United Against public meeting After Woolwich – Say no to the EDL and BNP... Don’t let the racists and fascists divide us The English Defence Monday 3 June, 7pm League and the are seeking to exploit the @ ULU, Malet Street, WC1 7HY horrific by whipping up unite Speakers: hatred and division. This against fascism Jude Woodward has already seen violent One Society Many Cultures reprisals against the Muslim Labour MP community, including a series of arson attacks on mosques. Weyman Bennett The government’s hotline is reporting Shakeel Begg UAF joint secretary that Islamophobic hate crimes are at ten Imam at Lewisham Islamic Centre times their usual rate. has called this Daniel Trilling meeting to bring together anti-racists from Owen Jones New Statesman assistant editor different communities, cultures and faiths, Writer and journalist trade unions and others, to show unity. Ava Vidal Comedian uaf.org.uk • 020 7801 2782 • [email protected]

United Against Fascism public meeting After Woolwich – Say no to the EDL and BNP... Don’t let the racists and fascists divide us The English Defence Monday 3 June, 7pm League and the British National Party are seeking to exploit the @ ULU, Malet Street, London WC1 7HY horrific murder of Lee Rigby by whipping up unite Speakers: hatred and division. This against fascism Jude Woodward has already seen violent Jeremy Corbyn One Society Many Cultures reprisals against the Muslim Labour MP community, including a series of arson attacks on mosques. Weyman Bennett The government’s hotline is reporting Shakeel Begg UAF joint secretary that Islamophobic hate crimes are at ten Imam at Lewisham Islamic Centre times their usual rate. Unite Against Fascism has called this Daniel Trilling meeting to bring together anti-racists from Owen Jones New Statesman assistant editor different communities, cultures and faiths, Writer and journalist trade unions and others, to show unity. Ava Vidal Comedian uaf.org.uk • 020 7801 2782 • [email protected]