lORRANtfe PR I Sit Hage'C-11 Wednesday, October 24, 1963 Trucks «nd Cimpsr. 199 Automobllt. for $ ! 200 Automobile ferjafc __ 200 ^twnebllMJfor WO Automobile for Sal* 200

CLEARANCE SALE OP NEW and used Truck aid campers at discount price*. Big gavinos to make r°°m 'w our '" models. V '«1 CHEVROI ET Chassis with Ifl'V Clearance Sale Bel-Air self contained camper. Glass sliding doors, and patio, i Built-in electric refrigerator, pre»- . urlzed water system, 40 gal. of | Instantaneous hot water, shower. Pri«urlred flush toilet with i SALE... MPtlc tank We are now dis­ counting these unit* at $500. '62 RAMBLER CLASSIC «3 CHEVROLET. *'* ton pickup' with new 10"a ft. open road cab- CUSTOM "400" 2-DOOR ov»r carnner. $99 down and 3 Brand New '62 Mercurys and Comets years to pav. RADIO AND HEATER '42 CHEVROLET "/iton with new 10'a foot delux* open road cab- And over camper. U9 down and 3 AUTOMATIC DRIVE years to pay. POWER STEERING at CHEVROLET pickup with new 8V» ft. Open Road Cab Over BUCKET SEATS DEMONSTRATORS AND EXECUTIVE CARS Camper. $79 down and 3 year* to paV WHITEWALLS FULL PRICE '39 FOPO pickup with new H'i 2286 Cab over Open Road Camper. $59 Stock down and 3 years to pay. No. Moke WAS NOW '» DODGE PICKUP with «>/» ft. open road cab ever camper. %M down and 3 years to pay. HUNT RAMBLER SALES 1336 Monterey Custom 2»do0r H.T. ' $3723.15 $2754 .39 'S» CHEVROLET Pickup with used .78 roamor, ft (t. cab over camper. 402-500 TE 5-6646 1400 Monterey Custom 2-door HT. $4341.50 $3269 $:<9 down and 2 years to pay. WEST ANAHEIM WILMINGTON Op«n Evening* and Sunday* 1389 Monterey S-55 (Bucket Seats) $4063,85 $3046.85 'J4 DODGE pickup With new « ft. non cab over Ooen Road Cemper. 1409 Monterey 2-door H.T. (new) $4341,90 $3457.58 $29 down and 3 years to pay. I 1W SKODA Coupe. 1?ST Turnpike Cruiser. Excellent condition throughout. 195$ NASH RAMBLER Good con­ Exceptional. Complete power. You can have for M9S. $100 dition. $350 1415 Monterey 4-door H.T. (new) $3858.65 $3082.83 '40 GAAC pickup with new II'4 W. DA «-«3t Cab over Ooen Poad Camper. $59 PRESS Factory air. J1025 2580A Skylark down. 24 months to pay. down and 3 years to pay. Drive, Torrance. After 6 p.m. or 1429 Monterey Colony Park $4154.95 $3315.91 Circulation Dept. week-ends. ROBIN MOTORS DON'T JUST HOPE what'* ios< THC ASOVt CAMPERS can be will be found Contact ih* finder 7512 Meteor 4-door $3111.15 $2404.41 had with '63 model trucks. ANTIQUE 1WO 2-door Chevy 3JOI PACIFIC COAST HWY. vie A Torrnnce Prets Classified DA 5-1515 Sedan. $300. Call HERMOSA BEACH Ad. DA S 1515 7536 Meteor 4-door Sedan $3174.30 $2449.46 •VI CHEVROLET Pickup wjth I ft. DA A-1193 FR Camper. You can have tor $199$ .82 $49 down and 3 years to pay. 7549 Meteor 4-door Sedan $3086.30 $2603 7552 Meteor 4-door Sedan , $3001.60 $2532,37 7559 Meteor 2-door Sedan $3062.10 $2547.24 Clearance Sale 7560 Meteor 4-door Sedan $321 0.20 $2677.32 7570 Meteor 4-door Sedan $31 10.90 $2600.19 7579 Meteor 2-Door Sedan $2894.70 $2434.19 ROSIN MOTORS 1201 Pacific COMt Highway 5319--Comet Custom 4-Door $2724.00 $2095.68 Hermoea Beach FR 2-3111 '62 RAMBLER CLASSIC 5293 Comet S-22 (Bucket Seats) * $2850.00 $2369.30 CUSTOM "400" 4-DOOR USB CLASSIFIED ADS to buy or Comet Villager Station Wagon $3303.15 $2739.92 II. R«»ult» are fait Telephone 5321 DA 5-1515, ask for an ad-taker • RADIO AND HIATIR 5350 Comet Custom 2-door $2717.90 $2257.82 AUTOMATIC Automobile* for Sal* 200 5371 Comet Custom 4-door $2672.90 $2228.04 POWER STEERING 5374 Comet Custom Station Wagon $3103.10 $2576.47 FINANCE • WHITEWALLS BUCKKET SEATS RESALES CHOICE OP COLORS WANT PRIVATE FULL PRICE 2297 BIG SAVINGS PLUS HIGHEST TRADE-INS PARTIES TO TAKE OVER TMB LOW BANK RATES FOLLOWING UNITS '62 MODELS LAWCCP or.- if no cash pav HUNT RAMBLER SALES W 20 mo. and assume balance of fftW, 402-500 TE 5-6646 POLARA DODGE- if no ca^h My 129 10 mo. and MturrM twl- WEST ANAHEIM WILMINGTON Or»«n Eveningt «nd Sunday* ince of $247t. Op»n CABRILLO MOTORS . Sundty- » '61 MODELS '59 RAMBLER VALIANT station wagon If nor Evening* 10 a.m. to ta*h pav $21 50 rno and ai- Custom 4-Door MERCURY »ume balance of S15D4 6 p.m. VALIANT 4 door, if no ca«H pav Automatic, heater, etc OHqlnal Til 9 p.m. $77 40 mo. and assume baianc* of 1850 S. PACIFIC AVE. Inside and out Reflect* the ex­ WHY NOT BUY HERE! cellent care received. CHEV MONZA 4 Spd, If no cash pay I24U mo. and assume SAN PEDRO TE 3-3577 balance of tt487. Public confidence is the keystone upon which the success of noan FconoHne Bus.-lf no cash $1295 n,-w t?/( 75 rno. and assume bal our company is built. We maintain this confidence by square • < ' V392. ir.r.ir/.' Tempest-If no cash AL ORTALE r>«y $2*20 mo. and assume bal­ dealing at fair prices. ance nf t'4W RAMBLER FALCON 4 door If no cash pay M«M Hawthorne Blvd. f* 1 1M4 t?3.M mo and avmme balance of Come and See for Yourself H2II. '60 MODELS ' '57 CADILLAC *OPO r Bird if nn ea*h pav Clearance Sale $34.«0 mo. and assume balance of Fleetwood Fufl power, Including windows CHEV. Impale J-door H T. -If no and seats. Jet black finish, '63 RAMBLERS ALL '62 RAMBLERS MUST GO NOW! rash pay $29.^0 mo. and assume I wMtejvalls, etc. balance of tt&79 With the "Same Easy Terms" as Always RENAULT DAUPHINR- If no cash pay 122.47 mo. and assume balance of $591. $1695 CORVAIP 4 door If nn cash nay »?4 40 mo and assume balance of AL ORTALE «lf>»4 Only Down '62 RAMBLER CLASSIC VALIANT |f no cash pay $7,170 mo and assume balance of *i 102 RAMBLER }OAIt Hawthorne Blvd. PR I 1}14 CUSTOM 4-DOOR SfUDE Lark If no cash pay 199 t2) 40 mo. and assume balance of '60 BORGWARD RADIO AND HEATER DODGE Waoon If no Ca^h oay As $ 21 40 mo. and assume balance of I Station Wagon »n«S Low Per • AUTOMATIC PALCON Waaon If no ce*h pay Low mileage. Terrific economy. 48?3 17390 mo. and assume balance Like new. As f imt. Month POWIR STEERING '59 MODELS OOD&E 2 door H T.-- If no ca«h FULL PRICE pay $23.40 rno and assume bal $895 Including all chargei, tax, license, equipment, ond even credit PORD f»alaxi«j If no cash pay life, accident ond heolth insurance. NO FURTHER CHARGES 21 HO mo. and assume balance of AL ORTALE FORD Conv If no rash pay RAMBLER —-NOTHING HIDDEN. $70 04 mo. and assume balance of 70*11 Hawthorn* Klvrt FIT 1 1744 inn* HUNT RAMBLER SALES CHEV impala -If no cash pay '61 RAMBLER Also »?'AO mo. and assume balance 402-500 TE 5-6646 f)f »!W* I American Wagon RAAAfU.EW 4door -If no rash: WEST ANAMEIM 0p»n Evening* «nd Sunday* pa/ $19 M mo and assnmo hal- ! Big, Big Savings on Ail Remaining »anr,e of tnr«. j Automatic, radio, heater, h»ai/ti IMPFPiAL Conv -tf no rash pav ful beloe finish. Immaculate $79 (0 mn. and assume balance of throughout. '60 RAMBLER IK84. '62 RAMBLERS '58 MODELS American CHEV Impala V doo» n T ^.|f no $1795 ra«h i y $?' v) mo. and assum* Custom 2-Door hat/, HT. If no cash AL ORTALE Automatic, radio, heater, 5 *one and assume bal- AL ORTALE RAMBLER hrown and beloe. Don't ml»» tht» RAMBLER one 1 FOR 4door.-If no /.ash pay 20411 Hawthorne Blvd. r*P 11)44 ea»*r, stick shift A lit RAMBLER GOOD WILL lance o' MI? "" red beauty. FA 8-9222 TORRANCE FR 1-1244 '57 MODELS mil Hawthorne KM. Pft MI44 used W*90n If nn ^a»f cars pav t?' ?0 mo. end assume bal $1195 Vi RAMBLER' SERVICE i?A2 TfMrerr 19fV? VISTA fHPYSI. PR 7door H f. If nn Classic Wagon n wagon i i ^t AR CHtiP cash pay 170 mo, and assume AL ORTAU 'i ivr i AR ., . ,>.iio, rower »tMt Waoon -If nn rash +am«<» e pa«Mn<>ei Automatic <" '••" low RAMBLER utearinq and brake* air ("' power hrei and asMime hel- Mewthnrno Rivd rt f lass. »rv» nf $4|X Ing. radio. he»ter. One FAST THFV Wa«on..|f nn ra»h pay car and UK* now $2395 t"1 ! $0 mo. and a«»i/rr>» halanc* »*f *T9fl PONTIAC mint Hawk. If no r/ish pay $2295 OaVi'"vi vista. Automatic, ra- 19*9 PONTIAC $'940 mo and assume balance o' DON'T r(to. Hrat^r, power tteerin*)^ pow« Vi,«t« Automatic, radio. ..Mat- " biakes. Low mileage. Vary a door HT Montr.lair For The Best RESULTS clean ev power s?*erlno. J tone'blue • -If rn f«»h pay 11*90 mo. and AL ORTALE inrt white, matcMno interior,. /l-.-irvu. >,r:li>nr* nl W RAMBLER ' ' '' nay $19 40 Home Buys GO IN CIRCLES $1695 $1795 if.f # $391. Mil Hawthorne Blvd OR M}44 '•• • '. • •>• * -co ca»h pav *' r id mo. nnd assume balance of 1957 PONTIAC 1961 TEMPEST «$M Wagon Automata, radio, r>*~-'------H,T - M no cash See '61 RAMBLER TORRANCE Stelion Waaon Automatic, <* o w e f d«v heater, de luxe trim* *c r"> and aswme bal USE A PRESS Classic Priced Kiel mile;, verv low S«ve IWO f ATIOM dROUP Custom 4-Door iof> S'» 01 ns ? Classification - $2095 Dt WANT-AD HT '.V» MFUCURY 7 Mick M

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