In Forum... In Sports... Staffers Who greeted get in Columbus gear with when he DA7IRL.,y,\T the new "discovered" employee America? fitness program the Forum page See story See page 2. on page 5. PtibliIwil for ',Lit,t Nit 19 4 k Volume 101, Number 31 Tuesday. October 12, 1993 SOCIAL ISSUES Campus offers safety measures By Jane Montes learn how not to be victims Spartan Daily Staff Wnter of . Even on a campus that Further campus safety ranks second in the CSU sys- measures students can use tem for violent crime, SJSU are the campus blue light students can help ensure phones and the escort ser- their safety by taking preven- vices. Picking up one of the tative measures. phones connects students Students can participate directly to the UPD main ill a street survival tactics pro- line. gram sponsored by university If a student is being pur- police and the Prevention sued on campus, the student Education Program. The can pick up several phones program will run on Wednes- and UPD can follow the trail day and again on Oct. 20. of phone lines via a comput- "Students will be put in er uplink to the student's mock crime situations and location. taught how to handle the sit- UPD also provides nightly uation," said Li Bruce Lowe escorts for students. The of the UPD. escorts will walk students two This will be the second blocks off campus in any year the department has run direction. the program. This year there "We used to be able to go will be 20 students, who will four blocks but because of be divided into groups of 10. budget cuts we have fewer Half the students will students escorts," Lowe said. watch a video on campus Escorts are given by stu- crime. The other half will dents who work for UPD as play out five different crime evening guides. The escort scenarios. Ken Terao, multi- service is open from 6 p.m. cultural coordinator of the to midnight during the PEP center, said students will week

I ElLEE A. MCFADDENSPARTAN PAH Jodi Ilartis, left, of BACORR, confronts Beverly middle, and Traci, "to go to hell" after BACORR had successfully escorted a client into Exhibit highlights sidewalk counselors for the pro-life movement. Traci told Harris the during the early morning confrontation. work, not gender

BY Carolina Moroder of art and design, while work- stiartan Daih Staff Wnter More than just slogans ing on a paper for an Asian A long, full, black brush art class. She could find only By Jason NIjeer stroke with six fitter lines run male artists in her research. *fftin " Examining the people behind her tone is that of a person loose on the edges. This frustrating situation accustomed to respect. According to curator provided motivation for the While the Jodi became an active mem- Terry Acebo Davis, the black show, offering "a separate rages on across the country, it is the signs on the abortion issue ber of the Bay Area Coalition stroke represents a pony tail, viewpoint of Asian Women easy to forget that there are peo- for Our with its deep, black color, Artists that differentiates ple involved. SJSU has plenty of people on during the summer of this year, depicting Asians' hair. The them from the 'multicultural Abortion is a topic that polar- both sides of the issue. Students, Jodi Harris: Pro-Choice Activist when Operation Rescue organi- strands symbolize the six milieu,' " she writes in her izes people. People on the like all others, are divided on zations chose San Jose as one of rebellious women artists who statement. extremes of the issue are con- this issue. Jodi Harris is an emphatic their "Cities of Refuge." stand out of an orderly pony Davis cautions against vinced that they are right and This is a look at two SJSU stu- person. She has long red hair BACORR is an organization tail. stressing the gender of the cannot understand, or accept, dents at opposite extremes of and freckles to match. She is not Davis developed the idea artists. anyone who feels differently. the abortion debate. imposing, but when she speaks, See ABORTION. page 8 for a show in the main gallery of SJSU's department 5ee ARTISTS page 4 Students evaluate Voucher plan causes controversy possible health risks Educators to debate on Prop. 174 Taking a look at both sides of the issue By Nicole Martin questions about current Spanan Maly Staff 1A'riter health habits. By Pamela Cornelison board member of the Pasadena On November 2, voters will work, college, or citizenship. SJSU students can evaluate The last part is a card Spartan [kali Stall-Writer Unified School District, will speak decide whether or not to 2. Patents deserve the free- their health risks on a com- game to teaches about blood The SJSU California Faculty in favor of the initiative. approve Proposition 174. dom to choose schools which puter program available pressure, heart disease and Association, Academic Senate and Dolores Escobar, dean of the As an education initiative and &whip values and talents held through Student Health Ser- home safety. colleges of education and social College of Education, will moder- amendment to California's state in high regard for their c hil- vices. Potosky said that although work are sponsoring a debate ate the debate. She said she will constitution, the proposition has dom. Competition among The program is a broad the program runs, the soft- Wednesday addressing the pros adhere to a traditional debate for - the potential of making a schools improves performance appraisal of risk issues related ware has a temporary print- and cons of Proposition 174, the mat by pi esenting arguments, tremendous difference, either and encourages intimation. to diet, medical inheritance, out block. California school voucher initiative. rebuttals and conclusions. positive or negative, in Califor- 3. It saves =payers money. and behavior, said Debra When printouts become The debate is open to the public At the conclusion of the debate, nia's education system. The $2600 voucher t edeemed Potosky, a regis- available, Poto- and will be held at 3 p.m. in questions will be taken from the Those who support Proposi- in private school is only half the tered dietician. sky will bring Sweeney Hall, Room 100. audience. Escobar asks that the tion 174 say: per-pupil cost of public educa- Sexual the program to assemblywoman Delaine Eastin, questions be submitted in writing. I. Educational reform is ticni. behavior is a 'Today people the campus D-Fremoni will speak against Prop. needed. Sch, 'al children drop major health community on 174, and Wilbert L. Smith, former See DEBATE. page 3 out or gradii.iie unprepared for See VOTERS. page 3 risk factor that feel that a a portable is not evaluated doctor is computer. by the pro- Students gram. supposed to will then be Coming out: it takes more than a day 'Today peo- heal their their able to review Bviennifer Ikuta ple feel that a their printouts Stiartan SLAT Write, day aside for people to do doctor is sup- health with staff mem- it. But every day is as good posed to heal problems. bers who can Though Monday's as ant other day." their health help them National Coming Out Day Owyoung, who came problems. They They may understand was one day out of the Year. out three-and-a-half yea pC may think, 'I think, "I broke how to coming out of the closet is ago. said if soden was broke myself, decrease their a lifelong process for many more aware and more now heal me or myself, now health risks. gays, lesbians and bisexuals. accepting. there would be I'll sue you, heal me or I'll The pro- Vith a rainbow-colored no need for National ( 'Ann- socks off, " gram will sug- flag hanging on the railing ing ()tit Day. Potosky said. sue your socks gest, "maybe at the Student Union "I knew there was a This pro- you should eat building, a panel of Coming Out Day gram is a way off".' more vegeta- seven speaket when I was in the for students to Debra Potosky bles," or "try addressed what it (inset," he said. "I dietician learn what they tegineml wearing your means to be out of didn't want people can do for seatbelt 100 the closet. They thinking Iwas themselves before problems percent of the time," Potosky also discussed diversity Mg out just het :new arise. said. rights and safen it was Coming Out Anything abnormal is "There are a lot of pro- issues affecting gays, les- I ay. But having a day set questioned by the computer grams of this nature put out bians and bisexuals before aside does make it easier as students go through the by the government," Potosky a crowd of about 60 people Im some people." program. said. in the Student Union Aftet the speakers made The program has three "We are getting trial copies Amphitheater. their presentations, the parts. The introduction com- at the end of the month." "Coming Out Day is Wry crowd participated in a pares the body to a car using Potosky found this pro- D.A It iiiVA 1sPARTAN 115111 important," said Bruce question and answer ses- moving pictures. gram, created by HealthSoft, An unknown author left a mark in front of the Student Union as part of National Owyoung. a panelist and The second part has 125 for less than $500. Coining Out Day for gays, lesbians and bisexuals Monday. SJSU student. "It does set a See CLOSET. page 4 2 Tuesday. October It. 1993 Forum 8z. Opinion San lost Start linswasrry SPARTAN DAILY Editorial Letters to the Editor Columbus deserves NNW- No7 SEND AlorritoN 80)(5 Take a stand no holiday -To to A i05 srMANAN

5110W-P gE VwciftvEl. on hypocrisy legacy of Christopher Columbus' "dis- Thecovery" of America should not be cele- brated with parades, re-enactments of his landing or any other events glorifying his arrival Editor on our shores 501 years ago. I am writing in response to Bryan Cotton's col- Instead, today should be a somber day to reflect umn ("Columbus Day celebrates a criminal," Oct. on the past. not about Christopher Columbus. 11). When Columbus and his crew arrived in 1492. It sparked some powerful chords in myself and they did not "discover" anything. "Discovery," in anger toward the misconceptions we have been the truest sense, means to see something for the taught about the birth and roots of this country first time. Maybe it was the first time in recorded in our educational system. history that Europeans had seen it, but North I, too, am in agreement with many of the state- America was inhabited by indigenous people who, ments in the column as to the reality of Colum- for hundreds of years, had lived in peace. bus' explorations. All his arrival did was announce to the Old I strongly oppose the teachings of such incor- World the existence of a land with plentiful natur- rect facts to the children of our society. al resources for the taking. That the land was It is simply wrong. Why must we put Christo- already inhabited made no difference. Columbus pher Columbus on the pedestal at the place of claimed this continent and surrounding islands other worthy individuals within our historical the Bahamas, Cuba and Hispaniola for Spain. framework? It does not make sense. Textbooks do not explain how Columbus land- I think it is time to take a stand against ing in North America started the legacy of inva- hypocrisy. I believe the suggestion by Mr. Cotton, sion, slavery and forced conversion to Christianity. of replacing Columbus Day with a holiday recog- Nor does it explain how it opened the door for a nizing the true natives of the land, the Native host of diseases that killed off Native Americans Americans, is what we should do. before the conquistadors could reach them C.:(-4tf>4k-W By taking such an action, and making this wise By the year 1600, smallpox, measles, cholera decision, we may not change the statistics of those and influenza killed an estimated 90 million IMPERT SPARTAN I ,AILY individuals slaughtered many centuries ago, but Native Americans who had no biological defenses we will preserve their memory. against these diseases. They were the true heroes placed on the Textbooks do not inform us of how in 1500, Call 1-800-ALL-FREE ground we walk on. It is with their determination, Columbus returned to Spain in chains as a result in spirit, that this country may grow and flourish of his inability to properly govern Hispaniola. The nowledge is power, so con- pretty quick. to its fullest potential. books do not mention that Columbus died INsider yourself lucky. Hotlines seem to have come I personally want to honor and respect these neglected in 1506. I am about to disclose some into their own and there are people, the culture and heritage that has not been Instead, the textbooks tell us, from an early age, valuable information, three pages of them in the Direc- completely killed off. only of Columbus' feats of exploration, how I will bring to light some allur- tory. If it feels like an emergency, Please remember that something existed and Columbus sailed the ocean blue, discovered Amer- ing news that may give you some- there is a number readily avail- still resides beneath all of the cement we sur- ica and opened the door to rescue this beautiful thing better to do than, say, burn able to you that any payphone round our lives with. There is still peace under- land from "savages." ants with a magnifying glass on a can connect you with. neath our skin. The books explained what a great navigator sunny morning. If you are feeling a tad saucy. 258-5834 every couple of hours If you have been touched by the possibility of and explorer Columbus was. However, this explor- One of the 'benefits of living yet want to remain pleated and until you win something. It's the change in which I speak, I encourage you to write er, like many of his time, made his greatest discov- in the '90s is the invention of the preppy, there's the Levi's Dock- KVEG Radio Contest Line, a sta- to your congressman to propose the replacement ery by accident by getting lost. And in reality, Toll-Free Directory. This miracle ers hotline at 800-DOCKERS. tion out of Las Vegas, so it's of Columbus Day for a much more appropriate the lands he "discovered" were already inhabited. book gives us just about every Call and tell them you really bound to work. holiday, Native American Day. In a large, democ- As a result, 501 years later, we are left to recon- 800 number that a person could need to know why they don't If you have friends and rela- ratic society as ours, we can make sure a change cile whether today should be a day of celebration use and plenty that most people make Dockers in a 'button fly. tives in or around Paducah, 1{.. n- happens. or one of reflection about the consequences of could care less about. tucky, W1CYQ has a request line. early exploration and the subsequent conquests. Take, for example, the Lob- Call them at 800-942-9336, and Laura Lane Becker Today is not about Christopher Columbus or ster Gram. By calling 800-LIVE request "Kentucky Rain," by Elvis senior, advertising the Nina, Pinta or the Santa Maria Today is about LOB, you can have a lobster with 'I will bring to light Presley. Western civilization in the Americas and the all the trimmings sent to the per- If they won't play it, you can destruction of the native cultures as a result of son you love. If you think about some alluring news buy it. For $6, Bose will send you Immigrants, U.S.A. European greed for power, land and gold. it, what better way is there to say, that may give you the "World's Largest CD Cata- Today, we should commemorate the tragic "I love you," than have a fresh log" if you call 800-451-BOSE go hand in hand results of those conquests not with parades and lobster sent to that special pet. something better to Just for kicks, tell them Paul Har- reenactments, but with somber reflections about son? do than, say, burn vey sent you. Editor the loss of life and destruction by Columbus. Men, imagine the happiness Brady's Oysters in the fine lit- Regarding Kevin Turner's column ("Watch in your loved one's eyes when ants with a tle Washington town of your language," Oct. 8), I would like to offer my she opens the door to her apart- magnifying glass on Aberdeen has promised a free opinions on the matter. Point of Controversy ment and finds a box with her gift to those who call 800-572- I understand your concerns about language name on it. She opens it and, a sunny morning.' 3252. Unless you're absolutely barriers and respect your decision to English as Statement: staring at her with all the love nuts, you can't pass up free oys- the national language. In an opportunistic land Christopher Columbus brought western ideals that a Casanova like yourself ters. as culturally diverse as America, it is indeed a to America and deserves a holiday to commemo- could muster, is a handsome The hotline for the Council Hours of fun are waiting folks, right decision to use English as the primary rate his achievements. crustacean, ready for dinner by on Compulsive Gambling at 800- so don't delay call now! source of communication. Agree? candlelight 426-2537 might be able to help if And remember, unlike the However, in situations where individuals are Disagree? Ladies, has your love turned you tell them you can't quit call- Rodham Administration health not fluent in our national language, it is rather Tell us about it. Write a letter to the editor. You sour? Why not let him know how trig 804342-6737, a slot machine plan, these numbers are free. considerate to go above and beyond our capa- might even get published. you really feel by sending him sales, repair and rental shop. bilities to communicate in a language more some pickles? How about some Have you ever wasted an after- understandable and beneficial for them. half-sour pickles from New York noon calling a radio station hop- Matt Smith is a Daily staff Your encounter with a Mexican-American City's lower east side? 800-252- ing to win a $7 cassette? Here's columnist. His column appears woman has confirmed that such ciilemas can be GUSS will put him in his place one way to get even. Dial 800- every other Tuesday. resolved. Your four years of high school Spanish SPARTAN certainly helped the woman through desperate circumstances. Africans were here before Columbus But your suggestions for "English to remain AILY dominant before other languages explode like EDITORIAL previous contact with the natives, the water in that radiator, ..." connotes an Hector Flores executive editor grade school I thought Columbus relied on information adverse effect on immigrants. Inthe world of Christopher regarding a secret route from FLBRYANCOTTON Are you suggesting that the ought to Tara Murphy city editor Columbus. After all, with- Guinea (a rout from Africa) for require immigrants to speak English uncondi- Jennifer Feurtado production editor out him there would he no his second trip. The route was tionally and that they should forget their native Jenifer LaPolla photo editor America. I was taught that described as being calmer and tongue, to overlook their unique culture and a Matt Wallis chief photographer Columbus was the first person to faster than that of his first trip. WRITER'S FORUM life-long creation of legacy? Karen T. Schmidt asst, photo editor set a foot on this continent and When Columbus returned to If your answer is yes, it is by no means consis- Minerva Panlilio sports editor those uncivilized "Indians" didn't the new world, along the coast of tent with the cultural pluralistic principle of Jon Solomon features editor count. the Caribbean, he discovered the Olmecs in Mexico that have America and it is certainly not corroborating Amos Fabian forum editor Thank God for education, the natives wore handkerchiefs been dated as early as 800 B.C. with 'The goodness of America is cultural diver- Naser Ideis online/national editor because now I know the truth. made of cotton in styles from Skeletons showing crania of sity; democracy allows and Kevin Turner chief copy editor encourages cultural Columbus was not the first per- Paul Wotel entertainment editor Guinea. Since his route had Negro groups have also been diversity." son to reach America. He was been from Guinea, this further found in pre-Columbian layers For your information, California can, in fact, Reporters: Oara Chien, Pamela Cornelison, Bryan Cotton. just the first person to colonize validates Africans' presence of the Pecos River. improve the quality of education for U.S. citizens 1>aphne Ihrk. Bill Drohkievncz, Holly Celeste Fiskjennifer lkuta. America. If he were alive today, I before Columbus. African culture existed in the while helping immigrants with English. Shari Kaplan, Gabe Leon. Kristin Lomax, Nicole Martin. Pat Matas, Jason Meagher. lane Monies. Kevin Moore, Carolina Morixler, doubt he'd try to dispute the fact Columbus also came across new world too. The plum ser- The primary problem with California's edu- Kira Raunansks. Kde Register. Erika Schuman, Ed Stacy. that others had connection with African settletnents and artifacts pent myth of the Totecs of Tulsa cational system is not because of immigrants; it is the new world before he did. in the new world, but they were has its origins from Africa. the system per se that fails the students. Columnists: jun Bateho, Lynn Benson, Amos Fabian, Laura Klein- Overwhelming information either ignored or never report- African linguistic patterns are How is a school going to function man. David Moshalljohn Perez, Mau Smith, Kevin Turner. Brian properly if Wa. hie,. Ben Weinberg. suggests that Africans were not ed. also found in pre-Columbian it lacks the necessary financial support to create only in contact with the new Realistic portraitures of time. Some examples are: beneficial programs for students? Photographers: Gloria At oba. Shona Banff, Andy Barron, Deanna world before Columbus, I lonath. Inc S. Huffma.n. (mice McFadden,Tony Miceli, Clarke but tia-at (intelligence, in Maya) How are teachers going to teach effectively if R..bmson, Monique Schoenfeld. were living in the new world as na-aul (to prophesy, in the needed funds to provide critical learning well. Quiche) materials are never sufficient? Artists: Martin 'Overwhelming Gee. Fred limpert Ivan Van Sertima's "Thez na-a (medicine man, in Given the job insecurity the state has unspar- Advisers: Stephen rireene. Jim Mc Nay. Came Before Columbus information Zapotec) ingly brought to teachers, how cats hiring less explains the existence of Africans na-aul-li (magician, in Nahu- teachers to teach more students than possible ADVERTISING in preColumbus time. suggests that atl). feasible? Perhaps, we should cut the ridiculously Jim Tramel advertising director Columbus discovered more Africans were not high salaries and wasteful benefits of politicians than natives its the new world. Why wasn't I taught all of this and assign those funds to schools instead. Alvin Chung art director The natives that he encoun- only in contact throughout my 13 years (includ- Incompetent and inconsiderate politicians Darlene Kee downtovni manager tered spoke of "a black people with the new world ing kindergarten) of school? If such as Pete Wilson should not have been in Alexander Wadley national manager who have the tops of their spears Ed never attended college and office in the first place. The future of our econo- LiAing Yee retail manager made of metal called guanine." before Columbus, taken an Afro-Am class with a my and the well-being of America depends on Jack Quinton adviser Columbus took the spears back but were living in righteous teacher (Dr. Coble the quality of our children's academic and social to Spain and they were identified Harris), then I'd never know training. as coming out of West Africa. Managers: Anthony Baker. [here's' Fulton, Phillip Olsen. the new world as this. What is good for our children is unquestion- Metal from Africa couldn't have well.' Wake up America and smell ably beneficial for America. The initiative is to Ezeeutheta Steve Bretzkr. Jobe ChM, Jane Cox. Trails Hale, Eva reached the new world without the BLACKNESS. Africans were give teachers the respect they have long Lain, Raymond low, Mai-Trang Nguyen, Angela Nolan, Mike Ofra some kind of contact. 40. Priti Pateel, Rob Schultz. Stuart Yamatake. here before Columbus. deserved and concentrate on the needs of teach- After having a rough voyage Africans in clay, gold and stone ers and students. &gar Martin Gee, Glen Jones. Mark Men hail. Kathryn Palmieri. on his first trip, Columbus need- has been unearthed in pre-

Natio* Asir I ,niwram. One Wanhingloon Square. SonCA, 9'51924149 Phone ed a better route to the new Columbian strata. Negroid stone Bryan Cotton is a Daily Quy Ngo 14#1g1 924,11P0 world. Knowing that there was heads have been found among staff Tenter junior, accounting

4 SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University Tuesday. October 12. 1993 3

deputy sheriff and narcotics tats from neighborhood public Debate counselor for the Los Angeles Voters schools to invest in private SpartaGuide County Sheriff's Department. se houis. It importation tost.S From page I He is forming a private, non- From page prohibitive to parents and the The San Jose State calendar profit educational foundation to 4. It promotes economic state. Eastin was selected to speak at help direct high school equality. Each student holds a 4. Therea re no provisions to the event by SJSU debate spon- dropouts back into school. voucher of equal value. prevent private schools from dis- Call 924-6261 sors, and Smith was recom- If passed, Prop. 174 would 5. Teachers arid parents eliminating against students on TODAY AS LEISURE SERVICES: Spartaero- mended by the Yes on 174: A provide parents with a $2,600 would be able to run schools the basis of , gender, bics session #2, sign-ups, Oct. Better Choice group, based in El voucher or AFGHAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: "scholarship" per free of bureaucratic coi tads. ability or disability, or family 18-Nov. 19. Call Cheryl Segundo. child in grades K-I2. The vouch- 6. Schools will set stai '(lards of income. General Meeting, 3p.m., Student Seiewacz 924-5960 or 924- Eastin was first elected to the er could be redeemed at any behavior and be able to enforce 5. Private school teachers age Union 5950 state Assembly in November participating school, giving the them. not required to have college. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Meet- DEPT. OF BIOLOGICAL SERVICES: 1986 and is now in her fourth holder a $2,600 tax-backed cred- 7. The vouchers are wit aid to degrees. Private schools do not ing, 5p.m , Guadalupe room, term, Seminar by Nancy Smith, representing the commu- it for payment toward the aver- religious institutions; they aid have to have the same health Student Union. Call Stephanie nities of Fremont, Milpitas, age annual $3,500 "Cytoskeleton-Extracellular matrix private-edu- parents in choosing the hest and safety requirements as pub- Roloff 268-2421 Newark, Sunol and portions of cation cost. schools, public or private, for interaction and reactions," lic schools. ART 101A: Computer Anima- San Jose and Pleasanton. California voters will decide their children. 6. Democracy depends on a 1:30p.m., DH 135. Call Jean tion, Connections, North Wing Prior to her election, Eastin the fate of Prop. 174 in the spe- Those who oppose Proposi- strong public education system Ann 924-4900 of Art Bldg, 7.30pm. Call Cas- was a professor of political sci- cial election Nov. 2. tion 174 say: available to all. CAREER PLANNING AND PLACE- ence and sandra Lehman, 998-1 31 4 a corporate planner I. It prevents taxpayer over- 7. It violates the constitution- MENT: Co-op orientation, for Pacific Telesis Group. She Forum sight and BLACK ALLIANCE OF SCIENTISTS accountability. Reform al principle of separation ot 2:30p.m., Almaden Room, Stu- holds a master's degree in polit- may be needed in public church and state by supporting AND ENGINEERS: General Meet- dent Union. Call 924-6033 ical science. Members of the Student Cali- schools, but none has been pro- church-affiliated schools with tax ing, 6p.m., Minority Engineering CATHOUC CAMPUS MINISTRY/THE Eastin now chairs the Assem- fornia Teaching Association will posed. dollars. room 358. Call Efrem 924- NEWMAN COMMUNITY: bly Committee on Education, hold a forum on Prop.174 on 2. It is based on the myth that - summary of the August 20, 8952 Social/discussion "What is where she has sponsored legisla- Oct. 14 at noon in the Student competition equals improve- 1993 Nonpartisan. Information on CAIHOUC CAMPUS MINISTRY/THE tion aimed at reforms in the K- Union Council Chambers. ment. There is Heaven," 7p m., Campus Min- no research to Ballot Measures, League of Women NEWMAN COMMUNITY: 12 education system. She also Joe Burns of CTA is the substantiate the myth. Linters oJ Thnner, istry Center, San Carlos & 10th California by Spartan Daily music practice, retreat team serves on the board of the Cali- scheduled speaker for the infor- 3. It takes billions of tax dol- staffer Pamela Cornelison. St. Call Ginny 298-0204 meeting, 7p.m., Camnus Min- lionia Elected Women's Associa- mational meeting, which is open SJSU CFA, ACADEMIC SENATE istry Center, San Carlos and tion for Education and Research to everyone. & COLLEGES OF EDUCATION & and on the National Board for 10th St Call Fr. Mark 298-0204 SOCIAL WORK: Debate-Prop Professional Teaching Stan- GOLDEN KEY NATIONAL HONOR 1 74, The voucher initiative, 3- dards. SOCIETY: Information tapes, 4p.m., Sweeney Hall, RM 100 Smith, who has a doctorate STUDENT UNION BALLROOM 9a.m.-1p.m., front of Student FANTASY/STRATEGY CLUB: Presi- in business management and a EDNESDAY NITE CINEMA ADMISSION ONLY Union. Call 924-3508 dent's birthday meeting, 5 30- master's in special education. $2.50 IMPROVISED MUSK STUDIES: 10p.m., Almaden Room, Student was a vice president and direc- SEASON PASSES ONLY $15.00 Mariachi Music Workhop, tor at Bank of America for 25 7- Union. Call 924-7097 9p.m., Music Department room years. JEWISH CAMPUS OUTREACH: 186 He also worked as a part- 11111 H INKS 11[11 1111\ Question for the Rabbi, 11:30- M.E.C.H.A.(Mowwwro Esru- time professor for Pasadena 1p.m., Table in front of Student DIANTIL CHICANO DE AZTLAN): City College's School of Busi- What's Union. Call Estes Riva 263-3246 ness. He was appointed bv L.SI I ['FPII Al J FS S Weekly meeting, A Home Away JEWISH STUDENT UNION: South then-Gov. George Deulunejiaii from Home for Chicanos, 5p.m., love VIII Bay Jewish Film Series, "The as an adviser state child devel- Chicano Library Resource Cen- Wordmaker," 7:30p.m., Towne opment programs. ter. Call Miguel 932-7596 or He served as a board mem- got, to do Theater Margarita 297-0720 MECHA: Indigenous jewelry & ber for the Pasadena Unified M.E.C.H.A.(Movvyamo E sru- School District for a term. art sale, 9-3p.m , Table 7 in front from 1989 to 1993. with it DIANTIL CHICANO DE AZTLAN): of Student Union Call Miguel The true We %fon of Tina Turner Junta semana: "La union hace la Smith serves as a resritive 923-3150 fuerza" a common cause-our PRE-LAW ASSOCIATION: Law Tit 1 future! Library ] 5p.m., Chicano school application workshop, 6- Woman DIN OCT. 13 OCT. 20 Resource Center. Call Miguel 8p.m., Pacheco Room, Student 923-3150 or Mago 297-0720 Union. Call Mary 977-1320 convicted in COMING SOON: NEW STUDENT ORIENTAnON: IN THE LINE OF FIRE WEDS. NOV 3 RECREATION & LEISURE DEPART- adoption THE FIRM WEDS. NOV 10 Recruitment of orientation Lead- MENT: "Monster Bash" pillow TLWAtal ers-Information Session, 2- contact contest-free prizes and scheme wants tiST!N4 WN I la 3p.m., Costanoan room, Student grand prize drawing, Noon- Hubler 924- 6 & 9 PKill Union. Call Sandy lp.m., Art Quad. Call David baby back OCT. 27 5950 Lemon 629-6534 or 372-2019 PSI CHI THETA: General Meeting, or Stephen Dowling 252-4505 Montalvo Student BURBANK (AP) - A 6p.m., room, x336 or 924-2998 Union. woman imprisoned for RE-ENntr Speaker Vivian Kern defrauding couples across the SIR STAFF FOR INDIVIDUAL "A Re-entery Success Story," country by accepting expense RIGHTS: Gay and Lesbian Noon-1:30p m . Pacheco Room, payments for a child she Awareness Week. Panel Discus- Student Union Call Pat Principi never intended to put up for Career sion: Body and Soul, Noon- 924-5931 adoption is seeking to regain 2p.m., Guadalupe room, Stu- SIR STAFF FOR INDIVIDUAL custody of the girl. dent Union. Coll Martha O'Con- RIGHTS: Gay and Lesbian "I didn't want to give her the first place and I nell 924-7106 Awareness Week, Noon-2p m., up in want her back," Angela STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE: Stu- Costanoan Room, Student dent Weight Management Class Andrews said from prison. Union. Call Martha O'Connell Andrews claims she was Registration, 10-12pm and 1- 924-7106 Day 4p.m., HB 210. Call Oscar Bat- coerced into signing adop- SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: tion papers by an attorney 92446117 Heir. General meeting, 11:30- who threatened to report her 12:30p.m., Engineering Bldg to authorities if she didn't ------PDENS DOORS FOR You RM E-333. give her baby girl to his WEDNESDAY clients, a I.a Crescenta cou- AS PROGRAM BOARD: Wednes- STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES: Facul- ty and Staff weight management ple. day Night Cinema, "What's class registration, 10-Noon & 1- Andrews, '22, of Antioch, Love Got To Do With It," Student convicted of Mt iltiple 4p.m., HB 210. Call Oscar Bat- was Union Ballroom, 6pm and 9pm. counts of theft, illegal place- Explore career, Heir. 924-6117 ment of a child iuld state ben- it Hr. tor fire. DroAnine r,5 slum( awl, iS mall it 4tittote.. ttnilty &id scat ei.tto tv.ttit efits fraud in February. I 011.. I1,1 I ,ti',' hrt011. F1,1111% itIV.IVALII 4, al thy 'ixtmoil).iih. 1)111 I :_419. I internship and Andrews received nine I i 1101. Mir illtuong tht. untri mut, years in prison for the crime-. Her boyfriend and the child's volunteer opportunities News Room (408) 924-3280 father. Terry Pounds, received four years. available in today s Fax 924-3282 Iii all, she received $G5,01/0 Advertising 924-3270 in cash, trips and gifts from job market, five couples. Classified 924-3277 In a signed confession, Andrews claimed that before her arrest, Allen Hultquist, an VARIAN DARN. ,1 509411011, imolthihed tlAth enr IN 114.14 45.1nr .1111.rm wat, 121 h $I" Sul tole Suir I Inc Washington Strut r. Sun joy, 1.1 '.".1..2 adoption attorney in San 0149 Kati IlliF11111111,. . P Pill trIniunden of ...mewl prostAgr rap] ai San Diego, threatened to turn her R).SIMASTER hallo to , sto Ic.yr Vas I nwrt us. One Wa,hinOr.,, 510 II., (.1..6142014. in if she did not sign adop- tion papers and accept a Thursday Trial begins on Colorado Gay Rights Law DENVER (AP) -Cdorado's ers last November, was sched- protection, she said, there has to attorney general goes to court uled to take effect Jan. 15, but be a history of discrimination, Tuesday to try to prove homo- Denver District Judge Jeffrey the group has to be incapable of sexuals in her state face no dis- Bayless issued a preliminary changing its status, and it must crimination, have plenty of polit- injunction, saving there was a be politically powerless, all of October 14 ical clout and are free to change good chance the law would not which the state of CAorado is their sexual proclivities- all of pass constitutional muster. challenging in the case of which would disqualify them The state Supreme Court homosexuals. from state constitutional protec- upheld Bayless' injunction in "The issue here is whethei 10 AM to 3 PM tion. May. saying the law probably vio- homosexuality is a suspe« The state is defending its new lates the U.S. Constitution's 14th class," she said. "That will be amendment, which would ban Amendment, which forbids one of the issues at trial." state and local prohibiting denial of equal rights to any per- Boulder attorney Jean Dubof- discrimination based on sexual son. sky, representing the coalition, The Event Center, SJSU orientation. It also would cancel Attorney General Gale Nor- said she will produce witnesses existing gay rights ordinances in ton told The A.ssociated Press who will show there is a history Aspen). Boulder and Denver. the issue was whether homosex- of discrimination against homo- Ow 140 employers from Business, Industry, Government, Education, Health and Human Services fhe legal challenge to uals can claim to be an identifi- sexuals, that sexual oriet nation is Amendment 2 was originally able group, or "suspect class," established at an early age, and All Students Welcome! brought by a coalition of those whose constitutional rights have that gays and lesbians cannot Professional attire and resumes are not required, however they are highly recommended for those seeking career opportunities, three cities and nine individuals been trampled - such as those change their status. onvIensied tht Shit 4rt, Plannin, unt.o. 01",,,I.111,.. ,,? .1,, I k 4.1 ,,i1,1.11 WI...I 1..711111.11 1141' 11.11..1,111 qt. 11,1911., who believe the law is unconsti- hurt by racist voting and hulas- "Amei lc burnt 2 itself is proof tutional. itig laws. of the political powerlessness of Amendment 2, passed by vot- To qualify for constitutional this group," she said. 4 Tuesday. October 12, 1993 SAN lose STATE UNIVERSITY SPARTAN DAILY

pwsident of the Peninsula chap- Closet ter of Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gars, Diving for a good time From page discussed how coming out affects families. sion. The event was sponsored Koopman said his daughter by' SjSU's Gay and Lesbian came out of the closet about 14 Alliance and is part of the uni- years ago and has been with the versity's eighth annual Gay and same partner ever since. She has Lesbian Awareness Week. also married her partner and Many speakeis stressed the through artificial insemination, need for higher visibility within the two have a daughter. the gay lesbian and bisexual "As soon as one of our fami- community lies comes out, the process con- 4 "My issue with visibility is that tinues," Koopman said. "I real- mar there is not a lot of it. said pan- ized what power we have. I don't elist Patti Fahey, SJSU student shake hands with a person and and member of the Associated tell them mv daughter is a les- Students Program Board. bian, but ill talk long enough, it "Everybody who is visible is eventualh «tines out. I feel it is important. It's not like one day that important." you just do it it's a lifelong In addition to the visibility 1 process." coming out brings, it also brings Even if many people didn't a new kind of self-realization, take the time to stop and listen said panelist Lynn Yaeger, a to the speakers. SJSU employee member of the Lesbian. Gay and panelist Keyin Johnson said and Bisexual Awareness Pro- many people will have noticed gram. 46111"AlAlikk1111 was important ..... the event anyway. "Coming out 10000001 "People could be walking by, to me because it got very tiring b401)a ...... kiiilkia.144r see a bunch of gay people (at hiding parts of me," she said. Maki. /AMC Monday's forum) and think, 'Ten seats ago. I decided my life %VC bAlk LIAOUltilitU4kaiti 'Oh, they look just like me.' "he was going to become an open uwakutubliu said. book. I could say what I wanted 40;21111111rai* Panelist Peter Koopman, co- and do what I wanted." sa,o40". 04-1.4 Molestation photographs IONA BAROFFSPARTAN DAILY Members of the SJSU swim team practice diving of the starting can help a swimmer get a better time. The swim team practices six suspect waives extradition blocks during practice on Thursday. A good dive during a race days a week and sometimes twice a day.

LAS VI GAS (AP) A 33- emotion as she agreed to return to year-old w oman wanted in the to San Bernardino County Valerie Soe presents a media and Repeat" was commissioned womanhood. A wooden horse is photographed molestation of a face the charges. She is being Artists installation with two videos as a public art project for Bay adorned with a rice sack, a doll, toddler waived extradition today held without bail pending her inside a cardboard house. The Area bus shelters. lace and other objects in an

to return to Southern California release to California authorities. From page I hubbub emanating in the "I wanted to show the people installation. Above it, a mobile and face the charges. "I would anticipate she will be gallery's monitors recreates the and attitudes involved in domes- with dragons and bright red Bic Bacilio made a brief out of here this week," Graham "It is not necessary to say energy of San Francisco's farm- tic ," Tani said. 'The creatures guard the animal. appearance in Clark County jus- said. 'women,' " Davis.said. 'They are ers' market resilience of the victims, the Intended to depict a tender tice Court, where she signed A handcuffed Ruskjer arrived artists." Soe, through a video, con- excuses of the battered, the chil- image, the piece conveys the papers agreeing to rettit vt thin- at Ontario Airport Sunday and Five out of the six artists were nects people through the food dren who learn to repeat the most important role women tarily said Ben GI Alain, a was met by deputies, Casey said. born in the United States. The they consume by showing peo- abuse and the indifference in have been given in society: tak- deputy Clark Counts district He was arrested in Detroit Fri- sixth, Hung Liu, was born in ple from different backgrounds society that permits the vio- ing care of children. Wong attorney. day after exiting an airplane that . Her early training in art reciting their favorite recipe in lence. shows the most intimate, per- Bacilio was arrested Friday as had just arrived from Tokyo. involved many exercises by rote, their native language. Thet Shein Win's work is not sonal part of motherhood, she was about to board a flight Photographs depicting which means repetition. She removed from the burden this to Chicago at McCarran Inter- molestation were found last Fri- relies on woodcuts and hand- work entails. national Airport in Las Vegas. day near Normandie Avenue made paper to express herself. Davis said she tried to stay Her companion, Ron Ruskjer, and First Street in Los Angeles "My art is the consequence of 'I like art to bother the viewer a little bit. away from traditional, accepted, was flown from Detroit and and turned over to police. a research process in which "beautiful" art. Los Angeles police detectives People love impressionism because the booked Sunday for investigation images from the past art are 're- "I like art to bother the viewer case. believe thieves who stole of child molestation in the covered,' re-cognized' and 're- colors are so lush and nothing ever a little bit," she said. "People West Ruskjer's car tossed the instant Ruskjer was held at the presented' in terms relevant to love impressionism because the snapshots out the win- Valley Detention Center in Ran- camera my own and, I believe, to our bothers you.' colors are so lush and nothing in lieu of $2 dow. cho Cucamonga multicultural experience today," Terry Acebo Davis ever bothers you." The photos, shown by numer- Artist million bail, said San Bernardi- she said. While this exhibit has the ous television stations Wednes- no County' sheriff's Sgt. Dennis A group of heads defy realism common thread of the Asian day Casey. Arraignment was sched- showed a nude Asian in Wynne Hayakawa's work. "The piece presents cuisine, as shocking as Tani's, at least at aesthetics, it also gives the viewer uled for Tuesday. woman in her 30s, with a tattoo One of the sculptures has long, language and creativity as cul- first glance. Dozens of romance a sense of the changing role suitall Ruskjer and Bacilio are of a rose on her inner left dry branches protruding from tural expression," she said. novels shape a love seat, which women are rapidly experiencing believed to have molested the 2- breast, and a white man in his its head, in a harmonic combi- Viewers are invited to write has a plastic slip cover. in society. or 3-year-old girl in the photo- 40s with a mustache and reced- nation of human anatomy and down their favorite recipe in a Through her work, she At the next installment of the graph. The girl was identified ing black hair. nature. notebook. Farsi language denunciates women's stereotyp- art department's Tuesday night Thursday and her parents in On Friday, police searched Her work is based on an idea recipes vie with French haute ing. She shows that romance lecture series the artists will dis- Newport Beach were notified of the San Bernardino area homes taken from African art. cuisine. Clearly, more than one novels perpetuate the image of cuss their work, explaining how the alleged molestation. of Ruskjer, an instructor at "The concept of discrete, sep- viewer has taken Soe's sugges- women as a subordinated, sub- they redefine themselves Police said Bacilio had Loma Linda University, and arate forms joined together into tion. The notebook is filling up missive creature. through art. worked with the girl's mother Bacilio, an office worker at a one piece. Hayakawa wrote. fast. Her "re-definition" is that "Redefining Self/Six Asian and was the girl's baby sitter health care firm. But they said 'The forms and meanings inter- A boy 's startled expression as women need to he looked at dif- American Artists," will be on while her parents traveled out of Ruskjer and his children had act, forming a new object." he views his mother being beat- ferently. view until Oct. 29. The artists WW1. moved, and Bacilio was not at She said people's reactions to en can be seen in a 72 x 98 inch, Using her memories as a will participate in two lectures Radii() showed no outward her apartment. these figurative sculptures are color photograph. Diane Tani's mother, Florence Ho Oy Wong today and Oct. 19 at 5 p.m. as more emotional than analytical. work, They Look, Listen, Learn depicts a different aspect of part of the series. Student Discounts on Wednesdaus $2 OFF 1111M ID With a few bumps, child-support system shifts to payroll withholding

(AP) On Jan. 1. 1994, a are still scrambling to try to com- out, aren't going to be happy "And the second thing is, if it quiet revolution will be won in ply with the federal rules, and either. does have to be done by the the way Americans pay child some don't have a prayer of "It's not really a workplace state, we believe we should be support. On that day; federal law making it on time. issue whether a guy is making eligible for federal financial pay- will require virtually all new "1 don't think (it's) going to his child-support payment, ments." child-support awards to be with- work." said Irwin Garfinkel, a complained D.J. Gribbin, a tax Federal officials disagree, but held from the paychecks of professor of social work at policy analyst with the National say they are working with state Appointments Available Iuesdaii Mru Thursclaq [408) 281-974S absent parents. Columbia University who has Federation of Independent Busi- officials to work out the dis- nOntldU foot- SPM TueS - ri lam - 6pm Seirlifddli 8am - sprn It is a momentous change, at written extensively about child ness. agreements. Meanwhile, states 1608 Alum Rock Avenue San Jose. CA least on the face of it. From that support. He added, almost glee- Employers, he said, may well like Massachusetts and Califor- Epres 12-3113 ifiSdIMastercard I Decks Accepted Afro-Dritric I Mulh-Cullural Shuts day on, Americans can regard fully, "I think we're going to ask, "Why am I responsible for nia which already require child-support in the same light have a little problem here." this?" withholding of child-support as taxes and health insurance None of this means withhold- The answer: Because the gov- payments, but not through a hidden payments that don't ing won't happen. It's already ernment says SO. state agency acknowledge come out of anyone's wallet used to pay child support to wd- Still, sensitivity to business that they won't comply with the PHOTO DRIVE-UP because they never make it that fare recipients, and the new may explain one aspect of the new federal requirements. 30 Area Locations far. rules which expand it to near- new law that is anathema to Payroll withholding for child But like a lot of momentous ly everyone else will eventual- many state governments. Feder- support is hardly a new concept Campus Location Corner of 1 I th 14 San Carlos changes, especially those ly make it universal. Under the al officials say the new rules Some states have used it in some in front of 7-11 287-1111 dreamed up in Washington, this new law, exceptions are basically require the child-support pay- cases since the turn of the cen- one is neither as simple nor as only made when couples agree ments to be administered by a tury. It was a way for judges to straightforward as it might seem. on alternative arrangements. public agency, so that employers make sure their child-support To begin with, there won't be Almost everyone agrees that don't have to send checks to awards were carried out. Color 8 1/2 x 11 any change in some states withholding works, ensuring each estranged partner. "Couples would argue," because they've required with- that matiy women and children State officials, led by the Garfinkel explained. "He d say, Copies 2"). holding of child-support pay- (a few men are on the receiving National Council of State Child 89 'I made the payment,' and she'd ments for years. Other states will end, but very few) will receive Support Enforcement Adminis- say, 'No you didn't,' and the probably miss the federal dead- child-support payments without trators, have argued that federal judges got sick of that." line, which has been lurking in a monthly tug-of-war. officials are misinterpreting the The potential is there to the statute txxilts since the Fam- Of course, some men may be law. more than double that amount Xerox 2i 8 1/2x11 ily Support Act was enacted in dismayed to learn that their pay- "One, we don't agree there's now, although it will take a 2 N. 20 wt. bond 1988. checks are suddenly lighter a specific requirement for states while, since the new rules only "It's a very fluid situation because of child-support pay- to administer it," said Jerry j. apply to new cases, not existing Copies right now," said Craig I latliaway, mentsand that their personal Fay, a Massachusetts child sup- ones. a senior policy specialist at the lives are suddenly the business of port administrator who chairs But even the biggest boosters federal Office of Child Support their bosses. The bosses, who will the organization's federal policy of the tactic acknowledge that, I Film Developing Enforcement, Translation: States have additional paperwork to fill committee. by itself, it will do little. & Prints Any Size Roll 3" or 4" prints 4 99, I 12, 15, 24, or 36 exposures Expires in/29/93P'

1 SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University Sports Tuesday. October IL 1993 5 Spartans inspire New program offers employees TV movie ideas ENNIFIER a way to stay fit and relieve stress SPORT'S FORUM By Kyle Preston Register Spanan Daily Staff Writer If you would like to become a channels almost any fit faculty member, the human Flipday of the week and performance department is you're sure to find a offering a new employee fitness "made for TV" movie some program this semester. sappy drama based on real life. HuP Professor Carol Chris- Amazingly, the gridiron is tensen has started a new on cam- also a remarkable source of pus program that offers SJSU inspiration for movie ideas, as employees a low cost alternative the 0-5 Spartans illustrate. to expensive health clubs. The There are plenty of stories that program, called Cross/Aerobic can come out of the SJSU foot- Training Sessions (CATS), offers ball season so far; some with for $20 aerobic training in a vari- happy endings, others that ety of modes and provides per- aren't for the faint of heart. sonal trainers. Don't expect any Emmy "I didn't want to call it cross nominations from these; just training because people think of pray for a Big West Conference that as triathlons," Christensen Championship and some post- said. "And aerobic training season play. implies aerobic dance. It's nei- 'The Longest Yard"It looks ther of those." like there is no light at the end CATS offers the use of the lat- of the tunnel. It looks like it will est Nordic Track equipment as be an uphill battle through the well as Stairmasters, rowers, and rest of the season. Have faith exercycles. It also has the newest Spartans, in the historic-al sense, exercise tool, the Body Slider, a are known as warriors and for durable floor mat combined their tenacity and never-say-die with nylon socks that simulates ethic. the lateral movements used in 'The Crying Game"Don’t ice skating. worry Spartan football fans, the Christensen said that the pro- toughest part of the season is gram is designed with the SJSU over. Put your hankies away. faculty and staff in mind. With Cal and Washington "If they (the staff) want some- behind us, the Big West should thing on campus and they want be a piece of cake. access to a personal trainer and PHOTOS BY GLORIA AWBASPARTAN DAILY 'Time After Time" or they like the activities we have, Robin Morlong, left, an UPD accounts technician, and Cynthia Gib- program by working out at least three times a week. The fitness program "Falling Down"Louisville. then this is a good program," bons, who works in payroll, both take advantage of the employee fitness involves cross-aerobics training sessions. Stanford. Wyoming. Cal. Wash- Christensen said. It's designed ington. (You know what they to give people a variety of expe- Stairmaster or the rowing program isn't for everyone, have in common.) riences. machine. though. She recommends peo- "Under Siege"Give the "We have a few people here 'This is a really great deal. I've ple with have major medical team a break. Washington has for weight control purposes, to told people in my office," John- problems begin an exercise reg- nothing to lose and the Huskies either maintain or lose weight son said. imen somewhere else. chose to take their frustrations and some of them just want "It (the center) gets full "We're not a medical facility. out on the Spartans. And stress management. Using the towards 12:30, but you can We don't have physicians super- besides them, who knew Cal different modes of training always do something else." vising. We ask them (the would be this good this early? helps because some people Robin Morlong from the employees) to complete a med- "No Way Out"For the faint don't like Stairmasters, so they UPD also goes three times a ical- history but we haven't had of heart and the faithless, there can get on the rowers or the week. anybody that we've had to is no relief in sight for the Spar- bikes. "I look forward to coming," exclude," Christensen said. tans. "It gives some of them a Morlong said. "It makes my skin Christensen said that the pro- "Homeward Bound: The chance to get out of the office at tight pants a little looser." gram's emphasis is in people Incredible Journey"Can the noon and to do activities so they Christensen works with three that really want to have fun Spartans make it into the win can feel better when they go assistants, Mark Cavellero, Julie working out. column, or will they get swept back to work." Christianson and Heidi York to "What we do is make recom- up in a tide of pessimism? Charmaine Johnson, who oversee the sessions. The assis- mendations and then let people 'The Right Stuff"Jeff Gar- works in the Admissions and tants act as trainers to advise the find their own level. We're trying Dr. Carol Christensen, left, and Sue Wilkinson try out the Body Slide cia and Nathan DuPree are just Records, finds the program ben- employees. to debunk the no-pain, no gain and compare notes on how their students liked it. The Body Slide is a a few Spartans who have it. just eficial and has recommended it "We have the personal train- myth. A lot of what we know new product designed to give an aerobic workout. because the team hasn't won a to others. ers to give them advice on what about exercise is that if people game vet doesn't mean there 'This is a nice perk," Johnson their heart rate should be, but do it at a level where they enjoy beginning of the semester was room 75 through Friday: isn't talent on the squad. said. "I come here three times a the people are on their own," it, they'll come back and keep $40. Drop-in session. are $2 per 11:30a.m.-1:30p.m. on Wednes- "Cinderella"Don’t count week." Christensen said. doing it," Christensen said. session. The program is offering day and Friday and 12-1:30p.m. the team out yet. Comebacks do Johnson said she prefers the Christensen stresses that the The cost of program at the a free trial in Spat-tail imples on Thursday. happen and with the talent this year's squad has, they don't need a fairy godmother. Then THIS WEEK IN SPORTS again. they could turn into Soccer team loses 2-1 pumpkins. Only time will tell: Today and Wednesday: Saturday: the dance isn't over vet. Women's Golf at Ede,in I hlanteld Volleyball at University of Neva- By Carolina Morodei Invitational, Jen PI/ fklaa IS a Dai/t 'tall writer Spartan Daily Staff Writer played more defensively. By reorganize their atta k against Seattle.Wash da,Reno, 7p.m. doing this, SJSU gave up control Washington. SJSU temporarily Friday: Football at New Mexico State. Las The Spartans dropped to 0-3 of midfield. lost control, allowing Washing- Volleyball at University of Pacific, Cruces, 1:30p.m. ton to attack again. r. in the Mountain Pacific Sports Several goal attempts were 7:30p.m. Sunday: Federation Division after losing made by midfielder Matthew With about 12 minutes left in Soccer at Sacramento State, Soccer at Air Force. Colorado CINEBAR 2-1 to the University of Washing- Ball, and later by Weaver. the game, Washington's Gerd 3p.m. Springs, 2p.m. oc" ton at Spartan Stadium Sunday. But, all shots were caught by Strom found the Spat tan d a The Spartans started the Husky goalkeeper Dusty defense off balance and scored A drinking person's bar: game with their usual defensive Hudock. the Huskies' second goal. Big Ten boasts five ranked teams Where Fruternitic.4 4-4-2 formation, while the Spartan midfielders Daniel During the last 10 minutes of & Sororities meet: Huskies had a 5-4-2 formation. Ortega and Juan Cruz tried to the game, the Spartans regained (AP)The Big Ten is big news after Michigan State ended the No drug!. or fighting: Spartan forward Brian create some offensive attack. But control of the game but it came in The Associated Press college Wolverines 22-game unbeaten 6') F. San Fernando Weaver scored a goal early in the these attacks were sporadic and too late. football poll. streak in the Big Ten. (corner s.f 2 nd game, giving them control of blocked by good Husky defense. Spartan Head Coach Gary St. With Michigan State moving Florida State remained a the first half. As the game progressed in Clair seemed disappointed. up to No. 25 this week, the near-unanimous No. 1 in the The Huskies could not go the second half, each attack by 'There were a couple of mis- league now has five tanked AP media poll after beating beyond the Spartan defense dur- the Huskies got closer to goal- takes made," he said. teams more than any other Miami 28-10, The Seminoles [Weekend Packages ing the first half, due to the keeper Keith Bateman. Finally, He agreed that the Spartans conference. The other Big Ten received 61 of 62 first-place blocking of midfielders and Washington's Bryan McNiel missed their chances at the end representatives are No. 5 Ohio votes and 1,549 of a possible defenders. scored to tie the game 1-1 at of the game. State, No. 7 Penn State, No. 16 1,550 points. -Reno- In the second half the Spar- 18:42 left in the second half. The Spartans will travel to Wisconsin and No. 18 Michi- No. 2 Alabama, which didn't Two nights tans made the mistake of trying After that game-tying goal, Sacramento State next to face gan. play Saturday, got the other Starling at $99. to defend their only goal and the Spartans were not able to the Hornets on Friday. The Big Ten has struggled first-place vote. in recent years, but the addi- Notre Dame moved up one -Las Vegas- tion of Penn State, Ohio State's spot to No. 3 after pounding Iwo nights From the Baseball Playoffs... resurgence and 1Visconsin's Pittsburgh 44-0, and Florida rapid rise have greatly' strength- rose one place to No. 4 after Starling at $148. SUNDAYS STARS set an AL playoffs record by ell gave up five hits and three ened the league. handing LSU its worst defeat Juan Guzman gave up one retiring 13 straight batters runs one earned in 2 1-3 Michigan State broke into ever, 58-3. -Mexico- run and three hits in seven before Ellis Burks hit a home innings in Game 5 against the Top 25 for the first time Rounding out the Top 10 Three day cruise innings as Toronto heat Chicago run in the fifth inning of Game Toronto. In Game 1 of the play- this seasint by heating Michigan are Ohio State, Nebraska, Penn Starling at $349. 5-3 in Game 5. 5.... Ron Gant's streak of eighth offs, he gave up seven runs and 17-7 Saturday. State, Miami, Oklahoma and Danny Jackson allowed a consecutive stolen bases in the 13 hits in 62-3 innings. "It feels great," quartet hack Tennessee. Miami fell front No. All packages sublect to availability run, nine hits, struck out six and NI. playoffs ended in the Atlanta Jim Miller said. "Spartan foot- 3 to No. 8. its lowest ranking in walked two in 7 2-3 innings as third when he was thrown out at SLUGGERS ball is back." three years. Philadelphia beat Atlanta 2-1 in second by Darren Daulton. Bo Jackson is 0-for-10 in the Ohio State rose one spot Arizona is 11th, followed by Game 4 to even the series 2-2. playoffs with six strikeouts. after beating Illinois 20-12, idle Washington, Texas A&M. I ( I III )\ Jackson, 5-for-65 during the sea- STATS Penn State mi iced up one North Carolina. Nirginia, Wis- son, also had an RBI single in a Ron Karkovice of the White SLOPPY place and Wis« in sin climbed consin, West Virginia, Michi- I k \\ I I two-run fourth. Sox is 0-for-14 in the first five In Philadelphia's Game 4 vic- five notches after routing gan, Auburn, Colorado, Cali- Former president Jimmy games with six strikeouts.... Tim tory Sunday, the Braves, coming Northwestern 53-14. fornia, UCIA, Syla- '.I'll I SPIRVIt'F ACIENCY Carter attended Game 4 of the Raines leads all batters with an off 14-3 and 9-4 routs, put run- Michigan fell nine spots time and Michigan State. NL playoffs Sunday night in Al. playoff record-tying 11 hits in ners on the last eight innings 408-293-3399 Atlanta. He had a large hag of 23 at bats. Marty Barrett also had but were just 1 -for-15 with play- 198 Jackson St Conrdion: :11ungery's photo caption of the peanuts. 11 for Boston in 1986. ers in scoring position. They /n volleyball grim", San Jose, CA 95112 stranded 11. the Sp players were inforrfrily identified. M I 5::10am to 5: The playeri werr Erin Gin ney and Rebecca Huffinan. FAX 405-293- Min STREAKS SLUMPS The Phillies left on a record Other times available by Juan Guzman of the Blue Jays Chicago starter Jack McDow- 15 runners. xilittment 6 Tuesday, October 42. 4993 SAN lost STATE UNIVERSITY SPARTAN DAILY ,4== (vz." 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8 Tuesday. October 12, 1993 SAN lost STATE Usavwsrry SPARTAN DAILY

SOCIAL ISSUES. ABORTION 'Mull I look at du> faces of BACORR membeis (11 is) a difficult moment anyway, these I get sad. I see such bitterness in their eyes, it women don't need people harassing them makes my heart cry out. about personal clwices.'

Lisa Dedry, pro-lift activist Jodi Harris, BACCOR member Local activists speak out Jodi Harris is a member of BACORR and protests to on a national question keep abortion safe and legal. Photography by Lezlee A.McFadden Lisa Derby is vice president of Students for Life at SJSU. From page 1 would stop them from doing dedicated to ensuring that clin- what they believed in." ics where are per- Jodi's hands come out to formed stay open to those who emphasize her point might need them. "It really bothered me in my Jodi's introduction to the gut. They target anyone ... their pro-choice movement was at a agenda goes way beyond the meeting of Bay Area Abortion abortion issue ... they are sexist, Defense. At the meeting, a anti-feminist, against women's woman asked for volunteers for self-determination, anti-gay and clinic escorts. Jodi decided to anti-immigration." help out and has returned to Jodi feels that pro-choice perform escort senices and clin- activists have been given a bad ic "defense" on a weekly basis. reputation by the media as peo- "Seeing it once made me ple who are pro-abortion. want to go back again." she said She says she would like the of her first clinic escort duty. media to emphasize that abor- Jodi was troubled by the tac- tion is only one of the options tics of the pro-life demonstra- pro-choice sympathizers advo- tors. She did not think they were cate. "Ideally. I would hope that fair to the women who were no abortions would be needed," seeking clinic services. 'They Jodi said. would target anyone who came Jodi is taking 11 units at SJSU to the clinic," she said. this semester. She tutors students Jodi explained that pro-life in muscle physiology, an occupa- demonstrators accosted patients tional therapy course. Jodi also entering the clinic, aggressively works 20 hours a week at Shore- pleading with them not to kill line Amphitheater in Mountain their children. One of the tactics View, selling concert shirts. that disgusted Jodi was the pro- On weekends, she is involved life demonstrators pleading, in clinic "defense" at various "Mommy! Mommy! Please don t facilities in the South Bay. kill me Mommy!" The clinic that Jodi was J41 's Solution A pro-life activist, left, crosses the pro-choice line to pray outside the He is surrounded by Jodi Harris, right, and other BACORR mem- "defending" provided more Consultation Center where abortions are taking place. bers who tell him that women have the right to choose. than just abortion services. She Jodi does not see the solution felt that the pro-life demonstra- to the abortion conflict clearly. that there is one absolute truth SJSU Students for Life is a stu- tors were preventing people She points out that while that all women must follow in dent organization dedicated to from receiving other medical abortion is legal, many women making a decision about an defending "the underrepresent- services the clinic had to offer. have a hard time gaining access unwanted pregnancy. ed minority (unborn babies)," Jodi was also concerned to it because of actions carried Jodi believes the current laws Lisa said. about the women who had out by Operation Rescue and about abortion are fair, but that "Both sides (of the abortion come seeking an abortion. other groups. pro-life activists are ignoring the debate) need to be evally BACORR members walk and Jodi feels any woman should laws and effectively preventing accessible to the public, Lisa talk with the women to get their have the choice of having an women from having abortions. said. minds off the protesters. They abortion. She does not like the Jodi believes the police and She feels educational materi- also carry large signs which they idea of abortion, but she sees it the legislators should work als presenting the pro-life view- hold up to prevent the media as a necessary choice in some sit- together to ensure women have point are "sorely lacking." from taking the woman's pic- uations, such as when the access to clinics without harass- Lisa believes unconditionally ture. woman has been raped or can- ment from those who disagree in an unborn baby's right to live. "(It is) a difficult enough not, for some reason, care for with their decisions. She explains that a human life is moment anyway," Jodi said. the child. the most precious thing on this 'These women don't need peo- 'There is a huge gray area Lisa Derby : Pro-Life Adivist earth and that to terminate a life ple harassing them about per- that the anti-choice people are is , whether the person is sonal choices." just ignoring ... theyjust4 their Lisa Derby is a driven woman. in the womb or not. "I have always been pro- beliefs with literal interpretations She knows what she wants out of Lisa describes herself as "not choice," Jodi said, "but I've never from the Bible ... (and) they life and does not seem at all religious," saying instead that she The Evangelical Christian Fellowship arrive outside the Pregnancy tried to impose my viewpoint on really think that they are saving afraid to grab it. has a "phenomenal relationship Consultation Center before dawn every Saturday to pray and to try to people ... I won't blockade babies." Derby is the vice president of with God." counsel women out of having abortions, churches or do anything that She does not accept the idea SJSU Students for Life. Her easy smile was quickly erased when asked how she felt does not condone violence. She said many pro-choice activists about BACORR and other pro- calls these violent groups "tiny say this will make women seek choice organizations. factions," pointing out that "my dangerous illegal abortions, but "When I look at the faces of goal is to save lives." she does not think this will hap- BACORR members, I get sad. I To the end of saving lives, Lisa pen. see such bitterness in their eyes, will get up early in the morning The second piece of Lisa's it makes my heart cry out," she and sit down outside of clinics in solution is to provide counseling said. the hopes that a woman will not and homes for women who have She says she does not under- have an abortion. become pregnant with an stand why the pro-choice organi- Lisa says she will not risk unwanted child. This would zations have chosen to defend arrest and complies when police help them through a difficult the "right to kill." She cannot ask her to move. time and encourage them to understand why people would She is a speech communica- have the baby. Lisa believes choose to do such a thing. tions major with a minor in adoption is the key for babies Lisa feels pro-life activists have musical theater. who cannot be cared for by their been given a bad name by the She takes her school work mothers. media and "radical" groups like seriously, having never received The final part of her solution BACORR. anything below an A- in her is to provide better sex educa- She feels the media unfairly three years at SJSU. tion in schools and at home. portray pro-life activists as fanat- Lisa describes herself as a fun- Lisa does not think sex educa- ics and that they try to downplay loving person. She likes hiking tion is being taught the right the successes of the pro-life and helps out the cheer squad at way, saying the focus is on the movement her old high school, teaching mechanics of sex, not the Lisa also feels the media have them techniques she picked up responsibilities. focused on isolated events that as an SJSU cheerleader. She feels abstaining or waiting portray the pro-life movement for the right person should be as violent, like the shooting of Lisa Solution emphasized. Dr. Gunn in Pensacola, Fla. in 'The problem is that there March by a pro-life activist Lisa sees the solution to the are too many people who are Lisa explains only a few abortion conflict clearly. mature enough to have sex," she Beverly, middle, a pro-life activist, leads a prayer at up signs supporting the pro-life movement and tries groups within the movement are The first part of her solution says, "but not mature enough to the entrance to the abortion clinic. The group holds to prevent women from entering the clinic driveway. violent, and Students for Life is to overturn Roe u Wade. She talk about sex." Taking a closer look at some of the organizations involved in the abortion debate Byfason Meagher Spartui Daily Stan 1A'ritrr Jose as lie of several metropoli- active in BACORR. of the clinics. in front of Student Union and the pro-life movement. Partici- tan areas in which pro-life orga- BACORR tactics include: "Followcar," a network of distributes information on abor- pants stood side by, side along The Bay Area Coalition for nizers wanted to stop abortions Forming a human chain cars follows pro-life activists to tion and alternatives. city streets with placards Our Reproductive Rights is ded- from being performed. leading to the clinic doors by keep track of their movements. Students for Life was formed denouncing abortion. icated to "defending" clinics BACORR is seen as a radical linking arms. This allows the Volunteers use cellular phones to bring information from the Students for Choice was from pro-life demonstrators. within the pro-choice move- patients access to the clinics. and two-way radios to keep in pro-life perspective to SJSU stu- established to inform the SJSU BACORR was created as an off- ment While some organizations "Walking" the patient to the touch with the main BACORR dents, faculty and staff. community about the wide spec- shoot of Bay Area Abortion such as SJSU's Students for doors of the link, encouraging group. Students for life encourages trum of options available to Defense. BAAD was formed in Choice will counter-protest at them to not listen to the Providing a human barrier members to participate in women. The group runs a table response to the 10-city "Cities of clinics, BACORR goes a step fur- demonstrators. between the pro-life demon- peaceful demonstrations, like near the Student Union and dis- Refuge" campaign organized by ther and will physically ensure Opening a path to the clin- strators and the patients seeking the Life Chain rally held several tributes information on birth Operation Rescue this summer. woman access to the clinic. ic doors by forcibly removing services at the clinics. weeks ago. Life Chain is a control, abortion options and The campaign targeted San About seven SJSU students are protesters who sit down in front Students for Life runs a table national protest organized by letter-writing campaigns. SPARTAN DAILY San Jost State University World Events Tuesday. October 12 , 1993 9 o Arafat gains could get under the current State international circumstances and important ally because of Arab weakness result- ing from the Gulf War," Arafat for accord said Monday in urging the Watch council to endorse the accord. TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - PLO Man uses computer chairman Yasser Arafat gained College student bulletin board an influential ally Monday in in efforts to get the group's policy- sentenced for molestation attempt making body to endorse a peace accord with Israel. protest posters SAN JOSE, (AP) - Police Farouk Kadoumi, head of say a Menlo Park man used a the Palestine Liberation Orga- BEIJING (AP) - A Chinese computer bulletin board to ask nization's political department, court sentenced a college stu- a 13-year-old boy to meet him set aside misgivings about parts dent to two years in prison for for sex. of the accord and joined Arafat putting up posters commemo- Donnell Howard Hughes has in urging the Palestine Central rating the 1989 Tiananmen pleaded innocent to a charge of Council to endorse it. Square democracy movement, attempted child molestation, The 107-member council is his mother said Monday. authorities said. He is now expected to vote on the accord Hu Shuchan said a classmate awaiting a hearing in San Jose on Tuesday at the earliest. of her son, Yu Zhuo, went to Municipal Court. The pact gives Palestinians a court Monday to inquire about Police say they arrested measure of self-rule in the Gaza his case and saw Yu being led Hughes, 50, on June 22 at a Strip and the West Bank town of from the building. An official at shopping center, where he had Jericho, with their powers to be the court in Wuhan, south of Calif., laughed as he remem- 4, Family in California Yeltsin said the upper cham- arranged to meet the 13-year- spread over a wider area pend- Beijing, told the classmate Yu bered what made his "most ber, the Federation Council, will old. Hughes claimed he never ing the outcome of talks in the had just been convicted of spre- feared Amy Biehl's demanding" child different. be elected on Dec. 12 along intended to have sex with the next three years. ading "counter-revolutionary death in South Africa When she was 10, Amy with the larger State Duma. youngster and said he brought Terms of the accord require propaganda" and sentenced. stunned the audience at a pub- The order was issued as condoms and a sexual device approval by the Palestine The 25-year-old Yu put up CAPE TOWN, South Africa lic speaking contest by declar- Yeltsin departed for Tokyo for a because the boy wanted to see National Council. Approval by dozen of posters on a Wuhan (AP) - When Amy Biehl left ing a woman would someday be three-day state visit. them. the Central Council is not nec- college campus in May and home to help blacks in South president of the United States. The upper chamber will con- Hughes struck up conversa- essary for the issue to go to a June 1992 supporting the 1989 Africa, her parents feared she sist of two representatives from tions with the boy and several vote by the PNC, but rejection movement and calling for the might be attacked, even killed, 0 Russian parliament each of the Russian Federa- others through the computer by the council would seriously release of political prisoners. He but they never tried to stop her. tion's 89 regions. bulletin board, using the han- weaken the accord's chances for took part in the movement and "Amy needed to do what to be elected Previous plans were for each dle "Thieves," a reported said. approval. spent eight months in prison. Amy wanted to do," her father, region to send two appointed The board's manager, David Radicals within the PLO Yu was arrested in September Peter Biehl, told The Associated MOSCOW (AP) - President delegates. Alvarado, said a young client oppose the accord because it 1992 for putting up the posters Press on Monday, the day after Boris Yeltsin moved to give Representatives to both told him six months ago that a fails to deal with the status of and has been in pnson since. he laid flowers at the spot more power to Russian voters chambers will serve four-year user named Thieves had been Jerusalem or guarantee the The government has refused where a mob of black youths Monday by ordering that both terms. They are to meet for the urging him to watch pornogra- right of refugees to return to allow any public expressions stabbed his daughter to death. chambers of Russia's new parlia- first time 30 days after they are phy. home. of support for the 1989 pro- Biehl, a chief marketing ment should be elected, instead elected. "This was the maximum we democracy protests. manager from Newport Beach, ofjust the lower chamber.

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Friendly, caring, confidential. equipment or video games. Once Only $5.95 to Schotar-DollarS. P.O. APA and T.- ._imats; call (800)655-3225. 924-3928, leave message. 0850 and call 1-800-883-KICK. THE PRICE YOU WANT... Regular visits to your campus. you become a customer you can Box456 Mt. Herman, CA 95041. Quick & Sp,- . aound: Ask for Mr. Bethessa AND THE SPACE YOU NEED! Samples & references available. resell our pagers to earn SS. 30 day M/B Guaraniee, Allow 4-6 WP 5.1, Lase, . :all me 100% PURE ADRENAUNE 111111 GMAC FINANCIAL SERVICES. Large studio. 1 & 2 bedroorn apts. Foreigners welcome! Call today 408/522-7203 0, 374-3167. As, Strauss Ent 408-625.1910. 7 ;195 :: Experience the thrill of free falling Entry level positions are currently ACUFACTS, INC. just minutes from SJSU! Call for free phone consultation: from 10.000 feet at the Bay Area's available., tie Credit & Accounting Security Guards / Patrol Officers 11mbenvood Apts. 8.578-6800. 1600-606-8898 ask for Daniel. only skydiving center. Come join us departments. Qualified applicants Needed Now! SERVICES FINANCIAL TRAVEL WORD PROCESSING TvPING. for a tandem jump and enjoy your must be career oriented, self- Full time / Part time. Al shifts. SERVICES MEN AND WOMEN- BARE FT AU.' first skydive with only 45 minutes motivated individuals with good Apply Mon.- Fri. 8am. - 6pm. PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. SCHOLARSHIPS GUARANTEED! SKI VAIL OR SKI UTAH of training. For the true thrill seek- communication skills. Related 555D Meridian Ave., San Jose. PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST with Stop shaving, waxing, tweezing or No minimum CPA. No financ VAIL: Jan. 2nd 9th, 4,-b . er, try an accelerated freefall work experience or college degree (408)286-5883. B.A. and 15 years experience. Now using chemicals. Let us perma- need. Send for Free info toda,' ,qs, 6 nights lodgi - r etc course and find yourself on the preferred. Competitive salary accepting students wishing to nently remove your unwanted hair. Premier Resources. P.O. Box 970. Roy no.. $34 fastest road to becoming a and benefits offered. Qualified LEARN TO BE A LOAN OFFICER. excell at guitar or bass. All styles Back Chest Lip- Bikini - Chin - Pleasanton, CA 94566. S , Nov. 4. certified skydiver, starting with a six applicants submit resume to: Excellent ground floor opportunity. welcome: Rock, R&B, Jazz, Fusion, Tummy etc. Students & faculty UTAH. '. . . 4 . sL.ZANNE 446 Sese hour class and a mile long freefall GMAC, P.O. Box 3290, Sunnyvale, You could be making up to Blues, Folk, Reggae. and Funk. receive 15% discount. First appt. DO YOU want computer watch the same day. Videos of your jump CA 94088. EOE. M/F. $35,000.00 your first year! Benner, Intermediate & Advanced 1/2 price if made before Dec. 15, done to find scholarships for yo., . - EXPERIENCED Word Processor also available. Owned and operat- To learn how, call 3788088 for an are welcome. Bill: 408/2986124. 1993. Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, Many sources available. 80ix 4t- :.cot v Too DCT ed by SJSU students and grads. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - appointment or fax 378.8089. 621 E. Campbell Ave. *17, require no CPA or have no income Accepted! Cal Patty at 356-8347 erOUgr ' Let me Oo the For more info call (510)634-7575. Earn up to $2,000+/month + ELECTROLYSIS CUNIC. Campbell . (408) 379.3500. limitations. Call or write: Unique or co Toile a' 7-a-,T.7.0 typing' -esumes. term world travel (Hawaii, Mexico. the LEARN FROM H0U3VIO0D PRO'S! Unwanted hair removed forever. Service Co. P.O. Box 867. Millbrae. papers eses, etc. IBM MODEL SEARCH MAGAZINE Caribbean, etc.) Summer and How to pitch your story & get an Specialist. Confidential. 50% DISCOUNT! CA 94030.14161692-4847 AIRUNE TICKETS FREE?! cornea: ..omputer / laser You need exposure to succeed in Career employment available. No agent. A Paramount exec, an Your own probe or disposable. Permanent Cosmetics by Trish. ir ers printer. FAX machine. Notary MODEUNG. Now you can put your experience necessary. For more agent, a film/TV screenwriter. Oct. 335 S. Baywood Ave. San Jose. Enhance your natural beauty!! WANT MONEY FOR COLLEGE? call PIG 310-514-4662. public. Cali Anna . 9724382. photo and information in front information call 1-2066340468 16 & 17in San Jose. $75. off of 247-7486. Eye Liner - Los - Eyebrows. Scholarsri of 100's of the top advertising ext. C6041. $290. for SJSU. Call 395-7456. Expres December 15. 1993. No CPA or need quaiiicatior s EXPERT WORD PROCESSORS. agencies NATIONWIDE) Your NEED COLLEGE/CAREER INFO? 406.3794500 Money back guarantee WORD PROCESSING Science and English papers / the- chance to be seen!!! Call TOM SANDWICH MAKER SLICERS. HI1101 Live counselor, M.A., local college Hair Today Gone Tomorrow Information & application: ses our specialty. Laser printing. for details. (408) 249-9737. Start $7.00/hr. 3 or 4 hr. shifts. School doesn't teach you how to exp. Each call treated as individual 621£. Campbell Ave. 517. SW Scholarship Matching Service PROFESSIONAL Wood Processing. Free spell check and storage. days, Tues. Wed. Thur. & Fri. until get rich. We do!!! Part/full time appt. Additional info mailed. If I Camp-oil, CA 05008. P.O. Box 53450 eves. tern ante's. group APA, Turabian arid other formats. FUND RAISER. 3 pm. Apply in person after 2 pm. mgrs. & sales reps wanted. don't have the answer to your San Jose. CA 951530450 projects, resumes. letters, etc. Resumes, editing, graphics Raise $500. in 5 days. Groups, 848 N. First St. San Jose, Excellent training. 408/378-5727. question. I'll get it and call CUSTOM T-SHIRTS IN 4.5 DAYS! 408-6296886. All formats. especially APA. and other services available. Clubs, motivated individuals. you back! Call 900-505-CCIS. If you ,ur ioet. ng for vi Experienced, dependable, quick Masterson's Word Processing. 1-800655-6935 ext.101. ENTERPRISE RERT-A.CAR is Icok- HOUSING 95e/min. Mon.-Thurs. 2-8 pm. screening quality at competitive SS FREE SS FOR COLLEGE $S return. Transcriptions available. CA Paul or Virginia 408251-0449. ing for PT interns to work in our Recorded info 24 hours/day. 10% prices, look no further. Century Private money is available now in Almaden / Branham area. AUTOMOTIVE South Bay offices. Students will be STUDIO FOR 1 PERSON. No pets. of net profits support local educe. Graphics prides itself on quality scholarships, grants & work Call Linda 14081264,4504. 20 YRS. PROFESSIONAL EXP. involved in all customer service 8490./mo. incl. util. + $300. sec. tion programs. College Career work, quick turn around and a study. No financial need. No CPA Typing & transciption for aui 76 VW VAN CAMPER rebuilt eng. functions, sales, marketing & a dep. Parking. Call 259-7040. Information Services. positive happy staff. Cali for min. Over 350.000 active donors. ""I HATE TO TYPEI your needs including COLOR & New carpet/tires. AM/FM cass. variety of administrative duties. quotes at 988-3351. Thanks! For free application & info, call If this got your attention, give your- )3RAPHICS. Copying, binding & FAX Xint. Cond. $3,3CO. Mike 257-7536. Enterprise has an excellent man- ROOM FOR RENT, 2 blocks from LEARN SPANISH *dean man 408/522- .Z.Z1 or write Scholarship vet a break. Let me do it for you! available. Pick up & delivery. agement trainee program for col- State, $300./mo. + dep. Call Write, call or fax for brochure. WRITING, RESEARCH. EDITING. 478 W. Hamilton Ave. #397. Pick up and delivery $1.00. REASONABLE rates. Timeliness & AUTO INSURANCE lege graduates & it is possible to 437-0100 or 464-8871. agent. Spanish Language Institute, 1275 Versatile, expert staff. Campbell, CA 95008. $10.00 oft Resumes. term papers & theses. satisfaction guaranteed. Tutoring Campus Insurance Service use internship experience to step Washington Ave. #189, San Lean- ESL students a speciaity. with ad or referral. We will be.i 0,,at. $2.00 per double available in some subjects. Special Student Programs into this program. Must be a junior SERENE, QUIET 2 BRIJ BA. APT. dro, CA 94577. 510/357.2134. 800777.7901. any advertised price. Satisfaciiii. rigs / 5.00 minimum. Call Contact Card i at 408/369.8614. Serving SJSU for 20 years or senior & should have fast-paced near Japan Town. Covered pkg., "Great Rates for Good Drivers" retail, customer service, or sales laundry. Walk to SJSU. $685./mo. "Good Rates for Non-Gcod Drivers" experience. Lcolingizr enthusiastic, 510/829-6348. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS people-oriented team players. "Good Student" Please send resume to: Enterprise SWEET 2 BRII. BA. Arr. nr SJSU. "Family Multioar" Rent-A-Car/Leasing, Attn: Andrea. 181 Reed 8. 4th. Very clean, new DAILY CLASSIFIED-ADVERTISING THAT WORKS! CALI. TODAY 296-5270 P.O. Box 2478, San Leandro, CA in/out. 5850.imor-dep. 986..0996. FREE QUOTE 94577, Phone: 510/297-5304. NO HASSLE - NO OBUCATION 780 S. 11T14 STREET APTS. Print here. Line is 30 spaces, including letters numbers. punctuation & space:, oetv.-. Nso open Saturdays 9-2. COUNSELOR / DIRECT CARE 2 bedroom./2 bath start $745. your ad staff to work with D.D. adults 1 Odom. /1 bath- $595. Walk or in a residential setting. ride bike to school. Very clean. LJ 1-1 F-1 171 1 J H mi IflLLfl ELECTRONICS $6.00/hr. 510.226-0505. roomy & remodeled. Secured entrance. Laundry facilities. Cable LOMELI-1i' QUALITY ISIS) IBM COWATRIES SECURITY: R81 OR PART TIME 1V. Ample parking, Call 288-9157 1F1 1 1F-1 IF-LH flflEfl 286/386/486 Great Low Prices Full training. $7.00 $8.00 /hour. Complete Systems / Warranty Weekly Pay checks 1 BDRM: 15575. STUDIO: $525. EllilElElECIDO ii F-1[1OLlElEE1ElOrlEr-1DEDEI CM 1-800.200-2007. Excellent Benefits dep: $300. 3 blocks from SJSU. Credit Union 1 week free! HMS 997-8200 x335. ElElElF1E10111E1L1L1171-11 1_1 FOR SALE Medical/Dental Insurance Vacation Pay STATE HOUSE APARTMENTS. ROYAL-TREK INTERNATIONAL Referral Bonus 2 bed/2 bath apt. available now. Please check .1 presents fine fragrances from Paris Apply: Monday -Friday 8 am.-5 pm. 4 blocks from campus. Free cable Ad Rates: 3 -line minimum Perfumes. Versions of. Chanel No 5, Vanguard Secuilty Sashes TV, water & garbage. Off street One Two Three Four Fly* your classification: available. Several units Obsession, Opium, Beautiful, Joy, 3212 Scott BNd. Santa Clara. parking Day Days Days Days Days Shalimar, Oscar de la CA 95054. Near 101, at San starting at $675.00/mo. Call Dan Eternity, 3 lines $S $7 $9 $11 $13 Rents, Red, Giorgio, Poison, White Tomas Espy. & Olcott. Equal at 295-5256. _ Ai,. Linen, Pssion, L'Air du Temps, Opportunity Employer. 4 lines $6 $5 $10 $12 $14 - EN' Holston, Samsara, Realities, 2 DORM APARTMENT $750/MO. 6 lines $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 - For Saii *SMALL WORLD SCHOOLS Security type budding Spellbound, Escape 8, Lauren. 6 Ilmas $5 $10 $12 $14 $16 Grei4 $15./bottle, 1 oz.-520. Now hiring teachers & substitutes Secure parking 1/2 oz. $1 for each additional line Send check or 1110fle\ ' 1. ' bottle. Great for yourself or gift for school age child care programs Close in giving.All perfumes guaranteed and preschool programs. Teachers Modern building Spartan Daily Classifieds After ths fifth day, rate biereessys by $1 per day. to your satisfaction. We challenge and subs must have minimum 6 Free Basic Cable service San Jos. State Univorsity, - Lost and Found from the units in education, recreation, or Laundry room First line (25 spaces) in bold for no extra charge you to tell the difference San Jos., CA., 95192-0149 - Services original. To order, send your check child development. Full and part Village Apartments. Up to 5 additional words available in bold for $3 each with sales tax, add $3.00 snipping time shifts job sharing and flexi- 576 S. 5th St. (408)2956893. classified located in Dwight Bentel Hall. Room 209 - Services Financial to: Royal-Trek Intl. 433W. Allen ble hours for students. $6.. $8. SEMESTER RATES MI Deadline 1, days before publication S All ads are prepaid - Travel dental, arid eye BIG CLEAN QUIET 3 BDRM./2 Unft 102, San Dimas, CA 91773. per hour. Medical, $70. ' 10-14 lines: $90. Consecutive publications dates only No refunds on cancelled ads - Tutonng hours week- bath. Gated garage. Lowest rent in 3-9 lines: (800) 876-1668. care benefits for 30+ QUESTIONS? SAU. (4011) 9963277 ly. Great job for male or female town. $400. deposit. Move in 15-19 lines: $110. - Word RI h-E,stnq students. Call 408/257-7320. bonus. 279-5784. 10 Tuesday, October 12, 1993 SAN Jose STATE UNIVEDSITY SPARTAN DAILY Cheers awe actor, even A 3-D experience though it was just halftime SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) provide the sound. Sean Astin admits he's a better "People are standing and actor than an athlete, but he got cheering for you. What is better his share of bruises, chills and than this? How many times does cheers during the shooting of this happen in a lifetime, even if "Rudy" at a Notre Dame foot- it is just for a movie?" said Astin. ball game. "Rudy," which opens Friday, The 5-foot-7, 148-pound Astin recounts the real-life exploits of said he went into a big game Daniel E. (Rudy) Ruettiger, who scene at Notre Dame Stadium battled the odds as a walk-on to thinking it was just another day play for the Fighting Irish in on the job, until he stood in the 1975. tunnel and heard the cheers. Astin, 22, the son of John "Your heart starts to beat Astin and Patty Duke, said he faster and you can't believe it, never played college football, but you get caught up in this but he got a taste of the action thing," he said. "All of a sud- as well as the applause. den, you're running out of this "I did have a stunt man, and tunnel in a whirlwind of excite- he ended up needing knee ment." surgery by the end of the shoot, Filmmakers shot the cheering but I kept jumping in to do my scene at halftime of a game own tackles ... between Notre Dame and "I have Polaroids of my entire Boston College. body bruised up," he said. "I The 59,000 fans had been kept the photos for my trophy asked to stay in their seats to wall."

Recycle the SPartan Daily.

.toiCE ANDY BARRONSPART.AN I AIL Y s?. Deen Azarcon, an industrial design major, paints his 3-D sculp- day. Azarcon's sculpture is made of particle board. He has not ture during his 3-13 concepts class in the Art building on Mon- named the piece yet.

Hewlett-Packard, Time Warner to ode produce home printer for video market

PALO ALTO(AP) Time used alongside Time Warner's and restaurant and retail ser- The new product has a new Warner Entertainment LP. and growing cable service network, vices to make prints from graphical interface that makes it the Hewlett-Packard Co. now under development in their TV screens. easier to operate. announced plans Monday to Orlando, Fla. HP will supply the technology Time Warner's companies build printers that allow home The new service, jointly from its professional video imag- include Time Warner Cable, the cable TV users to print things announced in Palo Alto and ing products, including the HP country's second-largest cable like coupons, ads or magazine New York, will allow home users VidJet Pro, designed for profes- TV operator, Warner Bros. and articles. of those services including sional video production was also Home Box Office, as well as Hewlett-Packard will provide on-demand news and informa- announced Monday at the press Time, Fortune and People mag- Friends Don't Let the printing technology to be tion, maps, magazine articles, conference. azines. Friends Drive Drunk And you thought rock'n roll was the only thing a CD player could add to your room. Interactive programs on C1)-R0,11 Bring .)Mir papers, projects and presentations to cover der.I subjec.I from to physiology. life by incotporaling photos. dip art and a huge variety And they incoiporate sound. animation, music of ljpe fontsall available on CD-ROM. and rkleo dips. So ordinary topics become more exciting, intoning and relevant

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Buy the Macintosh Centric 610 non: CD-ROM technology brings vast new and you /1 also receive the CD-ROM gift capabilities to the desktop. Which is why soon, --- IrS 4 It 4P I 11,4..kklAr czip. pack: two discs that include an electronic more and more computers will include a CD-ROM encyclopedia, a dictionary interactive drive. Bay one. and you're making an rock videos, music for your audio CD investment that lac/you well into the future. Macintosh Promo Player and more (worth $27'). Apple Macintosh Omtris" 610 81230 CD gift pack FREE with CD-ROM, Macintosh Color Display & Apple Extended Keyboard II. $2386 CD-ROM technology puts a world of information at your finger- our CD gift pack. Visit your Apple Campus Reseller today. While you're tips, and enables you to work with sound, video and animation. Buy there, ask about financing with the Apple' Computer Loan: And ar the Macintosh Centris' 610 with CD-ROM drive, and you'll also receive discover the power of Macintosh: The power to be your best: 111, For all of your computer needs visit Spartan Bookstore Computer Department 924-1809 *Last days to buy these specials!

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