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ad_hot.indd 1 1/6/11 8:17 AM FAUST 2011 HOT

Cast - Faust Artistic Team SPONSORS Season Sponsors Hawaii State Foundation John Bellemer Mark Flint on Culture and the Arts Conductor Faust National Endowment for the Arts Jamie Offenbach Henry G. Akina Orchestra Director Méphistophélès Atherton Family Foundation The Cades Foundation Melody Moore Peter Dean Beck Cooke Foundation, Limited Marguerite Scenic & Lighting Designer McInerny Foundation Set Transportation Helen E. Rodgers Luis Ledesma Horizon Lines Costume Designer Valentin Costume Transportation Air Canada Cargo Beebe Freitas Leon Williams Supertitles Coach/Rehearsal Pianist Wagner A&B Foundation Nola A. Nahulu Official Airline Buffy Baggott Continental Airlines Co-chorus Director Siébel Hotel Sue Sittko Schaefer Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki Dorothy Byrne Aston Hotels & Resorts Wig & Make-up Designer Marthe Schwerlein For Everyone Gretchen Mueller Hawaii Hotel and Lodging Stage Manager Association Opera Express Leahi Swim School Hospitality Honolulu Club Lanai Lectures First Insurance Company of Hawaii Ltd. VIP Intermission Dessert The Kahala Hotel & Resort Wine MEDIA SPONSORS The Wine Stop

FAUST SPONSORS Director Anela Kolohe Foundation HAWAII OPERA THEATRE – Suzanne B. Engel, President Hawaii Opera Plaza Conductor 848 South Beretania Street Physicians for Opera Suite 301 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Costumes HOT OFFICE 808.596.7372 Architects for Opera Meet the Stars Party Louis Vuitton FAUST '%&& 3 18


9>G:8IDGÉHCDI:H HNCDEH>H DE:G6>CH><=IH DEVILISHL6 Y 8FAUST THE16 EVOLUTION DETAILED BY CHARLES GOUNOD OF FAUST Of the great European leg- Alone in his study, the aged Faust’s legendary deal with ends the Faust myth looms Dr. Faust despairs that his the Devil has intrigued large, the tale of a man lifelong search for a solution creative minds for centuries, dissatisfied with mature life to the riddle of life has been perhaps reaching its zenith who longs for youth and its in vain. Twice he raises a in the music, visual arts and blandishments. The devil goblet of poison to his lips literature of the Romantic offers him a year of youth in but falters when the songs period. The story reaches exchange for his immortal of young men and women back to early 16th-century soul. I am always impressed outside his window re- Germany, an era of religious by the Germanic vision of ... awaken the unfulfilled ... turmoil and...


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f the great European legends, the Faust myth looms learned much from his time turning back the clock. It is clear from large: the tale of a man dissatisfied with mature life the prologue to Goethe’s epic that it is not the Creator’s intent that Owho longs for youth and its blandishments. The devil Faust go to Hell, but rather that he should gain wisdom. Thus offers him a year of youth in exchange for his immortal soul. I am Mephistopheles is allowed to offer him the bargain of a year of youth always impressed by the Germanic vision of the devil here: not for his soul. The Heavens know that the devil will lose the bargain. as an omnipotent opponent of God but as a truly fallen angel. In Like America’s Daniel Webster who sends the devil packing back the words of Goethe “the spirit that wishes to do evil and finally to Hell despite a hung jury of lost souls, Faust escapes at the end furthers good.” and, though his salvation is not as remarkable as Marguerite’s, he is certainly redeemed: thrown back to his own very human existence What do we know about Faust? Like every other title character to live out his fate without the benefit of the dark arts. in this year’s HOT season he is based on a historical personage. Johann Faustus is reputed to have lived in Nuremberg sometime And what of the devil? We are shown only one incarnation of hell: in the 1400s and to have been an alchemist and sometime healer Mephistopheles. An attractive and seductive fallen angel whose who had extensive knowledge of the dark side of human existence. energy infuses the village where Marguerite is resident, to give An academic, his relationship to good or evil is murky at best. In Faust his taste of youth regained. But he is far from omnipotent. The villagers can make him cower before the cross, and though we can imagine that he is not innocent of Marguerite’s fate, his power I]^h^hVi^bZaZhhaZ\ZcY wanes against the simplicity of her steadfast beliefs. It is not that evil d[\ddYVcYZk^aVcY cannot triumph but it does not here, despite the tricks and joy that Mephistopheles brings to his mission. In the cosmos established for i]Z\gdjcY^cWZilZZc Faust, the devil is but a part and parcel of creation: as much a part [gdbWn\dcZi^bZh# of the system and of humanity as we are ourselves. This is a timeless legend of good and evil and the ground in the Murnau 1920s film he is portrayed as a healer who has lost his between, it must be seen as such: a legend from bygone times when way: the sad puppet of a very decadent devil. In the opera he is one could believe that an external evil wandered the streets. It is an older man and then a very young lover, a bit naïve and a bit much easier than fighting an internal demon as later and incompetent to control the force that is supposedly serving him for later authors do. The murkiness of an internal evil is something a year before he surrenders his soul. Other opera composers have that will plague humanity through our own time. How much more seen him differently. comfortable to witness it outside our being!

Yet Gounod’s Faust gives us something else to concentrate on: Opera audiences are spellbound by Gounod’s heroine, the village  =Zcgn<#6`^cV maiden Marguerite who is opposed to all the blandishments of the devil, though not immune to Faust’s wooing. However, things start getting odd when she finds herself with child and, cursed by her own brother, she goes mad and is finally imprisoned for having caused the death of her child. In her madness she appeals to God and is redeemed. We know from Goethe, whose Faust epic forms the basis of our feast, that Faust will also be redeemed and not have to sit out his time in Hell but we hope that he will have


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ACT I Alone in his study, the aged Dr. Faust despairs that his lifelong jewels. (“Ah! je ris”). Méphistophélès detours a nosy middle- search for a solution to the riddle of life has been in vain. Twice aged neighbor, Marthe, by flirting with her, so that Faust may he raises a goblet of poison to his lips but falters when the songs complete his seduction. As Méphistophélès invokes a night full of of young men and women outside his window re-awaken the stars, Marguerite confesses her love (Duet: “Il se fait tard!”), but unfulfilled passions and desires of his youth. Cursing life and nevertheless begs Faust to leave. The Devil mocks Faust’s failure, human passion, the envious philosopher calls on Satan for help. and points to Marguerite, who has reappeared at her window. The Devil appears, and Faust tells him of his longing for youth and As she ecstatically expresses her love for Faust, they meet and pleasure; Méphistophélès replies that these desires can be realized embrace. She yields to his embraces, as Méphistophélès’ taunting if he will forfeit his soul. Faust hesitates until the Devil conjures up laughter is heard in the garden. a vision of a lovely maiden, Marguerite. A magic potion transforms Faust into a handsome youth, and he leaves with Méphistophélès ACT III in search of Marguerite (Duet: “A moi les plaisirs”). Marguerite sings to her newborn child about the father who is far away. In the town square, Valentin and his comrades return ACT I scene II from war, singing the glory of those slain in battle (Soldier’s Soldiers and townspeople gather for a fair. A young officer, Valentin, Chorus: “Gloire immortelle”). The soldier questions Siébel about holding a medallion from his sister Marguerite, asks his friend, Marguerite but receives only evasive replies; puzzled, he enters his the young boy Siébel, to protect the girl in his absence and then house. Faust, remorseful at having abandoned Marguerite, arrives bids a touching farewell (“Avant de quitter ces lieux”). Wagner, a with Méphistophélès, who serenades the girl with a lewd ballad student, starts the revels with a lively song but is interrupted by (“Vous qui faites l’endormie”). Valentin, stepping forth to defend Méphistophélès, who delivers an impudent hymn in praise of greed his sister’s honor, fights a duel with Faust. At a crucial moment, and gold (“Le veau d’or”). The Devil refuses a drink from Wagner Méphistophélès interferes and Faust inadvertently kills Valentin. and amazes the crowd by causing new wine to flow from an old As the Devil drags Faust away, Marguerite kneels by her fatally keg. When he makes a brazen toast to Marguerite, Valentin draws wounded brother, who curses her with his last breath. She rises his sword, but it shatters. The other soldiers, recognizing Satan, slowly and laughing madly to herself, moves through the crowd hold their swords like crosses before Méphistophélès (Chorus: “De of villagers. l’enfer”), who cowers before them. As the crowd begins a waltz, Faust speaks to Marguerite. She demurely refuses to let him escort Marguerite seeks refuge in church, only to be pursued by her home; Méphistophélès returns to lead the merrymakers in Méphistophélès, who curses her and torments her with threats of their dance. damnation. She collapses.

ACT II In the prison Marguerite lies asleep, condemned to death for Siébel briefly visits Marguerite’s garden to leave her a bouquet of the murder of her illegitimate child. Faust and Méphistophélès flowers (“Faites-lui mes aveux”). The romantic youth is followed enter, bent on spiriting her away. As the Devil keeps watch, Faust by Faust and Méphistophélès, who goes in search of a gift to wakens Marguerite; at first the distracted girl is overjoyed to see outshine Siébel’s; left alone, Faust hails Marguerite’s simple home her lover, but instead of fleeing with him she tarries to recall their (“Salut! demeure”). The Devil returns with a box of jewels, which first days of happiness. When Méphistophélès emerges from the he places near Siébel’s flowers. When Marguerite arrives, she sits shadows urging haste, Marguerite calls on the angels to save by her spinning wheel to sing a ballad about the King of Thule (“Il her (Trio: “Anges purs, anges radieux”), and she walks to the était un roi de Thulé”), distractedly interrupting the verses with gallows. Méphistophélès pronounces her condemned, but reflections on the stranger she has met. Discovering the flowers as she approaches the hangman, a choir of angels proclaims and box, the girl exclaims in delight as she adorns herself with her salvation. Courtesy of OPERA NEWS Edited by: Henry G. Akina

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John Bellemer Jamie Offenbach Melody Moore Luis Ledesma Faust Méphistophélès Marguerite Valentin Hometown: Monterey, CA Hometown: Honolulu, HI Hometown: Dyersburg, TN Hometown: Mexico City Recent Productions: Recent Productions: Recent Productions: Recent Productions: Don Jose, Carmen (Boston Lyric Title Role, The Mikado Marguerite, Faust (English Jack Rance, La Fanciulla del Opera); Bocconnion, The Mines (Michigan Opera Theatre); TJ National Opera); Countess West (L’Opéra de Montréal); of Sulphur (Wexford Festival, Riggs, Elmer Gantry (Florentine Almaviva, Marriage of Figaro Title Role, Rigoletto (Florentine Ireland); Tony, Elegy for Young Opera); Angelotti, Tosca (San (Madison Opera); Soloist, Opera); Germont, La Traviata Lovers (Napoli, San Carlo); Diego Opera) Beethoven’s 9th Symphony (Ft. (Florida Grand Opera & Rodolfo, Luisa Miller (Buxton Upcoming Productions: Worth Symphony) Michigan Opera Theatre); Festival, UK) First Soldier, Salome Upcoming Productions: Gerard, Andrea Chenier Upcoming Productions: (San Diego Opera) World premiere of Heart of a (Nashville Opera); Escamillo, Ottavio, (Opera Past HOT Productions: Soldier with Thomas Hampson Carmen (Manitoba Opera, Omaha); Edgardo, Lucia di Over a dozen productions, (San Francisco Opera); Rita Austin Lyric Opera, Arizona Lammermoor (Birmingham, including: Prince of Persia, Clayton, Seance on a Wet Opera); Enrico, Lucia di USA); Ira Hayes, Der leuchtende Turandot (1988); Title Role, The Afternoon (NYCO); Plump Jack Lammermoor (Savonlinna Fluss (World Premier, Theater Mikado (2004); Sparafucile, (Bavarian Radio Symphony Festival, Finland) Erfurt, Germany) Rigoletto (2006); Grand conducted by Ulf Shirmer) Past HOT Productions: Past HOT Productions: Inquisitor, Don Carlo (2008); First Lady, Magic Flute (San HOT Debut Almaviva, Barbiere di Siviglia Basilio, Barber of Seville (2008) Francisco Opera) Favorite Pastime: Cooking, (2000); Don Ottavio, Don Favorite Pastime: Working Past HOT Productions: dancing, reading and the beach Giovanni (1998) out, running, spinning, yoga, HOT Debut Favorite Pastime: Cycling gardening, painting, and a Favorite Pastime: Cooking big foodie and trying new recipes


FAUST Chorus Chorus Coordinator Phil M. Hidalgo Soprano Beth E. Barry Natalie Capino Stephanie Conching Phyllis Haines Ingrid Harwood* Mālia Kā‘ai Barrett* Debbie Kelsey Blythe I. Kelsey-Takemasa* Buffy Baggott Dorothy Byrne Leon Williams Carena Montany Rebecca Ramos* Siébel Marthe Schwerlein Wagner Kristin Stone* Hometown: Sacramento, CA Hometown: Hershey, PA Hometown: Brooklyn, NY Heidi K. Thomas Recent Productions: Recent Productions: Recent Productions: Angela Vitro* Schoolboy, Lulu (Lyric Opera Le nozze di Figaro (Metropolitan Verdi’s Requiem (Modesto Alto Chicago); Siegrune, Die Walküre Opera); The Ghosts of Versaille Symphony); Haydn’s Creation Bonnie Chock Burke Naomi Castro (Los Angeles Opera); Flosshilde, (Opera Theatre of St. Louis); (Florida Orchestra); Leon Sings Lauren Kanoelani Chang (San Francisco Rusalka (Minnesota Opera); Noel U.S Tour; Porgy and Bess Sarah Eggleston Opera); Desiree, A Little Night Lakmé (Florida Grand Opera) (L.A. Philharmonic) Christine Eilers Music (St. Petersburg Opera) Upcoming Productions: Upcoming Productions: Kimberly Francis* Upcoming Productions: Roméo et Juliette, (Metropolitan Mendelssohn’s Elijah (Norwalk, Beverly J. Hanna Carmen, The Carmen Fixation Opera); The Inspector (World CT); Porgy and Bess (Elgin Jan Tamiko Kamiya Patricia Pongasi-Goldson* (Berkeley West Edge); Third Premiere, Wolf Trap Opera); Symphony); Porgy and Bess Chris Walsh Lady (cover), Die Zauberflöte Daughter of the Regiment (Opera (Tanglewood Festival) Tenor (Lyric Opera Chicago); Various Theatre of St. Louis) Past HOT Productions: Mark Ah Yo Concerts (Bay View Music Past HOT Productions: The Schlemil/Hermann, Tales of Ken Aronowitz Festival); CD Release, “In Tales of Hoffmann (2001); Salome Hoffmann (2001); Second Soldier, Dan Barnett Fred Cachola Eleanore’s Words” (2002); Eugene Onegin (2003); Salome (2002); Papageno, The Miguel Cadoy, III (Cedille Records) Otello (2004); Susannah (2005); Magic Flute (2003); Figaro, Phil M. Hidalgo Past HOT Productions: The Barber of Seville (2008); (2010) Scot Izuka Cherubino, Le Nozze di Figaro Roméo et Juliette (2008) Favorite Pastime: Worship Gary Kawasaki (2010); Siegrune, Die Walküre Favorite Pastime: Hiking and leading at First Presbyterian Les Loo Jace Saplan (2010) playing with my grandkids Church of Honolulu at Koolau Chad Williams* Favorite Pastime: Skepticism Luke Williams and reading science blogs Bass Larry Oliver Catungal Phillip Foster Daniel James Kunkel Michał Nowicki Bill Ridgeway Ben Sackenheim* Paul J. Schwind Bill South Stelio Nicholas R. Walters* Benoit Weber* SUPERNUMERARIES Randy Encarnacion Suzanne B. Engel James Sherman Larry Silverthorn

*Mae Z. Orvis Opera Studio participants


Mark Flint Henry G. Akina Conductor Director Hometown: Leonia, NJ Hometown: Honolulu, HI Recent Productions: Recent Productions: Die Entführung aus dem Serail Madama Butterfly (Savonlinna HAWAII OPERA THEATRE and Faust (Opera New Jersey); Opera Festival, Finland); Tosca Carmen and The Mikado (Chautauqua Music Festival, New (Michigan Opera Theatre); York); Don Carlo (Opera Hong Hänsel and Gretel (Syracuse Kong, HOT); Die Walküre (HOT) Opera); Sweeney Todd Upcoming Productions: Lucia (Augusta Opera) di Lammermoor (Opera Lyra Upcoming Productions: Ottawa); Aida (HOT); Don Carlo Conductor and Orchestrator, (Vancouver Opera) BY GIUSEPPE VERDI Cyrano (Florida Grand Opera); Past HOT Productions: JANUARY 27, 29, 31 Les pêcheurs de perles (Michigan Highlights include: Madama Opera Theatre); Aida (Arizona Butterfly (1993, debut); Elektra, Opera); Crisantemi and Suor Tristan und Isolde, Macbeth, Salome Angelica (Augusta Opera) Favorite Pastime: Travel Past HOT Productions: Highlights include: , Turandot, Der fliegende Holländer, Les contes d’Hoffmann, Roméo et Juliette, BY GAETANO DONIZETTI Tannhäuser FEBRUARY 10, 12, 14 Favorite Pastime: The beach and the theatre


HOT BOX OFFICE 808.596.7858

FAUST '%&& 13 6GI>HI>8I:6B

Sue Sittko Schaefer Helen E. Rodgers Nola A. Nahulu Peter Dean Beck Wig & Make-up Designer Costume Designer Co-Chorus Director Scenic & Lighting Designer Hometown: St. Paul, MN Hometown: Shipman, VA Hometown: Makaha, HI Hometown: Los Angeles, CA Recent Productions: Hair Now living in Jersey City, NJ Recent Productions: Hawaii Recent Productions: HMS and Make-up Designer for: Recent Productions: Così fan Youth Opera Chorus, Pacific Pinafore (Skylight Opera Cavalleria rusticana/Pagliacci, tutte (Mannes Opera); Street Rim Children’s Chorus Festival, Theatre); Don Giovanni and L’elisir d’amore, Madama Butterfly Scene (Manhattan School of Ho’olokahi High School Choral Carousel (CU Boulder); L’elisir (Kentucky Opera); Aida Music & Chautauqua Opera); Festival, Trial by Jury, Holiday d’amore (Florida State Opera) (Atlanta Opera) Christmas Spectacular (Radio Concerts (Thanksgiving Eve Upcoming Productions: Upcoming Productions: City Music Hall); Brooklyn & Christmas); UH Manoa Susannah (CU Boulder); Carmen, The Marriage of Figaro Academy of Music Hawaiian Chorus “Na Lani Turandot (Florentine Opera) (Kentucky Opera) Upcoming Productions: ‘Eha” Past HOT Productions: 26th Past HOT Productions: (Mannes Opera) Upcoming Productions: season as Resident Designer, Manon Lescaut, assisting her Past HOT Productions: HYOC Festivals: E Mele Kakou including Elektra (1999), Tristan mentor and previous Hair and Costumer since 2002. Favorite (Elementary); Na Leo Pili Mai and Isolde (2000), Don Carlo Make-up Designer, Richard designs include: Die Walküre, La (Middle School); Lokahi (High (2008), and A Little Night Music Stead (2009) Bohème, Così fan tutte, Susannah School) (2008) Favorite Pastime: I love Favorite Pastime: Reiki Master Past HOT Productions: First Favorite Pastime: Love to travel! Practitioner, renovating my HOT production with HYOC cooking, jazz, and NY Yankees Victorian home, and gardening was La Bohème in 1987. Became the HOT Co-Chorus Director in 1991. Favorite Pastime: Sewing, singing and conducting Hawaiian choral music


General & Artistic Director Education Assistant >[dho=$7a_dW ;h_YIY^Wda Executive Director Office Manager AWh[dJ_bb[h JhWYo@[\\[hied Associate Artistic Director Box Office Manager 8[[X[eel[h Beh[b[_HWc_he Gretchen Mueller Beebe Freitas HeX[hjF_[hY[ Director of Finance Stage Manager Coach/Rehearsal Pianist Ik[Hk_p Director of Production Hometown: Newton, MA Hometown: Youngstown, OH J$>$Ij[jjb[h Director of Development Recent Productions: Recent Productions: All past IkpWdd[MWjWdWX[ Production Coordination I$8[j^9hkch_d[ Peter Pan, Handel’s Xerxes HOT productions. Development Associate Upcoming Productions: A Upcoming Productions: All D_aa_D_[bi[d Marketing & Aria Design EhWd][HeY world premiere of Suprynowicz future HOT productions. Director of Education and Moody’s Caliban Dreams Past HOT Productions: All ;h_a>W_d[i Public Relations BWH[Wkn9ecckd_YWj_edi Past HOT Productions: 39 past HOT productions. Education Coordinator productions at HOT including: Favorite Pastime: Reading, Ah_ij_dIjed[ Magic Flute, Madama Butterfly, watching UH sports on TV Rake’s Progress, Tristan, Figaro Favorite Pastime: Travel



aust’s legendary deal with the Devil has intrigued creative and Romanticism with his play Faust. The subject haunted him minds for centuries, perhaps reaching its zenith in the music, for most of his life, producing a drama in two stages (1808, 1832). Fvisual arts and literature of the Romantic period. The story It opens with a wager between God and Mephistopheles: Faust’s reaches back to early 16th-century Germany, an era of religious clouded ways give the Lord much concern, and Mephistopheles turmoil and upheaval, when it was commonly believed Satan was bets he can sway Faust completely to the dark side. The learned just around the corner. The namesake of the drama, Dr. Johann philosopher is clearly disillusioned with his science and is tempted Faust, was educated at the University of Heidelberg and studied by youth and the possibility of adventure (“Too old for play; too divinity at Wittenberg, but was forced to flee under suspicion of young to be without love”). The tragedy devoted to Gretchen is dabbling in the black arts. (Faust himself denied nothing, boldly secondary and their meeting almost accidental. referring to the Devil as his “brother-in-law” and the spirit of Helen of Troy as his mistress). It is said that he met with a violent end, French playwright Michel Carré transformed Goethe’s epic perhaps by a sleight of alchemy gone awry. drama into a boulevard drama for the Gymnase-Dramatique via a translation by Gérard de Nerval. He took several liberties to 6cZgVl]Zck^gijdh^lZgZ make the piece suit the palate of his bourgeois audience. Siébel, only one of several students in Goethe’s story, assumes a more i]dj\]iid]VkZVXfj^gZY prominent role as Marguerite’s suitor and Faust’s rival. Valentin also is given more dialogue — an earlier entrance establishes him iZX]c^fjZWnlVnd[VYZVa as Marguerite’s guardian and protector, eliminating the unseen role l^i]i]ZYVg`h^YZ# of Marguerite’s mother. Marguerite is not imprisoned for murder and is punished only for her adulterous affair with Faust. Such a colorful figure hardly could have gone unnoticed, and various treatments of the good doctor’s life began to emerge almost When Théâtre Lyrique director Léon Carvalho got hold immediately after his death. Festival puppet plays communicated of the play, he pushed for further changes. To keep in strict the morality tale to the illiterate, and printed chapbooks began competition with his main rival, the Opéra, the drama had to circulate at county fairs for those who could read. Johann to have a more tragic and grandiose denouement. Thus, the Spiess’s Historia von Doktor Johann Fausten (1587) emerged Walpurgisnacht scene, which has little bearing on the action of the as a popular version (sensationally translated into English as story, was reintroduced from Goethe to provide that extra element The History of the Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Dr. John of spectacle. Marguerite is tormented for her crime of infanticide but Faustus) and inspired a dramatic interpretation by Shakespeare’s is forgiven — the apotheosis of her ascension to the heavens being contemporary, Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593). In this case it is yet another scene right out of grand opéra. (It’s hardly surprising Faust who aggressively pursues a contract with the Devil, and with that when Gounod’s Faust plays in Germany, it is invariably titled Mephistopheles as his guide, he makes his way through the courts Margarete, to remind the unwitting viewer that the opera has only of Europe, creating tricks and feats of magic for heads of state. a passing similarity to Goethe’s treasured masterpiece.) Throughout he is tormented by two angels — one good and one bad — and repentance is always a viable option (at least until the 1800s very end). Oddly out of character, Faust chooses that particular The Faust saga was especially enticing to composers of the moment to make a pathetic plea to God for salvation, but it is too Romantic period. In addition to Gounod’s opus, a contemporary, late — the Devil takes his soul as per their agreement. A moral Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), composed a staged concert work, La message concludes the drama. damnation de Faust (1846), truer to Goethe in many respects but still customized to suit the composer’s whims and the artistic 1700s trends of the day. As in Gounod’s opera, Faust contemplates Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), a member of the Sturm drinking poison when Méphistophélès first visits (as a poodle in und Drang movement, bridged the gap between Enlightenment this particular instance) and offers to fulfill all his desires. Faust

16 HAWAII OPERA THEATRE | 6G>6 and Marguerite appear to one another in a sequence of dreams. of his life, Liszt had hoped to write his own opera to a text by Nerval Their union proves childless, but Marguerite is still imprisoned for and Alexandre Dumas père, but the project never got off the ground. killing her mother. A deal is struck when Méphistophélès offers to exchange Marguerite’s soul for Faust’s, and as she ascends to Other significant operatic and choral adaptations styled after the heaven, Faust is spirited to hell by horseback. legend include Ignaz Walter’s Doktor Faust (1787) and Louis Spohr’s Faust (1816), both of which owe their inspiration not to A Waltz in the Dark Goethe but to earlier works; Felix Mendelssohn’s As one who achieved fame during an era when virtuosi were Die erste Walpurgisnacht (1831); ’s thought to have acquired technique by way of a deal with the Faust Overture (1840); and Robert Schumann’s dark side, pianist/composer Franz Liszt (1811-1886) did nothing Szenen aus Goethes Faust (1853). Twentieth- to dissuade the supposition. His Mephisto Waltz No. 1 shocked century literary treatments extended, audiences with its musical portrayal of Mephistopheles’s violin solo among others, to the Czech and Russian from Nikolaus Lenau’s “The Dance at the Village Inn.” The poet traditions, with versions of the story written Lenau (1802-1850) was dissatisfied with the conclusion of Goethe’s by Vaclav Havel (Temptation) and Mikhail Part II, and undaunted by the challenge Bulgakov (The Master and Margarita). And posed by the great master, wrote his own contemporary musical treatments include Faust, audaciously proclaiming, “Faust is a Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 (1909), common property of mankind, not a the second movement being based on monopoly of Goethe.” Liszt composed the end of Part II; Faust et Helena (1913), a program music to another episode from secular cantata by Lili Boulanger; Doktor Lenau, “The Nocturnal Faust (1925) by Ferruccio Busoni, based on Procession,” as well as the 16th-century puppet plays; Votre Faust several more Mephisto (1969) by Henri Pousseur; Waltzes, a Mephisto Polka and Giacomo Manzoni’s and A Faust Symphony in Doktor Faustus (1989), inspired Three Characteristic Pictures, a by the novel by Thomas Mann. series of tone poems based on Courtesy of The Minnesota Opera the story’s three main characters. Written by: David Sander Obsessed with the legend for most

FAUST '%&& 17 BRAVO! HOT BRAVO! EVENT: October 2010

Over 100 individuals joined HOT and Nordstrom at the newly opened Waikiki Edition for the BRAVO! kick-off This inaugural event featured fall fashions from Nordstrom collections, arias from the opera repertoire, and the incredible views from the Sun Suite. Kristen Chan, HOT Board Member, and HOT patron, Ray Galas, co-chaired the event.

BRAVO! is the newly formed group of hip, young patrons of Hawaii Opera Theatre. Participants were treated to gift bags from Nordstrom as well as a ticket to this season’s Faust. BRAVO! members will continue to gather in exciting locations in the coming year… forging partnerships with restaurants and retailers as we celebrate the art’s most fashionable and enduring form… Opera! :9J86I>DC LIFELONG LEARNING AT HOT EDUCATION AT THE OPERA

Hawaii Opera Theatre takes great pride in the is offered as part of the non-credit programs through the University efforts it makes to introduce young people to opera, of Hawaii at Manoa’s Outreach College. provide training for singers and to create learning opportunities for all ages. Last year, HOT’s Education Opera Previews team gave or coordinated over 116 performances and Opera Previews at the Honolulu Academy of Arts are a long-time another 170 demonstrations, lectures and hands-on tradition. The lectures are open to the public for a small fee but work with students and teachers. are free to all HOT and Academy members. This year’s lecturers include Dr. Lesley Wright and Judy Neale. HOT Opera Express The touring arm of the company develops operatic shows for young Lanai Lectures people which are performed in school cafetoriums or other suitable At one hour prior and thirty-minutes prior to each opera spaces on campus. The shows feature singers from the Mae Z. Orvis performance at the Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall a lecture is Opera Studio of Hawaii Opera Theatre and include opportunities given on the Ward Avenue Lanai. The lectures are free and a for the audience to sing. Typically 50 to 80 performances are great way to get informed and have a place to relax before the given annually. performance begins.

HOT Residency This award-winning program turns a class, grade level or even a whole school into an opera production company. With assistance from the professionals at HOT, schools have developed their own opera or produced adaptations of famous operas and operettas. In the past year students at Aina Haina Elementary, Waikele Elementary and Niu Valley Middle School have all participated in this program. Act II Opera For Everyone FASHIONS The final dress rehearsal of every opera is reserved for education FOR YOU purposes and each year educators bring thousands of students to AND YOUR HOME experience live opera. GET A SECOND CHANCE! Singer Training Mae Z. Orvis Opera Studio Each year local singers audition to become members of the Mae Z. Orvis Opera Studio of Hawaii Opera Theatre. The Studio !"#$%&'($)&(*"($)+,-.&/,0$)&($%&'$+/1$%&'($-&*"0$ 2.3"$+4+./5$6+7+..$89"(+$:-"+#(";,$<=:$>>$("#'(/,$#-.,$ offers singers opportunities to work with the opera professionals ?9(./4@$:-"$,"A&/1-+/1$,+2",$"3"/#$.,$+AA"9#./4$ on the HOT staff as well as singers, coaches and other industry 1&/+#.&/,$&) $*"/;,$+/1$7&*"/;,$4"/#2%B',"1$+/1$/"7$ professionals to further their development as singers. A2&#-./4$CA2"+/$+/1$&/$-+/4"(,$92"+,"5D0$-&*"$1"A&(0$ +(#7&(E$+/1$-&',"7+(",@$

FAUST '%&& 19 2

1 5

3 074 6 HOT OPERA BALL: November 20, 2010

1 Kiyomi Lueck and Jeri Lynch 2 Front Row: Jo Anne Beccaria, Mark Burak, Patricia Lee, Governor Neil Abercrombie, Lynne Johnson Back Row: Randy Moore, Mary Anne Burak, Worldster Lee, Dr. Armando Beccaria, Ruth Ann Becker, Nancie Caraway, Frank Boas. 3 Kip Wilborn, Jan Yokota, Charlotte & Leonard Chow 4 Al and Joyce Tomonari with HOT President and Ball Chair Jim McCoy. 5 HOT General & Artistic Director Henry G. Akina and Sheraton Waikiki Hotel General Manager Kelly Sanders. 6 Steven Prieto, Marrie Schaefer, Richard Kennedy 7 L-R Honolulu Star-Advertiser Senior Vice President /Marketing Dave Kennedy, HOT Executive Director Karen Tiller, HOT President and Ball Chair Jim McCoy. 8 L-R Les Ueoka, Dr. Carole Fujioka, Kika Matsumoto, 7 Evan Morita 8 BUSINESSES, TRUSTS AND A SEASON FOR OPERA '%&& FOUNDATIONS Contributions received December 15, 2009 to December 31, 2010

$10,000 to $24,999 $1,000 to $2,499 President Bkho_[h:_WcedZ @Wc[i>$CY9eo Aeh[dA$:h[^[h Air Canada Cargo Anonymous >[b[d=Who Alexander & Baldwin Foundation Hawaiian TelCom Vice Presidents @e^dC$>WhW"<$7$?$7$ The Anela Kolohe Foundation Hawaii Hotel & Lodging AWh[d9^Wh J^ecWiF$>kX[h - Suzanne B. Engel, President Association B[edWhZ9^em B[[7bZ[d@e^died Aston Hotels & Resorts CWh_bodÇBodÈ8$9bWha_d HWbf^A_[iib_d] The Bretzlaff Foundation, Inc. $201 to $999 IkpWdd[8$;d][b $>$9Wcf 9^Whb[iH$M_Y^cWd Louis Vuitton Hawaii C_Y^[b[9WhXed["C$:$"F^$:$ Ij[f^[d>$M_bied"9$F$7$ Monarch Insurance Ah_ij[d9^Wd 7Zh_[dd[M_d]"C$:$ Neiman Marcus @kb_W[b[d[ÇB[d_È8$:Wl_i Sidney Stern Memorial Trust G. N. Wilcox Trust


Remembering and honoring special individuals with a donation to HOT in their name. Gifts received between December 15, 2009 to December 31, 2010.

In Honor of: Betty Gordon Mrs. Amy Hirano Margaret Schattauer Dr. Eleanore Green Akina Mrs. Myrna Chun-Hoon Vivian K. Ho Mr. & Mrs. John E. Simonds Mary S. Judd Galen Leong Geriann Hong Mr. & Mrs. John H. Southworth Karen Char & Malcolm Tom, Henry G. Akina Mr. & Mrs. Richard Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Sprecher Paul & Betty Cool Yuklin Aluli Mr. & Mrs. Martin Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Steiner Robert & Victoria Marks Mrs. Nina L. Armstrong Gerald Kimata Lance & Karen Takahashi Dr. Hugh Hazenfield Mr. & Mrs. Armando Beccaria Milton B. Kimura Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Tom Robert & Janis Hirschman Sharon Chee Diane S. Kishimoto Dr. & Mrs. Richard Tsou Evelyn Lance Connie Chow Clifford K.H. & Adrienne Wing Lau Bonnie Watson Trust Robert & Victoria Marks Timothy Y.C. Choy Alavana G. Lee Gilbert & Arlene Wong Worldster & Pat Lee Eloise B.O. Chun Mrs. Daniel F.S. Lee Mary Wong Timothy Y.C. Choy Sophie Chun Georgianna Lum Cora Yee Mr. & Mrs. David Takagi Mrs. Myrna Chun-Hoon Montgomery Pacific Outsourcing LLC Gene Leupp Mrs. Kiyomi Lueck Donald J. Dugal Paul Nagano Jean E. Rolles Les Ueoka Page Dwight Sharon Narimatsu Thomas E. Mahoney Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferraro Dennis Pang Natalie Mahoney Linda Fitzpatrick Marvelyn W. Pang Haku Snyder In Memory of: Beatrice B. Freitas Sharon Pang Jeremy G. & Harriett D. Haritos Bernice “Bunny” Burum Jill M.K. Friedman Nalani Parry Cecilia Soares Dorothy M. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hastert Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Philpotts Marita L. Nelson, Ph.D. Hope M. Doyle Virginia Hee Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rodriguez David W. Doyle M.B. Hind Lani Ann Sakoda

'()*+!*!,)-.! From all of us at Horizon Lines. Proud sponsors of the Hawaii Opera Theatre.


22 HAWAII OPERA THEATRE | 6G>6 THEATRE STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS HOT also wishes to acknowledge those volunteers who graciously offered their services after Aria went to print and could not appear on these lists.

Director of Production Running Crew 6ccZK^igd ?ja^Z=j\]Zh I#=#HiZiiaZg >#6#I#H#:#AdXVa++* 6WWnL^aa^Vbhdc ?Z[[gZn?Vn Security Assistant to Wig & 8VganccLda[Z BVgn?jYY @^Z`^ZEgdYjXi^dch Make-Up Master X]^nVbVAjX^V BVg_dg^Z6j cingZ Scenic Designer ?ja^Z7ZgcVgY^cd7dnY CZkVGZ\d 9Vk^YBjggVn EZiZg9ZVc7ZX`;Vjhi!AV :b8VgcZii 8]^dg^H]^kZan IdbBjggVn IgVk^ViV A^YV<#8]VhZ Light Walkers K^k^VcBjggVn GdWZgiG#DÉ=ZVgcAjX^VY^ B^X]ZaaZ8]^WVcV `ZYV 9dadgZhHjgZYVb Hnbe]dcnDeZgV @g^hi^c@a^cZ 6gaZcZ@d] GVnbdcYIgdbWaZn AVIgVk^ViV"9Zh^\cZYVcY EZiZgAZZ BVg^iVA#CZahdc =Vgg^ZiLZ^hhbVc VYVeiZY[dg=DIWnEZiZg9ZVc AZhaZn"6ccN#Addc Backstage Hospitality >aZZcLdc\ 7ZX`l^i]ZaZbZcihdg^\^cVaan GVX]ZaBVgjbdid ?VcZi6gX]n ShOpera XgZViZY[dgi]ZJc^kZgh^ind[ I]dbVhB^`VhdWZ>>> BVg^VccZ6j BVgi]V8]dX` 8dadgVYdDeZgV!VahdYZh^\cZY @Vi]Zg^cZBddYn 6h]aZn8]dd E]naa^h9dca^c WnBg#7ZX`# ?Vc^XZDaWg^X] ?VcZ8dcaVc 7ZVig^XZ@dc\ Costumes >adcVEZcoZh"EVXodaVn


Violin I BZaL]^icZn Clarinet Percussion >\cVXZ?Vc\Ë HVcYgVLdc\ HXdii6cYZghdc :g^XH]^c 8aV^gZHV`V^=VooVgY ?ZVc"B^X]Za?VXfjdc ?VbZhBd[Òii ?VbZh?VXdWhdc ?jYn7VggZii H]ZgnaH]d]Zi Cello Bassoon Harp @Vi]n=V[cZg ?dVccVBdgg^hdc EVja7VggZii 8dcc^ZJZ_^d CVcXnH]dde"Lj Adj^hZ8]^c\ BVgh]VHX]lZ^ioZg :aV^cZAj CVcXnBVhV`^ Organ BVg^V9VcXZ EVja^cZ7V^ French Horn :g^XHX]Vc` BV^aZGZZkZh ?dVccV;aZb^c\

8]W\caW\QSZSP`ObW\U gSO`a]TSfQS^bW]\OZ8]W\caW\QSZSP`ObW\U gSO`a]TSfQS^bW]\OZ 6OeOWWO\V]a^WbOZWbgObbVS6OeOWWO\V]a^WbOZWbgObbVS6OeOWW>`W\QS6]bSZ 6OeOWW>`W\QS6]bSZ EOWYWYW5]ZT1ZcP3f^S`WS\QSbVS>`W\QST]`EOWYWYW5]ZT1ZcP3f^S`WS\QSbVS>`W\QST]`  g]c`\SfbUObVS`W\UTO[WZgSfQc`aW]\]``][O\bWQg]c`\SfbUObVS`W\UTO[WZgSfQc`aW]\]``][O\bWQ EOWYWYWUSbOeOg1V]]aST`][be]OeO`ReW\\W\UEOWYWYWUSbOeOg1V]]aST`][be]OeO`ReW\\W\U `SabOc`O\baO\RSWUVbTc\QbW]\O`SOaW\OQ]\dS\WS\b`SabOc`O\baO\RSWUVbTc\QbW]\O`SOaW\OQ]\dS\WS\b EOWYWYWZ]QObW]\eWbVO[^ZS^O`YW\U/aYOP]cbEOWYWYWZ]QObW]\eWbVO[^ZS^O`YW\U/aYOP]cb  ]c`9O[O·OW\OA^SQWOZabV`]cUV]cbbVSgSO`]c`9O[O·OW\OA^SQWOZabV`]cUV]cbbVSgSO`Half Page 4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\QOZZ4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\QOZZ'#$ Prince Resorts '#$  Publication: HOT ARIA eee>`W\QS@Sa]`ba6OeOWWQ][Issue:eee>`W\QS@Sa]`ba6OeOWWQ][ Press: 4C Size:7.125” x 4.875” ESe]cZRZWYSb]Q]\U`ObcZObSFileESe]cZRZWYSb]Q]\U`ObcZObS type requested: PDF/x-1a  6OeOWW=^S`OBVSOb`S]\Wba5`O\R=^S`OASOa]\6OeOWW=^S`OBVSOb`S]\Wba5`O\R=^S`OASOa]\ 12/01/10.AJ

>@7<13@3A=@BA6/E/77;/C@7<13@3A=@BA6/E/77;/CC@7<136=B3:j6/>C03/16>@7<136=B3:j6@7<136=B3:E/79797 /E/77>@7<136=B3:E/79797

HPWR-26052_HiOperaTheatre24 HPWR-26052_HiOperaTheatre HAWAII 1 OPERA THEATRE 1 | 6G>6 12/21/09 11:41:25 AM 12/21/09 11:41:25 AM DONORS

$10,000 and above Bob & Peg Marcus John & Betsy McCreary Robert Allen Carolyn Berry Dr. & Mrs. John F. McDermott Clytie Mead Sidney Ayabe June Renton Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Peter McKenney Judith R. Neale Paul K. Ban Jeannine B. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Midkiff Dale Ruff Patricia Barron Suzanne B. Engel Evan T. Morita Leanora I. Tong Mr. William M. & Dr. Carol K. Bass Edward Eu Norma Nichols Jack Tyrrell Betsy A. Behnke Helen G. Gary Dr. & Mrs. Moon Park Allen B. Uyeda Betty Berni David A. Keliikuli Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Pickens Kenneth C. Bibee Jim & Lynn Lally Dr. & Mrs. G. Manning Richards $600 to $1,199 Dr. Andrew Bisset & Lois Cecil Jim & Pam McCoy Susan R.S. Schofield Anonymous (3) Constance R. Black Jean E. Rolles Ada Mei & Vincent Tai June R. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Bonham David & Lee E. Takagi William & Gail Atwater Max & Alice Botticelli $7,500 to $9,999 Jim & Linda Tam William Barton Felice & Edward Broglio Drs. Roger & Felice Brault Dr. & Mrs. Russell M. Tom John Baumer & Carol Kim Jill & Norb Buesling Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Bunn Richard M. Towill Charlie & Debbie Bocken Cynthia Burdge, MD Evelyn Chang David & Henrietta Whitcomb Andrew & Mikiko Bunn Mark & Margaret Burgessporter Earl Chapman & Lee Alden Johnson Dr. & Mrs. William W.T. Won Enrico Camara Fred Cachola Ian & Janet Cooke John & Susan Cavanah Dr. Ann B. Catts Randolph Moore & Lynne Johnson $1,800 to $2,499 Philip & Gerry Ching Timothy Y.C. Choy Lori Komer Anonymous (2) Penelope A. Chu Myrna Chun-Hoon Dr. Thomas & Mi Kosasa Dr. & Mrs. David J. Andrew Jackie Collins-Buck Pat & Chris Cooper Alfred & Patricia Kwiecinski Bob & Kelly Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Franco Coluccio Paul & Janet Cronin Dr. & Mrs. Worldster Lee Nanna & George Bradford Herb Conley Ann & Dougal Crowe Jeri & Jerry Lynch Christine Camp Myron & Margie Crain Jane B. Culp Dr. Richard Kennedy & Steven Prieto Dr. Michael Chan & Kristen Chan Charles & Rebecca Crumpton Herb & Joyce Dauber Alan & Joyce Tomonari Dr. & Mrs. Percival H.Y. Chee Paul & Mary Beth Denis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis Jean F. Cornuelle Gene & Cecilia Doo William Davis $5,000 to $7,499 Helene “Leni” B. Davis Marlies H. Farrell John & Linda Decker Anonymous (1) Allen I. Emura William & Karen Fay David W. Doyle Ronald Bunn Betty Fujioka Pamela & Fred Ferguson-Brey Mr. William Duval Karen Char & Malcolm Tom Dorothy M. Goldsborough, PhD Eric S. Flower Gertrude Ebesu Marilyn ‘Lyn’ B. Clarkin John Hunt Kiana Gentry Mook-Lan Fan Mary S. Judd Julia S. Ing Gary G. Grimmer Don & Dorothy Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Frederick O. Koenig Marcy & Robert Katz Michael Haloski Jay & Sharon Fidell Evelyn B. Lance Elspeth Kerr Jeremy & Harriett Haritos Paul & Jane Field Clifford K.H. & Adrienne Wing Lau Ralph Kiessling Manfred Henningsen Ms. Adriane Flower Dr. & Mrs. Philip I. McNamee Donald C.W. Kim J. Patrick Henry, PhD Beebe Freitas Helen Paris Dr. & Mrs. James Kumagai Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hildreth Heidi Fujimoto Gregory E. & Junko K. Ratte Natalie Mahoney Colleen K. Hirai & Peter H. Endo Richard & Bessie Fukeda Aggreneva Rego Mr. & Mrs. Carl P. Marsh Kay Hollier Mr. & Mrs. Yukio Fukutomi Alice K. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Edward McDowell Gary James Linda Fulgenzi Lori V. Thomas Marilynn C. Metz Tom Kilmer Sherry Gabriele & Mori Fils Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Trankle Michael & Elaine Michaelidis Col. (Ret.) Randy Jensen & Kathy Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gillmor Wanda Tse A.T. “Red” Miller Krammer Lawrence Gordon, MD Les Ueoka Carol L. Hong & William B. Moffett Wilfred & Caren Kusaka Harvey & Merilyn Gray Maggie Walker Margaret Montgomery Dr. & Mrs. William A. Lampe Michael G. Hadfield Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Wichman Natalie Nagai Ruth E. Leupp Sue Hillman & Beverly Haid Michael Nauyokas Michael & Lily Ling Phyllis Stahl Haines $2,500 to $4,999 Linda C. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Mancinelli Dr. Jean Hankin Anonymous (1) Christine & Frank O’Brien Mr. Jerold Matayoshi Marie Hansen Linn & Steven Alber Calvin S. Oishi Jean McIntosh Lenley Hawksworth Margaret Armstrong Richard Palma & Anne Irons-Palma Drs. Willard & Dixie Miyahira Nery Heenan Frank Boas Diane J. Plotts Dr. Alfred Morris Sumiko Henna Pamela Andelin Cameron Larry & Patricia Rodriguez David & Noreen Mulliken Jana Holden Marguerite Carroll Dr. & Mrs. George F. Schnack Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nagy Brian Ichishita & Alexis Kim Candy Cassarno Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Y. Sprague Beverly E. Neese Marty & Terry Jaskot Drs. James & Julia Frohlich Cherry Indru & Gulab Watumull Marita L. Nelson Jacquelyn Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Chow Dr. George & Bay Westlake “Ev” Painter LTC & Mrs. Frederick K. Kamaka Cynthia Star Davis John Michael White Mr. & Mrs. James J. Pappas Margie Y. Kanahele Eunice M. De Mello Stephen & Dana Wilson Mr. & Mrs. A. Richard Prinzivalli Marcia Taylor-Kaneshige & Edward Peter G. Drewliner & Charles E. Higa Edward J. Quinlan Kaneshige Sally H. Edwards $1,200 to $1,799 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Redmond Drs. Rodney & Sharon Kazama Dwight & Louise Emery Janis Akuna Katherine Richardson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kim William W. Goodhue Jr., MD Allyson Blackard Ambassador Charles B. Salmon Jr. Drs. S. Peter & O. Mary Kim Elizabeth Grierson Ricki & Paul Cassiday Marcellus & Edwina Snow Milton Kimura Bro Halff Helena & Bob Cence Keith & Polly Steiner Dr. Laurence Kolonel Dr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Hazenfield Mr. & Mrs. Nick Dreher Mr. & Mrs. John Stepulis Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Kufel Janet Henderson John & Marie Hara Carol Takaki Mary Louise Lewis Thomas & Gloria Huber Lester J. Hee Patricia Takemoto & Robert Morse Dr. Bruce E. Liebert Dr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Katayama Peter & Rosanna Hsi Stephen & Eugenie Werbel Violet Loo Flora Kawasjee The Nancy Kim Family Foundation Marcia Westervelt Dr. & Mrs. C. Dexter Lufkin Thomas D. King Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kistner Valerie Yee Georgianna Lum Mr. & Mrs. James Leavitt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Lalakea Everett B. Young Cathy & Clancy Lyman Floria Ling & Paul Sturm Sheree & Levani Lipton Dr. & Mrs. James F. Lyons Michael & Veronika Lombardo Rob Loughridge $300 to $599 Mary W. Macmillan Lois W. Luehring Kiyomi Lueck Anonymous (8) Joe & Ann Magaldi Janet Malone Dr. Janice Marsters Rev. & Mrs. Darrow L.K. Aiona Elaine M. Marchette

Contributions received December 15, 2009 to December 31, 2010 (Benefits apply to Individual Membership and Annual Fund Drive gifts.) FAUST '%&& 25 :EDEHI

Michael J. Marks Patsy T. & Diane Y. Shimizu Anne M. Akita Lyla B. Berg, Ph.D. Robert & Victoria Marks Nancy Lea Skelsey Albert Chong Associates Inc. Dan & Elizabeth Berman BS McEwen Iris & John Spade Lex & Gerry Alexander Charles W. Berry Sharon McPhee Paul & Judith Stankiewicz Yuklin Aluli Robert Berssenbrugge Charles E. Meyer Jr. Audra Stevenson Theodore Anastasopulos Max Besenbruch Roy Andrew Miller David & Karen Stoutemyer Bryan Andaya Mr. & Mrs. James Betts Dr. & Mrs. Howard Minami Mr. & Mrs. Jay T. Suemori Ernest & Patricia Anderson, Realtors Dan Binkley Sharon A. Minami Anne C. Sutton Jean Anderson Mark & Carol Blackburn Lt. Gen. & Mrs. S.K. Moats Miles K. Suzuki M. Anne Anderson Donald C. Blaser Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Moore Ina Tateuchi “Frankie” & Robert Anderson Barbara L. Bohnett & Shigeru D. H. Brian Moore Dr. & Mrs. John B. Thompson Gladys Aoki Miyamoto Frank & Jan Morgan Violet Todoki Harriet Aoki Dianne Boons David & Margaret Mortz Holly & Wayne Turl Dr. Ken & Gemie Arakawa Sarah L. Botsai John & Lorna Mount Robert & Eloise Van Niel Clifford & Esther Arinaga Joseph Boyce Martha Lee Mullen C. Jay Voss William & Gretchen Arnemann S. Kalani Brady Judith Ann Muncaster Katherine Wakayama Drs. Kuhio & Claire Asam Barbara Breckenridge Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Muranaka Sueko Watanabe Mildred Au James L. Brewbaker Margaret Murchie Eldon L. Wegner Maria Chen Au-Hoy Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Brewer Lee T. Nakamura & Faye M. Koyanagi Carol Wilson Barry John Baker Dianne Winter Brookins Mari Nakashizuka, MD G. Todd Withy & Jean Malia Withy Joyce Baker Margo Brower Diana Nicholson Dr. & Mrs. Carl R. Yamagata Ruth Baldino Peter & Antoinette Brown Patrick A. Norman, MD James & Karen Yamamoto Jason & Christine Ban Athlyn Bruce Bill & Dorothy Ogan Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yee Soyoko Barkley Dr. Elizabeth Buck Susan Palmore Dr. Christel Yount Pat & Vincent Barnwell Martha & Edmund Burke Ann Marie Peters Shuk Fon Yuen Judy Barrett Clarissa & Alfred Burkert Jr. Pakinee Portmore Allen & Nobuko Zecha Foundation Joan & Bill Bartlett Willette J. Bush Richard Reese Margery H. Ziffrin Bradley & Lee Bassett Phoebe Campbell Louise Ripple George & Iris Bates Dr. Russell & Judith Carlson D. Haigh Roop $100 to $299 Gabrielle Batzer, MD Peter A. & R. Lee Carson Ryuko Sakoda Anonymous (49) Ruth Ann Becker Donald H. & Sandra Carvin Marrie Schaefer Governor Neil Abercrombie Mary Begier James H. & Suzanne E. Case Dr. & Mrs. B. Scherman Lee R. Adams Forrest Bennett Joyce H. Cassen, MD John & Eudice Schick Dr. Eleanore Green Akina Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bennet Mary Caywood K.K. Seo Henry Akina Brian Benton Anthony Chan Helene “Sam” Shenkus Kari Akini Jeffrey Berenberg Deanna Chang Pamela Andelin An Exhibition of New Paintings

Saturday, March 26, 2011 !e paintings are un"eiled ... Four Seasons Resort Lāna‘i, $e Lodge at Koele 5-8 PM March 27 to April 10, 2011 !e exhibition continues ... $e Mike Carroll Gallery 7th Street & Dole Park Lāna‘i City

“Lāna‘i Avenue” ◆ Oil on Canvas by Pamela Andelin ◆ 20”x24” Enjoy a weekend of art in the tranquil beauty of the Lāna‘i highlands! Special Kama‘āina rates will be o#ered by $e Lodge at Koele for this exhibition. (Mention the Mike Carroll Gallery when making your reservations at 808-565-4000.)


Dr. Donald Mark Chang Lazarina & Peter George Randall & Jean Kawamoto Anne McKay Elaine Chang Wendy George Diane Kawauchi Neil & Marion McKay Mr. & Mrs. Glenn K.L. Chang Joe & Betty Germain Hon. & Mrs. Alan C. Kay Martin & Sharron McMorrow Lorrie Chang Scott Gier Mr. & Mrs. Maurice H. Kaya Barbara McNamarra Roberta D. Chang Patricia C. Gilbert Anne W. Keamo Dr. & Mrs. Michael Meagher Patricia & Winfred Chang Camille Gillette Brian & Sheri Kearns Mrs. Lowell E. Mee Henry B. Chapin Buzz & Peg Gitelson Charles & Beverly Keever Julie A. Meier Lida G. Chase Chuck Giuli & Laurie Carlson Karen Kelly Terza Meller E. H. Chave Gaye Glaser Sameena Khan David H. Messer & Ann Hartman Susanna F. Cheung Noreen Keiko Goh Rose Kim Linda Mew Gail Ann Chew George & Carolyn Goto Gerald Kimata Patricia Meyer Diane Chinen Kathleen Goto Gloria Z. King Robin S. Midkiff Gertrude Ching Douglas Gould & John Condrey Mrs. S.P. King Rosemary & Larry Mild Dr. & Mrs. Yi-Chuan Ching Mark Grattan & Elizabeth Tam Alan & Adele Kirby David & Vicki Millard Cora & Jonathan Cho Dr. Werner & Kathy Grebe Diane S. Kishimoto Colin O. & Lianne Y. Miwa Mr. & Mrs. Yong-ho & Minja Choe Nancy Grekin Sadao & Judith Kishimoto Mrs. Howard Y. Miyake Mr. & Mrs. Albert S.C. Chong James F. Grogan Dr. Charles Kiyooka & Sharon K. Mizuno Stanley Chong David Gustafson Mr. Phatchara Udomsin Sally W. Morgan Edward L.S. Chun Dr. Shadia R. Habbal Dr. Kathryn Klingebiel Mrs. Takako Morimoto David Chung Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Haeringer Mary Jane Knight Arthur & Nancy Moss Mr. & Mrs. Paul H.C. Chung Dick & Francine Hagstrom Leah N. Knowlton & Joan McGowan Thomas & Lois Mui Georgia A. Cicmil Lynne Halevi & Martin Kogan Eleanor P. Ko Shizuko Mukaida Joett Colgan Gaylien S. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Bert T. Kobayashi Jr. The Murabayashi Foundation Douglas Gould & John Condrey Mrs. Nyle Hallman Ruth Kamuri Koga Mrs. Arthur T. Murakami Sam & Mary Cooke Berton Hamamoto Grace S. Kohatsu Harry & Marjorie Murakami Margaret J. Cooling Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hamane Heidi Koizumi Mark & Lynn Murakami Prof. & Mrs. Angelo J. Corpora Marilyn Hampton Charmaine Koldon Ralph Murakami Dr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Correa Susan Hanley Steven & Estrellita Komura Shizue Murashige Dorothy D. Craven Jean Harling Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kowal Dr. Chifumi Nagai & Michael Mr. & Mrs. David Crockett Patricia Harrell-Lakatos, Sherrie Kumashiro Weitzenhoff Jean Culbertson Linda Martell & Gail Dean Miyono Kunioka Frances Nagata Carol Cunha Susan & Todd Haruki Richard L. Kurth Nelson & Ellen Nagaue Drs. Collin & Mary Dang Francis Hasegawa Harriet Kusunoki Nola Nahulu Michael & Nancy D’Angelo Irene Y. Hashimoto Dan LaBeff Joanne P. Nakashima Sandy Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hastert Joy Lamb Sharon Narimatsu Mary Dibbern Barbara Hastings Maylene Lau Robert & Jeanne Nelson John Dobrosky Constance P. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Merton Lau Jadine Nielsen Iku N. Donnelly Marti Hazzard Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred D.L. Lau Naomi Nishida John & Sada Drouilhet Lani N. Hearn Wendy Lazer-Bookin & Bonnie Tong Masami & Joyce Nishimoto Stella Duc Nancy L. Hedlund Alavana G. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Masatoshi Nitta Jim & Anne Marie Duca Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hee Mr. & Mrs. Chung H. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Nitz Robert Duchek & Elizabeth Wieland Judge Walter Heen Ernest & Letah Lee Harue & Shozo Noda Karl Duggan Suzy Hemmings Amy K. Leong Carole Nohara Christopher Dunn Lyle E. Hendricks Galen C.K. Leong Madge C. Nonaka Margie & Mike Durant Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Hiatt Grover & Sally Liese Eleanor C. Nordyke Esther Dye Carl & Erin Higgins Judy & Dennis Lind W. Patrick O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ehrhorn Jr. John Hinkle & Richard Polendey Christine N.M. Ling Dr. Margaret Y. Oda Dr. & Mrs. Byron A. Eliashof Amy Hirano Jane Lipp Jane T. Oki Mona M. Elmore Eric Hirano Mrs. Robert Lippi Linda Okita Tom Mr. & Mrs. Henry Eng Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Hoak Dorothy Liu Diana P. Olsen Raymond & Claire Engle Kay H. Hoke Mr. & Mrs. John Lockwood Dr. James & Elisabeth Olsen Ernestine Enomoto Geriann Hong Paul & Naomi Loewe Phillip B. Olsen & Gail Hudson Jackie Mahi Erickson Deanne Horie Archie Loo Jean H. Omori Karen A. Essene Dr. & Mrs. David Horio Harold & Robin Loomis Alfred & Ruth Ono Gladys A. Ewart Grace Hotoke Carol Loose Dermot Ornelles Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ewing Elizabeth D. Howard Terry J. Lovvorn Sandra Osaki Laura M. Fink Shizue & John Howe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Low May J. Oshiro Ronald & Maureen Fitch Yvonne Hsieh Marcia L. Lufkin Lynne Otoshi Chip Fithian Alfred S. Hu B-Jay Luke S. Pakvasa Peter & Jan Flachsbart Mr. & Mrs. Richard Humphreys Dr. Fedor Lurie Daniel Palmer Joan & Jim Fleming Patricia Hunter Sidney Lynch Floria M. Pang Mary Flood Roseline T. Ikeno Rev. Fr. Anatole Lyovin & Emiko Lyovin Rodney & Marvie Pang Mary Petty Floyd Frederick & June Ito Wallace & Kapiolani Ma Bob & Barbara Paris Drs. Agnes & Yu-Si Fok A. Robert Iverson Scott J. MacGowan Jacqueline A. Parnell Victoria Fong Patricia Iwamoto Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Machado Margherita Parrent Mr. & Mrs. Richard Foster Dr. Tyrie L. Jenkins Elaine F. Mackowski Nalani Parry Jeffrey M. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Soot Jew James B. Madsen Jeannette Pease Kaye H. Fredericks Dr. & Mrs. Robert Jim Peter & Kenoe Manicas James Penoff, MD Tammy Freedman Dr. & Mrs. Donald Jones Jo Ann Maruoka Tay W. Perry Mary Jo Freshley Gretchen Jong Dean & Naomi Masuno Ross Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Royal T. Fruehling Dr. Karuna L. Joshi-Peters Lora S. Matsumura Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Philpotts Ira & Cattie Fujisaki Mr. & Mrs. Allen Y. Kajioka Lorrin & Karen Matsunaga Dr. & Mrs. James F. Pierce Aileen Fujitani Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Kanaya Creighton & Cathleen Mattoon Kayleen Polichetti Edward & Grace Furukawa Thomas Kane MD Mrs. Daniel L.S. McCarty Dr. Leonard & Laurel Portner Florence Y. Furuno Crystal Kapua Faye Akamine McCoy J. William Potter Jr. J. Gerard Gagnon Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kass Elizabeth McCutcheon Elizabeth Powers Mr. & Mrs. E. Laurence Gay Gary Kawachi Rosemarie McElhaney Dr. David Randell & Rosemary Fazio Joseph & Francine Gedan Lynn Kawahara Mary McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rappolt





Kent & Howena Reinker A.L. & Esther Temple incorrectly, please contact us at Thomas Kane, MD Melode Reinker Sadako Tengan (808) 596-7372. Drs. S. Peter & O. Mary Kim Henry E. Renteria Sue P. Thacker Dr. Robert & Adelaide Kistner Kenneth S. Robbins Helen Thompson AIA ARCHITECTS Dr. Laurence Kolonel Dr. & Mrs. Charles V. Roberts Megan Thurmond-Smith Dr. Thomas & Mi Kosasa Spotswood & Ramona Robertson Sabra Y. Toma for OPERA Dr. & Mrs. Worldster Lee Mr. & Mrs. Russ Robertson Cedric Akau & Sabrina R. Toma Amy Blagriff,DENTIS EVP, AIA HonoluluTS Grover & Sally Liese Allen S. Robinson Eric & Shirl Torngren Robert & Janice Freeburg Dr. Dennis & Judy Lind Carroll M. Robinson Rene Totoki-Enomoto Arthur Kforohara OPERA Dr. Fedor Lurie Joan Rodby Charlotte Trotter Lorrin & Karen Matsunaga Jack & Sally McDermott Con & Beth Rodenbeck Dr. & Mrs. Richard Tsou Nancy Peacock AIA Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Philip I. McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rogers Rico & Marcia Tudor Dr. & Mrs. Howard Minami Catharine H. Rolph Rai Saint Chu & Richard Turbin Drs. Willard & Dixie Miyahira Josette Rosof Ann Turner REALTORS Dr. James & Elisabeth Olsen Ken & Dale Ross Sharon & Thurston Twigg-Smith for OPERA Dr. & Mrs. Moon Park Alex & Colleen Roth Rochelle Uchibori & George Bodley James Penoff, MD Lee Ruggles Minoru & Kyoko Ueda Ernest & Patricia Anderson Irwin Schatz,DENTIS MD & BarbaraTS Schatz Bob & Terry Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Uehara Frankie Anderson Dr. Johnfor & Susan OP SpanglerERA Wanda H. Sagum Kathleen S.L. Ung & Thomas O. Finch Judy Barrett Dr. John B. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Saiki Mrs. Nancy Van Allen Mary Begier Dr. & Mrs. George E. Westlake Ruby N. Saito Diane M. Vanderzanden BrianP BentonHYSICIANS Clifford K.H. & Adrienne Wing Lau Margaret H. Sakata Mrs. Frances C. Vaughan Margo Brower Dr. & Mrs. William W.T. Won Shirley Sakata James F. Vrechek JoettO ColganPERA R/G RIGROUP REALTORS Lani Ann & James Sakoda Theone Vredenburg Pamela & Fred Ferguson-Brey 2010 PHYSICIANS FOR Gordon & Betty Sam Lillian H. Wakuzawa Chip Fithian OPERAfor CORRECTIONS OPERA Louise F. Samuel Rev. Robert E. Walden Mary Flood Cedric Akau & Sabrina R. Toma Mrs. Mary C. Sanford Ronald & Charlotte Walker Jeffrey M. Fox David & Bonnie Andrew Yukiko Sato Scott Walker Lisa Haeringer Dr. & Mrs. Ken Arakawa Linda Sayegusa Sonya Walker Gaylien S.L HallAWYERS Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Atkinson Maureen Schaeffer Stephen Wallach Berton Hamamotofor OPERA Eesha & Alison Bhattacharyya Marilyn Schank Juli M. Kimura Walters Marie Hansen Dr. AndrewPHYSICIANS Bisset & Lois Cecil Margaret Schattauer Jaw-Kai & Bichuan Li Wang Marti Hazzard S. KOalaniPERA Brady GROUP Irwin Schatz, MD & Barbara Schatz Meilani K.M. Wang Suzy Hemmings Dr. Roger & Felice Brault Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schneider Bonnie Watson Trust Carl & Erin Higgins Joyce H. Cassen, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schoen Mr. & Mrs. Max Weitzenhoff Anne W. Keamo Dr. Ann B. Catts Julie Schoen Joanne Weldon Terry J. Lovvorn Albert Schutz Marsha White B-JayAIA L ukeARCHITECTS Paul J. Schwind & Mollie W.M. Chang Carol B. Whitesell Scott J. MacGowan LAWYERS Ames A. Scott Nancy Whitman Helen MacforNeil OPERA for OPERA Lu M. Seyfer Carolyn K. Whitney Josette Marsh Dora Sher William & Iris Wiley Julie A. Meier William E. Atwater Richard & Wendy Sherman Dan & Nancy Williamson Liz Moore Sydney Ayabe Bruce & Patricia Shimomoto Gary & Elsa Wixom Christine T. O’Brien Frank Boas Dr. Edward Shipwright Colene S. Wong Pakinee Portmore R. Charles Bocken Mr. & Mrs. James T. Shon Fenlyn Wong Real Estate Trading Corp. Dianne Winter Brookins Toufiq & Ulrike Siddiqi Jason G.F. Wong Lee Ruggles Mr.AIA & Mrs. A RobertCHITEC B. Bunn TS Mary B. Silva Kathleen Wong Yukiko Sato Edmund & Martha Burke R. Scott Simon Mark Wong Carl Smigielski Jim & Anne-Mariefor OP DERAuca Kitty & John Simonds Mary Wong & Carl Yee Judy Sykes Karen A. Essene Edward Slavish Peter G.C. Wong Holly & Wayne Turl Pamela & Fred Ferguson-Brey Hannah Slovin Wendell Wong Maggie Walker Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gillmor Carl Smigielski Donna M. Woo Wendell Wong Nancy Grekin Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sofos Karen & James Wright Tom Huber Mr. & Mrs. John H. Southworth Lesley A. Wright Robert & Marcy Katz Dr. John & Susan Spangler Marcia Wright PHYSICIANS Evelyn B. Lance Mr. & Mrs. Manny Spector Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wyman James Leavitt Shalmy Ned Sperling Caroline Xaverius for OPERA Patricia Y. Lee Ralph & Jacquelyn Sprague Charlotte N. Yamada Cedric Akau & Sabrina R. Toma John Lockwood Arthur & Carolyn Staats Roy & Elvina Yamashiro Dr. & Mrs. David J. Andrew Donald C. Machado Douglas Stahl Douglas & Janice Yasuda Dr. & Mrs. Ken Arakawa Mark K. Murakami Mrs. Kenneth Stehouwer Alicia Yee Dr. Andrew Bisset & Lois Cecil Francis T. O’Brien Patricia & William Steinhoff Anne W. Yee S. Kalani Brady R. Scott Simon Charles & Carrol Strang Cora Yee Dr. Roger & Felice Brault Lori V. Thomas Geoffrey T. & Karen R.N. Suzuki Melvin & Carol Yee Dr. Russell & Judith Carlson Richard Turbin Paul & Gail Switzer Dwight Yim Joyce H. Cassen, M.D. Les Ueoka Mr. & Mrs. William M. Swope Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Yoda Dr. Ann B. Catts Charles R. Wichman Judy Sykes Elva Yoshihara Drs. James & Julia Cherry Jason G.F. Wong Larry T. Taaca Loretta Y. Yoshimoto Drs, Collin & Mary Dang Mr. & Mrs. William A. Takakuwa Mr. & Mrs. Clifford F. Young William Davis Carol M. Takata Patricia Dere Young & Rosalind J. Young John & Sada Drouilhet DENTISTS Betsy & Jerry Takesono Fay Zenigami Dr. & Mrs. Byron A. Eliashof Victoria & Shoichi Tamura Annette Zib William W. Goodhue, Jr., MD for OPERA Katsuki Tanigawa Carl & Jovita Zimmerman Dr. Werner & Kathy Grebe Angela M.A. Chin, D.M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Virginia & Andrew Tanji Dr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Hazenfield Downtown Dental Associates Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi Tasaka We make every effort to ensure Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Hiatt Dr. Lawrence M. Fujioka Remi & Barbara Taum our patrons are listed correctly in Dr. Tyrie L. Jenkins Wade Nobuhara & Cecile Sebastian Janet Tauscher the Aria. If you have been listed Dr. & Mrs. Donald Jones Steve Wilhite,REA DDLSTORS for OPERA 28 HAWAII OPERA THEATRE | 6G>6



AIA ARCHITECTS for OPERA 2011 Arira opera ad_Layout 1 1/4/11 9:22 AM Page 1

&$)EV\Z" K:GI>86A

A NEW VISION FOR A B^YEVX^ÒX BELOVED CLASSIC. A classic love story told in a more intimate way…

A magnificent story of love told against the backdrop of war and slavery. This retelling of the AIDA story holds the chorus in a fixed place, without Egyptian costumes, to focus on the core of the work as an intimate and tragic story of star-crossed lovers. They become     a Greek chorus: witnesses to the tragic love of Aida for Radames,    and the seething jealousy of the princess Amneris. The passion of the work transcends the borders of time, class and society.

'%&'HZVhdc * See page 13 for details.    APPLY ONLINE: WWW.MIDPAC.EDU

THE INCOMPARABLE SINGINGVOICE OF BÖSENDORFER, 6cdcnbdjh Idb>> BVg^iVA#CZahdc!E]#9# B^X]VZa9VWcZn CdgbVC^X]dah Ajgn^Zg9^VbdcY ?dnXZFj^\aZn :hiViZd[=deZ9dnaZ HVgV]G^X]VgYh HVaan:YlVgYh ?ZVc:#GdaaZh 1/4 page HjoVccZ:c\Za BV_dg[deZgV Size:3.5 x 4.875” ]VhWZZcVeVgid[ndjga^[Z!bV`Z^iVeVgid[ndjgaZ\VXn# Ef[hWB[]WYoIeY_[joX[d[Óji_dYbkZ[0 File type requested: PDF/x-1a ™:mXajh^kZ6ccjVaAZ\VXnHdX^Zin7gjcX]VcYdi]ZgheZX^Va From Vienna egd\gVbhVcYZkZci^ck^iVi^dch# to Honolulu, 12/01/10.AJ ™GZXd\c^i^dc!l^i]ndjgVeegdkVa!^ci]Z=DIVccjVagZedgiVcY found only at ^chZVhdcegd\gVbh# WmW__Ef[hWJ^[Wjh[Wj+/,#-)-(n(&'$ Model Shown: 720 Iwilei Road, Ste. 322 Johann Strauss 537-3441

FAUST '%&& 29 HE:8>6AI=6C@H

Carolyn Acoba Linda Hamasaki Worldster & Patricia Lee Linda Rosehill & Rosehill Dr. Eleanore Akina Marie Hansen Naomi Loewe and Associates Aloha Air Cargo John Hara Dr. C. Dexter & Mary Lou Lufkin The Royal Hawaiian Aqua Hotels & Resorts Hawaii Public Radio Jeri & Jerry Lynch Sacred Hearts Academy Pam Andelin Cameron Hawaii Stage and Lighting, Inc. Aaron Mahi Sheraton Waikiki Margaret Armstrong Lottie Hearn Barbara Masumoto Gordon P. Svec Bank of Hawaii Lester J. Hee, CPA Brien J. Matson & Musicians David Takagi Carolyn Berry Stephanie Hee Association of Hawaii, Local 677 Caroll Takahashi Betty Buck Larry & Jo Ann Heim Peter & Luanna McKenney James Tam Bob & Patsy Bunn Jan Henderson Professor John Mount Lori Thomas Kristen Chan Susan Hillman Judy Neale Marlene Tom Karen Chang & Rick Blangiardi Betty Hoddick NEIMAN MARCUS Sunae Tom Lianne Chang Honolulu Design Center Ann Nieheimmer Al & Joyce Tomonari Lillian Chang Jason Ichiyama Allen & Yoshi Nishimura & Gae Burgquist Trommald Ed Chow Lynne Johnson Mozart House Lawrence K.W. Tseu, D.D.S. Leonard Chow Mary Jossem Dorothy Nitta Jan Tucker Da Spirit- Richard Chang KAI VODKA NORDSTROM The Waikiki Edition Jeff Chung Charles Kaneshiro Oahu Country Club Maggie Walker Datahouse Robert Katz Christine O’Brien Watanabe Floral, Inc. Leila Diamond Richard Kennedy & Steven Prieto OrangeRoc Betty White Diamond Head Theatre Dr. Robert & Adelaide Kistner The Pacific Club Stephen & Dana Wilson John Doty, JMD Beverages Jaymark & Lori Komer Richard Palma Adrienne Wing, MD Suzanne B. Engel Traci Kusaka Susan Palmore Dr. Lesley Wright Flowers by Jr Lou and T Lynn Lally Professor Larry Paxton David Wunsch Fujioka’s Wine Times Evelyn Lance Nancy Peacock Ray Galas Juliana LaReaux & LaReaux Dr. James & Cherye Pierce DAHr. L78-222-10.HOTawrence Gordon Prgm 2011:LayoutCommunications 1 12/9/10 3:37 PM N Pageeva R ego1 Priscilla Growney James Leavitt Haigh Roop

As they say in the opera, “Bravo!”

Kama‘aina K-Class Pass Book a 2-night stay at any Aston hotel or condominium resort, show your Hawai‘i ID or HOT membership and get: % Free room upgrade % Earn HawaiianMiles % Free parking with your stay % Free 2pm late checkout 800.321.2558 Hawaii or military ID or HOT membership required. Two-night minimum stay required. Room upgrade is within same room category only and is subject to availability. Some restrictions may apply. Offer ends 12/23/11.


Season Orchestra

Atherton Family Foundation

M Inerny Foundation Bank of Hawaii, Trustee COOKE FOUNDATION, LIMITED

Hotel Official Airline Costume Transportation

DENTISTS OPERA Lanai Lectures VIP Intermission Dessert Wine forHospitality


PHYSICIANS Opera Express Supertitles Set Transportation OPOperaERA For GEveryoneROUP DENTISTS for OPERA LAWYERS for OPERA REALTORS Director forConductor OPERA Costumes Anela Kolohe Foundation Suzanne B. Engel, President PHYSICIANS AIA ARCHITECTS SPONSORS Meet the Stars Party PHYSICIANSfor OPERA for OPERA OPERA GROUP

Costumes Conductor Meet the Stars Party