The proposals for the site are to: We are keen to understand the views of our neighbours and the local community before • Redevelop an inefficient and outdated 1980s submitting a planning application to commercial building which detracts from its City Council. historic context fronting Berkeley Square. • Introduce a new high-quality, sustainable, office, We would therefore be grateful if you could retail and restaurant development of exemplary complete a feedback form once you have reviewed design, in a building which is flexible and will the exhibition and return this via the ballot box or a meet the current and future needs of tenants. FREEPOST envelope. • Deliver substantial improvements to the surrounding public realm including extensive Members of the project team are available landscaping to the front of the building and to discuss the proposals and respond to any significant pavement widening to reconnect it questions you may have. with Berkeley Square as well as the widening of Lansdowne Row. THE TEAM LANSDOWNE HOUSE


CO-RE are central developers specialising in Winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize, Allford Hall Monaghan AHMM’s other work in sensitive Westminster locations the transformation of large-scale complex assets for Morris (AHMM) was established in 1989 and has offices includes three projects in the Regent Street and over 20 years. They work collaboratively with all parties, in London, Bristol and Oklahoma City. AHMM makes Conservation Areas for the Crown Estate; Soho Place, a championing high quality sustainable design, building in buildings that are satisfying and enjoyable to use, new mixed use scheme including a new 350-seat theatre flexibility for future use. beautiful to look at and easy to understand. The practice in the Soho Conservation Area; and the Metropolitan designs very different buildings for very different people Police Service’s home at New Scotland Yard in Whitehall. Recent developments by CO-RE include LSQ London, to use in very different ways, making places as well as AHMM was named AJ100 Practice of the Year and Building which has transformed the entire west side of Leicester buildings that work over time and have lasting qualities Magazine Architectural Practice of the Year in 2018. Square. It consists of contemporary offices and new shops intrinsic to their architecture. including the Lego Store, high-quality new architecture combining with a partial retained façade to revitalise a Recipient of many other awards for architecture and tired location. The development included significant public design, the practice has received public and media LSQ London realm improvements and artworks around the site. acclaim for its work across sectors. AHMM is known for its reinvention of buildings and places including Television CO-RE recently completed 10 Fenchurch Avenue in the Centre, the Barbican, and the Tea Building, as well as new City, a large high-quality office building with restaurants commercial, civic, residential and education developments and public space. in London, around the UK and internationally including White Collar Factory, the Angel Building, and the University of Amsterdam.

10 Fenchurch Avenue


Planning Consultants Community Engagement

New Burlington Place - The Crown Estate 61


A HISTORY OF THE SITE LANSDOWNE HOUSE The street pattern is based on the formal grids of square and Lansdowne House was historically part of the Thestreet, original modified Lansdowne Houseoccasionally building was by gardens of Berkeley House, which was built on the actually located to the west of the site, on what is north side of in the 1660s. currentlyold estate the Lansdowne and field Club. boundaries This was built in 1768 by and remained the property of the The original Berkeley House was destroyed by Shelburneand the family courses until 1929. of streams and fire in 1733 and was replaced by the existing , whose gardens were laid out in Inconduits. the 1930s, the original Lansdowne House (now three parts. ) was altered to create Fitzmaurice Place and facilitated the building of Morris House 1. The first part extended up to the river on its former gardens. 2. The second included the site now known as NORTH GRID Lansdowne House on the southern side of HISTORYMorris House was then redeveloped in the 1980s Set out from the Roman road to Berkeley Square in a post-modern style and renamed Lansdowne Oxford it includes both Hanover and 3. The third was what has become modern-day HISTORYHouse, creating the building on site today. later Grosvenor Squares Berkeley Square, including its London plane trees which were planted in 1789, making them some of the oldest in London. 3 SOUTHERN MAYFAIR

2 3 running perpendicular to Piccadilly 3 developed following migration from

2 the fashionable area of St. James, 2 1 from plague and fire. 1 1 LANSDOWNE HOUSE Hyde Park SHEPHERDS MARKET former site of the May Fair of small 1682 Berkeley House & Gardens 1746 - Devonshire House & Gardens 1792 - Original Lansdowne House scale and village character Morgan's map 1682 John Rocque's map 1746 Horwood's Map of 1792

Berkeley House was built on the north side Devonshire House was then built on the same Lansdowne House was built in 1768 by Morgan's map 1682 of Piccadilly in the 1660’s with its groundsJohn Rocque'ssite inmap 1740 1746 by Architect , for whom ArchitectHorwood's Robert Map Adamof 1792 for Lord Bute, Prime stretching far into Mayfair, and was sold in this was a first commission for a London House. Minister. Berkeley House was1696 built with on the thestipulation north thatside its groundsDevonshire be House was then built on the same Lansdowne House was built in 1768 by of Piccadilly in the 1660’spreserved, with thus its setting grounds aside the spacesite that in 1740Berkeley by Architect house’s former William garden Kent, was for laid whom out by TheArchitect house remained Robert theAdam property for Lordof the Bute, Prime stretching far into Mayfair,later became and thewas square. sold in this was aWilliam first Kentcommission in three parts, for a London House. ShelburneMinister. family until 1929. It stood empty after Grids the First World War and was leased to Gordon 1696 with the stipulation that its grounds be 1. the garden for Devonshire house extending up Berkeley House, pictured above, was the to the Tyburn river Selfridge who hosted lavish parties there in the preserved, thus settingLondon aside residence the space of the Berkeleythat family.Berkeley It house’s former garden was laid out by '20s.The house remained the property of the later became the square.occupied the site where Devonshire HouseWilliam now Kent2. the in site three which parts, would become Lansdowne Shelburne family until 1929. It stood empty after NORTH MAYFAIR GRID SOUTHERN MAYFAIR SHEPHERDS MARKET House exists, fronting onto Green Park. Inthe 1925 First the World house lostWar its and gardens was and leased to Gordon 1. the garden for Devonshire house extending up carriageway for development for shops and Set out from the Roman Running perpendicular Former site of the Mayfair Berkeley House, pictured above, was the 3. its northern part was enclosed to create the Selfridge who hosted lavish parties there in the On 16 October 1733, the house was to the Tyburnpresent-day river public space known as Berkeley offices, the house was sold in 1929 to the road to Oxford it includes to Piccadilly developed of small scale and village London residence ofcompletely the Berkeley destroyed family. by fire It while undergoing Square. Its plane trees were planted in 1789, Bruton'20s. Club. occupied the site whererefurbishment. Devonshire House now 2. the site whichmaking would them some become of the Lansdowneoldest in central both Hanover and later following migration from character House exists, fronting onto Green Park. London. In 1925 the house lost its gardens and Grosvenor Squares the fashionable area of St. 3. its northern part was enclosed to create the carriageway for development for shops and Mayfair Mayfair 1895 Lansdowne House built 1768 James, from plague and fire. On 16 OctoberMayfair 1733, 1895 showingthe house the wasgardens of the Thepresent-day original Lansdowne public Housespace (now known Lansdowne as Berkeley Club) Morrisoffices, House the – houseon the sitewas of sold the modern-in 1929 to the Extract from Conservation Area Directory No. 11 completely originaldestroyed Lansdowne by fire House while (now undergoing Lansdowne builtSquare. in 1768 Its plane trees were planted in 1789, dayBruton Lansdowne Club. House City of Westminster refurbishment.Club) making them some of the oldest in central London. LANSDOWNE HOUSE 9 7 PUBLIC EXHIBITION 8



Mayfair was originally constructed as a series of G R O S V E N O R S T R E E T three grids, bordered by historic Roman roads running along modern-day Piccadilly, Oxford 2 M O U N T S T R E E T Street and .

The River Tyburn and Conduit Mead ran from the 12 1 north through the centre of Mayfair.


HILL STREET B R U T O N S T R E E T 5 The adopted Mayfair Plan includes a new Tyburn BERKELEY SQUARE Opportunity frontage, delivering improvements along the original route of the River Tyburn, 3 4 including Lansdowne Row. CHARLES STREET 10

11 A number of developments have been approved H AY H I L L in the area in recent years in response to this emerging approach and the desire to deliver a 6

CURZON STREET 8 5 better environment for pedestrians. The most 9 significant of these is the permission for Nightingale Key 1 Berkeley Square North regeneration

2 Mount Street regeneration House which will create a new arcade from 3 Tyburn Opportunity frontage


OLD BOND STREET into / Fitzmaurice 4 Cheval Blanc Hotel - Foster and Partners 5 Old and New Bond Street public realm works Place, near to Lansdowne Row, and a new desire 6 Nightingale House 7 Green Park Station - Curzon Street connection line for pedestrians. 8 61 Curzon Street PICCADILLY 9 56 Curzon Street 7 Local Development 10 Berkeley Square South regeneration 11 Lansdowne House Proposal Developments in the area are also contributing to Future proposals, some under construction improvements to the public realm around Berkeley 13 KEY: Square. Berkeley Square North Green Park Station - 1 7 regeneration Curzon Street connection

2 Mount Street regeneration 8 61 Curzon Street

Tyburn Opportunity 3 56 Curzon Street frontage 9

Cheval Blanc Hotel - Berkeley Square South 4 Foster and Partners 10 regeneration

Old and New Bond Street Lansdowne House 5 11 public realm works Proposal

6 Nightingale House 12 Berger House Proposal

Tyburn Opportunity Frontage - Mayfair Neighbourhod Plan


The modern-day Lansdowne House was completed in 1988, but has a number of significant issues, including:

• Inefficient layout with a large atrium, numerous cores and limited floor to ceiling heights which results in an inflexible building that provides poor-qualityEXISTING office accommodationPLAN in a landmark location in Mayfair • Poor sustainability credentials – at a time when buildings contribute over 50% of the emissions which negatively affect air quality in central London • A defensive design with small openings creating a hostile building which negatively contributes to the surrounding area • Poor quality retail and public realm around the site – particularly on Lansdowne Row and narrow pavements on all frontages

Lansdowne House typical plan

The existing 9 storey building is served by 6 cores surrounding a central atrium. The typical floorplate has a warren-like quality of spaces. The building is largely cellularised as a result. Existing Site



Proposed view from Berkeley Square


We are proposing to introduce The proposals would introduce The design of the building will seek a new high-quality commercial a flexible mix of A1 (retail), A3 to respect the character of the building which will contribute to (restaurant), A4 (bar), and D2 area, whilst framing the southern the ongoing economic success of (gym) uses at ground and lower end of historic Berkeley Square. Mayfair and central London. ground which will also help to improve the southern end of Berkeley Square and contribute to the rejuvenation of a widened Lansdowne Row.


Alberti wrote:

"Beauty is the harmony and concord of all parts achieved in such a manner that nothing could be added or taken away or altered except for the worse."

The new proposals for Lansdowne House take inspiration from the way in which the structure is celebrated and not hidden away. It is an architecture of permanence and inherent flexibility, capable of responding to future unanticipated challenges.

Modern techniques of building create longlasting architecture.

A proposed 21st Century building has top lit circulation spaces, stairs are visible and celebrated to encourage their use. This central promenade is generous and adaptable, allowing its reimagining in future use.

Indicative internal view from new Lansdowne House

Auguste Perret’s Palais D’Iena or ‘a shed fit for any purpose’ Paris 1937 Current modern and diverse uses include art and architecture is an example of using the ‘Frame as Architecture’, its use has been exhibitions, Nightclub and Fashion shows reimagined through the years


The Site presents a great opportunity to create a civic presence on Berkeley Square, one of the most important and enjoyed .

Inspired by the original Lansdowne House’s (1768) garden and pavilion relationship, the new building seeks to create a new palazzo on the square, framing the southern end of Berkeley Square with a design which respects and responds to its local context and key views. Mayfor Oriel and arcade We are seeking to create a ‘piano nobile’ (Italian for “noble floor”) a composition technique borrowed from renaissance architecture and prevalent throughout Mayfair. This variation of storey heights going up the building is in a similar fashion to the Georgian and Victorian facades on Berkeley Square.

The proposal is for a high-performance modern building, which has at the heart of its design, classical principles inherent to Mayfair’s distinctive character. The new design will have a formal composition.

Opportunities arise from the deep façade to create loggias: internal Formal composition balconies that further enrich the façade’s depth and composition which will allow occupants to step outside on all levels of the building.

Unusually for a modern building, the masonry exterior supports the building, creating a rich and deep external appearance.

The columns are sculpted to be structurally efficient allowing space between for high performance Oriel windows, referencing Mayfair’s curved glass shopfronts.

The building would curve gently to embrace the square, the corners are curved to soften the building.

The building facing the Square will have a symmetrical arrangement rising higher centrally, in keeping with a classical façade arrangement.

Detailed design Oriel Precedent The upper floors step back from Berkeley Street and Fitzmaurice Place.


At ground floor, we are seeking to deliver We are also in active discussions with the Mayfair improvements to the public realm and retail around Hotel to discuss improvements to the southern side the site, particularly on Berkeley Square and of Lansdowne Row, as part a holistic regeneration Lansdowne Row. of this important pedestrian route which runs along the route of the former River Tyburn. To achieve this, we will be setting back the building A NEW OPPORTUNITY: LANSDOWNE ROW BRUTON LANE line by 3 metres at lower levels on Lansdowne REGENERATION Row to deliver a new high-quality pedestrian thoroughfare with new landscaping.

E NTAG FRO NITY RTU PPO RN O TYBU Along Lansdowne Row, we are proposing a series of smaller A1 (retail) and A3 (restaurant) uses, to sensitively animate the frontage and be of a scale

TO SHEPHERD intended to be attractive to retailers which will MARKET

serve the needs of local residents and workers. Proposed Lansdowne Row Lansdowne Row



Proposed Lansdowne Row


To the north of the site, we are keen to introduce new, wider public realm, landscaping and enhanced crossings to improve the pedestrian experience and re-connect the site to Berkeley Square. This will also complement the - improvements on the north side of the Square.

To achieve this, we will work closely with residents, property owners and Westminster City Council in Berkeley Square to ensure the detailed proposals enhance the southern end of the Square, delivering Proposed southern end of Berkeley Square additional space for pedestrians, without impeding traffic flows.

Proposed new building with public realm improvements in Berkeley Square


The existing building is nine storeys. The proposed This proposed height and massing has been new building is intended to be ground plus eight carefully tested in key views, to ensure the storeys in height to the ‘shoulders’ of the building, proposals celebrate the southern end of Berkeley with an additional two storeys set-back from the Square whilst respecting the local context. parapet line. The additional height is two storeys.

Proposed view from Curzon Street


We want to create a long-term and flexible structure that can adapt to future uses. The intention is to ensure that high quality self-finish to structural the site does not need redeveloping for generations in the exposed thermal mass elements reduces the need for additional absorbs and stores heat finishes and associated waste future. energy

The new Lansdowne House will use a ‘sway frame’ structure. This allows for a ‘soft core’ to be provided and constructed from lighter weight materials (such as steel or timber) with a lower embodied carbon. The soft core stairs visible from floor plates to promote their can also be disassembled and re-configured in the future, use over lifts generous windows to allow deep penetration without affecting its structural integrity, allowing for of daylight & minimise use of artificial lighting greater flexibility. chilled pipework in slab provides cooling from soffit & enhances the OPPORTUNITY effect of thermal mass

A new development provides an opportunity to create an energy-efficient building that is more sustainable than a refurbishment alone can achieve. We are proposing occupancy gains several measures to improve the existing building's extract air through fan assisted trench core walls heating /cooling adaptability to a changing climate: offices & meeting rooms 1. Employing Low carbon technologies such as Ground Source Heat Pumps and Air Source Heat Pumps that are not possible in the existing building.

2. Removing the existing buildings combustion sources supply air through displacement air floor void which is not possible via refurbishment. deep projections 3. Utilising an all-electric system in the new development, provide shading thus improving air quality and reducing emissions, which would be more difficult via refurbishment. 4. Thermally insulating the new building to modern standards that far exceed the existing building’s fabric. 5. Designing in greatly improved Air tightness levels to WELLNESS BREEAM eliminate cold drafts and loss of heat. 6. Introducing new passive measures including chilled We will assess the Health and Wellbeing criteria of the building Through our proposals, we are also targeting BREEAM pipework within the floor slabs, the exposures using the latest version of the WELL Building Standard. Excellent with aspirations to achieve Outstanding, which of columns and soffits to help maintain internal This ensures the building provides good quality ventilation, is the highest form of Sustainability rating a building can temperatures. daylighting, heating and cooling, and water supply. achieve using the BREEAM methodology 7. Incorporating a hybrid displacement ventilation system which will provide better air quality.


All servicing will continue to be undertaken from its up to vehicle consolidation protocols, ensuring existing location via a dedicated servicing bay on single suppliers for some services, meaning less Fitzmaurice Place. servicing vehicles on the streets of Mayfair.

The new internalised servicing bay will incorporate Currently the loading bay is inadequate in height a turntable for servicing vehicles, avoiding the need and size, meaning delivery vehicles park on street for vehicles to reverse into or out. and deliver by hand to the loading bay.

Servicing routes will be provided at basement level The proposed loading bay has been sized and to all of the retail units and office floors. We are provisioned to be able to accommodate most also proposing a loading bay on Berkeley Street for of these deliveries off street which will make a small deliveries to retail units. substantial improvement to the look and feel of the surrounding areas: more attractive for pedestrians, Through the redevelopment of the site, there is also less noisy, and less of a ‘polluted’ feel. the opportunity to ensure that future tenants sign

increased public realm views through the building front & back

increase in usable footpath

fully off street servicing strategy

cycle parking entrance


Lansdowne Row Widened by 3m

Ground floor plan with servicing bay marked


We are committed to ensuring that the construction Regular workshops and site visits will be process is transparent, proactive, and mitigates accesible for our neighbours and interested as many adverse impacts upon our neighbours as parties where we will present our progress. possible. A dedicated resource will be on hand to A detailed Construction Management Plan (CMP) liaise with neighbours through build process. will be agreed and submitted prior to works commencing. We would adopt Westminster City Council’s Code of Construction Practice, which The consultation for the CMP will take place once includes limits on the hours of working. planning permission has been given, and it will advise on matters such as construction routes, working hours, and construction communication.

Planning Projected decision programme 4 years

Q2 Summer Q3 2026 2020 2020 2022

Planning Start on submission site



Proposed view from Berkeley Square

To recap, the proposals for the site are to: Therefore, we would be grateful if you could take the time to fill out a feedback form and to put any • Redevelop an inefficient and outdated 1980s questions you may have to members of our project commercial building which fails to contribute to the team. character of historic Berkeley Square. • Introduce a new high-quality, sustainable, office, We are committed to an open dialogue with our retail and restaurant development of exemplary neighbours regarding our application. To get in touch design, in a building which is flexible and will meet with us following the exhibition, please contact: the current and future needs of tenants. • Deliver substantial improvements to the surrounding [email protected] public realm including extensive landscaping to the front of the building and significant pavement 020 3900 3676 widening to reconnect it with Berkeley Square as well as the widening of Lansdowne Row.

Your feedback is sought as we prepare our proposals and we welcome your comments before we submit our planning application to Westminster City Council.