I the WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading1 and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County •C Q :C -I O - Q Publlnhed Second Clus Po«T*£E Paid WESTFIELD
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O\ I THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading1 and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County •c Q :c -i O - Q Publlnhed Second Clus Po«t*£e Paid WESTFIELD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1978 32 Pages—15 C«nts EIGHT '. — NO. 19 it We«tleld. N. J. Every TKuriday " i iks Designer for Gumbert Park To Update Police Communications System A resolution recommending thai town- Representing the Gumbert area owned property adjacent to Gumbert residents at the meeting. Robert Men- Park continue to he considered for doza and William Inglis presented an The 13-year-old Westfield Police Department's radio amount of $3,380 lo Haller Testing Laboratories for soil recreation purposes, and that the town alternate development prepared by the communications system will be updated from a low to work at the Tamaques Park tennis courts. retain a professional park designer to group. The neighborhood plan includes a high band frequency with the expected approval Dec. 26 Council also authorized an agreement with Union plan specific facilities in keeping with jogging trail, picnic areas with of a KO.iXHi appropriation by the Town Council. County to clear snow from four heavily-travelled in- the site ^as adopted by the Westfield fireplaces, parking and archery. In his An ordinance providing for the funds won unanimous tersections in Westfield: Central at North Ave.. Central Hecreat'.on Commission, at its presentation. Inglis cited the need for approval Tuesday night at the council's regular business at South Ave., East Broad St. at Springfield Ave. and December meeting. "support facilities" for the existing ball session. South Ave. ;it Westfiekf Ave. Accumulated snow will he Since the land was acquired with fields and basketball courts. Both he and Also scheduled for final action at the current council's dumped behind the Westfield Armory Green Acre funds, several conceptual Mendoza reiterated the need for last meeting of 1978 are ordinances which will permit Ihe Approved was a resolution paying a total of $4,699 lo 25 p'ans have been considered by the retention of a 'buffer zone" in the area. private salo of property al749-757ClarenceSt. toVillane &• volunteer firemen for services during 1078. Contracts for commission These have included tennis Sons Inc. for (he amount of $17,500. and providing for an snow plowing and removal also wen- awarded lo about a courts. children's playgrounds, After discussion, the consensus of the additional S27.5(H)for improvements toa portion of Grove dozen contractors multipurpose athletic field, senior commission was to continue to Jan. !) was set as the date for u hearing on ;in AHC citizen recreation, picnic areas and recommend recreational development The Clarence St. property was among several town- violation (sale of alcoholic beverages to y minori support facilities such as a parking lot of the area rather than to consider sale owned Sots advertised for sale hut the only one for which charged against International Wines and Liquors. South and comfort station of the property for possible commercial a bid was acceptable Other properties brought in bids Ave use. Professional consultation will be Neighborhood residents have been far lower than their assessed value and ali bids were Resolutions were presented by Councilman John firmh opposed to any facility which sought on the specific recreational originally rejected by the council. Villane's offer was facilities to be incorporated This Brady to members of the Westfield High School girls' would affect the "buffer zone" now accepted after he raised his original bid by $1,500. field hockey and tennis teams. provided by the undeveloped area which recommendation will be forwarded to Council approved an ordinance extending the current is situated on the border of Westfield Town Council for inclusion in the 1973 zoning code until Feb. 1 in order to give the new council A petition fromSherwood Parkway residents who wish touching the industrial zone of Garwood. capital budget. ihe opportunity to finalize an ordinance already being Iheir street terminated at the Mountainside line was prepared In subsequent action, approval was given to a referred for study to the policy and fire departments. S2.43" contract with the firm of Robert Catlin and Another request from the Recreation Commission for a - Associates lo consolidate into a single omnibus bill the planner-consultant on the use- of addilional lands ad- existing separate ordinances affecting land use within jacent to (lumbert Field was referred to Ihe finance ihe town. These specific codes include the zoning or- committee. Mayor Alexander S. Williams noted the gift dinance, the official map. regulations on subdivisions by town service organizations of a $5,500 "Jaws of Life" and site plans and the ordinance establishing the to the fire department, saying this was one of the largest Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. Catlin contributions ever made by organizations and in- Associates will do the necessary editorial and dividuals lothe lown He added that members of IhoFiro organizational work and provide the town with 300 copies Department also personally contributed lo Ihe equip- of the new ordinance. ment, which will be user! for heavy duty rescue in the An additional professional bid was awarded in the event of automobile accidents particularly. New Town Council Organizes Jan. 2 Meeker Honored on Retirement The Town Council will in the council chambers of hold a special meeting to the Municipal Building at Councilman John K. members. Meeker com- organize for the year 1979 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2. Meeker was presented the mended Ihe dedication of traditional silver bowl for councilmen and town his service on the Town personnel, the patience of Westfield Native Council at ceremonies Mayor Alexander S. Tuesday night at Ihe Wiliiams and challenged the municipal building. administration "not to be Joins Police Dept. Meeker, completing a afraid of change." two-year term as Edward T. liclford, 2.1, representative from the Meeker and Mayor of 1512 Pine Grove Ave third ward, will be unable to Williams are the only two became I. rr.ti'.ner-of the attend the final session of retiriMi v'Tibers of ttic l'J7!l Westfk'M Pr'i'O f-rct- <<n the ci:n;-nt council T>o<\ 2G. council. They will be suc- Sundcu liter «•<-•! vMig four Praised by resolution and ceeded in January by Allen months *; a dispatcher U'-r by individual comment'; <"hin as mayor and Hay (he department from ihe mavor and council Slone as councilman. A life-Jong i-esidint c-i' John K. Meeker Westfieltf. he ;s one of only Westfield Studio Photo a small percentage of Representatives pose in front of the "Jaws of Life" Ralzer. Woman's Club: .Mrs. V. William Vincent.sen. officers on the force who donated to the Town of Westfield Saturda) at a reception Junior Woman's Club: Charles Jackson and Sid were born and raised in To Report on Future and demonstration at the Woman's Club are (left to Papandrea. Kiuanis Club: Raymond Luck. Fireman's town. ritihti Arthut D. Pray. Jaycees'. Mayor Alexander S. Mutual Benevolent Assn.; Deputy Chief Roy Cross, He is a graduate of Williams: V. William VincenLsen, Rotary Club: Susan Rotary Club: (foreground) Mrs. Anthony J. Stark Jr.. Westfield High School and Fell aad Warren C. Rorden. Westfield Area Chamber of ikneeiing), Susan Moldcn and Kathy .N'onvine, Sub- attended both Trenton School Needs Jan. 2 Commerce: .Mrs. Ijwrence B. Krogh and Mrs. David I.. Junior Woman's Club. State and L'nion College in School Superintendent On Jan. 2, Dr. Greene will citizens committee which its criminal justice pro- Laurence F. Greene has present to Ihe school board has been looking at school gram. announced dates on which and public a report called: facilities since last spring, Belford passed ali the he will report to the school "Long Range Study of This committee, called the Westfield Service Clubs required tests for police board and public on School Needs." He will use a Fulure Needs Advisory officers in June, including KduardT. Belford recommendations concern- study he prepared in 1975 as Committee, is expected to , a rigorous physical exam. resigned from the force. ing future needs of school one basis for this report. report lo Dr. Greene and the Donate Jaws of Life He replaced Officer Edward is the son of Mr. facilities and the junior high Other sources include the school board by Dec. 15. Thomas Eskildsen who and Mrs. A.J. Belford. school curriculum. report of a townwide Originally, the committee At a reception given by that the viability of our town The "Jaws of Life" tool greatly reduce the time had hoped to presenl a the Woman's Club of rests in the willingness of will be used by the Westfield required to rescue victims report by Dec, 1. Dr. Greene Westfield. William Vin- our civic groups and in- Fire Department to provide and has changed the continues lo plan his report centsen. president of the dividuals to participate and quick, safe and efficient manner of rescue. Rather 2500 Offer Support, But on school facilities on his Westfield Rotary Club, work with the governing extrication of trapped than removing the victim originally scheduled dale presented to the Town of body to improve on the life victims from motor vehicles from the vehicle, now it is Jan. 2. Westfield the power rescue stvle of our residents." and similaraccidents. It can possible to remove the car The "Long Range Study of tool "The Jaws of Life." from about the victim, Fail to Return Pledge Cards School Needs" will include The Rotary Club giving the first aiders more the superintendent's pro- organized a joint com- room to work.