.- -The real es- a quantity of beer from a Fords BROTHER RELEASES Democratic candidate for tee to transfer his plenary retail wife of Commissioner Forgione. WOODBRIDGE. — Woodbridge tate department collected $2,- owner of the theatre. price $1,800 was postponed for one tavern recently. sheriff, will have to do consumption license from the lat- Township had a cash balance of week at the request of the former'1680.63 during the month of Aug- BRAKE; SIX YEAR ter address to New Brunswick ave Miss La Verne Mills, play- $279,195.20 as of August 31, ac- owner, John Silaki. Stephen Hor- ust according to a report submit- some tall hustling to de- nue. Fords. The matter was re- ground director, was in charge of ter by William Allgaier, real es- OLD BOY CRUSHED cording to Township Treasurer O. vath, a prospective bidder, pro- DRUNKEN DRIVING „ • feat Billie Wilson, of Perth ferred to the police committee. the party. J. Morgenson's report to the town- tested the delay. tate director, to the Township com mittee Tuesday night. GETS 30 DAYS FOR ISELIN.—Six year old Walter Amboy, his Republican ship committee at regular session Property sold was as follows: Wisisky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- Tuesday night. Lot 32 in Block 241, to Herman Mr. AUgaier's complete report PENNSYLVANIA MAN ex Wisisky, Sr., of Poor Farm road opponent. The complete tabulated report and Julia Romer for $200; Lot 6 was as follows: Township rents, $797.50; depos- this place, was seriously injured * * * SLIGHT DECREASE IN ENROLLMENT read as follows: in Block 59H to A. Rosenblum for RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Alden Wednesday afternoon when his Receipts: general account, $201,- the Fords Realty Holding Co., forits on real estate, $155; cash sales, $15; contract sales payments, $1,- J. Westover, of Clearfield County, brother, Alex, Jr., 8 years old, re- One year from .now, the 670.83; transfer from real estate, $800; Lot 76 in Block 59E to Pa., was sentenced to the county leased the brake on their father's $8,010.33; emergency relief $36,- Waldman, 040.87; advertising costs, $121.87; federal debt will be in ex- IN RARITAN TOWNSHIP'S SCHOOLS George and Inez for interest contract sales, $97.60; tax- workhouse for 30 days in default milk truck which was parked in 135.07. Total $245,816.23. $200; Lots 12 and 13 in Block 823B of payment of a $200 fin for the yard. cess of $43,000,000,000 if Disbursements: General account es as additional rent, $77.79; tax e RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — A bursements in each school and a to Warren P. Harned for Roydon title lien collections -5; rent assign drunken driving. Westover plead- According to a report made by relief and WPA expendi- $124,569.54; transfer from real es- L. Endress for $250. ed guilty Monday when he was Officer Anthony Peterson, who in- slight decrease in enrollment in separate account system so that tate, $8,010.33; emergency relief ments, $370. Total 2,680.63. tures continue, which the seven Township schools was each club will know how much it Spirited bidding marked the sale arraigned before Recorder Alfred vestigated, the youngsters were has raised and will be allowed a bills, $36,435.35. Total $169,015.22. of lots 324 and 325 in Block 709 C. Urffer. playing in the yard when the old- seems likely, it may go far noted when the school doors op- Balances: August 31: general ac voice in the spending of the mon- to Peter Nemeth for S255. The INCREASE IN BUILDING Westover was arrested Sunday er boy climbed into the milk truck. ened Wednesday. The decrease | y. count, $277,380.88; real estate, $1,-minimum price was set at $200 Clarence The younger boy was on the left beyond even that strato- e 738.13; emergency relief fund, night by Patrolman spheric figure. was expected, according to Fred Organization of the schools has and a representative of the Me- ACTIVITIES IS NOTED Stout, after his car had collided running board when Alex released A. Talbot, superintendent of been conducted along lines simil- $76.19; total cash on hand, $279,- tuchen Realty Company bid with a police car, near Jackson the brake. Walter was wedged be- * * * schools, but it is believed that the ar to last year, with the Clara Bar 195.20. against Nemeth raising tfte bid by WOODBRIDGE. — A big in- avenue on Amboy avenue, No tween the garage and the far. enrollment will meet the 2,000 ton Junior High School having the five dollars each time until the crease in building activities in the damage was caused. The injured youngster was Second ward Democrats CALLING WQJEl mark by next week. only ninth grade in the township. $255 price was reached. Township during the past month Taken before Township Physi- rushed to the hospital in the first have already launched The board of education during A total of 448 pupils is expected WOODBRIDGE. — Station were noted in a report submitted cian Dr. Edward K. Hanson, of aid ambulance and treated for a iheir campaign to re-elect the summer months, undertook a to enroll in the junio rhigh. W2XIC is no more. In its THIRTY DAYS by Building Inspector William Fords section, he was pronounced possible fracture of the left thigh Committeeman 'Charles J. number of repair projects in the Grades from one to eight will be place Woodbridge Police de- RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Three Allgaier to the Township Com- drunk and unfit to drive. and abrasions of the left hip. schools which have been com- taught in the Pisrata way town and partment has new call letters, youths who said they lived in Law mittee Tuesday night. The total Alexander for another pleted. One of the major projects Oak Tree schools, with the sev- —WQJE. rence, Mass., were sentenced to the estimated construction in the term. was the construction of a small enth and eighth grades in these Last week, following orders county workhouse for thirty days Township in August was $109,- addition at the Oak Tree School schools departmentalized as in the of the Federal Communica- Tuesday by Recorder Alfred C. 077, Mr. Allgaier stated. DEMOCRATIC CLUB PLANS BANOUET * * * which will be used as a cafeteria junior high school. tions Commission, the fre- Urffer on charges of vagrancy. Foity-seven permits were issued Popular Anthony Balint, kitchen. This project was under- Elementary grades only will be quency was changed from 37.1 Their youthful companion was in August and fees collected total- now fire commissioner in taken at the request of the Par- taught in the Bonhamtown, Stel- to 37.5 and the new call letters committed to the county detention led $351. ent-Teacher Association of that ton and Sand Hills schools and for identification wer as- home for an indefinite period. IN HONOR OF COMMISSIONER ENGEL e The trio was identified by police ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Fords, and the G. O. P.'s school, members of which will grades one to four in the Menlo signed. evening. Edward J. Harkins, presi- cook for the children. Park school. as: Joseph F. Cerami, 18, of 68 PISCATAWAYTOWN. — Mrs. RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Plan.-, choice to opp'ose Alexan- for a dinner in honor of Commis- dent of the Associated Democratic The kitchen is equipped with a No changes have been made in CLINIC CHANGES Maple street; Marco DiResta, 20, Minnie Koenig, of River Edge, has der is expected to come of 167 Elm street; and Albert Au- sioner Julius C. Engel, Democrat- clubs and William Hand, post- combination sink and tub and a subjects, with ten special teachers announced the engagement oi her master of the Nixon post office, WOODBRIDGE. — Health tieri, 19 Ms Elm street. Police with- daughter, Miss Minnie Koenig, to ic candidate for sheriff, were through with flying colors. small electric plate. A new ho', retained by the board to conduct made at a meeting of the Second &lso addressed the club. * * * water heater and boiler and newclasses in home economics, indus- Officer Harold J. Bailey to- held the name of their fourteen- Fred Friedrich, of Central avenue, e;e<.lric fixtures were installed in trial arts, physical education, mus- day announced the following year-old girl companion. this place. The wedding will take District Democratic club held Seven new members were re- The Ernie Nier-Sam Far- the basement of the Oak Trev ic, library and art in the various changes in child clinic hours: place on Christmas Day at the Tuesday night at the club head- ceived by the club. Plans were Hopelawn—From Wednes- Fined For Drunkeness home of the bride's mother. The quarters on Woodbridge and made for the enlargement of the rell feud is livening things School and a steam heating plant, schools. Chestnut avenues. clubrooms and improvements. The up in Woodbridge Town- five ventilators and a drinking William M. Land is principal of day morning to Wednesday WOODBRIDGE. — Geza Toth. couple will make their home in [ afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock New Brunswick. The affair, which will be open next meeting will be held Monday, ship's Third Ward where fountain were platted in the an- the Piscatawaytown and Stelton 35, a carpenter of 728 Charles September 19, since the regular nex. Tne basement corridor, ceil- schools, Irving D. Ritter is prin- at Fords School No. 7. street, Perth Ambcy, was fined Since his arrival here from Ger- to club members and members of an extremely large vote is tlie committee in charge of the meeting date falls on primary elec ings and floors of three rooms and cipal of the Clara Barton element- Fords — From Thursday $10 in police court this week by many 17 years ago, Friedrich has tion day. expected on Primary Day, two stairways in the main build- ary school and junior high, and mornings to Thursday after- Judge Arthur Brown on charges of lived in Piscatawaytown. He is Engel Day picnic, held by the Tuesday, September 20th. ing have been painted. Howard R. Furbeck is principal of evnoons from 2 to 4 o'clock, at drunkeness. Sergeant Ben Par- associated with Alexander Unger, club last mnth, will be held in the Roo-ni, in the other school build the Oak Tree school. Hopelawn school. sons made the arrest. Inc. ,of New Brunswick. near future. John Ellmyer, Jr., TOWNSHIP PLANS TO ings were also lepainted, desks will serve as chairman, assisted by nnd dher equipment repaired, Stanley Gawroneck and Matthew BORROW $15,000 FOR SUBSTITUTE TEACHER ichoc' grounds graded and im- France. WPA PROJECTS HERE ENGAGED FOR CLARA proved and other usual repairs CANDIDLY SPEAKING: Gus Novak, of Perth Amboy, a . ..»- made curing the summer. A com- candidate on the Democratic tick- WOODBRIDGE. — An emerg- BARTON FIRST GRADEprehensive program of conducting et for coroner for the primary elec ency apprpriation of $15,000 to aid school repairs on a rotating bn-,is It pays to know "the ropes" in politics. The beaches in front of swanky hotels are clogged tion, was the guest speaker of the the township to meet the sponsor's —• was introduced as a special meet- Those who do get parking space in front of their with cabanas. It is public property but the favored share in WPA projects, was pass- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Miss ing of the board of educatioa last buildings and other favors. hotels have been granted permission to make use of MKS. ANNA M. NICOLAISEN ed Tuesday night by the Township Ruth Ossenkran-tz, of Newark, has week and is expected to be actec RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Funer- committee. The Township Treas- been engaged as a permanent sub- on at the next meeting of the Public employees will mow their lawns or make re- them to their own personal gain. al services for Mrs. Anna M. Nico- urer was authorized to issue an stitute teacher in elementary work board, vhich will be held on pairs to their homes or private offices. The disgruntled official, well knowing his rights, laisen were held Saturday after- emergency note and to borrow at the Clara Barton school, Fred Monday, September 12. A Hudson county mayor had a mountain lake home began to tear down the tents, shouting as he did so noon at the home of her son, ihat sum to become payable not A. Talbot, school superintendent, In a move to encourage organi- built at municipal expense. A county official had that they "were against the law and the constitution." Christian Nicolaisen ,of 41 Wash- later than December 31. 1939. announced. ze' '• -n of clubs in the schools and When life guards and hotel attendants protested ington street, this place. Rev. P. In discussing the resolution', She will fill the vacancy left op- promote these groups, a systemat- vast improvements made to his shore home. M. Petersen, pastor of St. Ste- Mayor August F. Greiner said: en by Miss Johnson, who granted ic method of handling school ac- When Governor Moore was given his gift estate at the official bo-dyguards began to edge in. They were phen's Danish-Lutheran church, "When we set up our WPA ap- a one-year leave last March. Miss counts was approved by the biard Mount Airy, Hunterdon county folk thought they saw there just for an emergency—in case. officiated. Interment was in the propriation we felt that unemploy Ossenkrantz will be engaged for last week. The provisions call for all the state's trucks in that vicinity. The official, after ruining a good afternoon's busi- Alpine cemetery. The bearers ment would diminish but instead nearly a complete school year at esir.l lament of separate bank ac. When the powers that be refused a request of an ness for the hotel, was eventually "called off." were Christian Nicolaisen, Harold it has increased. To keep up with a salary of $4 per school day. In counts for the various schools, ,i Anderson, Ralph Anderson, Peter the unemployment situation, it is Atlantic City justice of the peace he knew just what As he got what he wanted he did not carry out his Hansen, Jens Fredericksen and March of 1939, she will be re- treasurer, bookkeeper and com- necessary to have WPA projects placed by Miss Johnson, said Tal- mittee to be in charge of dis- to do—to get what he wanted. threat to "clear out the entire beach." Peter Mathiasen. to cope with the problem. bot. J PAGE TWO FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938 FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON

EJECTION NOTICE to an, angle; thence easterly along a U> in & general southeasterly direction TOWNSHIP OF W00DBB1D0E northerly line ol Fords Terrace, r^o. along the boundary line of Wood- KEASBEY In conformity with provisions of an 1, to the center of Mary avenue; bridge and Carteret to Arthur Avenue act entitled, "An act to regulate elec- thence northerly along the center of or Arthur Street: thence (2) following SIMPLICITY IN tions, approved May 5th, 1920, the sup- Mary avenue, to a point 100 feet the boundary line of Woodbridge and FORDS PERSONAL1TIEO MR. AND MRS. FRED EICHLER plements thereto and amendments north ol the northerly line of Pitman Carteret In a general southerly direc- EVENING GOWN thereof," to the end of the legislatures avenue, thence easterly and 100 iyei tion to Its meeting point with BT MBS. C. ALBERT LARSON and daughter, Janet, of Stam- seusion of 1927. Notice is hereby given north ot Pitman avenue crossing Staten Island Sound; thence (3) in a ford, Conn., were the weekend Classified that the District Board of Registry Poplar street, and continuing In the general westerly direction along the IK Summit Avenue ^^ guests of Mrs. Eichler's father, and Election and for the election dis- same course to the boundary of the line of Staten Island Sound to the ter- r T«L P. A. 4-4412-J tricts of ihc Township of Woodbridgp Fir-t Ward. minus of the second class railroad Thomas Bernard, of Highland will maet in the place hereinarror des- Polling Place: Old Fordi School property of the Port Reading Railroad avenue. ignate! for the purpose of registering No. 7, King Georges Boad, Company; thence in a general north- £ndrew J. Schmidt, of Line; Fords, spent th holiday week-end all persons entitled to vote at tho en- e Directory suing pr.mary and general election SECOND WABD—FIFTH DISTBICT is recovering at Rahway ' i:' Atlantic City. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE Comprising both sides of Main street road property of the Port Reading\ Memorial hospital from a irac- • • • » Ladies' Auxiliary of the Keas- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a including central Fords and Lafayette Raiiroad Company to the intersection Real Estate For Sale primary election will be held at the -aq 3ujA[ pj«». »tn jo ny ~s)u2i9H , of a right-of-way of the Fort Reading tuied spine suffered severafrom ln weektrae-s bey Protection Fire Company various polling places in the Township tween the northerly line of District j Railroad Company with the rlght-of was held Tuesday night at the of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New No. 4,, and the Port Reading Rallroaa. A meeting of the board, of di- SCHOOL DAYS! SCHOOL DAYS! Jersey, between the hours of 7 A. M., Polling Place: New Fords School, of New Jersey; thence in a general firehouse. northerly direction along the center • * • * I clock in the home of Mrs. If you want to move into your own aud 8 P. M., Standard time, on Tuos- No, 14, Ford Avenue. ] * * • * homo by October 1. and give your child day, September 20th, 193 for the walinye ooff ththee right-of-wa Central Railroay of dth Company;age Central Mrso m. aAdolp fall hfro Quadtm a iactor, andy family, roof. ] cluJfrichstnb wil.l be held tonight at 8 o'- purpose of electing. Railroad Company of New Jersey to DUE TO THE HOLIDAY, THE the advantage of not being compelled SECOND WABI>—SIXTH DISTBICT the point or place of beginning. of Hoy avenue, have returned to change schools during the majcv One (1) United States Senator. ..Polling Place; Fort Beading Schos) next meeting of the fire com- part of liis educational program on ac- One (1) Member House of Represent- Beginning at a point in the easter- from their summer vacation at The meeting of the Girl Scouts, count of his Parents being forced to ly boundary line of Raritan Township No. 9. pany will be held Monday, Sep- atives. where the same is intersected by the Lake Kallkill, Sussex County. Bcavei Troop, which was slated move from house to house due to the Three (3) Members of the General B..J. DUNIGAN, tember 12. iiK'f bt'ing: sold over your head, we have Pennsylvania Railroad and from said Clerk of the Township for 6 o'clock tonight has been set just tlw plnro for you: Assembly. beginning point running easterly along of Woodbridge. Mrs. Mary Ludwig, of Jersr-.yifor 7 o'clock instead. This will be One (1) Sheriff j the Pennsylvania Railroad to the cen- WOOUBSIDGK ter line of Middlesex avenue; thenci avenue, has been adjudged win- MISSES MARY NEMETH AND Two (.2) Coroners hold at the meeing rooms of the 273 Washington St. Bungalow, Price northerly and northeasterly along the LEGAL NOTICE ner of the box of candy disposer! Scouts, SO Maxwell avenue. Hazel Belanyi spent the recent $2,000. cash $200; SIS a rtiontli. Three 13) Members of the Board of center line of Middlesex avenue to the • • * • weekend as the guests of Mr. ;ii> (irovo Avenue, brick, price 33,500. Chosen Freeholders. northerly line of block 448; thence Refer To: Hawk; Docket 108-542 o? un'ler the cooperative plan by Four l-l) Justice of the Peace (full easterly along the northerly line of Recorded- Book 1091; Page 516 the C. G. S. Club. Mrs. Zembrock, Thomas and Bet and Mrs. Henry Chaplar, of New cash §500: $30 a month. term) block 448 and block 449 to the Penn- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE York City. 52.1 Alice Place, brick, price $4,000. One (1) Republican Township Com- sylvania Railroad and crossing the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ty Zembrock of Hasting-on-the cash $500: $35 n month. mitteeman, from each ward. One (1) aame; thence southeasterly along the At a regular meeting of the Town- Mr. and Mrs. George Larsen and ] Hudson, were the guests Sunday • • w • 528 Aliw Place, brick, price $4,000. Democratic Township commit teeman, northerly line of block 428 to the center ship Committee of the Township of MISSES HELEN AND MARY cash $300: $35 a month. from each ward. line of Chain O'Hills Road; thence eas- Wcodbridge, held Tuesday. September daughter, Rose Murie; George Me-! of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Salaki of, One (i) Republican County commit- terly along the center line of Chain 5 Jean Court, frame, price §4.000 cash tcaman and one (1) Republican County tth. 1938. I was directed to advertise I.eod and Miss Alma Dark, of, New Brunswick avenue. Charonko were the weekend SoOO; $35 a month. O'Hills Road to the westerly line of the fact that on Monday evening, Sept- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kalman. 527 Olive Place, frame, price 52.000 Commltteewoman from each district of block 387; thence southerly along the ember 19th, 1938, the Township Commit each ward. westerly line of block 387 to the north- tee will meet at S P. M. (DSTj in the Gubics, of Fairfield. Conn. cash $500: $35 u month. One (1) Democratic County Commit- erly line of block 395; thence westerly PERTH AMBOY—325 Wacner Avenue, teeman and one (1) Democratic County Committee Chambers, Memorial Munici and southerly along block 395 and con- pal Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey. 5-ruum house and two lots on corner. committeewoman from each district of tinuing the last course In a straight and expose and sell at public sale and each ward. line to the Port Reading Railroad to FORDS LEGION BRIEFS RARITAN ENGINE CO. S2.SO0. to the highest bidder according to terms Modern B&L Ass'n. 339 State Street, Seven (7J Republican members to the the easterly line of Raritan Township; of sale on file with the Township Clerk Board of Trustees of Free School Land; thence northerly along the easterly Perth Amboy, Tel. 4—2770 Seven (7) Democratic members to the open to inspection and to be publicly WINS SILVER CUP AT Eves, or Suns., Metuchen 6—1166 Board of Trustees of Free School line of Raritan Township to the point read prior to sale Lots Part of 6 lands. or place of beginning. (5Cfx2C8.75') in Block 59H, Woodbridge A bus has been chartered by the Mrs. Elizabeth DiMatteo will be SPOTSW00D CARNIVAL E. R. FINN & COMPANY Polling Place: Iseiin School, No. 8. Township Assessment Map. members of the Harry Hansen'. installed as president, succeeding NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Green Street, Iseiin. Take further notice that the Town- Post 163 American Legion and its ' Mrs. Rose Sunshine, who has serv- • Real Estate and Insurance gunonil election will be held at the ship Committee has, by resolution and various polling plants in the Township Auxiliary to transport members RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — An- Bonds - Mortgages pursuant to law, fixed a minimum price ed in that capacity for two years. 1 90 Main Street, Woodbridge. N J. of Woodbndge. Middlesex County. SECOND WABD—SEVENTH at which said iota in said block will and their friends to Asbury Park Others to be installed are first other trophy was added to the al- New Jersey, between the hours of 1 DISTRICT bi* sold together with all other details ready large collection now held .by Tel. Wo. &-12-J1 A M. and 8 P. M.. Standard Time, on Comprising Colonla and north to the pertinent, said minimum price being Park on Saturday. Bus will leave j vice president, Mrs. Esther Sund- Tuesday, November 8th, 1938. for tht $1,500.00 plus costs of preparing deed the Raritan Engine Company No. purpose of electing County Line. All of the ward north of from the monument on Corriellelquist, second vice president, Mr?. THOMAS F. BURKE. INC. the northerly boundary of District and advertising this sale, Said^lot m_ street at 10 A. M., sharp and leave {Karen Anderson; secretary, Mis. 1 firemen. A large silver cup was One (1) United States Senator. said block, if aold on terma, .. Real Estate & Insurance One (1) Member House of Represent- No. 6. Julia Dani; treasurer, Mrs. Rose awarded Fire Chief George Graft" Mortgages atives. Polling Place: ColouU School. lialanci ea odowf purchasn paymene prict oef S150.00to be , paithde I Asbury Park at 10 P. M. Those by the contest board of the Spots- Three (3) Members of the General in equal monthly installments of J25.0O wishing reservations may contact Sunshine; historian, Mrs. Ellen 166 State Street. Perth Amboy. N. J Assembly, SECOND WABD—EIGHTH DJSTBICT plus interest and other terms provid- Mrs. Bartolo DiMatteo. i Christensen; chaplain, Mrs. Mar- wood Fire Company for having ^h 4—042.1 One (1) Sheriff Beginning at a point in the easterly ed for in contract of sale. / the most men in line during the Two (2) Coroners boundary line of Raritan Township Take further notice that at slid sale, The Ladies' Auxiliary will hold I guerite Schuster; sergeant-at- Throe (3) Members of the Board of where the same IS Intersected by tho or any date to which it may be ad- annual "Firemen's Night" spon- Furnished Room for Rent Chosen Freeholders. Pennsylvania Railroad and from said journed, the Townsnip Committee re- installation. ceremonies on Tues- arms, Mrs. Emma Smith. Great fullness is achieved in the sored by the Spotswood Company. Four (4) Justice of the Peace (full beginning point running northwesterly serves the right in its discretion to re- day evening September 13th at On Thursday evening, Septem- bodice of this evening gown with FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT term) , and northerly along the easterly line ject any one or all Diaa and to sell gathers caught In cording, and the The award was the third won by One (1) Township commltteeman of Raritan Township (the same being said lots in said bloi-k to sui| bidder School No. 7. All units in the ber 15, the Post and Auxiliary will skirt breaks into great fullness be- the local lire company this sum- 660 St. George's Ave., Wood- from each ward. the center line of Mutton Hollow RoadJ aa it may select, due regard being county have been invited to at- = hold a Bunko party at the Fords low the hipline. Of pale green crepe. mer. Other prizes were won in bridge, call between 6 & 7 P. M. Seven (7) members to the Board of to the northerly lino of block 440; given to terms and manner of pay- tend, as well as th Beauvis Post it is worn by Ruth Hussey. Trustees of Free School Land. iher.ee easterly along the northerly ment, in case one or more minimum e Casino. Games will be played and competition in North Brunswick line ot block 440; thence easterly along bids shall be received. and its Auxiliary of Tottenville. prizes awarded to the highest and Milltown For Sale T!te boundary line and the polling the northerly line of blocks 440, 441, Upun acceptance of the minimum bid, scores. Refreshments will be serv- REV. AND MRS. EARL HAN- places of the various districts are as 442-J, 442K. 443C, 447F, 447b to or bid above minimum, by the Town- LEGAL NOTICE num Devanny, of Rahway ave- FOR SALK—Two hound pups and one follows: the center line of Middlesex Avenue; ship Committee and the payment there- e. Mrs. Arthur Geising and Paul MRS. MICHAEL BIBKO AND hound, 'I'hoiu' Woodbrkige 8—0832-M. FIRST WABU-PIBST DISTBICT thence southerly along the center line of by the purchaser according to tlie nue, and Robert Stephan, of All that tract lying between the of Middlesex Avenue to the Pennsyl- NOTICE TO BIDDEBS Chovan are co-chairmen for the sons Peter and Nicholas and vania Railroad; thence easterly along manner of purchase in accordance with Sealed bids or proposals will be re- Post, whil Mrs. Emma Chovan is Alclen street, have returned aft- Help Wanted Pennsylvania Railroad (on the eaatj terms of sale on file, the Township will ceived by the Township Committee ol e dauhgter, Mary, have returned and the center lino of Amboy avenue Lhe Pennsylvania Railroad to the point deliver a bargain and sale deed for er vacationing at the Devanny (on the west); and 100 feet north of or place of beginning. the Township of Woodbridge, in the chairman representing the Auxil- .home after spending the week- WANTKO: Rfpi^seiitalive U> look aTter. said premises. County of Middlesex, at the Commit- cottage at Culver Lake. our nj:iKiizii]o HiihsiTliHion intCroats in Green street (on the north) and (on Polling Place: New Iselin School, No, B. J. DUNIGAN, iary. end with the former's sister, the Boulh) a line drawn mid-way be- tee Chambers in the Memorial Muni- Fords and vk'iuity. Our plun tMinblea 15, Pernhlne Avenue, Inelin. Township Clerk. cipal Building, Woodbridge, N. J.. al you to seeure a good imrt of the hun- tween New and Second streets, and SECOND WABD-NINTH DISTBICT DATED; September 7th, 1938. S P. M. (DST), Monday, September Miss Julia Dani and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yurchko of Grand projecting easterly to said railroad: dreds of dollars »pi'iil in this vicinity Beginning at the intersection of the To be adverTTsed September 9th and 12th. 1938, for the sale of that system Mrs. Benjamin Sunshine are at- READ THE BEACON view avenue. filth fall and winter for niugnzuies. Palling Place: School No. 1, School center AM of the Lehigh Valley Ra - September lGth, 1938, in the Fords used for supplying water to the Street, Woodbrldge. Beacon. residents of Keasbey. commonly known tending the Department conven- Oldest iiKcncy in U. S. Guaranteed road and center line of Crows Mill and designated as "Keasbey Water tion of the Legion and Auxiliary lowest rates on all periodicals, domes- Road, thence northerly along center System" and consisting of all wau-r Telephone 4-0075 lie and foreign. Instructions mid equip- FIRST WABD—SECOND DISTBICT lino of Crows Mill Road to the center mains, services, ineters und liydran's at Asbury Park, Mr. Sunshinc in ment free. Start a tfrowinj; and perma- Beginning at the Intersection of the line or King George Road, thence east- LEGAL NOTICE owned by the Township of Woodbridge the capacity of delegate repre- nent business in whole or spare time. center line of the Perth Amboy and erly along center line of King George in the area bounded on the north by USED CARS! Especially ail up (able for Shuts-ins. Woodbridge Railroad with the Perth ( Roud to center line of West Jfond Refer 'I\>: W-144; Docket 120-36 Lehigh Vailey Railroad, on the East by senting the Post while Miss Dani Address MOORE-COTTRELL, Inc., Amboy City Line, thence northerly' ituiut thence easterly along center line Recorded: Book 1121; Pace 335. Florida Grove Road and City of Perth and Mrs. Sunshine are delegates MECHANICALLY Wayland Road. North Cohocton, N. Y. along the center lino of the Perth Am- of West Pond Road to a point, said NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Amboy, on the South by the Raritan boy and Woodbridge Railroad to the point being the intersection of center TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: River and on the west by Crows Mill representing the Unit. PERFECT WANTED: Experienced female center line of Freeman Street, thence line of West Pond Road with a line At a regular meeting of the Town- Road. easterly along the center line of Free- drawn parallel to and 400 feet west- ship Committee of the Township of Fords ! SOME Thos. F. Burke dance partner, tap dancing, to man Street to the center line of Rah- erly from Pennsylvania Avenue, aa Woodbridge, held Tuesday, September All proposals submitted must be ac- Dayton, O.—The St. L-ouisan. establish a dancing team. Inquire: the center line of Rahway Avenue and laid out, thence southerly along said 6th, 1938. I w«s directed to advertise companied by a certified chock pay- Pennsylvania flyer carrying scores way Avenue, thence southerly along line to u point. The northeast corner the fact that on Monday evening, Sept- able to the Treasurer of the Township Chevrolets QOR — Funeral Directors — Paul Rossi, 654 Lewis St., Wood- along Kie center line of Berry Street of property belonging to St. Mary's ember 19th, 1&38, the Township Commit of Woodbridge for ten per cent of the of passengers, roared through a fcridge, N. J. to Woodbridge Creek, thence south- Church and also the northwest corner toe v/ill meet at 8 P. M. (DST) in the bid to guarantee fulfillment of the con- thickly populated countryside at Plymouth! 0£J erly along Woodbridge Creek to the of property known as Washington Committee Chambers, Memorial STunici tract it the bid is accepted. Perth Amboy City line, thence west- Heights, thence southerly along bound- Ual Building, Woodbridge. New Jersey, Said water system will not be sold sixty miles an hour, although the Chrysler, WH™ - Trucking erly along tho Perth Amboy City line ary line of Washington Heights and and expose and soil at public sale and engineers, John B. Mitchell, 46, an< 366 STATE STREET to the point or place of beginning. Church property to a corner of same, to the highest bidder according to terms ship of Woodbridge shall authorize the * BALANCE I same. and Jon L. Breen, 54 had jumped Pulling Place: Memorial Municipal thenoe easterly along said boundary of sale on file with the Township Clerk others Easy Payments! PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Building. line to a corner of same, thence south- open to inspection and to be publicly The right is reserved to reject any or been blown from the engine JOHN F. RYAN, JR. erly along said boundary of said prop- mad prior to sale. Lots 7-8 in Block or all proposals and to waive any in- •se. Woodbrldge, N. J. erty to the center line of New Bruns- 385C, Woodbridge Township Assess- formality in the proposals received. cab by a steam explosion. Their Lowest Prices—Special Terms w FIRST WABD—THIRD DISTBICT B. J. DUNIGAN, wick Avenue .thence easterly along ment Map. bodies were along the right of way TRUCKING . EXCAVATING All that tract between the Penn- oenter line of New Brunswick Avenue Take further notice that the Town- Township Clerk. Joseph V. Costello, Mgr. sylvania Railroad (on the east) and ship Committee has, by resolution and DATED: August 5th. 1938. way. Loss of steam and a curve in TOP SOIL SAND . . FILL tne'centef'line of Amboy avenue {on ; to the center line of Pennsylvania pursuant to law, fixed a minimum To be advertised August 5th. 12th.the tracks is credited with stop- the west); and between a line (on-Avenue, as laid out south of New prico at which said lots in said block 19th and 26th, and SeptemCer 2nd and ping the locomotive and fifteen SPEEDWAY Phono. Woodbrldge 8-0319 the nortn) drawn mid-way between [ Bl.unawlck Avenue, thence southerly will be sold together with all other 9th. 1938. in the Fords Beacon. New and Second streets, and pro- along line of Baid Pennsylvania Ave- details pertinent, said minimum price AUTO SALES CO. "There Is no substitute— PRINTING—We print everything from jecting easterly to aald railroad, and nue, to the center line of the Lehigh being $225.00 plus costs of preparing -^^^JTr^^iCF^^ia^Q^iCf^^ 823 ST. GEORGE AVE. a e«rd to a newspdDer. Call our ropi the Perth Amboy City line (on the Valley Railroad, thence westerly along deed and advertising this sale. Said For Burke Service" resent tit I vo Tor estimates. south). the center line of Lehigh Valley Rail- lots in said block, if sold on terms, PERTH WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Polling Place: Strawberry Hill road to the point or place of beginning. will require a down payment of §30.00 Woodbridge 8-1400 School, "Tffoodbrldge. Polling Place; Hopelawn School. the balance of purchase price to be AMBOY paid in equal monthly installments of | RARITAN BALLROO FIltST WABD—FOURTH DISTRICT $20.00 plus interest and other terms All that part of the First Ward TI1I11D WARD—FIRST DISTRICT provided for in contract of sale. OPENS south of Heard's Brook, and west of Beginning on Staten Island bound at Take further notice that at said sale, i the center line of Amboy avenue. the southerly terminus of the second or any date to which it may be ad- Polling Place: No. 11 School, class railroad property of the Port journed, the Township Committee re- Boss Street. Heading Railroad ;thence in a general serves the right in its discretion to re- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11J southerly direction along Staten Island ject any one or all bids and t" sell Sound to the point of prolongation of said lots in said block to such i\dder 5 CONSERVATIVE DANCING ONLY 1 t iWnrViIIVIn STRICTM Central Avenue with the said Staten as it may select, due regard being giv- All that part of the t Ward lying un ce , general en to terms and manner of paymen'. anl™Ht3 westerly direction to the center linline In case one or more minimum bida the center line of Amboy avenue, and ot Sewaren Avenue; thence southerly shall be received. \ RAY LONDAHL'S J also that part of the First Ward ly- along Sewaren Avenue to the center Upon acceptance of the minimum ing west of the center line of Linden line wf the Intersection of the said Se- bid, or bid above minimum, by the avenue, and north of a line drawn par- waren Avenue and Glen Cove Avenue; Township Committee and the payment allel with Green street and 100 feet thence in a general westerly direction thereof by the purchaser according to I ORCHESTRA \ north of the northerly line thereof. along Glen Cove Avenue and the ex- *he manner of purchase in accordance (? 1'olUng Place; High School. tension of the said center line of the with terms of sale on ftle. the Town- said Glen Cove Avenue to Woodbridge ship will deliver a bargain and sail? t* friHST WABD—SIXTH DISTBICT Creek; thence in a northerly direction deed for said premises. J All that tract between thth e PennsylPl- following the courses of the Wood- B. J. DUNIGAN, vania Railroad S AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938 PAGE THREE 'ocial Briefs of F ords, Keasbey, Hopelawn, RaritanTownship & Metuchen CATALIN EMIOYEES ROSE BARTHA WEDS MANY PROMINENT GUESTS-ATTEND PLAN PKWIC SUNDAY MARY FIORETTI BECOMES BRIDE OF HOPELAWN RESIDENT JEANNE CRANE WEDS JERSEY CITY RARITA/' TOWNSHIP. — The YUROCHKO-ALIENI NUPTIAL MASS first ann/i outing and picnic of — — •-- -- the CataLn Corporation of Ameri- JOHN ONDEYKO AT CHURCH WEDDING KEASBEY.—Miss Rose Helen MAN AT LITTLE SILVER SATURDAY RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—At an quets of red roses. The attendants ca employees will be held this Bartha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FORDS.—At a pretty late sum- the forehead, fell in graceful folds Michael Bartha of William street, COLONIA.—Miss Jeanne Crane, late Mrs. Ada Anderson and grand altar banked with fall flowers, were Misses Mary Martino, Mary Sunday at the Pines' Grove, on" the mer wedding, Miss Mary Fioretti, to form another train oved the daughter of Mrs. Jane Bergerhofi Miss Julia Louise Alieni, daughter Parilla and Katherine Pastore, of Lincoln Highway. became the bride Saturday after- son of Inspector Leonard of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enrico dress. She carried a bouquet of noon of Frank Iski of Hopelawn, Crane, of this place, was married Jersey City Police. Rev. Elijah J. of Mr. and Mrs. John Alieni, be- North Brunswick; Miss Mary Mi- Festivities will get under way Fioretti, of Liberty street, this white gardenias, and lilies of the Saturday at Little Silver to Ed- came the bride of Michael Yuroch- trosky of Perth Amboy. The promptly at 10 A. M., with a son of Mrs. Sophie Kertes, of Hun Reed, of Little -Silver Methodist place, became the bride of John valley. gary, at the Hungarian Reformed ward Phillip Anderson, son of theEpiscopal church, performed the ko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew groom's ushers included Michael , broad program of amusing and Ondeyko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Rose Fioretti was her sis- Yurochko of Grandview avenue, J. Germak, Andrew Korch and I competitive events. The day's pro- church in Perth Amboy. The bride ceremony which took place at 4 Michael Ondeyko, of Paul street, ter's maid of honor. Her princess was gowned in white satin, with o'clock in the afternoon. Sunday, at a nuptial mass held at Mchael Hudak of Perth Amboy, gram follows: 10 A. M., eggSaturda- y afternoon, in the Slovak styled gown of taffeta was in the CLARA BARTON St. Mary's Mount Virgin church, and John Bibko, of Bayonne. throwing contest; 19:30, bag-rac- a three length veil, which was The bride's cousin, Henry J. Calvinistic church, here. Rev. new calla lily, a pretty shade of sprayed with orange blossoms. She Mader of Little Silver, gave her New Brunswick. Rey. ^asquale Following the ceremony, a brid- iing and three-leged race; 11A. M., Michael Magyar, pastor, officiated. pink, the accessories in French carried a bouquet of white roses MRS. L. A. MURPHY AND in marriage. Miss Crane wore a Mugano, the pastor, performed the al luncheon was served at th' etug-of-war, (teams of eight men) The soloist, Mrs. A. J. Hollen- Iris, forming a marked contrast. ceremony. home of the brid in Cousin's lane. jior a cash prize; 11:30, balloon and lilies of the valley. daughters Lorraine and Connie, gown of white chiffon with puff- e bach, of Perth Amboy sang two seTalisman roses formed her bou- Miss Irene Toth, becomingly of Meadow road, have returned ed sleeves and a short train also The bride, given in marriage by The wedding party enjoyed after- blowing contest; 12 to 1:30 P. M.,lections, "For I Love You Truly"' quet. her father, was attired in a gown noon tea at the groom's home, softball game, cash prize; 3 to gowned in blue chiffon, was maid home after two weeks' vacation a finger tip length veil attached and "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" The bridesmaids. Miss Mary of honor. She wore flowers for a at Beach Haven. to a shirred tulle tiara trimmed of white satin. Her veil of tulle with Mrs. Andrew Yurochko, 3:30, pie-eating contest; 3:30, to organ accompaniment played Litka and Miss Betty Sharick, fell from a tiara of small flowers. mother of the groom, as hostess. horseshoe pitching. headdress and a shoulder length • • • • with orange blossoms. She carried by Miss Grace Braidwood, also of were gowned alike in French Iris veil and carried a bouquet of talis MR. AND MRS. GEORGE Thomp- an old-fashioned bouquet of white She carried a bouquet of garden- In the evening, a large reception Among the judges for the vari- Perth Amboy. Bridal selections taffeta and had calla lily accessor- ias. for friends and relatives fcllowed man roses. Miss Esther Bihary, as son, daughtrs, Margery. Audrey roses and lities-of-the-vaUey. cus events will be Messrs. McCub- were played by Miss Braidwood ies. They like, the maid-of-honor, bridesmaid, was similarly attired and Marie, of Pleasant avenue, lhe bridesmaid. Miss Claire b. Miss Mary Jane Alieni, sister of in the Clara Barton firehouse. bin, Brown and Shepard. Besides before and during the ceremony. carried bouquets of talisman ros- Among the guests were Commis- j in acquamarine chiffon gown with returned home Monday after a Cook, of Jersey City, the bride's the bride, served as maid of honor. cash awards, several cartons cf A reception held at the Fords es. Little Joan Barton, as flower a shoulder length veil and carried week's vacation at Pottsville, sole attendant, was gowned in She wore a blue satin gown, with sioner Julius C. Engel, candidate cigarettes will be presented to Casino, following the church girl, wore a frock of empire style for Sheriff; Acting Police Chief a bouquet of talisman roses. Geza Pennsylvania. pink chiffon with powder blue blue accessories and carried a bou- winners. service was attended by one hun-and carried a colonial bouquet. Iski, brother of the groom, was accessories and carried a nosegay quet of tea roses. Stephen Pere- Harold Peterson; Committeeman Reports from Michael Bandies, dred guests from Pittsburgh and Michael Ondeyko served as his • • • • James Fortier; Fire Commissioner best man, while Frank Szeredy MR. AND MRS. VICTOR Powell of tea roses. grim of Bayonne was the groom's chairman of reservations, estimat- Philadelphia, Pa., sections of.Ohio, brother's best man and John acted as usher. best man. Alfred J. Schnebbe of Menlo Park. ed an expected attendance of mor of Albourne street, and Mr. and Robert Hindemann of Nutley e Binghamton, Brooklyn and Nt^vBodnick and Louis Straffi were Following the wedding cere- Mrs. Arnold Ohlson, of Bur-served as 'best man. As matron of honor Mrs. Alex The newly weds left Sunday than 175 persons. Especially inter- York City, N. Y.; Perth Amboy ushers. mony a reception for relatives Korch of Perth Amboy wore a night on a honeymoon trip through esting will be the softball classic chard street, spent the weekend Only members of the immediate and Fords. Mr. Ondeyka and his bride left and close friends was held at the at Niagara Falls. family and intimate friends at- gown of beige satin, with match- Canada and the New England in which the shipping department The bride's father gave her in Hotel Pines in Metuchen. Upon states. On their return, they will will oppose the production divi- later for a wedding trip to Niagara • * * • tended tlie reception which fol- ing accessories and carried a bou- marriage. Her princess styled Falls and Canada. Upon their re- their return from a wedding trip lowed the church ceremony. quet of tea roses. She was escort- make their home at Woodbridge sion. gown of white taffeta and a sweet through New York state, Mr. andMRS. F. H. MEYER AND CHIL- avenue and Main street, Bonham- turn they will tke up their resi- dren, Dorothy and Frederick, of Both the bride and bridegroom ed by the groom's uncle, John Do- The athletic program will be inheart neckline and short puff Mrs. Iski will make their home on attended Dickinson high school in brovalski of Bayonne. town. charge of Emil Millar, general sleeves and th skirt extended in dence in Woodland avenue, this Woodbridge avenue, spent Wed- e William street. nesday at Raritan Bay Beach. Jersey City and Pace Institute in For her attendants the bride chairman of arrangements. Con- long folds to form a train. Her veil place, where thy will be at home New York. Mr. Anderson gradu- had four bridesmaids, each wear- testants may register with Robert of illusion tulle, simply caught at to friends after September 11. OAK TREE • • • a ing gowns of dubonnet satin with HOPELAWN Houghton at the Sand Hills plant MRS. HENRIET BUYS, OF ated from Pacv Institute last June. blue accessories. They carried bou or on the picnic grounds. Nixon lane, is spending a month Upon returning from their wed- THE TEA ROSE CAMP OF TilE MISS JEAN HERWOOD OF at the summer cottage of herding trip, the couple will reside in Royal Neighbors of America, onne and Frank Goodman, Jr.. daughter, Mrs. Charles Horn, of Colonia. FASHION NEWS met Tuesday night at the home MENLO PARK SEPTEMBER 13TH SET AS DATE OF of Jersey City, Heights have re- Meadow road. of Mrs. Louis Horvath in Luther turned home after spending a avenue, week with Mr. and Mrs. H. ELIZABETH Jeancttt; MacDonald. wears an • • • * A SURPRISE SHOWER WAS ANNUAL PTA TEACHERS'RECEPTION Goodman. COLONIA POST UNIT Adrian-desiyned wool 'broadcloth THE HOPELAWN DEMOCRATIC given in honor of Mrs. Einai * • • • TO INSTALL SLATE suit in a combination of French blue Club held its regular monthly Fisher of Lincoln highway at the PISCATAWAYTOWN.—Mrs. A. provide an opportunity for. parHARR- Y EARLE ENTERTAINED and red for the Technicolor produc- meeting Tuesday in the club- home of Mrs. Lillian Hanks of Leonard Murphy, president of theents to make acquainances with the Henry street Community AT OCTOBER MEET tion, "Sweethearts." A military note Hamilton avenue, Friday eve- Parent-Teachers' Association, was new teachers. Club recently at His Menlo Park is predominant in the fitted jacket rooms in Howard street. ning. Present were Mrs. Henry Mrs • * • * hostess to the officers and execu- Efforts will be made by - home. Plans were made for a COLONIA.—The Ladies' Aux- •with four inset pockets, small Evans, Mrs. Walter Fenjjt, Mrs. tive board at a meeting held Fri- Joseph Stout, hospitality chair- iliary of the American Legion Post turned-up collar, red felt revers, ST. MICHAEL'S HUNGARIAN William Peters and son William barn dance which will take Greek Catholic church choir day night at her home on Meadow man, to secure a speaker for the place early next month in theNo. 248, held its September meet- with matching leather cord shoulder Jr., Mrs. Edward Schmelz, Mrs.road. occasion. Refreshments will fol- ing Tuesday evening at the homo 4Q TROTTER-LANE and sleeve detail. Miss MacDonald's met Tuesday night in the club- Mary Krawczak, Mrs. Helen Henry street firehouse. Harry rooms. Plans were made for the annual low from 3 to 3:30 P. M., inEarle was named chairman of of Mrs. Charles Weston in Madi- purse and hat are of matching blue Holzhauer, Mrs. Lillie Hanks teachers' reception, which will charge of Mrs. Stout and Mrs. arrangements assisted by Wil- son avenue. felt with red leather detail. A white • • • • and Mrs. Einar Fisher. take place Tuesday afternoon, Sep Gertrude Brundage, past president liam Harned, Mrs. E. Goodman, Mrs. Rudolph Voelker. presided silk scarf is caught with a silvery MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN Frank, All parents are invited to attend. of Warden avenue, are the par- * • * * tember 13, in the sewing room of Mrs. Thomas Short, Mrs. Char- and appointed Mrs. Oscar Large of Low Cost key. Among other matters discussed MR. AND MRS. ALBERT STAD- School No. 3. The gathering will les Smith, John Clancy, Rose George street as chairman of a ents of a daughter born last was a program of activities for the MacDonald and Joseph Batkin. miscellaneous club starting this Judy Garland is already prepar- week in the Perth Amboy Gen- tel and daughter Alberta were coming year. The calendar will be week. Miss Betty Azel, of Carteret. ing for snow in the purchase of a eral hospital. Mrs. Frank is the the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil- KEASBEY submitted for approval at the next ip Weigle of Metuchen, Friday was drawn as the first winner. stfi suit, the trousers of which are former Julia Schevchick. •§ _ regular meeting of the organiza- THE HENRY STREET COMMUN- evening. It was decided to hold a card 655 CARTERET ST. the men's "downhill" -cut, newest MRS. WILLIAM STEPHANO and MISS IRENE BACSOKA OF tion. Duties for departmental chair ity Club held a card party re- party Friday evening, October 21, thing for women, fitting closely to Mrs. John Candor and family, Cicws Mill road, has returned men were outlined and instruc- cently at the home of Mr. andin Fitzgerald's Tavern with Mrs. TO BE GIVEN AWAY the leg. Of Dubonnet wool, suspend- spent the weekend holiday in MRS. HENRY EVANS AND licme after a stay witn Mr. andtions were given fo rthe selection Mrs. Charles Smith of Charles Frank Schaufele as chairman. The ers go up and over a dusky blue an- daughters Roberta and Gloria of committees. street. More than fifty persons Atlantic City. Koerber were also New Bruns- Mrs Michael Laslo at Lake- next meeting of the auxiliary will gora guimpe. Mittens and cap to wcod. Those attending were: President attended. Prize winners were as be held Monday, October 3 when match are of matching blue and • * * * wick visitors. Mrs. Murphy, secretary; Mrs. Ella follows: Darkhorse, Evans Lind- OPFNinspection ELLENDALE CAMP NO. HO, OF • • • • there will be installation of offi- Dubonnet-dyed leather. Wheastley, Mrs. Henry Troger, Jr,., quist, Mrs. Thomas Short and cers. the Woodmen of the World, met MISSES IRENE TOTH AND Eth- Harld Earle; rummy, Mrs. Eliza- III Lll I Tuesday night in the City Line MISS LA VERNE FERGUSON OF el Lovas spent the weekend vis- Mrs. Jane Runyon, Mrs. Stout, Adrian created a costume of beige Lincoln highway left Saturday Mrs. Arthur Nichelson, Mrs. beth Goodman; bunco, Harry Mr. and Mrs. John Bonalsky of wool and black suede for Florence Rathskeller, Florida Grove road. iting at Buffalo, Niagara Falls Brundage, Mrs. Stephen McNally, Livingston. Refreshments fol- Rice. The dress has a circular skirt, for a two weeks' visit at the and Canada. Hornsby street, were recent visit- • • • • home of her uncle and aunt, Mrs. Louis Johnson, Mrs. George lowed. ors of New York City. cowl neckline and gathered sleeves, MR. AND MRS. JOHN VARGA, # * • * elbow length, and, is belted widely Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Coran, MRS HARRY DUNHAM AND Graff and Mrs. Louis Shippman. Si\, of Luther avenue, entertain- of West Hampton Beach. Miss • FRANCIS BOYLE, SON OF MR. in black suede, with matching ed a group of friends over the daughter, Janet, oi Douglas and Mrs. John Boyle, of Grove gloves, shoes, and purse of black weekend holiday. Among those Ferguson celebrated her birth- sireet, have returned home aft- STELTON day Sunday. er a stay at High Point. avenue, celebrated his sixteenth suede. A turban is of black wool present were Miss Margaret Eck birthday recently. RADIO TROUBLE? with veil. man, of Bordentown; Mr. and • • * • * • * * MR AND MRS. ALBERT Stadtel WALTER FENDT OF MIDDLE- • * # • FOR QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL Mrs. William Urban and daugh- MISS JULIA FARKAS, of Smith and daughter, Alberta, enjoyed BEATRICE BRUGMAN OF Broad Virginia Bruce starts her new fall ter, Phyllis and James Turner, sex avenue who is on a short a theatre performance at Rah- PERTH AMBOY 4—0054 wardrobe with the purchase of a vacation from his duties in street, was the week-end guest street has returned home after a of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. John of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farkas, of way, Labor Day. weeks' stay with her grandpar- lynx jacket, which is collarless and Varga, Jr., of South River. Brookfield, Mass., spent the • • * * has tremendous sleeves and is finger- week-end at his home. Passaic. Sunday, she acted as ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. sponsor for Paul Francis Fark- KAY SMITH, OF ELIZABETH, Seele, of Jersey City Heights. tip length. The perfectly matched MR. AND MRS. PURKALL OF * • > * visited Theodore Fauquier of furs pale from gold to white. Charles street, are the parents as, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. of a son, born recently at their JOSEPH BOWEN OF ST. AL- Farkas. Frank Polyak of Passatc Ce

PIMPLES •"><••*>!?•• COMFORT! Your: Hai£ Qan JMoK Young! mixer on the divided payment plan.

Don't permit faded or graying hair to mar your appearance! Correct it with ClcdroL the shampoo- oil-tint that cleanses as it reconditions as it TINTS, YOUR imparting youthful beauty. A 20-minute treatment will subtract yean and add beauty to your hair PRAISED FROM COAST TO COAST GARDENING NEEDS • . . add beauty to your looks. MEN—WOMEN, don't be humiliated Rakes, Hoes, Shears, by a face blotched with unsightly sur- Spades, Forki and Fer- face pimples because here's REAL help: Keener, longer-lastinf, Powerfully soothing, antiseptic liquid tillxers at the Iowect Zemo (adoctor'afonnula) quickly relieves prices in Middlesex kind to the akin, Treet itching soreness—then its 18 highly ef- County. Single-edge Blades are fective medicinal ingredients start in to uniformly good! 4 JOAN CLAIR help nature promote QUICK healing. COMPLETE LINE OF PAINTS superb blades for ltW. ClcdroL Int. 132 W#rt 4« Strttt, N«w York, K. T. Stainless, invisible—leave clean, liquid AND VARNISHES ftend FHEE BooUtt, Adrle* «ad Analyri*. Zemo on day or night—doesn't show on skin all while it does its good work. Only 85*. Real severe cases may need $1.25 Extra Strength Zemo. All drug stores. FORDS HARDWARE PVBLICMSERVICE COMPANY City _8tcrt«. 511 New Branswlok Ave. My B«autldan'i Name is. FORDS, N. J. BLADES A-6185 FIT GEM AND EVEg-HEADY RAZORS PAGE FOUR FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938 FOKDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON! He boards with an eccentric Piscatawaytown Briefs professor, who is trying to make a THREE MEN ON A HORSE superman serum. After Joe has been unmercifully mauled by the MR. AND MRS. J. A. BUYS OF enohl and Troop Master Fred football team, the professor in- Bergen place spent Saturday in Langenohl. jects some of his serum into his FORDSBBEACON the Highlands as the guests of arm and the result is terrific. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Mrs. Buys' mother, Mrs. Alice THOMAS CANEEL OF CARMAN Man Mountain Dean. Jun Tra- Martin. street, New Brunswick was tne e -Jby— vis. Dickie Moore, Lucius Little- guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Howard field and others are in the vast. THE BEACON PUBLISHING CO. MR. AND MRS. JOHN McNALLY Furbeck of Columbus avenue, Monday. At 611 New Brunswick Avenue and daughter Dorothy, of Over- brook avenue, and Mrs. J. E. Fords Section, Raritan Township Bertram and daughter, La Verne MR AND MRS. JOHN NAGY and CHURCH Mail Address—FordJ, N. J. of Webster place, were guests of children of Allentown, Pa., were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Walling of Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. TELEPHONE: PERTH AMBOY 4—2123 Keyport Friday. George Gallos, Sr., of Wood- NEWS • * • » bridge avenue. Subscription $1.50 per year «. * * • JOHN FINDRA AND SON JOHN, FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, ELMER J. VECSEY Jr., and-Daniel Miller, all of MISS PATRICIA GRANT RE- SCIENTIST Publisher and Managing Editor Church street, attended the turned to her home °n Colum- ''Substance" is the Lesson-Ser- Queen City Model Airplane Club bus avenue Friday after a visit mon subject for Sunday, -Septem- Entered at the Post Office, at Fords, N. J., a* second cla« in Plainfield Friday night. of several months with her her 11, in 211 Christian Science .nail matter on April 17. 1936. « • • * brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Churches and Societies through- and Mrs. James Murphy in out the world. MR. AND MRS. CORNELIUS Charleston, S. C. Cadmus of Milltown are parents The Golden Text is: "Blessed are What Causes Business Failures? of a daughter born Monday eve they which do hunger and thirst MR. AND MRS. LESTER Russell after righteousness: for they shall Writing in the Saturday Evening Post, Albert W. At- ning in Middlesex hospital. Mrs. and daughter Agnes of Main Cadmus was formerly Pearl be filled." (Matthew 5:16). wood discusses the appalling mortality rate in the field of street, spent Sunday at Anona Among the Lesson-Sermon cita- Latham, daughter of Mr. and Lake. retail business. Stores are started, run for a short time, Mrs. Arthur Latham of Chest- I • * m tions is the following from the Bi- and fail—and their places are immediately taken by other nut avenue. MRS. FRANCIS WOERNER AND ble: "But lay up for yourselves stores that repeat the cycle. « • • • daughter Miss Catherine of Sil-treasurers in heaven, where nei- HOWARD SBDGLEY OF BRUNS j ver Lake avenue, and their ther moth nor rust doth corrupt, This has resulted in a flood of legislation designed to wick, Me., who is attending den- house guest, Miss Marie Daley and where thieves do not break lessen the retail death rate. But, as Mr. Atwood observes, tal school in Philadelphia, was of Sioux City, S. D., returned tthrough nor steal." (Matthew 6:- "The Jong, cold stark record of business experience is the \veekend guest of Ralph Saturday after several weeks 20). that brains, git-up-and-git and efficiency cannot be im- Overlook, of Germantown ave- spent at their cottage in Seaside The Lesson-Sermon also in- planted by law . . . Failure, insolvency and bankruptcy are nue. Park. cludes this passage from the Chris . • • • • tian Science textbook, "Science not primarily to be done away with by legislation." MRS. GERTRUDE TAYLOR OF and Health with Key to the Scrip- The basic reason for most of the thousands of retail Main street, has been the guest tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: failures can be expressed in a wort—incompetence. Mr. of a nephew, Wilbur GuJick, of "Christianity causes men to turn Atwoo-d states that a careful survey made of the stores in Bishop street, New Brunswick WHO KNOWS? naturally from matted to Spirii. for several weeks. as the flower turns from darkness one trade in a Western state showed that half of their 1. When was the Kellogg Anti- to light. Man then appropriates proprietors went into business, not because they were ex- • • • • War Past signed? those things which 'eye hath not perienced and fitted for it, but simply because they were MR. AND MRS. KENNETH Stout 2. Is factory employment in- seen nor ear heard' " (p. 458). and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frey creasing? out of work and starting a store on a shoestring seemed and daughters Olga and Janet at the easiest thing to do. A Department of Commerce sur- Lloyd avenue, Miss Margaret 3. How many States require vey in a typicallarge Eastern city showed that 64 per cent Roytas of Player avenue and voters to belong to a political par- THE YOUNGEST OF Mi', and Mrs. Lester Henderson ty in order to vote in its primary? THREE TALENTED of retail failures were of stores whose owners had no pre- of Metuchen were at Seaside 4. When will the anti-mono- vious managerial experience and little or no business Park over the weekend-. poly committee begin its public DAUGHTERS knowledge. In another study of retail failures, eleven • * • • hearings? ow.ners blamed the business depression for their insolv- MRS. MATTHEW MILLER OF 5. How does farm income, this ency. But further inquiry brought out the fact that none Church street, spent Sunday year, compare with 1937? with her mother, Mrs. Ruby 6. What is the new old-age of these men had good credit ratings at the time of start- Amorson, cf New Roehelle, N. plan in California? ing their businesses, that two had failed previously, and Y., bringing her daughter Ruby, 7. Has the Navy a seaplane Views and Reviews that six wore actually insolvent when their stores opened home after a visit of five weeks base in Alaska? James W. Wadswortft, member of the!r doors for the first time. with he rgrandmother. 8. What official position does Congress, New York, addressing • * * Adolf A. Eerie, Jr., hold with the Republican conference: Here is the answer to those who would attempt the im-MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK G. government? "The transition from Govern- possible task of using the law as a barrier to failure for Loetzer and son Stanley of Main 9. Did Germany recently make ment the servant to Government the ^competent and inadequately financed merchant. street, spent Labor Day week- inquiry among other nations as to the master^ has been sudden and y When legislation is used to hamstring the efficient store, end with relatives in Bellaire what they might do if Germany bewildering." (ilusio Features & Photo Syndicate) and Hempstead, L. I. took action in Czechoslovakia? w • » « HE season is now here w'-en aro "I Don't Want to Play In Your of whatever kind, the consumer is robbed and the dead 10. How does employment in Cordell Hull, Secretary of State: TNoel Coward's famous bit of Yard," by Philip Wingate and H. • * • • melodic research, "Mad Dogs and W. Petrie; Dave Marion's "Her hand of bereaucracy brakes the wheels of progress. So MISS EILEEN DANFORD OF the U, S. compare with last year? ...."There is, indeed, no mystery about international law." Englishmen Eyes Don't Shine Like Diamonds," long as inexperienced people insist and going into retail Bergen place, spent Monday Go Out in the "Her Golden Hair Was Hanging business, the failure rate will remain excessively high— evening in New York City. "The Gladiator." * • • « Midday Sun" Down Her Back" by Felix McGlen- and nothing can be done about it. MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL Walk- A laughable comedy beginning Herbert Lehman, Governor of takes on special non and Monroe Rosenield and er and daughter Miss Edith, with Joe E. Brown telling bed- New York: force. "Little Bunch o£ Whiskers on His • * * * were In Seaside over the week- time stories to a hospital ward "In my opinion, the greatest Chin," the product of the veteran end. full of small crippled boys. He is Jcanette UacDonald. as early as sha problem of both industry and agri Haven't heard songwriter William Jerome and the The public speaker who lacks responsibility rarely lacks was able to think about anything, a new ditty from fired by the committee so that thought only of being a singer, anq culture today is distribution." Irish-American actor Andrew Mack words. MEMBERS OF TROOP NO. 12, they can give the job to a college perhaps a dancer. Today, Miss M Harry Woods in Dld i f th t ad many niontlis. It Boy Scouts, who spent the week graduate. Joe wins $1,500 on Bank l stars In Hollywood, She Is Roswell Magill, resigming as Und- now ^ (appearing opposite Nelson er-Secretary of the Treasury tc was Woods -who Despite their destructive repeti- Prisoners Mistreated end at Camp Martin Con-way Night and decides to resume his Eddy for the fifth time in "Sweet- tickled the toes tion ot music, . the radio rajaha The death of four convicts in the Philadelphia Coun- were Fred Blanchard, George education where he left oi'f. In the hearts." teach law: —and eardrums maintain a ceaseless cry for new ty prison where they were acaldftd to death by live steam Graff, Jack and Billie Stout, same style pants he wore when he "A man has no business teaching —sometime back songs. The demand far exceeds the Richard Shipman, Robert Voor- was a freshman, he returns to col- if he has tastes for Park avenue Louis Reid with "Yon Ought supply. Meanwhile, Tschaikowsky turned into their cells during a hunger strike, is a tragedy Jiees. Arthur and Martin Lang- lege. PRODUCTION NEWS and Rolls Royces." to See Sally on Sunday" and "I'll gives way to Tin Pan Alley and that should serve as a warning to the people of the United Sidney Franklin, director of "The • • * * Never Say Never Again, Again." Tin Pan Alley to Tschalkoweky. So States. Good Earth" and "The Barretts of Evangeline Booth, head of the Sal . . . "Cry, Baby, Cry," for the third much music—no much duplicated vation Army: week in succession, led the popular music—that you become- groggy, The punishment inflicted on these convicts, who were WimpoJe Street", has become a pro- song- list in the number of perform- tone-deaf listening to it^'Bands al- ducer'^ for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. "I am an American citizen and ances. . . . Written by Terry Shand, ternating their rhythms and tones. helpless to resist, was brought to light only because four His first picture will be "The Year- America is my home." Texas' contribution to A. S. C. A. P., You're soothvd by one, agitated by of the convicts died. Nobody knows how many convicts, in ling" based on the novci by MarjorJe whose previous hit was "I Double another. The radio rajahs think other prisons, have suffered severe punishment without Kinnan Rawlings.-Victor Fleming Frank E. Gannett, newspaper Dare Ya." . , . -Another "click" is they know what llm armchairs will direct. Franklin's second film publisher: on the way in "I'm donna Lock My want. The armchairs want plenty the acts of the officials coming to the attention of the pub- will be "Madame Curie" starring- "Today, America leads the Heart (and Throw Away the Key)". of variety. And so the musical lic. Greta Garbo, world in. depression." . . Newest song-publishing firm is merry-go-round goes on, from arlaa Bregman-Vocco-Conn, Inc. Bregmnn to Heat singing, from Bonala to This newspaper does not believe that anything like a was general manager for Robbins us. from roundelay to rhumha. majority of the officials employed in our penal institutions Margaret Sullavan, Mel vyn Doug- Arthur Vandenburg TJ. S. Senator Music Corp. Vocco was SIMON las and Robert Young have joined from Michigan: formerly head of War- Vienna's Music are brutal. At the same time, startling disclosures which Joan Crawford in the cast of "The "It is no longer a case of the ner Bros, music units come to light occasionally, indicate that there are some Shining Hour." Frank Bovzage will people supporting the Govern- and Conn was an execu- The old Vienna has Now that schools are bubbling conies back from Maine to st: tive of Leo Feist, Inc. gone, with its gay and very callous individuals in positions they dislike. Until a with excitement as opening days are over WJZ October 3 ... most soot direct and Joseph Mankiewicz will ment; too often it is a case of the Government supporting the peo- .. . The firm's first pub- sentimental enchant- tragic affair turns the spotlight o.n a specific prison, no one upon us, it might be well for Boards ing show remains "Music to Re: produce the screen adaptation of lications are "My Best i ment, but the old Vien- of Education to consider radio. Keith Wainter's successful stage ple." * has any idea what goes on. By" . . . the only midnight hour . Wishes," by Sam Pok- ' na music Jives on, as Although no longer in its infancy uninterrupted classical music . . play. rass. and Ted Koehler imperishable as it is We do not believe in "coddling" prisoners. Their pun- as an art, radio has been sadly neg- did you know Sam Taylor \va^ George St. John Terrott, Director and the trickily-titled ingratiating. 'It must lected and almost nothing has been member of the Mines' blue-rib], "Will You Remember be the faintly poignant ishment should not become a glorified vacation from the done about teaching younger stu- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has pur- of Health Survey: panel? chased "Tiki", an original story for "Medical authorities agree that Tonight Tomorrow?" by overtones to the lilting cares and responsibilities of the outside world. At the dents the technique of radio acting Did anyone think of Judy Si Dave Franklin and Cliff melodiousness that make same time, those convicted of violating the laws of our and writing. for the role of Scarlett O'Hara? . the screen by Alfred Levy. much of America's illness is pre- Friend. it so enduring in the Government and sentenced by society to terms of punish- Subjects devoted to the airwaves she's singing with Hal Kemp's • ventible." heart of man. The great- would be welcome additions to chestra but don't be surprised if si Malibu Lake served as more than • • • « est of songs have a ment, have the right to expect just, humane and reason- courses in drama and literature and suddenly turns movie st;;r .. . whit a location for the latest Pete Smith- Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., maker o[ That lusty old ballad suggestion of sadness, able treatment. That many of them fail to receive this teachers would do well to include reminds, Skinnay Emm, former v Prudence Penny short, "Penny's Pic- "Rubber will play an even greater of Gotham, "Bideivalks and so it is with thft radio in the new curricula. They calist with the Kemp orchestra, nic." Miss Penny, Home Economics of Ifeio York," which Terry Shand music of Vienna. It kind of treatment is a sad commentary on our penal insti part in the future than it has in served the Al Smith could show how radio lias prog- set with his own band for the 1' Editor of a western publication, our economic and social progress." A.s.ij.A.r. evokes tender memories tutions. ressed, how radio lias developed as Hope WEAF show . . . the g\ caught the fish which she fries for campaign well in 1928 In its gladness. It bids an art, how radio differs from the heard on Ed East's morning Hou • • • • —though not well enough—is Ai one ever to seize the day, for time stage and screen. Then there are party have taken up knitting . . her fellow actors in the short. Fat Harrison, U. S. Senator from years old. Written by the practi- is fleeting and life is short. With Some of these August days are so hot that arguments hundreds of problems which may it gives them something to do IK Mississippi: cally-forgotten James IV. Blake and the passing of the old Vienna, the are unnecessary. be discussed—problems which do ween numbers ... if you are a gut- Cecilia Parker, Marian of Metro- "I regret to say that I do noi Chirles B. Lawlor, it 7ia.? rantii?tcdgreat waltzes—those of Strauss and not confront artists and writers in on Polly the Shopper's program, si Goldwyn-Mayer's Judge Hardy believe any man from the Deep through the years the most popular Lchar and Fall—give off a deeper « • • • • other fields. makes you have doughnuts ai Family pictures, has lost six pounds ditty about Neio York. Its only close nostalgia than ever, as now, with South will ever be President." rival in puhlic favor is "The Bow- the coming of summer, they appear It's Time for the Fairs Radio is an effective means of coffee .. . it's a superstition .., doi since she completed work in "Love • • • • miss M-G-M's Good News of 19 ery," which alio stems hack to regularly on the mu3tc racks of the It is estimated that something like three thousand dramatic expression. There are Finds Andy Hardy." She is prepar- Walter F. George, U. S. Senator the not-so-gay Nineties. "The Bow- outdoor orchestras. thousands of histrionic-minded boys which WHN airs on Thursd ing for "Out "West With the Har- county and community fairs will be staged in the United nights . . . Fannie Brice and Frar from Georgia: ery" was written by Percy Gaunt and girls today who want to nuke dys,T which is scheduled for early and Charles II. Iloyt and icas first States during the next few months. radio their life work. They should Morgan are as funny as ever . . "Some of these Federal admin- depending on the result of an Octi production. istrators remind m very much of sung in the latter's farce "A Trip Despite its bewitching heauty of These community fairs Will range between the extremes be given the opportunity in their e to Chinatown." public schools to learn about kilo- ber conference, major baseball tear. melody, dricffs Piano Concerto has of excellence and worthlessness. Some of them will merely cycle scripting and acting in the may allow broadcasting next year . . Imd, strangely, little attraction for be an excuse for cheap carnival companies to set up mid- same manner as they study their if you're interested, NBC now en MYRNA LOY RECEIVES GIFT Other favorites o£ the Nineties, of the virtuosi of the keyboard th* Latin or Greek. braces 154 stations, CBS has l' which faint echoes are still heard, season. ways that are marked by various gambling devices and and MBS, 107. Eventually, some school will gain FROM CLARK GABLE undesirable shows. Others will present instruction through fame by pioneering in constructive educational exhibits and aid in the development of trade work along these lines. • • • the old country doctor who said and the upbuilding of the community in which they are STORY OF THE WEEK. K; he always threw his patients into • • • Kyser, whose Musical Klass holi fits, because he was 'hell on fits.' '' THE ANSWERS held by the program set forth. The managers and direct- CHATTER. You can get real forth on the ten ten dial the: ors of every community fair have the option of determin- autographs of celebrities by writing Wednesday nights, had a youngstc 1. In 1928. on his program recently whom h Cave-In Buries 3 2. There was a slight gain In ing the character of the event, that they will stage. to Welcome Lewis in care of her «M Singing Bee program ... it must asked to name a song identified wit' July. In this connection, it is worth calling attention to the be a tough job to pick 20 questions baseball. Kyser waited for the la Hamburg, la.—Three small boys 3. About 40 States have "clos- from the 60,000 submitted each week to say "Take Me Out To The Ba' were buried alive when the side fact that the United States Government appropriates mil- Game". But the reply was: ed"primary regulations. for NBC'i'Information Please . . . of an old deep gully they were 4. Some time in October lions of dollars for participation in large fairs such as the contrary to reports elsewhere, Kenny "I Can Dream, Can't I?" playing in, caved in.. A fourth exhibitions to be staged by San Francisco and New York Baker will start with Jack Benny Kyser, bewildered, asked how th 5. 1937, .$8,600,000,000; 1938, kid arrived at that answer. child, Carl Mullen, 3, escaped un- about $7,500,000,000. in the near future. The Government, through various de- when the latter resumes October 2 injured, returned home and a few . . . that's the same day Lew Lehr "Oh", said the youngster airil. hours later when questioned about 6. $30 a week for persons over partments, also participates in various State fairs and, oc- and Ben Bernie begin on CBS . . . "I was thinking of the salary thr 50 years; to be paid in script, neg- casionally, in some of the smaller events. If the Govern- Patricia Ellis, looking lovelier than Joe DiMaggio demanded 1" the whereabouts of the other boys, otiable within the state, and to be ment can participate in the exhibitions held by the large ever at the Casa Manana, is a good told of the tragedy. The victims retired through compelling hold- bet for radio ... of all the commen- • • • were Olin Mullen, 7 brother of cities and provide millions of dollars for so doing, we see TEN YEARS AGO. WMS' ers to attach stamps each week tators covering the Hines trial. Carl, and Robert Larry Briggs, 6, equal to two per cent of its value. no reason why the Government cannot make an appropri- George Combs whose voice is heard was broadcasting bouts from Mart and John Stewart Briggs, 9, only ation each year, of at least three to five million dollars, to at 7:30 P.M., is tops . . . this ex- son Square Garden . . . radio te!< Stamps must be purchased with Congressman has a dramatic quality pathy experiments failed in Londi children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert "real" money. provide for educational exhibits at the various county, or that puts a real punch in the news . . . battery hydrometers were sellin Briggs. 7. Yes; at Sitka. community fair in the nation. Of course, it will not be fast .. . pianos were losing and radic 8. He has just resigned his post . . among those returning . . , Graining in ponulariu . . . con Cross Atlantic in Sailboat possible for the Government to be represented at every Kate Smith's evening show is set speakers were selling for $32.f>0 . . as Assistant Secretary of State, community gathering, but some participation is possible :or September 29 ... her daytime and announcers kept a=klng fans t. Montauk, L. I. — Three young 9. Yes. for hundreds of these fairs which annually attract thous- broadcast^ October 4 ... Fred Allen send in applause card*. Germans recently sailed from the 10. In July, the last month for Montauk Yacht Club in a 31-foot which a comparison is aaailable, ands and thousands of people. double foresail sloop for Hamburg employment was one-fourth lower Germany. The boat, built by Heinz than in 1937. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY Forster, 30-year-old captain and owner, of Hamburg, is rigged with The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the a jib, staysail and mainstail. They Taker Takes All world, and they that dwell therein. FOR ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER ROUTES expect to travel about 3,600 nauti- For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established cal miles in from 35 to 40 days. Raleigh^ N. C. — Rigging up a it upon the floods. See Mr. Cassidy Saturday morning camera and flash bulb outfit to Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? or who shall between 10 and 12 o'clock at the 8 Miles Per Day catch a suspected thief of stamps, Pittsburg, Pa.—According to staofficials of the State Department stand in His holy place? tistics compiled by the National of Education suffered much em- He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath FORDS BEACON OFFICE On Myrnfl Loy'S birthday what would lie more ai>!>ioi>i-i;it<- tliun for Chirk Association of Chiropodists, Mrs. barrassment and financial loss Gable, kins of the screen, to present Miss Loy, ijucm of the .scrcon with Average Housewife walks about not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.— 611 New Brunswick Avenue : : : Fords, N. J. a tiny kins and nueen of the jungle during the lilmine of the jungle when, the next morning, they Psalm XXIV; 1-4. eequencf-s for -Tno lint to Handle." Director Jack Conway la assisting eight miles a dayin doing her found not only more stamps miss- in the presentation on the sei. daily chores. ing, but also the $180 camera. >S AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938 "?AGE FIVE Let's Go To The Movies! AT RAHWAY THEATRE AT THE RITZ THEATRE AT THE LIBERTY AT THE REGENT THEATRE

Sigrid G«ric, Charles Boyer and Hedy Lnmarr in Wallor Wangcr't "Algiers," released ihru United Ariisls.

REGENT THEATRE, Elizabeth. "Boy Meets Girl." Judge Hardy's Family is turn- Marie Wilson and Bruce Lester r ed loose for the fourth time in play the parts ot the unmarried Bcene f om "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse'' "Love Finds Andy Hardy" which waitress who is the mother of opens at the Regent Theatre today. Happy America's Sweetheart, and Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Ann Rutherford, L'ana Turner The same group which won oi the movie extra, who carry on By Wiley Padan wide recognition for its work in the romance in this adaption of in "Love Finds Andv Hardv" IT'S TRUE! 1 Scene from "" "Judge Hardy's Children, ' is the play by thesame name. He becomes as successful a crim found in the new episode, with im The Benson and Law firm of tee you more laughs than you'd portant additions to the cast in expect to find in two pictures. inal in the course of his allegedly writers is represented by James scientilic dual existence as lie is a Judy Garland and Lana Turner, Cagney and Pat O'Brien. Ralph Mike "Music Goes Round" Riley A?- see:; LEADING making this the most pretentious and Jiis orchestra will head the surgeon. In fact, his facile brain Bellamy plays the part of tho QTAGE STAPJW SINSMS LAP* r^ SO STARS of the series. movie producer. Frank Mt;Hugh, short subjects alng with a Henry soon enables him to become the AS ?, leader of a band of robbers previ- PROFESSIONALLY a With George Seitz again direct- Dick Foran, Penny Singleton and Armetta comedy, entitled "My A6E THREE WlTH- Pop." ously dominated by Humphrey ing, an inside story of the drama others are in the cast. ^ AND SCREEN. HEP.TIDO SISTERS. which is to be found in every Bogart and for whom Claire Tre- AND HAS BEEN RAHWAY THEATRE, Rahway. vor is the stylishly garbed 'fence.' American family is unfolded in an"I Am (lie Law." FORUM THEATRE, Metuchen. lease of March of Time will also amusing and realistic manner. Edward G. Robinson comes to Leading his band in one big U S CITY! Edward G. Robinson is cast in Shirley Temple's back! That be shown in conjunction with the screen of the Rahway Theatre robbery alter another, the doctor Attention has been given to thethis lively picture as the special means "standing room only" at the"Little Miss Broadway." in what he has described as theseems to manifest a strange zest romantic problems facing young prosecutor, while Otto Kruger is Forum Theatre in Metuchen— Victor McLaglen, academy most fascinating role of his career ior his illegal enterprises until he boys and girls in a small mid- the man who controls the rackets. next Sunday, Monday and Tues- award winner, pops up again on —the truly extraordinary title is suddenly brought up short by western city. Their heart-breaks There is much fighting and mur- day, September 11, 12 and 13, be-Wednesday and Thursday next in character of "The Amazing Dr. arrest for the murder of Bogart, and happiness, amusements and der in the film. cause the screen's first little lady "The Devil's Party" a real-life Clitterhouse," a bizarre crime film who had threatened to blackmail adventures are authentically paint John Beal, assistant to Robinson never fails to "pack 'em in" when drama with William Gargan, Paul with hilarious undertones of com-him. ed against a background of the is also a son of Kruger. Barbara her pictures appear at Manager Kelly and Beatrice Roberts in the home. edy based by Warner Bros on the Placed on trial fo rhis life, the O'Neill is the prosecutor's wife Forgione's popular playhouse. supporting roes. The companion- London and New York stage hit Acclaimed by screen previewers and Wendy Barry is an ex-news- This time Shirley is supported ate attraction will be Ronald Rea- doctor escapes the penalty for the of the same name. murder he has undoubtedly com- o be "all that's grand in romance paper woman. by a cast of headline performers gan, newest of the matinee idols, It is the tale of a distinguished ind racing—and entertainment— in eluding George Murphy, Jimmy in "Accidents Will Happen." mitted by a shrewd manipulation r neurological surgeon who emo-f the psychology of the jurors. It Speed to Burn" first of a new Durante, Phyllis Brooks, Edna Warner Baxter, one of my favbark- s upon a career of crime in eries from 20th Century-Fox, Mae Oliver and many others. Six orites and yours, gives a splendid is one oi the strangest denoue- order, so he says, to study the ments ever related in any film, •omes to the Regent Theatre. song hits are crowded into the performance in the comedy hits mental and physical reactions of A .heartwarmingly human story hour-and-a~half feature, which "I'll Give A Million" next Friday but convincing nevertheless and criminals during those moments highly amusing. t>AKTHOLOME-W >f one of the world's most excit- passes so quickly you'll wonder and Saturday, September 16 andwhen they are perpetrating their ng sports, the film is rich with all where the time went. A color car- 17. With winsome Marjorie Weav- crimes. Other members of the Impres- .he romance and color of the race toon, a musical and the latest re- er as his leading lady, we guaran- sive cast, besides those already rack. It introduces a'new screen mentioned, include Gale Page, Al- iamily, the Gambinis, deslinicd A ON len Jenkins, Donald Crisp, Henry or immediate favor in the affoc- £-=1 O'Neill, John Litel, Thurston Hall, ions of all filmgoers. Into the You Are Cordially Invited To Attend The Maxie Rosenbloom, Ward Bond, lives of the Gambinis comes the Cuit Bois, Bert Hanlon and Vladi- boundless love of a man for his Clark Gable sporting two weeks' mir Sokoloff. girl, the dauntless faith of a boy growth of beard raised expressly n his gallant thoroughbred, and for scenes in "Too Hot To Handle." LIBERTY THEATKE, Elizabeth. he thrill of an exciting victory. ST. JAMES' ... Myrna Loy and husband, Arthur , WALTER Hornblow, enjoying a week-end of Newest rivals for "best dressed" / i fishing at Ensenadn . . . Walter Pici- honors among Hoyylwood film INSISTS HE HAS PC©*, M£MOF,Y FOF, NAMES Ytl h WEEKLY GAME SOCIAL pcon and daughter, Edna, accepting actors are the famous "" MET FKEPPIE FAF^^AR>,A WAF, BUDPy, 0N thow..Umcy IIOLLYLUCJD!) 6OULEVAP.D help you win In SS50.000 an invitation to attend the Santa kids. HIM INSTANTLY AFTER. 22 Barbara Fiesta . . . .' Although the versatile group of Movie gull I young players rode to national re- LEGAL NOTICE cognition in tattered trousers, torn New York, N. Y.—"IT'S TRUE! that Barnett Parker was liefer To: W-110; Docket 110-263 born in Yorkshire, England, on September 11th," says Wiley Recorded: Book 1129; PaRC 219 shirts and battered shoes, they NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE dressed in the height of fashion Padan. "He obtained his entire schooling at Harrowgate College EVERY MONDAY NIGHT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: in his native town. He was trained for a career in the theatre for one of the important scenes in At a regular meeting of the Town- AT 8:15 P. M. ship Committee of the Township uf "," Universal's and his first role was with a traveling repertory company that Woocibridge, held Tuesday, September smashing drama of youth in a big passed through Yorkshire when he was eighteen. Parker had lo Gth, 1938, I was directed to advertise tlie fact that on Monday evening, Sept- city which starts at the Liberty pay the manager twenty pounds to get the part and Found out ember 19th, 1938, the Township Commit Theatre.T he ';Dead End" kids, With CLAIRE TREVOR tee will meet at 8 P. M. iDST) in the afterward that the company needed the money to leave town Committee Chambers, Memorial Munict last seen in "Crime School" are pal Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey, starred in the film with Robert ST. JAMES' AUDITORIUM and expose and sell at public sale and Wilcox and Helen Parrish, And the male contingent had ain the celebration, it's being ob- ALLEN JENKINS • D>»U wip • caie p e to the highest bidder according to terms served by th Ritz Theatre, which aB of sale on (He with the Township Clerk "We're so dressed up we hard- chance to do plenty of sighing, too, e — PLUH — open to inspection and to be publicly as the picture boasts two of Holly- will present Paramount's new read prior to sale, Lots 20 ft. of 20, ly know ourselves," declared the TIIK MAIIC1I TWINS all of 21 in Block. 549, Woodbridge new garments by the studio ward- wood's most alluring ladies—both nautical comedy "Give Me A Sail- 'Penrod's Double Trouble Amboy Avenue Township Assessment Map. newcomers—Sigrid Gurie, who or," to local audiences. Take further notice that the Town- robe department. made her bow in "The Adventures ahip Committee has, by resolution and Announced as the first of 20th ' The story tells cf the high jinx 'I'ml ay ami Sutunluy pursuant to law, fixed a minimum price of Marco Polo" recently; and of sailors and their officers on at which said, lots in said block will Century-Fox's new Roving Re- Hedy LaMarr, the gorgeous Vien- KAY "MY BILL" ADMISSION--40 CENTS be sold together with all other details shore leave and what happens FJtA.VOIS in porters series, "Time Out For nese actress already being named PLUS -- pertinent, said minimum price being Murder" opens today at the Lib- when they get mixed up in the WAKNKK 5540.00 plus costs of preparing deed as Hollywood's No. 1 Glamour rivalries and politics of a_ madcap and advertising this sale. Said lots in erty Theatre, with Gloria Stuart, Girl. in said block, if sold on terms, will re- Michael Whalen and Chick Chand San Francisco family. At "the head IIS Request Feature Saturday N1U) quire a down payment of $54.00, the of the cast are Martha Raye and NEW FEATURE "PLAY LUCKY!" balance of purchase price to be paid lex featured. The picture offers a splendid -Hi. GLORIA STUABT WAItNKIl UIN'OKIl in equal monthly installments of $25.00 According to Executive Produc- picture of the life and color of Bobe Hope, who first teamed to- Williams in, Rogers plus interest and other terms provided gether in the recent "College $20.00 SILVER DOLLARS TO BE AWARDED in contract of sale. er Sol M. Wurtzel, the series will the native quarters of Algiers, "UPPER WORLD" Take further notice that at said sale. deal with the hair-raising and with all background shots shot in Swing" and now return to repea or any date to which it may be ad- [their successful partnership. journed, the Township Committee re- sometimes hilarious adventures of the actual locale. Alexander Tolu serves the right in its discretion to re- an ace reporter and his wise- bouf, one of Hollywood's ace art ject any one or all bids and to sell NOW SHOWING said lots in said block to such bidder cracking photographer, played by directors, has supplemented these Uout HAIR it may select, due regard being with some splendid settings and given to terms and manner of pay- Whalen and Chandler. In their ef- ment, in case one or more minimum forts to solve the crime in "Time the atsmosphere of the picture is bids shall be received. uncannily realistic throughout. Upon acceptance of the minimum bid, Out For Murder" they are forced or bid above minimum, by the Town- to accept the cooperation of Glo- Get ready for Navy Week! . , fugitive from ship Committee and the payment there- ria Stuart, a bill collector who re- Although there's nothing official Ihe police; betrayed by love, Harvest of by the purchaser according- to the manner of purchase in accordance with fuses to let he improvident Whal- terms of sale on file, the Township will en out of her sight until he pays deliver a bargain and sale deed for said premises. up. Eventually he settles, but not B. J. DUNIGAN, before the three have succeeded in Township Clerk. DATED: September 7th, 193S. breaking the most exciting myst- To be advertised September 9th andery that ever made New York September 16th, 193S, in the Fords Dollars Beacon. headlines. RITZ THEATRE, Elizabeth. Charles Eoyer, that smooth, su- ARE WORTH MORE ave idol of the feminine fans, fill- State ed the Ritz Theatre with feminine sighs last evening as he played the THAN 100 CENTS WOODBRIDGZ most exciting role of his career in FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "Algiers" Walter Wanger's thrill- SEPTEMBER 9TH & 10TH ing celluloid entertainment, which JOHN BOLES and LULI DESTE was in the act of unreeing. They'll Bring You a $4°? Reading Value m "She Married an Artist" also PETER LOKBE in IFORUM THEATRE GRAY THIS NEWSPAPER "Mr. Moto Takes W/A A Chance" METUCHEN, N. J. {RigmUr Price for O*t Y SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Th< CO3TEDY NEWS EVENTS Sept. 11, 12, 13 r *S your hair gray? It It going gray? Eraie that ihadowl SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY ' a/ns September 11, 12, 13 enrurer AND aQ Clatrol lifts the gloom of gray that'darkeni your fact and v "Little Miss Broadway" Stand. DOUBLE FEATURE with makes you look yean older. LOUISE BAIJTEB AND SHIRLEY TEMPLE 6,000 MELVYX DOUGLAS in JliUIIE DUBANTE MARTHA RAYE-BOB HOPE 3,000 picture*you' Whether you'd like to regain your own color or completely; Illustrations POPULAR "THE JOY WIFE" Latest Release—"March of Time" Articles also Musical Act—"Under the "Wire" "SPEED TO ME change the color of your hair, Clairol will do It quickly and' a Year JOE BBOWX in Color Cartoon—"Catnip Kollegc" BURN" MECHANICS a Year IO subtly that your cloieit friend won't detect the change, "WIDE OPEN SPACES' WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MICHAEL WHALEK MAGAZINE Sept. 14 and 15 LYNN BARI Clairol does what nothing else can! In one simple treatment WEDNESDAY, HENRY ARMETTA SEPTEMBER 14, 1938 Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTS. {Regular Price for One Year—$2. jo) "The Devil's Party" Get Your "MOVIE QUIZ" Contest with Cash Nite Booklet NOW at this Theatre FBEKI VICTOR McLAGLEN A«k yvvr b*aulldon. Or writ* to ut far fRES CloJrol CLAIBE LUCE AXD BUDDY 4 PAUL KELLY boofcftt, fKtt arfrltt on fh» car* of hair, and fftfff BOGEBS in J also fttavV anofyiii. Writ* NOW on coupon btlow. For only a Year 'Let's Make A Night of It'j "Accidents Will Happen" Don't be satisfied with ordinary with also 4 RONALD REAGAN baby powders that are not anti- EVELYN VEXABLE in j Latest News Events septic. Without paying a cent JUST SIGN THE MONEY-SAVING COUPON "Female Fugitive" 1 more you can get Mennen Anti- COMEDY SEWS ^ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THURSDAY, SEPTEifBER 15 septic Powder — which not only Sept. 16 and 17 doei everything that other baby JOAN CLAIR u $2.95. Send me yo^ newlpap« aad PoPuUlr Mechanics DOUBLE FEATUBE ^ FREE for one year. "I'LL GIVE A MILLION' powders do, but also sets up an Clairol, In*,, 132 W«it 46 Street, New York, N. Y. WAEXEE BAXTER AXD 4 antiseptic condition that fight* FBEDDIE BARTHOLOMEW in J with Pl«ai« itnd FREE Clalrol looVUt, Advlc* and Analytit. 31ABJORIE WEAVER off germs and skin infection*. It Nam* .,..,..•--..• -*... T- .i. "KIDNAPPED" •taps chafing and rawness, too. % \ also Henry Armetta comedy—"My Pop' Street, Number, or^T~' STAN LAUREL AND OUVEE Buy it at your druggist's today. * I • s HABDY in Musical—"Mike Riley & Orch." *^.r ' ? Cartoon—"Injun Trouble" O City. "State. "SWISS MISS" My Beautician's Nam* ^C AUTO ON NEWS EVENTS^ JLateat News Events OUR PUZZLE CORNER DETECTIVE S~ft DLINK WITH TH PLAMWED TO COMPLIMENTS DARK HE'i.l8E OVERBOARD// EILHYNMHO IS SURE. THERE WONT Fog FAR-OFF CHIMP) BEANY INTERFEREKCe (N Be SURE NO AND ONE sees YOU G01N& RSLEEP ON HIS



REG'LAR FELLERS It's A!! In The Point Of View By Gene Byrnes

T SEE ... H IT- SEE 7 HnXupHERE . w . _.., WONDERFUL IT UJE \AJE-RE. UP 15 Ri6rtTUpTo J \ -THERE KoV/: TORT'S

will he ?• Nou) 1'rw^oin' tog






RIGHT AAJti TO Pfto\l€ \T- I'LL ANSWERS TO OUR Missing letters—Self explan- the rumbling to be that of a severe -me atory. earthquake. PUZZLE CORNER M. SPLIAJTQ? P objects—Player, pennant, post Tests Disturbing' Gold From the Dead UJKO ti TDOTH^lCkS pants, pair, pipe, pail, parasol, poster, people, person. Copenhagen, Denmark-—Inhab- Aokyo.—If plans of a group of 6iJ AT© THe I-V\BIT Dots—Eagle. itants of southern Danish islands Japenese dentists are carried out, OF CWewiMG "TOOTHPICKS OArrH_ Goofygraph—Moon on tree, pipe were so frightened by gun firegold from fillings, plates, crowns AR£ so FOLL OF UJOOC^ ~me\- op out of man's mouth, man's scarf, from the German navy, which has and teeth will be gathered at cre- -S"Aujt>osT- OAie: MAAJ UJAS matories from dead bodies and TO £i3 oPeRAret. 0/0 A rbabit's ear, snail's head on turtle, been holding extensive manoeuv- DOCTORS Fouwb OJOUGH man' trousers, stockings, one foot ers in the Baltic Sea, that" they used to help carry on Japan's war OP H|^ TO &OlLb ATUIO-CAft out of picture. jumped from their beds, believing in China. A-0b> A tioG House. D T"-I? • Ameriian RtT« Ft»tnft». Inc. KSf*-:-.'.:.


FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938. BARRONS START SCRIMMAGES; MESICKMEN MEET CLOVER-BROOKS, SUNDAY AVENEL LADIES START ! SETS NEW N. A. RECORD LEGION WALLOPS STRONG LINDEN NEW BOWLING LEAGUE! NIXONS WALLOP BARRONS START CONTACT DRILLS: AVENEL. — The first toucfi" of NINE, 5-1; MESICK WILL PROTEST bowling came into our midst this METUGHEN COPS PRISCO SEES NEWCOMERS AIMING season via Avenel, where some forty or more women organized last Wednesday for the second FOR VACATED VARSITY POSITIONS GAME PLAYED AGAINST N. AMBOYyear. The meeting was held at IN HOLIDAY TILT afr WOODBRIDGE. — The unusually busy Labor Day the Recreation Bowling alleys, on METUCHEN. —- A big five run WOODBRIDGE. — Completely satisfied with the con- Main street, Rahway. rally in the tenth inning enabled dition of his charges, Coach Nick Frisco of the Wood- Do you remember way week-end found "Monk" Messick's Legion nine in two stifi Officers elected for the coming the Nixon Nitration Nine to de- battles with the North Amboy Sporting Club and theseason were: President. Mrs. Ar- bridge High School Barron^, plunged his eleven into ex- back when a football feat the Metuchen Police 9-7, tensive drilling: this week with emphasis placed on block- team consisted of twenty- Linden A. A., in the new Municipal stadium. The first chie McFarland, Woodbridge; sec- Monday afternoon, at the local retary, Mrs. Harold Hanson, Ave- high school diamond. ing and line charging. The team, now in its third week five men? It was then re- game, Sunday, against the North Amboy combine, for nel, and Treasurer, Miss Eve Drex the leadership in the County Baseball League ended with Both teams battled the four- of training, enjoyed the change from calesLhenics aivd con- duced to twenty, then fif- ler, of Railway. four tie for several innings and it ditioning exercises, and received the contact work out- teen and finally eleven. the Gashousers winning via a forfeit when the Legion Eight teams were formed and was not until the tenth that the lined for them this week. j Then it's no wonder that a players left the field in the eighth inning after a dispute captains were picked from last Nixons put on their hitting clothes ~ with. Umpire Brennan. year's high scorers. There will be to score five runs. Zak doubled, Although his squad is much man by the name of Ste- four other members on each team AUie walked and Kubiak, Jacobs smaller than last year's, Nick is Fireworks started when Hottay and all quintets will be sponsored satisfied with their showing and phen Epler, coach at Delaney clouted a terrific smash and Pfeiffer singled to feature the W. F. C. DEFEATS Chester, Nebraska, high by business firms of the three attack. believes he will turn out a com- KELLYS DEFEAT to right center field and was out towns. bine which will more than threat- school, dwindled it down at home alter a relay from deep The police retalliated in their The league will be officially en the scheduled opposition. His to six men. He didn't do right field. Immediately the entire half of the tenth toy scoring three backtield is practically the same SEWAREN; PLAY Legion squad protested the deci- named as the Ladies' Recreation runs. Kirk singled, Bancer walk- this because he thought 11 PORT READING '9' Bowling League. as the one he had last season with sion and swarmed all over the um- ed and Salaki and Leiss singled to Steve Stanko the exception of Lou Wagonhoffer men were too mainy. He The first series of games will be Nixion Nitration (9) did it because his high pire, believing Delaney was safe played Monday night at the Rail- The pride and joy of Keasbey and "Buster"' Johnson. SPORT '9' TODAY at the pay-off platter. Brennan re way alleys. ab r h and an aspirant for the heavy- Prisco, however, is having a school couldn't turn out BY 7 TO 5 MARGIN fused to reverse his decision and Zak, lb 5 3 2 weight lifting crown of the world. WOODBRIDGE.—In a five in- hai\l time in finding two tackles ning gams_jyhich saw Pitchers more than 17 boys in any PORT READING. — Port Read- the Legion refused to take the Allie, c 5 2 2 Steve Stanko, entered a new rec- to replace "Cook" Dunn and Fred ing has it's share of play-off field again. Dudash. cf 5 0 2 ord into the record books during Wally Szewczyk and "Legs" Ko- one year* Simonsen. George Markulin and csi display some clever pitching, His modern conception of ames this week with the Kelly Messick said that he would pro- INMATES, OWLS Kubiak, If 5 1 1 the weight lifting events held at Aquila look like possible bets for All-Stars coming through to win test the game and called his Jacobs, rf 5 2 2 the Canadian National Exhibition the Woodbridge Field Club defeat- the vacated spots although they ed theSewaren A. A., 1-0 in a the game spread throughout a three-game play-off series in the players from the field. North Am- Pfeiffer, 2b 4 12 last week. are getting plenty of opposition Rozanski, p 3 0 2 game designed to bring out the the state in 1934. The next first half which saw practically boy had taken a 4.-3 yead and De- Stanko, bigger and stronger than from "Big Joe" Petrusik and BOW IN DEFEAT Chinehar, 3b 6 0 0 winner of the first half schedule year there were more than the entire league knotted in a tie" laney's run would have tied the ever, won first place in the heavy- George Berry. All four men are for first place. [score. Peter Urban, president of Estor, ss 6 0 1 of the Recreation League's senior 300such teams in the country weight division with a total of 850 big but they Jack experience. division. and now 2,000 "sixes" will The first game saw the Kelly's the league, has no protest on files pounds. He posted a new North Probably the stiffest fight now as yet, but it is believed that the TO SPORTJLUB Totals 44 9 14 American record with a 350-pound Kocsis held the Sewarenites to play the game this fall. Yes, on a hitting jamboree in register- Metuchen Police (7) is between Fred Leyh, last year's ing an 11-4 win. over the Fred's fiery Legion manager will dis- hoist in the clean and jerk lift. varsity center, and Johnny "Dyna- two hits while Szewczyk yielded the game is a "comer." 1 cuss the matter at the next meet- WOODBRIDGE.—In a series, of ab r h Tavern lads. Zuccaro pitched the tune-up matches prior to the Kec. Stanko bettered the old record of mite"' Dubay, the mighty mite who but three hits. The Sewaren hurl- really believe that miniature ing of the league officials. Johnson, If 5 10 347 % pounds. rose to sensational heights last er fanned six while Kocsis whiffed win for the Kellys while Coppola League pay-offs, the Sporting Balas, c 5 12 football will be just the received1 a pasting. Fitzpatrick North Amboy now holds the Club engaged the Rahway Re- Stanko is rapidly becoming the year after the game against Thom- two. Tonight the Field Club plays lead in the league and the Legion Glenfield, lb 6 0 2 the Sporting Club for further first thing for our Recreation De- and Zuccaro starred in the batting formatory inmates and' the Hope- nation's ace heavyweight lifter. as Jefferson High School. Leyh is again has dropped into second Leiss, ss 5 13 He has had only several months of bigger and stronger than Dubay, half laurels. partment and Fm hoping roles which saw plenty extra base lawn Owls and defeated both Pennington, 3b 5 0 2 place with only one more league clubs by one run margins. The actual competition and has fared but Nick is pleased with the work The Latlanziomen scored their Sam Gioe makes a note of it.hits. game to be plaj'ed. TenEyck, rf 5 0 3 only run in the fifth inning after In the second game of the round Hopelawn Owls were the first to amazingly. He won the New Jer- Gf both men. There are hundreds of Rusznak opposed Grega on the Kirk, rf, p , 4 11 sey title in his first attempt and Fredericks and Molnar went down robin merry-go-round, the Port feel the sting of the local sluggers Bancer, cf, p 4 11 "Porky" Pochek, Charley Mol- boys in the township who mound and was bounced for ten when they were buried under an then went on to capture the senior nar, Toke and Aquila ar fighting Reading A. C. gained the right to Salaki, 2b 4 2 2 e on trails, Frankie Golden got a want to play football, but meet the Kellys in the finals by hits while his mates garnered sev- avalanche of fourteen base knocks title of the state. A few weeks hard for varsity guard berths. Po- en base knocks. The Legion scored later he amazed the sporting chek was a regular last year and hit when the ball scooted by Le- the organizing of elevens taking the Anchor Inn into camp and came out on the short end of Totals 44 7 16 its three runs in the first two in- & 4-3 score. world by beating out veterans to Prisco has to choose one from the Roy Simonsen's glove. Zambo, is a difficult task. Expense by the score of 11-7. Genovese running for Genovese, went to is the main problem and and Guiffredo opposed each other nings and Grega held them score- Tony Barcellona pitched the en- win the U. S. crown. three other candidates for the less for the remaining six innings. tire nine innings for theTocals and The former Woodbridge high open position. third and stole home when a play on the mound and both pitchers was made for Golden at second injuries is second most im- were easy on hits. North Amboy came to life in the he allowed seven hits which were HOPELAWN DEFEATS gridder then went into training in Kilby and DeAngelo are at ends portant. Uniforming a six- fourth with a single tally and bunched in the seventh and eighth KEASBEY FIREMEN York, Pa., and further developed at the present time, but one of llic base. In the grand finale the Kelly tied the count with two runs in himself in the new art. It was Sewaren bettered its standing in man team is inexpensive All-Stars came through, with a six innings. Frank Kozma was hit boys might have to give away to the seventh. The Gadekmen broke freely, especially by Joe Zick, who with the York team that he lost Alby Leffler, who has not as yet the second half by defeating ihe because nearly all the run attack in the sixth frame to the tie in the first half of the KEASBEY. — The Hopelawn Shell Oilers 9-3 wih Wally Szew- had four for four, and Bernie Firemen squeezed in three runs in his first match and that was returned to school. DeAngelo is boys treasure a helmet, defeat the Port Reading A. C. 7-5.eighth and led 4^3 when the game against the world's leading lifter czyk again hurling for the Se- Byleckie was the tops among the Keating who collected three for the second inning to register a 3-i stronger this year and looms as n shoulder pads and a pair was called. from Germany. The U. S. team possible regular along with Kilby, warenites. He was easy going as batters in the fray with' three for four. victcry over the Keasbey Smokies. of pants. Sneakers are The Labor Day game was play- Both pichers fanned three bat- won first place, nevertheless. the fightingest man of all the Bar- he allowed seven hitg, but his three for a perfect day at the plate. M. Sabo pitched the Hopelawr. teammates battered afton [or ten used instead of shoes. So Kukulya, who pitched for the Kel- ed against the strong Linden A. A. ters while Barcellona was charged team to victory while Gloff, hurt- His new record at the Toronto rons. Semak, a newcomer from League pennant, with the Legion with two passes to first base. meet firmly established him as the Avene, is making it tougti for all and a sure victory. Wally also nad the budget is cut consid- lys in the all-important tilt, hit ing for Keasbey, put one down in a perfect day at the plate with erably here. safely twice in three attempts. sporting a band of base thieves to The inmates of the Reformatory the loss column. leading contender for Olympic three with his sensational work in honors and another match with practice. He knows the game. three hits in three tries. The A. C. took a 2-1 lead in the win 5-1. Ed Estawanick, no-hit outhit the locals, 13 to 8, but they Sabo held the opposition score- pitcher, allowed but five hits, but failed to come through in the the German ace. Johnny Korzowski will again The game lasted five innings The game is 70 percent first half of the third, but the Kel- less for five frames, but yielded a larceny on the base paths caused pinches. Both clubs erred plenty, bear the brunt of the backfieLd and saw the Blue Birds score in safer than eleven man foot- lys came back with six runs to run in the sixih to avert a shut- each of the innings they went to practically sew up th game. The his downfall. the locals making five miscues. out. Rader was hest in the slug- attack from the full-back position. ball. In fact, six man foot- e The game was scheduled for sev Wasielik and Schwenzer are prob- bat. Both pitchers fanned three All-Stars, 'by virtue of their latest Bernie Keating went all the way ger's *-ole by poling out two hits. while Kafton walked four to ball became popular because tiiumph, are now the sole leaders for the locals, alowed six hits, but en innings, but a tie score at the BARONS DETOUR able starters at the halfback posts end of the seventh necessitated an and Frank Chaplar will again do Szewczyk's one. it was fast and deceptive.in the Port Reading league. kept them well scattered. He al- W. F. C. (1) It's mainly a passing and lat- Port Reading (5) lowed his only score in the sev- extra frame. The issue was set- the signal calling from the quart- tled in the eighth when Rusznak SPORTING CLUB TO erback spot. Other backs trying ab r h eral passing game. Yet the ab r h enth inning. He fanned five while WFC'S ROAD TO Estanwick struck out four. singled Tony Barcellona walked SPONSOR DANCE ON for positions are Chovan, a new F. Golden, 2b 3 0 1 plays would put a big eleven O. Kollar, 3b 4 1 0 and Keating sacrificed to put the and fast lad; Johnny Royle, Wal- J. Zick, cf 2 0 1 R. Zuccaro, ss 4 10 "Butch" Bodnar started the Le- SATURDAY, OCT. 1 to shame. Right now Sam i runners on second and third. Gyn- ter Karnas and Ernie Bartha. Kocsis, p 2 tJ 0 Minucci, If 4 0 1 bion on its way with a single in es caught the inmates flatfooted m SOFTBALLTITLE W. Golden, If 2 0 1 mighty proud of his baseball the third. Two errors by the Lin- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — The Royle looks much improved DaPalito, lb 2 11 with an- unexpected squeeze play over last year and is fighting hard S. Zick, c 2 0 0 and basketball leagues. Genovese. cf 2 10 denites and an infield out enabled O. F. S. Sporting Club will spon- WOODBRIDGE.—The best the Zambo, 3b 10 0 to send in the winning run. Woodbridge Field Club could do in to land a varsity backfield berth. Some of the best in the state. DaPrille, p 3 0 1 him to score. Bodnar again start- sor its first annual dance Satur- Fredericks, lb _... 10 0 ed the fireworks in the fifth with Chaplar started on the mound day evening, October 1, at the their playoffs for the township Karnas, trying to follow in the And what Sam couldn't do Vahaly, rf 3 0 1 for the locals, but Rusznak step- footsteps of his great football Molnar, ss .-, 10 0 M, Kollar, 2b 2 0 1 a walk, stole second, went to third Fords Casino, on Rogan's Corner. softball championships was a split with this new sport. ped in to save the day. Keating al- bill with the Port Reading champs playing brother, Johnny, like a J. Genovese, rf 110 Simeone, c 2 1 1 en Keating's sacrifice and scored Music will be furnished by Tiny Many ex-high school on Delaney's infield out. so hurled. Rusznak stole the bat- and the Fords Barons. Port Read- natural especially in the safety po ter's show with three hits in four Wagner and his swing band. Vin- ing was an easy victim as the Lat- sitions where he has shown excep- Totals 15 I 3 players would be tickled to Totals 27 5 6 Jost opened the sixth with a trips to the plate. Numbers 13654 cent Cheche is general chairman, tanziomen came through to win by tional ability. Sewaren (0) aid in the inovation of the Kellys (7) single, stole second and third. and 15012 also banged homers for assisted by Rock iSardone, Chris a 5-1 score. The Barons, long Now that school has started the ab r h game. I recommend it ab r h Tony Barcellona was hit by a the losers. Brems and President Samuel Ma- challengers of the Field Club, had Barrons will shift their drill hours M. Karnas. ss 2 0 1 strongly for a Senior Sechinsky, If 4 11 pitched ball and Bodnar was safe Sporting Club (9) rie. Final plans will be made at its a sweet time in shellacking their from morning to afternoon at the L. Simonsen, 2b 2 0 0 Bylecki, c 3 1 3 at first on an error while Jost ab r h next meeting, Tuesday, September rivals by an 3-0 count. Parish House field. Prisco will J. Karnas, 3b 10 0 league. Coaching the T. Zuccaro, 3b ,. _ 3 10 tallied. Barcellona and Bodnar 13. J. Barcellona, 3b, 2b 3 1 0 Joe McLaughlin allowed five start regular scrimmages the lat- B. Simonsen, If 2 0 0 game would be fun in it- Kukulya, p 3 12 pulled a double steal with Bar- S. Pochek, If, 3b 4 1 1 ter part of this week or the early Pocklembo, cf _ 2 0 0 Depolito, cf 2 11 ceona taying the second run of the hits, walked two and fanned three self. The field is smaller G. Rusznak, p, rf 4 4 3 Kidnaps Plane batters to pave the way to a Lat- part of next week. J. Szewczyk, lb 10 0 C. Vahaly, ss _ 3 10 frame. ~ '••*• and the rules are a little T. Barcellona, ss 2 11 tanzio win. Kollar hurled all the The first game of the season Leffler, rf 2 0 0 Lombardi, lb 3 0 1 TheLegion scored its lastrun in Troy, Ohio.—Truman Netzley, r Sabo, c 1 0 1 different with trends to- B. Keating, p, lb 4 0 0 way for the Anchor Inn combine will De played against Orange M. Simeone, 2b 2 0 0 the seventh when King singled, J. Karnas, c Ill 17, explained to playmates that he and he limited the Field Club high on September 20, at the new W. Sefchick, p 10 0 ward safety. I honestly Pelligrino, rf 2 0 0 Delaney walked and Barcellona just "wanted to taxi around the would like to see the game P. Gyenes, c 2 0 0 to four bingles and a walk. Koliar Municipal Stadium, the new home singled to score King. B. Golden, cf ..._ 3 0 0 pasture' 'in his brother's second had bad support, otherwise he port of the Woodbridge High Totals 14 0 2 make a good start right Totals 26 7 8 hand monoplane. The next thing N. Amboy <4) W. Gadek, UE _ _ 2 0 0 might have triumphed over the School. W. F. C 000 01—1 here in our own back- M. Karnas, 2b _ 10 0 they knew, Truman, who had nev-Woodbridge lads. ab er had a flight lesson, was up in Sewaren _ 000 00—0 yard. It's not dangerous, LOCAL FIREMEN PLAY Nycz, rf - 4 F. Chaplar, p Ill The Field Club scored three W. Scewczyk, rf 0 0 0 the air and wondering how to get not sissified—it's good PARK COMBINE TONITE Matusz, 2b 1 down. Finally, however, he made runs in the second after there were BOYS' CLUB WINS 2 What say, Sam? Think it Reinert, 3b 4 two out. Ur and E. Miller scamp- Totals 27 9 8 a perfect landing in another pas- IN JUNIOR LEAGUE RAPHAEL PACES GIRLS over. RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — The McGonigle, cf 4 ture, to the delight of his family ered to the initial sacks via errors Daniels, If 3 Reformatory (8) and scored when Larry McLaugh- TO SOFTBALL HISTORY Raritan Engine Company No. 1 r h and on lookers. WOODBRIDGE. — The Boy 9' Softball team will meet the High- Kriss, lb ...~ 4 ab lin tripled. He scored a moment 1 1 Refer To: W-110: Docket 119-263. Club added the feathers of the PICKUPS—Lyman Peck, land Park Firemen's team tonight Nehila, c - 4 14487, ss 5 later on "Apples" Miller's single. WOODBRIDGE. — With Lor- 15457, lb 5 2 1 Becorded- Book 1129; Pace 319 Cadet Juniors and the W. F. C. raine Raphael paving the way your former sports editor, is at 6:15 o'clock at the Eight avenue Sebesky, ss _ 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Port Reading scored its only run Juniors to their belt this week in 15012, If ..._ _ 4 3 4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; in the sixth when Wasielik doub- with Sour hits in five tries a: t';.? back in town for a while be-i field, Highland Park. Grega, p „ 4 At a regular meeting of the Town- feature games played in the Re-. 13665, c 5 0 0 ship Committee or the Township of led and was sent home on a single plate, Ihe IsdVi Girls defcnl.d fore he returns to Boston: This will be the first in a series 13654, 3b _ 5 12 Woodbridge, held Tuesday. September Junior League. the Woodbridge All-Stars 2'J-9 in of games between the two compa- Totals - 32 4 10 by Johnny Zullo. University . . . He drove in 16047, cf 5 0 2 6th. 1938. I was directed to advertise Joe McLaughlin started against Hansen pitched the Boys' Club the second In ?• series of three nies and it is expected that a large Wood. Legion (3) the fact that on Monday evening, Sept- to a 9-0 victory over the Field from his new home in Fort ab r h 13453, rf -~. 4 0 1 ember 19th, 1938. the Township Commit the Barons, but he pitched only 2 games to c-own the township crowd will be on hand to start 15565, 2b 10 0 tee. will meet at 8 P. M. {DST) in the Club and then repeated with a 7-5 girls' softball team. Wayne, Indiana, where he them on their way. King, 2b 3 0 1 Committee Chambers, Memorial Munici innings and retired with a sore 16017, 2b ..._ _ - 1 0 1 pal Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey, arm. He allowed two hits and no I win over the Cadets. Zick and The first gaTie of the series was spent the summer as a golf T. Barcellona, 2b 4 0 0 and expose and sell at public sale and JKopcjo were the leading hitters in A, Barcellona, If 3 11 15481, p 10 0 to the highest bidder according to terms runs. Genovese took over duties, I'layed last week and the V/ood- pro at the Fairview Country BE SURE TO GET AN 15503, p 3 11 of sale on file with the Township CTerk yielded five runs and became 'the both games. bridgc lassies btiely had enough Jost, lb _.._ 4 0 1 open to inspection and to be publicly Scores by innings: Club . . . And smashing of Golden, rf 4 0 0 read prior to sale, Lots 20 tx. 18. 5 ft. losing pitcher. Ed Miller and strength left io stave off a rally records was his hobby . . . Totals 40 8 13 20, all of 19, in Block 549. Woodbridge "Sleepy" Coll also worked on the Boys Club 202 104 x—9which saw the Iselinites com; Leahy, 3b -2 0 0 Township Assessment Map. F. C. Jrs 000 000 0—0 Fred Simonson goes to Ad- Delaney, cf _ 4 0 2 Sporting Club 211 400 01—9 Take further notice that the Town- mound for the losers. within one run of tieing the score. Inmates 101 024 00—8 ship Committee has, by resolution and Frank Miller pitched brilliantly Boys' Club 300 103 x—7 Thr final game? will be- played miral Farragut Academy Bodnar, c 2 11 pursuant to law, fixed a minimum price Cadets 010 000 4—5 AMERICAS , Rusznak, p — 2 11 at which said lots in said block will for the Barons as he allowed but 5 r.e** week in Irc-lin, the )in: to where he will prep a year Jost, lb 4 11 be sold together with all other details scattered hits and no walks. the Woodbridge feirls, and the win- prior to his entrance to An- pertinent, said minimum price being Government Breeds Flies STANDARD TIME! Totals —- 28 3 7 Golden, rf _ 4 0 0 S600.00 plus costs of preparing deed Jun started the Baron's rally ner will be titled township soft- napolis. North Amboy 000 100 21-^ T. Barcellona, ss _... 2 10 and advertising this sale. Said lots m with a triple. Gilsdorf sent him ball champ in the girls' division. said block, if sold on terms, will re- home with a single but was forced Beltsville, Md. — While house- Legion 120 000 00—3 Leahy, 3b _.._ 4 0 0 quire a down payment of $60.00 the holders are doin gtheir best to Sorry folks, Sam Gioe is balance of purchase price to be paid at second by Balog. Frank Miller Score by innings: Linden (1) Bodnar, c - 3 2 1 "swat the fly," the government is Iselin 101 10 02 6—20 no "pool shark" ... We Keating, p 3 0 0 in equal monthly installments of $25.00 then hoisted a home run. R. Mill- ab and other terms provided for in con- raising thousands of them to be Woodbridge 114 0 00 3— 9 were misinformed aftd Rohldan, If 3 tract of sale. er doubled, Jess flied out, but Take further notice that at said sale, Reilly scored him with a double used by Federal experts to deter- say we're very sorry . . . Wilson, cf ..._ ....- 4 Totals 30 5 5 or any date to which it may be ad- mine the efficiency of insecticides But Sam did say he did a Bouska, 2b 4 Linden 000 000 100—1journed, the Township Committee re- and McCloskey repeated to score serves the right in its discretion to re- Reilly. Frank Miller's second home offered the public on the open HORSE SHOW lot of semi-pro baseball- Winners, ss 4 Legion -... 001 012 lOx—5 ject any one or all bids and to sell market. Calloway, lb 4 said Iota in said block to such bidder run featured the three-run attack HOSPITAL KKNKK1T 'AM o S t'.M ing in his younger high as it may select, due regard being in the fifth. FRI. & SAT. SEPT. 16-17 Dunham, 3b -... 4 New Concrete Process given to terms and manner of pay- Sting Fatal school days . . . Johnny Kurkowsky, rf 4 Washington.—A demonstration ment, in case one or more minimum r ^ JUMPING bids shall be received. Plane Kills Five "Cook" Dunn is the latest Coyne, c 2 in which a concrete fortress was Upon acceptance of the minimum bid. Tyler, Texas.—The sting of an SWEEPSTAKES Barron to enroll at Fork Nelwirth, c „ 1 constructed and made ready for or bid above minimum, by the Town- Berlin.—Compelled to make a unidentified insect proved fatal to ship Committee and the payment there- forced landing, the pilot of a mili- 51 DRAFT. Union M. A. . , It would Get trust worthy time ID I smart Estwanick, p 3 use in less than one working day of by the purchaser according to the Dr. Horace M. Mayfield, 31, son of HORSEMAN- by use of a new formula known as manner of purchase in accordance with tary scout plane dropped into one former U. S. Senator Earl B. May- SHIP, SAD- be a good idea if the Bar- Ingersoll watch. Yankee is the terms of sale on file, the Township will of Berlin's liveliest traffic centers DLE, HUNT- Totals —- 33 1 6 the "vacuum concrete process" deliver a bargain and sale deed for field, who died 15 minutes after ER, JUMP- rens played Fork Union smallest and thinnest pocket Legion (5) was conducted in the presence' of said premises. and brught death to five civilians. he was stung. ER EVENTS B. J. DUNIGAN. While the plane landed safely, one this fall and called it the wiitcb al $1.50. Chrome-plated ab r h a few military and diplomatic ob- Township Clerk. annual varsity - alumni case, clear numeral*, unbreak- King, 2b _... 3 1 1 servers by Karl P, Billiner, of DATED: September 7th, 1938. wing crashed into a shop win- MR. AND MRS. JOHN CAHILL New York City, inventor of the To be advertised September 9th and >dow and killed two men and three of Columbus avenue, spent the shindig. able eryitaL Delaney, cf 3 0 1 September 16th, 1938. in the Fords NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. A. Barcellona, 11 3 0 1 process. Beacon, l women. weekend at Atlantic City. PAGE EIGHT FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938 FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON1

Places ol meeting of th^ District LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL NOTICE Boarus: J.SL uistrici, Piscatawaytown School. Joseph Bruder Block 93, Lots 11-12 166.92 ,K. Spear Block 556, Lot 2B 1,646,22 Hans P. Erickson Block 694, Lot 38 816.42 and, uiatricc r'ire nouse, f iscataway. W J Donncll Lumber Co Block 95, Lot 23A 871.68 ; Tree Land & Bldg. Co Block 556, Lot 2H; J; Lot 2-E- Faust Matteucci Blk. 694A, L. 3-4; 739. L.23-24 1,208.45 K«fer To: W-42; Docket 118-110 town. J M Brokaw. Dr. Block 97A, Lots 3A-5A 499.22 Louis Faggot: i & Mamie Matteucci Block 694C, Lots 4-5 915.M Recorded: Book 1123; Page 179 am Diatrict, Oak 'rree School Oak Margaret Harkins Block 07D, Lot 1 213.53 1; 2-T-l 6.724M Sophia Pleiffer, Est Block 694D. Lots 1-2; 7-14; 20- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE iree. Anna C. Davis Block 100. Lot liA 495.1,;* Samuel Eichen Block 556. Lots 2-L-l; 14.57 25; 30-37 5,494.03 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 4m District, Clara Barton School. Ernest W. G. & Ella M. Hoffman .... Block 100, Lots 23E, 24C 727.23 Elizabeth Maloney Block 556A. Lots 9-10 115.65 Harry Norman Koons Block 694D, Lots 5-6 795.2G At a regular meeting of the Town- 5ih J-Jistnci., btelton tchoui HUUSC. George P Lockwood Block 104D Lot 21 59y.-jO W. J. ii Jiary Jenkins Block 556A. Lot 19 241.89 Nels Sorenson Block 694E. Lots 19-20 309.-40 ship Committee ol the Township of oiii uistmi, Ciara .tjarum sScuoui. Tomis Devico Block 104D Lot 2S 548.75 Alice Bisbjng Block 556B. Lots 3-4 143.63 John Sharkey Block 691F, Lots 1-2 778.05 Woodbridge, held Tuesday, September Charles G. Bremley Block 1041. Lot 3 670.72 Harold Hobbs Block 5$6B. Lot 8 71.69 Lillian Cleaver Block 694. Lots 9-10 342.49 oth, 1938, 1 was directed to advertise Notice is further given that ail Boards Amos Wheatley Block 104 P, Lot 1 581.36 A. Meeham Block 556B.Lot 14 52.21 Christian J. & Gertrude A. Jorgenson . Block 694K, Lots 11-12 330.76 the fact that on Monday evening, Sept- will also sit in tne samfc places be- Lewis W. Dreyer Block 1043, Lot 6 559.00 Cappo Realty Co , Block 556B, Lots 15-16; Block John Shoe Block 694M, Lots 31-32 320.08 ember 19th. 1338, the Township Commit tween the hours of seven A. M. and Vireie H. AiDscow Block 123, Lot 4A; Block 556D. Lots 6-7; 10-14; Block 556F, Lot 1 582.28 Stephen Kovalsky Block 694P. Lota 14-15 517.2S tee will meet at 8 P. M- (DST) in the eight P. M., Eastern Standard Time, on . 6 lfil, Lot 2F; 8B & 8G 19,659.82 John & Lydia Brown Block 556E. Lots 41-42 126.52 Edil Marie Olsen Block 694P, Lots 26A-27 414.71 Committee Chambers, Memorial Munif. TUESDAY, dward Gray Block, 124 B, Lots 22-23 5O3.iJ7 Henry Wassenberg Bl. 556B, Lots 43-44; Bl. B56G Mrs. L. D. Chriatensen Block 694Q. Lot 1A 24*i. 61 pal Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey, OCTOBER 18TH, 1938 Homestead B. & L. Ass'n Block 125, Lots 27-28 199.77 Lots 9-11 234.06 Clifford Pfeiffer Block 694T. Lot 1A S.882.76 and expose and sell at public sale and and arno Canello Block 127, Lots 3-4 407.91 James F. & Kitherine Fowler Block 556B. Lots 52-53 116-51 Michael Reisz , Block 696, Lots 3-4; Block 699, to the highest bidder according to terms TUESDAY, aul Kovacs Block, VJ7 Lots 35-37 2i7.54 Helen Pastre Block 556C. Lots 8-9 272.99 Lots 1-2 3.089.&0 of sale on file with the Township Clerk NOVEMBER STM, 1938 Victor Ghilino Block, 142, Lots 9-10 317.28 Caroline Kuonzler Block. 556C, Lots 10-11 116-51 Arthur H. Johnson Block 698. Lots 10-11 553,2S open to inspection and to bt publicly between the hours of seven A. M. and Stephen Beke Block 144, Lots 6-7 4*6,60 Maria Leonardis Block 556F. Lots 15-16 107.84 Perth Amboy B. & L. Ass'n Block 699. Lots 7-8 1,519.26 read prior to sale, Lots 38-39 in Block 8 P. M., all Boards, for the purpose - ura F. &. A. Roy Ainscow Block 161, Lot 2E; 8D; E; F; 3.866.53 Anna Krintzmacher Block 556F. Lot 21 466.09 Wm. Jensen Block 701. Lots 1-2 1.072,71 ISA, Woodbridge Township Assessment of conducting- a General Election tor Roy Ainscow Block 161, Lot SC 401.69 Fiorijan Wyechewski Block 556F, Lots 27-30, Block Alfred J. Gelling Block 701, Lots 11-12; Block Map. One (1) United States Senator Wm. C. Benni Block 161, Lot 14 547.13 556G. Lots 5-S 458.99 743, Lots 5-6; 21-22; 750, 37-38 1,770.93 Takb further notice that the Town- One (l) JlemDer Hou3e of Represenl- .dith Leisen Block 161, Lot 23B 992.S4 Associated Homes. Inc Block 557, Lot 3A; Block 594, Julius & Irene Gasper Block 701, Lots 17-20 742.42 ship Committee bas. by resolution and atives Lots 13-14; Block 643. 1SL; 643K, 22-33: 37-42; 643L, 1-S; 11-42; Michael Zavenor Block 701, Lota 25-26 1,568.37 pursuant to law, fixed a minimum Three (3) Members of the General .loyd Hart Block 180, Lots 20A-35 4S4.11 Annie Smoliga, Est BUn-k 703, Lots 9-10 611. H price at which said lots in said block Assembly Mtg. Rubber Co Block 199, Lots 2-4A 2.189.3U 6J3AI. 17-39; 643 X, 1-15; 28-31: 643P. 1-12 SAOO-oi John Kocak Block 703. Lots 33-34 520.54 will be sold together with all other de- One (i) Sheriff Piscataway Eldg. & Dev. Co Block 199, Lot 16L; Block 264A, The Oak Hills Co. ..Block 557, 18B; 19: 557A. 1-4; Frasor Bros Block 703. Lots 35-36: 704, 20- tails pertinent, said minimum price be- Two (2) Coroners Lots 4-7; 10-13; Block 264B, Lots 3-5; 7-8; 11-12; 15-20: Block S; 11; 12: 557B. 2; 4-9; 11; : 15: 557C, 3: 5: 7: S: 13: 14 7.919.05 23; 26-27; 705. 35-36 2,765.S2 ing 52,000.00 plus costs of preparing Three (3) Members of the Board of 2b4C, Lots 1-6A; 11-12; 15-22; 25-2-J; Block 266, Lois 6-7; 10; Metuchen Natl. Bank . Block 557, Lot 22B 2.514.15 Block 705. Lots 3-4 750.72 Chosen Freeholders Mary & John Bryan . Block 557, Lot 34B 192. IS Gso. Dudics deed and advertising this sale. Said 13: 17; Block 267, Lots 3; 8 15,673.04 Jeronio & Luclla Gibson . Block 557A, Lot 13: 557C, Lot 2 Ales Ellis Block 705. Lots 5-6 750.73 lots in said block, if sold on terms. One (1) Justice of the Peace Frank Preiss Block 201, Lots 5-6A; Block 551.20 Wm, Dugns Block 71)5, Lots 19-20 192.01 will require a down payment of $200.00 202. Lot 9A Whitdal. Inc . Block 557B. Lot 14 176.55 Block 706, Lots 27-28 Place:: of meeting of the District 9S4.70 Raymond V. & Susan Regan . Block 559. Lot lA 72.30 Chris Lonne 1,457.56 the balance of purchase, pric* to be Frederick Cordes Block 201, Lot 7B 145.34 Helen Greishaber . Block 561, Lot 2S Jos. McLoughlin Bluck 70S, Lots 15-16 317.44 paid in equal monthly installments of Boards: Anna Refi Block 211, Lots 13-14 78.78 .. 17.13 Reuben Szern Block 713. hots 9-10 278.54 District No, l, Piscatawaytown Eva Cummidy Block 212. Lots S7-&9 John & Xicoletta Ready . Block 561A. Lot 3A 14.59 Block 713. Lots 19-20 $20.00 plus interest and other terms School. 187.65 Mary Antonette Nobilio . Block 561A. Lot 6 14,59 Peter ilcKoon 2(8.54 provided for in contract of sale. Isaac &. Isabelle Tucker Block 218. Lots 3-4 651.55 Christian Jorgenson Block Tia. Lots 39-10; 730E 1-4 2,026.96 District No. 2, Fire House, Piscata- Clark F. Ellison Block 220, Lots 22-25 Sahatino Marsillo . Block 568, Lots 1-4 91.SJ1 Block 714, Lots 1-2 Take further notice that at said sale, waytown. 1,470.51 Jos. Amorilla . Block 572, Lots 1-6: 27-32 Marguerite C. Hanson 48i).2O or any date to which It may be ad- Elmer H. & Margaret Pakay Block 225, Lots 12-13 368.53 Samuel Curto . Block 572, Lot 18 Eclw. K. Hanson Block 714, Lots 3-10 'yurnt-d, the Township Committee re- District No. 3. Oak Tree School. Plymouth Realty Co. Block 226, Lots 27-31 1.203.52 . Block 572. Lots 19 Anthony L. Warn & John Albert Block 715, Lots 10-11 29-1.59 serves the rig*it in its discretion to re- District No. 4, Clara Bar£bn School. Joim Kapler, Sr. Block 229, Lots 6-8 1.137.94 Calojjero Curto 29.1G Maple Realty Co Block 716, Lots 29-32 556.9!) Diatrict No. 5, Stelton School. Carrie Neff Block 234. Lots 37-38 626.35 A. & M. Fassio . Block 573, Lots 1-4 136.57 Block 725A, Lot 2SC; Block ject any one or all bids and to sell aald . Block 573, Lots 16-17 •""lar.i Kutcher t lots in said block to such bidder aa it District No. 6, Clara Barton School. Susie Jone3 Block 234, Lots 41-42 John Miklosky , . Block 573. Lot 50 58.11 725C, Lot 1; 3,006.72 may select, due regard being given to John & Mary Bokor Block 235, Lots 63C 3MK 39 Domenic & Mattie Alley . Block 574, Lots 3-7 "i 3-1.19 Clias. H. Starkln . Block 725A. Lot 2SD 317.2? terms and manner of payment, in case BOVSUABY OF DISTEICTg Amer. Natl. Associates Block 241. Lots 5-6 727.85 Wm. Jones 170.66 F. Bunz BlocK 726, Lots 7-S 820.06 one or more minimum bids shall be District No. 1 Harold Nagle Block 242, Lots 29-30 599.10 Joseph Marsala . Block 574. Lots 36-39 136.57 Jos. Trapp Block 726. Lots 9-10; 78 482.67 Beginning at a point on the north Wm. Monaghan Block 251. Lots 29-31 Geo. Cepe . Block 575. Lots 26-29 11*5.51 received. bank of the Raritan River where the 553.10 Ruse Tabeek Block 726. Lots 44-45 370.38 Jacob Kesney Block 254, Lots 3-4 217.55 i A. & L. Pomcirolli . Block 575. Lots 42-45: 46-50 351.65 Oscar L. Miller ... Block 727, Lots 4-5 Upon acceptance of the minimum bid, dividing line of Highland Park and fie Rudolph Raska Block 255, Lots 15A 642.50 Conte Block 576, Lots 25-26 5S.1-1 826.41 or bid above minimum, by the Town- township intersects; thence northerly Caeslaw Nardowski lilock 727. Lot 35 237. S7 John & Esther Bertram Block 265. Lot 21C 278.76 Domenic Buscemi .. Block 577, Lots 24-25 6S.17 Jos, Keating Block 727. Lots-JO-11 309.40 ship Committee and the payment there- along said dividing line to the center Block 265. Lots 21D; 25E Carmine D'Andra Block 577. Lots 26-27 68.17 of by the purchaser according to the line of Woodbridge avenue; thence Russell E. Smalley 458.82 Steven M. i'ribula Block 727. Lots -12-43 309.40 Carl Lewis Nelson Block 265. Lot 57A 378.50 494 E. 182nd St., Corp Block 577. Lots 28-29 68.17 Reuben Bricv, Est 'Bloc " k' 727" . Lot 30 154.71 manner of purchase in accordance with running easterly along the center line Raffaele Salzano Btuck 577, Lots 44-45 58.14 terms ol sale on Hie, the Township will of Woodbridge avenue to Bonhamtown KaJman Szur Est Block 265, Lot 59 473.3.^ Wm. Hanson Block 727, Lot 60 & A. Leo; Emma & Augustus Ezelrie .. Block 266, Lot 3 224.3& Michael Garozza Block 577, Lots 49-50 58.14 Mrs. Eliz. Smith Block 728. Lois 24-28 deliver a bargain and sale deed for Corner; thence southerly along the Victor Burgalio Block 57. Lot G 34.19 741.2.1 n::ld premises. Harold Vreeland Block 267, Lot 6C 402. WJ Patrick McKillop Block 72S. Lot 31 152,65 center line of road leading from Bon- Alex. Bolyog, Sr Block 271, Lots 11-12 283.94 Ina II. Snoke Block 578. Lots 10-11 5S.14 Victor Kulwicki Block 7^3, Li>ts 3-1 260.25 B. J. DUNIGAN. hamton Corner to bridge over Red Andrew Varady Block 271, Lots 13-16 522.30 Pasquale Loia Block 579, Lots 9-12; 34 145.67 F. & M. Pasteka Block 729, Lots 16-18 418.24 Township Clerk. Root Creek, Raritan River, thence up 546.U3 M t Block 579. Let 20 3-i.lS Raritan River to place of Beginning. Jos. Mehringer Block 271. Lots 1; 27-29 M. Trotta Rose Huwizsz & Catherine Perok Block 730C. Lots 1-8 3,623.85 DATED: September 7th, 193& John & Helen Geczi Block 272, Lot i'6 266.32 Block 579, Lots 28-29: 42; Block Ell^n Nielson IUock 73UD, Lots 1-2 786.47 TQ be advertised September Oth and Place of registry, School Number 3, 1,192.2'.' Gonnaro Pansella ... 797.04 Woodbndge avenue, Piscatawaytown. Peler Puskas Block 281, Lots 16-20 581. Lot 2: Block 582, Lots 7-S 647.37 Michael Uhring Block 731, Lola 10-13 16th, 1938, in the Fords Harry Copperthwaite, Jr Block 2&S. Lots 1A-3B; Block Giovanni Catalano ... Block 579, Lots 43-46 116.51 John Toth Block 731. Lots 14-1S 901.31 District No. 2. Caroline Catenazzo .. Beginning at Bonhamtown Corner, 293. Lot 11 2,420.51 BJcck 580. Lot S 29.16 Max Goldherger Block 735A, Lots 1-4; lfi-3Sr Mrs. Harriet Wallace Block 293, Lot 12 183.08 Adolph J. Beckert .. Block 580. Lot 37 34.18 22-2J; Block735B, Lota 12-20; 24-28; 31-13; Block 7S5C. Lots 23- at rtie intersection of the center line of Harry Copperthwaite, Sr., Est Block 293. Lots 13-14 274. &' Matthew Sloan Block 581, Lot 15 34.18 NOTICE Woodbridge avenue with the center line Elio & Maria DiGiovanni Block 294, Lots 9-10 477.60 Carrie Black Block 581, Lot 20 34.1S 24: Block 736, Lots 17-18; 21-22; Block 737, Lots 19-24; Block of Main street; thence running along Joseph Micale Block 294, Lots 30-31 29D.12 Leo Bauer Block 582, Lot 9 34.IS 756, Lot 9A 8,990.03 Take notice that Morris Deutsch in- the center line of Woodbridge avenue Jacob S. Fedol Block 301, Lots 5-6; 27-37 1,686.53 Mrs. Kate Less ing .. Block 582, Lot 16 2il.lt) John, Gondola. Jr. ... Block. 735B, Lots 5-6 339.34 tends to apply to the Committeemen to the center line of Duclos Lane; John Orocz , Block 301, Lots 15-18 540.34 Stephen Ashling Block 582, Lot 39 29.1G Geo. Varrelman Block 73ti, LoU 29-30 790.25 of the Township of Wooubrldge for a thence northerly along the center line Joseph H. Lee Block 307. Lots 11-12 SI. 56 Eric W. Anderson .. Block 582, Lota 42-43 6S.18 John Jacub Block 737, Lots 1-4. 1,2-/3.61 tiansfer of a plenary retail consump- of Duclos Lane to wnere Mill Brook Highland Park Lumber Co , Block 313, Lot 14B 373.04 Jos. Brenner Block 584. Lots 1-4 136.57 Albert Billie Block 737, Lots 7-S 461.69 tion license, from Green Sirest, Iselin. crosses the same; thence easterly up Mamie L, Conover Block 3J3, Lot 15A 271.11 Dora Schultz Block 584. Lot 10 29.16 .Nicholas A. Morrissoy .Block 'iilS, Lots 13-14 462. &! N. J., to premises situated at 536 NewJfitl Brook to where the same inter- Anthony Demeco Est Block 318. Lots 7-8 540.34 Mrs. Van Gorden Elock 585. Lot 4 34.18 Edw. Christie Block 738, Lots 31-32 30H.40 Brunawick Avenue, Fords, N. J. sects the line dividing the property of Block 585. Lot 14 3-i.lX Nathan A. Gross Block 73bA, Lots 5-6 Objections ,if any, should be made jn Mic*iael Jolin and the property known John Ryno Block 319, Lot 523.39 Fred Deliduka 1,763.76 s the HI H Trac Gaetano Lomaro Block 320, Lots 23-26 466.37 Jos. & Mirie Kostic Block, 585, Lots 39-40 5S.1J Mrs. John Zoluos ..... Block 738A, Lots 17-18 502.41 writin„..„,..g, t„o ~B.. -J. DuniganB—,. —Townshi p I , , . t; thence continuing John C. Dalglich Block 324, Lots 22-26 655.2G Block 586, Lots 9-14; 35-40 Alox Bartos Block 730A, Luts 7-b 502.41 Clerk, ot the Township of Woodbridga,» easterly along said dividing ]ine to the Block 325. Nunzio Zito Block 587, Lot 1 3OS.1'S John Peters Block 740, Lola 27-26 New Jersey. center line of Plainfield avenue; thence Walter DeKyne Lots 5-11 1,735.06 Carmine Lancella 29.16 00U.41 Geo. H. LaBone, Est Lots 23-24 595.85 John Strlzok Block 588, Lot 23 John P. Paeh Block 741. Lots 5-6 485.24 (Signed) MORRIS DEUTSCH, northwesterly along center line of Block 325, Block 5S9. Lots i-3 29.K Wm. Cluuseu Block 742, Lota 29-30 Green Street, Plainfield avenue to the center of the Mrs. Nellie Kitchen; Matthew, Jr. Guiseppe Surdi S7.2S Block 744, Ljts 25-26 430.17 Middlesex and Essex Turnpike; thenco John Goss Block 325, Lots 25-29 303.72 Michael Hayser Block 589, Lot 8 29.16 V. Jensen 4/2.35 Iselin, N. J. Biuck 325. Lots 35-3S 471.28 Block 5S9. Lots 45-46 Otlo Skcubot? Block. V4-J, Lots 27-28 47H.85 B.—ton—2. 9. northeasterly along: (he center line of Aram Bekiarian .. Joseph C. Hughes ... 68.18 Block 745, Lots 1-2 the Middlesex and Essex Turnpike to Mrs. Lillian Hunt, Est. Blk. 333. Lot 23A Bik. 33G Liils Mary M. Giles Block 590B. Lots ID; IF; IK 444.57 John Saytir 1,839.37 the Metuchen Borough line; thence 15-16: 369.5£ Nita Rosso Block 590-1; Lots 17-18 34.93 J. f. Desmond Block 74b,' Lola 7-8 1.OB8.47 southeasterly and easterly along the Victor Harvey . Block 335. Lots 13-14 381. SS Ionian B. Whltehouse Block 590J, Lois 1-17; 20-28; Steven & Kate D/.ijak Block 746, Lot 18 251.21 LEGAL NOTICE Metuchen Borough line to the tenter Annie Church .. Block 335. Lots J5-16 208.42 Block 590K, Lots 11-17 26C.60 Mrs. Albert Baumlin Block 748, Lots 18-19; Block 751 line of Main street or Bonhamtown Jack Davis Block 336, Lots 10-11 391.01 Tatiiina Komuroff .. - Blk. 590K. Lots 3-4; 19-21; 27-30 341.25 Lots 1-2 931.23 road; thence southerly along Main 316.87 John Krivansky ... Block 749, Lot 16 NOTICE street to the Place ol Beginning. Fred Brundage Block 337. Lot IF Mary V. Abbott Block 590M, Lots 5-S; 19-26 1.732.90 129.ai NOTICE IS H EH KB if GIVEN thai Joseph Horyath Block 337, Lot 3F 453.37 Viialy Petropavlovsky Block 590Q, Lota 15-17; 21 99.73 Mrs. Helen Buchok Block 750. Lot 2A 772.02 the following Ordinance was intro- Place of Registry, Raritan Engine Wilbur Lewis .. Block 337, Lot 19A 1,135.00 Emma Roubet Block 593A. Lots 14-15 12.C.53 Grace Licidlu Block 760. Lot 4 422.86 duced and adopted on first reading at Co., wo. 1, Woodoi'idge avenue, Paul Solcz Blk. 339, Lots 14-19; 78-S2 3,510. SI Alice Rostel Block 593B. Lots 12-13 136.57 LeRoy Dunham Block 750, Lota 5-7 1,3'34.2G the regular meeting of the Board ot cat away town. Joseph Nagy Block 339, Lots 29-33 449.17 Wm. Sloan Block 593B, Lots 32-33 116.51 Ai\ron Gross Block 750, Lota 13-14 440.4b Health of tho Township of Wooci- 2.043.6S Lots 28-29 466.26 District No. 3. John Hope Clark Block 346, Lots 2A-9 Wm. Harvey Block 593B, Lots 38-39 116.51 Samuel Waterhouse Block 750, brlclge in the County of Middlesex, All that part of KarUan Township Geo. Mosgai Block 349. Lot 24A 273.87 Block 593C, Lots 25-26 lS\i.57 JVI-S. Mary Mundy Block 751, Lot 5 635.08 Now Jersey, held on Au"gu3t 12th, north of the following describeti lino. Block 349, Lot 26A 257.11 JerrCharley sMichae P. Bradl .y. Block 593C, Lots 33-34 136.53 Henry Maurer & Son Blk. 755, L. 1; Blk 795 Lot 2,661.84 1938, and will be taken up for Publ.c Beginning at a point In the dividing Matthew & Elizabeth Miller Block 3;">1D, Lots 7-10 203.04 Ernest Konschott Block 593C, Lots 35-36 116.51 Chas. Bartok Block 755, Lot 17A 1,039.01 Hewing and final adopt Ion on Mon- Ine between Raritan Township Man Magyar! Block 35iK, Lots 15-16 256.79; David D. Keith Block 593C, Lots 43-14 116.51 Frank & Rosalie Pasterack Block 755, Lois 26-27 741.17 day night, September 12th. 1938. at 8 Woodbridge Township, near Menlo Robert & Petria Bishop ... Block 351B\ Lots 1-8 373.52 • Arthur M. Grundman Block 5»3D, Lots 8-9 136.57 C. H. Brown Block 755. Lot 43 758.36 P. M., Daylight Saving Time, in The Park, where I'.ie Port Heading Railroad Vincent Bero Block 351G. Lots 5-8 233.73 i Emma Tatro Block 5K3L>, Lois 14-15 132.56 Metuchen Realty Co Block 7C7, Lota 28-29; 35-37; Memorial Municipal Building, Wood- intersects the same, tnence running Peter J. Lund Block itZlN. Lots 1-2 175.&3f Carl J- Carlson Block 593E, Lot 6 453.82 Block 75S, Lots 42-51; Block 'iB'J. Lots 1-6; 35-3H; Blocic 761. Lota bridge, New Jersey. westerly along ihe center line of the Mrs. Florence Gerardi, Est. Block 362, Lots 1-2 4,344.7bi Sarah K. Btnkevt Block 593E, Lots 23-24 136.57 17-23; 27-37; 43-47; 87-99; Block 764. Lots 3-6; 42-46; Block 7B8. MARTHA G. ZETTLEMOYER. Port Reading Railroad to where the Mario DeAngelis Block 366. Lots 5B-C 2,619.47. Rnfo Sr.ncher Block 593E, Lots 33-34 116.51 Lots 1-1; Blcck 772, Lota 10-12; Block 775, Lots 12; 14; Block Fedeiated Pi-oducta Co -- . - 778. Lot 31; Block 780, Lots 14-23: Block, 787. Lots 31; 34-35; Secretary, same is intersected by the Metuchen James H. Blackford Block 367, Lots 3-4 1,223.32 Mrs. Anna E. Eckel '.'. '. Block 593F. Lots 7-S 1IG.61 Block 797, Lot 6; Block SOS. Lots 12-15; Block 811, Lot 29: Block Board ot Health. Borough Line; thence northerly, west- Frederick H. Meyer Block 375D, Lots 1-3 930.71 Christina MacPherson Bluck 593F. Lots 23-24 •J0.55 812, Lota 10-15 ORDINANCE erly and southerly, along the center Hamilton Adjustment Co. Block, 386. Lots 6-13: Block 387, Elien Mullruoncy Block 593G, Lots 9-10 87.28 8,610.71 BE IT ORDAINED l»y the Board of line of the New Duinam Road; thence Lots 2-9; 11-17; 64-58 1,163.24 Howard L. Pier Block 593G, Lots 23-24 87.28 Geo. Estok Block 758. Lots 1-4 492.34 Health of tin; 'lownshlji ot Woodbridge, westerly along the center line of the Domenic DeNapoli Block 408, Lot 20 378.31 Block BWH, Steve Malchiskey Block 758, Lots 60-64 1,012.21 86S.52 Katie Heller Lots 17-20 County of Middlesex, that the Health New Durham Road to where the st Wm. Burgess Block 410, Lots 4; 6-7 Emma A. Stevenson Block 59311, Lots 27-28 1 May Ford Block 761, Lots 5-0 377.31 Code revision ist 1035 be hereby de- is Intersected oy the line dividing Fis- Joseph Jansen Block 412, Lot 3C •M0.23 Alex & Margaret Pye ... Bloi-.k 593H, Lots 42-41 102.34 Delia Burnier Block 761, Lota 48-49 213.61 clared to be the official Health Code cataway 'I'ownsnip and Raritan Town- South Plainfield Inv. Corp. Block 412, Lots 5D; S.; U:: 1.018.70 Wm L. Williams Bluck 593H, Lots 43-44 87.2b J. S. Skrovanke Block 763. Lota 13-22 1,086.41 of the Board ot Health of the Town- ship. Clyde Burdick Block 412, Lot 5L 22.43 Mrs. Geo. H. McKinnon Block 593H, Lot 46 01.13 Martin Bielko Block 763, Lot 38 123:13 ship of Woodbridge, and that all Or- Place of regiatry. Oak Tree School Catherine Loizeaux Block 427B. Lots 19-20 487.40 Peter Kawalazuk Block 76-1, Lots 32-35 455.29 41.68 Rose Emily Day Block 593-1, Lots 17-18 S7.28 Block 765, Lots 16-17 246.18 dinance or parts of Ordinances incon- Oak 'iree Road, Oak Tree. Thomas Blow Block, 427B, Lota 49-50 Albert B. Boese Block 593-1, Lots 18-20 ! Wladyslaw Niewiarowski IMntrlct No. 4. Sarah Kelley Block 427K, Lot 26 22.91 |.'Theresa Schwobina Block 765, Lots 18-19 246.18 sistent therewith and not therein Louis £\ Turner Block 503-1, Lots 45-46 Block 767, Lois 22-26 492.44 contfttnr-rt be and the same are here- Beginning at a point In the dividing Effie B. Wilson Block 431, Lots 8-10 S80.61 Sarah Moorchead Cunliffe 87.28 I Nicholas Risak Block 4t>5, Lots 30-32 154.62 Bloc_ k 503-1__ ,. Lots 55-56 Liland Williams Block 767, Lot 41 123.18 by repealed. line between Raritan Township ana Charles Dean John & Ehz. J, Decker ... Block 593J, Lots 29-30 102.3a 604.56 Woodbrdge Township near Menlo Park Nicholas Pinto ....'.'.'.'.'.'.'..','.','.'.7'..'.'.'.'. Block 471, Lot 17 29.11 Lavine Wright Block, 593J, Lots 33-34 102.34 Maria Abranski Blocic 767, Lots 44-47 where center fine of Port Reading Rail- 29.11 J olin Meehan_ Block 593K, Lots 9-10 102.34 Mrs. Emma Schultz Block 770. Lots 24-25 181.17 NOTICE road intersects the same; thence run- John T. Hall Block 4S1E, Lot 25 29.11 00 1 Rudolph E Singer Block 593K, Lots 21-22 69.98 Jos. Selkirk Block 772, Lot 13 98.31 NOTICE IS HISREBST GIVEN that ning westerly along the center line of Mrs. G. L. Papenberg BlocP! !k *.§?483• , LoLott 7 15 34.13 Marie Gaglianese Block 772, Lots 31-3-1 the following Ordinance was intro- Robert Weller Block 593K, Lot 31 43.62 241.6K said railroad to the point where same Mrs. Rosalie Kress . Block 483" , Lot S3 29.11 Saul Scinfield Block 593L, Lot 20 29.11 Frank Simeone Block 775. Lot 1 181.17 duced and adopter! on first reading at intersects Metuchen Borough line; then- Mrs. Block 484. Lot 30 24.20 A. G. Heller Block 593L, Lot 31 34.33 Anthony Tucci , Block 775, Lot 9 00.58 the regular meeting of the Board of ce running southerly and southwesterly J. W. Demmers Block 485, Lot 7: Block 768, A. C. Hierlng Block 775. Lots 10-11 60.98 Health uf the "i ownshlp of Wuod- Adolph Troeger Harry Fettinger Block 593L, Lot9 40-41 49.75 along the dividing line between the L. C. Powell . Lots 28-29 89.49 Orvjlte B. Moore Block 59:iL, Lots 42-43 58.14 John G. Contino Block 775, Lot 31 70.71 bridge in the County of Middlesex. Borough of Metuchen and Raritan Mrs. Geo. Pellach Block 485, Lot 24 29.60 Bluck 593L, Lots 44-45 Stephen Russo Block 776. Lot 1 120.7$ New Jersey, hula" on August 12th. Townsiiip to center line of Amboy ave- Lucinda Schwenk 58.14 P. Toscano Block 777, Lot BA Ib38, and will be Jake" up iur Vmtlic Leopold W. Villa Block 485. Lot 41 Catherine Nicolson Block 59311, Lots 3-4 68.17 211.42 nue; thence easterly along center tine Mrs. Jenny Jacquot Block 486, Lot 4 23.'87 Kathryn M. & Fred Brown Block 593M, Lot 26 29.11 Michael Greenatein Block 778, Lot 2 45.32 l-leui-ing uiui final adoption on Mon- of Amboy avenue to the dividing line Charles Becker Block 480. Lot 32 29.11 Block 503M, Lots 28-29 58.14 Mrs. Wm. Loncks Block 778,Lot 7 46,32 liay night. September 12th, 1938, at 8 between Raritan Township and Wood- 47.03 Mary LJ. Smith Frederick Zahn Block 778, Lot 10 61.95 i'. M., Daylight Saving Time, in tho Judge P. 3hielda Block 487. Lots 34-35 Albert II. Walker Block 593M, Lot 36 34.13 bridge Township; thence northerly Mrs. Emma Paul Block 488. Lots 1-4; 61-64 233.02 Block 593N, Lots 1-2 68.17 John Assubia Block 778, Lota 20A-21A 175.00 Memorial Municipal Building. Wood- along dividing line of Woodbridge 1/4.92 Sophia Elizabeth Carlson Block 778, Lot 24 biicige, Nt-w Jersey. Frederick Etzkorn Block 48S. Lots 14-J6; 41-43 Orson .M. Francisco Block 593-0, Lota 0-10 68.17 F. Pultinu 85.40 Township and Raritan Township to Cecelia Allard Block 488. Lot 35 32.85 Block 593Q, Lots 29-30 58.14 Andrew Henberger Block 778, LoL 38 80.24 MARTHA G. ZETTLEMOYER. place of Beginning. Lot 57 29.11 John lU'nry Price Block 779. Lot 5 Secretary, A. A Kirby Block 488, Emilia Carl-tuff Block 593R Lots 3-4 87.28 John & A. Kobasz 32.80 Place of" registry, Clara Barton Kate Graham Block 489, Lot 3 29.11 Blanche Winkler Block 593R, Lots 15-16 101.08 Fatrfield B. & L. Ass^n Block 779, Lots 6-7 460.83 Board of Health. School, Araboy avenue, Clara Barton. Block 489, Lot 4 34.13 Block 779, Lot 24 ORDINANCE District Nxt. 5. Josephine Keil Jus. Kulikuwick Bluck 593S, Lota 5-6 135.44 Thos. Kennedy , 85.40 Frank Theo. Price Block 489, Lots 5-6 5S.H Isaac S. Runyon Est. & Manning Jerome J. Surinl Block 779. Lots 30-33 120.78 B—E --IT . ORDAINED by. the Board of Beginning in the center of DuclO3 Block 490, Lot 1; Block 830, Block 779, Lot 43 Health of the Township of Woodbridge | Lane where the same is intersected by J. J. Schwartz Org. Inc Clfirloon Est Block 594. Lot 10 111.78 Frank McCollough 30.25 Lot 3; Block 909, Lots 1-2; 5-9_ .;. Block 310, Lots 3-9 1,000.81 78.30 Louisa Reihardt Block 780. Lots 6-7 60.38 In itie County of Middlesex, that the MillBrook, 3aid beginning point being 116.51 Henry Weidenhaupt Block 594, Lot 11 "" " " Lots 12-13 Penalty Clauses in the Official Health • • • --• - *" - - Eliz. Scheppers Bloc"• k" 491—, Lot 1 Universal Inv. Co. . Block 595A. Lots 14-M 8.40 Ernest Rosettl Block 781, 158.06 also a corner in the Highland Park Bo- Michasl H. Maloney, Est Block 491. Lot 30 10.1-1 595D, Lots 13-14 R. QuattrochJ Block 782,~" Lots 21A-22A 223.91 Code being Section 53 ol Article 17 rough line; thence running easterly to 20.11 Vladimir Freedolin Block 3.65 imtl Section 1 of Article 18. "be and the A. B Willard Block 493. Lot 17 Park Aye., Bldgs., Inc. Block 596, Lots 1-19 53.08 John & Anna Poltay Block 783. Lot 13 . 90.64 the center of said brook to where t^i John Kelly Block 493, Lots 22-23 ti8.O4 Mrs. Belle Turner Block 783. Lot 14 same are each hereby amended to read same intersects the line dividing th Lot 33 29.11 W. P. Cavanaugh Block 597, Lots 1-5 130.80 90.64 as follows: property of Michael Jelin and the prop Cora E. Dorsey Block 493, John Stounn Block 598, Lots 6-10 145.23 Rudolph Klauber Block 784, Lot l 70.71 W.m. O. P. Welderman Block 494, Lots 18-19 68.17 Sara W. Latham Block 785, Lola JO-31 "That upon conviction of any person erty known as the Hill Tract; thence Leonard F. Hoffman ... Block 494, Lot 23 34.13 Jas. A- MeKenna Longcrgan Block 601_. , . Luis 5-6 SX.O'J 133.67 or persons for a violation of any .Or-continuing along said dividing lint to Block 495. Lot 22 72. SO Sam M. Flood Block S02. Lots 2-3 58.09 Alfred C. Namendorf Block 785, Lot 13 60.39 dlnftntw of tho Health Code or any the cunter of fiainfleid avenue; thence Jacob H. Fredericks ... K. & S. Goczkowski Block 603, Lot 7 28.16 M-iry Conlon Block 785, Lota 20-21 141.43 section thereof, u fine not exceeding northwesterly along the center Mrs. A. Benson Block 496. Lots 35-36 104.00 Block 497, Lot 19 58.11 John Tillie Bluck 604, Lots 4; 6 17-1.44 Mathilde Fischer Block 758, Lots 26-28; 30-3C 1,207.87 Two Hundred Dollars or imprison- Plalnfieid avenue to the center of the Richard 3. Brown ..... Lazzaru Dughie Block 604, Lots 9-11! Block 618, Antonio It'iliano Bluck 780. Lot 13 49.56 ment in tin? County Work House for a Middlesex and Essex Turnpike; thence C. A. Sleiaznv Blk. 437, Lot 21; Blk. 5S3, Lot 28 1UU.M Anna Haaf Block 786, Lot 28 ~ Lot 34 58.14 Lots 3-4 174.94 48.25 term not exceeding Thirty Days, or northeasterly along the center of tile Elizabeth Richardson Block 407, 116.23 John King Block 780. Lots 32-35 241,69 by both Tines and imprisonment shall the Middlesex and Essex Turnpike to Lot 41 58.14 Oreste Rodinella Biutk 604, Lots 19-22 be imposed. the Metuchen Borough line; thence Harry Stine Block 497. 72.80 Victor Sirub Bluck 604, Lot 31 29.11 D. G. Birkett Block 789, Luis 1-2 220.50 northwesterly along the Metuchen Adele Siegel Block 498, Lot 6 72.S0 Paladino Montuoro Bluck 605, Lot 3 102.29 John & Mary Krochherger Block 789, Luis 20-30 141.43 "The imposition ot a fine for any Borough line to the center of the New John & Mary McQuire Block 498, Lot 21 102.52 Gaetano Mistreita r. Block 60S. hots 7-S; Block 611, Filomena Jllenardo Block 791, Lois 1-2 151.02 violation shall not excuse said viola- Durham Road; thence westerly along A. J. Colligan Block 498. Lot 45 174.41 Lut 34 107.6b F. W. Gloss Block 791. Lot 6 120.78 tion or permit tt to continue; such the center of the New Durtiam Road to Louis Weiss Block 498, Lots 48-49 508.97 Antonotta Cannessa & Lena Benventua Block -KMi, Lots 17-18 00.6i> Eliz. Weinman Block 701, Lot 22 60.39 violation shall be remedied within a Ventura Valenzano Block 498, Lots 55-56 31-32 124.06 reasonable time, and each ten (10) the Piscataway Township line; thence 116.51 Mrs. Jennie Raines Block 607, Lots 11-12; John F. Tholen , Block 701, Lot 25 60.39 southerly and southwesterly along the Lenore Bowers BIOCK 499f , Lot 2 174.*] Eppie Rauratti Block 608. Lots 8-14: 31-36 40^27 John Kerezi Block 793, Lot 29D C0.38 days that violation shall be permitted the Fiscataway Township line to the Wm. H. Jansen Block 4 J9, Lot SB-10 Antonio Giambi-one Block 608, Lots 25-26; Block Henry Wlttnebert Block 795, Lot 19 to exist, shall constitute Highland ParR Borough line; tnence Nicholas Gallild Block 500. Lot 4A 43.69 780.08 a separate Block. 501, Lot 3 136.57 610,, Lots 19-20 124.06 M. Schnirer Block 796, Lot 9 60.38 offense." southeasterly aim easterly along the Eclw. J. Anderson 116.28 Vito Ruggiero Block 609, Lots 1-4 124.00 Andrew Peterscak, Jr Block 706, Lot 12 667.35 Highland Park Borough line w the John O'Kane Block 501, Lots 11;16 Waino Granroos Block 700, 6ots 23-26 place of Beginning. Helen Hegel Block 501. Lots 12-15 209.25 Vito Bosiprnano Block j Beginning at. a point in the dividing Mrs. Thomas Gavigan Block 503. Lots 13-14 68.1-t Frank & Caroline Catenazzo Block 614, Lots 1-2 02,03 W. J. Daly ... trict Boards in and for the Township of line uetween Raritan Township ana Block 505, Lots 8-15 273.13 Block 807, Lot 32 45.32 Raritan will meet in the places herein- Henry Somer Michael CussiM Block 615, Lets 1-4 145.31 Albert Abegg . Block 808, Lois 16-21 271.82 Woodbrdge Township at Fords, where Augustine L. Hogan Block 506, Lots 3-5 77.77 Gene vie ve Bork after designated; center line of Amboy avenue intersects R. P. McCully Block 506, Lots 13-14 58.14 Antonio Ferniro . Block 617, Lots 7-8; 27-28 145.30 Bluck 809, Lots 1-12; 29 1,137.40 Said Boards will sit between the the same; thence westerly along cent- Block 506, J-ots 32-33 58.14 Domenic Practico Block 617, Lots 11-12; 31-32 124.06 August Tonn Block 813, Lots 1-15 453.22 hours of seven A. M.. and eight P. M.. er line of Amboy avenue to a point Peter O'Leaj-y Eigio Piesco Block 618, Lots 1-2 62.03 Alex. Merchant Block 810, Lola 1-28; Block 817 Eastern Standard Time. TUKSDAX, where the same intersects Metuchen Mrs. Mary Hyde Block 507, Lots 6-10; 17-20 307.25 Anthony A. Maffe Block 618, Lots 23-25; 47; Lots 1-28: Bluck 518, Lots 1-28; Block 819, Lots 1-28; Block 820 SKPTKMBKK 20TH, 1938. for the pur-Borough line then running southwest- Edw Green Block 50S. Lots 16-20 170.6b Block 622, Lots 22-23; 47-48 246.20 Lots 1-18; Block 821, Lots 1-18; Block 822. Lots 1-18; Block pose of conducting a primary election erly and westerly along dividing line Vincent Fairbrother Block 509. Lots 20-21 68.17 Je--r.me & Julia Salata Block 618, Lot 26 823, Lota 1-38 Wm R Somer Block 511, Lots 16-20 145.60 30.37 7,659.03 «"" between the Borough of Metuchen and 58.14 Amod^o Terrible Block G1S. Lots 31-32 62.03 Harry II, Muhag-ung Block S24, Lot 3 G8.13 Raritan Township to the center line of If. Skerry Block 513, Lots 5-6 Vincent Palazzo Block 620, Lots 21-2*1, 41-14 248.12 Wm. Hagel lMo«.k 825, Lot 7 61,13 One U) United States Senator Bonhamtown Roitd; thence southerly John Amon ..Block 514. Lots 1-5 121.88 One U) Member House of Repres- Herbert P. Carl Block 622, Lut 21 36.37 Margaret Brandner Block 829, Lot 6 43.61 along Bonhamtown Road and the road Florence M Brooks Bluck 515. Lots 20-21; Block Nettie P. Pfitsch Block 023, Lots 2-3 62.03 Albert Lambert Block H34, Lot 5 51.13 entatives i to the bridge over Red Root Creek to 525. Lots 1-2 116.28 73.21 Three (3) Members of the General the Raritan River; thence down the 22.32 G, Dyaert Block 624, Lots 9-10 82.03 GoKta Nelson i'lnck 83-1, Lots 6-7 Assembly Raritan to the point where the line Frederick W. Morris Block 515. Lots 22-23 Arthur Jones Block 624, Lots 17-18 62.03 Amzi Jacobus Block 835, Lota 4; 9 76. M Geo. L. Owens Block 515,. Lots 24-25 58.14 Carlo Magnoli BIOCK 625, Lots 21-24 124.06 Anna C. Ward Block 837, Lota o-4 112.91 One (1) Sheriff dividing Raritan Township and Wood- Mrs. Margaret Vaughan Block 517. Lots 2-3 58.14 Agnes Lambert Klock 837, Lots 7-8 Two (2) Coroners bridge Township intersects the same: H. J F. Minderman Block 518, Lots 13-15 102.52 Charles Steinmetz Block 626, Lot 4 20.2C 102.28 Three (3) Members of the Board of thence northerly along the dividing Angelo Lista Block 626, Lots 43-46 343.31 Cyril Parker Block 864, Lot 9 43.61 line between toe Township of Raritan Edw Dempsey Block 520. Lots 36-37 58.14 Wm. Bueliman Block 626, Lot 51 36.37 Geo. Turner Block MH, Lot II G1.13 Chosen Freeholders and the Township ot Woodbridge to Robert Murray Block 522. Lots 17-18 58.14 L. Fruhauf Block 628 Lots 21-24; 39-42 310.1 Mildred Zentner V,lock 870, Lot 4 20.38 One (l) Justice of the Peace (full the place of Beginning. Frances D. Higgins Block 52U, Lots 1-3; 17-21 . 247.59 186.20 Stephen Kromer Block 870, Lots 6-7 50.72 John M. & Mabel M. Boteler Block 523, Lots 4-6: 12-16 305.70 Jos. Zoller Block 629, Lots 6; 14 One (1) Republican County Commit- 68.1? Pietro Cheke Block 629, Lots 7; 15 185.74 Andrew Smith Block 870, Lot 32 20.37 teeman and one (1) Republican Com- Place of registry, Clara Barton W J Dodge Block 524, Lots 4-D Jos. Jtfetzer & M. Knittel Block 629, Lots 10-11 218.00 Caroline Bader Block 871, Lot 6 25.39 school, Amboy avenue, Clara Barton. Edw. Vaughan Block 526. Lots 6-7 1C2.52 93.10 Myrtle Man-on Block 871, Lot 12 25.89 mitteewoman from Election Districts Dr. G. T. McMurry Block 526, Lots 10-11 87.46 Christ Reisser Block 029. Lot 13 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6. and . Witness my hand this twenty-second 87.46 John Killillea Block 630, Lots 9-10 217.15 John H. Fenner Block 871 Lot 13 25|39 One (1) Democratic County Commit- uav of August. A. D.. 1938. Regina V. Kelly Block 626. Lots 16-17 Ottavio Comito Block 630, Lot 12 108.55 Frank Luccio Block 371 Lot 16 25.39 teenum and one (1) Democratic Corn- WILFRED R. WOODWARD, Thos Fallon Block 520. Lots 21; 26 102.44 Louis Ruggeri Block 632. Lots 2-3; 11 578.09 Thos J. & Mabel Murphy Block 871 Lot 17 20,37 mi tleo woman front Election Districts Township Clerk. Geo. R. Giidersteeve Block 527, Lots 23-24 102.52 John Grossman Block 632, Lot 8 109.04- Alias M. Gafdes Block 871 Lots 27-28 43.20 No .1, 2. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Lewis B. Hughes Block 528. Lots 16-17 58.14 Jos. BtMxhiaro Block 633, Lot 4 93.10 Ghas. Williams HI ock 871 Lot 30 20.37 Rene R. Ware Block 528. Lets 22-23 87.46 Mary Lang, Est Block 633. Lot 10 77.55 Gretchnn E. Mohn Block 871, Lots 36-37 34.91 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 51.2- 93.10 Block 871, Lot 40 25.39 Henry Adam Block 528. Lot 34 34.19 P. & L. Mergalino Block 63-1, Lot 9 Jos. Kn'hm Ed. Mahlstadt BJQck 529. Lot 6 Jos. Lutz Block 635. Lot 5A 62.03 iJarah Feinsteln BJock 072, hut 6 20.37 58.14 62.03 Lot 17 20.87 Jos Neger Block 529. Lots 12-13 58.14 Anna Hill Block 636. Lots 24-25 Mary Bunny Block 872 James B. Taylor., Est Block 529. Lots 17-18 Charles Dubois ...." Block 636, Lot 44 36.37 Geo. H. Belhs Block 873. Lots 1-2 40.69 C. tntemann Block 529, Lots 40-41 68.3C Michael Gianfriddo Bluck 037, Lot 8 31.Ot Mrs. Lilly Chnatensen Block 873. Lots 17-18 20.19 TAX SALE NOTICE! 1\ Muller Block 529, Lot 4S 51-22 Millo LIse Block 637, Lot 29-30 72.65 I>eborah Zielsdorf Block 873, Lots 23-24 40.69 Anna Ott ... Blk. 530. Lots 37-38; Block 534 Vincent lanmzzo .. Block 637, Lot 41 31.05 Lillian Krannich Block 874, Lot 3 6.70 Of Real Estate in the Township of Raritan for Non- Lots 13-14 170.69 Carm. Mascioli Block G38, Lot 20 31.05 Fritz &. Elsie Moehring Block 875, Lot 7 8.89 E. Widner Block 531. Lot 4 Silvia Beilavigna. Block 638. Lot 27 31.05 Abbey Ward Block 876, Lot 2, 51.13 Payment of Taxes and Assessments Julia Ford Block 531. Lots 10-11 59^37 Steve Cabrick Block 611. Lot 11 31.05 Edw. Meehan Block 877, Lots 10-11 58.13 Wm. E. C&rew Block 533. Lot 23 51.20 State ot New Jersey Block 043. Lot 24 3,573.85 Clarchen Cotte Block 87a Lot 4 25.39 John J. Hughes Block 532, Lot & 29.11' Wm. Heuser Block 643A, Lots 19-20 223,22 Victor Sabbatelli Block 878, Lots 17-18 36.50 58.14 334.71 50.72 Geo W. Bird Block 532. Lots 19-20 5S.14 Lawrence D. Knowles Block G43B, Lots 34-36 239.34 David Shuster Block 878. Lots. 25-26 A. Blackman Block 532. Lots 28-29 68.17 Ernest G. Sutton Block C43B, Lots 37-38 358.94 Serafina Giardmo Block 903, Lot 9 274.21 on the Fanny S. Morris Block 532, Lots 47-48 47.6S Arthur M. McHugh Block 643E, Lots 1-2 358.43 Arthur Ferrell Block 910, Lot 2B 14.54 C. Peck Block 532, Lots o3-54 Margaret Farber Bluck 643E, Lots 22-24 Adlets Simon3 Block 911. Lot 5B 5.54 27TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1938 34.19 Wm. Kron Block 643F, Lots 11-12 263.42 Arthur Singletary Block 911. Lot 6B 10,88 Wallace Quail Block 533, Lot 3 58.14 111.71 Frank Gonzales Block 912, Lot 6 at 2 P. M.. the following described lands. H. Zimmerman Block 533. Lots 30-31 34.19 Michael Fago Block 643G. Lots 26-28 345.00 58.13 C. P. Meyer Block 533. Lot 37 Leslie L. Wollever Bluck 643H. Lots 6-8 ] 87.47 Ira & Robert S. Mitchell Block 913, Lot 2B 17.57 Smd land will he sold to make the amount of municipal liens chargeable Rev. Thos. T. Butler Block &43J. Lots 11-12 Roy McGregor Block 915. Lot 11 58.13 Si the same on the Thirty-first day of December, 1937 as computed in V S Early Block 534, Lots 13-20 614.79 L. Fitzsimnions Block 916, Lot 4 n-Sii the same on the Thirty-first day of December, 1937 as compute in Win. Handman Block 534. Lots 37-38 30.71 Alex J. Hartman Block. 643K, Lots 5-6 148.57 58.13 the following list togetheh r witithh interesittt in said amount to date or the salesale. P. Dean Bloctt 535. Lot 10 23.52 Josephine Evesson Block 645, Lots 1-2; 21-22 Robert Finck Block 916. Lot 6 C8.17 Dhis the Tests of'sail. The subscriber will sell in fee to the person who bids Anna Edwards Block 53o. Lots 14_-15 58.14 Paul Fireman Blk. 645, Lot3 7-9; 14; Blk. 651, Phillip Gouss Block 916, Lots 9-10 136.32 ?l.e amount due subject to redemption at the lowest rate of interest A. McDonald Block 536, Lots lo-16 58.14 Lots 5-6; 19 321.27 Kedric & Lucy Wright Block 920, Lot 3B 40.87 but i^no caser exceeding eight IS) per centum per annum. The payment 34.19 W. C. Turner Block 647, Lots 1-2 111.J3 Wm. H. & Anna Hunt Block 920. Lots 5A-B 63.17 tor the SSe^ll be made before the conclusion of the sale or the property George Hall Block 536. Lot 20 68.17 Walter F. MacDonald Block 647, Lot 22 47.59 Bishop & Rosa Allen Block 920, Lot 10A 14.64 Si be rTsold Cash or certified checks only will be accepted in payment. Henry B. Geddes Block. 536. LotLost 19-20 68.1' Rudolf Peins Block 649, Lots 11-13 703.10 Mary Mills Block 920, Lot 11B 4.75 58.14 Stephen Walker Block 649, Lot 16 73.62 Henry & Emma Hicks Block 921, Lot 9B 19.85 Th- -lale will be made and conducted in accordance with the provisions of Mrs. Charles Weilpern Block 537. 34.19 the Statute o£ the State of New Jersey, entitled. "An Act concerning unpaid Charles Sayer ...•.".•.•".'".'".".•"""" Block |g. LotLots 6-^5 John Scaiilon Block 649. Lots 17-2S 2,203.77 Wm. L. Davis Block 921, Lot 12A 20.37 tlxJ and^assessments, and other municipal charges or real property, and pro- Augusta Purdly , Block 538. 34.19 Irene W. Broadfoot. Est Block 649, 29E; 655, 9: 16-18 254.38 John L. & Kate Townaend Block 922. Lot 2B 29.79 SdinVfor the coUectlon thereof by the creation and enforcement of lien thereon Block 538, 68.17 Pasquale Valiando Elk. 652, Lot 21; Blk. 668, Lot 8 130.26 Jessie & Amelia Washington Block 922, Lot 8B 31.48 acts 60.01 Mrs. Albion O. Larson Bluck 656, Lots 11-12 636.68 John H. & Lulu Williams Block """ " Revisioni ol! 1918," »«<* supplemental thereto and amendatory thereto. Block 538, 58.14 923, Lot 10A 27.47 At any time before the sale the undersigned will receive payment of the Block 539, Lota 35-36 Unknown ,. . Blk. 656. Lot 13; Blk. 660, Lot 2 582.08 Thos. & Hattle L. Stevens Block 923, Lot 4A 30.6JJ 540. Lots 3-4 58.14 Lewis C. Thomall Block 656, Lot 19 93.13 Rufus Morton Block 928, Lot 2 52.20 amount due on property with interest and costs up to the time of payment Theo. Karlstrom 264.12 Alex Litterest Block 669. Lot 1; Block 672. Jos. & Ruby Williams Block The said lands so subject to sale described in accordance with the tax dupli- Lot 6A 116.51 930, Lot 2A 29.09 MrsElizabet. "Josephinh Mezaroe FalonV'."."."..".".'....".'...s . BlocBlock 545D, Lots 1-4 Lots 24A; 29 183.35 Louis & Roxie Brown Block 930. Lo_t 3_A_ 33.72 rntr including the name of the owner aa shown on the last tax duplicate and Rebecca A. W. Sullivan Block 669, Lot 8 1,006.63 Edw. & Beuiah Ferguson Block 933. Lot 1A 23.89 fh*i neereeate at taxes and assessments, which were a lien thereon on the Dora Goldhar Block 545D, Lots 13-14; 17-18: Frederick Grotjan Block 673, Lot 13 142.77 Annie Ruth Johnson Block 933. Lot ID 17.98 •rhirtv-ftrst day ot December, 1937, are as listed below. These properties are Block 545F. Lots 12-13; Block 545H. Lots 15-18 349.30 Mrs. Eliz. Bogan Block 676, Lot 4 508.59 Arthur Ferrell ....' Block 933. Lot 3A 17.68 subject to water liens which may be due to date of sale. Ambrose Mundy Block 677. Lot IB 1,054.67 Salvatore Corona Block 545E. Lots 17-20 33.56 573.1f Gertrude Morns Block 934, Lot 2A 34.07 Lot 20 14.57 Harry Sc Edw. TenEyck Block S79A. Lot 1A Fred Askew Block 951. Lot 8 22.89 Name ,, . Block Lot Amount Guiseppe Pestolese Block 5451.. 58.14 Edw. Franckowitch Block 686, Lot 9J 315.52 22M Block 21; Lot 2: Block 56. Josephine Faloni Block 545J. Lots 4H6 Jcppsa Jensen Block 686, Lot Pt. 9P 290.97 a. Cornelius Elliott Block 352, Lot 9 Joseph Klein & David T. WUentz Lot 2; Block 594. L. 9 $3,723.07 Michael J. Tighe Block ojSY. Lots 18-^3 61.52 106.18 Geo. M. Hannah Block 953. Lot 3 29.10 611.73 Cecelia Brenner, Est Block 545Y. Lots 24-25 30.73 Mrs. Hannah Talmadge, Est. Block 690. Lot 8 546.62 Patrick Muldoon Block 953, Lot 18 32.61 Marrietta J. Harrington Block 21 Lot5 229.38 John Jones Block 546. Lot 11 3.-196.39 Walter Joseph Geiling Block 692B, Lots 5-6 371.21 Mrs. Elsie Miller Block 953. Lot 19 29.19 Oscar BuckholU Block 61. Lots 44-45 .D Michael Smalley Block 692B, Lots 10-11 3-1.07 Anthony & Clara San Fratello Block 66, Lota 15-16 338.07 Katherine Korstager Block sri6A. Lots 24-26 346.65 496.26 Arthur & Florence Jeynes Block 957, Lot 11 ,234.5tj Benedetto Scovotti Block 547. Lot I a 7S.Gi Anton M. Jensen Block 692C, Lots 41-43 618.79 Jos. Occhipinti Block 961, Lot 3 46.57 Valuable B. & £ Ass'n Block 66, ^f 19-20; 23-24 Karoline Geisler Block 548, Lot s 91.56 John Wataha, Jr Block 692D. Lota 13-16 112.08 helsea Estates, Inc Block 979, Lots 11; 14 124.10 Vincent Gortagada Block 72, Lots 22-26 322.^2 Merltt J.. McAlinden Block 692H. Lots 41-44 1.739:57 Nicholas Darago Bock 79. Lot 2B 344.95 M. L. Polito. Est Block 548. Lot 34 31.12 John Rauh Block 67, Lots 39-40: Block 68, 371.53 Lot 46 10.55 Otto Wlttnebert .. Block 692L, Lot 3A 82.61 Lots 6-8; Block 793. LotB 4-5 260.33 T> TnmlierlnG Block 80, Lots 27-27 Helen Demarest Block 78.00 Chas. Bloomfleld, Eat Block 694. Lot 8A. Irfrttviro Block 81. Lots 6-7 128.22 AifSr M. Collins '::!.'::!!:!!!::::::!:.': stock MB. Lot 95 O. W. Will — Ira R. Crouse Block 694. Lots 31B; C: Block JuUus Huberth'::. Block 88, Lots 23-25 31.12 JAMES KIRKPATRICK, Collector. *>3.32|Suaan Wil30n E ock 550. Lot 4 81.55' 695, Lots 1-2; 5-25; Blocic 696, Lots 19-25 7,821.87 DATED: SEPTEMBER 2, 1938. Robert Rchr Block 89, Lots 19-21 635.831 John Ozarkow , Block 554, Lot 21