© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2005

On the status, synonymy and tribal position of Phaeocoris Jakovlev, 1887 (: )

D.A. Gapon & M. Baena

Gapon, D.A. & Baena, M. 2005. On the status, synonymy and tribal position of Phaeocoris Jakovlev, 1887 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 14(1): 61-68.

Phaeocoris is resurrected from synonymy with Dymantis. Lodosia is synonymized with Phaeocoris, and L. gonocoxa, with Ph. ellipticus. The structure of the male and female genitalia of Phaeocoris shows that this genus does not belong to Sciocorini, but also its placement in Myrocheini is problematic.

D.A. Gapon, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

M. Baena, Departamento de Biología y Geología, I.E.S. Trassierra, Avda. Arroyo del Moro s/n, 14011 Córdoba, España. E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction Myrocheini: Dymantis grisea Jensen-Haarup, Delegorguella vittiventris Stål, Ennius ater (Dal- The tribal classification of is unclear las), Erachteus sp., Laprius varicornis (Dallas), and the limits and composition of some tribes are Myrochea aculeata (Westwood). not well defined; further studies are necessary to Caystrini: Caystrus brunnescens (Distant), C. elucidate the systematics of the subfamily. kivuanus Linnavuori, C. marginiventris (Stål), The tribe Myrocheini Stål, 1876 was erected Neodius ellenriederi Breddin. to accommodate the genus Myrochea Amyot & Sciocorini: Sciocoris capitatus Jakovlev, S. Serville and another six genera. The tribe was cursitans (Fabricius), S. deltocephalus Fieber, S. used or not by modern authors, e.g. Linnavuori distinctus Fieber, Menaccarus arenicola Scholtz, (1975, 1982), Gross (1975), Cassis & Gross M. deserticola Jakovlev, Tisia gracilis Hober- (2002), and its composition has changed with the landt, Dyroderes umbraculatus (Fabricius). Note: inclusion or exclusion of some genera, in some the structure of the male and female genitalia of cases without explication of these actions. Dyroderes (e.g. asymmetrical retractable conjunc- Ahmad & Afzal (1989) resurrected the tribe, tiva) does not support its inclusion in the Scio- provided a historical review of the group and a corini. revision of the fauna from the Indo-Pakistan sub- For the method used to inflate the aedeagi, see continent. Ahmad et al. (1996) described the first Gapon (2001). In the descriptions of the aedea- Myrocheini from the Palaeartic Region, Lodosia gus structure, ventral and dorsal surfaces of ae- gonocoxa Ahmad & Önder, 1996. This paper was deagal parts are distinguished according to their initiated after the observation of the strong re- positions in the erected aedeagus (i.e. rotated semblance in habitus between Lodosia gonocoxa through 180° as compared to the position in the and the little known Moroccan species Phaeo- non-copulating ). coris andreae Vidal, 1941. The following abbreviations are used in the fig- ures: a. b. pl – apex of basal plate of phalobase; Material and methods a. con – apex of conjunctiva; a. pr – apical proc- esses of medial penal plates; a. th – apical part of theca; b. pl – basal plate of paramere; b. pr – The paper is based on material from the col- basal process of paramere; b. th – basal part of lection of the Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, theca; c. pr – capitate processes of phallobase; and specimens from the Linnavuori collection, con – conjunctiva; d – dilation of spermathecal Raisio, Finland. duct; d. con – dorsal connectives of phallobase; The following species were examined. d. pr – dorsal processes of conjunctiva; d. r. s – Phaeocoris: Ph. ellipticus ellipticus Herrich- dilations of ring sclerites of gynatrium; fun – fun- Schaeffer, Ph. e. alpicola Kiritschenko. nel of spermathecal duct; gyn. c – gynatrial cone; 62 D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14

Table. Characters of the male and female genitalia in some Pentatomidae (characteristic features given in bold).

Character Phaeocoris Dymantis and Caystrini Sciocorini (except other Myrocheini Dyroderes) Apex of paramere Bell-shaped with, Pointed (Fig. 2) Pointed, sometimes hypophysis (hyp) process on internal flattened (Figs 3-5) surface (Fig. 1) Conjunctiva at rest Lying inside the theca (Figs 6-7) Lying outside the (con) theca (Fig. 8) Theca (b. th) Not swollen (Fig. 6) Swollen (Fig. 7) Not swollen Not swollen, sharply divided into basal and apical part (Fig. 8) Medial plates: Parallel to vesica (lying Perpendicular to Longitudinal bands Parallel to vesica longitudinal bands in parasagittal planes of vesica (lying in frontal parallel to vesica (lying in parasagittal and apical processes aedeagus) (Figs 9-10) planes of aedeagus) (lying in parasagittal planes of aedeagus), (l. bd, a. pr; in (Fig. 11) planes of aedeagus), apical processes Sciocorini, m.p.p) apical processes absent (Fig. 12) lying in cross planes Ventrolateral lobes Basal to medial plates Absent, on their place Absent Basal to medial plates of conjunctiva (vl. l) (Figs 9-10) arc ventral sclerites (Fig. 12) (Fig. 11, v. s) Apex of conjunctiva Not differentiated (Figs With ventro-apical Not differentiated Not differentiated 9-10, a. c) and long latero-apical (Fig. 12) lobes (lying apical to medial plates) (Fig. 11, va. l, la. l) Dorsal processes of Absent (Fig. 10) Present (Fig. 11, d pr) Absent conjunctiva Vesica (ves) Rather short (Figs 9-10) Very short (Fig. 11) Long Very short, some- times long (Fig. 12) Dilations of ring Present (Figs 13-14) Absent (Fig. 15) sclerites (d. r. s) Dilated part of Not divided (Fig. 13, d) Divided into tubular and swollen part (Figs 14-15, tub. d, sw. d) spermathecal duct

hyp – hypophysis of paramere; l. bd – longitudi- Type species by monotypy: Timuria melanocera Hor- nal bands of medial penal plates; la. l – latero- váth, 1903 (= Aelia elliptica Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840). apical lobes of conjunctiva; m. p. p – medial Tancreisca Jensen-Haarup, 1937: 169 (syn. Kiritshenko, 1952: 154). Type species by original designation: Tan- plates of penis; r. s – ring sclerites of gynatrium; creisca breddini Jensen-Haarup, 1937 (= Aelia ellipti- res – reservoir of spermatheca; st – stalk of par- ca Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840). amere; sw. d – swollen part of dilation of sper- Lodosia Ahmad & Önder in Ahmad et al., 1996: 256, mathecal duct; tub. d – tubular part of dilation of syn. n. Type species by original designation: Lodosia spermathecal duct; v. pr – ventral processes of gonocoxa Ahmad & Önder, 1996 (= Aelia elliptica Her- phallobase; v. s – ventral sclerites of conjuncti- rich-Schaeffer, 1840). va; v. sw – ventral swellings of theca; va. l – ven- Status and synonymy of Phaeocoris. Herrich- tro-apical lobe of conjunctiva; ves – vesica; vl. Schaeffer (1840) described Aelia elliptica from l – ventro-lateral lobes of conjunctiva. Scale lines “Siberia”. Stål (1865) considered this type local- in all figures correspond to 0.25 mm. ity erroneous and placed the species in the Afri- can genus Dymantis Stål, 1861 as a junior syno- Genus Phaeocoris Jakovlev, 1887, gen. dist. nym of D. planus (Fabricius, 1803). Jakovlev (1887) described Phaeocoris for a new species Phaeocoris Jakovlev, 1887: 306. Type species by mono- typy: Phaeocoris semenowi Jakovlev, 1887 (= Aelia Ph. semenowi from Altai; this name proved to be elliptica Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840). a junior synonym of Aelia elliptica. Phaeocoris Timuria Horváth, 1903a: 402 (syn. Horváth, 1903b: 555). was considered a separate genus until Kerzhner ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 • D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris 63

Figs 1-5. Right paramere. 1, Phaeocoris ellipticus; 2, Dymantis grisea; 3, Sciocoris deltocephalus; 4, Tisia gracilis; 5, Menaccarus deserticola.

(1972) synonymized it with Dymantis Stål, 1861 Phaeocoris is without median projection as dis- on the basis of similar habitus. tinct from Dymantis. Even more essential differ- Our observations show that Phaeocoris and ences are found in the structure of the male and Dymantis are not congeneric. Phaeocoris differs female internal ectodermal genitalia (see the de- from Dymantis in the following external charac- scription below and the Table). ters. The head is subtriangular in Phaeocoris, Lodosia, judging from the original description, whereas it is elliptical in Dymantis. Antennal seg- does not differ from Phaeocoris, and, in our opin- ments of Phaeocoris are thicker than those of ion, even their type species are synonymous. Dymantis. The rostrum of Phaeocoris is slender- Male genitalia of Phaeocoris. Paramere er, with segment 1 not reaching prosternum and (Fig. 1) with very wide basal plate and long segments 1 and 2 each shorter than segments 3 stalk. Basal process of paramere small, point- and 4 combined; in Dymantis, rostral segment 1 ed at apex, curved toward midline of body, reaches or surpasses the fore margin of proster- bearing several short setae. Apex of paramere num, segments 1 and 2 each are longer than seg- hypophysis bell-shaped; the edge of this bell ments 3 and 4 combined. Laminate edges of the on internal surface of paramere with a process head, pronotum and hemelytra are blunt in tapering to apex. Membrane connecting the Phaeocoris and very sharp in Dymantis. The paramere to the wall of pygophore with a scle- white longitudinal band on the head, pronotum rite (lateral plate). and scutellum is narrower in Phaeocoris as com- Apices of basal plates of phallobase short, less pared to Dymantis. Fore femur of Dymantis bears than half as long as theca (Fig. 6). Dorsal edge of a row of small, but distinct setiferous tubercles; the phallobase bridge convex, angulate. Ventral in Phaeocoris, these tubercles are a few and hard- processes of phallobase long and pointed at apex. ly discernible. The posterior corners of connex- Dorsal connectives rather long. Capitate process- ival segments bear a small tooth in Dymantis, as es with minute pedicels and narrowed dorsoven- distinct from Phaeocoris. The pygophore of trally plates. Theca C-shaped, with almost paral- 64 D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14

Figs 6-8. Aedeagus in rest, ventral view. 6, Phaeocoris ellipticus; 7, Dymantis grisea; 8, Sciocoris deltocephalus. lel lateral edges. Apical part of theca rather long, transforms to very long membranous dilation not not clearly delimited from basal part. Thecal base subdivided into two parts. Inside this dilation, with paired membranous ventral swellings. Con- there is a sclerotized invaginated funnel envel- junctiva with paired ventrolateral lobes directed oping a thin duct, which, at some distance, opens laterad (Figs 9-10); their pointed apices bent to- in the spermathecal reservoir (bulb). Reservoir wards each other. Apex of conjunctiva looking without diverticula. like a low dome. Dorsal processes absent. Medi- Tribal position of Phaeocoris. The tribal posi- al plates of penis formed by short, adjoining lon- tion of the genus is a matter of controversy. Kir- gitudinal bands and wide apical processes paral- kaldy (1909) catalogued Phaeocoris in the broad- lel to vesica (lying in parasagittal planes of aede- ly conceived tribe Pentatomini, but its synonym agus). Vesica short, slightly extending beyond Timuria, in the tribe Sciocorini, in which it was edges of apical processes. placed by Horváth (1903). Dymantis, with which Female genitalia of Phaeocoris (Fig. 13). Base Phaeocoris was synonymized by Kerzhner of gynatrial cone with paired large dilations of (1972), belongs to Myrocheini, and Ahmad et al. ring sclerites directed caudad. Ring sclerite very (1996) placed Lodosia in Myrocheini. small. Spermatheca begins from gynatrial cone Pentatominae with laminate sides of pronotum by a thin and moderately long duct. This duct and a longitudinal furrow on mesosternum are ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 • D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris 65

Figs 9-12. Completely inflated aedeagus. 9, 10, Phaeocoris ellipticus (9, ventral view; 10, lateral view); 11, Dymantis grisea, ventral view; 12, Sciocoris deltocephalus, ventral view. 66 D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14

Figs 13-15. Spermatheca, dorsal view. 13, Phaeocoris ellipticus; 14, Dymantis grisea; 15, Menaccarus deserticola. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 • D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris 67 subdivided into 3 tribes: Sciocorini, Myrocheini isolated ranges in Turkey or eastern part of Ar- and Caystrini. Both characters mentioned are menia and reaching in some cases to North Afri- present in Phaeocoris. We did not find reliable ca, e.g. Ochetostethus perepelovi Kerzhner, 1976 external characters to separate these groups. (Carapezza, 1997) or even the Iberian Peninsula As shown in the Table, the structure of the male like Trochiscocoris hemipterus Reuter, 1890 and female genitalia of Phaeocoris does not fit (Baena & Matocq, 1994). Carapezza recorded any of the 3 tribes. Most characters of this genus also an example on plants of the genus Salsola, are plesiomorphic, shared with many groups of S. gemmascens. Pentatominae (position of the conjunctive at rest; Distribution. Turkey (east), Kazakhstan (cen- shape of theca; structure of medial plates, lobes tral and eastern part), Kyrgyzstan, Russia (south- and apex of conjunctiva; absence of sclerotized ern Siberia from Altai to Transbaikalia), Mongo- plates on ventral side of conjunctiva; not divid- lia, China (Xinjiang, Qinghai, Xizang). It is col- ed swollen part of spermathecal duct); some char- lected mostly in mountains and highlands. acters are autapomorphic (e.g. structure of para- mere). Unfortunately, our knowledge of Pen- Phaeocoris ellipticus alpicola Kiritshenko, 1912 tatominae genitalia is fragmentary, not sufficient for ultimate conclusions. Phaeocoris alpicola Kiritshenko, 1912: 378 (downgrad- As temporary decision, we propose to retain ed by Kerzhner, 1972: 367). Holotype: F, Tajikistan, Phaeocoris in Myrocheini, to which this genus Zeravshan Range, Say-Narvat; Zoological Institute, is similar in external appearance. It is not im- St.Petersburg. probable that Phaeocoris was among the ances- Diagnosis. This subspecies is not clearly dif- tors of Myrocheini, but this cannot be confirmed ferentiated from the nominotypical one. It dif- currently. fers in the smaller and narrower body and the Host plants. Specimens of Ph. ellipticus were structure of the paramere, but there is a clinal collected mostly on the ground and under stones. variability in all characters (see Kerzhner, 1972). A few specimens were collected from Poaceae, Distribution. Tajikistan; in mountains. particularly Stipa. Much probably the bugs feed on fallen grains. Species included. The genus includes two species. Phaeocoris andreae Vidal, 1941

Phaeocoris ellipticus ellipticus Phaeocoris andreae Vidal, 1941: 37; 1949: 139. Syntypes: (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840) M, F, Morocco, Middle Atlas, Bou Iblane. (Figs 1, 6, 9, 10, 13) Diagnosis. Judging by the original description, Aelia elliptica Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840: 79. Syntypes: the species differs from Ph. ellipticus only in the Siberia; lost. longer head (its length is equal to width) and less Phaeocoris semenowi Jakovlev, 1887: 308 (syn. Horváth, transverse pronotum. 1903b: 555). Holotype: M, Russia, Altai, Biya River; Distribution. Morocco. The two syntypes were Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg. Timuria melanocera Horváth, 1903a: 403 (syn. Josifov collected at the height of 3000 m close to snow. & Kerzhner, 1967: 7). Syntypes: F, Mongolia (Hangai) The types are not examined; if extant, they are and China (Kuku-Nor); Hungarian Museum of Natu- preserved in the collection of J.P. Vidal in the ral History, Budapest. Institute Cherifien in Rabat. No other specimens Tancreisca breddini Jensen-Haarup, 1937: 170 (syn. were reported. Kerzhner, 1972: 366). Syntypes: M, F, China (Kuku- Nor); Zoological Museum, Hamburg University. Lodosia gonocoxa Ahmad & Önder in Ahmad et al., 1996: Acknowledgements 256, syn. n. Holotype: F, Turkey, Erzincan, Ahmediya, 883 km E of Ankara; Department of Entomology, Ege We thank Prof. I.M. Kerzhner (St.Petersburg) for the University, Izmir-Bornova. help in preparation of this paper, Dr. R. Linnavuori (Rai- sio, Finland) for the loan of material of Phaeocoris and Synonymy. We did not examine the holotype African Myrocheini, and Dr. C. Schaefer (Storrs, Conn., USA) for advice. The collection of Zoological Institute, of Lodosia gonocoxa, but judging from the very St.Petersburg, is supported by the Russian Federal Agen- detailed original description, including the struc- cy for Science and Innovations (state contract no. ture of the female genitalia, it does not differ from 02.452.12.7111). Ph. ellipticus. Therefore we consider these names synonymous. The type locality of L. gonocoxa is References situated far from the previously known western- most records of Ph. ellipticus (Central Kazakh- Ahmad, I. & Afzal, M. 1989. A revision of the Myro- stan), but some other steppe species of Hetero- cheini (Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) from Indo-Pa- ptera have similar disjunctive distribution with kistan area. Oriental , 23: 243-268. 68 D.A. Gapon & M. Baena: On the genus Phaeocoris • ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14

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