State: Agriculture Contingency Plan for District: TAPI

1.0 District Agriculture profile

1.1 Agro-Climatic/Ecological Zone AgroEcologicalSubRegion(ICAR) Central(Malva)Highlands,GujaratPlainsand,PeninsulaEcoregion(5.2) AgroClimaticZone(PlanningCommission) Gujaratplainsandhillsregion(XIII)

AgroClimaticZone(NARP) SouthGujaratHeavyRainfallZone(GJ1),SouthGujaratzone(GJ2)

Listallthedistric tsorpartthereoffallingundertheNARPZone ,,DangsTapi

Geographiccoordinatesofdistrictheadquarters Latitude Longitude Altitude 21°11’31.56“N 72°48’18.15”E 10.66m NameandaddressoftheconcernedZRS/ZARS/RARS/RRS/RRTTS RegionalRiceResearchStation,394650,DistTapi NavsariAgriculturalUniversity,Navsari

MentiontheKVKlocatedinthedistrict KrishiVigyanKendra,NAU.,Vyara394650,DistTapi

1.2 Rainfall NormalRF(mm) Normal NormalOnset NormalCessation Rainydays (specifyweekand (specifyweekand (number) month) month) SWmonsoon(JuneSep): 1536 58 3rd weekofJune 4th weekofSeptember NEMonsoon(Oct Dec): Winter(JanMarch)


Summer(AprMay) Annual 1536 58 1.3 Land use Geographical Cultivable Forest Landunder Permanent Cultivable Land Barrenand Current Other pattern of the area area area non pastures wasteland under uncultivable fallows fallows district (lateststatistics) agriculturaluse Misc. land tree crops and groves Area (‘000 ha) 345.0 164.1 74.0 48.5 8.9 3.4 45.6 0. 5

( Source :District Panchayat reports, reports of Agriculture department)

1. 4 Major Soils (common names like red sandy Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%) of total loam deep soils (etc.,)* PlainAreaHeavyblacksoils 150.7 43.7 HillyAreaLightsoil(lateriticanderoded 89.7 26.0 shallowandClayloammoderatelydeepshallow soil 1.5 Agricultural land use Area(‘000ha) Croppingintensity% Netsownarea 164.1 170.2 % Areasownmorethanonce 115.2 Grosscroppedarea 279.3


1.6 Irrigation Area(‘000ha) Netirrigatedarea 63.4 Grossirrigatedarea 72.5 Rainfedarea 100.7 Sources of Irrigation Number Area(‘000ha) Percentageoftotalirrigatedarea Canals 3 72.2 35 Tanks Openwells 15654 25 Borewells 24562 30 Liftirrigationschemes 46 5 Microirrigation 1256 5 Othersources(pleasespecify) TotalIrrigatedArea 72.2 100.0 Pumpsets 14546 No.ofTractors 8746 Groundwater availability and use* (Data No.ofblocks/ (%)area Qualityofwater(specifytheproblem source: State/Central Ground water Tehsils suchashighlevelsofarsenic,fluoride, Department /Board) salineetc) Overexploited Critical Semicritical Safe Yes Wastewateravailabilityanduse Groundwaterquality ( Source :District Panchayat reports, reports of Agriculture department)


1.7 Area under major field crops & horticulture (as per latest figures)

1.7 Major field crops cultivated Area (‘000 ha) Kharif Rabi Irrigated Rain fed Total Irrigated Rain fed Total Summer Grand total Paddy 61.7 32.5 0.7 94 Sorghum 37.6 37.6 Sugarcane 110 110 Groundnut 8.1 19.0 27.6 Cotton 23.5 23.5 Horticultural crops - Fruits Area (‘000 ha) Total Irrigated Rain fed Mango 8.5 8.5 Sapota 1.9 1.9 Banana 11.7 11.7 Papaya 1.4 1.4 Custardapple 0.0 0.050 Horticulturalcrops Total Vegetables Okra 7.5 Brinjal 7.0 Onion 0.0 Chili 2.5 Tomato 1.7 9.1 Medicinal and Aromatic Total crops Plantation crops Total Fodder crops Total Total fodder crop area Grazing land 4

Sericulture etc Others (specify) 1.8 Livestock Male (‘000) Female (‘000) Total (‘000)

NondescriptiveCattle(locallowyielding) 12.1 155.6 Crossbredcattle 2.1 58.9 151.6 NondescriptiveBuffaloes(locallowyielding) 17 6.4 176.4 GradedBuffaloes Goat 93.2 Sheep 0.5 Others(Camel,Pig,Yaketc.) Commercialdairyfarms(Number) 1.9 Poultry No. of farms Total No. of birds (‘000) Commercial 45 555.7 Backyard 21 222.2 1.10 Fisher ies (Datasource:ChiefPlanningOfficer) A. Capture i) Marine (DataSource:FisheriesDepartment) No. of fishermen Boats Nets Storage facilities Mechanized Non Mechanized Non (Ice mechanized (Trawlnets, mechanized plants Gillnets) (Shore etc.) Seines,Stake &trapnets) No. Farmer owned ponds No. of Reservoirs No. of village tanks ii) Inland ------B. Culture Not applicable Water Spread Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Production (‘000 tons) i) Brackish water (DataSource:MPEDA/FisheriesDepartment) ii) Fresh water (DataSource:FisheriesDepartment) Others ( Source :District Panchayat reports, reports of Agriculture department) 5

1.11 Production and Productivity of major crops (Averageoflast5years)

1.11 Name Kharif Rabi Summer Total Crop ofcrop residue Production(‘000t) Productivity Production(‘000 Productivity Productio Productivity Production Productivi as (kg/ha) t) (kg/ha) n(‘000t) (kg/ha) (‘000t) ty(kg/ha) fodder (‘000 tons) Major Field crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage) mt Paddy 105.80 2159 14.48 2587 120.28 4746 Sorghum 50.1 1331 50.1 1331 Sugarcane 201.500 7700 7700 70000 Groundnut 35.67 1829 35.67 1829 Cotton 70.138 507 70.138 507(Lint)

Major Horticultural crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage) Others Mango 70.1 8200 70.1 8200 Sapota 19.9 10000 19.9 10000 Banana 763.8 65000 763.8 65000 Papaya 8.7 6000 8.7 6000 Custardapple 0.075 1500 0.075 1500 Major Horticultural crops (Crops to be identified based on total acreage) Okra 11 1453 11 1453 Brinjal 22 3120 22 3120 Onion 0.55 27210 0.55 27210 Chili 2.54 980 2.54 980 Tomato 8.5 5000 8.5 5000


1.12 Sowing window for 5 major field crops Groundnut Paddy Sorghum Sugarcane Cotton (startandendofnormal sowingperiod) KharifRainfed 1st weekofJune4th week 1st weekofAugus4th September weekSeptember KharifIrrigated 1st weekofJune4th week 1st weekofAugust September 4th weekOctober RabiRainfed Rabi Irrigated 1st weekofOctober 1st weekof 1st weekofJu ne 1st 1st weekFebruary December4th weekOctober weekMarch

1.13 What is the major contingency the district is prone to? (Tickmark) Regular Occasional None Drought √ Flood √ Cyclone √ Hailstorm √ Heatwave √ Coldwave √ Frost √ Seawaterintrusion √ Pestsanddiseaseoutbreak(specify) √


( Source :District Panchayat reports, reports of Agriculture department)

1.14 Include Digital maps of the district for LocationmapofdistrictwithinStateasAnnexureI Enclosed:Yes MeanannualrainfallasAnnexure2 Enclosed:Yes SoilmapasAnnexure3 Enclosed:No



Songadh Uchchhal

Valod Vyara


LocationmapofdistrictwithinStateasAnnexureI 8


Regarding last 10 years rain fall :-

Since this district is newly formed i.e. in the year of 2007, these data are not available. Earlier this district was a part of district

Sr.No. Year Rainfall(mm) 1 2007 1396.4 2 2008 1825.0 3 2009 1386.0

2.0 Strategies for weather related contingencies 2.1 Drought 2.1.1 Rain fed situation Condition Suggested Contingency measures Early season Major Farming Normal Crop / Cropping Change in crop / cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation system system including variety Implementation onset) Moderatelydeep Paddy NoChange Intercultivation,Protect LinkagewithRKVY, Delay by 2 weeks black&sandyloam Irrigationandweed Sorghum NoChange NSCandNFSM I st week of July soil(Plainarea) management Sugarcane NoChange Groundnut NoChange

Cotton NoChange


Sandyloamsoil Paddy NoChange (Hillyarea) Sorghum NoChange

Sugarcane NoChange

Groundnut NoChange

Cotton NoChange

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation system Implementation onset) Delay by 4 weeks Moderatelydeep Paddy NoChange Widerspacing LinkagewithGSSC black&sandyloam Mulching NSC rd 3I week of July soil(Plainarea) Sorghum NoChange Microirrigation RKVY Intercultivation NHM Sugarcane NoChange Groundnut NoChange Cotton NoChange

Sandyloamsoil Paddy NoChange 20%Higherseedrate (Hillyarea) Sorghum NoChange Higherfertilizer Sugarcane NoChange Moistureconservation Groundnut NoChange Salttolerantvarieties

Cotton NoChange


Condition Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation system Implementation onset) Moderatelydeep Delay by 6 weeks black&sandyloam st I week of August soil(Plainarea) Situationdoesnotarise Sandyloamsoil (Hillyarea) Condition Situation does not arise Early season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on drought (delayed situation system Implementation onset) Delay by 8 weeks Situationdoesnotarise 3rd week of August

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Earlyseasondrought Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping Crop management Soil nutrient & Remarks on (Normal onset) situation system moisture conservation Implementation measures Moderatelydeep Paddy Gapfilling Adoptfoliarspraysof Normal onset followed black&sandyloam Thinning nutrients LinkagewithRKVY, Sorghum by 15-20 days dry spell soil(Plainarea) Giveprotectiveirrigation Avoidinterculturing NSCandNFSM after sowing leading to Sugarcane poor germination/crop stand etc. Groundnut


Cotton Sandyloamsoil Paddy Do Do (Hillyarea) Sorghum Sugarcane Groundnut Cotton Condition Suggested Contingency measures Mid season drought Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Crop management Soil nutrient & Remarks on (long dry spell, situation moisture conservation Implementation consecutive 2 weeks measues rainless (>2.5 mm) period) Moderatelydeep Paddy Useantitranspi rantchemical Useplasticorgras s LinkagewithRKVY, At vegetative stage black&sandyloam mulch. Sorghum NSCandNFSM soil(Plainarea) Repeatedintercultivation Sugarcane Applicationoffoliar nutrientsGiveprotective Groundnut irrigation Cotton Sandyloamsoil Paddy Useplasticorgrass Asabove (Hillyarea) mulch. Sorghum Applicationoffoliar nutrients. Sugarcane Giveprotectiveirrigation Groundnut



Condition Suggested Contingency measures Mid season Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture Remarks on drought (long dry situation conservation measures Implementation spell) Moderatelydeep Paddy Giveprotectiveirrigation Adoptfoliarapplication LinkagewithRKVY, At flowering/ black&sandyloam ofnutrientsatflowering NSCandNFSM Sorghum fruiting stage soil(Plainarea) Weedmanagement stage Sugarcane Groundnut Cotton Sandyloamsoil Paddy Giveprotectiveirrigation Adoptfoliarapplication Asabove (Hillyarea) ofnutrientsatflowering Sorghum Weedmanagement stage




Condition Suggested Contingency measures Terminal drought Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Crop management Rabi Crop planning Remarks on (Earlywithdrawal situation Implementation ofmonsoon) Moderatelydeep Paddy Harvestatphysiological maturity Adoptfoliarapplication Asabove black&sandyloam stage ofnutrients Sorghum soil(Plainarea) Sugarcane Giveprotectiveirrigation Groundnut Cotton Sandyloamsoil Paddy Harvestatphysiologicalmaturity Adoptfoliarapplication Asabove (Hillyarea) stage ofnutrients


Sorghum Giveprotectiveirrigation Sugarcane



2.1.2 Drought - Irrigated situation:

Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system Implementation Delayedreleaseof Moderatelydeepblack waterincanalsdue &sandyloamsoil tolowrainfall (Plainarea) NotApplicable Sandyloamsoil(Hilly area) Condition Suggested Contingency measures Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system Implementation Limitedreleaseof Moderatelydeep Notapplicable waterincanalsdue black&sandyloam tolowrainfall soil(Plainarea)

Sandyloamsoil (Hillyarea) 14

Condition Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system Implementation Nonreleaseof Moderatelydeep Notapplicable waterincanals black&sandyloam underdelayedonset soil(Plainarea) ofmonsoonin Sandyloamsoil catchment (Hillyarea) Condition Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system Implementation Lackofinflowsinto Moderatelydeep Notapplicable tanksdueto black&sandyloam insufficient/delayed soil(Plainarea) onsetofmonsoon Sandyloamsoil (Hillyarea)

Condition This is not expected in this district Major Farming Normal Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on situation system Implementation In sufficient Moderatelydeep NotApplicable groundwater black&sandyloam rechargeduetolow soil(Plainarea) rainfall Sandyloamsoil (Hillyarea)


2.2 Unusual rains (untimely, unseasonal etc) (forbothrainfedandirrigatedsituations) Condition Suggested contingency measure Continuous high rainfall in a short span leading to water logging Vegetative stage Flowering stage Crop maturity Post harvest stage Paddy Resowing Useearlymaturityvariety Planforrabicrop Shifttosaferplace Providedrainage GR5

Sorghum Do DoGJ35 Do Do Sugarcane Do DoCoN5071 Do Do Groundnut Do Do Do Do Cotton Do Do Do Do Horticulture Mango Do Shifttosafeplace dryinshadeandturn frequently Sapota Do Do Banana Do Do Papaya Do Do Custardapple Do Do Heavy rainfall with high speed winds in a short span Paddy Resowing,Gapfilling Useearlymaturityvariety Planforrabicrop Do Providedrainage Horticulture Outbreak of pests and diseases due to unseasonal rains Givecropwisepest&diseasemanagementindetail Paddy carbofuran@3% carbofuran@3% carbofuran@3% carbofuran@3% Sorghum Do Do Do Do Sugarcane Groundnut Do Do Do Do Cotton Do Do Do Horticulture







2.3 Floods : Not Applicable

Condition Suggested contingency measure Transient water logging/ partial inundation Seedling / nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest Horticulture Continuous submergence for more than 2 days Horticulture Sea water intrusion 2.4 Extreme events: Heat wave / Cold wave/Frost/ Hailstorm /Cyclone: Not Applicable Extreme event type Suggested contingency measure r Seedling / nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest Heat Wave Horticulture Cold wave Horticulture Frost Horticulture 17

Hailstorm Horticulture Cyclone Horticulture 2.5 Contingent strategies for Livestock, Poultry & Fisheries 2.5.1 Livestock

Suggested contingency measures Before the event During the event After the event Drought treeleavescanbeusedfor Feedandfodderavailability IfPaddystrawavailable Iffeedisnotavailablethantreeleavescanbeusedforfeed feed Drinkingwater Ifavailable Ifavailable Ifavailable Healthanddiseasemanagement Vaccinationisnecessary Floods Feedandfodderavailability Treeleafusedasfeed Treeleaf IfGrassisavailable Drinkingwater Necessary Necessary Necessary Healthanddiseasemanagement DifferentB.Q.,Leptospirosisvaccinerequired DifferentB.Q.,Leptospirosisvaccinerequired DifferentB.Q., Leptospirosisvaccine required Cyclone Notobserved Feedandfodderavailability Drinkingwater Healthanddiseasemanagement Heat wave and cold wave Notobserved Shelter/environmentmanagement Healthanddiseasemanagement


2.5.2 Poultry

Suggested contingency measures Convergence/link ages with ongoing programs, if any Before the event During the event After the event

Drought Shortageoffeedingredients Insurance Utilizingfodderfromperennialtreesand Awareness Encourageperennialfodderonbundsandwastelandon Fodderbankreserves programmefor communitybasis Utilizingfodderstoredinsilos nutritiousfeed Establishingfodderbanks,encouragingfoddercropsin Transportingexcessfodderfromadjoining irrigatedarea districts Silage–usingexcessfodderforsilage Useoffeedmixtures Drinkingwater Ifavailablefromwell,Borewell Ifavailablefromwell,Borewell If available from well, Borewell Healthanddisease Diseaseresi.Vaccinationrequired Diseaseresi.Vaccinationrequired Disease Awareness management resi. programmefor Vaccinati healthanddisease on required Floods Notobserved Shortageoffeedingredients Drinkingwater Healthanddisease management Cyclone Notobserved Shortageoffeedingredients Drinkingwater Healthanddisease management Heat wave and cold wave Notobserved Shelter/environment 19 management Healthanddisease management

2.5.3 Fisheries/ Aquaculture: Not observed

Suggested contingency measures Before the event a During the event After the event 1) Drought A. Capture Marine Inland (i)Shallowwaterdepthduetoinsufficientrains/inf low (ii)Changesinwaterquality (iii)Anyother B. Aquaculture (i)Shallowwaterinpondsduetoinsufficientrains/inflow (ii)Impactofsaltloadbuildupinponds/changeinwaterquality (iii)Anyother 2) Floods A. Capture Marine Inland (i)Averagecompensationpaidduetolossofhumanlife (ii)No.ofboats/nets/damaged (iii)No.ofhousesdamaged (iv)Lossofstock (v)Changesinwaterquality (vi)Healthanddiseases B. Aquaculture (i)Inundationwithfloodwater (ii)Watercontaminationandchangesinwaterquality 20

(iii)Healthanddiseases (iv)Lossofstockandinputs(feed,chemicalsetc) (v)Infrastructuredamage(pumps,aerators,hutsetc) (vi)Anyother 3. Cyclone / Tsunami A. Capture Marine (i)Averagecompensationpaidduetolossoffishermenlives (ii) (iii) Inland B.Aquaculture (i)Overflow/floodingofponds (ii)Changesinwaterquality(freshwater/brackishwaterratio) (iii)Healthanddiseases (iv)Lossofstockandinputs(feed,chemicalsetc) (v)Infrastructuredamage(pumps,aerators,shelters/hutsetc) (vi)Anyother 4. Heat wave and cold wave A. Capture Marine Inland B.Aquaculture (i)Changesinpondenvironment(waterquality) (ii)HealthandDiseasemanagement