JANUARY 18, 1968 Mcelwain Dining Room A

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JANUARY 18, 1968 Mcelwain Dining Room A *ron» ^si ^mmm - in * associated press mmim &&i 8m • i News Roundup • s^ ohnsort Calls For Tax From the State Natio n & World eace Exploration The World Westmoreland Predict s Step-Up in the War Discusses Infant Mortality SAIGON — Gen. William C. Westmoreland said yes- terday a renewal of enemy activity can be expected soon, though the Communists "seem to have temporarily run out of steam." Suggests insurance Study The commander of, U.S. forces in Vietnam expressed WASHINGTON (AP)-^Presi- belief in an interview the next major campaign will de- the President said that, our administration still is explor- dent Johnson told the nation goal is p'eace—and peace at the ing the meaning of a recent velop in the 1st Corps area just below the demilitarized '1 been Wednesday night it can expect earliest possible moment. statement by Hanoi's foreign zone, where increased signs of enemy movement have higher taxes, continued prog- As the core of U.S. policy at minister that once the bomb- detected lately. ress the most massive $186 bil- the major , this point, Johnson listed the ing stops it wilTbe possible for U.S. bombers and Marine battalions form lion spending program in all San Antonio foundation. This talks to begin, allied shield there against a mass invasion from the north history, and continued explora- by the 35,000 or so Red regulars Hanoi is estimated to was a reference to speech he "If a basis for peace talks have standing by. tions for peace. , made Sept. 29 in San Antonio, can. be .established on the San There was u call for legisla- Tex., in whicl. he said bomb- Antonio foundation—and it is The ground war was in one of its periodic lulls after "free our gold reserves" heavy fighting over two -weeks which, while levying a tion to ings would stop if talks would my hope and my prayer that relatively high toll on allied units and materiel, was re- without backing off from com- "take place promptly and with they can—we would consult and North Vietnamese mitments to maintain the price reasonable hopes they would be with our allies and wit'.i the ported to have cost the Viet Cong 3 of gold at $35 an ounce. more than 5,000 dead. productive." other side," Johnson said, "to "The enemy is callous to casualties," Westmoreland Johnson also urged in his To that he then added that see if . a complete cessation of said. "He makes reports out of Hanoi that he is winning State of the Union message leg- this would carry an assumption hostalities—a really true cease- great victories." islation aimed at private em- that the enemy would not take fire—could be ade the first ployment of 500,000 hard core advantage of the halt. order of business. I will report • * • unemployed in three years, As he put it in his State of the at the earliest possible moment Britons Faced With Increased Taxation The President delivered his Union message, Johnson omit- the results of our explorations." LONDON — Chancellor of the Exchequer Roy Jenkins message in person to a joint ted the word "assume" and Johnson went to the Capitol told Britons yesterday runaway wages and profits would We Senate-House session, broad- said that "the other side must to deliver his message after a be taxed away by the government lest they imperil the % cast nationally by television not take advantage of our re- round of White . House confer- benefits of Britain's devaluation of the pound. and radio. straint as they l.. ve in the ences with Congressknal lead- "The faster money incomes increase, the harsher ikj He asked for the launching of past." ers and his cabinet about, its a 10-year campaign to build T->- ^t, t —, _T„\,n<,on saM; the must be the tax increases," Jenkins told the House of ¦ v w*T>*I-, v ,, , 1 , content. Commons at the start of a two-day debate on the govern- six million housing units for *'. ^ *^ " ''! «a>.'* *:.\"*'":'::'. -'< w*;0«:w* Looking back over the past low and middle income fami- ment's economy package ushering a shift in Britain's world —Collegian Photo by Pierre BelliClnl year, Johnson saw what he role and its welfare state. lies. II termed several welcome de- The threat of tax increases followed the swing of the Ferguso n Speaks ©n Local Government Reforms Infant Mortality velopments in the international economy ax by Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Jenkins He urged steps to improve arena but also noted a number said the two must go together to keep the" economy in JOHN H. FERGUSON (right). PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF POLITICAL what he called the shocking of crises. ' SCIENCE infant mortality rate in Ameri- 1 balance so it can concentrate on exports. He predicted and public administration, and research director for Pennsylvania' I He said this country will do harsh taxes in any event, no matter how "unpopular and s Constitutional Con- ca. all in its power to : elp Middle unpleasant." vention, spoke about local government reforms last night in the assembly room of the In addition to prodding Con- Eastern nations to "find the His sobering speech restored calm to London's finan- Nitiany Lion Inn. Addressing a small group of students and faculty, he mentioned the gress to pass consumer legisla- terms of living together in sta- tion still left over from the last cial district. The financial community, now deeply sus- problems and prospects of the four major areas being dealt with in the limited con- ble peace and dignity." picious of the Labor government, had thought the spending session, the chief executive For the first time in history, cuts announced by Wilson would be all—and that they stitutional convention: tax and finance, judicial, apportionment, and local governments. suggested a major study of the President noted, the "hot would not be enough. The convention adjourns Feb. 29. Proposals will be on the ballot in the April primary. automobile insurance, "new line" between Washington and safeguards to insure the quality Moscow was used during the • • of fish and poultry, and the Arab-Israeli war last June. Church Council Urges* Crackdown safety of our community water And a cease - fire was WASHINGTON—The National Council of Churches supplies." achieved, he said, without a urged the Supreme Court Wednesday to bar large housing These and other proposals major power confrontation. developers from refusing to sell homes to Negroes. State To Investigate will be covered in a budget for Tlie President held out a not In a friend-of-court brief filed in support of an inter- thvi 1969 fiscal year, which unfriendly hand to Communist racial St. Louis couple, the council of Protestant churches starts July 1, that will be up China, where he said turmoil declared: "Jim Crowism is alien to American municipalities $10.4 billion in spending over continues after a-year of violent whether operated directly by the state or operated privately the current year. disruption and where extrem- with the assistance of the state." LSD Blindness Incident There was rio backing away ism of the ! government has A group of 24 Roman Catholic bishops, two of them from the President's bid for a HARRISBURG (AP) - Gov. day night from a two-week isolated the people from the cardinals, announced in Chicago they will file a similar for and had not been told the 10 per cent surtax on incomes IYNDON 8. JOHNSON rest of the world. brief with the high court Thursday contending that open Raymond P. Shafer ordered a Virgin Islands vacation, said: names of the students. of individuals and corporations. housing is the law of the land under an 1866 civil rights full-scale investigation yester- "Preliminary facts given to The first .disclosure of the .. The budget.figures are based law -implementing the' ab"oliti6n of •slavery.-'-" day into the 18-month-old ca'se me on my return .' ". ': convince blinding incident was reported for the first time on a new The Chicago-based National Catholic Council for In- of six PennsyYania college stu- me that a terrible tragedy has in an Associated Press dispatch unified' concept which includes Royal Philharmonic terracial Justice joined with the two cardinals and the dents blinded by the sun while occurred in the ' ves of six from Washington last Friday, $47 billion in spending from bishops, who come from most sections of the country, in in a trance induced by LSD. young Pennsylvanians because based on a report from Norman vast trust funds. These are for signing the brief. Shafer declined to name the of the use of LSD. Yoder, State C . nmissior.er for such things as Social Security, The brief was prepared by Wiliam Ball, an attorney students or the school they at- "It is a tragedy that shocks- the Blind, to the U.S. Health, highways and medicare. of Harrisburg, Pa. in consultation with moral theologians. tended, however, and said offi- each one of us and demands Education and Welfare Depart- Predicts Steady Growth English Group It then was joined by the 24 bishops. cials connected with his admin- that we do everything within ment. Johnson said the economic istration had been ordered to our power to end the illegal use Shafer said one aim of the • * ¦ outlook for this year, if the * * remain silent also. of drugs. Sennett investigation was to de- country is vigilant, is one for The only positive statement "The first consideration in termine why the incident was steady growth. Here Tuesda y the governor made at a news this present matter must be the not reported to the proper law Both at home and abroad , The Nation conference was that the school well-being and rehabilitation of enforcement or drug regulating Johnson said, the natio.i is chal- By MARTHA HARE the six students.
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