OF TRENT50 MAGAZINE YEARS SPRING 2019 50.2 20 SHIRLEY WILLIAMS ’79 An Excerpt from the Professor Emerita’s Childhood Memoir 30 STEWART WHEELER ’88 Canada’s Chief of Protocol Brings His Trent Experience to the World Trent Alumni Support I.M. Well gives you 24/7 access to Masters’ Level Counsellors over the phone and through Live Chat! You can chat with or call a local, Canadian-based counsellor whenever, wherever, so you’re always receiving the most up-to-date and appropriate support available. OTHER FEATURES: Interactive Set Healthy Connect with campus & Mood Tracking Reminders community resources 240 Intake in Extended to 180 languages immediate family presents Presented by the Trent University Alumni Association, I.M. Well is a FREE mental wellness program available to all Trent Alumni who graduated in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Search I.M. Well to download for free TRENT is published three times a year in June, October and March by the Trent University Alumni Association. Unsigned comments reflect the opinion of the editor only. Trent University Alumni Association Alumni House, Champlain College Trent University Peterborough, Ontario, K9L 0G2 705.748.1573 or 1.800.267.5774, Fax: 705.748.1785 Email:
[email protected] trentu.ca/alumni EDITOR • MANAGING EDITOR Donald Fraser ’91 COPY EDITOR Megan Ward DESIGN Beeline Design & Communications CONTRIBUTORS Donald Fraser ’91, 16 Lee Hays ’91, Melissa Moroney, Kathryn Verhulst-Rogers Paul Rellinger, Mike Martyn ’90, Ian Tamblyn ’67, Megan Ward, Shirley Williams ’79, Cheyenne Wood EDITORIAL BOARD 4 | Editorial Marilyn Burns ’00, Sebastian Cosgrove ’06, Donald Fraser ’91, Lee Hays ’91, Melissa Moroney, 5 | University President’s Message Ian Proudfoot ’73 PRINTING and BINDING 6 | What’s New at Trent University Maracle Press, Oshawa 8 | Spotlight on Research TUAA COUNCIL HONORARY PRESIDENT T.H.B.