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1996 Class of 1999 of Richmond

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CLASS OF 1999 If you're going tD ask for her han~ you'd better have something tDputonit.

Ad o lf Jewele rs has a huge selecti on of dia monds a nd settings at the best prices in town .

il l' l:t \. \\'c.11 1\lakl' Yo11 ll appy. llidg,. S l1 01'1 •i11 g ( :,. 111 .. r 1';1rl1n111 ~ (_) 11io>T;" i" ll1k . :!B~, -: 11> 7 1 . 0 1'"" T111· , .- Sn1. 10-1>. \ 1011. ,1,, h'i. 10 -H. Menti on thi s ad vc rti s111 enl ror special pricin g. Class of 1999

Section 1

Leslie Ray Adams Omar Fakhri Al-Barzinji .Jason .John Anthony Leslie 0 111ar .la.1·011 L ibcrl y Univcrsily Geo rge !\tlaso n Uni versity Univ. of Massachusc 11 s-A 111hcrS1

Ethan Alexander Atticks Andrea Margaret Ay res Christopher Anthony Bain Ha rdin Lee Barton L'tl/(/ /I Andreu C/1ri.1· Hord in Col lege 01· William and Mary Western Washin gton Uni ve rsit y Uni ve rsit y or Virgini :1 Trinity College

Tammy Lynn Belinsky Steven Edgar Bennett Gregory Roger Bishop Heather Anne Blake 7c1111111 y S1eve11 Greg Heollll' r Uni v. or No. Carolina-Chp Hill College of William and M ary .l ames M adison Uni vcrsi 1y Mary Washingto n College

Susan Carroll Bland Stephanie Anne Bogan Charles Dorrier Bonner Colby Carlson Brunt S 11 sa11 S1eplw11 ir Cl/(/r/e.1· Col/Jr Old Domini on Univcrsi1y Wa ke Forcsi Univc rsi1 y l:l osion Univc rsi1y

I Robert Henry Burger Rohyn s:r. Carlson Robert Keith Caudle III Patricia Kelly Cirka Roh Roby 11 Rob Kelly Was hington and Lee Universit y Carl eton College Hampden-Sydney College Buck nell Uni versity

Tara-Beth Coleman Paul McCourt Curley Timothy Andrew Dadson Maria Garcia De Guzman Titrn -/J et!t Pwtf T/111 Lynchburg College Virgini a Military Institute Muriu Wi11 cnbcrg Uni ve rsity Uni ve rsity or Miami

Apostolos Tolis Dimopoulos Rohert Michael Doherty Anne Gayangie Fernando .Jacqueline Reid Fields '!ii/is Ro/Jeri A1111 e .lacq11 eli11 e Purdue Uni versi ty-W. I .afayett e Co llege or Willi;nn and Mary Virgin ia Polytechnic In s!. Uni v. or No. Carolina-Chp Hill

Heather Deans Foley Elizaheth Lee Fowler Lauren Gordon Garner Grigorios Giannakopoulos I lea titer Liz Lu11re11 Greg Uni v. or No. Carolina-Clip I !ill Uni v. or No. C'aro lina-Chp I !ill Uni v. or Ri chm ond -We sthampton Prince ton Uni versity

2 Nancy S. Gistovcr William George Goode .Jennifer ,Jean Hall Cynthia Sun Ham Nw1cv /Jill Jenny Cindy Drake Uni versit y Coll ege or William and Mary James Madi son Uni versit y Pol ytec hni c In st.

Robert Wiley Hughes ,Jason Tolan ,Jacoby ,John Sung-Hyun ,Jung ,J effrey Lynn King Bob Jason .loli11 .!e/l Stanrord Uni versit y Uni versity or Ri chmond Uni v. or Calirorni a-Ri vcrside Virginia Co1nnH1nwealth Uni v.

,Justin Leonard Krieger Lisa Marion Langendorfer .Joshua Howard Levi Blake Lloyd .!11sti11 Lisa .los/i /3/11 ke Coll ege or Wi lli am and Mary U ni ve rsit y or Virginia Vi rgini ;1 Pol ytec hni c Inst. Universit y or Baltimore

Philip Steward Marstiller .Jr. Matthew Michael Mayer ,Julie Ellen McConnell ,Joan Marie Mielke Ward Mall .!11/ie Jo!ln Du ke Uni versity Morav ian College Agnl!s Scott Colkgl! (';tlil'orn ia State Sa n lk rna nlin

3 Terrell William Mills Rehe<.:rn Miner .Jonathan Andrew Muenkel 'frrr!'// Jennifer Leigh Norred Neliecnt ./1111 uthw 1 Gcorgi<1 l11 stitutc or Tec h. D:1 vid son Co lkgc .le111 1i/er Mi:imi Uni vc rsit y-Oxrmd Uni ve rsity or G..:: orgia


Reha Dismukes O 'Connor Christian Arrowsmit.h Parrish .lames Earle Plmnhoff 111 Nelm Midiacl Christian Prem Christion lllllll'.\' Uni w rsit y or Wes t l 'lorid:i Michael .l:imes Madison Uni ve rsit y Virginia Pol ytec hni c In st. .1 :1111 ..:s Madi son Uni ve rsit y

Man: Anthony l'rin<.:e Wilson Randolph Prin<.:e Kelly Nicole Reeves Michael .James Rothermel fl/lo/"I' Wi/.1·011 Nikki Mike llost on Uni ve rsit y JJ ;1111p tk n-Sy d 11 cy Col k gc Nort h C:irnlin:i St:i tc- R:ileigh R:indolph-M:icon Co llege

Troy Sa ve nko Asmi A. Shah Cregory Robert Sheldon Reginald Smith Snider h 111· i \ s111i Grego n · Neg ( ':ipit:d Uni ve rsit y llni v. or C:il irorn i:i-1r vinc l 'r:i nklin :ind M :i rsh:dl College Uni ve rsity or Georgia

4 Uavid Anthony Stock Patrick Joseph Vaccarino Wesley Garland Walker Rebecca Elaine Wallace Duvid Patrick Weslev Rebl'CW Jame s Madison University University or Virginia Unive rsit y of Virgini a Uni versit y of Virginia

George Clarence Walls Uavid Brian Ward Tracey Danielle Watkins Susan Bland Watson Ce01 ge David 'fracel' Su.1·w1 SUNY College Brockport Uni ve rsity or Virgini a Uni v. or So. Carolina-Colun1hi;1 Uni v. or No. Carolin:1 -Chp I I ill

Karen Michelle Welch Janet Lynn Westbrook Kendi Lee Woolley Andra Jade Zavoy Kare11 ./1111 el Krndi /\11dm Univc rsi1 y o l' Virginia James Madison Uni versity Purduc Uni vcrsity- W. Lafayctt c Wcl Ics Icy Col lcgc

Not Pi ctured

Kirsten Michelle Mackey Kir.1:1e11 Univ!.! rsity of V irginia

5 Class of 1999

Section 2

David Dunham Addison, Jr. Benjamin William Andersen Katherine Kelly Henson David Be11 Koth eri11 e Un iversity or Yirgini;1 .lames Madison Uni ve rsity Uni versity or Virginia

Carl Hill Bivens III Angela Dale Boice Caroline Elizabeth Urowder David Paul Buckley Carl A 11 gelu Cam/i11 e Duve Hampden-Syd ney College Uni v. or No. Carolina-Chp Hill Uni v. or Rich111ond -Wcs1ha1np1 on Uni versit y or L owell

LeAnn Marie Buntrock Thurmond Alexander Capps II Sharon Elizabeth Chambers SangChae Choi Ld 11111 '/J111m11!i1d Sherrr Choi fo111 cs Madison Uni vcr, ity Norrolk Stat e Uni ve rsit y Old Dominion Uni ve rsity S..:o ul National Uni vers it y

.lames Jose ph Collins Relcnee Lynn Cook John Patrick Cunningham Craig .luraj Cunvood ./11111 e .1· Re/rnee .loh11 Mary W;is hington Col le g..: Cmig Jam..:s Madison Uni ve rsit y Col leg..: ol' Wi llia111 ;ulll Mary .l ames Madi son Uni ve rsity

6 Sarah Elizabeth Everett .Jolm Kent Dickinson IV Joy Caroline Draper Lauren Michelle Ebersole Elizabeth .lay .Joy La11re11 Uni versit y or Virginia l College or Willia111 and Mary Un iv. or Richm ond-Wes thampton Pennsylva nia Stat e Uni ve rsit y

Walter David Falcon Jr. Eric Josef Finkbeiner Kimberly Christine Foley Leigh Stanley Gettier Leigh David Eric Ki111berlr Uni ve rsit y ol' l{ich1n ond Co ll ege or Willia111 and Mary Virginia Con11nonwcal1h Un iv. Uni w rsi ty or Roches ter

Shunda Tryleshia Giles Michael Seth (;inther Jonathan Evan Gower Christopher Williams Grant S/11111d11 Se th t..'\I(/// Chris James Mad ison Uni ve rsit y Virginia Po lytec hni c In st. Uni ve rsit y of Vi rgini;i C\:: ntral Michi g;111 Un iversit y


Lisa Greenfield John Anthony Guarino Caroline Haynes Guerin Edward Hugh Haas Lis<1 .loh11 C11mli11 e l'd1rnrd Nl;1ry Washi ngton College .l ames Madi son Uni ve rsit y Washin gton and Lee Uni versit y La fa yelle Coll ege

7 Rebecca Wynne Hartz Catherine Angelina Indelicato Scan Lawrence Ingram William Pinckney Irwin V /J ec:ky Kmie Sea 11 /Jill Uni ve rsit y or Vi rginia .la111 es M:1d ison U ni versit y Virginia Po lytec hnic Inst. Ha111pden-Sydncy College

Rachel Elaina Jackson Mary Beth Joachim Surina .lossan David Wasseem Kazzie !

Nicola Lucinda Kemp Donnie Lewis Kidd David Aubrey Kurzweil Connie Rae Kuykendall Nicola Do1111ie David Co 1111 ie Uni v. or No Caro lina-Charlot te Uni ve rsit y or Virgini a College or Wi lliam and Mary .l a111 cs Madison University

Michelle Charlotte Lam Andrew Bryan Law Cathryn Ann Le .lames Christopher Lemons Mic/1 elle 1\r1drew Cmhrv11 Cli ris U ni v. or Ri c h111 ond-U ni v Col Col lcge or Ch:1 rlcsto 11 Unive rsit y or Virginia Ha111pdcn-Sydncy College

8 Amy Elizabeth Miller Christopher Michael McCarthy Kenyalta Yvette McLeod John Randolph McNccr A111 y Chris Ke11 yutta John College or Wi lli am and Mary Georgetow n Uni versity Virginia Union University Washington and Lee Univers it y

Kamie Marie Parker .Jennifer Susan Minyard Abigail Jocelyn Murray Phillip J ewel Nichols Jr. Ku111ie .le1111i(er Abby Phillip Virgini a Pol ytec hnic In st. Northern Ariwna Uni versit y Wes tern M ichi gan Uni vcrsi1 y Un iversity or Ri chmond

Duane David Parr Jr. Eric Gordon Peters Jr. Bernard Gregory Pike James Bernard Reis /)ovid Gordon IJ ernie Neis Uni ve rsit y or De l;i warc Uni ve rsity or Ri chmond Randolph-Macon College Drex d Uni ve rsity

Eric John Reynolds Katherine Mac Salt Richard Daniel Scott Charles Kalman Seyfarth t::ric Katherin <' Ric!l!lrd C/111 ck SUNY College Fredoni a Da vid son College Uni vcrsit y of Virginia Virginia Pol ytechni c In st.

9 Leslie Anne Sizemore Ua na Mary Slater Heather Nixon Stevenson Victoria Stoner Leslie Utuw Heal her Tori Ltrn gwood College Universi1 y of Virginia College of William and Mary Mary Wa shi ngton College

Neil Shantaram Talegaonkar Anne Catherine Thomas Dana Wrenn Traynham [)avid Michael Vogt Neil Anne Darw David Tu lane Uni vcrsi1 y College of William and M :1ry Uni versit y of Virgini a SUNY College Fredonia

Barry Jay Waldman Robert Kossuth Weber Henry Irving Willett III Michelle Christina Wong !Jarry Rober! Henry Michelle Uni vcrsi1y of Virginia Wabash College Unive rsity or Virginia Duke Uni vcrsi1 y

Kerry Rohert Wortzel Amanda Rose Kronin Kerry !111w 11 da Co llege of William and Mary fr11nsfi-r S111de111



I li gli '111 a lil\· wa 1..l1 11 11d j1 ·w .. lrY rq>air :l\·ai l:ilil1·. Hid g1· S li opp i11 g C1·1111·r. l':irl1a111 ix () 11i 1>1Ta ,; i11 H1k. ~l\:i -: 1(1 7 1 . Opt> rr Trrr· ,; .- S:t i. 10 -(1. ~lorr . ,\: Fri . 10 -/l. Mention thi s advertisment fo r special pricing.