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1987 The ommeC nt, October 29, 1987 Bridgewater State College

Volume 65 Number 6

Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1987). The Comment, October 29, 1987. 65(6). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/598

This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The Comment Bridgewater State College October 29, 1987 Vol. LXV No. 6 Bridgewater, MA • Irving R. Levine speaks on economy By Bryon Hayes Graham-Rudman-Hollings Bill, own economies and the interest he said its objective was "to rates will increase. The Bridgewater State College steadily decrease the budget deficit Another point concerned the Lecture series presented its second until, in 1991, the budget will be United States trade deficit. In the guest speaker: Irving R. Levine, zero. If the President and 1980's, the U.S. has its largest Senior Economics Editor for Congress can not agree on the trade deficit in its history. One NBC News, in the Horace Mann way to do this, automatic cuts solution offered was to push Auditorium in Boyden Hall will be made across the board; in down the "strong dollar", to We.dne.sday. all programs - from military to allow American goods to be sold Levine began the discussion by social programs." The problem more, which would push up speaking on the economy, here, he explained, was the fact foreign goad's prices. But this mainly Wall Street and factors that the Democrats do not want has failed; the reasons being that which effect it. The main point cuts in social programs and the Americans love foreign goods, was the budget and reducing the President does not want the cuts and the price doesn't bother the federal deficit in millitary programs. consumer, and foriegn manu- "Today, October 28, the President Many people have suggested that facturcrs are willing to take held the second meeting on the increasing the taxes should be the smaller profit margins to have budget reducing package. The way to reduce the deficit. Levine the lower priced goods. drop in the market is more than a showed the flaws in that, "one, In Levine's final point, he 'technical correction', and it can under the 'tax reform' system suggested ways which may not be rectified by budget cuts to Congress has already lowered it, decrease the trade deficit. reduce the deficit," Levine said. and does not want to raise it They are to "improve the quality "The economy is giving us again one year later and two, of American goods to be mixed signals, and depending on President Reagan does not want competitive... labor union con- where you put the emphasis, one it, for if it is done, Congress will tracts must not place industry at a will find troubling and positive find ways to spend it." disadvantage, have an effort to signs," Levine said, adding that While we are working on ways to make the U.S. competitive to the market's gains have defied decrease the deficit, the interest sell overseas ... government in­ logic; rising so high and main- rates will more than likely go up. centivcs to those who sell goods taining its level, and that the Levine pointed out that this has overseas," he said, 11 better , ,.. ,m~rk.~t.J~.-11QL ~,,JDJ~.-.~~g~Y.Q.,w~ic~~...... ~no~l;.;;, 1l,"""'q.,..,~.c~."!f•,f,,;;;;·.d~. b...,e ... ca""'1"'1l§-.e...,lh •• e...,F ..p...,.diOllllic~u.11,. 11 _.,...... t e... c .... ~ n.... , 9.. ) .... o~ay.._a.,,,n.,.L-.,1 ,..rw•c .• Mc.a .. rc.hl!,;; .. ..)...,m,....:- ___ ii'"''eiea~" Reserve is using sh9rt ... term :rates, provements, g,ovemment aggress- Next, Levine spoke on the federal and keeping these at a fixed iveness to eliminate unfair trade deficit and possible ways to margin and there are large barriers and limitations ... pass a Photo by John Burns reduce it. Upon the topic of the amounts of foreign currency sensible and working trade being channeled into the bill ... better business education economy. But he cautioned that for all people ... and initiate a SGA attorney resigns his position this all can not last. If foreign change in the American economies fall, countries will consumer's attitude towards By Ed Ward and summer to review and sign on his own time and even over pull out their money to aid their American goods." the contract, but due to the summer, when he was not On Tuesday October 27, 1987 inconveniences which included, paid. The changes in the contract, Student Government Associ~tion among other things, the lack of namely the desire to have him President' Deborah Sammons an SGA secretary. the contract provide documentation of all his informed the SG A Congress that was never signed. Last Tuesday work for the school and adhering Donald Hadge would be resigning the SGA Executive Board to a strict time for office hours his position as SGA Attorney. presented him with, "the same each week, would interfere with "The Executive Board made a contract but with a number of his already busy schedule and unanimous decision that changes changes that show mistrust." time better spent for the students. had to be made due to some Hadge pointed out that he did SGA Chairperson Marcia complaints by students and also much of his work for the students cont. on p. 2 some things in his contract that weren't being upheld." According to Sammons, "Don, on his own DeRosa loses court case accord, decided to leave due to some of the changes made in his DeRosa contract that he could not comply By Bill Bilodeau had claimed that the system with." now being used by the Congress was in Hadge has been providing· free violation of the Attorney General Richard current SGA constitution. legal counsel and advice to The DeRosa filed suit last week in• the reasoning behind students for four years. But, he this apparently SGA court, questioning . the stemmed from stated, "This new student problems which constitutionality of the SGA arose last year administration does not under­ in meetings that Congress' Pro-Tern system~ relied on stand and does not cooperate with Pro-Terns to meet The court filed a unanimous quorum. There was also the services I provide for the some decision to uphold the system on question as to possible violations students. It has sought to October 22. The ruling states that of the Pro-Tern designation challenge me and create a climate rules, the court disagrees with DeRosa, which say that a Pro-Tern of distrust. I'm here to help the must and feels that the Pro-Tern be designated students, not to face this sort of · in writing to the system is within the parameters challenge." SGA secretary by 12:00 p.m. on of the constitution. The decision the day of Hadge's contract with the SGA the meeting. was based on Robert's Rules ·~ The court, in addition is reviewed yearly and every year of to Order, which states that voting upholding the Pro-Tem he is required to re-sign it. He system, can be made by proxy in all legal suggested that in the explained that last year he was future, the meetings. number of Pro-Terns not approached by then President at any one According to Robert's Rules of meeting be limited, and that Dili p DeSil va to renew Order, "A proxy is a power of signing in of Pro-Terns prior to contract. He claimed that he met Attorney General DeRosa presents attorney given by oneperson to the posting of an with Sammons during the spring agenda be his case to the SGA court another to vote in his stead." . prohibited. Photo by John Burns 2 The comment 1 nursoay; uc1ooer i!~, 1~8/ Smartfood sponsors "Boxer-short-blow-out" SGA Notebook By Ed Ward The Rugby club requested Smartfood, Inc. of. $300.00 to help pay for their Marlborough, the makers of the Chairperson Marcia Medeiros game/trip to Canada this all - natural Smartfood Popcorn called the sixth meeting of the weekend. Treasurer Sharon and Cheese, is looking for SGA congress to order at 6:10 Cignetti stated that only one representatives to manage its on Tuesday, October 27. After club can leave the country a "Boxer - Short - Blow - Out - a few committee reports, semester. Another club is Bashes" on college campuses President Deborah Sammons leaving the country this throughout the Northeast informed the Congress that semester; therefore the Rugby K_en Meyers the 29 - year - old student attorney Donald Hadge club could not. She explained president said, "We are looking would be leaving his position that this was a wa)cs~ and means for energetic, intelligent, popcorn and that one of his associates committee rule established last lovers who are looking for an would be taking his place. year and that only the educational, resume - building Amid questioning from committee could change it. A experience. A major in Raging Congressmembers, Sammons debate ensued and the meeting with an emphasis on Wildness is explained that Hadge would not recessed at 6:50 pm. A ways " a prerequiste for applicants." agree to a few changes in his and means meeting occurred The Smartfood representatives contract designed to tie up before the meeting was called will be responsible for organizing some "loose ends" and had to order at 7:00 pm. The and managing a Boxer - Short - decided to leave. motion then passed by an Blow - Out - Bash on their The Congress moved on to 11-1-2 vote. campus. They will be give the new business with the In other new business, full support of the Smartfood appointment of Christopher Congressperson Amy promotion team. The boxer Perra as parliamentarian, a McLaughlin resigned, Curtis shorts events are held at student position that has been vacant Howard was appointed to the centers or local establishments since early last semester. Student Court.; $500.00 was and feature both male .and female Motion #56 which calls for the paid as an amenity to the son college students vying for the recognition of the Bible Talk of William Murphy; the title "Hardest Legs on Campusn. club followed but was tabled Economics club was Area finalists are eligible for the because no members of the recognized; and an attempt by "Smartfood National Box - Off' club were present. The motion Tucker to override the veto of to be held at a New England Ski was raised from the table later motion #61, which would area this spring. in the meeting when the club's provide Robert's Rules to each Interested students may call 481 Vice President Tim Duffy congresspcr~on, failed. - 4866 or write: Promotions arrived to speak on behalf of pepartment, Smartfoods, Inc., the group. Congressperson Congressperson Patrick Ken Meyers, founder of Smartfoods 259 Cedar Hill Street, Jeff Tucker asked whether the Pearce was able to win support Inc., Marlborough, MA 01752. markets his popcorn and cheese group was a cult. Duffy for an amendment that provided Smartfood History responded that the Bible Talk use of facilities to newly Despite it's incredible popularity club is a group that tries to formed clubs in the closing Smartfood has not been around provide an informal minutes of the meeting. The for very long. The recipe for atmosphere for discussion and amendment passed 10-3-0. S martfood was discovered in he questioned the basis of the Before the meeting adjourned . August, 1984, by Ann Whithey allegations that this group may at 8~20 pm, Attorney General whi}e in· ..... her. kitchen. The be a colt Sammons stated Richard DeRosa moved. to::::.-...--,,,,.,,.,,,~·. ·company was formed and that she fears the group may censure' the . use of SGA ~AX incorporated in October, and the harass students. Other AT first. investo,ts invested in congress members voiced the property for personal gain. In November~ ; '·; : · same fears but Duffy assured response to criticism, DeRosa Production TAUNTON WOODS of Smartfood began them that harassmcn t would stated that "We arc here for the in March, 1985 and the first bag not happen. Following further students, the SG A is not. was sold in April in Hartford. discussion the motion failed by ours." The motion failed At Taunton Woods, you'll discover The company took off from an 8-2-4 vote. Congressperson 1-8-3, but a revised motion to the luxury, comfort and conve- th.ere with Smartfood rapidly Grace DeAbreau questioned the censure the use of SGA nience of modern living. Spacious · gaining popularity~ In May the vote property one, two and three bedroom later in the meeting but for the use of election company received its first fan was overruled. purposes did pass 11-1-0. apartments nestled in among the letter. In. February, 1986 pines and conveniently located Smartfood appeared in a major • just minutes from Route 24, Route New England food store chain, 495 and the center of Taunton. and in May they moved into a Stop by our marketing office and ne~plant. view our model home, or call for our brochure. And relax at Taun­ YOUR ton Woods. WEEKEND • Private balcony or. patio WEATHER • Wirec;j for cable TV ~~ORE CAST • Recreation center • Tennis court • lnground pool with spacious -.~--· .. '-.. deck area Thursday Friday Night into 1 bedroom starting from $630.00 · Saturday 2 bedrooms. starting from $725.00 Clear and Partly to Mostly 3 bedrooms· starting from $785.00 Chilly Sunny 28° -38° Units Available On Open Occupancy Basis Highs in the 50's

Marketing Qffice and Model Home open daily 11 a~m. to 5 SGA attorney p.m., Wednesday and Thursday until 7 p~m. cont from p. 1 . Medeiros, who was present on the Executive Board when the new contract was presented, explains that }'(Sammons) is trying to do everything by the book. Ie's nothing personal." Hadge is planning to issue a 840 County Street (Route 140) letter on . his resignation ·in the Taunton, MA 02780 near future.· In the meantime, he 617-880".0006 will be replaced by his associate,· Attorney William Patsos, who Financed by 1 lo.I. ~assachusetts Housing is expected to sign the new Liliane Wi11iens lectures on Free Enterprise Finance Agency contract. in Africa· last Friday . . , · · Photo by Michael Abusheery The Comment Thursday, October 29, 1 987 3 Viewpoint

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Wi11. any action be .tak.enJ ~ .. -.. - . To the Editor: protest the possible destruction of pare-fits are soon to follow. their apartment. Consequently, Disciplinary action must be taken This is a legitimate gripe that they were soon attacked them­ without delay. This is ridi· has long been quelled with selves. That's right folks, an act culously and painfully obvious to self-preservation in mind. There: of violence·, usually seen on the everyone concerned. An admin­ comes a time, however, when gridiron, befell these girls!! They istration that has recently principles and beliefs can no punched and hit them! There is committed itself ·to campus longer be compromised. What no need to mention 11ames. They beautification and image has brought about this change of know who they aie. This is not ·consciousness should consider heart and generated this new an isolated incident. this in keeping with their found courage? The realization A complaint was submitted to philosophy. that this is not ·one voice or one President Indelicato's office that opinion. but that of a large and ~onday and nothing has been Robert J. Souz~ growing body of students. heard since. Letters from angry . Senior at BSC Brass tacks time. This is ,..-----.------::------­ Bridgewater State College with an enrollment of 5 ,000 students who are in Division 3 of athletic The Comment competition, not the University Editor in Chief . ()f Alabama. Does the Bridge- W4fred J. Btlodeau water Bears football team know this? the behavior of a handful Managing Editor of Christine Howa.rd bad apples seems to answer no. If they really possessed any athletic; : Business Manager prowess, Edmund F. Ward would they be playing.· News Editor Christopher M. Perra here? This is the story of elitists• Entertainment Editor . Brian Hughes run amuck. Sports Editor Angela Comacchioli Graphic The Saturday night after their Arts Editor ··!Caitlin Andrews Photography Editor Michael R. Abushee,.Y homecoming victory against' Copy Editor Karen Hayes Fitch b;urg State (felicitations Ad Manager John R. Bums III fellas), the above mentioned individuals intruded upon a small gathering of female friends on : The Cornmentis a student supported and operated weekly newspape~ Crapo Street, and, as if this is ;serving the academic community ofBridgewaterfl&te College. .,;Editoria.l ).:?c;>licy is determined by the Editor in Chief in consultation With the surprising, proceeded to inde: ;Executive Board. Republlcatlon of all material contained herein is prohib- ·cently. expose themselves and spit '.ited without the expressed written permission of the Editor in Chief. All into each others mouths. The •materials submitted become properfy of The Comment. Letters to the obvious question· why? Wait, it: Editor are encouraged but m~ be limited to 250 words and must be · . ' , !typed. Letters, classified advertisements, and all other written materials . gets worse. An altercation be- · _are subject to condensation. Advertising rates are available upon request. tween at least half a dozen of :Any person Wishing to join The Comment should contact either the Editot these narcissistic .demigods and Jn .Chief or the Managing Editor. All correspondence should be directed to h I · d The Comment, Campus Center, Bridgewater State College Bridgewater ·,"iI ii qt Hom·eco· m·, ·~ng sp1·'r'1'"·t.1. two ot. er. mae guests e~sue , iMA 02:324. Telephone: (617) 697~1200 eXtention 2158. ' • Catch t prompti~g the young ladies to !' ~- . · - · · . · · -· - · · · 4 The Comment °Thursday, October 29, 1987 Entertainment 11 i•Lock Up Your Daughters : Ensemble Theatre musical to be performed this weekend at Campus Center

By Pamela S. Kalski Paul could not resist following in Paul: Yes, BSC may have a his footsteps. After graduating small theatre departrnen~ but it is BSC STAGE: from BSC and assuming he · a quality department. "Lock Up Your Da11ghters 11 would never do college theatre P.K.: Paul, have you done a Directed by Dr. Suzanne again, Paul was asked about his show in the 18th century period Ramczyk response to being invited back: style? Musical Direction by Alice Paul: I was thrilled and I said Paul: No, it's a new acting Carey yes immediately, because I enjoy experience, which makes it so Technical Direction by Prof. college theatre more than much more challenging. Arthur Dirks community. I also enjoy having P.K.: You've worked with Dr. October 29. 30, 31 at 8 p:m. the extra experience, due to the Suzanne Ramczyk in Company. (Preshow 7:30 p.m.) fact I became a theatre major late. Do you find working with her on and November 1 at 2 p.Hl. I suppose I was a little wary at this show the same or different? (?reshow 1:30 p.m.) in the first because I didn't know the Paul: Dr. Ramczyk is always Adrian Rondileau Campus show, but I also never refuse a enjoyable to work with. I feel she Auditorium. show, 'cause I usually grow to does a more than thorough job. love it. And I did. Dr. Ramczyk just doesn't focus Bridgewater State College's P.K.: At what time were you on the basics of acting. She Theatre Department and En­ asked by the department and . really instills in us discipline, semble Theatre again have not Ensemble Theatre, anJ what which is the key to acting failed to bring an ingenious touch response did you have to\\ ara tllC structure. to their fall musical production. other cast members and vice P .K.: Tell me about your Last year, students were given the versa? character "Ramble" and his opportunity to work with a relation to the other characters in professional Equity Artist, Tho­ Lock Up Your Daughters. mas Oleniacz. In this year's fiBSC has a Paul: "Ramble" is a rake; in production, Lock Up Your other words, he's a womanizer. Daug !zters, the producers were small theatre "Ramble" charms his way out of fortunate in being able to invite any situation and he always has an alumnus, Mr. Paul W. Hayder departinent~ .. something up his sleeve. He of Taunton, back to play the role definitely has control over the of "Ramble." but a quality other characters. Mr. Hayden holds a Bachelor's P.K.: Now that opening night Degree in Communication Arts one" is near, what do you feel you a Theatre Arts have achieved by doing this show and Sciences. with Hayden. A BSC alumnus starring In weekend's Concentration. In a recent and what do you feel you can Paul this Ensemble Theatre Musical "Lock Up Your Daughters" interview with Mr. Hayden, his Pa u I : I was asked after contribute in the process? at the Adrian Rondileau Campus Center Auditorium background in perfonning.and his rehearsals had begun, so it was a Pa u I: I hope to further my views on returning to BSC were bit difficult at first to make self-discipline and I hope to give discussed. . contact _with others, but it was back to my other cast members Higo-tech veggin_g: Paul Hayden is perhaps best only temporary. And as for any experience I've gained at known to. the Bridgewater State feedback. I was very welcomed. I BSC, on stage and off. Han·oween horrors College community through such did expect to see old friends, but P.K.: Paul. it was a pleasure By Max Speed known. Those who knew him roles .as "Robert'' in Stephen to my surprise there were a lot of talking with you. What never knew what he really looked Sondiem's Company (also dir­ new faces. aspirations do you have for Well, all you little monsters, like because he was al ways ected by Dr. Ramczyk), a variety P .K.: Do you feel performing · yourself in the years to come? hobgoblins and ghouls, Hal­ wearing some disguise or of characters· in The D inin.g in a show now as a graduate of Paul: If I don't succeed in loween is right around the comer, another. While mis was being Room, the "Cook'' and the "King BSC is any different than when acting, I still want to be happy in , and· you know what that means. filmed, he had to change his of Hearts" in Alice in you were a student? whatever artform I choose; I That means that mom and dad original makeup design because 11 11 Wonderland, and as Beralde in Paul: One big difference: NO never want to fall in the rut of aren't · going to let you go the leading actress was so startled Company, which was sponsored HOMEWORK. Actually, it's not financial security, yet unhappy. trick-or-treating because of the by his appearance that she by the American College Theatre that different. I expected to feel a If you are looking for lady down the street who puts fainted! Festival. Besides being dedicated change. The only difference is something to make you laugh, razor blades in her apples, and the to college theatre, Paul also that I have more freedom, and rm Lock Up Your Dcug hters is one guy who invites you into his The Shining- Perhaps the found time to successfully per­ .not tied .to the restrictions and zany musical comedy. No one house, and you are never heard greatest of all Stephen King form in community theatre as obligations of the school. This should miss the chance to watch from again. films, this one stars Jack well. Yet surprisingly, Paul, who cast is special because tMre are a sensational performer like Mr. So, . what are you to ·do on Nicholson, and tells the story of 1 is now an accomplished college really no "stars." I haven t seen ·a Paul Hayden. His character this All Hallows Eve? Why, a, family that is taking care of a and community theatre actor, did problem ~ith egos at all-we are a "Ramble" gets himself into usher the technological era into closed mountain resort. for the situations. But this not become a theatre major until close ensemble cast. incredible one of the oldest ritual~holidays winter. The hotel seems to have his junior year at B SC. His first P.K.: For all your former source has been sworn to secrecy. that exists--rent a video tape. a supernatural power over its choice was English. but with an professors at BSC, have you been Don't miss the social event of Here are a few suggestions that occupants, and there's a ghost uncle who is a theatre professor able to take what you've learned -BSC's fall season, Lock Up Your will knock your socks off and around every comer! Other King and a major influence in his life, and use it? Daughters. make your hair stand on end. films to check out are Carrie, The Dead Zone, Christine, Silver Dra(:ula- There are many Bullet, Creepshow and Salem's versions of this tale of a Lot. Romanian. count who feasts upon the blood of unwitting victims. I Nightmare On Elm Street­ personally. think that the one There are two or three of these starring Bella Lugosi is the best. films out in the video stores by · Frank Langella also does a great now. and they are all pretty good. job in his version, which was For those of you that havedt seen made in the seventie,s; Any of them yet, (both of you) I highly them, ex.eluding the disco Love recorrunend ·them. IF you can At First Bite are worth renting; stand a little blood and guts. though~ Night of the Living Dead, Phantom of the Opera­ Dawn. of the Dead, Day of the Again, there are many versions of Dead, Return of the Living Dead.­ this ·film, but the. original, All. these films are on the same starring _Lon Chaney is the best. motif, that o( walking corpses Chaney, was the greatest QlaS~r. of who feed on human beings. The stage\make-up the WQrld has eyer cont. on p. 5 · !, .' The Comment Thursday, October 29, 1987 5 Bab}'lon and On :The saving grace for the die-hard Squeeze fan

By Dave Spuria Tutti Frutti, a dismal collection of flavorless pop Squeeze has a wide that ignored all of what following of college age, Squeeze had built up over the slightly rebellious pop music preceding ten years~ 7YovR ~l!N~ fans who took an interest in But, talent has a way of the crafty songwriting of Chris recovering. and in 1987 · ~Co~ P, You.uq Difford and .- is here to rYlAAl· Many comparisons have reaffirm what was once the followed them through their. most talked about band in the turbulent career, many of U.S. To pull off this which are misleading. For comeback, Squeeze found a instance, to compare Squeeze producer with a memory in to The Beatles is like Eric Thorngren. Thorngren comparing a '66 Mustang to a emphasized the melodic side of 1980 Saab. Both are quality Squeeze in the mix, and has units with different influences somehow managed to and rock and roll roots. Even rejuvenate these rock and roll .. with songwriting as a dinosaurs. constant, lyrical scrutiny can What's · even more only go as far as individual impressive is the timeless interpretation. Of course, vocal of Glenn Tilbrook. growing up in the U.K. must "853-5937" is as impressive as C.S. Angels have had its advantages for 11 Annie Get Your Gun". High-tech Halloween shaping Squeeze's musical "Hourglass" bounces its way cont. from P· 4 sculpture. into a melodic joyride of bigfoot size imprints in your The uniqueness bubbled Squeeze pop tradition. The audio-visual sensory area. first is by far the best, and try to good sequels, and these are no over on 1980's U.K. Squeeze overall lineup even sounds Sound a little scary? This get the black-and-white version •exception. The cinematography and on 1979's brilliant CQQ1 tighter and more unified. It's never grates on your 'cause the colorized one is really of the original was incredible, in For Cats. The comparisons good to have these guys back nerves because the hooks are bad. The next two are OK. but the same league with Alfred continued to fly after forreal! subtle enough to leave you not as good as the first. The last Hitchcock, while the second was and the highly The old squeeze hungry for more. Besides the is a comedy satire of so incredibly action-packed that acclaimed East Side Story in traditionalists will insist that eerie topics and lasting ideas. the the ottiers that is kind of stupid, you feel physically drained after 1982. But trouble was on the Squeeze will "just never be the playing of drummer Mik Glaisher but still pretty funny. viewing it. horizon. The band had run its same" . But this new material and bassist Kevin Bacon (The course and had internal warrants attention and Actor from Footloose?-Ed.) will An American Werewolf In Psycho--et al- There are so problems which separated the credibility. I can't place grab the back of your eardrums - I don't think that there many good Alfred Hitchcock group in late 1982. Babylon up there with any of and never let go. And let's not has ever been a bad werewolf films. that it seems a shame to Difforcr·arra: Tttl:m10~enr·~'.

4H€M. lOVG" 1.5 1H€ f't.€115/lNT fNTcRVl'il f3€1W€£N ·:.,"!~ tlie ahsenc;rir · M€€TTNV A 8€11

Tncla.y: ;\Ir. Will J. Knudson, .-\s!it. Director 201 l.ll' .-\ccounting


· Toclav: :\ls. Leona O'Connor, Exec. Vice President 200·! of Blo"om County, Inc. will tell a funm· political joke:

All of us here in management are behind _you the whole wav, Leona! · Go for it, girH "The Countdown Begins ..

New l\farketing Director Ned "Crnck'cm Up" . Weekend Jobs · Katston was going to tell the story about the priest, $6.50 pe.r hour to start. the rabbi and the girdle salesman, but helms $7.50 =:ipparcntly choked in the per hour clutch. after three months Ned soon will be moving back to s !tipping where, PLUS tuition reimbursement he should be happy to learn, his audience will be about two. New England Village, A Nationally Recognized Residential Program for Mentally Retarded Adults has weekend openings for Counselors experience preferred, but will train. 1 to 1 companion and relief staff positions (flexible weekday evenings and! or weekend schedules.) For further information call: Deb Quelle, R.esidential Director 293-5461 (between 9-5:00 p.m.J New En~land.VUlage is. an AA/EO Emplpyer. 1 ne t,;omment 1nursaay, October 29, 1987 7 ,Sports Men's soccer team ties nationally ranked Salem State

By Darren Lennon close out the game with BSC The Men's Soccer team traveled winning 3-2. Head coach Brian to Eastern Nazarene College and Maxfield was ecstatic with the win came away with a 3-2 win on because he said it was a October 21. It was a game "complete team win." marked by great defense and good On Saturday the Bears had a big scoring opportunities. challenge in facing Salem State, Early in the first half, ENC had because the Vikings are ranked an indirect kick which was fourth in the nation in Division blocked by Co-Captain Bob III. Graves. The Bears defense was BSC's goalie Karapar:is turned employed by Co-Captain Jeff in an excellent performance as he IL. Terrio, Mike Meers, Frank would deny Salem's 12 shots. Cunha, John Hardy, and Joe Also turning in outstanding Bonanno. Two shots were performances were Cunha and allowed on goalie Andy Gr.aves as they combined to Karaparis,one which headed into shut down Salem's scoring threat his right comer. Karaparis dived Alvano Cebaney. and came up with the save. The Terrio made an attempt to score other was a windblown floater with a kick from 25 yards only to from 25 yards out which have it go out of bounds. The Bridgewater soccer players David Ffoeck(2) and Bill Egan(18) steal a ball unfortunately flew over game was scoreless at the half. f S I S Karaparis' hand. The second half would bring ram a a em tate player in a game last Saturday. The Bears tied it up before the about more defense. Cunha stole Photo by Russ Sherman end of the half. Defender Hardy the ball away from a Salem Men 's r ug by c I u b w ,. n s 2 8 0 started the play by passing the player attempting to score. Dan • / ball up the left side. Graciano Bourgery came off the bench to By Angela Cornacchioli score, made an 1excellent run built the lead to 24-0. Andrade collected the ball to pass play sweeper to cover his man down field. This help set up good Sean Barber ran in the last try it to Graves who took it in for a while denying him a shot. The Men's Rugby Club was field position for another scoring of the day to take the 28-0 win. goal. Regulation time ended by great victorious last Saturday defeating opportunity. Craig Wardle carried Doug Shields made a late attempt In the. second half the action defensive play by the bears to Roger Williams College 28-0. the ball in for a 4 point try, to score, but a penalty on the was dominated by the Bears, force the game into double The A team played the first half giving the 14-0 halftime score. play brought the ball back. marked by strong offensive overtime. · building a 14-0 lead at halftime. The whole A team worked well pressure. . · Both teams ended up attempting The B team played the second together by not allowing any The B team scrum showea great At the twelve mmute mark t 0 . T' C . G ., h lf · · k th l d .. · .. .1...~ .. ~~~ ,,,...t .1.. Dmc 'T'h . ..strenP'th. frqm the. nush. of Phil Bonanno drilled the ball in from . score. im arcy dnd iaves 1 1 1 1 1 b~ SC~~=:~~: l:e~in~. ea .. ·::::t@~Eili:i¥~ffi;~6~~···oias~R.Tini nevet'7>avetlohis~'t' ·ur,mas 5ifho ~m!!llSm!'t!lre i ~ ::~~~QJ;'o~6f 1Pr.i~. •~ '1i'~WQ '* I A 0 n1i' The scoring action was opened Co-Ca~tain Scott Brown, Mike Chris Mazeika, and Frank ?1 the ga:ne the B~ bench came e The &arsaproved themselves to early when a Co-Captain Rick Petrillo, Dan Solari, -and Tom Fah~rt~. Backs Geo~ge m to fimsh up with ajinal goal. , be a strong team to be,, ~en : DaSilva pass to Al Hebb was Twiss were able to dominate the Boungmgnon and Gary Paziale Paul . Cournoyer took a .seriousJy as they performed' well -.;....~ brought in for a try, giving the scrum downs. Chris Murphy, played well. centenng pass to score a goal. against this nationally ranked Visigoths a 4-0 lead. Shortly Dan Coady, Mike Collar, and ENC got one mQre goal to team. afterwards Dave Nee carried the chr· M d h 1 The Visigoths, winning their IS en es e ped to keep the last two games, improve their p I ayer pr 0 f i I e ball in for a try, adding 4 points. ball downfield. record to 2-3. This weekend the The conversion kick by Tom In the second half, excellent Men's Rugby Club will be Beth Ruppenthall Devin was good. The Visigoths rugby play continued. Jim traveling to Bishop's University, were now leading 10-0. Barton carried in two. tries. A Canada Leroy Staples, attempting to_ ,-conversion kick by Mike Zeole Cranberry Bowl lost to Mass.Maritime

By Ray Puglisi allowing much movement by made the score 17-15 with a one Massachusetts Maritime. Late in yard run. Dan Lewis added the Massachusetts Maritime slides the sec9nd quarter the Bears . pointafter. by the Bridgewater Bears with a drov~-ilown field to add to their Then came the Lewis field goal come-from-behind 18-17 victory lyctc1. This time the Bears with twelve seconds remaining to in the annual Cranberry Bowl at powerful fullback Tom Egan win the game for Massachusetts Buzzards Bay. · bulled his way into pay dirt with Maritime, who for the second Dan Lewis kicked_.a-13 yard field one yard run which with the Rob year in a row, have come from g0al with 12 .seconds remaining Charters extra point put the Bears behind to secure their hold on the in the game to win it ·for the · up 17-0: Cranberry Scoop. This week's club sports player Secondary Ediication minor. - is of Buccaneers~ Massachusetts Maritime came The Bridgewater offense was led profile Beth Ruppenthall . Place of Birth and Date: The Bears 'lumped to a 17·0 lead out of the locker at the half by Kelley (8-18) for 213 yards, Ruppenthall is a three year Sheboygan. Wisconsin 9/22/66. by halftime. Rob Charters started determined not to lose. They and the running of Tom Egan and veteran and present captain of High School: Walpole High the scoring by booting a 27 yard came out throwing and put their Frank Dennison with for the 1987 Football Cheerleading School 1984 field goal which made it 3-0 · first points on the board on a attempts totaling 109 yards. Club. She has been active in Favorite Food: Seafood midway through the frrst quarter. pass to Mike Redfern frQm .Chris The Bear defense let up a total cheerleading since the eighth · Favo~te Hobby: ~l~ying ten~iis grade and· was captain in high . Favonte Later in the quarter, Nardone. The pass covered 8 of 355 yards, 194 in the air and Book: Livmg, Loving Bridgewater's quarterback Dan yards. Nardone then threw to Tim 161 on the ground. · school for football and and Leaming Kelley dove in fiom :the one yard Bishop for the two point The Bears are 2-5 overall; with basketball cheerleading. She is Favori.te Movie: G~ase line made it 10-0 for the Bears. conversion. two games remaining. The next also a two time participant on Favorite Quote: If you love the BSC Basketball something Rob Charters added the extra The Bear defense held the two games are away at Westfield set it free, if it point. Buccaneers to only eight points State (5-2) and home to end the Cheerleading Club. ~omes b~c~ to you it's yours, if Ruppenthall is a definite leader 1t doesn t 1t was never meant to The Bears defense was strong in the third quarter, but could not season with Framingham State be" through . the first half, not hold on in the fourth. Joe Murray (2-4). when it comes to school spirit " and enthusiasm. She directs the Best thing about BSC: Friendly, club, motivates the fans, and close people who show a lot of Sports Short: Women's ·Soccer encourages the team. The pride in their college. The Women's Soccer team Kara Kennedy, Tracey Kietilan, with the score of 1-1. The game cheerleaders put in 16 hours a Future goals: Teaching math at defeated· Gordon.College 7-1 on Julie Deschenes, Lynn Lumsden, went into double overtime. In the week to practice and are as much a high school and coaching Saturday in thei! last home game. and Diane Gallo; last 20 seconds of the game a part of the teams they cheer . cheerleading: . . . Scoring the goals for Bridgewater · On Sunday the team lost a very North Adams came up with the for as the players themselves. Extra-curricular acttv1ties: were: Tri-Captain Donna close game to North Adams goal to win 2-1. Kerri O'Rourke Here's a closer look at Beth: . Cheerleading, Orientation leader, .Mondeau, Kerry McGovern, State. Rermlation time ended scored Bij.dgewater's only goal. Major: Mathematics with a and Freshman Experience. ~ . . . 8 The ·comment Thursday, October 29, 1987 Announcements Classified Freshmen! sponsoring An nou nc in g a free- Concert of i Assessing People. Analyzing / Student Pilots - two BSC WANTED! Aggressive, another resource especially Sacred for Sounds is a volunteer Solving I Preventing Problem. students who are members of the enthus -iastic students to join you in the Freshmen Center 10 choir made up of members You'll take courses like Social Army National Guard will be the '87-'88 Student Travel am-3 pm. Peer Advising throughout this area and directed · Service in Alcohol and landing a UH-1 (Huey) Helicopter Services Sales Team. Earn free Assistants are now available by Mrs. to Lin Schuller. The _ Substance Abuse and Child in the Quadrangle on Wednesday trips and cash, set your own help with; REGISTRATION variety of music presented by this Welfare. For more information: 4 November at approximately 10 hours, and gain excellent sales CONCERNS, QUESTIONS · excellent choir will both inspire · Contact Social Work Dept., 3rd · a.m. Scheduled landing for 28 experience while marketing about the CNvfi>US, HELP with and give joy to the listeners. floor Burrill Ave. Academic Bldg.. October was cancelled due to the Winter and Spring Break ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS, They sing for the Glory of God or call x 1389. weather. Warrent Officer (WOI) Vacations. For more REFERENCES to needed · and it will be a glorious James Rockett will be piloting information call RESOURCES, and MUCH, experience for those who come to Army ROTC The the aircraft, and specialist (SP4) 1-800-648-4849. MUCH, MORE The Freshmen listen. The Concert of Sacred Department of Military Science Kenny Fraser will be the crew Center is located located on the second · Sounds will be held at Central at S tonehill College chief. TYPISTS - Hundreds weekly floor of the Maxwell offers Library. Square Congregational a program which provides at homer Write: P.O.Box 17, For further information come by Church in Bridgewater at Bridgewater students with the Clark, NJ 07066 the Center or call EXT 1214. 7: 3 0. Refreshments will be opportunity to graduate as ACOA Meetings--Adult served following the concert. officers and serve in the United Children of Alcoholics Meetings Child care is provided for a States Army, the Army National are held in the counseling center TRAVEL FIELD Concert of Sacred Sounds - minimal fee. Guard. or the U.S. Army in Harrington Hall. We meet at 3 OPPORTUNITY. Gain On Friday, October 30th, the Reserve. Army ROTC can p.m. every Wednesday. Everyone valuable marketing experience Protestant Campus Ministry at enhance your education by welcome! while earning money. Campus Bridgewater State College is Quebec Exchange - Students providing unique leadership and .. epresen tatives needed interested in spending a semester. management training, along with immediately for spring break REMOUE UNWRNTED or a year at a Canadian University practical exercise. It can help you Chorale Society--Do you trips to Florida. Call Campus HAIR in the Province of Quebec, see · develop many of the qualities enjoy singing in the shower? If Marketing at l-800-282-6221. Professor John Myers at the basic to success in the Army. or so, get out of the shower. and join PART TIME - HOME PERMANENTLY Academic Advising Center from in a civilian career. Army ROTC Bridgewater State College MAILING PROGRAM! - WITH ELECTROLYSIS 8:30-11:30 a.m., on Monday, Chorale can give you a valuable Society. The Chorale Excellent income! Details, send Individualized Needles Wednesday or Friday. or pick Society up opportunity to build for the not only provides a self-addressed, stamped BY APPOINTMENT ONLY information at the Canadian future by enabling you to earn a wonderful musical experience, Call Carol Souza, envelope. West, Boxx 5877, Studies Office, 209 Tillinghast college degree and an officer's but also a fun way to meet some Registered Electrologist Hillside, NJ 07205. Hall. commission new people. You can earn 45-3 South St. . at the same time. a credit For more while having East Raynham,MA inform-ation about a great time. We FOR SALE - Toyota, 1976 Army meet Mondays and 822-7624 ROTC, contact the Wednesdays Deluxe Coupe, Red, well from 3:00 Stonchill College Department of to 4:15, and the only maintained, dependable A Minor in Social Work - Military Science homework you'll at 238-1081 x have to do is transportation. $895 or best Gain valuable knowledge and remember ESSAYS & REPORTS 365/725. to come!. offer. Call 238-4036 evenings. 16,278 to choose from-all subjects] skills! Become more attractive to Order Catalog Today wilh Visa/MC or COD Tutoring for: Reading, prospective employers! In the NN!fl 2 Studying (let me by your study aqnq;l~~l;~~t Social Work Minor you will group!!) and term paper writing. Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports learn techniques 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN. Los Angeles, CA 90025 in : Information Karen Heller Stone, M.Ed., call Custom research also available-all levels -gathering I Interviewing. 697-013L