SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Ecofeminism: 2. Adams, Carol. J. (
SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. AdamsJ Carol. J. 'The Feminist Trafic' in G. Garrd (ed) Ecofeminism: Women, Animals and N(ilture, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1993 2. Adams, Carol. J. ( ed): Aris(Qtle 's on Ecofeminism and the Sacred, Continuun Press, New York~ 1993. 3. Agatwal, Anil and Narairi S&nith : 'The Second Citizen's Report, State of lndia'·s Environment Centre for Science and Environment Publications 1996'. I , I ' ' ' ' II' :i . I·,· •. '•! :' ' ' ':· '.: '•' :· : . .... + 4. Barnhill, Davtd Landis and Gottlieb Roger (ed): Deep Ecology and World Religions, State University ofNew York Press, 2001. 5; Bentin Ted: ~atural Relations: E"ology, Animal Rights and Social Justice, • Verso, London, 1993. 6. Bihel, Janet: Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics, South End Press, Boston, .::..0' 1991. 7. Bookchin Murray: Ecology ofFreedom, Black Rose Book, Montreal, 1991. 8. Bookchin Murray: Philosophy of Social Ecology (Dialectical Naturalism), Rawat Publication, Jaipur, 1996. 9. Bookchin Murray: Philosophy of Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism, Black Rose Books, New York, 1990. 10. Bookchin Murray: Towards an Ecological Society, Black Rose Books, Montreal, 1980. 11. Breanford George: How Deep is Deep Ecology? Times Change Press, Orai, California, 1989. 12. Brian Easlea: Patriarchy's confrontation with Women and Nature, W eidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1981. 13. Bryant, Bunyan (ed): Environmental Justice: Issues, Policies and Solutions, Island Press, Washington D.C., 1995. 14. Bullard Robert: Unequal Protection, Sierra Club Booka, San Francisco, 1994. 15. Callicott J. Baird: On the Intrinsic value of Non-human Species in B.G. Norton, Princeton University Press, 1964. 170 16. Callicott J. Baird: In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays on Environmental Philosophy, State University, New York Press, Albany, 1989.
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