The Parish News July/August 2018

The OVO Energy Women’s Cycle Tour on its way through , June 14th 2018.

Summer Fete and Dog Show, page 5 Off the Beaten Track, page 7 “No Rogue Traders Here” Scheme, page 14

Priors Hardwick * Wormleighton * Priors Marston WITH PRIORS MARSTON AND WORMLEIGHTON part of The Bridges Group of Parishes PRIEST-IN-CHARGE: Rev. Gillian Roberts, 01926 815831, [email protected], Sycamore Lodge, Church Street, Stockton, CV47 8JG ASSOCIATE MINISTERS: Rev. Carol Newborn, 02476 503707, [email protected] Rev. Celia Parkes, 07842 151387, [email protected] GROUP ADMINISTRATOR: Susan Holloway, 01926 812383, [email protected] LAY READER: Mr Peter Jackson, 01327 260169 CHURCHWARDENS: St. Leonard, Priors Marston - Mr. Malcolm Monkhouse, 01327 260915 St. Peter, Wormleighton - Mr. Jeremy Wheeler, 01327 264330


THE PRIORS HALL: Barbara Harvey, 01327 260709, [email protected] (Bookings)



WOMENS INSTITUTE: Jane Cowan, 07979 550202, Fiona Spencer, 01327 263423

FILM NIGHT: Lee Robinson, 01327 263268, [email protected]

SPORTS CLUB: Simon Brown, 07722 797735, [email protected]

TENNIS CLUB: [email protected]; coach: Robert Morrissey 07957 435266, [email protected]

CRICKET: Alan Evans, 07764 627030 ______PARISH NEWS: Helen Menezes, 01327 261222, [email protected] Hillside House, Keys Lane, Priors Marston, , CV47 7SA. Deadline for contributions, 15th of the month. Preferred format – A4 Word or JPEG (not PDF)


SAVE THE DATES For events in July and August, please see the calendar on middle pages.

SUNDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER, 5.00 pm, Choral Evensong at St. Mary’s, Priors Hardwick.

FRIDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER, 7.00 pm till late, a joint fundraising event for the Air Ambulance and Motor Neurone Disease Association at Boddington Village Hall. Dinner Dance, disco and fantastic raffle and auction. Tickets from Jill Sutton 01327 262030 and June Wilson 01327 261259.

SATURDAY, 13TH OCTOBER – Casino Royale Ball, Priors School, Tickets £75 from [email protected]

SATURDAY, 10TH NOVEMBER, 7.30 pm, Lest We Forget, St. Mary’s, Priors Hardwick. * * * * * * * * ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH, PRIORS MARSTON Flower Rota 1st/8th July Jill Soffe 15th/22nd July Clare Fulford 29th July/5th Aug. Sue Butcher 12th/19th August Jean Payne 26th August June Wilson Cleaning Rota 1st July Dot and Pete Brown 8th July Jean Avello 15th/22nd July Rob and Sue Butcher 29th July Kim Morgan 5th August Tracey Ben-Tovin 12th August Elaine Forsyth 19th August Kate Morgan 26th August Shirley Monkhouse

ST. MARY’S CHURCH, PRIORS HARDWICK Cleaning/Flower Rota 1st July Debbie Mercer 8th/15th July Jane Richards 22nd/29th July Margaret Clarke/Wedding 5th/12th August Elaine Hacker 19th/26th August Ros White


Practising “Sabbath” By the time you read this, we will be heading into “summer holiday” season. I do hope you will manage to have some relaxation time – either with family or friends or in peaceful solitude, at home or abroad!

We all seem to lead such busy lives – we live in a society that never appears to rest. We are always striving for more and more things or experiences. Our cultural and economic system seems to be driven by anxiety, fear and pressure as it demands more and more of us. The system doesn’t rest – and neither do we. And that isn’t healthy.

After God created the world, he rested. He didn’t worry about creation; he didn’t fear what might happen to it all when he took a day off; he wasn’t anxious. And we should try to follow his example.

Develop a sustainable pattern and rhythm of life, with time to do those things that you are passionate about with the people you love. Create spaces and places where you can spend time to take care of yourself.

If we choose to love God and develop habits that help us avoid the “rat race”, that help us avoid always wanting more, that help us avoid the pressures of our economic system of consumerism. We can instead give our time and ourselves to worshipping God and loving our neighbours.

If we choose to break the restless cycle and focus on what is truly important: our relationships with God, other people and all of creation – we will be transformed and so will the world around us.

Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” [Matthew 11:28-30]

God bless, Gillian



The Bridges Group of Parishes Church Services July 2018 1st July 8th July 15th July 22nd July 29th July Trinity 5 Trinity 6 Trinity 7 Trinity 8 Trinity 9 Outdoor Gathering Priors 9.00am 5.00pm 9.00m - - Hardwick BCP Communion Evensong BCP Communion Wormleighton - 9.00am - 10.30am - BCP Morning Worship Communion Lower - - - 9.00am - Shuckburgh BCP Communion Napton 10.30am 10.30am Napton Bike 6.00pm 10.30am CW Communion Morning Ride Soup for the Soul The Gathering Worship NO SERVICE At HOLT FARM At Napton Ch. OUTDOORS! Stockton 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am - Morning CW Messy CW Communion Worship Communion Church Priors 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am - Marston Morning CW CW CW Communion Worship Communion Communion

August 2018 5th August 12th August 19th August 26th August Trinity 10 Trinity 11 Trinity 12 Trinity 13 Priors 9.00am 5.00pm 9.00m - Hardwick BCP Communion Evensong BCP Communion Wormleighton - 9.00am - 10.30am BCP Communion Morning Worship Lower - - - 9.00am Shuckburgh BCP Communion Napton 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am - CW Communion Morning Worship CW Communion Stockton 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Morning Worship CW Communion Messy Church CW Communion Priors 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Marston Morning Worship CW Communion Morning Worship CW Communion



A WALK ROUND PRIORS MARSTON BUT OFF THE BEATEN TRACK Join us for a guided mystery walk from the Church on Monday 27th August at 11 am prompt.

Visit parts of Priors Marston you have never seen before.

Finish at the Church for lunchtime refreshments.

Dogs and children on leads please!

Tickets on the door £6, in advance £5

Children half price

More details and tickets from Anna and Robert Holland 01327 262736 Jean Avello, [email protected] Mike and Kate Morgan 01327 260617

If you can’t make the walk, but wish to make a donation to the fund, please contact any of the ticket sellers named above.


ST. MARY’S, PRIORS HARDWICK Starting with the weather, as is often the case, Spring this year has been remarkably pleasant (except, as usual, for the odd Bank Holiday). Importantly, for us, it was particularly nice for our recent churchyard clear-up day, when the area around the church received its annual trim, resulting in the central architectural feature of our village looking very smart and presentable. This is thanks to the dedicated few who came to work, not only that day but also before and since with things like mowing and strimming. The village green area was also given a good cut and tidy up that day thanks to a couple of heroic volunteers, so continuing the good impression that we endeavour to make to visitors and locals alike. The following day was Open Farm Sunday and Hill Farm was duly open, with various stalls, farm machinery (some of which is staggering in its size and complexity these days) and trailer rides around the fields to show the diverse range of wildlife around and the efforts the farmers are making to improve the environment for us all. Encouraged by some really nice weather, there were nearly 800 visitors on the day. It was the culmination of a lot of effort in preparation and organisation, particularly for Hill Farm itself, which still has its normal work to get done in addition to all this, so many thanks to the Darbishires, and to their associates in the enterprise. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the church also held a morning service in the marquee there, singing hymns while being able to survey fields of ripening grain leading to the beautiful rolling countryside - a chance to connect with the Creator and the Creation in the same moment. Having straw bales for pews added to the rustic effect. The tent was later transformed into a pop-up cafe serving teas, coffee and cakes to the hundreds of visitors. This was an initiative of the church and the village to raise some money to go towards creating our proposed Community Area, somewhere available for all ages to meet up and “do their thing”. We are hoping to extract a grant from HS2 towards this, one of the few possible positives that might be extracted from the whole High Speed charade, at least from the point of view of many of us struggling against the odds to be heard by the powers that be. You may possibly read elsewhere about HS2, but this wonderfully planned project has already been subject to two major changes just in our vicinity alone (the sidings and the heave trial), and even this latter has now been delayed by a significant local archaeological discovery (near our historic villages – what a surprise!). Common sense would have doomed the exercise by now, but tribalism and group-think will probably make it stagger on, at least for a while. Some of us believe in a grander “plan”, but distilling how we fit into it is sometimes a struggle. Alan Hone Priors Hardwick PCC – 01327 220440 – [email protected]


ST.PETER’S, WORMLEIGHTON When we grow older, the only thing that seems to move faster is the passage of time. We all have a finite lifespan and I. anyway, am seemingly hurtling down the last piece of track leading to that final destination and finding that the speed at which I can take actions and do things is becoming increasingly slower so that the demands on my time seem to become ever more pressing. Happily, the one thing of which there seems to be no shortage, however, is a vast number of jokes about elderly people and perhaps it is a sign of the make-up of the present generation of (very) senior citizens that we have at least retained our sense of humour. At any stage in life, the ability not to take oneself too seriously is surely a positive attribute of any person’s character.

Certainly the small team of worthy souls, who attempt to keep St Peter’s church alive and in running order against seemingly insurmountable odds, do try to inject a high degree of humour into all of the activities that are part and parcel of ensuring that the massive contributions made by the forebears of our ancient church over 900 years or so ago are not just neglected and then, God forbid, forgotten. There is, I think still in the English people’s make-up, a desire to support the idea of “pride of place”. Generally speaking, visitors to our country are amazed at the way in which most English people tend for their gardens and grow flowers, vegetables and fruit and do so not really for any financial gain, but as “something that the British people do”. A visit to the USA for example will show that Americans tend to certainly spend time and money on their lawns, or “yards” as they are called, but don’t really indulge in other horticultural activities to any great extent, although of course there are honourable exceptions. I think and hope that the small population of Wormleighton now take some pride in their church and will do so in the future. Actually keeping our churchyard in a reasonable condition is left to the small flock of sheep that eat the grass there rather than to any fancy machinery. Our pathways through the churchyard are in rather poor condition and some action will be taken shortly, we hope, to restore these to a more acceptable condition. Unfortunately, the presence of the sheep does have its downside from the point of view of keeping the paths clean and one could say that the sheep are “messy eaters”! But these Jacob’s sheep are so much part of the make-up of St Peter’s church and allowances must be made and we are happy to have them!

Having renewed the roof and in particular the outside of the tower, our focus will switch to the interior of the tower where toilets and washing facilities are to be installed with some minimal catering installations. Work is expected to start on this in August of this year.

Our focus is now turning to the subject of our three bells which are installed in the tower, but which are currently only capable of being “chimed” as opposed to being

9 fully rung. What must be borne in mind is the fact that a church with only three bells is not really of much interest for campanologists (bell-ringers) and to excite any interest in our bells being rung regularly, we would probably need to install three more bells. We are currently investigating possible sources of finance for such a venture, which could be seen as a logical development and part of our commitment to have our church used for community-related activities rather than purely for church services, weddings and funerals. Perhaps we are being over-ambitious, but we have climbed bigger mountains than this one!

As part of our need to strengthen our PCC, we are heartened by the news that the Spencer Family’s ancient Tudor Manor House (or rather one wing of what was the huge original house that was 4 times the size of Althorp but was “torched” by the Royalists in 1645!) is now being restored and converted into two dwelling houses, which should be completed this coming autumn. With the loss of two of our longest-standing members of the PCC in the form of Charles and Jane Williams, who have moved after 34 years in our village, we are urgently seeking some worthy and hopefully younger replacements to become leaders in our ongoing St Peter’s survival course. Maybe there is a Richard DeVere in the offing to liven up proceedings or even an Audrey fforbes-Hamilton! We never seem to know exactly what the Lord will provide for us as his unworthy servants! Jeremy Wheeler, Churchwarden & PCC Secretary, St Peter’s Wormleighton. Tel. 01327 264330 e-mail: [email protected]



(Please note the dates!)

SUNDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER At 5.00pm CHORAL EVENSONG FOR THE PATRONAL FESTIVAL with THE WINDMILL SINGERS Director – Dr Gerard Hyland ORGANIST Tim Campain PREACHER The Venerable Sue Field, Archdeacon Pastor of

This proved to be a very popular, high quality event last year

SATURDAY 10TH NOVEMBER At 7.30pm The Windmill Singers present 'Lest we forget' A centennial commemoration of the end of the 1st World War in words and music, featuring excerpts from Karl Jenkins' Requiem & Armed Man, together with well-known Remembrance-tide music and readings.

Retiring Collection for Galanos House



ADVERTISING: One of our regular readers has emailed me about the advertising in the Parish News. He wonders “whether the paying advertisers in 2018 are getting quite the best viewing exposure they should by being placed on the last pages of the magazine.” He wonders if it might be better to place the advertisements in amongst the articles. If you are a paying advertiser, or a reader who has a view on this, I’d be pleased to know what you think – [email protected].

PDF EDITION: A couple of people who receive the PDF version of the News have reported difficulties with downloading and anomalies in formatting. If you have any problems, it’s useful for me to know about them, so if you have the time, please let me know.

You can read the Parish News in PDF format (pictures in colour and A4 page size), by sending a request to the me – [email protected]. You can also read the latest edition on the Priors Marston Parish Council website,

* * * * * * * *

PARISH NEWS PRINTING The Parish News is written, edited and delivered by volunteers, so we need only to find the money to pay for the printing. This comes from advertising revenue and donations by readers – many thanks if you are one of the people who has already contributed.

* * * * * * * *


PRIORS HALL NEWS Badminton*Darts*Film Night*Fun Club*Hairdressing*Mud Club*Play Group*Pilates*Post Office*Short Mat Bowls*Table Tennis*Women’s Institute

Monday Table Tennis, 6.00-7.00 pm All welcome Tuesday Post Office, Lacey’s, Pilates Wednesday Play Group (morning), Lacey’s, W.I Meeting (monthly) Thursday Post Office, Fun Club/Mud Club (term-time), Lacey’s Friday Film Night (monthly Sept - May), Lacey’s Saturday Lacey’s

Lacey’s His and Hers Hairdressing: From Tuesday to Saturday, by appointment, you can have your hair done, next to the post office. The contact numbers are 01327 263330 and 07733 102564.

Post Office opening hours: 10 am-1.00 pm, 2.00-4.00 pm, Tuesday and Thursday. Tel: 01327 261743. Copies of the Village Directory are available from the Post Office for a donation of £3.

Pilates: Pilates Class, Tuesdays at 9.30 am. A friendly, therapeutic and gentle exercise class, with an experienced, fully-qualified instructor. Beginners welcome. Please contact Steph on 07766 104411 or [email protected]

Hall Bookings: General Rate £15.00 per hour, Village Rate £10.00 per hour. (Special rates for local/regular users.) Available 7 days a week, daytime and evenings (subject to other bookings). Please contact Barbara Harvey on 01327 260709, [email protected], to book, or for more information. There are also booking forms available on the noticeboard in the hall.


PRIORS MARSTON PARISH COUNCIL If you have any matters you wish to raise, please contact Emma Hooker the Parish Clerk, [email protected]/ telephone: 01327 263788

Priors Marston Parish Council, Results of the Parish Survey are available to read online, on the website.

PRIORS HARDWICK WEBSITE You can keep up-to-date with what’s going on in and around Priors Hardwick here:-


* * * * * * * * NO ROGUE TRADERS HERE (NRTH) NEW WARWICKSHIRE TRADING STANDARDS BACKED, APPROVED TRADER SCHEME In order to reduce doorstep crime, increase consumer confidence and stimulate local business, Warwickshire Trading Standards Service (WTS) have been supporting the "No Rogue Traders Here" (NRTH) approved trader scheme.

No Rogue Traders Here is a privately run approved trader scheme, in partnership with , Solihull, Wolverhampton and now Warwickshire Trading Standards.


The scheme is rather different from other schemes. It is a managed network of businesses, rather than a list. Each business has been through a very detailed vetting process, including intelligence checks from each participating Trading Standards Service.

HOW IT WORKS AND WHY IT IS DIFFERENT 1. Warwickshire residents can simply register either online at or by Freephone 0800 233 5000 and use the scheme free of charge. They just need to register their basic details, confirm the type of trader and the work they require.

2. The customer will then receive a profile of up to 3 scheme members, depending on the size of the job, who meet their requirements.

3. The consumer contacts the trader/s to get quotes and then makes a decision in their own time.

4. A written quote/contract is drawn up by the customer’s chosen trader and a start date agreed.

5. NRTH then monitor the contract, to make sure the quotes are clear, complete, fair and accurate.

6. When the work is completed, NRTH then contact the consumer to check that they are happy with the result. The administration of the scheme is carried out by NRTH, including the registration of traders and consumers.

7. If there are any problems, NRTH investigate and mediate between the Customer and Trader. Trading Standards can step in to advise if need be.


TEA ON THE FOURTH THURSDAY TEA – 4TH THURSDAY There will be tea parties on Thursday 26th July and Thursday 23rd August Everyone will be welcome at The Old Coach House, the home of Mrs Elaine Barker, at 3.00pm for tea, cakes and a chat. If you would like to come, but need transport, please phone 262233. Carriages at 4.30pm (or thereabouts!)

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Copies of the latest directory (October 2017) can be obtained from: Mrs. Dot Brown and the Post Office in Priors Marston and from Mrs. Margaret Clarke in Priors Hardwick for a minimum donation of £3

THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY FROM THE REGISTERS HOLY MATRIMONY Saturday 2nd June Matthew Jonner and Keira Blower, both of . By Rev Celia Parkes We wish Matt and Keira good health and every happiness in their married life.

PRIORS HARDWICK VILLAGE MEETING The next meeting will be on Thursday 26th July at 7:30pm in the Church

SALVATION ARMY FOOD BANK Non-perishable items may be left in the telephone box, in Priors Hardwick. This is emptied regularly, and gifts are taken to weekly. We are most grateful for the generous donations received so far this year.


MOBILE LIBRARY The Library will continue its regular routine in July and August. It will call at Priors Hardwick, outside the church, on Wednesdays 18th July and 29th August, from 11:05 until 11:25am. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Please do not discard used stamps or postcards. There are boxes in the churches at Priors Hardwick and Priors Marston for the collection of postcards which are sorted and sold in aid of the Church in Sudan. However, in Priors Hardwick there is also a box for post cards for the Mission Aviation Fellowship and at Priors Marston there is a box for the collection of used postage stamps.

As there will be no magazine in August, this is the last request for postcards in aid of the Church in Sudan. There are several reasons for this:  The serious reduction in the use of postcards;  The volunteers who make the nation-wide collections are not being replaced as they give up – mostly due to age and infirmity;  And most of all because Mr Len Whittaker who has been dealing with ALL the stamps for many years is no longer able to continue.

So, please, if you can, bring as many postcards as you can find to the churches in Priors Marston and Priors Hardwick before the end of August. Shortly after that, I’m expecting a call to take our collection to Rev Elizabeth Mordecai in Leamington from where they will be joined with collections from the rest of the Midlands on their journey to Essex and Mr Whittaker. There will still be a box in the church at Priors Hardwick for postcards in support of The Mission Aviation Fellowship. Margaret Clarke



JULY Thu 5 2.30-4.15 pm Class 3 Farmers Market Priors School 6.30-8.00 pm Fun Friends (Years 3-5) Priors Hall Mon 9 7.30 pm Priors M Parish Council Meeting Priors Hall 7.30 pm Priors H Parochial Ch. Council Priors Hardwick Tue 10 Evening PET Dinner, Butchers Arms Priors Hardwick Wed 11 7.30 pm Priors M Parochial Ch. Council Priors Marston Thu 12 7.00-8.00 pm Fun Squad (Years 6-8) Priors Hall 8.00-9.30 pm Mud Club (Years 10 – 13) Priors Hall Fri 13 6.15-7.30 pm The Lighthouse Club (Years 3-5) Napton Vill. Hall 6.15-7.30 pm ConneXions (Year 6 +) Napton Vill. Hall Sat 14 8.30 am Prayer Breakfast at Margaret Church End, Priors Clarke’s, Orchard House Hardwick 11.00 am Coffee and Cakes, St. John’s 11.00 am Summer Fete and Dog Show Priors School Sun 15 10.00 am Napton Cycle Ride The Green, Napton Wed 18 10.00 am Short Morning Prayer St. Leonard’s 11.05-11.25 am Mobile Library, Priors Hardwick Outside St.Mary’s 12 noon Church Lunch Stockton 7.30 pm WI Visit to MOD Kineton Sat 21 11.00 am Coffee and Cakes, St. John’s Lower Shuckburgh Mon 23 7.30 pm Napton Parochial Ch. Council Napton


Wed 25 7.00 pm Lwr. Shuckburgh Parochial Ch. Cl. Lower Shuckburgh Thu 26 3.00 pm Tea on the Fourth Priors Hardwick 7.30 pm Priors Hardwick Village Meeting St. Mary’s

AUG Sat 4 11.00 am Coffee and Cakes, St. John’s Lower Shuckburgh Wed 8 6.00 pm Stockton Parochial Ch. Council Stockton Sat 11 8.30 am Priors Marston Prayer Breakfast The Vicarage 11.00 am Coffee and Cakes, St. John’s Lower Shuckburgh Mon 13 7.30 pm Priors H. Parochial Ch. Council Priors Hardwick Wed 15 10.00 am Short Morning Prayer St. Leonard’s Sat 18 11.00 am Coffee and Cakes, St. John’s Lower Shuckburgh Thu 23 3.00 pm Tea on the Fourth Priors Hardwick Sat 25 11.00 am Coffee and Cakes, St. John’s Lower Shuckburgh Mon 27 11.00 am Mystery Walk St. Leonard’s Wed 29 11.05-11.25 am Mobile Library, Priors Hardwick Outside St.Mary’s

WEEKLY Mondays 2.00-4.00 pm Knit and Natter Stockton Church Tuesdays 9.00-09.30 am Prayer/chat with Celia St. Leonard’s Tuesdays 9.30-11.00 am Create and Play Stockton Church Tuesdays(not 1st) 7.30 pm Home Bible Study Group Napton Wednesdays 8.00 pm Home Bible Study Group Stockton 1st/3rdThursdays 2.30 pm Home Bible Study Group Stockton Thursdays 8.00 pm Home Bible Study Group Location varies


CONTACTS Children/ Youth The Lighthouse Club Julia Boby 01926 811476 ConneXions Julia Boby 01926 811476 Fun Friends Suzanne Derbyshire 01926 817921 Fun Squad Annette Hone 01327 220440 Fun Club Ben and Lauren Densham 01327 261311 Create and Play Deborah Dutton [email protected] Adult Bible Study Contact Vicarage or a Groups Group Leader Every Tues except 1st Angie 01926 812225 Wednesday Gillian Roberts 01926 815831 1st/3rd Thur (2.30 pm) Jan Eaton 01926 817991 Thursday (evening) Julia Boby 01926 811476 Music Priors Marston Choir Don Kirk 01327 261729 Napton Music/ Singing Sue English 07981 043007

Baptism enquiries and preparation: to arrange for or to find out more about a service of Thanksgiving or Baptism, please phone 01926 812383 or email: [email protected]


PRAYER BREAKFAST Saturday July 14th at 8.30 am At Orchard House, Priors Hardwick All will be welcome

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* * * * * * * * Film Night is taking a summer break and will be back in September.



Wednesday 18th July 2018 Visit to MOD Kineton

We will be visiting the MOD at Kineton. This will be a members-only visit as we are limited to numbers.

At our May meeting we were visitors of WI to discuss the Resolution. We were made to feel very welcome by the ladies and we had a very good evening.

August – no meeting Next meeting will be 19th September

Visitors are always very welcome.

Contact: Jane Cowen 07979 550202 Fiona Spencer 01327 263423


PET has continued to fund-raise through the 100 club and our PET dinners at the Butchers Arms. The next PET dinner at The Butchers Arms will be on Tuesday 10th July. If you would like to attend, please call Jill Sutton on 262030 the week before. The price is only £35.00 per head for a 3-course dinner with wine, coffee and mints – this includes a £5 donation to PET. Why not join The PET 100 Club? You might be lucky and win a cash prize! It costs £10 per month by direct debit, there are regular prize draws at the diners club and all winnings are tax-free. If you would like more information or to join the 100 Club, please contact any of the Trustees listed below. The FOPS Shop continues to flourish on the High Street in Daventry, particularly our high end section selling our best donations at affordable prices. We now have over 100 Gift Aid donors registered with The FOPS Shop. To become a donor we just need a form to be completed with your name, address and a tick in the box to say you are a UK taxpayer. Gift Aid allows PET to claim back 25p from the government for every £1 from when donations are sold. This boosts the value of your donation by a quarter. We are amazed at the quantity and quality of donations we receive at the FOPS shop. The vast majority of donations are quickly sold. However we have recently donated some crockery and baby and children clothes to Carriers of Hope to help families in Coventry experiencing extreme poverty.

The Priors Education Trust – Trustees/Directors Jane Richards, Chairman: 262788 David Adams 262626 Pete Brown: 260281 Micky Broadhurst: 262181 Rebecca Phipps: 07917 417914 Caroline Wilson: 264289 Dot Brown, Treasurer: 260281 Registered Charity, No1145955 Registered Company No 07747639

The Priors Education Trust is a registered Charity formed to generally enhance education for the public benefit with The Priors School named as specific beneficiary. PET runs the Priors Nursery and FOPS Charity Shop and also engages in fundraising activities in which it is joined by the Friends of Priors School (FOPS) PET is entirely independent of The Priors School, but works closely with it to enhance the curriculum and provide equipment.



FOOD BANK Priors Hardwick

The Salvation Army Food Bank is located in the Telephone Box.


All donations are gratefully received.

Non-perishable items such as long life milk, tinned meat, curry and pasta sauces, tea, coffee and any other items you are able to donate.

Your donations provide the basics and support people on a path to dignity, not to dependence. Thank you.

Denise Reece 01327 261891 [email protected]


St Lawrence CE (VA) Primary School. Napton 01926 812447

As one of my governors said recently, (when visiting the school to conduct a series of children feedback interviews) ‘There is always such a buzz about the place which is a joy to see. We are very privileged to be part of such a special place.’

The Local Authority has taken every opportunity possible to check exam procedures and moderate children’s work since I wrote last. Thank goodness that everything has been perfectly in line with expectations.

A little while ago, I reported that the school has received a School Games Mark Gold award for Sports Provision, one of very few schools to achieve this level.

I also mentioned our school music award last month and am delighted to report that I was thrilled by the Year 4 Harp concert a little while ago, following the 10 whole- class lessons. I’m even more thrilled that our harp teacher has been hurriedly booked to do it all again for next years’ Year 4s!

Life at St Lawrence is never dull with the rich mix of achievements being celebrated each and every Friday of the school year. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the ups and downs of life: those difficult times that so many of us have experienced and those wonderful times that make life so special. At the time of writing we wish Mrs Eve King and Mr Steve Delaney all the best with their impending arrivals: we have two new babies on the way.

I am also very pleased to report that following the success of the 21st Anniversary Ball at Shuckburgh Hall and the 21st birthday celebrations in school, we were able to make a donation to the Upper Shuckburgh Church Fund. Thank you, Sir James: it was very good to make a presentation to you in one of our Friday assemblies.

John Brine, Head Teacher


GARDEN JOTTINGS FROM BRIDGE NURSERY Your local Hardy Plant Specialists

Plant buying is happening at a prodigious rate now the weather has decided to reward us after such a long winter. Many people had some plants which died and others have moved to a new garden and need to add in a range of shrubs and perennials to make their garden attractive. It's strange, though, to see what is popular this year. Ferns and hostas are definitely 'in'; hardy geraniums are always good to fill gaps and everyone has room for a few alpines. Some plants such as Oenothera 'Longest Day' usually don't sell until they are in flower, but this year quite a few have been bought well before the flowers started. Then there is the white flowered thrift which no-one wanted last year but this year is very sought after. At Chelsea Flower Show, it seemed that lupins were very much in favour, but they are being shunned here! There seems to be no rhyme or reason.

Jobs include:  lift early potatoes  pick broad beans and peas while they are still small and tender  sow French beans and more carrot seeds  don't forget to feed tomato and cucumber plants also hanging baskets and other containers  pick your sweet peas regularly which will keep more flowers coming  dead-head roses  divide bearded iris having cut back the leaves first. I could go on and on but this is also a time to enjoy your garden and (hopefully) to relax in it

Christine Dakin, Bridge Nursery, Tomlow Road, Napton, www.bridge-¼ mile from Crossroads Garage – look for our Tourist Sign



Total rainfall for May 2018 was 73mm – just 1mm less than last year, and, in general, temperatures through the month were also very similar to last year.

May 2018 began with a frost, followed by a fine breezy day, the temperature rising to 14⁰C and this was followed by the coolest day of the month, with only 12⁰C and 13mm of rain. There was a slight frost again on Thursday 3rd, but during the next few days the temperature rose, reaching 26⁰C on Monday 7th May – making it the hottest early May Bank Holiday since records for this day began in 1978. In the SE of the temperature reached almost 29⁰C.

During the following few days, the temperature fell again to the mid/upper teens.

There was 3mm of rain overnight on Wednesday 9th and 8mm during the evening of Saturday 12th, but apart from these the weather was generally fine (apart from a very slight frost on Friday 18th), with temperatures between 15⁰C and 23⁰C. The fine spell ended with 3mm of rain during the night of Thursday 24th followed by 13mm on the morning of Friday 25th.

Then came the final muggy, thundery spell of weather which concluded the month. Saturday 26th was humid followed by a long and very noisy thunder storm in the early hours of Sunday 27th, when 13mm of rain fell in less than an hour. Sunday 27th was the day many of us will remember. In Priors Hardwick we got off very lightly. We had no more rain, but the thunder could be heard continuously all afternoon and the clouds all around us announced some horrendous storms. Local villages were badly affected and some experienced huge hail stones in addition to the torrential rain, giving rise to flash floods. Further away in the more than a whole month’s rain (50-60mm) fell in an hour with

30 horrendous flooding and loss of one life. Just for good measure the month ended with a thunder storm in the last hours of Thursday 31st! Margaret Clarke



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