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The Ledger and Times, March 5, 1957

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' -g 4, T957 ,arship. But completely •• -Selected As A Best AU Round Ilentncky Communttr-Newspaper on unfurled flag at one Largest iced: "I am First... m_y &and- Circulation In 4 -York-. asateieew''`" with this flag, The City Local News a Southern Largest tie does you and ly proud to Circulation In fether corn- The County that shot Local Pictures

United Press IN OUR 78th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, March 5, 9571 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXVIII No; 55- .- THY

- an --1 ensation was quit her job simple." An he "sympa- uusly eompe- ' but added TE aOF ISRAEL PREMIER SHAKY g the jobless IS hy plays no • Rains Fall In Tells John His Vacation Plan Cold Air Grips Sold Checks Dry Southwest Home Burns The East Again Withdrawal Of Troops Brings ENT!) By UNITED PRESS By UNITED .PRESS The Bounce Man Needed rains pelted drieught - In Hazel A cold Canadian air mass About Severe Political Revolt he Wisconsin stricken Oklahoma and Kansas gripped the East today and snow .'worked 2,- early today as part of a vast area squa umped u o, 5o eithout a 'sin- nc es By ELlAV SIMON rearguard against any Arab vio- Into Jail • of precipitation over much of if snow in Western New t. The record, Yesterday York United Press Staff Correspondent lence when withdrawal starts. the nation. along Lakes Ontario and Erie. ,•as the equi- Showers continued night :Linnet Much of the West also was JERUSALEM. Israel Negotiations Wasted? vorking •1,102 Passing cold checks is an old The Hazel Fire in Oklahoma and Kansas foIlOw.- Department blanketed by snow with Denver iPyerniery Rikstsce,rjajt• to- . Feelings on the projected with- sl-time acci- store, but when one pays a court was called into action' yestettlay ing general raiske.oser the area reporting the heaviest accumu- daY postponed a showdown in drawal from the Gulf of Aqaba was set laV, line with a bogus paper. that is es ening `about 5:45 'o'clock Monday. when lation of four inches. i.parliament over his troop with- and ,the Gaza Strip cut across /taint page news and when that the home of Heavy showers pounded parts Mrs. Annie Late Readings plunged court happens to - be Callov.'ay to zero and drawal policies in order to make party lines in :he Knee:set (parli- of Florida during the night, Garner caught ,fire. Apparently and below in e. the northern Great a• last-minute effort to hold his ament) and many deputies were County that is local news. the tire had gained great a thunderstorm at Fort Myers hcads- Lakes and parts of the Northeast. shaky coalition government to- reported to believe the past four But R. L. Ellison who has way before it was ever noticed. was accompanied by wind gusts Ono of -the coldest spots was get her months qf negotiations had been done a weekend spree of signing Mrs. up to 53 miles per hour. Two Garner, a widow with International his name Falls. Minn., with Ben-Gurion, faced by political wasted. _to a false bank account small tornadoes were four -children, had just returned reported a 6' below zero reading_ early revolt and the threat The deputies said Israel's bar- in -return for' expensive merchan- fro n'her work at the, Calloway of violence earlier near Lakeland. Fla. today. gaining power would have been dise didn't allow, his faults to Manufacturing by the opposition Henn (free- The Florida disturbance spread Company, a n d . Generally fair weather hinder his appetite when 'is seen. domi- -Party. nitreed up today's much more greater if it had held -- he was Mower activity throughout the walked into the house. She said for the Atlantic Coast states and scheduled parliament session 3 onto the Sinai Desert positions it taken into custody for the second that she turned on the kitchen South Atlantic states. extending into the Ohio Valley captured less than 10 miles from time in 24 hours while eating a fight and hours while he held emergency Heavy rains doused the Coastal ----. noticed that it flicker- and the southern ii,andwich lakes area. conference's with party leaders. the Suez Canal where .the Israeli yesterday in .a local sections of northern California, Chatting with United Mine Workers chief-John L. ed, About that time a neighbor Some eorly morning tempera- He had scheduled a parlia- Army advanced in the 'first dal cafe. - Oregon and Washington with Lewis during a picture-taking session et the White ruihed over and told her the up tures included Boston- 26, Wash- ment ses:iion for Monday. but of the October invasion. This latest warrant served was to an inch of water during House, President Eisenhower tells the famous labOr house was on fire. The entire the ington 32, Miami 63, New Or- was forced to postpone it when A cabinet meeting called to towed by Hubert Cole who night. upstairs was an inferno. leader that he may go to Arizona for some winter leans .60,. Chicago 21. Dallas 51, the rift widened' in his cabinet. approve thepremper's withdraw- chataged that Ellison had left him A cold air mass sweeping from The Hazel Fire_ Department sun if his cough doesn't clear soon. Minneapolis 20, Denver 32, Los Today political leaders thought al statement before its delivery a bad check at his truck stop the Nerhern Plains pushen went to the scene and immedi- • as • (International Soundphoto) Angeles 57. Seattle 39. he had patched it up also was postponed filen the cm Highway 641 S. yester- far south attely attacked, the blaze enough to as northern Texas to- and afternoon to the evening • win a vote of confidence, but as Ben- day morning. Ellison was fined day, but a warming trend extinguished it in a short_ time. pre- opposition ice the withdrawal Gurion struggled to pull the re- S37 50 by County Judge Waylon vailed over most of the The entire upper floor,,, was de- rest ef Atomic Energy And grew_ _a_n_d. he asked bellious cabinet members Ra burn o_a breach of peace the nation, molished with serious damage Or More !Polio Victim to line. backinfo -Automation Blessings the 'time. c arge e promptly wrote a • Forecasters said preelpitation lower floor. Alvie Oliver - Bitterness against Ben - Gur- The crisis was precipitated heck for that amount which a will continue today from One of Mrs. Garner's sons is a the ion's decision to act without when members of the left-wing `,..furray -bank verified and the Pacific to the NEW YORK fir - Automation 0 in the army and the other con- Rockies, northern three Menem and court received that and atomic energy can be "twin nh Gasp are in school. sulting parliament continued to Ahriut Avoda parties amount, re- sections of the Gulf states and e Dies blessings Monday grow throughtout_ Israel Police said the ywould not vote with leasing Ellison. A later check the South Atlantic Coast, to raise the standards F It is not known what was the • feared violence this afternoon the government .on two censure found Ellison lacking sufficient of the entire world," David J. cause of the blaze. motions by the opposition, funds. shortly after the complaint McDonald, president of the Unit- rom Death Alvie re.Ned 67, passed and drafted 25 busloads of pro- con- demning his policy was received by Cole. ed Steelworkers of America. said away at his home in Hazel Mon- vincial police to head off possible of withdraw- riots ing. Ellison was arrested Sunday on today. day night at six-thirty following in the streets of Jerusalem. Englishman MEMPHIS, Timn. 111" - A 24- rTqospitai News I The mood of the Holy City Unless he can persuade them the breach charge and following "Modern labor organizations, an illness of more than one year. year-old -polio victim stayed • a to reverse their decision his release yesterday morning, see in these • developments a He is survived by his widow, was grim and ugly. Overnight the two few gasps from death for eight Monday's coral:tette record dissidont parties could he purchased goods at Western new era of plenty for all," he lot Mrs Dorothy Oliver. Hazel; one angry sips saying "Ben-Gurion cause his hours Monday during a struggle letypi triter gel-ern.esenit ea fall. Auto Store and Turthes Jewelry. Will Speak said in a speech prepared for daughter, Mrs. Hugh White. Rt. 1,11:, is tip" were scrawled berween doctors and four succes- cnsus 23 on tieing them alleizedls- worthless delivery to a lunch meeting of 5. Murray: one son, William building walls. sive iron lungs. Adult Beds . 65 Meanwhile. Students Demonstrate checks also. The manager at the the New 'York Building Trade Henry Oliver. Paducah; one 5i3- the Israeli frigates' Emergency Beds 42 Ben-Gurion was quoted as latter To Congress. Three of the iron lungs proved ter, Mrs. Mary Farless, St. Louis. Miznak and Misgav headed to- business grew suspicious Clubs telling the political The Patients Admitted 1 ward Sharm leaders that over the large order head of the 1.250.000-man faulty and Robert Thorne. kept. Mo., and four grandchildren.. El Sheikh on the which Patients Dismissed 7 if the Egyptians returned to the union said although . the two aliveby hand pumping. w a a Mr Oliver was, e member of Gulf eel Aloha to etand by to amounted to 3203.95 for t w o Dr. New Citizens Gaza Strip "we have it in our Gerald Priestly, world trav- new developments em the long "turning blue" when a brigade the Hazel Church remove forces guarding the en- watches, a ring, a billfold and a Patients of Christ power to sned them back inte • eler and lecturer will speak raft" will - mean mare :ribs for of rescuers finally got him admitted frees Friday trance to .the gulf. Reinforce- fountain pen, and called the and where the funeral was conducted their territory before a combined meeting 2:00 P. M. to Monday 2:45 P. M. ments in one day." Both store of more pee Inc many individual his borrowed lung safely to Bap- today at two o'clock with Bro. poured toward the Gaza bank. , regained their local civic clubs Mrs. Sam Muskgrove and baby Bet the onpesition to Israel's on March 12 workers will be replaced or tist Hospital in a moving van. W. W. Heflin, Bro. Henry Hargis,!Strip to strengthen the Israeli V.,. merchandise. at 615 p.m. girl, 205 N. Cherry St.. Murray: wit hdraw al increased .by ethe downgraded by :each:nes and in "He's resting now," Thorne's and Bre. Paul Morgan officiating. Ellison, was replaced in county His subject Mr. Lowell Key. Rt. 4. Murray; hem', and huge anti-withdrawal for the dinner some cases lose their jobs. Retrial will be in jail where he awaits a doctors father. William R. Thorne, said Mr. the Green Plain B • demonstrations were meeting will be "The Crisis in He called on labor and James Ira Brandon. Rt. 4, relied for 1 teport manage- early today. "The dueler gave Cemetery. concerning his condition. the Near East." Dr. Priestly Murray; Mrs Billy Armstrong wil ment to meet the adjustment him so The Miller Funeral Home in oyd Martin • thflaY' •he arrest was made by Deputy also make a'sedative he would" sleep. and baby girl. Rt. 4. Murray; Supporters of the Hcrut Party an address at the with adequate planning. Hazel Sheriff Gus Gamble and police He is being fed through a tube Mrs. had charge of the funeral announced they college entitled "The United "We must include in this John Beard. Benteen; Mrs. would mach on cheif Novel McReynolds. in his nose to help him breathe.' Kerby arrangements. parliament States in the World Today." Planning some provisions 'for re- V.'offorti and baby girl. To Add after a mass rally in Fort Henry. Tenn., Mrs. Albert ress a public square near Educated at the University of training persons, who will be Fought For Breath the build- Nelson, Benton; ing: 'Supporters er London. Hartford Seminary, leew affected, before the new methods For a polio victim paralyzed Mrs. Charlie Ben-Gurion's York University. Jones. Rt. I, Hardin: Mrs. Matta. Mapai ( and the New are installed," he said. "The as badly as Thorne. one transfer rallied tbeir Kills Elephant School for Social 'Research. New Crawford, 309 N. 12th St., Mbr- Local AAUW members to the costs of this retraining program is a dangerous ordeal. But Thorne Heriit York. ray; Mrs. Ovie Lee. Rt. I. Aimee Elementary School march. With Bow, Arrow Dr. Priestley holds six should be added to the cost of had to be moved back into his degrees in histoi 1Mrs. Ralph W. Morris and baby Tiffany in Jerusalem y, political the new machines." own leaking lung each time a PTA Meets March 6 I Boyd Martin. drama 'editor of leafed a science. economics, Rt. 2, Murray; • Mr. Joe repiVition of the NAIROBI. Kenya s,p ----Eric and philo- McDonald also called on labor new one broke down. becatise his the Louisville Courier Journal, Hcrut's violent sophy 'Outland. Model. Tenn. assault on the iplindgren, a hunter of 20-years and management to end "hero own lung was easier to pump by The Murray Elementary School address the Murray branch Knesset parlia- He taught at New ment in 11452 laeperience in the East African York Uni- and villain" roles in their rela- hand. Parent 'Teachers Association will ni the American Association of during a debate on A STATURE GAUGE jungles. . confirdled, today that versity, and he has lectured at tions so that they can build meet Wednesday. March 6 at , University Women here on March German reparat lone when the 400 collegee Each transfer, with Thorne I DES MOINES. Iowa an - Rep. Herut Texas oilman William laiegley some in this country solid barriers against war and two-thirly in the afternoon at , 6. "Current Broadway Plays" will Party opposed negotiations fiehting for breath, took two , W. L. Mooty set this "partial" had won his $10.000 bet by kill- and abroad. From 1948 to 1953 Communism. the Carter Elementary School, I be the topic el his discussion. with West Germany. he served as vice chairman for minutes. iguage by which a legislator can Pioting ing an elephant with a bow and He said the two working to- 1 This meeting, to be held at 8 broke etit in Jerusalem "Right at the last he began judge his stature in the state Mrs. Hilton Hughes will be in a rn the Speakers Reaearch Committee gether 4iould .strive to raise l Monday when 250 students tried the United Nations. growing pale and turning blue," assembly: "The number of in- charge of the devotion and the to A report from Negley's safari for living standards of 30 per cent march on parliament. The Born in Windom. England Di. Thorne's father said. "He was vitations he gets to dinn'er (ruin Mother Singers will sing. The reaching here said Negley killed of American families earning demonstration was broken up by Priestley has traveled in 611 extremely nervous, but lie kept pres,ure geeee'" nursery will be open club the elephant with one shot from less than $2.000 a year. -swinging police who arrest- countries on five continents. He talking to us, telling us what he his how while Rundgren ivatched ed 10 of the demonstrators To- recently completed a 40.000 mile. wanted." rras 's Dim stalk the beast to withtn 10 demonstrat ion, involving six-month trip around the world, The elder Thorne said he was twe lards Rundgren stood'. by with Irish Choose Between rxilitical parties, could be meeting with political leadere. told that doctors will not know Farmer Income Rises To An bloodier. a rifle while Ncgley. shot a UN officials, businessmen, farm- Costello, Valera for possibly a day or so how steel-tipped arrow. ers and educators in New Zea- seriously the former Army depot Seeks Coailtion Unity - Retnelgren :odd the rirreny went land, Australia, Southeast Asia, DUBLIN 7 -- Ireland's 1.7 dirk. a rather of two 'Child-refl. Estimated 11 Billion Ben-Gm-ion conferred Monday into the elephant so far that In 1956 India. The Near East. and Europe. million voters choose today be- was injured by the series of near night with other party leaders only the feather tips showed. He observed first hand the re- tween Premier John A. Costello suflocations. in his latest move to keep his Negley" then followed the ele- cent developments in Egypt. Jor- and aging statesman Eamon de "They would put him in a new, WASHINGTON an - The Ag- was $11.6 billion in 1956 com- coalition together. As he did so. phant into the bush for 100 yards don, and in Israel, Where he Valera In an election in which lung. see that It 'wouldn't work. ricultpte .Department said today pared with $11.7 billion in 1955. Israeli military reerces prepared watched it collapse. He fired an- s- lived in primitive Indian vil- the nation's economic troutales then put him back into the lung farniere' spendable income in ,1956 The 1956 realized net income for a three-week long withdraw- other arrow into its heed to end led lages. were the main issue. that' he need at home." he said. rose to an estimated $11.836,- of -$11.8 billion in terms of al frem the Gaza Strip and a its suffering. lio, His writings include "The Age Guarded bet flag...favored de 000,000 - $500 million More buying power was only 3 per quicker one from Sharni El Rut the first arrow, which Had Police Escort err- or raian Problem in Mexico" and yaleea's Fiarrtfi --Moldiers than in 1955. cent above 1955 because last Sheikh on the Gulf el Aqaba_ penetrated the elephant's "They gave him I don't know on lungs, "The Proposed Federation of the of Destiny) Petty to defeat Cos- But because of a slightly rising year's dollar was worth only Reliable sources said he called was enough to kin it. hoW many tanks of oxygen be- Martin ted British West Indies."' tello's Fine Gael (United Ire- farm population the spendable about 99- ceniis in terms of the Boyd in leaders of the left-wing Ad- Negley. direcnir of natural fare they took him to the hospi- land) coalition • and - return to. income of each man. witnan; 1955 dollar. This decline in the hut Avoda (unity of labor) and history at the Willie tal. And there were four squad p.m. on the merranine floor of Miters= in power after three years In op- and 'Child from rarm sources value of farm dollars reflected Menem (united workers), both San Aitonio. made the -bet with cars that escorted the moving the Murray State College Lib- Teen Town Open positicin. averaged, $599 - $7 less than the fact that pricss of non- members' of his coalition, and Wilbert; K. earpenter, of Wilm- van to the hospital." rary, is open to everyone in- Pollfhg stations in 40 constitu- in 1955. agricultural goids ind services convinced them they should not tngton. Del. After winning Saturday The Movjng van Os the see- terested in theater. • the Each encies opened this morning. Vot- Spendable income - technically increased more than farm prices oppose the withdrawal decision. continued ond one called The first was too Martin taught at the Urns rsity bet he his safari into ing ends this afterniin. First re- realised net income - is the last year. Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, com- the Congo . for specimens of Teen Town, sponsored by the pro- Small, When ,the caravan finally spending of Louisville from 1913 Linn his turns under the complicated aimiunt available for In its final report en 1956 mander of the United Nations smaller game for the museum. Murray 'Woman's •Club, is held rolled police had blocked off the retirement in 1955. He has .di- portional representation system after the farmer has paid all farm income, the department said Emergency Force tUNEF1, con- each Saturday night at 7:00 at -after- entire route to the hospital. espenses. It reeled over 400 major 'amateur are not expected until mid his production does the total income of the farm ferred_ with Maj Gen. 'Moshe 111 the Shack for the teenagers of But police could.not help when adjestment stage plays in Louisville. non Wednesday, with final re- not include any for population ainounted to $19.8 Dayan. Israeli defense command- Murray and Calloway County. early the elevator_ also _proved,. so. changes isr crop Martin also serves as movie sults late Thursday or - far the value of C" billion, One per cent above 1955. er, and was expected' to relfort There are a number of super- as they could tell at first, -to be inventories. edit or of the Courier Journal Friday.. and livestock This included $11.6 billion after to UN Secretary - General Dag games that,. will provide too small 'for the lung. incentive His review ref the -four-reel epic, vised _ Sell bank and •wool adjustment for inventory change. Ham marskjold 'today. Weather competitive entertainment f r 0. B. Boone Is "We practically had to - 'stuff program payments accounted for $1.7' billion in farm wages, and 1The , Trein Robbery." Report those attending. Refreshments are hilt, in the. elevetor," an ambu- about $300 million of the in- 86.5 billion of income from non- marked the, first time a news- served and the Woman's Club Off To Convention lance attendant' said, "We had to crease, in realized net income. farm sources. paper in the United States car- Rescue Squad urges all teenagers to attend. tilt his face against lite front of The remaining $20.0 million re- Using 'the total income (nem ried a movie review. Meet Seuthwest Kentucky -Increas- 0. B. Boone,' owner' of Boobe's the Icing to get him inside so-we fleeted increased cash receipts both farm and non-farm sources His Most recent theater feat is Is Postponed ing cloudiness and continued coed 'Cleaners, left' today to attend the :could shut the elevatne -dont. from farm markelings which as a base, the per capita income the development lif the Louis- Hazel Classes To ville train. To date, ketay with a chance of occasional convention for the National In-! 'All the lime he was gasping were only partly ooffset by high- of the farm population was $889, theater 16 The Murray Rescue Squad rainloads of drama enthusiasts. With.. High today will, he' 54. Give One Act Plays Miteitinn eif Dry Cleaners at. At- and lighting for breath like a e.r productionon expenses. up. one per rent frciM the, $881 meeting yi.ittich .was to have t.a.'en Mostly cloudy and Cool with lantic City. fish out of water." ' There was a' net liquidation average of 1955. [junder his direction, have gone held on S•6reh 7 has been post- occasional rain tenighr and Wed- Hazel High School will pre- He will return.home next Sun- The elder 'Thorne said his son, of about $250 million of in- • Last 'year was the first -time to New York- tin a prearranged poned until March 14 because nesday- Low ,tonight 40. sent a series of four orie act day. originally stricken by polio , on ventories in livestock and crops. since 1951 that per capita income round of plays of the Regional Basketball Some 530 a. m temperatures: plays in the auditorium Friday Npv. I. 1954. had been in mortal especially. cattle. In 1955. there did not decline. The per capita Martin's appZarance in Murray Tournament, _Louisville 30, Bowling Green .37, evening March 8 at 7:30 o'clock. Of the 10.600 Americans who danger since the pressure "drop- wee a net accumulation of 8340 income of the non-fm Is being sponsored by the Arts Bill Sumner of the squad said accord- Lexington 30; PartiOgh 31. Cov- There will be plenty of laughs. Perished. in fires during 1956, ped" suddenly in the first lung million in inventories. Net in- lion increased 4 " per cent in committee of the AAUW, that all members should re- ington 27. London 35. Hopkins- or- -all, a spokesman said. The 6,300 died in buildingS and 4,300 about eigljt hours before he come of farm operators after -956 - up $75 from 51.935 in ing to Mrs. Ann Cohron, cIen- member the meeting will be ville 37, nd Evansville, Ind., 29. ublic is invited ,to attend. outside buildings. reached the hospital. adjnatMent for inventory change 1955 to $2,910 in 1955. 'inittee'ettaIrman. ...delayed one week. Nia • e

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_ - TUESDAY L. MARCH 5, 195e - PAGE TWO TIIE LEDGER '11 TIMES - KENTUCKY THE LEDGER &TIMES BrotNer FL BLIsHED B1" LEDGER. & TIME* PUBLISH1ND cp:gra-NY,. .. Sedalia 'lions Favored To Capture Rid Consolidation of the Murray Ledger, The Calloway Timek and ttrs Times-Herald. October 20, 1928, .mad the West Kentuckian, January 11, 1942: • Denies Pay-Off Listed As The Major JAMES C. VeiLLIAMS, PUBLISHER Don's Not What They 1),sed Fulton We reseisot Data right to---roject..ariar Adverttsing Leiters to the Eartir or Public • Voice items which in our opinion are not for the be.. Strong\-- Obstacle In Way To The 'fop interest of our readers. To Re, But Still REPRESENTATIVES': WALLACE WITMER CO., nod after two seasonal NATIONAL The "family' Seefaila Lions it defeats, they Tenn.; 250 Park Ave., New York; 307 N. Michigan By JOHN GRIFFIN - - -team picked fc.r•- -the\ -NCAA' igured to repeat Monroe, Memphis, Coach Sunny Hubtis are favored f against Sedalia 80 Bolystun St.. Boston. United Press Spoils Writer 2a-team tournament MU nday ! the finals. itesult Ave., Chicago; by this writer, to capture their n Sedalia 69- The San when it was selected as a ‘‘ineml Ill Francisco- Dims ''ain't regional title since the 57. 'The Lions pasted North Mar- Entered at the Post Other, Murray, KentUcky, for Critt16111156i0L1-.4- bar --at- -largo." -The P-arither-e- - first to ----what -they used be.** but to- Deweese halt tri the season also. - Class Matter coaching days of Baby "Tfie pe Second- night they can at least earn (15-9). wiR meet -Morehead Lions lost to if they can get by unpredictable Livingston County, he righl___ta in a first-rounder at • •Columbutt,1 Cee t Murray, per week--110C; defend t .11.C.I.A two lives clahi South Hopkins, Benton a n d 11uti8eRIPTKIN- - -Kamm. By- Ohio. March 12, and the same\ Fulton when the. "Is "counties, year 1113.01% else- .basketball championship t hey Wing°. They whipped the 01011:11 85c. in CallOwiy and "adjoin-ng per will feature in the first round ut the Regions later sp _ - have held_ for.two straight years. program a- first-. • a-here,•-$5.50. ourney here tomorrow. twice. The Dons,-wim- -an---18--a-Ireeora- gout-tiler _between .2/Lanai-of Otani. The Lions are hungry - for thp• a far cry from their and Notre Dame. . V i7Ithe Lions do sweep; as return trip to the state after -T1....LSDAY-- MARCH 5, 19.17 perfect 24-0 of a year ago, can tournaint•nt:. they will probably' pe _.Spartans Upset atching Graves County rivals conch the Calitornta Basketball look very impressive; if not they ne like Pilot Oak, Cuba and May- Association title and an NCAA Michigan State, which already may lad to Fulton. The Fulton held share the time light-to the tourney berth - by beating run- had clinched•arr NCAA berth, live e-ould well come through, mi Ago This Week "big meet" since their last rep- 10 Years nerup St. Mary's of California failed to gain the undisputed for they, like Sedalia, have a tall lai Iesentative. Ledger and Times File in the season finale for each. Big Ten championship as well and accurate team. The Tigers ell when it was upset by Michigan, 1 The Lions, with a 24-5 re d. nave a towering front line in 6-5 If they do, the Dons will tei Funeral stk.\ ices were 'held in Highland Park, Mich., 81-72, Monday • rtigh•C. at Ann have romped over every team in George burnett and 6-3 forwards move into a second-round NCAA lit 3, for Elmus Pierce Holland, 60, Arbor. Mieit. The defeat dropped I least once nun 'McAllister and David Hol- on Monday. Mardi game at Corvallis, Ore., March the regional lineup at High- the Spartans- into a final first- Burnett leads of fis former resident of Cherry Community, who died in . 15 1 Ins season except Cunningham land. fensive against the winner-of. - -place- tie With Indiana. an 84-76 St; on Friday, February 28: Rev. T. C. Wilcox and Fulton whom thet have not with a 20.5 average. Mc/kilt:it. land Park rounder between Idaho State and Illinois. Bi victor over :net. Of course this doesn't mean has 11.2, Holland 12.6 and Jack' officiated. Texas" Western. But, unlike last Di they can reserve hotel reserva- Forrest 10:0. ''' - The Western Kentucky High School District Speech year when All-Americans Bib Two first-round games were en Russell and K. C. Jones were played in the NCAA 'small col- tions in Louisville without look- and Music Festivals will be held at Murray State College Stanley G. Terry, pin -ball czar Sedalia's big reach is Junior on the -squad. the Dons won't lege" tournament Monday night. ing over the field, for as Benton in She Auditorium and Little Chapel. of Portland, Oregon, tells Guthrie 6-7 center who averages be among the tourney favor-ireS.- Jack Sullivan's 36 points led and Mayfield sadly' learned in for debate will be: Resolved that the investigating about 16 points a game. The - The question No team ever has won the NCAA Mt.. St. Marry's (Md.) to a -93.84- Senate committee their districts, past achievements a system of com- big noise 'from the Lions.. Federal Government should provide crown three straight years. victory over 'City College of labor racketeering that he did 6un't, win the big ones: But, we roar ex- 1a 2 however, comes, • from plete medical care available to -all citizens at Public York. the first tourney argue, „they do prove that the flashy Eisenhower 'Duquesne Dumps Temple. New not make an alleged $10,000 pay' THE ARTHUR of the team Liorts are perfectly able. gnardlea Johnny • ley and • Jim pense. • Atauther NC-AA berth may be appearance by a CCNY union official, nor did the brothers arrives by plane at off to a Page-. Roy has a 19 per game The most ,receiit improvement- to the § settled tonight it Bradley. run- since 1950 wheh the Beavers Tilghman, . Ballard Memorial, Baltimore to enter Wilmer he make any promise of "takihg last Week at the Bank of, both the -NCAA and NIT South Marshall, LOWCS and North as night deposit box instaire'd Johns Hopkins. hospital. Rerun in the -Missouri Valley won _(Continued on Page Three). ic Of care of" anyone else to maintain Marshall lire five highly regard- \I Murray. He has an eye ailment. He is Conference,wmo loses to Wichita. That titles. Evansville (Ind) College d his slot-machine business. ed participants who learned the Pearl Harbor - J. a Morrison; Chief Torpedomatt's, 70 years old. (let ernattonal) uldlo the whipped Illinois Normal, 108-96, his,wile, LaVern and tourneygi lberth to idle St. to-dis, hard way at .Sedalia's clutch C. Mate. USN. was on hand to greet e in the other first-rounder, (International Soundphoto.) already has clinched at ability and are aware that the children. -Jeffrey. 2. and John. four months, of North which Pearl second,. least a tie- for the crown. Lions can take-- the important Twsilfth Street. Murray. when they arrived at '04( Sec or of a farmhouse on Stafford And it Undoubtedly would mean ones as well. \ T.H.. recently aboard the transport USNS Gene- - Harbor. I-1, ad near Palmyra, N. Y. Joseph that Bradley ould receive a • Tilghman? Well the Paducah "FLYI Ng ANTS" rk41 Anderson. Sn'Itil.h a' a:y:141bed ovvnilllthhk--Htect-- eatlieciangtiale Itnitviettatainodn intersection of 12th Parade team could hardly live down an - at the golden Sports The Triangle Inn, located to unearth. in' 1827. the Tournament Then the ie..° - re- FOR COSTLY Barney and Mormon. incident that occurred " their it WATCH OUT and Sycamore Street. has been purchased by platef of the Book of maining NIT. berths are expected business Smith founded the .c, FRALEY the last seven in a row Christmas tourney when they ifiRMITE DAMAGE! Jean 'Weeks and Deacon and Elaine (*WM). The Soon after. t go to Utah and either St. By OSCAR by Mja-mon 'Church. • • Sports writer . drawing the curtains on his op- were well on the, road. to the ALLe,rated by the net MirnageMent in the future. Joseph's of Philadelphia or De- United Press will be title with a safe 15 point bead quesne. which trounced Temple, • ponent. ' _ NEW YORK itP! - Listen - to Once known as "Skinny" to over Sedalia at tho' start of tha. • 68-54.. Monday_nicht. Call TERMINIX - World's the fight mob and they'll tell his schoolmates, Hart got into fourth period. Final sere, Sedalia th Pittsburgh betairne the lath Largest ___:._ . you that Garnett (Sugar) Hart. boxing - Are 3ou listening, by 15 points. Termite Control th Philadelphia welterweight with maxie., _ a because of girls. It Organization - ti' Ballard Memorial? Nominated For Sharp Decline In Elvis .Presley , side-burns. ts the seems that a gymnasium opened Lost to the \All Work and Service 133 .Lions in the same Only hottest fistic item since Sugar tourney by in his neighborhood and the I about The • Performed By Tooth Decay Forecast my-Rubinson. --- - - ... localsies Would line' -61(idur- same Margin:- SiitafR Hart is the moustachoed slug- ingly at the plate glass window Marshall? Shortly before Christ- mas, OHIO VALLEY TERMINIX be CHICAGO JP An official of ger you'll gander on television in the front to Watch the local the Lions were faced with 3 CORP. a the American Dental association Friday night when he meets heroes train. toughies in as many nights South Marshall was scheduled ti- foressees a sharp decline in tooth Walt. Byars. another 21ayear old Well, Hart wanted the girls P.O. Box 84 Paducah, Ky. Derby fer the second -night and' the Kentucky decay during the 83rd next decade. from Boston, in the 10-round to look at him, too. ,Phone 3-2t34 or 3-6696 1w1 br. Randolph H. FriedriCh sec- feature from Madison Square Lions were said to be let down first of. the eerily this a Val so he became an amateur LOUISVII - Only the3 named tor the retary of the ADA's council on after losing to Benton the night Contact direct or for Reference June 15th run- Garden. and, in between times when he 'Yere nomi- tr.ple cro:kri classics with Calu- hati•_ins for its dental health said,athat before. Final score; Sedalia 104- of Performance of Work call tii 133 three-year "elimina- „ The word is that Hart. a rock was posing in the plate glass Ken- met Farm zureattng -a strong ning Nominations for the Preak- 76. * Local Customers or of nated today for the 83rd bora of dental cares- as a Major 'n roll record collector. will rock National AALI with six nominations and ru.'ss Stakes May 18 have not window', won the tucky Deroy at, Churchili Downs hand factor in dental disease is a real and that Byars will roll. Lowes? The upstart Blue Devils been announced. Twel'a of the lightweight and . welterweight MURRAY but the s•ar-,:udacal:the Wh.-attey Stable - pist a•-• possibility" by 1966. were confident in the district LUMBER CO. Is May 4. the '' , . New , Faces Needed titles. Murray, Ky quaa'y aitn :•ine ' derby horses- r,gs and .. 1).0=4 last vveek and Ph.)ne al list rhi,re !Flan n.ade.up in - certain, Anyone beat Mayfield r R., -- With The reduction in . decay, One thing is' Ready To Fight MIN einatever tacked .iii qtiaritit.a. I The harses its.eU lit ,he Calu- jdimsuminiiimiaidhdgimmnuepr_ Friedrich said,--other--sietata/-prob- 'use "He's ready right how Io tight aspirmg• chair.- rrect Farm -if Mrs- Gve Mark; • Lcan. some good new faces, A ..ear- : ago 168 lems will come' to the fiTe, any welterweight in the world, ! . re Rart,rz in. 1155 ILA% eni par-- - artieulariv the kind which don't piaris wire- n3n.eo : -i Ire ticularly those which cokne with cuteasily or including Carmen Basilio, lauded Cr' n Duice. 1:sal L1t.z..• get flattened of the trip!e Tree-Pound Wis. Bass old age. . Teddy Brenner. the St. Nick's t•.iT 134/t., . out too quickly-. .Too often the A.: a. age la.57 r Hart bombed I X% nig Mrs Her,ry .C. Is Tough Customer "new - Robinsians" or ?the -new matchmaker, after -n- r f ,na: mark- then. ".verii. "It as safe to say 'that the nets Con- SCOTT out former contender Hector DRUG CO. - : • I.:, a' 10 years will bring about a distinct Billy Petrellos" become shop.- 29 -ta K eS whose victims include •••--..-C - 1.4P.41 i worn before ---the celitaihane is -stance, , ry - ro-r. ;rig •r•e:p,aceal h•-: -r-C-...4.4. change in the concept of dental ---- - s /14 t MADISON. Wt ir - Old Kid Gavil5n and Tiger Jones. "PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS" r-• a .r.•.*, : ,i, 1B _1 • 7 eisease." Friedrich said. "With off their hopes. "Veci-eye" may be the tougher'. But Hart looks .to „most of "Maybe he's ready," admitted C : cares continuing to be brought • •• In . mouth black Marty Stein cautionsly, . a vingett 5 ma under control. less and k-as oper- the experts as if he's a cinch Manager Corner at 4th & Main Phone 433 . B.1` bring him along • 'a' . taisa in -cap,It .1.. according '” alive theratpy will be required to to . make the big grade. "but we'd rather possible." '''" •ni.• "ne Wisconsin Conservation De- restore the ra.ages of dental de- Fast and grateful in the 11.'la - as slowly as h 21 and I'm in no r .' r ' - Hirtn,ent.. clay." inson manner and with a similar p "I'm only ta-i o f the gums and wasp-v. aisted "built." • the five- hurry," publicly says Hart, who The thr,,--peunri fish sittOst be-Ailments College Basketball other tissues :Supporting the teeth font 11-incii pulver]fer has won rivately thinks he can whip d _e in a separate .state Jisachery .. Ga.,,:.• al.,n. ',.; ,.i,t; 1 .•,-. will 'be -brought into sharper 19 of his 211. profe nal bouts-.any welterweight extant. "Maybe : c..nd because it chews up other _ Results Pr... Kitia Nlad-i:ra I. it,,... Mel. focus," he said.. I; •.1 'Hi::: ' i i ' i a ,:- • ...... _and to. fall." r. 7.4:.,-,.4... • Ntl,!..-r Jivis. Mr. 'fish. New Wall Paper .....• S,1:1. S . ra,,III a T ;• Prince ! I i 'Re -eve•• also has. endur, • If you fail to find what jar,,„•u, Pr, orarid.. *I able, you want in your By L ED PRESS [-He has sin\ ived ANOTHER COLONY SHEDS ITS SHACKLES . aria , sporsmen.s.shows and e home town, we are showing Few fish 'cid) live through an! .7, ,ICY.IbItIOD tour. -Red-eye" wit _AY a4 nor reported in the best or'. heal? i, 500 NEW PAPERS and is expected to hit the ex the hibitkon trail again next year. - ALL IN STOCK - Big Best Friend Fight New Weaves - New Colors - Results New Designs ... N7'.1 AT PRICES YOU CAN PAY! • g it.' \ Women mark literary attainment in Mamponz. ao; A• • • 'la:, 5-8 By UNITED PRESS NEW YORK. Gil Turner. 1501: Phi:adelphia. knocked out Rudy awin. 41. Morehead Brothers ' MAYFIELD, SYDNEY Attu KY. j. 14C 1-, Afr.ea • (ey- 1"111.1111.11111Max H. Churchill poirttrd u enhenz.1 Fashion show and In • dom fiesta, Accra. - _Funeral Home 146ti. Swift, Atria-ti Snperior Ambulance PAIS. Ctrinio. Hume'. 1610, - Equipped Frince. mad 11,i s- - • with Oxygen • BASKETBALL CIRCUC/ Some transport The Fabulous - Friendly- Servicro is primiti.e. N, 4th St. • Ph. Batted man is a policeman. • .Piou"CoitiE GLOBETROTTERS I SHOW THE DESTRUCTIVE TERMITE MURRAY FREE INSPECTION I 111 1"""i" - SPORTS TERMITES ARENA TUESDAY MARCIA 12 --Liebnsed and Insured- 7:30 ; the p•m. Sam Kelley THAT TIDY (.0111 Coast- lot-gislittoes- fl session. ElerrrkIty _Accis.-, Also 'government office. worlds hat t • sponsored by ,441 tiew from the Cold Coast, Britain's* sAfriea colony which is achieving independence and Phon, rivalei Edna ft.e ti. THESE PHOTOS Booster's Club and York. It is dc,der ,rig renamed Gloom's, show a moisture of the pi imitive and the mrstern. Included in the new Ghana Murray in's 13,;.-calat ,r, and Miss - will be adjacent areas of Togoland, Asniinti and the Northern Territories, more than 92,000'square J.C. Kelley's Pest ie bolas her 4, o 'oat en- miles and four and one-half million people. What du they have? Manganese second only to tho ragerwrit ling re-a it, for a , soviet's, gold, allitannan, croaio, rubber, diamonds: Vire President Richaid Nixon is sc,befluled to be Attica (International), ONLY! C.3ntrol 1.V44114711164Va• (IMO ita,14,04.40 Refl.. I6). in Act:re, the capital, March 3-7 fur independence ceremonies. Then be tours _ ONE TIME



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sta 4


TUESDAY — MARCH 5, 1957 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE THREE jor Al Lopez Believes He Has Better 'fop chance To Win Flag With White Sox Racer Diamond Squad Begins Practice

By LEO H. PETERSEN pez said he thought that his new the White Sox as one of the defeats, they United Press Sjorts Editor and old. clubs "are just about teams to beat "because they have *hist Sedalia TAMPA. Fla. OP —Al Lopez equal when it comes to hitting, a manager who is too good to Murray State Baseball Squad Sedalia 6t1- figured 'today he will have a bet- with perhaps the White Sox hav- finish second all the time," Lo- .North Mar- ter shut at the American League ing a shade the better of it." pez grinned and replied: - • al.So. The pennant with the White Sox than He expressed confidence that "I hope old -Case is right. Begins Practice Last Week ;ston County, he did with the Indians because the White Sox "will be in the The former star catcher finish- enton and "we have a better defense and running all .the way." ed second with the Indians five ied the later speecl." "All we need to do is to add a times, each time behind the Yan- The Murray State College the next highest hitters with NOW ISTHETIME Ba'seball squad, 53 strong, began .345 and .341 _averages, respect- " isn't going to- let_ in little more strength and I am kees. practice- last Tuesday. Several ively. Tobar was last year's as *any runs as Cleveland," Lo- firmly convinkd we can gO all He conceded that beating the to. sweep till other candidates, now involved leading fielder, handling 35 pez predicted after putting his the way," Lopez said, disclosing Yankees "isn't going to be easy." vill probably in spring football practice and chances without an error, while new club through its spring that the first thing he is looking "After all, they have more tal- if not they basketball are expected to report training paces. "Its defense is for is a left - handed hitting ent and a better bench than any Bradley made only one error in To Install A . The Fult,th later, according to Coach Waldo nme much better than I had in Cleve- catcher. other club in the league," rea- 81 chances. through, soned Lopez. "But I beat 'em Sauter.- a, land and there is no comparison "I need a left-handed hitting have a tall hack in 1954 and they can be Among those reporting were Pitching promises to be Coach . '1 he either when it comes to speed." catcher behind Sherman Lollar Tigers beaten again." six regulars from last year: Cy Sauter's biggest problem, as his As for pitching, Lopez admit- who also could be available for nt line in 6-5 Bradley, catcher; Don Dingwerth, number one pitcher from last ted the Indians might have "a h,tting duty," Lopez de- 6-3 forwards pinch 'first base; Dale AleScander, right year, Chico Reyes, is ineligible. little edge" but added "it doesn't clared, adding that he didn't I David Hol- field; Burley Mathis, third base; Frank Haviland, a member of figure to be much when you can know where he might come up Glass Lined Pump is offensiveli . Chuch Tabor, left field, and the '55 squad; who missed last stall .out a series by shooting with such a player. His own Sedalia. . . Ke. McAlliste Jim Railey, short stop. Railey season because of an injured BilIT Pierce, Jack Harshman and catching candidates behind Lollar .2.6 and Jack' led last year's team in hitting but it is doubtful if he will Dick Donovan at your oppon- all are right-handed hitters. (Continielfel from Page Two) with a .375 average, in RBI's see much action. Two other ents." — AND — Likes Stengel's Estimate with 15, and triples with 4. pitchers, Dave -Bruce and Bill ich is Junior Claims Slight Sat Edge Told that Manager Casey Sten- average and Page about 15.0. Alexander and Dingwerth are Kaler saw a little action. ThU. who averages good-natured, smiling Lo- gel of the Yankees had picked Their option to drive successfully Only four members of the game. The to the basket or hit from out squad, Haviland, Bradley, Railey e Lions roar has rattled the best of their op- and Darrell Holley, a transfer from flashy ponents. Ken Mathis at forward Five Club from the University of Missouri, ey and • Jiro is the smallest but most under- are seniors. Glass lined 19 per game rated player on the Sedalia team. Coach Sauter's team last year Schoendienst • Pachlean,arld North Marshall gave Murray its best baseball nage Three) vie in the first round and the Race Is Seen' season, in years when it posted winner will have a' much easier a 9-10 record and tied Middle path to the finals than Sedalia Tennessee for the western cham- Water Heater which must face South Marshall pionship of the Ohio Valley %Would Have Won or Ballard if it gets by Fulton. By Tebbets Conference. However, the Racers See The Rebels are the most talked lost the playoff to the Raiders. about team in this immediate A seventeen game schedule For The Best Of Service .... NTS" area after their district sweep, By LEO H. PETERSEN has been arranged, and two more game. with Enansville col- R COSTLY but few mention that they are United Press Sports Writer National-I. Flag one of the most well coached lege, may be added. Conference "Make It All Glass Lined" MACE! teams around. That superior TAMPA, Fla. lir — Birdie games will be played with West- Tebbetts coaching could get the Rebs a envisioned a five club ern and Middle Tennessee, the race for the ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. lJ — ."I'm convinced they would train to Louisville. 1957 National"League other OVC western division pennant today, Frank Lane, general manager of have won the pennant if they • About the only block to Seda= putting the Pirates teams. Two games with Tennes- World', and the Cardinals in the con- the Cardinals, maintained _today had made -the deal," he added. lia's going that -we see is that see Tech, a part of the eastern tetading group along with 'the ite Control the Braves would have won "When they didn't, I traded him the writer drew them in a division, and two with Western, Dodgers, Braves and his own the second of doubleheaders, will NOW ON DISPLAY W lie also thew Benton and look ee the National League -pennant last to the Giants." Redlegs. what happened! not count in conference stand- Service season had Red Schoendienst The that Giants' plump. ruddy-faced Teb- I. pta_yezi .second Lane defended If the Lions do make thesttate, ings. .b.kse -for them. bets, 'Starting hiS, third season deal on the grounds he -did not it may be that tournament's first And he indicated he wouldn't as manager of the Redlegs, is The schedule as it now stands figure the Cardinals had a chance all-family affair, for every mem- At ‘4 TERMINIX be surprised if Milwaukee made high on the chances of his own is as follows: to- win the pennant last year ber of the squad is related to tP. a deal for S-choendienst before club, but predicted the race this April 5 David Lipscomb (2) T so he wanted to give rookie each other. • th.fstart 'of the coming season. coming season could go down April 6 Florence T Paducah. Ky. Don Blasingame experience. Lane disclosed- that General right to the wire just as it did April 16 Western (2) T or 3-6696 Manager John Quinn of the "If I had' thought we had a NEEDED: ANOTHER REFORMER last year. April 18 McKendree H for Reference Br yes has asked him several chance to win at all, I'd have "They're all saying the Dodg- April 19 Middle Tennessee T tirr's recently what he thought kept Red," he explained. But Ellis April 20 Tennessee Tech T Pump & Pipe Co. of Work call STEINU, Germany el — Five ers, Braves and my own team of Schoendienst's arm. that would have-meant Blasin- sears ago, village officials fired are the clubs to beat," the April 25 David LiFscomb H "I keep telling him his am game would have sat on the a dishonest municipal cashier. plain-spoken former star catcher April 27 Western (2) H 304 Maple St. (sometimes called Depot Street) MBER CO. is as good as it was 10 years bench for most of the season." His replacement reformed the observed. "But in my book, April 30 Austin Peay H Phone 262 ago," Lane said. After Schoendienst was traded town's bookkeeping system. with they're making a mistake by May 3 Middle Tennessee H Murray, Ky. Phone 197 Lane recalled that he offered to the Giants he was out for a view toward averting future overlooking the Pirates and the May 4 Florence (2) H the Braves Schoendienst a year several weeks with a sore shoul- skullduggery. Today, the "re- Cardinals." . May 11 Tennessee Tech H aglib for first baseman Joe Ad- der, but came back to play former" was arrested on suspi- Ennis To Help May 14 Austin Peay H coa and pitcher Bob Buhl. brilliant ball. cion of embezzling $2,000. He •predicted the addition of Del Ennis and pitchers Sam CO. Jones and Jim Davis "will make a big difference in the Cardi- STS" nals." "I figure that if Stan Musial. be an early bird... do your Spring Painting IlJOW I Wally Moon. Ken Boyer and one 433 Wilmer Mizell come up with Revd years and those three new players help them as much as I think they will, St. Louis could be as tough as any club in the league," Tebbetts said. As for the Pirates, he likes their pitching. "Don't forget they had good your pitching last year even with Vernon Law and Dick Hall way off form because of injuries. When you add them to Bob Friend, Ronnie Kline, Elroy Face. Nelson King and those other ROLLER & TRAY pitchers, the Pirates figure to with wee Olen if wani of have what it tak.s in that de- partment." Points To Five SPRED SATIN As f,,r Pittsburgh's hitting. the T1411 WONDER WALL PAINT Redlegs skipper pointed teDale So washable you won't have to paint Long, Frank Thomas, Bill Vir- again till you want to change colors! don, Lee Walls and Bob Cle- mente. • Gees en twice as foslkoi ill "There is nothing wrong with with brush or rollor them with a bat in their hands." 5o,e namel • Dri•s in 20 minutes added, "And this young icini'141"1 d hone Tebbetts ihablewoodwork bn.d. has pow- • wfosi oar. • PIA brush, lap marks catcher„Danny Kravitz: indoors or tem er, too. He needed a little more • Brshu or reline rs Bobby ffragan • clAarrs In wafer polish last year so SUL 4 tat 00' (manager of the Pirates) sent lealef 1111.14.1 ' "6 win • 176 DIAMATONE COLONS him down to the minors for C,01.0RSMATCH"'SPhil:0 SATIN more seasoning. But our sculuts -• tell me he is ready now." He figured it wouldn't take much for either his Redlegs, I. the Braves or Dodgers to take it The Siker Murk,one of 18 new Studebaker All-Pisrpos• all. mocleia IMpather-Reslislant VARNISH "Each of the three of us can point to players who had bad for Buy one can at reg- •C nnnnn fretted seasons last year and figure. to If you want modern styling, the Studebaker Golden and Silver Hawks give you ular price—get an- best cov•reg• do better," Tebbetts reasoned. other, same site, •Use Indoors or inal the best. In these fine automobiles, the traditionally low Studebaker silhouette is for ONE CENT! Ohio State Seeks Also in otuiti Oros combined with the most interior headroom, front and rear, of any Farm Students competitive FAMOUS '57 lin Craftsmanship makes the big difference! See and drive a new Studebaker CMOs POITIOLKI ¶jIGLID-T0NE' COLUMBUS. 0. llfn —The Col- 'JAPFALAAPAC • DeLorating ideas tor , • all Moms. esery style e of Agriculture at Ohio State at your dealer's today. borne, all colors. 50 IN SPRAY (ANSI is stepping up its full.color photos. Wood Stains ersity ifs painted! more farm - 62 new pastels and natural 'drive, to persuade • Eau, *Mop for herd- girls into getting edu- to-titu•II surfloce.. NOW.TO.PAINT wood tones, vs - a they can fill • Tough Aurabl• surfer.% BOOK • Net Goa *oily ca in thrming so no wt. Indoors Helpful tips for to apply scorhs of jobs that are going beg- Your choice el 10 every type of home • Use Ind•or• ging.' Studebaker-Packard Wm,and uttra painting. *root "We ire sending recruiters in- RCH 12 whit. W• • Out right I. limit qvanriritpr CORPORATION to the rural areas in our efforts --1040'02&EAS ANPA 61,40:t to induce young farm people„,tri gdete,fazXgaZizava,rz.cone.V7 ff./ by Come to college." said Dean L. L. Rummell. - • and Statistics gather T. C. Mount, secretart; oPSjhe college. show that' fewer'tha half the ."Ag" stodenta 'Come frorh• farms. Hughes Paint & Wall Paper Store "We are :trying to get more farm .boyt lb come'to college be- catiseyfriany employers who want HIGHWAY 41 South 401 MAPLE ST114:T PHONE 383 to2tire trained people want those (ii Midway Motors Murray, Ky. •ho have a farm background," ) Mount said


ios o'er- ses-u•cs•-•• " - '

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.1 TUESDAY —MARC!! 5, 1957 PAGE FOUR TIED LEDGER & TIME — MURRAY, KENTUCK11 41•11.MIONMI•l• /111.• AM•Vik *`Garthur Ardfrey's Talent Scouts" Program Club News Activities Presented At Meeting Of Zeta Departn•ent Women's Page The Zeta Department of the accompanied by Mrs: Richard I rray Womidi's Club met at l. NrillrnresL. the BELK- ,,e club house on Thursday. Feb- K. Pinkley was Jo Burkeen, E.chtor . . Phone 694-M-4 or 763-j Wedding* Locals itiary 28, at eight o'clock in the S'FE.": dl talent scout who present- evening for a special program in ed Mrs. Glenn Doran as "Don L 1 the form "Garthur Ardfrey's Moran" who sang "A Pretty,Girl CO. King Solomon didn't have a SETTLE Austin Taleni-StoutS.”' Is _ A Melody" accompanied- _ Rev. Orval byAnlqrsam. it was cent to his name, although he Mrs. William C. Nall acted as Speaker For Club CALENDAR amusing skit presented SOCIAL 111ka.'s the wealthiest man of his- Garthur Ardfrey. MURRAY, KENTUCKY by Mrs. Dan Hutson, Mrs. Cecil time. During his reign, in the 10th Luncheon Thursday The first talent scout was Mrs. Ferris, Mrs. Turn Rowlett, Mrs. mass at an open meeting of C. Ellis who Presented Mrs. Magazine Club held its Tuesday, March 5 century B. C., coined money had, M. C. C. Lowry, Miss Louise Lamb, 'inc AAIJW in the college uorary at C. C. owry as "Letty Bowry" annual luncheon at the Murray The Deoa Department of the not appeared in Palistine, the Mrs. Bill Barker, and Mrs. Murray Woman's Club will meet eight o'clock. National Geographic Socjety.leys... who sang "The Boyd Next Door" Charles Clark. Their talent scout 4 Woman's tolouse on Thurs- • • • • - day, February 211, at twelve- at the club house at seven-thirty was Mrs. Robert W. Rule. The WMS of the Memorial thirty, o'clock ,in the afternoon. o'clock. • The dancing group called "The • • • • I3npust Church will observe the Standup Starting Makes " . Rev. Orval Austin, pastor of Veale Cutlets" was composed of DOOR id week of prayer at the church at the -College Presbyterian - Church, Murray Assembly No. 19 Or- Lawn Mowing Safer, Easier Mrs. Lubie Veale, Jr., Mrs. Den- der LI the itainhow fur Girls will two o'clock. nis Taylor, Mrs. Joe B. Littleton, waksine -guest- speaker fur .• the • • • • luncheon. The speaker chose for meet at the Masonic Hall at Mrs. Conrad Jones, Miss Madelyn The week of prayer will . be his interesting and informative seven o'clock. Lamb, Mrs. Alfred Lindsey, Mrs. BUSTER ;*4 . • • • • observed by the V. MS of the taik the subject, "Women In the A. D. Wallace, and Mrs. Buist rust Baptist Churcn at tne . Wednesday, March 6- Scott. Their talent scout was Th* sstecutive board meeting church at two-thirty o'clock. Mrs. L. D. Miller. The speaker- was introduced by • • • • • Mrs. B. F. Scherffius, program of the Parent Teachers Associa- Mrs. Maurice Ryan was the h u mislay, March' 7 - VALUES chairman of the club. Mrs. 0. C. tion will meet at one - thirty talent scout for the concluding The Jessie Houston Service Wells, president, presided a n. d o'clock at the Carter School on number, "The Green Cathedral", Cluo or me Supreme rurest welcomed the members and South Thirteenth Street. sang by the "Singing Hear .Fam- • • wuoumen Circle win meet witn Aii guests. • • ily" composed of Mrs. Howard a al 1111 Jars. Siary LA,1.11..1C baiter, West 1111 RIP The tables were attractively The WMS of Poplar SpA Titsworth, Mrs. James Rudy All- Church Will observe gig- ropiar, at seven-thirty o cluck, britten. and Mrs. James Hart decorated in the club colors of • • • • Odd Lots -- Broken Sizes Isle ender -and gold. Lovely ar- ot prayer fur- home missions at with Mrs. Fas-rell as the accom- Group III of the CWF of the rangements of gold chrysanthe- the church at ten o'clock. panist. Soiled — Out of Season first carksuan, Church wilt meet mums were flanked by the five- s • • • The chairman of the depart- at the home 01 bars. Rupert SERVED !! branches; gold candelabra. Boyd Martin, drama editor of ment, Mrs. Charles D. Clark, FIRST COME .... FIRST silvers at eight o'clock. • Mrs. Fred Gingles, Mrs. L. R. the Low:ZS ille Courier Journal, presided at the business meeting. All Sales Final! • • — • No Lay-Aways Punl'ana Mrs. B. C. Harris. will discuss current Broadway Refreshments were served by The WMS. of the Memorial Nimasnamlam...i.amaiwommommismaillf were the mernuers of the dec- the hostesses who were Mrs. Bob elapust Caurcti will other-se the oration •committee. Garrison, Mrs. 'Charles James, is eel' One Lot Women's Better Places were • marked for forty Delta Mu Chapter Mrs. Lynn Lassiter, Mrs. Robert two o'clock." Moyer, and Mrs. Gillard Ross. persons. Meets At Home Of * • • • • S -.1• • • • • • - .11Irs. Martha Carter The week of, prayer will be Calloway ACE Has The Delta Mu Chapter -of the observed oy 'the "%MS 01 the Mrs. Armstrong Is Woodmen Circle Sorority met r irst Baptist Church at the Regular Meeting DRESSES Isfor the regular February meet- cnurch at two-taurty The Calloway County Branch hostess For .1Ieet •. • • ing with- Mrs. Martha Carter. of the Association for Childhood — irAtUES TO $24.50 — on The Garden Department of the Of Protemus Club the adviser, and elected Rose Education held its regular meet- .19. LimitecNuantity Murray %ulna:xis coax rho meet ing at the Austin Elementary Mrs.Thomas L. - ATMS:rortg Marls.- Dyer' as delegate to the Broken Opened tier home for the meeting Southern Convention of the Tau at tne-ciuo house at two-tfurty School on South Ninth Street on • Sizes of the Prutemus li‘snemakers Phi Lambda Society in Nashville, o'clock. Monday, February 25, at seven- ••-ses•- • Come and Get 'Em — Be Here Early! Club held on -1.1uncIas. February April 2728. - thirty -o'clock in the evening. 'Friday, March 8 Mrs. A. A. Doherty, president, 111111•11b. 25, at one-thirty o'ciock in the Loretta Culver and Shirley The 30 million Americans who cut their own lawns are getting a afternoon. Kilgore were elected alternates. The Memorial napiist Church break—a power motor with stand-up starting and finger-tip control. presided at the business meeting. The roll call was answered by Kay ' Roberts was elected to VSMS whi uoserve inc y.'eug ut Now, on the new 21-inch rotary Mow-Nlaster, you can do everything The program was the exami- One Lot Women's nine members and Mrs. Barletta membership by :he chapter. She prayer Mr mane missions with a handle-length away from all moving parts—a real safety advan- nation of the books on exhibit stooping to choke, or pull starter rope. Wrather runty hsme demon- win .li,Ie Pledged at the .March meetings at 'the enuren at two tage. And no more in the recreational room. Stand-up starting is so simple you wonder why they didn't think stration agent. The devotion Was meeting. and initiated at the con- o'citscic :tact at seven - thirty Refreshments were served by JACKETS a pedal automatically pulls a regular re- o'ciuck. of it before. Stepping on reao Isy -Mrs. Bauzie Cochran in vention. coil starting rope, which starts the mower. Finger-tip control gives the hostesses who were Miss The chapter opened • • • • handle. A Laurine Tarry, Miss • Men Style 00 the absence of the reading chair- and clos- you all the operations at the flick of the finger to choke, Kathleen into. Mrs. Mary Paschall. ed in regular order with Miss The week 01 prayer for home idle, set varying speeds and stop the mower. Pnttor,on, and Mrs _Frank Ryan • Zipper Style Murdock 'gave TheI KiVore, vice presiselent. 'presiding missions win be ooservtif bY-ttie- stsnd now if they'll develop a gram that grows only two inches.. the Carter Elementary School ONLY A FEW LEFT! leg - ,n on -Draperies" from which in the absence of the president. sas ut the First iriap•ust Church eat t member learned that it is Glenda Culver: was selected to at the cnurch at MO ••• thirty mow alv sys wise so study the pattern 'serve as vice .g o clock. car fully before Selecting fhe Martha Matipin ward'ill'pote • • • • -Only 6 Left — Women's that she would like for treasurer. The officers and teacher of the Full Length he•H Ii call was by the secretary, Young tsurneris cam ut me • .* Ltfr,.,nrr.ents were ,erN. ed by Saiah Sykes, and prayer by the Zirst Baptist Church will, meet the mstess. chaplain, Lorna Alexander. a t the flume of Mrs. Stu° Inu- North Street, at COATS 500 The March meeting will be Plans for the Southern Con- ,sun, Fourteenth held in the home of Mrs. Billy vention were discussed and the seven-thu-ty WHILE THEY LAST Murdock. All Visitors are wel- chapter' decided to send fur • • • • come. members from Murray. Mrs. Saturday. March 9 Goldia McKeel Curd, assistant The Captain Wenueu Oury acitiser and state ,manager -will chapter es toe DAR will meet Women's Full Length . accompany the girls. . at inc home of Mrs. George hart 3 Only — .The sorority drill team will at two-thirty o'clock. Personels go to* Bowling 'Green to attend • • • • ..:- and the Woodmen Circle State Con- COATS and, son. Craig. nave returned vention April 11-12 and will l000 — VALUES TO to their home in Dearborn, Mich.. Tlfieiate-at the Memorial Cere- Girl Scout $39.50 — after spending the week with mony. 1111111141111EiMMIMENEMP88..."MMEMV their parents. Mr. and Mrs James Sandwiches. home - baked Parker of Murray and Mr. and cookies and hot chocolate were Odd Lots — Broken Sizes - Mrs. Serie Sitter of Kirksey. served at thesclose of the meet- Notes = '•• ing by Mrs. Carter. the hostess On SUITS 50o February 14, Troop 19 of • Wom's the Murray Girl Scouts cele- I—LAST TIMES TONIGHT- brated Valentine's Day this year DORIS DAY in with their sweethearts, their aads..4 FIRST HERE — FIRST TO SAVE!! The troop, under the leauership I AIIMINMEMMIlm "JULIE" with of Mrs. Bill Nail and Mrs. Verne LOUIS JOURDAN K,yie, had a spaghetti dinner at One Group Men's Long Sleeve BERRY .SULLIVAN their dads. Eacn gift binned a FRANK LOVEJOY Valentine heart on her mici's AIMIIIMIlmi coat, the symbol "Be My'Vas n- Sport SH raTs tine". We all had a real go-, • Odd Lots 2oo WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY . time, and our dads really en- joyed meeting each other ammo riaving this opportunity to chat One Lot Men's FEBRUARY 18 EDITION while we cud the , dishes, which PLEASE NOTE: — was a task almost nice in the 1 of "LIFE" SAYS — "FILMS FIND A SINGER, lovely kitchen. JULIE LONDON" Sharon Lee Wilkerson, Scribe SLACKS $3.00 In the Girl Scout Calendar. ! • Broken Sizes --- THIS IS IT --- Thinking Day, Feb. 22, ma the occasion of world-wide remem- Stock Up Now! The picture that carried her to fame, as brance 'of the ,Baden-Poweus, founders of world scouting, and the cast-off lover of the Great Man" a sort of hands-arouna-the-worio observance of Girl Scout frienu- DISHES ship. Each troop as celebrating. I in its own way, the community- CUPS, all colors 10c ea. THE GREAT MAII? service, world-friendship themes PLATES, all colors . 15c & 20c ea. prefuremost. I figured I • The week 61 March .10-16. • SAUCERS, all colors 10c ea. next could handle Girl' Scout Week, is the FRUITERS [cereal dishes] 10c ea. big ening -coming up Irt- Go. him all right, Scout atlairs. containing a:. PIE PLATES 10c ea. does the 45th birthday. of • Co:. but I was Scouting, March 12. 1 hroughost that week there lilt be 'birtnuay • One Lot Boy's lubber Coated celebrateets in t1 e chile ree t annual Cookie Sale, couldn't... troops, the , now a national. institution, :mu RAINCOATS loo not that sadio specialties by the Girl first night... Scouts themselves, broadcast with i • Not All Sizes the generous aid of the staff or ever"— of WNBS, S,, watch and listen Spring Preludes for the Girl Scout programs • antr - One Group Boy's .•••••••••• messages on your 'local station. • We!ve been tuning up and now the curtain rises on our Carlye could love Monday afternoem the Brownie ! Prclude collection. This duct is one by popular request: Topcoats-Suits MCCA.:IC, soo Truu-p .-uf Mrs. Bill the Great Man L. • cotton sharkkin jacketeer with bravado lining. Shown in Troop 23, met at the scout cabin. - or resist him • Priced To Co — Not All Sizes , In observance of Thinking Day. ...ry Ilarper's Baza'ar. Sizes G to 16. Sizes 7 to 17. $55.00 —.05 the troop of 15 girls, their leader, 1•111111•11021111111MINININIMMIN Joe Harris NM: McClute, assistant 'cattier. One Group Boy's Better c3\\V Mrs. 'Euro- Garland, and Mrs found out! Rob Walston, went to the Moir- ray Rest Home and deliveteu Sport Coats JOSE FERRER nine potted plaists to the patiers, ct 600 there, a swell as a cake baked . \tiv1‘' • Broken Sizes 1THE GREAT MAN by Mrs.- Gene Jones. The girls were then transport ‘, ed to the Dairy Ann, wheie N JULIE LONDON • JOANNE GILBERT o Exchanges * No Refunds * No DEAN JAGGER • KEENAN WYNN •• they were treated to refresturojes Airs. ifgcCiiiisi. 4111IMMIIIIIMIIIMM••••1•1111111INNLny-Awaysa


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41140•Itawame ••••,. • -er PAGE FIVE TUESDAY — "..of ARCH , 1957 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY E1 5, 1957 5_ THIS POLITICIAN NO SHARPIE EGGS THE GIVE-AWAY LOS ANGELES Ut - Mrs. Read Our Classifieds ' MOUNT VERNON, Ill. It? - Elizabeth Bonazza -Aold a divorce The race, for mayor of Mount court that She knew her mar- Vernon shapes up as a dull rive was cracking Up when she one. Virgil Bailey withdrew from found put that her husband, the contest Thursday, leaving Ralph, had carried 15 dozen ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE JoeD ull as the unopposed candi- eggs in a garbage pail to the date. home of "another woman," .- -.. WELDING lo per word for one day, minimum of 17 words for 50e - rie per word for thralls days. Classified ads are payable In advance. . . NIXO—VM-YOUR OF AFRICA — • Machinery Repaired Out- A. D. Butterworth. M5c • Portable Equipment for Noma FOR SALE HELP WANTED ITALY of-Town Jobs 1 TWO ROOM AND THREF room Machine Computes 24-Hour Service apartments, furnished. Cold and Munitions Data AUTO, FIRE, LIFE, and Inland WANTED: Married man with car, hut water, bath. Married couples GOOCH & BAXTER WELDING SHOP Marine insurance. Contact Wayne age'22-40, with high school edu- preferred. Phone 325. 1206 West or more 828-J-1 Wilson, phone 321. M13C cation, to work 8 hours Main. M5p East Main St. Phone 1967 or daily. Must have good personal- By VICTOR WARTOFSKY ity. We train and finance. Phone 3 ROOM UNfurnished apartment. United Staff Correspondent THREE ROOM HOUSE: Cheap. or write Fuller Brush Co., 422 Private bath and entrance. Elec- Press Paducah, Ky., $1500. End of Broad Street. Columbus Ave., tric heat. Phone 1975 or 16564. WASHINGTON Ut -Engineers Coleman, *Call 1121 Paris, Tennessee. A. T. phone 3-2777 % Clgton TFC at the Army Chemical Center at MRS ,Crawford. M6P Manager. nearby Edgewood, Md., have a Announcement CARD OF THANKS "think machine" that answers RESPONSIBLE INDI V1DUAL mathematical questions in a TELEPHONE TABLE with car for Courier-Journal means of expres- DIVA N, We take this flash. Tile only catch is that opportunity to an- Phone 533. M5c dealer route in Murray. This is our deepest appreciation for I would like to take this with seat. sing probable answers have'.-to be fed an excellent part time job with kindness shown us in the the into the machine. It picks the good earnings. For personal in- of our mother, wife, daugh- loss right one. nounce as candidate for Magistrate for the Mur- 1953 MODEL Chevrolet pickup. terview write to Box 32-C, Mur- ter and sister, Mrs. Loreda Carter Good condition. Orville Owens, ray Ledger and 'FIFnes, -Murray, Canady. We want especially to The Chemical Warfare Labora- r amass UGANDA subject to the action Map Hazel Route 1. M7P Ky. . M5P thank the flower girls, pallbear- tories employ the machine to ray Magisterial District, • ers Bro. Hargis and the Max H. evaluate the effectiveness of cer- Ees 6 Churchill Funeral Home. tain types of munitions. For ex- traces Vice President Nix- STARTING at Rabat, Morocco, this map of the May 28th Primary, CHOICE'well located lot, 2'cheap NOTICE • May God bless each and every- ample, the machine might be tour of Africa. In Accra he par- on's 17,800-mile, 22-day good will lots. New 3 bedroom 'brick house one of you. possibilitieSof British Gold Coast colony asked to compare ticipates in ceremonies changing the New 2 bedroom brick house. 51 Max Jr., Karen Sue concealment of many smoke Ghana. The Soviet lately has been tVED !! MONU• MENTS into the independent state of acre farm $4,700 house with G.I. Mrs. Carter Africa, aside from pressure Murray Marble & Granite Works, Mr. and Riley bombs versus a few smoke making many diplomatic overtures in bedroom liouse with for a counter-effect Burney Gingies Final! loan. Three memorials for and Gayle bombs. department hopes J. builders of fine • on Egypt, and the state maimosidi basement near city limits. Mod- ovei half century. Porter White, The question would also con- ern home arid 2/14 rtcres of land, Phone 121 M 16C tain data about a given area Manager. Answer to Saturday's Puzzle 3 miles out on black top. Also all Cornell Has Three under certain wind* and tem- CROSSWORD PUZZLE kinds of insurance. Claude L. SEWIN MACHINES., Necchi, Speeds For Math perature conditions. The Army ACROSS 38-Cut 0100 OOP= ROO Miller. Phones .758 and 1058. pomestic, .Bro'her. Repair all said such a question might con- 40-Note of scale OOR MOOD HMO # Over Stubblefield Drug. M7C 1-irat'• feet 41-Fortner firili•lt call Allen's tain as many variables as there 5— M,alk %scarily rrini• Minister ORM0000 maim, makes. *rite or h CARS ITRACA, N: Y. ---Cornell Farni USED 9- animal 42-Forms DOOM UORO sewing Machine Ex., 210 S. 4th., are different kinds of weather. University teaches freshmen i2-Mountaing in 44-Ceremony 011MAIMO MMMOOR Paducah. Dial 2-8900 or Murray The variables, or different an- Russia • 46-Little knot — Wanted mathematics students at three swers, are stored up on a mem- 13-Roof edge 49-Opiatt MROM MOM M- 1956 OLDSMOBILE, Super Holiday se- phone 1091. M19P 11-Girl's name 52--Challenges OW OUGION 00 F different speeds to make up for ory drum and magnetic tape. An 16-llooda cast 63-Hawahan MO WOOMO UNA dan. GRAVEL LOADER to attach to different backgrounds. electric typewriter feeds the adrif t wreath ORNAMENTAL IRON, cast and 17-Talk Idly 54-Cross MOOT F20 F mall tractor, at once. Classes were split up into see- commaads into the computer and Is-Shure bird 66-Latvian unit at Og OROM designs, porch columns, 21-l'oasuira 1955 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille, clean. Phone 12, Kynias McClure. wrought ms of 20. students after apti- then the "brain". makes its choice. ,,d currency lull MIRO IMOD= light .22- Slats posts 67-Spread for M7P railings, mail box and post, tude tests revealed what they 24-List of drying rrno MOOng US Early! 11111 picnic tables, yard furniture, etc. mathematics. The Not For Field Us* - Catholic feasts 511-tta,lic OUR mmati N ....,1-955 FORD Fairlane, 2-dr., auto. trans- w -about_ 27-River in Italy 59--Footwear "‘, Low prices, easy terms, free es, students who had less back- .Each miming, before opera- 29-Remain 1957 mission, V-8. timates. Mayfield Ornamental ground were given an extra hour Units begin, the machine is put 'iii— inuerlol' DOWN 6-Once around vi • Standard Diary 31-Yellow bugle track Iron Co., 335 Willow Drive, ph. of instruction each week without through a test run. A series of 33-Rod Me of a 1-Soft mass 7-Egg-shaped • Aristocrat Diary region 2-Seed coating 1951 OLDSMOBILE, 4-dr., Super 88. 2881 Collect. A4c credit. figure and known answers are 7- objects • Cash Account Diary 15-Algonquian vehicle 5-strike out Prof. R. J. Walker, mathema- given the machine to see if its Indigo 4-Scrfs 26-Kind of fabric 5-Hebrew iette 9-Dens Auto Record Book department chairman, said working properly. 10-Poem 1952 OLDSMOBILE 98, 4-dr., all auto RENT tics It-Armed conflict Auto Expense Book FOR the extra hour of work eliminat- The sensitive electronic brain 16-English transmission. mathematician matic Travelers Expense Book F ed the need of some students to never gets tired. However, in jOO 18-Later Day•At-A-Glance Book FURNISHED Garage Apartment. hire tutors. order for the computer to work' 20-Hind part OLDSMOBILE Super 4-dr. Memo Book 23-KII1 without 1952 88 'Private entrance. Heat furnished. correctly, it must be kept cool. ic 7 due process of 1957 Calendars 'Available at once. Phone 535. A large air-condi-Wining unit ac- law 25-Transaction 1950 CHEVROLET 2-dr. M6C complishes this purpose. 26-5ill•r whale Office Supply Department An estimated 10,600 persons r V MION4114•1111M The Array said the complicated 21 25/2* 25 Ig 27-Heap Ledger & Times perished in fires in the United MI-Roman poet mechanism .doesn't get injured if .m.••11.•=.1 2.3 1949 FORD 2-dr. • FURN ISHED _APARTMENT a- States during 1956 This was 7:4. g,2, 20-Small Call 55" 2- crustacean than in 1955. It receives the wrong commands. 1 vailable at once. Call 100. Mrs. 875 fewer a. 13-1.4quidleas All Except The '49 Ford Auto. Transmission Its memory" can be erased with '.g4.- 32 755 fef 36 barometer / a push button, and fr code per- 34-Persia NICE CLEAN CARS 64 37 g311 ,9 • /.7*.' 37-Wife of mits it to start on a new problem (tern In ELIZABETH SEIFERT'S NEW NOVEL { A 35-Foot levers Also Nice Selection New Oldsmobilp• with a clean slate. 42-Spanish title jOO Even though the Center is nev- A 43-Siik material 45-Famous er stumped for an answer, there EMENNUMEMEU ancient city A Call for Doctor arto is one handicap.' The electronic UMEMMINFAMMUM 47-Mother of C19511 by Elisabeth Seifert. Reprinted by permission of the pub. f Apollo Reber, Dodd, Mead •Co. Dietributed by KMg Features Syndicate, computer isn't portable. The 45-Actual being J. T. Hale Motor Sales the MUM MUM 411-,In music, high Army said the soldier in • MEM 64-Born field "still has to think for him- 51-,Dawn N. Seventh St. Phone 833 4 MIN MIMI MOM Iti-Pretlx: down CHAPTEP. 25 self." MIR 1.• 0.10.3 Ign.r• •••••••• 1•• "Time can't be muck mo- ney in trial lawyer arrme ESPITE what w;th so' li a I the court h-d the project." said Grady wryly. man? He by Ernie Bushm:Iler D said was wrong lit II NANCY, about Grady Barton's "Whether Kopp gets his Nett- -but not having he was irrefutably right, been guilty of crimi. ment or not." too. nal malpractice, town talk was -He won't." Meanwhile, Dr. Barton's once- CAT--- still accusing him of the death of "No, I edon't think OH , MY POOR he will, promising practice continued to the Kopp grandchild. People either, but the talk around town dwindle. He made out bills a, I LEFT HIM OUT were, in effect, calling him a has already hurt me, and this they came due, mailed them ano munierer, which perhaps.was to lawsuit may finish me." IN THE COLD--- be expected without exception was paid in from certain people, "What are you going to do full. HE'LL the ignorant, the uninformed, about it?" Alone in his empty houne, scattered through the community. Grady smiled, then the said, "I big man rubbed his hands down But as the days went by he must hope I can hang on for 506 a time. over his face. He should, he recognize the growing extent of Maybe sup- People will eOrnetolotk posed, leave the Hollies. that talk, and the belief in it at me and Kopp and Next Mo as we month such minimum expenses 'El And now there all, really should as was no definite appear in this. food and light and heat way to defend I'm sorry for would himself. With no Kopp, if he really make him draw money formal charge does think I'm from Ma made, he couki not responsible for savings, which were not great hire a lawyer to that child's death; he in present his case, must have the first place. That would nor could he loved the baby very be testify in his own be- much." justified if he thought time half. Judge Cowan looked would surprised. clear up his present difficulty', The "But. Gra'all'," he protested, townspeople stopped call- "a but why should it? The Hollies ing father - even a 11 him to their homes and did grandfather -- had tried the new doctor, and the not their grjet doesn't express 200 come to his office. At first itself people were deciding that they in he thought this defection wanting to hurt someone else. didn't want was At such Grady Barton. If' only a gradual letting-up from times, you beat your Grady left, they'd own head get someone the spell of winter illness which against the wall or you else In, someone who go into a numb would not by %missals V. Bursa had kept him so very busy for silence. No, it's "let a child die." ABBIE an' SLATS two weeks guilt or fear or remorse, maybe, there in January. Rot Grady should-he must -give 14fl',4G ? as --- that takes this sort of j BY JOHN DILLINGER..rr-'/W (-WHERE /5 HE L more and more appointments vindictive up the whole project so far as it -HE WON'T DARE SUGGEST action. Kopp knows that V TONIGHT, j WHERE THE WHOLE WORLD were canceled or simply not his own concerned him as a doctor, WE SIT HOME,AS WE'VE DONE LOOK SPLENDID 1.00 kept: stubbornness cost and TO THE OPERA? when the /NE for one whole afternoon no child his move on. But where and how FOR THE LAST MISS PIMPLETON..rf— I CAN SEE one life. Mo has persuaded him EVERY DATE at all sat in his waiting room, that would he make that move? He N WANT THE WHOLE WORLD 70A DA ACE.. 2-ro A LAl//H Grady must he can blame you, publicly, and 17 YEARS TY consider what was could not apply at any other , TO SEE YOU!! CLue?)ff going Kopp is agreeing in the FEARLESS oft hope that place just now. It would only It will make his own SEES "If that child had lived," sense of mean a refusal. He must wait his plat less galling. You ME thinking summed up know until, as Judge Cowan promised, the matter, that's how things are!" $ -I'd have been a hero. the lawsuit should be DRESSED But-he "Yes, I know dismissed. didn't live." it and you know The judgment refused. SO it Maybe even Mo knows it. But Ile was hurt at this He must wait . . . and he GLAMOROUSIA-- injustice, I don't believe the town knows I not a unique thing in guessed he could wait. the history it enough- to help my practice 10c ea. of medical practice, but his for any, Judge." The next day, Grady got out the first time. He his car with which he 20c ea. gave the town "Not just now, I'm afraid," was being one reason for not accusing him, said his friend. economical, and drove over to the or discussing Holly the situation with Grady thought it would Neighbors factory. he knew • 10c ea. him. be efiS- it well, because Grady himself re- ier if he could hurry having been 'named the tired into things to a factory 10c ea. a shell of silence which conclusion, but the law doctor, though it so hap- amounted moves pened to brusquenes.a slowly, and the days that his services had not ea. He were made been 10c wouldn't talk about the up of minutes that called for lately, and he, in matter had to be his to anyone. The situation pa.ssect Soon Grady thickening shell of protective existed, established a and It was hard to take routine by which he withdrawal, had not yet made - but he lived. He this was determined to Let continued to be month's visit of inspection. as if available in his nothing was wrong, office at the hours Today he walked past the glass Until designated in door by Al Capp the day came when Oren gold leaf upon his front marked with the name of LIL' ABNER Kopp, with Mo Chronister window: his friend, Joe Perry. as his he made the house calla on his He hoped loo attorney, clapped on Grady Joe was still his friend, but Bar- list and filled the rest of the he ton, M.D. a suit for would rather not $25,000 darn- time as best he was able. His put the matter THEN YOU'RE WRONG, '1-YOU MEAN-- ages for the loss of to the test. his grand- friends all might have been ROCKY, WHAT I TOLD yOu WEREN'T child's pleasure and In the larger EMI company. friendly, but Grady gave them lit. general office, he MEAN YOU THOUGHT LAWYER WALL OAS- I GONG TO USE That day, Judge asked the receptionist Cowan came tie chance. Ile did continue to if he might PLANNING TO COULDN'T IDENTIFY ME To SAVE to see Grady. "I asked see the personnel Mo If he'd attend the Lions Club meetings manager. The '.D YOU OVER TO THE you-I MEAN THE YOUR OWN completely blown his girl knew him, and cork!" said - on other evenings, he read. simply pointed °CPS ON THAT GAS GIRL IN THE NECK '! the elegant her pencil toward LANG,' gentleman, "and he What he did first, mistakenly the proper door. STATION RAP? P6‘6 talked to rne of The factory personalities. The perhaps, but naturally, was to was a subsidiary Soo gall of him! Telling me that I'd give of a large manufacturihg con- up singing in the choir. Ile _lived in a small town cern, and their so long that told June Cowan that he meant employes were I confused personal sometimes consideration to do this, and said he wished to shifted about The wIth'it man's legal personnel NMI rights." "save the church embarrass- manager now at Holly • Grady sat in his desk chair, ment." Neighbors had come to them shaking his head. "You're oversensitive, three weeks before from the Mil- "As Grady," if he weren't being pee- protested Judge Cowan. waukee office. His office door sonally vindictive," stood Judge Cowan "I have a foolproof system half-open, and knocking 1 finned. "For of upon all his discourse to knowing who my friends the door frame, Grady went 600 mettbout are." this being the sort of "Sonic of us aren't sick." actiOn a person would take in a "That's good." large 'city against a doctor who "Grady, we brought you here T))))))) rem.: June spent. was careless op with ethical rules. because we needed you-" about I'll handle Grad4's "other woman," your case, of course, • -I'm here, If I'm needed " Grady." Head Chapter 213 In this news- How could even an experienced paper. ISMS



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PAMI: SIX THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY TUESDAY — MARCH 5, 1957 Ow. Study Shows N.D. ORANGE JI.. AND LANDED HER .fl a. N. D. Experiments Migration Pattern Moral Training Of Youth FIXED HER WITH New rroducts with Juniper Plant

FARGO, N. D. Mit' BY ,CLYDE H. FARNSWORTHI —Meddra TARG„ „ort„Considered Urgent Training United Press Staff Correspondence lkul.wr will be planted in North Dakuta-.,evperimentally this Dakota's immigration fell short NEW YORK ---a?-- You can yearli of do doorway with said Donald G. Hoag, horticul- balancing the outflow by a- .By LOUIS CASSELS nation was represented among pull-ups in any designed to turist at North Dakota State Ex- bout 175.000 in 1950, according United Press Staff Correspondent the respondents. a new exercise .bar to a special tuds7 of trim the figure without a -trip to periment Station. U S. census 1 WASHINGTON ,IP — High The first question was whether data at:North Dakota State Col- the gym. Medora juniper is representa- school principals in all parts public ,high schools shauld make lege. The stainless steel device, called tive of a distinctive type of of the nation regard the moral a "special effort" to teach moral the "Easy Way_ Gym Bar," NIS Rocky Mountain juniper native training of- - -teen-age oathss ritual-values. -_ -111,111.10 ottlY-35 per cent oi the i ends that screw out to the widah to a small area near Amidon, N. State's- people were One....._oL. their most 'urgent prob- Twenty - six principals rated born within of the doorframe where they are D. The tree has a distince blue- the state, 38 per lems, a L'nited Press poll dis- this task "imperative." Thirteen cent were born held firm, by pressure inside the green color. ._ip „other _.,tlaleg .22Taeg cent closed today. ,. cl2Lese the '"clesirailgs." bar. Jr —The plant is difficult to root as • were •foreign-borr. fluf principal; Whtiparticipat- one said it is "unnecessary." • When set thf bar will hold up t*o cuttings but when grafted on. ect in she- poll had a• variety • Each -principal was- then asked pounds. Among accessories Today. only about eight . per ..230 seedling 'rootstocks it yields p of ideas 'on". how ethical and to outline briefly what his school available rings for more cent of North Dakota's people are fire gym slender and compact tree, he spiritual values can be taught is now doing in this field. complicated exercises.. (Klaudt e.foreign -born . effectively in public' schools. Variety Of Programs said. If will stay within bounds • Products, Inc., Woodstock, 111.> or States that have received the They were. sharply divided on Four replied, that no particular without pruning trimming and bulk of North Dakota's out-mi- what role religion should play. effort is being made. The other is of value for foundation plant- gration are, in order. Minnesota Here's what you can do with a Some strongly favored non-sec- 36 principals reported a wide ings. Washington and California . In new food chooper in seven sec- tarian religious observances and variety of programs. onds: cut up three medium-sized 1950. -Minnesota included among PRISON GETS CINEMASCOPE objective • teaching about religion Religious observances of some onions, or four hard boiled eggs its citizens more than 70.000 be,rn SAN QUENTIN; Calif. MI.._ as part of the school program. type were listed by 13 principals or a dozen cooked chicken livers. in North Dakota. and Washington The big screen has come to the Others contended that religion a an integral part of the moral The so-called ' "Chop-O-Matic" and California each had more big house. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer must be excluded entirely from guidance activities of their . consists of six stainless steel cut- than 60,000. Montana and Oregon is installing Cinemascope equip. rublic school efforts to develop schools. Morning devotionals, tingknives attached to a nylon- followed, and.. then a' group of 'Tient at San Quentin Prison high, moral 'Character in students. featuring Bible reading and clutch spring plunger—all en- north central states. in appreciation for prison co- The poll was conducted among' )raver, were the most common closed in a shell made of trans- The study showed that 'Norh operation during the filming of 40 principals selected at random , pattern. One school broadcasts parent polystyrene. , tPopeil Bro- Dakota received more population "The House -4 Numbers" at the among delegates to this week's a daily five-minute inspirational thers, Inc., Chicago 7, Ill.) -born in Minnesota, than' from any prison. other • state, and received more annual convention Of the National I prograrh over its loud-speaker people born in South Dakota and Association of Secondary School system to each classroom. An- Du Pont Co. of Wilmington, Iowa than it gave. Principals Every section of the, other brings in local ministers Del., has come out with a new to address student assemblies. sponge rubber underlay to make Call Her Madam

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