
476 Brazilian Journal of , vol. 35, no. 2B, June, 2005

Exact and : Implications for the Gravitational

M. Reginatto Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany

Received on 23 December, 2004

The quantization of the gravitational field is discussed within the exact uncertainty approach. The method may be described as a Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of . It differs from previous approaches that take the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation as their starting point in that it incorporates some new elements, in particular the use of a formalism of ensembles in configuration space and the postulate of an exact uncertainty relation. These provide the fundamental elements needed for the transition from the classical theory to the theory.

1 Introduction imalist in nature: unlike , no a priori assumptions regarding the existence of a struc- ture, linear operators, wavefunctions, etc. is required. The Perhaps one of the most fundamental distinctions between sole “nonclassical” element needed is the addition of fluctu- classical and quantum systems is that a quantum system must ations to the variable. The exact uncertainty ap- obey the , while a classical system is not proach is thus rather economical, in that it appears to make subject to such a limitation. The degree to which a quantum use of the minimum that is required for the description of a system is subject to this limitation is given by Heisenberg’s quantum system. uncertainty relation, which provides a bound on the minimum uncertainty of two such as the x The paper is organized as follows. In the next two sec- and the momentum p of a : it states that the product of tions, I briefly review the case of a non-relativistic particle: in their must be equal to or exceed a fundamental section 2, I discuss classical ensembles and derive the equa- limit proportional to Planck’s constant, ∆x∆p ≥ ~/2. This tions of from an ensemble Hamiltonian; in section , however, is not sufficiently restrictive to provide 3, I present the derivation of the Schrodinger¨ equation using a means of going from classical to quantum me- the exact uncertainty approach. In the remaining sections, I chanics. Indeed, in most approaches to quantization, no di- discuss the application of the exact uncertainty approach to rect reference is made to the need for an uncertainty principle. gravity. A recent paper [4] provides an overview of the ex- For example, in the standard approach to canonical quantiza- act uncertainty approach in and quantum tion, one introduces a Hilbert space, operators to represent gravity that emphasizes conceptual foundations. Therefore, , and a representation of the Poisson brackets of in the last sections I focus instead on some technical issues the fundamental conjugate variables in terms of commuta- and on some issues of interpretation. In section 4, I introduce tors of their corresponding operators. Once this structure is the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of and for- in place, one can show that the Heisenberg uncertainty rela- mulate a theory of classical ensembles of gravitational fields; tions are indeed satisfied – but the uncertainty relations are in section 5, I apply the exact uncertainty principle to the derived, and the uncertainty principle, instead of motivating gravitational field, which leads to a Wheeler-DeWitt equa- the method of quantization, seems to be little more than a tion. In section 6, I consider some implications of the exact consequence of the mathematical formalism. uncertainty approach for the description of space-time in the quantized theory. Finally, some further remarks concerning One can, however, introduce an exact form of the uncer- the application of the exact uncertainty approach to gravity tainty principle which is strong enough to provide a means of are given in section 7. going from classical to quantum mechanics – indeed, this ex- act uncertainty principle provides the key element needed for such a transition. In particular, the assumption that a classical 2 Classical ensembles of non- ensemble of is subject to nonclassical momentum fluctuations, of a strength inversely proportional to uncer- relativistic particles tainty in position, leads directly from the classical equations of motion to the Schrodinger¨ equation [1, 2]. This approach To motivate the introduction of classical ensembles in con- can also be generalized and used to derive bosonic field equa- figuration space, consider the possibility that, due to either tions [3]. The exact uncertainty approach is extremely min- practical or theoretical reasons, the position of a particle is M. Reginatto 477

not known exactly. To describe this uncertainty in position, where the fluctuation field f vanishes everywhere on average. one has to introduce a density P (x, t) on config- Denoting the average over fluctuations by an overline, and us- uration space. The description of the physical system is then ing the relations f = 0 and p = ∇S, the classical ensemble one that is given in terms of a statistical ensemble of parti- is replaced in this case by cles. The dynamics of such an ensemble may be described Z Ã ! |∇S + f|2 using a Hamiltonian formalism, in the following way. For hEi = dxP + V an ensemble of classical, non-relativistic particles of mass m 2m moving in a potential V , the correct equations of motion can Z f · f be derived from the ensemble Hamiltonian = H˜ + dxP c 2m Z Ã ! |∇S|2 H˜ [P,S] = dxP + V . (1) Thus the momentum fluctuations contribute to the average ki- c 2m netic energy of this modified classical ensemble. What conditions on the fluctuation field f lead to the The equations of motion that follow from eq. (1), quantum equations of motion? It is sufficient to consider four [1, 2, 3] (i) principle: The equations ∂P δH˜ ∂S δH˜ of motion can be derived from an action principle based on = c , = − c , ∂t δS ∂t δP an ensemble Hamiltonian. Then, the strength of the fluc- tuations is determined by some function of P and S and take the form their derivatives, i.e. f · f = α (x, P, S, ∇P, ∇S, ...). It µ ¶ will also be assumed that the equations of motion that re- ∂P ∇S + ∇ · P = 0, (2) sult are partial differential equations of at most second order. ∂t m (ii) Independence: if the system consists of two independent non-interacting sub-systems, the ensemble Hamiltonian, and ∂S |∇S|2 + + V = 0. (3) therefore α, decomposes into additive subsystem contribu- ∂t 2m tions. (iii) Invariance: the fluctuations transform correctly T Eq. (2) is a continuity equation for an ensemble of particles under linear canonical transformations (i.e., f → L f for described by the velocity field v = m−1∇S, and eq. (3) is any invertible linear coordinate transformation x → Lx.A the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a classical particle with mo- sightly different principle was used in [1, 2]). (iv) Exact mentum p = ∇S. Note also that H˜C is the average energy of uncertainty principle: the strength of the momentum fluc- the classical ensemble. The formalism of ensemble Hamil- tuations is determined solely by the uncertainty in position. tonians that I have used here, while very simple, turns out to Since P contains all the information on the position uncer- be quite general (see [5, 4] for more details on this formalism tainty, α can only depend on P and its derivatives. and various applications). In particular, it can be shown that The first three principles are natural on physical grounds, both classical and quantum equations of motion can be de- and therefore relatively unconstraining. The fourth principle, rived using this formalism. The difference between classical however, by establishing a precise relationship between the and quantum ensembles can be characterized by a simple dif- position uncertainty (as described by P ) and the strength of ference in the form of the corresponding ensemble the momentum fluctuations, introduces a strongly nonclassi- Hamiltonians, as shown in the next section. cal element. It is therefore appropriate to refer to the fluc- tuations due to the field f as nonclassical momentum fluctu- ations. It can be shown that these four principles define the 3 Quantum equations for non- functional form of α uniquely and lead to a quantum ensem- ble Hamiltonian of the form relativistic particles Z 1 |∇P |2 H˜q = H˜c + C dx (4) To derive quantum equations of motion, one needs to add P 2m fluctuations to the momentum variable which satisfy an ex- where C is a positive universal constant. Furthermore, since act uncertainty principle, and modify the classical ensemble the term α is proportional to the classical Fisher informa- Hamiltonian to take into consideration the effect of these fluc- tion, one can use the Cramer-Rao´ inequality of statistical es- tuations. There are, of course, further assumptions that need timation theory to derive an exact uncertainty relation that is to be made, and these are explained in this section – however, stronger than (and implies) the Heisenberg uncertainty rela- the main conceptual ingredients are the nonclassical momen- tion (see [1, 2, 3] for derivations of these results). tum fluctuations and the exact uncertainty principle. It is straightforward to show that the Hamiltonian equa- Consider then another type of ensemble, one for which tions of motion for P and S derived from eq. (4), the assumption of a deterministic relation between position ˜ ˜ and momentum (implicit in the classical relation p = ∇S) is ∂P δHq ∂S δHq = , = − , no longer valid. Assume instead that the momentum is sub- ∂t δS ∂t δP ject to stochastic perturbations, and that the relation between are identical to the Schrodinger¨ equation for a wavefunction p and ∇S takes the form ψ, provided one defines √ √ p = ∇S + f ~ := 2 C, ψ := P eiS/~. 478 Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 35, no. 2B, June, 2005

As shown in [1], the wavefunction representations arises nat- where n is the number of dimensions and urally from seeking canonical transformations which map the 1 £ ¤ fields P and S to the “normal modes” of the system. This ob- Hijkl = [h (x)](1−ω)/2 hikhjl + hilhjk + λhij hkl servation, together with a symmetry assumption, leads then to 2 the usual Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. is a generalization of the inverse of the DeWitt supermetric (in [8] the particular case ω = 0 was considered). This norm induces a local for the given 4 Classical ensembles of gravitational by fields Z Z Y Y 1/2 dµ [h] = [det H (h (x))] dhij (x) The exact uncertainty approach can be succesfully general- x i≥j ized to derive the equations of motion for bosonic fields with Hamiltonians quadratic in the field momenta (e.g., scalar, where µ ¶ electromagnetic and gravitational fields). The basic under- 1 laying concept, the addition of nonclassical momentum fluc- det H (h (x)) ∝ 1 + λn [h (x)]σ , 2 tuations to a classical ensemble, carries through from parti- cles to fields, although significant technical generalizations and σ = (n + 1) [(1 − ω) n − 4] /4 (one needs to impose are needed (see [3] for details). In the rest of the paper, I dis- the condition λ 6= −2/n, otherwise the measure vanishes). cuss the application of the exact uncertainty approach to the Therefore, up to an irrelevant multiplicative constant, the gravitational field. However, before applying the exact uncer- measure takes the form tainty approach to the gravitational field, it will be necessary Z Z Y hp iσ Y to introduce the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of general rela- dµ [h] = h (x) dh (x) . (7) tivity and to define a theory of classical ensembles consistent ij x i≥j with this Hamilton-Jacobi formulation. A Hamilton-Jacobi formulation for the gravitational field Without loss of generality, one may set Dh equal to dµ [h] can be defined in terms of the functional equations hp iσ with σ = 0, since a term of the form h (x) may be 1 δS δS √ H = Gijkl − hR = 0, (5) absorbed into the definition of P [hRkl]. 2 δhij δhkl It is natural to require also that DhP be invariant under µ ¶ the gauge group of spatial coordinate transformations. Since δS Hi = −2Dj hik = 0. (6) the family of measures defined by eq. (7) is invariant under δhkj Rspatial coordinate transformations [9, 10], the invariance of where R is the scalar and Dj the covariant deriv- DhP leads to a condition on P that is similar to the one ative on a three-dimensional spatial hypersurface with (posi- required of S. To show this, consider an infinitesimal change 0k k k tive definite) metric hkl, and of coordinates x = x +² (x) and the corresponding trans- 1 formation ofR the metric, hkl → hkl − (Dk²l + Dl²k). The Gijkl = √ (hikhjl + hilhjk − hijhkl) . variation of DhP can be expressed as h Z Z · µ ¶ µ ¶ ¸ is the DeWitt supermetric (units are chosen so that Newton’s δP δP δ² DhP = Dh Dk ²l + Dl ²k . gravitational constant G = 1/16π) [6]. δhkl δhkl As a consequence of the Hamiltonian constraint H = 0, R Therefore, δ DhP = 0 requires eq. (5), and the momentum constraints Hi = 0, eq. (6), ² S must satisfy an infinite set of constraints, numbering four µ ¶ δP per three-dimensional point. S also satisfies the condition Dk = 0. (8) ∂S δhkl ∂t = 0 [7]. The momentum constraints are equivalent to requiring the invariance of the Hamilton-Jacobi functional or the gauge invariance of P . In addition to eq. (8), it will be S under spatial coordinate transformations. One may there- assumed that ∂P = 0 also holds. fore formulate the theory in an equivalent way by keeping the ∂t Finally, it should be pointed out that one must factor out Hamiltonian constraint, ignoring the momentum constraints, the infinite diffeomorphism gauge group volume out of the and requiring instead that S be invariant under the gauge measure to calculate finite averages using the measure Dh group of spatial coordinate transformations. and probability functional P . This can be achieved using the To define classical ensembles for gravitational fields, it is geometric approach described in [11]. This issue will not be necessary to introduce some additional mathematical struc- discussed further here, since it does not affect the derivation ture: a measure Dh over the space of metrics h and a prob- kl of the equations of motion. ability functional P [h ]. A standard way of defining the kl An appropriate ensemble Hamiltonian for the gravita- measure [8, 9] is to introduce an invariant norm for metric tional field is given by fluctuations that depends on a parameter ω, Z X Z Z Z 3 2 n ω/2 ijkl H˜c = DhP H ∼ d x DhP H. (9) kδhk = d x [h (x)] H [h(x); ω] δhijδhkl x M. Reginatto 479

The equations of motion derived from eq. (9) are of the form independence, invariance and exact uncertainty), leading to the result ∂P ∆H˜c ∂S ∆H˜c Z Z = , = − ˜ ˜ C 3 1 δP δP ∂t ∆S ∂t ∆P Hq = Hc + d x Dh Gijkl (13) 2 P δhij δhkl where ∆/∆F denotes the variational derivative with respect where C is a positive universal constant. One can derive to the functional F . With ∂S = ∂P = 0, the equations of ∂t ∂t an exact uncertainty relation, defined in terms of generalized motion take the form covariance matrices and Fisher information matrices, which H = 0, (10) connects the statistics of the metric field and its conjugate Z µ ¶ 3 δ δS momentum fields and implies in turn a Heisenberg-type in- d x PGijkl = 0 (11) equality (see [3] for derivations of these results). δhij δhkl If one now defines Eq. (10) is the Hamiltonian constraint, and eq. (11) may be √ √ iS/~ interpreted as a continuity equation. ~ := 2 C, Ψ[hkl] := P e . It is of interest that the interpretation of eq. (11) as a con- ∂S ∂P ∂h tinuity equation leads to a rate equation that relates kl and and makes use of the conditions ∂t = ∂t = 0, it can be ∂t shown that the Hamiltonian equations that follow from eq. δS . This follows from the that such an interpre- δhkl (13) lead to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation ∂hkl tation is only possible if the “field velocity” ∂t is related to · ¸ δS 2 √ Gijkl in a linear fashion. Indeed, the most general rate ~ δ δ δhkl − Gijkl − hR Ψ = 0. equation for the metric hij that is consistent with the inter- 2 δhij δhkl pretation of eq. (11) as a continuity equation is of the form Notice that the exact uncertainty approach specifies a µ ¶ δS particular ordering for the Wheeler-DeWitt equa- δh = γG + δ h δt ij ijkl δh ² ij tion. Furthermore, the Wheeler-DeWitt equation has been kl derived here using a quantization procedure based directly on where γ is an arbitrary function of x (I have include a term the classical Hamilton-Jacobi formulation, instead of going δ²hkl = − (Dk²l + Dl²k) which allows for gauge transfor- through the usual canonical quantization procedure. There- fore, the difficult issues associated with the requirement of mations of hkl, which is permittedR because the gauge trans- formations are assumed to leave DhP invariant, as dis- “Dirac consistency” (i.e., the need to find a choice of operator cussed before). Therefore, one may write the rate equation ordering and regularization scheme that will permit mapping for hkl in the standard form the classical algebra of constraints to an alge- bra of operators within the context of the Dirac quantization ∂hij δS of canonical gravity) have been avoided. The only ambigu- = NGijkl + DiNj + DjNi. (12) ∂t δhkl ity that remains arises from the need to introduce some sort of regularization scheme to remove divergences arising from Eq. (12) agrees with the equations derived from the ADM the product of two functional derivatives acting at the same canonical formalism, provided N is identified with the lapse point. function and Nk with the shift vector [12]. 6 Space-time 5 Quantum equations for gravita- Both the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of the classical gravitational tional fields field and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation involve functional The derivation of the quantum equations of motion from the equations defined on a three dimensional spatial hypersur- exact uncertainty principle follows essentially the same steps face, with the group of spatial coordinate transformations as as before [3]. It is first assumed that the field momenta are gauge group. The question then arises of whether it is pos- modified by a stochastic term, so that sible to relate such formulations to field theories that give a description of space-time. This is indeed the case for the classical theory, as is well kl δS kl π = + f known: one can show that the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation δhkl is equivalent to the usual formulation in space-time based on where f kl vanishes on average for all configurations, f kl = the Einstein equations [13, 6]. The question becomes much more difficult when it comes to the quantized theory. 0. The classical ensemble Hamiltonian H˜c is then replaced In section 4, it was shown that the continuity equation by a modified ensemble Hamiltonian H˜q, derived from the classical ensemble Hamiltonian, eq. (11), Z Z 1 implies the rate equation for the metric field, eq. (12). The H˜ = H˜ + d3x DhP G f ijf kl q c 2 ijkl same continuity equation and corresponding rate equation are derived from the quantum ensemble Hamiltonian, eq. (13). The form of the modified ensemble Hamiltonian is deter- This has important implications in the quantum case, since mined using the same principles as before (action principle, it suggests a way of evolving away from the spatial surface 480 Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 35, no. 2B, June, 2005

using stochastic equations. Although the quantum ensemble if this quantity has only linear and quadratic terms in δS , it δhkl Hamiltonian leads to a rate equation that is identical in form will be possible to compute quantum corrections to the classi- to the classical rate equation, the interpretation of this equa- cal quantities in a straightforward way by averaging over the tion is somewhat different, because in the quantum case δS fluctuations. In this way, classical observables may be carried δhkl represents an average over the non-classical fluctuations of over into the quantum theory. the momentum. This suggests replacing eq. (12) by a sto- It is remarkable that already at the classical level, the the- chastic rate equation ory of ensembles in configuration space provides new insight µ ¶ into general relativity. In particular, as pointed out in sec- ∂hij δS kl → NGijkl + f + DiNj + DjNi tion 4, the rate equation for the metric, eq. (12), appears as ∂t δhkl a direct consequence of the classical ensemble formalism of and considering the time-evolved spatial metric as being sub- gravitational fields. In this way, it takes only a few steps to ject to fluctuations. Furthermore, since the field momenta are show that all 10 Einstein equations follow from the Hamilton- Jacobi formalism together with the assumption of a well de- subject to fluctuations, the extrinsic curvature tensor Kij, de- fined by fined ensemble of gravitational fields. On the other hand, the 1 δS derivation from the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism alone [13], K = G ij 2 ijkl δh requires a much more lengthy derivation. The theory of clas- kl sical ensembles in configuration space, which was introduced will also be subject to fluctuations, and should be replaced by here as a starting point for the quantization of gravity, is inter- a relation of the form µ ¶ esting in its own right, and should be of useful for problems 1 δS kl in which ensembles of gravitational fields need to be taken Kij → Gijkl + f . into consideration. 2 δhkl Since the extrinsic curvature tensor determines how spatial Acknowledgment hypersurfaces fit together, it seems reasonable to expect the of both well defined evolution equations and a I am grateful to Michael J. W. Hall for his encouragement well defined space-time limit after averaging over the non- and many valuable discussions. classical fluctuations, provided the fluctuations are not too violent. References

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