mr Bill 5:28 AM

It's good to be in the room, good morning!

Faiz 6:00 AM Good morning

Gary F 6:19 AM morning

emajka 6:20 AM Alibaba Shares Slump As China Targets Tech Giant With Antitrust Probe

Len 6:23 AM Good morning all

emajka 6:36 AM FISV: Tigress Financial starts at Buy

Blue Chips 6:41 AM Good morning all!

Cynthia 6:44 AM

Hi Bill, Faiz, Gary, Eric, Len and Rocco. 2

Len 6:47 AM Hi Cynthia


emajka 6:47 AM gm


PeterK 6:51 AM Morning 6:51 Baking some bread this am for 6:52 The bakery is open lol

Cynthia 6:56 AM Hi Peter - My bakery is open too. Flourless chocolate cake.

Hawkeye Ben 7:00 AM Good morning! I run a restaurant and have to make popovers every day!

GoAztecs 7:03 AM

good am all! happy eve. 5 4

Dave M 7:04 AM Good Morning Bob and everyone (edited)

Cynthia 7:05 AM Hi Ben, Bob and Dave. Popovers are my absolute favorite.!


Doss the hoss moss 7:07 AM Morning all! No trading for this guy today

Cynthia 7:10 AM Hi Damon. Smart move!

Allison 7:13 AM

Merry Xmas eve

emajka 7:13 AM New Virus Strain’s Transmissibility to Cause More Deaths: Study - BBG 7:13 Oil holds above $50/barrel on U.S. stocks draw, Brexit deal hopes - SI

emajka 7:19 AM CLDR (+2.3% pre) Cloudera Buys Back $314 Million Intel $INTC Stake.

Mose 7:23 AM morning

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 7:24 AM Good morning everyone

Allison 7:24 AM X common long 17.03 soft stop 16.25 ish

emajka 7:30 AM Square Has Discussed Acquiring Jay-Z’s Tidal Service - BBG 7:31 JG (+12.4% pre) Aurora Mobile Partners with Taikang Life Insurance to Strengthen Smart Insurance Solutions with AI Technologies - SI

Nolanm 7:31 AM GM all. New to the room. Happy Holidays

GoAztecs 7:33 AM everyone please welcome Nolan into the room. happy to have you here


Dave M 7:34 AM Welcome Nolan

Gary F 7:34 AM

Morning Nolan

emajka 7:35 AM AVGR (+117.1% pre) Avinger Announces Annual Meeting Results 7:35 ALT (-9.0% pre) FDA places hold on Altimmune's IND for COVID-19 vaccine candidate

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 7:37 AM Hi Nolan, welcome!

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 7:37 AM morning everyone


Cynthia 7:43 AM

Hi Allison, Mose, Brian Nolan and Josh.


GoAztecs 7:47 AM we’re doing live on at 8am est


Allison 7:48 AM Welcome Nolan

mr Bill 7:50 AM It's a great day to be in the room! Welcome Nolan!

Raj (235) 7:52 AM Good Morning Everyone, Welcome Nolan

Cynthia 7:56 AM Welcome Nolan. Hi Raj.

Christopher B. 7:56 AM Good Morning Bob, Dave and All, 7:57 Welcome Nolan, 7:57 Hi Cynthia,

LeeAnn, not awake 8:00 AM Merry Christmas room!


Sri 8:01 AM gm Bill, Faiz, Gary, Eric, Len, Rocco, Cynthia, Peter, Ben, Bob, DaveM, Damon, Allison, Mose,

Brian, Nolan (welcome!), Josh, Raj, CB, LA, Dave, and team! (edited)

3 4

LeeAnn, not awake 8:03 AM Bob Lang @aztecs99 cWu-l6MRrlOqCUqGCmnNk= Twitter | Today at 8:02 AM

John-OC 8:07 AM

Merry Christmas LeeAnn

Brian B 8:08 AM Gm all. Probably should have stopped after the 1st bottle of wine last night.. ooofa coffee and advil time

CW 8:09 AM haha.. I have the same issue this morning, @Brian B. But the wine was too tasty. (edited)

Brian B 8:10 AM It just flows lol

CW 8:10 AM lol

Dave M 8:14 AM PLTR ... my top pick for 2021

Manny Pattni 8:18 AM Merry Room. 8:19 Wow, bob has some moves..

Christopher B. 8:19 AM Great Twitter Live, Bob!

Nicolette 8:19 AM Nice Bob!


Christopher B. 8:19 AM Merry Christmas Eve Day All,

orbit 8:19 AM

Bob moves like Jagger


Nicolette 8:20 AM

Baba wow dodged that bullet

Big Homie Glenn 8:20 AM Good Morning Bob and All /// nice moves


Pat 8:21 AM Great twtr live!!!

Manny Pattni 8:26 AM Need advice...have BABA Feb calls underwater....still have 60 days....cut losses or wait for a better day to cut since have time.

Jason 8:27 AM Merry Christmas Eve Day!!!!!

GoAztecs 8:29 AM thanks for the great feedback everyone!!

1 8:29 that was fun

Rob S 8:30 AM adding KSU to watch list

GoAztecs 8:37 AM can you guys all RT that twitter live session? ty ty 3 8:38 manny….there are times when you are faced with these things. it’s unfortunate, but staying with this trade any longer than today is just going to be like chinese water torture. 8:39 what i would do: cut it first thing….take a walk, use some bad language around the house for 5 mins.

Manny Pattni 8:40 AM @GoAztecs ty for the sage insight. makes sense. your advice, thats what i do after a bad golf shot and then i get back to it.


GoAztecs 8:40 AM and move along….you’ll feel so much better later in the day, next week…DON’T REVENGE TRADE, that’s a recipe for disaster. it wasn’t your fault! i mean, the chart is horrible, and has been for weeks…but, if you sized it right, small enough it’t not going to devastate you.

2 8:41 cut the cancer out of your portfolio before it spreads. it may be a buy again…in a month, in 5 months, in a year…but your position is not worth waiting. you’ll find better ideas

PeterK 8:41 AM Bob got moves


Vijay 8:42 AM Good Morning all Merry Christmas Eve Day!!!!!

Great twtr live Bob Welcome Nolan

GoAztecs 8:43 AM ty ty

Rob S 8:43 AM welcome Nolan

Nolanm 8:46 AM thanks for all the welcomes. As new here quick thoughts on 2 re-opening trades please if I may. I'm long GM210319c37 and was long a similar Lyft Jan call - closed it y'day, but should have maybe rolled it to March as well?

Allison 8:49 AM XL moving again- don’t see any news?

Sukesh 8:50 AM good morning all...... Merry Christmas


DAttardi 8:50 AM $CLDR (+2.3% pre) Cloudera Buys Back $314 Million Intel $INTC Stake. Here’s What It Means for the Stock. - Barron's

Mose 8:50 AM MEATBALLS- anyone have great recipe please share in #eo_foodies

DAttardi 8:50 AM $BABA (-8.0% pre) China launches antitrust probe into tech giant Alibaba - Reuters

Jason 8:51 AM

Impressed with Bob's moves


PeterK 8:54 AM Mose my wife is Sicilian I’d have to kill you if I gave you her meatball recipe

1 reply Today at 8:55 AMView thread

DC in the Desert 8:54 AM

Welcome Nolan and good morning room

Cynthia 8:55 AM Hi Christopher, LeeAnn, Sri, John, Brian, CW, Manny, Nicolette, Orbit , Glenn, Pat, Jason, Rob, and


2 2 1 8:55 and Donald.

Blue Chips 8:55 AM @Mose here is a good recipe we use. Lidia Spaghetti and Meatballs - Lidia Just wanted to share this delicious recipe from Lidia Bastianich with you - Buon Gusto!


DC in the Desert 8:55 AM Morning Cynthia 8:56 polpette! yum

PeterK 9:01 AM Welcome Nolan

Fastest Cub Scout 9:01 AM Good morning all. Nice tweet video @GoAztecs ! “The trend is your friend!” Welcome Nolan

Jim 9:01 AM Happy Christmas Eve .. welcome Nolan

Vedula 9:02 AM Good Morning All 9:02 Happy Christmas Eve


DAttardi 9:02 AM gm , Merry Christmas eve all

1 3

Kevdog 9:02 AM Morning, Morning all! Hope everyone has a great day!


DAttardi 9:04 AM /btc flagging up here

Allison 9:04 AM W looks like a short to 240-225 area- opinions welcome

DAttardi 9:04 AM stoc has become imbedded again

Allison 9:05 AM Blue skys again on xl

John H 9:05 AM Nice on Twitter Bob, loves that holiday spirit and those 'moves', awesome

DAttardi 9:05 AM 10/9 thru 11/27.. 9:05 now back again

GoAztecs 9:06 AM thanks John

Ricky M 9:06 AM good mornig

John H 9:07 AM Hi Ricky


GoAztecs 9:07 AM @Nolanm need more information on your trades. i have no idea if you have a gain or loss, how long in the name, if you have stock, if you sized it right (or wrong), 9:07 and what the purpose is

Cynthia 9:08 AM

Hi Cub, Jim, Vendula, Dave, Kevin, John, and Ricky

John H 9:09 AM Hi Cynthia, Happy Holidays

Justin S 9:09 AM Morning everyone 9:09 File from iOS

9:09 File from iOS

9:09 S&P heading for oversold in the short term, nasdaq, not so much

Jim 9:09 AM Great TWTR this AM Bob

Cynthia 9:09 AM Hi John. Happy Holidays to you and MaryAnn. 9:10 Hi Justin.

Charles L 9:10 AM Good morning. Merry Christmas Eve!

GoAztecs 9:13 AM thx Jim

Blueace Buckeye 9:13 AM Good morning...Welcome Nolan...and Bob....thanks for the Live EO Twitter session...after doing all the morning to access....much appreciated


Neil M 9:16 AM damn BABA holders smoked

TJ3 9:16 AM Welcome Nolan to the Best darn room on the Planet

Brent N 9:17 AM

Good morning all Great EO live session Bob!

2 1

Ricky M 9:17 AM hi Brent

Athens33 9:17 AM for those with BIDU - concerned about the pin action from BABA? Cut and let the dust settle or ride it out?

Brent N 9:17 AM

Welcome Nolan

Sam 9:18 AM Welcome Nolan Good morning all

Brent N 9:18 AM Hey Ricky

LeeAnn, not awake 9:18 AM Welcome Nolan!

Christian 9:19 AM GM All...

Nick5 9:22 AM Good morning all 9:22 Welcome Nolan

CW 9:24 AM @Athens33 - I am cutting my $BIDU position for next week, but riding out my $JD Feb position. Hope that helps.


Rob S 9:24 AM good morning. will be on PC 45 minutes then taking my visiting daughter to Garden of The gods


GoAztecs 9:25 AM nice Rob

Rob S 9:26 AM enjoy your Christmas all incase I can't log in mobile near end of short session. Truly enjoy being here with you


PeterK 9:26 AM @GoAztecs Bob I emailed you on my renewal at eo (edited)


GoAztecs 9:29 AM thx, peter 9:29 time to focus and concentrate today, it’s a short day but make it meaningful.

11 9:29 happy holidays


LeeAnn, not awake 9:30 AM Bull flag on THC. Better above 41.50 then 42.80 ish image.png

DAttardi 9:32 AM xl may 15c bt 1451x 9:32 big print

LeeAnn, not awake 9:34 AM Sold my XL calls from yesterday - in @ 5.64 and out @ 8.7 (Feb 30c)


GoAztecs 9:35 AM nice LA

Keri 9:35 AM stc CVET Jan 30c in 1.30 out 2.35

GoAztecs 9:36 AM added some nvta mar 55 calls at 6.2


Blueace Buckeye 9:37 AM Out XL shares at $34.50....thx for the call yesterday

Keri 9:37 AM sold rest of CVET Jan 30c in 1.05 out 2.35

Allison 9:37 AM Nice LeeAnn

Blueace Buckeye 9:37 AM picked up shares of SAGE....will find an opening for calls shortly

LeeAnn, not awake 9:37 AM Has anyone looked at SHO? I accidentally pulled it up while trying to look at SHOP. Nice chart on SHO

DAttardi 9:37 AM PDD RR jan 157.5c bto /dec31 133p sld 1k

GoAztecs 9:38 AM shop strong


Athens33 9:39 AM sold the Jan. BIDU for modest profit - will keep an eye on

GoAztecs 9:40 AM added more csco here on the 20 ma, apr 45 calls at 2.15


Brian B 9:40 AM Bto jan22 200c baba 54


DAttardi 9:41 AM gik feb 10p bto 2228x..

Doss the hoss moss 9:41 AM Grabbed some baba shares 226


Big Homie Glenn 9:41 AM STC BABA stock @ 229.49 / 170.42BTO SAGE stock @ 88.60 BTO PLTR stock @ 28.49 BTO MGNI stock @ 30.11 BTO LMND stock @ 127.15

1 1

Mose 9:41 AM GNRC daily

Dave M 9:41 AM added AI Feb 210 22.00

Doss the hoss moss 9:42 AM Followed @Big Homie Glenn on the pltr shares


DAttardi 9:42 AM trin is wonky here

Justin S 9:42 AM Added QQQ 309p for 12/31

GoAztecs 9:42 AM nice on the sage, i’ll add more feb 90 calls at 9.5

1 9:43 msft strong,


Doss the hoss moss 9:44 AM Mrvl testing break out level

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 9:44 AM This CLDX really trades weird, options move pretty disconnected from stock

GoAztecs 9:44 AM adding some 225 feb calls at 9.1


DAttardi 9:45 AM more of those pdd RR.. 9:45 pdd having a nice run today

GoAztecs 9:45 AM nice on dd 9:45 pdd

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 9:45 AM Cut BABA, small loss as had almost a free trade from roll-ups.


GoAztecs 9:45 AM sorry…..added msft 225 feb calls a 9.1


Kingpin 9:45 AM and PDD holding that nov gap nicely.

Doss the hoss moss 9:45 AM Adding more mrvl stock 46.7

GoAztecs 9:45 AM smart move, brian 9:46 if any of you hold some of that baba, read my notes up in the chat as i was answering manny

Manny Pattni 9:46 AM Cut BABA at open, threw a few things around for 5 mins and back it

2 1

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 9:46 AM

Learning from the room

GoAztecs 9:46 AM feels better, manny

Christopher B. 9:46 AM Added MSFT Feb 225 Calls w/ Bob... 9.20.

GoAztecs 9:46 AM just remember….it’s NOT your fault

Manny Pattni 9:47 AM yes, jumped into MSFT....onto better things

Kingpin 9:47 AM EVRI June20 filled 1.21

GoAztecs 9:47 AM if you sized big, and it destroyed your account…then it IS your fault


LeeAnn, not awake 9:47 AM Cut my spots in MIK, W and WEN - all down. Lightening up.

GoAztecs 9:47 AM i take it that’s not the case

Manny Pattni 9:48 AM Not sized overly big....will live to fight another day.

GoAztecs 9:48 AM smart move then

Vedula 9:48 AM added MRVL Jan monthly 45 calls for 2.89 debit

Jason 9:48 AM Mostly sitting on the sideline today unless I find a sell opportunity!!!!


GoAztecs 9:48 AM sono strong,

DAttardi 9:48 AM baba dec31 245p bot 700x..big print

Blueace Buckeye 9:48 AM WEN....fwiw....they have key tags....$2.....gets you a free Frosty every time you visit....great for grandkids


CW 9:49 AM Closed $IWM Jan 185 C at 15.75, in at 9.80. Rolled to Feb 200 C. 9:49 Thinning the herd otherwise.

DAttardi 9:50 AM pdd getting violent


Blueace Buckeye 9:50 AM WEN....I bought 6 last night for our grandkids

Jim 9:51 AM Six shares or six restaurants?


DAttardi 9:51 AM 1.8m shares of common already 20m in

Kingpin 9:51 AM remember the 165c for 12/31 pdd

Keri 9:51 AM stc CLSK Mar 17.50c in 4.5 out 9


DAttardi 9:51 AM yeah, flow in the past has been very good..

Blueace Buckeye 9:51 AM JIm....key tags for the Frosties at Wendys....they're good for a year

DAttardi 9:51 AM we shall see abt those

Kingpin 9:51 AM


1 reply Today at 9:55 AMView thread

Doss the hoss moss 9:52 AM Xpev lotto nw 54c .07

Keri 9:52 AM stc IRTC Jan 250c in 12 out 14

Gary-J 9:52 AM BTO BABA Feb 21 225's @ 16.50

Kingpin 9:54 AM image.png

Keri 9:54 AM GEVO commons only alt. fuels

Athens33 9:55 AM followed on the SAGE for Feb. 90

Kingpin 9:56 AM

11722 SPY Dec20 31st 376 Calls $0.35


DAttardi 9:57 AM edit

Kingpin 9:58 AM ? 9:58 flow or just stock performance?

DAttardi 9:59 AM no, where it bounced from yest.. i missed my own alert

GoAztecs 9:59 AM added more ddog here feb 120 at 6.2

1 1

Kingpin 9:59 AM turn volume up! lol

GoAztecs 9:59 AM good move up from the lows


DAttardi 10:01 AM 30m vpoc on pdd 154.3, up to of this 60m value range

Jason 10:02 AM Love BFT. Holding common from 13.50.

Keri 10:02 AM stc ZM Jan 350p in 5.7 out 10.50 4

Sam 10:02 AM rolled CHWY Dec 24 110 call to Jan 08 110 for 3 credit, sold against Apr 110


1 reply Today at 10:03 AMView thread

GoAztecs 10:03 AM added some PLTR feb 28 calls at 4.75

1 1 1

Jason 10:03 AM replied to a thread:rolled CHWY Dec 24 110 call to Jan 08 110 for 3 credit, sold against Apr 110 Nice move @Sam

GoAztecs 10:03 AM great work sam

DAttardi 10:04 AM uup jan8 24.5c bto 19k+

Blue Chips 10:04 AM V: banking on the historical post holiday bump. bto March $210 calls at 9.50.

Keri 10:05 AM stc MGNI Feb 30c in 1.48 out 6.12

2 3

GoAztecs 10:05 AM small add on some APPN jan 160 calls at 11.4

1 1

Christopher B. 10:05 AM Added some PLTR Feb 28 Calls w/ Bob... 4.65. Have other spots too.

Jason 10:06 AM LOVE the pltr trade. But have to abstain to preserve cash levels:)


Rob S 10:06 AM cheers all. Have a fantastic Christmas!

2 5

GoAztecs 10:06 AM happy happy Bob S

Neil M 10:07 AM wow BABA 200 January being bought heavy

Dave M 10:07 AM TSLA moving

John H 10:07 AM more AAPL Jan 130 for 5.9


Big Homie Glenn 10:08 AM STO MGNI Jan-15-21 45 Calls @ 1.00 /// Against MGNI Mar-19-21 35 Calls @ 5.10 (less three rolls for credit //// 85 % paid for)


John H 10:08 AM in PLTR Jan 25 for 4.36

Kingpin 10:09 AM

Kingpin WKHS Thread in #eochat | Today at 9:51 AM | View message

Brian B 10:10 AM weekly 21Day on baba 220.54.. added jan220c 12.80


Kingpin 10:11 AM VFF takeover rumors


1 reply Today at 10:17 AMView thread

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 10:11 AM nice on wkhs

Kingpin 10:12 AM 3316 AAPL Jan21 136 Calls $3.10 ath test.....

DAttardi 10:16 AM tsla dec31 645c bot 937x


Kevin M 10:16 AM TRIL strong

DAttardi 10:16 AM nice print 10:17 pdd vpoc

Kingpin 10:17 AM 800 BABA Jan21 190 Puts $2.835 10:17

> 1000 BABA Sep21 150 Puts $7.50

Mose 10:17 AM VIPS liking this daily


DAttardi 10:18 AM vips bolllie's tight

Big Homie Glenn 10:18 AM PDD the anti BABA //// Added PDD Jan-29-21 155 Calls @ 9.60

DAttardi 10:18 AM nice base formed

GoAztecs 10:18 AM good strong move on MA

1 1

DAttardi 10:19 AM vips feb 27'swere added recently


TJ3 10:19 AM STM bto jan 40's .70 cht nice, Dave ment flo

Rob S 10:19 AM UNH starting a good move higher

Sri 10:20 AM PLTR: followed @GoAztecs and team: bto Feb [email protected]

GoAztecs 10:20 AM added some more MA here, mar 335 at 20 bucks

1 1 2

Kingpin 10:20 AM 1000 PDD Jan21 175 Calls $3.20

CW 10:20 AM Added some $FEYE Feb 24 C

Big Homie Glenn 10:21 AM BLNK up 18.80% seems strong

Len 10:22 AM added msft feb 225c at 9.30

Christopher B. 10:23 AM Added MA Mar 335 Calls w/ Bob...19.89.

GoAztecs 10:25 AM cutting a bunch of nflx jan 520's here at 14, in at 20

1 1

DAttardi 10:25 AM

Doss the hoss moss 10:25 AM Have a great day all! Happy holidays

7 4

GoAztecs 10:26 AM damon!@ happy to have you in the room…happy holidays

DC in the Desert 10:28 AM Happy Holidays Damon!

Doss the hoss moss 10:30 AM @GoAztecs thank you bob! Looking forward to a great 2021 in the room

Keri 10:30 AM bto EDIT Jan 8 86c $8.7

GoAztecs 10:30 AM yes in deed 10:31 aapl strong

DAttardi 10:31 AM cldr , look at tht hammer

GoAztecs 10:32 AM sold some srpt jan 160 calls at 30 in at 11

1 5

Kingpin 10:32 AM kabooom!

Sri 10:32 AM BABA: bto Feb 200c, 250c -- small starters (Raymond James defended selloff/FLy)

Jason 10:33 AM Impressive @GoAztecs Bam!!! 10:33 I wanna be @GoAztecs when I grow up

Kingpin 10:33 AM $JD ($84.52) - looks like 3,000 Feb $85 calls bought in a sweep for $5.45Those calls are trading against the second largest position in OITraders actively buying into weakness, shares of JD moving off early lows

GoAztecs 10:33 AM rolled up to mar 200 srpt calls at 27.5

1 10:33 thx

Kingpin 10:34 AM SRPT conf and data coming Q1

1 10:34 on their most important drug pipeline



Nicolette 10:35 AM pdd jan 150c 6.35 at open

John-OC 10:35 AM

GoAztecs 10:36 AM only TWO?

Brian B 10:36 AM Im in

Nicolette 10:36 AM bidu jan 200c 6.38 at open

John-OC 10:36 AM

GoAztecs 10:36 AM okay, short term trade

Jason 10:36 AM lol I do it, but I like your directionals pretty good!!

Blueace Buckeye 10:36 AM

GoAztecs 10:37 AM selling a bups (bull put spread) on msft, 225/220. for about 2.2 or so

2 1

Jason 10:37 AM hmmmmm I like that

GoAztecs 10:38 AM selling 225 put, buying 220 put…..THISS IS THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT, THINK….READ IT CAREFULLY, YOU WON’T MAKE MISTAKES.

1 1 10:38 DEC 31

1 1 10:38 2.16 OR SO

1 1

DAttardi 10:39 AM pdd dec31 175c look sto 2253x

Brian B 10:39 AM in the spread at 2.15

GoAztecs 10:39 AM nice brian (edited)

Brian B 10:39 AM ty for the idea 10:40 little slow today

GoAztecs 10:40 AM willing to stay with it until next thurs

Brian B 10:40 AM absolutely 10:40 size it right

CW 10:40 AM I took the $MSFT BUPS as well for 2.20

emajka 10:40 AM TSM Put/Call: 2092/12k

PeterK 10:40 AM Brain 2.15 is that your max gain

GoAztecs 10:40 AM filling from 2.14-2.20 on that


DC in the Desert 10:40 AM MSFT followed Bob on the bups at 2.18

Keri 10:41 AM loss: 94% on a dumb SNOW for nx wk $924


GoAztecs 10:41 AM looking at an apple bups too

1 1

DAttardi 10:41 AM net jan 87c bto 1130x

GoAztecs 10:42 AM nice on that NET


Big Homie Glenn 10:42 AM Added MSFT BUP’s @ 2.24

John H 10:42 AM sold more CRSP 137 C Jan ME in 22.47 out 40

Jason 10:42 AM Love that @GoAztecs In the MSFT spread at 2.17

GoAztecs 10:42 AM great jason…

emajka 10:42 AM NET 1500 Jan $100 calls


GoAztecs 10:43 AM i’ll go to the mosque, church and synagogue to pray for us



Neil M 10:43 AM @GoAztecs do u go to 1 after the other or on different days


GoAztecs 10:43 AM i’ll add some of those NET jan 87 calls at 5.4

1 2

CW 10:43 AM Sold $AMZN BUPS Feb 2800/2780 for 3.50

Justin S 10:43 AM Added AUPH jan 16c

Len 10:43 AM msft bups in at 2.25, ty Bob

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 10:44 AM same 2.25 on the bups

Justin S 10:44 AM @DAttardi was talking to my buddy yesterday that manages retirement accounts and was telling him about the GILD free lunch trade. He responds - “The funniest part of that is that I sold GILD in a clients account today that had $30k loss in GILD bc he had $160k in realized gains ytd” 2 replies Last reply today at 10:48 AMView thread

Irish_Tide 10:45 AM Followed MSFT BUPS -$2.26

Chris 10:45 AM Followed MSFT BUPS $2.19


PeterK 10:45 AM followed Bob on msft bups

GoAztecs 10:45 AM bought those tgt yest 10:45 you know how i love followthrough

DAttardi 10:46 AM free lunch is purely mechanical as the foot is removed off the neck of these dogs

Jim 10:46 AM replied to a thread:@DAttardi was talking to my buddy yesterday that manages retirement accounts and was telling him about the GILD free lunch trade. He responds - “The funniest part of that is that I sold GILD in a clients account today that had $30k loss in GILD bc he had $160k in realized gains ytd” Why would he be worried about offsetting YTD gains in a retirement account? View newer replies

Justin S 10:46 AM Tax loss selling Jim 10:46 Less capital gains = less taxes

Jim 10:47 AM In a tax sheltered account? (edited)

DC in the Desert 10:47 AM not in a retirement account

Neil M 10:47 AM i doubt there is much tax loss this year, everything is up so much

1 10:47 most will probably be better off selling after new year


Justin S 10:48 AM Idk man, maybe its not retirement accounts, but he manages peeps money

GoAztecs 10:48 AM

Keri INVITATION: Dec 30, Wednesday, day before New Year's Eve. Zoom or other video EO Chatroom

meet 'n greet, Raise a Glass of Cheer. 4:30 pm Eastern. Posted in #eochat | Yesterday at 3:31 PM | View message 10:48 GO TO THE POST AND REACT SO WE HAVE A HEADCOUNT 10:48 CLICK ON THAT POST


Kingpin 10:48 AM it takes no skill or brains to manage "peeps" money.


Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 10:48 AM CMG 1500 nw. sold 5.5, covered .5 s 10:49

you would know

Kingpin 10:49 AM yup

Jim 10:49 AM Should bought replacement stock 30 days ago then sold yesterday, maintains the position, records the loss and avoids a wash sale. My GS guy does this every year

emajka 10:49 AM BLNK ripper

Otto 10:50 AM Great chart in Bob’s twitter live; Bought PLTR 27 Feb 21 for 5.00; 29000 OI on that one

Blueace Buckeye 10:51 AM NVAX....someone just kicked it into gear a tad

Brent N 10:52 AM Sold PTON Feb 135C's in at 19.80 out at 37.50; rolled into Feb 170C's at 17.70

3 5

PeterK 10:52 AM nice Brent

Dave M 10:53 AM Nice call on that one Brent!

Manny Pattni 10:53 AM Ok off until next Monday. Today was a tough day with BABA but there have been far too many good days than tough days. Thank you for all your hard work, have learned a lot. Best of wishes to you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays. Dance like Bob and have a good cheer! See you monday.


Brent N 10:53 AM Learned patience from Bob & Glenn! 1 1

Justin S 10:54 AM Added VXX 17c for nw

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 10:54 AM pltr buying feb 28 at 4.5 selling feb 25p at 3.25. debit of 1.25 total. that's called math

Big Homie Glenn 10:55 AM STC BLNK Mar-19-21 50 Calls @ 14.60 /10.85 BTO BLNK Mar-19-21 55 Calls @ 12.85 //// Thank You Bob and Team ///// third roll and reduced position size along the way //// will hold a little longer watching the chart

Charles L 10:55 AM unless you're British, then it's maths!

Keri 10:55 AM bto ZS Feb 210c $16.75

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 10:56 AM nice glenn. i blnkd and miss that one

1 1

Charles L 10:56 AM price target 182?

Justin S 10:57 AM FANG getting whacked


Keri 10:57 AM GEVO just sayin' it again


Justin S 10:57 AM Amzn 3225 going to 0, moving on

DAttardi 10:58 AM aapl wkly 134c bot 5k+

Blueace Buckeye 10:59 AM 134 or nw?

LeeAnn, not awake 10:59 AM Starting puts on some high fliers -- all super small.


Blueace Buckeye 11:00 AM assuming next week on those apples....

LeeAnn, not awake 11:00 AM FUBO, XL, ZM (already had that one for a bit), LMND and ROKU. Looking at PTON and QS but not yet -- again, very small.

John H 11:01 AM No Bid today.


GoAztecs 11:01 AM thin today, John is right (edited)

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 11:02 AM wont be thing after tomorrow. 11:02 *thin

LeeAnn, not awake 11:02 AM

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 11:02 AM ham tonight. prime rib manana. you know it LA

Brent N 11:03 AM MA


Jason 11:03 AM Sold GRWG common at 42. In at 38.

Nolanm 11:03 AM EOSE - bit of a wild one, was up big y'day. zinc battery play, still <1bn mkt cap with some decent rev projections, Bot a few Jan 17.5 calls.

Asia 2022 11:03 AM STO NVTA March 55@5 11:03 Oops 11:03 BTO

LeeAnn, not awake 11:04 AM I'll add BLNK to my maybe-puts list

Jason 11:04 AM Off to a family lunch. Merry Christmas all!!!


GoAztecs 11:04 AM have fun jason!! merry xmas 1

Jason 11:04 AM Have an amazing holiday!!

Kingpin 11:06 AM $AAPL ($132.34) - 7,000 Jan 8th $133 calls are trading; most bought for $3.40

Justin S 11:06 AM GE - image.png

Allison 11:08 AM Look at W LeeAnn

LeeAnn, not awake 11:09 AM I'm out of W for now -- it is not overbought anymore, but I'm not long either


Allison 11:09 AM I’m in the 1/15 260p

LeeAnn, not awake 11:09 AM Here's my GE chart, Justin - image.png

Allison 11:10 AM W 15.12

Kingpin 11:11 AM 1088 BABA Jan21 195 Puts $5.647

LeeAnn, not awake 11:12 AM I'll buy a BLNK put Jan 50. Not looking to get rich quick here - but it could pull back to the 100 fib (in red ) or even teh 20-day. (edited) image.png

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 11:14 AM @Big Homie Glenn sold 1/8 1480c on cmg at 9. holding mar 1400.

Nicolette 11:14 AM gnrc jan 240c 7.50

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 11:15 AM have collected just over 2100 in sales against that 1400. not counting what i made from the original position which was the january 1340. 6 2 2 4 1 1

Sri 11:16 AM TGT: bto Jan [email protected] (holding other spots, re-read @GoAztecs’s post above on follow-through day on TGT)

Justin S 11:20 AM Added BIDU 185p for next week

GoAztecs 11:20 AM my view on the banks a couple weeks ago 11:20 TheStreet @TheStreet .@realmoney contributor @aztecs99 discussed the bank stocks and what he expects to see from the banks in 2021. Twitter | Today at 11:00 AM


Sri 11:20 AM COST: lotto: bto weekly [email protected]

DAttardi 11:21 AM aapl dec31 142c bto 4k+ 11:23 aapl jan 135c bot 2223x

Nicolette 11:23 AM where is the rally?


CW 11:24 AM The rally is on vacation until Monday

Justin S 11:24 AM Cut GE 11c for 12/24 and 1/8. Will revisit around 10ish if it gets there

Brian B 11:24 AM cut back 1/2 of nvda and googl feb calls 11:24 both names are slugs 11:24 throw in amzn

Big Homie Glenn 11:24 AM STO BLNK Jan-15-21 62 Calls @ 4.10 //// Against BLNK Mar-19-21 55 Calls @ 12.85( less three rolls and position reduction) nice juicy premium collected /// Thank You LeeAnn , tempted to add a few puts

Keri 11:24 AM one of the reasons I've been selling as much as I have is bc the semi's and transports aren't confirming a rally -- I can always get back in and I am sitting on some losses


Sri 11:24 AM COST: stc lotto@break-even

CW 11:25 AM Cut $BIDU for next week -- down 75%

Justin S 11:26 AM VOLD looking terrible

LeeAnn, not awake 11:26 AM Sold GS Jan 255c - up 16% - I have Feb and I'm moving things out of Jan now.


DAttardi 11:26 AM it's the trin wonky as a/b is green

Justin S 11:27 AM Weird

Sri 11:27 AM BABA: added a tiny bit of Apr 250c here


Justin S 11:29 AM More QQQ 309p for nw

GoAztecs 11:29 AM JUST IN: 80 employees at ’s two In-N-Out locations test positive for COVID- 19. 11:30 u think that will shorten the line? not a chance

Brian B 11:30 AM oofa

Justin S 11:30 AM Burgers with a side of Covid

Doss the hoss moss 11:30 AM @GoAztecs seems like a nothing burger to me bob...

GoAztecs 11:30 AM ouch!!

Brent N 11:30 AM The food is cooked?

Doss the hoss moss 11:31 AM Sorry now I’m leaving

Nicolette 11:31 AM living dangerously baba jan 215c 12.50 small. sto baba jan 200p 7.70


Doss the hoss moss 11:31 AM Or maybe that’s the bynd burger. I’m not really sure

emajka 11:32 AM BABA bounce on that news

Keri 11:33 AM stc PYPL Apr 240c up 2% yes I'm being overly careful! (edited) 11:35 bto LMND Jan 100p $3.90

DAttardi 11:35 AM iq jan 19c bto 1793x 11:35 aapl jan 145c bot 4501x 11:36 here we go again 11:36 nke mch 150c bto 4300x 11:37 10k on those nke 11:37 prob a good bet .. off the chart

Kingpin 11:38 AM ya, 180 looks next fib

Nicolette 11:39 AM added to arkg jan 110c 2.35

DAttardi 11:40 AM baba dec31 220c bto 902x

Sri 11:40 AM ARKG: followed @Nicolette: added to Jan 105, 110c strikes

Kingpin 11:40 AM FB date with 250?

Sri 11:41 AM SNAP: bto Jan [email protected] on p/b; PINS: bto Jan [email protected] on p/b

Brian B 11:41 AM added another jan220c on baba 11.51

Nicolette 11:43 AM trit feb 12.50c 3.36

DAttardi 11:45 AM jd jan22 135c look bto 1k

LeeAnn, not awake 11:46 AM Sold my FUBO put - up 22%. May be more downside, but it's at a .50 fib retracement and I don't want to push it mroe today (edited)

2 emajka 11:50 AM AAPL 10,000 OTM Jan. 22nd (W) $155 calls bought

GoAztecs 11:50 AM added some dia 302 puts for 12.31 at 2.77. a bit of protection (edited)



Sri 11:51 AM BABA: bounce in progress..will it hold?

GoAztecs 11:51 AM sorry those dia were 302 not 301

2 1

Nicolette 11:51 AM added to pins jan 75c 2.09

DAttardi 11:51 AM iq jan 19c bto 4375x 11:51 up to 12k now on iq

Kingpin 11:52 AM engulfer too

Sri 11:52 AM DIA: followed @GoAztecs on puts 11:52 QQQ: followed @Justin S on puts

Christopher B. 11:52 AM Added to NKE Mar 145 Calls... 6.15. Thanks to Dave for the call out on NKE volume at the 150 strike. 11:52 and Eric too.

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 11:52 AM bto SPY Jan 4 369c 2.71

Brent N 11:54 AM Added a few NET Feb 90C's @ 7.80

MarkB 11:55 AM Just dropping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Stay safe


DAttardi 11:55 AM baba wkly 220c bto 517x

Sri 11:55 AM SQ: lotto: bto weekly [email protected] (edited)

DAttardi 11:56 AM 65m idea

Christopher B. 11:56 AM Added to NET Feb 85 Calls...9.80.


DAttardi 11:56 AM idex apr 2c blasted today 10k+

Sam 11:56 AM Spreads expiring/closing today AMZN 3180/3190 call spread in at 3.7 out at 3.7 CMG 1340/1350 call spread in at 4.9 exercise at 10 TTD 915/920 call spread in at 2.56 exercise at 5

LeeAnn, not awake 11:57 AM Heading out early. Merry Christmas everyone!

5 15

Gif KeyboardAPP 11:57 AM @LeeAnn, not awake: /gifs Charlie Brown Christmas (20 kB) 4

DAttardi 11:57 AM Merry Xmas


PeterK 11:57 AM Merry Christmas Leeann


Sri 11:58 AM

SQ: stc weekly [email protected]/.7 -- gotta that gift 'n not look at its mouth (for many reasons, no less)... (edited)

PeterK 11:58 AM Before everyone leaves just want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and to thank you all Merry Christmas

GoAztecs 11:59 AM nice sri

emajka 12:00 PM IDEX April $2 calls up to 12,700X

Sri 12:00 PM (thanks Bob; had a doozy with yesterday's BABA weekly 255c, but kept it small... thank you for teaching us so much!)

Otto 12:00 PM Happy Holidays everyone!

Sri 12:01 PM Happy Holidays, Otto! 12:01 Happy Holidays, Everyone !

2 12:01 does market close@1pm EST or 1:30pm EST today?

Vijay 12:01 PM Happy Holidays all

DAttardi 12:01 PM ok ..more pdd

1 1

Mose 12:01 PM Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen!


DAttardi 12:02 PM jan 180c bto 1300x..rollout and up.. nw 165c sld

Christopher B. 12:02 PM @Sri Market closes at 1PM EST

BMan (just 'nother Brian) 12:02 PM Happy Holidays all, hope you have a relaxing few days off and lots of good food, fellowship, and whatever makes you happy!

Sri 12:02 PM thank you, CB!


DAttardi 12:02 PM nio jan8 57c bto 3320x..

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 12:04 PM In the dia news 301p 2.4

Jim 12:05 PM Have a nice holiday all .. see you Monday

TJ3 12:05 PM Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All.

Silent Cal, Dryer repairman 12:06 PM Have a good one everyone I'm going to go Day drink until I black out and see if I can fit down the chimney

5 1

Brent N 12:06 PM BTO SPY 12-31 366P @ 2.30

Jim 12:07 PM @Silent Cal, Dryer repairman can always depend on you to keep up appearances


Sri 12:07 PM SPLK: on my watch to add more; strong recovery from its lows, as noted by @Keri @arvind @Brian P @Brian B


Brian B 12:07 PM Merry Christmas all! Shutting down

Justin S 12:08 PM @Silent Cal, Dryer repairman hope you’re wearing this Image from iOS

1 1

Sri 12:08 PM @Not Until September 2021 Justin, does that illuminate?

Kingpin 12:08 PM lol nice justin!


DAttardi 12:08 PM msft jan23 245c bto 1500x.. huge print

Kingpin 12:08 PM hope its a onesy (edited)

Justin S 12:09 PM Indeed it is. Usually my Santa con outfit but i figured I’d wear it today

Big Homie Glenn 12:09 PM

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Awesome EO Traders ///// Counting our blessings everyday, plenty to be thankful for.

8 2 5 1

Blue Chips 12:09 PM AAPL: added a few March 130/155 call spreads

Keri 12:10 PM

Have a great holiday, to you and your family, Glenn I'm getting new kitchen countertops, too!

1 1 1

emajka 12:10 PM FSLR with 550 January 2022 $82.50 puts sold to open

Big Homie Glenn 12:11 PM Good Job Keri


emajka 12:11 PM TSLA with 15,000 January 2022 $810 calls opening


Dave M 12:12 PM added TSLA Feb 900c 12.50

DAttardi 12:13 PM baba mch 110p bto 2900x

GoAztecs 12:13 PM ewwww

Allison 12:14 PM Closed 1/15 W 260p in 15.12 out 18.60


DAttardi 12:14 PM tsla diagonal.. sep 720c bto/ jan22 810c sto 14k+.. even $$ 12:14 nice trade

Kingpin 12:15 PM eric let your twtr friend know they were sold

Sri 12:15 PM ARKG: nice add on bottom, @Nicolette!

Nicolette 12:15 PM @Sri TY!

DAttardi 12:16 PM > 14895 TSLA Jan22 810 Calls $119.00 (FT Theo=119.35) BIDSIDE AMEX 12:09:19.639 IV=61.5% -2.2 PHLX 55 x $118.10 - $120.55 x 51 EDGX SPREAD/FLOOR - OPENING Vol=15k, OI=131, Delta=50%, Impact=747k/$494.1m, Vega=$4.08m ELLIOTT- 13F TSLA=661.71 Ref Earnings 1/27 After Close (est) 0.6 Times Usual Volume Option Alert (12:09:24 PM): > 14895 TSLA Sep21 720 Calls $119.00 (FT Theo=118.69) ASKSIDE AMEX 12:09:19.639 IV=62.8% -1.1 CBOE 21 x $118.35 - $119.40 x 1 AMEX SPREAD/FLOOR Vol=15k, OI=24k, Delta=54%, Impact=811k/$536.9m, Vega=$3.34m ELLIOTT-13F TSLA=661.71 Ref Earnings 1/27 After Close (est) 0.6 Times Usual Volume Option Alert (12:09:30 PM):

Vijay 12:16 PM followed Bob on DIA puts bto 12/31 [email protected]

DAttardi 12:16 PM they can always come here if they want the full picture


Kingpin 12:16 PM where is laughing mike

Sam 12:16 PM BTO ADBE Jan 8 497.5/502.5 Call Spread for 2.45 (edited)

Gif KeyboardAPP 12:18 PM @Christopher B.: /gifs laughing mike (153 kB)

DAttardi 12:19 PM the best.. if uhave a chance watch the Comedy Central roast where tht is from .. Amy Shummer the Comedian speaking at the time


Big Homie Glenn 12:19 PM BTO ADBE Jan-08-21 497.5/502.5 Call Spread For 2.50 ///Following Sam

Blue Chips 12:19 PM MSFT: added a few March $220/245 call spreads at 8.90

GoAztecs 12:21 PM nice rocco 12:23 good idea to keep some protection on


Sri 12:23 PM BABA: recovering past 220...


PeterK 12:23 PM these last 2 days have not been kind to my acct


Kingpin 12:24 PM MARK inside day holding $2

emajka 12:26 PM NTES Jan 95 calls near 3500X

Nicolette 12:27 PM mu jan 75c 1.73

Nolanm 12:27 PM like the DIA puts - any reason 12/31 vs Jan21 after Georgia runoffs?

Brent N 12:28 PM Expense

Nolanm 12:28 PM yeah

Brent N 12:28 PM you can always roll down and out if necessary

Nolanm 12:28 PM got tks

emajka 12:28 PM PRTS size buyers here February $10 calls $3.20 to $3.60 for 3000X

Christopher B. 12:28 PM Rolling some CZR Mar 70 Calls to 75 strike...2.47 credit.

Keri 12:29 PM I went w. DIA Jan 295p $3.3 (edited)

GoAztecs 12:29 PM nice CB


DAttardi 12:31 PM >Market Color NET - Bullish option flow detected in Cloudflare (84.99 +3.09) with 30,942 calls trading (1.7x expected) and implied vol increasing over 1 point to 63.70%. . The Put/Call Ratio is 0.18. Earnings are expected on 02/11.

Nolanm 12:31 PM agree Keri did piece of Dec and Jan


Vedula 12:33 PM Merry Christmas All

4 12:33 See you on Monday.

Keri 12:33 PM have a great holiday wkend, V!

Vedula 12:33 PM Stay Safe 12:33 Tq Keri

Kingpin 12:34 PM DIA/SPY reclaiming vwap here (edited)

Brent N 12:34 PM


Brian B 12:35 PM baba 12:35 sorry had to pop back in..

Allison 12:35 PM AI 1/15 155p 16.8

GoAztecs 12:36 PM ma super strong


Allison 12:37 PM Fsly raining in my parade today

GoAztecs 12:37 PM going to add some MA 340 jan calls at 7.3 1 1 1

DAttardi 12:38 PM more aapl upsides 12:38 jan 135 and 150c bot

Kingpin 12:38 PM seen this movie before


DAttardi 12:40 PM

The picture can't be display NORAD Tracks Santa ed. Official NORAD Santa Tracker Follow Santa Claus as he makes his magical journey around the world!

2 12:40 and he's got his mask on!

Keri 12:40 PM

I am out of VFF from yest flat as a the mj trade too wonky for me. Just GRWG commons for the win

Christopher B. 12:41 PM Added a few of the MSFT BUPS w/ Bob and others 12/31 220/225 strikes for 2.51 credit. Late to the party...LOL

Allison 12:42 PM Love that DAttardi

Big Homie Glenn 12:43 PM Added MA Jan-15-21 340 Calls @ 7.40 /// Following Bob


Keri 12:43 PM that's funny Dave Santa tracker

1 12:46 bto NET Feb 85c $9.20 groundhog day: same one I sold right here 10 days ago lol at 35% up.... guess I'm a little jumpy these days

Nicolette 12:48 PM intu jan 400c 2.70 12:49 nice pop for mgni

1 1 1

Gif KeyboardAPP 12:50 PM @Kingpin: /gifs human fund (52 kB)

Kingpin 12:50 PM i made contribution for you all to the human fund

Not Until September 2021 12:50 PM Thanks!

Nicolette 12:50 PM ipoc rs

Kingpin 12:50 PM nice pop here! vwap cleared spy/dia 12:51 spy hod! LFG#

DAttardi 12:51 PM wow ..qs 12:52 wkly 80c just opend

Kingpin 12:52 PM

emajka 12:52 PM RECAP 12/24 Unusual Calls: $FEYE Jan 27 C $AAPL Dec31 135 C $AAPL Dec31 140 C $UUP Jan08 24.5 C $NET Jan 100 C $XL Jan 30 C $IQ Dec31 18.5 C $PRTS Feb 10 C $NET Jan 100 C $TEVA Jan 11 C

DAttardi 12:52 PM jan 65 and 75c also bt

emajka 12:52 PM RECAP 12/24 Chatter: $VFF + $CGC $AQMS + Licensing deal 12:52 RECAP 12/24 Unusual Puts: $BILL Jan 130 P $IQ Jan22 16 P $FUBO Jan 40 P $GIK Feb 10 P $AAL Jan 14 P

DAttardi 12:52 PM someone wants in

Not Until September 2021 12:52 PM

AAPL 140?

Nicolette 12:52 PM anet hoid 12:52 hod

GoAztecs 12:55 PM added some SAGE feb 100's here at 6 (edited)

1 1

Len 12:55 PM msft - good turn around after Dave's flow - jan 23 245c

DAttardi 12:55 PM vips nhod..

Keri 12:57 PM

have a great long holiday wkend everyone

4 1

GoAztecs 12:58 PM added some 1/29 spy 371 calls at around 6.6


DAttardi 12:58 PM Merry Christmas everyone!


GoAztecs 12:58 PM thanks Dave and all 3

DAttardi 12:58 PM wow../es ripper

GoAztecs 12:58 PM merry xmas!!!


Kingpin 12:58 PM

DAttardi 12:59 PM man, did they just jack this thing

Len 12:59 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!


K S 12:59 PM Merry Christmas

DC in the Desert 12:59 PM Merry Christmas all! Have a great long weekend!

Nolanm 12:59 PM Thanks Bob for welcoming day 1 with you guys - Happy Holidays

Blueace Buckeye 12:59 PM

Ripper right at day's end.....Merry Christmas.....

GoAztecs 12:59 PM ty ty

Nicolette 12:59 PM chips moving

Charles L 12:59 PM

PeterK 12:59 PM Merry Christmas all

Kevdog 1:00 PM Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Hope everyone can have a relaxing time with as much time with close family and friends as possible! kbb


GoAztecs 1:00 PM chips — frito lay, @Nicolette? 1:00 hahaha

Nicolette 1:00 PM Have a wonderful holiday everyone! Merry Christmas!!!

4 1

DAttardi 1:00 PM Feast of the seven fishes in 3...2...1

2 2

Len 1:00 PM image.png

2 2 1

Nicolette 1:00 PM @GoAztecs lol

Not Until September 2021 1:00 PM To AAPL 140 nw lottos .27

CW 1:00 PM Merry Christmas! Time to start drinking. Cheers!


Nick5 1:00 PM Merry Christmas!

orbit 1:01 PM Merry Christmas to everyone, cheers!

Kevdog 1:01 PM Holiday posole cooking here, smells great already!


GoAztecs 1:01 PM be safe everyone, see u on monday

5 1

Not Until September 2021 1:01 PM Have a great and safe holiday!!

Christopher B. 1:01 PM

Merry Christmas to All... enjoy and be safe.

Kevdog 1:01 PM Have a great one Bob and LeeAnne!

Allison 1:01 PM

Merry Xmas to all!!

Nick5 1:01 PM Have a wonderful long Holliday weekend everyone!

Sri 1:02 PM "posole" = a thick soup chiefly of Mexico and the U.S. Southwest made with pork, hominy, garlic, and chili. (Merriam-Webster)


Charles L 1:02 PM lol, i looked it up too sri

Sri 1:02 PM yeah, this dolt here knew not what it was... (at first glance, i thought was soul food inspired...) (edited)

GoAztecs 1:03 PM vix slammed again


Athens33 1:03 PM Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday. Great time to contemplate the truly important things of life.

Bob S 1:04 PM have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday everyone

Athens33 1:05 PM pozole verde de pollo is also amazing! Have a warm bowl on cold day with some avocado and lime! So rich and creamy.

Kevdog 1:06 PM That sounds great Athens; any day!

1 reply Today at 1:09 PMView thread

GoAztecs 1:08 PM okay added some 1/4 spy 371calls at 2

1 1


Pat 1:11 PM Have a blessed Christmas everyone! (edited) YouTube | PTXofficial [OFFICIAL VIDEO] 12 Days of Christmas - Pentatonix

Sri 1:11 PM SPY 1/4 calls: followed @GoAztecs (went with 370 strike) (edited)

Blue Chips 1:11 PM Merry Christmas all and Happy Holidays

Brent N 1:16 PM Merry Christmas everyone. Great stories of generosity today - there are many struggling this time of


5 1 1 1 1

Message eochat