Forwards Rockland County Resolution Calling for Closing of Plants For
. , , ' The Co,, y ,Rockland OFFICE OF i .. ,'Y ATTORNEbe, c., ' Cou ilding / 't ' New Ci rk 10956 MARC L PARRI3 . County Arromey , DEC 13 p4:74(914)425914) 425-5000 5180 h.: - December 10, 1982 "'' ''f;. .!j. g, .GVICE uj T4.9 y Mr. Nunzio Palladino Chairnan DOCKET NUMM ra - Nuclear Regulatory Commission PROO.kUTLI Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Palladino: Enclosed please find a copy of a resolution introduced by the Rockland County Legislature on December 7, 1982 calling for the closing,of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants for failure to remedy deficiencies at the expir- ation of the 120-day clock; '/ery t'ruly yours , MARC L. PARRIS Cogn#y Attorney /M. * ' ERIC OLE THOR $ Assistant County Attorney ep cc: James T. Ahearne ) Thomas Roberts ) James Asselsteine ) N.R.C. I Victor Gilinsky ) Hon. Sam Gdanski - 1 g O hh . - -8 ,, . llD New Business Hon. S. Gdanski Introduced by: Hon. H Reisman Referral No. Hon. Kenneth Igenito December 7, 1982 Hon. Ed Gorman . RESOLUTION NO. OF 1982 CALLING FOR THE CLOSING OF THE INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS FOR FAILURE TO REMEDY DEFICIENCIES "120 DAY CLOCK." ' WHEREAS, by Resolutions No. 320 of 1982, No. 430 of 1982, and No. 473 of 1982, the Legislature of Rockland County has expressed its concern for the threats to the health | safety und welfare of the citizens of Rockland County which are posed by the nuclear electrical generating facilities at Indian Point, Buchanan, New York, and . WHEREAS, there have been and remain substantial inherent risks in the operation of nuclear electrical genera ting facilities
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