Present: Cllr. J. Anderson (Chairman) Cllr. M. Binns Cllr C. Drew Cllr. A. King Cllr. M. McDonald

In attendance: Liz Halson (Clerk)

Members of the public: 0


Cllr. W. Dance Cllr. G. Collender Cllr. S. Lonorgan Cllr. J. Wheelwright




1085.1 Legacy – it was NOTED that the council has received the legacy left by Max Bowker. A plan for spending the money would be discussed at the strategy meeting.

1085.2 Strategy Meeting – it was NOTED that the Chairman had organised a Strategy Meeting for Tuesday 26th November.

1085.3 Planning committee – a planning committee meeting would take place on 26th November just before the start of the Strategy Meeting to discuss a planning application submitted to Hart District Council for land off the Devil’s Highway. Although this land is in a neighbouring parish it may affect residents in the parish of Swallowfield. 1


1086.1 It was PROPOSED and seconded that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th October 2019 be approved. All in favour. 2

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1087.1 Update on items from previous meetings

1087.1.1 1039.1.2 Stage curtains – it was NOTED that the new stage curtains would be fitted on Friday 22nd November.

1087.1.2 1065.1 Remembrance Sunday – it was NOTED that it has become increasingly difficult to request traffic to stop even for the two minutes silence. It was AGREED that other ways to influence driver behaviour would be explored.

1087.1.3 1075.2 Environment Working Group - it was NOTED that there had been a request to spend another £100 plus VAT on stakes and ties for trees at the orchard as it was felt that three stakes per tree were required rather than the two which had been agreed. The council AGREED to fund the additional stakes.

1087.2 Other Items

1087.2.1 Ditch Maintenance – it was NOTED that Cllr. King and Graham Stanley have walked the ditches and balancing ponds and Graham had prepared a report on the work required. The contractor would be asked to submit a quote for the work which would ideally be carried out in January. 3

1087.2.2 Parish Stores Door – it was NOTED that the automatic door was not functioning correctly. A call had been placed with the maintenance company.

1087.2.3 Dog Waste Collection – it was NOTED that two companies had been identified who could empty the dog bins. It was AGREED that the Clerk should appoint one of them to empty four of the key bins until a full review of waste collection was completed. 4

1087.2.4 Swallowfield Parish Hall – it was NOTED that a leak from a pipe feeding the water tank had developed in the old boiler room. It would be repaired as soon as possible.

1087.2.5 Buses – it was NOTED that contact had been made with Reading Buses. Their representative categorically deny that any of their buses had been damaged on Swallowfield Street in the last ten months. This is contrary to information received from residents. Residents had been asked to record any future incidents and take photographs so that the evidence could be sent to Reading Buses.

1088 PLANNING Chairman of Planning Committee: Cllr. J. Wheelwright

1088.1 Current applications – for details see page 2019/652

1088.1.1 192746 – Yaffles, Beech Hill Road, Spencers Wood, RG7 1HT Comment 1088.1.2 192909 - Three Gables, The Devils Highway, Riseley, , RG7 1XR No Comment

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1088.2 For Information only – for details see page 2019/652.

1088.2.1 192788 - Wheelers Farm Bungalow, Wheelers Farm, Swallowfield, RG7 1XL

1088.3 Results – for details see page 2019/653.

1088.3.1 191963 – Mistletoe Cottage, The Devils Highway, Riseley RG7 1XR

1088.4 Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) – for information only.

1088.4.1 1680/2019 – Relating to tress located on land at 3 Hornbeams, Swallowfield, RG7 1QY and Greenacres and Willow Tree Works, Swallowfield, Berkshire RG7 1QX and also on land at 1 Villa Place, The Street, Swallowfield – NOTE that the following modifications have been approved: situation for T5 has been changed to 31 The Pippins, Swallowfield RG7 1LW (SU 72441 64886). This TPO replaces lapsed TPOs 1512/2016 and 1485/2014.

1088.5 Enforcements – it was NOTED that there are 5 outstanding enforcement investigations.

1088.6 Central & Easter Berkshire Authorities – Joint Minerals and Waste Plan: Additional Call for Sites – it was NOTED that landowners, agents or potential developers are being asked to forward site proposals for consideration for minerals and waste uses, including any aspirations for existing sites to either extend or widen the range of operations or facilities to Service via email [email protected].

1089 FINANCE (Budgets/investments/sinking fund/grants/risk assessments/insurance) Lead Councillor: Cllr. J. Anderson

1089.1 Accounts

1089.1.1 Month End Accounts – it was NOTED that the Month End Accounts have been circulated. It was PROPOSED and seconded that these are accepted. All in favour.

1089.1.2 Bank Reconciliation Statements – it was PROPOSED and seconded that the Bank Reconciliation Statements be signed. All in favour. 5

1089.2 Finance Working Group – it was NOTED that the last meeting was held on Thursday 7th November. The main topic of discussion was the budget.

1089.3 Internal Audit – it was NOTED that the Auditor is scheduled to visit on Friday 22nd Nov and Monday 2nd Dec.

1089.4 2020/2021 Budget – it was NOTED that the budget was discussed at the Finance Working Group. An updated draft budget is being prepared and would be circulated shortly.

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1090.1.1 Bills List – it was PROPOSED and seconded that the bills as listed below be APPROVED for payment. Items 28 and 29 were approved prior to the meeting as AGREED in resolutions 1077.2 and 1077.3. On-line payments would be authorised by Cllrs. Anderson and McDonald. All in favour. 6

1 Signs Express 2808.00 2 Deposit Refund 100.00 3 Deposit Refund 75.00 4 OCS 150.00 5 Calico Trust 500.00

6 Westronics 353.87 7 Heartwood 720.00 8 GLS 75.22 9 Mrs K U Luke 247.00

10 Moorepay 39.31 11 West Berkshire Council 180.00 12 Reading Borough Council 120.53 13 Town Council 129.60 14 Earley Town Council 64.80

15 D2D Distribution 378.00 16 Grundon 96.38

17 Grundon 96.38 18 Direct Debit - Eon 205.66 19 Direct Debit - Eon 100.74 20 Direct Debit (HMRC PAYMENTS) 596.69 21 Council 83.00 22 Direct Debit (CASTLE WATER) - TW9215892362 51.49 23 Direct Debit (CASTLE WATER) - TW2836480081 54.05 24 BACS Charge 17.12 25 Payroll - October 5069.79 26 Lloyds Bank (Alto Card) 145.93 27 Unity Trust Service Charge 3.30 28 Loddon Reach 438.00 29 Loddon Reach 500.00

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1091 PROPERTY (Fieldfare, Halls, Land) Lead Councillor: Cllr. J. Anderson

1091.1 Van Demans - it was PROPOSED and seconded that the rent for Van Demans for 1st February 2020 to 31st Dec 2020 be £850 per annum. All in favour. 7

1091.2 Riseley Memorial Hall and Sports Pavilion – it was NOTED that Cllr. Anderson and the Clerk met with the Estate Director for Wellington Estates to discuss the lease of the car park and orchard. He would make a proposal once he had discussed the situation with the estate Trustees. 8

1092 RESILIENCE (Flooding/ditches/rivers/Flood Resilience Group (FRG)) Lead Councillor: Cllr. A. King

1092.1 Spillway Project

1092.1.1 Tender – it was NOTED that Graham Stanley and Paul Pattison were investigating other contracting options.

1092.1.2 Reading University – it was NOTED that as part of their in-kind contribution to the funding of the spillway project, Reading University students would be doing some project work. There would be some field work and sampling involved which would involve the students visiting the site.

1092.2 Swallowfield Flood Resilience (FRG) – it was NOTED that representatives of the group would meet with Wokingham Borough Council officers on 21st November 2019. It was NOTED that the next meeting of the group would be held on Thursday 5th December 2019.

1093 ENVIRONMENT (The Marshes/Van Demans/Swallowfield Meadow/Community/Orchard/ Biodiversity/Footpaths/Waste/NAG/RCAG) Lead Councillor: Cllr. A. King

1093.1 Fields Neighbourhood Action Group – it was NOTED that the last meeting was held on 6th November 2019, Cllr. McDonald attended. The police explained that they could not deal with the issues regarding the removal of the pedestrian refuge by the Memorial Hall entrance and vehicles driving over Riseley Green, these should be addressed to Wokingham Borough Council.

1093.2 Environment Working Group – it was NOTED that this group of volunteers led by Cllr. King met on 6th November. It was agreed to split the work with groups focused on Fox’s Run, The Marshes/Riseley Common and investigation of wildflower planting. It was NOTED that volunteers would canvas opinions regarding planting on Fox’s Run and the Riseley Commoners were organising another working day.

7 Clerk 8 Clerk to follow up re registering of the title (Swallowfield Recreation Ground) ______2019/649

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1094 RECREATION (Play areas/skateboard park/recreation grounds/football pitches/mpg court) Lead Councillor: Cllr. W. Dance

1094.1 Quarterly Playground inspection – it was NOTED that the report had been received and a review of items was underway.

1094.2 Swallowfield Parish Allotments Association – it was NOTED that the minutes of the last meeting held on 24th October had been received.

1095 HALLS (Maintenance/website/involvement with users/Marketing and Entertainment Groups) Lead Councillor: Cllr. M. McDonald

1095.1 Hall Improvements – it was NOTED that the Halls Working Group had met four architects with experience of working on community halls to discuss how the council could plan for the future of the building.

1095.2 Swallowfield Parish Hall – it was NOTED that the remaining pump from the original heating system had been replaced at a cost of £1,093.75 plus VAT.

1095.3 Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) – it was NOTED that this testing had been completed and a certificate of compliance issued. Two items failed, one belonging to the Russell Players and the other to Pre-school, both had been removed. It was NOTED that 62% of the items tested belonged to regular hall users and did not belong to the parish council.

1096 COMMUNCIATION (Newsletter/Website/Annual Report/Media) Lead Councillor: Cllr. G. Collender

1096.1 Newsletter – it was NOTED that the copy date for the Winter Newsletter which would be distributed in early December is 22nd November 2019.


1097.1 Connecting Communities in Berkshire (CCB) – it was NOTED that Cllr. King and the Clerk attended the Environmental Impact Conference held on 7th November 2019.

1097.2 Citizens Advice – it was NOTED that Citizens Advice Wokingham had launched an Advice Task Force which would enable them to ‘pop-up’ across Wokingham Borough over the next 12 months. They had pledged to deliver two sessions per parish during that time. 9

1097.3 Wokingham Borough Council – it was NOTED that Wokingham Borough Council had received planning permission for the final section of the North Wokingham Distributor Road which would connect the A329 near the BP garage on Reading Road with the A329(M) near the Coppid Beech roundabout. This would provide road-users with direct access to the A329(M) without the need to go through Wokingham town centre.

1097.4 & Crime Commissioner – it was NOTED that the latest newsletter

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had been received.


1098.1 Gigaclear – it was NOTED that the council had received an update from Gigaclear outlining its progress to rollout fibre connections to the parish. Additional work would be carried out on the Basingstoke Road in November but there is a delay with activating connections due to issues with connectivity back to a central point.


The next meeting of Swallowfield Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th December 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in the Rose Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall, Swallowfield Street, Swallowfield.

[The meeting closed at 8:52pm]


Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting, Agenda Tuesday 12th November 2019


1088.1 Current Applications

Agenda App No Type Address Application Ref Householder application for the proposed erection of a two storey annexe with 4 no. rooflights and 3 no. dormers following demolition of existing garage and annexe. Yaffles,

1088.1.1 192746 Householder Beech Hill Road, It was PROPOSED and seconded that the council responded as it had Spencers Wood, done to the previously refused application asking that conditions are applied to ensure that the building is only used as accommodation ancillary to occupation of the main house. All in favour. Householder application for the proposed erection of a first floor side Three Gables, The extension plus alterations to existing roof. 1088.1.2 192909 Householder Devils Highway, Riseley, RG7 1XR It was PROPOSED and seconded that the council would not comment on this application. All in favour.

1088.2 For Information Only – the Parish Council cannot comment

Agenda App No Type Address Application Ref Wheelers Farm Application for a certificate of existing lawful development for the use of Existing Lawful Bungalow, Wheelers building as an independent residential dwelling (C3) in breach of an 1088.2.1 192788 Certificate Farm, Swallowfield, agricultural occupancy tie condition (condition 8) attached to planning RG7 1XL permission ref. 13929


Swallowfield Parish Council Meeting, Agenda Tuesday 12th November 2019 1088.3 Results

Agenda Ref App No Address Application Result

Full planning application for the proposed erection of 1no. dwelling and outbuilding following demolition of existing dwelling and garage.

The council objected to this application as it felt it was too large and out of keeping with the rural setting. It did ask that if WBC Mistletoe Cottage, were to approve the application conditions were applied to 1088.3.1 191963 The Devils Highway, ensure that the old timbers were salvaged and used to build the Approved Riseley, RG7 1XR ancillary building in a more prominent place, conditions have been applied which ensure that this work is carried out appropriately, although there is no condition regarding the siting of the building. The council also asked that the outbuilding is only used as ancillary to the main house, this condition has been applied.
