Ángel Cabrera – Piano Biography

Cabrera was born in Guadalajara in 1977. He began his musical studies with Esther Zillarbide and later becomes heir to the best traditions of Russian, Spanish and French piano school by great professors such as Galina Eguiazarova, Eldar Nebolsin, Marta Gulyas and Boris Bloch (disciples of Alexander Goldenweiser, Dimitri Bashkirov and Tatiana Nikolaeva), and Fernando Puchol, Luis Rego and Aldo Ciccolini (disciples of José Cubiles, Joaquin Turina, Walter Gieseking, Alfred Cortot and Marguerite Long) with whom study for years in Italy, France, and Germany in internationally renowned centers as the Folkwang Essen Universität der Künste, School of Music Reina Sofia and the Royal Conservatory of Music in .

He played in master classes for internationally renowned pianist such as Rosalyn Tureck, Bruno Canino, Ralph Gothony, Krystian Zimerman, Peter Frankel, Elisso Virsaladze,Vitaly Margulis, Félix Lavilla, Hartmut Höll and Mikael Eliasen.

Cabrera is a prize-winner of many national and international competitions as I José Iturbi International Music Competition in America, XVI International Piano Competition José Iturbi in Valencia, IX Grieg International Piano Competition in Oslo, and he won Special Prizes for his interpretations of Spanish Music, Frederick Chopin and Edward Grieg.

He made his debut with the Orchestra of the ESMRS in Auditorio Nacional de Madrid under the direction of Juanjo Mena and collaborates with important musicians such as Gerard Couseé, Teresa Berganza, Reri Grist, George Benjamin, Manuel Cid, Lucas Macias, Tom Krause, Michael Gandolfi, Helen Donath and with many orchestras including the Reina Sofia School Orchestra, Orchestra Valencia, Sinfonieorchester Orchesterzentrum of Dortmund and the TMC Orchestra's Tanglewood under the direction of Cristian Macelaru, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, George Alexander and Max Bragado Albrect.

He has performed in festivals as Encuentro de Música y Academia in Santander, Fribourg Society Concert, Festival Al Bustan Lebanon, Klavier Festival Ruhr in Essen, Chopin Unwrapped London, Tanglewood Music Festival, and Festival of Montpellier and has made numerous recordings for RNE, RTVE, RADIO FRANCE, CANAL INTERNACIONAL y CLASSICFM.

Upcoming and recent activities include performances at Fundación Juan March, Auditorio Nacional de Música de Madrid, Auditorio Eduardo del Pueyo de Zaragoza, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, Museo del Prado, Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria, Auditorio de Barcelona, Palau de la Música in Valencia, Schoenberg Arnold Hall in Los Ángeles, Hall at Tanglewood, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Oslo Concert House and in .

In 2003 he has received the Prize to Best Pianist of the ESMRS in a gala presided by Queen Sofía and the pianist .

In 2009 he was guest artist (in the series of lectures and concerts) in the centenary of Isaac Albéniz organized by the Albéniz Foundation, premiering works by Anton Garcia Abril and Miguel Ortega with the mezzo-soprano Ana Häsler and in 2010 he played with the soprano Iwona Sobotka in London, Mallorca, Madrid and Cuenca in the bicentenary of Frederick Chopin.

1 In 2010 he has awarded the Omar del Carlo scholarship to study at Tanglewood Festival in Boston (founded by Sergei Koussevitzky and where musicians as and studied) and having the opportunity to be coached by Peter Serkin, Pamela Frank and Claude Frank among others.

Recently he performed with the soloists of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra in a tribute to Claudio Abbado in the Círculo de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.

Since 2005 he is acompanist pianist at the Escuela Superior de Musica Reina Sofia in Madrid and at the Conservatory of Music of Aragon.