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SHROPSHIRE. CHURCH STRETTON. SLATER'S F A.RMERS continued. Smout Timothy, The Cotes, Rushbury Green Dragon, Edward Hammond E:yslop William, Church Stretton Speake Johu, Little Strctton Little Stretton [Stretto~ James Benjamin, l\iillichope Stevenson Thomas, Holt Preen, Car- King's Arms, William Hayes, Church James John, East Wall, Eaton-under- dington Lion, Thomas Owen, IIorderley, Wis IIaywood Sutton John, Stitt, Ratlinghops [ton tanstow Jarratt Thomas, Betchcott Taylor William, Plaish Park, Carding Lutwytche Arms, Edmund Moore, Johnson George, Rushbury Thomas Francis, Acton Scott Wall-under-Haywood, Rushbury Johnson John, E.ushbury Trickett Samuel, Harton [ton New Inn, John Brazier, Cardington Jones John, Betchcott Turford Mary, Lower Wood, All Stret New Inn, Helen Edwards, all Stretton Jones John, All Stretton Turner Thomas, Gretton, Cardington Plough, John Davies, Wistanstow Jones Samuel, Broadstone, Munslow Viger -, Gretton, Rushbrrry [wood Plough, Ann Phipps, Church Stretton Jones Thomas, Frodesley Wadlow Edmund, Eaton-under-Hay Plough, Willirtm Downcs, Wall-under- Kite Edward, Ratlinghope \Vainwright Thomas, Smethcott Haywood, Rushbury [wood!ord William, LowtJr Wood Wall Enoch, Aston, Munslow Pound, Thomas H. Evason, Leebot Lee John, Longnor Wall John, Hatton Raven (commercial), SusanLane, Church Lee ~iary, Lcebotwood Wall 1\Iary, Plaish, Cardington Stretton Lello Thomas. Poston, Munslow \Vall Thomas, Bache Mill, Mnnslow Red Lion,John Weaver,ChurchStretton Lewis Edward, Munslow Wall William, Chatwall, Cardington Seven, Stars, I•:dward Ohildes, Broad Lewis John, Wittingslow \Vallater Edward, Acton Scott stone, M unslow Lewis Willia.m, Oakwood, Acton Scott Wardlow Chas. Stone Acton, Rushbury Station, Richard Tipton, Marsh Brook Madelcy Edward, Shoot Bough, Car- Wardman John, Stitt, Ratlinghope Stone Quarries, Thomas ChilU.e, Wis- dington Wardman Margaret, Stitt, Ratlinghope tanstow [ton Maidland John, Enton-under-Haywood Watkin Evan and A.rthur, Woolstone, Sun, Benjamin Francis, Little Stret· Makelin John, Stitt, Ratlinghope Wistanstow . Swan, George Durnoll, Fordesley Mansell Thomas, East Wall, Rushbury Webster Edmund, Wall-under-Hay- Swan, Mary Hince, Aston, Munslow Marsh George, Brookhouse, All Stretton wood, Rushbury Travellers' Rest, Georgo Evans, Afi- Marsh Lucy, Leebotwood Webster Fanny, Stanway, Rnshbury cott, vVistanstow 1\Iarsh"'fhomas, Baucot Farm, Tugford Wellings Richard, Picklescott Yew Tree, Wm. Hide, All Stretton Meulicott Frederick, Betchcott Wilding Thomas, Picklescott [ler Wilding Thomas, Ragdon, Hope Eowd Medlicott Frederick, Alcaston, Acton RETAILERS OF BEER. Scott Williams Jamos, Wall-undor-Haywood, Medlicott Richard, Ticklerton, Eaton Rushbury Andrews Ann, Church Stretton Williams John, Hope Eowdler Carter William, Carilington under-Haywood• Mellings William, Acton Scott Williams John, Wistanstow [ton Everall Iviary, Church Stretton 1\fcredith George 0. FrodDs1ey Woodcock Richard, Broome, Carding- Teaguo Thomas, Marsh Brook Meredith Mary, Aston, 1\Iunslow Tudor Joseph, All Stretton Minton Francis, Minton - -~ -- Monnington George, Manor House FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. IRON":.\WNGERS. Farm, Wistanstow LrvERPOOL AND LoNDON AND GLOBE Lewis Thomas, Church Stretton I\Iorgan Edwin, Red House, Cardington George R. Windsor, Church Stretton Wood Henry, Church Stretton Morris George, Park Farm, Munslow LmmoN AND NoRwiCH AccmENT . Morris William, Dudgley, All Stretton Andrew E. Zriuyi, Church Stretton l\Iunslow John, Ratlinghope RAILWAY PASSENGERS' - Elisha E. JOINERS & WHEELWRIGHTS. Munslow Richard, Ratlinghope Owen, Wistanstow Marked thus * are also Builders. Owen Thos. 1\iillichope, Eaton-under- RoYAL-Andrew E. Zrinyi, Church Beaumond Mary Ann, All Stretton Haywood Stretton [Stretton Chldes Edward, Broadstone, Munslow Page William, Tugford [Stretton SALOP Charles Hince & Son, Church Evans Samuel, Canlington Painter Thomas, Lower Wood, All SHROPSHIRE AND NoRTH WALEs-Jas. Evans Thomas, Canlington P!l!kins Edward, Hawkhurst, Wis- Heighway, Church Stretton Evans William, Wistanstow tanstow UNITED KINGDOM PRoVIDENT (life) Galliers Howland, Church Stretton Parry -, Picklescott Andrew E. Zrinyi, Church Stretton George Thomas, Rushbmy Parry John, Wall-under-Haywood, Goodman Thomas, Aston, Munslow Bushbury Hammond Mary, Hope Bowdler · Parry \Villiam, Frodesley GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Hamaond Minton, Little Stretton Perks Joseph, Cardington (See also Shopkeepers, &-c.) IIammond Richard, Little Stretton Pinches Ann, Ratlinghope George Georgo, Church Stretton Jones John, Batlingbope Pinches Samuel, Gatten, Ratlinghope Hancock John, Little Stretton J ones John, Hope Bowdler Preen Richard, Leebotwood ~Iansell Edward U. (an<l spirit),Church *Lewis Thomas, Church Stretton • Price Edward, ·wittingslow Stretton Owens Thomas, Horderley,Wistanstow Price George, Hamperley, Minton Owen Elisha E. Wistanstow Pinches John, Longnor Pritchard Samuel, Hodghurst, All Phcsoy Richard (&spirit), }funslow Pinches Samuel, Stitt, Ratlinghope Stretton Phipps Edward, Church Stretton Pinches Thomas, Frodesley Tiawlins John, Hatton Potter Jamos, \Vistanstow Price Thomas, Cardington Rawlins Richard, Millichope Proffit Thomas, Chun:h Stretton *Pugh Thomas (and contractor), Hun· Ray Edward, Little Stretton Rogcrs William, Wistanstow gerford, E <t ton-unde:r-f.laywoocl Rickards .1 am os, Wistanstow Ridge Thomas, Frodesley --- -- - Hoberts John, Munslow [wood Smout Henry, Walls Bank, Rushbury INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Robinson George, Eaton-under-Hay Smout Thomas, Wall-under-Haywood, Hobinson George, Church Stretton Bridges, Benjamin Gwilliam, Ratling Rushbury Robinson Wm. Ticklerton Hall Farm hope Teagne Hichard, Leemoor Common, Rogers John, Smethcott Buck's Head, Thomas Pugh, Hunger Wistanstow [stow Rogers John, Cholmick ford, Eaton-nnder-Haywood Teague Richard, Bushmoor, Wistan· Rogers Robert, Botvyle, All Strettou Buck's Head, John Robinson, Church Wigley John, Picklescott Hooke James, Bache Mill, Munslow Strettou Wigley Joseph, Longnor Russell John, Cardington Butchers' Arms, Josoph Edwards, \Vigley Robert, Leebotwood Sankey , Aston, .l\Iunslow [ton Tonglands, Munslow Savage Bdward, Ho1tpreen, Carding Church Stretton Hotel (commercial), Shirley Richard, Tugford Stretton Hotel Co.-Elizabeth Bart- LAND AGENTS. Shuker Philip, Ratlinghopo lett, manageress Pugh Thomas (for Charles 0. C. Fern- Slater George, Stitt, Ratlinghope Crown, Joseph Brown, 1\funslow berton,Esq.MillichopeHa.ll),IIunger- Smith Thomas, Broadstone, Munslow Crown, William Howls, Little Stretton ford,Eaton-under-Haywood Smoult Alfred, Eaton-nnder-Haywooll Glass & Eottle,Ann Jarratt,:Picklescott Slynn John (for John Jones, Eiq.}, Smout Francis, Cardington Grapes, Geo. Gardner, Church Stretto l=l Grove Cottage, Wistanstow 26 ln .