Classifying Finite Localizations of Quasicoherent Sheaves
Algebra i analiz St. Petersburg Math. J. Tom 21 (2009), 3 Vol. 21 (2010), No. 3, Pages 433–458 S 1061-0022(10)01102-7 Article electronically published on February 26, 2010 CLASSIFYING FINITE LOCALIZATIONS OF QUASICOHERENT SHEAVES G. GARKUSHA In memory of Vera Puninskaya Abstract. Given a quasicompact, quasiseparated scheme X, a bijection between the tensor localizing subcategories of finite type in Qcoh(X) and the set of all subsets ⊆ \ ∈ Y X of the form Y = i∈Ω Yi,withX Yi quasicompact and open for all i Ω, is established. As an application, an isomorphism of ringed spaces ∼ (X, OX ) −→ (spec(Qcoh(X)), OQcoh(X)) is constructed, where (spec(Qcoh(X)), OQcoh(X)) is a ringed space associated with the lattice of tensor localizing subcategories of finite type. Also, a bijective correspon- dence between the tensor thick subcategories of perfect complexes Dper(X)andthe tensor localizing subcategories of finite type in Qcoh(X) is established. §1. Introduction In his celebrated paper [1] on Abelian categories, Gabriel proved that for any Noe- therian scheme X, the assignments ⊇D→ ⊇ →{ ∈ | ⊆ } (1.1) coh X suppX (x)andX U x coh X suppX (x) U x∈D induce bijections between (1) the set of all tensor Serre subcategories of coh X,and ⊆ ∈ (2) the set of all subsets U X of the form U = i∈Ω Yi, where, for all i Ω, Yi has a quasicompact open complement X \ Yi. As a consequence of this result, X can be reconstructed from its Abelian category, coh X, of coherent sheaves (see Buan–Krause–Solberg [2, §8]).
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