The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at the Wildwood Campus, 2645 Generations Drive, Wildwood, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended.

1. Call to Order/Roll Call

Dr. Craig Larson, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Dr. Craig Larson, Vice Chair; Dr. Doris Graham, Trustee; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Trustee; Ms. Hattie Jackson, Trustee, and Ms. Joan McGivney, Trustee. Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Chair, was absent.

Also present were Dr. Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, Chancellor; Mr. Marc Fried, Legal Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations.

2. Welcome to Guests

Dr. Larson welcomed State Representative Tim Jones, who presented the College with a 50th Anniversary Resolution.

3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items


4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda

On motion by Ms. Hattman, and seconded by Ms. McGivney, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised, after pulling sections 12.6 and 12.7 for discussion.

5. Approval of the June 12, 2012 and June 28, 2012 Minutes

On motion by Ms. Hattman, and seconded by Ms. McGivney, the Board unanimously approved the June 12, 2012 and June 28, 2012 minutes.

6. Approval of Resolution Re August 16, 2012 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees

On motion by Ms. McGivney, and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll-call vote, with Ms. Fitzgerald being absent, the resolution scheduling an executive session on August 16, 2012, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.

7. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments

Ms. Susan King Edmiston, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments.

8. Informational Presentation – Banner Self-Service and Degree/Certificate Tracking Tool

Dr. Donna Dare, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs; Dr. Craig Klimczak, Vice Chancellor for Technology Educational Support Services; Ms. Sally Darr, Applications Systems Analyst/Programmer; Ms. Regina Blackshear, Director of District-wide Financial Aid and Scholarships, and Ms. Kerri McCann, Enterprise Business Applications System Leader, presented on Banner Self-Service and the Degree/Certificate tracking tool and answered questions from the Board.

9. Approval of Trustee Travel

On motion by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Hattman, the Board unanimously approved trustee travel to the Missouri Community College Association Conference.

10. Approval of Board Member Committee Assignments with the Association of Community College Trustees

On motion by Ms. Jackson, and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously approved members of the Board be nominated for committee assignments with ACCT.

11. Lodging of Revised Board Policy A.8.2 Board Process

2 On motion by Ms. Hattman, and seconded by Ms. McGivney, the Board unanimously lodged revisions to Board Policy A.8.2 Board Process, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.

12. Approval of Consent Items Consent items are approved by a single motion and vote unless otherwise noted below.

12.1 Consent Item Motion and Vote

On motion by Dr. Graham, and seconded by Ms. Jackson, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved, after discussing the Georgetown University SEED Program and strategies to fill acting positions at the dean level.

12.2 Instruction and Student Services

Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions

The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education.


Human Resource Recommendations

The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations:

RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and

3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel.


Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts

The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance.



A. Financial Reports

Due to fiscal year-end closing, the monthly budget status reports are not available for the month of June 2012. Preliminary year-end budget status reports will be presented at the August 2012 meeting.

B. Warrant Check Register – June 2012

The Board, by consent, approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending June 30, 2012.

C. Ratification of Investments

The Board, by consent, unanimously ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of June, 4 2012, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.


Contracts and/or Agreements

The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions.

The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District:

RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance.


Acceptance of External Funds

The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and

5 FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance.


No items.

13. Approval of Revisions to all Board Policies Referencing the Titles Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Services, Director of Human Resources, Workforce and Community Development, and CBIL

The Board, by consent, unanimously approved title changes to all Board Policies referencing the titles Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Services, Director of Human Resources, Workforce and Community Development, and CBIL.


14.1 Chancellor’s Report

Dr. Dorsey thanked Dr. Dare, Dr. Klimczak, Ms. Darr, Ms. Blackshear and Ms. McCann for for the informational presentation and all of the hard work on Banner Self-Service.

Dr. Dorsey then commended Casey Shiller, Forest Park’s Baking and Pastry Arts Coordinator, who was named the American Culinary Federation’s (ACF) “Chef Educator of the Year” at the ACF National Convention. She said Shiller was recognized in April as the ACF Central Region Chef Educator of the Year, which covers 15 states. He competed against colleagues from the Northeast, Southeast and Western regions for the national honor. He is also the Director of Baking and Pastries for Jilly’s Cupcakes.

Dr. Dorsey expressed appreciation to Rod Nunn and his staff for an outstanding job in hosting the 6th Annual Global Corporate College (GCC) Institute at the Ballpark Hilton July 9-12. 6

Dr. Dorsey then acknowledged the following student accomplishments:

• Sherry Story, a Wildwood art student, has been accepted into the Emerging Artists as Entrepreneurs Program for the 2012/2013 St. Louis Art Fair.

• STLCC students Terrence Dixon (Florissant Valley) and Ben Hunt (Forest Park) were recognized at the May Board Meeting for winning the district student literary and art competitions. These students are among the winners of the League for Innovation Annual Student Literary and Art Competitions.

• Wildwood student Jeannine Shaffer received notification from Phi Theta Kappa that she is one of three students identified to provide the student perspective in an AACC story on Fox News.

Dr. Dorsey then announced the following upcoming events:

• The 4th Annual State of the St. Louis Workforce will be held at the Missouri Botanical Garden on Wednesday on August 8, presented by the Workforce Solutions Group. Additional information is available on the STLCC website.

• STLCC’s 50th Anniversary Golf Tournament will be held at the Tapawingo Golf Course on Monday, September 24. Special thanks to Paula Savarino and her committee.

• STLCC’s “One College” Team Day will be held Tuesday, October 16, 2012. All full-time faculty and staff are expected to attend. Additional information will be available soon.

• The University of Missouri will be holding staff retreats on August 30, September 19 and 20 at our Florissant Valley and Forest Park campuses.

• The Foundation’s “Falling in Love in Five Courses” will be held on February 9, 2013.

7 14.2 For the Good of the College Report

Dr. Larson announced that Dr. Graham and Ms. McGivney will be attending the ACCT Governance Leadership Institute in early August. He further stated the workshop grants an opportunity for new trustees to gain a substantive orientation to Community College Board governance.

Dr. Larson then reminded the Board that August 8th is the annual State of St. Louis Workforce breakfast held at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. The State of St. Louis Workforce Report will be released to an audience of business professionals during the event. The report profiles the economic landscape of the St. Louis Metro area by examining the business climate, identifying employment trends and patterns of worker dislocation. I understand that some trustees have already registered for this event. He encouraged trustees planning to attend to wish to contact Becky for assistance with the registration process.

Dr. Larson then announced that Trustees have also been invited to attend the United Negro College Fund Scholarship Banquet on August 9th, where high school seniors from the metropolitan area will be recognized. He also encouraged Trustees to contact Becky if they wish to attend.

14.3 Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns


14.4 Board Member Comments

Ms. McGivney thanked Mr. Patrick Vaughn for providing her with a tour of the Wildwood Campus. She said she had also toured the Corporate College and was impressed with both facilities.




There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 8

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations


#6 Resolution Re August 16, 2012 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees

The Board is requested to approve the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on August 16, 2012 at 6 p.m., at the Corporate College, 3221 McKelvey Rd., Bridgeton, MO, in the First Floor Conference Room, for the following reasons:

1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and

2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and

3) to discuss pending and discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and

4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and

5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004.

July 19, 2012 Board Agenda

#11 Recommended Lodging of Revised Board Policy A.8.2 Board Process

(4/12) A.8.2 Board Process

The Board will operate in a consistent manner as follows:

1. The Board meeting schedule for the next calendar FISCAL year will be adopted prior to September JULY 1 each year. The Board will operate in accordance with the Missouri State Statute and other applicable state and federal statutes.

The remainder of this policy remains unchanged.

Advisory Committee Appointments

The college recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the appointments/ reappointments listed on the following program area committee lists for a two-year term, July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014.

Addition to Current Advisory Committee

Business Administration

Mr. Matthew Uzzetta Green Tree Servicing (314) 291-0300 Mortgage Executive 3300 River Trail South, Suite 150 Earth City, MO 63045

Board Meeting 07/19/12 1















Location/Assignment Codes

CC Cosand Center

CO Corporate College

MC Meramec

FV Florissant Valley

FP Forest Park WW Wildwood


DATE 7/31/12 8/01/12 7/01/12 EFFECTIVE

temporary temporary

COMMENTS Extending position. Position. New funded. Internally with accord in is Salary E.1.2, Policy Board Range Conditions Salary


PAY RATE 59,467.00 $ $59,465




TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF PROFESSIONAL / ADMINISTRATIVE TIME - Enterprise Server Analyst, Analyst, Server Enterprise Temporary Systems Processing Enrollment Manager



Gable, Gable, Karla NAME Yarkoni, Jerome

07/19/12 -1-


/1 2


Monson, Amy C MC Assistant Professor, temporary III-C $57,813.00 Replacement position. 08/14/12 – (Accounting) Internally funded. 05/13/13 Salary is in accord with Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement.

Adamecz, Gus C FP Professor V-A $71,936.00 Replacement position. 08/14/12 – (Information Systems) Internally funded. 05/13/13 Salary is in accord with Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement.

Davis, Phyllis C FV Assistant Professor, temporary III-B $56,959.00 Replacement position. 08/14/12 – (Business & Human Development) Internally funded. 05/13/13

- Salary is in accord with 2 -

Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement.

Caster, Faith C FV Instructor II II-A $49,846.00 Replacement position. 08/14/12 – (Nursing) Internally funded. 05/13/13 Salary is in accord with Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement.

Wiseheart, C MC Assistant Professor III-I $61,641.00 Replacement position. 08/14/12 – Barbara (Criminal Justice) Internally funded. 05/13/13 Salary is in accord with Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement.



Bruce, David N MC Assistant Professor III-I $61,641.00 Replacement position. 08/14/12 – (Criminal Justice) Internally funded. 05/13/13 Salary is in accord with Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement.

- 3 -




Watson, C MC Administrative Assistant I CN 7 $41,948.17 Replacement position. 07/20/12 Deborah (VP, Academic Affairs Office) Internally funded. Salary is in accord with Board policy F.4.1, Promotional Salary Increase

Walker, Danny N MC Campus Police Officer CN 6 $35,554.00 Replacement position. 07/20/12 (Meramec Campus Police) Internally funded. Minimum for the range.

McClendon, N MC Housekeeper n/a $12.26/hr Replacement position. 08/13/12 Frederick Internally funded. Rate for position - 4 -

Seaward, N MC Housekeeper n/a $12.26/hr Replacement position. 08/13/12 Craig Internally funded. Rate for position

/12 /12


ce TS

years service years

COMMENTS COMMEN COMMENTS 26 servi 13 years service 37 years 16 years service 16 years



(Graphic Communications) (Graphic

College Police Officer Police College Specialist Library Professor

Manager, Microcomp Net Net Services Microcomp Manager, Advanced and Emerging Excellence, of (Center Technology Information



Dixon, James Dixon, Potts, Nettie NAME NAME James Gormley,

NAME Bernard Gilbers,

07/19/12 -5-


Board of Trustees approval on 06/28/12, p 4:

Appointments/Full-time Faculty

Revise Rachelle Smith and Zita Casey to reflect current employees.

Board of Trustees approval on 06/28/12, p 1:

Appointments/Full-time Administrative/Professional Staff

Revise Janet Walsh to reflect current employee.

- 7 -

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Continuing Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Dare, Donna E 28 V-C for Academic & Student Affairs 151,849.75 Friend, Joan Gould 16 Director Enrollment Management 84,370.19 Henderson, Castella 15 Director Institutional Development 89,607.48 Jaeger, Christy L 16 Associate Dir Continuing Education 78,659.73 Klimczak, Joseph C 28 V-C for Tech & Ed Support Svc 156,099.48 Kudrak, Ralph 19 Sr Dir, Enterprise Cmp Svc 93,378.02 Long, Stephen M 23 Assoc VC, Workforce Solutions 112,090.00 Nunn, Roderick 28 V-C, Econ Dev & Workforce Solutions 151,849.75 Schorle, Virginia Anne 17 Dir Network & Telecom Services 96,870.62 Shaneberger, Roy 16 Associate Director of Human Resources 85,638.18 Vogelgesang, Bruce Edwin 22 Controller 95,881.88

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Probationary Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Blackshear, Regina Grover 15 Director, Dist Wide Financial Aid/Scho 81,520.00 Burns, Kelli M 17 Act Dir, Inst Research & Plan 78,444.00 Digman, Jo-Ann K 24 Executive Dir STLCC Foundation 151,350.00 Kay, Douglas Kent 28 Vice Chancellor Fin/Bus Svc 152,850.00 Miller, William 24 Associate Vice Chancellor, HR 127,375.00 Ouellette, Sheila L 15 Director Instructional Resources 78,564.90 Pener, Lita M 14 Director Prof Development & Quality 75,000.00 Peterlin, Jeffrey 17 Director End User Computing Svc 86,287.90 Smith, DeLancey A 16 Director Communications 91,243.81

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Bennett, Carol H 12 Mgr DW IR Collection Services 59,467.00 Bewig, Philip Louis 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 54,925.14 Brand, Ann S 12 Government Relations Liaison 85,095.47 Brown, James H 12 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp 63,449.87 Buckley, James M 09 Financial Analyst 65,712.00 Casteel, Cathleen Elizabeth 11 District Coor, Marketing Com 54,403.01 Cline, Marcy Jo 09 Environ Health/Safety Specialist 49,990.72 Cooper, James N 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 59,826.82 Darr, Sarah J 12 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp 60,358.00 Dill, Dennis W 14 Mgr Maintenance/HVAC (C-W) 82,380.16 Doering, Mark Allen 14 Mgr Systems/Programming 78,556.42 Duarte, John S 11 Supervisor, Central Facilities 64,753.02 Fanter, Jonathan D 12 Supervisor Network Engineering 60,358.00 Figgs, Larre R 09 Executive Assistant 45,069.41 Garrison, Rebecca S 11 Associate for Board Relations 62,925.85 Geiger, Joseph Jay 13 UNIX & Oper Sys Administrator 75,165.52 Gioia, Matthew P 12 Network Security Analyst 59,783.61 Green, Cynthia R 12 Assistant Controller 61,213.25 Guth, Samuel Victor 12 Supv Main/HVAC/(C-W) 60,647.92 Guthrie, Robert D 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 62,384.81 Guyton, Jill D 12 Mgr Degree Audit Sys/Processes 74,733.35 Hawasli, Khouloud H 14 Mgr Elec Com & Sys Integration 69,609.10 Hayden, James D 09 NCERP Coordinator 52,665.28 Hayward, Joy Rosemary 13 Enterprise Bus App System Ldr 69,840.22 Helberg, Yvonne J 11 Adm Assoc to Chancellor 57,260.88 Henderson, Patricia G 13 Mgr Employment & Recruitment 80,125.18 Hussey, Jill L 14 Coordinator Budget 74,989.48 Jahn, Lori L 09 Executive Assistant 49,779.23 Kelley, Michael P 12 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp 60,358.00 Kempf, Kenneth Charles 14 Mgr Engin & Design 70,618.11 Kennedy, Susan E 10 Supv Gen Accounting 57,793.72 King Edmiston, Susan 11 District Coor, College Com 54,403.01 Matreci, Patricia S 11 District Cor/Public In/Media Relations 60,520.96 McCaine, Anita L 10 Supv Act Payable 66,532.40 McCready, Joan Wingert 13 Enterprise Bus App System Ldr 72,016.09 McGhee, Eileen Nakita 10 Compensation Specialist 50,706.92 McKnight, Susan Coleman 10 Coordinator, SEED Programs 60,358.00 Nie, Changyun 12 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sp 60,358.00 Noland, Ann G 10 Bursar 55,569.50 Peck, Donna K 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 55,994.46 Petz, Michael J 14 Mgr Telecom & Engin 70,957.45 Portman, Ronald L 10 Supv Payroll 66,532.40 Powell, Merri K 09 Executive Assistant 45,069.41 Robbins, Harry G 14 Mgr Databases Sys & Operations 69,609.10 Roberds, Lauren A 14 Sr Mgr Central Student Records 78,442.62 Roney, Gary G 12 Supv Main/HVAC (C-W) 64,814.75 Sackett, George L 11 District Cor Web Com/New Media 54,403.01 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Sellan, Mark R 13 UNIX & Oper Sys Administrator 66,205.17 Smith, David F 12 Supv Main/HVAC (C-W) 66,038.34 Speh, Warren F 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 56,552.54 Stewart, Robert L 13 Acting Dist Chief of Police 79,018.36 Tetstill, John Henry 12 Manager of Physical Facilities 61,231.14 Young-Abotsi, Kirsten Renee 12 Mgr DW IR Systems 59,467.00 Zanitsch, Joseph L 13 Oracle & Database Sys Admin 66,205.17

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Beukes, Harold 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 54,059.23 Brunatti, Carl Anthony 13 Oracle & Database Sys Admin 68,918.54 Clayton, Christopher A 12 Application/Sys Anal/Pgm Spec 59,783.61 Dickey, John C 13 Enterprise Bus App System Ldr 69,147.93 Ellison, Heather Anne 12 Mgr Continuing Ed Pgm (D-W) 59,467.00 Fried, Marc B 14 Legal Counsel 76,394.43 Harmon, Donna Lou 12 Executive Associate-Foundation 59,783.61 Heal, Catherine M 10 Total Compensation Specialist 49,143.31 Howard, Tamara Aletha Stocking 08 Coordinator Student Accounts 41,030.38 Johnson, Angela L 12 Manager Student Accounts 59,467.00 Koch, Karol Ann 09 Executive Assistant 45,069.41 Kovarik, Robert C 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 57,092.29 McCann, Kerri Nichole 13 Enterprise Bus App System Ldr 65,574.87 Mocca, Robert J 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 54,403.01 Pahl, John J 13 Manager, Total Compensation 72,071.73 Shoff, Patrick J 11 Application/Sys Analyst/Pgm Sr 57,092.29 Turnbough, Tiffany A 09 Human Resource Specialist I 44,679.07

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Boul, Timothy J 10 Senior Project Associate I 49,510.92 Chambers, Kathleen A 11 Sr Project Associate II 55,986.71 Davis, Kamie D 11 Senior Project Associate II 54,059.23 Deloch, Kelly M 12 Mgr WCD Finance/Tech Support 61,969.74 English-Abram, Lesley D 14 Mgr Employment & Trn Pgm 68,946.19 Epps, Amy Rebecca 11 Sr Project Associate II 55,719.11 Fowler, Karin L 11 Senior Project Associate II 57,161.23 Howell, Shayna Jean 11 Sr Project Associate II 55,719.11 Kitchen, Troy A 12 Mgr Auto Controls/Robotics Trn 59,783.61 Meesey, Paul G 11 Supervisor, Central Facilities 57,092.59 Meyer, Patricia Allen 11 Senior Project Associate II 56,215.99 Mireles, Bonita 11 Program Manager 54,403.01 Mullen, Keith William 10 Senior Project Associate I 49,986.46 Robison, Donald L 13 Mgr Training & Economic Dev Sv 68,547.24 Ruzicka, Joseph 11 Program Mgr Emp & Trn Center 60,105.80 West, Bennie E 08 Project Associate II 45,132.53 Whitehead, Eric David 10 Senior Project Associate I 49,510.92

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Continuing Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Anderson, Monica Rose 07 Serials Coordinator 37,885.75 Atwood, Gregory F 12 Enterprise Server Analyst 60,647.92 Ballot, Steven A 11 Network Systems Analyst 56,390.56 Brown, Jacquelyn Marie 07 Project Associate I 37,885.79 Bufalo, Rachel Lynn 08 Continuing Ed Specialist 41,030.38 Dilworth, Alfonzo C 10 Construction Project Fac 51,317.31 Dowdy, Mark Irving 11 Electrical Engineer 55,189.16 Hanson, Philip D 11 Senior Project Associate II 73,797.46 Hehr, Steve M 11 Network Systems Analyst 55,717.97 Heyer, Julie B 09 Academic Grant Writer 45,069.41 Iborg, Deborah A * 08 Athletic Trainer 44,576.71 Landau, Jacquelyn R 08 Continuing Education Spec 47,933.81 Linkous, Kimberly A 09 Coor DW IR Acquisitions 44,679.07 Lukacz, Annette J 08 Coor Library Services 43,177.65 Marshall, Joseph B 10 Construction Project Fac 66,593.16 Meyer, Dennis J 11 Network Systems Analyst 55,717.97 Nelson, James S 09 Catalog Librarian 46,489.59 Sterett, Diane M 08 Continuing Ed Specialist 60,595.08 Sulincevski, Christopher P 10 Senior Project Associate I 50,950.98 Thompson, Michael Jeremy 12 Applications Solutions Analyst 59,783.61 Twombly, Michael F 09 Construction Inspector 59,388.91 Wittendorfer, Irma 09 Buyer 47,932.51 Works, Gregory Allen 12 Sr Research Associate 60,647.92 Zaiss, Scott D 12 Applications Solutions Analyst 59,783.61 Zanitsch, Jeremy C 11 Network Systems Analyst 55,717.97

* = 36 week

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Probationary Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Bailey, William E 12 Applications Solutions Analyst 59,783.61 Bates, Andrew B 08 Project Associate II 40,620.07 De Vore, Erin Elizabeth 08 Continuing Ed Specialist 40,620.07 Gallo, Timothy Joseph 11 Senior Project Associate II 54,059.00 Gioia, Daniel Gerard 12 Applications Solutions Analyst 59,466.80 McPherson, Charles B 09 Communications Specialist 45,069.41 Mosby, Keith D 11 Server Systems Analyst 54,058.97 Shugert, Claudia A 09 Academic Grant Writer 46,892.30

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Benesh, Gina 13 Mgr Career & Tech Education Pr 65,286.31 Boyd, Allison Claudette 08 Project Associate II 41,030.38 Causevic, Ahmed 08 Project Associate II 42,320.52 Fietsam, Debra Ann 09 Coor CTE Curriculum Projects 45,501.50 Fulton, Susan Marie 08 Project Associate II 42,522.61 Hubbard, Kelly M 08 Project Associate II 41,620.49 Jackson, Latonya R 08 Project Associate II 41,030.38 Jordan, Carla Louise 08 Project Associate II 41,422.32 Loeffelman, Katy Lynn 08 Project Associate II 41,030.38 Petralia, Kenneth P 08 Project Associate II 42,219.11 Riddick, Kenneth C 08 Project Associate II 42,018.14 Schreiber, Ann Marie 09 Specialist/Sv for the Disabled 46,489.59 Schumacher, Richard W 11 Mgr Microcomp Net Srvc 79,494.00 Stokes, Melanie 08 Project Associate II 42,219.11 Whitehead, David E 08 Project Associate II 41,422.32 Yarkoni, Jerome Isaac 12 Enterprise Server Analyst Temp 59,466.80

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Continuing Cosand Center

Name Range Job Title Salary Huether, Teresa F VII Professor 77,753 Wachal, Barbara Joan VI Associate Professor 64,695

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Continuing Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Agrawal, Ashok K 23 V-P for Academic Affairs 114,984.38 Curry, Ruby 20 Academic Dean 101,364.89 Linzy, Nancy A 20 Academic Dean 95,412.28 Norris, Richard J 14 Director of Life Sciences 70,957.45 Pfeiffer, Marcia F 28 College President 164,471.73

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Temporary Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Lyons, Eilene M 20 Acting Academic Dean 92,206.46 Worth, Joseph B 23 Acting Vice President, Student 98,843.00

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Barnes, Patricia Lewis 11 Mgr Assessment 55,719.11 Bird, Amy Elizabeth 12 Mgr Disability Support Svc 59,467.00 Cunningham, Khaneetah A 12 Mgr Stu Fin Aid 68,105.59 Davenport, Brenda L 12 Mgr Admissions/Registration 61,969.74 Ferlisi, John R 13 Camp Mgr Bld Ground 71,770.48 Herrion, Dobbie Reese 10 Manager Academic Learning Ctr 49,985.39 Krogmeier, Mary J 12 Mgr Child Development Ctr 65,735.49 Mayse, Renee M 10 Asst Mgr Child Dev Ctr 51,168.93 Nixon, Gwendolyn G 12 Mgr Campus Life 71,482.51 Stevens, Laura Jane 12 Mgr Campus Aux Services 60,647.92 Thomas, Roger T 09 Supv Lib Svc 50,229.29 Van Reed, Jay R 14 Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv 70,957.45 Walsh, Michela J 11 Mgr Career & Emp Svc 57,899.27 Werner, Adria G 09 Executive Assistant 46,711.96 Williams, Kathy B 12 Mgr Academic Advising 72,813.65

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Carpenter, Tracy R 10 Coordinator, Veterans' Affairs 50,000.00 Furlong, John T 14 Sr Mgr Camp Lib & Instruct Res 72,363.59 Mahoney, Douglas J 12 Mgr Campus Bus Svc 59,783.61 Pollard, Jean M 13 Mgr Emerson Ct/Ct for Wk Innov 65,286.31 Tolson, Kedra S 11 Coor Campus & Com Relations 60,008.91

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Grant Funded/Temporary Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Boedeker, Elizabeth D 12 Sr Research Scientist/CRO Coor 66,884.68 Covington, Wendell 13 Manager, Gateway to College 65,574.87 Gillespie, James L 10 Senior Project Associate I 49,986.46 Lewis, Rosita D 10 Sr Project Assoc I 49,986.46 Lusk, Danielle Lee 10 Senior Project Associate I 49,510.92 Sayles, Keith Pryor 11 Senior Project Associate II 66,208.37 Turner, Sandra Theressa 13 Acting Campus Chief of Police 65,286.31

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Continuing Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Bone, Jimmie D 11 Sr Instructional Designer 56,389.97 Bratcher, Alexandria C 09 Stu Fin Aid Specialist 45,718.98 Brooks, Sally A 07 Child Care Specialist 39,714.79 Burroughs, Gena F 12 Acting Manager, Admissions/Registrations 59,959.85 Caldwell, Mary I 10 Instructional Designer 59,430.35 Chapman, Diana L 07 Child Care Specialist 43,623.39 Claverie, Janice A 08 Academic Advisor 47,432.44 Culp, Christine Marie 10 Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs 50,562.66 Davis, Bruce E 08 Supv Math Lab 45,190.27 Driskill, Regina Lynn * 08 Asst Interpreter Coordinator 34,092.59 Ehlen, Steven F 08 Supv Tech Learning Ctr 58,960.84 Fitzgerald, Janice Marie 09 Coor Enrollment Mgmt 53,266.52 Hall, Jacklyn Micheal 07 Child Care Specialist 38,892.27 Hill, Ivory M 08 Academic Advisor 43,177.65 Hill, Jennifer Sue 07 Project Associate II 43,053.36 Kelch, Janelle Leigh 07 Child Care Specialist 38,705.91 Kinzel, Carrie L 07 Child Care Specialist 37,706.33 Malone, Erika G 07 Recruiter I 41,083.63 Martin, Michael D 08 Supv Camp Wrt Ctr 42,727.56 McCool, Marie L 08 Supv Theatre 42,727.56 McMurray, Amy Elizabeth 07 Assessment Specialist 40,203.64 McNeil, Haralyn LaDawn 07 Child Care Specialist 38,522.65 McVey, Matthew H 08 Supv Ph Ed Ath Fac Sup 46,804.23 Miller, Amy Gail 09 Interpreter Coordinator 45,718.98 Miller, Donna L 07 Child Care Specialist 43,340.72 Miller, Robert E 08 Academic Advisor 59,729.70 Morgan, Carol A 08 Academic Advisor 46,711.96 Morgan, Dwayne A 09 Coor Student Orientation/Trans 45,718.98 Naumann, Virginia L 07 Educational Assistant III 42,598.48 Nixon, Carol C 07 Child Care Specialist 43,815.81 Overhauser, William Lewis 08 Academic Advisor 42,018.14 Phillips, Karana J 07 Educational Assistant III 37,706.33 Porter, Kevin D 08 Supv Tech Learning Ctr 46,492.06 Ratzlaff, Ronald Wayne 10 Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs 50,950.98 Roy, Mary Kay 07 Child Care Specialist 38,705.91 Schneider, Scott E 10 Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs 50,950.98 Thomas, Laura J 08 Academic Advisor 47,239.99 Trauterman, Tammy M 07 Child Care Specialist 43,340.72 Watkins, Susan A 08 Academic Advisor 47,601.11 Weaver, Deborah G 08 College Nurse 42,727.65 White, Christopher C 08 Coordinator Library Services 41,620.49

* = 36 week

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Probationary Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Boyd, Antoinette Marie 09 Career & Employ Svc Spec 45,069.41 Gomez, Rachel Anne 09 Communications Specialist 45,069.41 Harris, Victoria A 09 Career & Employ Svc Spec 45,069.41 Leiber, Ann Marie 11 Senior Project Associate II 54,059.23 Mann, Anna-Marie Tia 07 Child Care Specialist 37,348.77 Schmitt, Linda M 08 Supv College Rdg/Study Skills 41,030.38 Smythe, Theresa O 09 Specialist/Sv for the Disabled 46,913.03 Sonderman, Amy J 08 Coordinator Emerson Center 41,030.38 Wagner, Mary Sutherland 09 Specialist/Sv for the Disabled 44,680.09

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Basom, Holly Erin 08 Project Associate II 41,030.38 Davis, Brandon A 08 Project Associate II 41,422.32 Eunice, Selena E 08 Project Associate II, Temp 40,619.38 Fonseca, Jeanette 07 Supv International Student Act 37,348.77 Hacker, Theresa L 08 Project Associate II 41,620.49 Mack, Deborah K 08 Project Associate II 42,727.56 Sindel, Kasey Dion 08 Project Associate II 41,620.49 Staerk, Becky Kay 07 Educational Assistant III 37,348.77 Steele, Genesis 08 Project Associate II 41,422.32

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Continuing Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Aiello, Janis J VI Associate Professor 64,695 Appelbaum, Susan S VI Associate Professor 69,102 Bai, Steven Soby IV Instructor II 56,448 Berger, Carol A VII Professor 89,663 Betzler, Daniel J VII Professor 75,188 Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang VI Associate Professor 62,801 Blanco, Carlos A VI Associate Professor 67,841 Bozek, Brian M VI Associate Professor 64,695 Brennan, Mary Kathryn VI Associate Professor 66,278 Bryan, Wayne M IV Instructor II 54,644 Burkhardt, Charles E VII Professor 76,658 Campbell, Cindy L VII Professor 77,753 Coburn, John W VII Professor 77,753 Coelho, Ana P VII Professor 76,658 Copp, Julie C V Assistant Professor 57,813 Cupples, Tommy G VI Associate Professor 65,640 du Maine, Jessica J V Assistant Professor 62,714 Ebest, Ron J VI Associate Professor 66,278 Edmonds, Dino A IV Instructor II 55,545 Fickas, Julie C IV Instructor II 56,448 Fischer, Carl W VI Associate Professor 64,695 Fliss, Edward R VI Associate Professor 69,102 Florini, Jeanne R VII Professor 74,105 Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip IV Instructor II 56,448 Foster, Drew A V Assistant Professor 63,788 Fox, Sharon A VII Professor/IR 75,188 Freeman, Terrence L VII Professor 83,705 Friedman, Donna G VII Professor 88,173 Fuller, Carolyn Marie V Assistant Professor 58,658 Galanis, Joanne M VII Professor/IR 80,730 Gale-Betzler, Lisa E V Assistant Professor 62,714 Gerstenecker, Dale M VI Associate Professor 74,151 Gordon, Katherine Heather VI Associate Professor 64,695 Graul, Julie L VI Associate Professor 69,102 Hake, Carol L VI Associate Professor 69,102 Hake, John C IV Instructor II 53,744 Hansen, Troy Robert V Assistant Professor/Counselor 57,813 Higdon, Paul Edward VII Professor 74,105 Hollins, Stacy Gee VI Associate Professor 62,801 Kalmer, Irene C VII Professor 75,919 Kraja, Elida V Assistant Professor 63,788 Langnas, Robert S VII Professor 75,188 Lasek, Emily L VI Associate Professor/Counselor 64,695 Layton, Timothy S V Assistant Professor 59,227 Lewis, Christine Marie VI Associate Professor 64,695 Luebke, Mary E VII Professor 76,658 Lupardus, S Carol VII Professor 75,188 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Magagnos, Lovedy S VI Associate Professor 82,676 Manteuffel, Mark Steven VI Associate Professor 64,695 McCloskey, Ellen A VII Professor 77,753 McDonald, Chris L V Assistant Professor 60,570 McGovern, Thomas A VI Associate Professor 64,695 McManemy, Jeffrey Charles VII Professor 76,658 Medeiros, Jennifer Anne VI Associate Professor 64,695 Mense, James J VI Associate Professor 65,640 Miller, Donda Dianne VI Associate Professor 65,640 Mosher, Anne Marie VII Professor 75,919 Mueller, Kelly J V Assistant Professor 60,570 Ndao, Rokhaya Niang VI Associate Professor 64,695 Nelson, Donna Marie VI Associate Professor 77,937 Nesser-Chu, Janice V Assistant Professor 62,714 North, Sharon I VII Professor 77,753 Nygard, Paul D VII Professor 71,936 Oliver, Lonetta Michelle V Assistant Professor 56,121 Oney, Margaret J VII Professor 76,658 Papier, Jeffrey A V Assistant Professor 56,959 Pea, Nancy E Jones VI Associate Professor 65,640 Pernik, Rita Moisevna V Assistant Professor 56,121 Pescarino, Richard A VI Professor 65,640 Popper, Regina W VII Professor 76,658 Quintero, Michael O VI Associate Professor 64,695 Reilly, Catherine H VII Professor/IR 75,188 Rosenthal, Howard G VII Professor 80,730 Saum, Suzanne E VII Professor 74,105 Sawah, Rihab V Assistant Professor 62,714 Schalda, Anne Therese VI Associate Professor 66,924 Serns, Susan Lynn VI Associate Professor 64,695 Sherwin, Amy Beth Wagner V Assistant Professor 59,227 Shultis, Eric VII Professor 75,919 Sodon, James R VII Professor 95,619 Stephens, Christopher J VII Professor 75,919 Suess, Patricia A VII Professor 71,936 Taylor, Mark L VII Professor 76,658 Thomas-Woods, Renee M V Assistant Professor 57,813 Toal, Kevin R V Assistant Professor 59,227 Tyler, Margaret G VII Professor 74,825 Unger, Richard S VII Professor 75,919 Wagner, Joyce D VI Associate Professor 65,323 Wallner, Donna F VII Professor 76,658 Warren, Aundrea L V Assistant Professor 58,658 Wentworth, Glenna C VI Associate Professor/Counselor 64,695 White, Dennis Arthur V Assistant Professor 56,121 Wigg, David George VI Associate Professor 67,841 Wilson, LaRhonda L V Assistant Professor 57,813 Wilson, Pamela S VI Associate Professor/Counselor 64,695

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Probationary Florissant Valley

Name Range Job Title Salary Bell, Wesley J V Assistant Professor 56,959 Blackwell-Hardin, Sara Lynne IV Instructor II 53,117 Boehm, Jason L IV Instructor II 52,604 Clark, Anthony Steven V Assistant Professor 62,714 Collins, Linda Housch V Assistant Professor 62,714 Dieckmann, Thomas M IV Instructor II 51,348 Doering, David A V Assistant Professor 58,658 Garrison, April M IV Instructor II 51,348 Martin, Rachel D IV Instructor II 52,098 Miinch, Patricia Lincecum V Assistant Professor 61,641 Nickrent, Ellen M V Assistant Professor/Counselor 59,227 Runge, Douglas K IV Instructor II 52,098 Tremont, Samuel J V Assistant Professor 57,813 Wagganer, Andrea M IV Instructor II 53,117

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Probationary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Hall, Tracy Denise 23 V-P for Academic Affairs 99,692.59 Hess, Cynthia Kaye 28 College President 154,225.65 Mead-Roach, Amanda S 20 Academic Dean 90,000.00 Walker, Thomas Alvester 22 Vice-President Student Affairs 101,900.00

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Temporary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Featherson, Vincent E 20 Acting Dean Allied Health & Na 92,206.25 Wilcoxson, Elizabeth Jordan 20 Acting Academic Dean Bus Math 91,730.38

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Banahan, Richard M 13 Chief of Police 69,782.71 Carter, Deborah Smith 12 Mgr Disability Support Svc 64,726.69 Dodwell, Katherine M 14 Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv 71,127.93 Hart, Christina Beth 12 Mgr Campus Aux Services 60,647.92 Ingram, Philishea G 11 Mgr Stud Life Program 77,212.73 Johnson, Paulette D 12 Mgr Stu Fin Aid 61,969.74 Marshall, Glenn 12 Mgr Admissions/Registration 61,969.74 Miller, Burdette L 12 Mgr Academic Advising 75,868.25 Moore, Davis Freeman 11 Mgr Career & Emp Svc 54,925.14 Perry, Claudia M 11 Coor Campus & Com Relations 77,413.94 Subramanian, Chitra 12 Mgr Campus Bus Svc 60,647.92 Turner, Linda S 11 Mgr Assessment 62,667.95 Vansaghi, John T 13 Camp Mgr Bld Ground 74,865.99 Williams, June S 14 Sr Mgr Camp Lib & Instruct Res 68,946.19

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Jenkins, Cynthia Lee 10 Mgr Student Success Center 49,143.31 Porter, Kimberly Chalon 13 Mgr Harrison Ed Ct/Cm Outreach 67,157.09 Watkins, Kelli Lynnette 09 Executive Assistant 45,069.41

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Walker, Kim Yvette 10 Senior Project Associate I 49,510.92

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Continuing Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Bayer, Christine M 10 Supv Campus Com Ctr & Satell 54,845.43 Brandon-Straub, Rachel R 07 Educational Assistant III 54,295.00 Brownlee, Alyce Robinson 08 Coor/Library Services 41,422.32 Cobb, Mary Ann 08 Academic Advisor 43,633.47 Coggins, Annie 08 Coor Library Services 59,729.70 Cross, V David 08 Project Associate II 45,093.74 Doss, Glenda Renee 08 Coor Student Access & Ach Svc 41,422.32 Evans, Beverly A 08 Academic Advisor 44,170.71 Finney, Eloise 08 Academic Advisor 43,633.47 Foster, Stacey Y 08 Academic Advisor 44,170.45 Harrold, Denise L 08 Academic Advisor 47,620.29 Hopkins, Vicki A 08 Admissions Rep II 49,228.65 Logan, Deborah E 09 Coor Enrollment Mgmt 47,909.17 Malta, Randy J 11 Sr Instructional Designer 68,676.12 Myers, Nicole M 08 Academic Advisor 42,522.90 Owens, Hester O 09 Career & Employ Svc Spec 45,501.50 Rogers, Telitha Michelle 09 Specialist/Sv for the Disabled 46,489.59 Thomas, Jean A 08 Coor Library Services 55,083.92 Turner, Donna A 09 Student Fin Aid Spec 46,711.96 White, Cassandra D 08 Academic Advisor 42,522.50 Williford, Tamitra Geneen 09 Career & Employ Svc Spec 45,501.50 Zieren, Anita L 08 Academic Advisor 42,320.52

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Probationary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Chism, Sean Jeremy 08 Academic Advisor 40,619.38 Christopher, Mark Stephen 09 Coor EMS Programs 44,680.09 Howlett, Amber L 10 Coordinator Student Services 49,510.92 Lee, Lisa R 10 Student Support Specialist 49,510.92 Venhaus, Lynn Marie 09 Communications Specialist 45,069.41

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Armstrong, Herman C 07 Project Associate I 37,348.77 Bell, Yolanda 07 Project Associate I 38,705.83 Cherry, Darryl Cortez 08 Project Associate II 43,177.65 Jackson, Carolyn A 11 Sr Project Assoc II 57,867.07 Parker, Jason O 08 Project Associate II 41,030.38 Ritchie, Mary J 08 Project Associate II 43,177.65 Stone, Mavis I 07 Project Associate I 37,705.54 Williams, Tasha Sherrell 07 Project Associate I 37,348.77

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Continuing Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Alvarez, Teresa Ann V Assistant Professor 57,813 Amor, Abdelouahab VII Professor 75,188 Anderhub, Beth M VII Professor 77,753 Anthes, Richard M VI Associate Professor 70,366 Applegate, Mark D IV Instructor II 52,098 Becker, Kathleen Sue VII Professor 74,105 Benton, Deira L V Assistant Professor 59,805 Brake, Dean A VI Associate Professor 62,801 Breed, Gwen E VII Professor 75,188 Brennan, James R VII Professor 80,730 Brown, Dorian A VI Associate Professor 62,801 Carter, Brian D IV Instructor II 57,347 Chapman, Thelma L VII Professor 79,242 Clark, Judy V IV Instructor II 55,545 Cole, Angelic Inez V Assistant Professor 63,788 Collins, Jennifer P V Assistant Professor 59,227 Consolino, Beverly M VII Professor 79,242 Corich, Evelyn F VI Associate Professor 65,640 Cusumano, Donald R VII Professor 95,619 Daniel, Paul T VI Associate Professor 69,102 Das, Neil Emery V Assistant Professor 56,959 Daugherty, Seth A V Assistant Professor 57,813 Dennis, Jeremy K VII Professor 74,105 Downey, Michael D VII Professor 76,658 Fish, Lynda K VII Professor 76,658 Fonseca, M VI Associate Professor 64,695 Forester, Patricia M VII Professor/IR 76,658 French, Brenda F V Assistant Professor/Counselor 63,788 Frison, Tommie F V Assistant Professor 64,863 Gardner, Steven Eugene IV Instructor II 57,347 Gerardot, Diane M VII Professor 76,658 Godfrey, Carolyn Jean VII Professor 74,105 Graham, Nita S V Assistant Professor 65,934 Grote, Terri J V Assistant Professor 61,641 Hall, Sandra Dye VI Associate Professor 64,695 Hartmann, William K VII Professor 77,753 Hartwein, Jon V Assistant Professor 61,641 Heaton, Patricia L VII Professor 86,684 Henry, Deborah Jane VI Associate Professor 62,801 Hertel, Robert B VII Professor 75,188 Hirst, Lori C IV Instructor II 53,744 Huber, William F VII Professor 71,936 Hughes, Ronald V VI Associate Professor 67,841 Hulsey, Keith C VI Associate Professor 62,801 Hurley, Mary Elizabeth VI Associate Professor 64,695 Irons, Sandra J IV Instructor II 57,347 Ivory, Jeffrey P VI Associate Professor 66,924 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Jason, Marita A VII Professor 77,753 Johnson, Reginald A VI Associate Professor/Counselor 64,695 Jones, Jeffrey D VI Associate Professor 66,924 Josten, Denice L VII Professor 76,658 Juriga, David A VII Professor 71,936 Kahan, Brenda H VII Professor 80,730 Knight, Sandra M VII Professor/Counselor 75,188 Koosmann, Steven B VII Professor 80,730 Koric, Arabela IV Instructor II 53,744 Kruger, Mark H VI Associate Professor 62,801 Lee, Dianne M VII Professor 80,730 Martin, Susan J VI Associate Professor 64,695 McGuire, Julie Higgins V Assistant Professor 58,658 Meyer, Deborah M VI Associate Professor 70,366 Moody, Carla J IV Instructor II 61,868 Moreland, Lisa Kay V Assistant Professor 62,714 Morris, Jonathan Michael VI Associate Professor 64,695 Mueller, Craig Hugo VI Associate Professor 66,924 Munson, Bruce J IV Instructor II 60,955 NewMyer, Angela Blake V Assistant Professor 56,121 Nichols, Andrea Jean VI Associate Professor 64,695 Njoku, Angela C VI Associate Professor 66,278 Orlando, Lori Carleen IV Instructor II 55,545 Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi VI Associate Professor 62,801 Ostlund, Karen M VII Professor 75,188 Otto, Esther Elizabeth V Assistant Professor 64,863 Peppes, Nicholas D VII Professor 76,658 Person, Sharon K VII Professor 80,730 Petroff, Kathleen M V Assistant Professor 57,813 Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth VI Associate Professor 64,695 Polta, Sally Louise VI Associate Professor 64,695 Raheja, Nina S VI Associate Professor 65,640 Reeves, Aaron L VII Professor 71,936 Rhodes, Marlene VI Associate Professor/Counselor 80,461 Ring, Phyllis A VI Associate Professor 65,323 Rizzo, Kathleen Susan VI Associate Professor 65,640 Shepherd, Deneen M V Assistant Professor 60,570 Sherman, Patricia A V Assistant Professor 64,863 Shiller, Casey Eric VI Associate Professor 62,801 Smith, Stephen W VI Associate Professor 65,640 Swallow, Cheryl A VII Professor 76,658 Swyers, Kathleen M VII Professor/Counselor 75,188 Talkad, Venugopal D V Assistant Professor 65,934 Trunk, Deborah D VII Professor 80,730 Urban, Georgia A VII Professor 75,919 Walker, Mitchell E VII Professor 80,730 Warfield, Angela Marie V Assistant Professor 57,813 Weil, Robert L VI Associate Professor 70,366 Williams, Louis VII Professor 74,105 Wilson, Hilary Lea IV Instructor II 56,448 Yan, Wei V Assistant Professor 63,788 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Yezbick, Daniel VI Associate Professor 64,695 Zant, Thomas VII Professor 95,619 Zirkle, Thomas A VII Professor 71,936 Zuo, Yingxue VII Professor 76,658

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Probationary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Ayres, Janet C V Assistant Professor 62,714 Barron, Tracy J IV Instructor II 52,604 Boedeker, Stacey S V Assistant Professor 60,570 Char, Deborah J V Assistant Professor 61,641 Fackelman, Joseph A V Assistant Professor 56,959 Forde, Gary C V Assistant Professor 59,227 Gee, Melody IV Instructor II 53,744 Isaacson, Matthew Paul V Assistant Professor 57,813 Kreher, Jamie L IV Instructor II 52,098 Lueke, H Michael V Assistant Professor 61,641 Munden, James Jeffrey IV Instructor II 53,744 Munson, Deborah Rochelle V Assistant Professor 60,570 Northern, Rebecca Ann V Assistant Professor 56,959 Pemberton, Sharon A V Assistant Professor 61,641 Perez Franco, Antonia T V Assistant Professor 60,570 Polk, Kim Krafte V Assistant Professor 62,714 Queener, Scott E V Assistant Professor/Counselor 61,641 Roffle, Angela Harleana V Assistant Professor 58,374 Shockley, James E IV Instructor II 51,348 Sippy, Jessica Lynn V Assistant Professor 60,570 Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol IV Instructor II 54,644 Tucker, William E V Assistant Professor 62,714 Willis, Dahna Raye IV Instructor II 53,744 Wilson, Joe A V Assistant Professor 60,570

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Temporary Forest Park

Name Range Job Title Salary Adamecz, Gustav VII Professor 71,936 Goessling, Steven P V Assistant Professor 57,813

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Continuing Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Johnson, Yvonne 20 Academic Dean 95,412.28 Kays, Vernon M 20 Academic Dean 97,616.96 Mayes, Karen K 15 Director of Nursing Education 95,401.63

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Probationary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Crawford, Linden G 22 Vice-President Student Affairs 99,436.57 Langrehr, Andrew M 23 Vice-President Acad Affairs 101,900.00 Sneed, Donna Sue 20 Academic Dean 95,412.28 Wasson, George 28 College President 154,225.65

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Temporary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Walsh, Janet K 20 Acting Academic Dean 90,487.00

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Banta, Paul J 13 Chief of Police 66,205.17 Cundiff, Mike B 12 Mgr Admissions/Registration 61,673.70 Daniel, Susan M 09 Coor Admissions 45,718.98 Eberle-Mayse, Ray A 11 Mgr Assessment 67,697.77 Mallory, Patrick R 09 Supervisor Library Services 45,069.41 Massey, Julie K 12 Mgr Academic Advising 61,545.05 Meaders-Booth, Jacqueline Diane 11 Mgr Career & Emp Svc 55,189.16 Metzler, Kevin P 12 Mgr Campus Aux Services 72,252.22 Nissenbaum, Linda D 12 Mgr Disability Support Svc 65,655.32 Oplt, Toni L 11 Coor Campus & Com Relations 61,969.74 Potts, Claudia Jean 13 Mgr S Cty Education & Univ Ctr 67,163.91 Smith, Michael T 12 Mgr Stu FIn Aid 60,647.92 Swan, Sharon K 14 Sr Mgr Camp Tech Support Sv 76,592.70 Timmermann, Sherri L 09 Executive Assistant 48,853.23 Willmore, Richard A 08 Supv Theatre 59,498.13 Wright, Willie 13 Camp Mgr Bld Ground 86,489.49

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Probationary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Kettenacker, Victoria C 12 Mgr Campus Bus Svc 59,783.61

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Burks, Michael J 13 Mgr Digital Arts/Tech Alliance 65,574.87

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Continuing Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Adams, Rhonda Johnson 09 Coor Student Orientation/Trans 52,110.00 Arthur, Mary L 10 Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs 53,231.98 Austin-Cooper, Dana M 08 Academic Advisor 41,375.48 Brady, Steven D 11 Mgr Student Activities 69,283.55 Clausen, Cynthia K * 08 Supv College Rdg/Study Skills 31,031.61 Clayton, Sandra E 08 Supv Math Lab 42,320.52 Clincy, Mysha R 08 Academic Advisor 41,620.49 Colvin, Sebrina Lashanica * 08 Academic Advisor 36,561.02 Cromley, Jean Patricia * 08 Academic Advisor 38,271.24 Dingman, Renee Gail 09 Spec Svc for Stu Disabilities 45,718.98 Drown, Frances F 07 Educational Assistant III 38,705.83 Fitzgerald, Kimberly M 09 Coor Enrollment Mgmt 58,025.53 Grier, Johna Myrtle 08 Academic Advisor 41,620.26 Higgins, Elizabeth G * 08 Academic Advisor 31,179.16 Hogan, Betty J * 08 Academic Advisor 33,093.08 Hubble, Linda Diane 11 Sr Instructional Designer 60,820.47 Huff, Suzzie A 08 Academic Advisor 42,727.18 Jones, Bradley G 07 Assessment Specialist 49,649.55 Lampkins, Tracy D 08 Academic Advisor 41,620.49 Lawler, Nancy M * 07 Educational Assistant III 35,942.25 Ludens, Lynne A * 08 Academic Advisor 36,886.69 McLellan, Margaret 09 Coor Academic Support 46,937.17 Milward, Lorraine A 08 Academic Advisor 49,247.02 Novikova, Galina * 07 Educational Assistant III 30,116.99 Pritchard, Kathy L 10 Coor Student Services 56,389.97 Rankin, Tracy Lea 08 Academic Advisor 44,170.38 Reinhardt, Sherita L 09 Career & Employ Svc Spec 45,501.50 Savage, Michelle Denise * 08 Academic Advisor 31,031.61 Sawyer, Nancy S 09 Stu Fin Aid Spec 47,432.44 Seddon, Karla S * 07 Educational Assistant III 28,379.23 Stepanovic, Lisa E 11 Sr Instructional Designer 54,925.14 Swiderski, Joseph E 08 Supv Ph Ed/Ath Fac Sup 44,135.44 Thompson, Darren L 08 Supv Theatre 50,694.22 Vipond, Julie M 10 Coor Comp Clsrms & Labs 59,953.64 Watson, Carole 08 ESL Specialist 42,320.52 Yanko, Kathleen L 08 Academic Advisor 42,522.50

* = 36 week

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Probationary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Armstead, Scott Eric 07 Educational Assistant III 37,348.39 Fennewald, Erica Dawn 07 Recruiter I 37,348.77 Hooker, Fran * 08 Supv Camp Wrt Ctr 36,799.97 McGee, Darlene K * 07 Educational Assistant III 28,742.19 Pence, Jerald K 09 Facilitator Horticulture Pgm 45,069.41 Schmitt, John J 08 Project Associate II 40,619.00 Steele, Anthony P 10 Student Support Specialist 49,143.31 Tucker, Jane Frances 09 Specialist/SV for the Disabled 50,225.33 Voorhees, Heather L * 07 Educational Assistant III 33,233.43

* = 36 week

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional- Grant Funded/Temporary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Durgins-Johnson, Doris Ann 08 Project Associate II 42,320.52 Mesic, Sanela 08 Project Associate II 40,620.07 Willmore, Melissa L 08 Project Associate II 41,030.38

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Continuing Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Ahrens, J Markus VII Professor 74,105 Allen, Jason S V Assistant Professor 56,121 Ansari, Shamim Us-Saher V Assistant Professor 56,121 Ballard, Kelly K VII Professor 74,105 Barker, Jacqueline A VII Professor 76,658 Barrett, Robyn Camella VI Associate Professor 64,695 Beach, Elva Maxine V Assistant Professor 60,570 Behrend, Reynold C VII Professor 76,658 Billman, Daniel T VI Associate Professor 66,924 Bjorkgren, Lynn M VI Associate Professor 69,102 Blalock, Kay Jeanene VII Professor 75,919 Brady, Sandra Helen V Assistant Professor 58,658 Breitwieser, Dianne E VII Professor 85,196 Burke, Michael A V Assistant Professor 63,788 Burns, Rebecca Sue V Assistant Professor 57,813 Campbell, Carl E IV Instructor II 57,347 Campbell, Jay G VII Professor 76,658 Carter, Christine E VII Professor 75,919 Cernich, Victoria Marie IV Instructor II 56,448 Chanasue, Deborah M VII Professor 76,658 Chesla, Joseph C VII Professor 74,105 Chott, Craig S VI Associate Professor 66,924 Collier, Nancy C VII Professor 74,105 Collins, Steven G VII Professor 75,188 Cooper, Terry D VII Professor 79,242 Copeland, Linda Marie V Assistant Professor 70,225 Counte, Suzanne C VII Professor 74,105 Cruz, Ana Lucia VII Professor 75,919 Dattoli, Anthony David IV Instructor II 55,545 Day, Leroy Thomas VII Professor 76,658 Dorsch, Joachim O VII Professor 74,105 Dorsey, Mary K VII Professor 74,105 Duchinsky, Jason G V Assistant Professor 56,121 Dufer, Dennis C VI Associate Professor 70,366 Elliott, John Mark VI Associate Professor 64,695 Epperson, Cynthia K VII Professor 74,105 Ethridge, Michelle Rene V Assistant Professor 56,121 Franks, Stephanie L VII Professor 74,105 Fratello, Bradley Peter VI Associate Professor 66,278 Frost, James G VII Professor 76,658 Frost, Tony L VI Associate Professor 64,695 Fuller, Michael J VII Professor 85,196 Gackstatter, Gary Lee V Assistant Professor 63,788 Gaines, Karen B VII Professor 75,188 Gardetto, Darlaine Claire VII Professor 75,188 Garrett, Toni N VII Professor 80,730 Garvey, Pamela A VI Associate Professor 64,695 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Goetz, Ronald E VI Associate Professor 67,841 Groth, Charles E VI Associate Professor 66,924 Grupas, Angela K VII Professor 80,686 Hafer, Gail H VII Professor 76,658 Hahn, Robert L VI Associate Professor 62,801 Hamilton, Angela L VI Associate Professor 64,695 Hanlon, David R VII Professor 74,105 Harden, Lisa Ann V Assistant Professor 56,121 Harms, Robert C VII Professor 74,105 Hartwig, Cynthia Kay VI Associate Professor 64,695 Hauser, Michael A VII Professor 76,658 Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller VII Professor/IR 74,105 Herman, Susan Kay VII Professor 71,936 Herzog, Mary Frances VI Associate Professor 62,801 High, Julie Ann VII Professor 74,105 Hovis, Janice Kay VII Professor/IR 74,105 Hsu, Jeff C V Assistant Professor 57,813 Huelsmann, Mary L VI Associate Professor 65,640 Hughes, John S VII Professor 80,730 Hunt-Bradford, Susan E VI Associate Professor 64,695 Hurst, Douglas J VII Professor 75,188 Hvatum, Margaret M VII Professor 74,105 Ibur, James M VII professor 71,936 Ilhan, Gulten VII Professor 75,919 Jones, Trevin J VI Associate Professor 64,695 Karleskint, George VII Professor 80,730 Keller, Margaret L VII Professor 75,188 Keller, Patty OHallaron VII Professor 80,730 Knickerbocker, Debra Ann V Assistant Professor 58,658 Kokotovich, Lisa M VI Associate Professor 64,695 Kummer, Denise L VII Professor 80,730 Kurt, Barbara E VII Professor 77,753 LeClerc, Erin Rebecca V Assistant Professor 56,121 Lee, Kwan M VII Professor 76,658 Lee, Robert M VII Professor 74,105 Leech, Melissa L V Assistant Professor 62,714 Lincoln, Craig Walter VII Professor 76,658 Linder, Timothy J VI Associate Professor 62,801 Little, Timothy A V Assistant Professor 70,225 Long, Richard Douglas VI Associate Professor 66,278 Lorenz, Michael R VI Associate Professor 64,695 Mahony, Elizabeth M VII Professor 80,730 Mani, Marcia A V Assistant Professor 62,714 Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth VII Professor 71,936 McCall, Kimberly L IV Instructor II 51,847 McDoniel, Lawrence J VII Professor 92,640 McDowell, Barbara J VII Professor 76,658 McElligott, Pamela G VI Associate Professor 67,841 McKay, Heather VII Professor 77,753 McManus, Laurie K VII Professor 77,753 Mercer, June J VI Associate Professor 67,841 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Messmer, John P VII Professor 74,105 Meyer, Eric W VI Associate Professor 64,695 Mirikitani, Ronald T VII Professor 95,619 Mizes, Lisa R V Assistant Professor 59,805 Montgomery, David L VII Professor 76,658 Morris, Betsy J VII Professor 74,105 Murray, Russell H VII Professor 75,188 Myers, Gerald Cled V Assistant Professor 59,227 Neal, Emily Mae Phillips IV Instructor II 51,847 Nielsen, Eric R V Assistant Professor 56,121 Oliver, Keith L V Assistant Professor 61,641 Olson, Karen A VII Professor 77,753 Padberg, Christine Elizabeth V Assistant Professor 59,227 Pedersen, Timothy W VI Associate Professor 65,323 Peraud, Richard J V Assistant Professor 59,227 Philpott, Shannon E IV Instructor II 54,644 Pierroutsakos, Sophia L VII Professor 74,105 Pisacreta, Diane VI Associate Professor 66,278 Pressman, Sophia V Assistant Professor 59,805 Rebollo, Jean M VI Associate Professor 65,640 Rebore, Joyce Ann VI Associate Professor 64,695 Reno, Shaun VI Associate Professor 62,801 Ritts, Vicki M VII Professor 77,753 Roberts, Paul R VI Associate Professor 77,937 Rohman, Todd E VI Associate Professor 64,695 Romero, Marco A VII Professor 76,658 Salmon, Harold E VII Professor/Counselor 83,705 Schamber, Steven M VI Associate Professor 64,695 Scherer, Juliet Katherine VII Professor 74,105 Schmitt, Damaris A VII Professor/IR 88,173 Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn VI Associate Professor 64,695 Schneider, Joseph R IV Instructor II 56,448 Seese, Lillian M VII Professor 88,173 Sibbitts, Gary E VII Professor 74,105 Smejkal, Christopher H V Assistant Professor 57,813 Smith, Katherine Elizabeth VI Associate Professor/IR 64,695 Snaric, Jay M VI Associate Professor 66,924 Speegle, Aletta D VI Associate Professor 64,695 Sperruzza, Denise M VI Associate Professor 64,695 Steiner, Hope E VII Professor/Counselor 82,219 Stocker, Connie Sue V Assistant Professor 58,374 Strahm, Cheryl A VII Professor 74,105 Taylor, David M VI Associate Professor 64,695 Thompson, Judith S VII Professor 75,919 Tucker, Julie M IV Instructor II 56,448 Tulley, Mark David VI Associate Professor 64,695 Voss, Karl Dirk VII Professor 74,105 Waghulde, Vidyullata C VII Professor 74,105 Wavering, Kelly R V Assistant Professor 57,813 Werner, Donna J VII Professor 74,105 Wessely, Vicki R VII Professor 77,753 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

White, Amanda M V Assistant Professor 57,813 Wilkinson, Lisa R V Assistant Professor 57,813 Wilson, Nathan G VI Associate Professor 62,801 Winter, Rebecca Anne V Assistant Professor 59,805 Wodajo, Tadesse B V Assistant Professor 63,788 Yale, Emily A VII Professor 71,936 Ziegler, Patricia Lynn VI Associate Professor 64,695 Zumwinkel, Donna Marie VI Associate Professor/Counselor 64,695

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Probationary Meramec

Name Range Job Title Salary Ballentine, Cynthia R V Assistant Professor 61,641 Bast, Matthew Dale IV Instructor II 51,348 Brieler, Robert A V Assistant Professor 57,813 Champene, Aaron R V Assistant Professor 57,813 Cohoon, Christina Marie V Assistant Professor 58,374 Eayrs, Christaan N V Assistant Professor 59,805 Heisler, Virginia Anita V Assistant Professor 60,570 Joseph, Reni V Assistant Professor 58,374 Kaufmann, Lacee A IV Instructor II 53,744 Martino-Taylor, Lisa IV Instructor II 51,847 Roberts, Kelli Cassandra IV Instructor II 53,744 Shields, David L V Assistant Professor 61,641 Smith, Rachelle D IV Instructor II 50,880 Swoboda, Michael E V Assistant Professor 61,641 Wood, Kenneth C V Assistant Professor 60,570

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Administrative-Continuing Wildwood

Name Range Job Title Salary McIntyre, Pamela A 28 College President 164,471.73 Taras, Marilyn L 15 Dir Std Affairs Wildwood Camp 80,000.88 Vaughn, Patrick C 23 V-P for Academic Affairs 100,726.93

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Non-Unit Professional-Continuing Wildwood

Name Range Job Title Salary Brouk, Judith M 09 Executive Assistant 52,017.29 DeShane, Abby G 12 Mgr Instructional & Career Res 60,358.00 Gough, Ellen M 12 Mgr Campus Aux Services 60,647.92 Hadziselimovic, Muhamed 12 Mgr Site Technical Support 59,783.61

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Continuing Wildwood

Name Range Job Title Salary Aumann, Patricia Marie 10 Coor Campus Life College Trans 60,357.41 Eudaley, Janice Lee 10 Coor Stu Enroll/Disab Sup Svc 50,706.92 Graham, Stephanie Ann 09 Coor Enrollment Mgmt 45,501.50 Mehranfar, Barbara L 10 Coor, Stu Enroll/Acad Advising 51,117.34 Nauman, Helen M 10 Coor Stu Enrollment & Fin Aid 62,928.52

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Unit Professional-Probationary Wildwood

Name Range Job Title Salary Martin, Katherine Pollock 07 Student Sv/Recruitment Liaison 36,920.41 Ward, Deborah Lyons 11 Coor, Campus & Community Relations 54,059.23

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Continuing Wildwood

Name Range Job Title Salary Babbitt, Donna Elizabeth VI Associate Professor 65,323 Glen, John V Assistant Professor 63,788 Goushey, Layla Azmi V Assistant Professor 56,121 Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai VI Associate Professor 62,801 Graville, Teri K V Assistant Professor 58,374 Lodhi, Afzal K VII Professor 95,619 Roach, Timothy L VII Professor 77,753 Weber, Mark A VII Professor 77,753 Welty, Dorothy J V Assistant Professor 57,813

3.2 Other Personnel Actions/St. Louis Community College 2012-2013 Salary Recommendations

Faculty-Probationary Wildwood

Name Range Job Title Salary Chowdhury, Md Syed A V Assistant Professor 61,641

St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Abbott, Monte Lee M ANT2026X120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ANT102601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ANT2026X1HON2 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Abrams, Joanna Mariam FP BIO111H03201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.41 $4,319.60 W BIO207395201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,455.68 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Adams, Demetrius M FP ENG03048620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 FP CTLADJFACSPCO 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Adams, Leroy FP MTH14048620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH14045320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH14045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Adeyemi, Gloria W W BIO122374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 W BIO122339201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 W BIO122375201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 W BIO122340201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 Aehle, Barbara Jean CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $276.00 Aerne, Jo A M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $78.00 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M ART245601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $3,537.60 Agard, Constance Eileen FV RDG05250120121 05/07/12 05/11/12 2.00 $176.00 FV RDG03051220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV RDG03052020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ahrens, Marlene Rose CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 118.00 $1,888.00 Aitken, Victoria J FV SOC1035XA20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV SOC2115WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV SOC1265WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 25.00 $750.00 Akin, Rachel Ann FP ART113404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FP ART113213421201 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Albrecht, Randall L CC MBSKTB201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.40 $3,500.72 Albright, Matthew Patrick FV HST119502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FV HST102510201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV HST102506201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Aldridge, Sarah E FP ACC10042120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Alessi, Jean A CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $243.00 Alexander, Kimberly A M RDG030S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,393.88 FV RDG03052220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $2,006.98 Allen, Deborah M COM10164320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Allen, Ivy M FV MUS13255120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 Allen, Kelli Danielle FV ENG10155420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FV ENG1015522012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Allison, Kathy Sue CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $203.00 Allman, Julie A W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W GEO1003W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W BIO117301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Altman, Kevin J FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.20 $124.64 Amen, Charles Alan CC BUSNCPA201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $75.00 CC FINCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $54.00 Anand, Vinod K M BIO111613201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Anderson­Rice, Rose Mary FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $58.00 Anderson, Carole F FP CTL AdjFacSpCON 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG03041520121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG03042820121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP English ­ FP 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 Anderson, Gina Marie FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.14 $1,330.84 Anderson, Karla Denise FV PED116550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE122550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72

06/28/12 ­1­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV PE122580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Anderson, Lynda Smith FP COM101H2120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP COM10142120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP COM10142620121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Anderson, Mary Marta FV ENG2015WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Anderson, Matthew E FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.20 $124.64 Andert, Lucas G FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.60 $997.12 Andreoff, George FV BIO207.501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Andrews, Courtney A FV PSC101501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV PSC101504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV PSC101502201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Angert, Joseph C W ART172374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 W ART275374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Angliongto, Maryanne Vacho W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W PSI115350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 W PSI111350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Ankenbrand, Ralph J FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 1.60 $1,646.72 Arlt, Robert Alois FV MTH03053020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV SPRAFO201210 03/18/12 04/14/12 1.00 $75.00 FV GE101501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FV MTH03053120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Armstrong, Francine M M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M MTH00460220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Arnett, Carol Ann FV ENG10152120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FV ENG10152820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Arnold, Gary L FP TUR230450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $792.00 Arnot, Paul B FP BAP105461201210 02/14/12 03/08/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP BAP101450201210 01/17/12 03/30/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP BAP110461201210 03/20/12 04/12/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Ashby, Ronald David FV EE132551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.34 $4,261.76 Austin, Ron Anthony FV ENG02055320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FV ENG02055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FV ENG10151020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Autrey, Mary Jungewaelter FP BAP201042120121 02/28/12 03/22/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FP BAP220421201210 04/17/12 05/03/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FP BAP250450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.80 $3,613.64 Axe, Stephanie Kaye M ENG07060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.25 $97.50 M ENG05365020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ayers, Fran A CC CFKDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $243.00 Azwell, Evelyn P W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W FRE1023S220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $1,760.00 W FRE1013S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 W FRE1013S1HON2 02/18/12 05/14/12 1.00 $88.00 Back, Gail Ann CC CPRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.01 $7.79 CC CPRTFT201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $99.00 CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 85.00 $2,805.00 CC CTCRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.24 $148.01 FP CTCRINSTRUCTO 01/08/12 05/26/12 52.50 $1,732.50 FP TCEQUIPMENT20 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.94 $5,569.85 FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.60 $2,243.52 FP CTCRADJUNCT20 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.39 $241.49 Back, Gordon Edward CC CTCRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.25 $155.80 CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 86.50 $2,681.50 FP CTCRINSTRUCTO 01/08/12 05/26/12 13.00 $403.00 FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.60 $2,242.89 FP CTCRADJUNCT20 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.06 $38.95 Bailey, Matthew T FP EDU218.45120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24

06/28/12 ­2­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Bailey, Steven G M BLW20160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M BLW10160420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M BLW20130220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M BLW10160320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Bake, Marlene G FP RDG01640220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 FP RDG01740220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP RDG02041720121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Balderas, Barbara A FV IS101574201210 02/05/12 03/19/12 16.00 $698.08 FV IS101575201210 03/18/12 04/16/12 16.00 $698.08 FV IS102575201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV IS102574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV IS109574201210 04/01/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 Baldwin Kim, Jillian Leigh M ENG05160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Baldwin, Robert O FP PSY208474201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP PSY206474201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Banks, Valerie R FP ECE125401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Barbero, David John FP ENG03042420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP ENG03042320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP ENG030H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Barks, Jennifer Louise FV BIO104550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.48 $3,207.24 Barnes­Roberts, Andrea Marie CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.00 $960.00 Barnes, Bobbie Sue FV IS102550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Barnes, Javonda Jane CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 88.25 $1,339.65 Barnholtz, Lane Daryl FP MCM11340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP IDS101451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP IDS101403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $270.00 Barr, Kimberly Suzanne FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV BIO111518201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 4.33 $3,022.68 FV BIO11504LAB2012 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO104501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.67 $2,561.96 Barrett, Barbara Jean M BUS104674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Barrett, Price Benson FP SUBSTITUTE 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $112.00 Barrett, Sandra Kristine FP MTH08041120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Barshis, Victoria R W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W SOC10135120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Barteau, Brian Edward FP PAR20369A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP PAR22169A 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.09 $1,300.93 FP EMT12135020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 FP PAR22369A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 Basinger, Jenelle Marie CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $252.00 Bastien, Chardais Veronica FP ENG02042220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Bates, Bradley E W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ENG10130820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Batey, Keith M FP COM10748620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Bathily, Diadie B CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $108.00 Batisto, Joan J FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.07 $669.01 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP EMT12155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $934.56 Batson, Stephanie Renae CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $42.00 Battaglia­Esses, Stephanie Suza FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,401.28 Battee, Tracy Leigh CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 17.50 $266.88 Bauer, Eric Jason FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.60 $373.92 Baugh, Joseph Frederick M PHY224698SDL20 01/17/12 06/23/12 1.00 $88.00 M PHY112601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $4,604.80 M PSI111602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88

06/28/12 ­3­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Bauman, Derek L FV AT207501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 FV AT246501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Baumstark, Jeffrey Mark M BIO207650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 Baur, Edward Charles CC BRIDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $230.00 Baxter­Carr, Susan L CC ANIMDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 23.00 $414.00 Bayer, John G M IDS201608201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M IDS201605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Bear, Judy A W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS101301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W COL020301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $264.00 W RDG03030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Bearden, Jerry L CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 42.00 $1,386.00 CC CFKDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $405.00 Bearden, William G CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $310.00 Beardsell, Kathleen Dorothy W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ENG1023X320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ENG1103X720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ENG10137520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Beatty, Derek E FP BIO111410Lab201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BIO111409&41020 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 FP BIO111409Lab201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Beck, Scott M M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH02062020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH03061220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH02064620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Becker, Carrie Marie FP ART265401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Becker, Roger A W HST1193W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W GEG10630120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Beckman, Melinda Beth FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,744.80 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 22.50 $675.00 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Bednar, Lisa FP ENG03045320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.17 $1,733.33 FP CTL­AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 FP ENG10146120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG03045320121 01/17/12 03/14/12 0.75 $598.56 FP ENG1024WD2012 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.80 $2,232.13 Bedwell, Janie A M HRT241601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,324.60 Bee, Bethabra M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M IS205675201220 05/12/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,028.96 Begum, Razia FP CLT207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FP CLT210401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Behle, Michael J FP ART109450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.52 $3,238.08 FP Payadjustment one 04/10/12 05/14/12 1.00 $446.40 Behnen, Andrew Taylor CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $84.00 Belanger, Jane Frances FP RDG03046120121 03/25/12 07/31/12 4.28 $2,988.66 FP RDG02041020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.91 $2,033.16 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 Bell, Harmony Denise FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.25 $37.50 FV ENG02052220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG00305252012 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Bellrose, Patrick James M HRT245650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,657.60 Bemberg, Stephanie P FP MUS12148620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP MUS12240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP MUS22148622220 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Benavidez, James G FV GE101550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Bender, Jack CC GNSFDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $1,080.00 Bender, Kathleen A CC STP/GEDFEDCOU 01/08/12 05/26/12 155.00 $4,185.00 CC STP/GEDSTPATS 01/08/12 05/26/12 97.00 $2,619.00

06/28/12 ­4­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Bender, Marcia Marie M Substitute201210 01/03/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 M BIO111608201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 M BIO207610201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M BIO111607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Bene', Molly Elizabeth M CertProgram20121 01/17/12 02/17/12 1.00 $200.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M THT101602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM10160820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM10160620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Benedick, Kristi A M MUS12860320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MUS12850120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Bennett, Linda M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.55 $964.87 Benton, Melissa Joy FV IDS101510201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W MCM10130120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W IDS101304201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Bergin, Cheryl Lynn M BIO208606201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M BIO113601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Bergjans, Dorrine C FP IS102474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Bergman, Elizabeth Theresa M CHM21060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.67 $2,561.96 M CHM10160720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,720.76 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Berkbigler, Jodie Louise FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $434.00 FV PCAFAC201210 03/18/12 03/31/12 4.00 $132.00 Berne, Richard R FV PSY200509201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV IDS101516201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Berry, Janet Margaret W ECO14030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 2.00 $150.00 Berry, June E FV RDG03055520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FV RDG01750420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.94 $654.45 FV RDG01650420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,308.90 Bersche, Mary J FP NURLAB10120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.13 $899.08 FP Substitute 201210 02/09/12 05/14/12 8.00 $208.00 Beta, Martha M PTORIENT171220 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PHY122650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 Beyer, Deborah Ann M COM101S0320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM101S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M COM101S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Bickel, Gregory Scott FV MTH160C5522012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FV MTH12455020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Bierbaum, Susan E W EDU22730120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W EDU21130120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W EDU21130220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,848.00 Biggs, Courtney A FP NUR10840120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.20 $3,629.20 Bingham, Brian Thomas CC FINCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $300.00 Bingham, Thomas J FV AT&T Coord 20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,029.20 FV SEEDCoord20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,029.20 Birch, Ruth E FV BIO207580LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 FV BIO207581201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV BIO207581LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV BIO207580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Bise, Elaine M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $62.32 FP EMT12140020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $4,984.32 Bishop, Joyce A CC AHCEHHC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.50 $1,336.50 Bivens, Dennis R M ART235651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 M ART235601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $1,651.20

06/28/12 ­5­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Blackwell, Lewis E FP ENG102201210 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.25 $2,315.16 FP ENG020H0220121 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.25 $2,315.16 FP ENG03045520121 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.17 $2,234.77 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp CO 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Blake, Cheryl Ann M ENG020S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG101S4620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Blalock, John Eugene W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS101305201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W HST1013W520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Blanchard, William D W CHM10135020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 W CHM10130120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 Blandford, Jayme B M ENG102HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ENG1026WQ2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG102SWA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Bloodsworth, Susan CC RDG02051B20121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV COL020509201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Blount, Tiffany Michelle FP MCM12146120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MCM21946120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Blue, David FP PSY205450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CTL­Social Scienc 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP PSY200409201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP PSY200486201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Boaz­Chambers, Audrey Marcel FP MTH02044320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,036.21 FP MTH030H0420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp CO 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP HIT214450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 Bober, Michael Bernard FV PE133501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Boedges, Robert John M MUS13365120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Boehm, C R FV MTH02053120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Bogosian, Ahzad Robert FP ART109404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 FP ART114402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Bohra, Sunita W BIO1113WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M BIO111651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Bolden, Eddie E FP MTH02048620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02045620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02045220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Bolhofner, Edward J M MTH030S0720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M MTH140S0420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Bollinger, Jason John FP PHL101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP PHL101402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP PHL104401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP PHL101448201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.50 $165.00 Bommarito, Lisa Dawn FP RTH140&2452012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $415.36 Booker, Gloria Dennis FP IS103421201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 FP CTLADJFACFALL2 01/31/12 02/23/12 1.00 $200.00 FP IS103405201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 FP IS103403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 Boos­Finke, Carrie L CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 34.00 $486.20 Bopp, Corinne Savage CC HEALDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $84.00 Boulanger, Jay Wilson FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.93 $960.40 Bourque, June Ellen FV BIO225550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.68 $5,844.48 Bowe, Margaret C M PTREFLIBRARIAN 01/09/12 05/14/12 5.75 $4,013.50 Bowles, Micah J FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $311.60 Boyd, Jamison Marie M AT251651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,320.00 Boyd, Kara N M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 M COM10163020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Boyd, Robert K FV MTH02051720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88

06/28/12 ­6­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV ESC200550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV MTH02051820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Bradford, Jennifer Lee CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $72.00 Bradford, Sallie Ford FP CTL MyTest Traini 01/08/12 02/03/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTL Faculty Obser 01/08/12 02/03/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTL Meeting 01/08/12 02/03/12 1.00 $50.00 FP RDG03042920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP RDG03040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Bradley, Jean Marie CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $495.00 Braig, Christopher Lewis FP MUS13845020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 32.00 $1,232.00 Bramley, Amanda Rose FP ENG1024WM2012 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 Brandle, Maria A CC FLITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $864.00 Brannan, Beverly C W RDG03030220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Branson, Christina C M ENG1026WV2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10160820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brazeal, Jana S M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M Reference Libraria 01/03/12 05/14/12 9.42 $6,574.29 Breidenbach, Ann Detwiler M PSY200648201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSY200647201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Breitman, Peter N FP ACC11045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp CO 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ACC100S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Brennan, Beverly B FP COM10146220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Brennan, Patricia A FP RTH140245201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $532.00 Brennan, Susan Mary M PHL101606201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M PHL101608201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Brickey, Michael Charles W HST1023W620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brodsky, Maureen M CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 43.00 $989.00 Brody, Gail S M ARC21965020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 M ARC20965020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 M ARC219650HON2 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Broekelmann, Thomas Joseph FV ENG10152920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG03050920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG03051020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brogdon, Benjamin Ray FV Eng1025WD20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG10157420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brown, Amy L FV COM10155320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10152520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV COM10152020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brown, Gregory L FP DMS11645020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 Brown, Kathy Ann FP EMS201220 01/17/12 07/31/12 0.64 $400.09 FP PAR20269A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP PAR21269A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 Brown, Latonya V FP CDA Tech Adv 201 01/17/12 05/14/12 22.00 $440.00 FP ECE101421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.75 $1,919.72 FP ECE124461201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.50 $315.00 FP ECE200450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 Brown, Michelle Marie CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 17.00 $243.10 Brown, Pamela Jeanne FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP ENG10142720121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10142220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.83 $1,974.26 M ENG1026XA20121 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG10165120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brown, Sarah Tobermann M ECE207698SDL20 05/13/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00

06/28/12 ­7­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Brown, Todd J FP HST101H2120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Brumfield, David J M ENG1026W320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Bruns, Jonathan E FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.23 $157.05 Bryant, Joseph M CRJ111S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M CRJ124674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Buchanan, Leonor Shelton FP RDG03043120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP RDG03040720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP RDG03041420121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Buck, Stephanie Janine FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.42 $262.37 FP PAR22669A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP PAR22269A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FP PAR22469A 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 Buckey, Mary Ann FP RDG03042220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COL020406201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.53 $1,767.02 FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP RDG02042220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp CO 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.25 $97.50 Budler Little, Patricia Susanne M ECE101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Budwell, Matthew David FP EMSPROGRAMS 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $62.32 Buescher­Milligan, Kathleen FV reflib201220 05/15/12 07/31/12 2.08 $1,452.71 Buettner, Thomas L FV BIO208551LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 FV BIO208551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV BIO207553201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV BIO207553LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 Bullock, Robert L M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 11.00 $330.00 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M IS130671201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.00 $1,596.16 M IS129650201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 Bunton, Thessalonia FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.25 $37.50 FP IS102401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,990.42 Burgess, Sandra Jean FV HUM10950120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG10157620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Burk, Charles Walter FP CRJ212401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CRJ102474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CRJ122402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP CRJ123401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Burke, Mary Hagan FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,401.28 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.83 $6,003.20 FP DHY21542120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.38 $3,473.28 FP CRDTS 201220 05/11/12 05/31/12 1.33 $1,372.16 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp CO 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Burkhardt, Patrick James FP HST102401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP HST101421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP HST102402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Burkhardt, Sarah B FV MTH02058220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Burkhardt, Vivian C M EDU21060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M EDU21960120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Burns, Linda M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Burns, Mary Esther M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M PSY200S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSY200S5120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Buschardt, Graciela M SPA102650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00

06/28/12 ­8­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Bush, Jennifer L CC NPAD 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $198.00 Buss, Kenneth D FV AQUATICDIR2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Butery, Karen A W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS201397201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Butler, Cathy Ann CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $360.00 Butler, Synetra T CC PLB201205 01/06/12 05/26/12 27.00 $411.75 Byerly, Jennifer D FP ECO1514WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Byington, Alvin R FV CHM10650120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Byington, Carol H FV CHM10155120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 Bynum, Alice J CC NURS201205 04/17/12 05/26/12 124.00 $4,092.00 Cables, Shana Langefeld FV DIT106501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.80 $558.48 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Caldwell, Marilyn Carol FV BIO111580LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO111551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Calicutt, Carolyn J FP IS151450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FP IS151474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Calicutt, Steven C FP IS235450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP IT211450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Calicutt, Stevie C M IS130640201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Callison, Christine Marie M ENG101S0620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG101S0720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Cameron, Brian K FV PHL1015WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV PHL101551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV PHL1045WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Candice, Christopher G W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS101374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ENG1023X620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ENG10130520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Cange, Christie Ann M COM10165420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Cantrell, Michele Rene FP PE1301224102012 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.27 $791.78 FP PE1301243120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.27 $791.78 FP Guest Speaker 201 02/29/12 04/24/12 1.00 $25.00 FP PE1301241120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.21 $752.84 FP PE1301241220121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.21 $752.84 FP PE1301243020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.21 $752.84 FP Sub PE 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 17.50 $455.00 FP PE1301243220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.27 $791.78 Carlos, Mario Pruna FP BAP160401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 FP ART107402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Carlson, Chris Ann FV NUR105LAB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.09 $758.40 Carman, Jason Austin FV ENG03052220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.92 $1,820.45 FV SPRAFO201210 03/18/12 04/14/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG03050420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $1,820.45 Carney, Marinan M M PSY200SW120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PSY200646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PSY200SS120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Carosella, Anthony Joseph CC DATA201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.00 $363.00 M AT105601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 M ART172696201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 24.00 $624.00 Carpenter, Tracy R FV MTH08051020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Carr, Gregory Stephen FP COM10145320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COM101H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV ENG1025XE20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Carroll, Amy Michelle M COM10163720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Carroll, Brian J M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $78.00

06/28/12 ­9­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,744.80 M PE173680201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE173650201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Carroll, Maria Esther W SPA1013SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $2,464.00 W SPA1013S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Carter, Brittany Diane FP COM10147920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Carter, Bryonie Anne M IDS201651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Carter, Terrell Lamont W ART100376201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ART100375201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Carvalho, Antonio FP BIC101401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Casey, Zita Maria FP ENG03042620121 03/19/12 06/08/12 1.59 $1,271.94 FP ENG00440120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 16.00 $440.00 FP COL020422201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.89 $2,306.95 FP ENG03040720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,331.89 Castillon, Jerry R M BIO124601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M Substitute 201210 04/26/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 Castro, James F FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.30 $186.96 Caumiant, Jennifer Lynn FP BIO151402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP BIO151450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Cavanaugh, Mary E FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 11.00 $8,778.00 Cerutti, Jessica E CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Chabot, Melissa FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV COM10150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 Chambers, Florence FP ENG03042220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG02041220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Chambwa, Mwaka FP BIO11452LAB2012 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $828.64 FP BIO111453LAB201 05/15/12 06/09/12 1.33 $828.64 Chandak, Pallavi Manish CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $108.00 Chang, Sheow Hwey CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 30.00 $810.00 Chapman, Jennifer Sue M ENG030S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG101S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10160620121 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 Chaudhry, Mohammad A FP BIO215401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.64 $4,501.16 FP BIO208405Lec201 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Chien, Rueih Wei CC FLCHDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $1,080.00 Chittinappilly, Sheela Joy FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.83 $54.90 Christian, Cheryl M CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Christiansen, Steven FV PSY200573201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV PSY200504201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W CRJ122350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV PSY200501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Christman, Mary B M CurrProj201210 02/19/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 CC P/T CE FAC20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $132.00 Christmann, Gary A FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.26 $160.00 Clark, Ashley Lynn FP NUR20540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.73 $5,397.24 Clark, Gloria Jean FP MTH02041820121 03/19/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FP MTH08043220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH08140820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 FP MTH08140520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Clasby, Carol L W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS101378201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Clay, James A FP ENG10141820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG10140320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10140920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Clayton, Joel Timothy FV COM10150520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­10­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV IS102503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV IS102502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Clifford, Anjanette FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.49 $302.26 Clifton, Kathy E M RDG030S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Cline, Jennifer Ann FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $150.00 FP ANT102401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 Cochran, Steven Wayne FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $399.00 Cody, Cathy Cox CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $72.00 Cole, Yvonne E FV BIO111514LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 FV BIO1545WH20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV BIO111514201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Coleman, Rozina FV ENG10151720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Collinger, Allison H FP MCM14147420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV Social Networking 04/05/12 06/30/12 1.00 $250.00 Collins, Adrienne Denise CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.00 $960.00 Collins, Isaac A FP MTH160C4532012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP MTH160C4512012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Collins, Judith A FP ENG03040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ENG10140220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ENG1024WG2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Collins, Kiwana S FV NUR108CLINICAL 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.83 $6,251.00 Collins, Robert W FV PSI105550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,657.60 FV PHY223550LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 FV PHY111501LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 Combest, John G FV PE109502201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE1185802201210 04/29/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130556201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE103591201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Conley, Cheryl A CC MUSCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.00 $1,620.00 M MUS12260220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 M MUS22163620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 M MUS12260120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Conley, Larry C FP FIR112H21201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,332.80 FP FIR111H01201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.67 $1,332.80 Conner, Elcee C FP RTH225402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,842.24 Cook, James M M AT135650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Cook, Robert Thomas CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 Cooke, Dorothy Jane CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 Corbett, Suzanne E CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $486.00 Corley, Norman G FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $936.35 FP EMT12169A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $4,984.32 Cormier, David H W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ENG1023WA2012 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ENG2053W420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Cormier, Robert J M BIO207651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Cortner, Charles David CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $252.00 Costello, Ian Joseph CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.50 $583.22 Costello, John Joseph FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/28/12 1.15 $802.70 Cottle, Sandra K M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M BUS103674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M BUS103650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Courtois, Timothy L FV ART235501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 12.00 $360.00 FV ART131501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Coveyou, John Joseph Nobert M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00

06/28/12 ­11­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M CHM101S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,720.76 Covington, Regina M FP MTH08043420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.92 $1,817.33 FP MTH03044120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08043320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.92 $1,817.33 Cox, Jodi Lynn Ashley FP ECE101475201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ECE127476201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Cox, Karen E FV ECO14055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Cox, Michelene F FV ENG02050620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV ENG02050520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Cozart, Tosha S FV MTH160C5492012 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.17 $2,526.42 FV MTH160C5822012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.75 $2,992.80 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Cradick, Thomas Robert W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W BIO111302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 W BIO111306201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 Crane, Alison B FV SOC10150120120 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SOC10151120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SOC10158420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 Crawley, Lisa Birgitta M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M LGL226650201210 02/13/12 03/05/12 1.00 $623.04 Crews, Joel P FP MUS11340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MUS12842120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Crider, Jack FP PE1301245320121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.21 $1,113.02 FP PE1301243420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 FP PE1301245220121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.21 $1,113.02 FP PE1301246420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 FP PE1301241420121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.21 $1,113.02 FP PE1301246320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 Crinnion, Catherine Marie CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 83.00 $1,494.00 Critchfield, Cynthia S FP SOC20340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 Crocker, Daniel Charles M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG10167920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG10167520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG102SX220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Croghan, Ann D CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 168.50 $4,549.50 Cronin, Christopher Blair W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W BIO207350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,104.44 FV BIO111513201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $953.56 FV BIO111511201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $953.56 Crowell, Kenneth Clark FV ENG2255XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Crusoe, Stephanie Eunice CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $324.00 Cruthis, Harold T M MTH18665020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Cucchi, Michael A CC WSOCRasst20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.72 $1,200.44 Cunningham, Heather Rene M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M LGL108696201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M LGL108697201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Cunningham, Kendra Anne M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG10160120121 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10164020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.75 $112.50 M ENG10369520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10264120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Curran, Michele Leianne FP DMS11840120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,256.00 Currier, Jamie Lynn FV COM10155120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM2005XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10152220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­12­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 Curtis, Brian FP IS241474IS241450 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Cyr, Laura­Jean A FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,912.64 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP DHY21542120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 10.00 $383.80 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 18.50 $555.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,298.56 Dalton, Patricia Ann CC CONS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 56.88 $1,877.04 Daly, Judith M CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $264.00 Damyan, Roberta Anne CC BRIDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $108.00 Dandridge, Richard Walter FP EMSPROGRAM20 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $1,832.68 Daniel, Allen R M PHY111650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,144.80 Danmole, Azizat Omotola FP MTH02042520121 03/19/12 05/14/12 1.50 $934.56 FP MTH02044120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH03043820121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 Danna, Gina Marie M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M HST1016WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST101647201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST102652201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,848.00 Danyluck, Sharon J CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 25.00 $675.00 Darr, Anna M FP HST101486201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP HST101451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Darris, Francelle V FP IS102450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP IS102H50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP IS101H80201210 02/11/12 03/24/12 16.00 $798.08 FP IS123H80201210 03/25/12 05/18/12 1.00 $798.08 Das, Nobel Vidyasagar M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M CHM10565020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 M CHM10560320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 Dattilo, Gina M FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 FP ECE107450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ECE101461201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $216.00 Daugherty, Kathleen Ann M RDG03060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M RDG10064120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Dausman, Lindsay Rae M NUR20560120121 01/17/12 04/21/12 7.20 $5,025.03 M NUR20160120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,722.24 Davania, James Arthur W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ART107341201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 David, John C FP MCM14042120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BUS104422201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Davis, Dana Lynn FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG03045220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP ENG03045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Davis, Diana L FP ENG03041620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG02042120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FP ENG03042020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Davis, Joseph L M PSC101650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PSC101604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Davis, Phyllis Regina FV IS136564201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $716.96 FV IS123575201210 03/04/12 04/16/12 16.00 $716.96 FV IS102576201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 Dawson, Susan Christine FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 6.00 $528.00 FP ART103401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP ART100461201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP ART102401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 de la Garza, Maria E CC FLSPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $672.00

06/28/12 ­13­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Deelo, Joan M M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.50 $195.00 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ACC11065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 M ACC10060420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Deetz, Kathleen M M PSY205676201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,047.12 M PSY205695201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSY205678201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Degenhardt, Emily Marie M RDG02065020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Delmore, Stephanie FV BIO207504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV BIO207506LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO207506201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO207504LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Deloney, Ronald W FV ACC10050320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,244.60 FV ACC10050420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,244.60 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ACC10050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,244.60 DeLorenzo, Lisa C W PSC101302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PSC101374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS201398201211 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Dempsey, Jean Evelyn M ESLPLCMNT2012 01/17/12 05/19/12 8.00 $208.00 M ENG07160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG06060320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Denney, Christa Gearhart FV AT279501201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,302.80 FV ART169501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Dennis, Patricia K CC HEALDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $54.00 Denny, Mary A FP HRM11245020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP HRM11247420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CUL105474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $112.00 Denu, Matthew Joseph FP XRT215401201210 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.50 $2,180.64 Deppong, Christine Marie FP BIO111450&45120 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FP BIO111451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,061.44 FP BIO111450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,061.44 Derby, Michelle Rene W ENG10137420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG1024WP2012 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP ENG1024WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 Dersch, Peggy Elizabeth M COM10760420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 DeShetler, Steven James FV DCS10550320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,115.20 FV DCS12050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 Devine, Edith A CC STPGED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 68.00 $1,836.00 CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 234.75 $4,929.75 Devine, Joan L CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $62.00 Dhawan, Balram FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV CHM10555020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 FV CHM10550420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Dietzler, Michael N FP EMT121S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Dingus, Steven Michael FP PE1301242620121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE173421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE161474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP PE1301240620121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE111401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 Dion, Mary Eva M BIO111607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 M BIO111641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 Ditto, Tina Seville FV IS116550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV IS102504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­14­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Dixon, Robert T M COM1046S320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M COM10163520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M COM1046S420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Dodd, Emily C FP Substitute 201210 04/12/12 05/14/12 20.00 $520.00 Dodson, Ehren R M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSY205S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Dominguez, Christine M FV SPA101550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Donatt, Paul Michael FP BLW10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COM10141420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP COM10141020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Dong, Lulu FP CHI102499201210 05/17/12 06/15/12 3.00 $264.00 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Donovan, Eric W M MCM13060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Dooling, Denise Marie FV NUR105501LAB20 03/01/12 05/14/12 0.27 $216.13 Dorough, Scott C FV MCM13450120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FV MCM12450120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,590.20 FV MCM1025XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,590.20 Dorsey, Patrick T CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $144.00 Dotson, Beverly Marie FP HMS20545020101 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP Substitute HMS 20 01/17/12 05/14/12 12.00 $360.00 Douglas, Milton R CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 33.00 $594.00 Drikow, Gary P FV CE131550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Driskill, John E CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $315.00 FV DCS20655120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV DCS21755120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV DCS20755120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Dubberke, Molly Kathryn M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M Reference Libraria 01/03/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.01 DuBois, Kathleen Collins M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M LGL217695201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M LGL224695201210 01/23/12 02/06/12 1.00 $920.96 M LGL218695201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Dugal, Ronald V FP ACC20445120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Dugge, Wayne Alan M BIO111602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO208650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO207611201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Duhigg, Cynthia L FP MTH03046320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Dulle, Rene Ellen FV IDS201577201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,745.20 Dumit, Jabr M CC FLARDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 Dunham, Mary Smith M MTH14061820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MTH03062220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MTH14061620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Dunlap, Jill Marie CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $252.00 Dunn, Randy R M IRT101674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M IRT257674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,848.00 Dupler, Dawn Ann W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ENG1023X420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10145220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10145420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Dupy, Jill A M COM10163920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10161520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10161920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 2.50 $75.00 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Duran, Troy D CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $252.00 Durley­Petty, Renay D FV COL020551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV IDS201504201210 04/01/12 05/14/12 2.25 $1,795.68 FV PSY200512201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­15­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP PSY200450201021 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV IDS201502201210 04/01/12 05/14/12 2.25 $1,795.68 Dutt, Michael D FV PE130525201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130557201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130552201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 W PE129381201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,395.84 FV PE106580201210 04/03/12 04/21/12 32.00 $930.56 FV Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 5.50 $165.00 FV PE130526201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 Duval, Michel CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $84.00 Dwellingham, Barbara Jo FP ECE101401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Dwyer, Terrence J FV PSI11555201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 Dyess, John F M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 M ART239639201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,684.48 Dzunu, Pamela Guntharp FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.50 $195.00 FP ENG05340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,676.54 FP ENG06040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.75 $5,295.52 Early, John Madison M ART107602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 M ART107601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Eatherly, Maria Mihneva M COM10160920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10161120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10161420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 17.50 $525.00 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Ebert, Dineen M M IS123674201210 01/17/12 02/18/12 1.00 $1,028.96 M IS132674201210 04/02/12 05/05/12 16.00 $264.00 Echols, Felicia Chambliss FP CRJ206474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CRJ208474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.25 $2,268.76 FP CRJ123474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CRJ209401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 Edwards, Barbara L FP ENG10347620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Edwards, Bobby Joe FP COM10146320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COM10142320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COM10142720121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Edwards, Bryan Christopher FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,440.00 FV COM10151420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV MCM1015XD2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Eigel, Mary T M ART131601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 M ART131603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Eilerman, Ruth Katherine M CRJ123674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Elders, Kay L W MTH02034620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Elkin, Thomas Reed FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 52.00 $1,456.00 FP CUL215461201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,965.12 Elkins, James E FP IT101467201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 5.00 $3,490.40 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $120.00 Elliott, Christopher Micheal FP HMS10040420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SOC10050620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 FP HMS10246120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ellis, Charles Michael CC CRJS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $264.00 Ellis, Glen R CC SOFTBasst201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.80 $498.44 Ellison, Roger A FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $79.80 Ellison, Sandra L CC ANIMDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $162.00 Enbar, Shira Leah FP ENG07045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.00 $300.00 FP ENG07145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 Endy, Alice J CC AHCE/HHC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.50 $148.50 Engel, Edward J CC CVTW201205­P/T 01/08/12 05/26/12 22.00 $726.00 M AT120601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,830.08 M ART131605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00

06/28/12 ­16­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M AT276601201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.00 Engelhardt, Francesca E FV PSY205551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Enoch, Eva CC FLFRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $276.00 Erdeg, Biljana CC PHOTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 Erdmann, Heidi FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP NUR108201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.53 $4,559.16 Erickson, Andrew T M AT121646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M AT121639201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Ernst, Elizabeth A FP MTH08145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 FP MTH08145202121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,782.00 Estes, Robert T FP ART138401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.54 $1,583.56 FP ART133421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,112.00 FP ART135401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,661.44 Eto, Janet Kaoru CC HOMEDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.50 $112.50 Evans, Elizabeth A M HST102641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST102647201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M HST101646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Evans, Michelle Ann FP NUR20540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.73 $5,397.24 Evens, Kevin A M MTH160CS522012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M MTH030S5220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Fagan, Michael FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV LGL21851A201210 05/07/12 05/16/12 6.00 $528.00 Fagin, Gary C CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 100.00 $1,800.00 Fairchild, Mary P FP RTH245401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $532.00 Fan, Naxin FP ART114486201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 Fantroy, Dianna R FP ACC10045220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ACC10045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Farace, Julie Anne M MTH02060620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH10860120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Farwig, Phyllis Jeanne FP MTH08140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH0304022012 05/15/12 06/16/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH02040220122 05/15/12 06/16/12 1.50 $1,047.12 FP MTH02040220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.50 $1,047.12 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH03041320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH03041520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 Favre, Matthew Thomas FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 FP ENG02042320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10142420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10141720121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Feagan, Mary E CC ARTS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $368.00 Feezel, Regina L FV PHL1095XB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,590.20 FV PHL1095XC20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.62 $2,417.52 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 Feiner, Jason W M AT276601201210 01/17/12 02/18/12 1.00 $697.92 Fernandez, Kathleen M M PE161S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.00 M PE122S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 M PE116S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 Fernando, Kristi Soash FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,401.28 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 Fetahu, Sadik FV MTH02050720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Fetouh, Kamal A FP DMS11745020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Fey, Marsha W CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $432.00 Fillenwarth, Albert Floyd W BUS104350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W BUS104301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Fingers, Angelicia Elpis CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $780.00

06/28/12 ­17­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M PE181601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 32.00 $830.72 M PE122603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE174602201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 12.00 $312.00 M PE116650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,038.40 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 37.00 $962.00 M PE181602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Fischer, Barbara A M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 FP COM10148020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Fischer, Linda F FP NUR108201210 04/01/12 05/14/12 2.17 $1,729.00 Fischer, Mary K M ESC200601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $2,697.76 Fish, Brandon Rose FP MTH02041420121 04/10/12 05/14/12 0.75 $523.57 FP MTH02042320121 04/10/12 05/14/12 0.75 $523.57 Fisher, Constance Lynne M PSY200606201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PSY200650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSY200601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Fletcher, Morris E M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ARC22060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,830.08 Floyd, Toshi CC FEDGED201205 01/08/12 06/09/12 174.00 $5,046.00 Unknow BTOP 01/03/12 05/26/12 461.65 $14,311.15 CC EDUC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 21.00 $609.00 Flynn, M Luisa CC FLITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 Fogelbach, Kelly Joy M PE181S80201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Foley, Sarah Jane FV IDS101515201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV SOC10050520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SOC10055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Foster, James E FP CHM10145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,908.72 Foster, William D FV MTH03050420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.37 $2,443.78 FV MTH02052620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.72 $2,797.49 Fouche, Gwyndolyn W BUS104374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MKT20350120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV MGT10657420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Frailey, Nancy Jane FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 Frankenreiter, David A M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH020S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH020S4620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Fraser, Eileen B CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.50 $769.50 Fraser, Jennifer C FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.00 $292.00 M CHM10565120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,720.76 Frazier, James Leslie FV CRJ212550201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Frederickson, Kenneth F FP EMT12155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.50 $3,426.72 French, Joan Marie CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $400.00 Frese, Anne M CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 13.00 $390.00 FV PCAFAC201210 03/18/12 04/14/12 10.00 $270.00 Fricks, Aldene L M PTFACORIENTAT 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Friedhoff, Lori Rose FP NUR10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,489.60 Fritschle, Sandra Ann M Workshop 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M SPA101650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Froelker, Justine Lea Brooks M PSY200607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSY200694201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC21165020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Frye, Felipe S W ART109369201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 W ART109338201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68

06/28/12 ­18­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $50.00 Fudge, Jennifer Lynn CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.50 $297.00 Fuglsang, Susan Mary CC BUSS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 21.00 $609.00 Fuhrig, Katherine CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.25 $386.40 Fulbright, James S M ENG1026WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG1026XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Fuller, John A W PSI123301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Fuller, Neathery Batsell M ANT102641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M IDS201609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 M ANT102674201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,047.12 Fusco, Angeline C CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Gaal, Frank A M Counselor 01/03/12 05/14/12 1.51 $1,556.67 M COUNSELOR2012 05/15/12 08/13/12 0.15 $154.38 Gahan, Lisa Ann FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $162.00 Gallen, James M CC HISTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $108.00 Gallup, Craig William M IDS101605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M IDS101604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W PHL104374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Ganim, Margaret Joyce M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 Gantner, Stephen M M ARC22965020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gardner, Royd L FV PE139550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Garland, Julie Ann CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $345.00 Garner, LaDonna Renea CC GENEDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $162.00 Gartner, Nancy E FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.70 $436.24 Garwood, Deborah Sue M IDS101679201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M IDS101678201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gasquet, Rosario G CC FLSPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $648.00 Gastreich, Kent David CC PHOTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $210.00 Gaubatz, Douglas FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FV ART167502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 FV ART275501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Gawlik, Deborah Reeves CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 108.00 $2,268.00 Gawlik, Ray A CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.50 $369.00 Gay, Malcolm Doulas FP MCM11040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Geist, Zoe Ann M BIO111S03201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV BIO111502201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,047.12 FV BIO123501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO208509LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Gelfand, Glenna R M ENG03061320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M ENG03064620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M ENG03061120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Genova, Amy Kay FP ENG10145320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 FP ENG02040220122 05/15/12 06/30/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gentelin, Karen Zes FP ADJUNCTFACULT 01/03/12 06/30/12 5.48 $5,634.88 Gerard, Jay Michael M ECO14065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M ECO15165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Gero, Susan A M BIO111614201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO111606201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO111603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Gerst, David R M BUS104652201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Gieseler, Catherine M CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $42.00 Gilje, Brittany Nicole FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 2.90 $2,024.20 Ginn, Patricia Janeice FP RD30425201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP RDG02040720121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Giovanni, Joanne B W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W PE161395201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12

06/28/12 ­19­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv W PE161303201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 W PE161301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Giulvezan, Stacia Christine W MTH03030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV MTH02053920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W MTH02030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Gladden, Patricia L M ECO15265020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Glasper, Fermin Xavier FV CE250550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 FV CE248550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Glass, Alan D M ACC10064620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ECO1524WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 FP ACC11040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Glass, Charleen G CC ENGLDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $400.00 Gleason, Christina Mary FV PE174504201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE181502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Glover­Robinson, Talisa Kay FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP DA174401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,557.60 Gochnour, Frances Ellen FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ART112501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 12.00 $360.00 Goins, Amanda Victoria M NUR10860120121 01/17/12 04/21/12 5.20 $3,629.18 Goldkamp, Kristen Habert FP PSY200H0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Goliday, Melba Michelle FP COMP705H01 04/23/12 06/30/12 9.00 $225.00 Golliday, Sharon FP RDG01340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 FP RDG016H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP RDG017H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 FP RDG02041520121 02/19/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,047.12 FP RDG01240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.75 $172.50 Gonzalez, Lorenzo Fernando CC FLSPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 47.75 $1,098.25 Gonzalez, Thomas L FV COM10158020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV COM10155420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV COM10155220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Good, Timothy Michael M ACC10065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Goode, Phillip T FP FIR112H21201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,657.60 FP FIR111H01201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.33 $2,657.60 Goodgaim, Frederick CC Danc­D/CE 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Goodman, Lee Clayton FV BLW10150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Goodrich, Scott Michael CC BASEBasst201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Gorman, Alan D FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP IS103401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP IS103422201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP IS103402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gorman, Belinda L CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $162.00 Gottlieb, Gary M MCM12460120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MUS15060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 Graefser, Zachary Adam CC BASEBasst201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.20 Grant, Allen C FP MTH02045420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 FP MTH02045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 Grass, Thomas R FV ME230551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,727.04 Gravens, Carol K CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 Graves, Darnette Michelle FV MTH08150020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH08050020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 33.17 $995.10 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH03055420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.63 $1,832.47

06/28/12 ­20­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Graves, Jack Lee FP FIR102450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP FIR102451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Greer, Marsha A M BIO207S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 M BIO207S02201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 Greer, Nancy M FP MTH02040420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP MTH04040120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.19 $1,362.90 FP MTH08140320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH03042820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Gregg, Agnes Marie M RDG03065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gregory, Jaye J M AT219669201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Grib, John A FV GEO10050320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Griessel, Michael K CC ARTMODEL20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $39.78 Griffin, Brian Cordell FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.15 $154.50 FP MTH02046220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Griffin, Karlyn Trinene FV MTH14056020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH03055820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Griggs, Thomas L CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $360.00 Grimm­Howell, Elizabeth M M BLW20165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Groat, Dan D M MTH030S0320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH030S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Grossheim, Thomas Roland M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH14060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 W MTH14030320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 W MTH14030220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Grossman, Robert J FP MGT20445120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Grotha, Carol Ann M NUR10260120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Grothe, James W FP MTH144450/18545 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 FP MTH160C4522012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Grueninger, Kara M FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.75 $172.50 FP ENG05345020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 FP ENG06045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.83 $1,974.26 Gruenloh, Taylor J FV CODIRECT:ALMO 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $934.56 FV DIRECTOR201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $623.04 Guenther, Charles J M ESC201HON20121 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ESC201650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $1,760.00 Guilford, Stephen C FP IT142450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,320.00 Guilfoy, Daniel W CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $138.00 Gummere, Koreen Lee M LGL541695201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M LGL104695201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M BLW10160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $2,394.24 M LGL104697201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Gunderman, Mikhial Vincent M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M CRJ123601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gunther, Margarita K CC FLSPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $736.00 Gusdorf, Dorine Renee W PHL1043S1201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W IDS101309201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PHL101301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Guss, Jason W CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $252.00 Gutzler, George Steven FV IS107566201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV IS103552201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV IS110566201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Gwinn, Mary Kathleen W ENG03030220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W ENG10130320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Haag, Lisa Kathleen FP ENG03040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.84 $1,985.17 FP ENG02040920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP ENG03041720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 Hafezi, Bella FP ADJUNCTFACULT 01/03/12 06/30/12 6.99 $6,436.91

06/28/12 ­21­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Hagan, Marilyn Kay M ARC11769520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 96.00 $3,184.32 M ARC20765020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 32.00 $1,936.00 Hake, Jon J FV ENG10153120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,690.93 Hall, Dave FP MTH080H0320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 16.25 $487.50 FP COL020408201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.32 $1,618.68 FP COL020403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hall, Gloria J CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $756.00 Hall, Janessa D FV PSY200551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV PSY200553201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hall, Martin K CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $720.00 Hallermann, Charleen T FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP EVENINGCOORD 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP MTH154450/18645 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Halsband, Donna L M PRD12269916561 05/07/12 05/11/12 1.00 $88.00 M PRD12269616592 05/07/12 05/11/12 1.00 $88.00 M PRD12269716591 05/07/12 05/11/12 1.00 $88.00 Hamilton, Carolyn M BIO207604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,061.44 M BIO207607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,061.44 M BIO207601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,455.68 M BIO207603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,455.68 Hamilton, Gerald E CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $138.00 FP BAP150450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 FP CUL201450201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CUL205461201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hammerschmidt, Debra Lynn M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M RDG10060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hammond, Diana M M ENG06065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 Hammond, Michaella Anne M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Hampton, Gloria Ann FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Handel, Christel K FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 3.00 $264.00 FV GER10250120121 04/22/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FV ECO15150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Hanewinkel, Katherine I W PE181302201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 W PE181301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 W PED116302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 M PE181650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 M PE181601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Hankin, Robin Harriet CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $400.40 Hanson, Robin Annette M HST102S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Hany, Kimberly Louise CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $276.00 Hapner, Barry N W HST100301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W HST1013W620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W HST1053W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Hardeman, Vernon Gale FV RDG02050920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FV RDG02051520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 Harder, Keith E FP PE180474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Harder, Travis J CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $165.00 Hardy, Brian A FP CWL15040120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FP CUL115421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,496.40 FP CUL110401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Hardy, Cathleen Marie M PE165650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE165680201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Harned, Patrick FV ENG1025XB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG1025X020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Harness, Kim M CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $84.00 Harris, Barbara J CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $864.00 FP PE122421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72

06/28/12 ­22­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV PE122502201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE12401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE174503201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Harris, Kelley Kristine M SOC10169420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC1016WV2012 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M IDS101S02201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Harris, Robert L CC BUSS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $297.00 Harris, Sharon Ruth FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG10357420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG10350120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Harrison, Annette FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $200.00 Harrison, Kenneth E FV ENG1025XS20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG2135XB20121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV ENG2135XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Harrod, James E FP ENG1024XB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ENG1024WB2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Harshman, Erik D M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG02065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hart, Benjamin David M PHL101641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hart, Laurie Ann W BIO111305201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W BIO1113W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W BIO122369201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,731.40 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W BIO208303201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 69.28 $2,667.28 Hartin, Liesa A W PE181350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 W PE182368201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 Hartlieb, Jeanette Marie M MTH030S0420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH160BS012012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Hartwig, Patricia Marie W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 1.15 $34.50 W ACC10034620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Harvey, Martha Elizabeth FP RDG01742320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $920.37 FP RDG01742120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 0.67 $613.58 FP RDG01642120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,227.18 FP Fall Reading 01/17/12 02/24/12 2.05 $60.11 FP RDG01642320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,840.77 FP RDG01640320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.92 FP RDG01740320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $920.96 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Hasheider, Aaron M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.23 $140.22 Hatch, Lance R FV BIO208580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO208580LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO208512LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO208512201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hayes, Cynthia Marie CC SIGNDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $864.00 Hayes, Nicola Anne M MTH14061320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 Haynes, Sandra L M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M BUS104651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Haynes, Shanee Eva M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 05/26/12 1.00 $65.00 M COM10161820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10162120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10161220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Heck, Theresa Elizabeth FP HRM21040220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 FP HRM21440220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP HRM13445020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­23­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Heckmann, Jean Frances FV ESLCoordinator20 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG07150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG07050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG06250120121 05/07/12 05/13/12 4.00 $352.00 Heffernan, Cris M Unknow BTOP 02/02/12 06/30/12 78.50 $2,433.50 CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $396.00 Helle, Nancy A FP MTH08040820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH08041020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH03040420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Heller, Annette P CC BUSN201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $165.00 Helms, Katie Jane M ART233669201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Hemker, Karen Anne FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP DMS12345020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Hemphill, Carol Ann M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M RDG03060820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Henderson, Martha Lee M Reference Libraria 01/03/12 05/14/12 6.08 $4,847.86 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Hennen, Debra Rae FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BAP115421201210 04/17/12 05/10/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP BAP115461201210 04/17/12 05/10/12 3.00 $1,869.12 CC FOOD­DCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $243.00 Henson, Dennis Ray M ART100S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M ART103S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Hern, Lindy Starr Frazee M SOC10169620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC1016W120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC1016WK2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hernandez, Leslie S FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00 Hernandez, Rafael W BIO111304201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 W BIO111303201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 Herron, Glenda S CC BUSN201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.50 $148.50 Hertel, John E FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CRJ122H0120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 FP CRJ122401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Herzog, David L FV BUS104574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV MGT20457420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Hicks, John J M ARC22265020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,830.08 Hiestand, Jo A CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $84.00 Higgins, Donna Lynne W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IDS101379201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W COM10137420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W CTLLIAISON20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Higgins, Nancy Ann CC NPAD201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $174.00 Hill, Elke A FP ENG1024WJ20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.75 $52.50 M ENG10169720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG1026XD20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG1026WA2012 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Hinkel, Sandra Sue M EDU12060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Hirson, Diane Lee FP COM10145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP COM10146120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Hirssig, Gary James W PE130372201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $50.00 W PE130371201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 W PE130342201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56

06/28/12 ­24­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv W PE130340201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Hodges, Peggy Lee CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 74.75 $1,068.94 Hoekstra, Elvin L M IS103650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Hoffman, Beverly Lake CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 90.00 $2,430.00 Hoffman, Joyce Ellen FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP RDG01640520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.94 $1,993.61 FP RDG01740521012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.91 $932.50 Hoffman, Michael Jeffrey FP DA174.401201210 04/22/12 05/14/12 0.42 $428.80 Hoguet, Daniel A FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.83 $575.85 Holland, Kara Susanne FP ART168450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Holland, Steven W FP PT­Reference Libra 01/03/12 05/18/12 375.25 $6,548.12 Hollander, Robert R FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP HST101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Holmes, Raymond Cody FV ENG10150820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 Holterman, Donald L FV PE130522201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE116501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE130521201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE130528201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE116502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Holtzer, Dan R FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 FP MTH02040220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08040920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02041720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Homeyer, Yvonne M CC FINCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $54.00 Honnold, Adrianne L M MUS12867420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MUS12867520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W MUS1283SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W MUS12837420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hoppe, Bradley Robert CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.00 $1,080.00 Hornberger, Kent Dale CC NPAD201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $648.00 Horner, Mary E W COM10730120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W COM10130620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Horton, David CC HORTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $216.00 Hossin, Omar J FP RTH140241201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 0.33 $207.68 Hotle, Dana F M MUS11464720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Hotze, Pamela Evon M ECE124646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ECE200650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Houghton, David M CC THTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $540.00 House, John P CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.50 $35.00 Howe, Joseph W M MTH140S0320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M MTH020S0320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Howell, Donald L M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.00 $450.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M GEO10060420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M GEO10060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Howell, Karla R CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.50 $72.50 Howell, Nicole M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.90 $560.88 Hoxha, Hyrije H FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG06045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $6,173.76 Hritzkowin, Nicholas J FV MTH02052220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH02052020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV BIO111550LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 Hubbman, Yvette Joneen W ANT102374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M ANT102674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M ANT102646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Huber, Dawn Marie FP HIT104474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 FP HIT101476201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FP HIT105474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 Hudson, Repps B FP IDS101486201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Huettner, Juergen E CC WSOCR201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.39 $3,500.56

06/28/12 ­25­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Huffman, Lynne Marie FP DMS11545020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Hufker, Barbara J FV HST101551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV HST101551201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Hughes, Barbara Ann CC NPAD201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $62.00 Hughes, Lekitta FP ENG1024WL20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hughes, Marilyn Sue FP MTH08141120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP MTH03041920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.95 $238.50 FP MTH14040220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Hughes, Martha R FP MUS10340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP MUS10340120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 24.00 $1,381.44 FP MUS13142120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 28.50 $855.00 FP MUS1144WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Hugill, Edmund F FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH03051720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV MTH03051220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Huisinga, Joan F CC TRIPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 52.00 $1,404.00 Hulsey, Scott A FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.00 $299.25 Hunn, Jonathan William FV PSY205550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Hurley, Patrick John M ENG101HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00 M ENG10161920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Hurt, Debra A M BIO207609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M BIO208603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M BIO208651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 Huson, Timothy Craig FV PHL1035XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Huxhold, John P M ENG10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG10162820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG10162720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG101HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Hyde, Krista Dawn FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV PHL1015WC20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV PHL1015WB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hyland, Deborah J M IDS101610201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M IDS101607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M IDS101609HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M IDS101609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hyman, Cherie M CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $1,296.00 Ibur, Anne Louise Molasky M ART111646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Ingram, Aleshea L FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 Irby, Roby B FP PE103486201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.28 $1,022.44 FP PE1371384802012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.28 $1,022.44 Ivery, Judy Ann CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $101.50 Ivey, Maria Laarni M BUS104602201210 01/17/12 07/31/12 4.68 $3,847.68 M BUS104610201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M BUS104605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 Jablon­Bernstein, Moira M FP PED116404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Jabs, Ashley M FV BIO111510201210 03/24/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,047.12 Jackson­Potter, Jessica Nicole FV MTH02050620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH02050920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH02056220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,752.30 Jackson, Christina Ann M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 M COL020604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Counselor 01/03/12 05/14/12 5.89 $4,109.47 M COUNSELOR/PRO 05/15/12 08/13/12 45.75 $798.34 Jackson, Jessica Denise FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.90 $628.20 Jackson, Joseph W FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.34 $1,458.76

06/28/12 ­26­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Jackson, Sharon A FV ENG03250420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.94 $1,207.14 FV ENG03251720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FV ENG03250820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.94 $1,207.14 Jacobs, Jessica Ann CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 50.25 $482.40 James, Anna Kathleen FV MTH02054720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH03055220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 James, David Michael FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.90 $560.88 James, Dwayne T FP MTH02041620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP MTH03041620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 James, Jennifer Nichole CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $1,296.00 Jamison, Michael T FV BLW10155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV LGL230550201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Jansen, Charlene S FP CTCR ADJUNCT 04/14/12 05/26/12 1.00 $33.00 FP CTCR INSTRUCTO 04/14/12 05/26/12 4.00 $132.00 Jasper, Geraldine A FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 39.00 $1,287.00 FV CCPR765201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00 Jayaweera, Henry Bernard M ENG07065120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M ENG07060320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M ENG05360320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.00 $300.00 M ESLPLCMNT2012 01/17/12 05/19/12 13.00 $338.00 Jeep, Robert T CC PEDU201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $288.00 Jeffreys, Atsuko Marie FP ENG06240220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP JPN101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $2,816.00 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CTL AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 Jenner, Julia Carol FV AR13561201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 2.00 $176.00 Jewell, Deanna Sue FP RDG02042420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP RDG020H2120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG02040420121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Johnson­Stephenson, Maria M FV SPA102550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Johnson, Barbara S M BIO111S51201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Johnson, Betsy M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.28 Johnson, Cecilia H FP SOC21140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP HMS10140220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Johnson, David Art M PHL101601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PHL104601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PHL112675201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PHL112674201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PHL101680201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Johnson, Frank Walter FP PE162451201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.15 $914.38 FP PE162/3.46120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,064.00 Johnson, Gerald T FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $1,920.80 Johnson, Howard CC HOMEDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $644.00 Johnson, Kinya Deneice Hope M HMS10067520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M HMS10165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M HMS10065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Johnson, Patricia A FP ECE205480201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Johnson, Sarah C CC FLIRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $736.00 Johnson, Sheila M FP HIT201450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Johnson, William F FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP HMS20344502012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­27­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP HMS20124502012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.10 $2,862.12 Johny, John Mulavana M MTH14068020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MTH03065220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MTH17065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Jones, Allen W FP PRD10842120121 02/06/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 CC BUSN201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $330.00 Jones, Carolyn Defay FP COL020421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COL020H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Jones, Casey John FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.28 Jones, Darren Bruce M FITCTRCOOR201 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,326.40 M PE104601201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M FITCTRCOR20122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $1,104.00 Jones, Donald L CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 232.50 $4,882.50 CC STPGED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $63.00 Jones, Gregory Allen FP COM10147820121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM101S5120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP COM10114772012 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Jones, Janice Maria Rogers FV RDG01651320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,842.51 FV RDG01751320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $920.37 Jones, Omer Howard FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.93 $960.40 Jones, Rodney W CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 21.00 $201.18 Jones, Ronald L FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.26 $785.54 FP EMT12147520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Jones, Sarah Elizabeth W FACDEVEVENT02 02/05/12 02/18/12 4.00 $160.00 M ENG1026XG20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10162620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 3.00 $90.00 Jones, Wayne Keith FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV CHM10150320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Jordan, Catherine F M ART254602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M ART254603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 Jorgensen­Zidar, Nikole S FV BIO154503201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.13 $897.84 FV BIO154501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.13 $897.84 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.83 $79.58 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV BIO154502201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.13 $897.84 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Jostedt, Michael P M PHL101609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PHL101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 Joyce, Sherry G FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 25.00 $750.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.27 $6,453.44 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 FP DHY21542120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.63 $643.20 Jundt, Daniel R FP IT101466201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 5.00 $3,990.40 FP IT201467201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,990.40 Jurgensen, Holly A FP HRM20947420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Kacer, Karen Faye FP PT Reference Libra 01/03/12 05/14/12 10.50 $7,329.00 Kaiser, Jane Bokamper M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M ART131602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 M ART131604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $198.00 Kaiser, Sandra Kathleen FV BIO203551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,260.04 Kalfus, Richard M W HUM11530120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M HUM11565020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BIO111453lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,061.44 FP BIO111452lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.35 $291.52 FP BIO111452&45320 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Kalz, Kristen Michelle M SOC10365020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­28­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Kammerer, Robert R CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $360.00 Kane, Dolores Anne FP COM10140220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP COM10140520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP COM10140820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Kane, Stacie Kathleen M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M COM10163420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10162920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Kann, Kim Sue W PE161350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 Karakhanyan, Liana Volodyevna FP MTH03041120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP MTH03042220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH03040520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 Karcher, Sandra CC ANIMDCE201210 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $288.00 Karros, Gretchen V FV Guest Speaker Yog 04/20/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 Karst, Philip J M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 M ECO15164620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Karutz, Theresa M M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M SPA101604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Kasl, David R FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BIC200450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Kassly, Charles R FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.93 $960.40 Katcher, Ursula FP GER10146120121 05/01/12 06/01/12 15.00 $450.00 Kauffmann, Kelly Jean CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 94.20 $1,875.60 M PE105601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Kavanaugh, Thomas Patrick FP Ind. Study 05/17/12 06/29/12 1.00 $88.00 FP GRAPHICCOORD 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.00 FP ART134401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 FP ART131421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Kebert­Strawhun, Mary Lou FV BIO111551LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111504LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Kehr, Judith A FP SPA101406201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FP SPA101401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Kelly, Constance M FP ART133450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 FP ART133401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Kelly, J Kevin M PE158601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,372.16 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $6,174.72 M PE131201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.75 $775.27 Kempf, Henry Anthony FV EGR25655020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.34 $1,867.52 Kempland, Monica Lynn FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP HST102450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Kendall, Rebecca D FV EDU22750220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 Kennedy, Emily Anne M PSY203SS120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSY203SXA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSY125S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.89 $1,317.64 Kenney, Ann L FP RDG02046120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP RDG01242120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,840.77 FP RDG02042120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP RDG01342120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $920.37 Kennison, Richard D CC CAMPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $243.00 Kenny, William Russell M CRJ212601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Kenzora, Paula Ann FP NURLAB10120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 12.01 $12,356.32 Kerans, Verna Alice FP COM10142220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP COM10142820121 03/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP COM10142820121 03/19/12 03/24/12 0.30 $276.29 FP COM10142420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Kerlagon, Kathleen A M ACC100S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Kern, Laura A M Counselor 01/03/12 05/14/12 5.70 $3,978.60

06/28/12 ­29­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M COUNSELOR2012 05/15/12 08/13/12 1.18 $820.15 M COL020605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PRD11460220121 03/21/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.00 M COL020602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Kerr, Bob W IDS201396201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 W HST1013W420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W HST1013S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Ketcherside, Gary L CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 120.00 $2,160.00 Kettler, Rebecca M GER10260120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FP SPA101404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Key, Byron S FV DCS10555420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.84 $3,381.33 FV DCS12055120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.94 $654.45 Kidder, Robin L FP RTH140&245 01/17/12 03/24/12 0.17 $103.84 Kiddoo, Kristin Leigh M PSY205647201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PSY200677201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PSY205699201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PSY200696201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Kiel, Gail P FP NURLAB201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.63 $2,894.08 Kiernan, Ed CC CFKDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $486.00 Kijowski, Karen Louise FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.20 $747.84 Kilker, Charles J CC HISTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $105.00 Kim, Hwang Y FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $270.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ART111501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 FV ART114501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Kimzey, Kristie A FP ENG06040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,788.48 FP ENG06240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Kincy, James C FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.28 Kinder, David Edgar M PSI111601201220 05/15/12 06/23/12 3.00 $2,762.88 King, Brittany Rose FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.20 King, Sherman CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Kinnard, Dale A FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $62.32 Kinney, Johnna D FV PE173502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130509201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE180S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 CC VBALL201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.01 $3,498.92 FV PE130502201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Kinney, Tina Goodson FP NURLAB10120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.75 $2,197.16 Kinslow, James Mayfield FP KIDS717H16 04/23/12 07/30/12 24.00 $552.00 Kirk, Brian Matthew FP CTLCERTPRGM20 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $200.00 Kissinger, Susan Harshaw CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 27.00 $729.00 Kitt, Robert L FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 18.00 $540.00 FV ART265551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 FV ART165501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Kizart, Claudean FP RDG03042420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG03042820121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG02042320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Klearman, Melvin CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.50 $99.00 Kleckner, Kimberly Anne FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ECE202450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ECE101421201212 03/25/12 05/14/12 0.25 $199.52 Klein, Barbara A CC FLITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 56.00 $1,512.00 Klein, Bonnie J FP DMS12245020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,842.24 Klein, Nancy M M FIELDWORKASST 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M OTA104601201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.33 $2,397.48 M OTA103602201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,397.48 Kleyboecker, Bonnie N CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $162.00 Klingerman, Linda K FV CRIMINAL JUS/FV 05/07/12 05/12/12 5.00 $440.00

06/28/12 ­30­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV LGL205574201210 01/14/12 03/17/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV LGL10451A201210 01/14/12 03/17/12 1.00 $88.00 FV LGL10451A201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 5.00 $440.00 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 Klug, Melanie Jean CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $315.00 Klump, James E FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH02055320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Knight, Charles E FV EGR05050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,300.88 Knight, Paul D M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSY203650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Knipp, Christine E CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $36.00 Knipping, Melanie R FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 Knobeloch, Herbert Irvin FV ME101500201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FV ME151550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,727.04 Knobloch, Christian Ian Mark FV ENG03051820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG03055320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG03055220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Knudsen Galindo, Kristina M SPA2016S220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Koch, Lura Jane M PSY2006W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Koch, Robert A FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG2015XD20121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Koch, Yvonne S W COM10130120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W COM10130220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Koehler, Charles H CC TRIPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $115.00 Koehnemann, Aaron John M FRE101650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M FRE101650HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 3.00 $264.00 M FRE101602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Koeneker, John B FP MTH08045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 FP MTH08045220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Koenig, Courtney P CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 38.00 $543.40 Kolker, Ruth K CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 30.00 $810.00 Koppel, Trent L M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M CRJ207650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Korbesmeyer, Bruce M ECO151S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M ECO14060120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $2,394.24 Korkaric, Huso M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH160CS512012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Kornberger, Thomas M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.60 $1,620.32 Korte, Jennifer Lynn M COM10164120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10160520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10760320122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10160220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Korte, Sheila CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $189.00 Kosednar, Priscilla A W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Kosfeld, Minh Tam Do FP CLT206401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FP CLT054482012 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.25 $1,000.16 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CLT207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 Koshak, Karen D M PED116601201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE174601201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE162601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $1,628.48 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $104.00 M AQUACOOR20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Kossman, Michelle Ann FP Substitute 201210 02/01/12 05/14/12 6.00 $156.00 FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.46 $2,417.13 Kostelc, Jane Ann M ECE108646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ECE108674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­31­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M ECE127650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ECE105650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.24 $865.60 Krausch, Ronald W CC MUSCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $1,296.00 Krause, Joan B FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 17.00 $561.00 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $50.00 Kravitz, Rebecca S FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,298.56 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,456.32 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 20.20 $606.00 Kretschmer, Curtis Scott FP RTH140&2452012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $415.36 Krieg, Joshua John B M CRJ111674201211 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Krinsky, Elizabeth Ann CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $840.00 Krivokuca, Denise M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M HMS10067420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Krizanec, Jasna K FP RUS10246120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.89 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Krownapple, Michael Martin FV PSY205553201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV PSY205552201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Kruescheck, Nancee L CC HORTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.50 $337.50 Krummel, Deborah K CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $168.00 Kuhlman, Elaine M FP RTH140245201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $415.36 Kulczycki, Judith Mary M ECE101646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 Kumthekar, Shraddha Mahesh W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 13.50 $405.00 W MTH03034620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Kungu, George Boro FP HIT102450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Kuschel, Diane Gale M SOC1016WM2012 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC10167420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC1016WY2012 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC10167620122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Kuseliauskas, Melissa Kay CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 33.00 $471.90 Kush, Catherine A CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $62.00 Kyle, Marcel A CC FLFRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $864.00 La Mell, Stephen R FP CUL101401201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CUL101H0120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.00 $798.08 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 LaBrier, Susan Hemenway M ENG102SXA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ladd, Kathy L M ART111601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M ART112602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M ART109650201220 05/13/12 08/04/12 2.00 $1,395.84 Lager, Patricia C FV BIO207501LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 Lages, Charles Richard CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Lages, Mary Lou CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 LaGrone, John E FP SPA101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Lally, Meaghan M FV PE130527201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE130516201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.25 $778.80 FV PE130582201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE130583201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Lambert­Gardiner, Mary J FV MTH10850120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 FV MTH02053820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH02052520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 Lambing, Eric J CC CRJS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $928.00 LaMora, Angela Darlene FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BIO151403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Lampe, Jeremy Michael M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 24.00 $624.00 Lampros, Theodore M MTH14065120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Lampros, William P M CRJ206674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88

06/28/12 ­32­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Land, Andrea Natasha M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $52.00 M ART165601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Land, Sarah­Marie Elisabeth FP FRE101401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Landis, Bryan H FP CHM101403Lab20 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,397.48 FP CHM101404Lab20 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,397.48 FP CHM101403&4042 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Lane, Graham Loyd M ART208601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $1,651.20 Lane, Jeanne R CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $288.00 Lane, Melissa Marie M ENG207SX120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG1026X120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG1026WI20121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Lane, Sherry Sadler FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV PSY200502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Lang, Carrie Joan CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $460.00 Lange, Margaret M M IRT173674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $798.08 M IRT174674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $798.08 LaPorte, Michelle Lynn FP BIO111403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FP BIO111403&40420 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 FP BIO111404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FP BIO203452lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.64 $1,842.92 Larko, Melissa A FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.06 $660.90 Larson, Judy C M IS205674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 M IS205674201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $88.00 M IS205674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $920.96 FP HIT101474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Larson, Robert C M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M PHY111602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,144.80 Larson, Steven B M IS125674201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.65 M OneTimePayment2 03/19/12 04/14/12 1.00 $1,338.00 Latour, Andrew D FP EMS21121020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.06 $1,284.88 Laufersweiler, Jonathan H FP MUS15346120121 03/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Lawrence, Mary R CC NURS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $116.00 Layman, Judy D CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 96.00 $1,536.00 Lazenby, Carol L M ECEChildGrant201 02/19/12 05/14/12 0.63 $499.80 Leap, James M FP HIT103475201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.93 Learman, Mark D FV AFCP201210 04/29/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 FV Reference Libarian 05/15/12 07/31/12 1.78 $1,238.95 M Reference Libraria 01/04/12 05/18/12 4.30 $3,001.41 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Leavy, Zoanne Elizabeth W COM10137620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Lechkova, Eugenia Penkova FP BIO208409201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.25 $2,267.01 FP BIO207451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 FP BIO208405201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.08 $755.67 FP CTL­ADJFACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Lee, Audrey Maria FP IS102475201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Lee, Deborah Renee M PSY125S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,308.92 M PSY125650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,308.92 Lee, Joni S W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Lee, Susan S FP ENG10141420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10143020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Lee, Tiffany B FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP COM10142520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COM10140320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP COM10147520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Lehocky, Daniel Leroy W PHL109301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PHL1013W420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Leick, James A M ART172695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,684.48 Leifheit, Rhonda K CC HEALDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 30.00 $810.00 Leinauer, Kathryn A CC HOMEDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $486.00

06/28/12 ­33­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Lenox, Roy E CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 44.00 $1,452.00 Leroux­Wende, Gina Lynn FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.10 $1,310.28 Lesh, James Scott M PE154650201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE153680201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 M PE153650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Letchworth, Beverly J CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $216.00 Levine, Douglas L FV PSC101511201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Levine, Marlene Hauser FP ECE125461201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ECE108475201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ECE204674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $3,005.88 Lewandowski, Monica A M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Lewis, Bonnie L FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH08040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH08040020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH08040720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Lewis, Collette Nicole FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/18/12 1.00 $75.00 FV CRJ111501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Lewis, Ora J FP CTL AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 Lewis, Robert CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.50 $346.50 Lewis, Robert H M ART111650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Ley, Jack D FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.30 $186.96 Libby, Kenneth E CC MBSKTBasst20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.20 $747.64 Liebman, Nicole M M RDG03060620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Light, Greg FP TCCOORDINATIO 01/08/12 05/26/12 22.13 $13,784.76 FP CTCRINSTRUCTO 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.06 $793.98 FP TCEQUIPMENT20 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.20 $124.64 Lin, Chien Fu FV ART109551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Lin, Chih Yu FV AT177551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 FV AT177550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Lindberg, Anne Janine M ART110602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M ART110604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Lindmark, Richard John FV MTH03052720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.17 $125.10 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Lindor, Rodney CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $108.00 Lindsay, Jason Gene Louis FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $311.60 Linville, Joseph E M NUR20160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.31 $7,193.24 Lipic, Gayle A FP DHY21542120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.58 $465.50 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,724.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $1,862.00 Lipscomb, Jason M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.28 Liu, Chia Hui FP ENG07040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FP ENG05045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 Liu, Ellen An­Lung FP MTH14041120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH08046220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH10845020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Lizorty, Ronald J FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 21.00 $630.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ART242561201210 05/07/12 05/13/12 1.00 $88.00 FV ART238501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 FV ART240551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Lochmann, William James FV PE130507201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE101150201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130503201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $18.00 FV PE130508201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130501201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 Lodato, Theodora L FP PHL1034XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP PHL103WWB2012 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88

06/28/12 ­34­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP PHL1034WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.84 $2,926.11 Lomax, Noshella S FV IS116501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.69 $1,876.09 FV IS107565201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV IS110565201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Lombardo, Laurie Marie CC CPDV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.50 $511.50 Long, Sean Michael CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 36.00 $900.00 Lonning, Robert D FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.93 $960.40 Lord, Robert Joseph CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $200.00 Louder, Jessica Lynn Crews FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.46 $286.98 FP EMT12150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.25 $1,401.84 Love, Antoinette Ruth FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV AFCP201210 01/22/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 FV IS103551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Love, Joseph J FP ENG10142320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG1024WF20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG1024WS2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 Love, Mario K W PSC1013W620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.25 $2,268.76 M PSC101641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSC101S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Love, Myrtle Marie FP MTH08041420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP MTH08041220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH08041620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Love, Tammy J CC NSNG201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $87.00 Lovett, Jack B W BUS104302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W MKT20330120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Loy, Willis L W IDS201374201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Luby, Heather Dawn CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 22.50 $472.50 Lucas, Linda Ann FV DCS10550420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.84 $3,017.85 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 Luttich, Cheney M CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $126.00 Lynch, Andrea R W PHL101350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Lyons, Anthony Martin FP BAP150401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FP BAP150402201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CUL150401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,197.12 Maag, Colin B M PE118650201210 04/14/12 04/22/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE118651201210 01/24/12 04/29/12 1.33 $830.72 Mack, Cindy J CC CAMPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $450.00 Mack, Francis Speakman FV EE130550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.34 $3,463.68 Macke, John E M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M GEO1006S220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M GEO1116SE20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.67 $5,834.20 Mackie, Margaret T FP FNL103401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.20 Maclin, Margorie Jean FP ENG07140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG07140220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Maddox, Teri Lee FP MCM11340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,788.48 FP MCM113401onetim 04/12/12 06/16/12 1.00 $2,394.00 Mahan, Christopher L W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 0.50 $15.00 W MTH18630120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 W MTH160C3052012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Maines, Laylonda S M BIO111650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 M BIO111S80201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M BIO111S02201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 M Substitute201210 01/03/12 05/14/12 11.00 $330.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M BIO111S03201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Maixner, Diane M M ACC110HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.00 $176.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ACC11069520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.83

06/28/12 ­35­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M ACC21369520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Maize, Kathy J FV QC100500201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Malique, Ismail Al FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 FV ME243550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 FV ME135550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 Mallory, Evern Hildreth FP RDG10042120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG03041020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG03041120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.00 $450.00 FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Malolepszy, Klaus M CC NATRDCE201205 04/13/12 05/26/12 10.00 $210.00 Manion, Kirstin Ann M OTA207601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Mannecke, William August CC LIFEGUARD­D/CE 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.75 $93.60 Manning, Scott D FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.45 $359.10 Mannion, Sharon E M ENG06160220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Mansfield, Michael Fogertey M ENG21365020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Manson, James E FP IS123467201210 04/03/12 05/01/12 1.00 $798.08 FP IS123466201210 01/17/12 02/14/12 1.00 $798.08 Mapes, Sheila Marie W SOC10030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Marcinko, Linda L FP HRM12840320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP HRM12840420121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP HRM12840520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Marcy, Melanie Elizabeth M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 M PE111601201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.29 $804.76 CC WBSKTBasst2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.41 $1,499.44 Markl, Karl S CC MUSCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 Markova, Kamelia Penkova FP BIO203451lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.64 $1,842.92 FP BIO203448201219 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.64 $3,239.10 FP BIO111407&40820 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 FP BIO203415&45220 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Marshall, Lois Ann CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $144.00 Martin, John M W CertificateProgram 02/06/12 05/17/12 1.00 $200.00 Martin, Leonard Kent FP MCM20140992012 03/07/12 05/14/12 3.00 $264.00 FP MCM12346120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,936.00 Martin, Mary E FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.80 $1,121.76 Martin, Russell Lee FV ECO15258020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Martin, Sharon Marie CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $432.00 Martin, Steven Robert FP EMT12147520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.10 $1,933.47 Martinez, Laura Elizabeth M ART107650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Marzouk, Magdy M FV PE169550201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Mashibini, Deborah L FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG03046220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG10148720121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Mast, Robert A W BLW10130120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Mathenia, Amanda Jolenta FP ART115401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Mathews, Roselyn R CC HEALDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $54.00 Matteson, Paul Vaughn CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $1,104.00 Matthews, Ann Christine CC FLSPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 80.00 $2,160.00 Matyi, Timothy FP RTH245401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $465.28 Maurer, Eugene Joseph FP BUS104421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Maxwell, Kevin FV ENG10155120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG10155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 McAllister, Kevin M FP RTH140245201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 16.00 $532.00 McArthur, Constance E FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­36­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP MTH08041520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08040620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH03041820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 McBride, Linda K CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 89.00 $2,403.00 McBride, Patrick C FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $26.00 FP PE1301240120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.29 $1,030.75 FP PE1301242220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.21 $964.25 FP PE1301242120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.21 $964.25 FP PE1301242320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.21 $964.25 FP PE1301240220121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.29 $1,030.75 FP PE1301240320121 01/17/12 03/24/12 31.00 $1,030.75 McConkey, Kenneth Roger CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $720.00 McCord, Laura Ruth M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG03060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG03060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 McCoy, Janette Eileen L W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W MTH02035020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 McDaniels, Brian P FP MTH02046320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH02046120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 McDevitt, William Dale M PE126602201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE128601201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE126601201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 McDonald, Alexander James CC WSOCRasst20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.48 $301.12 McDowell, Lynda M FV CHM105503LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 FV CHM10155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,908.72 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV CHM105504LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 FV CHM105502LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 McGee, Tracey R CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $162.00 McGhee, Mark T M MTH03065120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH14065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH03061920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 McGowan, Ruth Ann FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 20.15 $604.50 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/10/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH08052120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.88 $2,294.48 FV MTH08053020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.88 $2,294.48 FV MTH08050120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 McGregory, Kendra A FP RDG03040620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG03043020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 McGuffin, Dorothy B FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 1.80 $1,852.56 McKenna, Donald J M ART272601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 M ART165603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 McKone, Daniel K M MTH03065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 McLeer, Noriko CC FLJPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 McLin­Morris, Anis F FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV PSY200510201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 McMeans, Katherine Susan CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 39.00 $1,053.00 McMillen, Donna M FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP RTH140245201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $532.00 McMurray, Karen L CC AHCE201210 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.50 $188.50 McNamee, Burnette M W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $120.00 W SPA1023SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $2,464.00 McNeil, James H FV PSI111501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FV PSI105503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Mcsparin, Brett E W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­37­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv W MTH160C3502012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Meade, Dennis G CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $720.00 Meder, Carol A CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $203.00 Medley, Marsha M FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.50 $315.00 FV MUS11450120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ACCOMPANIST20 01/09/12 01/20/12 1.00 $150.00 Meeks, J William W MNGRARTANNEX 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $532.00 W ART113301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Meenach, Dean C FP EMS201210 03/05/12 05/14/12 0.30 $187.58 Mellembakken, Arild CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $720.00 Mellring, Scott A CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $720.00 Melman, Morton M M MUS13060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Melton, Michelle Nicole CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $336.00 Menendez, Michele E FP DHY23240120121 04/27/12 06/01/12 4.00 $120.00 FP DHY23240220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $1,862.00 Menendez, Richard Anthony M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M PSI115651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 M PSI115653201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 M PSI115652201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Merchant, Lorraine W FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Meredith, Kimberly A CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $168.00 Merlin, Karen J CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 35.00 $630.00 Mertz, Kristen D CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $101.50 Meser, John Edward FP MDCLDRTRACLS 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.27 $74.91 Metroulas, Michael B FV GEG1015XB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV HST102509201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Metzger, Fredric A M PSY208S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Meyer, Janet Marie FP NUR10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.33 $4,420.16 Meyer, Jason E FV RDG03052120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Michael, Paul R M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 M CHM10560220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,720.76 Michael, Sally Cullen M ENG05360120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Michaelis, Dale H FV TEL103550201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 2.19 $2,250.85 FV ATTEVAL201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 0.67 $686.08 FV EE230550201210 02/05/12 04/28/12 2.40 $2,469.52 FV EE106550201210 04/15/12 05/26/12 1.50 $1,543.44 Miederhoff, Marilyn K FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.60 $998.68 FP EMT12135020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $4,361.28 CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $462.00 CC CTCRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.05 $31.16 Mignin, Erin Nicole M HST101S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST101680201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M HST101SW320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Miller, Anne Colberg FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Miller, Beverly Kay CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $420.00 Miller, Carolyn Sue FP RDG03040920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG02045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG01740420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.94 $964.65 FP RDG01640420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.94 $1,993.61 Miller, Christopher K M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG10164520121 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.19 $1,528.80 M ENG1026WB2012 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.19 $1,528.80 Miller, Fred Elliott CC COMMDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $168.00 Miller, Jeffrey FP COM10140920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP COM10140420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88

06/28/12 ­38­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP COM10141520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Miller, Thi Tran CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Mills, Stephanie Leigh Anna M MTH03060220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Mimlitz, Edward J M PE133S80201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 M PE133601201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,228.16 Mincher, Amanda Lynn FV ENG02050820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.84 $1,985.16 FV ENG2015XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.77 $1,930.63 Minogue, Pauline K FV MTH14055120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,990.42 FV MTH10855020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,990.42 Misra, Bishnupriya CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $324.00 Mitchell, Metra L FP Ind Study 05/14/12 06/29/12 1.00 $88.00 FP ART112401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FP ART107401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 Mitchell, Odell FP ART172403201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Mitchell, Pacquita H FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $210.00 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP HMS100H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 Mittendorf, Deborah Ann FP DHY21542120121 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.62 $436.20 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.58 $1,802.96 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.50 $465.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $4,885.44 Mittler, Charles C FP ANT102475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ANT102474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Mnyapara, Haron Kanyia FV BIO141501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.13 $785.34 FV BIO207503LAB201 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $928.45 FV BIO140550201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.13 $785.34 FV BIO208507201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO111507LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO141501LAB201 03/25/12 05/14/12 0.17 $116.06 FV BIO111513LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO208.507LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Moberly, Jonathon D FP BUS104451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Mockobey, Jean F CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 127.00 $2,667.00 Moeller, Michelene C FV HMS20250120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV HMS20150120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.20 $2,232.99 Moeller, William C CC PHOTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $270.00 Moll, Malgorzata S FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.50 $225.00 FP ENG07040220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG05040220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 Monachella, Lisa M M MTH02068020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Monachella, Mary B M MTH14064620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Monier, Shelly Lynn FV MUS10350220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV MUS11355120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MUS10350120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Monson, Amy Elizabeth M ACC29263920121 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.60 $1,147.14 M ACC292HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 4.00 $352.00 M ACC11467420122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $975.04 Montague, Nancy A M ENG101S0320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG101S0420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Moore, Daniel B FP IS123474201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.00 $798.08 FP ILCCONTACTHRS 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 FP IS123413201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 FP IS132474201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $798.08 Moore, David A FP ART166450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 FP ART165450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Moore, Jonathan David CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 30.00 $420.00 Moore, Michael R M PE129S80201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.00 $1,395.84 M PE120650201210 04/02/12 05/02/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE129650201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.00 $1,395.84

06/28/12 ­39­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,395.84 Moraru, Natalia Constantine FP BIO207450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 FP BIO207452201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 Morey, Janet R M ESLPLCMNT2012 01/17/12 05/19/12 13.00 $338.00 M ENG05065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 Morgan, Emily Sybil FV MTH14050520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH03050520121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Morgan, Mary Fulcher W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W PSY200371201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PSY2033S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PSY200346201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Morgan, Nicholas K FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.93 $738.15 Morris, Kathryn Suzanne FP NUR10840120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.04 $6,310.36 Morris, Mary F FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 18.00 $540.00 Morris, Paul T FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $182.00 FV EGR14155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.34 $2,155.04 FV EGR05055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,300.88 Morris, Sandra E FV REFLIB201220 05/15/12 08/13/12 1.83 $1,273.85 Morrow, Betty Jean FV RDG03055620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV RDG03050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.75 $262.50 Morrow, Thomas Joseph FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.80 $1,744.96 Mosby, Timothy C W PE180395201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 FV Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 5.50 $165.00 FV PE130580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FV PE130581201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Moss, Robert Spencer M LGL232695201210 03/21/12 04/04/12 1.00 $1,028.96 M LGL206695201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M LGL233695201210 04/18/12 05/02/12 1.00 $1,028.96 Mothershead, Kristine M FP BIO111408lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FP BIO111407lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Motsinger, Teresa Ann FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $1,920.80 Motta, Denise K CC PEDU201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 13.00 $351.00 M PE181602201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.33 $207.68 M PE181S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $78.00 M PE181603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Mounts, Jason Andrew CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 26.00 $468.00 Mowczko, Douglas M MGT12065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 Mozelewski, Ronald A W ECO15237420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W BUS201374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Muehling, Janet M FV MTH03051920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH03053520122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH03051020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.00 $450.00 FV MTH03050820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Mueller, Jenna Lee FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 2.80 $1,954.40 FV COL020511201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Mueller, Karen Ann FP Substitute 201210 01/26/12 05/14/12 17.50 $455.00 FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.33 $8,246.00 Mueller, Robert J FV EGR13355020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.34 $1,867.52 Muex, Muriel J FV ECE127550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,047.12 FV COM10155920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,047.12 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Muhammad, Mary F FP DA172421201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $415.36 FP DA176488201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.54 $960.52 FP DA173401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FP DA2012022032012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP DA175401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72

06/28/12 ­40­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP DA174401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,322.88 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.50 $285.00 FP DA166421201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 Mujakic, Azim CC FLBODCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 Mujanovic, Jelena Aleksic CC EDUC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $435.00 Muldoon, Peggy J FP COM10141320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.25 $5,402.04 FP COM10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP COM10140720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Mundle, Judy Roberts M ACC20369520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Murphy, Daniel E FP RTH140&2452012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $532.00 Murphy, Steven T W IDS101350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Murray, Lindsay Christopher CC Range Aide­D/CE 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $203.00 Murray, Robin R M LGL230695201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M LGL205695201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M LGL228HON20121 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $88.00 M LGL228695201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Muschany, Nancy A CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 90.00 $2,430.00 Myers, Sara Jade FV CCPR765201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $87.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.50 $195.00 Nadler, Joel Lynn M PSY205681201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PSY205646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSY2056SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Naes, Matthew M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH03063220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH030S0620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH16565020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Nagel, Jack G FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV BIO111502201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,543.44 FV BIO111510201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,543.44 Nash, Deanna L CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $126.00 CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $36.00 Naugle, Pamela L CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $432.00 Neels, Mark A M HST101S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST101641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Negash, Efrem O FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH03045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FP MTH03048620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH03045320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 Neil, Darlene H FV COM10155920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FV ECE127550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.50 $285.00 FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.50 $676.50 Neufeld, Irwin J M BIO122650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 M BIO111609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO122S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M BIO111650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M BIO122S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,934.44 Newberry, Tina M M COL020607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M ENG03061720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Newcomb, Matthew Ryan FP EMS211210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.80 $498.56 Newcomb, Steven D FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $62.32 FP CTCRINSTRUCTO 04/14/12 05/26/12 7.00 $231.00 FP CTCRADJUNCT20 04/14/12 05/26/12 0.03 $15.58 FP EMT12150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.75 $2,959.44 Nichols, Nichole Rene FV ENG1025X920121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG10158020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­41­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Nickels, Michael G FV CE132550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Niemeyer, Candace Lynn FP ADJUNCTFACULT 01/03/12 06/30/12 12.00 $12,350.40 Niemoeller, Christianna M RDG03060920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Niere, Guy Robert CC ECOLDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 7.00 $147.00 Nikonowicz, Diane M FV CRSDEV201210 01/17/12 03/31/12 48.00 $2,394.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.75 $322.50 Nisbet, Lynne B M MTH160A6022012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $716.96 Nixon, Jacquelyn Yvonne FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG03046120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ENG02041120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ENG03046420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Noel, Aurelie FV FRE102501201220 05/07/12 06/23/12 2.00 $704.00 FV FRE102501201210 05/07/12 06/08/12 2.00 $704.00 Noland, Katherine Lee FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP HRM21140320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Nunn, David R FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV IS229574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Nyarady, Barbara J M RDG02060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 O'Connell, M D M HRT214650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,657.60 O'Connell, Marcia L FV ENG03050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FV ENG03051120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 O'Connell, Shannon Patricia CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 58.75 $574.59 O'Dea, Michael G CC COMMDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $126.00 O'Keefe, Daniel B CC MSOCCOA201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.62 $3,501.48 O'Keefe, Florence Elizabeth CC STP/GEDFEDCT2 01/08/12 05/26/12 99.00 $2,673.00 CC STP/GEDSTPATS 01/08/12 05/26/12 61.00 $1,647.00 O'Neill, Cheryl O FP MTH03045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH04045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 FP MTH03044620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 FP MTH02042720121 03/19/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,047.12 Oakes, Jordan Mitchell CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 36.00 $972.00 Oakley, Mark H W ART111340201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 W ART133301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ART131302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,584.00 Ochonicky, Michelle Ann CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 CC HORTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $162.00 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $50.00 Oesterlei, Mary A CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $210.00 Ohlau, Amy Marie FP NUR20540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $4,885.44 Ohlsen, Elizabeth C M BIO111695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 Ohmer, Roberta M M Reference Libraria 01/03/12 05/14/12 7.78 $5,426.96 Olliges, Rance S FV CE240550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Olson, Krista M FV BIO111515LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO203504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.52 $3,158.38 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 ONeal, Michael E FV ANT102501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FP SOC10145220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP SOC10145320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Oneil, Michael J FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.34 $1,459.53 ONeil, Veronica B FP MTH02043120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH08046120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH08046020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Opela, Stephanie Michelle FP ECE127475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 OReilly, Colleen Marie CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.00 $840.00 Ortmann, Thomas Alan FP FNL207401420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.93 $960.40 OShea, Matthew Andrew M ART172S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $3,537.60

06/28/12 ­42­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M ART249695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Osler, Jan Marie FV HMS10250020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Osmanagic, Kimberly Cecilia CC EDUC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $522.00 Otalora, Jose D M SPA101603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M SPA101605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Owen, Jacob Benjamin FP MTH21045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 Owulette, Ernest FV MTH03056620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH14054020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $2,006.98 FV MTH02051020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $105.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Paddock, Grace Elizabeth M MTH030S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M MTH030S5120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,848.00 Paez, V SuzAnne W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 M PE171601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 W PE116351201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Pagano, Kathryn Ann FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 11.50 $345.00 W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 Palank, Robert F FV BUS103574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Palazzolo, Cynthia Joyce M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M GEG10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSC101680201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PSC101S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Pape, Dana Lauren CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.25 $491.81 Paradise, Michael James FP ART109402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Parran, Herbert Sylvester FV PE165502201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV Guest Speaker 02/22/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP PE1656401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1656421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.27 $791.78 FV PE1655012012010 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 Pate, Steven A FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.60 $617.40 Patino, Sara FP PE1811824212012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1301240420121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.13 $700.92 FP PE1301242420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.29 $804.76 FP PE181404201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.15 $713.90 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 29.00 $754.00 FP PE1811824222012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP Guest Speaker 201 02/23/12 04/24/12 2.50 $187.50 FP PE181402201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.15 $713.90 Patton, Michael Francis W ECO1513W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W CertificateProgram 02/06/12 05/17/12 1.00 $200.00 W ECO15137420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W ECO1513W220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Patty, Mark Richard FV PHY111501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV MTH03054020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $2,294.48 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.00 $450.00 FV MTH17050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Paul, Lori L FV BIO207552201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV BIO207552LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 FV BIO208550LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 FV BIO208550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Pauley, Mark M M ART107603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 M ART107651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 Paulsen, Sarah E FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ART175401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Pearson, Todd A FP IDS201475201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 FP IDS201474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Peck, David M CC COMP201205 01/08/12 06/09/12 36.00 $900.00

06/28/12 ­43­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Peebles, Paul Demetrius FP EMT121S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $419.41 Pelch, Taryn C FV ANT101501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO111506201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO111505201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BIO111506LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Penfold, Edwin P CC CPDV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $232.00 Pennycuick, Mark T M ART126695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,830.08 Peppers, Shelitha L FP BUS104H5120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Pepple, Kim P FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 17.50 $525.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 1.50 $45.00 FV Eng020521201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV ENG02051320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Perry, John H CC RMGT201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $792.00 FP CUL101450201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.00 $1,028.96 FP CUL105450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CUL101461201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,028.96 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Perry, Talya Renee FP MUS12140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP MUS11540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP PT FACULTY COM 02/19/12 03/24/12 1.00 $100.00 Perryman, Patricia L FP COL020401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP COL02424201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.50 $225.00 FP COL020402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Peters, George J FV MTH14055320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,990.42 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Peters, Thomas J FP BIO207405&40620 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 FP BIO207405lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 FP BIO208405Lab201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 FP BIO207406lab2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 Peterson, Kimberly G FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.90 $1,184.08 Peterson, Nicole Antwonette FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $116.00 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $200.00 Pettit, Alice Rebecca CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $720.00 Petty, Douglass FP ADJUNCTFACULT 01/03/12 06/30/12 11.73 $12,067.37 Pfaus, Diane B FV CCPRCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $66.00 Pfenninger, Glenn S M PED201674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 Phillips, Roxanne M FV AT279501201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,995.00 FV GalleryAdmin2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,061.44 FV ARTIN201210 04/21/12 05/14/12 1.00 $100.00 Phipps, David E FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP FIR105451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP FIR105450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Piety, Patricia FP ENG1014WH2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP ENG1024WE2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,050.61 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 Pikey, Carol A FP TCEQUIPMENT20 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.03 $15.58 CC CTCRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.10 $62.32 CC CPRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.01 $7.79 CC CPRTFT201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $99.00 FP TCCOORDINATIO 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.97 $11,818.29 FP CTCRINSTRUCTO 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.50 $214.50 CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 31.00 $1,023.00 Pilarcik, Elizabeth C FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 12.00 $360.00 FV AT234501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Pilla, Michael A FV ACC12058020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV ACC12258020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Piontek, Joshua James FP ENG10145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­44­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Pippens, Rasheda C FP NUR108201210 04/01/12 04/30/12 2.17 $1,995.76 Pisoni, John C M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 M ENG06260120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ENG06160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Pitchford, Duane C FP ISIICCONTACTHO 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 FP IS101475201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,028.96 FP IS101474201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.00 $1,028.96 Pitchford, Stanley Lamar FV MTH160C5202012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 46.26 $1,387.80 FV MTH04050520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.90 $3,417.54 Pittenger, Jeffery E CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 130.00 $2,340.00 Pittman, Dwight D M MUS128S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M MUS12860120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M MUS12864620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Pittman, Robert Dewey M HST101608201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST101642201130 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST1016W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Plants, Elizabeth W M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH02065320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Pohlmann, Gary A CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 69.00 $1,242.00 Poleski, Jeramy Todd FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.95 $663.10 Polhemus, William W CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $184.00 Pope, Pamela Joyce CC SUP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $320.00 Popp, Tamara E M MTH140S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Porter, James Michael FP CTLADJFALL2011 01/31/12 02/23/12 1.00 $200.00 CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $264.00 CC CTCRADJ201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 0.10 $62.32 Porter, John P M ART110606201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 M ART109604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Portman, Gale Rublee CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $400.40 CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $270.00 Potsos, Rena Irene CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $540.00 Potter, Allen Scott FP MTH12445120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $1,810.71 FP MTH160C4502012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.91 $2,433.75 Potthoff, Joseph F FP MUS15442120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 32.00 $1,408.00 FP MUS15045020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Powell, Mary Anne M NUR10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.67 $5,320.00 Power, Ruth Elizabeth CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $552.00 Powers, Valerie S CC FLRUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $216.00 Prahl, Cory M FP ART275474201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 FP ART275450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $65.00 FP ART275474201210 01/17/12 03/14/12 2.00 $1,395.84 Prewitt, Amy H FV ENG05350120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Pribble, Douglas S M CRJ122650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Price, Alice Cecelia FV ENG10150420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.50 $3,223.36 Prifti, Norma J FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.52 $3,607.63 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 15.00 $450.00 Prince­Lubawy, Jesse Tyler FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.15 $94.50 FP MTH22045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 Pritchett, Gerri R CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 80.00 $2,640.00 Puricelli, Stephanie M FV PE120581201210 02/04/12 02/18/12 32.00 $830.72 FV PE173501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE162501201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV ASSTAQUADIR20 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $415.36 FV PE142580201210 03/23/12 03/31/12 32.00 $830.72 Quinn, Kelly C M MUS128S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24

06/28/12 ­45­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M MUS128S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MUS13040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 Quinn, Margaret A M IS101651201210 03/20/12 04/17/12 16.00 $440.00 Quinn, Thomas Gerard M PSY205650201210 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.56 $448.92 M PSY205603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.80 $2,232.13 M Payroll Correction 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.39 $1,109.83 M PSY205602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,244.60 M PSY205603HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Rader, Timothy Wayne FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 56.00 $960.40 Radman, Nichole L CC TRIPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $63.00 Raible, Joseph M FV CHM101501LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 FV CHM101503LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,224.88 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CHM10140820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,908.72 Raimist, Andrew M ARC23169520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,112.00 Ralston, Helen R CC COMP2201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $660.00 Randell, Douglas FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $226.85 Ratino, Kathlyn S FP IDS101422201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP COM10740120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP COM2004WA2012 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Rauch, R Gary M ART156650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,476.80 Rawlings, Keith CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 Ray, Isadore FV MTH03052620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH17053520122 01/17/12 06/02/12 48.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH02051G20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 11.00 $330.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 33.00 $990.00 FV MTH03052K20121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Redler, Melanie M CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $75.00 , Michael G CC NATRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $162.00 Reed, Ellen H M PSY205697201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PSY205654120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PSY205650201210 01/17/12 07/31/12 3.94 $3,142.44 Reed, Laura Jean M CHM101S9520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,253.76 Reekers, Samuel Scott H FV DCS21255120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV DCS21250120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,752.30 Reese, Myron C M CHM10665020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 Reese, Ruth Annie M ART113601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Reidel, Amy N FP ART100476201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ART109603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Reif, Melissa Nicole M ENG10165420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Reis, Kevin Joseph FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.24 $150.04 Reitan, Eric A M IDS101617201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL104S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M IDS101S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL101SW220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 CC P/TCE FAC 20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $75.00 Reiter, Jana C FP EDU21146220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Rell, David P FP CUL215403201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP CUL210403201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Renz, James B CC MUSCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 36.00 $972.00 Riat, Michael Shelby W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W MTH23030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 Ribaudo, Ann E CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 348.00 $7,308.00 Rice, Ava Marie CC P/T Fac NURS 04/18/12 05/26/12 42.00 $1,386.00 Richardson, Carol J M MCM12067420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 4.50 $135.00 M MCM10267420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Richardson, Mariah Lavelda FP MCM1014SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88

06/28/12 ­46­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $120.00 FP IDS101452201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP PT FACULTY COM 02/19/12 03/24/12 1.00 $100.00 FP MCM12040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Richeson, Christian Francis FP PHL112H8620121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP PHL104450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Riedisser, Janice M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.19 $119.97 FP PAR21169A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $623.04 FP PAR20169A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.59 $4,731.21 Riedle, Benjamin Nathaniel FP MTH02040120122 05/15/12 06/16/12 48.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH03044220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $1,791.24 FP MTH14040220122 05/15/12 06/16/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02042220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.91 $1,810.71 FP MTH03043720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $1,791.24 Riess, John F M PSI111S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSI1116W4201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $210.00 M MTH14069520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Rieves, Denise C Unknow BTOP 01/03/12 05/26/12 405.05 $12,556.55 Riggins, Teryl S CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Rilling­Bronder, Deborah Ann CC VBALLasst201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Ring, Susan Moss CC MATHDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $324.00 Riordan, Tracey A M HST101S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST102696201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M HST101695201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ripplinger, Dennis R FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ENG10143120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ENG03042120112 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ENG03041220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Risch, Jeffrey M FV ECO14005752012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV BUS201550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV BUS140575201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Risch, Justin C FP MTH08045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH08045320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ritchie, Laura Jean FP HIT101421201210 02/19/12 07/31/12 6.00 $4,788.48 FP HIT101401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Ritzka, Gerard James FP SOC101H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP SOC10142120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP SOC10141082012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP CTL AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 Rivera, Lizbeth M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M SPA101S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Rivers, Wendell FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP PSY200403201210 01/17/12 03/14/12 1.00 $1,028.96 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 FP PSY200403201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP PSY200140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FP PSY200H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.25 $2,315.16 Robben, Keith Bernard W IDS101377201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,381.44 W COM10130520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.80 $2,578.56 W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Roberts, Lin M M ENG101S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG102SW32012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG030S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Roberts, Mathew Samuel FP ENG101H2120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.84 $2,618.98 FP ENG10145120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Robinson, Bryce Olen FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 16.50 $495.00

06/28/12 ­47­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV ARTIN201210 04/21/12 05/14/12 1.00 $100.00 Robinson, James P FV ENG1025X420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ENG10247620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV ENG1025X320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Robinson, Rodney B FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP PSY208450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP SOC12640120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Robinson, Russell T CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 39.00 $557.70 Roesch, Donna E M EDU211S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Roesslein, Timothy J FP IS132428201210 03/20/12 06/19/12 1.00 $698.08 FP ILC201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FP IS123428201210 02/07/12 03/08/12 1.00 $698.08 FP IS123427201210 01/17/12 02/16/12 1.00 $698.08 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP IS125474201210 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.00 $1,396.16 Rogers, Joseph Patrick FP Reference Libraria 01/03/12 05/18/12 8.78 $8,083.53 Rogers, Larry P FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.10 $1,309.50 FP EMT12145120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.75 $4,828.56 Roiger, Helene A FP Substitute 201210 02/09/12 05/14/12 4.50 $117.00 FP NURLAB10120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.48 $8,363.04 Rollins, Joseph L M AT234695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Romeo, John E FP PAR20269A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,115.20 FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.24 $150.04 Romer, Ronnie L M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PE133680201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Romero, Linda Ann CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $152.50 Rooney, Patricia Ann M IDS101601201210 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M IDS101613201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M IDS101611201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M IDS101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Rose, Catherine C FV DCS11555220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Rosebrough, Elizabeth P M ENG102SW12012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10160720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Rosen, Adrienne CC CFKDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $243.00 Rosener, Russell John FV ART172580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 FV ART17257A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 05/14/12 1.00 $75.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 16.00 $480.00 Ross, Laura Guyer M MUS11464620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MUS11467420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M MUS11467520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Ross, Linda N FP COM10145120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP COM10145220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Rowell, Carla G M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M RDG020S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Rubsam, Carolyn J CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $420.00 Rudis, Niloufar Morshed CC PLB201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 225.25 $3,435.07 Rueter, Emma Kathleen FV ANT103501201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ANT103502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ruffus Doerr, Amy Marie FP PSY200407201200 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Rugo, Adam M FP MUS14446120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,376.00 Ruh, Polly Parker CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 144.00 $3,024.00 CC STPGED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 51.00 $1,071.00 Rundquist, James Michael CC HORTCDCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $42.00 Rush, Nicholas A M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $52.00 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 M PE180675201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 Russell, Janine R CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $1,200.00 Russell, Olga FP GER10146120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.25 $2,268.33 Russell, Retannical Dameika FV COM10151220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­48­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV COM10750120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10750220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Russell, Rita D CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $368.00 Russell, Thomas L FV DCS10750320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Ryan­Reardon, Kim FP COM10147320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ryan, Jennifer Lauren M MTH02061020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH02061120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Sabharwal, Chander Lekha W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W Substitute 201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 W MTH03030620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Sabharwal, Surinder K FP MTH02041120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP MTH02042120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Saccavino, Alex V FP MCM10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP MCM13047420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP MCM115421THT1 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Sachs, Guy Harold CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 60.00 $1,620.00 Salomon, Mary Ann FP DMS11140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $6,384.00 Salsgiver, William John M BIO203650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.66 $3,253.04 M BIO203603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.66 $3,253.04 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M CertProgram20121 01/17/12 02/17/12 1.00 $200.00 Sanchez, Andrew CC GNSFDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $324.00 Sanders, David T M ECO14060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ECO15260420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ECO14060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Sanders, John A FP BIC204450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Sanders, Kyle Matthew FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $924.85 Sandmel, Barbara L CC FLFRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 Sanvito, B Alice CC HEALDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.00 $297.00 Saurage, Judith Lynn FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $330.00 Savoca, Diane L M FacilitatorOneTime 01/17/12 03/30/12 1.00 $1,000.00 Schaefer, Robert E FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $1,920.80 Schaffer, Errol Frederick CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 211.25 $2,028.00 Schaljo, Frederick FV RDG02055520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Scharfenberger, Kristine Kim CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 38.00 $1,026.00 Scheer, Wynn P W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W EDU21830120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Scheffer, Kelly A FV ART102551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Scherer, Carol Ann M MTH06031120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Schiller, Christy Ann M ENG1026WB2012 04/22/12 05/14/12 0.81 $565.44 M ENG101S0520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG102SX120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Schindler, Matthew Allan W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Schlichtig, Scott Allen FV BIO111553LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111553201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M BIO111612201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 Schmermund, David R CC PT Fac K 04/22/12 05/14/12 1.20 $747.65 Schmidt, Susan Cracraft M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.00 $182.00 M MUS12160220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.92 M MUS12160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.92 M MUS12160320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.92 Schmisseur, Amber M M COM10161020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10760320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM10760220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COM101HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00

06/28/12 ­49­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M COM10161320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Schneider, Ann Teresa FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.05 $656.23 Schneider, Douglas E CC TRIPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $105.00 Schoene, Judith A CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 42.00 $304.50 Schomaker, Maria Menne FP HRM20145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Schomaker, Mark A CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 14.00 $101.50 Schoolman, Marilyn J M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M MGT10167420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M MGT20467520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M MGT20167420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,640.00 Schork, Amy Wiezorek FP PE129450201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.94 $1,352.22 FP PE129480201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.83 $1,279.52 Schott, Christopher R W ENG1023X220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W IDS201377201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 W IDS201378201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Schrader, Diann J M MTH140S0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH140S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Schubert, Stephan Gerhard FP BAP250401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.62 $3,922.35 FP BAP250450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.90 $2,024.44 Schuermann, Carol S W CertificateProgram 02/06/12 05/17/12 1.00 $200.00 Schulte, Jeanne M CC CAMPDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $324.00 CC KIDSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $270.00 Schwantner, Jim Charles FV COM10150220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10150420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10150720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV AFCP201210 04/29/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 Schwartz, Mary Elizabeth CC FLFRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $588.00 Schwartz, Oscar A FP MEDDIRECT20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,057.92 Schwieder, Marcia Ann W MTH14034620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W MTH14030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Sciaroni, Cynthia L CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 31.31 $845.37 Scognamiglio, Edward FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.28 Scott, Kimberly Marie FP CTCRINSTRUCTO 04/14/12 05/26/12 7.00 $231.00 FP CTCRADJUNCT20 04/14/12 05/26/12 0.05 $31.16 Seaborn, Jeffrey W FP CUL205421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.06 $1,646.04 FP CUL201401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Seager, Mary V FP RDG02046220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG02045220121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Seavey, Jeremy S CC RANGE AIDE­DCE 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $203.00 CC MOTRD/CE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $360.00 Sedlmayr, Christine M CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 29.00 $464.00 Selders, Lynn R FV MTH03053520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH02052820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH02053220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV AFCP201210 04/29/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 Sellers, Jennifer Lisa FV ART24501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 Senior, Martha FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG10151920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG10152320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Sevier, William D CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Sexton, Cathy Ann CC BUSS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 21.00 $609.00 Sextro, Donald E FV ECO14050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Shahab, Paree FP IS123426201210 01/17/12 02/22/12 0.63 $436.30 FP IS132426201210 02/27/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 FP IS124426201210 04/09/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 Shaw, Patrick Leon FV ENG10357520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG10152620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG10151320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24

06/28/12 ­50­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Shay, Robert James M ART238639201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,128.00 M AT208698SDL201 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ART240601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Shay, Terri M ART108604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 M ART108646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,860.84 Shea, John M M PHL101SS120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL104SWA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL101648201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Shea, Marion C M PHL101650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL101647201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL101607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Shearing, Victoria V FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP MTH08145420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 FP MTH08145120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,963.35 Shell, Christina Marie FP ENG02040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $1,830.18 FP ENG02040720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $1,830.18 Shepek, Gary D FP MTH03041720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH02042420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH08041720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Shepherd, Eiko Saito FV PE138501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE145501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE137501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Sheppard, Mark A M ART110601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,684.48 Sheppard, Patricia M M ART109601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 M ART109602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Sherman, Gudrun Elisabeth M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M GER2016S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M GER10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M GER10160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Sherry, Jerome Paul M ESLPLCMNT2012 01/17/12 05/19/12 2.50 $65.00 Shiller, Alan H M COM10160720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM10160420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Shiller, Bonnie L FV CTLADJORIENT20 01/08/12 02/10/12 1.00 $75.00 Shintre, Seema CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $300.00 Shivers, Natalie Ann FV MTH02054120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH02054020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH08151020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Shiwachi, Maki S M JPN101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 M JPN102601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Shrinivas, Radha S FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $240.00 FP MTH14040820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP MTH03040920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP MTH02042620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Shuecraft, Steven W M SOC10160520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M SOC101S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M SOC10160120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Siddens, Trisha Lynn FP ENG02046120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP ENG02045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 Siebel, John M ENG05165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Siegel, Phyllis B CC BRIDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 89.25 $1,606.50 Sigler, Danny R CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 105.00 $2,205.00 Sigmund, Francine M M ENG06060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 M ESLPLCMNT2012 01/17/12 05/19/12 17.00 $442.00 M ENG07060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Sikuade, Anthony Ayodeji FP CTL AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP PSI101201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Siliceo­Roman, Laura W PHL120230120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­51­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Silva, Michael R CC AUTODCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $81.00 Silver, Stephen Anthony CC GED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 171.00 $2,677.86 Simeoli, Carol A M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG03060420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M ENG30605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Simler, Diana J M ACC10064120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Simmons, Karen L FP KIDS765H01 04/23/12 05/18/12 15.00 $375.00 Simokaitis, Joseph Andrew M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 11.00 $286.00 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,661.44 Simon, Barbara Ruth FP DMS11140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Simpson, Chana Maria FP PE103421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE130486201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE130487201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE103401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.22 $759.33 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.50 $221.00 Sims, Wesley Alan W PSY2003WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV AFCP201210 04/29/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 Sinclair, Scott William FP PHL109450220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP PHL109401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PHL103S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Singleton, Patsy Louise FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.13 $3,578.01 FP NUR20140120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 0.96 $670.88 FP CTL ADj Fac Sp C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Singleton, Timothy E FP MTH160C4802012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Skala, John E CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 30.00 $540.00 Skosky, Brenda Marie M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ECE105650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.24 $865.60 Skurat, Angela D FP NURLAB10120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.54 $3,866.48 Slaughter, Anne H FP DHY13140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,842.24 FP DHY2154212012 05/15/12 06/02/12 14.50 $556.51 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,912.64 FP CTLADJFALL2011 01/31/12 02/23/12 1.00 $200.00 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 17.00 $510.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,149.28 Small, James Robert M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSI115650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,057.92 Smallwood, Michael B M LGL211695201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Smith Piffel, Phyllis A CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 174.00 $4,698.00 Smith­Buckingham, Minnie M FP ST111401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $6,384.00 Smith, Alverta L CC NURS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 147.97 $4,883.01 Smith, Bruce A FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG03051220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Smith, Dennis Alan FP MTH03045220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH03045420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Smith, Earnrolyn C FV LGL2171A201210 05/07/12 05/13/12 7.00 $616.00 Smith, Haden D M ARC12465020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Smith, James J W MTH 160C301 01/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 W MTH160C3042012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.73 $3,438.08 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 3.00 $225.00 W MTH14035020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.80 $2,578.56 W MTH 160C3502012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 Smith, Jeanne W S W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W PHL1033W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Smith, Jeffrey W W MTH03035020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Smith, Jennifer N M PSY200SX120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PSY200S4620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­52­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Smith, Kem M FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $18.00 FV PE174502201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FV GUEST SPEAKER 03/29/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 FV PE122503201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Smith, Killian Joseph M ARC11265020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,122.56 M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Smith, Michael W CC ELEC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 42.00 $1,386.00 Smith, Michelle Ann M ECO15167020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M ECO15267120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Smith, Patty Marie FP ECE127401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Smith, Rachelle D M HMS20260120121 04/21/12 05/26/12 1.50 $1,233.12 M HMS20160120120 04/21/12 05/26/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Smith, Ronald Cecil W MUS11435020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,056.00 Smith, Sandra T FP MTH03043120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH03046420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH03046220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Smith, Tammy Kay CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Smith, Tiffany Mayet W ENG1023W720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.75 $1,919.72 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ENG1023W520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.25 $2,268.76 Smith, William A CC LIFEGUARDDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 102.75 $990.51 Snyder, Leigh Elouise CC ARTMODEL20120 04/01/12 05/26/12 6.00 $79.56 Solomon, Christina M M PT FAC ORIENT 1 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ACC21569520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Solomon, Elizabeth Lorine CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $230.00 Sone, Stacy R FP DMS12540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Sotraidis, Sandra K M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 M COM10162520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M COM10162820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 1 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M COM10163320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Souder, Sally A FP HUM10240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $105.00 Spencer, Jamieson M IDS201601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 M IDS201612201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Spinks, Jeffrey P FP PT­REFERENCE L 01/17/12 05/14/12 264.00 $6,079.93 Springer, Christina Cornelia FV PIANOCOMBOS20 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FV MUS11455120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MUS14120120121 05/07/12 05/13/12 3.00 $264.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 CC MUSCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $1,296.00 Sprong, Karen Christine FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/10/12 1.00 $75.00 FV Reflib201220 05/15/12 08/13/12 0.90 $628.20 FV reflib201210 01/03/12 05/14/12 8.50 $5,933.04 Squires, Kenneth J FV ENG10157520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Stafford, Sherry A FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV IS123574201210 01/17/12 02/21/12 1.00 $798.08 FV IS132574201210 03/04/12 04/16/12 1.00 $798.08 Stallings, Martin­Keith Darnell FP SOC10148620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV SOC10155120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Stamm, Mary P CC GENEDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $864.00 Stanton, Tracey M M ECEChildCareGran 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.72 $1,200.27 M ECE103601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ECE105651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 1 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ECE105650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.28 $893.56 Staples, Lavonda R FP HST137402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.84 $1,985.17 FP HST137461201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.56 $1,788.83 FP HST138402201210 04/03/12 05/14/12 0.94 $654.46 FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP HST137401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.84 $1,985.17

06/28/12 ­53­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Star, Darcie Evon M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $26.00 M PED116603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 Starwalt, Donald E FV ENG10152020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG1025XI201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV ENG10152420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Staryak, Paul Alexander CC GNSFDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.00 $180.00 Steele, Lauren Marie Gerke FP BAP250401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.90 $1,806.80 Stefl, Jennifer Ashley M MTH02060720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Steiger, Jeen W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W EDU2263WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Stein, Jody Sue M MTH14065220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Steiner, Frank A M ART131650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,684.48 Stephan Marino, Almut FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 CC RMGT201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $396.00 CC FOODDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00 Stephens, Anna FV ENG06150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG06050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 Stevens, Annie Esther M ENG1026XB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Stewart, Linda F FP ENG02041020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Stillwell, Ellen Louise FV NUR108CLINICAL 01/17/12 05/14/12 13.87 $14,277.32 Stilwell, Ronald Edgar M SUBSTITUTE TEA 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.50 $255.00 Stocker, Christine R M ART165650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.00 Stolarski, Roman FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $62.32 Stone, Charles D CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 19.00 $137.75 Stopsky, Fred Harold W HST1023W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M EDU21160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Storer, Christopher M FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 12.83 $379.58 FV BIO2085022012 05/15/12 06/02/12 69.28 $2,697.76 Stormer, Kathleen Diane CC PERDDCE201205 04/12/12 05/26/12 12.00 $252.00 Stovall­Reid, Calea Fall FP CRJ101474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CRJ122474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Stowers, Janelle Antionette CC FEDGED201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 69.50 $1,876.50 CC FEDGEC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 23.00 $621.00 Strait, Gerry T CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 69.50 $1,251.00 Strait, Marlene A CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 69.50 $1,251.00 Strinni, Theresa Lynn CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $288.00 Struebing, Meredith Lynn FV ENG06050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,188.48 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ENG06150220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Studt, Kurt H FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 Stumbaugh, Kyle H FV PSI105502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,324.60 Sturmfels, Gus W CC AUTODCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $648.00 Stygar, Elizabeth Frances M PT FAC ORIENT 2 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M SOC1016WL20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC10169720121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Suchland, Colin E M SOC20267420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC10164620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC10165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Sullivan, Barry J M ART109651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,116.48 Sullivan, Kathleen Ann M PHL109601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.75 $1,800.68 M PHL101646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PHL109641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Sullivan, Margaret M CC REAL201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 52.90 $1,745.70 Sullivan, T Christopher FP BAP150401201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.50 $934.56 FP BAP150402201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.50 $934.56 FP CUL150450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Sutter, Thomas Winston M GER10165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $2,464.00

06/28/12 ­54­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Suydam, Rycken S M MTH21060320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 M MTH14060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Swanson, Teresa Ann CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $660.00 Sweet, Dustin L W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W BUS201301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W ECO15235020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W ECO1523W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Swenson, Jennifer Anne M MTH030S0820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Swiderski, William G CC CRJS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 40.00 $1,320.00 Swiener, Rita R W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W PSY2063S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,087.24 W IDS101302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PSY2003W220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 W PSY2053WA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Swindle, Monica Sydel M ENG03061020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG2066WA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M COL020609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Swink, Robyn S M SOC1016S220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M SOC10165120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Taborn, Eleanor Carol FP RDG03043420121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP RDG03042620121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP RDG03042320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 14.50 $435.00 Taborn, Tyrone A FP BLW10145120125 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Talaski, Paul M PT FAC ORIENT 1 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ART271650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 96.00 $2,476.80 Tarbouni, Younasse M ARA102650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 M ARA101650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32 Taylor, Jeannette M FP RDG02041520121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.50 $1,197.12 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP RDG02040920121 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.00 $0.00 FP RDG02040820121 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.00 $0.00 Taylor, Karen Ann CC AHCE201205 03/01/12 06/30/12 77.00 $2,855.16 FP CLT1054482012 05/15/12 06/02/12 20.00 $581.60 FP CLT207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,395.84 FP CLT104401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,326.40 Taylor, Paula A CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.00 $198.00 Tebbetts, Barbara L CC ARTSDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 30.00 $810.00 Temple, John Wesley M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH140S4620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M MTH14061220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Tepen, Erin N M ENG1026WL20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG1026W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG1026W220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG102HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 M ENG10164520121 04/22/12 05/14/12 0.81 $565.44 Teren, Lisa Anne FP MTH03041420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08140020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02044520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Terhune, Robert H M MTH04060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Tevlin, Geraldine Ann CC DANCDCE201220 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.75 $211.50 Tevlin, Robert James CC DANCEDCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.75 $211.50 Tharenos, Anthony Michael M ART135601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $1,886.72 Thebeau, Lydia Gayle W BIO208350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Thomas­Vertrees, Laverne FV ACC11057420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 FV ACC10055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88

06/28/12 ­55­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Thomas, Andrew L FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP IS165475201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 Thomas, Bill Jeffrey FP ENG020H2120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ENG101H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP ENG030H0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Thomas, Gail Lavon FV RDG03055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Thomas, Steven Dean FP MUS25446120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.08 FP MUS15042120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 32.00 $1,232.00 FP MUS15445020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MUS150450 05/15/12 06/23/12 32.00 $1,246.08 FP MUS15040112012 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.00 $1,246.08 Thomas, William H FP MTH14045220121 03/26/12 05/14/12 1.31 $916.24 FP MTH14045020121 03/26/12 05/14/12 1.31 $916.24 Thompson, Donald E FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV MTH04055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,144.80 Thompson, Marcia L FV MTH03050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV MTH03051420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH03050920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Thompson, Nina Marie FP ENG03041320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $1,820.45 Tiggs, Ambre Nicole W PE106352201210 04/22/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 W PE106351201210 04/22/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE118652201210 04/25/12 05/06/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE106651201210 03/27/12 04/15/12 1.33 $930.56 M PE106650201210 02/29/12 03/11/12 1.33 $930.56 Timmermann, Karl Nicholas M MCM13065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Tinucci, Diane Marie W Substitute201210 01/19/12 05/14/12 9.00 $270.00 Tippett, Royce Crosby FP PE1301240920121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE1301242820121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE1301240820121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE1301242920121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $930.56 FP PE180401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Tishler, Jean Lawrence M BIO207607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Tjaden, D Scott CC DATA201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 33.00 $1,089.00 M ART245603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 M ART221601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $156.00 M AT283640201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $930.56 Tobias, Marvin A FV PSY200550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Tobin, Christopher Lee FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.23 $140.22 Tobler, Betty H FV BUS104575201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BUS104550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Toledo, Sue A M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH03068020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Toll, Harry R FP MTH02044620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP MTH02042920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Toma, Terry Lynn FP PHL112AWA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Toth, Mihaly V M CHM1016W32012 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $3,720.76 M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Toy, Rodney Eugene FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP DA174401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.35 $1,466.74 FP DA201401201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 0.67 $415.36 Trares, Mary Patrice FP RDG03045420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,690.93 FP RDG03046220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.17 $2,000.21 FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP RDG03046242012 03/19/12 05/14/12 0.83 $762.67 Tricamo, Sandra Ann FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV PE181550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FV PE181501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72

06/28/12 ­56­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Trietley, Roger Stuart FP ART100471201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Trout, Kelly Ann CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $203.00 True, James E FV BUS104505201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,893.96 FV BUS104504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,990.42 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV BUS102503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,990.42 Tucek, Linda A M PTFACORIENT201 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $50.00 M MTH160C6092012 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.89 Tulloch, Marlowe Vickie Lynere FP CTL­ADJ FACSP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Turnage Ferber, Jacqueline Kay FV RDG02052320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $1,791.24 FV RDG02052420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.88 $1,791.24 Turner, Bryan J FV BIO111501LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111508LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111505LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 M BIO11697LAB2012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111510LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111502LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 FV BIO111503LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $928.44 Turner, Cynthia M FP MTH02043920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02044220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Turner, Fred CC CRJS201205­P/TC 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $264.00 Turner, Mitchell M FP HRM21247420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP HRM21240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Tylka, David L M BIO156641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Tyus, Shalonda Karletta FP ST111401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,724.00 Tyus, Vera Rose FV RDG03055420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV RDG02055220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $240.00 Ubriaco, Robert David M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M HST102601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M HST105604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M HST102646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Ullery, Leona M FP CTL­ADJ FAC SP 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH10840320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP MTH10840120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP MTH14040020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Unger, Darlene Sue FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH02054920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.75 $1,713.36 FV MTH02054520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.75 $1,713.36 Unruh, Ann L CC CPDV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $165.00 Unverferth, Donna M FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $150.00 FP MTH03042420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH02041920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP CTL­ADJ FAC SP 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP MTH03042920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 , Ellen Nicole FP ENG2174XB20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.84 $2,269.54 FP ENG10140420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,244.60 FP ENG10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.88 $2,294.48 Vaccaro, Brian A M MUS13863620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.16 Vachharajani, Neeta Akshaya FP BIO208407201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,987.76 Vallely, John Anthony FV MTH14055620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Van Dyke, Karen A FP IS102402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP IS151401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Van Herreweghe, Christa E FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 VanDaele, Thomas L M BUS104S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M BUS104604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Vandeven, Warren Theodore W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W IS103301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W IS103374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88

06/28/12 ­57­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Vareedayah, Mariadhaso FP ENG07045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Vaughn, Kimberlee P W PSY125369201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 30.08 $1,158.08 W PSY125339201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,500.40 Vaughn, Ronald Lee CC MOTRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 100.00 $1,800.00 Vavere, Atis M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 M CHM101S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 FV CHM00250120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Vedamuthu, Mary Selvi M CHM10165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,484.36 Velten, Gail Appelbaum CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $432.00 Verhoff, Gwendolyn Elaine M PSC211601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 M PSC211601HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Vernon, Ena A M BIO111S05201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO111S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Vesser, Jeannine D M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Vick, Jacqueline T FV ForumAdviser2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10150820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 FV COM10151320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV COM10151820121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Vitullo, Angelo George FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $254.00 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP AUT158402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,841.92 FP AUT167401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,300.88 Vogel, Rebecca T FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/17/12 05/26/12 1.32 $66.00 Von Der Ahe, Yvonne M CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $72.00 CC HORTDCE201220 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $42.00 Vredeveld, Linda Shultis FV ART210501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 FV ART107502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $1,861.12 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $120.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Vroman, Paul J FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $270.00 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH03058220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH03055320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH03055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Vugteveen, Susan Elizabeth M ENG1026W520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Wable, Steven Lewis FV SEED 2010 02/11/12 05/17/12 0.25 $230.30 Wahoski, Christopher David FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.60 $373.92 Wahoski, Stephanie L FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.20 $747.84 Walbran­Ambler, Stephanie J FP RDG03043220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG03041320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG03040520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG03042520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 Waldecker, Seth J FP PSI101H01201210 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.00 $0.00 Walentik, David S M ECO140S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 M ECO151S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Walker, Joshua M FP AUT169450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,260.04 FP AUT156450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $3,260.04 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Wallace, William Hayes FV BLW20157420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Walls, Betty Porter FP CTL AFCP Program 05/04/12 05/30/12 1.00 $200.00 FP ECE124401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ECE102401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Walters, Jean M CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 7.50 $202.50 Walters, Nancy G M ENG07164620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Wamsley, David M M GEG1016X220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M GEG1036X020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M GEO100SX120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­58­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Ward, Kevin W M AT143695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 CC DATA201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 22.00 $726.00 Ward, Wynn B CC HISTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $432.00 Warden, Stacey M FP NUR108201210 04/01/12 05/14/12 2.83 $2,261.00 Ware, Keith FV ENG03055120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG03055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV ENG03058020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ware, Keith James FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV COL020502201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 FV HST101505201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Ware, Regina Jane FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 Warfield, Richard Edward M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M BLW20160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M BLW20169520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Warren, Karen Cherese M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M LGL218696201210 03/25/12 04/21/12 0.00 $0.00 Washington, David H FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.80 $638.40 Washington, Donald Maurice FV SOC10155020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Watkins, Carol Sue CC CPDV201205P/TC 01/08/12 05/26/12 10.50 $304.50 Watt, Darren W FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH14058220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.81 $1,752.30 FV MTH14050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $1,830.18 FV MTH14055820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Wead, Rodney S FP SOC10140720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP SOC10140320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.94 $2,705.32 FP SOC10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 FP CTL­Soc Science A 04/03/12 04/30/12 1.00 $50.00 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Weaver, Donald E FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $1,920.80 Weffelmeyer, Jeff Michael FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.34 $933.58 Weffelmeyer, John FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.10 $69.80 Wegener, Delano P M MTH160CS012012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,115.84 Wehrman, Stephani Lynn M COM10163820121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Weil, Dennis Lee M MTH140S5120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Weil, Tiffany R FP BAP101450201210 01/17/12 03/17/12 1.00 $698.08 FP BAP105461201210 02/14/12 03/17/12 1.00 $698.08 FP BAP110461201210 03/20/12 04/12/12 1.00 $698.08 Weinberg, Robin Ann CC BIO203450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.64 $3,239.08 FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Weindel, Kenneth J FP PT Reference Libra 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.59 $5,750.66 Weinrich, Bernard W FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP ACC10047520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ECO1514SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Weiss, Denise M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M EDU218S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Welby, James E CC CRJS201205P/TC 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $496.00 Welch, Katherine A M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M LGL104696201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Wells, Shirley Ann W SOC10139520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W SOC1013W420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W SOC1013S120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 Werner, Michele Yvonne FV PE174550201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Werner, Terry F M BIO111S04201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO111S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 Werner, Vicki L FV BUS104501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV BUS104502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Westmoreland, Kelli M M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ENG10164720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ENG10169520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24

06/28/12 ­59­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M ENG10169620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Weusthoff, Carole J CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $54.00 Wheelan, Craig Pierre CC GNSFDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 13.00 $234.00 Wheeler, Benjamin Adam W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W MUS11430120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W MUS11437420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Whetstine, Lisa Ann FP MTH08140620121 03/19/12 05/14/12 1.50 $934.56 FP MTH08142120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08043020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 14.00 $420.00 Whirley, Sheila D FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 Whitaker, Jarretha Yvonne FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP RDG016H2120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,596.66 FP RDG017H2120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $797.58 White, Dee Ellen Bailey M NUR20560120121 01/17/12 04/21/12 7.73 $5,397.25 White, Donna Marshaye M ANT102602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M ANT102601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Whiteside, Ken FV COM10150U20121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Whitney, Lisa Marie M AFCPROGONETIM 05/13/12 06/23/12 1.00 $200.00 M PE191602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE192601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M PE143601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $234.00 M PE192601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.67 $415.36 M PE130201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,076.80 M PE191601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Whittemore, Joan Margaret M MUS11560120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,057.92 Wible, Sherrill W M BIO111611201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,455.40 M BIO111696201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,368.52 M BIO117601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Wieckhorst, Kathryn N FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.00 $6,230.40 Wiedemann, Thomas Robert FP DHY22240120113 02/17/12 03/16/12 0.21 $214.40 Wiggins, Autumn Elayne CC BUSS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $174.00 CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $81.00 Wilke­Grimm, Briget Amy FP MTH02041320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Wilke, Fred J FV ECO15150320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV BUS102551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Wilkins, Beverly W FP RDG020H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG030H0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP RDG030H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Willard, Gina Marie W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 Williams, Belinda Mae FP CTL Adj Fac Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP IS102403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,319.42 Williams, Brett J FP ART109421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.87 $2,699.50 M AT175601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Williams, Bruce A CC ARTMODEL20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $79.56 Williams, Gerald A CC ANIMDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $81.00 Williams, Holly Jean FV MTH02053520122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH02050520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH02758020121 01/13/12 02/18/12 1.00 $623.04 Williams, James A CC RANGEAIDEDCE2 01/08/12 05/26/12 28.00 $203.00 Williams, Kenneth W CC SOFTBasst201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.60 $996.88 Williams, Marilyn Rena FP MTH08041920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08042022012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08140720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.60 $288.00 Williams, Mary Christine FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $198.00 FV CCPR765201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00

06/28/12 ­60­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Williams, Meriam E FV DCS10755120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Williams, Rosie B FP MTH081H0220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH030H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP MTH020H0420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FP CTL Adj FAc Sp Co 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Williams, Terril K FP PE1091104032012 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.27 $791.78 FP PE1091104222012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1391404012012 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1771784032012 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1771784212012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1391404212012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 Williams, Tracey Ann M OTA102601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Willingham, Shannon Donald FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $249.28 Wilmoth, Gary M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.51 $315.03 FP FIRETECH201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.53 $327.18 Wilson­Ramsey, Yevonn FP ART110404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $65.00 FP ART111450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,791.68 Wilson, Antonina FV DCS10750120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 Wilson, Crystal Julienne FP PE130407201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.27 $791.78 FP PE1221234502012 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.27 $791.78 FP PE1301242720121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.27 $791.78 FP PE1221234612012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.27 $791.78 Wilson, Jamie Joy FV NUR205Clinical201 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.41 $5,173.92 Wilson, John Logan FP MTH08041820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP MTH08140220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Wilson, Kevin Michael W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W ART102350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,093.76 Winkler, Elizabeth Anne FP BIO111H02201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 FP BIO111H01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,022.68 Wiseheart, Barbara T M LGL219639201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.60 $1,315.33 M LGL221SDL20121 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $88.00 Withers, Pamela Sue M LGL229695201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Witt, Carol M CC NURS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 16.00 $528.00 Woehrle, Jill M CC PEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 20.00 $500.00 Woerther, Michael E M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M ACC11469620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Wohl, Allison M MTH030S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 M MTH020S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Wojtkowski, Kari Anne M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M PHY112650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,490.40 M GEO1006X320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Wood, Pamela Renee FP HST138402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.81 $1,260.91 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP HST138450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.81 $1,260.91 Woodcox, Charles Alfred FP FNL207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $1,920.80 Woodruff, Kerry M CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 45.00 $1,485.00 Woods, Debra Ann CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $168.00 Woods, Henry Lee FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV MTH02055620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV MTH02056020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Woods, Nadia Djavaherian M ENG10160520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 Worley, Jan Eugene CC RELGDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $276.00 Worley, Jessica Suzanne FV RDG01751220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $697.65 FV RDG02052720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV RDG01651220121 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.59 Worley, Kenneth R FV ART100551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FV ART1005SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88

06/28/12 ­61­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP ART100401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 FP ART102402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Worthy, Michelle A FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV HMS10150020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Wright, Allyson Weathers W COM10130420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 W COM10130320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Wu, Cheng­Shih FV Substitute 04/22/12 05/14/12 15.00 $450.00 Wylie, Carolyn E FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,401.28 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,744.32 FP DHY13140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,929.60 Wynne, David P FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,246.40 Xing, Xiaoyan M CHI101650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,792.32 Yancey, Amanda Ann CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $396.00 FV AFCP201210 04/29/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 Yanko, Albert CC MBSKTBasst20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.20 $747.64 Yarbrough, Angeline L FV ENG03051G20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Young, Bryan G M PT FAC ORIENT 0 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP BUS116401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 CC FLGEDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 32.00 $864.00 Young, Geraldine R FP ENG02040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP ENG02040220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 Young, Michael E W MTH03030220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,762.88 W MTH160C3012012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,683.84 Yount, Laura E CC CFKDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 18.00 $414.00 Zahra, Matthew J FV GEO11150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV GEO10055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FV PSI111503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Zamenski, Andrew J FP RTH140&2452012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $465.28 Zebroski, Sheryline Angela FP SOC101H2220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Zhou, Yuefang W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W BIO111351201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,086.88 Zirngibl, James L M MKT10460120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 M BUS101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Zoeller, Charles J FP PROGRAMCOORD 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $8,288.64

06/28/12 ­62­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Adamecz, Gustav FP IT210450201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 5.50 $5,247.44 FP IT201486201210 03/25/12 05/18/12 2.50 $2,385.20 FP CSECSCADA2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 FP NETWORKUPGIM 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.75 $715.56 Ahrens, J Markus M ACC21165020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M ACC10067520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M ACC10060620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M ACC29163920121 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $1,068.96 M ACC114HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.00 $176.00 M ACC29363920121 05/07/12 05/18/12 0.40 $427.58 Aiello, Janis J FV NUR10850120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.53 $1,260.40 Allen, Jason S M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $150.00 M BIO207605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.66 $473.20 Alvarez, Teresa Ann FP BIO207403&40420 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.31 $939.20 FP BIO208451LAB201 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $3,900.16 FP BIO207401&40220 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.33 $5,255.32 FP BIO208448451201 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $1,296.80 FP BIO208401&40220 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP BIO208448LAB201 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $1,296.80 Amor, Abdelouahab FP IT203486201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,344.80 Anderhub, Beth M FP ProgramCoordinato 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.67 $3,916.00 FP DMS11140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,272.00 Anthes, Richard M FP AUT168426201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.68 $3,511.02 FP AUT169426201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,455.56 Appelbaum, Susan S FP HRM12840120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP HRM12845020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,908.16 Applegate, Mark D FP PE162/3.42220121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $953.92 FP Blackboard Champ 01/22/12 03/03/12 1.00 $200.00 FP Substitute PE 2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $52.00 FP PE180450201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP PE16240201210 02/19/12 03/24/12 0.67 $476.96 FP PE161486201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Ayres, Janet C FP IT552477201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,932.48 FP T4TCURR.DEVEL 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 Babbitt, Donna Elizabeth W ACC10037420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,385.20 W ACC11430120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 W CURRCOMCHAIR 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Bai, Steven Soby FV MCM11550120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $1,344.32 FV MCM12150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV MCM20150320121 05/07/12 05/13/12 2.00 $176.00 FV MCM12350120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Ballard, Kelly K M PHL1036S3201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PHL103646201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M MTH210SDL20121 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Ballentine, Cynthia R M OTA214641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Barker, Jacqueline A M GENEDUCOMM20 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $534.48 M COM10160220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Barrett, Robyn Camella M ACC29263920121 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.20 $2,098.98 M ACC110HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 5.00 $440.00 Barron, Tracy J FP RDG02045120113 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,792.40 FP RDG03043320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP RDG02045120121 01/17/12 03/14/12 0.75 $537.72 FP CRJ122402220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $716.96 Bast, Matthew Dale M BIO111605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $1,670.52 M JSUB201210 01/25/12 05/14/12 11.00 $330.00 Beach, Elva Maxine M CURRENTS20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 M ENG224HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Becker, Kathleen Sue FP NUR20540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.97 $4,236.40 Behrend, Reynold C M ART111602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.17 $3,382.00 Bell, Wesley J FV CR11151A201210 05/07/12 05/31/12 1.00 $88.00 FV LGL21951A201210 05/07/12 05/31/12 9.60 $493.25

06/28/12 ­63­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Benton, Deira L FP CTL­Facilitator Com 02/29/12 03/15/12 22.00 $550.00 Betzler, Daniel J FV DLS110501201201 05/07/12 05/13/12 1.00 $88.00 FV DIRECTOR201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,271.04 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 3.00 $264.00 Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang FV BIO207507LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $271.28 FV BIO11504201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FV BIO207503201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FV BIO208516LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,093.36 FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.17 $3,423.96 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV BIO207508201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $271.28 Billman, Daniel T M HRT101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,131.16 M HRT207650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,268.92 Blalock, Kay Jeanene M HST101675201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 M HST115601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M HST101674201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,906.56 M HST101676201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,906.56 M HST102674201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,906.56 M HST101675201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,906.56 M HST101674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M HST115601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Blanco, Carlos A FV ENG10150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV IDS201501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 Boedeker, Stacey S FP ST111401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP ST110401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.00 Boehm, Jason L FV MTH18655020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,867.84 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 11.25 $337.50 Bozek, Brian M FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $39.90 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 3.00 $264.00 FV MTH15758020121 01/13/12 02/18/12 1.29 $1,227.78 FV MTH14053520122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 FV MTH14050820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Brake, Dean A FP XRT112402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP XRT112401201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,233.00 FP Program Director X 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.83 $1,507.00 FP XRT2144012012 03/25/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP XRT214401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,096.00 Breed, Gwen E FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.09 $1,167.68 FP LPN Bridge Progra 01/18/12 05/31/12 0.24 $256.32 Breitwieser, Dianne E M COM101HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ACTINGDEPTCHA 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Brennan, James R FP FNL208401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Brieler, Robert A M MTH02061520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M MTH03060720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M MTH03060320122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 Brown, Dorian A FP IDS201403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 FP IDS101406201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Bryan, Wayne M FV DEPT CHAIR 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $822.08 FV PE130501201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 32.00 $1,104.00 FV PE130505201220 05/17/12 06/02/12 32.00 $1,104.00 FV PE130523201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $238.48 FV PE130524201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $953.92 Burkhardt, Charles E FV PHY223550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 FV MTH14054520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV MTH12358020121 01/13/12 02/18/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV MTH12358220121 01/20/12 02/18/12 1.00 $1,068.96 Burns, Rebecca Sue M ENG102HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 3.00 $264.00 Campbell, Carl E M GEO10060120122 05/15/12 06/23/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M GEO100HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M GEO10065120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 0.50 $357.57

06/28/12 ­64­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Campbell, Cindy L FV IDS101502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV PE174501201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $1,424.00 FV PE180501201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 72.00 $3,807.36 FV IDS101504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Campbell, Jay G M PHL101605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 M PHL101642201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Carter, Brian D FP MTH160C4012012 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $3,288.32 FP MATHHELPCOOR 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $358.48 FP MTH144401MTH1 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,584.80 FP MTH160C4212012 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,867.85 Champene, Aaron R M PHL104603HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00 Chanasue, Deborah M M NUR20560120121 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.27 $2,427.92 Chapman, Thelma L FP NUR10540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.02 $3,225.36 FP LPN Bridge Prog 2 01/18/12 05/31/12 0.87 $925.60 Char, Deborah J FP MTH08040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP Blackboard Champ 01/22/12 03/03/12 1.00 $200.00 FP MTH03042620121 04/05/12 05/14/12 1.13 $924.84 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 Chesla, Joseph C M ART116601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.02 $21.36 Chott, Craig S M IS237650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M IS218639201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 0.60 $572.45 FP IT246450201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP IT102450201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,385.20 Chowdhury, Md Syed A W BIO208395201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,559.60 W BIO208302201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,559.60 W BIO208301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 Clark, Anthony Steven FV ECO15250220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Clark, Judy V FP MTH14042420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP MTH03040120122 05/15/12 06/16/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP MTH14042320121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Coburn, John W FV MTH14056620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV MTH14053120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV MTH160C5282012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 Cohoon, Christina Marie M PTA213602201210 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.20 $164.42 Cole, Angelic Inez FP VPAA­RELEASE T 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,932.48 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 5.00 $440.00 FP MKT20347420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Collier, Nancy C M CHM10165120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,490.68 M Substitute 201220 01/17/12 08/18/12 2.00 $60.00 M CHM1016W12012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.17 $3,388.60 Collins, Jennifer P FP GEO10040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.66 $2,186.72 Collins, Linda Housch FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV HST107504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Collins, Steven G M HST204601HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M HST105601201130 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $3,741.36 M RELEASE TIME 20 05/13/12 08/04/12 1.75 $2,224.32 Consolino, Beverly M FP DHY50449920121 05/07/12 07/31/12 16.00 $1,408.00 FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.68 $6,065.35 Cooper, Terry D M PSY208601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.22 M PSY200604HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M PSY210601HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Copp, Julie C FV COM10155820121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV COM10155720121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV COM10155620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 Corich, Evelyn F FP MTH14040120121 03/19/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,431.12 FP CTLCODIRECTOR 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP MTH160C4022012 05/15/12 06/16/12 4.00 $4,460.16 FP MTH04042120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 Counte, Suzanne C M ACC110HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.00 $176.00 Cruz, Ana Lucia M RELEASE TIME 20 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,271.04 M EDU211602HON2 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00

06/28/12 ­65­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M EDU21160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Cupples, Tommy G FV IS21851A201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 1.00 $88.00 FV CTLCOOR201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 72.00 $3,345.12 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.25 $37.50 FV IS112574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Cusumano, Donald R FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP PSY205474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP PSY200475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP PSY200474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP PSY200402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP PSY200448201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $3,813.12 Daniel, Paul T FP IS251450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,112.00 FP SECURE CODING 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 M IS251695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP IS264450201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Dattoli, Anthony David M PE116S02201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $953.92 M PE132603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,430.88 M PE132603201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.67 $552.00 M PE116S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $476.96 M PE130201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.33 $1,104.00 M PE132605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,430.88 M PE132602201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.67 $552.00 Daugherty, Seth A FP DEPTCHAIR22012 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.50 $6,165.60 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $120.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/18/12 06/24/12 4.00 $352.00 FP MTH23040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 Day, Leroy Thomas M FRE202698SDL20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M FRE102601HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M FRE101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Dennis, Jeremy K FP ENG10140120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 6.00 $7,626.24 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Dieckmann, Thomas M FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.25 $37.50 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 Doering, David A FV IS129574201210 01/17/12 03/05/12 1.00 $822.08 FV XLSTRN201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 2.50 $100.00 FV IS1315IA201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 5.00 $440.00 FV IS102506201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Dorsch, Joachim O M GEG10360120122 05/15/12 06/23/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M GEO11160220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,603.44 M GEO11160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,697.56 Dorsey, Mary K M NUR20460120121 04/22/12 05/14/12 0.67 $712.00 CC NRSG201205 01/08/12 06/09/12 8.00 $264.00 M NUR20560120121 01/17/12 04/21/12 1.48 $1,580.64 M NUR10640120121 05/17/12 05/26/12 6.40 $284.80 Downey, Michael D FP CUL101401201210 01/18/12 02/08/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP CUL101423201210 04/16/12 05/09/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP CUL101421201210 03/19/12 04/11/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP CUL101424201210 04/17/12 05/10/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP CUL101402201210 01/17/12 02/09/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP CUL101404201210 02/14/12 03/08/12 1.00 $1,068.96 du Maine, Jessica J FV BE153500201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.60 $493.24 FV EE132550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.68 $559.00 Duchinsky, Jason G M Counselor/Instructo 05/15/12 06/30/12 2.65 $2,178.31 Dufer, Dennis C M COM10165020122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,115.04 M COM10160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M COM1046W62012 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M COM10168120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 48.00 $2,112.00 Eayrs, Christaan N M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $180.00 M MCM122SDL2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Elliott, John Mark M MTH22060220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $4,770.40 M MTH14067420122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,115.04

06/28/12 ­66­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M MTH02060120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M MATHBOOTCAMP 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.25 $1,192.60 M MTH14069520121 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.75 $715.56 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 M MTH14062020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 Epperson, Cynthia K M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 M IDS201694201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 M IDS201697201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 M SOC203X1HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Ethridge, Michelle Rene M PE161675201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,146.32 M PE177601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $953.92 M PE161674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $975.12 Fackelman, Joseph A FP RELEASE201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.00 FP RTH125401&4022 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.00 FP RTH126401&4022 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,096.00 Featherson, Vincent E FP Department Chair 2 01/17/12 03/29/12 1.00 $1,068.00 FP XRT102401405201 04/01/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,492.00 FP Program Director 2 01/17/12 03/29/12 1.50 $1,602.00 FP XRT112402201210 01/17/12 04/22/12 0.67 $712.00 FP XRT214401201210 01/17/12 04/22/12 0.67 $712.00 Fickas, Julie C FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV BIO208509201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.16 $1,548.64 Finnell, Patricia K FV NUR10850120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.83 $5,530.41 FV NUR107Clinical201 01/17/12 05/26/12 0.78 $739.44 CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 13.00 $429.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/26/12 6.00 $156.00 Fischer, Carl W FV ME152550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.34 $324.40 Fish, Lynda K FP DEVEDCOORDSC 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,344.80 FP MTH17040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Fliss, Edward R FV IDS201502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 FV IDS201504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 FV BIO141501LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.83 $793.08 Florini, Jeanne R FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 FV ECE127550201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 0.37 $400.86 FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.66 $3,917.72 FV COM10155920121 01/17/12 03/24/12 0.37 $400.86 FV ISWFAC201210 05/13/12 05/26/12 1.00 $1,068.96 Flynn, Thomas W FV DCS20950120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 Fonseca, Eve M FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.75 $82.50 FP ENG05145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Forde, Gary C FP PSY200404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV ACC10057420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV IDS101514201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Fox, Sharon A FV REFLIB2012220 05/15/12 08/13/12 2.01 $2,558.29 FV PTKPROJ201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV IDS201580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 Franks, Stephanie L M NUR20160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.19 $5,546.48 Fratello, Bradley Peter M ART100602201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,908.75 Freeman, Terrence L CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $66.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 06/15/12 1.50 $45.00 FV IDS101552201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV ESC100501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.34 $363.44 FV IDS101507201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV IDS101501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 French, Brenda F FP COL020486201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP OVERLOAD 01/03/12 01/06/12 2.38 $1,952.44 FP SummerCounselin 05/15/12 08/13/12 159.00 $3,876.42 FP SATURDAYREG 01/14/12 01/21/12 0.31 $256.90

06/28/12 ­67­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Friedman, Donna G FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV CHM10150220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $2,490.68 Frison, Tommie F FP BIO111405&406&4 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $3,699.36 FP BIO111448452201 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $3,900.16 FP BIO111401&402&4 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $4,110.40 FP BIO111449453201 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $3,900.16 Frost, James G M MTH160C6742012 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,271.04 M MTH02060920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M MTH14060520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M MTH14060120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M MTH160C6042012 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $534.48 M MTH14060920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Frost, Tony L M CHM10660220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 M CHM10660320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,085.24 Fuller, Carolyn Marie FV RDG03051G20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV RDG02051420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Fuller, Michael J M IDS201602201210 01/17/12 04/21/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Gackstatter, Gary Lee M MUS11460320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 M MUS11460220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 Gaines, Karen B M IDS201S01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Galanis, Joanne M FV ART10057A20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.87 $2,004.32 Gale­Betzler, Lisa E FV DCS10555120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,584.80 FV DCS11655120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.50 $165.00 FV SINGFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 15.00 $315.00 CC SIGNDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 19.34 $522.18 Gardetto, Darlaine Claire M RELEASE TIME 20 05/13/12 07/07/12 2.00 $2,542.08 M SOC10167420122 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,906.56 M SOC10160920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M SOC10167250121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M IDS201676201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 2.00 $2,542.08 Garrett, Toni N M PTCOORD201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Garrison, April M FV MTH160C5512012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,867.84 FV MTH160C5532012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,867.84 Garvey, Pamela A M ENG20160120121 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M ENG201HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00 Gerardot, Diane M FP ST110401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,136.00 FP Department Chair 2 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,848.00 FP Program Coordinat 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.67 $3,916.00 Gerstenecker, Dale M FV ME154500201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.69 $658.32 Glen, John W IDS201395201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,055.20 CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $50.00 Godfrey, Carolyn Jean FP LPN Bridge Prog 2 01/18/12 05/31/12 1.34 $1,270.32 FP BLACKBOARD CH 01/22/12 03/03/12 1.00 $200.00 CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $33.00 Goessling, Steven P FP DIE104474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,056.00 FP DIE203426201210 04/16/12 05/11/12 4.18 $3,436.30 FP DIE106426201210 03/19/12 04/13/12 0.50 $411.04 Goetz, Ronald E M MTH14062320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M MTH03061520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M MTH215HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Gordon, Katherine Heather FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/31/12 5.00 $440.00 Gormley, James C FV ART234561201210 05/07/12 05/13/12 4.00 $352.00 Goushey, Layla Azmi W GENEDCOORD20 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 W ENG1023X120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Graham, Nita S FP MTH03044520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP MTH020H0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP HARRISONCOOR 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai W MTH14030420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 W MTH14039520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24

06/28/12 ­68­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv W PROFDEVELPMN 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Graul, Julie L FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV PSY205501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Graville, Teri K W MTH21030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 W MTH160C3742012 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 Grote, Terri J FP IS151402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $3,168.00 FP IS256450201210 01/17/12 04/21/12 2.25 $1,849.68 Groth, Charles E M OneTimePay20121 02/19/12 03/31/12 10.00 $395.00 Hafer, Gail H M BUS201651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Hahn, Robert L M FILMLABSUPER20 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $411.04 M MCM21960120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Hake, John C FV MTH53550120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Hall, Sandra Dye FP Substitute 201210 04/04/12 05/14/12 9.76 $253.76 FP NURLAB10120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.13 $3,392.12 Hanlon, David R M AT280698SDL201 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ART166601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,848.00 M ART204698SDL20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ART165602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.15 $4,428.64 Hansen, Troy Robert FV Counselor201210 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.40 $286.88 Harden, Lisa Ann M MTH160C6052012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,075.44 Harms, Robert C M BIO111696201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M JSUB201210 01/23/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 M BIO203605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,603.44 M BIO111695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Hartmann, William K FP PHL105401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP PHL102475201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.00 $1,068.96 Hartsfield, Janice Craig FV RDG03050320121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.81 $2,312.10 Hartwein, Jon FP XRT215401201201 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FP XRT214401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.00 FP XRT112401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,096.00 Hartwig, Cynthia Kay M NUR10860120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.23 $1,008.32 M NUR10640120122 05/07/12 05/12/12 0.24 $197.28 Hauser, Michael A M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 M CHM10160320121 04/22/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,697.56 M CHM10169520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,992.04 Heaton, Patricia L FP DHY1324012012 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.35 $1,441.80 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,848.00 Heisler, Virginia Anita M AT151601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,112.00 M ARC11969520121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.17 $959.00 M AT116698SDL201 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ARC110698SDL20 05/13/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00 Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller M COL020S0120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Herman, Susan Kay CC PERDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $200.00 Hertel, Robert B FP CUL250403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP CUL250402201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $6,413.76 Higdon, Paul Edward FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.75 $4,008.60 FV PTK CEREMONY 03/05/12 06/30/12 1.00 $100.00 FV MUS2025XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 FV FridayPianos20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 High, Julie Ann M PTA216601201210 02/19/12 04/21/12 5.00 $5,344.80 M PTA208602201210 01/17/12 04/21/12 1.40 $1,495.20 M PTA217601201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,344.80 CC CTCR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $132.00 CC AHCEHHC201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 8.00 $264.00 Hollins, Stacy Gee FV IS20951A201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 4.00 $352.00 FV IS29151A201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 2.00 $176.00 FV IS200575IS210574 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 FV IS15551A201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.00 $176.00 FV IS151574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 FV IS16451A201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 2.00 $176.00

06/28/12 ­69­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV MKT20357420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV IDS101517201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Hsu, Jeff C M ACC114HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.00 $176.00 Huber, William F FP BIO207208Onetim 05/15/12 06/15/12 1.00 $2,701.92 FP BIO208452201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.33 $4,828.12 FP BIO208404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.32 $4,617.92 FP BIO207452201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.33 $4,828.12 FP BIO207407201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,628.60 FP BIO207449201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.33 $4,828.12 FP DHY13740120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.07 $1,908.16 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP BIO207448201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.33 $4,828.12 Huelsmann, Mary L M ARC11060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,580.00 Huether, Teresa F CC Achieving the Drea 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Hughes, John S M HST102602201130 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.62 $2,805.36 M HST102604HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M HST101606201130 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.37 $3,607.08 M HST101601201220 05/15/12 07/07/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Hughes, Ronald V FP ENG10143220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP ENG1104XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Hulsey, Keith C FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 FP ENG05340220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Hunt­Bradford, Susan E M MCM141HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M MCM10167520121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M MCM20160120121 05/13/12 06/09/12 0.80 $780.03 M MCM14167420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Hurley, Mary Elizabeth FP IDS201401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 FP MCM1324XA20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP COM10740120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $3,345.12 Hurst, Douglas J CC FACULTYEVALUA 01/09/12 01/23/12 1.00 $1,588.80 M NEA President 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.57 $607.97 M IDS201650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 M COM201HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M NEAPRESIDENT2 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Hvatum, Margaret M M IS229HON201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $88.00 M IS229601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M IS136650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 16.00 $528.00 Ibur, James M M ART213637201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 96.00 $5,076.48 M Release time 2012 05/15/12 06/02/12 16.00 $846.08 M ART113603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,792.00 M ART113650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.17 $158.00 M ART113602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,792.00 Ilhan, Gulten M PHL103676201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PHL103675201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PHL103677201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PHL103601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M PHL1036S1HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Irons, Sandra J FP MTH04040120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,584.80 Isaacson, Matthew Paul FP ART113401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,861.76 FP ART113405201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,384.80 Ivory, Jeffrey P FP HRM22140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 FP HRM14140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FP CURRCHAIR2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,724.48 Johnson, Reginald A FP PRD10246120121 02/06/12 05/14/12 1.25 $1,192.60 FP SummerCounselin 05/15/12 08/13/12 64.00 $1,784.32 FP SATURDAYREG 01/14/12 01/21/12 0.31 $298.15 FP OVERLOAD 01/03/12 01/13/12 1.75 $1,669.64 FP PRD10846120121 02/06/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,385.20 FP PRD10242120121 02/06/12 05/14/12 1.25 $1,192.60 Jones, Jeffrey D FP BUS104475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24

06/28/12 ­70­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP IB100475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP IB100474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Jones, Trevin J M DERTMTG201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $477.04 Joseph, Reni M JSUB201210 01/25/12 05/14/12 9.00 $270.00 M CHM10160520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $4,381.68 M CHM10560420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,737.52 Josten, Denice L FP RDG03044820122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Juriga, David A FP DEPTCHAIR20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.50 $7,155.60 Kahan, Brenda H FP Blackboard Champ 01/22/12 03/03/12 1.00 $200.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP IS129474201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP IS139474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,376.00 FP IS129475201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP IS103475201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Kalmer, Irene C FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 Karleskint, George M BIO223698SDL201 01/23/12 06/23/12 1.00 $88.00 M BIO141602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 32.00 $880.00 M BIO144601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $534.48 M BIO141601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,344.80 Kaufmann, Lacee A M NUR10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.01 $2,866.52 M NUR10640120121 05/07/12 05/12/12 0.24 $171.71 Keller, Margaret L M ART114637201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,780.00 Keller, Patty OHallaron M PSY200678201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PSY200603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PSY200677201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PSY200675201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M PSY200603201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Knickerbocker, Debra Ann M NUR10260120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $1,918.00 CC AHCE201205 04/01/12 05/26/12 2.00 $66.00 Knight, Sandra M FP PRD11446120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP PRD10746120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP PTKADVISOR 01/17/12 06/30/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP SummerCounselin 05/15/12 08/13/12 160.00 $5,084.80 FP OVERLOAD 01/03/12 01/13/12 32.00 $2,137.92 FP PRD10245020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 Kokotovich, Lisa M M NUR10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,430.32 Koosmann, Steven B FP FNL104401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,136.00 FP FNL200401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,136.00 Koric, Arabela FP Substitute201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.25 $127.50 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP MTH03042120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP MTH03041020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Kraja, Elida FV ACC11050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 FV ACC11050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 3.00 $264.00 Kreher, Jamie L FP ART172461201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $476.96 Kruger, Mark H FP IDS201421201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,643.13 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP HUM10245120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 FP HUM10240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 Kurt, Barbara E M MTH03060820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 M MTH02061420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 M MTH14060120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,271.04 Langnas, Robert S FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 3.00 $264.00 Lasek, Emily L FV Counselor201210 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.53 $431.55 Layton, Timothy S FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV IDS201515201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 LeClerc, Erin Rebecca M ART158601201210 05/13/12 06/09/12 0.13 $95.39 M ART251601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,861.76

06/28/12 ­71­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv M ART253601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $476.96 M AT254601201210 05/13/12 06/09/12 0.13 $95.39 Lee, Dianne M FP CEA­IT201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.00 $9,620.64 Lee, Kwan M M PSI101674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,421.72 Lee, Robert M M HST100674201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,906.56 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 M HST101605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 M HST100601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M HST102601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M HUM20860120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Leech, Melissa L M MTH170HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Lewis, Christine Marie FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $105.00 FV MTH14059120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV MTH14059020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Lincoln, Craig Walter M PHY122601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Linder, Timothy J M AT100641201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,096.00 CC DATA201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 33.00 $1,089.00 M ART125695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.00 M ART275674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,370.00 Long, Richard Douglas M ENG2016WV2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Lorenz, Michael R M ARC10264020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $632.00 Luebke, Mary E FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 Lueke, H Michael FP MTH160C4032012 05/15/12 06/16/12 4.00 $3,900.16 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 14.47 $434.10 FP MTH160C4012012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 Lupardus, S Carol FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 W EDU21030120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 W EDUCOORDINATO 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Magagnos, Lovedy S FV ECE102550201220 05/15/12 06/22/12 3.00 $3,345.12 Manteuffel, Mark Steven FV BIO111503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV PED116503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 FV BIO111504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $411.04 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $18.00 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 3.00 $264.00 FV PE181503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth M BIO122676201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.38 $1,311.86 M BIIO123601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 M BIO122674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.47 $448.40 Martin, Susan J FP PE129401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 2.00 $1,908.16 FP PE1301242520121 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 FP PE120421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 Martino­Taylor, Lisa M SOC10160220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,434.36 M SOC10167520122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M SOC10160320122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,466.24 McCall, Kimberly L M PE180601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,484.00 M PE173601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $715.44 M PE180601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,146.32 McCloskey, Ellen A FV MCM14250120121 05/07/12 05/13/12 7.00 $616.00 FV COM10157520122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 FV MCM14150120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV COM10152620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV MCM2155XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 McDonald, Chris L FV MTH24050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 McDonald, Virginia N M BIO208609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $4,628.60 M BIO208608201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 McDowell, Barbara J M NUR20160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.29 $6,721.28 McElligott, Pamela G M BUS104609201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $477.04 M MKT20367420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M BUS250639201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 0.20 $190.82 M MKT20360220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24

06/28/12 ­72­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv McGovern, Thomas A FV ME211500201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.34 $3,186.64 FV Lec Sub 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 FV SESPCRSDEV201 01/13/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.00 McManemy, Jeffrey Charles FV NUR20550120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.83 $888.22 FV NUR20550120121 03/14/12 05/18/12 33.50 $895.46 FV NUR107CLINICAL 01/17/12 05/26/12 1.20 $1,281.60 McManus, Laurie K FP WKSHPFACIL0217 03/20/12 04/30/12 1.00 $1,068.96 M MTH03062620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M Instructional Sklls W 03/20/12 04/30/12 1.00 $1,068.96 M MTH03061020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Medeiros, Jennifer Anne FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 ­1.01 ($962.84) FV HST119504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Mense, James J FV ENG1025WE2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Mercer, June J FP IS270450201210 03/21/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,376.00 Messmer, John P M PSC101601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Meyer, Deborah M FP IS123475201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 FP IS124474201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 FP ProgramCoordinato 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,724.48 Meyer, Eric W M IDS201692201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $954.08 Miinch, Patricia Lincecum FV ENG102XA201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FV ENG1025XX20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Miller, Donda Dianne FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 Miller, Robert J FP IS103421201210 02/06/12 05/14/12 0.75 $616.56 Mizes, Lisa R M RDG100SDL20121 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Montgomery, David L M ART101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.75 $801.72 Moody, Carla J FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP COM101H8020121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP COM10340120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Moody, Peggy L FV IDS201577201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,385.20 FV PSY200576201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Moreland, Lisa Kay CC NURS201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $396.00 FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.11 $93.16 Morris, Jonathan Michael FP PHY111401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 Mosher, Anne Marie FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $129.90 FV MTH13758020121 01/13/12 02/18/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FV MTH10855220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Mueller, Craig Hugo FP HRMPROGCOOR 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.75 $2,623.72 FP TUR236499201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $528.00 Mueller, Kelly J FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 2.00 $176.00 FV SPA202502201210 05/07/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00 FV SPA201501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Munden, James Jeffrey FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.33 $189.90 FP MTH23045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,792.40 Munson, Bruce J FP COL020407201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Munson, Deborah Rochelle FP DA169401201210 01/17/12 07/31/12 0.67 $548.00 FP Scheduling201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP ReleaseTime20121 01/17/12 05/18/12 0.50 $411.04 FP RELEASE TIME 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,932.48 FP DACOORDINATOR 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.50 $487.52 FP DA175401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,740.00 FP CODA 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 FP DA174401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.00 FP DA168401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP DA176488201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.54 $1,503.31 Murray, Russell H M MTH24060120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $534.48 Myers, Gerald Cled M MUS10260120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.98 $3,271.89 M MUS101601HON2 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M MUS10160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 M MUS20260220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 64.00 $2,464.00

06/28/12 ­73­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Ndao, Rokhaya Niang FV MTH02051620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Neal, Emily Mae Phillips M PSC101677201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,233.12 M PSC101608HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M PSC101674201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,233.12 Nelson, Donna Marie FV DirectVaginaMono 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Nesser­Chu, Janice FV ART165502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.77 $1,457.68 NewMyer, Angela Blake FP BIO203401&40220 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.56 $1,118.44 FP BIO151401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Nichols, Andrea Jean FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP IDS201405201210 01/17/12 07/31/12 5.75 $5,488.88 FP SOC10147920121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP SOC20447420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP IDS201402201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.50 $3,902.64 Nickrent, Ellen M FV PACFAC201210 04/01/12 04/14/12 5.00 $200.00 FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 3.60 $3,510.72 FV Counselor201210 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.40 $286.88 Nielsen, Eric R M ECO15260120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 M ECO152HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 2.00 $176.00 M ECO15260220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 Njoku, Angela C FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP CLT105448201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.38 $4,896.16 FP CLT207401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 FP Program Director 2 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.67 $3,476.00 Northern, Rebecca Ann FP Subpay201210lec 01/17/12 05/21/12 1.00 $30.00 FP SUB 01/17/12 05/21/12 3.00 $78.00 FP XRT102401­40520 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP XRT214401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP XRT214401201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 FP XRT112401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $548.00 Nygard, Paul D M IDS201S50201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M IDS101S52201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 FV HST101506201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.50 $1,672.56 FV HST2055IA201210 05/07/12 05/13/12 26.00 $2,288.00 FV IDS101508201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Oliver, Keith L M THT110674201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M THT103601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $1,320.00 M THT106601201130 01/03/12 01/13/12 1.60 $1,315.33 M COM111HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 2.00 $176.00 M Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 4.00 $120.00 Oliver, Lonetta Michelle FV ENG2175XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV ENG1025XJ20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV ENG10150120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV ENG1025XN20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,301.76 Olson, Karen A M Release Time 2012 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,271.04 M ECE103674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Oney, Margaret J FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $216.00 FV NUR20550120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.77 $8,301.92 FP NUR20140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.25 $2,406.56 Orlando, Lori Carleen FP EDU21045020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.60 $1,147.12 Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi FP MCM14140220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,233.12 FP COM2004WB2012 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Ostlund, Karen M FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 Otto, Esther Elizabeth CC AHCE201205 04/01/12 05/26/12 4.00 $132.00 FP Substitute 201210 04/12/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 FP NUR20540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.42 $1,989.24 Papier, Jeffrey A FV REFLIB201220 05/15/12 08/13/12 2.96 $2,435.18 Pea, Nancy E Jones FV NUR10550120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 9.83 $9,315.68 Pedersen, Timothy W M ESC203650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M ESC100601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,593.32 Pemberton, Sharon A FP MTH02040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24

06/28/12 ­74­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP MATHCONTEST20 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $411.04 FP Substitute201220 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.75 $82.50 Peppes, Nicholas D FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP ECO15247420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP MGT20474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP ECO15144820122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 FP ECO1524SA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Peraud, Richard J M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 Pernik, Rita Moisevna FV MTH12358120121 01/13/12 02/18/12 1.00 $716.96 FV MTH12358320121 01/20/12 02/18/12 1.00 $716.96 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 Person, Sharon K FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.25 $97.50 Pescarino, Richard A FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $39.90 FV MTH14053520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Petroff, Kathleen M FP RDG10040320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP RDG01740120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 FP COL020409201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Philpott, Shannon E M MCM113SDL2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 3.00 $264.00 Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $105.00 FP CUL115422201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP CUL215421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,431.12 Pierroutsakos, Sophia L M PSY200608201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/17/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 Pisacreta, Diane M PSY200672201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M PSY125601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,724.50 M PSY205642201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Polk, Kim Krafte FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $2,740.00 FP RELEASETIME201 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 FP CRDTS201220 05/11/12 05/31/12 1.50 $1,233.00 FP releasetime 02/19/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.00 Polta, Sally Louise FP XRT121448201201 05/15/12 06/02/12 2.00 $2,230.08 FP XRT121449201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 2.00 $2,230.08 FP XRT112 201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.17 $1,106.00 FP XRT102401­40520 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.67 $632.00 FP XRT112401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 FP XRT214401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,264.00 Popper, Regina W FV HONORS201210 04/29/12 05/12/12 1.00 $88.00 Pressman, Sophia M PSY205601201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.66 M PSY205680201220 05/13/12 07/07/12 1.50 $1,462.56 Queener, Scott E FP OVERLOAD 01/03/12 01/13/12 2.00 $1,644.16 FP SummerCounselin 05/15/12 08/13/12 240.00 $5,851.20 Raheja, Nina S FP ProgramCoordinato 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.34 $1,270.32 FP NUR20440120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 7.07 $6,704.35 FP LPN Bridge Prog 01/18/12 06/08/12 0.90 $853.20 CC NRSG201205 01/08/12 06/09/12 8.00 $264.00 Rebollo, Jean M M THT201601201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,112.00 M THT108HON20121 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M THEATREPROGC 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $477.04 Rebore, Joyce Ann M NUR20160120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.63 $1,542.08 Reeves, Aaron L FP ACC12246120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP ACC12045120121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP ACC29149920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.40 $381.64 FP ACC11047420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,908.16 Reilly, Catherine H FV IDS201551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 Reno, Shaun M ENG101HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Rhodes, Marlene FP COL020462201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP OVERLOAD 01/03/12 01/06/12 1.00 $954.08 FP SummerCounselin 05/15/12 08/13/12 160.00 $4,460.80 Ring, Phyllis A FP DHY13240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.33 $1,918.00 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.75 $3,904.52 FP DHY21542120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.04 $1,015.76

06/28/12 ­75­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP DHY21542020122 05/15/12 07/07/12 0.11 $125.90 Ritts, Vicki M M PSY200605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PSY200602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $6,413.76 M PSY214601HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Rizzo, Kathleen Susan FP NUR10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.47 $4,234.40 CC AHCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 1.00 $33.00 Roach, Timothy L W ENG2133X120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Roberts, Kelli Cassandra M BIO207604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $716.96 M Substitute 04/13/12 07/31/12 4.50 $135.00 M BIO208607201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,104.44 Roberts, Paul R M HRT102601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.32 $3,166.94 Roffle, Angela Harleana FP HMS20149920122 01/17/12 06/25/12 2.00 $176.00 FP Human Service ­ F 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.75 $3,082.80 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Rohman, Todd E M IDS101677201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M IDS101674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M IDS101674HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Romero, Marco A M SPA101601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 M SPA101601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $5,084.16 M SPA102601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $2,672.40 Rosenthal, Howard G FV HMS20450120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV HMS20350120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.40 $3,634.48 CC WRITDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $81.00 FV HMS11150120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $2,904.00 Runge, Douglas K FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV MTH21050120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,867.40 FV MTH17055020121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Salmon, Harold E M SOC20165020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M SOC20165120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PT FACULTY ORIE 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M COUNSELOR2012 05/15/12 08/13/12 5.80 $7,372.96 M Professor/Counsel 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.80 $855.36 Saum, Suzanne E CC MATHDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $648.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $142.00 Sawah, Rihab FV CWICLK1201020 05/13/12 05/26/12 1.50 $60.00 FV PSI111576201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Schalda, Anne Therese FV MTH03051620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV MTH160C5352012 05/15/12 06/02/12 4.00 $4,460.16 FV MTH03050720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Schamber, Steven M M ECO15160220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M ECO15160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 Scherer, Juliet Katherine M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $90.00 Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn M IDS201693201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 M IDS101614201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M PHI THETA KAPPA 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,908.16 Schneider, Joseph R M PSI1236X0201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 M PSI1236X1201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.50 $165.00 M PSI123674201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Seese, Lillian M M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 M MTH02060320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Serns, Susan Lynn FV RDG10050120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV RDG03051820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Shepherd, Deneen M FP ENG1024WI20122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FP ENG1024WG2012 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FP ENG10247520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Sherman, Patricia A FP PROGRAMCOORD 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 FP HIT291401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.20 $986.48 FP HIT103401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 FP T4TCURRICULUM 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 Sherwin, Amy Beth Wagner FV GE290503201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.20 $164.40

06/28/12 ­76­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.74 $172.20 Shields, David L M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.50 $165.00 Shiller, Casey Eric FP RELEASE TIME­A 03/25/12 05/31/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP BAP110421201210 03/20/12 04/12/12 44.00 $2,259.40 Shockley, James E FP NUR20440120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.28 $1,631.20 Shuck, Patrick J M ART108605201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.83 $890.00 M ART115639201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,272.00 Sibbitts, Gary E M IS275SDL201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $88.00 M IS274650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,112.00 M IS110602201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Sippy, Jessica Lynn FP SOC10144820122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FP IDS201422201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.32 Sivkov, Roman Victorovich FV BUS104506201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Smejkal, Christopher H M COM101HON2012 05/13/12 06/09/12 4.00 $352.00 M COM10162720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M COM1206W22012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol FP CTLFACULTYOBS 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 FP CTLAUGUSTMTG 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $50.00 FP CTLMYTESTTRAI 01/08/12 01/31/12 1.00 $25.00 Smith, Stephen W FP FNL102401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.67 $1,580.00 FP FD104450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,528.00 FP FNL2001210 03/23/12 05/14/12 0.46 $434.50 FP CTLCODIRECTOR 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP FNL104201210 03/23/12 05/14/12 0.38 $355.50 FP FD101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,688.00 FP RELEASETIME201 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,724.48 FP FNL205201210 03/23/12 05/14/12 0.08 $79.00 Snaric, Jay M M BIO207602201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M BIO208604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 Speegle, Aletta D M MTH14060220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M MTH03063120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.10 $2,003.56 Sperruzza, Denise M M IDS10161220210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M COM10769022012 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 M COM10760520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M COM10760120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M COM10760120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 Steiner, Hope E M Professor/Counsel 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.80 $855.36 M COUNSELOR/PRO 05/15/12 08/13/12 232.00 $7,372.96 Stephens, Christopher J FV ISWFAC201210 05/13/12 05/26/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FV DIRECTOR201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,271.04 FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.92 $5,264.64 Stocker, Connie Sue M ENROLLMENTAD 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.20 $164.40 M MTH03060220122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M MTH14064120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Strahm, Cheryl A M NUR10860120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.16 $170.88 Suess, Patricia A FV MATH BOOT CAM 01/17/12 06/15/12 0.50 $477.04 FV S3 ACADEMY 201 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV MTH160C5662012 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 Swallow, Cheryl A FP NUR10540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.95 $6,358.16 FP LPN Bridge 01/18/12 06/08/12 2.37 $2,534.72 Swoboda, Michael E M ART134601201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.00 M ART275696201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $274.00 Swyers, Kathleen M FP IDS101474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP PRD10947420121 02/06/12 05/14/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 FP CTL INTERIM DIR 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $6,413.76 FP SummerCounselor 05/15/12 08/13/12 240.00 $7,627.20 Talkad, Venugopal D FP CHM10140520121 03/27/12 05/14/12 0.66 $539.49 FP CHM101405&4062 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.77 $3,101.37 FP CHM10140120121 03/27/12 05/14/12 0.75 $616.56

06/28/12 ­77­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP Chemistry ­ FP 03/25/12 05/14/12 53.28 $2,737.52 FP CHM101401&4022 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.14 $3,399.07 Taylor, David M M IDS101675201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M IDS101676201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 M ENG10160220121 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,345.12 Taylor, Mark L FV ISWFAC201210 02/19/12 03/03/12 1.00 $1,069.00 FV EDU21050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV EDU21050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Thomas­Woods, Renee M FV COM10151720121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV MCM11350120121 05/07/12 05/13/12 1.00 $88.00 FV MCM11250120121 05/07/12 05/13/12 4.00 $352.00 FV MCM2095XA20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV DIRECTOR201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $975.04 Thompson, Judith S M ART133639201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 96.00 $5,076.48 M ART134603201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $356.00 Toal, Kevin R W BIO203350201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.28 $3,519.13 W BIO203301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.28 $3,519.13 FV BIO203501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.34 $279.52 Trunk, Deborah D FP DHY21542120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 0.88 $1,110.48 FP DHY23240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.08 $6,497.00 Tucker, Julie M M MTH18660120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.20 $1,808.56 Tulley, Mark David M IB100HON201210 05/07/12 05/18/12 3.00 $264.00 Tyler, Margaret G FV PSY200574201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV PSY200570201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV PSY208501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV PSY200502201220 05/15/12 06/28/12 3.00 $3,813.12 FV PSY200507201220 05/15/12 06/28/12 3.00 $3,813.12 Unger, Richard S FV PSI105502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV GEO10050220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV GEO10050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FV TFTSUSTAIN2012 01/17/12 05/31/12 1.05 $1,122.66 Urban, Georgia A FP NUR10140120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $356.00 FP LPN BRIDGE PRO 01/18/12 05/31/12 0.37 $398.72 Voss, Karl Dirk M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.25 $37.50 M HST101604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.94 Wachal, Barbara Joan CC DistanceEducation 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,908.16 Wagganer, Andrea M FV IDS101574201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV IDS101577201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Waghulde, Vidyullata C M CHM10560320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,275.84 M CHM20760120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.66 $1,774.48 M CHM10569520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.33 $5,697.56 Wagner, Joyce D FV NUR10850120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.85 $1,522.41 Walker, Mitchell E FP AUT169401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.67 $4,992.04 FP AUT150450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $3,559.64 Wallner, Donna F FV ISWFAC201210 02/19/12 03/03/12 1.00 $1,069.00 FV NUR20550120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.74 $7,199.67 Walsh, Janet K M NUR10860120121 01/17/12 04/21/12 0.71 $761.84 M NUR10860120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.47 $3,702.40 CC NRSG201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $198.00 Warfield, Angela Marie FP FPACCHAIR20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP ENG10147920121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 1.00 $88.00 Warren, Aundrea L FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $45.00 FV BIO203580201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.34 $279.52 FV BIO154504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Wavering, Kelly R M DERTMTG201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.50 $411.04 Weber, Mark A W ART114342201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,272.00 W ART109339201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.33 $356.00 Weil, Robert L FP AUT282401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,724.48 Welty, Dorothy J W PSY125340201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.51 $1,237.24 W PSY125375201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.88 $1,545.52

06/28/12 ­78­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv W PSY125374201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.51 $1,237.24 W PSY2003W620121 01/17/12 02/18/12 0.75 $616.56 W IDS201301201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 Wentworth, Glenna C FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 3.16 $3,084.07 Werner, Donna J M PHL104675201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PHL109601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $3,813.12 M PHL104676201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M PHL104674201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $3,206.88 M Release Time 2012 05/13/12 08/18/12 1.50 $1,906.56 Wessely, Vicki R M Instructional Skills 03/20/12 04/30/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FP WKSHPFACIL0217 03/20/12 04/30/12 1.00 $1,068.96 FV ACC11455120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 White, Amanda M M SOC101603HON2 05/13/12 06/09/12 3.00 $264.00 M SOC10160120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 M SOC10161020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,376.00 M SOC20467120121 03/25/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M SOC10160320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 White, Dennis Arthur FV RDG03051D20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Wiesler, Eugene Paul M MTH18560120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $5,344.80 M MTH02065020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 Wigg, David George FV PSC1015WC20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,431.12 Wilkinson, Lisa R M ESLPROGCOOR2 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Williams, Louis FP HST138450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.84 $901.94 FP HST102405201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP HST102404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.00 $240.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 2.00 $176.00 FP HST102403201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $2,137.92 Willis, Dahna Raye FP ECE203645020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.80 $3,441.40 FP Grant Coordinator 01/17/12 05/14/12 66.25 $1,325.00 Wilson, Hilary Lea FP ENG10347420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP EDU21842120121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP CTLCODIRECTOR 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FP Blackboard Champ 01/22/12 03/03/12 1.00 $200.00 FP ENG22640120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Wilson, Joe A FP CHM10540120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.99 $813.84 FP Blackboard Champ 01/22/12 03/03/12 1.00 $200.00 Wilson, LaRhonda L FV SOC10150120122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 FV SOC10151020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,233.12 FV CRJ206501201210 01/17/12 03/09/12 12.00 $616.56 Wilson, Nathan G M MTH21260220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 48.00 $2,112.00 M ASSTCHAIR20121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,233.12 Wilson, Pamela S FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 4.75 $4,626.40 FV Counselor201210 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.60 $493.20 Wodajo, Tadesse B M BUS201601201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 M ECO151HON2012 05/07/12 05/18/12 1.00 $88.00 M BUS201602201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,925.12 Wood, Kenneth C M ART114698SDL20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 M ART109605HON20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Yale, Emily A M NUR10640120121 05/07/12 05/12/12 0.44 $417.12 M NUR10860120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 8.16 $7,735.68 Yan, Wei FP ENG10147820121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP ENG10247420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP ENG10141120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Yezbick, Daniel FP GLOBALED201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $5,724.48 FP IDS201404201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $60.00 FP HONORSSPRING 01/17/12 06/24/12 3.00 $264.00 Zant, Thomas FP PSC201401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP PSC101475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88 FP PSC101474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $3,206.88

06/28/12 ­79­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Faculty Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv FP PSC101474201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 48.00 $3,813.12 Ziegler, Patricia Lynn M IRT170650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M IRT171674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,115.04 M IS205676201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,288.33 M IRT172674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,115.04 M IRT138674201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 1.00 $1,115.04 M IRT169650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,644.16 Zirkle, Thomas A FP MUS11447420121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,908.16 FP MUS11447520121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FP MUS21240120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Zumwinkel, Donna Marie M COUNSELOR2012 05/15/12 08/13/12 4.68 $5,213.56 M Assoicate Professo 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.20 $190.80 Zuo, Yingxue FP ART214401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,272.00 FP ART111401201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,272.00

06/28/12 ­80­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Adams, Rhonda Johnson M Counselor 01/03/12 05/14/12 2.88 $2,363.25 M COUNSELOR/INS 05/15/12 08/13/12 13.00 $267.15 Alcozer, Antonio D FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $105.00 Anderson, Monica Rose FP PT REFERENCE L 01/17/12 05/14/12 92.75 $1,618.51 Aslin, Holly A FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $132.00 FV CCPR765201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00 Aumann, Patricia Marie W PTKADVISOR2012 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Bakke, Donna J FP Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 10.00 $300.00 Banahan, Richard M FP CRJ207474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP CRJ212474201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Bast, Janet Dorothy M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.50 $105.00 Bauer, Joseph Andrew FV MTH14055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FV MTH21555020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.91 $2,028.80 FV Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 2.50 $75.00 Bean, Emery A FP IS103450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP IS103476201210 03/19/12 06/09/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP IS103451201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Boedeker, Elizabeth D FV BIO221501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $822.08 FV BIO226550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.67 $3,017.04 Bone, Jimmie D FV IDS201507201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,867.84 Bonney, Margaret F CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 54.00 $972.00 Bossi, Patti D CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 7.02 $126.36 CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 58.00 $1,914.00 Bufalo, Rachel Lynn CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 24.00 $744.00 CC PHOTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $324.00 CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/14/12 27.50 $532.13 Burks, Michael J M ART167695201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $4,272.00 Chapman, Diana L FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 6.00 $162.00 Christopher, Mark Stephen FP EMT12445020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 6.00 $4,788.48 Clayton, Sandra E M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M MTH02064720121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Cundiff, Mike B CC SENRDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $100.00 Davis, Kamie D CC GEDAID201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.50 $133.00 De Vore, Erin Elizabeth CC COMMDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $84.00 CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.75 $91.01 Dill, Dennis W M ARC12569520121 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV CE516550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Dockins, Jessica Anne W BIO111305LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 W BIO111351LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 W BIO111303LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 W BIO111304LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W BIO1113W1LAB20 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $828.64 Ehlen, Steven F FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV EGR10455020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.67 $2,194.96 Finney, Eloise FP HMS10148620121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Fried, Marc B FP CRJ122450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP CTLADJFALL2011 01/31/12 02/23/12 1.00 $200.00 Gee, Laverne Denise CC DANCDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Gilbers, Bernard J FP IS130450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FP IS130451201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Gillespie, James L FV PE130553201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $953.92 Goetz, Ryan M FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 2.00 $160.00 Graham, Stephanie Ann W Opening Session 2 02/06/12 05/15/12 1.00 $75.00 W THT108368201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 Hacker, Theresa L FV BIO140550LAB201 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.33 $871.20 Hadziselimovic, Muhamed CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 3.00 $81.00 Hall, Jacklyn Micheal FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 Hanson, Philip D FP MCM1014SB20121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Henderson, Patricia G FP CTLADJFALL2011 01/31/12 02/23/12 1.00 $200.00

06/28/12 ­81­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Herrion, Dobbie Reese FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV COL020549201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Hill, Jennifer Sue FV BIO111552201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 4.33 $3,103.98 Hoffmann, William J FV ESC200550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.34 $1,069.44 FV EE106585201210 02/05/12 03/03/12 1.00 $798.08 Hope, John Stephen FV ME110550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.34 $2,665.60 Hubble, Linda Diane M EDU2266W120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 M EDU22669520122 05/15/12 06/02/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Iborg, Deborah A FP PE161H01201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 FV PE103501201220 05/15/12 06/02/12 32.00 $1,300.16 FP PE102421201210 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $1,096.00 FP PE101401201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $1,096.00 Jackson, Carolyn A CC GEDUDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 72.00 $1,656.00 Karl, Patrick J CC CFKDDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 9.00 $243.00 CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 7.00 $231.00 Kemp, Carletta Ann CC CRFTDCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $216.00 Kozlowski, Dennis J FP PE1301245020121 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE1301246120121 03/25/12 05/12/12 1.29 $804.76 Krogmeier, Mary J FV ECE207501201210 05/07/12 05/11/12 2.00 $176.00 Langrehr, Andrew M M CHM10165120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 Lewis, Rosita D FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV COL020512201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 3.00 $2,150.88 FV COL020505201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Lucido, Vicki L FV MTH02055020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 FV MTH04055120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 5.00 $3,115.20 Mallory, Patrick R M PTFACORIENT171 01/17/12 03/15/12 1.00 $65.00 M HST102650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Malta, Randy J FP COM10147420121 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Mann, Anna­Marie Tia FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.50 $135.00 FV CCPRFVCE20120 01/08/12 05/26/12 5.00 $135.00 FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 4.00 $200.00 Martin, Jeffrey S FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00 FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.17 $2,907.52 FV AFCP201210 04/29/12 05/26/12 1.00 $200.00 McCool, Marie L FV THT101502201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV THT101551201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,862.24 FV THT106501201210 05/07/12 06/30/12 2.00 $176.00 McGee, Darlene K M ART172697201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,616.00 CC DATA201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.00 $363.00 Miller, Amy Gail FV DCS20955120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $716.96 Moore, Davis Freeman FP COL020450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $1,792.40 Myers, Nicole M FP RDG02045120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,094.24 FP RDG01648620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,396.16 FP RDG01748620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $698.08 Naumann, Virginia L FV BIO152550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.00 $1,433.92 FV MTH02050120121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Nixon, Carol C FV ECE127550201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,233.12 FV COM10155920121 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.50 $1,233.12 Novikova, Galina M MTH14069620121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M MTH14065320121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 M MTH02065220121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,466.24 Oswald, Paul M FP EMS201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.17 $1,354.37 Partee, Nigel C FP PE1091104232012 03/25/12 05/14/12 1.33 $830.72 FP PE109404201210 01/17/12 03/24/12 1.15 $713.90 Peck, Donna K CC COMP201205 01/08/12 06/09/12 36.00 $900.00 Pence, Jerald K M HRT104650201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.33 $3,177.08 Phillips, Karana J CC COMP201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 12.00 $396.00 Potts, Claudia Jean CC SUPV201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 48.00 $768.00 Russell, Brenda Carol FP HIT101475201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,816.32 Schrader, Karen M FP HIT101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $2,492.16 Stevens, William H FP ME101450201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.00 $3,192.32

06/28/12 ­82­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Spring 2012 Name Loc Course Number Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Thoele, Mary A M BIO203651201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.66 $3,253.04 M BIO203604201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 4.66 $3,253.04 Thompson, Darren L M TheatreProdTechD 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 CC THTR201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 11.00 $363.00 Trauterman, Tammy M FV HEALFVCE201205 01/08/12 05/26/12 2.00 $100.00 FV Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 1.00 $30.00 Turner, Sandra Theressa FV CRJ207501201210 01/17/12 03/09/12 25.00 $1,247.00 Venhaus, Lynn Marie FP CTL­ADJFAC SP C 01/18/12 02/23/12 1.00 $75.00 FP Play Direction one 03/08/12 03/30/12 1.00 $2,094.00 FP MCM11048620121 03/25/12 05/14/12 2.25 $1,613.16 Voorhees, Heather L M Substitute 201220 05/15/12 08/18/12 2.25 $67.50 M MTH020S5020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $1,869.12 Watson, Carole M Substitute 201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.50 $75.00 Wilke, David M FV IS256501201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV IS103503201210 02/19/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 FV IS103504201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,394.24 Willmore, Melissa L M PHL111698SDL20 05/13/12 06/09/12 1.00 $88.00 Willmore, Richard A M TheatreProdDesign 01/17/12 05/14/12 3.00 $2,150.88 Works, Gregory Allen FP SOC10145020121 01/17/12 05/14/12 2.92 $2,039.70 Worth, Joseph B FV ALPPRGM201210 01/17/12 05/14/12 0.63 $678.80 FV COUNSELOR2012 05/17/12 06/30/12 3.99 $5,068.91 FV Counselor201210 01/03/12 01/06/12 0.30 $246.60 Young­Abotsi, Kirsten Renee M Reference Libraria 01/03/12 05/14/12 0.91 $750.08 FV SPRAFO201210 01/22/12 02/04/12 1.00 $75.00

06/28/12 ­83­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Grand Total Spring 2012

Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $7,780,662.54 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $708,169.22


Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

CC Augustine, Denise G T4T PCT 2,651.22 Barlond, Brian L Programmer 13,281.84 Barnett, Susan Lauren BKST ASST 1 702.90 Bell, Mary A Program Manager 21,654.37 Bogdajewicz, John Joseph Project Associate II 2,204.62 Brokhina, Irina Maratovna Programmer 3,935.46 Cabrera, Brenda Kay Project Associate I 4,097.41 Carraway Chambers, Monica M T4T PCT 315.18 Carrawell, Joseph Aaron Educational Asst. I 468.00 Chadwick, Katherine Elizabeth Athletic Trainer 146.98 Cobb, Melissa K Athletic Trainer 73.49 Cole, Carole Wyatt Project Associate II-PT 4,408.80 Collier, James P SLATE WorkKeys 5,660.88 Cooperwood, Sandra L Office & Technical 6,548.41 Copley, John Clayton Educational Assistant II 600.90 Corea, Eileen Jean Senior Designer-PT Temp 6,060.00 Crinnion, Diana M Lifeguard201205 247.20 Daly, Judith M T4T PCT 2,502.90 DeLargy, Margaret E Cont Ed & Special Pg 6,261.80 Duenwald, Lucas D Service/Maintenance 1,779.13 Ems, Bernard Michael Facilities Support Assistant 6,113.00 Gable, Karla J Professional/Enroll Mgt 26,843.86 Gamache, Stephen E Professional/TESS 109.87 Hladyshewsky, Jenita Joy Project Associate II 5,805.51 Howard, Teria Sherese Accounting Clerk I 6,058.80 Huber, Pamela Marie Fiscal Services Specialist 6,441.33 Hurst, Kimberly Angelica T4T PCT 1,631.52 Jacobs, Vetrue Administrative Clerk 4,702.14 James, Rosemary Student Services Assistant II 6,603.83 Jenkins, Patricia J Administrative Assistant I 14,426.10 Johnson, Tiffany S T4T PCT 333.72 Jones, Darren Bruce Athletic Trainer 5,741.07 Jones, Edward T Program Manager 4,789.20 Jordan, Jessica Lee Copy Ctr Tech 1,505.09 Kates, Deidre Rochelle Educational Assistant I 13,373.87 Keith, Tracey Michelle T4T PCT 2,753.19 Kinney, Johnna D Project Associate I 480.64 Krull, Linda M Administrative Clerk II 5,344.88 Laury, John D Facilities Support Assistant 6,273.47 Liermann, James Joseph Facilities Support Assistant 5,868.48 McFerrin, Erica R Student Services Asst II 7,636.27 McKeever, Brian W Professional/TESS 25,142.21 Menges, Christopher Aaron Edward Recycler 2,402.50 Miller, Julia M Project Associate II 9,614.53 Milos, Kelli Michelle AHA Administration 373.92 STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I 9,550.20 Mosby, Tanisha D Copy Technician 1,901.46 Nienkamp, Roger L Voc Ed (2nd) 5,891.88 Peterlin, Jennifer L Senior Project Associate I 4,502.72 Senior Project Associate I 8,600.46 Research Associate 3,361.11 Reith, Robin L Recycler 2,668.60 Robinson, Rhonda Nichole STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I 9,585.69 Smith, Makiba Robin T4T PCT 333.72 Triggs, Cherise Arnell STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I 9,224.20 Wachal, Laura Elizabeth Clerk 756.29 Wallner, Michael D Recycler 1,467.99 Washington, Clara B Educational Assistant I 7,676.56 Webb, Jonathan Paul Project Associate II 7,559.90 Project Associate I 801.12 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Weinrich, Arnold Virgil Copy Technician 12,304.29 Weston, Patricia L Graphic Designer I 9,867.57 White, Calla L Accounting Spec/Stu Accts 4,620.83 Wiegman, Robert B Office & Technical 2,213.66 Wingerter, Jack Eugene Facilities Support Assistant 11,751.74 Wolf, Pamala S Project Associate II-temp 1,133.32 Yanko, Timothy M WBKBSCOREKEEPER 90.12 MBKBSCOREKEEPER 120.16

Total CC 369,954.08


Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

CC-CBIL Adams, Kevin BusOffAppTrng 5,005.80 CBIL - PT Professionals 14,609.52 Augustine, Denise G Grad STL PCT 3,874.86 Austin, Denise J RETI 5,118.90 MO Energy Sector 113.25 Baer, Erica LeeAnn Grad STL PCT 250.29 Baldwin, Timothy A Furniture Brands 1,334.88 Bates, Tiffany Catrice TRNG SUPT 39,531.40 Boyd, Charles E RETI 19,611.20 Covington, Edith E Furniture Brands 1,153.60 Crockett, Barbara J Furniture Brands 1,318.40 Daly, Judith M Grad STL PCT 4,227.12 Dapkus, Jane Elizabeth Training for Tomorrow 1,153.60 Aerospace Training 391.40 Duane, James Francis WorkKeys Assessment 34,669.80 Dulle, Rene Ellen MO Energy Grant 3,031.29 SESP RETI 4,125.15 Comm Svc Operating 741.60 Training for Tomorrow 3,680.19 Dunlap, Michael A UAW LETC 6,653.80 Dwyer, Jennifer Ann CS Oper 18,305.16 Edwards, Stacy M Graduate St Louis Consortium 6,711.48 Training for Tomorrow 25,288.56 Eisenberg, Max James Special Proj-$37.08 15,499.44 Special Projects-$41.20 5,850.40 Foster, Jeffrey Thomas Hayden Trng for Tom-RTEC 4,857.48 Aerospace Training 1,161.84 RETI 16,540.91 Fraser, Karen Theresa DEC 16,451.43 Friesen, George H Performance Analyst $41.20 7,745.60 Trng Facilitator VI-$54.93 274.65 Trng Facilitator 5 - $49.43 10,973.46 Trng Facilitator 4 - $45.32 28,189.04 Gamache, Stephen E Special Projects 1,236.00 Training Support 52,513.08 Gerst, Louis F Rawlings DP - $49.43 1,581.76 ABB Assess Spec 3 482.04 Boomerang Tube 3,855.54 Virbac 4,152.12 Dial Assessment-$37.08 3,837.78 Assess BU 12,854.40 Dial Assessment-$41.20 988.80 T4T-RTEC 1,977.20 CBIL - PT Professionals 2,863.40 Special Projects 1,071.20 Covidien - $37.08 5,932.80 Operating 2,306.50 Ginger, Sandra K Grad STL MIIS-$32.95 4,151.71 Grad STL MIIS-$28.85 476.03 Greenwood, Paul E Aerospace Training 4,284.80 Training for Tomorrow 9,311.20 A&P RTEC 8,322.40 Spec Proj-A&P 824.00 Hayes, Leon Boeing Customized 3,757.44 A&P RTEC 3,559.68 Training for Tomorrow 5,265.36 Hefferon, Teresa D HY-C Company 1,314.28 CBILbioMerieux 475.86 Automation Service 1,246.30 Homco, Damon James T4T-RTEC 1,648.00 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Training for Tomorrow 2,966.40 Aerospace Training 8,240.00 Huckstep, Jennifer Rae PCT-Grad St Louis 3,105.45 Huie, William Henry RETI 395.52 Huss, Renee A The Respiratory Group 1,087.68 Furniture Brands 1,994.08 bioMerieux 889.74 Rawlings Sporting Goods 5,075.84 Irons, Ellen E Rug Doctor 5,257.12 AB Direct Pay 19,817.20 Johnson-Stampley, Sheryl MET Center 2,298.96 SLCC Projects 370.80 Bus Tech Trng 741.60 BOAT 704.52 CBIL-GRAD STL MIIS 16,908.48 Jones, Edward T Graduate St Louis 7,249.00 Jostes, Keith Allen Aerospace Training 494.30 Training for Tomorrow 4,794.71 Keith, Tracey Michelle Grad STL PCT 3,596.76 Kellom, Debora Malcom Grad STL-$32.95 922.60 DBIL-GRAD STL MIIS 1,226.13 Koenig, Judy B CBIL Operating 8,435.70 Kruger, Nancy Ruth Trng for Tomorrow - Life Sci 19,770.01 Levko, Fred Jost Chemical 74.16 HY-C 54.93 McCollum, Michael Edward Aerospace 10,036.32 Training for Tomorrow 1,977.60 Boeing Customized 11,667.84 McMurtry, Tracy E BusOffAppTrng 4,913.10 Grad STL MIIS 16,908.48 Mertz, Donna Marie Jost Chemical 3,559.68 Miller, Karen Lee Grad STL-PCT 315.18 Miller, Lucia R Community Service Operating 8,649.42 McHealth Wins 7,347.86 Morris, Sirrom MET 3,976.70 Neugent, Airika Miranda Graphics 6,635.13 POST Proctoring 92.66 Boeing Customized 5,919.63 Patterson, Cory Deangelo Aerospace Training 7,440.72 Training for Tomorrow 14,139.84 Linn State 1,186.56 Pease, Alana Rose CBIL-GRADSTLMIIS 2,636.00 BusOffAppTrng 1,038.24 Furniture Brands 659.20 Pritchard, Charlinda Michele Grad STL-BTT 1,977.00 BusOffAppTrng 2,595.60 Putnam, Karen J WorkKeys Assessment 11,952.12 Roach, Marla Esther Project Associate II 1,653.47 Rodriguez, Debra R Grad STL PCT 4,366.17 Ryan, Robert T Floorlayers 2,059.88 AB Cust 384.52 Spec Proj 22,905.83 Carpenters 5,438.09 Schapiro, Barry Jay SLCC Projects 556.20 Rawlings 1,178.32 L'ship BU 7,539.60 bioMerieux 2,900.48 Mycroft Customized 3,353.68 Scharringhausen, Annamarie Graphics 22,669.63 Scharringhausen, Jeffery L Tech Trng Bus Unit 4,078.80 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

UAW LETC 29,797.90 Schuh, William J CTAF 4,284.80 Special Project 23,195.60 Schulte, April Lauren Grad STL PCT 778.68 Smith, Candias Chelsa Grad STL PCT 5,163.39 Spalt, Stella M Grad STL PCT 597.40 Tate, Gregory L bioMerieux 2,307.06 Taylor, Christopher C Grad STL-MIIS 3,624.50 Tax Services 2,274.24 Grad STL-MIIS $28.85 15,333.78 BusOffAppTrng 1,817.55 Tuttle, Patricia A Operating 31,128.66 Voigt, James L Tech Trng Business Unit 8,066.96 UAW LETC 34,919.06 Weaver, Robert V Training for Tomorrow 19,281.60 Boeing Customized 10,382.40 Aerospace Training 5,932.80 Westphalen, Mary O CBIL-GRADSTLMIIS 6,489.00 Trng for Tom-$37.08 815.76 Applications Training 1,483.20 Anheuser Busch DP 1,483.20 Witter, Janet K RETI 8,676.72 MO Energy Sector Grant 7,119.36 Training for Tomorrow 7,286.22

Total CC-CBIL 1,002,156.26


Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

FP Adams, Lesley Ann EA-1TUTOR 403.20 Ainley, Dennis James Model 32.73 Anderson, Deanna M Issues for The Scene 50.00 One time payment The Scene Ne 280.00 Andrews, Brian SI-PSYCH 201130 2,210.26 Asfaw, Selamawit M Educational Assistant II 1,792.00 Educational Assistant I 4,210.35 Bailey, Timothy Curtis Security Officer 8,843.56 Banks, Anthony Lewis ONE TIME PAY COLUMN SCENE 10.00 Bashirzadeh, Parviz Educational Assistant II 2,992.00 Becirovic, Adis College Police Officer 14,443.64 Blair, Lesha Y Educational Asst I 3,556.03 Blalock, Wanda Alise Clerk 6,833.33 Boyd, Brittany Taylor Clerk 3,211.79 Boyd, Dennis Lee Security Officer 2,264.23 Briscoe, Gregory D Gym Supervisor-Rental Facility 279.56 Gym Supervisor 5,841.52 Brokhina, Irina Maratovna Educational Assistant I 7,323.79 Brookins, Sonya Renee Administrative Clerk II 9,631.50 Brown, Marquetta Lane Educational Assistant III 117.37 Bryant, Lance A Educational Assistant I 1,094.17 Buford, Demoris Educational Assistant I CCC 5,350.80 Byerly, Jerold Irvin Educational Assistant II 2,064.63 Byrd, Keesha D Instructor-Professional 553.50 Camp, Katheryn Anne Post Secondary Intrepreter II 646.62 Camp, Lana Evelyn Model 322.50 Chambwa, Mwaka Educational Assistant II 4,250.65 Laboratory Technician 7,665.70 Chaney, Audrey A Educational Assistant I-ADC 3,965.48 OFFICE & TECH P/T TEMP 485.30 Chauncey, Latoya Lynette Educational Assistant II 1,339.26 Chittinappilly, Sheela Joy Educational Assistant I 3,664.46 M-SSC Tutor 3,589.04 Chopra, Angela Office & Tech 802.25 Clark, Glandean Althea MODEL 96.75 Claywell, Kristofer Q Bookstore Asst I 7,617.64 Combs, Johnathon Alexander Gym Supervisor 1,614.76 Costello, Colleen M Post Secondary Interpreter I 395.17 Post Secondary Interpreter I 324.61 Crawford, Harold Brent Gym Supervisor 534.09 Cross, Tambra Zsa-Nean Educational Assistant III 1,902.40 Dailey, Robert Cornelius General Mntnce Mechanic-PT 4,010.66 Davner, Donna Nicole Cashier 2,027.64 DeLargy, Richard W Bookstore Prof 4,967.90 Dimmock, Ashley A Cashier 3,654.71 Dodge, John H Educational Assistant III 6,616.46 Donaldson, Jimmy L College Police Officer 93.36 Dowell-Foster, Donna A Senior Project Associate I 11,862.08 Doyle, Terri Ann Clerk 6,387.86 Drexler, Dennis Eugene MODEL 32.25 Dufer, Dallas Donald Model 129.00 Eck, James Timothy Post Secondary Interpreter III 612.41 Edmond, Troy D Security Officer 4,792.61 Edorh, Dossah Dossou LAC 5,962.02 Edwards, Charlene K Post Secondary Interpreter III 1,318.97 Edwards, Jonathan Blake Cashier 3,608.62 Clerk 2,942.49 Edwards, Julius David Part-time Police Officer 7,197.25 Ellis, Jonathan Fried Office & Technical 969.01 Tutor 3,793.16 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Evans, Mary G Model 100.98 Fasano, Catherine F Educational Assistant II 3,939.21 Felts, Christopher Kelby Theatre 3,530.83 Fetahu, Sadik Educational Asst I 2,496.00 Office & Technical 2,924.01 French, David K 1 TIME PAY PIANOIST AA HISTORY 100.00 Gage Washington, Nancy Carol SI-BUSS MATH 1,651.14 Garcia, Sorayda Yaneth Housekeeper, PT Physical Plant 7,158.37 Geyer, Melody O Model 193.66 Gill, Kaci N Post Secondary Interpreter III 659.49 Godfrey, Dayna M Post Secondary Interpreter III 879.31 Granger, Johnny H Cashier 3,349.99 Green, Bonnie R GED Examiner 352.24 Greer, Nancy M SSC Tutor 1,429.12 Gregory, Kim L Post Secondary Interpreter II 2,145.05 Haier, Bert G Model 605.70 Hallermann, Suzanne C SSC Tutor 730.80 Hanson, Lavern West Writing Tutor 4,288.73 Harris, Cynthia Lousie Office & Technical 5,713.17 Harris, Jonathan A Stock Clerk 486.94 Henley, David Michael Post Secondary Interpreter III 188.42 Hernton, Angela Terena Post Secondary Interpreter III 2,815.54 Hessari, Bahereh Badie Educational Assistant I 5,961.62 Hill, Shannan Janelle Educational Assistant I-Tutor 313.20 Holmes, Ashlee M Cashier 7,287.38 Holmes, Megan Anne Model 64.50 Holt, Barbara Jean Project Associate II 8,420.05 Horvath, Trudy Kay Office & Technical 771.42 House, Verna Denise Educational Assistant 7,098.14 Hudspeth, Cassandra Marie Clerk 7,870.58 Hutson, Janae Lorraine Clerk 1,872.00 Hutson, Jovana Frances Cashier 1,264.02 Jackson, Brittany D Stock Clerk 553.88 Jeffries, Dimitrius Rael Educational Assistant I 398.02 Jennings, Jayson K Model 32.43 Johnson-Newby, Kathleen Student Support Serv 3,637.80 Johnson, Barry J GYM SUPV 1,606.42 Johnson, Brooks J Model 548.25 Johnson, Shalece Nicole SI Assessment 2,189.25 Johnson, Valerie B Educational Assistant III 3,625.45 Jones, Sarah Event Worker 1,156.00 Jones, Gladys Davis Cashier 1,435.26 Jones, Rodney W Lifeguard 1,101.70 Lifeguard 119.75 Gym Supervisor 3,363.06 GYM SUPERVISOR 342.15 Keaton, Byron M Events Worker 1,568.00 Clerk 942.13 King, Megan E Office & Technical 2,010.71 Klonowski, Deborah Ann SIM Lab Coordinator 5,039.63 Knoll, Tobias Michael Educational Assistant II 2,006.86 Writing Tutor 4,372.82 Koesterer, Garry R Sound Board Onetimepay Five Wo 900.00 Kudrna, Patricia Ann Post Secondary Interpreter III 2,826.37 Kulka, Jennifer Suzanne One time pay Scene Newspaper 145.00 One time pay for The Scene 240.00 Lache, Julikka Post Secondary Interpreter II 124.35 LaHay, Ann L Educational Assistant II 3,631.82 Lajsic, Marija Office & Technical 5,422.16 Lampen, Ann V Office & Tech-PT Temp 1,003.13 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Lathan, Rochelle M Cashier 873.54 Leslie, Carol Diane SSC Tutor 4,713.40 SSC Tutor 201220 534.08 Likos, John J Educational Assistant II 3,749.46 Littleton, Geoffrey Lamar Educational Assistant I 5,210.61 LoBaido, Michael Anthony General Maintenance Mechanic 1,785.60 Loeffler, Rita M Educational Assistant I 1,285.60 Mack, Benjamin L EducationalAsstI-Note Taker 2,815.68 MacNair, Stephanie Amber Model 393.45 Marshall, Charnay Cheree Cashier 4,328.90 Martin, Kirk D Gym Supervisor 5,207.29 Gym Supervisor-Rental Facility 1,560.52 McLafferty, Martin David Educational Assistant III 11,578.87 McMeans, Nicole Chayne Office & Technical 4,143.23 Meyer, Krystal Brooke Educational Assistant III 1,477.06 Meyers, Jocelyn Fareida Educational Assistant II 2,375.46 Miles, Helen M Clerk II 6,778.80 Miley, Monica Renee Cashier 7,262.18 Moore, Lamarria Sharmae Cashier 2,924.31 Moore, Patty Y Bookstore Assistant I 3,831.73 Morris, Jillian Terese Educational Assistant I 646.64 Mulligan, Theresa B SSC Tutor 1,093.22 Murrel, Rosalind R Cashier 3,326.61 Nicholson, Monica Kathleen HOUSEKEEPER 1,103.40 O'Kelley, Robert John Campus Police Officer - Temp 2,268.84 Oliver, Rayshell Part-time Police Officer 9,390.65 Panus, Jeffrey J Office & Technical 1,657.29 Paster, Latrica Denise StudentAdmRegAsstI 2,378.47 Bookstore Coordinator -Satelli 8,853.83 Payne, Gary Tyrone Security Officer 8,137.09 Peniston, Eric B Model 267.92 Phelps, Christine Michelle Post Secondary Interpreter II 49.74 Piper, Roberta Leigh Post Secondary Interpreter III 49.74 Porter, Ashley L Educational Assistant I 5,890.00 Educational Assistant I 1,158.17 Proctor, Erica Renea' Cashier 6,984.96 Rankin, Sana Khaleelah Student Affairs 40.00 Office & Technical 3,203.72 Rivers, Daphne Marie Bookstore Assistant I 6,300.99 Robert, James M Educational Assistant I 2,750.05 Robinson, Esabio R Bookstore 509.25 Rothwell, Nathan John ONE TIME PAY FOR EDITING SCENE 215.00 Roundtree, Shaylah Monet Cashier 735.72 Russell, Jesse J Educational Assistant I 7,489.88 Ryan, Cartrina J Clerk II 5,513.53 Sahr, Daniel Ryan Educational Assistant II 3,753.27 Educational Assistant I-Tutor 363.60 Schlueter, Jesse Thomas Post Secondary Interpreter II 310.88 Scott-Barnes, Verna M Bookstore Assistant 1 2,549.74 Scott, Lisa Ann Clerk II 8,664.76 Shepherd, Latonya Ruth Secretary 10,004.68 Sheridan, Mark David INSTRUCTOR-PT PROFESSIONAL 540.00 Simmons, Arnetta M Educational Assistant II 8,954.21 Simmons, Kathleen Kohler Educational Assistant II 2,664.09 Singleton, George Jacob ClerkI/storeroom asst./temp 3,416.40 Smith, Leola Clerk II 7,956.22 Smith, Mark Eugene Bookstore Assistant I 6,336.66 Smith, Romon T Clerk 651.83 Stanford-Jones, Patricia A Office & Technical 12,714.62 Steinmann, Amy Elizabeth Art 5,267.28 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Stephenson, Eddie C Educational Assistant II 5,092.61 Stewart, Alandrea Patrice Senior Project Associate I 357.76 Senior Project Associate I 8,407.55 Senior Project Associate I 223.60 Stewart, Ellisa Renee Housekeeper 7,099.89 Stone, Kathleen A Educational Assistant III 7,634.37 Sutton, Michael Housekeeper 7,919.96 Taylor, Alvin L Security Officer 1,889.45 Taylor, Daniel T College Police Officer 766.59 Teren, Lisa Anne M-SSC TUTOR 3,136.00 Thomas, Linda D Educational Assistant II 3,062.74 Thomas, Simeon James Educational Assistant I 4,867.90 Thompson, Sandra D Office & Technical 1,072.36 Thompson, Tellia A Educational Assistant I 396.00 Thompson, Terris Bryant Educational Assistant I 10,580.45 Trieschmann, Laura Michelle INSTRUCTOR-PT PROFESSIONAL 567.00 Turek, Amanda E Model 64.50 Turner, Kalisha V Educational Assistant I 8,335.32 Adminstrative Clerk 1,849.51 Turner, Shirley Ann Accounting Clerk I 6,587.52 Turner, Tamala Christine Project Associate I 7,914.74 Turner, Valerie Lynn Recruiter I 7,779.52 Ury, Christopher M Theatre Event Worker 134.65 Ury, Jane Marie Theatre Event Worker 4,922.21 Varner, Derrick E Events Worker 80.00 Stock Clerk 937.13 Vernon, Clara M Secretary 1,030.55 Wade, Yvette Clerk 6,341.11 Waldron, John M INSTRUCTOR-PT PROFESSIONAL 594.00 Walker, Joseph M Gym Supervisor 4,147.47 GYM SUPERVISOR 976.37 Gym Supervisor 1,001.40 Ware, Kendall Anthony Educational Assistant I 442.06 Wargo, Lisa Michele Post Secondary Interpreter II 50.24 Wheeler, Victoria Michele Office & Technical 2,844.85 White Strickland, Eric Sharon Lifeguard 888.09 White, Charon Michael Cashier 3,951.16 Clerk 2,577.42 White, Joel S Post Secondary Interpreter III 2,276.79 White, Zellnar R Educational Assistant II 1,186.39 Williams, Bruce A Model 96.75 Williams, Courtney L Clerk 1,968.00 Williams, Marilyn Rena Educational Assistant II 3,743.32 Williams, Valarie K Post Secondary Interpreter III 2,393.93 Wilson, John Logan SSC Tutor 4,247.74 Woodley, Rubie B Part-time Secretary 13,133.37

Total FP 713,152.17


Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

FV Abernathy, Earl R AAMI CLERK 600.00 AAMI Clerk 100.00 Acevedo, Maria Del Rosario Educational Assistant II 1,016.91 Allen, Kathleen M Bookstore Rush Worker 2,253.87 Amos, Melphina Latrice Educational Assistant I 1,453.17 Anderson, Amanda Kathleen Educational Assistant I 10,685.35 Aubuchon, Courtney Lynn Bookstore 146.31 Balderas, Barbara A Clerk II 2,495.09 Banks, Anthony Lewis AAMI Clerk 1,200.00 Barlow, Paula J PostSecondaryIntrepIII 132.13 PostSecondaryIntrepIII 1,873.20 Bates, Jodie Lynette Child Care Attendant I 6,432.22 Bates, Martez Demond Project Associate II 8,069.63 Bell, Barbara R Academic Advisor 4,072.96 Bell, DeAndre L AAMI Clerk 700.00 Bess, Stephanie L Educational Assistant II 2,619.30 Biondo, Kathleen M Clerk 3,346.25 Bitanga, Jasmine Marie Educational Assistant II 1,686.46 Black, Mary Alberta Cashier 4,514.47 Blanton, Jean Marie Cashier 3,160.97 Booker, Richard College Security Officer 10,876.77 Boyd, Alicia E Operating 175.32 Perkins 43.83 Brendel, Shihong Song Library Associate 2,171.10 Brown, Anthony Edward Silliman AAMI Clerk 650.00 Bruns, Nicholas Robert Clerk 1,271.15 Burgess, Darretta L Stdent Admissions/Reg. Asst. I 5,790.81 Cadwell, Ellen Joyce Child Care Attendant I 6,085.51 Camp, Katheryn Anne Post Secondary Intrepreter III 534.71 Campbell, Nija Osha Clerk 3,571.37 Canamore, Hermesha Shinese Child Care Attendant 42.02 Caputa, Kelsey Anne CLERK 1,118.31 Clerk 1,440.90 Carpenter, Tracy R Educational Assistant II 5,251.14 Carrawell, James Educational Assistant SEED 130.32 Carter, Maria Patrice Operating 2,706.63 Perkins 282.23 Carter, Shawn E Stu Adm Reg Asst I 5,922.16 Chaperlo, Patricia A Operating 5,315.65 Perkins 647.12 Clark, Glandean Althea Model 155.67 Coleman, Ollie Bernard Clerk 2,223.61 Cooper, Joseph Michael SEED2010 348.18 EAII-SEED 7,726.97 Costello, Colleen M Operating 157.00 Post Secondary Interpreter III 1,181.43 Post Secondary Interpreter III 823.88 Post Secondary Interpreter II 75.36 SEED 2010 1,243.60 Cotton, Charlotte Child Care Attendant I 5,316.00 Courtney, Lester AAMI CLERK/MENTOR 700.00 Cox, Jennifer Ann Career & Employment Services S 4,415.89 Crawshaw, Sandra Jean Project Associate II 290.79 Crinnion, Catherine Marie Lifeguard 765.15 Lifeguard 686.93 Crinnion, Diana M Lifeguard 283.20 Daniels, Catherine O Student Services Assistant I 1,497.60 Darris, Maria Recto Educational Assistant II 1,295.54 Deinowski, John J Operating 1,579.15 Educational Assistant II 68.99 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Delap, Amy Educational Assistant II 3,905.68 Delk, Molly J Educational Assistant I 201.60 Dibbert, Kathy Michelle Postsecondary Interpreter III 1,950.90 Postsecondary Interpreter III 326.45 DiDonato Tinsley, Rachel Nicole Mth/Sci/Eng & Tech 7,577.44 Donner, Steven Educational Assistant II 2,372.57 Doss, Pamela A SGA Awards Banquet 75.00 Driskill, John E SEED 2010 533.86 Interpreter 226.16 Early-Exton, Angela Dinah Theater 208.00 Operating 455.36 External 1,256.17 SEED 2010 133.47 Eck, James Timothy External 141.33 Operating 4,106.32 SEED 2010 62.81 Edwards, Charlene K Operating 251.23 SEED 2010 235.53 Edwards, Cheryll Rhondene Academic Advisor 11,077.75 Elam Michaud, Beth Ann Mth/Sci/Eng & Tech 3,560.03 Ellis, Eleanor B Academic Advisor 1,753.06 Academic Advisor 342.90 Ernst, Ann Gleason Clerk II 4,547.02 Etheridge, Alanna Michelle Educational Assistant II 6,937.63 Evans, Mary G Model 161.57 Felts, Christopher Kelby P/T TEMP RENTALS/PRODUCTION 115.20 Theatre Production Assistant 136.82 Ferguson, Davion D AAMI Clerk 700.00 Fischer, Katherine Kari Clerk II 4,770.00 Flieger, Jimmy D Educational Assistant II 9,055.87 Fogal, Judith Lynn Clerk 237.51 CLERK 3,357.64 Foley, Therese M Project Associate II 9,516.43 Project Associate II 716.43 Foor, Tyson Curtis Tutor 4,216.25 Frese, Anne M Child Care Attendant 4,235.90 Gallinat, Jennifer L Student Activities Asst II 153.33 Gardiner, Bruce R Security Officer 195.35 Security Officer 7,316.57 Geyer, Melody O Model 79.62 Gill, Kaci N External 471.06 Operating 3,399.51 SEED 2010 8,125.82 Gipson, Robert L Library Associate 3,287.19 Glear, Janice Kay Stu Adm Reg Asst I 5,548.43 Godfrey, Dayna M External 188.42 Goodwin, Kristin Marie Post Secondary Interpreter II 49.74 Gordon, Latasha Luenise Office & Technical 1,299.87 Greene, Amanda L Cashier 4,576.42 Greer, Sidney C Security Officer 4,493.58 Gregory, Kim L SEED 2010 Interpreter II 1,342.98 Post Secondary Intrepreter III 49.74 Post Secondary Intrepreter III 1,224.85 Griessel, Michael K Model 201.95 Gruber, Rachel M Educational Assistant II 3,498.86 Gruenloh, Taylor J Theatre Rentals 148.20 Educational Assistant I 211.30 Guo, Zhenhua Educational Assistant II 3,019.91 Educational Assistant II 4,569.95 Gupta, Prarthna Educational Assistant II 10,478.80 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Hansen, O D Clerk 575.31 Harmon, Jennifer L Educational Assistant I 3,888.00 Harper, Demond William Educational Assistant I 316.84 Harris, Jason Demetrius Bookstore Rush Worker 528.68 Harris, Paul Romano Part-time Temporary Cook 7,882.90 Hart, Lois M Student Services Assistant I 5,943.00 Hartsfield, Jason Harrison Educational Assistant II 2,698.40 Hatch, Ryan J Educational Assistant II 3,197.09 Hayes, Mary Rose Operating 4,429.71 Perkins 970.69 Heil, James Mark Educational Assistant I 1,563.21 Henley, David Michael Operating 3,415.19 SEED 2010 2,308.20 External 376.85 Henley, Melissa Anne POST SECONDARY INTERPRETER III 1,896.49 POST SECONDARY INTERPRETER III 1,640.01 PSedry Interpret III-SEED 2010 93.27 Henley, Michelle Kimberly External 78.51 Post Secondary Interpreter III 1,414.60 Hernton, Angela Terena Operating 196.28 Herring, Jennae Lyn Model 77.46 Hill, Jocelynn Lakaye SGA Awards Banquet 75.00 Hill, Melody L Educational Assistant II 7,983.58 Holloway-Wingo, Regina Anne Student Services Assistant II 7,229.60 Holmes, Lanthie R Office & Technical 2,325.91 Holtschneider, Elizabeth Jane Student Services Assistant I 5,778.43 Householder, Robert Mason Custodial Services 9,846.13 Huddleston, Paul A Clerk 1,588.91 Huffstutter, Gary W General Maintenance Mechanic 2,629.80 Huntley, Alisha Nicole Clerk 410.63 Huntley, Ashley Danielle Clerk 410.63 Imbeah, Susan Frances Project Associate I 8,266.50 Jasper, Geraldine A Acting Manager 1,225.87 Jenkins, Norman Educational Assistant I 4,685.65 Jett, Patricia A Project Associate II 5,061.06 Johns, Phyllis A Educational Assistant I 1,190.47 Johnson, Alvin Joe AAMI Clerk 700.00 Johnson, Steven A Educational Assistant I 10,484.37 Johnston, Theresa Louise Educational Assistant II 2,161.78 Jones, Carolyn Defay Educational Assistant II 11,724.70 Jones, Jared Bookstore Rush Worker 543.45 Jones, Kenneth Lacour Custodial Services 6,448.76 Jones, Kiihandra Renee Clerk 6,219.60 Jones, Rodney W MODEL 193.65 Kahrhoff, John R Post Secondary Intrepreter II 1,293.25 Post Secondary Interpreter II 497.40 Kauling, Allison Rose Post Secondary Intrepret III 886.07 Post Sec InterpreterIII Seed20 1,243.60 King, Claibourne J ACADEMIC ADVISOR 5,731.44 King, Melanie A CLERK II 86.78 SEED 2010 6,372.49 King, Teya Model 77.46 Kizeart, Willie Ladell Housekeeper 8,544.61 Klein, Mollie Michelle Educational Assistant II 1,700.16 Koester, Michael W HCHSCOORDINATOR 432.00 Kohnen, Samuel Paul Clerk 3,177.37 Kudrna, Patricia Ann Operating 1,004.99 External 314.06 Kuenzel, Jeffrey M Office & Technical 4,940.35 Kunze, Jessica Lynne Model 852.06 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

LaChance, Christine Marie Accounting Clerk I 3,043.26 Lache, Julikka SEED 2010 Interpreter II 2,039.35 Post Secondary Interpreter II 2,891.15 Lally, Meaghan M Education Asst. II/SI Leader 1,866.65 Lemke, Lorraine C Clerk 705.76 Lopez, Vivial Marie Educational Assistant I 2,001.78 Malique, Ismail Al Educational Assistant II 866.07 Educational Assistant II 8,149.59 Educational Assistant II 3,360.42 McDaniels, Brandice Nicole Accessibility Servic 75.11 McDonnell, Megan Ann Educational Assistant II 1,657.37 McLemore, Tiffani M Clerk 543.59 McLin-Morris, Anis F Educational Assistant II 3,901.83 McMurray, Gerard E Office & Technical 6,762.27 McQuinn, Andrew T Copy Technician 3,813.86 Mertens, Denise Elaine Clerk II 8,188.94 Miller, Geraldine V Student Adm/Reg Asst. I 190.91 Miller, Sonya Cashier 3,884.76 Mobley, Michael K Clerk 1,926.10 STEM TUTOR 222.31 Mohsen, Youssef Educational Assistant II 1,448.32 Moran, Mary A Educational Assistant I 86.40 Educational Assistant I 1,980.31 Morley, Stevi D Clerk 3,360.00 Morris, Alvin T Admissions Rep I 551.99 Morrison, Robert G Educational Assistant I 8,818.74 Mosley, Aaron Lyndalle Burt AAMI Clerk 700.00 Murray, Esther Lynn Educational Assistant II 1,478.14 Nagel, Mary Michele Educational Assistant II 1,479.15 Nahrgang, Kelly Lynne Educational Assistant II 9,206.10 Najafi, Amon T Educational Assistant II 6,877.52 Neal, Barbara Sue Bookstore Assistant I 5,983.41 Neil, Darlene H FACS Outreach Coordinator 2,319.30 Part Time Professional 6,700.20 FACS Outreach Coordinator 1,546.20 FACS Outreach Coordinator 6,803.28 Nicholson, Crunden Justin Model 232.38 Nowack, John E Office & Technical 7,899.56 O'Connell, Marcia L Educational Assistant II 1,163.29 O'Keefe, Matthew R Bookstore Rush Worker 2,964.52 Oliver, John C PART TIME TEMP WORKER 131.25 Onyekazi, Ngozi Remigius AAMI CLERK 700.00 Opacic, Bojana Educational Assitant II 1,103.89 Oyedeji, Olawale Kehinde AAIM Clerk 600.00 Pack, Gloriana T Theater 200.00 Panosh, Cynthia Carolyn Lifeguard 486.96 Lifeguard 1,516.29 Lifeguard 28.80 Parker, Brittney Marcella Clerk 283.50 Peniston, Eric B Model 321.52 Penson, Willie Louis Clerk 4,728.37 Phelps, Christine Michelle Post Secondary Interpreter II 1,131.60 SEED2010 Interpreter II 907.76 Post Secondary InterpreterII 1,666.29 Phillips, Roxanne M Educational Assistant I 883.88 Pilkington, Yvette Christina SEED 2010 219.83 Piper, Roberta Leigh Post Secondary Interpreter II 2,295.57 Theater 200.00 Post Secondary Interpret II-EX 219.80 Post Secondary Interpret II-OP 1,538.60 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Ponder, Michael S Chemistry 3,874.95 Pool, Deandre PHYSICAL PLANT P/T 7,698.06 Purnell, Andrea Marie Educational Assistant I 615.69 Putnam, Kathleen M Bookstore Assistant I 5,641.65 Raffurty, Pamela Sue YIN Mentor 3,139.14 Randolph, Emily Sue Lifeguard 796.32 Reagan, Erica Y Post Secondary Interpreter II 3,407.26 Regh, Rachel E Model 77.46 Rhoades, Julia L Educational Assistant II 252.95 Rice, Donald Keith Educational Assistant II 4,745.58 Ring, Susan Moss Educational Assistant II 3,905.86 Robbins, Megan Lynn Model 77.46 Roberts, Jonathan Bree AAMI Clerk 700.00 Robinson, Sharon A Educational Assistant I 1,955.01 Child Care Attendant 422.63 Rolf, Judy M Educational Assistant I 172.82 Educational Assistant I 2,642.79 Roy, Christopher Glenn Bookstore 582.84 Rozanek-McGuire, Gay Lorraine Bookstore Assistant I 4,997.65 Rush, Amber M Educational Assistant III 5,240.66 Russell, Thomas L Educational Assistant II 2,680.91 Scaife, James Haywood Admissions Rep I 721.56 Admissions Rep I 1,947.34 Scates, John T AAMI Clerk 100.00 AAMI CLERK 600.00 Scherer, Susan M Cashier 5,345.71 Schlueter, Jesse Thomas PSI11 SEED 2010 248.70 Post Secondary Interpreter II 870.46 PSI11SEED2010 74.61 Post Secondary Interpreter II 1,032.11 Schmermund, Rachel Clara CE-LIFEGUARD 657.60 Schroeder, Erin L Clerk 2,574.75 Sciuto, Lee Ann Bookstore Assistant I 2,703.02 Sedrak, Samir Ishak Educational Assistant III 2,713.43 Shead, Edwin Pierre AAMI Clerk 700.00 Shelton, Deionza L Peer Tutor 2,031.19 Shrestha, Hridyaswor Bhakta EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT II 915.97 Sisk, DeAndre D Model 116.19 Smith, Darryl Everett Security Officer 6,578.32 Smith, Latoya Latice MODEL 116.19 Smith, Robert Security Officer 6,138.98 Security Officer 360.00 Stafford, Sherry A Educational Assistant II 4,111.82 Stewart, Christopher M Model 118.49 AAMI Clerk 700.00 Storer, Christopher M Educational Assistant I 3,520.90 Stroker, Claire A Educational Assistant II 4,848.33 Sumner, Bridget Mary Clerk II 1,985.05 Sweeney, Nicholas Thomas Educational Assistant II 5,814.60 Taylor, Lisa Lynnette Stud Svc Asst I 1,826.23 Telthorst, Benjamin David PT Temp 5,918.05 Thomas, Alicia Vernette Cashier 459.39 Thomas, Lisa Michelle Educational Assistant II 1,738.75 Todd, Catherine Louise Educational Assistant I 2,577.94 Trout, Dwayne AAMI Clerk 700.00 Tucker, Mary L Library Associate 4,455.34 Turnbough, Mike R Cashier 3,527.61 Turner Moss, Phyllis O Educational Assistant II 1,328.94 Turner, Brennan Richard Child Care Attendant I 1,403.42 Physical Plant - PT 5,254.06 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Underwood, Deborah A Bookstore Asst. I 6,110.44 Ury, Jane Marie Educational Assistant I 821.39 Ed Asst. I 97.67 Vales, Jamar Tyrone Bookstore Rush Worker 438.38 Vallely, Susan M STEM Tutor 306.63 Educational Assistant II 2,045.38 Vogt, Daniel Lee Lifeguard 130.14 Lifeguard 1,227.02 Lifeguard 1,125.78 Vogt, James Thomas Lifeguard 244.46 Lifeguard 107.47 Lifeguard 584.25 Vroman, Paul J Educational Assistant II 8,497.34 Walker, Belinda J Accounting Clerk I 291.37 Walker, Jimmy L AAIM Clerk 400.00 Walker, Neita F Accounting Clerk I 2,103.83 Wallace, Valencia A Educational Assistant II 385.19 Wargo, Lisa Michele Post Secondary Interpreter II 497.40 External 822.72 Operating 1,601.50 Watson-Collins, Elizabeth Kelly Educational Assistant II 7,792.20 Watts, Cedric Ivan Office & Technical 1,712.92 Webster, Donna M Clerk II 1,145.74 Webster, Hosani Jevoni Clerk 530.44 Copy Tech. Operator 4,635.73 Clerk 3,546.82 Weier, James A Educational Assistant III 8,475.69 Educational Assistant III 1,665.60 Wheat, Julie Clerk II 1,489.64 White, Joel S SEED 2010 6,445.69 Post Secondary Interpreter III 2,410.28 Post Secondary Interpreter III 200.00 Williams, Bruce A MODEL 232.38 Williams, Clovis Eugene Educational Assistant I 1,335.86 Williams, Valarie K Postsecondary Interpreter III 62.18 Wolf, Pamala S Educational Assistant II 1,632.81 Woods, Darren T Educational Assistant II 11,054.03 Word, Johnny AAMI CLERK 200.00 Wren, Deborah Kay External 717.67 Yancey, Kristen Lynne Model 199.41 Yarbrough, Angeline L Educational Assistant II 9,814.73 Young, Roderick Edward Model 38.92 Yuen, Amanda Educational Assistant II 3,181.32

Total FV 856,313.84

HP McKeever, Brian W Professional/IR 6,200.18

Total HP 6,200.18


Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

MC Abotsi, Alfred Kwashie Library Associate 1,109.74 Ahearn, Jennifer Lynn Educational Assistant II 2,061.89 Educational Assistant II 6,124.56 Al Amery, Asma A Educational Asst I 179.88 One Time Payment 264.00 Peer Leader 240.00 Albrecht, Randall L TounamentOneTimePay 2,000.00 Arensmeier, Melanie Diann Lifeguard 51.10 Barbercheck, Patrick Shelby Cashier 732.81 Barnes, Donna Robinson Educational Assistant II 4,615.05 Beasley, Jennifer L Educational Assistant III 2,745.51 Bedwell, Janie A Educational Assistant II 11,127.09 Bee, Donald Louis TournamentOneTimePay 450.00 Beeson, Jessica Ann Educational Assistant I 8,429.73 Bell-Foster, Brenda Joyce Secretary 5,780.12 Bernal, Mary L Office & Technical 3,496.44 Berson, Ruth Educational Assistant III 41.73 Education Assistant III 592.51 Bianco Parrales, Dayan Estella Student Adm/Reg Clerk PT 1,783.20 Bianco Parrales, Kimberly N Admissions PT Temp 1,716.00 Biedenstein, Lauren Alicia Cashier 6,595.30 Bina, Nancy E Student Services Asst II 6,712.06 Birtley, Ann K College Police Dispatcher 2,402.63 Blase, Carrie Kathleen Bookstore Assistant I 765.33 Blumenthal, Nicholas Kyle Bookstore Assistant I 3,288.32 Boeddeker, Timothy M Educational Assistant II 1,294.25 Education Assistant I 3,552.12 Bolar, Douglas L College Police Officer 1,514.83 Bond, Marcus W TournamentOneTimePay 250.00 Brady, Benjamin P Educational Assistant III 908.60 Brannan, Becky Anne Cashier 4,758.24 Brannan, Lindsey Anne Cashier 6,758.13 Brissette, Kellianne Lyn Bookstore 3,839.10 Brusati, Patricia Lynn Educational Assistant II 585.51 Buckley, Stephanie Kirsten Educational Assistant I 2,026.33 Burnett, David Michael Educational Asst III 7,441.60 Busch, Kelly Marie Bookstore Assistant I 11,612.28 Camp, Katheryn Anne Post Secondary Interpreter II 2,536.74 Canono, Sherry Mae C Clerk II 2,231.89 Carbery, Kathryn Elizabeth Cashier 4,206.08 Carmody, Martin Philip Library Associate 5,471.14 Carroll, Ann Christine Cashier 978.10 Chadwick, Katherine Elizabeth TournamentOneTimePay 330.00 Chrun, Rebeccah Elizabeth Art/Photo Model 154.92 Chryst, Marilyn Kathryn Educational Assistant III 2,943.77 Chu, William S Educational Assistant II 10,651.37 Clarke, Margaret Janis Educational Assistant II 5,204.96 Cobbs, Kimara L Part-Time Clerk- Typist 381.96 Clerk Typist 3,412.66 Collier, Chad Alexander Cashier 3,144.15 Corson, Debra H Project Assistant - General 7,237.00 Costello, Colleen M Post Secondary Interpreter II 391.73 Post Secondary Interpreter III 1,890.26 Costello, Ian Joseph Lifeguard 1,605.48 Cox, Denise Ann College Police Dispatcher 485.24 Davenport, Ruth Ann EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT II 4,403.55 Davis, Dedra Danielle Educational Assistant I 7,716.33 Deutman, Kevin Joseph Clerk II 7,207.88 Driskill, John E Post Secondary Interpreter III 171.00 Dufer, Dallas Donald Model 881.93 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Echterhoff, Joan H Educational Assistant III 3,577.03 Eck, James Timothy Post Secondary Interpreter III 240.95 Ellermann, Edward Briggs Cashier 3,559.35 Enegren, Benjamin K Educational Assistant II 2,399.40 England, Deborah K Cashier 4,658.80 Fairley, Christina M Educational Assistant I 173.69 Farace, Julie Anne Educational Assistant III 2,333.71 Felsen, Joseph R Educational Assistant II 7,544.02 Fitzgerald, Lamar Winston Clerk Typist 3,268.55 Clerk 459.20 Fitzwater, Donna D Library Associate 2,997.70 Flanery, David V Clerk II 10,071.85 Flotron, Mary Ann Secretary 348.00 Ford, Aaron James Clerk II 5,443.77 Frankenreiter, David A Educational Assistant III 2,004.46 Franklin, Thomas William College Police Officer 5,266.92 Fuhrig, Katherine Lifeguard 760.80 Garcia, Maria Josephine Educational Assistant II 2,146.42 Gardner, Emi Rose Clerk 2,924.01 CLERK II 294.14 Geyer, Melody O Model 1,090.63 Gifford, Yvonne L Education Assistant III 1,402.31 Educational Assistant III 5,866.55 Gill, Kaci N Post Secondary Interpreter III 466.35 Gipson, Robert L Library Associate 2,716.78 Godfrey, Dayna M Post Secondary Interpreter III 3,373.27 Gregory, Kim L Post Secondary Interpreter II 2,866.28 Grupe, Sara Ruth Educational Assistant I 100.82 Bookstore Assistant I 4,290.40 Gunderson, Jesse William Educational Assistant I 2,930.99 Guyton, Rosalyn B Student Services Asst II 8,698.09 Haier, Bert G Model 255.83 Halsband, Donna L Senior Project Associate II 17,498.23 Harris, Shantelle Renee' STUDENT SERVICES ASSIST.II 3,942.89 Haus Day, Hazel Raishelle Educational Assistant III 1,542.63 Education Assistant III 502.80 Heinrichs, Joshua D Cashier 6,041.94 Hemingway Harvey, Heather M Educational Assistant III 2,019.49 Henley, David Michael Post Secondary Interpreter III 8,285.50 Henley, Michelle Kimberly Post Secondary Interpreter III 2,331.76 Herries, Paula Elaine Phy Therapy Asst Prg 2,940.00 Herring, Jennae Lyn Model 1,498.24 Hockaday, Emily Diane Secretary 8,263.60 Hoeninger, Jason H Clerk II 426.74 Hoffman, Ann Marie Bookstore 1,081.92 Hoffman, Carl Frederick Educational Assistant III 1,171.30 Hoffman, Michael G Educational Assistant I 10,011.56 Holmes, Megan Anne Model 731.30 Hudson, Grace Ann Cashier 3,262.75 Hunt, Victoria Jean Cashier 3,059.82 Hurst, Rene Michelle Bookstore Assistant I 8,259.73 Educational Assistant I 144.04 Huson, Stephanie Nicole Bookstore Assistant I 2,057.04 Hutchings, Daniel Joseph Admissions 942.97 Jackson, Michele L Educational Assistant II 2,816.26 Jacobs, Jessica Ann Lifeguard 736.80 Jaeger, John A Office & Technical 1,188.14 Jankowski, Mariann Helen Office & Technical 7,807.33 Johnson, Joseph D Clerk 1,796.47 Jones, Darren Bruce TournamentOneTimePay 330.00 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Jones, Jennifer J Administrative Clerk 721.97 Jones, Muriel L Art/Photo Model 66.24 Karpel, Alicia C Educational Assistant II 976.39 Kauling, Allison Rose PSIII-MCINTERPRETER, LEVEL III 388.63 PS III-MC(INTERPRETER, LEVEL 3 139.91 Kern, Allison Leigh CLERK II 107.52 Kilburn, Jon Roger Clerk II 425.89 King, Teya ART/PHOTO MODEL 33.12 Kirby, Joan W Cashier 675.75 Klotz, Annerose G Bookstore Assistant III 1,493.23 Knight, Rosalie Mary Student Services Asst II 914.39 Kudrna, Patricia Ann Post Secondary Interpreter III 466.35 Lache, Julikka Post Secondary Interpreter II 1,367.85 Ladendorf, Katherine D Educational Assistant III 6,225.06 LaGarce, Charles Gratiot Educational Assistant II 10,197.36 Lampe, Jeremy Michael Educational Assistant I 6,643.54 Lesch, Allison M Office & Technical 390.53 Libby, Kathryn J TournamentOneTimePay 400.00 Libby, Kenneth E TounamentOneTimePay 1,250.00 Maness, Jeffrey Kael Campus Business Offi 11,058.74 Mannecke, William August Lifeguard 211.20 Markway, Carol J Cashier 1,101.45 Marlowe, Elizabeth S Office & Technical 2,582.34 Martin, Sarah Grace Educational Assistant II 3,536.94 Martin, Stephanie Ann Student Services Assistant I 2,017.71 Massot, Elizabeth Ann Educational Assistant II 606.64 Mathes, Anna Clerk II 464.08 McAllister, Cheryl Patrice Stu Fin Aid Asst 2,750.00 Mcbeth, Susen S PSIII-MCInterpreter, Level III 373.08 McDonald, Jonathan C Lifeguard 479.95 Educational Assistant I 129.60 McLean, Alice R Cashier 3,431.41 McMahon, Michael Terance Secretary 5,193.11 Melliere, Stacey Anne Student Services Assistant II 826.24 Meyer, Janet J Bookstore Asst I 4,259.67 Mitchell, Robert Alan Clerk 1,988.38 Modray, Bryan Joseph Clerk II 8,550.91 Mohammad, Siddiqa STUDENTADM/REGCLERK 31.50 Mounts, Jason Andrew Lifeguard 445.27 Nagle, Robert Jacob Livington Bookstore 3,619.06 O'Connell, Mary C Administrative Clerk II 4,641.89 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. VICE PRES 687.60 O'Connell, Shannon Patricia Lifeguard 1,173.38 Olsen, Steven R College Police Officer 365.88 Ortiz, Linda M Model 828.00 Pace, Bonnita G Clerk 434.46 Palesch, Karl College Police Officer 5,342.62 Palubiak, Sandra Kay Bookstore Assisstant I 5,076.90 Peniston, Eric B Model 1,165.50 Peterson Johnson, Sarah K Clerk 1,753.83 Phelps, Christine Michelle Post Secondary Interpreter II 1,392.73 Philippone, Caroline R Educational Assistant II 8,758.86 Piedimonte, Karen L Cashier 7,539.87 Piper, Roberta Leigh Post Secondary Interpreter II 248.70 Polizzi, Bernadette M Clerk II 2,920.21 Price, Rene Project Associate II 3,511.16 Pryor, Andrew C Educational Assistant III 1,500.69 Education Assistant III 1,240.24 Quint, Gary E Police Officer PT Temp 933.66 Rehkop, Peggy L Secretary 269.05 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/12 through 6/30/12

Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

Secretary 10,067.76 Secretary 127.44 Secretary 672.63 Robinson, Jane Christina Specialist/Svc for Disabled 10,916.00 Roddy, Sheila M Administrative Secretary II 3,669.56 Rolfe, Cheryl Lee Clerk II 6,354.62 Safina, Evgenia Bronislavovna Stud Support Service 566.40 Stud Support Service 633.60 Student Admin/Reg Clerk 590.40 Schaffer, Errol Frederick Lifeguard 2,320.80 Schallom, Claire A Clerk II 3,256.87 Scherer, Carol Ann Education Assistant III 3,217.01 Schindler, Kathleen Mary Supervisor Nursing Skills Lab 3,535.77 Schlueter, Jesse Thomas PS II Voc Rehab 149.22 Post Secondary Interpreter II 640.41 Schrader, Jerome A Office & Technical 7,353.07 Sciuto, Ellen Wallis Library Associate 2,628.39 Scroggin, Leah Kathleen STUDENTSERVICESASSIST II 648.50 Sears, Debora Jane Project Assistant 8,641.20 Shaw, Kay A Cashier 4,745.81 Shehadeh, Zeina Nabil Admissions PT Temp 648.00 Simmons, Arika Monique SECY-PTTEMP201210 5,964.43 Smith, William A Lifeguard 1,227.02 Spaulding, Larry Lee Peer Leader 1,212.00 Essay Contest Winner 53.00 Spradlin, Andrew Harrison Clerk II 1,221.87 Steenberg, Karl T Professional 7,988.62 Stokes, Zulfiya Minzagitovna Clerk II 101.88 Clerk 3,728.60 CLERK II 393.33 Sucher, Chad C Educational Assistant II 10,918.06 Summers, Sabrina A Bookstore Assistant I 1,948.99 Bookstore Assistant I 9,410.98 Summers, Shellie Jean Bookstore Assistant I 681.01 Switzer, Virginia L Library Associate 4,028.81 Tate, Michael Jovan Educational Assistant I 10,011.56 Tatkow, Dorcas Freeland Educational Assistant II 61.33 Terando, Judith M Clerk II 5,300.92 Vermilye, Robert Eugene ArtExOneTimePayment 100.00 Educational Assistant I 5,180.88 Vitale, Angela Marie Student Services Assistant I 2,294.25 Wallace, Valencia A Educational Assistant III 4,125.23 Walton, Chad R College Police Officer 383.14 Wargo, Lisa Michele Post Secondary Interpreter II 124.35 West, Gloria June Accompanist 2,100.63 SymphBandOneTimePay 400.00 Weston, Patricia L Graphic Designer I 803.30 White, Joel S Post Secondary Interpreter III 186.54 Wilkat, Barbara Noee Cashier 3,229.32 Williams, Bruce A Model 2,571.72 Williams, Valarie K Postsecondary Interpreter III 279.81 Williams, Yannick Duran ArtExOneTimePayment 100.00 Wren, Deborah Kay Media Specialist 1,779.08 Yanko, Albert TournamentOneTimePay 1,250.00 Night Supv 1,692.28 Zemann, Pamela A Administrative Clerk II 3,277.90

Total MC 688,546.99


Location Name Program/Job Title Amount Paid

W Adams, Philip J College Police Officer 248.96 Bashirzadeh, Parviz Educational Assistant III 1,869.28 Buatois, Amy Dickmann Educational Assistant III 4,710.09 Chester, Joni Johnson PT Secretary/Clerical 103.28 Info & Enrollment Asst 7,561.38 Student Activities Asst II 1,437.96 Devoti, Bart S Admin Support 1,835.46 Feller, Candi P TANF Advisor 186.61 Academic Advisor 506.51 Ferdman, Julie Beth ART MODEL 191.70 Fox, Jessica Lynn Cashier 6,621.48 Franklin Story, Sherry C Educational Assistant II 2,399.42 Gales, Regenia Housekeeper 11,275.29 Haier, Bert G Model 363.42 Huber, Pamela Marie Secretary 103.28 Kaemmerlen, Jalayna Educational Assistant III 778.41 Kelly, Charles Arnold Model 233.50 King, Teya Art Model 230.04 Kinney, Johnna D District-Wide Mgr Athletics 13,853.50 Lieberman, Barbara Leslie Bookstore Assistant I 8,253.25 Marshall, Tracy Lyn Educational Assistant III 4,862.67 Massmann, Susan Antoinette PT Secretary/Clerical 2,249.44 Nelson, Amber Lee Educational Assistant III 1,032.46 Nuetzel, Michele Louise Educational Assistant III 2,809.21 Ottenlips, Maureen M Student Support Specialist 1,179.25 Pozderovic, Suad Housekeeper 10,606.20 Sharma, Yashika CASHIER P/T TEMP. 5,738.73 Shupe, Deena Darnell Info & Enrollment Assistant 6,513.30 Smith, Jeffrey W Educational Assistant III 3,764.16 Educational Assistant III 95.37 Thuet, Kelly A Bookstore Cashier 2,244.61 Tinucci, Diane Marie Educational Assistant III 1,145.32 Urban, Julie A Bookstore Assistant I 8,198.12 Young, Joan Frances Bookstore 3,139.29

Total W 116,340.95

Grand Total 3,752,664.47 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing

Board approval is requested for the purchase of three (3) 2012 Segway x2 Patroller units from SEGWAY INC., in an amount not to exceed $27,268.48.

Description These three (3) personal transporter-patroller units will be added to the “green” vehicle fleet of the College Wide Police Departments at the Meramec, Forest Park, and Florissant Valley Campuses. The College is in the process of divesting itself of gasoline-only operated vehicles and the addition of these patroller units will enhance mobility and officer visibility. Three lower bids did not meet specifications and were disqualified. The recommended bidder has met all of the requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process.

Bid – B0003018 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 23, 2012, is listed below:

1 Bidders Total Cost – Three x2 Patroller Segways SEGWAY INC. $ 27,268.48 RAD2GO, Inc. 17,150.00 (disqualified) Segway of Southern Missouri 19,500.00 (disqualified) Segway of Jacksonville 24,510.00 (disqualified)

disqualified – did not provide the required specifications. The wide price variance is due to alternates offered.

Funding These vehicles will be purchased from current capital budgets: FY 2011-2012 (Capital Budget: Tab K, Category 20, Page 1, Vehicle Plan/Police Vehicles).

Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing

Board approval is requested for the purchase of twenty (20) Model DP2012 Oscilloscopes from NEWARK ELEMENT 14, in an amount not to exceed $27,510.00.

Description These oscilloscopes will be used by the Florissant Valley Engineering Department lab students as replacements for older analog technology oscilloscopes whose measurement dials are deteriorating making it impossible to get accurate measurements of electronic signals. One lower bid was disqualified as it did not meet specifications. The recommended bidder has met all of the requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process.

Bid – B0003021 The evaluation of this bid, which opened May 23, 2012, is listed below:

Bidders Total Cost – 20 Oscilloscopes 2 NEWARK ELEMENT 14 $ 27,510.00 Test Equity 28,050.00 Allied Electronics 29,766.20 R S Electronics 30,870.72 Tequipment.Net 31,280.00 Electro Sonic of America LLC (Bid 1) 41,242.40 Techni-Tool Inc. 42,216.00 Electro Sonic of America LLC (Bid 2) 22,468.40 (disqualified)

disqualified – did not provide the required specifications. The wide price variance is due to inclusion of non-required features.

Funding This purchase will be funded from RTEC funds.

Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00.

Recommendation for Award/Purchasing

Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of chef’s cutlery sets to BERTARELLI CUTLERY INC., in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years and ten (10) months, to begin on August 17, 2012 and end on June 30, 2016.

Description This contract will enable the students of the Forest Park Hospitality Program to obtain the required basic cutlery sets that are initially used in classroom instruction and thereafter taken to their place of employment as tools of their profession. The College has historically bid this contract for the students in order to insure proper quality utensils; the recommended bidder offered the lowest price meeting all specifications. No known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process.

Bid – B0003016 The evaluation of this bid, which opened June 12, 2012, is listed below: 3 1st Year Individual 2nd / 3rd Year Three Year Estimate (600 sets) Bidders Chef’s Cutlery Set Price Escalation Incl. Escalation BERTARELLI CUTLERY INC. $189.00 0/3.0% $114,534.00 Ford Hotel Supply Co. 247.50 0/0 148,500.00 Friedrich Dick Corp. 259.00. 2.5/2.5 159,317.38 Need-A-Uniform 295.00 0/0 177,000.00 The Ultimate Image, LLC 325.00 3.0/3.0 200,908.50 Sam Tell and Sons, Inc. 419.75 2.5/2.5 258,198.72

The wide price variance is because different manufacturers were offered and because of various price structures.

Funding Bookstores will resale sets to students at cost with no additional mark-up.

Advertisement The College posts all competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, and in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Newspaper advertisements were run in the Metro- Sentinel, St. Louis American and the St Louis Post-Dispatch.

Recommendation for Award/Purchasing

Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of assorted food products for resale in the bookstores to VISTAR KANSAS CITY, BURKLUND DISTRIBUTORS, INC., WM. F. BROCKMAN CO., INC., JONES VENDING & OCS DISTRIBUTING, INC., MOORE FOOD DISTRIBUTORS, INC., MISTER SNACKS, INC., AVENDCO LLC, OLD VIENNA LLC, ODWALLA, INC./CCR, SNYDER’S-LANCE INC., JELLY BELLY CANDY COMPANY and IBC SALES CORPORATION, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor, for a period of three (3) full years and ten (10) months, to begin August 17, 2012 and end on June 30, 2016.


This contract will be used by the four campus bookstores to purchase items such as snack cakes, candies, snacks, chips, gums and sundry items for resale. All responding bidders are included in the recommendation for award to allow each campus location to purchase the items preferred by their patrons. Two (2) known minority-owned and no known woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process.

4 Bid – B0003027

The evaluation of this bid, which opened June 13, 2006, is listed below:

Bidder Number of Product Categories Offered VISTAR KANSAS CITY 7 out of 7 categories BURKLUND DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 6 out of 7 categories WM. F. BROCKMAN CO., INC. 6 out of 7 categories JONES VENDING & OCS DISTRIBUTING, INC. 6 out of 7 categories MOORE FOOD DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 5 out of 7 categories MISTER SNACKS, INC. 5 out of 7 categories AVENDCO LLC 4 out of 7 categories OLD VIENNA LLC 2 out of 7 categories ODWALLA, INC./CCR 2 out of 7 categories SNYDER’S-LANCE INC. 2 out of 7 categories JELLY BELLY CANDY COMPANY 1 out of 7 categories IBC SALES CORPORATION 1 out of 7 categories

Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets.

Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.)


The College posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated at $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the Metro-Sentinel, St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing

Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for a one-time purchase of student instrument and supply kits for students enrolled in the 2012/2013 Dental Hygiene program at the Forest Park Campus to HU-FRIEDY MFG. CO., LLC and PATTERSON DENTAL COMPANY., for a total amount not to exceed $30,214.52.

Description This contract will provide up to thirty-two (32) required laboratory instruments and supply kits to incoming students enrolled in the 2012/2013 Dental Hygiene Program at Forest Park. Recommendation is being requested to award Kit A consisting of oral dental instruments to Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., Inc., and Kit B consisting of dental supply items to Patterson Dental Company. Faculty will inspect all kits as the students take delivery from the contractors to insure they are complete and free from defect prior to the students rendering payment. Any defective or malfunctioning items will be replaced by the contractors at no additional charge to the students for the two years of the program. No known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process.

Bid – B0003004 6 The evaluation of this bid, which opened June 4, 2012, is listed below:

Bidders Kit A/Dental Instruments Kit B/Dental Supply Items HU-FRIEDY MFG. CO., LLC $649.68 / $20,789.88 no bid PATTERSON DENTAL COMPANY 971.41 / 31.085.12 $294.52 / $9,424.64 BENCO DENTAL SUPPLY CO. 826.25 / 26,440.00 300.00 / 9,600.00

The wide price variance for Kit A is due to the recommended vendor being the manufacturer; the others are suppliers.

Funding Bookstore will resale kits to students at cost with no additional mark-up.

Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00

Request for Ratification/Purchasing

Board ratification is requested for the purchase of managed call center services for Blackboard from BLACKBOARD, INC. in the amount of $36,800.00, for a period of one (1) full year beginning, July 1, 2012


Blackboard is the College’s adopted web-based instructional platform. Renewal of this contract will provice access to the managed call center ensuring that 24/7 helpdesk services are available for students and faculty, not to exceed 2,000 incidents. The College’s license agreement with Blackboard, Inc. prohibits third party access to their software, precluding a competitive bid. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise.


Purchases made from this agreement will be funded from current operating budgets. 7


The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source.

Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 13 601, APPLIED SCIENCE BEAM REPAIR, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to THE HARLAN COMPANY, for $28,375.00 for the Base Bid plus Alternate #1.

Contractor Base Bid Alternate #1 Total THE HARLAN COMPANY $ 23,800.00 $ 4,575.00 $28,375.00 R.V. Wagner, Inc. 38,990.001 4,130.00 43,120.00

Description: The Concrete beam at the 2nd floor link between the Science West and Applied Science buildings has deteriorated over time. Weathering has weakened the concrete and eroded the reinforcing bar inside the beam. The windows in the link below the beam must be removed to repair all surfaces of the beam.

This contract is to replace the damaged reinforcing bar, treat the affected area of concrete, reshape the beam back to original size, and to replace the windows and frames. Alternate #1 is to replace the 1st floor windows and frames as well, which are original. Doing this in conjunction with the required 2nd floor work will result in a more finished appearance and energy

8 savings through the installation of more energy efficient windows.

1When contacted, the low bidder indicated that his bid conformed to the construction documents and included all work as specified. The high bidder indicated that he believed he was submitting a competitive bid and had no explanation as to the cost difference compared to the recommended bidder.

In addition to the plan room availability, a total of fifteen firms received bid packages.

Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department and EDM, Incorporated Consulting Engineers.

Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2010/11, Tab K, Page 1, Item #18

Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Argus, The Builders Association, e-Plan, McGraw-Hill Construction News and Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center.

Minority Contractors: One known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board approval is requested to dispose of surplus property by sealed bid or auction as listed on the following pages. This property has been declared excess and posted internally for redistribution prior to any item being offered for sale as surplus. Fixed Assets

PDF# Qty Description Property Tag Location Condition CC060712 1 Raritan KVM UMT 013935 CC Poor CC060712 1 Raritan KVM UMT 014982 CC Poor 10327 A 1 HP NetServer LH3000R-CPU 010667 CO Poor 10327 B 1 HP NetServer LH3000R-CPU 010669 CO Poor 10327 C 1 HP NetServer LH3000R-CPU 010670 CO Poor 10327 D 1 HP LaserJet 8150DN-Printer 012709 CO Poor 10327 E 1 HP NetServer LH3000R-CPU 012714 CO Poor




Pg. 1 Budget Reports for June 2012

Pg. 2 Warrant Check Register for June 2012

Pgs. 3-4 Investment Report as of June 30, 2012


Pg. 5 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of June 2012

Budget Reports for June 2012

Due to fiscal year-end closing, the monthly budget status reports are not available for the month of June 2012.

Preliminary year-end budget status reports will be presented at the August 2012 meeting


Warrant Check Register

The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending June 30, 2012 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested.

2 St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of June 30, 2012

Investment Type Purchase Maturity Par Principal Book Market Market Yield % of Investment Description Date Date Value Cost Value Value Gain/(Loss) to Maturity Portfolio

Certificates of Deposit

Privatebank & Trust - Chicago, IL 4/27/2012 10/28/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.000% 0.400%

Ally Bank - Midvale, UT 8/13/2010 8/13/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.700% 0.338%

GE Money Bank - Salt Lake City, UT 8/16/2010 8/13/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.000% 0.338%

Sterling Savings Bank - Spokane, WA 2/2/2011 8/2/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.700% 0.338%

Alliance Bank & Trust - Gastonia, NC 3/14/2011 9/14/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.700% 0.338%

Goldman Sachs Bank USA - New York, NY 8/24/2011 8/26/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.750% 0.338%

CIT Bank - Salt Lake City UT 8/24/2011 8/23/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.750% 0.338%

Compass Bank - Birmingham, AL 8/24/2011 2/25/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.600% 0.338%

BMW Bank North America - Salt Lake City, UT 10/28/2011 10/26/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.450% 0.338%

Beal Bank USA - Las Vegas, NV 11/2/2011 8/1/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.338%

Doral Bank - Catano, PR 11/3/2011 11/2/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.338%

Discover Bank - Greenwood, DE 11/30/2011 5/30/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.800% 0.338%

Town North Bank - Dallas, TX 12/21/2011 12/21/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.338%

3 Sallie Mae Bank - Murray, UT 12/21/2011 12/22/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.350% 0.338%

Huntington National Bank - Columbus, OH 1/27/2012 1/25/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.350% 0.338%

Bank of India - New York, NY 1/26/2012 7/25/2012 249,000 249,000 249,000 249,000 0 0.350% 0.343%

Firstbank Puerto Rico - Santurce, PR 2/15/2012 2/18/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.550% 0.338%

Apple Bank for Savings - Manhasset, NY 2/8/2012 2/10/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.600% 0.338%

Beal Bank SSB - Piano, TX 2/8/2012 8/7/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.500% 0.338%

Mizuho corporate Bank - New York, NY 2/29/2012 11/29/2012 248,000 248,000 248,000 248,000 0 0.300% 0.342%

Bank Hapoalim BM - New York, NY 3/19/2012 9/19/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.338%

Medallion Bank - Salt Lake City, UT 5/4/2012 11/4/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.338%

Sovereign Bank - Wilmington, DE 5/9/2012 5/9/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.338%

Bank of Baroda - New York, NY 5/25/2012 5/24/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.338%

Bank of China - New York, NY 6/20/2012 6/20/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.500% 0.338%

GE Capital Bank - Salt Lake City UT 6/29/2012 6/30/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.000% 0.338%

Safra National Bank - New York, NY 6/14/2012 6/16/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.700% 0.338%

Synovus Bank GA - Columbus, GA 6/21/2012 6/21/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.450% 0.338%

First Nat'l Bank of Omaha- Omaha, NE 6/8/2012 6/7/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.500% 0.338%

American Expr Centurion - Salt Lake City, UT 8/25/2011 8/26/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.800% 0.338%

Total Certificates of Deposit 7,357,000 7,357,000 7,357,000 7,357,000 - 0.613% 10.144% St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of June 30, 2012

Investment Type Purchase Maturity Par Principal Book Market Market Yield % of Investment Description Date Date Value Cost Value Value Gain/(Loss) to Maturity Portfolio

U.S. Treasury Securities U.S Treasury Notes 01/25/11 08/31/12 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,499,429 2,501,074 1,645 0.513% 3.448%

U.S Treasury Notes 07/06/11 07/15/12 800,000 810,469 800,393 800,375 (18) 1.500% 1.104%

U.S Treasury Notes 02/06/12 10/31/13 1,000,000 1,050,880 1,033,463 1,032,500 (963) 0.231% 1.424%

Total U.S. Treasury Securities 4,300,000 4,361,349 4,333,286 4,333,949 664 0.119% 5.976%

U.S Agency Securities Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/26/10 07/30/12 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,001,740 1,740 1.375% 2.760%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/29/10 04/29/13 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,037,050 37,050 1.800% 4.187%

Federal Farm Credit Bank FFCB 01/06/10 01/06/14 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,052,480 52,480 2.200% 2.830%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/19/10 02/19/14 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,094,950 94,950 2.375% 4.267%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 06/21/10 08/22/12 1,000,000 1,000,073 1,000,000 1,000,990 990 0.875% 1.380%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 08/25/11 12/24/14 1,000,000 1,020,540 1,007,433 1,007,570 137 0.450% 1.389%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/30/12 01/30/15 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 999,580 (420) 0.625% 1.378%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/26/12 07/26/13 1,000,000 999,850 999,892 999,570 (322) 0.280% 1.378%

Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 02/22/12 02/22/16 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 999,150 (850) 0.400% 1.378%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/27/12 02/27/15 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 999,970 (30) 0.550% 1.379% 4

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/06/12 08/05/16 1,000,000 999,000 999,089 999,390 301 0.523% 1.378%

Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 02/08/12 02/08/17 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,940 940 0.750% 1.380%

Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 05/29/12 05/29/15 500,000 500,000 502,270 502,325 55 0.500% 0.693%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 04/27/12 04/27/17 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,170 170 0.500% 1.379%

Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 06/20/12 11/24/15 1,000,000 1,001,800 1,001,741 1,000,910 (831) 0.750% 1.380%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 06/12/12 10/26/16 550,000 551,837 551,577 551,425 (152) 0.450% 0.760%

Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/13/12 08/13/13 2,000,000 2,000,174 2,000,130 1,999,420 (710) 0.274% 2.757%

Total U.S. Agencies 23,050,000 23,073,274 23,062,131 23,247,630 185,499 1.146% 32.054%

Total Investments before Repurchase Agreements 34,707,000 34,791,623 34,752,416 34,938,579 186,163 0.968% 48.173%

Repurchase Agreements 06/30/12 07/01/12 37,589,000 37,589,000 37,589,000 37,589,000 0 0.270% 51.827%

Total Investments 72,296,000 72,380,623 72,341,416 72,527,579 186,163 0.606% 100.000% Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of June 2012

Daily Repurchase Agreements

Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $34,098,933.33 Interest Earned: $7,335.95 Average Rate Earned: 0.253% Range of Rates Earned: .250-.270%

Other Investments Type of Cost of Maturity Investment Fund Purchase Date Investment Par Value Investment Date Yield

First Nat'l Bank of Omaha 6/8/2012 CD 245,000.00 245,000.00 6/7/2013 0.500% Safra National Bank 6/14/2012 CD 245,000.00 245,000.00 6/16/2014 0.700% Bank of China NY 6/20/2012 CD 245,000.00 245,000.00 6/20/2013 0.500% Synovus Bank 6/21/2012 CD 245,000.00 245,000.00 6/21/2012 0.450% GE Capital Bank 6/29/2012 CD 245,000.00 245,000.00 6/30/2014 1.000% Federal Nat'l Mortg. Assn. 6/20/2012 US Agency 1,000,000.00 1,002,341.67 11/24/2015 0.750% Federal Home Loan Bank 6/12/2012 US Agency 550,000.00 552,785.75 10/26/2016 1.350%

5 Contracts and/or Agreements

In-District Agreement

The purpose of this contract(s) and/or agreement(s) is to permit the following organization(s) to pay resident rates for its employees at St. Louis Community College, effective July 20, 2012. Fees for 20 employees of SSM Health Care St. Louis will be paid at the time of registration.

Consistent with Board Policy H.20.1.Maintenance Fees, Item a., participants in this program will be charged the current in-district tuition rate plus all applicable fees.


SSM Health Care St. Louis, 10101 Woodfield Lane, Suite 150, St. Louis, Missouri 63132

Ratification of Agreement between University of Missouri and St. Louis Community College

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between University of Missouri and St. Louis Community College to provide temporary lodging for 18 international students participating in the Scholarships for Education and Economic Development (SEED) program. The students will be housed in 5 units located in the Mansion Hills Apartments owned by the University of Missouri. The rental agreement is from June 22, 2012 to June 22, 2013. The total cost of the lease is $52,500.


Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

Contracts and Agreements

Clinical Agreements The college recommends that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs.

Effective Participant Program Date

Advance Training and Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Assistant & 05/23/12 Physical Therapist Assistant

Community Action Agency of St. Louis Human Services 04/15/12 County, Inc. (CAASTL) Randa Hawatmeh, DMD Dental Assisting 04/05/12

Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital Respiratory Therapy 04/05/12

Barnes-Jewish Hospital Radiology Technology 05/07/12

Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital Surgical Technology 03/22/12

Board Meeting 07/19/12 2 Economic Development and Workforce Solutions

Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region.

Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount Anheuser-Busch, Computer Classes - Microsoft Workforce February 29, 2012 $957 Inc. Solutions through (Previously reported Group June 30, 2012 $1,860 –May, 2012. Total FY 12 - $95,007) Manager: Stephen Long

Contracts and/or Agreements

Strategic Research and Analytics, LLC It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify a professional service agreement with Strategic Research and Analytics, LLC for the period May 29, 2012 through completion of project no later than July 31, 2012 in the amount not to exceed $14,000. The agreement will provide services to the Workforce Solutions Group to provide labor market analyses and incorporate the data into the State of St. Louis Workforce Report.

Missouri Economic Research Information Center (MERIC)

It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify a professional service agreement with the Missouri Economic Research Information Center (MERIC), a division of the Department of Economic Development. The agreement is to develop occupational demand data and conduct a survey of 1200 employers for the 2012 State of the St. Louis Workforce Report, to be presented by the division of Workforce Solutions Group in August. The cost will not exceed $48,000.

Cosgrove and Associates, LLC

It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify a professional service agreement with Cosgrove and Associates, LLC. The agreement is to conduct research case studies of selected employers in the St. Louis region providing deeper insights into employers hiring and skill needs. The provided research will be submitted to St. Louis Community College – Workforce Solutions Group division and Strategic Research and Analytics, LLC to be incorporated into the State of St. Louis Workforce Report. The agreement is effective for the period June 18, 2012 through completion of project, no later than July 31, 2012 for an amount not to exceed $7,557.

Board Meeting 7-19 -12 1


Grants and Contracts


U.S. Department of $ 314,444.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for Restricted Education the Florissant Valley and Forest Park campuses to participate in the Predominantly Black Institutions Program – Formula Grant to strengthen the college’s capacity to serve African-American males and improve their educational outcomes. The project, titled “African American Male Initiative (AAMI): Empowering Student Leaders for the Future,” is a comprehensive program of student support services including specialized orientation activities; academic interventions; peer and community mentoring; tutoring services; special workshops and seminars; stipends for participants and peer mentors; and professional development workshops for faculty and staff.

Project Period: 10/1/12-9/30/13 Project Director: Keith Sayles

Georgetown $ 734,400.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for Restricted University/U.S Agency for the Florissant Valley campus to participate International Development in the Scholarships for Education and Economic Development (SEED) Program. Funds will be used to train 18 deaf students from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean in Computer Technologies with Business Applications for Deaf Youth.

Project Period: 7/1/12- 7/31/14 Project Director: Susan McKnight

Board Meeting 7-19-12 1 # 13 Recommended Approval of Revisions to all Board Policies Referencing the Titles Vice Chancellor of Business and Finance, Director of Human Resources, Workforce and Community Development, and CBIL.

B.2 Officers of the College (R 5/09)

The officers of the College are the chancellor, the campus presidents, the vice chancellor for academic and student affairs, the vice chancellor for finance and business services, ADMINISTRATION, the vice chancellor for technology and educational support services and the vice chancellor for workforce and community development. SOLUTIONS.

(R 3/06) C.24.1 Public School Retirement System of Missouri [AP C 26] Full-time employees who meet the requirements of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri and who are certificated by the College or the State of Missouri are required to participate in the Public School Retirement System of Missouri. Part- time professional employees who meet the requirements of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri and who are certificated by the College or the State of Missouri may participate in the Public School Retirement System of Missouri.

To comply with the Missouri state law on “teacher and school employee retirement systems,” the Chancellor or the Director of Human Resources ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES may certify employees to the Public School Retirement System of Missouri.

D.1.2 Salary Schedule Step Placement (R 1/01) [AP D 1] The initial step placement of full-time faculty on the salary schedule will be based upon rank assignment and internal equity considerations as recommended by the director of Human Resources, ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES or his/her designee. Initial placement normally will not be greater than 10 percent above the minimum salary for the rank assignment. In cases where prevailing market conditions clearly indicate limited human resources for the vacancy, initial salary placement may be greater than 10 percent above the minimum salary for the rank assignment.

The remainder of this policy remains unchanged.

F.6.1 Additional Responsibilities (R 6/96) An employee who upon request assumes some of the primary performance requirements assigned to another position for a period in excess of 30 working days will be eligible to receive an increase in his/her salary ranging from 5 to 10 percent during the period such duties are assigned. The increase must be recommended by the employee's immediate supervisor and the appropriate vice chancellor or College president to the director of Human Resources ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES. Upon receipt of a recommendation that additional compensation be provided to an employee, the director of Human Resources ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES will be responsible for determining the appropriateness and the amount of additional compensation, if any. Recommendations for additional compensation will then be submitted to the chancellor for review and, if approved, submitted to the Board for consideration and action.

F.13 Grievance Process for Non-unit Classified Employees (R 8/98) [AP F 10] (For full-time office and technical unit and physical plant unit employees, see applicable Resolution.) Adjustment Good faith efforts will be made to resolve employee grievances at the earliest possible step. Should any difference arise between the College and any employee as to the meaning or application of Board policy or administrative procedures, said grievance will be settled through the grievance procedure. Definitions A “grievance” is defined as an alleged violation, misinterpretation or improper application of Board policy and/or administrative procedures. A grievance will be in written form, and include the following information: a. Date and of the grievance, location, job classification and employee involved, and identification of the provisions of Board policy and/or administrative procedures under which the grievance is entered. b. Remedy sought. c. Date of submission. A “grievant” is defined as any employee filing a grievance. Multiple grievances filed simultaneously over a occurrence or event may be processed in a joint action.

Extension of Time The time limits provided in the grievance procedure may be extended only by mutual written consent of the parties.

Days Defined Days as referred to throughout the grievance procedure will be working days but will not include Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays recognized by the College.

Advancement/Termination of Grievances Grievances not appealed within the prescribed time limits will be considered settled on the basis of the last decision made by the College and will not be eligible for further appeal. The aforesaid will not apply if the time limits are extended by mutual written consent of the parties.

Grievance Advisor A grievant may select an advisor to provide advice, support and consultation at any point during the grievance procedure.

Reprisals No reprisals of any kind will be taken by the Board or by any member of the administration against an employee because of his/her participation in the grievance process.

Grievance Procedure If a grievance arises, it will be resolved through the procedure described below. However, this procedure does not preclude prior discussions between an employee and his/her supervisor to resolve the difference.

Step 1 a. A grievance, to be timely, must be submitted to an employee's immediate supervisor within 10 days of the occurrence giving rise to the grievance or within 10 days of the date on which the employee should have reasonably known of such occurrence. b. A conference between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor will be held within five days of the initial presentation of the grievance. c. The employee’s immediate supervisor will issue a written response to the employee and a copy to the director of Human Resources ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES within three days following the conference. d. If the employee is not satisfied with the response issued and wishes to proceed with his/her grievance, he/she must give written notice of such intent to the appropriate administrator within three days of receipt of the response or within six days of the Step l B conference if no response is given by the College.

Step 2 a. The appropriate administrator, or his/her designee, will conduct a conference with the employee and his/her immediate supervisor within three days following receipt of written notice. b. The appropriate administrator, or his/her designee, will issue a written response to the employee within three days following the conference. c. If the employee is not satisfied with the response received and wishes to proceed with his/her grievance, he/she must give written notice of such intent to the campus president or vice chancellor within three days following receipt of the response or within six days of the Step 2a conference if no response is given by the College.

Step 3 a. The campus president or vice chancellor, or his/her designee, will conduct a conference with the employee within three days following receipt of written notice from the employee. b. A written response will be issued by the College to the employee within three days following the conference. c. If the employee is not satisfied with the response and wishes to proceed with his/her grievance, he/she must give written notice of such intent to the director of Human Resources ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES within three days of receipt of the response or within six days of the Step 3a conference if no response is given by the College.

Step 4 a. The director of Human Resources, ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES or his/her designee, will conduct a conference with the employee within three days following receipt of written notice from the employee. b. A written response will be issued by the College to the employee within three days following the conference.

The remainder of this policy remains unchanged.

H.10 Purchase and/or Lease of Instructional Materials (R 7/98) Bookstore administration, Instructional Resources administration, CBIL WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS GROUP and Continuing Education are authorized to purchase and/or lease instructional materials for use in educational programs. Competitive bidding and Board approval requirements will be waived when these materials are stipulated by: 1. College faculty with appropriate administrative approval. 2. College faculty and library/media services employees (for inclusion in the library collections to support the Instructional Resources program). 3. Coordinators, instructors or facilitators of CBIL WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS GROUP or Continuing Education programs (for use in those programs). Materials not stipulated by any of the above and purchases which utilize the service of book jobbers and subscription agencies must be purchased in compliance with College policy governing all other purchases.

H.20.9 Continuing Education AND Workforce SOLUTIONS GROUP and Community Development and Community Service Fees (R 12/10)

Fees will be assessed for courses, credit and non-credit customized corporate offerings, programs and services offered through Continuing Education and Workforce SOLUTIONS GROUP. and/or Community Development. Consideration will be given to direct and indirect expenses and market value in determining the fee.