Cumberland. Orton
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DTRECTORY .1 CUMBERLAND. ORTON. 225 :NlCHOL FOREST is a chapelry and civil parish, field Hall, Durham. Sir R. J. Graham hart. is lord extending 10 miles along the rivers Liddel and Kers- of the manor. The area is 8,429 acres of land and 64 hope, which separate it from Scotland, and from 6 to of water; rateable value, £6,578; the population in I90I 14 miles north-east from Longtown. U is in the was 488. Northern division of the county, Eskdale ward, Long- town petty sessional division and union, Carlisle county PENTON is xl miles south-west. Here is a station ccurt district, and in the rural deanery of Carlisle on the Carlisle and Hawick section of the North British Ncrth and archdE'aconry and diocese of Carlisle. TbP railway. church (not named), erected in I744• and entirely re- Post & Telegraph Office, Penton.-Mrs. Sarah Tait, sub- built in 1866 at a cost of ,£2,ooo, is an edifice of stone postmistress. Letters through Carlisle arrive at g.2o in the Gothic style, from designs by Mr. Alex. Graham, a.m. ; letter box cleared at 7 p.m. ; no sunday architect, of London, consisting of chancel (added on delivery. Canobie (N.B.) is the nearest money order the rebuilding), nave, south porch and a western turret office containing one bell: several of the windows are stained, p bl' El t S ..... W · k d ( · d) 'tt• Th · t f 1 u IC emen ary CrrJo 1, arwic ·s1 an mixe , re- an d the c h urc h a ff ord s 220 SI mgs. e r~gis er o b 'It & d · "th t , h t baptisms dates from 1761, marriages from 1777 and m .en 1a~ge m I 87°• W:I mas er s ouse a - burials from I818. The living is a perpetual curacy, i tached; It ~~~l hold Ioo children; average attend- net yearly value £163, with residence, in the gift of the i ance, 58 ; Wilham Roden, master rector of Kirkandrews-on-Esk, and held since 1862 by I RRilway Station, Penton, William Mounsey, station the Rev. Henry Morrogh Joyce L.Th. of Bishop Hat- I master PRIVATE RJ<;smENTS. Forrester Edward & .. vm. farmers, Lawson Stephen, farmer, Dyke head Bowers James, Kershope Nook foot Leslie Joseph & Waiter, farmers, Forster John, Lower Stonegarthsid.e Forster Peter Thomas & Andrew, far Beyond-the·wood Irving Miss, Pasture head mers, Kershope foot M:illican Henry, coal mer. Watleyhirst Joyce Rev. Henry Morrogh L.Th.The Forster Andrew, farmer,Brown knowe ~ichol Andrew, shopkpr. Pleaknowes Vicarage Forster Frank, farmer, The Nook ~ichol Waiter, farmer, Ladslodge ::\larshall Thos. R., J.P. Kingtield ho Forster John, farmer, Lower Stone Potts Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Noble William Joseph, Penton house garthside Drakemire COliMERCIAL. Forster Moffat, farmer, Whfteknowe REmy John, farmer, Old hall .!rmstrong Joseph, farmer, Bessieton Forster William, farmer, Hollands Richardson Geo. farmer,Warwicksland Baty John, blacksmith, Stoney gate Graham Jas. farmer,Piper Dean Rig!! Roddan James, farmer,High Catlowdy Baxter John, farmer, Pike Graham John, farmer, Scugg Roden William, assistant overseer & Broatch •Brothers, farmers,Haithwaite Graham Thomas, farmer, Raeburn schoolmaster Eroatch David, farmer, Upper Stone Graham Thomas,farmer,RJdding head Steel William, farmer, Li.ddell park garthside Henderson JohnJas.farmer,The Green Tait Percy S. gamekeeper to W. J. Dixcm Wm. & Jas. frmrs.Glebbe bank Hogg Waiter, farmer, Low Nook Noble esq. Penton Dix:on Arthur, farmer, Midcatlowdy HJlmes Wm. farmer, Thorney Knowe Tait Thomas Hadgson, Penton Bridge Dix:on Arthur, joiner, Lowfield housE Irving Wm. farmer, Heathery Fauld P.H. Penton Dix:on John, farmer, Roan James Robt. frmr. Birch Timber hill Telford James, farmer, Peppermoss Dix:on Robt. farmer, Beyond-the-Moss .Tames Thos. frmr. Glendenning rig!! rurnbull George, farmer, Stonegarth Easton Mary (Miss), Huntsman P.H. Johnston Andrew, farmer, Hirst head side hall Corner house Lawson Arth. farmer, Redgate head Vevers Margt. (Miss), frmr. Hill top ORTON is a township, parish and village, 3! miles is a rectory, net yeariy value £265, with about 70 acres from Dalston station, on the Maryport and Carlisle of glebe and l'esidence, in the gift of Sir Hylton Ralph railway, 3! from Kirkandrews station, on the Silloth Brisco bart. and held since I883 by the Rev. William branch of the North British railway, 4 from Burgh-by- Foster Gilbanks M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Sands, 5 west from Carlisle, and 7 north-east from There is a Reading room. Pattinson's Charity, consist Wigton, in the NortPern division of the county, ing of about £I28 in 2! per cents. now (Igio) produces Cumberland ward and petty sessional division, union £3 17s. yearly, which is distributed by the local trustees and county court district of Carlisle, rural deanery of in scholarships. Near Little Orton was a banked en Carlisle South, and archdeaconry and diocese of Carlisle. ' closure, into which cattle, when raids were feared, could The village is called "Great Orton," and an adjacent ! be driven and guarded. Sir Hylton Ralph Brisco bart. enclosed spot west; of the village, and known as ! of Crofton Hall, is lord of the manor. The Rector, "Parson's Thorn," affords a fine view, with a radius Joseph Beauchamp Watson esq. F.R.G.S. John Stordy of about 30 miles, embracing Carlisle, Gretna, and Sutton esq. Nicholas Thompson esq. Michael Thompson other interesting localities; and it is said that with a esq. and Thomas B. Norman esq. of Bow, are the prin clear atmosphere, not less than fifteen churches, some 1 cipal landowners. The arrangement of the land west of of which are in Scotland, may be plainly seen. The I the village is peculiar and illustrates the primitive church of St. Giles, probably erected during the period village tenure known as the "Three field" system. no5-3o, is a small building of freestone in the The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops Transitional Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, are oats, hay, turnips and potatoes in rotation. The and a western bell-cot containing one bell: the walls area is 4,286 acres; rateable value, £4,68I; the popula are over three feet in thickness, and are in part con- tion in Igox was 442. t~tructed with Ro111an materials: the chancel was built Parish Clerk and Sexton, Francis Thomas Moore. w.ith ~n outward slope, from ~ase to. wall plate, :Which Baldwin Holme is a village, Ii miles south of Great gives It the semblance of a ship (nav1s), and retams an Orton. Bow a hamlet I mile north of Great Orton. ancient piscina, discovered in I883: the stained east Little Orton' a hamlet' 2 miles east of Great Orton. window is a memorial t.o the Rev. Robert Pe~r~on, Orton Rigg, 'a hamlet, ~ mile south from Great Orton. rector I845-57: and there IS another to the Rev. Wilham Woodhouses, a hamlet, r! miles south of Great Orton. Th~ed M.A. rector, I85g-83.' and on~ erected in I888 to Post Office.-Francis Thomas Moore, sub-postmaster. vanous. members of ~he Nixon family: the church was Letters through Carlisle arrive at 7.45 a.m. & 4.40 thoroughly restored m I886, at a total. co~t of {,527, p.m. ; dispatched at 4.50 p.m.; no sunday delivery when the floors were lowered· · andth rela1d,h mcludmgh" h a or d'Ispa t c h . Thurs b y 1s· the neares t money ord er ..,.._ pavement of marbl e mosaic m e c ance,1 w IC a 1so t h ffi f G t Ort B & L"ttl 0 t was re-seated in oak: in the course of the work, the e 1egrap. 0 ce or rea on, ow I e rffion. of a E 1 E 1· h f t d rt f th h ft Dalston 1s the nearest money order & telegraph o ce l' ema ms n ar y ng IS on an pa o e s a f B Id · H 1 Ort R" & w db of a cross with nail-head moulding were met with, and or a wm 0 me, on Igg oo ouses lnve been built into the churchyard wall: an organ was Public Elementary School, built in I85g, for I8o added in I907: there are 160 sittings. The ancient children; average attendance, 66; James Carruthers, l'egister, illegible in parts, dates from 1568. The living master; Miss Sarah Wilson, mistress GREAT ORTON. Bowman John, Wellington inn Johnston Adam, assistant overseer Cowan Robert W!lliam, Orton park Brown Thomas, farmer Lightfoot Jeremiah, baker & farmer Gilbanks Rev. William Foster M.A. Brown Thomas, wheelwright Reading Room (Thos. Lightfoot, sec) (rector), ~ectory Curr Margaret (Mrs.), frmr. Red ho 'Reed Mary (Mrs.), f-armer, Croft ho Rutchinson Mrs. Field View cottage Dixon Hannah Jane (Miss), grocer 'Ruddick EFzabeth (Mrs.), dress ma 1\:err Mrs. Red house Harrison David, farmer, The Cross Snape Henry, carpenter & joiner Sutton John Stordy, The Limes Hod~son George (Mrs.), farmer, Stalker Jonathan, dairyman, Sceugh- Newby cross mires <'OMMERC'IAL. Hope Joseph, farmer, Orton hall Sutton John Stordy, yeoman Bell Richard, farmer, The Grange Johnston James & Tom, blacksmith~ Thompson John, farmer, Stonerigg crMB. 15 .