Ust (Hertfordshire) Volunteer Battalion, the '21st Middlesex (the Finsbury), Second Lieutenant - Bedfordshire , The Reverend G. B. M. H. Hale to be Lieutenant. Dated 5th Gainsford, M.A., formerly Lieutenant, to be August, 1896. Acting Chaplain. Dated 26th February, 1896. 1st Wiltshire Cecil George Bennett, Gent., to be 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Leicestershire Regi- Second Lieutenant. Dated 5th August, 1896. ment, Lieutenant C. E. Hare to be Captain. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, the Durham Light Dated 5th August, 1896. . , Second Lieutenant W. E. Morgan to be Lieutenant. D.ated 5th August, 1896. 4:th Volunteer Battalion, the Cheshire Regimenb Lieutenant H. Marriott is appointed Instructor 5th (Glasgow Highland) Volunteer Battalion, the of Musketry to the Battalion. Dated 5th , Second Lieutenant August, 1896. G. B. Ramsay, from the 1st Lanarkshire The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be Volunteer Rifle Corps, to be Lieutenant. Lieutenants:— Dated 5th August, 1896. O. Partington. Dated 5th August, 1896. 7th (Clackmannan and Kinross) Volunteer • E. Sumner. Dated 5th August, 1896. Battalion, Princess Louise's (Argyll and Suther- 0, Ellison. Dated 5th August, 1896. land Highlanders), Walter John Francis, Earl J. Bates. Dated 5th August, 1896. o/Alar and Kellie, is appointed to the Honorary F. Thompson. Dated 5th August, 1896. Colonelcy of the Battalion. Dated 5th August, "2wcZ Volunteer Battalion, the Royal Welsh Fusi- 1896.' liers, Captain Harry Harris Were, the East 18th Middlesex Volunteer Rifle Cor pi, Charles Lancashire Regiment, to be Adjutant, on John Beattie, M.B., to be Surgeon-Lieutenant. increase of establishment. Dated 1st July, Dated 5th August, 1896. 1896. e MEMORANDUM. 1st (Brecknockshire) Volunteer Battalion, th VOLUNTEER INFANTRY BRIGADE. , Thomas Ernest Hincks, South FPales Brigade, Brigade-Surgeon-Lieu- •Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 5th tenant-Colonel J. W. Mulligan resigns his August, .1896. appointment, retaining his Commission in the Surgeon-Lieutenant D. Thomas, M.D., to be 3rd Volunteer Battalion, the South Wales Surgeon-Captain. Dated 5th August, 1896. Borderers. Dated 5th August, 1896. 4th Volunteer Battalion, the South Wales Bor- derers, Second Lieutenant R. W. Haslett resigns his Commission. Dated 5th August, 1896. Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Kent. 3rd Volunteer Battalion, the Welsh Regiment, Edward Leigh Pemberton, Esq., C.B., to be Captain and Honorary Major A. P. James to Deputy Lieutenant. .Dated 29th July, 1896. be Major. Dated oth August, 1896. Captain C. T. Hatfeild to be Deputy Lieutenant. 1st ( City of Dundee) Volunteer Battalion, the Black Dated 29th July, 1896. Watch (Royal Highlanders), Lieutenant R. A. Robertson is appointed Instructor of Musketry to the Battalion. Dated 5th August, 1896. Whitehall, August 3, 1896. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, the Oxfordshire Light THE Secretary of State for the Home Depart- Infantry, Captain the Reverend H. Lewis, ment hereby gives notice that the Industrial JB.A., resigns his Commission. Dated 4th School for Boys at Walsham-le-Willows, Bury St. August, 1896. Edmunds, has been certified by him as fit to be Tae Reverend H. Lewis, B.A., to be Acting an Industrial School for the reception of Boys Chaplain. Dated 5th August, 1896. (not exceeding forty in number) under the pro- visions of " The Industrial Schools Act, 1866." 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Sherwood Foresters • {Derbyshire Regiment), Lieutenant E. B. F. Wright resigns his Commission. Dated 5th August, 1896. Civil Service Commission, August 4, 1896. THE Civil Service Commissioners hereby give Ast Volunteer Battalion, the Northamptonshire notice that an Examination of Candidates for Regiment, Major C. S. Turner is granted the registration as Boy Copyists (New Class) will be .honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated held in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Liverpool, 5th August, 1896. Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Belfast, on the 6th -3rd Volunteer Battalion, the Queen's Own (Royal October, 1896, under the Regulations dated 22nd West Kent Regiment), Surgeon-Lieutenant G. May, 1896. N.ot fewer than 150 Avill be registered L. Cheatle resigns his Commission. Dated if so many shall be found competent; but it is 5th August, 1896. probable that a few only will be required for early employment, and that the majority of those regis- .1st Volunteer Battalion, the King's (Shropshire tered will have to wait a considerable time. Very • Light Infantry), The undermentioned Second few Boy Copyists are employed elsewhere than in Lieutenants to be Lieutenants :— London or Dublin, so that boys who are not G. Mackie. Dated 5th August, 189G. prepared to serve in London or Dublin.should not W. Westcott. Dated 5th August, 1896. apply for admission to this Examination. No Candidate will be admitted to the Ex:r.i;ination -3rdMiddlesex, Lieutenant C. H. Panic is appointed from whom the Secretary, Civil Survice Com- Instructor of Musketry to the Corps. Dated mission, has not received, on or befoic the 23rd 5th August, 1896. September, an application on a prescribed form, . 13th Middlesex (Queen's Westminster), William which may be obtained from the Secretary at Merrick. jun., Gent., to be Second Lieutenant once. (Supernumerary). Dated 22nd July, 1896. D 2