Committee Secretary Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277 3511 Fax: +61 2 6277 5811
[email protected] Dear Sir/Madam, RE: The operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF AIR ROUTE SUPPLY AND AIRFARE PRICING; Mount Isa Businesses, Schools, Hospital and most organisations have significant trouble attracting and retaining a skilled workforce. Below are examples of just some of the reasons that expensive airfares impact on Mount Isa and North West Queensland residents; Lifestyle/Cost of Living 1. Impacts on being able to regularly catch up with family and friends who live on the coast. Which often makes residents feel isolated especially after long periods of time of not seeing loved ones. 2. Emergency unplanned trips (needing to support someone sick, injured or dying) and the fear of not being able to afford the flight costs. 3. Puts enormous limitations on taking holidays/trips away. 4. Costs limit travel to Concerts, Museums, Conferences, Sporting Events, Shows, which is extremely disappointing for residents. 5. Missing out of significant events in your families and friends lives; weddings, special birthdays, births, special occasions is absolutely devastating for residents. 6. Limits participation in training and higher education. 7. Isolates the disadvantaged; families, retirees, single and low income households, pensioners (of all kinds). 8. Limits opportunities to participate in representative sport or opportunities with the Arts etc. 9. Can’t plan an event as sales are so far ahead and for such a short time, you could never co-ordinate an event with a sale.