Learn to Code in HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language and is the language used on webpages. HTML is based on elements or tags that determines how your webpage will look. starts your webpage and ends your webpage.

It is tradition among the programming community to make your first webpage say, “Hello World!” so that is part of today’ challenge.


 Your first name as the heading and is bolded  Say Hello World  A list of 3 things you like to do.  Has 1 picture of something you like.  A sentence about why you came to the APS Codes! Kickoff. Make sure this sentence is in a different color and bolded.

How to get started

1. Go to Finder 2. Select Applications 3. Open Text Edit to create a new document 4. Add this code: APS Codes! your name

Hello World!

5. Select ‘Format’  ‘make ’ 6. Select ‘File’  ‘Save’ 7. Save As: test.html

Where: Desktop

Plain Text Encoding: Western (Mac Roman)

You will be asked if you want to use .html

Click: Use .html

8. Open the document on the Desktop (it should open on the web) 9. Go back to your “Text Edit” document and format it to meet the challenge using the tags “Cheat Sheet” 10. Repeat steps 5-10 until you are happy with your final product. Turn over for helpful hints 

Learn to Code in HTML

Tags Cheat Sheet:

Tag Description End Tag Defines the document as an HTML document Defines information about the document Defines the title of the document Defines the main part pf the document

Defines a paragraph

to Defines headings at levels 1-6

Defines text you want strongly emphasized -- bold Defines text you want somewhat emphasized -- italics
Defines a line break
Defines a horizontal line

Tweet how many lines of code you wrote

